Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 23 2017

Bad Monster Crushed Bad Kids Food under Cars & Learn Colors with Nursery Rhymes Baby Kids Songs

For more infomation >> Bad Monster Crushed Bad Kids Food under Cars & Learn Colors with Nursery Rhymes Baby Kids Songs - Duration: 4:10.


பணத்திற்காக அம்மனமாக கூட நடிக்க தயாராகும் நிக்கி கல்ராணி | Tamil Cinema News | Tamil Rockers | News - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> பணத்திற்காக அம்மனமாக கூட நடிக்க தயாராகும் நிக்கி கல்ராணி | Tamil Cinema News | Tamil Rockers | News - Duration: 1:31.


Samhain - Duration: 19:36.

before we start I don't know if you have noticed but the melody in introduction has changed

as one of you rightly pointed out it was out of tune so I've fixed it

and I've played it and record it again, it was down one step, I believe

drop D, well it isn't matter I think it sounds better now

another aspect

I am dividing this video into two parts, I'll start with what this season is all about

and the historical background, and at the end I have a long message for you for this season

well, with no more delay let's get started

Hello friends my name is Arith Härger

and today I'm going to talk about Samhain

I'll not deny it, this is my favorite time of the year so I'll have loads of information to share with you

October is coming to an end, and we are near Halloween

or All Saints' Day, a very traditional Christian celebration for thousands of generations

but is it really a celebration from the Christian holiday's calendar?

or an adaptation from a very ancient past before the Christianization of Europe?

well, in truth Halloween comes from the harvest festivals

held by this time of the year by many European cultures since immemorial times

we know about the Celtic Festival - the harvest festival

given the recent Gallic name of Samhain, a day that marks the end of summer

a day connected to the harvest and also to the dead and the ancestors and the Celtic new year

the eve of the 1st of November when the Celtic winter begins

the 1st of November for the Celts was the beginning of the year itself

and the Feast of Samhain was their New Year's Eve

it was a day between the end of a season and the beginning of another

so in other words a time which belong to neither season

a sort of mysterious time which belonged to neither the past nor the present

Samhain, like other pagan festivals, was so deeply rooted in popular tradition

that Christianity had to try to take it over

the aspects of communion with the dead and with other spirits was christianized as All Hallows

moved from its original date from the 13th of May to the 1st of November

and extended to the whole church by Pope Gregory III

or the IV

historical sources vary but what they have in common is that this was done by the Pope in the year of 834

people wouldn't complain that much now, since they would still celebrate the old pagan holiday

but in a different manner and turned to the new faith

even with such a new faith introduced

this day never lost its former essence and much of the popular imagination and superstition

from the earlier period of this celebration, is still associated to the Fall pagan festival

and came to our modern days because some people, including churchmen

preserved some of the cults of- of the ancient Era

much of the superstitions were around the dead but by this time the harvest celebrations also took place

bonfires, the coming of autumn and the natural world changing

metaphorically speaking this was the beginning of the very death of nature

the magical passage into winter when the day's grow darker and the skies at dusk

are painted with the colors of fire and very land takes this form

all of this was thought to be held most prominently during the evening before All Hallows

from where the modern name Halloween or All Hallows Evening comes from

the term itself originated in Scotland

by the passing of time and with the coming of the Christian faith

and all the tales from the old pagan past

that were told to people to scare them and never think about the pagan believes again

news customs evolved that had little or nothing to do with both the pagan celebrations

and the Christian All Saints Day or later called All Souls Day, on November the 2nd

some people burned candles to drive away malevolent spirits of the dead

on the eve of All Hallows

spirits that would enter the world of the living at this very night

the custom of adults and children disguising themselves to trick the spirits, or the living

and beg for coins or food

it's the origin of trick-or-treating

however to the Celts it was true that they believed that

a gap between this world and the next

could be indeed open and the spirits of the dead, other beings and even the gods

would come to the mortal world

some people held the celebrations for the dead

hoping that they could have any contact with their ancestors

others would disguise themselves with masks because they feared that in this day

the spirits of the gods would come and take them to the next world

since this was the day that the deities and their helpers came to collect souls

all overEurope, before Christianisation, people rejoiced at this day because they knew

