Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 26 2017



�Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.

. . . We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time.

I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this

planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.� Who is this high ranking official that �blew

the whistle� on the reality of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)?

His name is Luis Elizondo, and he�s the current Director of Global Security and Special

Programs for the recently launched To The Stars Academy.

Elizondo is just one of many prestigious individuals to join the academy.

A career intelligence officer, his experience includes working in the U.S. Army, the Department

of Defense, and the National Counterintelligence Executive, and he spent time as the Director

of National Intelligence.

He�s also managed the security for several sensitive projects for the U.S. government

as the Director for the National Programs Special Management Staff.

For the last 10 years of his career, Elizondo �ran a sensitive aerospace threat identification

program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies.� Where he learned that, as he mentions in the

video below at approximately the 20 minute at 50 second mark, �the phenomenon is indeed


Related CE Article: Is A False Flag Alien Invasion In The Works?

Wernher Von Bruans Colleague Seems To Think So

To The Stars aims to make the reality of UFOs public knowledge.

Some of these objects perform maneuvers and travel at speeds that defy our understanding

of physics, and Elizondo is just one of many people trying to raise awareness about it.

As New York Times best-selling author and journalist Leslie Keen explains in an article

she wrote for The Huffington Post:

Something extraordinary was revealed today.

Former high-level officials and scientists with deep black experience who have always

remained in the shadows came forward on one platform.

These insiders have long-standing connections to government agencies which may have programs

investigating unidentifed (sic) aerial phenomena (UAP/UFOs).

The team includes a 25-year veteran of the CIA�s Directorate of Operations, a Lockheed

Martin Program Director for Advanced Systems at �Skunk Works�, and a former deputy

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.

Keen describes meeting Elizondo a week after he resigned from the Pentagon to work for

the academy, saying, �In short, less that two weeks after leaving the Pentagon, Luis

Elizondo confirmed that UFOs are a real; they exist, and they have been officially documented.

Can anyone argue with this fact now, given where this man comes from and what he knows?�

The great thing about the initiative is that it focuses on bringing these technologies

to light and creating awareness on how they can be used to push humanity forward.

Although technology is not the answer to all our problems, but rather the consciousness

behind the technology and how we use it, UFOs do present a number of questions, with propulsion

systems being one of them.

They�re certainly not stopping at the gas station for a fill-up.

�There is another way, whether it�s wormholes, or warping space, there�s got to be a way

to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they�re

[extraterrestrials] here shows us that they found a way.�

� Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Nebraska

The To The Stars team says they have been �operating under the shadows of top-secrecy

for decades� and believes that �there is sufficient credible evidence of UAP that

proves exotic technologies exist that could revolutionize the human experience.�

Related CE article: The Black Budget.

This Is What the Secret Government Doesn�t Want You to Know

This initiative is in collaboration with the U.S. government, as mentioned in their live

Facebook Stream, which you can also view below.

(left to right) Luis Elizondo, Jim Semivan, Stephen Justice, Hal Puthoff, and Christopher

Mellon at a recent meeting in Seattle

Is This Part of a Government Deception Plan?

The fact that everyone involved is a high ranking official from within deep programs

of the government might raise suspicions, as it�s no secret that much of the American

population does not trust their government to accurately disclose important information,

There are countless examples of government deception and lies.

Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, among others, have made this abundantly clear over the past

few years.

This isn�t to say there aren�t good people within the government, people working for

the good of humanity, but the problem is that Western governments have been completely taken

over by the Deep State.

The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls

its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation.

. . . The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government

for their own selfish purposes.

They practically control both parties � [and] control the majority of the newspapers and

magazines in this country.

� John F. Hylan, Mayor of New York City from 1918-1925

Could this recent mainstream initiative be a true disclosure movement?

Or is Tom Delonge simply being used by the United States government to further some hidden

own agenda?

