Thanks you for watching!!!
(Airsoft) M4A1 DAS GBLS maximum range test - Duration: 6:57.Thanks to them !
Hello and welcome to this new video !
Today, exceptionally, I'm going to make a shooting test on a bit longer distances than usual with the M4A1 DAS from GBLS
I'm going to use 0.25 gr ATM bbs
Those are bio bbs for the record, some people have said that's it's not recommended for this gun but I didn't had any trouble with them so far
I'm not going to shoot my usual police target but a mannequin
It's a full size mannequin, a bit bigger than me actually, a bit easier to hit than my usual targets
I'm 30 meters away from the target ; for the record I use a laser rangefinder, I'm not guessing the distance, I'm really at 30 meters
I can already tell you that it's going to be very easy to hit the target at this distance, but let's say it's just a warm up
At this distance, no problem, it's very easy to hit the target
Let's go a bit further away, I'm taking you with me ; I'll try to get at 40 meters from the target
Let's see where I am...
39 meters... One more meter
40 meters !
Let's go !
Huh, the bbs went weird on this shot
... But it's still easy enough to hit the target
Let's get a bit further away
For the record, my model clocks at 335 FPS with 0.20 gr bbs
It seems already far away here, let's check the distance
We are at...
... 50 meters !
Let's see if I can hit from this distance
I think it's going to be more difficult
It feels like I'm at the maximum range of the gun ; my bbs goes up a bit and then falls down
... But it's still possible to hit the target
For an out of the box gun it doesn't seem ridiculous to me
50 meters seems to be more or less the maximum range of the gun
... I have just hit it
I'm going to try just a bit further away to see how it looks like... Like 55 meters
But I think it's really going to start to be out of range now
55 meters exactly...
Let's go
If I shoot straight at the torso, it doesn't work really, I'm going to aim just a bit over the head
I think I hit but I'm not certain
I think I've just hit
... Another time
I have just hit again I think
Another hit ; I'm not sure really, I don't know if I hear the bbs on the target or just hitting the ground
But in the end, with the out of the box 335 FPS M4A1 DAS from GBLS, I can hit easily enough a human sized target at 50-55 meters
I didn't talk about it in the other videos but several bolts should be available if you want to easily change the power of your gun
For now it's not available, but it should be in the future
Then again, when I received the gun in the begining of the year, the performances were really not good
Now, I think the performances are really decent, 50 meters for an out of the box 335 FPS gun is not bad
Voila ! Thanks for watching and see you next time for a new video
Cake Comb Tutorial - Duration: 3:27.I'm Lorelie and welcome to wedding cakes for you cake tutorials. in this video I'm
going to show you how to use a cake comb to create a pretty finish on the side of
a cake. Make sure you subscribe to my channel and click the little bell so
you'll be notified every time I upload a new video.
Start by frosting a crumb coated cake. The link to my crumb coating tutorial is
at the end of the video for you if you need to watch that first. The buttercream
in this video is my favorite Italian meringue buttercream and I will link to
that as well. I have a very detailed tutorial on how to make imbc.
So you want to put your frosting on quite thick. I start at the top and work
my way down using a light touch when applying and an up-and-down motion is
very helpful, when first applying the buttercream and making sure to cover it
with an even thickness. At this stage you are just covering your cake not
concerning yourself with making it look pretty just yet. A bench scraper is a
great tool for evening out the sides of the cake. Just give it a little smoothing
before using your comb. You can use the spatula for this if you don't have a
bench scraper. There are various combs on the market
this one is the Wilton and it has three sides. I'll show you the pattern for each
of these and then I'll go over how to hold it and how much pressure to use.
This is the medium pattern. This is the larger pattern which I really like and
this is the one that will finish the cake. It's the smaller lined pattern. Hold
the comb at about a 45 degree angle like this, not at a 90 like this. If you hold
it at the 90 you're more likely to scrape off too much of the buttercream.
As you turn the cake press gently onto the surface of the cake with the comb.
Keep turning as you release the pressure and pull the comb away at the end. This
will help to hide the spot where you end.
Trim the top using your spatula removing the excess buttercream a little at a
time as you turn the cake.
There are several ways to top off a cake depending on your design. This cake will
have fresh flowers on top. I'm going to give it a little bit of a combing just
to match the rest of the cake.
Here is the 12 inch cake already doweled. A quick easy border with the shell tip
and the cake is finished and ready to be delivered. Stay tuned for more cake
combing tutorials. There's so many different ways to use the cake comb and
I just touched on it today. Have a great day and I'll see you soon.
Do you have a lot of questions about buttercream? I have a little book for you
it's called my Top Five Buttercream Recipes and it's right below the video here. You
can click on the link, go sign up for my newsletter, and you'll get a free copy
Stupid, Crazy & Angry People Vs Bikers 2017 - Duration: 10:13.
Tell your friends there people who live just the behind
yesterday afternoon you drove there and today and it starts to do wheelie
I'll let you know once!
The second, I take out the baseball bat and I'll blow you hungover at all!
it's clear?!
And I warn you I'm not kidding band of PD!
It's good!
One more word & I blow right away!
The ITuber (Official Teaser Trailer) - Duration: 0:36.IT 's in your mind! *IT 's impossible!*
IT 's all in your mind! Wake up! *Impossible, impossible*
*Wake up! IT 's in your mind* *Impossible!*
*Repeated whispers*
What are You?...