that this was the day that they would be so close to their ancestors

in northern Europe, for instance, there were a couple of celebrations to honor the ancestors during winter

such as the Dísir, honoring the female ancestors and the female deities

and the Álfablót to honor the spirits of the land, to thank them for the help they gave in harvesting during the year

this was also the time when strangers to the families living in each farm couldn't come near

because it was time for very private celebrations for each family

when they could join with their deceased and feast with them near their burial mounds at the farm

there was the myth, all over Europe, that this was also the time of the Wild Hunt

and each culture as its tales of the gods the spirits of the ancestors and spirits of animals

running across the sky searching for souls

to take away those who were dying or to take people at random if the gods thought that their time had come

or to take brave heroes worthy to be in presence of the gods

but let's take a look at the essence of this season

the lives of our ancestors depended too much on the cycles of nature

and they didn't have the resources we have nowadays so keeping whole herds fed through the winter

was impossible

so the minimum breeding-stock was kept alive

there were many mouths to feed in a season that completely destroys that which gives sustenance to animal herds

so many animals were slaughtered during this time and the meat salted to preserve it

salt was very important to preserve meat and add it to the stored food for winter

not everyone had an easy access to salt

especially societies so far from the sea

mining salt was hard business

so salt became a very important and expensive substance

and everything that is either new, rare, hard to get

gains a tremendous importance, hence, without a doubt, the reason why salt was also used in traditional magical rituals

due to being a rare substance in those times

and people even killed for it

it might seem silly and a reason to laugh about, because nowadays we have salt in great quantities

and so easy to get

but people kill for what is rare and for what we give a certain amount of importance

which is why nowadays we kill for oil

and maybe the future generations will laugh about it, but they will kill for something else

new, rare and important

right, such a cheerful assessment

well, the crops too had to be gathered in by the 31st of October

and anything still unharvested was abandoned

there was even a folk belief that during Samhain night a creature called the Pooka

contaminated and destroyed whatever remained unreaped

maybe a folk explanation to show that the coming winter really affected any edible plant and fruit

leaving those sources of food unfit for consumption

which might lead to health problems

anyway, the Pooka is one of those Samhain night creatures

who delighted in tormenting humans

an ex-girlfriend of mine had this nickname, Pooka . . . this explains a lot

during Samhain night there would be a great feast

and much of the food provided coming from the newly slaughter cattle, of course

the Celts used entrails and other animal parts for divinatory purposes

and what they did not use provided a feast for the tribe

purifying the meat in the Samhain fires and it became a sort of ritualistic food

as I've said this was the time of the year when the cattle

could no longer graze on the green pastures ,summer was waning

note that autumn wasn't known to be a season and there was only

spring, summer and winter

and well, farm animals were slaughtered and

the surpluses of the harvest were stored for the coming of winter

storing food for winter was the key to survive

nowadays we do not give much importance to that

and that is why part of the spirit of the season was forgotten

well, speaking of the spirit of this season, everyone knows that all the monsters come out during this night

most of these supernatural elements in this celebration

have a wicked or/and an evil aspect due to the condemnation by the medieval church

to put on a costume was another part of the festival and involved people going

door to door in disguise to recite verses in exchange for food

Halloween trick-or-treating recalls this tradition

these monsters were just mortals in disguise

however, most of these spiritual beings

may be remnants of older pagan deities and spirits of nature

people used to leave offerings of food and drink out in the fields for them

this, of course, was because people wanted to maintain the bonds of friendship with the spirits and the gods

and avoid all kinds of mischief from them

also it was a way to ensure that the spirits of nature were appeased and winter wouldn't be so harsh on mortals

if the spirits of nature and deities can contact us and come through the thin veil

so do the dead as well, for they also belong to the otherworldly activities

people held feasts and invited their deceased ancestors to

attend those same feasts, this was in fact a true reason this celebration was held

with roots in our prehistoric past

as you might know agriculture is as "recent" as 5000 years ago, in some countries, of course

the furthest away from the Middle East the earlier to our era it gets

there are archaeological evidences that this celebration was held before the invention of agriculture

