Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 24 2017


For more infomation >> EXTREME TRUTH OR DARE + Prank Calls (TELL YOUR MAN TO LEAVE MY MAN ALONE) - Duration: 17:31.


VUELTA A LAS ANDADAS - Barcelona Games World 2017 - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> VUELTA A LAS ANDADAS - Barcelona Games World 2017 - Duration: 6:22.


How to make a Mice and Wheel of Cheese Cake part 2 - Animal cakes - Duration: 9:07.

part two of our mouse and cheese wheel cake. Please find part one in the

description below. So here I made up some brown fondant, I didn't mix it all in

completely as I want to keep different bits of brown so that there was a few

squirly bit so it looks like cheese board rather than being on a cake


So here you can I use our ball tool which has a large ball at one end and

small ball at the other and as you can see here what I'm doing is I'm just

inserting it into the brown just to make it look more woodenwith an effect to

just give it a little bit more character than just being on the standard brown


here we have rolled some grey fondany in a tear shape to make the mouth

so here I took some more gray fondant and use the ball tools to make our mices ears

so to create the eyes I tool some white and black balls of fondant and I just added

a little bit of water stuck them on to create the eyes

taking a pink bit of fondant I made a quick nose for our little mouse

use this to make as mice heads and mice tails as you want to add to your cake

some the mice and mice heads to the cake. Use cocktails sticks to support the heads.

You can use two or three cocktail sticks and water.

Take some of your yellow or cream fondant and make a few little cheese bits

to go around the cake

So I got the rolling pin and flattened out the bit of cheese and

put it over a mice head so it looks like it

is stuck

So I hope you've liked our tutorial on our mouse and cheese wheel cake. If you did

please subscribe to our YouTube Tube channel and you can find us at

CakeDecoratingWithDanielle on Facebook (

For more infomation >> How to make a Mice and Wheel of Cheese Cake part 2 - Animal cakes - Duration: 9:07.


Mundial de LoL e Major de Dota 2 - HyperX Minute ep. 87 - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Mundial de LoL e Major de Dota 2 - HyperX Minute ep. 87 - Duration: 1:57.


O que essa frase nesse clipe de kpop quer dizer? - Duration: 15:47.

For more infomation >> O que essa frase nesse clipe de kpop quer dizer? - Duration: 15:47.


VVVVVV #2 - Duration: 8:59.

Hello! Welcome back to VVVVVV

Those are the ones I found last video

If you didn't see the last one I will leave a link in the description

Gotta choose that music

I am going to save Vermilion right now

He is the red character

Trinket #7



Trinket #8

Here's Vermilion!

That was close!


Easy peasy!

I wanted to see where we where at because he brung that up

OK, thanks for watching

Hope you enjoyed and if you did like and subscribe

For more infomation >> VVVVVV #2 - Duration: 8:59.


Recuperando o Foco Quando Você Cair - Duration: 11:02.

For more infomation >> Recuperando o Foco Quando Você Cair - Duration: 11:02.


Epic Hearthstone Plays #192 - Duration: 10:55.

He will laugh forever?


what the fuck?

are you fucking crazy?

For more infomation >> Epic Hearthstone Plays #192 - Duration: 10:55.


Top 10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Stay Home Alone - Duration: 6:39.

Hello! Welcome back to Most Amazing Top 10! I am Rebecca Felgate and as it is almost Halloween,

we thought we would hit you with a ridiculous scary list to get you in the mood for the

season o spooks…so grab your pumpkin spiced latte and watch on as you find out the Top

10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Stay Home Alone. If you, like me, are a big fan of alone time….maybe

this list will make you think twice! 10 - Because …FOMO

Fear of Missing Out is a thing and, like I said, I love alone time, but I also hate missing

out on stuff…. So…it's pretty tricky. If you stay in alone, you may miss a really

cool concert, show, event, or even conversation with some fun people. If you are always in,

you're going to miss out on what is happening out there in the big wide beautiful world!

9 - Because, burglars… For any of you that have actually seen home

alone you will know that the burglar situation is real and unless you have the skill and

wit to outsmart them like Kevin McCallister, then you'll probably be screwed. Although

I guess it is arguably better to be home if a burglar comes knocking than not be home,

as maybe your presence will scare them. Lets hope they aren't as sinister as Harry and

Marv who were pretty much child beaters. 8 - Because….Electricity

Baby when the lights go out…. Anyone remember that song? Imagine how scary it would be if

you were home alone and the electricity cut out. A) no wifi, b) No nuttin…. No lights,

no TV, ….nothing. The only draw to staying in alone is to catch up on guilty pleasure

Netflix shows or eat a feast for one… but if the electricity cut out and you were in

the dark things would get very creepy very quickly. You would need to light some candles

and hope nobody is lurking in the shadows. If you don't have any candles, I guess your

phone or laptop battery may last for a bit…until it died.

