Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 25 2017

The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia has announced plans to build a new mega city on the Red

Sea coast that is about 44 times the size of Seoul.

The five-hundred billion dollar project is part of efforts to free the kingdom of its

dependence on oil.

Ro Aram has the details.

Named NEOM, the ambitious project would create a business and industrial zone extending across

Saudi borders into Jordan and Egypt.

The 26-and-a-half thousand square kilometer area will focus on industries including energy

and water, biotechnology, food, advanced manufacturing and entertainment.

Prince Mohammed bin Salman says NEOM will operate independently from the existing governmental

framework with investors consulted at every step during development.

The project will be backed by more than 500 billion U.S. dollars from the Saudi government,

its sovereign wealth fund, as well as local and international investors.

In a rare appearance on Tuesday at an international business conference, the 32-year-old prince

hailed the plan as an example of the innovative high tech future he has promised his country.

(Arabic) - AP - 4122579 / 1 "We have a chance to move onto the next generation

in the way of life, in the cities, in the technology, in health and technology, so we

worked with many companies and investors to work on this demand and work on moving the

world to the next phase."

He also pledged to defeat extremist ideas and help young Saudis live in a modernized

kingdom that promotes moderate Islam.

(Arabic) - AP - 4122579 / 1 "Seventy percent of the Saudi people are less

than 30-years-old and, quite frankly, we will not waste thirty years of our lives in dealing

with extremist ideas.

We will destroy them today."

Although there are reports of a number of potential investors, the sheer scale of financial

and technical resources... needed for NEOM will prove to be a big challenge.

Ro Aram, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Saudi Arabia announces investments to build $500-billion mega city - Duration: 2:02.


Hello Counselor | I don't think I'm part of this family! [SUB : ENG,THAI / 2017.10.23] - Duration: 27:57.

"I'm A Loner."

Hello, I'm experiencing the greatest crisis.

I'm 18-year-old Ko Byeongjun.

I live with my mom, dad and older sister.

But I don't think I'm part of this family.

Why not?

Goodness, why won't this turn on?

The computer's broken."

"I'm sure Byeongjun did it."


"Hey, Byeongjun! You lost the remote, right?"

It's right here.

Why scream at me without even looking?"

"This wouldn't happen if you're usually good."

What's this about?

Poor Byeongjun.

I feel bad for him already.

Whenever something happens,

my family blames me.

Mom, I have a concern.

Something's come up at school..."

All you ever do is complain!

If only he'd be half as good as his sister."

Why does everyone hate on me?

My sister says, "I just hate him without reason."

Poor Byeongjun!

- Let's give him a hug. / - Poor Byeongjun.

I can't live with this mistreatment anymore.

Please relieve my concern at Hello Counselor.

Give Byeongjun a big hug.

With elders...

"It's your fault, right?"

But then they find out they were wrong.

Most people won't apologize for being wrong there.

They'll be like... "Why you! Geez..."


- You're right. / - It's so... Right?

Adults need to acknowledge they're wrong too.

They're too embarrassed to.

- I'm going to hug him. / - Let's hear from him.

Byeongjun, please come out.

(Who is concerned about his family hating on him?)

It's Byeongjun!

(It's Byeongjun!)



Come here, Byeongjun.

Have a seat here.

I understood why as soon as you got on that slide.

(So bright)

Please introduce yourself.

Hello, I attend Jeongbal High School.

I'm in 11th grade, Ko Byeongjun.

(So cute!)

11th grade?

Do you really believe your family hates you?

My family has no trust in me.

If something goes missing at home.

Or something breaks.

Then they always blame me.

My dad's USB went missing.

There was an important file in there.

We looked everywhere but it couldn't be found.

Dad's USB?

Did he get anxious about it being lost?

That's strange too.


He's certain you took it because of what's inside.

Was it named New Folder?

Then what?

Later he thought I took it

and even whipped me.

I was so upset. I never took it.

What happened in the end?

It was in my dad's bag.

What did he say?

"You should always be good."


It didn't deserve a whipping.

But they don't do that to my sister.

- They don't? / - No.

They listen to everything she says carefully.

But they ignore me.

Whenever I have trouble at school,

I say I have a concern.

"How is that a concern?"

I feel bad because with the new semester,

your friends show off when they get new bags

or things like that.

I want to do that as well just once. So I tell mom

and she brings me my sister's bag to use.

But then she buys my sister a new bag.

That's so upsetting.

No matter how busy the family is,

they all make time for my sister's birthday.

But they don't for my birthday.

Since when did your family start being like this?

Since I was young.

Tell us everything you're upset about.

I feel like I don't fit with my family.

They should've just not had me

and been a happy family of three.

Why did they have me and give me a hard time?

But don't grab the cushion like that.

(Oh, my goodness)

(It's the cushion's fault)

Let's switch.

He has a great personality and is so bright.

But he's really stressed.

He looks pulling at things.

Why would your family do that?

My sister is darn good with her studies.

You know those "I'm going to be the best" kids?

You're bad?

I'm not very good with studying.

If something unfair happens.

"But my sister didn't do that."

Then mom says, "At least she studied."

What if you fight with your sister?

She swears at me and I swear at her.

You swore?

Don't swear.

I didn't cuss real bad...

Mom says I'm the younger sibling

so I should never fight back.

I should just take it like a man.

That's true. You shouldn't do that to your elder.

Husband, don't do that to your elder.

You don't do that to older women.

- 3 years apart? / - Yes.

They're 4 years apart.

Haven't you ever told your mom about this?

Of course I have.

But mom is like...

"Why do you complain about nothing?"

And my sister is like...

I don't know what happened but

I won't take your side."


From what I can see, he's a real good boy.

He's in 11th grade. He could rebel.

Boys don't even want to speak with family.

That's right.

Let's hear from the parents first.



Do you understand your son's concern?



It's not like we ostracize him at home.

Of course.

I'll ask because Dongyeob is curious.

What was in that USB?

My bank certificate was in there. Nothing else.

What? What else could be in there?

We knew it was your certificate in there.

What else would make you whip your son?


It's not like the USB can run away.

The only person to steal at home is him.

And he's always very forgetful.

But you found it in your bag.

Then whip your bag.

Did you apologize to Byeongjun?

Rather than, "Son, I'm sorry."

It was, "Oh, the USB was here."

What Dongyeob said was exact.

I think I might've said sorry.

He says you treat your daughter differently.

What do you think about that?

I think that's actually my concern.

You don't treat him different but he says you do?

I have no expectations of him, I mean...

(A complete Freudian slip)


(Thumbs up, mother)

I loved him without condition.

With his sister...

I loved her more if she got good grades.

But I loved Byeongjun even if he got bad grades.

Because you don't expect anything of him.

That's right. I just let it go.


Dongyeob and everyone else, look at him.

Does he look stressed out?

That does sound right...

He mentioned his birthday earlier.

His birthday is April 26.

That's during the high school mid-term exams.

Is it?

If I say I'll cook seaweed soup for him,

he gets real mad saying he has to study

when he doesn't even study.

"Mom! Why cook soup when I'm taking an exam?"

You're really picky!

Why say that when you don't study?

Speak up. Am I lying?

I'm a second born so I think I get him.

What I was upset about

was getting hand-me-downs like with bags.

But my parents would buy my brother a new bag.


But in comparison, with my daughter,

she was only dressed in black and grey.

- Why? / - To hand down to Byeongjun.

Because dad's just a regular office worker...

And he'd act all cool about it.

When I say, "This was your sister's"

"Sure thing, mom!"

Why did you act cool about it?

But that can't be helped.

Because he's thinking about his mom.

I did that too. You act fine but you get upset alone.

It looks like your son thinks he's being

treated different because he gets bad grades.

That's not it at all.

He's never studied in his life.

He doesn't and he's bad.

She's really let go.

His sister is the type to go to academy

even if she doesn't want to. Without complaint.

With Byeongjun, he'd cry and whine.

He says I don't listen to his concerns.

I don't think that's true.

He relieves his stress by talking.

(Talking by himself)

You want to sit here, don't you?

He relieves his own stress.

It sounds like she's really good to you.

She doesn't give you any stress.

I think you keep becoming disadvantaged here.

Anything else you're upset about?

It's not like I never studied.

In 10th grade, I did try.

I really tried my best.

But my grades...

They rose by 60 points compared to junior high.

Just what were your scores like in junior high?

How bad were you before you tried?

They rose by 60 points.

I started going to the academy my sister went to.

When I ask her about something new,

Your sister never asked about this.

Why do you have to ask?"

That's wrong.

I kept getting told off for getting things wrong.

I have a bad habit of nail biting.

It's gotten so bad that I bleed.

I bite them without realizing.

You keep being discouraged.

They say things that lower my self-esteem.

- Who? What? / - How upsetting?

I'm not on the tall side.


My mom always complains,

"I fed you good stuff, why won't you grow?"

"It's because you don't sleep."

I really do my best when I sleep.

You do your best?

It doesn't work if you sleep in class.

I don't sleep in class.

- Sleep at night. / - I do my best.

I didn't say it before. I'm only saying it now.

Now that he's in 11th grade...

I think it's too late to do something with grades.

But, still...

You never know.

So at least grow taller.

Let's try our best for that.

I can't give up on everything.

(Being traumatized here)

Sister. Let's speak with the sister.

Honestly. Do you understand your brother's concern?

When I think of his personality, I do.

But I do feel that everything he complains about

are first world problems.

What's his personality like?

He's very sensitive and soft.

"I won't take your side." "I just don't like you."

That's a bit harsh, even if you're joking.

I've moved out for college now.

But when I go home, it's strange at home.

- Between Byeongjun and mom? / - Yes.

Mom doesn't eat when she's stressed.

So I go home and find she's lost a lot of weight.

Or when I see her being stressed out.

I'm like, who's he to upset my mom.

- That's what I hate about him. / - For your mom.

And my brother

actually hurts my mom too.

- In what way? / - How?

He'd have friends who are better off.

Complaining that his friends' parents bought

things for them and he wants it too.

If my mom says she realistically can't.

