Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 25 2017

yo yo yo yo CPA strength here strongest CPA

that you've ever seen on the Internet licensed CPA that I have an active

license in the state of Florida so believe that okay

I don't know for the way I talk on online how long I'll have that for I'm

just kidding I mean whatever I can't live my life it's a mess it's really

different when you've lived your life for a long time and you've never had

nothing and and then you know once you get something I got a CPA license and

then it seems like I worked so hard to get it and now that once once I got it

now it's just you you got to keep it it's like if you fart wrong they're

gonna take away your CPA license so I'm like you know what is what it is though

I already done the thing you can't take that away from me

how did you study every single day for the CPA exam and get your CPA license

like how did you have that drive I'll tell you how I had that drive I was a

drug addict for 20 years I got high every single day differ different I've

had I had different addictions like for the whole 20 years I was a massive binge

drinker I would start drinking alcohol and I couldn't I couldn't stop I just

couldn't stop like maybe sometimes I could have like

12 beers or something but you know I'm a bigger guy like around like I was like

280 for a lot of my adult life but I mean I just drink beers and then shots

and everyone else would be going to sleep and then I would be calling up

people didn't matter if I had talked to him in years

or whatever I was getting other drugs like you know I was getting

Co heroin pills whatever you know

anyways with this fervor with this with this fervor I would find the drugs per

se where this is really going to come home and where I'm getting at is is you

you find a way you find a way to get high so once that's once that's not in

your brain anymore once you don't have to find a way to get high every day you

know how much mental space that clears up and it's like that's how I don't even

I don't know I just I just do stuff every day like that's like how could you

do that every day it's like I don't know because I used to freaking find drugs

and do them every day like it's just no thing like it's just it's the Attic to

me like I just get I just go so far deep into something I just can't stop

thinking about and I gotta have it so it's not you know my life really try I

want to do a special I don't really talk much about I stopped drinking but that's

been the most that's been the most thing that was like my last anyways I haven't

drinking about four and a half maybe four and three quarters years I'm

waiting to like they're like five years to do like a five year in alcohol video

but yeah that was like my last thing I got off I've been addicted to our very

basically any drug I could find at different times I mean I've been hugely

addicted to meth that really messed it up the most I've been addicted to coke

but that's not really like a like everyday thing like meth is like

everyday thing I've been dedicated to pills like Roxie

Cotton's oxycottons and those are like an everyday thing did heroin because I

needed the ox oxycottons you know to be a an addict I

mean you wake up and you have no money in your pocket and all of a sudden in

you know a couple hours you've already you've already made the

money you've already spent the money you've already got the drugs

you've already ingested the drugs you're passing out so I mean that just I mean

you wake up with no money no job you've already pissed off everyone

you've known because you're an addict but you find a way so that's like when

someone's like uh how do you find clients you know I just find a way that

same you know I find a way right you know it's that find away some of the

some of the I'm thinking of three people in my head

they're probably all millionaires and they've all been very like they're all

like super addicts like me and they're just they have like this unone

questionable Drive like and it's almost like they were misdirected with their

drug addiction now they've stopped doing that so that they still have this

internal drive like and they can get a give me anything happen so now it's just

on a different level so also there's there's that but it encompasses your

whole entire life let's just we've already gone through you wake up you're

sick you know in four hours so you know what what do you really in those I'm

telling you in those four hours you're you're doing all that's in your head is

I need to get high did you get high did you get high did you get high you can

hide me okay from that we're gonna get high we're

gonna get higher and you know how we ready in high you know you're not

thinking of like how am I gonna progress in my life like hmm marriage and kids

would that be nice where am I gonna find a nice girl don't

even want that you're just I want to get high I want to get high I want to get

high anyway what am i what am I here for I want to get high what are your high

you know so you finally you finally get high and then let's just let's just say

you buy ten let's just say you buy ten rocks assets or a oxycotin 30s blues

I'll show you just say my ten pack of those right not I'll say you just

dropped 300 on a 10 pack that's expensive let's say you just dropped 200

$200 on a 10 pack right now when you buy the 10 pack you're like you've already

got a wicked habit you have to do you have to do three at one you have to

snort three at one time Julia so you're like okay I'm gonna do that and then I'm

gonna do two more the rest of the day then I'm gonna make then I'm gonna wake

up the next day with five then I'm gonna do I'm gonna snort too right when I wake

up so I'll leave me three then at lunch times I have to write a paper you know

or I have to do this or I have to pick that I have to do this you know so I'll

snort one then I'll leave me too then well then I'll do one one at night when

I'm done with the day and then I'll have one left for the next morning so I'm

good for a few days yeah I mean after you snort those three

I don't know like you're not supposed to do another you know I supposed to do

another one for like four or five hours about you you're like I want a half

right now or something happened you know and I need a whole one or I'm just gonna

