(1 year ago, October 2nd, Japan)
HaSeul is doing a photoshoot with HeeJIn and HyunJin!
(Maybe it was HaSeul's first LOOΠΔ TV shooting!) Are you shooting me?
I'm going to check my luggage at there!
(HaSeul have to go Japan alone as the second party)
I'm going to Japan two days later after they went there.
You know, I feel stuck...
(She have to move alone by public transportation!) Because I've never used public transportation in Japan...
(She worried about many thing before she was revealed as third member...) There're many beautiful girls like...
(She worried about many thing before she was revealed as third member...) The pretty girl next to the pretty girl…
But you know, I think I have a kind of unique or characteristic face…
So I don't want people to be shocked….
I hope there're a lot of people who like my kind of face…
(HeeJin's ViViD wasn't released at that time) HeeJin's single album will be out October 5.
I'm so excited
Are you shooting me as soon as getting off?
I'm going to take a subway!
(Then or now, HaSeul is so brave!)
I'm glad that I'm not alone. (*She's moving with the PD)
(HaSeul's Japan story, to be continued!)
For more infomation >> 이달의소녀탐정13 #abc (LOONA TV Prequel13 #abc) - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Community and family gather to remember a boy gone too soon - Duration: 1:21.
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what three weapons are we going to get give it to me okay TK first weapon lvad
and nunchucks MA the world's best black ops 3 Supply Drop opening reactions from
the brand-new bo3 grand slam the best grand slam unlocked the best DLC
you have been pulled from brand-new free DLC weapon bribes and from some of the
coolest youtubers that you can check out in the description down below this is
the best grand slam black ops 3 Supply Drop opening reaction montage with that
being said smash a like down below tell me in the comments section what you guys
have been getting from your Grand Slam bribes and supply drops with that being
said let's get right into the reaction to enter this month's $50 Xbox PSN or
Steam card giveaway all you have to do is drop a like leave a comment and be
subscribed guys before I do it drop a like let's try and smash 2000 likes and
a let's jump into the supply drops baby so you know if honestly been like
opening up so many supply drops for people so many Grand Slam bundles triple
plays and I really really hope we got something good today man because I don't
know I feel like I have what what dude oh my god the second Supply Drop of the
video we pulled the PPSh submachine gun at DLC weapon boys he had no submachine
gun DLC weapons on his account the second Supply Drop we are guaranteed for
DLC weapons guys drop a like for the PPSh man I cannot believe it bro I was
just saying how like I've been having really really good luck opening up
supply drops for subscribers and bam and the ppsh out of the second Supply Drop
boys drop a light for that when we can open up one more rare Supply Drop don't
think it's anything good okay Illuminati
nothing crazy at all guys so here we go man here it is that the moment you guys
have been all waiting for the three-of-a-kind Supply Drop you're
guaranteed three DLC weapons before I open up the three of a kind drop like
right now this is your chance to give me that Supply Drop blocks with drop a like
man and here we go three of a kind Vonderhaar do not screw me okay the
Raven side were guaranteed the HD for dead thanks the HD 40 oh my god to
submachine guns though the HD 40 and the PPS age including the slash-and-burn and
the Ravens I guys definitely not that bad of a supplied about winning two
submachine gun DLC weapons from I do we pulled
PPSh earlier on and we also pulled at the HD 40 I wish we pulled something
else but I will take him s gets you know duplicates we are if you guys it's a
yesterday's video I opened up the node view because from someone's account he
had no infantry Adam for Supply Drop that's something I don't have that is a
no duplicate I'm happy with that no I finally got it I'll be looking for this
for ages and I finally got it in black ops free
yo I'm actually happy with that okay no I haven't okay that was a lie sorry come
on I'm what the flip off I saw is before
I'm speeding everywhere yeah I've got a power source before I'm sorry
this is no tubes or I misread something I'm sure I haven't these are no cheap
supplier drop the coin drop a like on the video if you haven't already
give me luck in the Supply Drop cuz I'm gonna need it oh my god I'm really not
looking forward to this oh my god I'm really not okay my controllers not
actually working more controllers not actually work okay no we're up I got the
flippin range I got the flippin range but it's no cheap supply drops why are
you doing I got the max GL I didn't want I got the D 13 sector I did bro I cannot
believe that I feel like I've just been scammed I feel like I've just been
scammed on the thing it says no duplicates and I get flippin load of
duplicates I get stuff that I don't want oh my god he's probably worth suppose I
think I could have ever done all right guys it's time three of a kind what's
gonna be I'm not looking I'm not looking
