Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 27 2017


You don't see like a reverse speed?

Sometimes there's like a switch near a tire.

How are we going to return it?

You can't go forward-- You'll hit that fence.


Dang it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Stop, stop, stop, stop!

What's the matter?

Oh, we just can't pull forward because we'll run into this,

and we don't know how to--

Right here, reverse, go to the side, this way,

and then you just--

Oh my gosh!

Oh, okay.

Thank you.

Emilie: Thanks a lo.

Appreciate i.

So helpful, thanks.


Have a really good vacation, you guys.


We'll see you in a minute.



Will: Can you pull over real quick?

Man 1: How are you doing, boss?

All right.

I just need to make sure that you guys are up to regulation.

You were driving that other golf cart over there.

Is that yours?

Did you rent that one too?

The lady was stuck, so I pulled her out.

You need to stick to the ones that you rent

because it's an insurance thing.

Your name is on and it's tied to the number on here.

Gotcha, gotcha.

Listen, I might want to take it back.

This tire is looking a little bit low here.

That's not low, boss.


I've been doing this a long time,

and this one is a little bit low,

but listen, you helped those ladies back there.

I should cite you for this low tire,

but instead, I'm going--

You're going to give me a ticket?

I've got to give you a ticket, man.

Ah, man!


Emilie Is there like a reverse lever?

To go in reverse?


You just have to push this down.

Lisa: Oh, there we go, oka.

She's got i.

We're good?



That was so nice.

Thank you.

It's go time.


There he goes!

Can you pull over real quick?

Will: How are you guys doing?


Do you know why I pulled you over?

Tail light is out.

Notice all the other carts are blue.

Typically, the white carts don't come up on the mountain

like this.

I think you grazed that cart back there.

Did you talk to those girls?

Let me perform just a routine safety check.

Is that cool?


Can you sound the horn?


The horn.


There you go.

Test the suspension real quick.

Oh, so sorry.

But honestly, got to get a little bit of a jump in there.

Just give me one second.

Back tire.

All right, one more thing:

I saw what you guys did back there,

so unfortunately it's a citable offense,

leaving the scene of a crime.


Like I saw what you guys did back there.

You helped those girls and you didn't have to.

Ladies, can you come over here for a second?

I feel like they grazed your car

and a rental company is going to charge you.

No, uh-uh.

Officer, they helped us.

Unfortunately, I'm goingo have to give you this.

I helped her.

I have to cite you with this.

I'm so sorry.

Are you kidding me right now?

I have to cite you.

I'm sorry.

I'm going to have to give you this.

Can you explain to me the rule?

It's nothing!

It's just...

Oh, oh!


Oh my gosh!


Holy cow!

No way!

That's 50 bucks.

Boy: Daddy, can I have it?

This is them, Officer.


You guys are under arrest for being kind and being awesome.

You're on a hidden camea show called Random Act.


You're a good citizen.

Oh my gosh.



Oh, I need to get my breath back.

Give me a hug.

Let me know you don't hate me.

Thanks for watchin, everybod.

Thank you so much.

We had a really great time.

But I know how to drive a golf cart.

So we hope you had--

So do I.

And how to back one up.

Yeah, we know how to do it.

When we're driving the carts--

We were just acting.

Thank you for watching.

We hope you tune in again--

You guys are the best.

Thanks, Will.


I'm going to take this back now.

Give me--

Give me--

Come on.

"Whale," what are we talking "a-trout"?

How you should subscribe because we're friends

and not "anemones."

Guys, the pun thing is old.

We've already done that.

So reel it back.

It sounds like you're just fishing for subscriptions.



For more infomation >> Kindness Cop Prank - Random Acts - Duration: 4:28.


cortisol - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> cortisol - Duration: 6:21.


« Adieu Bohème » by Jeanne Frenkel & Cosme Castro - Duration: 35:07.

For more infomation >> « Adieu Bohème » by Jeanne Frenkel & Cosme Castro - Duration: 35:07.


50 nombres para niñas por T - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 2:04.

50 Baby girl names that start with T



















































namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 50 nombres para niñas por T - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 2:04.


Henker der Wahrheit - Doku allererster Sahne | 27.10.2017 | - Duration: 2:18:40.

For more infomation >> Henker der Wahrheit - Doku allererster Sahne | 27.10.2017 | - Duration: 2:18:40.


Hulk vs Tanks | Hulk (2003) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:54.

Driver, stop. Driver, stop.

Gunner, traverse left! Traverse left!

Clear back! Clear back!

Mr. President, I have some bad news, sir.

Well, let's have it, general.

I've briefed the President on Angry Man. I assume that's what this is about.

It is, ma'am. I'm requesting a National Command Authority override.

Angry Man is unsecure.

I need everything we have at my disposal in order to stop his movement.

You're expecting civilian casualties, general?

Not if I can help it, ma'am.

Consider it done. Keep us posted.

Contact Goodman Control.

Patch data to the assets.

Contact H.Q.

Have them initiate an immediate evacuation

in vicinity of grid coordinates 653-216.

For more infomation >> Hulk vs Tanks | Hulk (2003) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:54.


« Adieu Bohème » by Jeanne Frenkel & Cosme Castro - Duration: 35:07.

For more infomation >> « Adieu Bohème » by Jeanne Frenkel & Cosme Castro - Duration: 35:07.


Как проявляется агрессия ко времени? Как отстраниться от времени? Почему ломаются часы? (Субтитры) - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Как проявляется агрессия ко времени? Как отстраниться от времени? Почему ломаются часы? (Субтитры) - Duration: 4:10.


HD Footage Футаж Фон для видеомонтажа Новогодний - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> HD Footage Футаж Фон для видеомонтажа Новогодний - Duration: 0:34.


San Francisco Scene | Hulk (2003) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:57.

To all aircraft. Vicinity of San Francisco.

This is DEVO armed guard.

This area has been declared restricted airspace.

All aircraft are ordered to clear the airspace immediately.

Echo, One-Niner. Weapons are hot.

Target acquired. Waiting your orders to engage.

Repeat, waiting your orders to engage.

Command code yellow. Hold for authorization.

All units, hold your fire.

This is T-Bolt to all assets. You have direct orders to hold your fire.

