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Sy Bunthay - Sale and Marketing | Success Reveal - Duration: 28:40.
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Fate/Apocrypha OP - "Eiyuu Unmei no Uta (英雄 運命の詩)"【Akano & MrLopez2112】 - Duration: 2:00.
It's such a foolish name,
But time pursues for it
Indomitable heroes
will start that story
The gentle serenade of love wanders around the threshold
Never reaching, the fate is sneering
Bury this isolated world, I go, wanting to see you
Until this passionate loves do us part
The people called for justice!
They waved their flags on high,
Standing on top of the past.
I'll dispel the darkness and proceed on, Even if I lose this body!
Fear, bow down! I'll become a champion!
I'll proceed for as long as I live, toward the victory before my eyes.
Departing at daybreak, a new dawn is near!
Fate/Apocrypha フェイト/アポクリファ OP1 "Eiyuu Unmei no Uta (英雄 運命の詩)" by EGOIST
Vocals: Akano Arrangement: MrLopez2112 Translation: Lyrical Nonsense & Nakari Amane
Pregnancy in Brazil ブラジルの「産婦人科」ってどうなってるの?[Vlog#19] - Duration: 10:25.
When you think that you've got pregnant
Hey, what's up? It's Harumi.
Hospital in Brazil (pregnancy)
In another video
I talked about how the hospitals
in Brazil work.
I think I'll talk about hospital
regarding to pregnancy.
I had babies twice here
but I don't have an experience in Japan
so I can't compare here and there.
So I'm just gonna talk
how it was in my case.
First of all I wanted to say that
In Brazil
(got something in my throat)
(try again)
Brazil is
famous for caesarean section.
It's also called as "The Kingdom of Caesarean section".
I've seen that 70~80% of all
is caesarean section.
But this number isn't really exact
because in Brazil there're people
who don't give birth in hospital
or don't register
because they're poor or for some reason
so it seems to be quite difficult to investigate
the exact number.
But the percentage among the people
who give birth normally and register 70 to 80%...?
It seems a lot, isn't it?
But actually hearing stories
of some women
who had babies here I feel
that about 70~80% of them really did caesarean section.
So it really can be true.
It's that a lot!
Everyone does cesarean section.
I personally had natural chi...?
natural childbirth..?(That is what it's called?)
both twice.
If I say that everyone goes like
It's quite rare
and people say I'm brave.
(thinking where to start...)
Shall I start from where going to hospital..?
At first,
when you think you have a baby
you go to hospital
knowing that 80~90% positive already,
don't you?
here in Brazil
you go to
gynecological hospital...?
(can't remember) Did I go?
Wait, how was it?
(remembered!) So at first
when you think you probably got a baby
you go to a clinic
but you're not 100% sure
that's why you go there.
Then I'd imagined that
in gynecological hospital
they do ultra sound or blood test, I don't know,
then they go like "congratulations!".
Here, as I mentioned in another video
they don't do everything in one place
like tests
or whatever.
So even if you go to gynecological hospital,
or clinic
there isn't a machine for ultra sound,
don't do blood test or urinalysis.
Nothing like that.
So at first you search a clinic
that your insurance covers,
reserve and go there
and what you're going to do is
telling a doctor that you think you have a baby
and you want to make sure.
Then the doctor gives you a request papar
to have a blood test.
So the first moment is that's it.
That mean when you first go to clinic
they don't confirm that you're pregnant.
Later you go to laboratory with the paper
your doctor gave you
to do the blood test
in another day.
And the result will be out
in a few days
then you go back to the doctor
with your result.
And the doctor will see it
then give you "Congratulations!"
(even though I'd already knew it.)
But there is no ultra sound at this moment.
At the beginning of pregnancy,
according to my internet search,
using pregnancy test
if you get "positivo"...
even if it comes out positive,
how is it called?...gestation sac
until you see that the pregnancy isn't really confirmed.
Is that right?
The only way you find that out
is to do ultra sound.
That how I understood
but here they don't check it in the early pregnancy.
So even after your result comes out positive
you still get kinda nervous
for a while
in the early stages of pregnancy.
That's a big difference comparing to Japan, I think.
Speaking of ultra sound,
in Japan every time you go to clinic
you get to do..right?
But here in the whole process
in average about 5 times, I think.
It can be 4 times, too.
Depending on women it can be more
or less..
In my case I did 4 or 5 times, I think.
So it's the average.
When your pregnancy is confirmed
at that time you get a card like this.
"Pregnancy card"
In Japan it's called...
ah, it's maternity handbook!
Here it's nothing like a "book"
(depends on the clinic)
It's just a piece of paper like this.
It has all the information inside,
well there isn't that much ALL the info though.