Then he's like, "What have you ever done for me?"

That's the problem Byeongjun.

This is how that happened.

I get $50 pocket money per month.

I have to eat, travel

and play with friends and buy snacks.

So I asked my mom for more pocket money.

But she's like, "It's because you waste it."

- Without hearing you out? / - Right.

I didn't just waste my money.

Did your sister get $50 in 11th grade?

She used to carry mom's credit card around.

(That's not right)

Credit card?

That's not right.

- Mother, please respond. / - No, no.

In 11th grade, she didn't get pocket money.

I gave it to her in 12th grade for academy

and to buy food.

She never wastes her money

like Byeongjun.

She always complains about Byeongjun.

What does Byeongjun waste his money on?

Small Thomas the Tank Engine toys. Rail tracks.

That's cute.

You know CDs.

He buys Thomas the Tank Engine at his age?

That's what I'm saying.

(Impossible to understand)

I can't tell you just how many parcels we get

at home.

Even the courier says, "Hey, Byeongjun. Delivery."

- He knows his name? / - I mean it.

Byeongjun, what's going on here?

He doesn't use his pocket money for that.

Then what?

He buys them on my credit card.

With your card.

It's saved on the computer, right?

I didn't just use her card. I used my money.

- But you were short? / - Right. I ran out.


Wait a minute.

You have a hair stuck on your face.

- 11th grade? / - Yes?

You can't be like that to an 11th grader.

We'll edit this out.

Your girlfriend might not like it.

- She'll be fine. / - She will?

He has a girlfriend.

I was being subtle.

I just don't understand.

Byeongjun, you have a girlfriend.

Just hang out with her!

Why are you hanging out with Thomas?

I just don't get it.

(Do you understand now?)

I'm scarred from my sister too.

By what?

It was a family gathering

but I had something depressing happen.

But I can't cry in front of the family.

So I went and told my sister.

And I started crying again.

And she's like, "Stop crying like a douche."

(She's so tough)

Sister, why didn't you listen?

She was wearing a dress and looking in the mirror.

So I told her she looks pretty but she says,


That's a scar.

(That's dangerous)

(She's so mean)

Why did you say that, sister?

Let's talk about calling him a douche.

It was family banquet.

Mom was just like, "Dad's studying something

these days and I feel sorry for him at his age."

Then he starts crying.

(It's not something to cry about)

She felt sorry for her husband studying at his age.

It wasn't even about him.

Wait, he said it was a family concern.

So as the son, he felt bad.

But she just said it to you.

I had no idea dad was studying that.

She mentioned that in front of all our relatives.

Okay, so we get that story now.

What about telling him to scram.

I looked fat so I was annoyed.

I wasn't annoyed at him.

I was just annoyed by the mirror.

I just took it out on him.

She didn't mean to say it to you.

You'll get it when you get a little older.

It seems Byeongjun is very sensitive.

You need to be careful.

If you tell him to scram,

he'll go and cry like a douche.

(Be gentle on Byeongjun)

While we're at it,

tell us what's upsetting about your son.

Ever since elementary,

Byeongjun's liked theme parks excessively.

- The theme park? / - Yes.

In 6th grade, we went every day for a week.

I got a yearly pass.

We'd wake up at 5:30 to 6 a.m.

and leave the house by 6:30.

Then we come home after the park closes.

We live in Ilsan.

So we get home by around midnight.

We went so often that

the staff at the park would be like,

"Oh, you're back, Byeongjun."

The courier knows him by name.

The staff know him by name.

He loves going on rides.

But he really loves the parade.


One time, I think it was the New Year.

We bought KTX tickets to visit our hometown.

In the morning he told me he had to

go to academy for extra lessons.

But he wouldn't come home

so I called his teacher to send him home.

You can see where this is going. He wasn't there.

I have a reason for going there that day.

My dream is to be a parade director.

It's very exact.

That's the New Year, right?

A Korean festival is held there for Seollal.

That's really grand.

I don't just enjoy the parade.

I study what kind of books

or fairy tales were referenced.

I study why they shoot fireworks at certain times

and why they use certain music.

- That's great. / - He's really serious about it.

That's incredible.

He has a very specific dream at his age.

That's a great thing.

Do they oppose your dream?

They're like, "As if you'll make it."

Just do it.

Then just say, "Fine, I'll do it."

That's what I said.

That's how we all made it here.

That's what everyone up here did.

I made a promise with Byeongjun.

Get good grades in 10th and 11th grade.

Then I'd send him to academy during the holidays.

Then he got some advice at the academy.

Apparently the teacher told him

to go to an acting academy instead.

That's when trouble began between us.

I'm not saying I won't allow it.

But he keeps asking me to send him.

I don't think it'd be too late then.

You must study to become a director.

You need good grades to be a director.

In my spare time,

I think about what kind of performance is best.

So I try different things and sketch it out.

He's got talent.

You did this, Byeongjun?

We don't have Disneyland in Korea.

If they build one in Korea...

Like that?

- He has talent. / - What's this one?

Candlelight is really pretty, right? At Christmas.

That's a parade float using candlelight.

(So impressive)

Let's just check out his sketches.

Why are you so good?

- That's good. / - he's very imaginative.

That looks like a stage set.

It says "Dream of Adventure."


What's this?

- Is that your room? / - Yes, that's my room.

(A room filled with dreams)

- That's really good. / - So pretty.

That's why you buy Thomas toys.

There's a reason behind it all.

- There's a reason. / - Now I understand.

(Investment for his dreams)

That would cost a lot.

Wow, so cool.

That's all mom's money, right?

Yes, that's my credit card.

It feels like he'll make something of himself.

If you realize something late.

You can't help but lean towards

the dreams you have.

Check out our celebrities.

They were only interested in dancing

but suddenly they're a star.

They keep inviting them overseas.

Then fans in Japan go crazy.

Then they study Japanese like crazy.

And they speak fluently.

They study English without being told to.

I get that but

he only has one year left till his SATs.

How long must I wait?

- SATs? / - Yes.

Everyone around me says the same thing.

"Byeongjun has a dream, why do you worry?"


You have to go somewhere to make your dream.

But it's a real concern for a mother.

Because he wants to be a director.

It's really novel. It's not like a movie director.

Byeongjun, you need to convince her.

You need to set a plan and convince her.

I think your method of convincing is wrong.

You're just demanding she understands.

The production team says

you've prepared something for your parents.

You prepared something?

It feels like my mom, dad and sister

have lost touch with their inner child.

They've become too engrossed in reality.

So for just a moment...

- You want them to dream? / - Yes, to dream.

I feel like I'm to blame too.

I see. So you want to help them dream.

Such a beautiful mind.

Let's see it.

I'll take off my socks so I don't slip.

He's removing his socks.

So he won't slip.

You might get hurt...

(Warming up his feet)


(Mouths wide open)

You said you want to be a director!

Cue the music.

I want to cheer him on.


(Parade music starts playing)

(He commands the entire stage)


He's watched so many parades.

(So much joy in his expressions and dance)

(Connecting with their inner child)


(You are watching 18-year-old Ko Byeongjun)

(Even does flips)


(Is he a hidden prodigy?)

(How has he contained this talent?)

(We've fallen for Byeongjun's talent)


(Will you guys support my dream?)

(So cool, Byeongjun)

Sister, sister. Say something.

How does it feel?

Tell us how you feel.

H-He's really good...

She's speechless.

He's really good.

I was so moved watching that, almost to tears.

Did you know he was such a good dancer?

Byeongjun doesn't read at all at home.

But he dances like that in the living room.

Good, very good.

Are we in the wrong? He's in 11th grade.

He can do that in the living room in front of you

because you're family.

But in front of all these people.

And in front of these celebrities.

Don't you feel like he's talented?

He's full of confidence because I raised him well.

(So it's thanks to you?)

But he complains about having low self-esteem.

If I had pressured him,

would he be able to express himself like that?

I feel like he's just whining.

She always says things like,

I'm only doing this for you so you don't

resent me later on."

I feel pressured and bad when she says that.

Even if I do my best...

Taller people look better with simple actions.

I'm short so I don't look as good.

No, no. You look really good.

You were good enough.

The reason your mother keeps emphasizing

your studies is because...

If you can't use height to your advantage,

your studies can provide the advantage.

That's why she wants you to have it as a backup.

I don't she's just forcing you to study.

It seems like she does support your dream.

And she's suggesting you give it a shot.

And to speak on Byeongjun's behalf.

As I prepared to become a singer...

It's really an insecure job.

But the key is whether I can be happy

just by singing even if I can't make money.

I think he will happy to be on stage

even if he can't make lots of money.

Then I feel it's right to support his dream.

Even though he can't study.

(Right on)

This has been

Kim Sejeong of EBS on the dreams of youth.

Thank you for that lecture.

We were joined by Professor Kim.

- It was an honor. / - It was short but...

(I'll root for you, Byeongjun)

Say some finals words to your family.

It's a very different path to others.

So I understand that you're worried.

I'm worried too. I don't know what will happen.

But whenever I'm worried,

I want to hear from you that tomorrow is

another day so that I shouldn't worry

and keep doing my best.

This is the last thing I want to say.

What are you saying?

- Where are you going? / - Are you running away?

Tell your parents you love them.

Mom, dad, I love you.

I love you dad, the handsomest dad in the world.

Sis, you're really beautiful. You really are.

So be confident.

You are beautiful.

That's why she tells you to scram.


Let's start with Mingue this time.

Is it a concern or not?

I don't think it's a concern.

I do think it's a concern.

I also think it's a concern.

I will support your dream.

Thank you.

If you're stopping him because you just want him

to go to a better university.

Then I'd say it's a concern.

If you empathize with Byeongjun's concern,

please press the button.

(What does the audience think?)

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.



please say something on behalf of the family.

People tell me that you'll make something

of yourself, so I believe that you will.

You can do it.

Let's check the result.

Is it over 100 votes?

56 votes?

(Will he get over 167 votes?)

(He got 66 votes)

This concern must be double the trouble of others.

