Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 23 2017

For more infomation >> RUNNING?! - Duration: 0:23.


Overwatch-No Mercy (Hungarian cover) - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Overwatch-No Mercy (Hungarian cover) - Duration: 2:46.


DCS: F-15C FC3 - Ramp Start (Realistic way) - #1 Tutorial - English subtitles - Duration: 10:07.

Hi and welcome to Revientor Reborn this is DCS in a F-15C of FC3, is kind of arcade plane

because you use the keyboard mainly, now 3d interaction, and the avionic is very static.

Because this plane works to A-A combat, I thought is needed have it in the channel tutorials

I will try to forgot the manual and mimic the reality as much as I can.

Under the webcam I will put the keys to use today, that is the importan in this tutorial

the manual is outdated, some keys had been changed

first key is Left Alt + C , with the I have the cursor visible to make the video but I can not make clink in any button

With Left Control + C we close the canopy

did you see the pilot lowering the visor of the helmet?

I will start the left engine, because I do not like the manual and I think is kind of false just hit one key and have all avionic turned on

With Right Alt + Home, we´ll start the left engine

there you can see the engine increasing RPM, temp, oil, hydraulic....

the temp goes to 570 and then step back to 500, the RPMs are around 67, the minimal for idle

fuel flow goes around 1000

now I hit Right Shift + L, and I imagine that the generators are online and I have AC power

If you are at night you can push L and get the interior lights on

time to external lights, Right Cnt + L are wing tip and tail lights, Right ALt + Right Cntl + L are the strobe light

now we go for the right engine, Right Cntl + Home to start it , as same as the left on

you see that automatically the throttle jumped to idle ground position

you can simulate when 20% rpms move your throttle forward and when the RPM are over 50% set idle

the APU is out now, the engine is stabilized, ff is 1000, perfect,

time to do some test, move your stick everywhere and look for good movements, the pedals, airbrake,

we are making time to imagine the inertial is the aling process

hit the key F to deploy Flaps, there is the light

Do not forget perform the Takeoff Trim, sometimes the sound of full t/o trim done works but is buggy and you will have to look for the light


using Left Alt + T, the stick goes to T/O Trim until the light/sound activates

there is the light, no sound = bug but is not important

you can see the light come up when the T/O Trim is done

the trim is done we are ready to takeoff

we´ll speak later in the takeoff tutorial, that this must be automatic, the T/O trim must be reseted ones you are airborne automatically, but is not implemented

the plane is ready, but lest perform some test , Is not going to work because I have more than 12000 Lb of fuel, is the bingo test fuel

with Left Alt + D you increase the Bingo, there , when that triangle pass the gauge you will get the bingo warning, but in this case is not possible

Left Cntl + D will decrease that bingo warning

set the desired bingo studied in the briefing phase

we are ready to taxi, but we need the taxi light

with the Right ALt + L , you change between off/taxi/landing

keep the first press, there is nothing in cockpit to know the light state , in this arcade xD

you have to ask ground creo or just jump of the plane to see it

that was the Realistic Ramp Start of this Arcade Simulated Plane in DCS

I hope you like this perspective to try to do more realistic this F-15C, perform a ramp start in 6-8 minutes is kind of, realistic due the F-15 real ops

this plane in real life have a "old" INS then you need to wait until the ILS is aligned

as always subscribe, give me your feedback, consider post my videos in your forums and be happy

If you want a special camo to see in this videos just ask for it ,bye bye

For more infomation >> DCS: F-15C FC3 - Ramp Start (Realistic way) - #1 Tutorial - English subtitles - Duration: 10:07.


"Study Korean in Gangnam, Seoul" – with Chris a.k.a. CoreanoVlogs - Duration: 4:44.

Hello! I would like to welcome you guys to Gangnam.

I don't know if you've heard of this place,

but it's the coolest part of Seoul, the capital of South Korea.

To begin, my name is Chris. I make YouTube videos in Spanish here in Korea,

but I was invited by EF to check out their new school opening here in Gangnam.

It's a Korean school. They teach you Korean.

I don't know if you recognize the song called Gangnam Style.

It's a really famous song.

They even made this little thing of Psy, the singer, the guy who sings about Gangnam.

It's that cool of a place. I just wanted to show you. It's pretty cool.

EF is also the official education services sponsor

for the winter Olympics coming up here in 2018 in Korea,

so they are a big deal.

You're going to get quality education from them, I think.

Here we are. This is the building where the new school is located.

