Best EDM Mix 2017
Best Music Mix 2017
Vidya Vidya - Safari Fruits [NCS
supervina channel
RCP - Illegal (Official Video) - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
Frank's White Canvas - Good Rebel (Making Of) - Duration: 2:39.-------------------------------------------
NieR:Automata #47 - Jedno potwierdzenie wystarczy [Napisy PL] [18+] (Ścieżka C) - Duration: 33:31.-------------------------------------------
Colour Pop Golden State of Mind at Sephora! Huda Obsession Mini Palettes Coming! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:01.Hello!
I'm Jen and this is your Daily Makeup Minute for October 23, 2017
Colour Pop is officially listed on Sephora's website.
Only 1 product so far, the Limited Edition Golden State of Mind eyeshadow palette.
15 glitter shadows for $26 launching on October 31st.
Huda Kattan just announced her upcoming Obsession eyeshadow palettes.
These are 9 pan palettes will come in four color combos and have a mix of matte and metallic
$27 each, launching November 1st at Cult Beauty and November 2nd globally at Sephora.
and the time has come, almost!
The Luxie Jasmine brush sets will be available TOMORROW, October 24 at 10am pacific on their
Limited quantities, so First come, first serve.
And finally em cosmetics the illustrator collection and lip cloud mini sets are slated
to release very soon, possibly today, so keep checking emcosmetics.com.
That's it for now.
We'll see you same time tomorrow!
Remember we have Makeup Minute Extras on my Instagram, and Don't forget our full-length
weekly newscast, What's Up in Makeup, every Sunday morning on YouTube!
Relaxed hairstyle | BraidingDad - Duration: 3:58.Oh, you are already filming? :D
Hi! I came to Helsinki and I'm staying few nights at Forenom's Aparthotel.
Now we make one casual braided hairstyle. Ruut has amazing hair for this one.
As I promised her hair is fabulous - just look at this!
I'll make her a casual style with a big side braid.
First I make a small braid witch is combined to a bigger braid later on.
"Busy business woman"
I have to check out what's happening :D
Accent braid is done. Now a bigger braid where this is included.
That's it! This is four strand braid with an accent braid. There is three strands from hair and one strand is this small braid.
Tell me if you liked it, give a thumb up and subscribe to the channel.
I'll continue my trip by relaxing for few days here at Forenom.
See ya!
ダラダラ話すだけの雑談動画です。アメリカ生活・ハワイ島旅行のフォローアップ動画 - Duration: 14:22.-------------------------------------------
Supergirl | Inside: Far from the Tree | The CW - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
4 experience a faire a la maison - Duration: 7:57.-------------------------------------------
Hearing Voices - Jack Marshall Can't Do This - Webseries - Episode 12 - Duration: 3:31.I hate when people are mad at me.
Well, that didn't go well last time with uh...
Jenny? Stephanie?
I don't know, she looks like a Holly? She doesn't look like a Holly.
I waited at the Coffee House like an idiot all day
thinking that I could, I don't know, you know,
maybe make things right.
That was a big, fat waste of time cause she never showed up.
And I didn't get any work done on my book because, anytime somebody came through the door,
I thought it was her.
I gave House the night off because I just, I need some alone time.
I mean in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really change that much
but I just, I've never botched something so badly.
I...I stole her Phone.
I said she was loud.
I called her a gossip.
I assumed that she was dating someone.
Oh, and I told her to relax.
I mean, I don't think it could have gone any worse if I had planned it.
Maybe Donni was right, though. Maybe she is more trouble than she's worth?
I don't know.
I'll find a way to apologize but, in the meantime,
I resolve to not even think about
Whatever her name is,
the girl whose phone I stole,
unless absolutely necessary.
You hear that Donni?
I'm gonna listen to you for once.
I'm not gonna think about her.
I don't even think that - - [loud noise O.S.]
Uh, I think there's somebody in my house.
I haven't done cardio like that since Kilimanjaro.
Well, there is no one up here.
But I swear I heard voices.
Not like that.
Well, things have definitely been moved.
