Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 27 2017

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For more infomation >> Simple & Natural Makeup Tutorial step by step For Beginners - Duration: 2:49.


HAIKAISS FEAT ORIENTE - DIAS DIFÍCEIS (OFICIAL) 🎙🔥 | Reaction - Duration: 12:54.

For more infomation >> HAIKAISS FEAT ORIENTE - DIAS DIFÍCEIS (OFICIAL) 🎙🔥 | Reaction - Duration: 12:54.


Pourquoi nous devenons plus cons ? - Sois pas si bêêête #35 - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi nous devenons plus cons ? - Sois pas si bêêête #35 - Duration: 3:52.


(Full Event) Reception Supporting Minnesota-USA 2023 Expo Bid - Duration: 32:29.


Good afternoon.

Welcome, everyone, to the State Department.

And if I may have your attention for just a moment, please.

Isn't this such a beautiful center?

It is incredible.

Often, I walk through this center on my way in to work and it's pretty sparsely populated,

so it's wonderful to see so many people in here this afternoon.

Thank you so much for joining us today.

I want to extend a special welcome to our many distinguished guests, including the Diplomatic

Corps and those from the great state of Minnesota.

Where are all the Minnesotans here?


Raise your hand if you're from Minnesota.

You're from Minnesota, you're from Minnesota, you're from – my husband's from Minnesota.


We have a lot of great folks there.

Do you all know how nice Minnesotans are?

You've heard it?

You've heard "Minnesota nice?"

Let me tell you how nice these folks are.

I would go running sometimes in Minnesota with my husband in the middle of winter – January,

February – and we'd be on along for a run, and it's maybe 15 degrees outside,

Fahrenheit, and people would smile and they would say hello at you.

In the middle of winter while you're running.

So we hope that you will consider Minnesota.

We are big fans of it certainly here at the State Department.

I would like to acknowledge the U.S. Diplomacy Center for allowing us to use this space today.

It is a beautiful pavilion.

It was completed last January and funded with private donations as part of a private-public


It will be home to the first museum and educational center telling the story of U.S. diplomacy

and also American's diplomats.

We're here today to highlight the strong national support enjoyed by Minnesota-USA

bid to host Expo 2023 and to inspire member-states of the Bureau of International Expositions

to vote for the U.S. bid on November the 15th.

Please, mark your calendars.

We would love your vote.


Thank you.

The Minnesota-USA project is private-public partnership that started more than two years

ago and is a part of our global campaign to bring a World's Fair back to the United


We would love to see that.

I would like to thank the Office of the Under Secretary for Public Affairs and Public Diplomacy

for coordinating the State Department's efforts and putting today's event together.

I know they have been hard at work at this.

An initiative of this magnitude requires a true champion to advocate on its behalf.

Our Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan is here, and he has embraced this task and

is working tirelessly to mobilize not only the department but the entire U.S.

Government in support of the Minnesota-USA bid.

Deputy Secretary Sullivan is a native of Boston with decades of experience in both private

legal practice and public service, including positions at the Defense Department and also

Commerce Department.

His ties to diplomacy and the State Department started long before he was sworn in as deputy


His uncle served as a Foreign Service officer for more than 30 years, and we all know how

important our Foreign Service officers are to the work that we do here every day.

As Deputy Secretary of State, he serves as principal advisor to Secretary Tillerson,

providing guidance and firsthand assistance to the Secretary in the formulation of conduct

of U.S. foreign policy.

We're honored that he is with us here today and that he is such a strong advocate for

Minnesota-USA's bid to host Expo 2023.

Please join me in welcoming Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan, and he is a terrific

guy if you've not had a chance to meet him.



Thank you.

DEPUTY SECRETARY SULLIVAN: Thank you, Heather, for that kind introduction.

I have one qualification to Heather's remarks: I am from Boston and grew up as a hockey player,

a hockey coach, a hockey fan, so I've spent a lot of time both in my youth and then when

I was coaching my children's youth hockey teams in Minnesota – Brainerd, Red Wing,

Winona, Rochester – I've been all over the state, been in many of your hockey rinks,

tournaments, summer hockey camps, and Minnesotans, as Heather said, are just the most wonderful,

sweetest persons, except when they hop over the boards to take a shift in a hockey game

and then they're pretty nasty.


So I can speak from personal experience on that.

But I'm delighted to see so many people here to support this bid and all of those

who have played an instrumental role in the United States bid for Expo 2023.

I want to recognize the foreign diplomatic corps are present this afternoon, as many

of the foreign ambassadors who are here.

Thanks to all of you for being here and for standing behind this important cause.

Four months ago, I met with many of you at the department as one of my first public appearances

as Deputy Secretary of State, at which time I spoke about the United States initial efforts

to bring the World's Fair back here to our country.

I'm thrilled to report that since that time, the U.S. proposal has advanced to the final


Our teams have been very busy highlighting why the United States, and more particularly

Minnesota, is the ideal location with the perfect theme for that state – health and

wellness – to host the World's Fair or Expo in 2023.

As Heather mentioned, the expo is a public-private partnership, one that's driven by grassroots

efforts of the Minnesota World's Fair Bid Committee under the dedicated leadership of

the committee president and chief executive officer, Mark Ritchie.

Thank you, Mark, for all your work.

Many of you know Mark, who is the former Minnesota secretary of state, and in a moment he'll

provide us with the latest update on the bid, including details on the recent announcement

of the proposed expo site in Minnesota.

Before Mark comes up here, I'd like to highlight the impressive work done thus far to effectively

mobilize international support for this important commercial and diplomatic initiative.

I want to thank our terrific Under Secretary for Political Affairs Tom Shannon, who himself

is a Minnesota native, and his colleagues from the regional bureaus present here today

for their diplomatic engagement in support of the expo.

Many have moved mountains to get us here to this point.

In May, Congress passed legislation by unanimous consent authorizing the United States to rejoin

the Bureau of International Expositions, or BIE, which is the Paris-based organization

that governs participation in the World's Fair.

Secretary Tillerson then signed the treaty accession documents that were deposited in


Thank you to the Minnesota congressional delegation, as well as the leaders of the House Foreign

Affairs and Senate Foreign Relations Committee, for getting this legislation passed.

You'll hear later in the program from two members of the Minnesota delegation that are

with us today: U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar and U.S. Representative Tom Emmer.

Thanks to all of you for your help in getting us to where we are today.

In June, the Bureau of International Exposition's general assembly voted to advance the U.S.

bid to the final round that will be held in Paris on November 15th.

Earlier this month, the United States once again became a voting member of the Bureau

of International Expositions, and I look forward personally to traveling to Paris next month

to cast the U.S. vote in support of this expo, the first in more than 15 years.


My colleagues in the United States and around the world, including my former colleagues

and friends from the Department of Commerce, have spoken to you and representatives in

your capital about the Minnesota-USA bid.

There is strong federal support for this public-private partnership in what would be the first World's

Fair that'd take place in the United States in almost 40 years.

BIE delegates have attended U.S.-hosted expo events in Paris, Brussels, and London, and

many of your consuls general in the United States have attended expo events in Minnesota

and Chicago as well.

I understand that several of you will join Deputy Chief of Protocol Cam Henderson in

the Office of the Chief of Protocol's Experience America trip to Minnesota in the near future.

For those ambassadors or charges who have not yet signed up for the trip, please speak

with protocol today before you leave.

It's not too late to join.

We want you to experience Minnesota as we seek to bring the world there in 2023.

We can all agree that there's something inspiring about a World's Fair, a time when

the world comes together to celebrate, explore, and discover the promises and opportunities

of new technologies and partnerships; in this case, to focus on the increasingly important

areas of health and wellness.