Less dramatic at number 7 - Because...You might get bored.

Once you have relaxed and enjoyed some you time, you may begin to feel a bit bored. Often

I make grand relaxation plans for spending some time home alone, but in reality I just

spend too much time on facebook and feeling frustrated at my lack of plans. Being bored

is the worst, and I don't know about you, I am rarely ever bored when I am hanging out

with the right people. Oh, no…at number 6 o f our reasons you shouldn't

stay home alone…is because….Spiders! Another classic lesson I learned from Kevin

Mcallisters stint at home alone….spiders around other people are bearable, but spiders

along are a nightmare. My boyfriend always catches the spiders in my house…I would

hate to contend with one alone. Imagine, you're in your house alone, chilling on your sofa

when all of a sudden…something big scuttles across the floor….NO! no.

5 - Because…You Might Get Lonely and Go Mad!

Being at home alone once in a while is fun, but for too or too often long you could start

to go mad. You might become weird and start inventing make believe friends to save you

from your loneliness. You'd be like Miss Haversham in Great Expectations or like Chuck

Noland in castaway and you'll start making coconut friends… I guess that sounds fun…

but less fun than actual friends. Getting creepy at number 4 - Because A Stranger

Might Knock on the Door. When I am home alone I am too scared to answer

the door in case a creepy person is randomly knocking and sees me home and decides to murder

me. Okay, that may be a bit far fetched, but still…any unexpected knock at the door is

pretty tense when you have no back up! Building on from this at number 3 - Because

Ghost Face Might be Outside Ghost face is the murderer from the Scream

and he…and sometimes she tends to be most active when people are at home on their own.

It didn't work out so well for Drew Barrymore who ended up being hung from a tree. If you're

home alone…just don't answer the phone in case a creepy voice asks you if you want

to play a game…when really the only game you want to be playing is Halo..alone…so

go away. 2 - Because An actual ghost might be inside

I am never more convinced that Ghosts are real than when I am home alone. All of a sudden,

what is usually a perfectly normal arm chair becomes a terrifying haunted chair with a

bloody past. Any sounds the pipes make freak me out…and any kind of light flickering

is a clear sign spirits from the underworld were waiting to catch me alone before they

deliver me an unwanted message. Ahh. Finally, the number one reason that you shouldn't

stay home alone…is Because You Might Fall and Die and you won't be found for a week

or more…. Morbid! This is a possibility I guess! And

actually really sadly this does happen to older members of communities who have no choice

but to be home alone…so really if we know anyone like that we should go hang out with

them for a bit. Truly though, I don't wanna die home alone…how tragic…what if cats

ate me…not that I have cats…but what if! Better buddy up, order a pizza and enjoy solitude

with a friend or two! So, that was the Top 10 reasons why you shouldn't

stay home alone..but really… I could give you 10 reasons why it is a good reason too…everything

is good in moderation! I for one love ordering a lonely ladies dinner and eating it while

I watch a film on my own…ahh bliss! Are you afraid of being home alone? If you

like it, what is your favourite way to fill alone time??

For more infomation >> Top 10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Stay Home Alone - Duration: 6:39.


4Deus Concierto (Album VUELVE) - Duration: 35:25.

For more infomation >> 4Deus Concierto (Album VUELVE) - Duration: 35:25.




Nothing like being told by a world-renowned physicist that the place you call home shouldn't

exist at all.

But this is exactly what a group at CERN in Switzerland have been researching the fact

that antimatter has never actually destroyed the universe including the planet earth.


OUR LAST UNIVERSE The whole study of how the universe came to be and how it continues to

evolve throughout millions of years is something scientist have studied over the years yet

still haven't come up with a conclusive finding.

Although this particular group of physicists has uncovered a few things about matter and

antimatter, in that when it comes to magnetic pull they seem equal in components with not

one dominating the other, however, actually having a different overall effect, which brings,

even more, questions than answers.

As one of the physicists on the project was quoted as saying to the press.

AN ASYMMETRY MUST EXIST HERE SOMEWHERE �All of our observations find a complete symmetry

between matter and antimatter, which is why the universe should not exist, �An asymmetry

must exist here somewhere, but we simply do not understand where the difference is."

However, there is no denying that the universe does indeed exist.

The only thing so far that the researchers are certain of is despite equal components

matter, and antimatter is opposites.

Anti-matter is quite unstable and could be damaging when coming into contact with matter.

