Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 27 2017

In the wake of last month's mass shooting in Las Vegas,

Americans were again forced to confront and question

the nature of this country's tragic attachment to guns.

Hundreds of families have suffered the loss of loved ones

in these massacres,

but those who survive such incidents

face unique challenges as well.

As Soledad O'Brien reports, two young men

who fortunately survived notorious mass shootings

have found solace through their mutual love of football.

-All right, you ready? -Yeah.

You ready to roll? Let's go.

SOLEDAD O'BRIEN: Though separated by thirteen years in age,

Reichen Posey and Jordan Murphy share an unbreakable bond

forged by a love of football.

JORDAN MURPHY: Good catch.

What percentage of your day would you guess

that you're thinking about football?

-Eighty... five. -(O'BRIEN LAUGHS)

The rest of the percent I have to think about school.

MURPHY: Set, hit.

O'BRIEN: And, nearly every Sunday

the two run drills together.

With Jordan, a former division one college fullback

teaching Reichen the finer points of the game.

How long do you practice together?

Uh, usually like an hour and a half to two hours.

Oh, he's no joke.

No, he likes practicing. (CHUCKLES)

The things I've taught him he just takes to heart

and takes off with 'em.

He works harder than any kid I've seen at this age.

O'BRIEN: Their workouts, though, aren't just about football,

they're a form of therapy for a boy of 11

who was once so troubled he would hardly leave his house.

I feel, like, relieved after I do it, like,

-takes my mind off of things. -Mm-hmm.

When I get there, I just think about football

and I don't think about all the bad stuff.

Tragic news out of Connecticut. 26 people were killed,

20 of them children when a gunman...

O'BRIEN: Five years ago, at age six,

Reichen endured the unthinkable

when he survived one of the worst mass shootings

in American history.

WOMAN 1: (OVER PHONE) They're still shooting.


MAN 2: (OVER PHONE) There's still shooting going on,


O'BRIEN: Most of the victims at Reichen's school,

Sandy Hook Elementary,

were his first-grade classmates and friends.

Reichen knew something was wrong when he heard a loud noise

shortly after the school day began.

It was, like, a big, like, bang sound, and then, uh,

my teacher peeked out the door and she shut it really quickly,

and then she, like,

told us all to go to the back of the room.

O'BRIEN: Screams soon followed,

and the gunman entered.

REICHEN POSEY: He kinda, like, banged the door open

and then he was, like, coming across with his, like, gun

pointing at all of us.

And then he shot my teacher... and then another kid

and I'm, like, "Uh-oh, I better get out of here."

So, when he was reloading, me and nine others

just, like, ran as fast as we could.

-It must've been so upsetting. -Yeah.

-And my sister's in that school. -Mm-hmm.

So, I was bawling my head off the whole time.

O'BRIEN: Reichen's older sister, Amayla,

was in class across the hall.

She too survived the shooting, but the family was devastated.

For Reichen's parents, Dave and Carly Posey,

the details were so horrific,

they could hardly comprehend them.

Reichen said when he was running out of his classroom,

he almost slipped in the blood that was on the hallway.

I mean, that just doesn't seem right.

And, um, he's a six-year old kid, you know, I don't know.

Uh... his imagination going but he finally fell asleep

and that was weighing on my mind, that slipping in the blood

-and stuff. -That detail's horrible.

That detail, it was terrible.

So, I went downstairs and,

um, picked up his shoes

and there was blood all over his shoes.

And, so then, I was like, "Okay. This is real."

O'BRIEN: Soon after the tragedy,

the family moved to the Denver suburbs,

leaving Sandy Hook behind.

But Reichen couldn't leave behind the memories.

He wasn't a kid anymore.

His mind was just too full of...

bad to enjoy...

what he used to enjoy.

He was a happy kid. Really, really happy kid before.

That went away. He was not happy... at all.

I was kinda just like processing in my mind what just happened.

So, I was just in shock for a while.

-Were you crying? -Yeah, I'd cry about every day.

Just thinking about what happened.

Reichen wouldn't walk outside the front door, for...

seven months.

He wouldn't go out on the front yard to go

meet a friend or ride a bike or... anything.

He didn't play with toys ever again after that day.

He didn't have the focus

to be able to sit and think about playing.

It was all about,

"Am I safe? How am I gonna be safe?"

That must've have been horrible to see.

Yeah. It was terrible. It was hard to see him...

not wanna push, not wanna participate in life.

O'BRIEN: There was one place in particular

Reichen says he feared the most.

REICHEN: Going back to school

was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life.

And, like, I didn't wanna go back at all because I thought

it could happen again.

I'd just look around the school everyday

and just think in my mind, like, "In this situation,

what would I do and where would I go?

In this situation, what would I do?" and stuff.

It must've been very hard

to think about schoolwork and homework

when all these thoughts are racing through your head,

that are pretty terrible.

Yeah. So, um, the only way I could think about it

is by football.

O'BRIEN: Football became Reichen's therapy.

At school, he left class nearly every hour to toss the ball

with counselors and staff.

They soon realized

it was the only way to get Reichen to focus.

CARLY POSEY: If I knew he needed to go take a shower

or if he needed to go sit and do his homework,

or we were gonna sit down to eat dinner,

I realized, like,

he's so much better after we've played football.

To do any of those things.

How many times a day were you throwing the football with Reichen?

Well, it'd be multiple times a day,

and it would be for hours.

Not just in the backyard.

If I wanted to sit on the couch, I was throwin' him the football.

It just never stopped.

How many footballs

-did you wear out? -Ugh. 50?

-Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. -Probably about 50 footballs

in the last... five years.

That just fell apart 'cause you were doing it so much?

Yeah, just done.

O'BRIEN: Even at night, Reichen clutched the football

in his sleep, like a teddy bear.

What Reichen didn't know at the time

was that just a few miles away, another football player

was battling the same demons.

Can you walk me through what happened

in the theater in Aurora?

It was horrifying, people started screaming,

the-- the smells of it, I don't forget those smells.

They stay with you.

WOMAN 1 (ON PHONE): We got people runnin' out of the theater

that are shot.

MAN 1 (ON PHONE): We got seven down in theater nine!

Seven down!

O'BRIEN: Five months before Sandy Hook,

Jordan Murphey, a fullback

for the University of Colorado football team,

was at the midnight showing of the Batman movie

in Aurora, Colorado that became infamous

when a man in costume burst in and opened fire.

I felt the bullet just whiz by my head,

uh, hit the drywall in front of me,

drywall went in my eyes...

Um, I didn't know exactly what had happened.

I thought maybe I got hit,

there was adrenaline rushing, didn't feel it.

Um, I just sprinted out of there.

And when I was exiting the theater,

I saw a girl severely wounded... um, young girl.

And that-- that's something, um, that's an image

that will never leave.

It was a hard, hard thing to see.

O'BRIEN: That young girl and 11 others died that day.

In the aftermath, Jordan worried

he would never be the same.

I was at heightened levels of anxiety,

right off the bat.

Um, little things bothered me.

I'm triggered by-- It's weird, but light rails,

when I'm in the public transportation--

-Being on a train? -Mm-hmm.

At theme parks.

Just a place where there's a lot of people.

Things that are supposed to be fun,

like a birthday party, I'm always looking at the exits,

I'm always thinking about the worst thing.

-Sounds exhausting. -It is.

It's immensely exhausting. My mind... is always running.

It's never, never slowed down since that event.


FOOTBALL COMMENTATOR 1: Oh, my goodness!

That was Murphey. And that's what he does.

O'BRIEN: But he always felt normal...

when he was back with the football team

at the University of Colorado.

Well, football has always been my escape route, my therapy.

Um, immediately after the theater,

that was one of the first activities I did.

And I'd go right in there and...

I-- Let go of the outside world,

when I'm on the field.

O'BRIEN: Jordan poured himself into the sport

and eventually became a team captain.

Meanwhile, an aid at Reichen's school

realized she knew not just one, but two, football players

who survived mass shootings, and who might help each other.

A meeting was set up.

I was kinda surprised, he was, like, ginormous.

And then-- and then I heard him talk, I'm like,

"Wow, he does not talk like he looks at all, so..."

-What do you mean? -Like, he-- he was really big,

but he was, like, a nice guy and all that.

Did you think that you were gonna have a--

-a friendship? -Yeah, I did,

because, like, we-- we went through the same things

and since I knew that somebody loved football

and he went through the same things,

that I'm not, like, alone.

Did you feel like you needed to talk to somebody

who had gone through kind of what you'd gone through?

Yeah, I think I needed that, that was...

something deep inside to-- to hear that it's gonna be okay.

I-- I got through this.

Set, hit!

O'BRIEN: That mutual support

carries over to the football field,

where Reichen and Jordan

spend most of their time together.

Doubles, doubles, doubles, doubles!

O'BRIEN: Jordan is now a high school football coach,

while Reichen is playing

for the local youth football team.

(CLAPS) Good job out there.

O'BRIEN: And at his practices and games,

his personal coach is there to follow his every move.

There's nothing like being in the game,

but the closest I get now is coaching

and helping other kids...

get to that level, and that's what I want to do with Reichen.

Do you think he's making you better?

Yeah, definitely.

-You think-- yeah? -Much better.

-Oh, you just trucked me, nards. -Oh yeah.

O'BRIEN: And though football is their main connection,

the two carve out time for fun off the field.

-Oh! -Oh, you played it! Was that...

O'BRIEN: The Poseys say it was crucial for Reichen,

who had a hard time envisioning his future,

to meet someone older who'd survived the same ordeal.

Jordan gave him that look ahead of time

that it's-- your-- it's gonna be alright,

because look at what he's doing, and he's older,

and he's playing football, still.

So, it-- it just calmed him down,

it made him... it changed him.

How important has that friendship been?

JORDAN: Oh, it's been huge for me.

When I met him, like, "Hey, I'm gonna help this--

this young kid, um, overcome what he went though.

I'm gonna try to use my past experiences

to lift him up, and in the end, he taught me a lesson.

He goes into school every day.

The classroom's where the tragic event happened.

For me, the-- the tragic event happened in a theater.

I don't have to go into the theater ever again

if I don't want to.

And he's going every day into his school.

And looking it straight in the face,

and that inspired me.

How would you describe... your relationship with Jordan?

I look up to him

because he was so successful in football,

I just kinda felt like I can be that successful.

He-- he's just a bigger me, I feel like. (CHUCKLES)

I love that. I think he might tell me,

-you're a smaller him. -Yeah.

Thanks for watching.

Remember, you can catch the rest of the latest edition

of Real Sports all month long.


For more infomation >> Mass Shooting Survivors Find Solace Through Football (Full Segment) | Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel - Duration: 11:36.


Work Hard on the Right Thing to Find Success - Duration: 1:26.

- Money is a derivative of the hard work, right.

I think there's also something too,

because obviously like, you know,

all the like rah rah internet stuff is good,

but people will say like,

"Yeah, you just need to work hard."

You need to work hard on the right thing, right.

