Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 24 2017

Humans need technological innovation to survive and thrive.

New solutions enable us to deal with local and global challenges.

and new ideas enable us to grow.

Innovation doesn't have to be left to governments and big corporations anymore.

It happens whenever and wherever people have the power to solve problems.

We are at a unique moment in time.

Big changes are happening that make it cheaper and easier to develop hardware.

Big changes that empower you to make a difference.

Digital manufacturing lets you iterate quickly, at low cost, and produce locally in small batches

Access to affordable electronics are increasing the scope and quality of the technology you can create

and channels like crowdfunding are enabling you to finance and market your business.

This is an extraordinary time

with massive challenges in fields such as food, energy, and healthcare

But it's also a time of unprecedented opportunity.

Because, today, thanks to the democratization of technology

you have the power to develop hardware that transforms lives.

For more infomation >> Why Today is an Extraordinary Time to Develop Hardware - Duration: 1:38.


Essence of Murli 25-10-2017 - Duration: 6:19.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 25th October 2017

( Sweet Sweet Baapdada has taught us business of being spiritual. In this business we earn and share wealth of spiritual knowledge )

( While earning, we also stay in rememberance of Baba, so that our sins are absolved. So lets hear Murli of today .. )

Essence: Sweet children, you have to pay a great deal of attention to this spiritual study.

There is a big burden of sins on your heads. Therefore, don't waste your time.

Question: What are the signs of the children who pay attention to their spiritual income?

Answer: They never waste their time gossiping.

Even while doing everything for the livelihood of their bodies, they occupy their time earning a spiritual income.

They wake up early in the morning and remember the Father with a lot of love.

The souls continue to fly in remembrance.

(2) They are merciful like the Father and have mercy for themselves and for everyone else.

They give everyone the Father's introduction.

Song: You are the Mother and You are the Father.

Essence for dharna: 1. Become a spinner of the discus of self-realisation.

Maintain the intoxication that we Brahmins are the topknot and that we belong to God's community.

2. Use your time in a worthwhile way in remembrance of the Father. Remain busy in spiritual service.

Surrender yourself fully to the Father.

Blessing: May you be a conqueror of matter & a conqueror of Maya & maintain the intoxication of self-sovereignty by

being seated on the immortal throne & the heart-throne.

A soul who is seated on the immortal throne always maintains spiritual intoxication.

Just as a king cannot rule his kingdom without intoxication, similarly, if a soul does not have the intoxication of self-sovereignty,

he cannot rule his subjects, that is, over his physical senses.

So, be seated on the immortal throne and the heart-throne

and maintain this spiritual intoxication and no obstacle or problem can then come in front of you.

Neither matter nor Maya will be able to attack you.

To be seated on the throne means easily to become a conqueror of matter and a conqueror of Maya.

Slogan: In order to achieve success in your thoughts, continue to fly with the power of the soul.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 25-10-2017 - Duration: 6:19.


Earn Your No with Effie - Sales Tips - Duration: 2:14.

Know that's it's our job to stay on them You Know...

It's our job.

And I have to tell you another quick story during busy season for us waves season starts

in January and where I used to work they used to say

"Where's Effie?"

.. and they'd say "You know Effie she's in the back room watching videos"

and I was a million producer there.

because we all miss the steps in the selling process because we get so involved in the

day to day process of our businesses we really forget the process and if you forget...

Jenn and I always talk about making Meatballs ... you know...

when I make mine with beef, veal and pork and if I leave one of those components out

you know what I mean it's not the same meatball and thats the same thing with the sales process.

So sometimes in your business you need to just take a step back and really think about

the sales process and what your doing and if your not closing deals you should be saying

"Shit man, what am I doing wrong? " because I do that every day... you know ... you

are doing something wrong if you're not closing the deal you're doing something wrong.

so with the follow up just to help you out a little bit maybe something ... so Bob Dickinson

was the old president of Carnival Cruise Line and he did a sales video back a million years

ago and when I first started and he said One way to overcome that is when your leaving

the message you can say "Hey Jenn, It's Effie, We spoke the other day about that fabulous

Carnival Cruise you wanted to go on and I haven't heard back from you.

I hope I didn't do anything to offend you for the reason that your not calling me back.

I'd really just appreciate if you give me a buzz back and let me know either way...

I'd greatly appreciate it" And you won't believe...

I'd say about 70% of the time the people call back and theygo "Effie, oh my god, you didn't offend

me I've just been so busy I haven't had the chance to get back with you."

Earn Your No...

We're so afraid to hear the word No but in this business you really want to earn your


So call until, like Sharon says "You get that No"

because then you can stop wasting your time on that no and go on to someone that is saying


For more infomation >> Earn Your No with Effie - Sales Tips - Duration: 2:14.


Star Wars: YT-1300 Light Freighter - Spacedock - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: YT-1300 Light Freighter - Spacedock - Duration: 3:36.


一聲估歌仔(≧▽≦) 咩遊戲黎架? 蜜瓜包估唔估得中? [CC字幕] - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> 一聲估歌仔(≧▽≦) 咩遊戲黎架? 蜜瓜包估唔估得中? [CC字幕] - Duration: 5:21.


