Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 23 2017

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for

me. I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: We know that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by

the Word of God. But how is it released? Find out today on the

Believer's Voice of Victory with Kenneth Copeland, and begin

operating in the "God kind of faith" that brings results.

KENNETH: Mark 11:22, "Jesus answering said unto them,

Have faith in God." Now, from now on, when you

see that, you say, "Have faith in God, Who is love."

So I'm going to have to have faith in the love. I just

read you the 16th verse, the 4th chapter of I John. He said, "We

have known and believed the love that he has for us." AUDIENCE:

That's right. KENNETH: "Believed the love." We're going to get

further into that before this meeting is over. "For verily I

say unto you, Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou

removed, be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his

heart, but shall believe those things which he saith shall come

to pass--" Well, I must go over this again, particularly for the

benefit of those that are online and those that are just coming

into--to begin to study faith and so forth. I want you to

notice where Jesus put the emphasis. "Verily I say unto

you, Whosoever shall say--" All right, count with me. TOGETHER:

One. KENNETH: "--unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and

be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart,

but shall believe--" Okay, there's one "believe." So we've

got one "say," and one "believe." "--that those things

which he saith--" two "--shall come to pass; he shall have

whatsoever he saith." AUDIENCE: Three. KENNETH: So where did He

put the emphasis, on the believing? AUDIENCE: No.

KENNETH: No, on the saying. (Audience Agrees) You can be

believing and not say it, and you haven't released the faith.

Faith is like money, you've got to spend it for it to work.

(Audience Murmurs) Amen. And so He put the emphasis on the

"saying" part. "Believe it in your heart." But then once you

believe something in your heart, you're going to say it.

(Audience Agrees) Amen. (Audience "Amens") Because out

of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. So, say it,

say it, say it. Believe it. And, what are we believing? "Well,

I--I--I believe the Bible is true." I mean, that's wonderful.

I'm glad you do. But that don't work here. That's not what He's

talking about. "Well, I believe Jesus is my Lord and Savior."

That's wonderful. That's the reason you're born again. But

that's not what He's talking about here. He's talking about

spiritual law. He's talking about the spiritual law of

faith. Don't you remember that from the book of Romans, "By

what law? Of works? No, but by the law of faith." This is the

beginning of spiritual growth. Did you know you can't grow,

spiritually without growing your faith? (Instinct Responses) Your

faith is going to have to be growing before you grow

spiritually at all. AUDIENCE: Wow. KENNETH: Here you get back

over into that mental assent stuff. Now--and that won't grow

you. That won't mature you at all. So, think now, and float

with me. "Have faith in God," Who is love. "Believe in your

heart those things which he saith shall come to pass; he

shall have whatsoever he saith." The beginning of spiritual

growth is when you realize and have revelation of the fact that

these are spiritual laws. This is not, "sometimes it does and

sometimes it doesn't." AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: You see,

a Spirit, Who is God, created all matter. And it was the

spiritual force of faith released in His Word by the Holy

Spirit, then all matter came to be. Now, that released into

being physical laws. Say it, "The laws--" (Audience Repeats)

"--of physics." Laws that govern the physical realm were created

by higher law that governs the spirit and physical realm. We

were born from above. Jesus was born from above. Are you

listening to me? (Audience Agrees) The new birth comes to

pass because of the spiritual law that governs it. Simply put,

you believe in your heart--huh? Not the mind, not the head. You

"believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, and

you confessed with your mouth Jesus is Lord! For with the

heart--" AUDIENCE: "Man believeth unto righteousness."

KENNETH: "--man believeth unto righteousness. With the mouth--"

(Indistinct Responses) "--confession is made unto--"

AUDIENCE: That's right. Yes. KENNETH: That spiritual law

released performed the greatest miracle known to heaven and

earth, the new birth of the human spirit; re-created a

spirit being. You can't do that-- AUDIENCE: No. KENNETH:

--but He did. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: You know why? Because

it happened to Jesus first. AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH:

The Scripture says He was manifested in the flesh. When

was that? Bethlehem. That wasn't the day He was born. That was

the day He was manifested in flesh. AUDIENCE: That's right.

KENNETH: But He was made alive in the Spirit. That happened in

hell where He suffered. He was made to be sin. He didn't sin.