My books are out of order.
That hoodie wasn't on the chair.
And this?
Isn't mine.
Are you all right Mr. Marshall? I heard yelling.
House, I thought that you were taking the evening to yourself.
Aren't you in a bowling league or something?
I've only just returned. I was in the cellar when I heard voices - -
Cellar? What is with you and the cellar?
Doesn't matter. I'm fine. Everything's fine. Thanks.
Of course. Can I make you something to eat?
Nope, not hungry.
Very good.
Oh, and House?
I want to have a memorial for Aunt Jo.
Very good, Mr. Marshall.
Very good.
Cagey devil.
Isn't it just a little suspicious that he shows up the moment I start hearing voices?
and that this is on my floor?
Megan? No.
Well, it would appear that I have some sleuthing to do.
Wish me luck.
ГРЕЦКИЙ ОРЕХ. Часть_3 Щелкунчик - лучший инструмент для колки - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
📺💲 Comment gagner de l'argent sur YouTube grâce à sa chaîne - Duration: 8:57.-------------------------------------------
35 WEIRD QUESTIONS in 5 MINUTES || miLAno - Duration: 5:39.Hey everyone, welcome to miLAno!
So, as some of you may know, I had a Q&A a while back
and, before the Q&A, I asked on Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, and even my Youtube video prior to that video
for some questions, and I allowed you guys to ask questions with
an app called ask.fm and they're all anonymous questions so even after I made
the video, people continued to ask me questions, and I'm pretty sure that most
of them are one person because, actually, I got one question every day until today
actually and I'm pretty sure I'm still going to be asked weird random questions
even after I finished making this video. Also, just to forewarn you, there are a lot
of questions asked in Italian so I'm just gonna beafkoijhfiapjgip
Just to let you know, there are a lot of questions in Italian, so I'm
going to be including translations for all of them.
You guys, I'm telling you, there are some WEIRD, WEIRD QUESTIONS, so please be prepared.
Without further ado, let's begin!
1. How many pigeons have you fed already?
2. Could you flex your bicep in the video?
Well, I would, but there are no guns allowed on campus, sooo...
Who is Lorenzo?
Who is Paolo?
Can you keep me company?
Do you prefer guys with or without armpit hair?
What do you dislike about Japan?
They have the best sushi, but they don't want to share it with us :'(
Do you know any good priests?
Yes, Hillsong! ♥
Where do your parents work?
When is your birthday?
18 years ago; you're a bit late!
Will we go out?
I don't know you...
Do you like "the obey"?
I don't know it...
Do you miss anyone? Does anyone miss you?
Yes, both...
What is your ideal place for a first date & why?
Definitely a gelateria (ice cream shop) because
What, for you, is love?
Did I ask the question?
THE question???
What is the best way to express your love for someone?
What do you think about people who talk about you behind your back?
I don't like them.
Do you say what you think about things?
Only 9.5?! But you asked me so many questions;
How many questions do you ask a 10?! What the heck...
If you could erase a terrible memory from your past, which one would you choose?
What helps you relax the most?
Do you miss anything?
What is the last lie you told?
Milk chocolate or dark chocolate?
Ok, I'm American; I can't choose.
I believe all chocolate was created equally.
Can I do your homework?
Have you ever been so drunk you couldn't remember anything the next day?
Uh, no.
Have any of your friends ever farted in your house?
It's possible.
Something that bothers you?
When someone farts in my house
What did you guys do today?
"You guys"?! I don't have imaginary friends anymore!
What is your dream car (ride)?
The Arabian...
Whom are you thinking about taking to the dance?
My imaginary friends...
Which skill would you like to learn and why?
How to receive a perfect GPA!
What's the first thing you do in the morning?
Check my phone to see if I have a new question from you...
What from your schedule changes from day to day throughout the week?
How much sleep I get
Do I try to learn a lot of things about people I find interesting?
Do you have any piercings?
Okay, it looks like we have 35 questions, asked and answered!
