Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 27 2017

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> এইমাত্র পাওয়া..আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর চ্যানেল 24 লাইভ ২৭ অক্টোবর ২০১৭ Channel 24 News Today Update - Duration: 17:25.


Nana Kuronoma cosplay - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Nana Kuronoma cosplay - Duration: 3:29.


Nyko Worm Cam and Arduboy credit card Tetris Game - Duration: 10:11.

Hello, and welcome back to The 8-Bit Guy.

In a previous episode, I did a review on the Gameboy camera.

And, while I thought it was cool, I wasn't exactly blown away by the high resolution


Well, I got a lot of emails of people suggesting I try something called the Wormcam.

Well, I've got one now, so let's try it out!

OK, so this is a new, old-stock product.

I find it interesting that the plastic for the packaging has yellowed.

There's no way into this package other than to cut it open.

OK, so this is interesting, this is a serial cable to link it to your Windows 95 PC, but

it uses what appears to be a USB mini B connector, but is most likely is not USB in any way.

So, one thing I notice right away about this product is that it appears to have something

that slides into the cartridge port, but there are no pins.

So, there is no actual connection to the memory or address bus.

The only actual connection it has is via the link cable port.

So, what happens when you power this thing on is that it has to download the code from

the device over the link port into the gameboy advance's internal memory, so this takes

a moment.

Once it does come up, it's not super obvious how to use the thing.

In fact, I couldn't get it to work at all, but I eventually realized I needed to remove

this little tab to allow the internal battery to make contact.

OK, so up to this point I was thinking the product was probably going to be pretty cool.

But, I couldn't figure out how to take any pictures with it.

I actually had to read the manual and found out that you have to push the right button

on the back of the gameboy advance to actually use as the shutter button, which actually

kind of makes sense, you know, you can go like that and take a picture.

But here's the problem.

There's no viewfinder on the camera anywhere.

There's no physical viewfinder that you can actually like look through, and there's

no live preview on the screen anywhere.

And, the reason for that is because the data is so slow coming from the camera that once

you push the shutter button, it takes like 30 seconds for the picture to actually come


So, by that point whatever you were taking a picture of is probably long gone.

This is really annoying, but the real problem is I think my camera is defective, because

all I can get, and I have tried taking pictures outdoors and indoors and I've tried all

4 different lighting configurations and I can either get black images or white images

and occasionally I can get an image with kind of an outline of whatever it is that I was

trying to take a picture of.

But, I just couldn't get anything better than that.

And, when I looked up other reviews of the camera, I found a lot of people complaining

about the same dilemma that it's virtually impossible to get a picture on this thing

that actually looks like anything.

However, I did see some photographs that samples that were taken and they looked a lot better

than what I could get so I still think mine may be defective.

Maybe just all these years of sitting in the package, I don't know.

Anyway, so, all I can say is this is a piece of junk, don't buy it let's move onto

something else!

I just got back from the Portland Retro Gaming Expo where I shared a booth with these 3 awesome


And I gave a presentation about the new game I've been developing for the last year.

But I was also given some interesting products to take home and check out.

This one here is a new pac-man style game for the Commodore 64, which comes on floppy


Kind of interesting, but I'll check this out later.

At the moment, I'm more interested in these.

These are called the Arduboy.

Let's open the Tetris version and see what's inside.

All right, so here it is.

The Tetris Microcard.

Haha, it sounds like a gameboy.



So, I realize that adding the little projected copy of your current piece is something that

more modern versions of Tetris usually do.

I tend to prefer the original where you have to judge it better.

However, the screen is so small on this guy, that the projected piece does help a lot.

The controls are surprisingly effective.

They are easy to push, and do provide some tactile feedback, making it much better to

play than a modern iPhone or tablet version.

It sounds like there are at least two voices here, one for the song and one for the sound


Either that, or they are alternating it so quickly with the music that it just blends

in to our ears.

Apparently it uses a rechargeable battery and it is charged with a USB cable.

However., it does come with this really nifty USB cable.

I've never seen one quite like this before.

Basically, it is missing the metal piece.