Minnesota, home to some amazing medical technology companies and a region regularly ranked as

one of the healthiest metropolitan regions as a – regions in the country, is an ideal

location for such an expo.

The Smithsonian's American History Museum even included Minnesota's Medical Alley

as one of the featured regions in their current exhibition, Places of Innovation.

I still fondly remember my experience as a child when my parents took me to the New York

World's Fair in Queens in 1964.

For those of you who have not been to the Queens Museum in New York City, there's

a great World's Fair exhibit that captures that time and experience through a fantastic

scale model of the city.

It's really something to see.

If you haven't been to a World's Fair yet – and I stress "yet" – I hope

that we will have the opportunity to come together in Minnesota in 2023 for the Healthy

People, Healthy Planet Expo.

However, in order for that to happen, we need your support, and we need your vote on November

15 in Paris at the BIE general assembly.

So again, I thank you all for coming this afternoon and appreciate your ongoing efforts

to make

the 2023 expo in Minnesota

a reality.

Thanks very much.


For more infomation >> (Full Event) Reception Supporting Minnesota-USA 2023 Expo Bid - Duration: 32:29.


❌Gottesanbeterin | HALLOWEEN SPECIAL 🎃 - Duration: 0:19.

For more infomation >> ❌Gottesanbeterin | HALLOWEEN SPECIAL 🎃 - Duration: 0:19.


Plan with me | November 2017 - Duration: 6:25.

Hi everyone, I am so excited to share this journal layout with you becuase I decided

to add a little bit of color!

For my first two journals, I stuck with a pen and ink, black and white feel which I

will continue because of the simplicity of it, but since autumn is so colorful, with

the leaves turning, I am going to paint my cover page and then insert it into the journal


I am going to stick to the storybook feel and play upon that a little more as the months

go by because, eventually I would love to illustrate and write a children's book,

so my journals will be a bit like practice for me.

For this month, leaves and bare branches are a focal point and since the holidays begin

this month with Thanksgiving here, it is going to be a month of appreciation before the year

comes to an end.

I want to focus on family and friendships as my theme with all my illustrations and

make the entire lay-out work more as a motivational planner

So for the cover page I am illustrating a mother and fawn next to a tipi in the center

with very yellow fall branches and leaves surrounding it, to create a very loving scene.

After a few layers of watercolor, I am going back in with my micron to ink "november"

and some of the imagery to tie it back with the rest of the layout.

Now for my very first page of my journal, this will be a reminder page, similar to the

dedication page in a book but a message dedicated to me by me.

I am inking a branch with a few leaves on it and then underneath that it says:

Beautiful things happen when you try.

Next page will be where my cover page will sit and then next to that I determined the

mood for this month as the month of appreciation.

Underneath that is a wonderful quote I love about gratitude.

It says: Gratitude turns what we have into enough and more, it turns denial into acceptance,

chaos into order, confusion into clarity, it makes sense of our past, brings peace for

today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.

Moving on, I have a cute little squirrel dancing on top of mushrooms with an autumn branch

as the leaves slowly fall around him.

Underneath that is another one of my favorite quotes, this one is by Oprah.

It says: The more you celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.

This is exactly my goal for this month and even the rest of my life.

I want to appreciate rather than look at the things I don't have, I want to celebrate

even the smallest achievements, and begin to love everything about my life and to see

the bad times as a chance for me to learn.

I wish you all positivity and joy as well starting today.

Next to that little scene is the table of contents with the title up top, another autumn

branch to tie it in with the rest of the layout, and then I have my page numbers underneath

on the left, in a larger and bold font and the a description of each section in my normal

handwriting to the right.

Next up is my 3 month calendar spread.

I switched it up super slightly here and changed the title on the left to glance ahead versus

at a glance, which I might switch up again next set-up.

I continued with the branches more as a decorative element here framing the title.

And then on the right I have my november calendar larger up top with the next two months below.

I really fell in love with this layout, so there is a very high chance you'll continue

to see this going forward.

And then on the right of all of that are two cute bunnies, one using the other to try to

grab a leaf off of a branch while the other one is happy with the a leaf on the ground.

Moving on to my monthly calendar.

It's generally the same set-up as the original but the imagery up top changes with the theme.

Here I have a family of foxes running through a field during sunset, while the wind blows

the leaves off a tree to surround them.

I have the calendar set up in the center, so I can physically plan out my month, Oh

don't laugh but I kind of messed up the spelling of wednesday and week after zoning

out, but I fixed them, reading & writing more is on my overall list of goals, so hopefully

that'll help with my grammar.

And then on the right I have my monthly goals.

I couldn't build my website last month, so this month I want to build my website,

workout 5 days a week, build my illustration collection, and have more patience.

I feel like I've been rushing a lot of things with really high expectations, so starting

now, I want to just try and do my best for every small step I take until I reach my goals.

Instead of focusing so much on the end goal and question why I am not accomplished yet.

This way, I can enjoy the journey.

Next up is my 30 day challenge tracker.

I normally have my daily routine trackers here and decided to really focus it in this


I've had this goal for the past few months now to draw everyday.

It doesn't matter if it's a doodle or a full blown illustration, but the point was

to practice.

So for this month, I am making it a challenge.

On the left page I have a bunny and fox kind of parading with the branches as the leaves

fall around them in celebration, and then on the right I drew 30 leaves for the 30 days

of November.

For every day that I accomplish this task, I will color it in and I am hoping to have

a fully colored page by the end of the month.

And now finally, I have my weekly set-up.

I used the same branches for my 3 month calendar spread and just flipped it.

This way it ties it right back into the theme.

And then on my right, I have the same set-up as October because it worked pretty well.

I was able to list my to dos perfectly in each box.

I have 8 boxes, one for each day of the week and then the last box is dedicated for a weekly goal.

I just repeated this 5 times for the 5 weeks of november.

I have a few blank pages towards the end, which I may use to write my favorite quotes

or just doodle, and then I have the other half of the journal for my December set-up,

which works out perfectly!

So, here is the final flip-through.

It definitely is more like a custom planner without the other trackers but I love how

everything turned out and I thought that the colored cover page was going to be out of

place, but it looks pretty good.

You can find the digital printable on my etsy if you're interested and I am working on

getting the shop fully stocked and will have an announcement for an official launch soon,

so follow me on instagram for updates on that.

Its taking me a little longer to figure it all out, but I hope to have a wonderful shop

for you when I am done!

I hope this video inspires you to try doodling in your journals and create one that suits

you to achieve your goals.

Thank you so much for watching and have a meaningful and fantastic day everyone.


For more infomation >> Plan with me | November 2017 - Duration: 6:25.


GARLIC BREAD PUMPKIN Savory Bread - Duration: 4:26.

Soft fluffy savory bread

3 cups (375g) all purpose flour, 2 teaspoons dry yeast

2 tablespoons sugar

1/2 teaspoon pepper, optional

1 teaspoon garlic powder

One & half teaspoon of salt

3 tablespoons chopped scallions

Stir well

1 large egg, beaten

1 cup (250ml) warm milk

Stir until just combined

4 tablespoons soft butter/margarine

Stir using a strong spoon/mixer with dough hook/KitchenAid about 5 minutes

Until form a soft sticky dough

Don't worry if the dough is stick in the bowl

Cover for 60-90 minutes at warm place

The dough will be very soft, sprinkle little flour to handle

Sprinkle little flour on work surface

The dough is not sticky anymore

Form a ball

Cut into 12 pieces

Flatten each piece and fold into a square

At this step we can add filling, optional

I use rectangle baking pan 28x22 cm. Grease with butter/cooking spray

Cover for 30 minutes

Egg wash

12 pieces of pumpkin cubes

Put pumpkin cube in the center of each dough and press down

Bake at 180°C (350°F) for 25 - 30minutes

Oven may vary

The bottom side looks like this

For more infomation >> GARLIC BREAD PUMPKIN Savory Bread - Duration: 4:26.