For more infomation >> Hello Counselor | I don't think I'm part of this family! [SUB : ENG,THAI / 2017.10.23] - Duration: 27:57.


Hello Counselor | My husband has the dirtiest mouth in the world! [SUB : ENG,THAI / 2017.10.23] - Duration: 29:53.

I wonder if this is actually possible.

It's shocking.

Hello, I'm a housewife in her 40s with

a 4-month-old son.

I'm sending this in to you as a last resort.

My husband has the dirtiest mouth in the world.

Even when he's driving...

"Ah, darn"

"Move, you frick"

Even when he's on the phone.

"What? You little shoe."

"Stop talking! Shoot"

It's like he has a dirty rag in his mouth.

He's always using profanity.

But that's not all.

Honey, can you do the dishes

before going to work?"

"Far out, what a nuisance before work!"


(Is this for real?)

"What's this!@#$%?"

To his own wife?

Cursing at me is a given.

When the baby cries...

"So noisy. Do something about the kid."

"He's a bay. Of course he cries."


(In shock)

He curses at the baby.

I didn't get married to be cussed out.

I'm so frustrated, I end up in tears.

Is it okay to go on like this?

Please, sew my husband's lips together.

Normally they clap after the concern is read.

But everyone is in so much shock.

This is nothing to clap about.

Cursing is a common thing.

But this is going too far.

At home, at the wife and kid...

Swearing is just a part of his daily life.

That's just lacking in basic manners.

Do you know anyone that cusses a lot?

People that turn you off because of it?

There's cussing that makes you laugh.

Yeah, that's true.

They laugh and cuss by mistake.

They cuss like this?

In that kind of atmosphere.

I'd better make use of that.

What a load of!@#$%.

(Is that what I did?)

Let's meet the wife.

Please come on out.

(Who's the lady with the potty mouth husband?)

(Kang Seonju)


Does he really cuss that much?

He does so much.

If something doesn't go to his liking...




Age is not a factor.

- He doesn't care who he cusses out? / - Right.


Whether they're a kid or the elderly.

You mean he cusses under his breath?

He cusses at them too.

- He cusses you out too? / - Of course.

If I say anything when he's in a bad mood...

"Stop talking nonsense."

What did you say to hear that?

He has a beer belly because he drinks a lot.

I told him to exercise and take care of himself.

"Shut it."

(Sorry, it just slipped out)

I'm sorry.

Despite your child being so young...

He's 4 months old now.

I comfort him since he's crying.

Then my husband goes,

"How annoying. He's too loud."

At a crying baby?

"It's only natural that a baby cries."

"Why are you bugging me before work?"

He says I'm a pain.

Since when did he start cursing so bad?

- When you were dating? / - You must've known.

We met at work.

He was famous for it in the office.

- For cursing? / - For his foul mouth?

He'd swear regardless of who was around.

It's just a part of him.

Why did you fall for him?

He took good care of me at the start.

Cursing is his only flaw.

He was a nice guy.

Was he good to you while cussing you out?


He was nice...

"Hey,!@#$%. I bought you this."

(So funny)

So I thought he had a good heart.

Why don't you tell him how you feel?


At first, I used to talk back to him.

And when I tell him to stop, he gets worse.

- He curses more? / - Yes.

It gets worse.

The thing that shocks and frustrates me is...

He doesn't speak after we fight.

What's this about?

- Who? / - My husband.

He won't talk.

For how long?

It the beginning it used to be a day or two.

But now it's 2 weeks and at the latest, one month.

He didn't speak to you for a month?

He didn't!

How much would he want to swear?

So you haven't spoken for a month?

We haven't spoken for 2 weeks.

- It's been 2 weeks? / - Yes.

Wait, so you're not on speaking terms right now?

We came in silence.

Until the moment we got here...

Even though we came in the same car.

The Hello Counselor team asked him to contact them

and he ignored it.

You used the same waiting room. You didn't speak?

We didn't.

That means you have a serious concern right now.

To be real honest, since it's this bad,

I'm considering divorce.

This is my last resort.

That's why we're here.

The husband must be here because

he wants to change.

He has a great impression and jokes around.

But to think he has a swearing problem.

Let's meet him first.

Hello, nice to meet you.

- Hello. / - Nice to meet you.

He looks like he'd never swear.

You look like you'd never swear.

What do you think of your wife's concern?

When the writer called,

I was shocked to think it was worth being here for.

To think it was that bad...

So it's not that bad?

I don't think it's that bad.

I think my wife has greatly misunderstood this.

Then are you here to solve that misunderstanding.

That's right.

- So you're saying you did nothing wrong. / - Yes.

It's a bad thing that you're swearing in the

first place. The fact that you're cursing at all.

I don't just go and swear at strangers.

It's close friends or close coworkers.

It's habitual swearing with those guys.

When I curse at my wife...

- It's only when we fight. / - When you fight?

Right, I don't just swear for no reason.

But even if it's when you fight...

Swearing at your wife is going too far.

Imagine your wife saying the same things to you.

She does.

- Exactly as you do? / - Yes.

What is going on here?

But it's like this...

Dispute resolved.

- What's going on? / - I understand.

But when you fight,

you hit back because you've been hit first.

She doesn't swear at you first, right?

Who curses first?

I acknowledge that these days it's been me.

Then she's cursed first in the past?

Early in the marriage, she did it first.

- More than me. / - Wait.

You fight, right? Then you say mean things.

My husband would do that and

I'd tell him to stop.

And I've cursed at him first.

- Like what? / -!@#$%.

- Stop!!@#$%! / - Something like that.

- Nothing more? / - Right.

Stop!@#$%. And then

he'd call me a whore and other things...

(Such a shock)

Then we'd curse back and forth.


I just mean she talks like one.

But a woman wouldn't swear more than the guy.

Don't you agree?

I do say worse things.

She can't help but lose here.

But she said you swear even when the baby cries.

- Because he gets mad. / - By getting mad.

But that's not something to get mad about, is it?

For example, he's not crying for food but

she keeps trying to feed him.

We've fought so we're not on talking terms

but it's so frustrating to watch.

So I just sighed.

Three times like this.

- I don't believe this. / - Just three sighs.

But she tells me not to sigh. She shouted at me.

- Did he just sigh? / - No.

Not at all.

He had a beer in his hands, sitting under the AC.

"How annoying. So noisy."

That's what he was doing.

Is this correct?

I think it is.

It's wrong that you get so mad about a baby crying.

That's right.

I was curious from the start. It's your first baby?

- Yes. / - So you did have the baby late.

It's not our first baby...

We had a miscarriage.

That does happen a lot these days.

I used to work early on...


She has a lot that she's kept stored up.

It means she has a lot of heartache

that we might not completely understand.

What kind of curse words do you use?

Just say it here. We'll bleep it out.

What do you say when you're really angry.

(Shut the!@#$% up!)


(Shut the!@#$% up!)

What's your age difference?

He's 4 years younger than me.

What are you doing to your elder?

Do you curse that much outside the home?

The company I met my wife in...

I worked there for 4 years and 2 months.

I've moved on now but I was praised for my work.

But my only flaw was

that I curse a lot. That I'm a good worker

but I swear too much. I heard that a lot.

So I haven't been swearing since I changed jobs.

I've stopped myself.

Then stop swearing at home too.

I don't! It's just when we fight.

So you only swear when you fight.

But that's really wrong.

You should swear less since you're fighting.

Things get worse and aggravated when you fight.

If you curse at those times, you get more hurt.

You haven't spoken in 2 weeks.

That is correct.


It takes two hands to clap.

It's not like I'm ignoring her.

She doesn't speak to me. That's why it's 2 weeks.

You could speak first.

The thing that makes me mad is, in the beginning

I spoke to him first.

Even after you fight? To make up?

I would try. If it's too hard to speak,

let's email or send texts.

But he's never tried to make up first.

- Not even once? / - Right?

What's the reason?

Why don't you try to make up first?

My pride.

It does feel like I lose if I speak first.

What do you get out of being so stubborn?

Nothing. I do regret too.

You've made up before, right?

Why did you make up?

We're married with a child.

We can't separate so we have to make up.

We need a change.

That's being really selfish.

She said she's considering divorce.

You don't realize how serious this is, right?

I hate fighting too.

We fight at least once a month now.

I do think this isn't why I got married.

- You think that too? / - Yes.

But my wife talks about every small detail.

And I keep everything in.

Then tell us what you don't like about her.

The biggest one. I've never told her this before.

Good. Tell us.

The biggest thing is I'm a picky eater.

I acknowledge that.

But everything my wife cooks...

I've never had such bad cooking before.

- But you didn't say that and just ate? / - Yes.

Tell us more.

You call that eating?

I wake up at 6 and go to work at 7.

She could see me off in the morning.

But she just lies there.

You're upset about that.

I understand but it does upset me.

But I just don't express these things.

Tell us more if there's anything else.

They're the biggest ones.

She takes care of the baby till late at night.

Why would you want her to see you off?

I do understand

but as a human, I do feel upset.

What kind of food do you like?


- Sausages. / - Eggs.

Just cook him that stuff then.

I feel so wronged by what he's saying.

I carried my 50-day-old baby out

to buy ingredients to make him chicken soup.

But he doesn't show an ounce of appreciation.

Don't you ever feel sorry or thankful

for your wife?

You never thank her for her hard work, right?

I don't remember doing so.

That means you never have.

Does he help with the housework?

He doesn't lift a finger.

In my third trimester, I cleaned the bathroom

because he asked me to saying he has a bad back.

That's the kind of man he is.

I asked him to take out the trash

and he says he can't because it smells.

Then what about me?

If I say something to that then we'll fight.

Is she telling the truth? Why don't you help?

I don't help when we've fought.

You've never helped!

No, when we don't fight

I do the dishes, take out the trash...

But you don't speak when you fight.

If you haven't spoken in 3 weeks,

that means you didn't help for 3 weeks.

That's right.

So you help when things are good

but you don't when they're bad.

Are you baby or what?

This is what's going on here.

I judge someone by whether they're a kid or adult.

There are people that are like kids.