It's right in front of Sinnonhyeon Station, Exit 6.

It's right in front. You can't miss it.

I'm just going to go in and show you guys what's in there.

I am now entering. As you can see, it says EF right there.

Right from the beginning, this is what you walk into.

I see some seats where you can sit with your new friends you'll meet here.

I think you can use the computer.

Maybe I'll come here to study or maybe I'll have a project to work on. Big screen!

This is only one of their classrooms. It feels pretty open. There are glass walls.

There's a projector up in the ceiling.

I don't know if you can see it, but let me show you the projector.

Here I am where you can hang out with friends, drink a lot of coffee,

and talk about what happened that day and what you studied.

I don't know, but it's cool. It looks clean.

Look how open it is. The light comes from everywhere.

When you're studying here, you've got to sleep somewhere, of course.

One of the options is staying with a local family

and the other option is to stay at the facilities EF provides you.

Now we're here in the back streets of Gangnam.

You know, the big streets I just showed you? We're right behind that

I just want to remind you,

if you want to order more information about Korean courses here with EF,

you're going to see a link in the description box. It's

If you klick on that link, you're going to be able to order a free brochure.

I think you can get it through e-mail or you can get it mailed as well.

It's now time for me to show you what's around Gangnam,

what's cool and what you can do here.

They have just brought out our food. It's looking pretty good.

This is called "bossam". It's basically Pork that's boiled in a special sauce.

This is a soup that we have here in Korea. It's very famous.

It's called "dwen jang chiggae" It's like a miso soup, but it's a Korean version.

It's called dwen jang chiggae and it's really good.

We also have this Korean style pancake.

It's called kimchi jeon and here we have it.

This one's kind of special because it has cheese on it.

What's great about Gangnam is that wherever you go,

it has a bit of a mixture of cultures.

We don't usually put cheese on the kimchi jeon

but I think it's a fusion style, a bit more Americanized,

so maybe people from foreign countries can eat it more easily.

There's another thing I recommend you guys to do if you are in Gangnam.

This place is a movie theatre. It's called CGB. It's really close to Gangnam Station.

It's always really clean.

You can watch Korean movies and movies from other countries.

I don't know if you can feel it,

but whenever the sun goes down, Gangnam comes alive.

It's just one of those places that's also great at night.

I also wanted to tell you that the Han River,

which is the river that goes across the middle of Seoul,

is 10 minutes that way.

You can eat stuff there or lay down with your friends and talk.

You can also do stuff like wakeboarding over there.

Just walking around, you can find a lot of places to eat that are from other countries.

Look, we've got a Shake Shack over there.

This is the place where you can go bowling. This building. It's right across the EF building.

I just noticed that right now.

Check out this bowling alley. It's pretty cool, right?

It's half club, half bowling alley. It's really fun if you come with friends.

That was it for this video. I hope you got some useful information out of it.

I just want to remind you again

that the link to get more information is in the description box below.

You should check that out. I guess I'll see you guys around. Bye!

For more infomation >> "Study Korean in Gangnam, Seoul" – with Chris a.k.a. CoreanoVlogs - Duration: 4:44.



For more infomation >> LİG ATLAMAK İÇİN EN GÜÇLÜ TANK! (PLATIN-ALTIN-GÜMÜŞ-BRONZ) -Volibear Orman #ELOREHBERİ - Duration: 19:13.


How Small YouTubers Make Money - Duration: 3:29.

One of the biggest questions small youtubers ask is "how the heck am I gonna

make enough money to support my channel?" It's much easier to generate revenue

from a large channel that if you're just starting out or have a small channel In

this video I'll share five ways to make money from a small YouTube channel hello

my name is herman drost from if you want to grow

your audience on YouTube and generate traffic leads and subscribers on

autopilot hit the subscribe button or hit the bell notification icon

1. Affiliate products this is where you get a commission when you sell a product

the beauty of this method is that you don't have to create the product or set

up a marketing funnel all you have to do is get an affiliate link and place it in

the description below your video your video does the job of selling or

promoting the product at the end of the video you give a call-to-action telling

people to click the link in the description below your video if you

create a series of videos that promote the affiliate product then you make much

more money than just promoting it with one video some of the big affiliate

companies are Clickbank, Commission Junction, Amazon Associates

2. Brand deals this is really create a video in exchange for a free product or

money for example Template Monster paid me a few hundred dollars to promote one

of their products I simply reviewed one of their products in exchange for

3. Sponsored content this is where somebody might sponsor a

video in exchange for a shout-out to their company or product you receive revenue