do a half or I'm gonna do a whole and whatever you know by the time by the

time that evening runs out you're already thinking about free cuz think of

the last two days you know you're like well I'm just gonna save I need to have

one for tomorrow morning and something that sick total morning so I wake up and

die so I can actually do something tomorrow so I can get some more and then

you know hmm

so that's your whole day you probably save about a quarter a quarter of you

had 10 pills and you can probably save a quarter of that for the next morning so

the next morning you can't even it's already broken out by your beds cuz you

can't even like change with like function so you go over there and you

snort that last little thing up and then it's just another day of just constant

and he can hide it even honey to get hide you at your height then you finally

get your stuff and it's like I'm gonna plan out for the whole day the saying is

it takes over your whole life you have no time for anything else

so if you can just stop that all the time you can have you can get you can

study every day for CPA license you can go to the gym every single day you can

start a business and it could be successful you can you can you can

upload to YouTube every single day you can do all these things you can free up

so much of your brain you have no idea how much potential you have if you're in

this if you're in this rut of getting high every day you have no idea how hard

that you have no idea how hard my lifestyle

is because everyone just shits on you and you you you you have no self-esteem

you have no self-esteem right now you think about killing yourself every

second of every day when you're not thinking about getting

high but trust me you have no idea how much potential you have and I'm here to

tell you and that's why this video called me because I knew it could help

Adil I know this is gonna help one person I know that I know this is gonna

help you right now you're like dude no homie you're like I'm too far gone no

bro you know I've been there bro you're not too far gone bro how are you

watching this you're watching this because it's meant for you like I'm

telling you you have no idea of your potential you know the vid these videos

make themselves now and I just like I started thinking about this one a few

hours ago and I just sometimes you know I'll think about it video and they'll

they'll come and then I'll think about another one but this one just stayed and

this one was like no no no this is today's video like you have to tell

somebody who's a drug addict right now about how much potential they have it's

like unlimited potential no drink for five years and now I'm just realizing

the UH the power that I had you know for my 20 years of drugs addiction of drug

addictions in so I just want to convey the message about how much how strong

you are how everyone wants to say you're a lazy dumb drug addict

well the way you can wake up with no money like every day for years on end

with with everybody that knows you pissed off at you and you can somehow

scheme to get just to get two or three hundred dollars every day just just

imagine this once you quick once you quit doing that and you have that same

intensity on getting two or three hundred dollars a day but you're not

spending it on drugs bro that's two thousand a week that's

100 grand a year you're gonna have all you can have all

the toys all the money all the everything man I'm so that's not gonna

dust doc gonna totally make you happy you're gonna have to you're gonna start

digging deep you're gonna have to start digging deep and find out why you did

the drugs for 20 years which is my thing now you know my thing is yeah I was an

addict for 20 years and I'm I'm kind of stable now so we're you know it's like

I'm not hey I'll hand him out so I do a little reflection now but yes that's the

next thing but you have no idea how strong you are

until next time until tomorrow I love doing this epi strength and I'm out




📕 The Story Behind: The Evil Within II (English Subtitles) 📝 - Duration: 5:56.

Hello guys, welcome back to another story "The Story Behind"

"The Evil Within II"

So, you sure know the first part's story In the first video

The story of "Sebastian Castellanos" And his adventure with "Ruvik"

Three years after the events at "Beacon Mental Hospital"

"Sebastian Castellanos" has left the "Krimson City Police Department"

To uncover the truth about Mobius's organisation But he encounters some bad memories

Of the disappearance of his wife "Myra" And the death of his daughter "Lily"

"Juli Kidman" reveals to "Sebastian" that "Lily" is still alive!

Since "Mobius" faked her death!

Using her as the Core for a new "STEM" system to simulate an idyllic town called "Union"

"Sebastian" agrees to help "Mobius" to save "Lily"!

So he met the "Administrator" who revealed to him everything!

Upon entering "Union"

"Sebastian" finds out a nightmare realm Where inhabitants have either been killed or mutated into monsters!

And he met a mysterious photographer "Stefano Valentini"

With supernatural powers!

He manages to meet "Liam O'Neal", a surviving Mobius technician, Who explained that Stefano's status as a psychopath!

"Sebastian" tracks down "Stefano" who turned out to be The one who originally kidnapped "Lily" to exploit her powers as the Core!

"Sebastian" kills "Stefano" and met An another Survivor "Yukiko Hoffman"

"Sebastian" kills "Stefano" but is shocked to see Myra's spirit take "Lily" away!

"Sebestian" get confused and get figure out what to do

He was approached then by Father "Theodore Wallace"

Who attempts to convince him to join him. "Sebastian", mistrustful of Theodore, refuses and is banished to a forest outside "Union"

Where he meets with Mobius operative "Esmeralda Torres"

She reveals to him that she, "Kidman", "Myra", and "Theodore", are a high ranking Mobius operative!

And had conspired to break "Lily" out of STEM and destroy "Mobius" from within!

The plan went awry when "Theodore" became mentally unstable! And decided to kidnap "Lily" for himself!

"Sebastian" finds out that "O'Neal" has been corrupted also! And is forced to kill him!

Though "O'Neal" manages to free himself of Theodore's influence!

"Sebastian" and "Esmeralda" assault Theodore's realm

Trying to stop him, causing "Sebastian" to accidentally shoot "Esmeralda"

When"Sebastian" wakes up, he finds out that "Esmeralda" Hhad sacrificed herself to get him to safety!