let's see what it is XM c MX garand and Ace of Spades not bad
that's pretty good I would have liked inside of the MX Tran maybe like kvk or
a peacekeeper I don't know how I still don't have those this is really pissing
me off but I finally now have all of the melee weapons and I have the emotion
overpowered a weapon in the game so but we do still have the Grand Slam to open
which is of course gonna be good I'm the ghoulia there we go baby there we go
baby the Galil he got a DLC weapon that's when he doesn't have the Galil
assault rifle out of the no duplicates I'm sure he'll be hyped about
Khaleel isn't the best one but is a pretty fun gun to use so we have spent a
chance akin the MSMC and other stuff as well so MX grant oh my god oh my god
we got the MX grant and now we have two already Galil and MX grant this is very
very good holy crap dude already two assault rifles the MX grant is the one
that's actually pretty good it can't like two shot kids e a one shot
hardcore it's actually a very good assault rifle already two weapons I'm
actually very happy oh my god you need to stop you need to stop
that's three weapons already dude holy crap I'm sorry if my voice sounds good I
just woke up and I want to record this because I was so exciting excited to
open this grandson we already have three new weapons peacekeeper is probably one
of the best DLC weapons also so that's a very very good one drop a like boys that
let's go ahead and open the three of the kind come on come on come on come on
martial nunchucks and the buzz cut okay not the best Grand Slam ever the marshal
is a very good pistol nunchuck some buzz cut some melee weapons but I'm sure
he'll be high because he has four new epic weapons on his account I'm hoping
come out on Tuesday I'll have a video covering that very soon we pull the a
suspect hi I was gonna say we think that's a DLC weapon but we pulled the
ace of spades a legendary melee weapon right there the
first DLC weapon on the opening is gonna make a prediction oh we got the buzz cut
okay I was about to say we're going about to get nothing here but we got the
buzz cut melee weapon another legendary melee weapon DLC right there okay not
super back to back back to back DLC weapons the d 13th sector the ranged
epic d13 sector pizza cutter ten let's go three of a kind man what's it gonna
be what's it gonna be okay I see okay not too bad yep
iron Jim oh no no no no oh my god guys it happened guys
it happened path of Sorrows iron Jim and the L for seizure I can't believe it oh
my gosh I feel so bad I feel sick let's go let's freakin go boys
we got the trickshot they want to give us all of them oh look at the night
breaker let's go is that brand new let me know come on come on show it to me
show it to me it's brand new let's go boys a brand new DLC weapon let's
friggin go let me know what DLC weapon do you think we're gonna pull we got
quite a few to get from with that trickshot hopefully the like luck the
Supply Drop luck and that trick shot luck is coming in clutch so smash a
light down below on the video let's go man 3 of a kind well three weapons are
we going to get give it to me okay DK first weapon LVAD
bend nunchucks let's go whoa what a pull man
we got the nunchucks melee weapon the lv 8 basilisk assault rifle and the kv k we
just pulled i'm pretty sure like a kv k and an L v8 and like a lot the last one
of the one before that I think we got but I got the kv k for sure in the last
one but i can't remember if it was the m16 or the lv 8 we got some rare supply
drops to open so we are going to fly through okay this X button oh my god no
way no way we pull the aks-74u oh my god in a sixth rare Supply Drop we
pulled the final DLC SMG on this guy's account holy cannoli boys now use every
single DLC SMG in bo3 the ak-74 you fully auto submachine gun with
high-power most effective that close to medium range we now have every single
DLC SMG and be of any SMG AR or like you know hi to your pistol that you pull in
a Supply Drop you should be feeling pretty good even
the Olympia oh my god we pulled the nunchucks a duplicate but we pull the
nunchuck smash that like button predictions in the comment section down
below which weapons you think we are going to be pulling let's go Man three
of a kind of three weapons and one what's it gonna be
give it to me oh my god max do max GL skulls put
no way keys no no no no no kvk boys we got the KDK Nadia and the skull-splitter
melee weapon a duplicate granted yet every single melee in the game and we
get that brand-new launcher if I'm not mistaken which I could be I'm not too
sure the max GL and the kv k were last month's contraband both of them am i
tripping right now I'm not too sure I can't number what will was synced up
with what but the max GL and the kv k
are you broke with no points man I found a solution I'm gonna say this quick so
there isn't any come from Jeffrey Cup points and pokey toys no scam and squid
boy there's a link in the description all you gotta do is click it click the
link down below and download a do you have me reliable and easy way to get
points in that packs
Ten Days in the Valley 1x02 Promo "Cutting Room Floor" (HD) This Season On - Duration: 1:00.