I repeat, hold your fire.

Echo One-Niner. Roger that.

Go go, go, go, go, go!

Engine 24 to command. We are in position now.

You found me.

You weren't that hard to find.

Yes, I was.

For more infomation >> San Francisco Scene | Hulk (2003) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:57.


Two New Ways We Could Live on the Moon! - Duration: 5:28.

SciShow Space is supported by

Last week, scientists and engineers announced two new developments in possible lunar habitats.

So if you've ever hoped to live on a barren, cold wasteland with minimal atmosphere, this

Space News is going to be very exciting for you.

First, Bigelow Aerospace and United Launch Alliance, or ULA, announced that they'll

be sending one of Bigelow's inflatable habitats, called the B330, to low-lunar orbit as early as 2022.

The habitat would act like a lunar depot, where astronauts could live and train, and

where other companies could test their space tech.

If this sounds kind of familiar, it's because Bigelow has been working on inflatable space

habitats for over 10 years.

We covered their BEAM habitat last year when it was sent to the International Space Station for testing.

BEAM is a lot like a pillowy space closet, with 16 cubic meters of volume when it's fully inflated.

Right now, it's attached to the ISS with all kinds of monitors in it to measure things

like micrometeorite impacts and cosmic rays.

And so far, it's going okay!

It's still intact and safe for humans to live in, and it's being used as storage.

The plan is to keep it attached to the ISS for at least a couple more years to see how

it holds up.

The B330 habitat is basically a super-BEAM.

When expanded, it has a volume of 330 cubic meters, over 20 times more volume than BEAM,

and it can house up to six people.

But of course we'll need to get it off Earth first, which is where ULA comes in with their Vulcan rocket.

Vulcan is a big rocket redesign for ULA, with new, super powerful boosters and a second

stage called the Advanced Cryogenic Evolved Stage, or ACES.

It's also the only commercial rocket in development big enough to launch the B330.

But it's not done yet.

Vulcan won't be able to launch before 2019 at the earliest, and ACES won't be ready until 2023.

And ACES is essential for getting the B330 to the moon.

First, the inflatable habitat will spend up to a year in low-Earth orbit for tests.

Then, if everything works out, it will dock with ACES, which will push it on over to the moon!

With people in it!

But it will still be a while until ACES is ready.

So stay tuned!

Now, if you'd rather live in the moon instead of near it, you may be more interested in

hunkering down in a lunar lava tube.

Lava tubes are … well, tubes made by lava.

Scientists aren't always that creative with names.

There are a couple ways they can form, but one way is when underground lava cools and

hardens on the outside.

Then, the lava inside drains out and leaves behind a tube.

We've suspected there are lava tubes on the moon for a while, because we know it had

lots of volcanic activity early in its history -- but now we're pretty confident they're

actually there!

Back in 2009, researchers found an unexplained hole in the Marius Hills, a region of the

moon covered in volcanic rock and peaks from hardened lava.

And in 2014, more research confirmed that the so-called Marius Hills Hole was an opening

into some kind of long cavern -- so, possibly a lava tube!

But we still didn't know how far underground or how tall it was.

Then, last week, a team from JAXA, the Japanese space agency, confirmed it: The Marius Hills

Hole leads to at least one lava tube!

They used data from radio sounding -- basically, radar -- to find that the tube, or tubes,

start about 75 meters underground, and are around 75 meters tall.

Now, a big hole on the moon may not sound that exciting, but it would actually make

a really great place to live.

See, our atmosphere on Earth is awesome.

It protects us from high energy radiation, keeps us all warm and cozy at night, and burns

up the meteorites that try to kill us.

Well, most of them.

Sorry, non-avian dinosaurs.

The moon, on the other hand, has a really thin atmosphere that's not very useful.

So, even with spacesuits on, astronauts would be exposed to potentially dangerous cosmic rays.

And a long-term habitat on the moon's surface would be vulnerable to meteorites and freezing temperatures.

We could overcome all those engineering challenges, but an underground moon base would solve those

problems with much less work.

Rock, especially dense rock like volcanic basalt, is really good at filtering out cosmic rays.

It also traps heat in and, if it's thick enough, provides shielding against meteorites.

So scientists looking at moon colonization are big fans of lava tubes as potential real estate.

And now, thanks to this new research, we know there's at least one tube big enough for

astronauts to live in.

We'd just need to figure out what sort of housing to put inside them.

But, like some scientists have pointed out, an inflatable habitat in a lava tube might

be a great idea.

So someday, maybe Bigelow Aerospace will also start an underground moon base.

And then we'd all be living in a James Bond movie!

Lava tubes are pretty sweet on their own, but the technology scientists use to find

them can be used for other tunnels as well.

You can learn more about similar tubes here on earth with Brilliant's Oil Prospecting

quiz, which takes you through how gravitational anomalies are used to locate oil deposits

in the ground.

So since we're going to take a quiz, let's go to the SciShow Quiz Show set to check it out.

So I don't actually know anything about oil prospecting, so I'm going to kinda back

up in the lesson so I can learn more before diving into this part of the quiz.

So this oil prospecting lesson's really cool because it's not anything I ever would

have thought about.

They're using calculations that we use to talk about planets to talk about the stuff

that's under the ground in the earth.

So based on what I read before in the lead up to this part of the question I think the

answer is, "It's The Same."

And I got it right!

So you'll always learn a lot with but it is definitely not over your head.

There's always lots of information that you can unpack to help you figure out the quizzes.

I think it is really fun to get sucked into the world they create with each lesson and

I think you'll like it too.

So if you want to check it out and help SciShow Space you can go to

and the first 200 people that check it out will get 20% off of their annual subscription.

So thanks!

For more infomation >> Two New Ways We Could Live on the Moon! - Duration: 5:28.


How Earn Money 15$ to 20$ Daily From Appgreedy Android Mobile App 2017 - Duration: 10:09.

How Earn Money 15$ to 20$ Daily From Appgreedy Android Mobile App 2017

For more infomation >> How Earn Money 15$ to 20$ Daily From Appgreedy Android Mobile App 2017 - Duration: 10:09.


Three cheers for Sens. Corker and Flake changing their minds - Duration: 2:23.