And there are people that are adults.

But with marriage, it has to be either two adults

or two kids.

When an adult and a kid get married,

that's the start of the tragedy.

And here a kid and an adult got married.

But even for a kid,

if they have a family to take care of,

they must continue to try and become an adult.

If you just stay as a kid,

then you're not qualified to have a family.

You'll resolve things if you take that approach.

Is there anything else to complain about?

I don't mind not speaking after fighting.

But when we fight, he doesn't look after the baby.

He won't even look at him.

He doesn't babysit or hold him. Nothing.

I had a miscarriage early on in our marriage.

I thought I wouldn't have another child.

I was so worried.

This is a very precious son.

He's my no. 1 treasure.

With all the babysitting and carrying... My wrists

get numb at night.

- It throbs with pain. / - That's common.

Does he help bathe the baby?


- He doesn't? / - Not even once.

They say it's great for bonding

if the father bathes with the baby.

It's great for development.

I told him about that.

"I'm bonding fine. I don't need to."

It's been 4 months and he hasn't bathed him.

Is he using telepathy?

Have you never bathed your own son?

- No. / - Why not?

Because he was a newborn at first.

Let's say you were too scared then.

These days, because we fight.

Because of fighting again?

We haven't spoken today.

What's does fighting have to do with bathing?

Do you only do what you like?

It's hard to say that myself...

You'll know in your heart.

The fact that you're a father but you haven't

once bathed your son is weird.

Regardless of whether you've fought or not.

I didn't realize it was that bad.

He's a miracle baby for you, right?

He's so precious and beautiful.

You love him so much, right?

- Of course. / - But not enough to bathe him?

No, I think I can now.

Not just now!

You shouldn't have a condition for your baby.

Because of this happening so often,

I have postnatal depression.

I cry alone in the bathroom.

The baby smiles so innocently

but I feel so bad and guilty.

So sometimes I cry with the baby in my arms.

Did you know she cried alone?


You didn't?

How does it feel after hearing about it now?

It's not like I don't understand her.

When I hard to change jobs...

I've felt the pressure of work.

I had to adapt to a new environment as well.

I feel like she only cares

about herself and the baby

and not about me.

Is he very busy with work?

He is busy.

He has to play his mobile games.

He turns on the phone as soon as he wakes up.

He falls asleep with the phone in his hands.

He goes drinking with his friends, coworkers...

He doesn't stay out all night, does he?

He does. More often now.

He frequently doesn't come home? How often?

Twice a week.

It was twice recently.

He'd come home at 5 a.m. when I was pregnant.

- In your third trimester? / - Yes.

Why do you stay out all night?

The company I was scouted to

is a 1-hour travel from my house.

It's far and when drinking ends at 2 to 4 a.m.,

I have to get ready for work and leave by 7

to get there at 8. Then it's tiring...

Then where do you sleep?

I sleep at the sauna and at the office.

Most people who have jobs

travel 40 to 50 minutes, over an hour...

Many people travel for an hour to work in Seoul.

It's the same for everyone.

Raise your hand if it takes you more than an hour.

Raise them high.

So many.

Raise your hand if that's why you sleep out.

That means they should all sleep out too.

That's not a good enough reason to not come home.

I don't stay out without calling. I always call.

Then do you call her when you've fought?


Can she not come home too then after you fight?

Of course not.

(What's with this sense of confidence?)

What's your reason for that?

- She has a baby. / - Because of the baby?


Then she can stay out with the baby?

I haven't thought about that but she wouldn't.

That's right. Saying that she wouldn't

means that you can trust her.

That's what you believe.

I think that's a coworker next to him, right?

Let's meet him. Hello, nice to meet you.


How do you feel after hearing all this?

When I did the prior interview,

I wondered why you chose him.

How much of a piece of trash must he be?

We joked about that.

How do you feel after hearing their story?

I hope he cleans himself quick

and stops being a piece of trash.

So at work, he's a fun guy.

He swears but he isn't someone that's hated.

- That's right. / - How is he at work.

He's the funny guy at work.

Shin Dongyeob says a lot of lewd stuff

but he doesn't seem like a pervert.


He does that too.

How do you feel about him swearing at his wife?

That's what makes him trash.

A husband and wife should never

swear at each other.

Are you married?

I've been married 6 years.

6 years.

He's more experienced.

Have you ever cursed at your wife?


We do fight but we don't curse.

- You do the same work, right? / - Right.

Are you unable to help with the housework?

I wouldn't say I help a lot.

I have to be honest since my wife is watching.

(The wife is watching)

But early on in the marriage or with the baby...

I did bathe the baby from time to time.

With the cleaning...

Now that I think about it, I haven't done much.

What if you're back next week?

The important thing is how you communicate.

A soft answer turns away wrath.

If you just say sorry and thank you.

That can make

all the stress go away.

But the way he says it. Saying she just lies there.

I was so shocked.

She sleeps because she's tired from babysitting.

But you say it in such a negative way.

You say it in a way that makes her feel bad.

Does he feel bad about not coming home?

No, not at all. He never says sorry.

- What does he say? / - Nothing.

You must say things like, "Then just get out."

Then he'll say, "You leave."

My father-in-law provided the home for us.

So he says, "You get out."

He's a complete baby.

- So childish. / - What a baby.

He's worse than a baby.

He says, "Did you pay for the house?"

Have you ever regretted being so childish?

- I do. At the time. / - You do?

Then did you say sorry after?

I didn't say I was sorry for that.

He tells me to leave every time we fight.

He said it last time we fought.

That becomes a habit.

Why can't you be a bigger plate?

This is what my wife says the most when we fight.

"I can't live with the likes of you."

So then I just say, "Then leave."

But she doesn't say that out of the blue.

Of course she's at fault too.

But you only aggravate it and make it worse.

You should be a man about it.

So you have no husband to rely on.

Do you have anyone else to rely on?

That'd be my parents.

My parents live in Iksan, Jeolla-do.

That's too far.

My mom and dad call me from time to time.

My mom asks if my husband is good to me.

But you can't tell her the truth.

I tell her that he's good to me and helps a lot.

And for her not to worry.

But the funny thing is...

I really couldn't believe this.

I had to visit my parents.

But he cursed out my mom behind my back.


He has a chatroom with his friends.

Saying he's so uncomfortable around her.

He doesn't like her cooking.

My mother cooked a Korean chicken

for her son-in-law.

On the fire my brother made in the boiling heat.

That's so much love.

My mom tore the meat with her hands for him.

He calls her a country bumpkin for that.

"How's your mother-in-law?" "A country bumpkin."

(It's a never ending story)

She tore it with her hands

but he forced himself to eat it.

I hit him while he was sleeping saying,

"Is this the kind of man you were?"

He did say sorry then but it's left a scar.

Of course it leaves a scar.

Why did you marry your wife?

She's really good to my parents.

That's what sealed the deal for me.

Then you should be good to her parents.

What if she cursed out your mom

in a chatroom with her friends?

"Was she proud of this kind of son?"

And you saw it.

How would you feel?

I would never look through my wife's phone.

(Never never ending story)

What are you saying? You've seen it.

Seeing the way he speaks...

"I don't do that. It's her fault."

You're not a baby.

You're a man and a father.

What's your greatest concern?

When my father was younger,

he would swear at this kids too.

Elders in the country are like that.

I couldn't help but lose self-esteem as a result.

At the very least, not in front of our baby...

I don't want him to grow up like me.

But I feel like he will.

With low self-esteem and always being wary.

We asked just how bad your cursing is.

Whether she could write them down.

Since you don't know how bad you are.

I was completely shocked to read this.

I've never seen curses written down...

I can't read these with emotion.

It'll be too weird for the audience.

I'll just read it.

We'll bleep it out. Please be understanding.

If you don't read this like a textbook...

Things will get weird in here.

Why are you being an arse this morning?

Did I force you to do the dishes? Huh?

I'll do it later or tomorrow, you frick.

Why you little frick.

What's with this arse?

Just keep your mouth shut.

I just can't live you anymore, you darn.

You're living in my house, you shoot.

Stop acting like you own the frick place.

You didn't pay a cent to buy this house.

If you want to leave get the frick out.

Why the heck would I leave?

You get out if you don't want to see my face.

With this...

Do you remember saying these things?


- You do? / - You remember?

How does it feel hearing it?

I was wrong.

You swore because you were upset.

That's true.

Look. No matter how upset you are...

There are things you just shouldn't say.

I doubt you'd ever say that to your coworkers.

What do you think? He says that to his wife.

I'm shocked after hearing that.

I almost left. I don't think I should've come.

I didn't know he spoke so harshly to her.

How do you feel after hearing it?

I'm not saying I'm in the right

but my wife says the same stuff when we fight.

- Like this? / - When we fight.

But that's because you swore first...

That's why she swears.

Please don't be like, "She does too."

You're a man. What's wrong with you?

Saying things in a nice way.

Thinking about how the other person would feel.

If you just realize that...

"Oh, that's how it feels. I'd better stop."

Imagine if you suggested something to your boss.

And he's like, "Why you, darn."

"Why are you being a frick this morning?"

"Stop being an arse and get out of my office!"

How would you feel? I'm being serious.

How do you feel right now?

He cursed at you as an example.

I feel bad.

- It feels really bad, right? / - Yes.

Even how Sejong the Great would feel.

He didn't invent Hangul to be used like this.

What does your wife and child mean to you?

They're the reason I get up early in the morning

and run around all day.

So why do you curse at them?

I won't from now on.

It's something that you just shouldn't do.

Tell her how you will change.

If I said I won't swear 100% when we fight,

that'd be a lie.

But that's how it should be.

- Most people don't. / - You shouldn't swear.

I'll do my best not to say the real bad words.

No, you need to stop cursing at all.

I won't, but...

It might come out when I get mad

but I'll do my best to stop.

How do you call yourself an adult

when you can't even stop yourself from swearing.

Did you marry a frick?

Of course not.

Then why do you call her that?

My goodness.

You surprised me.

You'll bleep it out.

It doesn't make sense that you can't control it.

Do you swear at your parents too then?