in ancient times Samhain in the beginning wasn't the celebration of the season and

the ending of the harvest, because there wasn't any harvest to be celebrated

the Coligny calendar (a Celtic time-keeping plaque found in France and probably dating to the late 2nd century of our Era)

with Celtic words but written in Roman alphabet

is assumed to reflect a far older indigenous tradition of this celebration

the year (as with the Gaeltic Celtic year) was divided into two

with the division from summer to winter occurring at Samonios

which may have given rise to the word Samhain

it seems there was a three night festival at this time

Iron aged people recorded time by nights, not days

and what people do-do- did during these three nights of Samhain is hardto discern from the archaeological evidences

during the Bronze Age and possibly long before, people observed the movement of the stars

and an embossed disk from Nebra, in Germany, seems to reflect the celestial skies at the start of winter

the disk shows the moon and a star constellation

that looks very similar to the Pleiades, given its prominence the Pleiades

certainly had considerable meaning to the people using this disk

it's interesting to notice that in Western astrology the Pleiades are associated with mourning the dead

and like all stars the Pleiades shifted its position over the years

and during the Iron Age the Pleiades rose to its apex in the

winter skies during the three nights of Samhain

Iron Age people mourned and remembered their dead at this time, then it may have given rise to the

association between the Pleiades and mourning the dead

the Nebra disc shows the importance of the constellation to prehistoric people and it may have even

been the marker people sought to begin their festivities

there is even folk traditions that druids celebrated Samhain when the Pleiades were at their apex at midnigh

so mourning and remembering the Dead may have been the

focus of the Samhain festival during the Iron Age

unfortunately Halloween forgot all about honoring the ancestors and we seem to

enjoy more what it has become however during the ninth century the

Roman Catholic church changed their All Saints Day to the first of November as I've said

it became the day for remembering the dead

remembering the ancestors

it might seem strange to you to notice that

the church who so fervently fought against pagans in order to make people

forget and forsake their ancestral traditions and impose and implement their beliefs

kept this element of Samhain

in truth, it was a very cunning "marketing" weapon

to collect more worshipers of the new faith into their flock

the church knew it was a very important celebration and it would be very hard to lead them

astray from their important and ancestral celebrations so deeply rooted in their hearts

so the church just included it in the new faith and both parties were "happy" with it

recognizing and adopting Samhain as a Christian celebration

was a way to appease the mood of the pagans and turn them into allies

Now, aside with the historical background I would like to give you a

very long message for this season, I think it's important and I do not often do that

you are part of this community I'm creating here so I would like to share this message with you

nowadays this particular festivity is probably

one of the most celebrated dates in our modern culture, it seems to be

admired, immortalized and approved each year and its popularity is considerably growing

across the Western world, I dare say all over the globe

in modern times it is the beginning of a holiday season and the opportunity to go out at night

dressed in a notably weird costume and as if it were a ritual going around

the neighborhood playing trick or treat

children do love this and so do their parents

for it is an opportunity to be part of the community in a cheerful way

and it's an escape from the average daily life, it's party for everyone

the decorations are also part of this celebration to enhance the atmosphere

and nature of course does its part and bring the cold, rain, mists and very vibrant colors

it seems a little excessive the lack of moderation when eating treats (for children)

and of course intemperance in drinking alcohol (for adults)

but it's just one time of the year right?

we all need to celebrate once in a while and have a little freedom as long as we do not disturb others

Halloween is the glimpse of what remains of our ancient traditions during this time of the year

this is the season to honor our ancestors to be in contact with them since the connection between this world

and the next comes closer and in mythological references this is the time of the year

when the gap between worlds is opened and the spirits might come easily into our world

well, it doesn't matter the mythological references

I mean, they are cultural explanations but what is important to retain here

beyond the myth and metaphors

is that once again this is the time when we are

closely connected to the supernatural in a spiritual way

there is a good opportunity here, a possibility that we can achieve connectivity with the spirits

and undergo a spiritual experience that might changes completely

often for the best

but it's not only about our connection with the spirits

and the knowledge we might gain during that process

this is indeed the time of the year when... that we also change our behaviors and moods and