"I am the Chaos between the two worlds..."
10 South Indian Actresses And Their Beautiful Mother ! You Don't Know - Duration: 4:08.10 South Indian Actresses And Their Beautiful Mother ! You Don't Know
Reverse Flash Key To Ultimate Control? Flash Missing? The Thinker Is Controlled? The Flash Season 4 - Duration: you have an update sir with one has been located he's safe locked up in the
metahuman wing of iron Heights as we speak he's right where you wanted him
what do we do now now we find the others
What is good youtube Warstu here with a video on the flash season four we
are getting back to our roots on this channel and doing a lot of Flash content
just like we originally did so in yesterday's video I went over how the
2056 message from Barry Allen in the future wasn't about sabotage but it was
actually a warning about the thinker and crisis in the earth X now guys it makes
absolutely no reason for that to be about sabotage some tiles on that war
the dominators won a war but if you're interested in that video I'll put a card
up right now so you can catch it out and make sure to smash that like button so
in the latest episode of the flash we found out the thinker's plan I'm not
gonna call and Clifford DeVoe because no one's formally the mechanics not more
formally said that we found out that his plan is to find the twelve new meta
humans one was found during the episode and put into iron Heights exactly where
the thinker wants him so in the latest episode
it happened in latest episode so were these metahumans made via the Speed
Force storms just like in 2016 DC flash rebirth when there's a like a store when
it created lots of new matters or were they actually the thinkest test subjects
before the Speed Force storm and right now in his lab and the kind of storm hit
it hit the lab and he's trying to track him down I mean that looks more like me
so it's clear that the thinker's plan was always to get Barry out the Speed
Force back in September I said how Barry Allen isn't Barry Allen that came out it
was actually the reverse-flash I know it sounds a bit crazy but it does have some
legs so Barry isn't Barry Barry's not in
control himself so I can't see how the thinker is actually controlling I think
it's just like in the comic books when reverse-flash we tended to be the flash
but the only negative thing about this kind of whole thing is that's the
thinker has exact same sign on his face that buried me right in and also the guy
from the bar that works for amylin black AKA blacksmith AKA linked to network
also has the symbols on his knuckles that's the only part of the equation i
can't figure out can you there must be some connection though so
we know that Barry Allen isn't Barry Allen skiffs Cisco Cisco didn't trick
the Speed Force at all like - he thinks he is and I think this could create
another Speed Force storm later in this season when reverse flash gets out if
he's not out or if the real Barry Allen gets out so the reverse flash in Central
City is Barry Allen but he's just like the flash we know this due to the fact
that Barry really didn't listen to anyone at all especially iris and he
also came out a lot faster and people like that because of the time you spent
in the Speed Force yes I guess you could say that but it's a bit weak because
it's not Barry he doesn't appear himself reverse-flash it's pretending to be
buried just like he did recently in DC rebirth and just like he has so many
times before it is the thinker's plan to actually get Barry out the Speed Force
once he actually realized he's not in so the stabilization ball isn't keeping the
Speed Force balance Barry Allen is during an the legends of
tomorrow season two finale the reverse-flash was sent to the Speed
Force and essentially kind of killed but not really by the black flash so there
was a reverse fashion there in the black flash in there just like I said in the
previous theory so reverse flash is pretending to be Barry just like Ibaraki
Harrison wells body and we tended to be him when the think an realizes when
willed thinker realize that it's not Barry Allen so basically you think his
plan is he wants he wants ultimate control of Barry Allen and when he
realized he can't do this he will figure out the ultimate theory that it's not
Barry Allen it's actually Kiba thorn so much faster and smarter if
you see what I mean and this is why he's going to come out hiding during episode
9 thanks to Canada graphs for sharing some
images of the thinker out in his chair in the streets so post episode 9 post
crossover crisis of Earth X we will be seeing the think out on the streets
which is very odd highly introduced him in episode 1 but he's not gonna pop out
to episode 9 so he's preparing a metahuman army for
the return of Barry Allen so this is where the theory gets absolutely kind of
crazy the finger in my opinion isn't the actual main villain his goal is to
unleash god speed hence why he wants to know all Barry Allen's knowledge of the
Speed Force so I've got a few ideas what's going on here god speed is in
fact controlling the finger I know this is gonna sound mental but if you've read
the comic books you know how strong God speed is you can be in two places at
once or maybe the thinker makes a god speed
like suit with the mechanic and the hire someone but who really got a higher oh
wait they're going to hire earth 1 the zoom aka Teddy says who was hit by the
Speed Force storm but I know in the comics he can be in two places once but
in this variation he doesn't have a suit so this will sound absolutely ridiculous
theory I think Nessa's to think is ultimate
plan now I know what you gonna say but the producer said there's going to be no
speedster villain don't believe anything that they say their creativity is not
very good they couldn't even explain at San Diego
comic-con house avatar ever existed so for me their creativity is pretty low
and they can do whatever they want so even if this is true I don't think it
be revealed that God speed is the mastermind controlling the thinker until
right towards the end of the season and then
there's some cliffhanger that God speed is actually the villain and we all know
the reverse-flash is going to coming back because I'd say after the Christmas
there's going to be some nother speed for storm when reverse-flash comes out
because he's a things stabilized in the Speed Force now I could be wrong guys
but you know this channel we are built upon crazy theories
so that is why thinking think is ultimate planners and I still believe
it's not Barry Allen because he's not acting like himself but the only flaw in