Like 'cause, if you're working hard

on something you're not talented at, or don't like,

or you're not good at,

you're just gonna spend a lot of time.

But if it's something you're passionate about that you like,

or you're good at, or hopefully all of the above,

and you spend a lot of energy on it, a lot of time,

big things will happen.

And so like, that's where I'm at.

Where like, I love what I do.

I wouldn't trade it for the world,

like, I am so excited to like,

I want to see how much we can grow the company,

how big, like who can we work with, you know.

Can we do this, how big can we get, who can we hire,

how can we make a better culture, the best culture, right?

Like all those things.

I love problem solving,

so for me it's like the biggest possible endless puzzle,

and I enjoy that.

And so, it's like the money is a result

of doing all those things hard,

and doing those things right,

so like, yeah, of course.

Like money, like you want free, like I want freedom.

Like, I never wanna be back on that couch,

whether literally or mentally,

I never wanna be back on that couch,

and so for me, that's also a determining factor of like,

if I ever start to feel like I'm getting lazy,

I really do, I think of like laying on that couch

for four months.

I'm like, I don't wanna do that, so I'm gonna take action.

For more infomation >> Work Hard on the Right Thing to Find Success - Duration: 1:26.


BOARD GAMES IN IRELAND - Duration: 10:38.

For more infomation >> BOARD GAMES IN IRELAND - Duration: 10:38.


Jet Fighter Scene | Hulk (2003) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:57.

Legend One rolling in hot. Legend Two, breaking off left.

I think I can come back around for a gun attack.

Acquire a clear target. Fire at will.

Increase altitude. Civilian aircraft in vicinity.

Pull up! Pull up! You're headed for the bridge!

I can't pull up! I can't pull up!

Okay, you've got him now. Take 'im on a ride to the top of the world.

Let's see what the thin air will do for 'im.

Initiating afterburner.

I'm passing flight level 600.

This is out of my envelope.

Hang in there, Legend.

I can't maintain. He's all over my aerodynamics.

He'll lose consciousness before you.

Nine-fifty. I can't hold it. I'm pullin' back!

Puny human.

Contact. He's in the water. All units, weapons hot.

Let's not take any chances.

You are cleared to fire on target, Legend.

- Dad? - Betty?

We don't have a choice.

I have to destroy 'im.

But you can't. You will only fuel his rage,

and you will make him stronger.

It's you he's coming for. You know that.

Then let me go to him.


Just give him a chance to calm down.

For more infomation >> Jet Fighter Scene | Hulk (2003) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:57.


Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - PONPONPON (Metal Cover) - Duration: 4:31.

If everyone went skipping at that crosswalk

If we looked up at the skies in the center of the streets holding hands together

If you want to take a chance somewhere on the streets

Then it's too early to start crying. All you got to do is just to keep moving forward, oh well

It's okay to keep popping out

If you do nothing, it gets boring, doesn't it?

I put on my headphones and let myself get lost in the rhythm

Way, way, then I create my own road to follow

All the things start to march on

Have your feelings arrived so fast?

Poi-poi, who is the bad kid who likes to throw them away?

Yep, you're a good kid, ah You make me happy

Every day pon Every time is pon

I want to ride a merry-go-round

Every day pon Every time is pon

That's probably a bad idea, isn't it?

It's okay to keep popping out

If you do nothing, it gets boring, doesn't it?

I put on my headphones and let myself get lost in the rhythm

Way, way, then I create my own road to follow

Pon-pon-way-way-way Pon-pon-way-pon-way-pon-pon

Way-way-pon-pon-pon Way-way-pon-way-pon-way-way

Pon-pon-way-way-way Pon-pon-way-pon-way-pon-pon

Way-way-pon-pon-pon Way-way-pon-way-pon-way-way


If everyone went skipping at that crosswalk

If we looked up at the skies in the center of the streets holding hands together

If you want to take a chance somewhere on the streets

Then it's too early to start crying. All you got to do is just to keep moving forward, oh well

All the things start to march on

Have your feelings arrived so fast?

Poi-poi, who is the bad kid who likes to throw them away?

Yep, you're a good kid, ah You make me happy

Every day pon Every time is pon

I wanna ride a merry-go-round

Every day pon Every time is pon

That's probably a bad idea, isn't it?

Pon-pon-way-way-way Pon-pon-way-pon-way-pon-pon

Way-way-pon-pon-pon Way-way-pon-way-pon-way-way

Pon-pon-way-way-way Pon-pon-way-pon-way-pon-pon

Way-way-pon-pon-pon Way-way-pon-way-pon-way-way

Pon-pon-way-way-way Pon-pon-way-pon-way-pon-pon

Way-way-pon-pon-pon Way-way-pon-way-pon-way-way

Pon-pon-way-way-way Pon-pon-way-pon-way-pon-pon

Way-way-pon-pon-pon Way-way-pon-way-pon-way-way

Let's Go!

For more infomation >> Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - PONPONPON (Metal Cover) - Duration: 4:31.


Versando Uns Versos #2 - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Versando Uns Versos #2 - Duration: 2:06.


Fornite - играем с другом - Duration: 52:27.

For more infomation >> Fornite - играем с другом - Duration: 52:27.


STORY TIME| First experience in conventions - Duration: 10:19.

hi there!

Welcome to this new (and improvised) section on my channel!

If I had to explain how we got here

I should say that

I wanted to do Vlogs since a long time ago

And besides of that I had like...

I had 16 videos to edit and I didn't know what to do with those

My friends suggested me to record an audio telling a story

Because it's boring if you put only music

And I said "lol k."