I'll try plugging it into this old Titanium Powerbook.

It doesn't come with one, but should in theory work with any power brick like this.

There is a little LED that lights up to let you know it is charging.

So how big is this thing really?

Well, compared to this business card, it's not quite the same dimensions, but it is almost

identical in size to an old PCMCIA card from the late 1990s.

In fact, it's pretty close to the same thickness too.

Let's take it apart.

I want to see if there are any other chips besides the micro controller we see through

the top.

I'm also curious what sort of battery cell it uses.

All right, so here is what the little buttons look like.

On the back there is a very thin lithium pouch cell and a piezo speaker.

And there appears to be a lot of writing under the battery cell.

Well, let's move on to the other arduboy.

This is a more generic device that can play many different games.

Let's open it up.

Here's a little card, Arduboy, card-sized gaming.

Neat, it actually looks like a credit-card sized gameboy.

It's kind of cool that you can see the guts of the device.

But I could also see it being cool to have an opaque colored top case, so that you only

see the buttons and screen.

Neat, so it already has a game built-in.

However, you are supposed to be able to copy new games over to it.

I'm not familiar with this game.

It's really well polished, though.

I would imagine there are no sprites or anything, so the entire screen is probably being re-drawn

many times a second.

But considering it is a monochrome screen with pretty low resolution, it probably doesn't

need that much CPU power to do that.

Comparing this unit with the Tetris unit, they are essentially identical in size, they

just have a different layout.

Although it does appear they use a slightly different micro controller.

So, let's have a look at the specifications for this thing.

It runs on an Atmel Atmega32.

So, believe it or not, it is actually an 8-Bit CPU, which makes it perfect for my channel,


It runs at 16 Mhz, it has 2.5 K of RAM, which is not much.

But it also has 32 K of flash memory to store the program code and other data.

It also has an EEPROM with 1 K built in.

I'm not sure what the advantage of the EEPROM is over the flash, but anyway, that gives

it 35 and a half kilobytes of total memory.

The display is an OLED, so it is visible in both light and dark situations.

It has a pretty low resolution of 128 by 64 pixels.

Even the original gameboy had more pixels than this.

It appears to be 1-bit monochrome, as I can't see any grayscale being used.

OK, so what if you want to download more games?

Well, if you go to their website, there's quite a list of games in different states

of development you can download for free.

I don't really recognize any of these names, so I'll just pick one at random.

Omega Horizon.

OK, so I saw this button for "upload to arduboy" and thought that surely it can't

be that easy.

And it wasn't.

So I tried downloading the file.

So, it says I need to download this program called the Arduboy uploader.

However, I can't find a version for OS X, so instead I have to download the entire Arduino


All right, so I did that.

Here's the Arduino program.

I've never seen this before so I have no idea what I'm doing.

Can I drag and drop.


Can I open the file manually.


It seems that this program only wants to deal with source code, not compiled binaries.

So I'll switch over to my Windows 7 machine.

I can install the uploader.

And I was able to import a game into the uploader.

However, when I plugged in my Arduboy, Windows couldn't find a driver for it.

So I had to download and install the whole Arduino suite after all, just to get the USB

driver setup.

So I plugged it in again, and this time, it successfully installed the driver.

So, let's see if I can upload Mystic Balloon.

Well, it's doing something.

However, my arduboy just rebooted back to the same game.

However, I tried it one more time and it did actually work.

So let's have a look at Mystic Balloon.

There's a bit of flicker showing up on camera, but you can't see this in person.

I think this is a neat device, probably, for learning how to code with Arduino, or perhaps

micro-controllers in general.

But, this thing costs $50 and it's kind of tough to get games onto it.

On the bright side.

this is a relatively new product.

So in time, it may at least get easier to put games on it.

Still, I don't think it's ever going to be a popular gaming platform for people just

wanting to play games on it.

I think this is definitely targeted more towards developers.

So, I wanted to show you one more thing I was given in Portland.

This is the first issue to a new magazine called Oldschool Gamer.

I'll cut the plastic here so we can have a look inside.

OK, so let's have a look at this.