my whole theory is I can't put any connection between the symbol that Barry
keeps write in when he goes into this Speed Force chances not really that's
just a reverse flash sighted and taking over because it is the reverse flash I
can't put a connection between between the symbol that he's right in and the
symbol on the think is cheap on his face and the symbol on the dude that was in
the bar that Caitlin kind of went killer frost Milan I can't put a connection to
it toys that maybe they're symbols for the network because back Barry has lived
his life from alt matter like convenient times but also reverse flashes in there
so he would have done there's AK same thing so everything in the Barry knows
reverse flash knows because he's from the future anyway now this theory is a
bit deep and I know some people would probably try and debunk my theories like
they always do it and claim it's for themself but I think this is a deep-ass
theory and I hope you guys can kind of put your craziest theories down there
now there's a lot of people discrediting the reverse-flash theory but it's just a
theory guys it's kind of more fun than the show can be because it's not really
started that good to be honest guys if if I'm quite honest I mean it's IRA Stu
knew Felicity maybe not hopefully not but that's just what I think guys I
definitely think it's not Barry Allen it's the reverse flash I think that's
the thing his plan he wants ultimate power of Barry Allen and when he
realized it's not Barry Allen he's gonna get Barry Allen out the
speedforce and that's going to create some problems and if it's an if is Barry
Allen in arts reverse-flash it's gonna pop out anyway so there's gonna be a lot
of crazy stuff going on this theory is a bit kind of crazy even me anyway guys
please like this video if you liked the video and please subscribe if you want
to subscribe and hit that a notification button to never miss a video like this
and I'll catch you soon guys catch ya oh no no sorry guys that might sound
like catch ya later
Creating Laser League - Developer Diary w/ Roll7's Simon Bennett, Tom Hegarty & John Ribbins - Duration: 5:48.-------------------------------------------
Horror Games Will Never Be Scary | TALKS - Duration: 18:47.People really love horror games.
They gobble them up, playing them for hours and hours.
They live vicariously through Streamers, launching such household names as Pewdiepie to fame
simply through his reactions to horror games.
Browse Twitch or YouTube Gaming right now and you're bound to find thousands of people
enjoying a horror game, either by playing it themselves or watching others play them.
Horror is a genre of gaming that's been popular since the beginning of gaming, whether
it be Nostromo, Alone in the Dark, Resident Evil, or titles like Outlast and FNAF.
People want to be scared, they want horror.
Unfortunately, Horror Games have a problem.
They're not actually horror.
What Is "Horror?"
Now, you know what horror means.
You've seen horror movies, you've played these games, you've been scared.
It's likely that if you're a horror fan, you've played these games, and you would
classify them as horror.
But, what is horror.
What does it actually mean?
Is horror being startled?
Is horror being grossed out, or seeing gore?
Is it the feeling of adrenaline when being chased by a boss monster?
Horror at it's core is something that shocks, frightens, and induces loathing.
And it's not new.
Horror has been a staple of writers since Ancient Greece--with werewolves, and vampires.
We all know horror when we FEEL it.
When we are so frightened, and shocked that we think our heart is going to stop.
We feel horror when we suddenly jump, lash out, or want to run away as fast as we can.
Horror is something we know.
It's embedded in us by evolution and history.
The feeling when you step outside and hear a noise in the darkness, close enough to reach
you, but outside the spill of the light.
That moment when something clearly alive, moving, touches your leg in the water while
swimming in the ocean.
Horror gives you that feeling, that rush of excitement and adrenaline, the emotional release
of danger without the risk.
You're safe, you're at home, there is no real danger.
This is something Hollywood has spent a lot of time researching.
They've figured out the three things you need for horror:
The mystery of what and to whom.
Why is this happening?
What's going to happen in the story?
Something we can identify with.
Fear of death.
Identification with the hero, or personal condemnation of the antagonist.
And UNrealism.
The fact that this is fake.
This is entertainment.
A smart combination of these three things and suddenly you're inducing the fight-or-flight
part of your brain, rushing dopamine and endorphins through your body, all while in a safe place.
Followed by the sense of relief at the resolution of threat.
It's probably not surprising that as soon as we invented video games, we created horror
And continue to create them.
It's one of the best selling and most consistent genres of games.
We have horror shooters, horror survival, horror adventure.
Third person, first person, visual novels, open world, stealth--for every type of game,
there's a horror game as well.
Many horror titles are in fact modified versions of traditional games.
They take away ammo, or give you less health, using scarcity of utility to force the player
into caution.
They make the enemies invincible walking golems of death, where fighting isn't an option
and you're required to run.
Some games take away your ability to fight at all, forcing you into exclusively hiding
and running.
Ducking into small closets and watching the enemy immediately outside your character's
hiding spot as it searches.
They load up the game with obscene amounts of gore and viscera, throwing blood at the
player at every opportunity.
Modern games have the benefits of incredible technology, massive budgets, huge amounts
of previous work to build off of.
They come out throughout the year, not just bunched into Halloween season, but constantly
feeding the hunger of the millions of players who want to experience that horror.
To help fill this supply, modern games primarily look to the past, to traditional horror.
Whether movies or stories, it's rare that a game will not draw most if not all of it's
inspiration from proven horror genius.
The most common inspirations are the biggest names in the field: Edgar Allan Poe, H.P.
Lovecraft, masters of their art.
It is no surprise that Lovecraftian is a key phrase in many horror games' marketing and
Lovecraft wrote stories about fear.