Do they want to confirm the reality of UFOs, but debunk the extraterrestrial hypothesis

by stating t hese craft are all manmade?

Do they want to create more awareness so they can perform a �false flag alien invasion�?

There are many questions to be asked here, and we can only hope things will become clearer

as time goes on.

It�s an unfortunate reality that trusting the government has become so difficult.

Their tendency to take real events and spin them to push certain agendas is well documented,

and makes it difficult to know what�s really going on in the world.

That�s why doing your own independent research on this topic, or any other, for that matter,

is so important.

High ranking officials like Elizondo have been coming out for decades, and so have video

footage and other documentation.

Why, now, does the To The Stars academy receive so much attention?

Why have the efforts of those who share the same passion as Delonge gone virtually ignored?

It�s concerning when the narrative we receive and accept as truth, the narrative that gets

attention, always comes from authority figures like government agencies.

It�s usually their voice and their perspective alone that are heard and preached as truth.

I�m not saying that there is ill intent with this initiative, because it truly seems

to be supported by passion and good will, but when it comes to the government, who really


It will be interesting to follow this initiative to see what develops from it.

But remember, video footage, evidence, documentation, and whistleblowers have been coming out for


This is nothing new.

So far, at least on the surface, things seem pretty innocent here, and it seems like a

step forward toward creating more awareness about the fact that yes, these objects do

exist, and some of them could be extraterrestrial craft, while others might simply be advanced,

classified technology of our own.

Hopefully the idea of extraterrestrials visiting us, and what seems to be that reality, isn�t

used by the global elite for selfish, greedy or �dark� purposes.

If we want any type of truth on this matter, with so much misinformation out there, investigating

for ourselves is critical.

�Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.

. . . We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time.

I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this

planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.� � Dr. Edgar Mitchell



Chilly morning starts the day - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Chilly morning starts the day - Duration: 3:24.


Butterfly Cake for Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). - Duration: 2:27.

Hi, I'm Kimberly Chapman from Eat the Evidence and I made this cake for the

2017 collaboration to raise awareness for Epidermolysis Bullosa, a rare genetic

disorder that makes children's skin as fragile as the wings of a butterfly.

It was made from five chocolate cakes with chocolate ganache, dark chocolate fondant,

and gumpaste butterflies. My piece begins with what looks like a typical

scene: Blue Morpho butterflies congregating on a tree stump. But as you

move around you see that there's more to this than you thought.

The stump takes on the shape of a sad child huddled against the endless

suffering of this disease. Children afflicted with EB developed scabs and

scars all over their bodies so I tried to demonstrate that with the rough bark

of the tree. But I can also imagine that these children would wish for their skin

to be as tough as tree bark instead of as delicate as a butterfly. And that's

why I brought one butterfly around to the child's hand to juxtapose the

textures and wishes and dreams of these kids. As a parent myself I know how hard

it is to deal with a child who is ill, but I cannot imagine the anguish parents

of EB kids go through with every bandage change. This cake is for them too, to

reach out in support and understanding and a hope of a cure someday soon.

I've donated money to the Debra organization to help support these

families and hopefully help find a cure. I'm asking that all of my friends and

family donate generously as well. Please go to or to

donate and share this information with others. Together we can do so much to

help these kids, their caregivers, and the researchers working towards a cure.

For more infomation >> Butterfly Cake for Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). - Duration: 2:27.


FUNNY CLIP,TRY NOT TO LAUGH.HÀI TRUNG QUỐC.Clip hài hước siêu bựa,ngu người nhất P28 - Duration: 21:33.

For more infomation >> FUNNY CLIP,TRY NOT TO LAUGH.HÀI TRUNG QUỐC.Clip hài hước siêu bựa,ngu người nhất P28 - Duration: 21:33.


(ENG SUB)Worst difficulty KPOP game ever GUESS KPOP SONG BY THEIR ENGLISH LYRICS[GoToe KPOP] - Duration: 15:28.