Em biết ║ Nhạc trẻ hay nhất ( TRỊNH ĐÌNH QUANG ) - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> Em biết ║ Nhạc trẻ hay nhất ( TRỊNH ĐÌNH QUANG ) - Duration: 5:23.


Faith Receives Grace with Kenneth Copeland (Air Date 10-24-17) - Duration: 19:47.

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for me.

I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: Today on the Believer's Voice of Victory,

Kenneth Copeland helps us examine what the Word of God

says we should be saying, versus what's actually coming

out of our mouths. Your words spoken in faith

have the power to bring things to pass.

KENNETH: Let's look at Mark. "Verily I say unto you,

Whosoever shall say--" All right, count with me.

TOGETHER: One. KENNETH: "--unto this mountain, Be thou

removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and

shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe--" Okay,

there's one "believe." So we've got one "say," and one

"believe." "--that those things which he saith--" two "--shall

come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith." AUDIENCE:

Three. KENNETH: So where did He put the emphasis, on the

believing? AUDIENCE: No. KENNETH: No, on the saying.

(Audience Agrees) You can be believing and not say it, and

you haven't released the faith. Faith is like money, you've got

to spend it for it to work. (Audience Murmurs) Amen. And so

he put the emphasis on the "saying" part. Turn with me to

Luke--no, I haven't finished reading Mark 11:24, 25.

(Laughter) "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever you

desire, when you pray, believe you receive them, and you shall

have them. And when you stand praying, forgive, if you have

ought against any: that your Father which is in heaven may

forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither

will your Father which is in heaven forgive you your

trespasses." Now, let's straighten that out. He's

already forgiven you your trespasses." He's not holding

anything against anybody. He said, "I, even I, am he that

blotteth out your transgressions, and remember

your sins no more, for my own sake." Then, of course, in the

book of Colossians, talks about Jesus blotting out the

transgressions and the note. What is that note, that--that

note that was held against us? Do you know? You remember the

sign that was nailed on that cross? Those were the charges

against Jesus. That was the process. You put the charges on

the cross. And every charge that was against us hung on that

cross and blotted out the--His blood blotted out the

handwriting. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Glory to God. Oh, I tell you, I can

tell the Spirit of God is really interested in us digging deeper

in the Spirit and finding out who we are and stop--and stop

this silly baby church kind of faking and talking and grow up

into Him! (Cheers & Applause) I refuse to say anything that's

unbecoming to Jesus and the blood that He shed. AUDIENCE:

Hallelujah. KENNETH: And I refuse to say anything that I

don't desire to come to pass. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: And if

you have to, just slap the very daylights out of yourself. It'll

wake you up! Now, beating yourself won't help you. That's

penitence. But it don't hurt every once in a while just to

slap the snot out of yourself. (Laughter) You start saying

stuff and start raising your voice to your family, I mean,

it's--it's time for a jaw-slapping. AUDIENCE: Whoo!

KENNETH: And if you will slap yourself, then you don't get

slapped. AUDIENCE: That's right. That's right. KENNETH: The

proper way to say that, "If you judge yourself, you'll not be

judged," with the Word. (Audience Agrees) And you don't

"die prematurely--" (Audience "Amens) "--by

discerning--rightfully discerning the body of Christ."

Now then, your heavenly Father will not forgive your

trespasses. It isn't that He won't. It is that He can't.

AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: You've already forgiven. Did you hear

Creflo last night? "oh, goody, everybody's going to heaven."

No, they're not. I wish they were. But what grace has done,

you're going to have to, by faith, receive it. (Audience

Agrees) You're not the righteousness of God. You're the

righteousness of God in Him. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: You had

to get in Him to get it. AUDIENCE: That's right. That's

right, amen. KENNETH: Amen. So, He is faithful and just to

forgive me my sins. When? When I confess. Amen. AUDIENCE: Amen.

KENNETH: You confess it and be like Him, forget it. AUDIENCE:

Amen. KENNETH: Confess it and forget it. Now, you're going to

have to walk by faith for a while because you kind of

get--you kind of get worried about yourself if you're not

mourning about this. Don't seem like you're all that sorrowful.

"Maybe I need to cry a little while." Crying don't impress

Jesus. (Audience Agrees) He's easily touched with the feelings

of your infirmities. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: But you still

have to, by faith, receive it, because His feelings won't heal

you. AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: But His Spirit will.

(Laughs) I--whoa ho-ho. That done me a lot of good right

there. Glory to God. He's easily touched with feelings. So I plan

to take advantage of Him all I can. I'm going to walk in love

and keep the love commandment and just stay--keep my

figure--my finger on repentance all the time and raise your

voice just a little bit and say, "No, baby, I apologize. Forgive

me. I'm in training here." "Thank You, Lord. I receive my

forgiveness of that." AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: It's not

the time you screamed at your wife. It's everyday, day-in,

day-out conduct that causes trouble. AUDIENCE: Right.

KENNETH: You get in the habit of being loud and that kind of

thing. You have to be retrained. And you're--in some areas, you

are still such a baby. You may be well developed over here in

one area, but over here in this area particularly, walking in

the love of God and being slow to anger, slow to speak. Why?

Slow to speak. Some of you talk so fast all the time ain't

nobody can get anything to say. (Laughter) And it's a habit.