I just want to know, like, who...who would do...actually, don't tell me... it'll be a
it'll be a surprise. It'll be a mystery that I'll never know the answer to. I guess life is
better that way sometimes when you have a mystery. Anyways, thank you for watching
this rather..."interesting" video...Give this video a thumbs up, and subscribe to this
channel :) Leave a comment below; if you have any other questions, I guess, I don't
know... I don't know these days! Anyways, thanks again for watching!
See you next Monday!
Top 10 Best Puzzle Games Of All Time - Duration: 5:21.Puzzle games are an interesting genre.
While some of the greatest of their breed make appearances on larger consoles, they
have mass popularity on other mediums, from PC to mobile.
And some of these games have made gigantic strides in redefining what the genre is capable
of doing.
So today we're counting down the top 10 best puzzle games of all time.
Let's see if your favourites made the cut.
And heads up!
There's a few spoilers in here.
10 Lemmings This Atari ST and PC 1991 game is a game where
you guide a group of lemmings to a designated exit.
To help aid in this, you have certain skill sets you can give to certain lemmings to help
clear or alter the landscape in order to get the required number of lemmings to the exit.
It was developed by DMA Design, which is now Rockstar North.
At the time, it was one of the most popular computer games, receiving rave reviews.
9 Scribblenauts Scribblenauts is a series made up of a few
different games, with the first of the same name being released in 2009.
Exhibiting at the 2009 E3, the game was called a sleeper hit, and won multiple best of show
awards in the process, making it the first portable console game to ever score recognition
like that.
Created for the Nintendo DS, it's follow ups Super Scibblenauts, Scribblenauts Remis
and Scribblenauts Unlimited have collectively sold over 13 million copies.
8 Peggle Described as a casual puzzle video game, Peggle
was released in 2007, and consists of dropping a limited supply of balls down into a bunch
of coloured pegs in an attempt to hit marked pegs and achieve a high score.
Skill shots required.
The game got an immense popularity boost during a demo created for Valve's The Orange box,
and has had over 50 million downloads since.
7 Gunpoint A stealth based puzzle platform set in the
near future where you play a spy named Richard Conway who needs to infiltrate various buildings
while working cases for clients.
Using gadgets, you avoid the likes of guards and other security tech, and end up unraveling
a grander murder mystery scheme in the process.
Certain technology that Conway uses has various effects on the gameplay, with different modes,
like the Crosslink mode that highlights circuits.
It's all about rewiring and manipulating the security features in each building in
order to complete your task.
6 World of Goo World of Goo was developed by indie company
2D Boy, with it's release on the Wii and PC back in 2008.
It's been a critical hit, with a nomination for the pumas McNally Grand Prize, Design
Innovation Award and Technical Excellence at the Independent Games Festival, plus a
bunch of other award wins since.
Essentially, you are building structures using balls of goo, some of which have different
properties, with the end goal being to get a certain amount of goo balls to the pipe,
which is the designated exit in each level.
5 Braid Spoilers for this one here.
One of the more famous indie games out there, Braid was created by developer Number None
with designer Jonathan Blow.
The game follows a protagonist named Tim who is trying to rescue a princess from a monster.
But throughout a series of puzzle solving and text reveals, we come to learn that Tim
is in fact the monster the princess has been running from.
Braid is hailed for being one of the trailblazers in contemporary indie game development, and
was featured in the doc Indie Game The Movie.
4 Limbo Uncertain of his sister's fate, a boy enters
That's all we get as an introduction to this puzzle platform.
We've talked about Limbo on a few of our other lists and how it's ability to connect
you the boy's character is incredibly impressive.
You're essentially looking for your sister while needing to solve puzzles in order to
It's dark, it's challenging, and it's hauntingly beautiful, using only greyscale
to make up the world.
Fans have speculated what certain things mean in the game, and there's many a theory out
there, including that the boy is dead to begin with, the sister is dead, and how they died
- from falling from their treehouse, to speculation of a car crash.
3 Fez Another indie game, Fez was critically acclaimed,
and featured a mechanic that involved it's 2D puzzle platform set in a 3 dimensional
This happens after a tear in the fabric of spacetime occurs and the player is given a
fez, and resets the game as if it's just glitched, then reloading to let players shift
between 2D and 3D in order to complete puzzles.