Hello. This is GoToe

I am fallin love with hairband nowadays

I bought this for the

'DNA' choreo video

and it is much more comfortable than I thought

I am making longer hair now

So when I use this

My hair doens't stab my eyes

and it is really comfortable

and It doesn't fasten my head too

(But after 4 hours, it fasten my head. So I took it off)

But now my hair is too short

to fit with the hairband

So I really want a longer hair now

That is my recent life

Recent life that doesn't any relation with this video

Today we will

do the KPOP game guess the KPOP with

English lyrics

I showed other video and

that was really funny

when I answered the question

That gives me a big pleasure

So I really recomment this KPOP game

Anyway let's

do this game together now !!


They have total 25 songs

and they showed the phrase for 10 seconds

Each answer will be 1 point

So total 25 points

(When I guess the song, it really makes me happy)

(It worth to use the hairband!!)

Pleasure when you reason that answer

that is really awesome

That is easy one

(Beginning is always good)

( I is next measure dude)



(It reall makes me feel so gooooood)

I am so happy~~~~~~~!!

All of you got all answers until now?

All of those were so easy

(Maybe you answer wrong at next question)

I heard Wannaone will be back at Nov.

11/13 right???

(Background music makes me confuse)

(Don't make excuse)

That is a rap?

(I really surprised)

I want to feel that pleause when I answer it !!

(Everytime!! Not everyday)


(Yes good)

(I only missed one question)


In KPOP music, English lyrics are

mostly appeared in Rap part

(I don't know why I am so high at that time)

(That is killing part)

That is rap part

(100% rap, because of that lime)

Difficulty is getting higher from now

That lyric is awesome!!

(Do you know what that means??)

(That part is so famous)

I missed 2 questions until now

Chung ha

is so charming...

So attractive

(He talks like doing some magic spell in Hogwarts)

That is 100% rap part

I didn't listen this music a lot

(Not familiar with the solo song)

(Bipolar disorder??)

That pleasure!!!!


There was some issues about SNSD's re-contraction

Guys I really want to recommend

K.A.R.D songs

(Don't recall, OH NANA, RUMOR)

You need to listen that

(I really know that song)

(I really know this song TT)

That is difficult!!!

(Don't change lyrics by yourself man)

SS501 sons.....?

(A sense of insanity)

I love Seulgi.....

(Someday It will reach to her, right??)

Mental out

(That is so famous point too)

wow... difficult...

(Killing part)

Those are so difficult!!

I know this song!!!!

OMG!! I know it!!!!

That is boy group song??

OMG girl group


There are so many songs

that arrange the name of the cities

(Your excuse skill is getiing improve)

Rhythm ta, right~~?

I went to the Busan oneasia festival

alst weekend and I saw iKON at there

(Mood was awesome)

That was dope

There are a lot of songs with on and on and on

I think answer will be a lot !

I can't imagine that song.. why...?

OMG... I need to focus on

I missed a lot !!!!

It's been a long time to get a right answer

No. You are wrong :)

What's wrong with me...?

Condition is not good today

(You look so good 10 minutes before..?)

(You need to tell something)

It makes me crazy..

I didn't know that lyric is 'ARMOR'

(I really doesn't expect that was an ARMOR

I didn't imagine at all


(I see the answer exactly when I do the editing)

What am I doing...?

(You told that CHUNG HA is charming 5 minutes ago)

I answered more than 5...?

I exactly know that

(This question save me)

I really want that dance

(I think that is impossible in this life)

I need to find a pitch of this lyric



(That why I love this KPOP game)

That feeling!!!

That was dope!!!!

Like this feeling...?

(NO that's not)

(My whole body was shocked at this moment)

(I can't raise my head because of shame)

Mental out

(I think nothing)

(I can't skip that killing part)

I can answer it all if they give

lyrics with song

Are you agree???