AUDIENCE: Yes, it is. KENNETH: Now, you may be like me and

you're naturally that way. Well, that don't give you any excuse

to talk all the time. AUDIENCE: Amen. (Laughter) KENNETH: Amen.

Shut up. (Laughter) Let somebody else say something. Amen. And

you may be like Gloria. She's dispositioned to never say

anything. She said, "Well, you know, you had more than enough

to say for both of us." (Laughter) Now, sometimes

there's some little silly little something like, "Would you shut

up and just listen to what she's got to say?" "Forgive me, sir, I

repent of that." Get back over on the love walk. I'm being

trained. AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: I am being--can I say

that? I never thought that in my life until right then. Do I have

to say that? (Laughter) In certain areas--now, you heard

me, I didn't say this because I wanted to. (Laughter) In certain

areas, I'm having to be spiritually potty trained.

(Laughter) Such a baby. Why? Because you haven't taken

authority over your own tongue. AUDIENCE: That's good. KENNETH:

Go to the book of James. "Well, Brother Copeland, it says no man

can tame the tongue." No, it didn't say that. You ain't

getting off that easy. AUDIENCE: Come on! KENNETH: It said, "No

man can tame the tongue with natural force." That goes on to

say that the Word of God will tame it. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH:

Amen. I've got six minutes and 33 seconds. I can read my text

anyway. Luke 5. Thank You, Lord. Luke 5. No, I've got a little

more time than that. I'm going to take a little more time than

that, okay? Because Jerry, bless his heart, he--he quit a little

bit early. I thank God he did. But I--you know, I didn't think

he was through, man. I'm back there, "nah, nah." I was so into

what he was saying. All right. Luke 5:17, "He withdrew

himself--And it came to pass on a certain day, as he was

teaching--" Now say, "Teaching." AUDIENCE: Teaching. KENNETH:

"--as he was teaching--" Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by

the Word of God. And "--there were Pharisees and doctors of

the law sitting by, which were come out of every town of

Galilee, and Judea, and Jerusalem: and the power of the

Lord was present to heal them." Well, certainly, it was. Jesus

was present. He said, "It's the Father that dwells within me, he

does the work." So the power was present to heal everyone there.

"And, behold, men brought in a bed a man which was taken with a

palsy: and they sought means to bring him in, and to lay him

before them--before him. And when they could not find by what

way they might bring him in because of the multitude, they

went up on the housetop, and let him down through the tiling

which, with his couch into the midst before Jesus. And when he

saw their faith--" Now, how do you see faith? Well, in the

first place, He saw what they did, their action. AUDIENCE:

That's right. KENNETH: Amen. Now, if you study this out, it's

in three different--it's in three different references. I'm

only going to take two of them this morning. But He was in His

house in Capernaum. It's referred to as the house. So,

I'm--I'm totally convinced of this. I thought--many, many

years, I thought He was in a hostile group, but He was not.

They were in His house. They came to hear Him. High-ranking

people came to hear Him. For a long time, I thought--but if you

carefully read this text, you'll see what I'm talking about. Read

all three of them. Now, they saw their faith. Well, how many

people without faith going to let somebody--you've got the

palsy, you can't walk, "They're going to let you carry me up on

top of the house? Dear Lord, I'm sick now." (Laughter) "You drop

me off this man's house, I'm in trouble." Now, I wasn't smart

enough to think that up. I got that from Brother Hagin. Praise

God. "When they--when he saw their faith, he said," Son--or

"Man, thy sins are forgiven thee." Now, Matthew 9, Jesus

said, "Cheer up! Your sins are forgiven." Cheer up! I'm saying

that to you this morning. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: I don't

know what you did early this morning. I mean, you could

have--you could have robbed a 7-Eleven store before you came

into this building. Cheer up! Your sins be forgiven you!

(Applause) Now, a lot of you--a lot of you, more than a few of

you have certain things wrong with your body and so forth, and

you keep thinking, "Well, it's because of my sin." Repent!

AUDIENCE: Amen! KENNETH: Repent over it! Amen. "Well, I don't

know what it was." Well, then forget it. God's forgotten it.

You can cover that with the blood. Now, if it's something of

long continuance and you know you should have confessed that

before somebody, it may be something back there a long time

ago, and it's bothered you that did something to someone. And

it's important to you to go to that person and say, "I want to

repent of this. God's forgiven me, but the right thing to do is

to--is to ask Your forgiveness and I receive it." Oh, that's

healthy. I don't have to--that's--for additional CDs

by Kenneth--(Laughter) That's part of the love walk. But

anyway, "Cheer up!" He said in Matthew, "Your sins be forgiven

you. The scribes and the Pharisees began to reason,

saying, Who is this which speaketh blasphemies? Who can

forgive sins, but God alone? When Jesus perceived their

thoughts, he answering said unto them, What reason ye you in your

hearts? Whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee;

or say, Rise up and walk? But that you may know--" Now, look

at this. Now, read it carefully. "But that you may know that the

Son of man hath power--" "How God anointed Jesus Christ of

Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power" "--to forgive sins, (he

said unto the sick of the palsy,) I say unto thee--" Now,

He could have just said, "Rise, take up your bed, and go home."

