Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 26 2017

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Please SUBSCRIBE to see all our future videos!

Please SUBSCRIBE to see all our future videos!

For more infomation >> Learn colors with tape children songs vs The Secret Life of Pets | Nursery Rhymes & Songs for Kids - Duration: 4:35.


Soul Signs And Synchronicities - Duration: 3:07.

Soul Signs And Synchronicities

You have known when these messages are coming in for you to pay attention to and expand


These individual messages are for you to become aware of initially and then flex your soul

muscles to push you out, further, and beyond your limited beliefs.

Know in your heart that any attempt to reach you within and without is your higher self

wringing your �soul bell.� WAKE UP.

Is the message.

Feel this in our heart and know your soul Mission is just in front of you.

Waiting for you to embrace it and grasp hold.

These messages come in many forms.

But are you paying attention?

Your soul cries and your prayers have been heard.

The answer is not what you expected it to be.

But have you heard the answer??


Stop your mind.

Now Listen.

Do you hear it?

The truth of your soul beating tirelessly to the same drum you have lived for so long.

That drum is NOT your truth.

It�s an illusion completely.

Now direct your attention to what resonates with you NOW in your actual moment of time.

Can you SEE and FEEL this difference?

You are made aware that you don�t resonate with the man-made illusions any longer.

Most of you have stepped into your own individual Divine Power and Mission now.

Relationships don�t define you.

Outside circumstances don�t define you.

Belief systems don�t define you.

Expectations are non existent now.

You live in a place of ABSOLUTE FREEDOM.


You are here to SHINE.

You would not be here otherwise.

So let your soul SHINE for all the multiverse to see and feel.

Pay attention to the messages that surround you.

Your angels and guides have one question:


Listen to those songs.

Watch the license plates in front of you: often times a sequence or pattern is your


Look it up.

What �needs to go� is repeated sneezing, coughing, throwing up, or dry heaves.

It�s like 10+ times in a row.

This is not obviously normal.

It�s for you to pay attention.

Often times what�s abnormal for you is your message.

The �abnormal� is to get your attention.

Again, �Are you listening?�

Ask yourself this.


~Adeana M. Slater

For more infomation >> Soul Signs And Synchronicities - Duration: 3:07.


এইমাত্র পাওয়া..আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর ২৬ অক্টোবর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today Bangla News Update - Duration: 12:49.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> এইমাত্র পাওয়া..আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর ২৬ অক্টোবর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today Bangla News Update - Duration: 12:49.


Antagonist Mario - (Odyssey Parody) - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> Antagonist Mario - (Odyssey Parody) - Duration: 9:07.


Avocado Egg-in-a-Hole | Food Network - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Avocado Egg-in-a-Hole | Food Network - Duration: 0:34.


NFL: Kneeling Anthem Scumbags HORRIFIED With What Just Showed Up On The Sidelines During Their Prote - Duration: 4:56.

Kneeling Anthem Scumbags HORRIFIED With What Just Showed Up On The Sidelines During Their


Despite the dramatically decreasing attendance, NFL games still go on weekly regardless if

there's anyone there to see them and the protests that come with it.

Entitled players seem to completely ignore the harsh reality of their anti-American rhetoric,

seen in the empty seats that surround them that seem to be more than fans who still come

to see them play.

Just when the league had reached rock bottom, kneeling Nation Anthem scumbags were horrified

when they saw what was dramatically different on the sidelines in the middle of their disgusting


People watching the demise of what was once America's favorite sport were as equally

shocked as the disrespectful players to see what suddenly happened seconds after the Star

Spangled Banner began, which they definitely weren't expecting.

The league has allowed these divisive antics to go on for so long that it's completely

destroyed the sport for everyone, which doesn't seem to bother the NFL Commissioner who refuses

to change course despite the utter destruction.

However, not everyone is taking a passive approach to the problem and now the issue

is coming back to haunt ever kneeling player who thinks they have something important to


Whether you're boycotting the NFL or simply just avoiding it if you can, there's one

scene from these games that deserving of your attention if you love America but still hate

the NFL.

This isn't to get viewership back in the game lost by entitled protesters who act like

they don't care if anyone is watching or not, it makes a statement loud and clear that

can't even be ignored by the most arrogant athletes on the field.

While players were taking a knee to make a point, they missed the massive message on

the sidelines that's much bigger than them.

They think they have the experience to make the statement they have, at the cost of their

industry, but the man who lost his legs for their right to kneel trumps their statement

any day.

He can't kneel and wouldn't anyway — he can barely even stand, but he used his arms

to pull himself out of his chair and stood strong and proud in his exoskeleton to send

a message that can't be beaten by everyone on their knee.

In a video which surfaced on Instagram showing a military veteran making sure all the players

in the stadium know how it's done, the hero without legs demonstrated patriotism in epic

proportion to those who needed a clue.

Clearly, these overpaid players need to see what sacrifice looks like, real work, dedication,

and coming out of all of that and still being capable of respecting the flag.

He lost his legs protecting players' right to kneel that he doesn't have, to protest


He's not "equal" in physical stature to these athletes with legs, but he more than

makes up for their major lack of respect by earning ten times what they're deserved,

with half the body they have.

"The fact that he gets up in the position he is in to stand after getting blown up while

fighting for this country and these million dollar athletes who haven't been told no

or that they're wrong in years because they superstars kneel?!" one Instagram user commented

on the post.

"It's just sad.

We need to come together.

Not separate.

Kneeling for the flag isn't protesting sh*t.. just dividing a country that needs to come

together.. this country has its problems but it's still the best place to live with the

most opportunities, work hard pay your taxes and be a good person and u can get anything

u Want in this country."

The players should know this more than the rest of America still working hard to reach

their goals.

