Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 27 2017

When people talks about Barcelona

We think in architect Gaudi, the Olympic Games or the pupular Rambla Avenue

Barcelona is the most visited city in Spain and the twelveth more visited city in the world

Totally worth it when are in places such as this

Yes this is the popular Sagrada Familia

I have come very early in the morning

It is around... 8:20 in the morning

And there's no much people here around yet

But this place is always busy

and it is logic as it is one of the most famous places in the world

It is no lie that everytime I came here

I love to stay at least 10 minutes staring at it

And everytime you do that, you can always discover new details and things that catch your eye

But I did not come to teach you about Sagrada Familia actually

I can be talking a lot about Sagrada Familia as it is one of my favourite monument in the world

But today I have come to show you another spots from Barcelona

When people come to Barcelona, they usually know they are going to visit Sagrada Familia

Or Güell Park for example

Such places are the ones that you know for sure you have to visit

I have come to show you other spots

Spots that we loved to discover when we came here to live

Spots that are not that common and they are so cool

So come on and join me. Let's get going!

In this avenue, which is called "Rambla de Catalunya" I think

a curious quote is that the Spanish popular horror film "REC" have been shooted in a building here

I won't show you that building today

Because time is running short for all the places I want it to share with you guys

Furthermore that building is closed

You can see the entance and it i so scary as you can see that it is abandoned for years and years

And as far as I know it is only used for shooting movies and things like that

It will make one's hair stand on end

We are located now in famous Gracia Street

I did not came here on purpose

As this is a famous spot that probably most of you already know

And it is so common to come here

But I have to come by to get to another place so once we are here why not shoot a little bit

Here you can find the more luxury and fancy stores of the city and probably Spain too

At my back you can see "Batllo's House"

If you ever come to visit Barcelona while they are celebrating Sant Jordi

Batllo's House is completely full of red roses and it so precious to see

Now that I have mentioned Sant Jordi

One thing that maybe not everybody knows about Barcelona

Is that in Barcelona we have almost 1,000 different dragons

All of them have been census by Andorran Photographer Josep Martinez

It is so fucking cool because most of the cities has their typical animal

And it is great to say that our typical animal is the dragon

It is like, Whaaaaat?

People that know me in real life

They get very surprised of what I am about to say

People always think that I am so outgoing and easy going

That I don't get ashamed easily

But actually that is not true

And I feel real panic everytime I have to do what I am doing know

Talking alone by the street to a camara

People may look and think "What the hell he's doing?"

"He is crazy"

In fact I have only a few videos which are recorded out door

Only a few actually

The one that I recorded in Valparadis

Which I rounded like a thousand times before recording

In fact I was about to leave without recording

I was telling to myself "I cannot do this, it is so embarrasing"

But at the end

I was just in front of the underground entrance preparing to leave

I stopped and said "Come on now that you are here, at least record something. One minute at least. Anything"


Well, like I am doing now

That I decided to come very early in the morning so there's no much people on the streets

A curious quote here in the Gothic Quarter

You can see the gargoyes standing up there everywhere

And the scary faces

The scary faces from the Gothic Quarter

I have not verified this information yet

but it is said that

When you see one of this gargoyles or faces and they are looking to the same direction

But then you find one of them that are looking to the opposite

In the ancient times that meant that in that direction was a house that were a brothel

Oh my the "Coffee Club"

"Please tell me what I have to do to join"

There is one thing that I suggest everyone to do it

It is a thing that my boyfriend and I have done a lot of times

It is getting lost in the Gothic Quarter

You sure have to do it if you ever come to Barcelona

Without tourist guides nor maps

Just yourselves

Just walking by, getting lost in the little streets that are so labyrinthic,

and just discover where the road leads you

Probably you will find a ot of cool places

And I would suggest you, to take note of that places

or at least remember the name of the store

the name of the place, or whatever

because another thing that happened to us so frequently

Is that we use to came here

find a super cool place

"Oh look at this place it is so fucking cool"

but then when we tried to get there the next time

We were not able to find anything

Now I have to walk in front of the Town Hall and Cataloniá Parlament

And it was not planned

In fact those are places I wanted to avoid

Because you all know the political situation here

I won't talk much about it

I prefer talking cool stuff about Barcelona, instead of ... well...

It can't be helped

Mum if you are watching this don't worry everything is fine

I have to confess that I have not recorded the moment because I thought that was so inapropiated

To record in such kind of moments...

But when I exit from the undergorund in Sagrada Familia

People started to scream so loud

People screaming near me

Just at the exit of the underground

And honestly I get so scared

So scared

Because just two months ago happened here a terrorist attack

At the endit was a girl that got hit by a car crossing the street while she had the red sign

It is so obvious for me I did not think in recording anything

I just tried to help in what I could

Here in Barcelona we can change the scenario so easily

And change from one Architectonic style to another

These are the columns of Roman August Temple

Those were built in century I b.C as far as I remember

Such a witness of the changes of the eras in the City

People found this while they were constructing a coutyard for a house, can you believe it?

You are fucked because no more courtyard for you

I am seriously thining about changing the name of the video

for something more like

Getting lost in the Gothic Quarter

| Could I ever get out of here?

| What is happening?

| You stop doing this

*Complain* I came here looking for a certain street

I have not come for getting lost

This is the Santa Maria del Pis Cathedral

It is entrance free

So pretty

It has some stained glass window that reminds me of Zelda Wind Waker

But for me everything in life reminds me to Wind Waker

I think it is this street...

I will look in Google Maps because I am so fucking tired *I said "cujons" which is a catalan expression

I wanted to come to this Street

We are in Petritxol Street

If you ever get tired of walking around the gothic

You can always come here to eat some traditional chocolates

It smells so good

Smells like chocolate

I am starving

Well, as we have recorded a lot of material and I don't want this to be so long

I don't want you to get so bored

We are goint to leave here by the moment

The video will be splitted in several parts

I will submit the next video next week

As always I hope you like it

I really have a lot of fun working on this

I think that is my favourite video in the channel this far

I honestly hope you all enjoied it

That you guys found something new or interesting

So give it a like if you like it so I will know that you want more videos like this

So I can bring more to the channel

Any comments or feedback you know it is appreciated

Use the comment box down here

Have a great weekend you all

See ya all next week


For more infomation >> Vlog #11 - Barcelona: Places (not so common) to Visit | Getting Lost in Gothic District - Duration: 12:07.


Eruza Five - 5Stages (Official Music Video) - Duration: 5:07.

Eruza Five - 5Stages (Official Music Video)

For more infomation >> Eruza Five - 5Stages (Official Music Video) - Duration: 5:07.


Learn Colors with The Secret Life of Pets Wooden Face Hammer Xylophone | The Finger Family Song - Duration: 4:25.

SUBSCRIBE to see all our future videos!

SUBSCRIBE to see all our future videos!

SUBSCRIBE to see all our future videos!

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with The Secret Life of Pets Wooden Face Hammer Xylophone | The Finger Family Song - Duration: 4:25.