When Republican Senators Jeff Flake and Bob Corker turned their retirement

announcements into a Trump takedown, Democrats, NeverTrumpers and pundits

couldn't get enough.

But admiration is a fickle thing.

Many are now whining that the senators are giving up,

that they're mercenary, they should have done it sooner.

Why is it that Republicans only speak up against Donald Trump when they

know they're not running for re-election? They finally grow a set, then they say,

"I'm taking my balls and going home."

Some of that backlash is warranted, definitely.

But we should actually be celebrating the senators' willingness to reconsider

tough decisions and change their minds.

Do you regret supporting him in the election?

Let's just put it this way - I would not do that again.

These are the qualities of a reasonable person in a pluralistic society, and they're in short supply today.

A new book called, "How to Think," by Alan Jacobs, makes that clear.

There are genuine reasons why it's difficult and unusual to change your

mind even when the facts on the ground change, or when your understanding of

them finally catches up to what's really going on.

First reason? Sunk cost.

Both senators have sunk years into the Republican Party and months either

defending or tacitly supporting Trump. It's the cost of career advancement, and

changing your mind is like leaving money on the table.

Second reason?

Loss of membership or a sense of community.

Yes, the two senators will get to skip Senate

lunches with Mitch McConnell. Hooray!

But giving up the identity and community

makeup of being senators, Republicans, even just DC in-groupers,

that's a huge loss.

Okay, so it took not running for re-election

to give Flake and Corker the courage to publicly change their minds.

Yet we should still cheer their willingness to recognize and stand up for a greater

good than passing tax reform.

That of a healthy democracy and an America

with a conscience.

This congratulation is definitely still conditional.

And it depends on what the senators do next.

But forcing the senators to grovel and apologize for having thought Trump might one day

become presidential, or demeaning them because they didn't change their minds fast enough,

that risks making us the same closed-minded, vengeful types we criticize.

In this polarized and bullishly unthinking period of time,

let's at least be a little open to celebrating the good.

For more infomation >> Three cheers for Sens. Corker and Flake changing their minds - Duration: 2:23.


6 Unexplainable Videos and Ghosts Caught On Tape #09 - Duration: 10:48.

When there's Unexplainable Activity, there is always a chance, that someone gets out

their camcorder and documents the strange circumstances.

And sometimes that material will make us wonder.. if there are actual things in this world,

that can't be explained.

In todays episode, we want to check out 6 Unexplainable Videos and Ghosts Caught On


Two friends were investigating a local office building at night because a rumor was saying

that a ghost is roaming the hallways of the old heritage building.

Could it be legit ?

These 2 explorers were checking out the Gettisburg Park at night, when all of a sudden, a mysterious

figure can be seen on the right side next to the road.

This man rented an apartment over the internet, when he heard strange noises inside the house

upon his arrival.

What exactly could have been responsible for it ?

Two German explorers ventured through an abandoned asylum at night when unnatural activity startled

them, and forced them to go for a quick exit.


owner of this piano claimed that it started to play by itself, once in a while.

Is this video proof of a ghostly entity ?


young woman was following a legend that a spirit of a girl wast trapped inside this

abandoned train car..

Thank you guys for watching and stay frosty!

For more infomation >> 6 Unexplainable Videos and Ghosts Caught On Tape #09 - Duration: 10:48.


I Went To Crunchyroll Expo. - Duration: 26:20.

There is some truth in the saying that the best things in life are unplanned.

I went to Crunchyroll Expo.

It wasn't something I was planning on doing until 2 months before the event.

This is a story of the events that led to this, and the experience at the con.

If you're only interested in the latter, here's the timestamp in which I start talking

about it.

It'll also be on the description.

Around June, the thought occurred that I wanted a vacation on my birthday week.

I haven't had a chance since I started this new job.

At first, I didn't know what to do.

I asked colleagues around about ideas for internal tourism.

Then, on break one day, I read a promotional tweet from the Crunchyroll Twitter account

about their Expo and the dates: August 25th to the 27th.

I first read about this announcement some months ago, but wasn't thinking of attending

- all I wanted was some time away to relax.

Like pieces of a puzzle, it all started to come together.

"Wouldn't it be nice if I could attend the event?"

After some pondering, I decided to just follow my feelings and go.

Since I just had a credit card approved, and some decent savings to boot, the choice was

made all the more easy.

The first things I bought were the plane tickets.

I haven't flown since the year 2000 and had no idea how the experience had evolved;

it was both unnerving and exciting at the same time.

I made a conscious decision to travel on my own – I rejected dad's offer to accompany

me, I wasn't going to meet with friends, I have no family in California and, if something

were to happen to me, I'm on my own.

Heavy stuff for someone who hasn't traveled alone, but hey - there's always a first

time for everything!

Next, the hotel.

I don't know much about how the hospitality business sells itself, but I wanted one thing

– free food.

A lot of hotels close to the venue didn't have a buffet or complimentary breakfast or


Not spending money on food because it came with the package?

Hell yeah, I wanted that!

I ended up staying at the Embassy Suite.

Breakfast was covered and there were a number of choices around to eat, hotel restaurant

included - it was all right!

There was a manager's reception in the evening, but it's mostly to consume alcohol.

I sure wasn't in the mood to drink when I came back.

I had no idea how the room looked either, but more on that later.

Lastly, the event pass.

It would be a shame if I booked the plane and hotel but not the con pass.

It looked like that'd be the case, but it was due to me waiting on the final guest list.

I knew I wanted a VIP pass for the perks and goodies, but the guests were a deciding factor

between it and the highest tier, VIP Plus.

It took a month and then a tweet came.

That sealed the deal.

I wanted Adam Savage's autograph.

In retrospect, it was the best deal I could get at the time.

I had trouble selecting the other 3 guests I'd like autographs from, so I went with

recognition factor.

Bad idea?

I don't even know.

Departure day arrived.

A quick breakfast to get me ready for the 8 hour trip - a flight from Puerto Rico to

Texas, then to California.

Dallas's airport is huge - I didn't expect I would be taking a train to get to the connecting


It was chock full of stores as well.

It was bewildering, taking all of this in.

Some hours later, I arrived at the San Jose airport.