Normally I


Guys we did guess KPOP song

with English lyrics/pharse game

I can't remember what I said

in the middle of the game

I lost my self-confidence

I really disappointed to myself

I didn't expect at all about my score

I think I got 7....?

in 25 questions

In the middle, I can't think anything


So I am shocked a lot

Actually when I listen music

I am not focus on lyrics

(Start excuse)

As I told you before,


I didn't know that was ARMOR DOWN

I thought that was I AM A DOWN

kind of those

I didn't focus on lyrics when I heard song


Most of the time I am humming when I listen it


So I answered a little...

and also difficulty is much more

higher than I thought

and I was shocked a lot in BLACKPINK question

I didn't expect at all that was their song

But game was so interesting

I think you also enjoyed this game too

Because that was so difficult...

I am confused till now

I think that is because of the hairband.,.?


That is the end of today's game

I hope you enjoy this game too

In the future, we can

do these funny KPOP game together

Because these days are almost the end of the year

many groups have plan to come back

(I think at least 1 group in each week??)

As long as my time permits

I will do MV reactions with their new songs

(Please leave a comment about your idol)

and also I am preparing my next video too

like dancing video

I will do my best to show you ASAP

See you in my next video

For more infomation >> (ENG SUB)Worst difficulty KPOP game ever GUESS KPOP SONG BY THEIR ENGLISH LYRICS[GoToe KPOP] - Duration: 15:28.


Цирк| Воздушная гимнастка с обручами | Передвижной цирк - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Цирк| Воздушная гимнастка с обручами | Передвижной цирк - Duration: 4:17.


Bad Baby vs Joker Go To Fishing Nerf war gun vs Giant Pig! Baby Crying Johny Johny Yes papa - Duration: 11:10.

Please "SUBSCRIBE" our channel! Thank you!

For more infomation >> Bad Baby vs Joker Go To Fishing Nerf war gun vs Giant Pig! Baby Crying Johny Johny Yes papa - Duration: 11:10.


L'incinérateur de déchets qui chauffe les habitations - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> L'incinérateur de déchets qui chauffe les habitations - Duration: 2:05.


Como aprendi a falar quatro idiomas viajando (gravado em alemão, inglês e espanhol) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Como aprendi a falar quatro idiomas viajando (gravado em alemão, inglês e espanhol) - Duration: 5:00.


Learn Colors For Babies | Rhymes For Toddlers | Kids Educational Video - Duration: 1:01:50.

"Let's go on a bus ride!"

The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round Round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round All through the town

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish Swish, swish, swish Swish, swish, swish

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish All through the town

The driver on the bus goes 'move on back' Move on back Move on back

The driver on the bus goes 'move on back' All through the town

The people on the bus go up and down Up and down Up and down

The people on the bus go up and down All through the town

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep Beep, beep, beep Beep, beep, beep

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep All through the town

The baby on the bus goes 'whaa whaa whaa' Whaa whaa whaa Whaa whaa whaa

The baby on the bus goes 'whaa whaa whaa' All through the town

The mommies on the bus go 'shh, shh, shh' Shh, shh, shh Shh, shh, shh

The mommies on the bus go 'shh, shh, shh' All through the town

The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round Round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round All through the town

"That was such a fun ride, wasn't it?"

Mary had a little lamb Little lamb, little lamb

Mary had a little lamb Its fleece was white as snow

And everywhere that Mary went Mary went, Mary went

Everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to go

He followed her to school one day School one day, school one day

He followed her to school one day Which was against the rule

It made the children laugh and play Laugh and play, laugh and play

It made the children laugh and play To see a lamb at school

So the teacher turned it out Turned it out, turned it out

And so the teacher turned it out But still he lingered near

And waited patiently about, Patiently about, patiently about,

And waited patiently about Till Mary did appear

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?" Love Mary so? Love Mary so?