our personalities have to adapt to a new reality, this is the time when darkness

conquers the natural world and the light and warmth of the Sun is gone

such as the flowers and the green meadows and everything that is beautiful in nature

there is a huge change in nature a transfiguration, a metamorphosis

the cycle of life comes to and end or at least this is the beginning of that end

it gets colder, the leaves fall, the trees are naked and the nature dies out in general

wild creatures either hibernate or seldom come out

this is just part of nature that we must accept the same way we must accept ourselves and our own changes

our moods darken and there is a sense of melancholy and sadness

death is in the air, that's what it is

but death is a part of nature and with death also comes life

nature it is giving the possibility of a new life to be created

so you too must give yourself that opportunity this is the perfect time to

make your inner spiritual journey and find yourself and undersand your place in this world

darkness can be a friend when you spend more time indoors

getting to know what really makes you happy

the trick is not knowing what defines us during happy times

but to understand who we truly are and what we truly want in the most desperate moments

we all have shadows in ourselves that we tend to hide, the wounds will never fully heal if we deny them

this time of the year is to be in contact with our ancestors and that also means

being in contact with your past, understand it, it helped shape who you are today

and you must know how to let go of the past just as you must let go

of those you loved, or make a new approach with what really made you happy

and with the things and people that you are certain that there is a chance to

rekindle the light that now seems so dim and faint

Halloween, Samhain, All Saints Day, whatever you want to call it

this is the time to embrace the other side of nature and your own other side, you can't live apart from one side

and try to run your life with the other, you can't break your heart in half

and throw it away and live with the other, that will keep you out of balance

it keeps you away from your own essence and out of touch with the other aspects of your own desires and wishes

self-awareness is what will actually help you to live life and not just survive in it

this is the period in your life to find a rebalance and a restoration of your own being

I wish you all happy holidays and that you might find balance in life and within yourselves

I hope you have enjoyed this video and thank you for today

For more infomation >> Samhain - Duration: 19:36.


வடிவேலு மகள் திருமணத்தில் என்ன நடந்தது தெரிந்தால் SHOCK ஆகிடுவிங்க | Tamil Cinema News | TAMIL NEWS - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> வடிவேலு மகள் திருமணத்தில் என்ன நடந்தது தெரிந்தால் SHOCK ஆகிடுவிங்க | Tamil Cinema News | TAMIL NEWS - Duration: 1:23.


"D"అనే అక్షరంతో మీపేరు మొదలవుతుందా ? | Numeralogy | Name Numerology | D Numeralogy | Bhavishya Jyoti - Duration: 2:00.


For more infomation >> "D"అనే అక్షరంతో మీపేరు మొదలవుతుందా ? | Numeralogy | Name Numerology | D Numeralogy | Bhavishya Jyoti - Duration: 2:00.


How to Speed Up a Windows 10 Computer🥇 🏃 🚀 - Duration: 12:56.

Hello everybody!

This video will tell you how to speed up your computer, and how to set up your Windows for

maximal performance.

Of course, if you need to make the most of your computer, the best way is to replace

the old rig with the new fastest one.

But that's obvious.

This video will also show you how to optimize and set up the operating system to get the

most of a particular computer, accelerate data processing and speed up operating system

boot time.

The video can be broken into two parts: improving a computer's performance by optimizing the

operating system, and getting a faster PC by way of upgrading it.

Before you start optimizing Windows, let's check what version of the operating system

is installed.

To do it, right-click on the Start menu and select System (for Windows 8/10), or right-click

on My Computer icon in Windows 7 or an earlier version of the operating system, and select


• If you have an old and slow computer (with a single-core processor and less than 4 Gb

of system memory), your first step should be to install an older version of the operating


For example, Windows 7 instead of Windows 10.

It is less hardware-demanding.

Watch another video by our channel to see how to install Windows.

You will find the link in the description: • If your computer has over 4 Gb of system

memory (RAM) and more or less powerful multi-core processor, it makes sense to try a 64-bit

operating system.

A 64-bit version can work with more than 4 Gb of memory, while a 32-bit system is limited

to managing up to 4 Gb.