First thing I noticed once I got out was the nice weather – it was sunny, but I wasn't


As someone used to humidity, California's dry heat was a nice change and it's certainly

more enjoyable.

Included in the package's offerings was a shuttle from the airport to the hotel and


I waited for one for about 15 minutes before calling the hotel, only to find out they didn't

offer the service!

I was miffed.

I had to take an Uber to the hotel.

Earlier in the day, I received an email about a window on Thursday for those who wanted

to pick up their badges at the venue.

I arrived at about 5:30 local time – I wasn't going to let this opportunity pass!

I left my stuff at the room and walked to the event.

'It's a two mile walk back and forth – how hard can this be?'

Boy, would that come back to haunt me later.

More on this soon.

After admiring the weather, I grabbed my pass, inquired about the hotel goodies and I was

back in before dinner.

One thing I couldn't help being surprised at: the room was big.

Sure, I expected a bed, but I didn't know I'd have a living room!

While I barely used it, it was a nice addition.

Friday morning.

By this time, Hurricane Harvey threatened to make landfall in Texas on the weekend.

I couldn't help feeling stressed when I realized my layover flight was in Dallas and I had

no idea if this was going to be a problem that needed solving at the last minute.

Thankfully, the airline reassured me that my flight back had not been cancelled.

Mom, who has travelled more than I have, let me know that all airports have hotels - if

an emergency were to happen, I could rent a room there.

It should be fine as long as I have cash on me and, fortunately, that wasn't a problem.

I walked to the event, like the day before.

Arrived an hour early, hoping to get some bearings on my surroundings.

Where are the points of interest?

With that out of the way, I wanted to get into the Exhibit Hall.

One of the perks of the VIP and VIP Plus pass was that I got early access to it.

We were queuing at the Main Stage, electronic music blaring and a reassurance that we'd

get entry before 1PM.

We *did* enter first, but it felt like there wasn't any lead over the Premium members

and the general public.

As soon as the last queuing VIP entered, the main hall doors opened and it's open season.

I made a beeline to the Crunchyroll Expo booth to claim a shirt exclusive to VIP pass holders

and a lanyard I bought in advance.

The queue circled the booth - it was crazy.

Staff were doing their best to keep the line, but I don't think they anticipated the sheer

volume of people.

There was a staff member shouting out shounen lines while circling around and, I'll be

honest, it felt awkward.

I heard a hype man coming from the Aniplex booth right in front of the Expo store talking

about posters: in exchange for filling out a survey, we would be given a poster from

either one of 4 Aniplex properties.

There was a Monogatari Second Season poster and a Sword Art Online Ordinal Scale poster

- can't recall the other two.

I wanted that Monogatari poster.

Some 10 minutes later after queuing, the hype man mentioned that they ran out of Monogatari


With the survey completed, I reluctantly chose the SAO poster.

Keep this in mind, for it would become an event in the future that I derive mild amusement


I ran to the Sudachi Stage to catch the first panel I wanted to attend - one about the localization


I wasn't allowed to film this panel, unfortunately.

It is important to stick by the rules - the last thing I wanted was to become 'persona

non grata' on the first year.

There was some interesting discourse in the Q&A session - the people asking questions

had either programming or subtitle timing backgrounds.

While I can't recall specifics, the discussion boiled down to 'we gotta work with what

we have or someone will replace us'.

A rather poignant statement.

Thankfully, my thoughts on how Japanese businesses work is outside this video's scope.

I sent a message to Elliot Trinidad, a CR collaborator who I have regular conversations

with to see if we could meet up.

He was busy all day hosting panels.

One of those, Dream Daddy, got moved to 3:15 - I didn't want to miss my chance of observing

at a distance!

I didn't have any intent of attending the panel at first but, y'know, memes.

Trinidaddy memes.

Adam Savage time next.

I left the Dream Daddy panel 15 minutes before the session and already there was a huge line

waiting for him.

One of the good things about this session that wouldn't be repeated with the other

three was a dedicated VIP line and was I glad to be one: by the time I left, 3 hours

after the session started, Adam was still there, signing autographs!

While waiting, I talked with a Persona 5 Joker cosplayer and his friend - it seemed my accented

English peaked their interest, which...surprised me.

I don't hear about people being interested in that and I definitely noticed some odd

eyes back at the airport when I tended to a Spanish telemarketing call...

Anyway, the line started moving, I made small talk, grabbed an autograph, a picture and

got out of there.

Next on the schedule, the Digibro vs Gigguk panel.

I've seen some of the skirmishes these two Youtubers had and it'd be hilarious to attend

a panel where they roast each other face to face.

CR filmed the whole panel - after some time deciding whether it was going to be uploaded

in CR's channel or Digibro's, plus an unofficial upload that was garnering somewhere

close to 40,000 views as of recording, CR gave the footage to Digibro which he made

available on his channel.

I also managed to get some footage from the event from the front lines.

I had an hour to spare after the panel was over.

It was around this time in which I introduced myself to Nate Ming, the customer support

lead and an individual who I speak to on a regular basis.

The setup was awkward, I thought - figuring out the status of the hotel goodies I was

supposed to receive, being back and forth between the VIP and the Info Desk.

I was sent over to customer support's desk in order to find out more.

I stated my case, they did some inquiries and, at the end, introduced myself.

It was stupid to say something along the lines of 'personal privilege' - at least he

took it well.

We made small talk, gave me his card in case my issue didn't get solved and I went on

my way.

I wandered across the Exhibit Hall, looking for things to buy.

I bought a Megumin figurine and a figma of the Persona 3 main protagonist this round.

Earlier on, I bought some CRX exclusive shirts and the physical version of the Persona 5


And, speaking of Persona 5, the game was a big thing at CRX; not only in the Artist Alley

visit the following day: cosplayers, merch, what have you.

Even a prankster sent a calling card to Victoria Holden.

Memes are eternal.

The last two events of the day were a Digibro panel and the second signing session with

three of the Final Fantasy XV voice actors.

The former was a 40 minute Q&A live panel with his fans & followers called 'Digibro

Before Dark'.

I didn't record footage of it and it wasn't necessary: the full video's on his After

Dark channel.

I found it hilarious that he was gifted a beer before the Q&A started - by his admission,

he drank 4 beers with Gigguk prior to the versus panel.