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?" The eager children cry

"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know." Loves the lamb, you know, loves the lamb, you know

"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know." The teacher did reply

Mary had a little lamb Little lamb, little lamb

Mary had a little lamb Its fleece was white as snow

And everywhere that Mary went Mary went, Mary went

Everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to go

For more infomation >> Learn Colors For Babies | Rhymes For Toddlers | Kids Educational Video - Duration: 1:01:50.


Hãy Nói Anh Yêu Em - Tập 5 | Phim Học Đường Cấp 3 - Kinh Quốc Entertainment - Duration: 22:13.

For more infomation >> Hãy Nói Anh Yêu Em - Tập 5 | Phim Học Đường Cấp 3 - Kinh Quốc Entertainment - Duration: 22:13.


IN_ Bagaimana Menemukan gambar yang bebas digunakan gratis - Duration: 2:16.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about, How to find free to use images,

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For more infomation >> IN_ Bagaimana Menemukan gambar yang bebas digunakan gratis - Duration: 2:16.


RUSSIANS REACT TO GREEK MUSIC | Tus ft. Bruno - Shqiptare | REACTION | αντιδραση - Duration: 4:46.

Self-moving door

It's a prison

It's interesting to see Greek prisons

This is the second video this guy films in prison

I guess he likes it there

It's not hard to get there


Are we gonna see a female prison guard here too?

Ahhh, this is that guy!

It's so beautiful over there

He's so funny

The camera is like...

He's very funny

He's lying on a car?

On some fancy car

What is that city? Looks nice

It's Albania -Looks like Vegas

That car is from 40s

Nice looking city

Is that Albania? -Yes

The second artist is probably from Albania

He's from Albania I think

He has a nice Mercedes. It's very old

I haven't seen dancers in music videos in a while

What does shqiptare mean?

Is that Sponge Bob? -No, it's a minion

What language is he singing in? Greek or Albanian?


This video is more fun than the other one

The other one was too crazy

The video flew too fast

It means the song is dope

Nice, this video is way better. The other one was too crazy

In this video the views were beautiful

Yes, this video is more serious

The views of those mountains were awesome

I want to see more Greek nature in the videos

But it was Albania

Everybody keeps saying "come to Greece"

Summer 2018

Buy our merch guys

And if everything is good, you will see us next summer

Help make your dream come true

Did you like the song?

It was nice

It's a pop song

The second guy added some melody to the song

He's an interesting artist too. Suggest some songs from them in the comments

It's always fun to listen to other songs of good artists

Salute guys, thank you for being with us

Salute Greece

For more infomation >> RUSSIANS REACT TO GREEK MUSIC | Tus ft. Bruno - Shqiptare | REACTION | αντιδραση - Duration: 4:46.


Kefir - la mejor bebida probiótica | sus beneficios y como elaborarlo - Duration: 10:06.

Hello everyone

I am Regine

welcome one day more to my channel

"Beautiful inside and outside"

Today I want to share with you the theme

Kefir milk

the benefits you have

and how to make it at home

Have you ever heard something from Kephir?

Do you know what it is?