The more system memory a computer can address, the better it performs.

Please note that in this case, 64-bit versions of software will be installed, which can often

be more productive than 32-bit versions.

After you have checked that the installed version of the operating system corresponds

to your hardware, it's time to optimize it.


Make sure you have enough free space in the system drive.

For normal operation, you should have at least 10% of free space in disk C, and the best

would be to have 20% of free space.

A computer can slow down because it lacks free space.

Free up some space in the system drive and clean the desktop from unnecessary elements.

Don't forget to empty the Recycle Bin.

Visit our channel to watch a detailed video about cleaning the system drive of a computer

or laptop.

You will find the link in the description:


If you don't use System Restore function, you can disable it.

To do it: • Go to Control Panel / Recovery / Advanced

recovery settings.

Find the link to the video on opening Control Panel in the description:

• In the Settings menu, disable protection and delete the existing restore points.

• This way you can free up some disk space and stop the unnecessary process.

Watch a detailed video about creating or deleting a restore point.

You will find the link in the description:


Disable installing Windows automatic updates.

Follow the link in the description to see how to disable or uninstall Windows updates:


Set power management options to High Performance, and disable Sleep and Hibernation.

To do it: • Go to Control Panel / Power Options

• Select High Performance Watch another video in our channel to learn

how to enable, disable and set up Sleep and Hibernation for your computer.

You will find the link in the description:


Set up your paging file correctly.

• Paging file should be located in the fastest disk of your computer or in the system partition.

• We do not recommend letting the system decide on the size of the paging file, or

leaving it dynamic.

In this case, the system chooses a dynamic size which by itself can slow down your work.

It is better to set the size manually.

The best option is to make the maximal and minimal size the same.

• Another piece of advice: the more system memory your computer has, the less paging

file it needs.

Having 8 Gb of system memory or more, you can even delete the paging file.

There is already a video about modifying the size or deleting the paging file.

Find the link in the description:


Also, in the tab Performance you can choose options for Windows appearance and performance.

Go to the tab "Visual effects" and select the item "Adjust for best performance"

and the system will work faster because visual effects will be minimized.

It doesn't look too attractive in the end, but this method is more useful for those who

have very weak computers.


Users often forget about keeping their drivers and codecs up to date.

Performance of the computer, operating system and the hardware depends on updating their


System performance can be affected by outdated drivers of a network adapter, display, graphics

card etc.

In order to update drivers for a device: • Go to Device Manager

• Find the device you want to update drivers for and right-click on it.

• Select Update Driver Software / Search automatically for updated driver software

• If Windows can't find a new driver, you can find and install it from the device

manufacturer's website.

For example, Windows 10 default setting is to update drivers automatically.

Sometimes new versions of drivers installed automatically can be not always compatible

with your hardware and it results in errors or unstable work of your system.

In this case, it is better to update drivers manually, and disable the automatic driver


There is a special video about it.

You will find the link in the description


If your computer has some antivirus installed, don't forget to update its signature database

regularly and scan your computer for viruses from time to time - as you know, they can

slow down the operating system a lot.

There is a whole series of videos in our channel to help you remove any kind of viruses, including

ransomware, encryptors and rootkits, and a rating of best antiviruses, including free


I will give all the links in the description:


However, an antivirus itself can also reduce the computer's performance.

That is why you can disable it for the time when a resource-intensive work has to be done,

or even uninstall it, if you don't usually visit suspicious resources on the Internet

or don't use unreliable sources of information.

Windows Defender built into Windows 10 is a different topic.

It is an application integrated into the operating system, and it is activated if there is no

other antivirus installed.

It is also a resource-intensive application which is not so easy to disable.

Find the link to the video about enabling, disabling or deleting Windows Defender in

the description: If you are not going to disable it, then watch

my video on setting up Windows Defender properly.

Find the link in the description: 2.

The next step in optimizing the work of your operating system is to disable unnecessary

resource-intensive tasks and background processes.

To begin with, remove unnecessary programs and applications from the startup.

It is better to start them manually, if necessary.

It has a great influence on how quickly Windows boots and works.