I have reason to believe he was, at least, somewhat tipsy.

I couldn't say if the panel was a train wreck or a masterpiece, as I left 15 minutes

into it to queue for the autograph session.

While waiting, I spoke to a man who was there because one of the actors voiced Junkrat and,

apparently, his autograph was the only one missing in a Overwatch artbook he'd been

collecting signatures of the cast.

The man was fascinating to listen to, even if I don't care much for the game: radio

preparation, podcaster, runs a Youtube channel...we have similar backgrounds.

Although he was braver than me.

If anything, the conversation made me realize I shouldn't be afraid of putting my content

out there.

Prints were being sold for the guests to sign.

I should've bought one - their signature on the mini CRX poster felt cheap.

It wasn't a money issue, either - just that a majority of the prints didn't appeal to

my aesthetic.

Yet, a Noctis one that was for sale looked awesome.

I was ready to call it a day - I was hungry, tired, both backpacks were full of stuff and

my feet hurt.

Remember the whole walking to the venue thing?

Turns out Chuck Taylors are not walking shoes.

It was a bad idea to walk to the event and would seek a hotel closer to the venue next


Took an Uber back to the hotel.


The con started earlier and I was determined to take more pictures of cosplayers.

To a degree, I did!

The one I wanted the most was of a Dr. Eggman cosplayer I saw yesterday.

There were lots of cosplayers as expected from the busiest day.

The day started with a mini panel - Crunchyroll marketed these as 'CRX Chats'; panels

lasting anywhere between 15 and 20 minutes.

I caught a glimpse of a spirited display by Dallas Middaugh, head of Crunchyroll's manga

division on why manga matters.

He went into the nitty gritty of how manga influenced comic books throughout their history

- this could've easily been a full panel, I feel.

Given how many panels were on manga, some more important than this one, this was the

best course of action.

After that, the one I came for: 'Becoming a Fan of Fandom'.

Adam Sheehan, director of events at Crunchyroll, shared his experience from countless years

managing expo presence, notably for FUNimation, and why he comes back for more.

Right next door, the Anime Feminist panel.

Lauren Orsini and Amelia Cook spoke on surviving the toxic side of anime fandom as a feminist.

At times, it felt like a pitch for AniFem but, at the end, I was convinced there can be a feminist discussion

regarding anime and manga.

And that I feel disgusted by men feeling within their right to attack women because they dare

to have an opinion contrary to them.

Digibro's autograph session was next.

The queue was rather small compared to Gigguk's, who was at the booth next to him.

A lot of ladies, too.

Remember that SAO poster I got from the Aniplex booth the day before?

I had an idea.

When my turn came up, I explained the story and asked him to 'deface' the poster to

give it some value.

Yes, I actually said deface.

He was happy to oblige.

The first thing he did was draw devil horns and a Hitler mustache on Kirito.

I could not contain my laughter!

We took a picture and off I go.

While I visited the Yoshitaka Amano gallery yesterday, I didn't have a chance to film.

I was happy when I was told I could.

Half gaming, half Hunter x Hunter, one rarely gets the opportunity to get this close to

the original keyframes.

While I didn't cared much for the early Final Fantasy titles, the art was still breathtaking

to watch.

Some time later - I don't have much to say on the influencer panel I attended prior - it's

Jeopardy time!

This is likely the "panel", if it can be called that, that I enjoyed the most.

Geoff, Arkada and Victoria were competing for bragging rights.

At first, the projector didn't want to play nice with Miles's laptop.

A room full of people were cheering when it worked and booing when it went out - it was


While the staff figured out what was going on, Victoria had the contestants play the

Evangelion theme song on their kazoos.

I didn't get footage of that, but Geoff's fianceé did.

As much as I would love to upload the full show, two things - the second half I was fighting

with my stabilizer arm, so the footage isn't the best and this...this needs to be experienced.

If you're ok with a few best moments of the first half...

Oh, and when everything looked like Geoff was going to win, Victoria gave the biggest upset, taking

home the win.

My feet were killing me at this point.

I needed to sit down for an extended period of time.

But also, I wanted to buy something I could have Arkada sign.

He streamed Persona 5 earlier during the week and my mind went to that.

There were no official prints available at the Exhibit Hall earlier.

The lady I met yesterday at the Adam Savage autograph lane reminded me about Artist Alley

- the perfect excuse to go.

Elliot, in a response message, mentions he's browsing the Alley when I was going to be

there - killed two birds with one stone.

I wanted one print, I came out with 7.

And I took a picture of a Futaba cosplayer - God is good.

I didn't have the strength to go on - I went back to the Exhibit Hall to eat and wait

until Arkada's session in two hours.

I believe I did some more shopping at this time - namely Nendoroids.

I had already met two of the three people I would've loved to meet during the Expo.

I should note: Victoria and Miles were up and down the venue - there was no way I could

introduce myself properly.

I reached out to Sam Wolfe, one of the guys in the brand team I talk with, to see if he

would like to meet.

He was filming a Main Event panel when all of this happened - he exited briefly to say


What a nice fellow to talk to.

Just like Nate - he was surprised at how far I travelled to be here.

Barring some of the guests, I'm likely the attendee who has traveled the farthest.

But hey - I'm just a guy who decided to make this his birthday gift.

Arkada's session came up.

I got there early - the 15th person in line.

At lack of topics to bring up, I brought up the earlier Persona 5 stream in small conversation.

Apologized that I didn't follow the rule of backseat gaming because I couldn't bear

watching him getting lost in the room before the boss in Haru's palace.

Strangely, I got an insight on why streamers have these kind of rules.

It seems obvious, but most streamers aren't looking for help - they let you sit right

next to them but they still want to explore things themselves.

Fair enough.

I gave him one of the Persona 5 posters I bought for his signature, in which he wrote

'Go To Bed!', acting like Morgana.

Well, that was random!

I couldn't help but laugh.

We took a picture and I was out of there.

And that was CRX for me.

I dropped by Nate's booth to let him know that the hotel goodies situation was solved

and to say goodbye.

I was not looking forward to waking up at 3AM the next day.

Not only was I not going to spend CRX's last day in California, but it was cold...

64 degrees Fahrenheit.

I was shivering.