Allo DigiOne SPDIF board for Raspberry Pi - Duration: 10:59.

When a manufacturer wants you to review a digital output board for the Pi at almost

triple the price they normally go for, you wonder if they really have something or are

just bolt.

For I will not compromise on integrity…..

Every few days people tell me that, since digital signals are digital, there is no difference

between digital sources.

All kinds of arguments follow, sometimes well thought out - though wrong - and sometimes

simply ignorant.

Point is that if I only change one digital source for another, I hear a clear difference

on my three reference setups or, if the difference is small, primarily on my big setup 1.

And I hear these differences for decades now, as do a lot of my colleagues.

I you don't hear any difference, you might buy better gear and or watch my series on

audio hygiene to improve YOUR stereo.

Or just don't bother, that's your choice.

I bring this up here since the subject of this review is a relatively expensive digital

audio output board for the Raspberry Pi and the big question of course is: does it sound

better than the clearly lower priced competition.

So buckle up for this one….

Allo sent me a board an a housing and as with almost all Pi housings, it came as a flat

pack without instructions and made me long for Ikea constructions.

But on the Allo site there is a clear instruction video that will help you out.

After assembly you end up with an elegant looking housing that, especially with the

current non-spring loaded microSD slot, makes it somewhat difficult to change microSD cards

and the same goes for the network connection.

But then again, that's mainly a reviewer's thing.

'Normal' people will insert the microSD and network cable only once and leave it there.

According to Allo there are 10 low-drop-out voltage regulators.

These have the advantage of having no switching noise at the expense of some heath dissipation.

Having 10 of them on board means that they must have been rather careful to supply clean

power to the different parts and - for instance - keeping the noise from the Pi out of the

DigiOne board.

Added to that they also claim to use DC/DC converters that do the same but do have switching

noise and lower dissipation.

There furthermore is extensive filtering, galvanic isolation and then reclocking, using

the Wolfson WM8805 SPDIF receiver to output the digital signal.

There is no optical digital output, for Allo considered that to be a waste of quality and

they are right.

I advise to use TOSlink only when I suspect that galvanic separation is needed.

The TOSlink connector has low bandwidth and if no galvanic separation is needed, RCA is

a better choice and BNC the best.

Since Allo has provided galvanic separation, it would be wasteful to provide TOSlink.

Remember the SOtM sMS-200 Ultra review I did?

No, the Allo DigiOne is not that good but it has the same charme as the sMS-200, the

basic model.

- It performs clearly better than any digital output board for the Pi I have tested up till

now, regardless the power supply used.

And I used the DigiOne mounted on a Pi 3B with the normal cheap wall wart connected

to the microUSB on the Pi.

De highs are surprisingly clean, there is more tonality in the lows compared to the

competition, and stereo image is also clearly bigger and more defined.

The sMS-200 with sBooster power supply offers more detail and sounds more relaxed, but then

we are talking about 750 euros of gear as where a complete DigiOne setup - Raspberry

Pi, DigiOne, microSD card, power supply and housing - is under 200 euros.

Compared the the HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro, the DigiOne has clearly superior highs, better

sibilance control, more openness and a somewhat deeper and better defined stereo image.

It better have, given the price difference, you might say.

But I use the HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro the way I described in the video 'HiFiBerry Digi+

Part 2'.

The link is in the show notes.

That is about the standard Digi+ Transformer version but the modification I did on the

Pro is the same.

And I used the AudioPhonics linear power supply that costs 89 euros making the total cost

of the total HiFiBerry Pro setup the same as the Allo with the cheap wall wart.

Then I came across an interesting phenomenon….

At the end of the day I wanted to enjoy some music so I selected the USB input on the Mytek

Brooklyn to listen over the SOtM sMS-200 Ultra that now is standard in my setup 1.

I left the Pi with DigiOne board connected to the SPDIF input of the DAC and kept it

under power but not selected.

I started playing one of my favourite albums, 'Urk' by The Nits - a Dutch band - and

immediately notice something was seriously wrong.

The album contains strong sibilance but playing over the Ultra and the Brooklyn that's no


But it was now.

Since I always will change only 'one' thing at a time in my reference setups, I

knew it must be the Pi/DigiOne combo.

So I disconnected the SPDIF and took the wall wart from the socket.

Immediately the sound as I know it was back.

It appeared that the switching mode power supply was the problem so I replaced that

with the Audiophonics linear power supply and that solved the problem.

It also generated a question.

If the switching mode power supply has so much influence on the main setup, how would

the DigiOne sound with the AudioPhonics power supply?

Well, slightly cleaner on the high end and more relaxed and certainly worth the 89 euros

the AudioPhonics costs or, if you like, slightly less for the iFi iPower that is a switching

mode power supply done well.

I now couldn't resist to try the sBooster power supply too.

That again gave an improvement but only slightly.

Audible on my setup 1 but not on the other two setups.

And given the alternatives nowadays, it is not wise to equip a 20k stereo with a Raspberry

Pi and DigiOne.

Although it is fair to say that three years ago I would have been very happy with the

DigiOne on a Pi and fed by an sBooster.

In my setup 2 - costing around 3k - it is a very fine solution when used with an AudioPhonics

or iFi power supply.

And clearly the better choice than the competition.

Whether it is worth the money in my setup 3 - a 1k set - I find hard to say since I

was stupid enough to start with my setup 1 and once you have heard the artefacts of a

device, you'll hear them everywhere.

My guess is that it will be noticed by some but not all.

For a simple digital output board for a Pi the price of 99 US dollars seems steep, rather


But it's no simple digital output board.

It is of very high quality compared to the competition.

Sure, use a microRendu or sMS-200 and an audiofile power supply and you get even more openness,

more detail, cleaner highs and so on.

But the tested setup with a standard power supply running the RoPieee image and Roon

came at about 65 percent of the sMS-200 using an sBooster power supply.

Using the Audiophonics linear power supply brought it to say 75% of the sMS-200 with


And please don't ask me what 75% means, I'm just trying to give you an impression

and that judgement will vary depending on your auditory system and your stereo.

Let me also put it in another way.

If you have a stereo in the same realm or higher than my setup 1, the best choice I

have found until now is the sMS-200 Ultra at 1700 euro's or more including a proper

power supply.

Below that the standard sMS-200 would be my choice and then the Raspberry Pi with Allo

DigiOne and AudioPhonics power supply.

Please do understand that I haven't reviewed all available products on the market and if

there is a manufacturer that thinks its product is better, please contact me.

This review started that way and I am glad Allo did contact me.

Developments in digital music reproduction go quickly now so if you want to stay informed,

subscribe to this channel or follow me on Twitter, Facebook or Google+.

See the show notes for the links.

If you have a question, post it below this video but please don't ask me for buying


See my About Questions video to find out why.

If you liked this video, please consider supporting the channel through Patreon and see super

exclusive videos too.

Just one dollar a month will do.

The link is in the show notes.