Incredibly smart and the inspiration for many indie games that came after it like Monument
Valley and Crossy Road, journalists and critics called it a tribute to 80's gaming that
was a perfect wordless sci fi parable.
2 Portal 2 Developed by Valve, Portal is considered a
And it's sequel, Portal 2, released in 2011, succeeds it by expanding on the original much
further, and was praised for it's writing, pacing and overall dark humour.
Some have even gone as far as to call Portal 2 one of the greatest video games of all time.
The first person puzzle platform added a ton of new features in terms of gameplay, and
included a two player coop mode that requires players to work together and rely on their
teammate to solve the puzzle.
1 Tetris If Portal is a classic, well, Tetris must
be legendary then.
Created in 1984 by Alexey Pajitnov, an artificial intelligence researcher in Moscow, the game's
purpose was to be a simple exercise to challenge the AI.
Since those humble beginnings, Tetris is now available on almost every single video game
console and computer operating system, and even scored the title Greatest Game of All
Time from Electronic Gaming Monthly and came in second place in IGN's 100 greatest video
games of all time, and has sold more than 170 million copies, 100 million of those digital,
which makes it the best selling paid downloaded game of all time.
There we have it friends!
What's your favourite puzzle game?
Let us know in those comments below.
And if you dug this video, why don't you hit that like button?
And subscribe!
We've got a ton of other fun gaming lists for you to check out on our channel.
Like the top 10 future gaming consoles or the top 10 video game secrets that took years
to figure out.
Give em a click! but in the meantime, I've been Kelly Paoli and this has been top 10
I'll catch you all in the next one.
Pete Davidson: SMD - Adorable Single Mother - Duration: 1:22.My mom's cool, man.
She's getting old now. It's kind of sad.
Like, she just turned 46, and, like...
Yeah, she still works and...
she still drives.
She's a trouper.
I don't know how she does it.
No, every day that woman gets up,
I'm like, "You're amazing."
My mom's so old, it's like it's cute now.
Like, whenever she does anything,
I find it adorable and I'm proud.
Like, I talked to my mom the other day.
She was like, "Last night, I got home
"at, like, 11:30.
I just--I went out for some drinks with my friends."
And I was like, "[bleep], yeah, you did.
[bleep] Amy. Let's go."
It's weird; my mom's single.
It's a very weird thing.
My mom's single. My sister's a teenager.
It's very weird, you know,
'cause whenever one of them brings a dude home,
I don't know who he's for.
Like, when I answer the door, I don't know if I'm supposed to,
like, beat him up or, like, play catch.
Like, I have no idea.
I'm like, "Are you my new dad?
You want you see my room?"
Real Ferment Micro Essence - Duration: 8:44.Currently, we have two R&D labs in Korea
one in Seoul and another in Chungju.
Our Seoul lab is located in Gangnam
which is where global beauty companies
and raw material manufacturers are located.
As a result, we can pick up on the latest trends
and quickly gather information
to create innovative and high quality products.
On top of that, aside from our own brand Neogen
we develop products for other well-known brands
like Innisfree, Etude House, The Face Shop
AHC, and Dr. Jart+.
We develop products for these well known brands.
Essences are functional skin care products
enriched with a high concentration of actives.
They can quickly resolve skin care issues.
In the past, Korean essences were one-dimensional
in that they only served one function.
But now, Korean essences have become more complex
and offer multiple benefits.
Functional ingredients have also replaced water
as a primary ingredient.
This makes the essences even more effective
and able to address your skin issues more quickly.
Typically, fermented products have three advantages.
First, the particles in the formula become smaller
during the fermentation process
so the product becomes easier to absorb.
Second, the fermentation process neutralizes
the toxicity of raw ingredients.
This minimizes irritation
so sensitive skin types can enjoy the product, too.
Lastly, the fermentation process leads to the creation of
of amino acids, organic acids, and antioxidants.