No, I don't.

So that means you can stop.

That's how you're supposed to control yourself.

That's how we all live.

I understand.

Please say one last word to your husband.

Look him in the eye for the first time in 2 weeks.

I hope you wouldn't swear

in front of our son, at the very least.

We can fight but I hope you won't give me

the silent treatment for more than a day.

I'd like you to say sorry and thank you.

I hope we can live like that.

Let's live a happy life from now.

Why must we wipe your own wife's tears?

Guests, please say whether it's a concern.

Starting with Sejeong.

I really hope things improve.

I think it's a concern.

It's a concern.


This is a concern.

There are too many reasons why it's a concern.

You said you have a son, right?

When parents fight,

sons take their mother's side. Not the father.

But he learns cussing from his dad.

I'm really scared about what will happen then.

I really hope you'll be cautious from now.

Sandeul, but don't swear at your father.

It sounded like you said it from experience.

I don't do that.

I think it's a concern.

I think it's a concern.

You've all heard.

It's quite a heavy topic.

If you agree, please press the button.

(What does the audience think?)

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.


It feels like we have a new record.

Please say something to your wife.

I am thankful that you married me.

My mom and dad...

This is how it should be.

I'm thankful that you're so good to them.

I'll do my best not to curse.

I'll quit smoking and cut down on drinking.

I'll do my best to become the man you want.

I love you.

I hope you live a happy life from now.

I'm curious about the votes. Show us.

How many votes?

The last digit in a 7. That's over 100 votes.


167? 187?

167. 167.

157? 167.

(They got 167 votes)

For more infomation >> Hello Counselor | My husband has the dirtiest mouth in the world! [SUB : ENG,THAI / 2017.10.23] - Duration: 29:53.


Apa sih yang diketahui orang Rusia tentang Indonesia selain Bali? - QnA RUSIA #2 - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> Apa sih yang diketahui orang Rusia tentang Indonesia selain Bali? - QnA RUSIA #2 - Duration: 10:16.


Еврейские анекдоты из Одессы! Анекдот про Изю! - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Еврейские анекдоты из Одессы! Анекдот про Изю! - Duration: 0:28.



good morning guys how are you yes as you can see I'm maybe in my bed

on my last night and it felt so good just take my bed for the first time in a

few days and I am going to give you a shower during a little bit I know that

they're calling words long that's okay I'm just ready to take the win and even

though I've been doing spongebob sorry Sam's not under the covers he was

excited that it was money slipped been a bit of last night and in the corner and

but it still felt good to take a shower today and smaller icons on the surgery

and everything as far as and train eat or whatever so far everything that I've

heard he I've been able to eat fine oops and people have problems afterwards and

Google are just fine but so far I have not had any problems with that or

anything all everyday the swollen eyes does get a little bit better I'm sure

that it's gonna get really slower when I take my shower today but I am so ready

to take a little shower today and I'm gonna get some bags and stuff good

afternoon guys and she can tell well Danny brought me his Valentine's to way

that I got him he's wanting to play but try not to do is too much dill I just

got out of the shower and to take an actual shower and the sponge fat after a

doublet a felt amazing decided to go ahead and open up my blinds get some

sunlight in here and then other than that this morning I've just been

catching up on some you know two videos I am going to hopefully catch up I

didn't watch scandal or how to get away with murder

last night I did report them so I plan on I'm watching some sometime today and

still just trying to relax trying to just take it easy don't want to take the

chance of getting a hernia or anything like that so as you guys know I still

can't lift anything probably for about eight weeks or so they said just to be

on the safe side but I am feeling a lot lot better

I'm still pretty sore but the soreness is starting to go away as the days go by

I know people are like you're still blogging and sorry if these blogs are

boring but I promise you guys that I was sober me to vlog every day and I don't

want to get out of the routine of non vlogging every day because it seems like

once I get out of their routine they get so hard to get back into the routine of

vlogging every day so I just want to try to do it as much as I can to to stay in

that routine I've been working on a couple of the

business boot camps that they have going on right now to meet you too

I still trying to get work done stuff like that and other than that guy's

there is not much else going on today for some reason since my surgery I've

noticed like broke out some like here and then I've got the same thing on my

arms and stuff in certain places and I'm like my hands I mean see that little

bump right there stuff in certain places I don't know what that's from or

anything but I don't think it's anything that I'm allergic to I just think my

skin I know it's really really sensitive so um I don't know if that's something

to do with that or I don't know um what it has to do with but I probably won't

show you guys my actual besides every day right now unless you

guys want me to if you guys want me to then put down in the comments that you

want me to so you can see like a day-to-day update on how they are doing

but if not then I you're getting tired of seeing them or anything then I'll

just show them to you from time to time to show you how they're gradually

killing and everything okay I will go ahead and show them to you today let me

know down in the comments if it's not something that you want to see every day

for this is day three umm what my incisions look like and it's top one

that one so they are looking better every day but anyways guys that's gonna

be it for today's vlog I will talk to you guys tomorrow and as always if you

like this video give it a thumbs up and if you're not subscribed hit that

subscribe button comment down below and I will talk to you guys tomorrow alright

For more infomation >> THIRD DAY AFTER GALLBLADDER SURGERY | ASHLEY DANEILLE - Duration: 5:36.


Halloween Night Cars | Scary Videos For Toddlers by Little Treehouse | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 1:05:33.

It's Halloween night not a soul in sight

I hear Footsteps who's that coming?

I see a ghost! Oh no!!!

I see a ghost! run!!!

I see a ghost! Hahahahaha!

It's Halloween night not a soul in sight

I hear Footsteps who's that coming?

I see a zombie!Oh no!!!

I see a zombie! Look Out!

I see a zombie! Hahahahaha!

It's Halloween night not a soul in sight

I hear Footsteps who's that coming?

I see a vampire! Oh no!!!

I see a vampire! Help!

I see a vampire! Hahahahaha!

It's Halloween night not a soul in sight

I hear Footsteps who's that coming?

I see a witch! Oh no!!!

I see a witch! Save me!

I see a witch! Hahahahaha!

It's Halloween night not a soul in sight

I hear Footsteps who's that coming?

I see a skeleton! Oh no!!!

I see a skeleton! Hide!!!

I see a skeleton! Hahahahaha!

For more infomation >> Halloween Night Cars | Scary Videos For Toddlers by Little Treehouse | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 1:05:33.


Готов ли ты к миссии (заданию)? - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> Готов ли ты к миссии (заданию)? - Duration: 6:04.





Hello Counselor | Double the Crazy! [SUB : ENG,THAI / 2017.10.23] - Duration: 21:18.

This concern must be double the trouble of others.

The title is "Double the Crazy."

(What's this?)


(It's the voice)

I'm a housewife in her 40s living in Cheonan.

I get so upset when I'm home.

It's going, going, gone!


My husband is crazy about baseball.

He watches it live. Watches the highlights.

He watches baseball shows.

Watches what he's watched again.

Watches what he's watched again.

(How much will he watch?)

That's it, that's it!


My man is the best!"

(What's this?)

My 15-year-old daughter

is crazy about soccer.

It really is double the crazy.

You don't own the TV, dad.

Let me watch some soccer.

The match is starting soon!



Today's game is really important.

I need to watch baseball. Go away."

I want to kick them both out of the house.

"Honey, please help me with this."

"Hey, don't throw it like that!"

"Daughter, help me with this."

Yes! Just one more goal.

Let's go, my man!"

I'm just invisible in this house.

What can I do about this crazy father and daughter?

Please stop these two.

Husband is mad about baseball,

daughter is mad about soccer.

Please come out.

(Who is concerned about her sports crazed fam?)

(Jeong Seungsin)


When did your family get so into sports?

My husband enjoys all sports.

The baseball season is the biggest problem.

Baseball begins when he gets home around 5 or 6.

- 6 o'clock. / - It begins at 6.

He walks in with phone in hand.

Turns the TV on as soon as he gets home.

Turns on the laptop.

- The laptop? / - Yes.

But he's got the TV on.

It only shows one game on TV.

He watches another game on the laptop.

He doesn't just watch his team?

He does have a favorite team but

he watches baseball as a whole.

To know how the league is moving.

Baseball ends around 9:30 to 10.

It can end past 10 if it goes into extra innings.

Then from then on,

he watches all the highlights.

On sports channels they have things like

I Love Baseball." He watches all that.

Yes, that's on every day.

There are no games on Mondays.

You'd think it'd be better on Mondays.

Does he watch a week's worth?

There's a baseball debate on Mondays.

You're right. There is.

He watches all that?

It's not like he's some expert.

He watches all that too.

The daughter is more incredible.

The 15-year-old.

My daughter likes soccer.

We live in Cheonan.

Seoul, Suwon, Asan...

We can't go often but we try to once a month.

She tries to watch everything like her dad.

Since she can't use her phone in class,

she looks everything up on the way home.

What happened to her men.

You mean her favorite players, right?

And what match is on when.

Then she'll look up what happened online.

The two of them are really crazy.

- She's in 11th grade, right? / - Yes.

That's a healthy hobby though, right?

They both say that.

It's not like they go out.

It's not like my husband goes out drinking.

It's not like he smokes.

He does smoke.

The problem is there's no family communication.

After work, all he does is watch TV.

What about when you eat out?

They only talk about what they want.

I have zero interest in sports.

I don't even know how many to a team in...

- Baseball and soccer. / - Really?

Please learn.

You need to know that much.

But they just say their own thing.

My husband watches baseball on his phone.

He puts it next to him and watches in glances.

- While talking? / - Yes.

Who's the greater concern of the two?

Of course my husband is a concern.

But I'm more concerned about my daughter.

Since she needs to study.

She is in 11th grade.

What if she wants to work in that field?

No, her ultimate goal

is to marry her star player.

She's in love with a soccer player.

It'd be great if it works out.

If she can marry them, it'd be good.

If that's her definite dream.

Let's meet the husband and daughter. Hello.

(Father and daughter mad about sports)

He looks like he'd love baseball.

Do you understand your wife's concern?

I don't know.