Don't you go tell somebody, "Brother Copeland said Jesus was

a sinner." I'll forgive you, but it may take me another 30

seconds. (Laughter) No. No. He was made to be sin. He never

committed sin. I never committed righteousness. He was made sin

with my sin. And thank God, the moment I received the new birth,

I was made a new creature. And I received His righteousness.

(Cheers & Applause) Now, if you wanted some goosebumps, that

should have done it right there. (Laughter) AUDIENCE: Amen, amen.

KENNETH: In fact, what did--what is it Brother Moore said?

Ha-ha-ha. "My goosebumps is double-parked, brother."

(Laughter) Hallelujah! AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. KENNETH: That's when

He was born again. He's the first--say, "First." AUDIENCE:

First. KENNETH: Not the only. Say it, "Not the only."

(Audience Repeats) "But the firstborn from the dead." "And

again, when he bringeth in the first begotten, and again, he

will be a Son to me, and again, I will be a Father to him." For

the biggest part of three days and nights, Jesus was lost in

the pit of hell, suffering there for the likes of you and me.

Love did that for you. Don't you ever forget it. (Audience

Agrees) Amen. But you can read in the 1st chapter of Hebrews

what happened. I mean, the Word of God, that all the angels of

God worship Him. Amen. God called Him "God." Those words

went down into the bowels of this earth, into the deepest

part of hell. No man but Jesus has ever borne all of hell. That

would be unjust. But Jesus bore it all because He bore all sin,

all sin. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: I said all of it.

(Audience Agrees) Amen. All of it. And when Satan thought he

had Him wiped out--read it in the 22nd Psalm. It's described

in the 22nd Psalm. And in the Hebrew text, it begins with "My

God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" And it ends with,

"It is finished." Now, what they heard on the cross was Jesus

locking onto that Psalm. He locked onto that Psalm and every

other Psalm and every other scripture about himself, and He

locked onto it, and He went into hell, and He suffered there, but

He never turned loose of the Word. He never quit praising

God. That's what you and I need to learn how to do. He never

quit praising God. He just kept praising God. All that hell

tried to do, I mean, they hurt Him. They hurt Him. They hurt

Him bad. Bad, bad, bad. There are no words in the human

vocabulary to describe. He didn't look like a man anymore.

He was so twisted and marled, He didn't look like a human! That

began while He was still hanging on that cross! AUDIENCE: That's

right, that's right. KENNETH: But, all of a sudden, those

words, the power--huh--the power! of the Spirit of the

living God! (Agreement & Cheers) The one who hovered over little

Mary! AUDIENCE: Yes, sir. Yes. (Audience Agrees) KENNETH: And a

holy thing was conceived. (Audience Agrees) That same Holy

Ghost--(Cheers)--hovered over Him in hell! And a new holy

thing was born. He was born again. One born-again human

man defeated all of hell by Himself!" (Cheers & Applause)

That's our big brother! (Cheers) We have his spiritual DNA!

(Cheers) We've got the same Holy Ghost! AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH:

We have a measure of the same faith! (Audience Agrees)

AUDIENCE: Yes! Hallelujah! KENNETH: Oh, God. (Cheers &

Applause) Hallelujah! All of a sudden, that emaciated, scrawny,

suffering, unrecognizable Spirit of a miserable lost human being

began to get up. (Cheers) That's all it took. I mean, demons

bouncing off the walls of hell. Whew. That place shook.

AUDIENCE: Oh, yes. KENNETH: In the upper region of Sheol where

paradise was. See, the Scripture paints a picture in the book of

Hebrews. Adam's sin went all the way to you, but not including

the throne of God. Jesus said, "No man had gone up to heaven."

Now, that refers to "no man--" talking about men and women,

"--had died and gone to heaven." Two men have gone to heaven, but

they haven't died yet. They're still in their natural bodies.

(Audience Agrees) MALE: (Indistinguishable Shouts)

KENNETH: Well, they're not now, but they--they were then,

because they got born again when Jesus raised from the dead.

Amen. Now--no, sir. No, sir. I said it right the first time.

They still have their physical bodies. They haven't died yet.