And don't forget to tell your friends on the web about this channel.

I am Hans Beekhuyzen, thank you for watching and see you in the next show or on

And whatever you do, enjoy the music.

For more infomation >> Allo DigiOne SPDIF board for Raspberry Pi - Duration: 10:59.


TheFatRat - Oblivion (feat. Lola Blanc) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:33.

I, I want you to lift me up so high, high

A place that no one's ever been

Take me to oblivion

Oh! Look! I wanna fill the dark with you

Look! a place no one's ever been

Take me to oblivion

A place no one's ever been

Take me to oblivion

I, I want you to lift me up so high, high

A place that no one's ever been

Take me to oblivion

Oh! Look! I wanna fill the dark with you

Look! A place no one's ever been

Take me to oblivion

For more infomation >> TheFatRat - Oblivion (feat. Lola Blanc) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:33.


Finger Family Song | popular nursery rhymes | Kids Song by KidsDelight TV with lyrics & Action - Duration: 1:56.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Subscribe for more videos and fun!!

For more infomation >> Finger Family Song | popular nursery rhymes | Kids Song by KidsDelight TV with lyrics & Action - Duration: 1:56.


April Transforms Into A Mummy For Halloween - Duration: 7:37.

- Hey NaturallyCurly world.

I'm April, and today we're going to be

transformed into our best Halloween selves.

We partnered with Jasmine Amazing, aka Gothess Jasmine,

who is a costumer and makeup artist extraordinaire.

Today she's going to be transforming me

into a mummy.

Today I want her to break out the gauze

and make me look wrapped and snatched

and ready to curse anybody who dares trespass on my tomb.

I want her to make me look like Sekhmet herself

has made me blood thirsty

and ready to curse anyone who opens my tomb today.

Okay, so.

I can't see, I'm in your hands now.

- Which eye do you want to be the eye?

- Let's see, I have my beauty mark on this eye,

so yeah, let's go with - Yeah, okay.

- this eye, it's my lucky eye.

- So I'm just putting primer on right now.

(spooky music)

Okay so, I'm gonna start in just with a little definition.

- So this is how I know I would've been treated

in a past life. - Mm hmm.

- Just like, "I could apply my own makeup

but that's for peasants."

- So I'm actually going to go in

with a little bit of a lighter blue first.

- I trust you. - Okay, okay good.

I'm gonna make you pretty and spooky.

- If there's anybody that I would want to do my Egyptian

funeral makeup and then pull my brains out

through my nose, it'd be you.

- Oh my gosh, that's such a compliment.

- One of my friends did go to mortuary school

and she is a practicing mortician right now.

And I wasn't thinking about it and she goes,

"April let me do your makeup one day."

I'm just like, "Okay."

And she goes, "But you have to be lying down."


- You know you could buy a coffin and urn on

- Wow. - You know I'm not

making it up, girl. - What?

- Mm hmm.

- Now they're being put out of the death business

by Walmart.

- How you gon' be put out of the death business?

- Right?

- Now I'm adding a little bit of black

to deepen this cut crease.

So I'm actually just decorating one eye

because this is gonna be the magical eye,

the lucky eye that'll be showing through the mummy's wraps,

and it has to be beautiful and glam

and so I'm just making a cut crease and making it dramatic.

Alright, so now it is lash time.

Okay, I'm gonna add a little bit of white underneath,

makes your eye look bigger. - Yup.

- So we have like an Egyptian goddess eye.

We like to think that maybe she was an evil sorceress

but she was very beautiful, no matter what.

So we went ahead and went with this glam look,

kinda have an interesting swirl

so it's not necessarily the classic that you've seen before,

and some gold, and a little bit of white on the bottom

to make her eye look bigger and now we're gonna wrap her up.

(evil laugh) - Alright, let's do it.

- Okay, so we're actually gonna start

wrapping with this gauze.

This was really inexpensive and got it from a local store.

And now I'm gonna apply latex in some key places

just to make sure that the gauze stays on,

so like right here, there's not a lot of facial hair

preferably because it is very uncomfortable

to take latex off of your hair.

It might even pull some out.

- It is a great thing I shaved my beard.

- Alright, I'm gonna go ahead

and wrap your hair into it, okay?

- Let's do it. - Let's do it.

So this is tucked right here,

so now when we continue the wrapping

most of it is already done.

We're about to cover up her other eye

and the rest of her face pretty much,

and then get rid of this tuck

so it doesn't have a weird lump.

Okay, so now I'm using my trusty scissors

and we're going to take all the ends of the gauze

that are showing and we're gonna kind of fray them up

because she wouldn't have been

still fresh if she was mummified so

we're gonna make her look all dirty and weathered.

Cutting shapes off

you really wanna pull it.

So I'm gonna go through with the powder brush

and some contour, and I'm gonna go in

with this lighter brown first just to make it a little bit

more antiqued and pretty much just get in there,

I might need a different powder brush.

I'm actually gonna use a contour brush, who'd have thought?

Just 'cause it's a little bit denser.

Alright, so I added a bunch of contour,

a little bit of black and brown body paint,

and I concentrated black around the neck

because I'm actually about to make it seem like

her throat was slit before she was mummified,

so we're gonna have some dried blood

coming out through there,

and she's looking all powerful and kinda evil.

I'm loving it.

We're gonna do a little bit of lips and then the blood

and our mummy will be ready to go,

ready to unravel, right?

So now we're applying this black lip, it's like my favorite.

Okay so here we have black lips,

a little bit of gold in between 'cause it kind of,

in my opinion, gives a more venomous look

and it's a little bit closer to skin color,

it's just really nice.

So now I'm gonna go through with some blood

I actually made earlier.

This is a combination of corn syrup, chocolate sauce,

and food coloring, so with this it's really sticky

and gooey but affordable to make and non-toxic.

A lot of people are allergic to the fake blood

that you can buy in store.

- This is gonna be undramatic 'cause I have to

put my glasses on. (laughs)

There we go, ahh! (laughs)

That's awesome, yes I totally believe that I died.

Coming back. - [Jasmine] Yas.

- Suffer the curse of April.

(thunder rumbles)

(spooky music)

This is my final look, I feel very unearthed.

I feel like we've really wrapped everything up.

I feel pretty badass actually.

I feel like my hands have been dipped in evil

and I am ready to curse somebody right now.

I'm ready to turn someone into a pile of sand.

I'm ready to send locusts into somebody's house.

I realize that that was the God of the Israelites

that did that but you know what?

I can take a cue, okay?

If you're really into Halloween transformations,

make sure to check out Evelyn's video

where she becomes a mermaid,

and Nikki's video where she becomes a werewolf.

If you like this video, make sure to like and comment

what you would be for Halloween.

Make sure to subscribe to the Naturally Curly channel.

We post videos every week

and we will see you next Friday with another fresh one, bye.

For more infomation >> April Transforms Into A Mummy For Halloween - Duration: 7:37.


Talbot's Mistake | Hulk (2003) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:32.