So, In this new section that I don't know how to call yet

I'm taking suggestions lol

I'm gonna tell you a story (duh)

While you watch me draw something

It can be traditional, digital, a commission, a gift or personal stuff (it can be anything)

I bet you're wondering "Woh, Rocchy. Why don't you show your face in the stupid video?"

Truth is that I don't like cameras Besides, my face isn't a mystery (I mean, I have instagram lol)

The thing is that cameras make me nervous af

That's basically the reason why I started to draw five years ago lol

Now yes, I declare this new section INNAUGURATED~

I don't know when It's gonna come up the next video because I DON'T KNOW WHEN I'LL BE ABLE TO RECORD AGAIN :'D HAHA

WELL, Some people have been asking me

"Hey, how is it to sell stuff in a con?" "How it was to start selling in conventions?"

To be fair, my beggining as an expositor was pretty cool

I was 17 the first time I sold art in a convention

The funny part of this it's that it was something "Illegal"

(It actually wasn't, but you get the point)

It was December of 2014. I remember that 3 days ago I had finished (preparatory???) school

I saw that a bunch of friends (that I only knew from the internet) were attending to a convention

So, I was like REALLY EXCITED and I wanted to go meet them at any cost

So I asked my dad to go along with me

because I get lost easily and I didn't know how to get to that place

[there's no translation in some parts because you won't get what I'm talking about and It's not important either]

I was going to see my friends (you don't know them but I'll name them anyway) Chocoburo, Nogue, Lica & PaintBitch

So, when we finally get to the con there was A LOT OF PEOPLE I'm not kidding, there was a lot of them

When we tried to pass through the door there was so many people that the air was dense

plus: it was so hot that day

In case you didn't know: It's summer in Argentina on December Now you know

Back to the story: The guys were outside on the "yard" After dodging like 800 people we got to the "Artists alley"

I didn't even paid attention to the other artists tables because I was focused in finding my friends

and when I finally found them I remeber that I got really excited

My friend Lica was in one end, and the rest was on the other so I stayed with them because Lica was busy

I remember the guys had all their stuff on the table and it was super organized. I loved it~

So, I started to chat with my friends, and between chat and talk I asked "How it is to sell stuff here?"

And they told me "sit here and sell your stuff"

and I was like "WHAAAAAAAAAAAT"

I obviously didn't dare to do that so they insisted

until I sat in a corner next to them and started selling commissions for less than a dollar

I only had a few markers and a bunch of paper I wan't ready for that. It was really unexpected

It turned out to be a cool experience!

I remember I was excited because I made money for the first time with my art

I remember people was happy every time they got their commissions

I don't know why, my drawings were a total mess back in 2014

Maybe it was because my drawings were cheap as fuck lol

I remember I was scared at first but then, after seeing that people were actually supporting me, I was happy

That was an awesome day. I met my friends, I made new friends and I experienced the support from people I didn't knew!

To be fair, for someone that only knows an artist as who they are on ther websites, It's pretty cool to know that not all of them are like that

I mean, there are some artists that act really mean on their websites but when you meet them in person they are actually lovel. That's awesome!

Well, after that great day, They tell me that there's gonna be another conventions on december 20th

I was like "Can I go?" and they inmediately added me to the con's group

Now I was nervous because of the convocation I started to think "The won't pick me because I draw horrible" "They won't pick me because I don't have a thousand of followers" and that stuff

So, the next day they posted the list of expositors and I WAS FIRST.

You don't have an idea of how happy I was

I automatically told all my family that I was going to the convention

Now I was -legally- attending as an expositor to that convention. I remember I printed posters and stickers GODZILLA SIZE because I had no idea what I was doing

Well, I barely remember how many people went to that con but I know there wasn't as many as the last time

I was excited anyways, I didn't care at all

I sat all day next to one of my friends, we chatted, made drawings and that stuff

I met other artists and we are friends now (and one of them is my bf <3)

Some people recognized me from my FB page and we had a little chit chat

I don't remember if I did good or bad on that convention. I didn't care and I don't care either

I enjoyed having my own table, making new friends, drawing commissions and chatting with my followers

For a moment I dind't care about how well or bad I drew, if I was nervous or not, if people were watching me or not. I didn't care about that stuff because I was really happy

Everyone is so cool aaa

And basically those were my first experiences being an artist in a convention

My advice for people who don't dare to postulate for a con, or those who dared but are afraid, is:

You don't have to care about trifles like "people is watching me" or "My art sucks" or that kind of stuff

Just enjoy the moment, make new friends, talk to other artists and be happy :)

And feel proud because from a room full of different artists, someone picked you for a commission!

WELL, That's all for now~ If you liked this new section, please let me know in the comments~

You can also suggest me some topics for the next video (if you want to)

And for the love of your respective mothers, READ THE DESCRIPTION. THE IMPORTANT STUFF IS ALWAYS IN THERE

See you in the next video~ Bye~

For more infomation >> STORY TIME| First experience in conventions - Duration: 10:19.


Lil Uzi Vert - Top (Subtitulos en español) - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Lil Uzi Vert - Top (Subtitulos en español) - Duration: 3:54.


A Thousand Sunsets | Bonus Episode | Middlemarch: The Series - Duration: 2:18.