They're going to, the two, Enoch and Elijah. AUDIENCE: Ha-ha!

KENNETH: Ain't that sweet? AUDIENCE: That's right. Yes.

KENNETH: But see, up until then, the Scripture says the heavenly

utensils of worship had to be sanctified with the blood of

Jesus. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Heaven wasn't fit for men in

God's view. It was not perfect. That's shocking, isn't it? But

it's true. So what was the bosom of Abraham or the upper region

of Sheol or hell? I said, "Lord, you're going to have to help me

with this. I--I'm struggling with this." And after--now,

I said this like it all happened in about 10 minutes. What I just

said, I said over a period of about 35 to 40 years. (Laughs)

And He was helping me as time went by. But there was a moment

that He just really opened my eyes to it. And at that moment,

He said, "Kenneth, don't allow your natural mind to put the

confines of the center of the earth around that," upper region

of hell which is at the center of the earth. Oh, okay. He said,

"Kenneth, in the Spirit, I can put the state of Texas in a

clothes closet." AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: He said, "You could

walk into your closet to pray and all of a sudden have a--an

open vision of the whole state of Texas or the whole United

States, and it would be so real you--when you came back to

yourself, you would think, 'I have been there.'" And He said,

"In the Spirit, you would have been there." I think I began--I

began to see what He was talking about. He put--it's like

a--a--it--compare it--I'm trying to come up with something the

mind can get hold of. Compare it to a hologram. A hologram is

three-dimensional. Now, come on, all of you saw Star Wars. What's

the matter with you? (Laughter) Well, paradise was a mirror of

heaven itself. They were in heaven. They were actually

located in the upper region, the protected region of hell where

there was no suffering, there was no torment. But you remember

when Abraham spoke to the rich man in hell? Now, how did that

happen? Abraham was looking into hell through a spiritually

allowed portal. All those folks were not looking into hell. No,

no. No, no. That's the reason you don't get much--much

revelation of it in the Bible. You get less than that

revelation of heaven because you get to looking at that, and it

makes you want to go now. AUDIENCE: Yeah. KENNETH: And you

have every right to go now. You've already been lifted up

and seated with Him in heavenly places. And the Scripture very

simply says you are a citizen of heaven right now.

Right now. Your spirit is seated there right now.

And the more you get your heart and

mind on heavenly things, the more powerful you become.

For more infomation >> Faith Is a Currency with Kenneth Copeland (Air Date 10-23-17) - Duration: 20:51.


Art & Style: Mona Lucero | fashion documentary - Duration: 21:51.

(exciting music)

No matter where you are in the world all of us are

looking for love, we all want peace,

and we all want to know the truth,

so that was my most recent theme.

Mona Lucero, the name just rolls off your tongue.

My name is Kylie Klein, we started talking

and we instantly hit it off

and she said she would take me on as an intern.

There's two things that are happening in any creation.

I think there's the inspiration and the art of it

and then there's the craft and the skill,

the technique that goes into a design.

I love that color on you.

Oh, thank you.

It looks great.

Yeah, it's just a--

What do you mean I'm not a bear?

I have all the Koala-fications.

She's got a soft confidence that she's always smiling

and she's always someone that's really infectious.

You really wanna smile with her, you wanna join in,

you wanna know what she's wearing and where she got it.

Odds are she made it.

Sometimes we'd just be talking,

she'd explain that a lot of her inspiration comes from

the fact that she wasn't always like,

"Oh, I wanna do fashion,.

"Oh, I'm a fashion designer."

She's an artist.

So, I have a background in sculpture and painting.

I have an art background so I'm used to looking

at a body in a 3D kinda way.

There are two different ways,

you can do flat pattern or you can drape

and I love to drape because as you go around the body,

particularly the female form,

there's so many curves and different spots that are

really beautiful and when you're draping you find

these places that are unexpected that enhance

the beauty of the female form.

Back area and hips.

It's all about the proportions and how they come together.

But I like the organic feeling of just letting it happen

and rather than worrying about like making sure

every little thing is measured.

When you start to measure things it starts to lose

the spirit of the piece.

So, she's known for like red lips,

she's got really bright, very feminine patterns

and they're very whimsical.

I'm Vyla, I'm a burlesque performer from Colorado.