The unknown unimaginable horrors of the deep and dark, monsters whose very existence drove
men to insanity.
This sense of scale and power is what led game designers to create the 'boss monster.'
The huge, nearly insurmountable beast enemy at the end of the game.
This is not the only way that video games have misunderstood horror.
Not for a lack of trying, this is often only scary for a short period of time.
Or, worse still, it's not scary or shocking at all, failing to repulse the player.
Jump Scares are one of the most popular options for scares, especially in the Streamer Era
we are currently living in.
There's lots of entertainment to be found in watching your favorite personality jump
on screen when a scary thing pops out, or a loud noise goes off.
Jumps provide the 'scares,' but they remove replayability and eventually you become immune
to them.
Too many cheap scares take away from the overall "fear factor."
The player builds up a resistance to them, and then that's it.
There's no point in it anymore.
Five Nights at Freddy's continued past the first game because of a hidden lore, rewarding
the most dedicated players, not simply because it caused the player to jump.
By the third or fourth game, the playerbase was hunting for clues on the story, the past
of the characters, and the cheap--and expected--jumpscares had to become more intense, more invasive,
in order to actually achieve the scare they were designed for.
Many FNAF players will happily admit that after playing the game more than once, you
won't be scared anymore.
The tension is destroyed because you know what to expect.
Players can often identify exactly how to trigger these jump scares, leaving the only
avenue of entertainment to be scaring others by leading them down the path those scares
lay upon.
The horror of titles like this is exclusively in surprise, and that surprise is destroyed
by expectation.
The Tension of horror is often what people most closely identify with a scary game, and
therefore it's the part that tends to get the most attention.
When a player talks about their favorite horror game, you start hearing words like 'Atmosphere,'
'Environment,' the 'feeling' of the game.
Even more often, the discussion of the horror is based around the beginning few levels of
the game.
Rarely do they talk about the ending of the game, or even the middle.
Instead, it's "the first time you see what's hunting you."
'The first time' you fight the monster.
The first jumpscare.
The first boss, or first big chase.
This is because the tension, while easy to build, is easier to break.
Dying at the hands of your enemy is a greater motivator when you haven't experienced it
The player has instead only their own imagination of how "very very bad" it would be to
be caught.
This imagined pain is far sweeter, leading to a greater sense of horror, than the actual
death itself.
Actually being caught by the Alien in Isolation only removes the sense of horror at the possibility
of being caught.
It's no longer something that cannot be handled, but instead is yet another game mechanic.
It becomes nothing more than another artificial time sink, resetting you a few steps back
and forcing you to find another solution to success.
Eventually, most titles will give you a way to fight back, further removing any sense
of weakness you might have previously felt as they fall into the need to wrap up the
The easiest way to finish the arc seems to be to turn the victim into a hero, to give
you a 'good' ending, and satisfy the power fantasy.
Handing over weapons to the protagonist allows the game to magically wipe away the past several
hours of gameplay where the invincible monster was unbeatable, and allow for a victorious
All answered by handing over a gun.
However, promoting this combat simply removes the survival aspect.
This is why the original Resident Evil and Silent Hill games were so successful at horror.
Overpowering the character removes from the atmosphere, and keeping your character weak
forces you to avoid fights--adding to the tension.
In order to help further facilitate this weakness, games like this add in scarcity in ammunition,
health, power-ups overall in order to further convince you to avoid firefights to save your
dwindling resources.
Tension is created by the unease inherent in your own weakness.
Weakness is helplessness, and helplessness is fear.
But is scarcity actually scary?
Does it actually induce fear to base your gaming session around the balancing act of
scarce resources versus need to advance in the story?
Or, does it instead lead to hoarding, planning, and--eventually--the same overpowered character
from before as you dump all your expensive and well-saved resources into the final boss
without regard?
While the early game's tension is served well by this artificial scarcity of resources,
especially in the survival horror genre, it is plagued by the need to allow player characters
to improve, get stronger, see growth, and hoard materials.
That scarcity is gone later in the game, as resources become more plentiful to allow for
'better blueprints,' or to increase damage given by enemies (and therefore necessitate
better healing to counter act it).
Prey, a game I personally enjoyed immensely, lost much of its horror in the late game due
to a combination of both of these problems.
The player could craft literally anything they needed, including character upgrades,
simply by having enough raw resources from the endless hoarding encouraged in the early
parts of the game.
That player who was sneaking around is now able to dominate the previous terrors, and
the fear is gone.
Is it possible, then, for a game to achieve true horror?
If it is, could they maintain that horror throughout?
Shorter games certainly have the benefit here, It's unquestionably easier to build and
keep tension, create a general sense of identity, and maintain unreality for 30 minutes than
it is for 40 hours.
The player will, inevitably, get used to any horror a game can generate if you just expose
them to it.
And games do try to mix things up and encourage a sense of fear.
I just don't think they do it very well.
Permadeath is certainly a way to encourage a certain type of fear, but it's not outright
If anything, the loss of a character is more of an annoyance than any true repulsion or
The threat of permadeath without action is certainly more interesting, and some recent
titles have used that empty threat to some great effect--keeping you feeling that you're
close to losing your character without ever actually achieving it, is letting the Alien
hunt you without ever actually dying.
Unfortunately, as more players know of tricks like this they become less effective.