"Sebastian" and "Hoffman" assault Theodore's stronghold

And defeated him, who is killed by "Myra"!

"Myra" tells "Sebastian" to leave the "STEM" and leave her and "Lily" alone! Confused, "Sebastian" follows Myra to a recreation of their home!

"Sebastian" finally confronts "Myra"

"Myra" warped into a monster determined to keep "Lily" locked in the "STEM"

"Sebastian" reluctantly battles "Myra" and defeats her, knocking her back to her senses!

She tells "Sebastian" to take "Lily" out of the "STEM"

Revealing that she is planning to sacrifice herself to take Lily's place as the Core and destroy "Mobius"

By overloading the chips in their brains that keep them connected to the "STEM"

Meanwhile, in the real world, "Kidman" is ordered by the "Administrator" to eliminate "Sebastian"

But she disobeys him and helps "Sebastian" and "Lily" to escape the "STEM" while Myra enacts her plan, killing the "Administrator" and all Mobius operatives!

Now free from "Mobius", "Sebastian", "Lily", and "Kidman" leave the facility!

In a post-credits scene, "Sebastian" parts ways with "Kidman" And goes off to live a new life with "Lily"

But back at the now abandoned "Mobius" facility, The "STEM" system mysteriously reactivates itself!

For more infomation >> 📕 The Story Behind: The Evil Within II (English Subtitles) 📝 - Duration: 5:56.


Pelikana striimi|Ao Oni 3.0 - Duration: 1:53:49.

For more infomation >> Pelikana striimi|Ao Oni 3.0 - Duration: 1:53:49.


Angel Beats ー Touch the Sky 「 AMV 」 - Duration: 3:51.

Every time I climb I feel brand new (brand new)

One step at a time until I break through

Getting close, I can almost see the view


Addicted to the high like a pilot (pilot)

I feel so many urges but I fight it (fight it)

Life is like a match and I will light it (light it)


I see the landslide coming (coming)

I hear the angels drumming

This time I won't stop running

Until I touch the sky

I feel my senses numbing

Adrenaline begins to flood in

This time I won't stop running

Until I touch the sky

Until I touch the sky

Until I touch the sky

Until I touch the sky

Until I touch the sky

Ice cold on my lungs the air is thin here (thin here)

It's funny feels like I've already been here (been here)

It's lonely at the top but my head's clear


Addicted to the high like a pilot (pilot)

I feel so many urges but I fight it (fight it)

Life is like a match and I will light it (light it)


I see the landslide coming (coming)

I hear the angels drumming

This time I won't stop running

Until I touch the sky

I feel my senses numbing

Adrenaline begins to flood in

This time I won't stop running

Until I touch the sky

Until I touch the sky

Until I touch the sky

For more infomation >> Angel Beats ー Touch the Sky 「 AMV 」 - Duration: 3:51.


HD Footage Фон для видеомонтажа Футаж С Новым Годом 2018 - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> HD Footage Фон для видеомонтажа Футаж С Новым Годом 2018 - Duration: 0:35.


Radio Tâm Sự 06: Thoáng Nhớ Người Ta Từng Thương - Shinichi Phạm ft Jen - Duration: 19:48.

For more infomation >> Radio Tâm Sự 06: Thoáng Nhớ Người Ta Từng Thương - Shinichi Phạm ft Jen - Duration: 19:48.


GRWM) BALLET/OPERA GALA CONCERT FALL MAKEUP: Get Ready With Me [ENG CC] | Yerin Wu - Duration: 9:44.

hi everyone

today's vid is a GRWM video!

i'm going to ballet/opera gala concert today

so i want to do a pretty makeup look and wear a nice dress

i'll do my base makeup first

i'm using the missha magic cushion-moisture

and i'm applying to the parts of my face with acne

it's been a long time since i uploaded a vid

let me explain

i'm a junior this year right?

junior year is so much crazier than the sophomore year

we have so much homework,exams...

plus i end at 6pm almost everyday

so i don't have time at all:(

i said a while ago that i want to work in the film industry right?

well i'm trying to write a screenplay?lol

so that's why i pretty much only have time for studying

also i became the class president haha

and lastly i have some good news

i'll be on a set this friday!

remember how i shot an ad in april?

i'm shooting another one this friday

i'm so happy and i hope it'll go ok!

omg this pimple annoys me so much

i'm now covering my dark circles

my skin is so bad that i can't do much about it TT

honestly i have a shit ton of acne

BUUUT i also do a shit ton of stuff

for ex.i've used loaaads of different creams

but idk why they just keep popping up

y'all if you have any good skincare tips/products

make sure to let me know in the comments down below!


the next thing i'm gonna do is my eyebrows!