So, what does all this do the Big Bang Theory which scientist cling to as how the universe

came into existence.

If this theory is to be believed, the universe would have been destroyed by now with antimatter

doing in the matter.

According to this study done at CERN that is exactly what should have happened by now,

there was no way to avoid it.

MANDELA EFFECT, GOD AND MULTIPLE DIMENSIONS In any case, the scientific community still

searches for answers as to not only the creation of the universe but also how it continues

to be sustained.

The careful thought out research at CERN that is testing the magnetic field in matter and

antimatter carefully is just one of many ways that universe existence continues to be studied.

But as the scientific community searches for a scientific answer to the reason the universe

still exist perhaps this is further verification for those who believe in a higher force being

at work.

After all, science can't come up with a viable answer as to why antimatter hasn't done us

all in by now, so maybe this could be proof that says that is a force protecting us all

at work.

Whatever the reason scientist won't give up the search for a scientific answer, even if

they continue to reach dead ends in doing so.

Who knows what the future will bring in ways of being able to study this perplexing puzzle

as to not only why we are here but why we are still here.

For more infomation >> STUNNING REVELATIONS OUT OF CERN WE SHOULDN'T EXIST - Duration: 3:32.


Ticket Spike, Al pastor style, Chicken tacos - Duration: 7:53.

So we're gonna basically do an Al Pastor

but with chicken

and a little bit of ground farce meat

in between the layers

so, this thing is just gonna be

sitting on a spit

or a ticket punch

Watch what we have. It's very simple,

These are thighs

with a little bit of butter and some spice

Pasilla de Oaxaca, ground up

some garlic

onion powder

some cumin

that's it

Don't be intimidated by this dish

Go down to your buddy's restaurant or order one of these

Get a little spike

That's all you need

Everything that we're doing for this dish

is right here.

So let's get started

Not too

You don't want it too thinly sliced

Just kind of rough cut

Probably a half of onion here

is what we're gonna do.

and right on top of that

is we're gonna take tomatillos that have been

husked and cleaned

We're just gonna chop these guys

in quarters

So we're gonna put a little bit of oil

on these guys here

the tomatillos

Salt and pepper, not too much

That's all. Right there

So now we're gonna take our

Our spike

We're gonna glove up here

Let's put a little oil in there

Dump in the spices

This is the Pasilla de Oaxaca



We're gonna put that right in there.

Same spices I have in the chicken thigh here.

For four chicken thighs, I did

two tablespoons of soft butter


Just pulsed it until it was ground,

that's all

I'm gonna cut them in half,

just so they're kind of simple to deal with

Then what you want to do is press down on the top

and slice it

Not super thin, but like about that

you know

Probably do that about three times

through the half breast

Do this one in quarters


So now what we're gonna do

is do a little bit of salt

a little bit of pepper in there

We're just gonna kind of rub that oil and spice in there

super easy

The old ticket spike

I used to hate this thing.

When it was this full, I was like ugh!

What we're gonna do first

we're gonna build the base of it

Put a couple breasts down

Just like so

Then take some of our farce meat

Ground chicken thigh just like that

You don't even have to stick it down, just

place it on there

so easy

and then just keep building it

This is like a gyro

Just alternate

breast and thigh

Just for the Al Pastor look

We're gonna put this little

Mexican spring onion, right up on top

and we're just gonna do a little bit of olive oil

just kind of drizzled and cascaded around it

We're just gonna do a couple

wedges of orange in there too

Just to add that nice citrus note

right at the base.

Just like that

So pretty

I'm gonna fire that in the oven

Then go pretty close to the heat to start

and then as you

as you start to see a lot of caramelization

you're gonna turn it, turn it, baste it.

We're gonna pull this guy out, we're almost

We're getting up to temp.