As soon as the plane departed San Jose, I started crying.

I couldn't get myself to stop.

Despite knowing I would do this next year.

Despite not shedding a single tear at the gate.

A flurry of emotions came in, all at once.

I was crying on and off for over 30 minutes.

I wanted Chick-fil-A when I got back to Texas, but I got lost at the gigantic Dallas airport.

I didn't have time to waste - McDonalds it was.

And I had to eat it on the plane, since they were boarding by the time I got back.

Lesson learned: I won't take a layover of less than 2 hours again - if I can help it.

When I got back home to Puerto Rico, mom mentioned the suitcase was wet.

I didn't pay it too much mind - it was raining in Dallas and the suitcase was insulated against


However, when I opened up the suitcase, all of the promotional stuff and two posters I

was looking to put up had water damage beyond repair.

Thankfully the artists put their prints inside bags - I still have a respectable wall full

of posters thanks to that detail.

If there's something I regret, it's not staying for the full duration of the event.

With better planning, it is something I aim to correct next year.

And that's the story of how I spent an insane amount of money on a trip to California...for

an anime convention.

Anime is trash...and so am I.

Thank you for watching.

Until next time, with nothing more to say, signing out.

For more infomation >> I Went To Crunchyroll Expo. - Duration: 26:20.


【衝撃】 - 『奥様は、取り扱い注意』無理な展開に「視聴離脱者」多発! - 最新!裏芸能ニュース速報! - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> 【衝撃】 - 『奥様は、取り扱い注意』無理な展開に「視聴離脱者」多発! - 最新!裏芸能ニュース速報! - Duration: 4:06.


NEW DISNEY Mystery Pin | ThemePark Monthly | Disney Unboxing | October 2017 - Duration: 10:55.

I got mail today's mail day and I received three packages in the mail one

of them is from an ear shop called Magic Castle ears one is my theme park monthly

pin subscription and one happens to be a gift from a client of mine that I just

sent down to Walt Disney World I will say her name is Paula that's all I'm

going to say so Paula thank you so much for sharing this with me I cannot wait

to see what's inside oh my goodness oh I can kind of see what it might be it

looks like it might be a pin but I see a note first of all let me just preface

this Paula that I'm referring to is the sweetest sweetest sweetest client and

she sent me a note coral I can't thank you enough for all your help in making

our fall vacation such a success I hope you like the pins love Paula I do I have

the nicest clients ever and I'm so excited Paula knows I collect end oh my

gosh this is gorgeous oh my goodness I have here a limited edition 2017 Epcot

International Food and Wine Festival pin Beauty and the Beast themed with Belle

and Lumiere but just wait wait until you see what this pin does

guys look it lifts up how cute is that I've got to come forward a little bit oh

my goodness look at this try the gray stuff it's delicious look

at all of that oh my gosh Paula if you're watching I don't have any limited

edition pins I feel so special right now I'm so excited

I love I just treasure this I treasure you thank you for thinking of me I'm so

moved right now thank you and I believe there is another one oh my

goodness Oh oh my gosh are you kidding me okay

seriously she's taking my breath away because Paula knows that I have been

collecting the nesting doll pins and I haven't had success picking the ones I

wanted she listened so carefully and believe it or not she's found and shared

with me the Merida pin which I so badly wanted and I never ever got in any of my

packages the Bell pen look at Belle with her beautiful gown on

and the snow white pin oh my goodness look at this

and to boot okay because I also collect the tsumtsum pins and she knows and I've

mentioned it before how much I love your she shared with me an e or pin so she

must have purchased these bags and she's sharing with me the ones that I

mentioned in my videos that I didn't get in the ones I really really desperately

wanted I cannot believe you have shared this with me Paula and I am so excited

to add this to my pin collection thank you so much for your generosity and our

new friendship I I treasure you that's my Paula gifts and I am just blown away

the best I don't think these boxes can top that sorry but they're gonna be

great oh my gosh I'm just I love my job I really really do what I'm gonna be

opening up now since we're going on with the pin theme and here I have a theme

park monthly subscription box now this is 29.95 I received this every month in

the mail and these pins there are three Disney World pins they come directly

from one of the theme parks down in Walt Disney World and they're chosen for me

and I love this company Oh always in the top there's a thank you card thank you

for being a subscriber oh my gosh you guys alright first of all you know I

know a lot of people hate this Disney Kitty I know you hate these but I just

love them because I don't have a cat that goes crazy over these I'm kind of

like that cat who's like buying into it because I'm so excited to make a mess

and honestly I use it to package other things so I quite love it first pin I'm

starting with is a large pin you guys it's a large pin it

is green pricing and not only the green pricing the screen as you see in the

back but it is a green pest gal from tangled and would you believe that last

night I was actually watching tangled I Pascale he's so cute and he's so big

what a big pin and love this thank you this one I already snuck a peek at

because I could see him and I am in love with this pin another huge pin this is a

blue pin and again I don't know the pricing of the codes the color codes but

I'm sure someone does so if you know what blue or green pin costs are just

let me know but check out this Nightmare Before Christmas Jack Skellington

amazing pin look at the detail on that pin it says Jack Skellington man of your

screams what love it's like steel gray and like a lavender in the background it

is so sharp check that out and again the size is huge perfect for

this time of year hold up people because those of you who watch my channel know

how much I love the Haunted Mansion well I've got a Haunted Mansion pin exclusive

pin from Walt Disney World it's the Disney Parks collection pin it is a

yellow pin and I have Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck in a doom buggy and you see

the three hitchhiking ghosts on the bottom up on the top of their dune

buggies the dune buggies are what they call the little ride vehicles in the

Haunted Mansion ride that is awesome it's awesome

love the Haunted Mansion ooh I just got haunted mansion ears

I should have been wearing those I would have been really smart because it would

be perfect but I love it so we have a yellow a green and a blue pin pins this

month could not be any happier I love them all if you're a pin collector and

you love all things Disney consider checking out theme park monthly I will

link all of their information in the description box below see if one of

their subscription boxes fits your need this definitely is perfect for me and

last but not least one more box to unbox this is from an ear company that I just

found out about from a friend of mine rwan and she has a youtube channel

called the Disney damsels and they post videos every week so if you're not yet

subscribed to the Disney damsels with rwan and Nina a fantastic Disney duo

definitely go check them out they are fantastic rwan informed me of this ear

shop and as soon as I saw them on Instagram I said yes

I need some thank you very much oh I ordered from them and I have a cute

little thank you nicely packaged in a red tissue paper Oh blessed be you guys

you guys what did I say about Haunted Mansion

ears I ordered Haunted Mansion tears for a match castle here's two look would you