I first met Mona when I was working at

this little tequila bar.

They did a casting for an event,

so I go over to her house the very first time,

I'd never modeled, I really didn't know anything about

the art scene in Denver, I was brand new here

and Mona was so kind and so warm and so welcoming

and probably would've been 20 minutes for a consultation

for a fitting and it turned into about two hours for us.

We just chit chatted, she let me try on all of her dresses.

We just, we became fast friends.

The first time I went to a retail space for Mona I was

so intrigued to actually see all of her work in one area

where I can kinda flip through

instead of seeing a certain style that she catered to,

I was able to see the variety

of what Mona is able to achieve.

I had no idea how many handbags she had made.

And so it was really nice to be able to see

where her work started, where her passions were,

just her artistry.

This is where the magic happens.

(sewing machine whirring)

I need to basically pin on the dress

and see how it's gonna fit.

Closer fitting when it's all done.

More body conscious.

More like that.

(upbeat music)

Well I started using the butterfly in my logo

quite a long time ago, '93 or something like that.

What I love about butterflies is that there are so many

different colors and patterns on them

and even the shapes of butterflies are so unique,

like they're just these super light things that just

flit around and of course then there's the metamorphosis

and there's a lot of things that a butterfly signifies.

She's definitely an art person first

and then a fashion designer second,

so all of her stuff has such an artistic take on it

that she told me to go further

and that it's not all about like what's just pretty

its what's pretty but fashionable but artistic

and this whole experience of style.

(quirky music)

I've worked with some really wonderful photographers,

but I don't always have the access I want to them,

especially since I started selling online

and I needed to take many photos

or have the availability of being able to do it like that.

Nice, stay like that for a second.

As a creative person starting off in art

I see everything as the totality of creativity.

We'll walk all the way over there

and just start walking towards me

and I'm gonna be taking pictures of you

as you come closer, okay.


I like to portray everything that I'm interested in

and social media has helped me to do that.

It's really exciting for me, I love it.

Doesn't that look great?


I love that.

Oh, my God.

I get to create my own world that everybody gets to see.

Social media is important

because it's your own way of publishing.

I love the ones where they're walking

and they look like they're on their way somewhere.

I think I have a pretty good eye in terms of composition

and knowing what I want out of the models.

It's something that I think I'm pretty good at.

This particular shoot is all about Instagram.

We're trying to do something that feels like they're

just on the street and they're walking around enjoying

themselves and they're just two really hip,

beautiful girls walking around

and you know, who doesn't wanna feel like that?

Just feeling fabulous on the streets,

just seeing what we come up with.

We just get to play.

I love this.

You give such snobby faces.

It's hilarious.


(upbeat music)

♫ Watchin' from inside

♫ Curtains are disguised

♫ It's happening right before your eyes

♫ It's falling on the ground

♫ Dust turns from green to brown

♫ Flowers are blooming all around

Kinetic quality of fabric is very interesting.

It's something that just recently I've probably

become more aware of in my own designs.

My last show, one of the themes was movement

and so what I wanted to do was have the models walking

and you can see the movement of the dresses.

And in fact we included some fringey type of elements

so as they were walking there would be this

kind of movement that was very lighthearted

and also sexy and fun.

When fabric is moving on the body as you're wearing it

it just there's something that feels really good about it,

it's like clouds passing by or something like that.

Yeah, I think this is almost--

I would assume so.

Can I get a little powder.

Any of them out there or do I leave them back?

I think, yeah, something like that would be pretty.

This dress looks like it can be an antique

with an umbrella with this.

So, they're starting off with their long straight hair

and then they're doing these tendrils,

which took them about an hour or so just on one model

and then they're gonna gonna like comb it out

so it's probably gonna be a big halo.

It's gonna be cool, I think.

(upbeat synthesized music)

Fashion shows are like weddings for designers

this is the way I've always thought.

So, if you're like the bride at your wedding

and you want everything to come off at the right time

like the doves take off at exactly at a certain time

and then when they don't come off at that time

then you're upset and nobody else notices it

and they're all like,

"Oh, my God, those doves were so amazing."

And you're like, "But I spent so much time

"trying to make sure the doves were correct."