No. He's activating power. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: He's

activating Mark 11:23. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: "My Son--" and

He's demonstrating. Amen? (Audience "Amens") Everything He

ever did and said is an exact Word of God. The power, oh, the

power and the authority, the dominating power of faith-filled

words. The prophet Micah said there's going to be a baby born

in Bethlehem? 715 years later, right--and on time, right in the

right spot. The Word of God dominated men, dominated

nations, dominated armies, dominated everything that it

took, maneuvered everything that it took for 715 years. And

the--and Caesar just decided to have some taxes. Right? Yeah,

right. And He wasn't born in a manger because His parents were

broke. AUDIENCE: That's right. Amen. KENNETH: Broke people

don't have to pay taxes. AUDIENCE: Amen. Yes, preacher,

preach! KENNETH: He was in that manger because there wasn't any

room in the inn. (Audience Agrees) Wrong. He was in that

manger because that's where he was supposed to be born.

(Audience Agrees) I've been wanting to say that for a long

time. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Hallelujah. Where was I? Ha-ha-ha-ha. Thank

You, Jesus. "What is easier to say, Your sins be forgiven thee;

and Rise, take up--rise up and walk? But that you may know that

the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins, (he said

unto the sick of the palsy), I say unto thee, Arise, take up

thy couch, and go into thine own--go into thine house. And

immediately he rose up before them, took up that whereon he

lay, and departed to his own house, glorifying God." Verse

26, "They were all--" How many of them? AUDIENCE: All. KENNETH:

"--all amazed--" and how many of them? AUDIENCE: All. KENNETH:

"--glorified God--" And how many of them? AUDIENCE: All. KENNETH:

"--were filled with fear, saying, We have seen strange

things today." This was not a hostile crowd. Their religion

got ahold of their thinking, and they couldn't listen to Him

anymore. So faith didn't come because they're sitting there

thinking, well, about rules and regulations and laws and

everything. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: He's activating Mark

11:23. AUDIENCE: Yes, yes. KENNETH: "My son," and He's

demonstrating. Amen? Everything He ever did and said is an exact

Word of God. The power, oh, the power and the authority, the

dominating power of faith-filled words.

For more infomation >> Faith Receives Grace with Kenneth Copeland (Air Date 10-24-17) - Duration: 19:47.


Dream - ANUN (เนื้อเพลง) - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Dream - ANUN (เนื้อเพลง) - Duration: 3:00.


NASA's TOP 10 Air Purifying House Plants | Sick Building Syndrome | Indoor Air Purifier Plants - Duration: 3:07.

Happiness, NASA, scientist, indoor Hello Friends!

Today I shall list out the Top 10 Air Purifying Plants recommended by NASA scientists and

these are easy to grow plants that can be planted indoors as well as outdoors.

Coming up..

People spend more than 90 percent of their time indoors and hence the air quality we

breathe in so important for our health.

Indoor air pollutants have been ranked among the top five environmental risks to public


Specially in places lacking decent ventilation and in particular cross ventilation.

The air contaminants like formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, etc , when inhaled by humans whether

at home or in work places can cause "Sick Building Syndrome," which can cause headaches,

dizziness, nausea, and eyes, ears, and nose irritations.

Fortunately NASA scientists have been working to understand this problem and have provided

with a solution of certain Indoor Air Purifying plants what they call it as "nature�s life

support system."

So, how do houseplants purify the air?

These Plants absorb some of these toxins from the air when they take in carbon dioxide,

which is then processed into oxygen through photosynthesis.

Here is the list of Top 10 Indoor plants and All these can be grown Indoor as well as Outdoors.


Chrysanthemum morifolium (common name is Garden Mum).

Its an air-purifying champion and tops the list.


Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum Vittatum).

This is easiest to grow plant.


Dracaena or Dragon Plant: Any Dracaena Species are good enough, like dragon plant, song of

india, lucky bamboo, and so on.


Ficus Benjamina (Weeping Fig): is another low maintenance easy to grow plant.


Peace Lily: These are small sized yet powerful plants.


Snake Plant or Sansevieria plant also called Mother in laws tongue.


Boston Fern is another easy to grow plant.


Bamboo palm (chamaedorea seifrizii) is another good air purifying plant.


Aloe Vera is another good formaldehyde remover along with so many other beneficial uses.


Last but not the least is our Money Plant vine which eliminates formaldehyde.

So there we have it folks, those were the top 10 air purifying plants.

If you have more in the list, please add them in comments section.

If you like the video, please give a thumbs up.

Consider subscribing to our channel if you are new to this channel.

Happy Gardening!

For more infomation >> NASA's TOP 10 Air Purifying House Plants | Sick Building Syndrome | Indoor Air Purifier Plants - Duration: 3:07.


Monster | AMV 【Vietsub Phụ Đề - Undertale】 - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Monster | AMV 【Vietsub Phụ Đề - Undertale】 - Duration: 3:47.


Lost Sphear Restore the World Story Trailer - Duration: 1:52.

In a broken world of lost memories…

Only one hero can save us all…

A self-taught swordsman…

…a protector from monsters

…with the power of memories

…and a band of friends

When a memory is lost, part of this world disappears…

The people of this world call it 'Lost'

A journey of discovery

Memories restored…

Legends say the moon created the world….

PRE-ORDER NOW Available 23.01.2018

For more infomation >> Lost Sphear Restore the World Story Trailer - Duration: 1:52.