You could always just not kill the protagonist at all, but the incredible danger of fighting
a Big Daddy the first time you play Bioshock, knowing this is your first really dangerous
enemy, and then experiencing your first real death only to find yourself revived without
loss a few feet away from the still damaged enemy, being able to chip away at their life
through multiple lives yourself--well, that's just not scary at all.
Some developers have toned down their enemy AI so that as you get closer to death, or
as the enemy gets closer to you, it cheats you into a more likely win.
That's certainly viable, but eventually you have to draw the line and decide whether
you want to create an atmospheric but boring gameplay experience.
This is certainly the thinking behind titles like INSIDE, or even Out Of This World, where
the player gets to experience true moments of 'it almost got me' by leaping away
from the grasp of their enemy at the last second.
Timing gameplay so that a perfect run ends with the player truly feeling like they barely
escaped death is an incredible horror tool for those players who manage it perfectly
the first time.
It starts to fall a bit transparent to those players who have to die repeatedly to figure
out the solution to the puzzle, however, and this means for the average player you've
just created a gory but ultimately unscary rhythm game as they try to figure out the
exact steps to get a Perfect on the stage.
Perhaps the most effective, if commercially terrifying, solution is to stop trying to
create happy endings.
Instead of tying everything up in a bow and ruining their own atmosphere, titles might
be a bit more willing to have no 'good' endings.
Questions can be left unanswered, the courageous can fail, or perhaps the solution to the puzzle
is the players own death.
These are at least interesting, but would certainly be punished in Steam comments and
articles from psuedo-intellectual games journalists who couldn't find a cheat code to win.
Horror is an interesting genre because it's about the feeling of horror, instead of the
mechanics of 'Shooter' or 'Platformer.'
It's about the sensation and emotion felt subjectively by a player, and that player
is by necessity a generic cardboard cut-out when these titles are being developed.
In order to be successful as a horror title, you need to scare as many people as much as
possible, and that means you can't really focus in on being truly terrifying, truly
horrific, truly mind-bending or you're leaving behind the largest slice of the pie.
Additionally, it's hard to make a game that is able to adapt to the incredibly large amount
of hours a person is willing to invest in a game.
A movie is scripted and short.
You can develop a story that builds tension, introduces characters and builds identification,
and then reveal the horror and scares at a pace that is unchanging and satisfying.
The story arc is designed for these 90 minute experiences.
Building a game that can take you through the same peaks and troughs of horror and terror
every 90 minutes, changing up gameplay, introducing new twists and changes, new game mechanics
and surprises, and do so with a level of polish required to be commercially successful is
damned near impossible.
While we have good approximations of horror in gaming, we'll never really have true
horror games.
We have games that have moments of scariness.
Sequences of terror that are notable for their infrequency.
An entire ecosystem of moments, that we as gamers have taken to showing to other people,
leading streamers to experience them so we can remember that moment of revulsion and
fear we ourselves experienced so fleetingly and can never reclaim.
Perhaps, one day, we can achieve Lovecraftian terror in games.
A new mechanic, or series of old in new ways, will teach us how to achieve a sense of terror
at the unseen, insanity at the sheer knowledge of such great cosmic horrors.
It's possible, certainly, though I don't know how it'll be done.
One day a developer will figure it out, and we'll all marvel at their ingenuity.
Because the greatest horror game of all will be the one that never shows you the monster
at all.
Thanks to Austin from VNecks & VCards for helping to flesh out this idea, and get it
into a script.
And to Eren Black Edits who helped me to get through some of the tougher parts of this
video, as well.
I also want to thank every Patron from our Patreon, both past and present, who help make
this whole making content thing a little less painful.
I especially want to thank you, for watching this video to its entirety.
This is our 450th video, and knowing that you have decided to spend this time with me,
hearing my thoughts and listening to my opinions is literally the reason why I continue to
make these TALKS videos.
They tend to be some of the least popular videos on CryMor, but your interactions with
me are what makes it all worthwhile.
With that in mind, I'd really like to know what you think.
Is it possible for a game to achieve true horror?
Or, are we doomed to always seeing a weaker version than Hollywood is able to produce?
I encourage you to leave a comment, start a conversation, and join in with others down
below in the comment section.
I'll be down there, too, hopefully learning some things from you.
You can also send me all your hate on Twitter @CryMorGaming if you really want to try to
convince me that FNAF was totally the best horror game of all time.
The next TALKS video is going to be about your favorite game.
It's your favorite game, you love this game, and it sucks.
I'll tell you why.
Trust me, I'm right.
If you like it, like it, if you didn't like, don't like it.
If you did like this however, try watching another one on the screen now.
My name is Moriarty, and we'll see you on the next one.
UFO in Russia Siberia - Duration: 1:08.UFO
WCB: Jacobs vs. Arias (HBO Boxing) - Duration: 0:31.My goal is to simply be that superstar inside the ring.
And that means
the undisputed middleweight championship of the world.
♪ I gotta make my dreams come ♪
LUIS ARIAS: I'm a very tough fight
for Daniel Jacobs.
I'm young, I'm undefeated, I'm hungry and I'm ready.
♪ Here we go Hey ♪
Either he's gonna get knocked out, or I get knocked out.
It's gonna be a great fight.
♪ Show 'em who I am ♪
The Best Ever: Bad Hair Day Fixes 😅 🙆🏾 👍🏽 - Duration: 4:38.My boyfriend says I have Prince hair.
I barely wash it in a regularly scheduled fashion.