look at my ears guys this is from Haunted Mansion in the shrinking room or

the lengthening room whatever you call it

come on and you guys this fabric is perfection and and let me tell you

something these ears are very comfortable

they're very very nice these might be going with me on my next Disney trip if

you haven't heard about that trip I'll make an announcement soon and and leave

a you guys okay Nightmare Before Christmas ears

I mean if you could just see how gorgeous this fabric is I don't know if

it's gonna come up in the video but if not I'll just take really awesome

pictures but check out the details looks like stained glass we've got Jack

Skellington Sally Santa Claus and I forget these little the trio of ghoulish

kiddos what they're called but ears oh my gosh I'm loving them so I got two

pairs of ears from Magic Castle ears I just love the way these guys look

they're just different you know I like different year so yay for my new to my

two new ears I might have just bought two more pairs of ears from her too

because I fell in love with two more pairs this is what happens and it's

rawand fault rwan you know it's your fault so I hope you guys loved those

three unboxings and I did one from my dear friend Paula one from theme-park

monthly my pin subscription box and the last one from that Magic Castle ear shop

thank you guys so much for watching my channel here we do a lot of Disney tips

and tricks videos we do unboxings as you can see and really any kind of video

Disney related I try to do on this channel if you're not yet subscribed to

coral joy travel please hit that red subscribe button below

that'll help my channel grow and give this video a thumbs up take care guys

your Disney adventure awaits

For more infomation >> NEW DISNEY Mystery Pin | ThemePark Monthly | Disney Unboxing | October 2017 - Duration: 10:55.


JBugs - Tech Tip - Quick Change Push Rod Tube - Duration: 2:27.

Last week when one of our employees was off-roading in the desert,

he and his friends had pulled into camp for the night.

After unloading and settling down, he noticed that a puddle had quickly developed under his friend's car.

A closer inspection revealed that the number three push rod tubes had been damaged-

most likely from a rock that had been kicked up into them.

After the car had cooled down a bit, they cleaned the tubed off with some carb cleaner.

When a visitor slithered up they decided to call it a night.

The next morning the valve cover bale was popped off

and the valve cover was removed.

The rocker assembly nuts were unthreaded,

and the rocker assembly was pulled off the head.

The push rods were removed from the tubes.

So they wouldn't be damaged when a pry bar was used to remove the leaking tubes from the engine.

The case and head were cleaned up in preparation for the quick change adjustable tubes.

A bit of oil from the valve cover was used to lube the seals on the new tubes,

then the tubes were slid into place on the engine and the cylinder head.

The lock nuts for the tubes were threaded down to lock the tube in place

and two crescent wrenches were used to lock the jamb nuts together.

The push rods were slid back into place into the tubes

and the rocker assembly was installed back onto the studs after aligning all the push rods.

The valves were adjusted on both cylinders to make sure they were in spec after removing the rockers.

The valve cover was set back in place

and the bale was pushed back on.

Lastly, they checked the oil to make sure the engine wasn't running low from the leak

and the fix was complete so they could enjoy the rest of their trip.

This is exactly what quick change, 2 piece or adjustable push rods as some call them, are for.

They are intended as a quick fix for a damaged tube in a temporary capacity.

We never recommend using 2 piece push rod tubes as a permanent fix for an oil leak.

Adjustable push rod tubes just offer another place for the oil to leak from.

However, in the right place, at the right time, the tubes can mean the difference between cutting a trip short

or finishing off a weekend in the dirt.

Thanks for watching, stop by for all your off road parts and your vintage Volkswagen parts and accessories.

For more infomation >> JBugs - Tech Tip - Quick Change Push Rod Tube - Duration: 2:27.


EP065: Comic Book Origins - Superman - Duration: 10:19.

[Main Theme]

Hello everyone!

And welcome to our very special 65th episode of MajestiComic.

Over the past sixty-four episodes, we have profiled some of the greatest superheroes

in all of comic books.

Today, though, it is finally time to bring you the superhero who started it all: Superman.

Standing for truth, justice, and the American way, Superman was meant to be one of the greatest

heroes of all time, and something that we should all aspire to be.

He was the first real, bona fide superhero to ever get his own comic book, and has inspired

hundreds of characters and touched millions of lives since he first appeared in Action

Comics in 1938.

Most comic book fans know this, of course, but what they may not know is that there is

more to the story.

Superman as we know him – the strong, brave, bold Kryptonian who came to Earth as a baby

and was raised as a kindhearted farmboy by an older couple from Kansas – is actually

a second draft.

The original Superman actually appeared in a short story in 1933, and was not really

very super or heroic at all.

Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster, the creators of both this original Superman and the Superman

we know and love, were in high school when they first began writing and drawing comics.

They then tried to sell their stories to magazines and other publications to make money.

This was during the Great Depression, and money was tight.

Unfortunately, though, all of the magazines they queried weren't interested, as their

work was something completely new and different.

So, Siegel and Schuster went into business for themselves, and began to print their own


With Siegel as the writer and Shuster as the artist, the pair produced a magazine dedicated

to science fiction stories, which was where they eventually came to print their first

incarnation of Superman.

As I said before, this Superman was not like the Clark Kent version of Superman.

In fact, the name itself was spelled a bit differently, with a hyphen between the "super"

and the "man."

The Reign of the Super-Man was a story inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche's idea of an Ubermench,

which translates roughly to "superman," or to "overman" or "hyperhuman," – in

other words, a man with greater powers than a human is meant to have.

This idea had been used by many different authors and scholars at many different points

in history – in fact, the word "superman" was being used in English as early as 1903

– but for their story, Siegel and Shuster imagined this "super-man" as a weak man

who gained incredible telepathic powers and set out to rule the world.

He was a bald man, and looked more like the popular Superman villain Lex Luthor than the

Superman we know, and he was more of an allegory on the dangers of power than a true comic

book character.