i'm not good at makeup lol

it's ok it's ok

i already look like a human now!!yay

now i'm going to do eyeshadowwww

as i said i'm going to ma eyeshadow now

they're all here

wait i forgot this one

recently i bought korean cosmetics as well

but they haven't arrived yet:(

it seems like i need to wait 2 more weeks

i'll be using this eyeshadow

you also wanna apply some on your bottom lashline

using this one from diego dalla palma

do it like this here(woah so good at instructions)

also here

it looks pretty fine here

i totally don't look like a makeup artist/beauty guru

this is such a fail

this video is so boring im so sorry y'all

but still i find it so funny

i'm now going to use this shade from KIKO milano

from the same palette im going to use this color


i'm sorry that you have to see this disaster in progress

lastly i'll use this bling bling shade from the same palette

i'll do the brown eyeliner first

and then the normal black one

it hurts TT


i plan to do a cat eye

but i'm not sure if i'll succeed

sorry ellie but

what the hell is this hahaha

but they look pretty similar??

in the mirror the makeup looks fine af

but idk why it comes out weird on the camera

i'll also use the missha eye fit stick shadow

before applying a lipstick u need a lipbalm of course

using diego dalla palma again

this color is so pretty~~

last but not least i'll finish the look with this lipgloss

and i'll do my hair now

i think i'm just going to do a simple bun

you guys how are you doing?

how's life going man

did something interesting happen to you?

nothing interesting?


so sad (just kidding)

if only good things happened to you that'd be great!!

are you guys all students?

or do you work?

i'm really curious so lemme know in the comments

if you're a student,are you a high school student?

a uni student?

if you have a job

what do you do?

of course tell me only if you want to haha

jesus christ my face looks weird from this angle

wait a sec

how does it look?

my luck is so good today??

i have a lot of baby hair

so i'm going to secure them with a bobby pin

where did it go??

here!it's here


For more infomation >> GRWM) BALLET/OPERA GALA CONCERT FALL MAKEUP: Get Ready With Me [ENG CC] | Yerin Wu - Duration: 9:44.


SHOCKING Salary Of Secret Superstar Movie Actors And Actresses | You Won't Believe - Duration: 2:43.

SHOCKING Salary Of Secret Superstar Movie Actors And Actresses | You Won't Believe

For more infomation >> SHOCKING Salary Of Secret Superstar Movie Actors And Actresses | You Won't Believe - Duration: 2:43.


1000 ABONE PLAKETİ ÇIKTI ?! (GERÇEK) - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> 1000 ABONE PLAKETİ ÇIKTI ?! (GERÇEK) - Duration: 4:11.


Lính Trung Quốc Nổ Súng ở Cộng Hòa Djibouti | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 4:53.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

China is now the most threatening country.

Sorry Kim

Chinese troops are messing around in Djibouti.

And finally, the Chinese regime has a new plan to make every Uyghur Muslim in Xinjiang

really happy.

This is China Uncensored.

The United States considers Taiwan to be its unsinkable aircraft carrier,

it's friend in the Pacific that will never let America down.

So if the Chinese Communist Party follows through with its promise to attack Taiwan

that could mean the United States and China coming to blows.

But at least according to some in the United States military,

the US and China coming to blows might be inevitable.

At least, that's where I'mgetting from General Joseph Dunford.

He told Congress:

"I think China probably poses the greatest threat to our nation by about 2025."

Yes according to this General,

China, then Russia, then North Korea

are the greatest threats to the United States in that order.

General Dunford wasn't talking just about China versus Taiwan

but about the threat of China's military in general.

And considering that North Korea made a video

about blowing up the White House and the Capitol building

you've got to wonder what a bigger nation is capable of.

Probably better video quality for one.

And Chinese troops are training for war.

At least in Djibouti

Yes, things are blowing up in Djibouti

as the Chinese military carries out its first live-fire drills in Africa.

That's after the CCP built its first overseas military base there.

Hopefully the Chinese military will stay contained in Djibouti.

But maybe, Chinese construction in the area will take off.

And if it does, I have the perfect man for the job,

the guy who designed this

The Career and Entrepreneurship Comprehensive Service Base of University Graduates in Zhengzhou.

That building has become the current laughingstock of the Chinese internet.

But don't expect people to be sharing it on Whatsapp,

because Whatsapp has been blocked in some areas of China


It comes just a few weeks ahead of the 19th Party Congress in mid-October.

You see,

the CCP would hate it if people were to share sensitive information through Whatsapp.

Information like:

what people think about stuff

Yeah guys, having opinions doesn't make the country better.

But you know what does?

Creating jobs.

The CCP is hard at work making sure life is great

for all the happy ethnic Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang

And the best way to do that, of course, is through job creation.

And the fastest growing job segment in Xinjiang is

... security

Over the past 12 months,

authorities have posted ads for hiring a hundred thousand new security personnel.

That's a ridiculous number of people to hire,

by comparison that's more than the total number

of US Border Patrol agents, TSA officers and FBI field agents combined

in the entire United States

The population of Xinjiang is less than 1/10 of the US.

Just imagine,

a hundred thousand security guards in Xinjiang

riding around on segways and eating lamb kebabs

In fact, Xinjiang has already spent around 6 billion on security

in the first half of 2017.

That's more than 50% of the region's income

and it's all thanks to Chen "entire country" Quanquo.

That's not his nickname, that's just the translation of his name - QuanQuo.

Fresh off his tenure as one of the most brutal party secretaries of Tibet.