"Did you do anything with your hair?
Are you gonna do something with your hair?"
It's like, "My hair is done though."
Hey NaturallyCurly World!
I'm Gerilyn, and this is The Best Ever--
The Best Ever--
The Best Ever Bad Hair Day Fix.
[electronic music plays]
Bad hair days!
Uh, I am a lazy natural.
I don't do anything to my hair.
So two years ago, I did the big chop, and I went short -- real short.
So I got my hair cut into a pixie cut, and as you can see, I'm growing it out, and it's
a struggle.
So bad hair days are pretty much five out of seven days of the week for me because I
told y'all before I am straight up lazy when it comes to styling my hair.
So my bad hair days usually are about my hair being dirty.
Doing a lot of this, and that's not socially acceptable to do in public.
So right now, my hair is all different types of lengths.
As you can see, it's longer in the front, and it's still short on the sides.
So if I do not finger coil...this is my go-to y'all.
This is everything for me.
So I just started off really just playing with it one day and kind of twirling it.
And then, I started watching some YouTube videos, and I found out that it's a thing.
Like this is a real live method.
So my go-to is The Mane Choice Softening Milk and I apply this from root to tip, and I section
it off and part it into big sections, finger coil it.
And then I undo each one, fluff, and I go.
Bad hair days for me, it's just shrinkage.
Which I am proud of.
So my bad hair day fixes just include hats.
I wear hats because I love them.
They're the easiest accessory to put on top of my head.
And I got some inspiration from one of my favorite rappers.
His name is Future.
You can drag me all day long -- the dude has style, and I'm a huge fan of that.
So I asked my mom to for Christmas to buy me hats, and she is so sweet and she totally
bought me this beautiful red hat.
And if you have ever seen a Future video, you know that he wears hats.
And he has a red hat in one video.
I loved it.
I thought he looked so cool.
And I was like "You know what?
I can rock a red hat!"
So my bad hair day fix is wrap it up!
Wear a head wrap.
How many head wraps do I own?
They have their own drawer.
I might have like, twenty?
I get them from everywhere.
The Wrap Life, chicks on Instagram that be selling head wraps, Target.
Thrift it!
Sometimes I thrift it, you know what I'm saying, I get a nice 100% silk scarf.
Wrap it up.
Lavish, I know.
So on top of my dirty hair is a 100% silk scarf.
So this is one of my favorite head wraps.
It's by Chinero Nnamani on Instagram.
And I love it because it's double sided, so it's like "Ooh, are you giving them this today?
Are you giving them this tomorrow?"
It's like two head wraps in one, and then when you twist it and mix it.
It's a whole new look.
It's so innovative.
So that's what I do, ya know, I just wrap my hair up and I look like I tried.
So for me, finger coils really give me that definition that I need right now, since my
hair is all these different layers.
It really helps define my hairstyle.
When I have my hair out of braids and or any type of protective style, it fits easily and
As you can see, I can't put it on the way that I want to.
Even though you know, Future has dreads and he makes his hat work, but I can't adjust
this hat to like, kinda emulate that.
However, just distract 'em.
Just hit 'em with a ---
You know, don't worry about the fact that you're having a bad hair day.
You just rock your hat.
That's all you gotta do.
I do have a tutorial here on this channel about the many different ways I tie my head
But the biggest piece of advice I can give you is to just keep tying knots until it looks
like something.
I never get it right the first time.
That's it!
That is my bad hair day fix - a head wrap.
In the comments below, let me know what your bad hair day fix is.
If you enjoyed this video, give it a like, comment, share it, and subscribe.
We post The Best Ever every Monday, so we'll see you next week.
Naświetlanie perspektyw Xbox One X - Duration: 14:26.-------------------------------------------
AUMENTAR BUMBUM E PERDER BARRIGA EM CASA👉4 Min de Exercícios Para Perder Barriga e Aumentar Gluteos - Duration: 8:04.-------------------------------------------
Top 10 Similarities Between Deadpool & Spider-Man - Duration: 6:02.Top 10 Similarities Between Deadpool & Spider-Man Hey guys!
Welcome back to Top 10 Nerd, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.
Deadpool and Spider-Man are two of Marvel's most popular characters right now, helped
along by the huge amount of hype surrounding their respective movies (and the awesomeness
of said movies).
And as many have noticed, they're quite similar in a number of ways.
So let's talk about what it is that makes these guys such a great pair!
Get ready, it's time for the Top 10 Similarities Between Deadpool and Spider-Man!
Number 10: Similar costumes.
I mean, this one's pretty obvious, even to people who don't know them.
They both have tight costumes, both are mostly red, both have big spots on their eyes...
True, one is being used to hide Peter's identity and one is being used to hide the fact that
Wade looks like a gross, bumpy, veiny, cock-y individual.
But the costumes themselves look extremely similar.
To the point where they had to put a bunch of disclaimers out about the R-rated film
for fear that parents would take their kids to Deadpool thinking it'd be like Spider-Man.
And my goodness was that film ever NOT like Spider-Man.
Number 9: They love to annoy Wolverine.
Both Deadpool and Spider-Man have pretty well-developed relationships with Logan, and neither of them
are exactly in his good books.
While he definitely dislikes Deadpool more, partly due to their rivalry as healing factor
heroes, and partly because Deadpool is just way more of a jerk, he definitely isn't a
fan of Spidey's antics either.