[Bonus - A Thousand Sunsets]

♪ here's to a thousand sunsets ♪

♪ here's to never getting out of bed ♪

♪ here's to a dozen forevers ♪

♪ here's to all the stupid things that we said, oh ♪

♪ I wanna watch the world with you ♪

♪ I wanna see things the way you do ♪

♪ I wanna wake up early to watch the sun rise ♪

♪ I wanna see the colors flicker in your eyes, oh ♪

♪ here's to a thousand sunsets ♪

♪ here's to never getting out of bed ♪

♪ here's to a dozen forevers ♪

♪ here's to all the stupid things that we said, oh ♪

♪ I wanna watch the world with you ♪

♪ I wanna see things the way you do ♪

♪ I wanna wake up early to watch the sun rise ♪

♪ I wanna see the colors that flicker in your eyes, oh ♪

♪ here's to a thousand sunsets ♪

♪ here's to never getting out of bed ♪

♪ here's to a dozen forevers ♪

♪ here's to all the stupid things that we said ♪

♪ here's to all the stupid things that we said ♪

♪ do you remember the things we said ♪

For more infomation >> A Thousand Sunsets | Bonus Episode | Middlemarch: The Series - Duration: 2:18.


#FlatEarth Friday FringeCast S 2 Ep 8 !0/20/2017 The Bilderberg Group & Guy Williams - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> #FlatEarth Friday FringeCast S 2 Ep 8 !0/20/2017 The Bilderberg Group & Guy Williams - Duration: 1:09.


Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 301 - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 301 - Duration: 5:23.


STRANGEST PLAYER EVER FOUND in Clash Royale!! - Duration: 13:56.


Yo, what's going on guys my name's eclipse and today, we're back on the Kulik big god account

It's been quite some time since we were last playing this now you guys know

This is a clickbait god tradition whenever I feature this account in a video

We just always make a new clan now one disclaimer this account is extremely inactive

I haven't played on it in 37 days, so if you want to join this clan

I'm about to make you're never gonna see me online, but if you want to join join

Closing my eyes, and we're gonna fake of that flag right there a little diamond and the name is gonna be

Open zero trophies and for the location. Let's pick

Boom right there. Oh my god

I just picked this booty completely random

but if you like to Bodi

Join the clan now the main purpose of today's video is to just play on the clickbait god account because I do miss playing on

A lower skill level account as far as the debt goes

I made some random graveyard deck is a good who knows we're about to figure out so getting right into the first battle

We're against already Dorn Elias

I don't I don't know his name

But he's a level 8 were a level 9 so we definitely have an advantage in this battle

Hopefully his cards aren't that good

I'm just trying to come out here and smash some people and if you're new to my channel or if you've never even seen this

Account whenever I play as the clickbait cod

We always are extremely cocky, so I'm gonna start laughing right now those fire spirits aren't gonna do too much

I'll get this app and boom take that out. We have a pool push on that tower

They try to zap me, but it is not gonna work out that tower on the left

Just got murked by the clickbait god, and he already has another valkyrie somehow

I don't know if he mirrored that or what but I feel like he just cycled

extremely quick quickly oh my god that night plays I

Can't speak Mon that night placement was awful there. We go

Oh boys boys boys I'm sitting at 10 elixir

I really don't know what to do so Dark Prince on the right side screw that wizard

He's about to go down so at this point. Let's just go all in oh

God, okay, we should take that wizard out

Oh the iSchool miss down as well all he's doing some serious work on that right tower

The ice golem did come in clutch now the Dark Prince is gonna

Get some hits on that tower as well, but jeez he really just caught me off guard there and one thing

I just realized is I didn't tell you guys why I have a big blanket around me pretty much here in Illinois the weather is

Extremely awful right now. It's rainy out. It's freezing. It's starting to get cold and overall

It's just like really depressing outside, so I was just snuggled up in my room watching some Netflix

And I'm like you know

We got a record the video today because I wasn't being too productive so if you're curious why I have this big blanket just

Understand I was cold and I wanted it now

I'm pretty sure we made the enemy give up in this battle, so a rather easy win for us

And we're starting the video off rather strong so Letty tour now is you're pretty bad at the game

You know your rage quit on a serious note. I don't actually mean they're bad

I feel stupid that I have to justify that but some people are like eclipse you're really rude sometimes

And like it's a joke the clickbait god

is cocky

Take a joke you guys are ruining the clan already this clan is not supposed to be public and I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry

We have to make the clan. Oh god. Let's make it closed for now


Hey grant, um. This is gonna be a cut here. Um you can even use a transition if you want

Oh crap okay, so the strangest thing just happened. I don't know how

Okay, so the strangest thing just happened

I was just checking my phone on Twitter and someone sent me a tweet saying search up this clan right here and

View this strange players, so this is the clan Iranian warrior

It's the second one with the heart and when you click on this look at this guy's name

What the hell his name is a whole bunch of random white squares

I don't know how he did this I've never seen this before but it looks really funny

And I thought oh you would like that as well and on top of all that it also makes for a pretty good

Collective eight video okay so with all of that out of the way, let's hop into another battle

I'm telling you we're gonna be out here absolutely marking some noobs so medtech from pro team

You're about to be on the team losing team because I'm about to toss two let's laugh

Oh god giant skeleton easy counter look at this

We're always got the princess as well so that giant skeleton is going down as far as all this goes

Let's get ourselves a dark goblin race there. It should lock on to the princess

Okay, let's get a dark Prince right here. I'm thinking that should be good

I could have probably used an inferno dragon

But I'm hoping the Dark Prince is gonna take care of this giant skeleton and then run backwards into those barbarians

Perfect just as planned as far as that goes. Oh god. Okay? We're still good right now

We are straight showing right now guys unfortunately one barb is gonna make it onto my tower

So yes that is definitely unfortunate, but we're doing pretty good right now as far as that electro wizard goes