ମଜାଦାର ଆଳୁ ପୋଟଳ କଶା | Aalu Potala Kasa Recipe | Aloo Parwal Gravy | Odia Authentic - Duration: 7:03.

Namaskar. Welcome to

If you enjoy my recipes don't forget to like , share and subscribe

Let's see today's recipe

Today we will make Aalu Potala Kasa

Let's see what are the ingredients required for this recipe

Pointed gourd - 6 pcs ( Cut them diagonally like I have shown)

Diced potato - 1 ( Large)

Sliced onion - 1 ( medium)

Tomato - 1 ( medium)

Green chili - 1

Garlic cloves


Cinnamon / Dalchini powder - 1/4 tsp

Bay leaf - 1



Black pepper corn

Cinnamon stick

Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp

Dry fenugreek leaves

Meat / mutton masala - 1/2 tsp

Turmeric power

Garam masala

Salt to taste

Red chili powder

Water -3/4 glass

And some mustard oil

First take a blending jar for making the masala or paste

Add all these ingredients ( onion, ginger , garlic , green chili and all whole spices)

And make a fine paste by adding 1 - 2 tbsp of water

Turn on the flame and heat the kadhai

Pour 2 tbsp of mustard oil in it

Here I have used mustard oil as it gives very nice aroma and authentic taste to this gravy

You can use any other cooking oil too

Put the cut pointed gourds / parwals

Add little salt

And turmeric powder

Keep the gas flame in low

Flip the sides in between and fry

Here all parwals are turned to golden brown

Take it out into a plate

Fry the potatoes in the same way

Like this

Process for making the gravy ( Ihave taken the same kadhai)

Pour 3 tbsp of mustad oil in it

Then add 1/2 tsp of cumin seeds

And 1 bay leaf

Fry it for 1/2 minute

Then put the prepared paste

Cover it with the lid immediately for few seconds after adding the paste

Otherwise it might come to your face

Add salt according to the taste for this masala or add a pinch

Fry it on medium flame until the raw smell of this masala goes away

After a minute

Put 1/2 tbsp of turmeric powder and 1 tbsp of kashmiri red chili powder

Here the raw smell has gone

Then add cut tomatoes

And cook until it gets softer

Reduce the flame to low and cover it with the lid

Here oil is getting separated from the masala

Tomato is also softer

Then put 1/2 tsp of meat or mutton masala in it

You can use coriander powder and cumin powder instead of meat masala

After 1/2 minute pour 3/4 glass of water

Let the water simmer on high flame

Then add fried pointed gourd and potato

Put salt according to the taste

Reduce the flame to low and cook it for some time

It's been 20 minutes

Both vegetables are nicely cooked

Then put cinnamon powder

Garam masala

And dry fenugreek leaves

Mix everything very nicely

To get the flavour in this gravy cover it for 1/2 - 1 minute

It is done now

Turn off the flame

And get it out into a serving plate

Aalu potala kasa is ready to serve now

It can be serve with steamed rice or roti or with paratha

So try this recipe at home

And share with me your experience

Thank You.

See you soon in my next video

You could subscribe my channel by clicking on this face icon

For more infomation >> ମଜାଦାର ଆଳୁ ପୋଟଳ କଶା | Aalu Potala Kasa Recipe | Aloo Parwal Gravy | Odia Authentic - Duration: 7:03.


How To Grow Your Instagram Following - Duration: 10:44.

In this video I am talking all about how you can grow your Instagram following.

Very exciting it's so stay tuned this is the shiny's business show where we show

you how to turn your ideas into reality and become a wildly successful

entrepreneur Kerry Greene she leads business

hey it's Kerry here founders a female entrepreneur association and author of

she means business and in this video we are talking about how you can grow at

your Instagram following this is a very exciting topic so many of you want to

know how you can do this so here are my steps before actually getting started

with it so the first step is that you need to make sure your Instagram profile

is on point so first off make sure you have a business account not a personal

account and secondly you want to make sure that your name is displayed

correctly and that you have a really great description for your profile so

make sure you say something and tell people like what you're about what your

business is about so that you they know when they come to your account they know

what they're there for they know what you can offer them so make sure that's

really clear the other thing is that you get to put a link on your profile so

take advantage of this I always like to use trackable link something like a

bitly so that you I can track when other someone's clicked on my link from

Instagram typically my link from Instagram goes to some kind of free

download so that I can capture people's email addresses rather than just sending

them over to a website where they might get lost in it and completely then go

off it and forget all about FDA so use a trackable link and make sure it is a

good link you're saying them to a good place where you can capture their leads

so the second tip is to make sure that you are posting out pictures that are

really on point with your brand that really align with what your business is

all about from the colors that you're using the fonts you're using the images

that you're using everything needs to align with your brand so that when

people see your Instagram profile they get you they either resonate with you or

they don't resonate with you that's what you want to do so it's a give you an

example of this my friend Kate Jones runs an Instagram account called the

little Jones she creates wall prints for children's nurseries and so all of her

images are completely aligned to her brand every single one of them all of

the things to post out are amazing and are things that our audience are going

to want to see so you've got to do this you've got to make sure that what you're

posting up is what your audience want to see and it makes sense for your business