To do it: In Windows 8/10:

• Go to Task Manager / Startup • and disable unnecessary applications

• Right-click on each of them and select Disable.

In Windows 7, Task Manager does not have a Startup tab, so to clean the startup:

• Enter msconfig in the search field • Go to System Configuration / Startup

• and disable startup by unchecking boxes next to unnecessary applications


After that, in System Configuration: • go to the tab Services

• check the box next to Microsoft Services • and disable all unnecessary items by unchecking

their boxes.

Usually there are about 90% of them.


After that: • go to the tab Boot / Advanced options

• Now check the Number of processors option • and select the maximum number of processors


• It can influence how quickly the system boots.


At the last stage of optimization, don't' forget to clean up your hard disk and Windows

registry from junk files.

You can do it with the help of free utilities such as CCLeaner, WinDirStat and VisiPics.

These utilities will help you to correct registry errors, find the files taking up your free

space, and delete copies of documents, images and other files.

You will see it all in detail in another video.

Find the link in the description as usual:


Among others, Windows 10 has pre-installed default applications which can receive data,

send notices and update even if you don't use them.

To prevent them from working in the background mode:

• Go to Settings / Privacy / Background Apps

• And disable all of them, or only those you are sure you don't need.

• Go to the tab Radios and disable it as well.


Advanced users know that for older versions of Windows, disk defragmentation was necessary.

This is a quite resource-intensive process, but it's automated by default in Windows


It is better to disable this function and optimize disks manually when necessary.

Follow the link in the description to see how to enable, disable and set up disk optimization

in Windows 10:


A computer or laptop with Windows 10 can be slow because of hard disk load - it can happen

when the system has activated automatic indexing function, caching search results and properties

for files, and services Superfetch and Prefetch.

Follow the link in the description to see how to disable these services:

You shouldn't forget that a computer's performance depends greatly on the condition

and performance of its hardware elements.

• For example, it is especially important to monitor the temperature of the processor,

hard disk and motherboard during the hot season.

Find the link to the corresponding video in the description:

• Installing your operating system on an SSD will give a computer a serious boost.

Very soon, we will publish a video in our channel about installing an SSD and how to

move the operating system from HDD to SSD.

Find and watch it.

• You can also use faster PCI SSDs or create a RAID of several SSDs.

Besides, Windows has a function to create a software RAID which is known as Storage


There is already a video about it in our channel - follow the link in the description

• Using a modern quad-core or even eight-core processor for a modern computer is no longer

a luxury but a necessity.

Modern processors support faster work with memory and graphics card.

Follow the link in the description to find an expert rating of processors by performance

• Having at least 8 Gb of system memory is the requirement set by modern software,

especially games.

Memory frequencies should meet the maximum frequencies supported by the processor.

• Fans of modern computer games can't do without a powerful graphics card.

Find the link to the graphics cards performance rating in the description

We are going to create a video on how to assemble an optimal computer in terms of price and


We'll discuss how to choose a motherboard, processor and graphics card, mention compatibility

issues and see if it's worth paying more for latest generation hardware and so on.

Don't miss it.

That is all for now.

Hit the Like button and subscribe to our channel.

Thank you for watching and good luck!

For more infomation >> How to Speed Up a Windows 10 Computer🥇 🏃 🚀 - Duration: 12:56.


Свежие анекдоты из Одессы! Анекдот про женщин! - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Свежие анекдоты из Одессы! Анекдот про женщин! - Duration: 0:29.


The Lagos Market Square Hustlers | Pulse TV - Duration: 6:06.

My name is Ebube. I am at Market Square, Okota

My name is Ifeanyi Onyebuchi and I am a market hustler

A country bustling with over 186 million people

Nigeria, boasts of a thriving hub for businesses and the local marketplace

especially, street market

My name is Akune Peter Onyebuchi

I sell shoes for ladies on the street

I am a Market Square hustler.

I am a Market Square hustler.

I sell stock jeans, I sell tops, shoes, And many other things.

From here, I have sent 2 or 3 younger ones to school

In this business, I pay my rent

and by the grace of God, I will become a landlord in Lagos state.