New Amazing Nail Art Designs Compilations 2017 | The Best Nail Art Ideas Part 1 - Duration: 10:34.

Thanks for watching!

Hope you have a great time!

Please subscribe for more

Nail Art, Makeup, and Haierstyles Tutorials!

For more infomation >> New Amazing Nail Art Designs Compilations 2017 | The Best Nail Art Ideas Part 1 - Duration: 10:34.


STRES ÇARKI OYUNU! ( - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> STRES ÇARKI OYUNU! ( - Duration: 2:35.


مغربي يلتقي مع أشهر نجوم سينما هوليود و الغناء - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> مغربي يلتقي مع أشهر نجوم سينما هوليود و الغناء - Duration: 10:05.


R3HAB & Waysons - Shanghai (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:52.

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Oh, no, no ♪

♪ Alright, alright ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Shanghai, yeah ♪

♪ (Shanghai, yeah) ♪

♪ Oh, over here ♪

♪ Let's stay together now ♪

For more infomation >> R3HAB & Waysons - Shanghai (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:52.



For more infomation >> YOUTUBE ZERO | DISS TRACK - (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) 2017 - Duration: 2:36.


I Quit My Job for My Horse & Business - Duration: 6:39.

Oh Black Cat hello, Is it coming to me? No. Not.

I'm in the pasture. Horses are scattered all over, so I decided here will be good today to film.

Oh thanks, leaf.

Hey Y'all, I've talked about going full-time on YouTube

since I realized there were other Horse Dreamers out there. Back When I was still a Horse Dreamer.

and then when I started owning a horse I realized I could do so much more

to help you guys in ways that I was never helped.

Then I realized that is what I wanted my full-time job to be.

I wanted to figure out ways to help you guys to feel like

you are going in a direction and you know where to go because in the Horse World it's so confusing

there's so much information out there.

and I knew that encouragement was a big part of that because I didn't have a lot of encouragement.

I was discouraged a lot throughout my school years

and I don't want you guys to go through the same thing.

Obviously to quit a full-time job you still need some source of income to sustain your life, the horse you have the family you are creating.

So I do have to make money in this direction.

But my number one goal is most definitely

Helping Horse Dreamers become Horse Owners and Horse Owners become more confident

and learn from the little mistakes that are made as a new Horse Owner

none of us are perfect, but we must strive to be better and learn more to become better riders and better trainers and definitely better Horse Owners in general

I quit my full-time job to pursue building The Horse Dream company

I quit about three weeks ago and since quitting I've been organizing and taking those times to really get

what I really want to do and direction I want to go in this holiday time (Holiday Season)

and how I want to push things and grow the business

but not only that help you guys in different ways

now I have 40 hours a week to think about this and build the company and post on social media and post videos

and edit videos and all the things that entail every bit of this part of the company

I get to do it for 40 hours a week plus whatever extra I decide to do during that week.

I'm trying to stay out of the sun but it keeps moving so, or the earth keeps moving technically.

So why is this so important to me that I would quit my full-time job?

For more infomation >> I Quit My Job for My Horse & Business - Duration: 6:39.


Making a Strip-Built Kayak - Launch - E20 - Duration: 9:08.

Hi I'm Nick Schade at Guillemot Kayaks, welcome the final episode of my 20 part series on

making the Petrel Play a strip built kayak.

No boat of any kind is truly complete until it has been put in the water.

Before that it's just a boat-like object.

While I built this kayak for a customer, I did have a chance to get it out on the water

a couple times before delivery.

This video is a compilation of those two trips.

I'll keep quiet while I take you out the Poquonnock River, onto Fishers Island Sound, to a tide

race we call "The Cans" and then take you home again.

This kayak is fun.

I am really pleased with how the boat came out.

At 31 pounds or about 14 kilograms the light weight is easy to carry down to the shore.

On the water its sprightly and responsive.

On flatwater the kayak was comfortable and easy to paddle.

In rougher conditions, it accelerated quickly, surfed smoothly and worked upwind easily.

I was happy and so was the customer.

As I finish off this series, I hope I've inspired some of you to take on a boatbuilding project.

Maybe its less intimidating now that you have seen it all done.

I enjoy every aspect, from choosing a design, through making the kayak and finally getting

out on the water in a beautiful vessel that I made myself.

Thank you for watching this series.

If you would like to see more like it, please let me know, either through liking, posting

a comment or sharing, or better yet support my future efforts with a small contribution

on my Patreon site.

I am currently figuring out my winter build schedule, and will let you know what I'll

be working on soon.

Until the then, thanks for watching and happy paddling.

For more infomation >> Making a Strip-Built Kayak - Launch - E20 - Duration: 9:08.


5 Tricks to GROW Your INSTAGRAM Account - Duration: 9:45.

For more infomation >> 5 Tricks to GROW Your INSTAGRAM Account - Duration: 9:45.


Top 10 Tips for Consumers to Avoid Legal Issues - Duration: 8:16.

Hello, it's Sade here! Welcome to our Top 10 Tips for Consumer Protection.

Tip Number 10 would seem a lot like a no-brainer, and this is to do your

research before you enter into any contract with a person or a company.

There's so much information out there these days that there's almost no

excuse not to look a company up before entering into an agreement for services

or to buy a product from them. So go online and you can go on

on Yelp, or you can go on Better Business Bureau even. And sometimes you can even

find reviews on So at least even if nothing comes up while

you're doing your search, you know you've done your best to do your due diligence

before entering into an agreement with an individual or a company.

Tip Number 9 is to make sure that you know exactly what

it is that you're you're agreeing to before you actually agree to it.

So clarify clarify clarify. In terms of buying products sometimes it's a little

easier because you can tell "Okay I'm getting so many units of oranges or

apples, so I'll pay this much and I'll get this much" and that seems a lot

easier but even within that context sometimes a lot gets lost in translation.

So especially when it's a service type contract where we're not dealing with

widgets or units, repeat the understanding that you have to the other

party to check and verify to make sure that you're speaking the same language.

Tip Number 8. Under contract law there has to be an offer and an

acceptance and so we want you to get your acceptance conveyed in writing and

also when you're on the other side, get the other person to convey their

acceptance in writing. So for instance if it's something such as a purchase order

that was emailed to the other party you want to make sure to say

"Please respond Yay or Nay." And they can respond and say "I agree with the purchase order", or

"I agree with this part but not that part." Then we don't really have an acceptance at that level.

So make sure to get the acceptance in writing and if you are the one doing

the accepting, also make it clear in writing what you're accepting and what

you're not accepting.

Tip Number 7 is to stay away from cash transactions as

much as you can mostly because cash transactions are not

very traceable. They're not easily traceable and there might be a dispute

even when you have receipts to show. So try to use the best form of payment

such as your personal checks, company checks, or credit cards,

debit cards, things like that because third party companies that are

charge of those forms of payment will also have a backup records in case you

lose yours. If you must, then do cashier's check or money order and keep your stubs

because you never know.

Tip Number 6 is to nip it in the bud.

if the other party is not performing as they should be, in terms of their end of

the bargain.

So instead of just overlooking it and complaining

maybe to friends or your family, go ahead and write a short email. At least you

have it documented in writing that you are objecting to the non-performance.

We want that in case there's a need to revisit the matter later and you don't

want the other party to say you've waived the non-performance.

Tip Number 5 is to make sure that you have clean hands

before you bring anybody to court

regarding non-performance of the agreement. The legal system requires

people to have clean hands in order to complain of breach so you can't be in

breach and then also bring somebody else saying that they're in breach unless

they breached first, in a material, substantial, or significant manner.