Like it didn't work in your own mind.

And so every show to some extent does that.

But I have had shows where I was pretty happy.

That's actually happening more in recent shows

and I think that must mean that my craft

is getting better.

You're catching me do the selfie?

Let's see, what's a good thing in French?

Le chat.

I love cats.

They bring cat energy, cat attitude.

Cat heart, cat courageousness.

Cat badass attitude.

I love kitty's sense of humor.

Are you ready?

What it is to be a professional kitty cat.

That's what this is about.

Just go straight on, little bit of a...

Like raised chin?

Uh huh, just whatever you feel.

So, there's always like an extra shape.

(eccentric synthesized music)

Christopher Reidel and I started my business in 1993.

He helps me with fashion shows

and he helps set up my studios.

He's very good about figuring out all that kind of stuff.

So, he's very practical, but he's also very creative.

He pays attention to every detail

and he always has my back.

That would be amazing, wouldn't it?

It's a typical print for a maxi dress.



If that's the right one.

It's neat, I like that.

Well, there is a lot of movement in looking a the design,

but I wanted this to be able to get caught in the air,

get caught in the breeze.

(upbeat music)

In the last couple of years I've been doing

a what I call a fashion photo booth.

Instead of having models come in

and doing a fashion show we would bring in people

who are coming to visit the studio

and have them model it.

So, have fun with actually in way pretending, or

imitating models and we get a lot of great photos from it

and I post those on Instagram.

We've gotten some really great pictures, I think.

And it's really fun because you see that these are

real people and they can look very fashionable

and beautiful and interesting.

(upbeat music)

I've been so upset about everything that's been going

on politically that I've been watching stuff on politics

and hardly ever listening to music

and so toady I was like,

you need to start listening to some music again

or you're gonna lose your mind.

There have been times during my life when something

is not going right or I'm feeling pretty down

and then I'll ask myself,

what can I do to make myself feel a little bit better?

Sometimes it's music,

but generally it's the most important thing that

I always have to come back to is my art.

My art always lifts me up.

It's the one place that I can go

even if it's just as simple as drawing

or sketching a little something in a notebook.

I immediately feel so much better.

And sure enough as soon as I played the first song

I was like, "Oh, I feel so much better."

This is very nice and flowy, it's great.

Nothing says Colorado like palm trees.

You do get a general feeling of what fabric is going to do.

I remember when I first started designing,

even before I went to design school,

I would pick the wrong weight fabric or something like that.

So, those kinds of things you learn as you go

and people can kinda teach you some of it,

but you have to make a lot of mistakes to get to

the point where you really start to understand

what the fabric is gonna do

and even still I will start with a fabric that I'm familiar

with and I'll get different results than I think

I'm gonna get.

It can be sometimes frustrating especially if you

wanna do something quickly and get it done,

but other times the surprise can take you to another

place that you hadn't expected

and it can turn out to be so much better

when you make those mistakes.

So, it's many years of learning sometimes the most

mundane things and eventually it becomes something esoteric.

A little bit extra color and it's funny

because it takes time to get it to that point.

Doesn't it?

And then she put like red lipstick, that was it.

And I would just be like,

"Oh, my God, my mother's so beautiful."

She's someone you keep as a friend kind of forever.

She's one of those really amazing genuine people.

I like to talk about her to my friends.

She's definitely sparked inspiration in me.

Think I get that same confidence from Mona in

the sense that she's not afraid to experiment with style.

To see just the variety and the amount of time

and the technique and the details that Mona's put

into her work without having art grants

or any kind of institutional support is pretty phenomenal.

It's cut on the bias,

which means it's cut on a 45 degree angle.

So, when somebody wears this it will go around their curves.

She's definitely someone who starts with next to nothing.

She like the blank canvas that you get as an artist.

I feel like Mona's truly an alchemist.

She can make something from nothing.

I mean, I've watched her for years and how it's changed

and if you've seen it for a while you can see

how it evolves, but today when you look at what

she's doing it looks evolved.

I mean, it's like there.

When you back and look you can see kind of where she

was and how it got here and I love that.

Thank you.

There's three famous dress, they're red,

white, and yellow.

The main one that everyone was talking about

is the 69 dress.