So, they think they can just throw you away as they did me.

What's wrong with me? What did you do to me?

I got a visit today.

A very unwelcome visit.

I'm afraid my hand is being forced.

What did you do to me?

You so much wanna know, don't you?

But I think no explanation will serve you half as well...

as experience.

In any case, I still don't quite understand it myself.

If they'd only let me work in peace...

Of course, my betters would have none of that.

So, you experimented on yourself, didn't you?

And passed on to me. What?

An alteration. Genetic.

A deformity. I guess you could call it that.

But an amazing strength, too.

And now, finally unleashed, I can harvest it.


You'll do no such thing.

I will isolate it and treat it myself.

I'll remove it and I'll kill it before it does any real harm.

Oh, I'll bet you and your Betty would love to destroy it.

But would you really destroy part of yourself?

I don't think so.

And as for Betty...

I'm sending her a surprise visit

from some four-legged friends of mine.

You see, I've managed to culture some of your very own DNA, Bruce,

and the results are tremendous.

They're unstable, but very powerful.

What about my DNA?

Let's just wait and see what Betty makes of the results, huh?

No. You're crazy. I won't let you.

Get your hands off of me. Talbot, what's this...

Inside, asshole. I wanna talk to you.

Listen to me, my father's going after Betty.

What makes you think you can go behind my back and get Ross to cut me out, huh?

Listen to me! Betty's in trouble!

You pathetic freak.

Betty's in danger. I swear to you, she'll be killed.

I can state the obvious.

Something tells me you aren't in much of a position

to be making stupid threats to anyone.

- Talbot. - Yeah?

- You're making me angry. - Oh, am I?

I got him! Open fire!

For more infomation >> Talbot's Mistake | Hulk (2003) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:32.


BAYKUŞ CUPCAKE - HOW TO MAKE OWL CUPCAKE - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Duration: 2:16.

Materials ● Cinnamon muffin ● 1/2 packet cream ● 1 cup water drop chocolate ● 10 oreo ● Color dragee

Materials ● Cinnamon muffin ● 1/2 packet cream ● 1 cup water drop chocolate ● 10 oreo ● Color dragee

Make benmari

20 minutes in the fridge

For more infomation >> BAYKUŞ CUPCAKE - HOW TO MAKE OWL CUPCAKE - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Duration: 2:16.


Quick turnaround for part two against RB Leipzig - Duration: 2:24.

After a successful night of cup football in Saxony on Wednesday and a short regeneration period,

FC Bayern now welcome RB Leipzig to Munich on Saturday for yet another match-up.

"It was very important to progress in the cup, and we managed it.

It's a completely different game in the Bundesliga; it's not a knockout match this time.

There are three points on the line and we want to kick on from our performance,

though we want to play even better and keep the three points here."

On a team-news front, Jupp Heynckes will be able to call on James and Javi Martínez,

who haven't been at 100 percent lately, but completed training without any problems.

And despite being subbed off in the DFB-Pokal, it looks like the coach could well

have Kingsley Coman at his disposal too.

"He had a bad bruise on his knee for two or three days

but he's a highly-motivated individual and wants to play tomorrow.

He says that he's feeling fine, so there's nothing stopping him playing."

There's some other good news too, with Juan Bernat returning to team training.

The Spaniard likely won't feature in the squad on the weekend,

but it looks like his injury is now behind him.

Looking at the stats for tomorrow, it should be a very interesting evening

at the Allianz Arena.

With an average of six goals per Bundesliga meeting, no other match-up

between current top-flight sides has seen more goals scored per game

than those between FC Bayern and the still relative newcomers RB Leipzig.

"It's another meeting between two top quality teams and so it will be

just as tight as in the cup game.

I hope we come out on top after the 90 minutes."

There is some news to report today in regard to the future of FC Bayern too,

with the club confirming the signing of 16-year-old Swede Alex Timossi Andersson,

who will move to the Bavarian capital in summer 2019.

For more infomation >> Quick turnaround for part two against RB Leipzig - Duration: 2:24.


Gomme invernali, ecco perché fanno la differenza (non solo sulla neve) - Duration: 4:15.

M+S, All season, snow tires: so many names,

so much confusion. When bad

weather comes around, many are still

not convinced of the advantages that

winter tires provide when driving, and not

only in the snow. The first thing to consider

when using a vehicle are the

average temperatures from

November 15 to April 15, or at times,

from October 15 to March 15, depending

on the roads and local authorities.

The essential point is when air

temperatures drop below 7° celsius,

winter tires have better

grip than summer tires.

Before going over the law,

let's move right to the trial.

After a trial through the Alps near

Torino (of which you can view the video),

I went to the safe driving center in Susa

to conduct a test that I think helps us

to thoroughly understand the difference

between the two types of pneumatics

when it is cold outside. I placed two

snow tires in the front, and

and two summer tires in the back.

A cold, maybe even wet street, like

those we travel in the winter,

leaves the back tires at risk

of backspin in curves and when

changing direction, since the front

snow tires have better grip; traction

control or stability cannot compete,

I promise you. This is purely a

physics thing. I tried with the

designated electronics system, as

well as a manual procedure inserted

by an Alfa technician, seeing as the

car does not have a button to disarm

the systems. Unfortunately, many

people still only use two snow tires with

traction out of four, and it is

incomprehensible how the law

does not prohibit this promiscuous,

very dangerous practice.

Clearly, even with the Stelvio's back

traction, it also would have been a mistake

to put the snow tires only in the back.

My choice highlights the fact

that it is not a question of

traction but back grip when

making an emergency maneuver, and

most cars have front traction,

meaning my trial applies to a

larger amount of drivers.

The test, however, shows the

lack of grip, helping you to imagine

what happens when breaking.

Despite the evidence, the law

permits "anti-skid" , referred to

as winter or snow tires,

or snow chains,

to be in place, and I quote,

word for word, "at least on the

engine axles". The grip differs between

the two types of tires, as we saw, making it


Another thing to note: the law

accepts certified tires,

including M+S, on winter-

regulated roads,

but real thermal tires not only have

this seal on the side, but

a snowflake symbol

surrounded by the profile of a


Why do winter tires hug the

road better than summer ones

in the cold? It is mainly a question of

compounds, tread and structure.

Take this Hankook Winter SUV model,

for example, fir for

one of the preferred models

in this moment. The chemical

composition is a silicon base that

enhances tread and reduces

spinning resistance, making the

tire softer and able to

stay more elastic, avoiding

rigidity as temperatures


These tires are called "thermal"

for this reason. The tread is thick

and the grooves are deeper for

driving on wet surfaces.

The dowel surface is covered in

small hooks that capture the snow,

helping the tire to grip the snow on the

ground, seeing as the

friction of snow to snow

is higher than snow to tire.

Hankook's Winter EVO 2 SUV tires

have lateral, inclined grooves as well as

zig-zag grooves that together,

enhance traction in the snow,

Three-dimensional hooks minimize

aquaplaning on wet streets,

and wide, vertical canals

for better water drainage.