I don't think we will need these sites golem. I don't know why I said this like that

Oh well kind of weird, but let's get ourselves the peashooter down the knight of top is doing an absolute boatload of damage

Let's get ourselves a graveyard down. I don't know what that place

Absolutely awful placement, and I thought the dark goblin was gonna go up as well, but we have a naked graveyard up there

And it's doing pretty well like we got some solid

Damage off in that short amount of time and as far as this little guy goes screw you giant skeleton

I probably am gonna need the knight so pull him back right there

He's trying to pull some slick moves with this app spell so screw officer and as far as your

Princess goes she is gonna. Get wiped out as well will the infernal dragon connect to the tower

Unfortunately not but both of his towers are relatively low so we can pretty much choose which tower

We want to go for obviously the one on the left is lower, so I'm thinking we go all out for that side

Let's get an ice cool and ready balling that up

I'm thinking we get the pea shooter down and then let's also get a graveyard down as well

We can actually get a poison on that also so this is a pretty solid push. We have going right here

I am gonna get a zap ready and actually no need for his zap at all

Let's get ourselves a Dark Prince down as well

I probably should have put the Dark Prince back a

Little bit more so that way he could have got a little boost but right there

We have the giant skeleton going the wrong direction. We destroyed his tower, and his princess is dead this poor guy

Just can't seem to do too much right here, okay?

Let's get the poison down and let's also get a Dark Prince down as well

We just countered his push again in so far things are going

Relatively easy for some reason he tried to put a clone spell down on that didn't really work out too. Well but right here

Repaint with that ice woman brought the giant skeleton backwards

and then we had a graveyard on the tower so again another pretty easy win these people they just

Can't keep up with the quick bay God, and this guy was a level 9

So this battle is more fair than the previous one and I'm gonna say

Thanks a few times just to be a cock. I'm an ass. Sorry. You know. I just think we're too good for this game

Let's do it two versus two do I have anything I have no friend

I just thought of a genius idea, so let's post our friend link to Twitter. Um let me change this real quickly

I'm probably gonna regret regret



Okay, this is gonna be the worst decision of my life

My friends list is probably gonna fill up in a matter of seconds

I probably shouldn't have done this alleged 27. This is the first guy we are gonna battle with the legend 27

Oh, my god. Okay. We are at like 1 2 3 4 5 ok

I don't even know old legend 20 70s in a battle right now. I was supposed to battle with you. Dude. What are you doing?

Honestly, my thoughts are all over the place right now, but let's just send out a random battle

Supercell do we want a battle with supercell? No ok, let's let's find someone else who looks like a trustworthy

Partner Big Mama jerky ok I'm feeling that one. Let's go big mom, but we're gonna pound her

Oh your doors is drove ok he's taking too long

Cancelling that bad ok cancel dude. I know they cancel buttons broken by this is a whole new level of broken

Oh my god. You guys are breaking my clash Royale. I can't even cancel my battle right now

You see what is going on how many people are on my friends list 42 in just a matter of like seconds

Let's go with Daniel Daniel sounds like a nice guy. Hopefully he accepts this battle

If not, we're gonna have to send like our fourth friendly battle out

I'm just trying to get a simple battle in here nothing too hard

Cancelling yet again another battle. I don't know why no one wants to accept these battles

Maybe they're trying to like they just can't I don't really know what's going on right now

We have a lot of friends already. Um let's choose. You don't supercell ok

Oh, I can't battle supercell ok what oh Carlos sent me a battle ok

I was actually thinking about inviting this guy previously

But I never did so since Carlos is such a nice guy him and I are gonna go up against a level tank

Kick in the battle off with a knight in the very. Oh god. I did it. I did it who do we do

Oh my god. The mecha Knights are straight beasts getting the peashooter down as well. We are shutting this guy out

Let's get oh my god

This counter push is in

There is no way we are about to write them this early on he put a table Merrill kind of where princess was maybe not

The best decision, but we are not here to judge today. Oh


Yeah, sure, let's go for it. Please go

That was that was really bad guys, so we're gonna put the knight down right there

Hopefully the executioner will throw his axe towards the night that didn't work out, too

Hot so this battle is off to somewhat of a rough start, but we're not gonna give up

We're gonna give this our all there's 20 people watching this match right now Jesus guys

I have a lot of pressure on me. Not only are all of you watching this video

We have some live spectators in on this match as well, so this is pretty

Hype look at all the people watching we have a whole bunch of confetti down this battle is gonna be intense

I'm hoping we can come in and win though so far like we've been killing it in this video

And I just want to keep that. Hype up princess piss off stop shooting my princess, please okay

What do we do here necessarily? I'm gonna put a dark. I went down right there

Let's also put an inferno dragon down on the Pekka all God. I probably should oh, they have a poison spell

Let's save this. Let's save this so boom get out here. Okay, that Tower is kind of rip right now

Please zap quick quick mega night approaching the tower. It's gonna be doing something big. It is on top

Let's get ourselves that poisons fall down screw all those goblins that Tower is

Absolutely done. He did activate his scheme to our part

It doesn't even matter we destroy the tower anyways and right now should we go for a three crown friendly battle cancel?

I'm in a battle. What are you talking about? Okay as I was saying though should we go for a three crown this battle?

I'm telling you guys. It is intense. Let's do it. Let's get this graveyard ready

I'm waiting for my teammate with the mega Knight. Where's that mega Knight at it, is time right now

Let's get that graveyard down

I would like to get a poison spell down as well

So it's wait for that to cycle did that poison spell down rate there?