He definitely looks out for Peter and wants him to do well, but he spends most of his
time being annoyed by the kid.
It's not particularly surprising, given Wolverine's grumpiness and the distinct lack of grump
found in Deadpool and Spidey, but it's always fun when they team up.
Number 8: Acrobatics.
While Spider-Man definitely wins the acrobatics award on this one, both characters have shown
some pretty impressive flexibility and acrobatic ability.
Jeez, I've never said the word acrobatic so much in my life.
Anyway, Wade and Peter are both extremely agile, with Wade's intense training and increased
reflexes, and Peter's spider abilities.
These two show so much acrobatic ability in their comics that in Deadpool #11 when Deadpool
was sent back to Amazing Spider-Man #47, he was superimposed in Spidey's place in a battle
with Kraven the Hunter.
Any time you can fill the shoes of Spider-Man in battle, you know you're pretty darn agile.
Number 7: Mid-fight banter.
This is probably one of the most striking similarities between the two when reading
their comics; both love to trash talk their enemies while fighting.
Deadpool is certainly more... explicit in his chirps, but Spider-Man has been known
to drop a zinger or two in his time.
This is something that really makes people love them so much, and it's a huge part of
the reason that they work together so well.
And also a huge reason that Deadpool wants to get into Spider-Man's pants like nothing
I'm a big fan of this banter, and it's a huge part of my enjoyment of both Spider-Man and
Number 6: They've both been divorced.
If you've been keeping up on your Spider-Man, you'll know that Peter and Mary Jane were
married for a time, but ended up getting divorced.
It was sad, but it kinda had to happen, Peter was getting lame.
But what's more surprising (and a way more interesting story) is that Deadpool was married
for a time to Shiklah, Queen of the Underworld.
Yep, what else would you expect from the guy who charmed the pants off Death herself?
Shiklah eventually left him to get back with her ex (who happened to be Dracula) but it
was a pretty weird story arc.
Man, if Scott Pilgrim wanted to date Deadpool, he'd have his work cut out for him dealing
with all those exes.
Number 5: They both lost loved ones.
This one's fairly sad and also kinda spoilery because they may come about in future movies,
so if you're afraid of having things spoiled, feel free to skip this point.
Spider-Man, as most people know by now, lost his girlfriend Gwen Stacy to the Green Goblin.
Deadpool, on the other hand, lost his on again off again girlfriend Vanessa, otherwise known
as the mutant shapeshifter Copycat, at the hands of Sabertooth.
Now granted, Vanessa ended up coming back, but frickin everyone comes back so it still
Number 4: They both had clones.
Surprisingly, clones aren't exactly common in the world of superheroes.
Alternate versions?
But cloning isn't actually THAT common.
But that didn't stop these two guys from finding yet another similarity between them; they
both had a clone.
Spidey's is more of a standard clone, Ben Reilly, created scientifically by The Jackal,
but Deadpool's is a little stranger (and a little more Deadpooley).
In his case, his clone was created when he found a bunch of his own body parts in his
stalker's fridge and threw them in a dumpster, where they combined to create an evil Deadpool
I think I'd take Ben Reilly based on smell alone.
Number 3: They're both funny!
This might be stepping on the toes of the "mid-fight banter" point but I think it stands
Not only do these guys like to chirp their enemies while they fight, but they're straight
up funny in their everyday lives!
Whether they're teasing their teammates, using their boyish charm to woo the ladies, or just
making funny comments to themselves, it's undeniable that these are two of the most
comedy-focused heroes out there, at least as far as mainstream heroes go.
As I've previously said, Deadpool's humour is a bit more out there and a whole lot less
safe for work, but both comics leave me chuckling from time to time.
Number 2: They both lived with old ladies.
This is a bit of a strange one, because it's kind of weird how similar these guys are,
the more I think of it.
We all know that Spider-Man lived with his absolutely adorable Aunt May.
But Deadpool also lived with an old lady whom he loved: Blind Al!
We saw her in the movie in all her glory, and she's been around in the comics since
Deadpool #1.
Since her introduction, we've had the pleasure of seeing her relationship with Wade become
stranger and stranger, and I love it.
It's great that Wade and Peter goof around a lot in heroics, but at the end of the day
they'll still look out for their elderly roommates.
Number 1: Both made allies out of enemies.
Here's another one that shows the strange similarities between these two.
Both Spider-Man and Deadpool have set aside their differences and worked with an enemy
to achieve a common goal.
When Carnage was introduced, Spidey had to work with his nemesis Venom to take the new
symbiote down.
At the same time, while Cable was first introduced as a foil to Deadpool, the two slowly built
a friendship throughout their adventures, eventually becoming a buddy cop movie.
And nowadays, both Peter and Wade get along with their old enemies pretty well; to the
point where Deadpool and Cable's bromance is starting to make Spidey jealous.
That's it for today!
Hope you guys enjoyed, if you did please smack that thumbs up button and subscribe to Top
10 Nerd for more videos!
Who do you like better, Deadpool or Spider-Man?
Let me know in the comment section down below!
Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Top 10 nerd.
Later nerds!
Building a HOVERCRAFT using a dinghy! | Homemade Hovercraft #1 - Duration: 5:19.We asked you what we should use our engines for in our last video
you had the ideo to build a hovercraft!
As always we want to bulid it using normal parts - you had the idea to use a dinghy
I think something like this does not exist yet but we will try it!