Now he's turning Xinjiang around.


Just look at these 10,000 happily employed citizens.

And all those happily employed folks are helping keep Xinjiang under full lockdown.

which the people love.


This is what one shoe vendor told NPR reporters.

"It makes me feel safer, they've built police stations every few blocks or so.

The police check us every day,

no matter if you're a doctor, teacher, anyone.

It's all for our safety."

China, leading the way in treatment of ethnic minorities since the liberation of Tibet.

What do you think?

Leave your comments below.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again, I'm your host Chris Chappell.

See you next time.

Oh, hi there, I'm just sending pictures of Djibouti to a friend on Whatsapp.

But if you really want to see something good on the internet,

you should go to Chinauncensored.TV

We upload full half-hour episodes there every Friday.

So you could have seen this and other segments earlier.

Now excuse me, it's back to Djibouti.

For more infomation >> Lính Trung Quốc Nổ Súng ở Cộng Hòa Djibouti | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 4:53.


Quail Hunting 2017 - (All In One) Hunting - Batair ka shikar IN PAKISTAN - Duration: 7:02.

Quail Hunting 2017 - (All In One) Hunting - Batair ka shikar IN PAKISTAN

For more infomation >> Quail Hunting 2017 - (All In One) Hunting - Batair ka shikar IN PAKISTAN - Duration: 7:02.








For more infomation >> МЕССИ И НЕЙМАР ХУЖЕ РОНАЛДУ. КЛОПП СЛЕДОМ ЗА КУМАНОМ? - Duration: 5:40.


Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.103 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.10.25] - Duration: 33:57.

Assistant Inspector Park, Spotty surfaced.

(Episode 103) Spotty surfaced?


He was tailing Officer Moo.


I took care of him without her catching on,

but I hurt my arm.

Is it bad?

I got a cut, but it's not bad.

Sure it is. That was a close call.

I didn't know he'd really go after her.


Truth is, something did happen.


I couldn't tell you out of fear you'd lose it.

Officer Moo went to Spotty's girlfriend's salon.


She must've gone thinking she might

find leads that could be used to catch him,

but all she brought was a bag of junk.

I registered it at the precinct

under my name

in case she'd get into trouble.


So did you look through the things she brought?

Of course I did.

But there was nothing there.

But there has to be a reason

he attacked a police officer.

She provoked him

by doing something stupid.

Seeing that he called the tip in to Officer Moo,

he must've been unsettled by her just as

she's out to get him for killing her husband.

He probably got mad she was poking around

and wanted to teach her a lesson.

Anyway, shouldn't we warn Officer Moo?

Don't tell her I got hurt though.


The lunch orders have really jumped.

Wow. Will this really lead to something?

Of course given who's making the lunches.

That's true.

Who'd make better food than

you and Mom?



You see, I...


No. I'll tell you later.

What is it?


Is it something good?


Anyway, Mom must be happy the orders jumped.

You never know what life holds.

It can get unbearably hard,

but then there's good news.

You and Mom are being rewarded for your good deeds.

Right. We'll all do well,

won't we?

Of course.

You're going on a field trip to the Grand Park.

I have the day off,

so I can come with you.


Of course.

Yes. I'm so excited.

You're that happy?

Yes. Going with you is a million times

better than going with Grandma.

I'm excited too.

Yes, Assistant Inspector Park.

You don't know Spotty tailed you today, right?


What would you have done had Inspector Cha

not spotted him?

What are you talking about?

We'll talk in detail tomorrow.

Inspector Cha is furious,

so you'd better brace yourself tomorrow.


Sir. Sir!

Why are you out here in the cold?

I heard you're working as a rent-a-driver.

Geez. Taejin's more loose-lipped than I thought.

Why didn't you just say so?

You made me look bad by not telling me.

Don't get chewed out.

Tell Huijin.


You know how tenderhearted she is.

She wouldn't sleep well

if she found out.

She'd wait up until I get back.

I'll tell her when the time is right,

so please turn a blind eye.

You can't work at night

after a full day at the restaurant.

It's way too tiring.

I can sleep early morning.

We don't open the restaurant early.

Anyway, although Huijin chews me out,

I feel so alive these days, Father.

Never drive if you get drowsy.

Of course not.

I'm drowsy at the restaurant,

but once I hit the road,

I'm wide awake for some reason.

Don't worry.

Anyway, be careful.

I will.

I'll stay alert

and drive safely.

Why'd you stay out

for so long in the cold?

I talked with Baekho.

Did you scold him again?

No, it's not that.

He took on a part-time job.

Doing what?

He's working as a rent-a-driver.

Oh, so that's why.

But of course.

Baekho's not one to go out for fun.

Things haven't worked out for him,

but he tries so hard to do the right thing.

He told me not to tell Huijin

as she would worry.

Should I not tell her or not?

It's fine. Don't tell her.

Although it's tough,

you endure and work for the family.

Baekho has it tougher.

Think about how worried he must be about

giving Haechan a good education.

This won't do.

I should return to work at the restaurant

for free.

When you have time too,

come fold napkins

and mop the floor.

Don't just talk about being worried.

Act on your love for your son-in-law.