I wanted to earn a living, that is why I decided to start this business

because I had applied to a lot of companies and I wasn't granted the job opportunities

because I did not have personal contacts in these firms.

For me, making money here is very critical to me, you understand?

In our government, we are not meant to hang around here but we don't have any other jobs to do.

With this, I am able to buy clothes for myself and for my family.

Many may identify them in the bustling city of Lagos

in places like Yaba or Lagos Island.

Others may identify them as nameless noise makers in local markets

but these market hustlers find a strategy to win on the streets.

How I started mine was when I started making money, I got close to the importers.

I started buying from them.

I may have money for one pair, you understand me?

And I will buy the pair and when I leave their stores I display the shoe I purchased.

When the customer wants the bigger size or the smaller size, I will go get it for the customer.

Just tell me the size you want and I will give you what you want.

These goods here are one of a pair, there are not full pairs of shoes

And I collect samples from importers, people who have money.

I will go to their store to one part of a pair of shoe to sample here

when a customer wants that shoe, either a pair or six pairs or a canton

I will run to the importer's store to bring the shoe that the customer wants

on each sell i make a profit of fifty naira or hundred naira per pair

All we do is that, we don't want customers to locate their shops

because they will give customers the real price we purchase from them.

I calculated my money daily from my previous job and compare it to the profit I make here

I think this one is better than what I was doing before.

In a day, sometimes, we make ten thousand naira and sometimes twenty thousand naira. It depends.

Sometimes. I do profit about thirty thousand naira and when I calculate my gain

it sums up to seven or eight thousand naira per day

but in my former working place, I get paid three thousand naira in a day.

In this business, what it kills is?

it kills mosquitoes, bed bugs, cockroaches

but the one I sell for rats, just got finished

people love that one so much.I love selling it in Lagos Island

because I make a lot of money here.

one is two hundred naira.

We keep customers from locating them (importers).

We try to keep them in our stores and then we go there to bring the goods to them (customers)

All we need are goods that attract ladies because ladies need goods that are attractive.

So that is how it is.

With no customer service training, these market hustlers have fine tuned the art of marketing and persuasion

to win over customers no matter how hard the circumstances get.

My challenge here is, sometimes, we know the tax force

the tax force officials chase us, these CBD people do chase us from here.

Challenges are things we face everyday.

CBD! These officials are the ones who cease our goods.

So, I pay a little tax; sometimes, two hundred naira, sometimes, one hundred naira.

Disturbance of tax force.

One thing is that, once you see them, we give them the room

because if you are caught, they cease your goods and you have to pay for these goods to get them back.

So we cope with them, once we see them, we hide until they pass.

We here, they have not been disturbing us

based on our location, inside.

We normally pay our levies to the Lagos Island council.

We have yearly fees we pay.

So, as soon as you pay them, both locked-up stores, LAWMA, we normally pay those fees.

We also pay people who sweep this place for us

different from LAWMA, you understand?

So, people that have problems from government officials are those who sell outside.

Those people selling outside actually sell more than us

In spite of these setbacks, a resolution to succeed is the driving force

For this breed of hustlers, one thing we are sure of is the need to survive

the hustle to be better

For more infomation >> The Lagos Market Square Hustlers | Pulse TV - Duration: 6:06.


Chilly but sunny autumn day _ 102317 - Duration: 2:14.

Good afternoon.

Expect to have a chilly but sunny autumn day.

Highs will reach 19 degrees Celsius in Seoul and Daegu,... while Gwangju will top out at

20 degrees.

We'll have typical autumn weather for the time being under mostly sunny skies, just

be aware of big gaps in the readings of over 10 degrees Celsius.

Meanwhile, Typhoon Lan has slammed into Japan.

The weather agency issued warnings for heavy rain and flooding on the Pacific side of Japan,

including the Tokyo metropolitan area, even though the typhoon is likely to be downgraded.

More than 70,000 households in various parts of Japan were advised to evacuate.

Korea has also been indirectly affected by this storm.

Waters off Jeju Island and the east coast are under wind wave warnings.

And those of you who have flights to Japan should double check in case of any cancellations.