First we have to remove the bottom to let the air pass through
We will use the motor from our bike as a thrust engine
the lift engine will be a a150-10
this engine has 12 hp
Conrad also send us the ESC, this one is capable of 220A
Our hovercraft isn't finished yet
but we will do a short test to see how much power the engine has
this didn't work too bad, the problem is the air getting out through this hole
a normal hovercraft fan is made very different
we try to make it better, using two propellers
now we will attatch the engine of our bike as a thrust engine
the engine is not made for two propellers
so we use this device to check it
this also needs a lot of energy
we use six of this 5000mAh 6S batterys
this is to controll the lift
with this one you can control the thrust, this is how you can stear it
we really need a bigger place to test it
we also want to drive over water, you will see this next monday
as always, you can decide over the name of the hovercraft
let us know your ideas in the comments
in two days you will be able to vote here
we didn't forget the human drone
we are still waiting for the rotors
but we will continue this project soon :)
if you don't want to miss it, don't forget to subscribe
See you next monday!
Overwatch Moments #95 - Duration: 10:15.-------------------------------------------
Messed Up Things That Actually Happened During Witch Hunts - Duration: 4:34.It might be hard to believe, but witches haven't always been the cool, sexy, campy pop culture
icons they are today.
Throughout human history, panics have erupted over the possible existence of witches among
us, and crusades against witchcraft have claimed countless lives.
Historians estimate that between 40,000 and 100,000 people were tried and executed as
witches, and there was no shortage of messed-up injustices perpetrated in the process.
Here's a look back at the worst witch-hunting moments of all time.
Johannes Kepler's mother
You've heard about the work of Johannes Kepler, the guy who developed the theories of important
stuff like planetary motion and magnification.
NASA even named a spacecraft after him.
Just imagine how much more he could've accomplished if he hadn't taken a sabbatical to defend
his mother against witchcraft charges in 1620.
Katharina Kepler, a 68 year-old widow, was accused by her neighbors of classic witchy
moves like sickening them with poisons, paralyzing a 12-year-old girl's finger, and turning herself
into a cat — which kicked off a trial that lasted six years.
Kepler moved from Austria to Germany to take over his mother's defense, using science to
convince authorities that his mother should be set free.
Unfortunately, Katharina still spent 14 months being tortured and chained to the floor of
her jail cell while her son fought for her life, and she passed away six months after
the end of her trial.
Karma is for suckers
What happens when a bratty kid causes the demise of seven innocent people?
Um, not much, if it happened during the height of Scotland's witch hunting frenzy.
Christian Shaw, an 11-year-old girl, caught her family's maid drinking milk without permission
— and soon after that, Christian was supposedly having fits, floating around the room, and
coughing up everything from eggshells to hot coals.
...Yeah, sure she was.
Encouraged by her family, the girl accused 21 men, women, and children of witchcraft,
and seven of them — including the milk-drinking maid — were found guilty.
One of the men took his own life; the rest were executed.
And Christian Shaw?
She got married and lived to a ripe old age as a wealthy and successful businesswoman,
which seems kind of unfair in the scheme of things.
The archbishop and the witch-judge
In the 1580s, people in the German city of Trier were positive that the whole area was
overrun with witches — resulting in such a mass epidemic of executions that soon there
weren't really enough women left alive to accuse.
This led some people to start doubting that every woman in a ten-mile radius was really
a witch... but we all know what kind of people they were.
Enter Dietrich Flade, a judge tasked with sentencing some of these so-called witches.
Unfortunately for Flade, he wasn't convinced that they all deserved to be executed.
Some of the women were given light sentences, while others were set free entirely, and it
didn't take long for him to attract the wrong kind of attention.
Soon enough, he was tortured and executed, but according to Cornell University professor
George Burr, Flade's days were probably numbered no matter what — because in addition to
being much too skeptical about witches, he was getting in the way of the political aspirations
of the archbishop at the time.
The affair of the poisons
This scandal began in 1676 with Louis the fourteenth, who became fearful of being poisoned
after violence erupted at the French court.
Thirty-four people met their end before all was said and done, but the most noteworthy
was Catherine Deshayes, also known as La Voisin a poor woman who made her fortune concocting
toxic potions for would-be assassins.
When her home was raided as a part of the king's investigation, they found all kinds
of witchy wares: including nail clippings, bones, blood, and various other bodily excretions.
La Voisin was arrested in 1679, and she not only admitted she was into some shady stuff,
but that her clientele included the nobility — which just goes to show that the king's
fears were not entirely unfounded!
It's not paranoia if they really are out to get ya, Louis.
As for the main conspirator, she was arrested and burned as a witch… and eventually became
the subject of a very campy French film depicting her scandalous downfall.
So at least there's that.
The professional witch-finder
Matthew Hopkins started his witch-hunting career in 1644, when he moved to Essex and
immediately claimed he'd overheard a handful of women discussing witchcraft.
Of the 23 he accused, none survived — which was enough for Hopkins to declare himself
Witch-Finder General and go pro, convicting and executing hundreds of women.
He made a fortune doing it, and he helped himself along with shady practices like stabbing
accused witches with fake, retractable knife blades to prove that they didn't bleed like
normal people.
"The mark of Satan is upon them."
No one's sure what became of Hopkins, but his reign of terror was the subject of a low-budget
Vincent Price horror biopic in the 1960s — and some people say his ghost still haunts Mistley
Pond in Essex, where he hopefully hears people talking everyday about what a total jerk he
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