Okay, fine.

I'm back.

Oh, my. Our dear Taejin must be back.

You're home.


Did you eat?

I ate.

Oh? I've never seen this before.

Is it new?

It's getting cold, but my

old jacket's too light.

I could've come with you.

I'm a good shopper.

Did you pay full price?


He must've gone to the mall.

How can a man haggle?

Malls offer discounts too.

You just have to talk them into it.

Why? What is it?

Go on in and rest.

Good night.

Officer Moo went to Spotty's girlfriend's salon.

She must've gone thinking she might

find leads that could be used to catch him.

I was taken aback by how you yelled at Bora.

You may be rude to other people,

but you're an angel to Bora.

What is it?

Officer Moo won't love you back no matter what?

Why make me repeat myself?

I told you.

I'll make her mine no matter what.

Then are you upset that

Chairman Jin's reeling after

you ruined Ms. Heo's plan?

Do you feel guilty?


No way.

When did I let guilt bother me?

You know what a dirty scoundrel I am.

Of course I know how mean you are.

That's right.

I should just live as I am.

I should be me,

merciless and cruel.

Fortunately, your stomach's fine.

What are you doing?

I must go home.

Why stay here

if my stomach's fine?


That house is no longer your home.

It's now Jin Daegap's bachelor pad.

You'll chase me out like this?

Even though we're separating,

I'm not worried about you.

You'll do just fine.

You're not an average woman.

After you got out of jail,

you held your own in the back alleys

swarming with rough men.

Countless men got slapped across the face

by you, didn't they?

Yes. That's the kind of woman I am.

Why stop there?

I bet you have a lot worse to say about me.

You're the one who's exactly the same.

You haven't changed one bit.

You have money now,

but you're crass and ignorant.

That's why we should split up.

Don't cling on to a crass, ignorant man

for his money.

We can say bye-bye here.


Did you drink again?


Don't worry.

I'm perfectly fine.

Okay. I'll take care of everything,

so you need not worry.

Of course.

Since this was your doing.

Is Ms. Heo better?

You need not worry about her either.

Jin Dohyeon, it was all in the past.

Erase it from your mind.

It's all over now.

You know school violence is growing more severe.

If you see teens being bullied

while on patrol, let them know

there's a chatting app to report school violence

so they can get help.

Okay. That'll be all.

Suri Suri Chamuri.


did you hear there was another murder

across the river?

Why are there are so many gruesome cases these days?

You don't say.

The murder in our jurisdiction is still unsolved.

Don't worry about that

and patrol our area properly instead.

Stay true to basics

instead of causing trouble

by meddling unnecessarily.

Tell them to meet the construction deadline

or I'll sue for damages.

The hotel must open next spring

as planned no matter what.

Sure, okay.

Forest can take care of the spa operations,

but what about advertising?

Should I contact my friend again?

Leave it be for now.

I'll get Moo Suhyeok to do it if I can.

Will Chairman Jin allow that?

He said he was getting Bora back.

Seo Jaehui,

let's not get more pathetic.

Do you know what Bora said when Dad threatened

to off him?

She said she'd die too.

She said she'd die if he did.

Jin Bora is something else.

You're both something else.

It's me. I'd like to see you today.

Sure, Dohyeon.

I'll see you later. Okay.


You mean that power trip fiend?

Why does he want to see you again?

Why are you getting riled up about it?

Thinking about him and his father makes me angry.

Don't say anything to Bora.

And not a peep to Mom either.

I know when to be discreet, okay?

Hi, Bora.

Party? What party?

I feel bad,

but I'm totally tied up today.

We have a lot of work,

including that contest.

Can't it just be the ladies tonight?

Yes, okay. Okay.

What brings you here, Mother?

I went to the market and saw avocados.

Here. You said you needed them.

I was actually planning to go get them later.

Thank you, Mother.

- This way. / - Thanks.

Mother, I just called Suhyeok and proposed

that we celebrate the jump in sales

but he flatly refused.

Isn't your son being unfair?

We're still newlyweds.

Forget him if he's busy.

We'll call Gunghwa and make it

a girls' night.

Should we do that then?

I have to be careful around Suhyeok.

It's so tiring.

You're careful around him?

I watch my tongue with you when he's around.

He chewed me out the last time

I complained about you.

I wouldn't be upset if I said something terrible.

All I said was you were liberal with the condiments.

But he got all serious and chastised me.

I could barely recognize my own son.

That must make you feel good.

He did the same thing to me.

Truth is, I said you were a bit too frugal,

and he chewed me out badly,

telling me not to badmouth his mother.

I bet you went on and on about me.

I didn't.

I swear that's all I said.

He must be doing his utmost to keep the peace.

I'm not saying because he's my son.

He's really very thoughtful.

Yes, of course.

Oh, right.


Mother, this is a new dish.

Please taste it and assess it.

There's no need for that

as long as it seems fine to you.

But I need you to give me a passing mark

for reassurance.

Okay. Let's see.

It's nice.


It's delicious.

I can do it.

Why aren't you ready to go on patrol?

I'll be right down.

Darn it, Cha Taejin...