As a result, it makes your skin more hydrated and firm.
Korean consumers are highly interested in cosmetics.
They like to go on the Internet and social media
to find skin care ingredients
that are good and gentle on the skin.
They also like to share their findings
and learn from others.
I would say that fermented products are definitely
one of the beauty trends happening in Korea.
As you said, the Neogen Real Ferment Micro Essence
has 93% fermented ingredients.
In the formula is Bifida Ferment Lysate
Saccharomyces Ferment Filtrate
birch juice, rice ferment filtrate
and Aspergillus ferment.
It uses these five fermented ingredients.
Among those, Bifida Ferment Lysate
and Saccharomyces Ferment Filtrate
contain a high level of amino acids.
This brings elasticity back to skin.
Birch juice delivers moisture to the skin.
Saccharomyces Ferment Filtrate
and rice ferment filtrate
really brighten your skin.
After cleansing and applying toner
dispense an appropriate amount
on a cotton pad or your hands.
You can apply it that way.
Instead of applying a large amount all at once
it's better to layer a little bit at a time.
This increases product absorption
and helps you get the most out of the product.
That's how you should use it.
You can then apply other products like creams
on top right away.
As you said, many Korean consumers
struggle with sensitive skin.
That's why so many products that are gentle on the skin
and free of harmful ingredients
are coming out of Korea.
Thank you so much, Charlotte.
Thank you for coming all the way to Korea
to introduce K-beauty and our products.
Thank you again.
Top 10 Insane NUCLEAR Bunkers - Duration: 8:42.Hello!
Welcome back to Most Amazing Top 10!
I am Rebecca Felgate and, as world wide tensions increase and crazy 'ol Kim keeps launching
missiles left right and centre, now might be a good time to talk about nuclear bunkers.
Don't worry buddy 'ol pals!
Life below the ground can be fun too!
Join me as we discuss the Top 10 Insane Nuclear Bunkers!
Oh hi number 10!
Say hello to the disco bunker!
This is my kind of mid apocalypse party!
This Russian Cold War bunker has been turned into a club….although it would still serve
as a nuclear hide out should D day ever come!
Bunker 42 chargers 1000 dollars a ticket to nuclear parties and attendees can enjoy fun
180ft below the ground in Moscow!
The bunker was built in 1956 but is still as strong as an ox and can house up to 300
guests if people fancy dancing nuclear threat away!
9 - Vivos Europa One Ever wondered where Millionaires bunker down
in times of Nuclear fallout?
Wonder no longer as you gaze upon Vivos Europa One, said to be one of the biggest underground
bunkers in the world.
Described as a 5 star shelter, the bunker is innocuously located in the German village
of Rothenstein.
The luxury underground living space can survive more than just a nuclear attack – it is
also able to withstand earthquakes, tsunamis, regular bombs, plane crashes and chemical
The bunker has restaurants, gyms, pools, cinemas and private apartments.
That is all very well and good, but what if residents don't live anywhere near the bunker
prior to D-Day?
No worries, the bunker has a number of travel routes, including helicopter pads and rail
Residents will be sent for and collected before being placed under lockdown.
It is not advertised how much an apartment costs but the complex is said to be worth
over a billion dollars.
8 - Swiss Alps House Bunker If Nuclear War means I can live in Villa Vals,
then maybe it would be okay for me afterall…although less great for those outside this luxury home
that doubles as a bunker.
Villa Vals is a house bunker tucked away in the Swiss Alps.
Access to the villa is only possible via an underground tunnel that starts in an old barn,
so it's pretty secretive.
I have some concerns about the glass windows during a nuclear attack, although I am sure
the architects thought about that!
7 - JFK Vacation Bunker Not only is this a cool bunker, it is a piece
of history.
John F Kennedy was a huge part of the cold war, and the American President had what he
called his Last Resort.
Dubbed Operation Hotel, JFK had a secret bunker in his favourite vacation spot off palm beach
in Florida.
Built on a little island called peanut island, the bunker had room for 30 members of the
JFK staff or his family to survive an attack.