While most regions in South Korea will have mostly clear skies with highs in the teens

in most parts, North Korea will be under mostly sunny skies.

As for major cities in Asia,... while Tokyo will have a stormy Monday, Beijing will be

under sunny skies.

Meanwhile, Sydney will be sunny while Melbourne will have a wet Monday.

Heading to North America, an Excessive Heat Warning has been issued in LA with an expected

high of 38 degrees Celsius, Californians will see blistering heat until Wednesday.

As for South America, Bogota will cloudy while Santiago and Sao Paulo will have a rainy start

to the week.

Taking you to Europe,...those in Berlin, London and Paris will need to carry an umbrella on

Monday morning.

Lastly to Africa, showers in Tripoli and Algiers will bring down the highs to twenties.

For more infomation >> Chilly but sunny autumn day _ 102317 - Duration: 2:14.


Как много времени занимает бизнес на квартирах студиях. Бизнес на недвижимости. - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Как много времени занимает бизнес на квартирах студиях. Бизнес на недвижимости. - Duration: 1:46.


Trump says U.S. 'prepared for anything' in regards to North Korea - Duration: 2:04.

Next to the latest on North Korea issue,...

U.S. President Donald Trump says Washington is "totally prepared" to respond to threats

from North Korea... following his recent verbal tit-for-tat with Pyongyang.

He also emphasized the importance of Beijing's role in reining in North Korea,... on the

eve of his highly-anticipated, five-nation trip to Asia... scheduled for early next month.

Yu Joonhee has more.

In an interview with Fox Business Network that aired on Sunday,...

President Trump said the United States is "prepared for anything" regarding North Korea.

In a possible allusion to military action,... Trump said people would be shocked... to see

how well prepared Washington is... but stopped short of revealing any details on what his

administration plans to do.

When asked about his friendship with Chinese President Xi Jinping... Trump said the two

leaders have an "exceptional relationship"... and highlighted Beijing's considerable power

over North Korea... to influence its actions.

It was a more cordial tone from President Trump,... who had previously criticized China

on numerous occasions... of not doing enough to tame its belligerent ally.

He added however,... that despite China's assistance in keeping North Korea at bay...

the U.S. would be making its own preparations... to deal with the ongoing crisis.

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter on the other hand... had a slightly different view

of China's role in handling North Korea,... compared to the current man in the White House.

In an interview with the New York Times, Carter said the U.S. is overestimating China's influence

on the regime,... noting that there appears to be no tangible relationship between President

Xi and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Carter also offered his role in diffusing

the current tensions,... saying he's willing to travel to Pyongyang... on behalf of the

Trump administration... and had already spoken to National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster

about the possibility.

The former president said he was deeply concerned about the current situation on the Korean

Peninsula,... warning of Kim Jong-un's unpredictable behavior.

He has traveled to North Korea on several occasions... spanning a period of more than

two decades... to help broker several deals with Pyongyang.

Yu Joonhee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Trump says U.S. 'prepared for anything' in regards to North Korea - Duration: 2:04.



For more infomation >> DERBİ | GALATASARAY 0-0 FENERBAHÇE | 23 EKİM 2017 | SON SAYFA GS GÜNDEMİ | GÖKMEN ÖZDENAK | Youtube - Duration: 21:58.


Päällystysosaamista kaupunkiympäristössä - Paving expertise in urban environment - Duration: 1:27.

The best thing about our team is our great team spirit.

We work hard at a fast pace.

However, everyone is able to maintain a good attitude and humor in their daily work.

Lemminkäinen has met our expectations very well in this contract

As a unique thing to mention is the professional pride of the workers

they have a genuine desire to deliver a high quality outcome.

From the contractor, good co-operation requires

active engagement, good organising and co-ordination capabilities

as well as responsible operations in all sectors.

The best thing at Lemminkäinen is the possibility to work with professionals.

Everyone, both at sites and at the offices,

is the best in their field.

For more infomation >> Päällystysosaamista kaupunkiympäristössä - Paving expertise in urban environment - Duration: 1:27.


The Letter V Song For Babies | ABC Songs For Kids | Learning Street With Bob The Train by Kids Tv - Duration: 6:13.


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