Hello, Grandmother.

What brings you here, Grandma?

I went to the market with Gyeonga.

You like these.

They're red bean cakes.

You're the best, Grandma.

Only when I bring you food?


You didn't doze off today?

Doze off? No way. Never.

You were dozing off earlier.


I'm back.


What's that?

What I made today.

Ms. Jin packed it for me.


He actually wasn't sure yesterday

and had me taste his dish.

You must be more confident about this one.

Mother, you taste it first.


How is it?

It's nice.

Let's see.

Wow. Your sense of taste must be perfect.

It's neither salty nor bland.

The seasoning's perfect.

What do you think, Mom?

You must be following Ms. Jin's instruction well.

Not every student can do this.

That's right.

How well

the same ingredients are cooked varies greatly.

Wow. Your career path is set.

With natural talent like this,

of course you must be a chef. Indeed.

It's good. It's good.

You did a great job.

How can he so simpleminded?

Does it really make him happy that his son

would rather cook than study?


If he has the energy to work out at night,

he should massage his wife's swollen legs.

Mother, I really wasn't going to tell you this,

but Baekho works as a rent-a-driver at night

to help pay for Haechan's education.


But why doesn't Huijin know?

Baekho's keeping it a secret from her

to keep her from staying up and worrying.

If I were him, I'd just tell her

to avoid the nagging.

Hello, sir.

Assistant Inspector Park, you're a bit late today.

Officer Moo, a word.

What's with him?

You don't say.

Why is he so serious?

I've never seen him sound so brusque.

Is he taking after Inspector Cha since

they're spending a lot of time together?

It doesn't suit him at all.

What did Inspector Cha say?

He won't even look at me.

Does that upset you?


Right. You'd have no conscience if you got upset.

You could've died if it hadn't been for him.

Thank goodness he tailed you as he was worried

about the tipster that called you.

What if he hadn't?

You wouldn't be here safe and sound.

I'm sorry, sir.

Why are you apologizing to me?

You owe that apology to someone else.

I told you, didn't I?

Inspector Cha's life rides on this case.

Should anything go wrong,

I can make some excuse

and get out of it since

I'm at Violent Crimes.

But Inspector Cha can really lose his job

if anything goes wrong.

So let's please be careful.

You're his partner.

If you can't help him, you should

at least not mess this up.


I'm sorry, sir.

About what?


Why are you sorry?

Because you went to Cheon Yangbae's girlfriend

although I explicitly

told you to stay out of it?

Or because he almost got to you

because you were reckless?

Do you have no respect for what I say?

Why are you being so foolhardy?

Do you think investigating is for personal revenge?


You're more worked up because of Uri's dad.

Am I wrong?

Yes, you're right.

I can't say that has nothing do with it.

But that's not all.

As a cop, I can't tolerate someone like him.

He killed an innocent man by driving drunk.

As if that wasn't enough, he committed murder.

Must I just watch such a scumbag run amok?

I'll do whatever it takes to catch him myself.

Moo Gunghwa.

I'll be careful not to let this happen again.

Yes, you'd better.

Because if it does happen again,

one of us will get fired.

Hi, Mom.

What? A party?

Why didn't you bring Uri?

Geez. A friend sure is better.

Suja said she'd babysit so I could

at least get one night off to let loose.


Okay. Raise your glasses.

For the continued success of Uri's Meals.


Don't drink.

Why? One glass is fine.

No, it's not.

This is a huge glass.

Don't worry.

Gunghwa's is grape juice.


Good job.

No, it's not. What a letdown.

Gunghwa, mine's actually juice too.


Why are you whispering while I'm right here?

Are you badmouthing me?


This is nice.

Hey, this is expensive, right?


She says no to everything I ask.

She's just worried she'll get chewed out.

Doesn't this suit me?

Yes, it does. Good. Very good.

Oh, Mom, this is huge.

You surpassed the 200 order-mark?

Mom, let's be good friends.

I probably can't marry anyway,

so you, Uri and I,

the three of us should live happily ever after.

Why are you ranting sober?

I must be drunk on the vibe.

You guys make a lot of money

and get a great place of your own.

Yes, Mother.

Look at how quick you are to answer.

Mother, how about a love shot?


I ask you for your continued forbearance.

Please go easy on me too.

Hello, Dohyeon.


Bora didn't tell you she saw Dad?

I figured.

Don't mind what goes on on our end for now.

The old man's very stubborn,

so it can't be helped.


And if Bora says her arm hurts,

take her to the doctor.

She's fine now.

She was very upset that

she worried you by massaging

her arms when you visited her.

What did Bora say about the accident?

She blames herself a lot, saying it happened

because of her.

That fool.

Everyone thinks like that when there's an accident.

Why did I rush him that day?

I had a bad dream,

so why didn't I warn him?

But what can we do about an unexpected accident?

That's how Gunghwa's husband died 7 years ago.

He got hit by a drunk driver.

7 years ago?

Yes. In the spring 7 years ago.

It's me.

Find out the details of the accident

Cheon Yangbae caused and let me know.

Chairman Jin already had me look into it

and report to him.