The jointless belt is

reenforced with extra steel

and a polyester frame that gives

more stability and therefore

more steering reaction together

with increased heel control.

Anyone who changes their

tires in October and April

knows what a difference it makes

when it comes to safety and

driving precision between summer tires

and pneumatic ones.

We shouldn't call them "snow tires"


For more infomation >> Gomme invernali, ecco perché fanno la differenza (non solo sulla neve) - Duration: 4:15.


"What are you gonna do to find the right woman?" | One more question, Maximilian Philipp! - Duration: 1:46.

Now it's time for „tell me".

We found someone who knows Milli very well and who wants to ask him something.

Hi Milli! As you know, I always have interesting questions for you.

At SC Freiburg, we tried hard every day to find the perfect woman for you,

because a great guy like you needs a perfect woman.

For 2 or 3 years, we haven't been successful.

That's why we want to know your plans for Dortmund.

What are you gonna do to find the right woman or what makes you sure you'll find her there?

We cross our fingers. And if you find her, take her to Freiburg so we can meet her. Good luck!

Great, isn't it? He's such a rat!

He'll get that back. Great guy, right?

Yes, Nils is a great guy. He's really funny and a role model for me.

He always scores, right?

Yes, but he's not only been important for the team on the field, but also off the field.

He's often been the joker recently,

but nevertheless he scored, I even think the most goals.

I really like him and we still talk sometimes.

He's cheeky, as we just saw.

And of course you have to answer his question.

How are you gonna find the perfect woman in Dortmund?

Well, he needs an answer!

That's a good question.

I'm not really looking for it, I'm just gonna see what happens.

I'm spontaneous, open-minded and honest.

I'm just gonna take things as they come.

And you're a great guy. Really.

For more infomation >> "What are you gonna do to find the right woman?" | One more question, Maximilian Philipp! - Duration: 1:46.


Remedios Caseros Para HONGOS Y PIE DE ATLETA ➜ ¡Elimina los Hongos de Tus PIES en 10 Minutos! - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Remedios Caseros Para HONGOS Y PIE DE ATLETA ➜ ¡Elimina los Hongos de Tus PIES en 10 Minutos! - Duration: 3:00.


Life is Strange: Before the storm [Epizod 2] (#1) - No to się porobiło... (POLSKIE NAPISY) - Duration: 33:09.

For more infomation >> Life is Strange: Before the storm [Epizod 2] (#1) - No to się porobiło... (POLSKIE NAPISY) - Duration: 33:09.


The Future of The Hopi People - Duration: 6:05.

What's up awesome people of the internet!

I know it has been a while since I have consistently uploaded videos to my channel, but about almost

a month ago I was having issues with my editing software, and last week I was on fall break.

But don't worry, because now I think I that I finally have enough ideas for videos!

So I had the whole last week off work, one of the advantages of working for a school!

What did I do?

I traveled back home to my reservation and I went to another school.

My former high school.

I know it sounds crazy that I would go to another school when I was told not to work

at my school for a whole week.

But if you didn't know, last year I attended the Hopi Education Summit which was hosted

at the Hopi High School campus.

While I was there I was very excited and started tossing around ideas with some of my former

teachers and school administrators.

What I wanted to do was to find a way to engage with students back home.

Something like a collaboration project or doing classroom presentations to show them

what can be accessed and how they can have their own voices heard through social media.

How they can bring their own creative ideas to online platforms.

Now I know that if you were to look at my subscriber count, you wouldn't necessarily

call me a "successful" YouTuber.But it is because of my YouTube channel that I have

been invited to speak on panels at various educational gatherings and one of those being


Other creators with much larger audiences have expressed their interest in my content

and have thanked me for sharing my own experiences.

One of them even flew me out to L.A. to film a collaboration.

If any of you from the reservation are watching right now, I showed up at your high school

because I want to be able to show you, that whatever you wish to share with the world

is possible and it can be achieved through these platforms.

You can use them in more ways than just spreading drama.

You can be heard and you can find an audience that will appreciate you.

In my last video I mentioned and addressed our current elections for Tribal Chairman.

And when I was home all I could hear the candidates speak of was change for our future.Those of

us who are younger, we are that future and I believe that our voices should be the loudest

heard on subjects that matter to the future of our tribe and our villages.

When I met with the superintendent he actually already knew who I was before I met him in

his office.

He had told me he came across my video where I talked about the student walk out on Hopi

and my thoughts on the matter.

A lot of teachers and administrators seemed very eager to start networking with me.

And I knew that I had to meet with people face to face just to show how serious I am

about pursuing this.

Us natives, we usually tell one another that we mostly do a lot of talking.

We talk about ideas and dreams, and speak on things we are opposed to in our communities.

We talk about things that make sense and are pretty creative.

But when it comes to execution, a lot of us fail to pull off what actually needs to be


Maybe it's because we don't know where to start or maybe because we are still young

we feel that it isn't our place to have our ideas heard to a larger audience.

We do a lot of talking, but that's all that we do.

This is a mentality I strongly feel needs to change within our communities.

A lot of the time you are too scared to speak up and be heard.

You don't like the attention you get when you stand out.

You pay too close attention to those who have doubts, making you question your own dedications.

The change within our communities needs to start with how we see things.

You may not want to be the center of a crowd or classroom, but yet you still like to be

seen and heard on social media.

But the podium there is not of much significance when your only intent is to complain and bash

those who are your classmates, family members, and community members.

Instead of complaining about what you hate, you can begin to talk about what you think

can make your community better.

Learning and teaching goes far beyond the classroom, and what is most important to us

is our cultural identity.

How can we find use social media to learn and teach cultural values and even bring back

our language?

How can we use social media to reach out to our villages and promote positive campaigns

and be informed on political issues?

All of these are what I want you, the future of our Hopi people to consider.

You already know how to use these tools, but I say that you can learn to use them in a

way that can truly impact and bring change to our community.

It's time that you step up, express how you feel, create what is inside your hearts

and minds, and share it with those who are wanting to watch and listen to what you have

to say from around the world.

How can we work together?

By communicating and not holding back on our ideas, I'm sure we can figure out the best

way to collaborate.

I honestly don't know where to start myself, but I did show up, and I am still willing

to make the connections necessary in order to move forward with my goal.

Know that I am here at the table and invite you to join me to figure things out.

If you are a student interested in what I have to share, let your teachers know.

This can only be accomplished through open communication and dedication from everyone

interested in making things happen.

That is all I have to share in this video.

Thank you so much for watching, my name is Samivaya, you can call me JD.

Don't forget to like share and subscribe, also to keep in touch through social media

by visiting the links listed below.

And if you already are a subscriber you will see me later!

For more infomation >> The Future of The Hopi People - Duration: 6:05.


Wie MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 Kraftstofffilter wechseln TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 5:58.

Use a torx №T30

Use an end bit №5

For more infomation >> Wie MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 Kraftstofffilter wechseln TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 5:58.