Every time you go
they put the date, blood pressure,
well so, what you normally do there is
measuring your blood pressure
weigh yourself
he'll ask you how's everything..
and if there's some result of the examination
that you have to show your doctor
you bring them and
see if everything is ok.
(in the later stages the doctor may check your belly by touching it and hear the heart beat of the baby.)
But basically that's it.
Just talking.
So it can in my case,
fortunately everything went pretty well
so it didn't have any problem
and nothing to ask every time
so the check-up was always quick.
The fastest went like 5 minutes.
And at this check-up
if there's examination
like ultra sound at the specific stage
to check the growth of the baby
your doctor writes this paper
in order for you to do whatever the examination
that you may need.
And then you go to a clinic
where specifically does ultra sound
which you have to search by yourself,
make a reservation,
and you go there...
then you get the photo of ultra sound looks like this.
Ultra Vídeo Center
The quality of the machine vary depending on the clinic.
It may also vary depending on your insurance.
What I have is the minimum level
and especially in a small city like here in Cabo Frio
it's not easy to find a clinic.
It's already kinda common
to see your baby in 3D photo
but here didn't have
such a place
I only did the things
that I needed at least.
So doing this ultra sound
at the next check-up
which happens once a month,
you bring it to show the doctor
if everything is fine.
We do blood examination
in the early stage
in the middle..maybe
and then at the like 3 times.
4 or 5 times of ultra sound..
and the check-up once a month.
You've got to go to each different place.
On the last month of pregnancy
it says frequency of check-up increases
like once every 2 weeks,
or once a week..
but in my case!
Until towards the end it continued once a month.
Further more,
on the last month of pregnancy
when we actually have to increase the check-up,
in my case actually
there was no check up.
I just had to wait labor.
That's actually the part a bit
complicated when you have a baby in Brazil.
Especially for us, Japanese women.
As I said in the beginning of this video
Brazil is the Kingdom of cesarean section.
So for example let's say that you want to have a natural childbirth.
Can we do that if we want to?
Well it's not that simple..
It's hard to find a doctor.
(There're a lot more to talk..)
It's getting too long so
I'll split into 2 videos
like the next half would be a volume of childbirth...
For some of you
this video wasn't that interesting, maybe.
But anyway this's all for today.
For now I'd say bye!
(continues to the next video)
Bol Mitti Deya Baweya Punjabi Folk Song Traditional Music Neelam Sharma USP TV - Duration: 4:29.
Ho bol mitti deya…
Ho bol mitti deya baweya, tere dukhan ne maar muka leya
Ve mera sohna maahi, aaja ho… oye
Ho mitti da main
Ho mitti da main bawa banaya, utte chaakniyan khesi
Watana'n wale maan karan, ki main maan kara'n pardesi
Ve mera sohna maahi, aaja ho… oye
Buhe agge lavan
Ho buhe agge lavan beriyan...
Ho buhe agge lavan beriyan
Gallan ghar ghar hon teriyan te meriyan
Ve mainu shakal vikha jaa, aaja ho.. oye
Ho gall vich mere
Ho gall vich mere dholna
Ho gall vich mere dholna, sanu maaf karin manda bolna
Ve mainu shakal vikha jaa, aaja ho.. oye
Maa dhee nu mattan dendi, tu maya vich moyi ni
Maa dhee nu mattan dendi, tu maya vich moyi ni
Tenu lajj kise di naai, tu ki laina maee ni
Sahib da dil hoeya neewa, tu pagdi ucheyayi ni
Jaag swere gafal kudiye, sutteyan rain vehayi ni
Ki hoya ki hoya tenu, charkha tand na paaya ni
Ban bethi tu phullan rani, ghar vich hukam chalaya ni
Jis kolon tu kotha litta, kagaj nahi karwaya
Haye ni bolda, poora kyun nai tolda
Haye dilan di kundi nu vairiya ni kholda
Bol mitti deya, bol mitti deya
Bol mitti deya, bol mitti deya
Bol mitti deya, Ho...
31 Funny Behind the Scenes Shots From Famous Movies You've Never Seen Before - Duration: 4:12.
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Swachhata Hi Seva - Ek Kadam Swachhata ki Aur.... - Duration: 0:56.
Swachhata Hi Seva
Me karonga Apna Gaon ki safai
Sinbad's Server Sandbox - Duration: 6:40.
Ok so I haven't uploaded in a while so I am gonna upload, first I want to say I got a new computer.
Before we start make sure to give Arecus a big (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ on how he/she got so much score.
Sorry for the non music, it just randomly went off.
Sorry Du (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Jejus that came out of nowhere.
Poor sO Basic. And -_-
Revenge is mine.
And you're dead, good luck getting me back xD.
That's all from me, so cya in the next video, byeee.
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