For more infomation >> Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.103 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.10.25] - Duration: 33:57.


New debt-to-income standard to decrease amount one can borrow - Duration: 1:37.

The government announced new measures to clamp down household debt.

Data from the nation's financial regulator indicate new, stricter screening of borrowers...

and their debt-to-income ratio... will help curb borrowing.

Kim Ji-yeon helps gauge the effectiveness of the changes to come.

The new standards of the so-called debt-to-income ratio, which is to be implemented next year,

is expected to greatly decrease the amount of household loans,... since it'll incorporate

the principal and interest payment of a new home as well as the interest payment for the

borrower's existing homes.

The Financial Supervisory Service estimates that the amount a person can borrow after

applying for mortgage loans would decrease by more than 32-percent from the current amount.

That's according to a study of 66-thousand people that have applied for mortgage loans

during the first half of this year.

The recent comprehensive set of measures announced by the government aimed at stopping households

from accumulating more debt... and those released in June and August on the speculative housing

market... could be effective in curbing the country's massive household debt of one-point-two-trillion

U.S. dollars... but it stops short when it comes to piling of debt by other business


Data by the Bank of Korea shows the amount of loans by small-and-medium-sized companies

from non-banking institutions accumulated to more than 88-point-3-billion dollars in

July... up nearly 42-percent from a year earlier... the biggest in volume since the BOK first

collected related data in 2013.

Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> New debt-to-income standard to decrease amount one can borrow - Duration: 1:37.


How To Know Mobile No. Is Linked With Aadhaar Card | आधार कार्ड में मोबाइल नंबर रजिस्ट्रेशन कैसे करे - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> How To Know Mobile No. Is Linked With Aadhaar Card | आधार कार्ड में मोबाइल नंबर रजिस्ट्रेशन कैसे करे - Duration: 6:22.


HUNTING ZOMBIES new JET ZOMBAREY Cartoon ABOUT a ZOMBIE game for kids Zombie Catchers #8 - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> HUNTING ZOMBIES new JET ZOMBAREY Cartoon ABOUT a ZOMBIE game for kids Zombie Catchers #8 - Duration: 5:57.


6 Keys To Healing As An Empath - Duration: 4:00.

6 Keys To Healing As An Empath

I talking about the damage that an empath can undergo at the hands of a narcissist,

I was asked The question: �As an empath, how do you heal?�

I think that is an important topic to cover because, as an empath, the constant emotional

barrage from people around you can make for a wound that never closes. It�s seemingly

impossible to take the time to deal with your own issues when you carry the weight of all

of the emotional baggage from the people in your life.

So, For An Empath, Here Are 6 Ways That You Can Begin The Process Of Healing Your Own

Wounds Before You Take Any Lashes For Anyone Around You.

# Disconnect

Disconnecting from the people around you, while very hard for an empath to do, is really

the best way to start the healing process. I mention it first in this list of tips because

it is at the root of the 5 things that are to follow. Get away, even if it is just for

an hour or two. Don�t worry, the world will be here when you get back.

# Acceptance

Just like dealing with anything else in life, if it essential that you really come to terms

that you are an empath. Don�t think that you might be, accept that you truly are. There

is nothing wrong with you, you are just unique. Empaths are a beautiful thing, but I think

they tend to think there is something about them that is broken. It�s the rest of the

world that needs to take care of you, not the other way around.

# Own It

Once you have accepted that you are empathic by nature, make it a part of who you are � not

an excuse to feel the way you do. Own your existence, and be proud of who you are. It�s

estimated that only 1 in 20 people is a true empath. Pride in your sensitivity is the only

way to keep from feeling like a victim of it.

# Meditate. Seriously�

I can�t stress enough the importance of meditation. There are literally hundreds of

meditation techniques available to study and perfect, you just have to find what works

best for you. For some people, white noise or a specific type of music is the key. Others

need total silence. Take the time to figure out what works best for your brain.

# Love It

Accepting your empathic nature and owning it are important, but above all � you have

to love it. Again, you are special. You are unique. People in your life are blessed to

have you around. They aren�t a burden. That�s like a doctor blaming his patients for being

tired. Being an empath is just a facet of what makes you who you are. Not a condition

to be treated.

# Develop Boundaries

Finally, it is critical to establish boundaries. This isn�t the same thing as building walls.

Consider your boundaries like a line in the sand. Leave it to the people in your life

to stay on their side of that line, and if they cross it, that makes it that much easier

for you to keep them at a distance. Be up front about your boundaries. Don�t make

them invisible. One of the hardest things for an empath to do is boot people out of

their lives and crossing boundaries is as good of a reason as any.

For more infomation >> 6 Keys To Healing As An Empath - Duration: 4:00.


父が他界した 一周忌目前に 妹が亡くなった。 兄の思いに、 涙腺崩壊…。 - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> 父が他界した 一周忌目前に 妹が亡くなった。 兄の思いに、 涙腺崩壊…。 - Duration: 4:51.


పన్ను కొద్దిగా విరిగితే ఏమి చేయాలి | Teeth Break Treatment | Dental Problems |Tips |Dr. Rao's Dental - Duration: 2:17.


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