That is my only hobby and stress reliever.

I'm sure everyone here like baseball and soccer.

I don't think it's a real concern.


What about the daughter?

Do you understand your mother's concern?

- No. / - Cute.

I relieve the stress I get from studies

by watching soccer.

As I watch my guys,

I really feel joy in my life.

My mom just tells me to study.

And not follow my guys.

I don't really get her.

Who would you say is worse between you?

Of course it's my daughter.

What about the daughter?

Of course it's my dad.

Why? Tell us from your point of view.

He watches the same game over and over.

I don't get that.

I just watch the match live and end it there.

- You only watch at the stadium? / - Yes.

Why do you watch several games at once?

Those who like baseball will understand.

The reason I watch 5 games simultaneously...

- You watch all 5 games simultaneously? / - Yes.

So watch 4 channels at once on TV?

On the laptop.

I divide the screen into quarters

and watch 4 games on the laptop.

I watch one game on my phone.

(You could become the director)

It's all about the flow of the game.

You need to witness that important moment

to experience the thrill and fun.

But after watching all that...

Why do you watch the highlights at night?

That's just like women watching drama re-runs.

Or watching re-runs of TV shows.

It's just like that?

Who is your favorite team?

My hometown is Hampyeong, Jeollanam-do.

- Tigers? / - Yes. I was a Haitai fan.

Now it's the Kia Tigers.

I've been a fan of Sun Dongyol, Lee Jeongbeom.

I like everyone now but

An Chihong or Kim Horyung. I like them.

I think the daughter likes soccer for the players.

I did fall for soccer at first because of them.

Who's your favorite now?

Lee Jeonghyeop of Busan IPark.

Lee Jeonghyeop?


That's him on screen. Lee Jeonghyeop.

- She just saw his photo. / - She's so cute.

We just put the photo on the screen.

- Does that make you happy? / - Yes.

You knew she liked Lee Jeonghyeop, right?

Of course I did.

He knows her by name.

- Lee Jeonghyeop knows her? / - Yes!

How does he know her?

The courier knows Byeongjun by name too.

(It's easy to learn names)

We have photos of the daughter's room. Let's see.

(What is this?)


(This is a girl's room?)

There's Lee Jeonghyeop's uniform?

One of each front and back.


That's Song Heungmin.

She used to like Son Heungmin.

It doesn't look like a girl's room.

Shouldn't Byeongjun's room look like that?

This is what mom's concerned about.

That you're neglecting your studies...

I really have no interest in studies.

I don't study much.

I have 9 days left till my next exam.

There's an independent study before the exam.

When I review my notes then,

my results aren't too bad.

Tell us about your grades.

Out of 356 students,

I'm 204th.

I just tell her to be the average.

It's really hard to be the average.

The average is hard?

There are so many smart students.

- You went to the wrong school. / - Yes.

I'm sure there are ways to study as well

and tell her that you've studied enough

for you to watch soccer too.

I've tried. But I don't get the results.

I relieve my stress from studying

but watching soccer.

But what I don't get is...

You don't study.

Where does the stress come from?

I've never seen her read a book.

Tell us about that.

Where do you get stressed from?

I study during exams.

- So it's to relieve that stress? / - Yes.

- Stress from cramming? / - Yes.

That must be your concern too

that she's not studying.

She watches too much.

- Your daughter? / - Yes.

You're just as bad.

She says her friends don't hang out with her.

I thought it was strange.

I wondered why they wouldn't play

with such a good kid.

"My friends are too busy studying for exams."

What is that?

Then that becomes more stress.

How shocking is that?

What's this about?

Since it's during exams,

all my friends do is study

during breaks and lunch.

You're the only soccer fan in your class, right?

I got one friend into it.

What kind of work does he do?

My husband runs a private business.

And I run a barley rice restaurant in Cheonan.

- You run a barley rice place? / - Must be good.

But we're not that well off because

he started a business.

So he hasn't been able to help with money.

We have to survive on one restaurant.

But he has the laptop on the counter.

He'll watch TV and not care if a customer comes in.

He's just immersed in the TV.

So he doesn't help even during the busy hours?

He does help...

- His focus is over there. / - That's right.

His mind is on the TV. So it's half-hearted.

I have to cook, do dishes, serve food...

I do everything alone.

Why don't you help when she's busy?

You can watch the highlights later.


But watching it live is important.

It could be a difference in perspective.

It's not as bad as she says.

I feel like she's exaggerating.

Why do you watch so much baseball?

My business isn't working out...

It's a way to release stress.

It's my only joy in life these days

and my only hobby.

He has so many darn ways to relieve stress.

So many darn ways?

Early on in the marriage it was Starcraft.

He plays golf constantly.

For the past few years, he's into mobile games.

Even while doing those things,

he'd always watch baseball during the season.

When he's home?

He sees it but only helps when I ask.

When I ask him to do the dishes,

he does them.

But he does it while watching TV or his phone

so I have to do them again.

Shouldn't you help with the housework?

Do the dishes.

Throw out the trash."

I do them when she asks.

It's not like I don't help out.

But you have to be told.

It'd be nice if you did them on your own.

You don't swear, do you?

He does all the housework but swears.

- Can't have that. / - No, right?

You can't swear.

Let's have the daughter tell us from the middle.

He doesn't do it.

Why do you think that?

There was a day me, my sister and mom

slept at my auntie's for a night.

So he was home alone.

She asked him to hang the washed blankets.

We left after that.

The blankets were still in the washer

when we came back the next day.

Mom got really mad that day.

- He couldn't hang up one blanket? / - Right.

(Was I that bad?)

You must have a lot that builds up.

I do, I have nowhere to relieve my stress.

Are you unwell?

My body's unwell.

Since I'm standing around all day,

I have varicose veins in my legs.

The herbal medicine doctor tells me

to visit at least once a month.

He scolds me for only visiting when I'm really sick.

He could offer to watch the restaurant

while I go and get some treatment.

I've never heard him say that before.

He doesn't look out for you.

You must know that she has a tough job.

But did you know she was unwell?

I know.

Running a restaurant is no easy task.

It's a first for us as well.

I do know that she's hurting here and there.

I am sorry about that.

But I haven't been able to express that.

That's just an excuse really.

Even if you can't express it,

you should at least hear her out.

After hearing her,

it seems they're lacking communication.

Do your parents talk a lot with each other?

No, they don't talk much.

It could be because they're tired

but I think they've both given up.

I'd like the house to be full of life...

Do you speak with your parents?

Do tell them about what happened

at school or what happened at

the soccer game.

But it's just like, "Oh, you went to a game."

They don't show any interest.

So I don't really feel like telling them stuff.

It's true that we've drifted a little after

after opening the restaurant.

Since I'm always so tired.

But she only talks about soccer.

So I just pretend to listen.

"Oh, you saw the game?"

80% of our talks are about soccer.

I'm really curious about this.

Do you know what her hobby is?


Do you watch dramas?

That's not really a hobby.

What about you, sir?

She used to really enjoy aerobics.

You do that for exercise.

Despite her figure...

(Must you say that?)

- What about these days? / - These days...

She has no time.

(Poor me)

When healthy people like her get sick,

they can't get back up.

Because they hold out to the very end.

She's sending her SOS right now.

You need to think about her on the inside.

What do you hope for the most?

Our restaurant is very busy

during the busy baseball season.

I'm not telling him to stop watching.

If he would just turn his glance a little,

he'd see that I'm struggling.

If he'd just cut down a little

and proactively help out.

What about from your daughter?

For her to study!

What would you like her rank to be?

She's 204th right now. Be honest.

I always tell, just be the average.

You just have to rise 50 places.

Can you fulfill her wish?

I'll try but it's hard...

You really have no hope.

(She's too honest)

What's your dream?

A sportscaster.

A caster?

You need to study hard to be that.

You can't just be a caster for speaking well.

What I'd like to advise the daughter...

When I think about my fans...

They make goals for me.

Sejeong, I raised my grades

so I could come to your concert.

Thanks to you I made it to this college."

There are fans like that.

They say it's thanks to me.

It's really hard to forget them.

I'm sure if you said that to those soccer players,

it'd be the same.

Really? My fan studied so hard for me?

And raised her grades?"

You'd be more memorable that way.

I think it'd be a good idea to set up

a study plan that way.

As expected of Professor Kim.

Expert psychologist for the youth.

(Professor Kim is on point today)

If you could have all day to yourself,

what would you do?

If you could do whatever you want for a day.

I'd... I'm going to cry if I say this.

What I always say is...

Others seem to always get in car accidents...

You've never had an accident?

- You want to rest in a hospital? / - Yes.

I'd like to just lie in a hospital bed

for a few days and worry about nothing.

Imagine how much she wants to rest.

That's what our mothers always said.

"I wish I could die tonight in my sleep."

Because their lives were so tough.

- That's exactly it. / - You're there now.

She's completely burned out.

You need to help. You too, daughter.

- Yes. / - Good.

Is it a concern for the mom or not?

You don't have anywhere to relieve your stress.

Your husband and daughter

use soccer and baseball for that.

But who could do that for her?

So I think this is a concern.

I don't think it's a concern.

You both seem to feel sorry

and say you'll try harder.

I hope you'd look out for her

even though she seems tough on the outside.

But I don't think it's a concern.

- From the mother's perspective? / - Yes.

Even though she says she wants to rest so bad that

she wants to get into a car accident?

- They've realized their wrongs. / - They know.

You're so cold-hearted.

That's how an actor should be.


I think it's a concern.

I think your problem is a lack of communication.

I think it's a concern.

Of course.

Say that if you don't want Yeongja to tell you off.

When you hear her,

I want to go and help out at the restaurant.

- That'd be awesome. / - I feel bad.

Gongchan will go tomorrow.

I'll go.

Gongchan is so nice. He wants to help.

I was thinking I'd go and eat there once.

(Thinking of barley rice and radish kimchi)

I think it's a concern as well.

Try to find a hobby that you can all enjoy.

If you think this is a concern,

please press the button.

(What does the audience think?)

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.