Aerobic Capacity with Chris Hinshaw, the endurance training expert - Duration: 7:17.

- It was clear from the very beginning that I wanted to be

an aerobic capacity coach.

First of all, I love that aerobic capacity is really

anything beyond three minutes.

And, one would argue, it's anything longer than one minute

in terms of time to complete

and so to think that I get to help people in that type

of a time domain, is incredible.

But it's also the base of knowledge that I have.

I've got a lot of experience in helping people

with aerobic capacity.

I started coaching back when I was in college.

It's interesting that I was given an opportunity to provide

health and fitness clinics and speeches and talks

at Apple computer back in the '80's.

It's funny, I was just a kid and I was going in and giving

motivational talks about health and fitness

and I loved that affect that those talks had on people.

And I think that it's interesting how words can inspire

and motivate people to do something that they, otherwise,

would never even try and,

for me, I'm always asked, what is my goal,

even today as a coach.

And I've been lucky enough to coach a lot of champions.

I mean, an incredible number of them.

And people ask, is that how I measure success

and it's not that, it's…

If I am able to get that athlete to want to come back

and let me coach them tomorrow.

That's where I judge my performance

and I think that's the sign for every coach; if...

Athletes have unlimited choices.

I mean, if you look around this gym, I can give you 1000 things.

But am I giving you something that inspires you,

of all the things you could be doing tomorrow,

to come back and see me?

And that's what my motivation and focus is

and that's how I value

whether or not I did well as a coach.

I started a CrossFit aerobic capacity course

because I believe that I could provide a true benefit

to the participants of the course.

I can help them find more efficient and effective way

to build aerobic capacity.

The first thing that I recognized is that athletes are different.

I don't treat them the same.

I will have one athlete that is

a speed, strength, power, specialist.

They're super explosive.

Does it help that speed, strength, power athlete

to focus on doing more speed, if they want to have

all-around athletic ability?

Their weakness isn't their speed.

Their weakness is their endurance.

The same thing for me.

When they gods came down, they handed me out

genetic gifts in creating an incredible aerobic capacity.

I have zero speed, I have zero strength,

I have zero power.

But if I just keep focusing on going out and doing

long duration workouts,

if I focus on building my ability to do long time domains,

that is doing nothing for my overall fitness

because that's not my weakness.

My weakness is my speed, my strength, my power.

Everyone must define the highest value of their time.

Time is going to get more and more precious, and what I do

is I look at the individual and I identify that highest value.

Where do they need to go to maximize their fitness?

I have a lot of people that come to me and they're like:

"You prescribe running, you prescribe running,

"well, I run and I run five days a week

"and I'm gaining weight."

And it's like,

okay, let's talk about

how you are doing those runs and they'll find out,

I'm running five miles, I'm running the same course,

I'm running the same day every single week.

Part of what people need to do is, they need to go out

and they need to find a coach that can answer their why.

If you do five miles, five days a week, the same course

in the same time domain,

your body is going to adapt to that.

That's what your body does.

Put a stimulus on the body, you provide it good nutrition,

good amount of recovery, there will be an adaptation.

If you train the same thing every day,

your body will adapt to it,

so that there no longer is a benefit.

That's where constantly varied must come in.

You've got a provide a stimulus that is your next

highest value of time.

So what I do is I, actually, personalize workouts.

I look at the individual and I say: I need you to do

this workout at these intensities.

Very specific to them to maximize the value of their time.

I mentioned earlier that I judge myself based upon

whether or not someone's willing to come back.

Think about it, most of my athletes are working individuals.

They work 40 to 60 hours a week, they have lots of options,

they're tired; I must convince them that what I am giving them

is helping them maximize their goals in the most efficient

and effective way possible.

That's what I do.

My mission with the course

is to really go after and share this knowledge

with other communities.

The fact is that CrossFit is about training

and it is the common thread in every sport.

There is no reason why this common thread can't be applied

to the sport of soccer, the sport of surfing,

the sport of snowboarding,

the sport of MMA, it can go everywhere

because the common thread is training.

And if you want to train, then let's look at a more effective

and efficient way to make you better in your sport.

For anyone that's interested in sampling, testing, just trying

my programming, you can go to

On the site you'll quickly find out that what I offer is

four running workouts every single week.

I have a rowing workout.

I have a bike workout.

And there's also a swimming workout.

This gives you an idea of just my methodology

and just how I program workouts.

And the various intensities that I believe maximize adaptation.

If you are looking for something with precision, meaning,

personalized towards you,

then there is a pay feature on there where you can sign up

for personalized programming every single week

and depending upon how many months you're interested in,

you could drop your price down to 20 dollars per month.

Everybody's abilities are different.

And if you do a workout that is identical to your friend

and your ability or fitness level is different,

then the adaptation is different and what I have been saying

and what I have been coaching is finding the highest value

of your time.

Personalization is what the elite level coaches get at the highest

level of running and that is what you will be getting from me.

For more infomation >> Aerobic Capacity with Chris Hinshaw, the endurance training expert - Duration: 7:17.





There are seven major chakras within the human body, running from the base of the spine to

the crown of the head.

The chakra system is often discussed in yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese

Medicine, Buddhism, Hinduism, and other ancient practices.

The Sanskrit word chakra literally translates to �wheel� or �circle.� Our chakras

spin like wheels when we�re alive and healthy, allowing our vital life force energy, �Prana,�

to flow throughout us.

When our chakras are working properly, often referred to as being in balance or aligned,

they spin and allow energy to flow up the spine (or the Kundalini).

However, our chakras can also become overactive, underactive, imbalanced, or even blocked,

which can affect us both physically and emotionally.

The physical realm can affect our chakras and our chakras can affect our physical reality;

they are meant to work in harmony together.

For example, if one of your chakras is blocked, this can manifest into physical disease or

pain in that area.

Likewise, when we experience certain emotions, they can affect our chakras.

When you�re feeling heartbroken after a breakup, for instance, this could affect your

heart chakra.

When the chakras are balanced, we feel at our best and our bodies are in their healthiest


Many people who are familiar with the chakra system can quite literally feel it, and can

intuitively recognize when their specific chakras are imbalanced.

As a result, you have the power to balance your chakras yourself, which can be done through

meditation, yoga, self-reflection, nutrition, energetic healing, crystals, or even just

by being in a high vibration setting or taking a deeper look at your emotions.

Healers can also help you balance your chakras, typically by helping you work through physical

or emotional pain, but ultimately you can work toward accomplishing this yourself.

Our Seven Chakras and How to Balance Them

First Chakra: Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra)

Where: Base of the spine.

It encompasses the first three vertebrae, the bladder, and the colon.

Emotions/behaviours: The first chakra is associated with security, safety, survival instincts,

basic needs (such as food, sleep, and shelter), and family.

It�s also associated with our physical identities and our ability to stay grounded and present.

Physical signs of imbalance: Constipation, cramps, and any issues with the adrenal glands,

spine, blood, bladder, and colon.