I helped sew those and it's funny because

when we were putting those on they were gonna be

for a fashion show that spring that I was working with her

and they weren't quite done.

They weren't quite fitted to the models,

so we actually had to sew some of the models

into the dresses before they were even finished

to have them walk out.

I also took a lot of photos with them in her then apartment.

And 69 was really popular, a lot of people asked about it.

So, we recaptured it.

It's interesting to think about broken wings.

I think everybody has something in them that is probably

broken and they're always trying to mend,

it is something that artists do,

that's inherent, that we're trying to mend the things

that have happened in our lives or in the world.

And it's something that you're not always aware of as

an artist, but you're just doing that anyway.

It's always making something more beautiful.

If you know if it's truly your calling

you'll continue with it, you won't give up,

even during those times when you're frustrated,

maybe the world doesn't wanna hear your story

or see what you're doing or you're not making any money,

you're struggling, maybe you can't eat for a day or two,

whatever it might be can't make your rent,

maybe your family

or friends aren't respectful of what you're doing

or they don't understand why you're doing it,

all of those things,

but if you're in the right spot you'll continue to do it

and that's something that I'll always remember,

it's super important to remember where your heart is.

And if creating something makes you happy

then stick with it.

(quirky synthesized music)

You know the old fashioned British documentaries

and they'd have the voice over

and they'd be like, "And designer Mona Lucero

"and antique dealer Eron Johnson are commiserating

"over their latest creative endeavors."

Yeah, and the people are talking away for five minutes

and the description of us.

"They had a very good conversation."


Oh, no, no, no.

No more, no camera, no camera.

For more infomation >> Art & Style: Mona Lucero | fashion documentary - Duration: 21:51.


Tory Lanez - Shooters - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> Tory Lanez - Shooters - Duration: 5:57.


LONG TOILET - Expectation VS Reality EP.1 - Duration: 1:27.

Oh William! I need to use the bathroom William!

Open the door!

James I'm having the best time of my life!

my brother!

I understand!

I'm gonna go do it outside!

Argh! Hurry up, open the door! I need to use the bathroom!

I said open the door!

No! I'll be like ten minutes

ten minutes?

I'm gonna show you ten minutes!

What you doing?

Why do you have lotion on your hand?

Please don't tell mom!

hey guys if you enjoyed watching this video don't forget to subscribe to stay updated for more!

For more infomation >> LONG TOILET - Expectation VS Reality EP.1 - Duration: 1:27.


Comunicazione persuasiva: 2 tecniche 🖖187 - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Comunicazione persuasiva: 2 tecniche 🖖187 - Duration: 5:01.


Learn the program used to sponsor OVER 30,000 monthly world wide affiliates - Duration: 10:38.

For more infomation >> Learn the program used to sponsor OVER 30,000 monthly world wide affiliates - Duration: 10:38.


Crow_Se7en's Scary Games Compilation 2 - Duration: 7:51.

C7: I can't understand Japanese

Kenny: Maybe, that's an inappropriate show. Ya know

This is not a family-friendly show

Welcome to...

No one will ever want to know about that

I accidentally threw the mouse

Oh, it's blood

Really... It's nothing in here... What are we looking for?


Good one

I know Crow_Se7en's face is handsome Please don't touch yourself tonight

Oh hell no

Why are you running away from me?

Get over here!

I got you!

It's not fair, man

Game over?!

Surpirse muthaf**ka

Why do I have to go there?

Boris! Don't do that!

Get in it now!!!

He was right behind me!

For more infomation >> Crow_Se7en's Scary Games Compilation 2 - Duration: 7:51.


《晚吹 - 啪啪 Channel》第11集 -〈才子篇〉風月場所見聞錄(上) - Duration: 22:30.

For more infomation >> 《晚吹 - 啪啪 Channel》第11集 -〈才子篇〉風月場所見聞錄(上) - Duration: 22:30.


Ternary operator in JavaScript. Codingame: Onboarding - Solved - Duration: 2:56.

Programming shouldn't be boring.

Let's solve a Codingame's puzzle today.

[Music playing]


Let's play and do a piece of puzzle named "Onboarding" by Codingame.

I'm Anatol and you are watching the Good Parts of the FrontEnd development.