Top 3 Nàng Giáp Đàn Ông Lấy Được Như VỚ ĐƯỢC CẢ TẤN VÀNG Không Xem Phí Cả Đời - Duration: 3:46.
Bembi 39: ...mir sin Frankforter, mir sin mim Herz debei. Created by B.S. #Hessen #Bembi - Duration: 1:34.
(Ep-2) Lets play Home Sweet Home - Duration: 3:50:18.
Ser Diferente: Mis 5 Reflexiones para Ti - Duration: 6:27.
Goth Garage Sale! - Duration: 4:50.
this is Halloween this is Halloween! oh are you my pumpkin girl?
are you my pumpkin face girl? Look at that pumpkin face! Are you feeling ok Pizzicato?
she had three teeth removed last week cuz they're all gross and she does not
brush or floss. no she does not. Pizzicato can stay in the video
today because she is spooky and Halloweeny and it is October 1st.
so tonight Andrew and I are going to the coolest thing it's actually a goth and
alternative a garage sale at this night club in Rochester downtown called Vertex.
so it sounds like they're gonna have different things like crafts and
Halloween decorations and they're actually gonna have like a barbecue kind
of thing going on too with hot dogs and veggie dogs and that sort of
stuff. so we're gonna go check it out and see how it is. all right let's get going
I'm so excited!
I got a medium Apple Cinnamon French vanilla coffee from Java's the
world-famous Eastman School cafe
Spooky cats!
I love this one!
Spooky selfie!
there were so many cool thing. look at this awesome cat we got his eyes were
creeping us out. tilt him down a little bit, there's all this glare. There we go.
There we go. Yeah, his eyes were creepin' us out. He was really cool looking.
What else did you find? There was really cool artwork like jewelry, paintings, there are little
figurines and then just sort of, um, like like clothing. some were, like, handmade
and some were more like secondhand things. there's just all sorts of stuff.
it's really cool.
maybe I should get a background that has pumpkins
all over. just pumpkin, pumpkins everywhere.
Pumpkin time!
Best Bluetooth Audio Receiver for Car / Home Theater - Duration: 2:23.
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Top 10 most beautiful hottest NFL Wives and Girlfrands | 2017-2018 | By Sports Support - Duration: 5:33.
Top 10 most beautiful hottest NFL Wives and Girlfrands | 2017-2018 | By Sports Support
Top 10 most beautiful hottest NFL Wives and Girlfrands | 2017-2018 | By Sports Support
Top 10 most beautiful hottest NFL Wives and Girlfrands | 2017-2018 | By Sports Support
We tried bodyboard on sand dunes - Duration: 1:55.
hey hello !
Today, we are in the norhland of the New-Zealand
and we will try to do bodyboard on the sand dune
because in New-Zealand there are forests and mountains but also dunes !
When we come to the south, feel free to stop at the first house
to rent your bodyboard cheaper. 10$ instead of 15$
little tip ! it's cheaper
That's all, now it's time to try
Feel free to subscribe our chanel as usual
kiss !
it was extrem !
beautiful !
Alls good ?
Walking in Unity // Bayless Conley - Duration: 1:01.
Hello friend. Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 3 says that we must endeavor to
keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. That means we have to work at
it. Unity will not just happen and there's a
lot of reasons for walking in unity and forgiving even as Christ forgave us. But
let me give you one reason. Psalm 133 opens up with, "How good and how pleasant
it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." One reason is very pleasant, it's
very good when we're in unity. Flip side of that coin, it's very bad when we're in
disunity. The Scripture says it's better to dwell in the the corner of a house
top or in the wilderness than with a contentious woman in a wide house. And I
would add, better to dwell out in the wilderness and with an angry man in a
wide house. It's just good, it's just pleasant when we can walk together in
unity. So work at it my friend. Endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the
bond of peace.
Wochenstart mit Bembi 39: Mir sin Frankforter, mir sin mim Herz debei. Created by B.S. #SGE #FSV - Duration: 1:34.
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