so for example for me I post out a mixture of inspirational quotes I post

behind-the-scenes shots of of FPA stuff so products were working on I also post

out pictures of myself and share personal stories of what I've got going

on from a business perspective I post out offers and testimonials and that

kind of thing when I'm in the middle of a launch to share the great stuff that

we're creating so there's a whole host of different types of content that I

post out but everything needs to look as nice as possible your the quality of

your images needs to be amazing and it needs to all be relevant for your

business but the most the key thing of all of this is that you post out

consistently if you post out consistently you can grow actually

really quickly but if you don't then it is so difficult to build traction and if

you start and stop start and stop you'll notice that you just can't it you maybe

get a few likes here and a few lights out but it's not consistent or is if you

post out consistently you'll see those likes start to build so post out

consistently and post out really amazing and beautiful graphics if you need

inspiration for this go and check out people on Instagram and see what they

are doing and see how often they are posting out and take inspiration from it

and see how you could do some other things for your own profile my third tip

for you is to use hashtags when you are posting out so hashtags are a really

great way for your posts to be discovered by people who are not yet

following your channel so use really relevant and popular hashtags to go

along with your content hashtags that are relevant for your content a really

great thing to do is to go and check out people who are in your industry who are

bigger on Instagram than you are and see what hashtags they are using for their

business and take inspiration from it and use them - it is a really quick way

to figure out what hashtags are going to work for you so definitely make a list

of people who are in your industry who are relevant to you and see what

hashtags that they are using for their business you want to basically well what

I do often is either put the hashtags right at the very bottom of all of the

texts I've written and I always put like dots so the

you can it pushes the hashtags down so it's not like a bunch of hashtags that

look messy so they're kind of hidden or the other thing I do is I will add the

hashtags to a comment in the post so that way it just keeps that cleanly dose

don't see a bunch of ugly hashtags but hashtags are really powerful so get

really clear on which ones you can use to help your business well help your

post to get seen to people who aren't following your account yet so tip number

four is to create amazing captions to go along with your pictures a picture is

one thing but what you write as a caption is what's really going to help

engage your audience and encourage them to leave a comment and interact with you

so this is a great place even if you put an inspirational quote out for example

you could share something really personal tell a story and let people in

let people get to know you or even ask them questions share something with them

and then ask a question and ask them to leave a comment and share their answer

it's a really powerful way to create more engagement on your posts themselves

and to get people to really interact with you and it's just a really powerful

way to let people in and to start building that relationship with people

on Instagram I do this all the time and it is so so effective even if you for

example you just take a picture of yourself and take a selfie a good selfie

and you share it and then you caption it and you tell people like what you've

been up to or maybe the biggest frustration you've got going on or the

biggest when you've had whatever it is let people in use powerful descriptions

to go along with it to let people in and to share great content with your

audience so tip number five is to interact with people on Instagram at the

end of the day Instagram is a community you need to build relations on

relationships on it it's not just a one-way street so not only do you want

to make sure you reply to comments on your own posts you want to go over to

other people's Instagram profiles and comment on their post too

this way you can really get to know people you can build relationships with

people and it leads to incredible things it leads to more followers more

subscribers more customers so interact for people on Instagram

don't just be posting out posting up posting out and then disappearing and

not engaging and interacting on that because that is not going to help you to

build a successful Instagram marketing strategy so my sixth tip is to shed roll

all of your content for Instagram yeah you're gonna have some things you can do

on the fly when you have in spray you see something like oh yeah I'll post

this to Instagram or when you're doing your Instagram stories that is wonderful

but for the other pieces of content you meet a scheduler so that you actually

post owl so be people forget to be consistent because they just don't plan

ahead so use a scheduling tool you've got to be careful with which tools you

actually use with Instagram because the ones that post automatically to

Instagram will have an impact on your reach because Instagram doesn't like the

whole boxing so make sure you use one like I use Panola so basically what it

does is I can schedule it all out and then it reminds me it basically pops up

it's time to post it Instagram now and then I can click through and I can it

basically copy and paste the text that I've scheduled in my planner over on

Instagram and posted out that way but that way I can plan out weeks and weeks

and weeks in advance and I can make sure it helps you to stay on track and make

sure that I actually post out to Instagram so use some kind of scheduler

if you find it helpful or at the very least just plan out what you're going to

be posting you know ahead of time so that you actually do it even if it's

just a week ahead of time do it and then you'll feel like a weight your subject

because saying yes I've gotten it out I blog about my content for the weekend on

Instagram and it feels so good I promise so definitely do that so my final tip

for you is to use your Instagram handle on all your other social media platforms

if you have an email list as well then make sure you share it people and your

email list even if it's something you put at the bottom of every email goes

out that people can check you out on Instagram and there's a link to your

Instagram profile also if you have a following on Facebook for example then

share it with them on Facebook and say hey I'm hanging out on Instagram on

Instagram I share this this and this maybe it's some behind the scenes stuff

come and check it out I'd love to hang out with you over there or if you're

part of Facebook groups do the same thing if you can I mean you have to just

watch the rules of the group's because some people don't allow you to post to

felt like that but if you can share things like that then tell people about

it get people to come and follow you and join you over on Instagram so you can

connect with people over there obviously you want to be posting in relevant

places so you get relevant people following your account but leverage your

other platforms to get the word out about your Instagram

following so many people forget to do this but you might as well leverage the

audience I've already built up and send them

Oh for that and get them to connect with you and hang out with you over there

Instagram is such a powerful platform I have seen people within a really short

space of time start start their Instagram profiles and create so much

success from doing these things I've shared it's ridiculously simple but

simple seriously works so make sure you do it just be consistent with it that is

the key thing think through what am i posting out is my audience gonna love

this am i proud to post this out if you are put it out there and be ridiculously

consistent about it and you will grow an amazing Instagram following so those are