Husband, daughter, say something

to your wife and mother.


I realize that I've neglected you.

It'll be hard to quit right away.

I'll watch as least as I can.

And I'll help out.

I'll make it so that it's not hard for you.

I love you.

(Tearing up)

You like live baseball but life only comes once.

Please enjoy the live wife before your eyes.


Mom, I'll do my best with studies.

And I'll talk with you more often.

And I'll help out if anything's hard.

So always tell me or sis or dad.

Keep communicating with us.

I love you.

(Happy ending)

Let's see the result.

The last digit.

(Last digit is an 8)

Will it be over 100 votes?

It is.

If it's 168, she wins.

(167 votes is the score to beat)

(She got 138 votes)

"Is This A True Story?" is this week's winner.


We'll give you a prize to cheer you on.

Until the day we are all worry-free,

Hello Counselor will continue to counsel you.

Thank you!

For more infomation >> Hello Counselor | Double the Crazy! [SUB : ENG,THAI / 2017.10.23] - Duration: 21:18.


Meet Leah - Duration: 3:13.

Hey everyone, it's Leah and last August I went out with a friend to make an intro video,

auditioning to work on this vlog.

Now, two months later, here I am.

I thought you would like to get to know me to.

Let's check it out.

Hi, hello, this is Leah.


Today it is 11, 10:59. Today we are going to ... 1, 2, 3 Washington, DC.

We're going to be recording a video for Leah cause she's going to be a vlogger too, hopefully,

fingers crossed.

I'm 18 years old and I'll be a first year engineering student at UBC.

I'm Canadian, American, and Swiss and I speak English,

Deutsche, and Schweizerdeutsch.

Despite being Canadian, I've never actually lived in Canada and moving to UBC will be

my first time north of the border.

I'm actually from Washington, DC.

I love skiing and hiking, two things I'm really hoping.

I can't wait to explore British Columbia.

My passions including protection of the environment through sustainable design and increasing

the number of young women in STEM.

I decided that I wanted to become an engineer because I want to help people in the world

in a big way, not in a one-on-one basis, I want to design systems, processes, and products

that can help lots of people all over the world in lots of different situations.

And that concludes are day in DC, woooooo.

Since attending UBC, I've realized some important things.

First of all I realized that I never could have made it, I would never had the courage

to study engineering without my mom's support growing up.

She was so supportive of me in everything I did, especially STEM.

Another one is that in high school I worked really hard to get really good grades but

now that I'm here it's more important to me to have a very balanced life.

What else should you know about me?

I'm a huge foodie, I also really love meeting new people and talking.

I really love travelling.

This summer my mom and I travelled through southern Switzerland and Northern Italy together

on a kind of graduation trip and I tried so many new foods and saw so many beautiful things,

I cannot wait to travel more.

And finally I'm super, super short, I'm only 5 feet tall.

One thing I can't start my morning without is a big mug of tea, I love drinking tea.

Something I've really loved so far about living at UBC is living so close to the beach.

It's so nice to go down there and relax for even just an hour if you're feeling stressed

or just want to watch the sun set.

I have to get to class but I'll see y'all next time.

Make sure to like and subscribe if you want to hear more.

For more infomation >> Meet Leah - Duration: 3:13.


S. Korean PM assures Pyeongchang will be 'perfect Olympics' - Duration: 0:36.

Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon has assured Olympic Committee heads that South Korea is doing

everything it can... to make the PyeongChang Winter Games a 'perfect Olympics'.

Lee met with National Olympic Committee leaders from the U.S., China, Japan and France in

Greece on Tuesday, and called for their full support in making the PyeongChang Games safe

and peaceful.

IOC President Thomas Bach said that he is making every effort to have North Korea participate

in the Winter Olympics.

Prime Minister Lee also asked the U.S. Olympic committee chair for help in getting President

Trump to visit South Korea for the games.

For more infomation >> S. Korean PM assures Pyeongchang will be 'perfect Olympics' - Duration: 0:36.


Cómo usar los ANUNCIOS DE GMAIL como herramienta de PUBLICIDAD - Duration: 7:51.

Have you tried to use advertising

los emails daily mail de google

today I want to talk about how you can

use and success stories using this

advertising tool and


but before I want to show

this book that helped

influencers everything you need to know

digital influence on writing by

Carlos rebuts and where he participated with a

an interview that made me not carlos was

on page 43 just not where

Well then he spoke of the importance of

no influence here

thank you very much for first by carlos

count on me not an interview where

habló de las los puntos importantes no

es una empresa debe tener en cuenta a la

hora de hacer marketing influencia y

bueno y en la aplicación práctica de

todo esto no por lo tanto si quieres

conseguir el libro te dejo el enlace a

amazon directamente aquí en la

descripción del video los anuncios de

ji mails o mensajes que aparecen en

formato email en la parte superior de la

pestaña promociones dentro de la cuenta

de jim el de los usuarios y que permite

que el usuario entre lo vea y si le

interesa haga clic y género es una


es importante destacar que cuando el

usuario abre estime y publicitario sólo

pagarás por el primer clic a abrir el

anuncio únicamente por ese para crearlo

debes entrar en tu cuenta publicitaria

de google adwords no vas a la pestaña

de anuncios y ahí en crear anuncios

seleccionas galería de anuncios y

rápidamente va a saber la opción de

anuncios de ji mail donde una vez dentro

vas a poder seleccionar distintas

opciones no tiene se puede usar

plantillas que hay predefinidas o subir

tu propio diseño en html en html no y

conseguir un anuncio personalizado a tus

necesidades ahí está la opción de que

tú elijas que es más cómodo para ti

algo muy importante y como pasa en todas

las campañas de marketing digital es

que selección es la segmentación

adecuada para que ese anuncio llegue a

quien debe llegar y para ello dispone de

cuatro tipos diferentes uno públicos

personalizados en este caso puedes crear

un público basado en usuarios de los

que tenga su dirección de e mail no de

tal manera que impacta a usuarios que ya

han tenido algún punto de contacto con

tu empresa 2 público similar en esta

orientación se asocia con públicos

personalizados y lo que haces es crear

públicos que tienen similar

las características al que creaste

previamente que comentaba del cual

tenías las direcciones de email por lo

que son potenciales clientes suyos tres

palabras clave puede seleccionar

palabras claves específicas por las que

te interese posicionar este anuncio

cuatro dominios suele seleccionar

dominios para incluir o excluir con los

que el usuario haya tenido relación a

recibir algún correo de determinada


para ello el sistema lo que hace es una

revisión del cuerpo y el sueño y el

asunto no de los cien últimos emails

que el usuario recibió y que no se

marcaron como spam y se incluyen

eliminados y archivados lo cual hace de

esta última opción una opción súper

interesante porque pasamos la

segmentación en base a a la recepción

real de contenidos de cada uno de los


quiero contarte varios casos de éxito

no quiero comenzar uno de retail una

marca de ropa los usa para una época

concreta no en este caso voy a hablar de

fue la época de navidad

estos anuncios daily mail para

promocionar sus ofertas en este caso

usaron diferentes métodos de target y

zación entre los que esta segmentación

por intereses concretos

palabras clave y sistemas basados en

roma marketing

aquí te puedes estar viendo los

resultados que obtuvieron o como puedes

ver el el caso btr match la última

segmentación que te comentaba es el que

mejor ratio ofrece pero esto no quiere

decir que debíamos que debemos obviar

el resto ya que ofrecen también como

puedes ver muy buenos datos y además

que lo que va a darte mejores resultados

es cuando solapas las distintas acciones

ya que van una relacionadas con otras

entonces muchas veces a tener varias

segmentaciones simultáneas maximiza los

resultados en el siguiente ejemplo que

te muestro basado también en una marca

de ropa en este caso utiliza los lleve y

la aps estos anuncios daily mail para

promocionar las ofertas de una sección

concreta de la web

referente a oferta no gangas muy

concretas en este caso satanizado a los

usuarios por frases clave como ropa

barata ropa en oferta

y todo esto basado en el contenido de

sus emails esta campaña y un retorno

fijado el dato del 450% mayor que otras

campañas digitales que realizaron

ahora me quiero ir a otro sector al

finanzas no en el sector de final

es uno de los casos de éxito que te

quiero comentar son bancos de inversión

no que usan estos anuncios de jean veil

para dar a conocer sus nuevos productos

y contenido dentro de su web cuyo

objetivo es generar nuevos lips no datos

de potenciales clientes mediante el

registro de los usuarios de una manera

totalmente gratuita

para ello usaron un segmento como

palabras clave relacionadas con finanzas

inversores y también la opción de

dominio con lo que puede segmentar como

te comentaba andes

el dominio de los competidores y otros

dominios conocidos del sector para

impactar esos usuarios que saben que

están interesados o pueden estar

interesados en tu producto

con esta estrategia su coste por acción

o o pp a se redujo en un 50 por ciento

si lo comparamos con campañas de

display programáticas la segmentación

a dominios de la competencia fue la que

mejor resultados les dio a nivel

extranjero que tenéis en mente reino

unido alemania o qué país más

concreto te vale porque aquí hay un

tema muy clave que que normalmente no se

trabaja en toda la parte inmobiliaria

que es él cuando tú muestras el piso

no es una cosa donde yo siempre pongo

mucho foco porque la percepción del

usuario es decir en inmobiliarias se

tiende a enseñar el piso como algo más

una visita que vean en lugar de cuidar

el momento de la visita del piso para

crear una experiencia única al usuario

vale entonces esto es una de las cosas

donde yo siempre trabajado mucho

alineado con la parte no marketing

porque al final estás es una compra muy

importante muchas veces si no es la

única en la vida pero hay dos tres como

mucho es decir entonces creo que cuando

tú pones un cliente en en la vivienda

esto es más ventas que marketing o pero

realmente hay que cuidar muchos a visita

desde el principio es decir preparar el

piso para ella y no como muchas veces

pasa y lo llevo viendo 15 años que en

el 91 por ciento los casos llega al

comercial abre la puerta empieza a abrir

las ventanas o encender las luces no

tienen el usuario tiene que entrar y

allá como que ver ese piso y el hijo de

éste es el piso que necesitó tirar un

poco cómo están los temas porque al

final lo la inmobiliaria son

micromercados entonces para ver cómo

cómo está todo este tema en cuanto a

costes porque sobre todo si vamos a

merca internacional fuera de españa los

costes se suelen ser más caros en

cuanto nos vamos al mercado anglosajón

no es como mercado hispano que es más

más barato el coste de la publicidad

barba le dio esa función en ese sentido

vale genial me ha gustado el video

si es así dale me gusta y quiero

hacerte partícipe de él por lo que

dejan y ahora mismo los comentarios con

el hashtag publicidad email

qué opinas de este formato de

herramienta publicitaria si crees que

puede ser interesante para tu negocio

entre todos los comentarios que deje eso

que dejéis de los videos del mes

sortear en mi curso on line de

estrategia de marketing digital valorada

en 995 euros por lo que cuanto más

comúnmente se mis videos diarios más

oportunidades tendrás de ganarlo así

que deja ahora mismo tu comentario




For more infomation >> Cómo usar los ANUNCIOS DE GMAIL como herramienta de PUBLICIDAD - Duration: 7:51.