Kefir is a fermented and pro-biotic drink

in fact

one of the best bio food pro

Grains or nodules of Kefir

are a mixture of bacteria and yeasts

which are microscopic fungi

There are 3 types of kefir

milk kefir

the water kefir

and tea kefir

which is also called kombucha

The microflora of the 3 types of kefir is very similar

but adapted to different means

Kefir milk is the most widespread

That's why I want to show you milk kephir

it's very similar to yogurt

although a little more acidic

but unlike yogurt

the kefir contains more pro-biotics

In milk kefir, the microflora needs lactose to ferment

Its origin is located in the Caucasus Mountains

where its people are consuming it

as usual

for thousands of years

In the video about the fermentation

I explained the benefits of probiotics in general

Take a look

it's a good way knowing more about fermentation

But here I want to focus

in its most outstanding benefits of Kefir

and its elaboration

Kefir is so valuable

that deserves a special video for him

Kefir milk is suitable for people

with milk intolerance

because the fermentation precisely decomposes

lactose and milk proteins

And this is what intolerants have difficulty with

Although we can buy the fermented drink

already ready in some supermarkets

the benefits of kefir are much more potent

if we grow it at home

Kefir prevents intestinal putrefaction

restores intestinal flora

and contributes to the purification of the organism

It is recommended to drink daily

The milk kefir is quickly assimilated by the blood

Yogurt favors intestinal flora

but Kefir is a true regenerator of the intestinal flora

It is very advisable to take it for example

after having taken an antibiotic treatment

It is said that kefir can improve brain function

improves concentration

reflexes and memory capacity

Kefir also helps maintain heart health

When drinking milk kefir are cleaned veins and arteries

helping to regulate blood pressure

This makes the heart healthy and fit

Continued consumption of kefir

helps reduce high cholesterol levels

The lungs are also protected by kefir

It plays a vital role

in the treatment of bronchitis and asthma

Kefir probiotics accelerate body metabolism

and makes fat burn faster

So it helps in weight loss and thinning

Prevents aging

as it is rich in antioxidants

The same antioxidant properties

keep the skin young and radiant

Kefir also has properties against fungi

It has been shown to be useful in the treatment of diseases

such as psoriasis

the candidiasis

and eczema

Kefir plays an important role in protecting the body

against the harmful effects of radiation

and other toxic contaminants


helps improve immune function

These are just some of the benefits of Kefir

Not without reason Kefir is called

the drink for the 100-year-old people

because it brings us great health benefits

For the preparation of kefir

only plastic or wood tools should be used

and in case of metal

only stainless steel

any other metal

especially aluminum

reacts with kefir

and produces with oxidation harmful substances

Now we are going to the preparation of kefir

What we need is

a glass jar

about 3 tablespoons kefir nodules

and 1 liter of fresh milk

Whole or semi-skimmed milk may be used

With fully skimmed milk will not work

We put it all in a glass jar

the kefir

and milk

and cover it with a transparent film or towel

We let it rest in the temperature of environment

no direct sun

until it meets

I do not recommend covering it with the bottle cap

Although the lid is lined inside

over time the acid reaches the metal of the lid

and reacts

one day later

when kefir has been involved

consistency looks this way

When it still looks creamy

its flavor is smooth and very similar to yogurt

if the kefir is allowed to stand for longer

the more the liquid is separated from the kefir

this is nothing bad

it is simply that the kefir is more fermented

and lactose and protein

are completely decomposed

The taste that many people like

is the soft taste like yogurt

but not completely fermented

and this what they have to take into account

the lactose intolerant

Depends on the ambient temperature

It can be between 12 and 24 hours

In summer even a few hours

Before you paste it

stir with a spoon

to mix everything

a fine foam is seen

which is a signal that is well fermented

and then we passed it through a colander

Depends on consistency

we help each other with a spoon

stirring or squeezing to remove everything

Wash nodules do not need after use

because they are always in touch

with fresh new milk

and so they clean themselves

The glass jar

if it is advisable to clean it before its new use

What we have pasted

we keep in the fridge

to stop fermentation


the final product contains live bacteria

and will remain active

if you leave it outside the refrigerator

You can consume from this drink

as much as you want

but as it comes from milk

it is a food and it quite satisfies

it's the same as eating yogurt

If during 1 month

you take 1 glass of kefir in the morning

and another glass in the afternoon as the snack

you will see big changes in your body

Many people prefer to take it

with a little sugar or honey

You can also mix it with fruit in a smoothie

Recommended are sweet fruits

like the peach, the mango or the banana

Mixing it with citrus is not recommended

Later I will upload videos with some recipes

so that between variety in your consumption

As you see

the process is easy

Soon you're going to love these animals so much

who will become one more member of the family

If for some reason you want to take a break from consumption

you can leave them with milk covered

without any problem in the fridge for 2 weeks

For longer time

I recommend washing the nodules well with water without chlorine

and freeze them in a glass jar

or to dry them to dehydrate them

Can be reactivated for up to 1 year

To reactivate it

there have to be more patience

because they will not work directly

It takes about 5 to 7 days

to have a normal attitude

And we are going to try our kefir

To your health!