It is actually still there today and serves as a popular tourist spot.
It might not look as luxury compared to other bunkers on this list, but the whole thing
was built in ten days in 1961 and can still withstand nuclear attack.
Had he ever had to use it, the bunker would have been America's temporary mission control
6- Doomsday Castle Doomsday is here!
Lucky I have me a castle to wait out the nuclear holocaust in.
Don't you think that that is taking it a bit far, Brenda?
Meet the Bruns, a family who built a castle in South Carolina as preparation for Doomsday….whatever
that may mean.
The castle runs without electricity and has a bunker underneath in case of Nuclear attack.
The bunker has a enough food to last them a year and is totally fireproof.
The family even had their own show on National Geographic aptly called Doomsday Castle.
Pandemics, solar flares, nuclear attacks?
No worries, this Kansas Luxury Badger retreat is here to help at number 5!
It's not actually called a badger retreat…badgers just live underground…so..you know!
This 2 million dollar a piece luxury home complex is actually built in a former missile
Silo, a place used to store intercontinental ballistic missiles, so its pretty safe!
If you want to wait out the apocalypse in style, this is the place for you!
The condo complex even has a synthetic beach!
The bunker will also have a theatre and a pool…because you aint no one unless swimming
is a priority during nuclear attack!
If you're looking at some of these bunkers thinking...cool…but I am too poor to survive
a nuclear attack….
Don't worry… there a budget shelters you can dwell in…check out this Pipe Bunker
at number 4.
Yep, for only 60 thousand bucks, you can bunker down in a pipe!
A company called Atlas sells corrugated iron pipes that are designed to burried 20 feet
The Pipes come complete with bunk beds, toilets and low voltage electricity.
They also have water and fuel storing abilities as well as optional TVs and solar panels.
Plus….I mean…who needs a pool and a cinema when you can wait out d day in a pipe!
That pipe is actually bigger than my first flat in London….no joke.
If you're not looking for company, if you're more of a lone wolf who would rather wait
out the Nuclear apocalypse alone, have no fear, the ball bunker is here at number three.
Known as the Kungelbunker, this one man retreat is a spherical structure that sleeps one.
There really isn't a lot of space here, but would just about do you for a week in
hiding, just about enough time for nuclear dust to settle and de nuclearfy!
Neon at number 2!
If black light neon adventures are your bag, then get yourself to this Swedish Bunker!
100 metres deep into a mountain in Boden, Northern Sweden.
The property was built during the post war, cold war period and luckily has never yet
had to survive an attack.
Although if an attack was imminent, those hiding out in this bunker could pass the time
with a few round of lazer tag.
Yes, there is a lazer tag foor….and a starwars themed floor.
Apparently there is also a detention centre, in case you come across any enemies or you
just fancy some roll play!
The bunker has gas filters and is said to be entirely self-sufficient in terms of energy
and water supplies.
I for one am all about the red vibes here.
I would totally live in this next bunker for many reasons….you'll see why as you meet
this secret Las Vegas Underground Terrace.
The first thing I love about this bunker, made to replicate a normal suburban American
home 26 feet underground, is the 1970s décor.
Never change, beautiful bunker!
Clearly designed in the 70s, the bathroom features a sunken tub and a pink toilet surrounded
by plush pink carpets.
Get a load of the simulated garden, too!
What a beauty!
It has faux grass and even has lightings settings so you can choose between day and night.
Of course, that is not enough, the garden also includes a sauna, a hot tub, a Jacuzzi
and a mini golf course.
Oh….and a bbq and a 360 degree outdoor mural painting.
Of course, there is a guest house in the bunker too!
All this lays beneath a normal looking home in the burbs of Los Angeles.
[Official MV] Khải Huyền 2 - Duration: 3:32.-------------------------------------------
A Cake Fair? Yesssss! - Duration: 3:44.I'm here! I'm at the Cake Fair!
I'm so excited. I'm going to try and contain myself.
But I make no promises.
We're about to see some treats and some
sweets and... I don't know, y'all.
I'm just excited!
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