It looks very well made.

Can't complain about the quality.

Oh look, an advertisement for the National Video Game Museum.

That's actually here in the Dallas area.

I've been to that and can vouch it is definitely worth checking out.

So yeah, a lot of articles and relevant advertisements.

I'll have to sit down and read through this.

But overall, I like it so far!

And, it also comes with this fold out poster, which is pretty cool.

So, anyway, I appreciate all of the different gear that was given to me at the Portland

Retro Gaming Expo, and I also really enjoyed running into Ben Heck and Metal Jesus, and

all of my fans that came to see me at my booth, so I'll see you guys again there next year

and as for the worm cam, I gave it the one fate that I thought it deserved.

Well, at least we got to see what's inside of it.

For more infomation >> Nyko Worm Cam and Arduboy credit card Tetris Game - Duration: 10:11.


Audiobook Wrap Up | #7 - Duration: 9:57.

Hey guys it's Trina and this is another audiobooks review video. So this year I

have been doing one of these wrap-up videos for every five audiobooks that I

listen to. I already talked about all the books that I read or listened to in my

monthly wrap-ups or in Goodreads reviews so that's where I talk about like my

enjoyment of the book or the series, the characters, the writing, just my rating

of the book overall, and in these videos I talk about just the narration - whether

or not I liked it, didn't like it, did it add to the story experience?, would I

recommend listening to audio versus reading the print book?, and are there any

formatting differences. So this video is just talking about the narration of

these audiobooks and I will link down below anywhere else that I have talked

about these books if you're wanting to know more full reviews. So a couple

things that are different this time is first of all, instead of reviewing five

audiobooks I am reviewing six because three of them are all part of the same

trilogy. They all have the same narrator and I wanted to wait and be able to

review them all together. And this time I'm also going to try to do ratings for

the narration. I was asked in a comment last time if I could please rate the

audio versus the book itself and show you guys like a comparison of, you know,

how my ratings differ. I have tried to do that in the past in one of my

earlier ones of these videos and I didn't really like it because honestly I

find it hard to rate audio narration on the same like five star scale as a book

itself because like to me the audio is either good or bad. You've got two ratings:

'it's good,' 'it's bad.' Maybe 'it's fine.' But I'm gonna try to put that on a five star

scale this time. We'll see how it works. Let me know if you like it. First up

today, I'm gonna be talking about the audiobook for The Gentleman's Guide to

Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee. This is a YA historical fiction about a main

character Monty who is about to embark on a tour of England with his sister and

his best friend Percy who he actually has a crush on. A little bit of romance, a

little bit of an adventure. I did enjoy the book itself and the audiobook is

narrated by Christian Colson who is the actor that played Tom Riddle in the

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets movie, so you may recognize his voice

from that. I thought that he did a fantastic job with this audio book. He

really embodied the personality of the main character, Monty. Monty is like this

roguish, snarky, smarmy guy and yeah Christian Coulson just really brought

that attitude and personality into reading it. I thought that his

personality really brought the story to life. It was a very very enjoyable thing

to listen to. It very much kept me entertained. I had absolutely zero issues

with his voicing or his standard narration of dialogue, descriptions,

anything like that, so I would give him a five star rating in terms of the

narration itself, whereas the book got a four star rating. Now as far as any

formatting differences between the print and the audio, there is a map in the

front of the print book which shows you all the locations that are traveled to

in this story. Other than that you're not missing out on anything. I would

definitely definitely recommend this audio version. I thought that it was

fantastic. Then I listened to Girl Out of Water

by Laura Silverman. This one is a YA contemporary romance-ish story about a

girl who lives in California, has to uproot her life and move in with her

aunt and her younger cousins because her aunt has been in an accident and

needs help caring for her cousins. It's kind of a story of like self-discovery.