Tip Number 4 is in reference to when dealing with individuals or entities

that could potentially be licensed or carry liability insurance. It's good to

seek those people out because if there should be an issue in the future and you

want to file a claim, it helps significantly if there's an insurance

company that you could put on the hook for that, as opposed to going after an

individual contractor. And also them having a license sometimes tells you that

they might possibly care about quality work. So if it's a realtor, make sure to

look up their license yourself but ask them directly and say "Are you

licensed and is your license active?" Those are good questions to ask -

"Have you ever been suspended for anything?"

Tip Number 3 is when you believe that the other party has breached the contract and you've

already tried a few things and they're still continuing the breach, you can

actually write them a demand letter certified mail with return receipt,

specifying what your issues are with their performance or non-performance.

Make sure that you're very specific as to why you think they've breached the contract

and that you want a response, or some kind of change, or performance by a date certain.

So put a deadline in there. A reasonable deadline depends on the situation but 7 days, 10 days or 30 days.

would be more than reasonable.

Tip Number 2 is in reference to the actual contract itself. A lot of

contracts will actually be okay if they're verbal. They'll be recognized

under the law as legal contracts, with a few exceptions like things like real

estate transactions, or agreements that may not be able to be performed within a year

those have to be in writing but we suggest that you put every agreement in

writing and this is because it's so much easier to track the agreement

or the terms of the agreement if there's a writing that we can look at and reference

and it's also easier to track whether somebody is in breach if there's a

writing that we can reference.

Also, every contract should have at least some

minimum terms and when you put something in writing it forces you to make sure

that those terms are covered such as

Who, What, Where, How Much, By When?

And if time is of the essence, make sure you put that in there as well.

Tip Number 1 is in reference to the breach itself. In order to drag somebody

to court or bring a case against them, the breach has to be material, meaning

that it has to go to the core of your agreement with that party.

So for instance if you're delivering food to a party that was supposed to take place on

Saturday and you did deliver the food on Saturday and you delivered 199 plates

instead of 200 plates as agreed, that would not be a material breach.

If you delivered the same 199 plates but you happened to deliver it on Monday,

two days after the event already took place, instead of Saturday, then that

would definitely be a material breach.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Tips for Consumers to Avoid Legal Issues - Duration: 8:16.


How to Make VEGAN CANDY CORN (sort of) HALLOWEEN FUN! - Duration: 7:58.

- Welcome to Stump Kitchen.

- Candy corn.


- Welcome to Stump Kitchen.

- Candy corn

- Edition with

- Me.


- One more time. - One more time!

- [Both] Welcome to Stump Kitchen.


♫ Stump Kitchen

♫ Stump Kitchen

♫ Gluten-Free vegan eats

♫ Stumptastic treats

- It's October.

And that means it's Halloween month.

Happy (bleep)in' Halloween month.

- You too.


- How do you feel about Halloween, Rae????

- I usually hide inside and eat candy.

- That sounds the (bleep)in' best.

(both laugh)

- I'm excited.

- I know, yeah.

- Now I have something to fill my tortillas with

when I get home.


Candy corn tortilla.

That'd be so good actually.


So how do you make candy corn vegan with no gluten in it?

- Let me tell you.

I'm so glad you asked.

Step one is get a pretty bowl.

- I think this one is perfect.

- In here we put two and a half cups of icing sugar.

- This is two and a half cups.


- I pre-measured it.

What is this?

- Is it cornstarch?

- Yes, it's cornstarch.

Half a cup of cornstarch.

My mouth tastes like corn now.

Then just like a sprinkle of salt.

- 'Kay, is that a pinch?

- I think so.

If it feels good to you I'd say yeah.

- 'Kay there we go.

- Get my hair out of the way. Oh

- It's okay.

- It's okay to make a mess here.

Now, a cup of just regular sugar. Blap.

A teaspoon of vanilla

- Okay.

- I will spot you.

- This is a tablespoon, is that okay?

- I meant to say a tablespoon.

- Okay just checking.

- Now we need, hum unum unuma num num num,

five tablespoons of vegan butter.

This is the stump scoop technique, yup.

It's a built in scooper-outer.

- Four.


We need four?

- Five.

- Five.

- Okay.

- Brilliant! Okay we need two thirds of a cup of either

corn syrup or brown rice syrup.

This is the chicken-wing technique.

You stick the thing in your stump arm like a chicken wing.


And just stick your stump in there and squeeze it out.


- Let's get the rest out.

- Get it out.

- [Both] We did it.

- We're doing it.

- Yeah we're doing it.

- This is so fun. I'm just gonna make a giant candy corn

on Halloween and eat it. Just one corn.

- Yeah? Just one.

- Candy's tricky isn't it?

- Yeah it's gotta boil for like,

it's gotta do this for a while.

Look how fluffy it's getting!

- Do you think it's five minutes now?

- Um--

- It's only three minutes?

- Let's do one more minute.

- Okay.

- [Both] Mix it, mix it, mix it up.

- Can that be your next hit song?

- I think so.

- I think so, too.

(both laugh)

- And then, oh wait where's our bowl, oh here.


Okay I'm ready!


- Mm candy. I can't believe I'll be able to

make my own candy from now on.

- Yeah. Oh this feels like it's already hardening.

- Uh-oh.

- Hmm. Can you take a turn?

- Stirring time.

- Yeah.

- Okay.

I can do this.

- Two of us and three hands and four limbs, we'll be fine.


This (bleep)'s hard.


We're breaking into a sweat here.

- Emergency maneuver!

- Candy in there.


We don't know if this is what we're supposed to do

but we're gonna do it anyway.

Oh, why is it all crumbly? Maybe some more vanilla.

Yeah. Let's put some more vanilla in. Give it a splash.

- Oh.

- Yup. (laughs) It's in there now.



Well here we are. Another stump full of butter.


I'm gonna go in with my limbs.

- Is it still hot?

- Well, yeah.


(bleep) this bowl (bleep). How's the temperature?

- It's good.

- Oh no!


It's not working! Butter, vanilla, yes.

Maybe we didn't boil it for long enough.

- Maybe it was my internal clock.

(suspenseful music)

Oh no, what's half of a third? It's one sixth, right?

- That's right. We're (bleep)in' math geniuses up in here.

- Yeah.

Mm hmm.

- Yeah and okay, great, great great.

- Fix it.

- Yeah.

- F it.

The important thing is to not give up on candy.

- Yeah, don't give up on candy

'cause candy doesn't give up on you.

- It's always there for you.

- Always there. Even like 18 months after Halloween,

it's still there ready for you.

- Let's give this to children.

(hands clap)

- Oh no!

(both laugh)

You look awesome.

- Thank you, thank you.

- I'm just gonna, you, there you go.

- My first gray hair.

- This is what we didn't have much of!

- Oh.

- Oh, shh!

- We're trick-or-treating now.

- Trick-or-treating for corn syrup.

- For corn syrup.



- Hey neighbor.

- Hi.

- How's it going?

- Good, how are you?

- I'm good. Do you have any corn syrup or brown rice syrup?

- I might, but it's gonna be like, decades old.

- That's okay, we're just making candy.

- Yes!

- Yeah.

- No way! Thank you so much. Bye!

- Rae, that was the best idea.

Victory, victory, victory dance. Yeah.

- We're back. We have the expired syrup.


Wasn't that the sound?

- It sure was!


- All right.

- Yeah. Mm I tasted it, it tastes good, we're not gonna die.


Candy is stressful.

- Cornstarch feels really good.


- Yeah. It's (bleep)in' happening.

- Just gotta go faster.