for every sponsored video 4. Patreon patreon allows you to generate

a monthly revenue stream by viewers that want more of your content

the beauty of patreon is that it integrates directly with YouTube as you

can see from this page it's a simple setup you get growth insights, content

analytics, easy reward distribution and patreon management you retain full

control which means you can still run ads You can rally your biggest fans patreon

does the heavy lifting so you can just focus on creating they take care of all

the patreon questions and payments you own the contracts there are no contracts

to sign you retain hopeless and ownership of your work the fees are only

5% unlike adsense ads where YouTube takes

50% of your revenue here's an example of the patreon page of dottotech

he has 748 patrons and makes almost 6,000 per month here's the

rewards the community membership is $1 or more per month he has 153 patrons the

tribe membership is $10 or more per month he

615 patrons you get access to webinar Wednesday archives plus all patrons to

achieve a minimum 50% discount on all the courses and webinars team membership is

$250 or more per month Steve will create one of those killer videos featuring a

product every four months 5. Sell your own products this

is where you can promote an e-book or an online course that gives more valuable

information about your niche for example I create YouTube videos that funnel

traffic to an opt-in page for a free download when people download the free

report or a free cheat sheet they get put on to an email opt-in list I then

follow up with them with a series of emails that recommends my products and

services if you want to learn 21 alternative YouTube monetization

strategies click the card icon if you combine several of these strategies

together you'll have multiple income streams and generate more revenue if you

want to learn how to grow your audience on YouTube and generate traffic leads

and subscribers on autopilot Click the SUBSCRIBE button below

and check out the related videos

For more infomation >> How Small YouTubers Make Money - Duration: 3:29.