So, that Super-man faded into obscurity, and Siegel and Shuster later decided to take out

the hyphen and start all over with their Superman character.

Finding inspiration in mythology and heroic tales of the past like Hercules and the Biblical

Samson, as well as characters from pulp magazines like Doc Savage and Buck Rogers, Siegel and

Shuster created an all-new person, a hero this time.

This character wasn't out to destroy the world, he was out to save it, fighting against

real-life threats like Hitler and Stalin, as well as your average low-life thugs from

the street.

They created a costume for him that resembled that of a circus performer or an astronaut,

and that costume would go on to be the prototype for nearly all of the superheroes who came

after him.

They gave him handsome, movie-star looks reminiscent of a popular actor of the time named Douglas

Fairbanks, and they gave his an alter ego a name that combined the Clark from actor

Clark Gable, and the Kent from actor Kent Taylor.

Everything about him seemed to be made to appeal to the average American reader... but

yet, their first attempts to publicize Superman were completely unsuccessful.

The pair tried to pitch their idea to many comic book publishers, but they got rejected

over and over again.

The publishers had only really seen comics that featured characters who were human beings,

and who had real-life powers.

This man with super strength and the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound was

too quote "fanciful" for them, and they didn't see how it would work.

Fortunately, though, it only takes one person to give you a chance to show what your character

is made of, and National Allied Comics gave Siegel and Shuster that chance.

In 1938, the company that would later become DC Comics published Action Comics #1, an anthology

that featured many other characters in addition to the duo's revamped Superman.

This Superman character, though, turned out to be wildly, ridiculously, unprecedentedly

popular, and almost immediately had to be given his own solo comic book series.

Since then, Superman has been going strong, and his story has never stopped.

But where did that story start, though?

We know the origins of the Superman comic book, and how it came to be, but what about

the character of Superman?

What is his origin story?

Let's take a look at it now and find out.

As most DC fans know, DC Comics often reboots or reimagines the origin stories for many

of their characters every decade or so, and Superman is no exception.

In the 1930s and 40s, known as the Golden Age of Comics, Superman's origin begins

on the planet Krypton, as it does in the other versions as well.

At this point, though, he is called Kal-L, son of Jor-L, a Kryptonian scientist.

Jor-L discovers that the planet is about to explode, but no one believes him.

With no time left and no hope of saving themselves, Jor-L and his wife, Lara, put their baby in

a small spaceship and send him to Earth.

When the ship arrives on Earth, it is discovered by an older couple named Jonathan and Mary


At first they are not sure if they can raise a child, so they consider sending him to live

in an orphanage.

In the end, though, they decide to raise the baby as their own, and name him Clark.

As Clark grows up, he begins to develop more and more incredible powers, such as super

strength and x-ray vision, but they love him just the same.

Unfortunately, though, in this incarnation Jonathan and Mary both die, but before they

do, they call Clark Superman for the first time, and beg him to use his powers for good,

and for justice.

So, with this in mind, Superman moves to the big city of Metropolis, where his alter ego

Clark Kent gets a job as a reporter at the Daily Planet newspaper, and his superhero

alias Superman begins saving the world.

This first version of Superman, though, was a bit ruthless when it came to fighting crime.

He used a lot of brute force, and often killed people.

In the late 1940s, though, a new editor gained control of the project and banned Superman

from killing anyone.

So, Superman declared that he would never kill again, and if he did, he swore he would

retire from the superhero business.

In this version, Lois Lane is introduced as Clark –slash-Superman's love interest

and eventual wife, and Lex Luthor is introduced as his archenemy.

These things stay pretty much the same when the story is revamped in the Silver Age of


The Silver Age is also when we began to see the introduction of other members of the Superman

family, like Superboy, Krypto the Superdog, and Supergirl, who we profiled in a previous

video, as well as some of his most notable adversaries, like Bizarro, who we will profile

in the future.

The story of Clark Kent, though, was fleshed out as well, and we see that baby Kal-El's

ship lands in a small Kansas town called Smallville, where Clark begins exhibiting his powers even

when he was just an infant.

His parents are Jonathan and Martha this time, and a teenaged Clark now has two best friends

to connect him to his second hometown – Lana Lang and Pete Ross.

If you have watched the CW series Smallville, you will recognize that this Silver Age comic

is the basis for that particular Superman show.

In the comic book version, though, Jonathan and Martha still die (even if they live in

future versions), this time of a terrible disease that Superman just cannot cure.

But before they die, though, Clark convinces his mother to sew him a superhero costume,

so he can fight crime.

After Jonathan and Martha's deaths, Clark goes to Metropolis University, moves to Metropolis,

and eventually becomes the Superman he was meant to be.

As Superman, with even more new powers fueled by Earth's yellow sun, Clark not only fights

crime on his own, but he often joins forces with other heroes like Batman and Wonder Woman.

His most important connection, though, is probably with Lois Lane, the woman who, in

some incarnations of the story, eventually becomes his wife.

She loves both Clark Kent and Superman, which is lucky, since they turned out to be the

same person!

We will go into more detail on Lois in a future video (because this one is getting a bit long...

haha), but she, too, was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster to be a perfect match

for Superman.

She is tough, feisty, and would do anything to get a story for the Daily Planet... including

faking an accident to get the scoop on Metropolis' newest superhero.

Lois and Superman first met when he came to save her from an incident of her own making,

but she first met Clark when she went to turn in the story she had written about that incident.

When she went to hand in her report, she found that an article had already been written about

it – by a new reporter named Clark Kent.

She was furious with him at first, but eventually she and Clark became good friends, and the

rest, as you know, is history.

Superman, being one of the most important characters ever to appear in comic books,

obviously has a very rich, detailed history, and we have only just begun to scratch its

surface in this short video.

For now, though, the important thing to know is that Superman is responsible for bringing

the idea of superheroes into our lives, and for giving us something greater than ourselves

to believe in.

What are your thoughts on Superman?

Let us know in the comments section!

While you're here, don't forget to subscribe to our channel, and to follow us on Facebook,

Twitter, and Google+.

If you like talking about comics, you can also join our forum at

Thanks for watching!

Until next time.


[Credits theme]

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