The narrator of this audiobook was Laurence Bouvard and she was okay. Her

voicing was fine, her standard reading was fine, but I didn't think that her

tone matched the personality or attitude of the main character that I was getting

from how she was written. The writing is still in the audiobook, like you can hear

the words that were written on page and it seemed to me like this main character

was a little bit mopey, like in a more sad way about some of the things that

were happening in her life and yet the narrator kept reading her in this really

high-pitched whiny tone and it made her seem a little bit more immature than

what the book was telling me that the character was. So to me this was a

disconnect. I don't know, I guess I would give her like three or three and a half

stars because it just didn't mesh up with what my head was telling me this

main character was like. The book itself I did give it four stars. I did enjoy

listening to this one audio but I don't think that it necessarily

really had like a huge you know improvement over the print book so I

wouldn't really recommend one over the other. I think they'd both be fine. Next I

listened to Like a River Glorious by Rae Carson, which is the second book in the

Gold Seer trilogy. This is another historical YA, it's more of a survival

adventure type of story. It's set during the California Gold Rush period

following a character who was traveling across the country to get to California

because she has an ability where she can sense where gold is in the ground. This

audiobook was narrated by Erin Mallon and to me her voice acting and narration

was just so fitting for this series and like its tone and its setting and

everything. She reads the main character with a slight southern accent, which is

very appropriate because this character is from I think Georgia and the book is

all first-person point of view from this main character and the narrator reads it

all with this kind of like wavery, worried quality I thought it fit very

well. There was just something about this

audiobook, like the tone of her reading and the way that she read it just

embodied autumn and like the fall season and it had just turned fall when I

listened to this and I was just like so into it. It was just like the perfect

atmospheric seasonal read so that really added to my enjoyment of listening to

this one on audio. Now my critique of her narrating was I felt like all of the

female voices and all of the male voices were exactly the same. She did not do

very distinct voices, especially in the group of main characters, but I was never

confused about who was speaking because the writing was done so well in terms of

like 'he said,' 'she said,' so like I always knew which character was speaking. For

this one I would rate the audio four stars. I really enjoyed it

other than I can see the fact that I don't think she does very distinct

voices. The book itself I also gave four stars and I do have to say I probably, if

I just read the book, I might have given it three or three and a half stars. I do

think the narration kind of made this story for me just because of that

atmospheric feeling I was getting from it. As far as any formatting

differences, there is again a map in the front of this book. I don't think it's

totally necessary but if you love book maps you may want to check out the print

version. Other than that, I definitely recommend the audio because

it just totally made the story for me. And then finally I am reviewing the

entire Conspiracy of Us trilogy by Maggie Hall. There are three books in

this series, they are: The Conspiracy of Us, Map of Fates, and The Ends of the

World. This is a YA adventure kind of contemporary story. It's about an

ordinary girl who finds out she's part of an ancient secret society who are

trying to follow clues to track down the lost tomb of Alexander the Great, and the

audio of all three of these books were narrated by Julia Whelan. She is also the

same narrator who does the audio books for The Girl at Midnight trilogy by

Melissa Grey and in that series - I make a note of this because it kind of affects

how I feel about, you know, her voicing in this series - but in The Girl at Midnight

I found that she made the male voices very similar, they all sounded very gruff,

I couldn't really tell them apart. That was my complaint. However, her voicing in

The Conspiracy of Us trilogy is not all the same. Like these are actually

distinct, unique voices and I think a big part of that is probably because all of

these characters are from different parts of the world so each of them have

different accents, and so Julia Whelan actually has some talent because she was

able to do multiple accents in the same scene with so many different

characters. The characters have French, Russian, British accents. I have no idea

if they are truly like authentic sounding but she has some talent there

and so I never had any trouble in this series recognizing who was speaking or

difficulty telling the characters apart or anything. I enjoyed listening to these

books, they definitely made it a little bit more action-packed, I guess, in my

opinion. I did actually start the first book in the trilogy in print format like

months and months and months ago, or last year maybe, and I read a couple chapters

of it and then I had to give it back to the library and I just remember not

having been that into it but then once I got the audiobooks I was into it and I

was able to binge read like all three of these books back-to-back. So I did really

enjoy the audio experience. I think that I would give her a rating of 4 stars

with the narration just because it's not my absolute favorite audio book

narration I have ever heard but I have no real critiques of her job with this

series. And the books were all so all rated four stars each. So overall,

four star books, four star audio narration. I really enjoyed listening to

these on audio and would recommend that format if you're able to listen to them.