- Faster, faster. Wow. Okay what the--

- Did it happen again?

- Dammit.


They look kinda like aliens.

- Wow, maybe we should make aliens for my cat Sigourney.



Take it home to her.


- It's really hot. It's really (bleep)in' hot.

- Uh-oh this one's like, not even--

- This one's okay, this one's okay.

Kind of, kind of, kind of.

(both laugh)

- Has this ever happened on Stump Kitchen before?

- Not really.

- I like it.

- Me too.

- It's more fun.

- It is more fun.

- We're all here together, trying.

- She's right.

Here's the food dye.

- And what do you do?

- You just put it in them.

- Like this?

(both laugh)

- Okay, keep it together Alexis, we can do this.

Sometimes you just-- sometimes you just gotta

work with what you have, right?

- Mm hmm.


- There we go. These are beautiful though.

- Halloween magic. Well we did it.

(both laugh)

I think it's time to celebrate our hard work

and eat what we've created.

- Okay. I'm not chewing it though.

I'm worried about my dental work.

- That (bleep)'s expensive.



(both laugh)

So, um--

- Thanks for having me, this has been really fun.

(both laugh)

- Rae Spoon, I love you so much.

- Hang on I'm just gonna spit this out.


What have we learned from today.

- Candy is really hard to make.

- Yeah.

- You just have to learn how to make it.

- You have to learn, not from watching this episode.

From other-- you maybe watch a different one.

It's really important to like, fail sometimes.

(bleep) just doesn't work out.

And that's okay. You embrace it.

Thank you so much for being on the show.

- Thanks for having me.

- Yeah, this was amazing. If you haven't already,

make sure you subscribe to Stump Kitchen.

If you wanna support Stump Kitchen on Patreon,

that would be really great too.

If you haven't heard any of Rae Spoon's music,

you need to check it out, it's the (bleep)ing best.

What's the best place for people

to find you on the inter webs?

- Anywhere. Bandcamp,

I have a record label called Coax Records,

which is me and a bunch of other artists, they're awesome.

- Happy Halloween!

(both laugh)

We'll see you next time on Stump Kitchen. Bye.

- Bye.

♫ Stump Kitchen

♫ Stump Kitchen

♫ Gluten-Free vegan eats

♫ Stumptastic treats

- So I'll put this in a little Tupperware for you.

- Okay, perfect.

(both laugh)

For more infomation >> How to Make VEGAN CANDY CORN (sort of) HALLOWEEN FUN! - Duration: 7:58.


ELEX Review - Duration: 12:46.

Hi and Welcome to Danklord vs Games.

My name is Kevin and today we'll be taking a look at Elex made by Piranha Bytes.

Elex is a single player rpg more appealing to those who has a history with the Gothic

1 to 3 games, made by the same developer.

I'll begin by saying; I am not one of those people but that doesn't mean I'm going to

hate on the game.

Not this time.

But this video is going to be a lot more spread out in topics as I discuss the game than normal.

Let's start with story

Your ship is brought down by an unknown perpetrator and you're left presumed dead.

Your armor ends up being stolen and thus you are left stranded on a ruined planet called

Magalan dominated by three main factions.

The Outlaws.

The Berserkers and The Clerics.

Your first main task becomes obvious straight from the start.

You want to recover your armor and seek out whoever wanted you dead.

But in order to do so, you need to start from scratch regaining equipment.

The factions all have their unique preferable way of combat and your goal is to join one

of them in order to learn their specific skills and gain access to their unique armor.

But you can only join one of the three available factions and your choice is permanent.

They're all situated in different regions of a large map and most of them are friendly

at first to newcomers like yourself.

They all have a unique agenda of their own and before they'll even considers letting

you join, they all have a bunch of tasks for you that needs to be done in order to gain

their trust.

Elex is a new element brought to Magalan when a comet struck the planet.

It's the mineral the game and story is based upon.

The mineral was discovered to be valuable in many different ways and the people quickly

started using Pure Elex for spellcrafting and weapon forging.

Of course the element turned into a drug able to create half-synthetic hybrids of human

beings, enhancing their overall powers and genetics.

The downside to taking Elex as a drug is that one of the withdrawal symptoms is agonizing


These hybrids, known as the Albs, is part of your characters history.

He used to be a part of them, but somehow survives with Elex in no longer present in

his system.

Skills and economy is equally important as questing and leveling to your character, if

not more.

Money, or Elexit as it's called is essentially just rock with trace amounts of Elex,

but it's the most valuable resource you can find.

With Pure Elex you can craft exp, attribute points or skill points to infinite amounts

if you so desire, assuming you have the funds to do so.

Some personal talk...

At first, the game is weird as hell, weird like Fallout: New Vegas as a first person

shooter without the V.A.T.S. system.

Weird like brushing your teeth with baking soda.

It just doesn't make any sense but for some reason, even though your gum is bleeding,

it actually works.

I mean, just look at it…

I'm not doing this intentionally.

Despite all this I stuck to it and decided to dive deeper to see what else the game had

to offer besides a neanderthal approach to combat.

While it seemed like most players couldn't stand the task, I was determined to finish

this game like no other m-fr.

Let me try to explain why most people approached the game in a way that made them resent their

first experience, only to never look back.

And also why I kind of liked it..

After your first quest where you meet your first of many available companions you'll

quickly be overwhelmed by the amount of quests and lack of directions you're given.

If you expect the game to hold your hand, just forget it, it'll cut your hand off.

After you're introduced to The Berserker stronghold, you're truly free to do exactly

what you want from this point.

Normally you'd go into the town to and start looking for people to talk to.

You start gathering a bunch of quests and then head out to try and do one or two, but

you're quickly getting killed by monsters that seem to hint that maybe you should try another

quest until you repeat this over and over and eventually hit a brick wall.

Combat is taught to the player straight from the start leaving anyone to assume that this

is a normal action rpg that just suffers from terrible combat animations, but that's not

the case at all.

If anything, it's another hint that combat should be avoided at all costs.

Elex truly tries to give you a sense of being underpowered for everything, even rats kills you

You really have to earn the strength to be able to fight creatures on your own, so the

game provides you with a companion to do most of the heavy lifting.

But if you miss that first quest and don't get a follower, you're going to have a tough

time, if not, an impossible one.

You're supposed to run away more than you're supposed to fight things, and that's quite

the opposite of most games within the same genre.

Your companion technically tells you this within the first 5 minutes of the game, but

when he says that "these woods are dangerous, I've been attacked countless times, stay

close to me", no one expects that it should be like that throughout the first 30 hours

of the game.

But it is.

And if you once again forgot to get that companion, I mean.. you..

I mean, I'm sorry you're fuucked.

There, I said It, I tried not to swear in this video.

You're given a jetpack within a few minutes and there's a reason why it exists.

Altitude and kiting enemies are your best ways of surviving in this harsh environment.

The developers chose to not stick to conventional means of having linear progression and decided

to almost randomly scatter clusters of mobs ranging from level 1 to impossible, all over

the map, and that's essentially how the game starts out for everyone.

When you first teleport to your hub and explore the outer perimeter you're going to come

across reapers that shoot you down the minute they spot you.

There's even a huge mob nearby that throws rocks at you, reinforcing the idea that you

really shouldn't mess around with anything just yet.

Like 15 to 20 levels yet, and when you do.

Don't exhaust your stamina by smashing your attack like a spaz.

As I mentioned before you're able to craft potions through alchemy that either gives

you experience, attribute points or skill points, but alchemy and many other skills

require a bunch of points in intellect, reinforcing even further that maybe strength and dexterity

isn't that important just yet.

The problem is that all skills are neatly tucked behind a terrible user interface that

makes almost anyone be like "Yeaaah..