yo yo yo CPA strength here with another video yeah baby yeah style of profile

and you know dropping it like it's hot slide more than any EVT card through the

seen skirt skirt and all over the place was booty with it what's the business

why one piece piece Sabu Sena Malay what's up with it what's

the perfect exercise program what's the what's the perfect exercise program

what's gonna give you the most gains the one you can adhere to there's the video

done no I'm just kidding but hey what's the best what's the best

exercise / diet program one that you can in here - I'm can't stop talking I'm og

like sega's it wonder why boy I got a little bit flavor

Regina Regina

Rashida's not here today this is why I get my own hair and makeup this is just

a travesty I need an intern DME DME JD and me chef boyardee a DME baby CPA

strength you know what it is

meaning I'm not on a certain diet like I'm not the way I'm eating and I'm not

stopping ever right you know I just I try to eat to to fuel my body and I

count macros and I'm not on a cancer I'm not on like a diet you know like what

happens when you get off the diet so what I'm trying to say because I can't

adhere with what I'm eating currently I can adhere to four pop possibly the rest

of my life I don't see why not as with currently my exercise program is

sweat exercise do something for 40 40 minutes

to an hour like 40 minutes 45 minutes to an hour and 15 minutes most probably an

hour it could be a little less a little more but an hour a day I exercise now

yes every day because that's just what works for me that's what I can adhere to

now I think for a nice for a nice healthy mind body a nice everything you

have to exercise and nutrition you know you have to sweat and maybe build your

body up muscular I mean it's really good for the dopes but dopamine release and

your brain I think and for studying and for attacking the day and it helps you

sleep so I think the exercise is just so crucial and the nutrition is also very

crucial to all right it's gonna few it's gonna fuel you through the day what's

the perfect program you know everyone wants the perfect program everyone wants

you know how do you do it what's the what program should I write what diet

should I write it something you can adhere to so if you're not doing

anything just do just a small little step so nutrition I don't really have

that down I'm binging and stuff but I can speak from her on the lifting weight

side or I go the exercise I lift weights that's my main thing that I just love I

just I just can't I cannot live without it

at times I probably do it more than I should not opt like optimal optimal ii

would probably be like a really super super super heart of the gym four days a

week for an hour so those other three days i'm lost out but i I exercise seven

days a week just because that's what I want to adhere to it makes my day a lot

better I I keep on saying Jim but you don't

want to start I'm trying to get that any exercises good

I prefer lifting weights I'm not one of those people that says all lifting

weights is the way to go or benchpress that's that you know like do whatever

makes you happy is what I'm getting at cuz what if I say

you must lift weights to be healthy and you want a nice body lift weights so

then you go and lift weights you don't like it so then you're like I don't like

exercising and you're like what about riding a bicycle I know that's stupid

that's not lifting weights so get go ride a bicycle I don't think that's

stupid by the way it's fine or like CrossFit gets a bad rep go do CrossFit

whatever you want to do whatever you like and then I would say it's whatever

you could adhere to so if if you love doing it yeah you were here to it like I

adhere to lifting weights so much I found a passion for it I loved it so

much that it's not like it's like oh I mean I go too much you know it's it's

like everyone's so like oh that's such

that's so great if you that you make to the gym and it's such dedication

determination and dissin that and and let me look up Lloyd let me tell you

this craziness right there was this there's a guy cliff that the old old gym

I used to go to in Fort Lauderdale he I would see there all the time he was

trying I think probably not 60 65 I see him there all every morning I would see

him in there of course our talk in you know what how it goes well on and then

we both get talking about how like we're pretty crazy because we go every day

like we love it and he says yeah he goes I went one year where I went every

single day of the whole year even on Christmas and he had to go to Lake

because the gym was closed on Christmas so he had to go to like a friend's


gym or whatever just as you couldn't miss it what I'm getting at is at a

certain point it's harder to miss than to go because I go every day so I didn't

go till later today because Chris is in town you saw and his sister so I was

hanging out with him oh my god a pancake pump today at the gym Pro I smashed that

workout like I loved it so our getting that is like if I would have just said

oh I'm not gonna go to the gym today it's late it's like 2:00 in the

afternoon I usually lifted six of them seven in the morning and you know but

like what I'm getting eyes that would have made me went crazy if I woulda just

hung out with him for the rest of the day or just came home and not went to

the gym like so it's harder for me to miss the gym than actually go to the gym

so think about that so can I hear it yes I can't hear to it

cuz I love it if you don't love it you're not gonna adhere to it and you're

gonna stop you're gonna you know that's why it's like you know your friend your

friend loves lifting weights so you try lifting weights you know give her a

couple words give him one but you just hate it you just hate it

so try something else out try basketball try basketball for a

couple weeks you hate that try soccer do you know jogging swimming CrossFit

Olympic weights cycling class Tim bata boxing MMA what I mean what else can you

do to exercise to get a sweat to get a physical sweat do those dopamine's but

do you get the drift so that's the perfect program what you

can adhere to anyways uh I don't know why I thought that would be a good video

for a name but I really did anyways yeah I mean

Regina's not even here from her makeup to role

any footage or Cody I Cody's not here either I don't have anybody to yell at

it's just me today it's pretty boring to be honest it's pretty boring to be CPA

strength now I'm just kidding I love my life I love my life Oh chief a string

boy deuces till tomorrow

For more infomation >> Perfect Exercise Program & PERFECT DIET MOST OPTIMAL WAY OF EVERYTHING / A PROGRAM YOU CAN STICK TO - Duration: 9:16.


Couples Play Truth or Drink (Alexandrea & I.V.) - Duration: 5:17.

- When I was younger, I was very much into

the Fall Out Boy, skater boy look with the

the hair.

Any guy with the hair, I was just like, uh, he's beautiful.

- My name is I.V.

We know each other...

- We met at a bar.


- [Interviewer] How long ago?

- Back in April.

- Early April.

- [Interviewer] So it's a pretty fresh relationship.

- Yeah.

- [Interviewer] Do you guys bone?

- No. We have both decided that we want

to wait til marriage to have sex.

- [Interviewer] Alright, then these questions

are going to be very interesting.

- Yeah (laughs). - Oh dear.

When was the last time you masturbated, and where was I?


- No, can't.

Are you attracted to any of my friends, and who is it?

- It's very difficult to actually answer

out of who of my friends because the only one person

I can think of that you say is your friend

is your best friend.

- Do you find them attractive?

- As an individual, yes.

- Okay (laughs).

- If our sex life was a porn, what genre would it be?

- Um, yeah, no.

- [Interviewer] You can still give it a --

- There's no genre.

- The genre would be wholesome Christian couple.

How many sexual partners have you had?

- Ya know, I feel as though, even if I say a number,

I won't get a number,

so I'm gonna match it.

- [Interviewer] What? Wait, wait, hold on a sec.

- Wait, what? I'm confused. What did I answer to?

- We're just gonna go with this,

we're gonna leave her wondering.

- [Interviewer] Have you tried

having relationships with other people?

- I have had relationships with other people,

and I have been intimate with other people before,

but it has always left me

hurt and not fulfilled.

Have you ever thought about cheating on me?