Unfortunately their goblin gang did do some work and that graveyard was a bit of a massive fail. They're pretty cock

They'd be poison that left our and activated the King tower so at this point it is gonna. Be game over

We're not going easy on these kids. We are gonna hit them as hard as possible that Elektra wizard. Got rekt relatively easily

Let's put his ice going down to tank that yeah that

Graveyard is a big joke my teammate zapped all of that out so right now

Let's get ourselves that graveyard down like I said we were gonna go for the three crown, but yeah things just didn't work out

Too hot and what's also zapped that as well

Unfortunately the Goblin barrel did die in that push was a bit of a fail

We have 40 seconds left to get a win

I don't know how we're gonna pull this off

But you know what we sure as hell are gonna go for this pea shooter in the back should help out with that

Graveyard and as far as all this goes. I'm not even concerned. Let's go thirty seconds left in this matchup

We have the ice golem tanking definitely a bit of a failure

Let's get the Graveyard down right now massive push off right there. They did fireballs, but look at all the troops

We have down right now

Let's wait for this wait for this app this app is not eating

Nowadays zap all that out mega Knight is on the tower get the poison spell. There's pie oh, no seven seconds left early god

Oh wow Oh?

Mana breath I think I'm done for the video guys. Well. I need some water


For more infomation >> STRANGEST PLAYER EVER FOUND in Clash Royale!! - Duration: 13:56.


The only RATED "R" circus you'll need to see! | The World of Zumanity | Cirque du Soleil - Duration: 4:49.

Hello, I'm Matthew Rodrigues,

and welcome to a very sensual edition of The World of

Zumanity style.

Welcome to The World of.

Last week,

we didn't stop until we got enough of SEP7IMO DIA.

Every week, we are releasing a new episode,

so don't forget to subscribe, so you don't miss it.

Today, though,

we're slipping into something a little bit different

or, should I say, slipping out of something different.

Zumanity is the resident show

at the New York New York hotel.

It's got the spirit and sass of burlesque

and the sensual aerobatics we love from Cirque.

It's sexy, it's classy,

and it's totally rated Cirque.

We've got studs in stilettos,

whips, chains, feather boas

and some very flexible new friends.

Leave your inhibitions at the door

as we explore The World of Zumanity.

Zumanity is a provocative exhibition

of human sensuality,

arousal and eroticism –

an intense visit to a world where human inhibitions

are both unveiled and discarded,

where style and intense sensual passion

share an uncommon stage.

Mom, if you could just look away from the screen right now,

Just turn the screen…

Turn it off. Just shut it off.

Now it's time for fun facts

Zumanity has 99 wigs and hair pieces,

and the performers aren't wearing much more than that.

Male and female artists

both wear high heels in the show.

Sizes range from 4 1/2 to 13.

We're talking about the shoes, not… you know.

The tallest pair of high heels in the show is 7 inches.

The Zumanity theater was built especially for the show.

I also suggest wandering through the lobby

and looking through the peep holes in the wall.

Trust me,

you're gonna like what you see on the other side.

There are a few 90-degree angles in the lobby

to evoke the image

of the human body

or a boudoir.

It took 16 designers

to create the unique Zumanity universe

and, apparently, they all like things a little frisky.

Let's check out one of our favorite acts and,

let's be honest,

they're all our favorite acts,

because people ain't wearing much.

Woo! Is it hot in here, or is it just me?


Thank you for watching this week's steamy episode

of The World of.

Please tell me in the comments below

if your freaky side is excited to see Zumanity.

Next week,

we'll cool things off a little bit

with a trip to space

and some true, blue buddies

in TORUK – The First Flight.

When the performers come to train at the headquarters,

they actually have apartments that are right across the street,

and if you look closely,

you can see into their showers.

This is where they practice for all of the shows,

and it is massive.

That looks good, guys.

Looks good.

Did a good job. That's nice and even.

Here's another costume piece though,

this is not from the show;

this is from my own personal wardrobe.

My grandmother bought it for me.

Thanks, grandma.

If you need to keep things hot

and watch more videos about Zumanity,

click here,

and our playlist for The World of series

is right here.

As always,

we have a ton of fun stuff below in the description.

I'm Matthew Rodrigues.

Remember to subscribe to Cirque du Soleil

to flip your everyday reality

the CirqueWay,

where everyone, every day, is extraordinary.

You're extraordinary.

You're extraordinary.

He's extraordinary.

For more infomation >> The only RATED "R" circus you'll need to see! | The World of Zumanity | Cirque du Soleil - Duration: 4:49.


24 Reasons Se7en & Saw Are The Same Movie - Duration: 3:51.

There once was a killer with a lot of time on his hands.

He specialized in homicides were he forced people to kill each other or themselves (audio).

An example of one of his horrendous crimes is shown at the crime scene at the beginning.

The black detective arrives and starts looking for clues.

The black detective's partner is this cliche younger dude.

He chews his gum like a cow and he's a hot head that loses his cool a lot and this eventually

poses a threat to the investigation.

The two partners are some of the cleanest dirtiest cops that ever lived and cut corners

to find the serial killer.

They show up to his place without a warrant (audio).

The bad guy catches them breaking and entering into his property and one of the cops chases

him down.

He almost catches him too, but then he gets (tongue sound with mouth) upside the head

and lets the bad guy get away.

The serial killer's murder scene all have a common thread.

There's usually a box (audio).

And secondly, his murder scenes always stink like really really bad (audio).

They probably stink because he leaves piss and caca behind for his victims to rub on


He also leaves glow in the dark clues behind and it's almost seems like he's begging

for the cops to catch him.