Well guys

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For more infomation >> Kefir - la mejor bebida probiótica | sus beneficios y como elaborarlo - Duration: 10:06.


Sardinien Urlaub mit Doku - Horse Country Resort in 4K UHD (2/2) - Duration: 8:57.

For more infomation >> Sardinien Urlaub mit Doku - Horse Country Resort in 4K UHD (2/2) - Duration: 8:57.


You Are What You Eat - Season 2 Begins - Duration: 12:07.

This is Ali Noor

For more infomation >> You Are What You Eat - Season 2 Begins - Duration: 12:07.


How To Get Instagram Followers | Best Working Way | Get Thousands Of Instagram Followers Daily 2017 - Duration: 12:52.

For more infomation >> How To Get Instagram Followers | Best Working Way | Get Thousands Of Instagram Followers Daily 2017 - Duration: 12:52.


Why Halloween Is The Most Extra Holiday [GEN WHY] - Duration: 2:55.

-Can you eat candy all the time during Halloween?

-Yeah, of course.


-Lunch and dinner.

And second dinner, first breakfast, second breakfast…

-Hi, have some candy!


-It's almost Halloween!

-Yes, it is!

-They're practically fruit, so it's actually healthy.

It's okay — it's almost Halloween.

-Yesterday, we…

-Sorry, I brought my own lunch.

It's Halloween.


-I don't feel great…

No, no, no, no…

I don't care if it's Halloween, I have to eat something else!

No! No!

-So, I dressed up as Simba for a couple of years in a row,

so I was notorious for that.

-Some people get mad when people wear the same thing…

-They do, yeah. [laughs]

-Here she is, being Simba again.

-Oh, my god, I love your costume,

you look perfect!

- I know.

-Hey! What's up girl?

Happy Halloweener.

-Isn't that the same costume you wore last year?

-No… I'm wearing a hat now.


-Oh, sorry!


-It's not a party without... candy!

Want some?

-Okay, I've definitely seen you in this costume before.

-Uh, no! I'm Hilary Cyrus.

See my blazer?

-Who wants to see how much queso they can eat without using their hands?


-Let's go!

-See, look it's like "Vote for me"!

No…? Okay.

-Oh, thank you!

-You're welcome, what are you suppose to be?

-I am somebody who has worn the same costume for the past four years.


-How do you feel about dogs in costume?

-I love it. I have a wiener dog. -I like it.

-What do you dress up your wiener dog as?

-His first Halloween, he was a dragon;

this year, he's going to be a cowboy.


-It's perfect!

-You're so beautiful!

-Hey, so the stove's been on...

Oh, my god, she's so cute! What are you going as?

Oh, I don't really do costumes.

-I'm thinking of being sexy Dracula.

-Sexy Dracula?

-Sexy Dracula.

-What makes Dracula sexy?

-Just no shirt on and just the cufflinks.

- I was setting you up.

I thought you were gonna be like, "'Cause I'm being it."

For more infomation >> Why Halloween Is The Most Extra Holiday [GEN WHY] - Duration: 2:55.




Kim Hunter

Denni Uilyams

For more infomation >> КИМ ХАНТЕР И ДЭННИ УИЛЬЯМС В РЕАЛЬНОЙ ЖИЗНИ l FIFA 18 - Duration: 2:44.


LetterSchool handwriting 3X Speed Lowercase D'Nealian CURSIVE letters Multicolored version ABCDEFGH - Duration: 12:46.

LetterSchool handwriting 3X Speed Lowercase D'Nealian CURSIVE letters Multicolored version ABCDEFGH

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