These young guys in their 20's are protesting issues as if they're at some lack of advantage

of anything while reaping the rewards of actual advantages most Americans, of any race, will

ever experience.

It's insulting to see these guys with the world at their fingertips act like they are

stifled somehow because of their skin color when the guy without legs knows the stifling

price of freedom but stands anyway.

It's time to start seeing these players and their protests for what they really are.

These guys are nothing more than actually privileged millionaires who are overpaid for

playing a game.

They're malcontents who are not concerned with protecting the league that from demise

and as a result has slapped the hand who feeds them.

As fast as that money came, it can and will go away, when respect given is not returned.

They aren't as courageous and heroic as those getting paid pennies to run from bullets

on the battlefield.

They hurt a wrist and take time off from their sport, but it literally takes a soldier losing

limbs to be out of the game.

what do you think about this?

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top stories today.

For more infomation >> NFL: Kneeling Anthem Scumbags HORRIFIED With What Just Showed Up On The Sidelines During Their Prote - Duration: 4:56.


Mum's arm is full of scars with kitten's nails - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Mum's arm is full of scars with kitten's nails - Duration: 1:39.


Big City Life : Simulator #3 - PIZZA DELIVERY - Android Gameplay - Duration: 16:01.

big city life simulator #3

For more infomation >> Big City Life : Simulator #3 - PIZZA DELIVERY - Android Gameplay - Duration: 16:01.


Vlog #1 Sarah's engaged, Self & Time Management, Big Future Plans Coming Friday - Duration: 6:46.

Hey everybody Ryan here on life on positivity and welcome to vlog number one

I'm trying something new here

Because I want to make sure I get enough content out to you guys

and I'll create a playlist of the vlogs I

Plan to do three a week

Just to make you aware

First I want to give some updates about the channel

You may have noticed last week Sarah wasn't here

that Is because sarah has some exciting news

She met somebody

And it's like a story out of a fairy tale they met

Got engaged and

Will be married within the month

So Sarah is gonna. Be pretty busy

She's going from four kids

To 10

And I don't know about you, but I call that pretty busy


I think we'll all understand that she won't be on the show as much

Hopefully we can get her on it for a few guest appearances and

She'll stay on the team, but more as an advisor

And with ideas because she has great ideas and the other big thing. I want to talk about

Before I get into what's happening Friday is

Time management

As you may or may not be aware I'm doing the YouTube channel

writing working on a dissertation for my PhD

Doing school

with Sarah

As well as whatever other things come up during the day

So I do a lot of time management

And honestly, I'm not the best schedule guy there is

Because I don't like to be tied down

So when I create a schedule. I follow it loosely, but the main thing is how I use my time

A man named Henry B Eyring, who some of you may or may not know

Gave an address at Brigham Young University

in which he said that we can either spend our time or

invest our time

So to help you understand that spending our time

Would be like going down to our favorite fast-food restaurant and buying a hamburger

Investing our time

Would it be like buying stock in that company

Which can actually give us something back

Besides a belly

And that's the main thing that's helped me to do all I'm doing

Because I have just as much time now as I did before the channel

But before the channel I

Spent about 10 percent of my time

Playing computer games probably more

Which is just spending my time

it wasn't investing because

Other than talking with friends

I wasn't getting a lot out of it except. Maybe something to keep me from boredom

But I quit the computer games July 6 and

started all of this stuff and

honestly I

spend a lot more time doing the YouTube and the writing

then I did the computer games

Get some time. I have more time

Somehow I have more time

So that's my testimonial to why it's better to invest time than spend time

And plus

Investing time in YouTube I can get a message out there

of positivity

because believe it or not I

Have a few difficulties in life

The other thing about time management

If you don't have to don't try to do it all yourself

I've been trying to do the YouTube and all the social media aspects by myself


Recently I've gotten some help doing that

the social media part


I believe I'll be getting at least one or two new members of the team


Addition to me and Sarah and now Friday

I'm going to start getting a few more definite plans

You know Sarah needs to talk to her fiance to try to figure things out there, but?

I'm going to Eastern Arizona College. To their small business development counselor and

Work on a plan I have for this channel

And it's a big plan it

Involves a lot more than the channel

and after I've talked to him Friday

I will come back with all the details

So there's some exciting news coming and

Even more exciting than that is you got to watch my first vlog

Aren't you excited?

I know I'm excited

Because this way I make sure to get some content out there

All right as always stay positive and

Look at everything and try to find a positive believe me it makes life much happier

All right, thank you positive people, and I'll see you later

For more infomation >> Vlog #1 Sarah's engaged, Self & Time Management, Big Future Plans Coming Friday - Duration: 6:46.


Como es SUPERMERCADO EN USA - HALLOWEEN /Vlog 7-Sharon OMG Channel - Duration: 17:29.

For more infomation >> Como es SUPERMERCADO EN USA - HALLOWEEN /Vlog 7-Sharon OMG Channel - Duration: 17:29.


Bad Baby Eat Giant Chili Pepper! Baby Crying Learn Color with Finger Family song Nursery Rhyme #21 - Duration: 41:17.

Thanks for "SUBSCRIBE" our channel! Thank you!

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Eat Giant Chili Pepper! Baby Crying Learn Color with Finger Family song Nursery Rhyme #21 - Duration: 41:17.


Learn Colors with animal for kids cartoons for children finger family rhymes - Duration: 1:57.

Learn Colors with animal for kids cartoons for children finger family rhymes

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with animal for kids cartoons for children finger family rhymes - Duration: 1:57.


KHIVAGAMES - Zombie Horde Scare - Duration: 0:36.


What's on TV?

Absolutely nothing.

Goodbye TV.

Oh I should've kept that on, actually. It provided light.

Sh*t, g*d-d*mnit.

Umm.. Let's see..




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