The cops investigate a murder scene.

(Y'all wanna see a dead body), No thanks.

The dead man is the fat guy in boxer shorts who's wrapped in metal wire.

After looking at the dead man, it's obvious the serial killer is crazy (audio of Morgan

don't call him crazy it's dismissive).

Well you'll have to donate a better synonym, because that's the perfect word to describe

this psycho.

If he's not crazy, the killer definitely enjoys doing things crazy people do.

The cops try to keep a lid on the investigation, but fail miserably.

Soon the press is all over it and stories of the serial killer are on the front page

of every newspaper.

The detectives find a fake fingerprint.

I mean, the fingerprint is real, but the serial killer planted it there to lead the detectives

to another one of his victims.

The cops are allergic to evidence and can't find one suspect.

They do manage to find plenty of victims though.

They locate a survivor and brings the victim downtown to the police station for interrogation.

This is why you're supposed to let your lawyer do all the talking.

The characters snitch on themselves and tells the police that they killed an innocent person

in order to save their own life.

The villain plans his next attack and he's more organized than a 3 prong binder.

He takes lots of photos of the victim so it's proof the crime is premeditated and the good

news is, if he gets caught, he could face the death penalty.

The photos are later found in a bathtub.

In the pictures, there's this guy who's been neglecting his wife and kid.

The man is probably the second worst husband next to Ike Turner and the second worst dad

next to Joe Jackson.

His wife and kid are continually put on the back burner as soon as his beeper goes off.

The killer wants to teach him a lesson that families are a gift and he should be more


To be honest, he could've got his point across with a Hallmark card, but the crazy

man decides to harm the bad husband's wife and kid instead.

The detective finds the man who harmed the wife and kid.

The guy is followed all the way to where the last two victims are being held.

When they arrive to the scene, the black detectives chases who he thinks is the bad.

He's absolutely wrong because the guy he's chasing is innocent and is forced to work

for the real bad guy.

Then we see the husband acting hysterical after news of a cut off body party is revealed.

His blood pressure gets higher than his credit score and he gets so furious he shoots the

guy who's chained up.

This is exactly what the bad guy wanted and this is one of the few movies where the bad

guy wins at the end.

Those are 24 reasons reasons these movies are the same.

You agree?

Yes, no, maybe so?

If not, politely share your thoughts in the comment section below and click the subscribe

button for more 24 reason videos.

For more infomation >> 24 Reasons Se7en & Saw Are The Same Movie - Duration: 3:51.


My Ginger Wig - EvaHair REVIEW - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> My Ginger Wig - EvaHair REVIEW - Duration: 4:21.


How to Make Jack Skellington Macarons from The Nightmare Before Christmas | RECIPE - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> How to Make Jack Skellington Macarons from The Nightmare Before Christmas | RECIPE - Duration: 2:27.


TaZ on victory against FaZe, adopting to new role and playing in Russia - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> TaZ on victory against FaZe, adopting to new role and playing in Russia - Duration: 5:05.


한글 자막 루폴의 드래그레이스 시즌7 언턱 Untucked Ep4 - Duration: 23:22.

For more infomation >> 한글 자막 루폴의 드래그레이스 시즌7 언턱 Untucked Ep4 - Duration: 23:22.


People Think Nicki Minaj and Cardi B Are Going at Each Other on Migos New Song - Duration: 2:41.

What's up guys, Frazier here for Complex News and it is a glorious day because we FINALLY

have the first single to Migos' upcoming album CULTURE II.

Quavo has been teasing a Cardi B feature on CULTURE II since mid-September.

Then he started teasing Culture II's first single a couple of weeks ago, while also gassing

up the identity of the album's executive producer.

Then yesterday Nicki Minaj fanned the flames with a tweet that heavily implied she had

something with Quavo coming soon.

This morning all of those threads came together.

(Well, most...we still don't know who exec produced the album but it's almost probably

definitely Kanye.)

"MOTORSPORT" is the first single from CULTURE 2 and it features CARDI AND NICKI.

Together, on the same song.

This after a couple months of speculation that there was tension between the two and

they were about to head the way of Nicki and Remy.

Well now that they've appeared on the same track together, we can put the beef rumors

to rest, right?

Well not so fast.

While no hard shots are thrown from either of the MCs, the tenor and flexing in each

verse has a large portion of the internet speculating if this is another Ludacris and

T.I. situation?

Remember when they both had verses on Young Buck's banger "Stomp" where they were

very clearly, barely even subliminally getting at each other?

It was so awkward T.I.'s verse ended up being removed in place of a solid sixteen

from Game.

So when Cardi says bars like "same hoes that be sendin shots they reachin out like

their back itchin" is she gettin at Nick?

And then when Nicki's dazzling multi-flow verse includes lines like "You don't want

smoke with me this is a laced crown wont' fit on your bum ass laced front"

it seems like she's making it clear who runs this shit no matter who just got a No.

1 song in the country.

A cursory glance on Twitter shows there are plenty of people following this line of thought.

But of course, this could all just be over-analysis, and another example of the bloodsport of rap

fandom where we create issues that aren't actually there.

Nicki and Cardi are two rappers who take their craft seriously...of course they're gonna

go in on a hard-ass Murda beat for the Migos new album.

It's all sport and friendly competition at the end of the day, and Cardi may have

summed it up best in her verse: "Why would I hop in some beef, when i could just hop

in a Porsche?"

The song bangs and I can't wait for CULTURE 2, Cardi's debut album, and Nicki's 4th


That's the news for now but for the latest on all 3 of those things, keep it locked to

Complex News on YouTube today.

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