Maybe I'll look at this later" Except for the attribute points, which are

as straightforward as ever.

But it doesn't help that each category requires you to find and talk to a specific trainer

scattered throughout the different cities if you want to level up in each category up.

The first two hours of the game is by far one of the slowest experiences you're going

to come across in a game and I honestly think it's because of the Steam refund policy,

and that's all it is.

There is so much dialogue in this game, dialogue which isn't even good by the way, but it

all serves a purpose.

Not only does it provide you with information, ideally you'd realize that you can talk

your way out of almost every situation if you have the stats to back it up, but the

dialogue is so damn boring and monotonous that I honestly skipped 80% of it.

My strategy was to put subtitles on and just read faster than they spoke, skipping everything

else, but I feel like I missed out on so much information of why I was doing certain things.

The acting isn't terrible per say but it's somewhat apparent that the voice actors were

detached from what's happening inside the game, leaving them with very little to no


Sometimes it works.

Most of the time it doesn't.

Most of the time the camera couldn't handle the situation at all and went through walls

or just couldn't put my player in frame.

Sometimes it did this..

Piranha Bytes are known for their specific type of gameplay that seems to be present

in their titles all the way back to 2001.

Innovation and quality of life seems to be uninteresting to the developers in favor of

keeping the game "true to it's predecessors" but it cost them a great deal of players sick

of the same old flaws.

To many players, it's not a valid excuse to cripple the mechanics of the game in order

to keep things true.

It comes across as lazy and frankly, unacceptable in the year of 2017.

I on the other hand that never had to play any of their previous titles, so I quickly accepted

the game for what it was.

A game made by a small group of overly ambitious developers that I had to outsmart and complete.

I also had Fallout new Vegas horribly boring world design in the back of my head thinking

that this world is diverse and lush enough to keep me interested in exploring every inch of it

Elex is still unconventional in every single way when it comes to RPG's but the overall

package works.

If combat wasn't as clunky as it was, killing two enemies in a quest wouldn't feel as rewarding

as simply plowing through hordes of enemies.

You see, games are made for you to feel a bit like a superhero.

Even though the challenge increases, you're still on top of the enemies at all times.

You're better and stronger.

Most importantly you don't have terrible AI, but in Elex you're brought down to a level

lower than the enemies themselves until you start gearing up, and even then, you'll

be pretty terrible.

It's like they want you to be a caveman.

Embrace your inner caveman for god sake!

You'll need a lot of patience and you're going to be looking at the same armor for

quite a while until you establish an economy and a rank within your faction.

I rarely found armor by looting and not having fun loot in an rpg is just…

Bordering on illegal.

Also, if you haven't played this game, looting itself is a bit tedious and clunky as you

have to target the physical item on the ground, or on a shelf to pick it up.

Yeah, there's not a whole lot of clickable surface to an arrow, so don't bother with

a controller..

But once you do start getting armor, it feels rewarding as hell getting to look like the

NPC's you've come across around the world.

If only the stats could reflect that.

The increase you get is so minute that it barely makes a difference if not for the overall

aesthetics and there's no page where you can see how much health you have or damage

you deal.

Hell, you can't even tell how much experience you have into your level in numbers.

There's just a small progress bar that fills up as you go, and there's no indication

of level besides a skull meaning - run forrest, run.

But there's so much content in this game for you to explore, the options you have for

going about your questing is just amazing but at the same time nothing new.

I honestly think that the game would have been better off financially if it was called

Gothic 4; New and Unimproved; but hey, they wanted to bring in a new audience without

ever taking the time to lay down the basic rules for all of the new players to learn.

I can't put my finger on exactly why, but I enjoyed my time with the game once I realized

how it should be played.

But neither could I understand Fallout: New Vegas.

I hated the game as much as I loved it for it's terrible gameplay outshone by the incredible

story behind its back.

Elex isn't going to give you a story worthy of exploration but it's going to give you

a world worthy of one.

To start to come to a conclusion.

The first city you come across are run by The Berserkers and they've decided to ban

all use of technology.

The map and interface is all supposed to be integrated technology into your sleeve and

thus, opening the quest logs, maps or attribute panel will trigger the guards or npc's to

comment on your use of technology.

Another way of the game trying to tell you that you should explore other cities and see

what they think of you.

You're not supposed to make a choice early on in the game of what faction to join.

You're supposed to take advantage of all of them one by one and gain experience in

the process.

You're not supposed to forget that your allegiance originally was with the Albs.

The mistake you can make that you would traditionally do in a game is that you want to finish one hub or a

city one at a time

If you do that, you're going to get stuck and when you get stuck, you try to grind mobs

for XP.

Mobs that once again, kill you.

Because none of this is explained the game comes across as a difficult game with horrible

mechanics, but there is so much more to it than that.

The first few quests have you run some outrageous distances

making you believe that they are meant for later in the game, while they're not, if

they're given to you, they can all be done, even if you're level 1.

On this save file I got kidnapped by the Clerics while on my way to do a regular quest and decided

to join them for the fun of it.

For my next playthrough I'm going to try and take over an entire city by joining them

and killing their leader.

I'll see what happens for the fun of it and I think those "sandboxy" type of elements

are enjoying.

It's unfortunate though that the process to get there is sort of tedious.

But if you stick to it and you enjoy rpg's where you can pickpocket everyone at night

and destroy a faction from the inside out, you're going to enjoy the insane amount

of time it takes to complete this game.

There's not many games out there nowadays that can give you that sense of grandness

when you think that you're ready to take on the last boss only to have the game hit

you with "Chapter 2" after almost 40 hours of playing.

I mean come on...

For more infomation >> ELEX Review - Duration: 12:46.


Best TVs of 2017 (36 TVs tested) - - Duration: 3:20.

Hi, I'm Cedric from We've bought and tested 36 different TVs

so far in 2017, from budget all the way to high end TVs.

In this video, we will go over which one you should buy depending on your budget and what

you will use the TV for.

We will start with the budget TVs and work our way up.

These are simplified recommendations.

You can find all our test results on our website if you want to go more in-depth.

We also have tool that you can enter your own needs and it will recommend you the best

TV for you.

First, if you don't want to spend a lot of money.

In the budget range, the choice is simple no matter your usage: get a TCL Series.

For a small TV, get the TCL S Series either in 1080p or 4k.

It has a good basic picture quality.

If you care about HDR, for example if you plan on playing video games on the Xbox One

X, it is worth spending more to get the TCL P Series.

It is by far the best budget HDR TV for playing video games since it has a full array local

dimming backlight, a wide color gamut and a low input lag in HDR.

For something bigger but still in the budget range, get the Vizio M Series.

But keep in mind though that the input lag is higher, so not as good as the TCL to play

video games.

Now if we move up one price bracket.

In this range, the Sony X900E is the main winner for most people.

Compared to the TCL P Series, you gain a better screen uniformity and a better handling of


It has a slightly higher input lag for video games, but the difference isn't very


If you want something in-between the Sony and the TCL, get instead the Samsung MU8000.

The blacks won't be as good, but it is cheaper than the Sony and more well rounded than the


If you want a better screen finish, get instead the Samsung MU9000.

It is basically the same thing as the MU8000 but with a glossy screen finish which helps

reducing the reflections.

If you have a wide living room with multiple viewing position, get a TV that can maintain

better colors at an angle like the LG SJ8500.

The blacks won't be as good in a dark room, so it is a tradeoff between viewing angle

and contrast.

If you want a TV in the 75 inch range, OLED is not really affordable in the big sizes,

so get instead a big LED TV like the Sony X940E.

If money is not a concern, then the best TV you can buy for most situation is an OLED.

They don't get as bright and are prone to image retention, but they have a far better

picture quality in a dark room than an LED TV.