Clothing with embroidery is not just decoration - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Clothing with embroidery is not just decoration - Duration: 0:45.


Gato Lenin July Asociacion ALBA 609291930 Adoptar!! - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> Gato Lenin July Asociacion ALBA 609291930 Adoptar!! - Duration: 0:24.


Example D_01 - Diffusion Single Phase - Duration: 7:43.

This video will show you how to make a single phase diffusion simulation

using the graphical mode version of the Diffusion module, also known as DICTRA.

This single phase example simulates

the homogenisation of a gradient composition of iron and nickel

at an isothermal temperature of 1400 Kelvin in a planar domain.

At this temperature the material is fully austenitic,

meaning that the only phase present is the fcc (face centered cubic) phase.

In Thermo-Calc this phase is written as FCC_A1.

The calculation is based on Diffusion module example 1,

which can now be accessed from within Thermo-Calc

in the Help menu >> Open Examples >> Diffusion module (DICTRA).

If you want to run the example as it is,

double click on the example file, then right click on the top node and select Perform Now.

In this video, I'll walk you step-by-step through how to set up the calculation

and explain what I'm doing.

You can learn more about Single Phase Simulations by going to our Online Help System.

The program opens in an internet browser, but the files are stored locally on your computer,

so you do not need an internet connection to use it.

From the main menu go to Diffusion module > Graphical mode Quick Start Guide > Single

Phase Simulations.

Here you can learn about the theory behind the calculation and more.

To begin the calculation,

click on the Diffusion module template from the home screen of Thermo-Calc.

All the nodes we need to run a diffusion simulation will appear in the project pane.

Highlight the System Definer,

then select the DEMO: Steels and Fe alloys database package.

This will load both the thermodynamic and mobility databases.

Select the elements iron and nickel.

Select the Diffusion Calculator node, which opens the Diffusion module.

Every diffusion simulation requires the user to define three items:

the geometry, the region and the thermal profile of the system.

If you click on the options tab,

you will see that there are many other options you can define.

This is also where you can change the default settings.

These options are generally only required with more complex diffusion simulations,

so they are placed in a separate tab to make the module easier to use.

Back on the Conditions tab, we will set the geometry first.

DICTRA is a 1-D code so it is suited for diffusion problems

where composition varies along one spatial coordinate,

represented in the image by the arrow.

The geometry of your system can be planar, spherical or cylindrical.

A planar geometry corresponds to an infinitely wide plane of a certain thickness.

A spherical geometry corresponds to a sphere with a certain radius.

And a cylindrical geometry corresponds to an infinitely long cylinder of a certain radius.

In this example, we will select planar.

Next we will define the region.

All diffusion simulations require at least one region to be defined.

A region is a named container that designates a certain part of the domain.

In this case, because we are doing a single phase simulation,

the one region makes up the whole domain.

The name of a region is arbitrary and specified by the user.

I will name this one austenite.

Notice that the tab is updated with the name.

You can also double click on the tab to change the name there.

Next we will set the width of the region to 1.0E-4.

Notice that when we enter a width, a visual representation of our region appears.

Since this is a single phase simulation,

there is only one colour, representing the one region.

If we were to add another region, another colour would appear.

However, we only need the one region, so I will delete the second.

We will accept the default points as 50 and the default type as Linear

and we will set the phase to FCC_A1,

which is how we write FCC, or Face Centred Cubic, in Thermo-Calc.

Next we need to set the Composition profile, so click Edit.

The initial composition profile must be specified for all regions.

Since we only have one region, we only need to specify it once.

Since our system only has two components, iron and nickel,

we only need to set the initial composition profile for one of them

because the other will be dependent.

We are looking for the composition profile of Nickel,

so we will leave iron as the dependent component,

which allows us to work with Nickel.

There are many ways to specify the composition profile,

and in this example, we will accept the default, Linear, type.

Set the profile from 10 to 50.

These settings mean that the profile goes from 10 mass-% nickel at the left side

to 50 mass-% nickel at the right side

in a linear progression across the width of the region,

because we selected linear.

This will be shown later when we plot the calculation.

Click Apply.

Finally, we need to define the Thermal Profile.

We will leave Isothermal selected,

meaning that it will have one temperature for the entire simulation time.

The temperature is 1400 Kelvin and the Simulation Time is 30 Hours.

Now click on the Plot Renderer node.

All of the fields have been filled in with information we already set.

We want to see how the composition profile has changed from the beginning of the simulation

so we need to add a starting time in the time field.

Set your cursor before the 30 and add 0.0 then a space.

Now click Perform at the bottom, centre of the program.

Once the simulation is finished running, a plot will appear in the Results pane.

The plot shows the composition profile of Nickel

with the initial time - 0 hours – represented in blue

and the final time - 30 hours or 108,000 seconds – represented in red.

If you hover your mouse over either of the lines at any point,

you will see the distance, followed by the mass percent Nickel.

We can see that the initial linear composition profile has started to level out.

Running the simulation even further would eventually give

the same composition in the entire region.

We can see this if we add a calculation time of 300 hours.

Click on the Diffusion calculator node and change the time to 300 hours.

Click on the plot renderer node and set your cursor before 300 in the time field

and add 0 space 30 space.

Right click on the plot rendered node and select Perform Now.

The plot now shows a third line, representing 300 hours

or one million, eighty thousand seconds.

The line is nearly flat,

showing that the composition is nearly the same in the entire region.

Users can easily save projects to return to them later or share them with others

by clicking the Save icon in the upper, left-hand corner of the program.

If you save a calculation, it can be useful to rename the nodes

as a way to help you remember what the calculation is.

To do this, right click on any of the nodes and select Rename.

I'll rename this project Diffusion_Single_Phase.

When you rename a node, associated tabs are also updated.

We hope you enjoy using the Graphical mode version of the Diffusion module (DICTRA).

You can watch additional videos about the Diffusion module

or other types of calculations, by clicking the links currently on your screen.

For more infomation >> Example D_01 - Diffusion Single Phase - Duration: 7:43.


Translated English conversation: Resident Evil vendetta :محادثة إنجليزية مترجمة - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Translated English conversation: Resident Evil vendetta :محادثة إنجليزية مترجمة - Duration: 0:41.


Asiana Airlines given temporary waiver on enhanced security checks for U.S.-bound passengers - Duration: 0:48.

Asiana Airlines has been given a temporary waiver by the United States,... on new screening

measures that are being applied to all U.S.-bound passengers.

Korea's second-biggest air carrier says its request to delay the implementation of tightened

security checks was accepted.

In June, the U.S. Transportation Security Administration asked 180 airlines in 105 countries

to conduct pre-flight screening and interviews of passengers headed for the U.S.

Those measures are due to kick in on Thursday,... but Asiana has been given a six-month grace

period until April of next year... in consideration of its ongoing relocation to a new terminal

at Incheon International Airport.

For more infomation >> Asiana Airlines given temporary waiver on enhanced security checks for U.S.-bound passengers - Duration: 0:48.


【ナルト疾風伝】27話『中忍試験』「第二試験スタート!周りはみんな敵だらけ」 - Duration: 17:12.

For more infomation >> 【ナルト疾風伝】27話『中忍試験』「第二試験スタート!周りはみんな敵だらけ」 - Duration: 17:12.


Torch relay of 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics kicks off in Greece - Duration: 1:57.

The fire has been lit.

The flame for the 20-18 PyeongChang Winter Olympics burst into life on Tuesday in Greece,...

the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

The torch will tour Greece for the next few days... before arriving in Incheon on November


It will end its journey in early February,... when it lights up the cauldron at the Olympic

Stadium in PyeongChang.

Cha Sang-mi reports.

The torch lighting ceremony of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics was held Tuesday at the ancient

temple in Olympia at 6-P.M., Korea time.

The ceremony, lasting about an hour, represents the beginning of the 2018 Olympics... and

is a prelude to one of the games' most emblematic events, the torch relay.

In attendance were the IOC president Thomas Bach, PyeongChang Olympic Committee President

Lee Hee-Beom, and Korean prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon.

The Torch was lit by a Greek actress playing the role of High Priestess.

After the lighting, the first athlete to carry the torch was Greek cross-country skier Apostolos

Angelis ( ) who brought the flame out of the Hera temple.

He then passed it to legendary Korean football player, Park Ji-sung, who is an honorary ambassador

for the 2018 Winter Games.

The torch will be taken on a tour around Greece over the next seven days by 505 participants,

and will be handed over to the PyeongChang 2018 Organizing Committee at Incheon International

Airport on November 1st, marking the flame's first return to Korea in the 30 years since

the 1988 Seoul Olympics.

Under the theme of "Let Everyone Shine," the torch will start its one-hundred-and-one day

journey to the main stadium in Pyeongchang, covering exactly 2-thousand-18 kilometers,

traveling through all of Korea's nine provinces and eight major cities, and passing by several

major landmarks along the way.

Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.

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