[Music playing]

The story tells: Defend the planet with a big laser cannon from the invading insectoid

alien ships.

This puzzle teaches you about Conditions and Standard streams.

To win at this game you need to judge the distance from the cannon to your enemy and

shoot the nearest one.

In Codingame you must print out your orders using a "print" command.

It's very easy.

I use a "ternary" operator.

It's just a shorthand for "if-else" statement.

If "condition" is met then "operator A" else "operator B".

Ternary syntax is following: condition, a question mark - "operator A", a colon - "operator


Let's dive into the code.

[Music playing]

Start the game to see how it works.

Ok, I've lost.

At the input of the game we have enemies' names and distance to each one.

Now, my code.

I gauge the distance and print the name of the closest enemy.

I use a "ternary" operator.

It's just a shorthand for "if-else" statement.

Let's play.

I've won!

That's pretty easy, isn't it?

Next time let's have a look at "Horse Racing Duals" and solve it using "map" and

"sort" methods in JavaScript.

[Music playing]

My code is available on GitHub Documentation is available in the Internet

Follow the links if you're eager to get more.

[Music playing]

If you like this video give it "thumbs up", share it with your friends, subscribe to the

channel and watch other episodes.

[Music playing]

This is all for this week.

Thanks for watching and dive deeper.

For more infomation >> Ternary operator in JavaScript. Codingame: Onboarding - Solved - Duration: 2:56.


Ittefaq | Review | Sidharth Malhotra, Sonakshi Sinha, Akshaye Khanna | Releasing Nov. 3 - Duration: 1:36.

Ittefaq movie review

For more infomation >> Ittefaq | Review | Sidharth Malhotra, Sonakshi Sinha, Akshaye Khanna | Releasing Nov. 3 - Duration: 1:36.


H. P. Lovecraft: Tra Orrori e Ignoto. - Duration: 18:00.

For more infomation >> H. P. Lovecraft: Tra Orrori e Ignoto. - Duration: 18:00.


Sewer Line Inspection La Palma CA 800-538-4537 Sewer Line Inspection La Palma CA - Duration: 1:07.

Sewer Line Inspection La Palma CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

6 months to come clear it out?

Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the

entire surface of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!

For more infomation >> Sewer Line Inspection La Palma CA 800-538-4537 Sewer Line Inspection La Palma CA - Duration: 1:07.


BEMBI 42 Herbsturlaub un ab zum Weihnachtsgeschenke kaafe - Created by B.S. #Bembi - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> BEMBI 42 Herbsturlaub un ab zum Weihnachtsgeschenke kaafe - Created by B.S. #Bembi - Duration: 1:31.


Lego Halloween Haunt - set 40260 Build & Toy Review - Duration: 10:05.

Lego Halloween Haunt - set 40260 Build & Toy Review - Celebrate

the scary season with this fun Halloween Haunt set, featuring a vampire minifigure, cauldron,

fireplace and large black gates.

This seasonal set also includes a skeleton figure with pumpkin head, a rat, spider and

various buildable Halloween accessories�everything you need for building your very own Halloween

adventure scenes.

Includes 2 minifigures: a vampire and a skeleton, plus rat and spider figures.

Buildable accessories and elements include a fireplace with black gates, fire, pumpkin

head and a cauldron.

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Music *****

Track Title: Halloween 2017 � Available at:

� Beat by Chris Hayes Music

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

#LEGO #Halloween #Halloween2017 #HalloweenCountdown #toys #unboxing #review #speedbuild #legostore

#legoideas #HalloweenHaunt #trickortreat

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For more infomation >> Lego Halloween Haunt - set 40260 Build & Toy Review - Duration: 10:05.


Help Norman Finkelstein stay out of prison! - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Help Norman Finkelstein stay out of prison! - Duration: 4:46.