my seven steps for how to grow your Instagram following I know they're super

simple but simple really really works the key thing is to be consistent with

this I know so many people who have created huge followings on Instagram

starting out from nothing with having no clue but just being ridiculously

consistent with all of these things I've shared and it has transformed their

businesses it's how they drive the majority of traffic to their websites

and get sales this is so powerful but the key thing is to be ridiculously

consistent with it if you do that you are gonna grow an amazing Instagram

following so I really hope you've enjoyed this video to help you even more

with it I have created a free download where you can get an Instagram planner

to help you plan for your content how I which also has some extra tips and for

you the link is below Stan Lauder so just pop your details in and we'll send

it over to your email address instantly so definitely go and check Val and I

will see you next week for another episode of she means business hey guys I

really hope you enjoyed that video if you did then definitely give it a thumbs

up and also click to subscribe so you don't have any future videos also make

sure you leave a comment below and let me know what the biggest takeaway for

you is and what you are going to be implementing on Instagram also if you

want to share a link to your Instagram profile so we can all check out and I

will see you in the next video

For more infomation >> How To Grow Your Instagram Following - Duration: 10:44.


My first (documented) TRACK DAY!!! | AlphaQ - Duration: 18:04.

look at this place, magical, innit?

Alright, how's it going, ladies and gentlemen? my name is AlphaQ

and welcome back guys to the channel for my first documented track

day it's my first around here I've never been here before

yeah I'm sorry my gauntlet gloves are torn alright the

sentul karting track I've never been here before as I said

oh that is that's intimidating

my cornering speed my apex speed is terrible

I'm still kind of getting acclamatised to the fucking track

that's scary I'm an absolute noob here

missed the apex by a mile

yep that kid, that kid is great I've ruined his line, I'm sorry

I'll stay to the left

that's intimidating really this is embarrassing really


didn't see that coming I didn't see that coming that fast

yep again overtaken by a scooty overtaken by scooty

I'm an absolute noob and a half

I've been lapped been lapped by that kid twice by the way I haven't done track days

for quite some time for a few years actually so

yeah I'm obviously gonna be rusty. I'll let him through

take the apex dude

good job dude

three times three times I've been lapped made a bet with my mate, ayazamaza

we basically tried to guess like how many times so you know I'd be

fucking lapped


too tight too tight around the first corner

no one's coming, no one's coming, right?

feeling like a sauber now

someone's coming someone's coming

I haven't got any pace whatsoever man really I haven't got any place


I mean look at all these dudes they're all on fuckin race bikes

and I'm a fucking wanker

on a fucking road bike

Wow that kid is brave he really is brave

all these dudes are fucking brave

too late, oh it's actually bang on

now it's too late

I've been lapped multiple times by multiple mini dudes

really I'm just I'm just a fucking joke and a half

that dude must be laughing at me now

or be pissed

because I've got no pace whatsoever really

I'm not improving anything really I'm not improving anything

apart from the embarrassment the embarrassment level I should say I'll

just pit I'll just bet this is just so much it's just too much of an

embarrassment really just an embarrassment and a half I apologize

I'm sorry

right second sesh time to go full-on, not really, still gonna be freaking slow still

gonna be a fucking joke not gonna race anybody apart from him

The Motorious

let's warm up first ah that's that's terrible

get up soon bud

see you later

wide there


switchback again

fucking hell I got overtaken

blue flag

woah that was a moment there

didn't see that coming

that's cute

going defensive

defensive again

I can't brake as late as that dude is

is? did

wide wide wide wide wide wide wide wide

ah such a fun experience, I think I'm done I'm


so so fun dude so fun so fucking fun I can't tell you

just how just how much fun that I get from

today's track day event well it's not an event, but you know we're just practicing

just so much fun you know even just watching the little dudes practicing out

there just so much fun I'm just so exhausted

yeah I think that's gonna do it for today's episode of track day thank you

so much for coming around and this dude for all these shits

I've been AlphaQ, I'm out! peace! dude just so fucking ran out of breath

For more infomation >> My first (documented) TRACK DAY!!! | AlphaQ - Duration: 18:04.


Plug-in Hybrid or Range-Extended EVs: What's The Difference (And Why The Volt Isn't A PHEV) - Duration: 5:57.

Last week, I published a video on this channel (which I'll link to in the description below)

discussing plug-in hybrids and asking if plug-in hybrids are decent transitional vehicles -- and

should you buy one?

And from the feedback I've got thus far, it seems that plenty of you liked that video.

Indeed, of the people who commented, I had a fair number of plug-in hybrid owners thanking

me for publishing the video -- because they're sick and tired of being treated as second-class

citizens and can't afford a full plug-in car -- alongside some really interesting discussion

about the pros and cons of plug-in cars.