- No. - Good.

We had exes that lied and cheated,

so that's a really big no-no.

Basically, he had lied to me for a year and a half.

He technically was already married to somebody else,

and he had kids with that person,

and he did not tell me about it,

and I found out through the grapevine

because his wife messaged my sister on Facebook.

Yeah, it was pretty like dun dun dun (laughs).

- What was on your mind the last time we were having sex?

So now she has to take a drink.

- [Interviewer] Are you guys excited to have sex

with each other on your wedding night?

- Yeah, why wouldn't we ?

- Aw yeah...

- Oh my god (laughs).

- [Interviewer] Is it torture?

- In a relationship?

I don't think that sex is one of the most important things

because, ever since I was a kid, I always longed for

companionship, and, as I started to grow attracted to

females and want to desire a partner,

that was first and foremost the thing that I desired,

to have someone who actually cared about me

and wanted to be there.

What would you think if you caught me watching porn?

- I'd probably laugh to be honest.

I'd be like ha!


- [Interviewer] Ask him if he watches porn.

- Do you watch porn?

- I'm gonna say that there's a whole bunch of definitions

that people can describe it by,

so I'm gonna make you wonder that, too.

- Okay (laughs).

What's your favorite and least favorite sex position?

- That's a trick question.

There is no answer for that one for me.

(taps table)

Oh, you want me to drink.

- Yeah, if you're not gonna answer it,

then you're supposed to take a shot.


- [Interviewer] Don't worry about the fly.

- I'm like feeling really good, so I don't care. (laughs)


- Got it. (laughing)

If you could sleep with any person in the world,

who would it be?

- (laughs) I don't know.

- You don't know, or you ain't gon say?

- Um, let me think.


I love Batman. - Bruce Wayne.

- What about you?

- I'd say a younger Beyonce.

- Not right now? What?

- [Interviewer] Hey, I'm gonna protect you.

Just say Beyonce.

- Just say Beyonce.

- No, I'm thinking like Destiny's Child Beyonce.

- [Interviewer] Alright.

- Do you think we'll always be together?

- For me, yes.

- I like that.

- Where do you see us in 10 years?

- 10 years from now, we're gonna be married

and we're gonna start working on building our dream house.

- [Interviewer] Where?

- We haven't decided.

It honestly depends on the economy.

I'm sorry, I'm a lightweight. (laughs)

Wait, can we stop holding hands?

Your hands are clammy.


I love you. - I love you.



For more infomation >> Couples Play Truth or Drink (Alexandrea & I.V.) - Duration: 5:17.


YouTube-Star: Darum lieben alle Transgender-Girl Jolina! - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> YouTube-Star: Darum lieben alle Transgender-Girl Jolina! - Duration: 2:18.


S. Korean gov't and ruling party tune details on ways to curb country's household debt level - Duration: 2:20.

New measures to bring down debt levels among Korean households are due out this week.

According to the nation's finance minister... they include tighter rules to make sure borrowers

can handle the amount of debt they take on.

Lee Jeong-yeon provides a closer look into what's being dubbed the strictest measures

from the Moon administation thus far.

South Korea's ruling party and government held a meeting on Monday to discuss the fine

print for a new set of measures aimed at curbing the ever-rising housing debt.

The measures are to be finalized by tomorrow.

The average housing debt as of June lies at 1-point-5 times the disposable income, meaning

that even the total annual household income would only be able to pay off two thirds of

the housing debt.

(stand-up) Given the overall scale of household debt

which was at one-point-two trillion U.S. dollars as of June, the countermeasures by the government

is expected to be the toughest to date.

South Korea's top economic chief said that he will lower borrowing costs for those with

low credit ratings or low income to reduce their financial burden.

This comes ahead of the scheduled announcement of tighter rules on household loans.

(KOREAN) "The danger of the household debt issue causing

grave financial risk has lessened,... but the debt-to-GDP ratio, and its speed of growth,

means it's essential we have a plan to handle the associated risks."

The new measures include implementing revised borrowing regulations based on factors such

as the new debt-to-income ratio next January,... with further regulations based on the debt-serving-ratio

coming in the latter half of next year.

(Korean) "The measures set by the government such as

strengthening the debt-to-income ratio and implementing the debt-serving-ratio, seek

to do one thing: to lower housing loan demand.

But because housing debt is something accumulated over a long time, it'll take a while before

it can be significantly reduced."