Signs of an overactive root chakra: Feeling greed, paranoia, and increased fear; obsessing

over authority and power, material goods, or Earthly possessions and other elements

of our identities.

Signs of an underactive root chakra: Feeling disconnected from nature and the Earth, daydreaming,

lack of discipline, inability to focus on our everyday lives, disorganization, anxiety,

and financial insecurity.

How to balance the root chakra: The colour associated with the root chakra is red, so

any high vibrational foods with a naturally strong red pigment or grounding properties

can help recharge your chakra (tomatoes, strawberries, beets, red apples, pomegranates, raspberries,

and even protein).

Crystals that are red such as red jasper, chanting �LAM,� going out into nature,

using colour therapy with the colour red, meditating, practicing yoga, and addressing

the physical and emotional signs of imbalance can all help to balance the root chakra.

Second Chakra: Sacral Chakra (Svhadhisthana Chakra)

Where: Slightly above the root chakra on the spine, around the reproductive organs.

Above the pubic bone, but below the navel.

Emotions/behaviours: The sacral chakra is associated with creativity, sexuality, commitment,

passion, expression, emotions, and sensitivity.

Physical signs of imbalance: Issues with menstruation or reproductive organs, lower back pain or

stiffness, urinary issues, kidney pain or infection, and infertility.

Signs of an overactive sacral chakra: Sexual addiction and heightened emotions; being overly

dramatic and creating strong emotional attachment to others.

Signs of an underactive sacral chakra: Low sex drive, inability to express emotions,

insensitivity, difficulty manifesting desires, lack of desires, blocked creativity, emotional

fatigue, and denying yourself pleasure.

How to balance the sacral chakra: The colour associated with the sacral chakra is orange,

so any high vibe foods that have a deep or bright orange colour (mandarins, mangoes,

carrots, squash, pumpkin, yams, seeds, nuts, and oils).

You could also use orange crystals like carnelian, chant �VAM,� do creative tasks like painting/dance/any

other art form, practice yoga, meditate, or address the physical and emotional signs of

imbalance head on.

Third Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura Chakra)

Where: Above the sacral, slightly above the navel but below the chest.

It�s associated with the nervous system, digestive system (stomach and intestines),

liver, pancreas, and metabolic systems.

Emotions/behaviours: The solar plexus is entirely related to our sense of Self, our personal

power, our ability to separate the Ego from the Soul, and our self esteem.

Physical signs of imbalance: Poor digestion, weight problems, ulcers, diabetes, problems

with the pancreas, liver, or kidneys, anorexia, bulimia, hepatitis, and other intestinal and

colon issues.

Signs of an overactive solar plexus chakra: Finding faults in others (not realizing these

are a reflection of your own feelings toward yourself), being obsessed with yourself and

your own interests, caring more about yourself than others, being too critical, and being

stubborn in your own beliefs.

Signs of an underactive solar plexus chakra: Insecure in your beliefs, feeling lost, lack

of self awareness, anxiety, conformity, seeking approval from others, feeling self conscious,

low self worth, lack of self confidence, and being dependent on others.

How to balance the solar plexus chakra: The colour associated with the solar plexus chakra

is yellow; try eating high vibe foods that have a yellow colour and lighter protein options

(bananas, corn on the cob, fresh pineapple, yellow peppers, lentils, yellow squash, and

grains like oats).

You could also use yellow crystals like citrine or try yoga, meditation, chanting �RAM,�

or engaging in activities that allow you to truly understand who you are as a human being

and as a soul (journaling, self reflection, confidence building exercises, etc.).

Fourth Chakra: Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra)

Where: Centre of the chest, across from the heart.

It�s associated with the heart, lungs, chest, breasts, arms, and hands.

Emotions/behaviours: The heart chakra represents our ability to love ourselves and others,

to connect with other beings, and to express gratitude and joy.

Physical signs of imbalance: Heart or respiratory issues, poor circulation, and problems with

the breasts (cancer, lumps, etc.).

Signs of an overactive heart chakra: Being overbearing and �too caring� toward others,

placing your love for others over your love for yourself, conditional love, anger, grief,

being manipulative, co-dependency, giving too much of yourself and not allowing yourself

to receive, and acting like a �people pleaser.�

Signs of an underactive heart chakra: Negativity, feeling unloved, unappreciated, or like you�re

�not worthy� or deserving of love, lack of self love, feeling disconnected from society

and loved ones, and having difficult trusting or connecting with others.

How to balance the heart chakra: The colour associated with the heart chakra is green;

you could try eating high vibrational foods that are deep green colours or are simply

lighter weight foods like broccoli, kale, chard, and other leafy greens.

You could also use green crystals like moss agate, meditate, practice yoga, try some �heart

opening� exercises, practice self love (have some �me� time), and chant �YAM.�

Fifth Chakra: Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra)

Where: The throat center.

It�s associated with the thyroid gland, neck, throat, shoulders, ears, and mouth.

Emotions/behaviours: The throat chakra relates to our ability to express ourselves vocally

and to speak our truth/peace, honesty.

It also relates to our communication skills and our understanding of when it�s best

to speak versus when we need to listen.

Physical signs of imbalance: Sore throat, issues with the throat like an infection or

tonsillitis, thyroid problems, losing our voices, neck and shoulder pain, ear aches/infections,

and teeth issues.

Signs of an overactive throat chakra: Speaking too much and not listening enough, and being

over opinionated, verbally abusive, and �talking back.�

Signs of an underactive throat chakra: Inability to express ourselves vocally, feeling too

scared to share our emotions with others, poor communication skills, giving mixed messages

to others, and being misinterpreted/misunderstood.

How to balance the throat chakra: The colour related to the throat chakra is light blue,

so try eating any high vibe foods with a light blue colour or super light foods (blueberries,

figs, kelp, and pretty much all fruit).

You could also practice public speaking or challenge yourself to express your emotions

to others, practice honesty and your listening skills, meditate, do some yoga, use light

blue crystals like turquoise and fluorite, and chant �HAM.�

Sixth Chakra: Third Eye Chakra (Ajna Chakra)

Where: The middle of your forehead, slightly above the eyebrows.

It�s related to the pituitary gland, eyes, brows, and base of skull.

Emotions/behaviours: The third eye is associated with one�s ability to access their intuition,

seek the truth, critically think, access wisdom, quiet the mind, trust their inner guidance,

and see through illusions.

Physical signs of imbalance: Poor vision, headaches or migraines, pineal gland calcification,

difficulty sleeping, seizures, and other sleep disorders.

Signs of an overactive third eye chakra: Frequent daydreaming, chronic stress, difficulty grounding

yourself, feeling lightheaded, and overly intellectual thinking.

Signs of an underactive third eye chakra: Difficulty accessing intuition, meditating,

or looking inwards/self-reflecting; experiencing a disconnect between your outer and inner

realities; misunderstanding the spiritual realm (or lack of knowledge about our innate

spiritual nature).