When Football meets Music: Guti Razor Fam The Music behind Football Religion TV - Duration: 3:29.

yours is good to you as a fan chick chick chick chick chick in our team can

use flag back in the blocks on Burnham who is a very same way filly denied

Japanese song she's being for the place gram bats have your dates and I don't

give a damn shoutouts it'll fix that slab we're balling is still making a

plan of surprise for hate for the math which you must stay down for the jab

snarfbear blue zones better relax while you're struggling Sora from you have

such made over the taxicab make you boys better maxi pads

especially McAfee man if you are can handle that man fuck these all that so

sure hate me this my name is Andre say I've been Ballentine seaman Valentine

use a sponge to calculate it sounds based upon the main comp least rs500

drop my when I take a pause to the hate cops wanna keep me not inside oh please

don't we fought fair shiny night mash it off no train right this Bend that's all


Massena - in fact - but she's about she decide what is in each time but is it

countess elites allow that around sound the streets wanna travel i wanna step to

talk and we

horace cooper a beach man fuck yeah

thanks watching this vid guys and don't forget to subscribe

For more infomation >> When Football meets Music: Guti Razor Fam The Music behind Football Religion TV - Duration: 3:29.


Curse "Cristales" [Prod. KMXXN] - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Curse "Cristales" [Prod. KMXXN] - Duration: 1:39.


ぴぃ散歩:第1歩 - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> ぴぃ散歩:第1歩 - Duration: 5:06.


World of Tanks Console - Monster Tanks with Monster Ops - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> World of Tanks Console - Monster Tanks with Monster Ops - Duration: 1:02.


Underground Tunnel to the Sunny Jim Cave in La Jolla, California - Duration: 5:55.

We're gonna go to Jim's Sea Cave now.

There's like a gift shop or something and then you go through the store

And there's like this tunnel or underground stairs to go underneath to the cave.

Yep, this cave was built, from what I read, if it's true, it was built by two Chinese men.

What? Really?

Yeah, back in the early...

1900s? I forget. Before the 1920s I think. And they like carved this cave just with like a shovel and

I forget like two instruments so it's pretty impressive.

Oh now I'm really excited to check out this place.

So yeah!

Oh this is it. This thing right?

Oh here it is. The cave store!

So what do we do? We just go through? Oh we pay first, okay.

Are you excited about this, Candy?

Mhmm... it looks cool.

That's where we're going. We're going underneath that thing!

The man at the top of the stairs... see that photo?

The guy that's sitting there, Gustav Schultz. He was an art trader who came here to retire and open an art gallery.

And he came here by the way of the Falkland Islands where he was doing photography for a book

While in the Falklands, most of his art was stolen so he needed a new way to make money.

So when he got to San Diego, he saw that people already had an interest in the caves.

They would climb down the rocks to check them out. And suddenly he just thought

If I dig a tunnel, where I'm going to put my gallery, maybe people would pay me...

and that's just what he did.

Then he hired two Chinese men to do the job.

What else is cool about it is the shape of the cave.

The cave's nickname is Sunny Jim, was given by Frank Baum the author of The Wizard of Oz.

And when he went down in the early 1900s and saw the profile of the cave

it looked a little different at the time because this rock was attached up here.

Frank Baum saw it and he said it reminded him of a mascot named Sunny Jim that was on the cereal box.

Followin you, sista.

Goin down!

Oh wow...

Can't believe two guys did this.

Oh we hear the waves down there. So cool.

This goes down pretty far, huh? This is where it starts getting slippery, so be careful.

Keep watching your head.

I know.

We hear the waves. I think we're close by.

It sounds kinda scary hahaha.

Here it is... the cave.

Alright, let's go

Those are some steep stairs here

Got done with the cave store going underneath the tunnel.

When you come back out, you should definitely explore a little bit around the store

cause there's this really cool spot on the cliff where you can see the kayakers...

Is that the cave we went into?

I don't know which cave it is, but it's gotta be like one of those caves.

That's where the store is up there, so it's gotta be one of those caves down here.

But yeah, it's nice to come out here and like look at all these birds...

Look at all the bird poop on these little rocks.

This is all bird poo.

But it looks like art.

It's like someone painted it on there.

It's bird art. They did this on purpose.

Oh we got here in time.

Yeah, now there's a line.

So yeah, go to the Cave Store early to go down to the tunnel

because when we went, there was like nobody and it was like 9:30.

And they open at 9:00. And now there's a line and a bunch of people.

Oh cool, more hills. Cool, cool cool.

No wonder everybody's so fit in California. They walk up all these hills all the time.

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