Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 18 2017

okay this is for sound do you hear that the airplane just fired up here so

this is for sound

oh we got a dead tree right there too

listen to how loud that is between that the cars holy crap this must have to do

with the water that we're that were surrounded by I'm guessing because we

have so much water around and sound travels more over water that's loud

okay the sound quit so whatever it was isn't going anymore so you guys should

be able to hear a distinguishable difference

I'm going to use my iMovie to put these two pieces together so you can hear a

huge huge difference that was loud that's the noise that I've

been hearing some days it just runs for like an hour or more there's like a

solid hour of that noise or more it must be something over at the airport all the

same we do have a bunch more cars coming

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