How to balance the third eye chakra: The colour related to the third eye is dark blue, so

you could try consuming high vibe foods with a darker pigment (plums, purple grapes, eggplant,

purple kale, purple carrots, or simply tea and other light, all-natural, plant-based


You could also use dark blue crystals like blue onyx, meditate, engage in self reflection,

rest the mind, decalcify your pineal gland, do some yoga, or chant �OM.�

Seventh Chakra: Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra)

Where: Centre of the crown of the head.

Associated with the pituitary and pineal glands, brain, hypothalamus, cerebral cortex, and

central nervous system.

Emotions/behaviours: The crown chakra represents the connection the body, mind, and soul have

to the Source of all creation.

It also relates to enlightenment, living in the present moment, understanding universal

truths (the soul and our connection to one another), and knowing and trusting your inner


Physical signs of imbalance: Dizziness, confusion, mental fog, neurological disorders, exhaustion,

nerve pain, schizophrenia or other mental disorders.

Signs of an overactive crown chakra: Difficulty grounding yourself, focusing too much on the

inner realm and not enough on Earth, having a �God complex,� or feeling superior or

�more enlightened� than others (ie. having a �spiritual ego�).

Signs of an underactive crown chakra: Feeling disconnected from who you truly are, feeling

like you constantly need to �soul search,� difficulty accepting our spiritual nature,

lacking self awareness, difficulty meditating, and blaming �God� or others for your own

actions or life circumstances.

How to balance the crown chakra: The colours associated with the crown chakra are dark

purple, violet, and white, so you could try eating extremely light foods such as mushrooms,

garlic, ginger, onion, lychee, coconut, and other tropical fruits.

It is said that once enlightenment is obtained, one can live off only the elements.

As a result, fasting can be a wonderful way to recharge your crown chakra.

Spending time in nature, being in direct sunlight, meditating, practicing yoga, chanting �OM�

or �AH,� and drinking water can all benefit the crown chakra.

What Does Science Say About Chakras?

Below are the results from a case study done by Dr. Pradeep B. Deshpande, a professor emeritus

at the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Louisville, which had

over 100 participants in attendance.

Please keep in mind that clinical studies of more than 10,000 patient cases with various

health challenges have also been well documented in Russia.

The aligned Chakras indicate that the subject was calm, relaxed, and nourished from their

participation in the case study, which involved information on meditation, breathing practices,

love, kindness, and intention.

You can also observe a smoothing of the energy field before and after the case study workshop.

Results like these were consistent with a number of volunteers.

According to Dr. Deshpande:

Each individual sector or portion of the fingertip is connected energetically with specific organs

and organ systems such as the respiratory system.

When the data of the 10 individual BIO-grams are collated and interpolated, an image of

the entire full body energy field is created.

An example of the full body energy field from a healthy and unhealthy/emotionally unbalanced

individual are shown in Figure 3.

The gaps and the reduced emissions and out-of-balance Chakras for the unhealthy individual are quite


Our chakras have a direct impact on our health, our emotions, and our physical reality, and

vice versa.

Many people and healers who have recognized this use this knowledge to further understand

the health of our bodies and our minds.

Even Harvard has studied the physical effects that meditation can have on the brain and

the gut, and meditation is a practice that�s literally designed to balance all of our chakras.

Louise Hay is a well-known author who discusses the emotional causes of cancer in her book

You Can Heal Your Life.

A cancer survivor herself, she cured her disease in only six months using a combination of

affirmations, visualization, nutritional cleansing, and psychotherapy.

According to Hay, cancer is simply the manifestation of deep hurt, secrets, longstanding resentment,

grief and/or hatred.

Radiation oncologist Dr. Carl Simonton and his wife Stephanie Matthews-Simonton, a psychologist,

wrote the book Getting Well Again: A Step-by-Step Self-Help Guide to Overcoming Cancer for Patients

and Their Families.

The book explores how people can affect their disease process through healing their emotions,

and one of the recommended ways to do so is through meditation.

CE views the chakra system as a universal truth, one that affects all human beings and

even the Earth we live on.

Even planet Earth has its own chakras, which you can read about here:

Understanding The Chakras Of Planet Earth

We strongly suggest that if this information resonates with you, research the chakra system

further and take note of how your chakras impact your overall life!



Angie Walters Pays it Forward – People Helping People Created by Arvest Bank - Duration: 2:48.

(Angie) Going through breast cancer, you lose your breast, you lose your hair, there are

so many things, but to feel good in the moment is so important.


(Bobbie Jo) I was diagnosed in November of 2012 with stage three breast cancer.

I was 31 years old.

I had three kids and I struggled.

(Ramona) The most challenging thing, I think, is emotional.

It's something, you know, nobody really knows unless they've been through it.

(Angie) Nobody's in any hurry.

Nothing happens quickly. I would spend hours in doctors' offices.

Hours in chemo room.

One of the things I heard continually was, as a nurse would check a patient in,

I would hear, "Oh, did you take your medicine for the week?"

"No, I couldn't afford to get that this week."

That never crossed my mind—Never.

I never had to choose whether we were going to have a roof over our heads, or my children

were going to be cold at night because we couldn't turn the heater on.

And I said, "I'm supposed to do something."

(Ramona) When our income was cut in half, you tend to get behind on some things and

you pay what's important.

She's helped us by helping us with our mortgage.

That's critical.

Because you have to have a place to live, and you want to stay in your home.

(Angie) We want to pay rent, mortgage, and utilities, and we want to pay it directly

to the vendor.

That way it bypasses the patient.

They don't have to worry about, "Okay, here came the check."

"I've got to get it into my account. Now I've got to make sure"

"I write the check to my landlord—get it in the mail."

We just take care of all of that.

(Bobbie Jo) Angie made sure that my kids had Christmas presents.

My family had Christmas dinner.

She made sure that we were taken care of.

Not only did they help my family, but they became family.

(Angie) We help anywhere between five and nine, on the average, patients a month.

At an average $1,500 a piece.

Obviously, anytime we put on an event, it's to raise money.

It was very hard to get our patients and any survivors to agree to walk the runway.

That's been a challenge all along.

(Bobbie Jo) I don't like really being in the center of everything.

And the fist time, my hair had just started growing back.

I developed that strength to be able to be a role model for other breast cancer patients.

It's okay to look this way.

It's okay to be this way.

Because guess what—It's okay to be sick.

It's okay to fight.

(Ramona) We can all go through things, but it doesn't have to define us.

Knowing that somebody's doing what she does because she's been through that…

It's just a blessing to know that we have someone right here in our community.


For more infomation >> Angie Walters Pays it Forward – People Helping People Created by Arvest Bank - Duration: 2:48.


Zebrainy Fabulous A-Z Wonderlands New Funny ABCDEFGHJ Learning Games worlds for Kids and Toddlers - Duration: 29:25.

Zebrainy Fabulous A-Z Wonderlands New Funny ABCDEFGHJ Learning Games worlds for Kids and Toddlers

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