But one thing I didn't expect -- and I should have -- was a number of comments from viewers

frustrated that I'd left out some pretty popular plug-in vehicles from my list of plug-in

hybrids to consider -- namely the Chevrolet Volt and the BMW i3 Rex.

Those cars, many of you argued, have a plug-in drivetrain and a petrol engine on board to

provide range-extending capabilities just like a plug-in hybrid.

Some were even frustrated I'd dared to leave them out.

Yet in my head, I consider both of those vehicles range-extended electric vehicles rather than

plug-in hybrids and, while I know that definition is again controversial among plug-in fans,

I figured it would make a good follow-up video to explain the differences between the two.

Before I get into this too far however, I should reiterate that there's some significant

blurring of the lines between plug-in hybrid and range-extended vehicles.

Technically, the gold standard answer -- at least historically -- is that a plug-in hybrid

has a physical connection between the output shaft of the engine and the wheels, meaning

that power can be transferred directly from the internal combustion engine to the road

via either a conventional automatic transmission or a computer-controlled continuously variable


A range-extended electric vehicle meanwhile has a physical connection between its electric

motor (or motors) and the driven wheels, but the range-extending engine is not connected

to the wheels directly.

Instead, it powers a small generator through a direct-drive setup to generate electricity

which is then used to power the motive system, with only an indirect than direct connection

between engine and wheels.

This is how the BMW i3 rex works.

Its rear-wheel electric drive system is powered by the car's on-board battery pack (either

twenty-two or thirty-three kilowatt-hours, depending on the year).

When the on-board battery pack is depleted (or the range-extending mode is engaged by

the driver in markets where it's a feature) the small two-cylinder engine kicks in and

turns the drive shaft of a small generator, creating electricity that is fed back into

the battery pack and by association, the drivetrain too.

But that definition of Range-extending doesn't quite work for the Chevrolet Volt, because,

in extreme situations (and I'm talking at very high power demand levels beyond most

legal speed limits when the battery pack is completely empty) the gasoline engine can

directly connect to the driven wheels through a dual clutch system inside the car's transmission.

I'm not going to go into the technicalities in depth here, but the Volt's drivetrain

consists of three clutches, two motors and the engine.

When driving in electric only mode, the main motor provides power to the wheels.

When extra power is needed, the output shaft of the secondary motor (usually used just

as a generator when in range-extending mode) is mated to the outer casing of the principal

motor, so that the usually static non-moving part of the main motor starts moving as wella

s the internal shaft, thus producing more output power.

Still, there's no physical connection between the two motors and the internal combustion


When the volt's battery pack is low, the engine is connected to the generator, which

creates electricity that then is stored in the battery pack and or sent to the drive


That's how the car operates ninety-nine percent of the time when it's battery pack

is empty.

And in this mode, it doesn't satisfy the definition of plug-in hybrid.

It's still a series range-extended electric vehicle.

The one percent when it does operate like a plug-in hybrid?

High power demand moments when the battery pack is empty -- and again, i mean hard acceleration

or high speeds beyond usual posted limits -- when all three clutches engage to physically

connect the output of the engine to the shaft of the generator -- and the output from that

is connected directly to the outer case of the traction motor.

Does that make it a plug-in hybrid?

Not in any sense of the notion in my book, because another important definition for a

plug-in hybrid is that it can't operate in full electric mode at full foot-to-the-floor

acceleration: it usually ends up turning on its gasoline engine for additional power.

The Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid minivan I had last week did it.

The Toyota Prius Prime does it under some circumstances, so do Ford's plug-in hybrids,

Honda's Clarify FCV, and all the other cars I mentioned on Tuesday.

But I guess the one thing I should have answered in my original video is do range-extended

EVs work well as transitional vehicles?

And the answer I think, is yes.

They're great all-rounders!

The only problem?

They tend to be more expensive than plug-in hybrids because they have a larger battery


But, if you can afford one, range-extended EVs are far preferable to plug-in hybrids

in terms of overall fuel efficiency.

At least, I think so.

What about you?

That's it!

Don't forget to like and subscribe, hit the notification bell to hear the moment a

new show is uploaded, and click the patreon link at the end of this video or in the description

below if you want to help me make more of these.

Until next time, keep evolving!

For more infomation >> Plug-in Hybrid or Range-Extended EVs: What's The Difference (And Why The Volt Isn't A PHEV) - Duration: 5:57.


Try Not To Laugh Challenge! w/ Face Reveal! - Duration: 7:13.

Welcome back in today's video

Today's video we're gonna do a try not to

laugh challenge

if you laugh you lose!, Anyways

If you want to watch the full video right in description below, and my Channel is in the description below, yeah! make sure you subscribe! and hit that like button like a Boss

I've never seen a springboard break like that

I've never seen a springboard break like that my God

My God look at that donkey horses



On the hot, Sun and they look like - comedy

Can we just talk

Wow this will be data videos, thank you for watching

You guys do live

Goodbye so goodbye guys uh

He's heathcare will be in the link below

and oh yeah max if you're watching this here your channel will be in the link in description below to

Does we talk about you? Yeah? Yeah, so go go go to his channel subscribe you would

Show down appreciation so yeah?

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