As for which one to buy, there are some differences between the different 2017 models, but the

differences are quite small for a normal usage, so simply get the cheapest one you can find,

which is usually the LG B7 or the C7.

So that's it.

To summarize: for a limited budget, get a TCL TV.

In the mid-range, get the Sony X900E, and if money is not a concern, get an OLED like

the LG C7.

You can find all our measurements and up to date recommendations on our website.

And if you like this video, subscribe to our channel or become a contributor, and see you

next time.

For more infomation >> Best TVs of 2017 (36 TVs tested) - - Duration: 3:20.


The County Seat Western Desert Issues - Duration: 28:51.

Welcome to this weeks' episode of

The County Seat, I'm your host Chad

Booth. Today we are going to talk

about west desert issues and joining

us are the people that are closest to

the issues that happen out here. We

have Glenn Greenhalgh from

Planning Department in Juab County

and we Commissioner Dean Draper

from Millard County and we are going

to have a discussion about the issues

that really are driving survivability of

the west and that may sound

dramatic but really the survivability

of the communities of the west

desert are at stake. It is not unlike

the pioneers where you look at first

issues of land water access and

invasion and those are the four topics

So let's start the conversation with

land access Dean what is the biggest

problem with land out here?

Well 70% of Millard County is public

land and the BLM part of that it's

used for grazing and mining it's used

for recreation. Up until the current

administration there was a great

drive to keep the public off of public

lands to curtain grazing allotments to

make it so mining could not happen

that impacts the economies of our

counties it reduces our tax base and

it reduces the service that are

available to our people. As far as the

average person who came into

wester Utah they would be allowed

just like in Hawaii if you are out on a

sidewalk or a beach or asphalt you

can go there but you cannot go

anywhere else.

Okay, understood. What are some of

the specific problems that threaten

our status quo the administration has

hanged but there are things like the

test range that have an impact on

how we use public land and have a

big effect in both your counties.

That's correct. The Utah test and

training range is extremely important

to the free world. It's the only type

of its range in the United States. We

support and are grateful for that but

we are also need to understand it can

have a large impact of the residents

of that area of the state of Utah.

They are doing some expansion now

we are concerned about the

possibilities of road closures and

things we been working closely with

SITLA as well as the DOD and others

but it is a mixed blessing but we need

to maintain the access to the lands.

all, are their multiple roads that

actually cross like multiple uses on

the test range?

There are many uses across the test

range. This latest expansion would

allow some closures for that but they

have fly sorties if you will or have

pilots from around the free world

that come and test on this range. It's

one of the few places they can fly

what they call map of the earth and

do some of the training. Last time I

was with the air force out of hill air

force base the pilot that was

conducting the briefing had just

returned from some very successful

missions in Iraq and he said every

tactic I used in Iraq I learned right

here on this range.

Wow, so it is not that they are

dropping ordinances out there so

much as it is they are practicing


They are testing new technology. The

formal border for this is the

Juab/Millard County line but it's like

tehSR21 Blackbird it takes 3 states to

turn one of those around these things

do not turn around at the border

they come across Millard County's

airspace. We have a project being

developed on the Sevier Lake dry bed

and the fly zones extend in a vector

out there you have places where you

cannot build 100 feet above ground

level others where it is 200 feet

above ground level that is also

Millard County's next primary place

for development. This mine that is

going in on the lakebed there would

have things that could possibly

exceed that so that their energy

could be used to process their

ultimate pot ash situation. What we

are looking for is to not inhibit

development in our counties with

that out in Juab County there are

roads that will be closed and the

people that live there will be told that

for 2 or 3 days they don't move.

If you live in Callao that is kind of a

problem, isn't it?

IT is.

Is there a general solution to this, it's

kind of different than the normal

BLM we are going to cut your grazing

allotment issue right?

It is but if you look at history and I

like to be an optimist not a pessimist

if you look at history what often

happens is what I call baby steps,

they get a little bit and then they get

a little bit more and then they get a

little bit more and you are never sure

where you are going to end up so you

got to be careful and watch as the ant

begins to eat the elephant one bit at

a time.

Understood we have just barely

touched on this issue sounds like we

will be coming back on an entire

series of shows. We are going to

move onto water on the County Seat

and talk about that that is an issue

that is very important to the counties

be back in just a minute.

Welcome back to The County Seat we

are talking today about issues of the

west desert which actually

encompass several counties out here

in the west. Our topic now is to look

at the issues of water of which is the

most important issue for survivability

of any of the communities out here.

We do want to talk about the water

issues behind us is surface water and

most people think if you need a

community to survive you just build

another reservoir you tap a little

more of a river and your problems

are solved. Is that not the case?

Absolutely not the case. Surface

water is but a small part of the whole

water scheme of things water system

and I believe that people really have

a misunderstanding when it comes to

water what water is and the

importance of it.

know that every now and then in the

news Snake Valley water comes up

and people go what does that have to

do with Delta what does that have to

do with Callao and western Juab

County because it's over in Nevada

aren't they on a different aquifer?

They are on a different aquifer than

we are right here but they are not on

a different aquifer from some of the

rest of the state of Utah. We have

studies that show that water actually

flows from Utah side of Snake Valley

even in towards Salt Lake and there

are a couple issues with that it's not

as much that the water guest to Salt

Lake some of it does head that way

but if we start reducing the water

pressure or water flow on our side

some of the bad water from around

some of the salt flats things like that

will begin to head this way it will

deteriorate the water situation in Salt

Lake County but it could also destroy

such things as fish springs which is

national wildlife refuge.

So Dean when you are talking about

hydrostatic pressure of ground water

basically I think I understand what

Glenn is saying you take water out of

a chunk the surrounding water is

going in to fill in the void.

That happens the mountain ranges in

western Utah run across Nevada all

have permeability at some point in

Nevada right now there was a

hearing 2 weeks ago about pumping

water out of the Spring valley that

aquifer there the LDS church put

together a study in 2017 if they were

to pump water in this Spring Valley7

according to that study water would

flow backwards from the Hamlin

Valley and the Snake Valley in Utah

back into the Spring Valley that would

have a draw that also brings water

down from Juab and Salt Lake County

because it would reverse the flow

depending on how much was taken


So if they basically take water out of

an aquifer and pump it to Las Vegas

which I think they are trying to do

what happens to the water out here?

Is there proof that this is actually


They have models they do not have

proof yet they do have some history

though. On the Utah Nevada border

in the Snake Valley there is a large

spring called Big Springs. It provides

water that goes north to Esdaile and

Callao and Juab the water table there

has been dropping 6-8 inches each

year for the past five years.

You find that has been true in Juab

County as well.

That is true. We find that the existing

wells and ranchers' farmers in Juab

County in Snake Valley their water

levels have dropped and I do not

have exact measurements but they

have been dropping and I have

toured that country many times and

where they used to be large seeps if

you are lucky now there is a tiny


One other question the argument

that says Las Vegas Salt Lake should

get this water is that there is ah

higher need there. Do you guys agree

with that model?

No I do not.

How do you justify that Glenn?

I have had some experience some of

it in the electric power industry there

was a group that I was involved with

had some big players like Provo some

small players like Manti and Nephi

and Levan and actually the power

superintendent in Provo taught us all

that a kilowatt is a kilowatt no matter

what. It is not about how many

people it's about the individual

people and those individual people

who have made their life and

livelihood carved out some very

rough country of a place they can live

and work they deserve as much

condition as much protection as any

other resident or citizen in the state

of Utah. And it is important that we

understand that. People think that

water is a small thing it's important

to understand a few points. One that

in order for humans to survive there

are 3 most important, if you exclude

air there are 3 most important items.