You can see

how there is a lot of liquid coming out of here

We're just gonna take a quick internal temperature there

So we're about a 120

as you can see the vegetables

it's getting pretty charged

so now what we want to do

is introduce a little bit of liquid, which is just

a little ground tomatillo

and ground chilies

and a little bit of onion

and now this is just gonna introduce some steam

which is gonna make the bottom cook a little bit faster

Squeeze these oranges out and get rid of them

They've done their job

Back we go

So what we're gonna do now

is we're just gonna prep our

our little, ah

cabbage slaw for our taco

organic green cabbage

Really thinly sliced, take out the core

Thin as you can

and then I'm gonna do

A little cut

Quarter cuts in there as well

Doesn't have to be perfect

Nice and rustic

Then we're gonna do some onion

Just a little bit, not too heavy on that

and I love radishes in my slaw

That goes in with the onion and cabbage

Now a little

Fresno chili

We're going seeds and all

a little rough chop

Then some cilantro

Kind of bigger

on that

Then we're gonna go in with some fresh oregano

now we're gonna do some lime

A full lime and then we'll taste it

ground cumin there


Then beyond

the lime acidity we're gonna go in with a little

citrus champagne vinegar

not much at all

just a teaspoon there

and I love just a little bit of oil

just to kind of coat the leaves

of the cabbage

touch of salt

now we're gonna mix that up

I mean look at that already

That's just fresh


alright, set that aside

Look at how gorgeous this thing is

you got the caramelized, lacquered top

got our cute little onion up here

we're gonna set him aside just for fun

We're gonna pull this guy

set the sauce aside here real fast

we're gonna get a

a final temperature here

Alright, so we have aninternal temperature of 160 degrees here

which is perfect for chicken

What I'm gonna do is just kind of tent him up

With a big piece of meat like this

you want to go, probably about

10 minutes

So for our sauce

we're gonna take the tomatillos

the onion

the bit of the orange

the roasted chilies

and all the roasting juices

So we're just gonna add it to the blender here

It's still super hot

We're gonna add

a bunch of whole cilantro

and a little bit of parsley on the bottom

not much

Just a couple tablespoons of parsley

Then we're gonna put it on the Vitamix here

Start low

Then blend it on high

You don't want it to change too much color so

I'm gonna stop it right there

Pour it into this little vessel

and we're gonna get ready to plate our tacos

So what we're gonna do is just take this guy off of here

We're gonna get him off the spit

Set him back up

Now we're gonna take a serrated knife

and we're just gonna kind of carve this guy

oh look at that

just kind of falling apart

Get all those caramelized outside pieces

we're going to take our tortillas

and fire them right in this deck

and use this heat

just like a plancha

We're gonna go double down on the taco

Fill it with our chicken

Just add a little bit of our sauce

our cooking liquid there

the tomatillos and onion

Super rich

and then we're gonna plate it

with the slaw

to finish

So here's our final dish

This is a, ticket spike

wood roasted chicken taco

For more infomation >> Ticket Spike, Al pastor style, Chicken tacos - Duration: 7:53.


Cómo evitar ser víctima de robo de salario - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Cómo evitar ser víctima de robo de salario - Duration: 4:30.


Acertou a Mão - Luan Santana (Cover Caio Lúcio) - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Acertou a Mão - Luan Santana (Cover Caio Lúcio) - Duration: 3:41.


[FREE] Drake Type Beat | Bring It ( Prod. By SammieSosza) - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> [FREE] Drake Type Beat | Bring It ( Prod. By SammieSosza) - Duration: 2:30.


Asap Rocky Type Beat - "All Alone" - Frytz Beats - Duration: 3:33.

***Music playing, No Dialogue***

For more infomation >> Asap Rocky Type Beat - "All Alone" - Frytz Beats - Duration: 3:33.


Katie Price Wants To Quit TV For a Job In ASDA - Duration: 2:32.

Katie Price wants to quit TV for a job at Asda in a bid to escape

The drama of her life and return to some normality the loose women presenter

39 has revealed that she was on the verge of depression after suffering a miscarriage and

Discovering that estranged husband Kieren hailer had cheated all in the same year

Model Katie who shot to fame when she was just 17

Has endured a most traumatic year to date after her mum was also diagnosed with a terminal illness

But in an attempt to restore some ordinariness in her life

Katie has admitted that she longs for a job in a

supermarket in an exclusive interview with the sun's Bazaar column, she said sometimes

I think I would love to be behind the chili Nesta and just play shops

I want to hear the beep noises and be on the checkout I crave normality and things like that

When people need me they realized that I am normal

But then they know what my job is and it is strange for them to put the two together

Because we're completely different this year has been so stressful

I feel like I couldn't run anywhere if you just think the past two months

I had a miscarriage God told Kieren was cheating that my mum is dying and the threats about Harvey

It's like how much can one person take I could either go down the route of depression

But I have decided I am going to get fit and find something to occupy me to make me feel good

The reality star has also been embroiled in an ongoing drama with love islands Chris Hughes

After he denied sending her texts Katy revealed to the 52 messages she claims to have received

From Chris last week including one, which he brand's girlfriend, Olivia Atwood famed hungry

For more infomation >> Katie Price Wants To Quit TV For a Job In ASDA - Duration: 2:32.


📈Sales Training Academy📈 - 🏆 Simulation-Based Sales Training 💪 - Duration: 0:08.

(J) Hello, this is John Ruman. (R) And I'm Roger Moore.

(J) And we're with the Sale Training Academy. (R) We use a

simulation-based approach to teach sales.

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