Experts add that a possible rise in the coming months of the key interest rate, currently

at a record low of 1-point-25 percent, could lead to a further squeeze on mortgage payers,..

and that while previous measures set by the Moon administration focused on controlling

housing prices, the latest focuses on housing loans, and that these measures must all work

together to resolve the problem of housing debt in the long run.

Lee Jeong-yeon, Arirang News

For more infomation >> S. Korean gov't and ruling party tune details on ways to curb country's household debt level - Duration: 2:20.


【Kyaami】 Near (Feat. Fukase & Otomachi Una) - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> 【Kyaami】 Near (Feat. Fukase & Otomachi Una) - Duration: 4:10.


Channel Update- subtitles:ON - Duration: 0:28.


It's Darina Cat

And it's Update Video

UPDATE: 1.No more stream's (they will be ,when i will be more popular) .

UPDATE: 2.More Macromedia test's (I need to try animate in this program).

UPDATE: 3.I start to make StoryBoard for my big original animation).

UPDATE: 4.I will be animate AMV/PMV song's.

That's all. GoodBye.

For more infomation >> Channel Update- subtitles:ON - Duration: 0:28.


8 dishes of the pharmacy cure completely - Duration: 4:22.

8 dishes of the pharmacy cure completely

For more infomation >> 8 dishes of the pharmacy cure completely - Duration: 4:22.


#Social CRM – инструмент для бизнеса. #Прокачай соцсети. Работай в соцсетях с удовольствием. - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> #Social CRM – инструмент для бизнеса. #Прокачай соцсети. Работай в соцсетях с удовольствием. - Duration: 1:14.


OpiniónPortada ¿SE ACERCA EL FIN DE 'SÁLVAME'? - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> OpiniónPortada ¿SE ACERCA EL FIN DE 'SÁLVAME'? - Duration: 5:52.


100 People Perform a Striptease - Duration: 4:32.

- Oh, of course.


(sultry music)


- A strip tease?

- Right now?

- Um.


- I'll go more than my underwear, if you want.

- Okay, let's do this.

- Okay, just start?

- [interviewer] Yeah, sure.

- I feel like I need music.

(interviewer singing)


Yeah, keep singing, that will help me.

- [Interviewer] ♫ telling me no,

but my body is telling me yes.

- Start with that.

- You picked a good day for this.


- In my version of strip teasing,

everybody's crying and awkward.


(sultry music)

- [Interviewer] Woo!

- Mm!

(sultry music)

- Ooh!

- ♫ So let me

entertain you.

- I am not a dancer.



- Oops!


(vocalizing can-can music)


- Pew! Pew!

- Hey!

- ♫ I've been watching you, watching me

and I know you want it,

but it depends on how you kick your game.

- All right.

Okay, okay.

- I don't know how to take off pants in a sexy way.

(crew laughs)


- I have no ass.

- [Interviewer] Woo!

- Aw, there we go.

I think you're supposed to say, "You like that?"


You like that?

- I hope the camera can't tell that I'm shaking.



- Okay, I got this.


- It's tough.


- It's cute, right?

- Ooh.


Yeah that's right.

- All right, here we go.

- What's up, I'm bulking right now so don't judge.


- Has anybody done the pectoral thing?

I can't really do it.

(crew laughs)

(humming and vocalizing)

- Yeah baby.


Sexy nude bra!

Yeah baby, oh, oh yeah.

Granny panties.

(crew laughing)

- Wooo.


- I'm naked!

(crew applauds)

- Yeah.

- Good job.

- Thank you.

- Woo!

For more infomation >> 100 People Perform a Striptease - Duration: 4:32.


先生 感動話! コンプレックスを 抱えていた自分に 信頼できる 優しい先生から 驚きの言葉が…。 - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> 先生 感動話! コンプレックスを 抱えていた自分に 信頼できる 優しい先生から 驚きの言葉が…。 - Duration: 3:39.


குடிபோதைக்கு அடிமையாகி அநாதையாக உயிர் பிரிந்த சுருளிராஜன் | KOLLYWOOD NEWS | TAMIL NEWS | TALKIES - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> குடிபோதைக்கு அடிமையாகி அநாதையாக உயிர் பிரிந்த சுருளிராஜன் | KOLLYWOOD NEWS | TAMIL NEWS | TALKIES - Duration: 2:02.


నోటి కెమెరాతో నోటిలోని వ్యాధులు తెలుసుకోవచ్చా | Dental Problems | Dental Treatment |Dr. Rao's Dental - Duration: 3:13.


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