Number one is air and you can go a

few minutes without air. Number two

is water you can go a few days

without water. Number 3 is food you

can go weeks without food. People

need to understand how important it

is and people in Callao and Trout

Creek Garrison and Baker Nevada

they deserve just as much

consideration as somebody in a larger

valley. We need to stop inner basin

flows if we are going to protect the

lifestyle that is the American Dream.

I know we are running a little long on

time but one very quick statement

from you, Dean, what happens to the

land if they do withdraw the water?

Okay they are looking at doing

evapotranspiration capture that

mean that all of the plants and the

valleys that they would pump from

would die. It would leave an absolute

desert with no plant growth on top

other than what surface water might


Would that basically create a dust

problem for some of the metro areas

that are sucking the water in?

Absolutely, you would have a

pollution with the dust that way an

inner basin transfer in any basins in

any states sets a precedent where a

large urban area could come after

rural water and leave everybody

sitting there with hey we are in


That would be starving to death

eventually because a lot of food

comes out of this area.

That's right.

We have to take a break we will be

right back with The County Seat

talking about west desert issues and

we will pick up with getting access to

those when we return.

Welcome back to The County Seat we

are in the western part of Millard

County out in the great western

desert of Utah talking about issues

that are really important to rural

Utah particular people who live in

this dry climate out here. We have

covered the topic of land and water

but neither one of those amount for

much if you do not have access so

one of the other key problems is

access to roads and we continue our

conversation with Commissioner

Draper from Millard C county and

joining us now is Tony Rampton from

the Attorney General's office who is

the RS2477 Czar from Southern Utah.

Tony thank you for driving all the way

out here for this RS2477 road. Let's

just have a chat a bit about where we

are with RS2477.

Well where we are right now is there

are several different things that are

moving forward. As I have said many

times everyone recognizes that

litigating the 12,500 roads that the

state of Utah and the counties are

claiming won't happen.

It cannot happen.

Physically it is impossible so we have

to come up with an alternative

solution and an alternative process

for processing these road claims so

we have got 3 different groups

working on that the courts are

working on that the Congress of the

United States is working on that and

BLM is working on that so there are

things in the works it just takes so

much time that is the thing that is

frustrating to people is that it just

takes a lot of time and it will continue

to take a long time. It's a big project.

So a lot of people look at this and say

what difference this dirt road makes.

It may have been here 100 years ago

but who needs this road today?

Well this has been used for over 100

years this is a mining district this is a

grazing district and it allows access if

this road were to be closed you could

take a 20 mile detour and still never

get where you needed to be.

So who uses it today?

We have cattle producers that are

out here with different permits in this

area. They come out to check their

livestock over here to the west of us

is what is known as Smelter Knoll it's

a rhyolite formation rock founders

come out here commercial rock

salesmen come and they collect the

different formation they put them in

aquariums and fire places these

people use this road for access to

that. Down at the south end of

Smelter Knoll is a crate which in the

1940's they took a meteorite out of it

that is now in the Smithsonian. It is

still a favorite for people to come and

camp and enjoy life and this road

facilitates that.

Well why couldn't it just be a Title 5?

That limits access in such a way that

you cannot do anything with it.

If it stayed Title 5 who would decide

how the road was used or how it


The BLM. Title 5's cannot be

compared to an RS2477. A Title 5 is

essentially a permit issued by the

federal government. That permit is

subject to conditions. BLM can place

any kinds of conditions that they

want to.

Including revocation?

They are always revocable. You

cannot put together a Title 5 permit

that is not revocable. The law

disallows that so that is a conditional

permit that is revocable an RS2477 is

actually a conveyance of title to a

right of way that is permanent that

cannot be revoked. So you cannot

compare the two they are very

different animals.

Okay we have covered as much as we

can one last final question, how much

would it cost the county if you did not

have these roads out here?

Oh, it would be hundreds of

thousands if not millions of dollars

just in access. The grazing would go

away you could round them up on

horseback but permits have different

times on them it would be


Indeed we have covered the issues of

roads not as well as we would like we

have spent several hours talking

about this over the years but it looks

like there is some progress as Tony

said and the counties are still really

engaged in the fight to make sure

that they maintain access. We are

going to take a break from the

County Seat when we come back

some problems that are facing the

west when we take a look at the

current status of wild horse and

burro and how much impact that

really has on people out here on the

range lands. Back in just a minute.

In 1990 when the BLM was still

gathering horses this spot looked like

this. In 2000 after they had

discontinued regular gathers of

excess horses the area looked like

this. What's the difference? The

foliage is gone the ground cover is

gone. This is the area today and what

you see here today is not only is the

ground cover gone but so is the soil.

Welcome back to The County Seat we

are talking about issues that are

impacting the west desert counties of

Juab, Millard, and Beaver and to

some degree Iron and Tooele county.

Joining us for this segment is Mark

Winch who is a cattle rancher out

here in the west desert in Beaver

County and Mark thank you for

joining us.

Thank you Chad, I appreciate it.

You run probably one of the bigger

cattle operations out here and this is

part of your allotment area is that


Yes this is one of our summer


So I want to talk to you about the

issue of what is happening to the land

out here because this entire wild

horse and burro issue that keeps

capturing the headlines and keeps

causing the protests and keeps

affecting BLM and Congress and what

they do is this about the horses or is

it about the ground.

This really is not about the horses.

This has to be a rangeland health

issue. Over the years we have seen

horse numbers well above 300 head

in this area. Its suppose to have zero

and as a rancher the destruction of

the resource is my main concern I like

to see a few horses it has always

been a fun and entertaining thing but

when you come out here and you see

horses and horses in large numbers

destroying the resource like you can

see here and losing the grass and the

foliage and being left with rock is


In this case even the top soil. Let me

ask you a question I know people at

home are thinking about this, when

was the last time you had cows on

this land?

Last time I had cows on this land was

about 3 years ago. But I am

supposed to be able to run 330 head

here and all I turned out was 50 head

so significant numbers it's been a


So since you ran it like it is. So who

ate that grass that is still here?

Well what little bit of grass that is

here you can see right here what is

left with this plant that has been a

horse that has come along and

cropped that and is pretty well


Could a cow actually crop grass that


No a cow cannot crop grass that close

a cows purely has bottom teeth it

wraps the grass and it pulls up and

cuts the grass but a horse has top and

bottom teeth and they can get right

down to the dirt.

Okay so we obviously see that this

damage is caused by horses but the

thing that most concerns me and I

am most alarmed at in looking at this

is that picture from 2000 while the

ground cover was gone you still had

top soil and this is obviously different

do you think you can rehabilitate


It's possible maybe but it will take a

lot of effort and money.

How do you get grass to grow on


It's going to be hard and it may not

ever come back and that's the real

scary part is here on these ranges we

are getting about six and half inches

of water annually and so the grass is

here does need to be managed and

taken care of and with cattle we are

able to do that we are able to put

them in for a certain period of time

and then pull those cattle out which

helps plants and helps them grow but

with horses they are here all the


One quick question how about the

horses. Does the ranching

community want them off the land?

No what we would simply like is

horses to be held at the scientific

level a number that is going to be

manageable and healthy for them

and the range I have seen starving

horses I have seen dying horses and I

have seen dead horses and its tragic

and if you call that a humane source

of compassion to let these animals

die and starve on the range that is

absolutely cruel.

Mark thanks for your time,

Thank you, Chad.

Thanks for staying with us on The

County Seat so much more to find

out about so if you go to our website

or YouTube channel or our FB page

you can find more in depth

interviews with the people we had on

the show so we thank you for joining

us today and remember local

government is where your life

happens and sometimes where your

food comes from please be engaged

and part of the solution we will see

you next week on The County Seat.

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