Those are all the audiobooks that I am reviewing today. I like to in these

videos end by telling you guys which one of these audiobooks was my favorite of

the group, which one would I recommend the most, and my favorite here was

definitely The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee because, you know,

the narrator just really embodied the character and he was a fun character. I

enjoyed spending time with him, that really made this story for me, so yeah I

would definitely recommend it. If you're looking for an audio book to pick up and

you haven't listened to this one yet, go get your hands on it, go get your ears on

it, because I really thought it was a wonderful experience. Let me know if

you've listened to an audiobook that you absolutely loved recently. I'd love to

know what it is. I will link you to the rest of the playlist for my audio book

reviews series in the description, as well as, you know, where else I have

reviewed each of these books I'm talking about today for things besides just the

narration. Thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you in the comments. Bye.

[music only]

For more infomation >> Audiobook Wrap Up | #7 - Duration: 9:57.


Chevious - Tropical prod by. Ill Instrumentals - Duration: 4:15.

pretty baby yah!

pretty baby! yeah ♪ yeaaah ♪

whole lotta loving boy

they gon think this is dumb till' the beat drop man


yeah yeah ♪ yeeaaah ♪

hol' up!

♪ and she know what to do with it♪


♪ way she feelin' wish i love her yeah ♪

♪ know you wanna do it ♪

♪ yeeaaaah ♪ ♪ yeeaaaah ♪

♪ i say she tropical , phenomenal ♪ ♪ sophisticated barbie doll ♪

♪ that booty roll ♪ ♪ i been waiting on you ♪

♪ bae i'm waiting on you ♪

♪ i say she tropical , phenomenal ♪ ♪ sophisticated barbie doll ♪

♪ that booty roll ♪ ♪ i been waiting on you ♪

♪ yeeeaah yeeeaah ♪

♪ bae i'm waiting on you ♪

♪ yeeeaah yeeeaah ♪ ♪ yeeah ♪

♪ let me put it down right ♪ -right ♪ we can do all night ♪ -all night

♪ she told me she love it ♪ ♪ don't care bout' nobody ♪ ♪ she liking the taste of the raw pipe ♪ -raw pipe

♪ loving the feel of the gold bite ♪

♪ and she wet like a boat ride ♪ -wet

♪ give me something i can go by ♪ ♪ tell me your name i don't know why ♪

♪ hol' up wait ♪ -stop ♪ saw you by the gate ♪ - the gate

♪ said she been waiting for me ♪ ♪ and i've been running late ♪

♪ aaahhh ♪

♪ i can't wait ♪ -no ♪ i'mma celebrate ♪ yah yah!

♪ i'mma pop a bottle ♪ ♪ i'mma eat a slice a cake ♪

♪ yeeeaah ♪

♪ looking in your eyes ♪ ♪ i see the danger ♪

♪ looking in my eyes ♪ ♪ you see a demon ♪

♪ running too fast♪ ♪ turn the speed on ♪

♪ shake that ass girl ♪ ♪ get your freak on ♪

♪make you get em butterflies in your tummy ♪

♪ i won't be suprised say you love me ♪

♪ know you feeling lonely ♪

♪ i be on the night shif ♪ ♪ you can phone me ♪

♪ going crazy think she hold me ♪ ♪ yeeaah♪

♪ i say she tropical , phenomenal ♪ ♪ sophisticated barbie doll ♪

♪ that booty roll ♪ ♪ i been waiting on you ♪

♪ bae i'm waiting on you ♪

♪ i say she tropical , phenomenal ♪ ♪ sophisticated barbie doll ♪

♪ that booty roll ♪ ♪ i been waiting on you ♪

♪ bae i'm waiting on you ♪

♪ i say she tropical , phenomenal ♪ ♪ sophisticated barbie doll ♪

♪ that booty roll ♪ ♪ i been waiting on you ♪

♪ bae i'm waiting on you ♪

♪ can't hide the fact ♪ ♪ that you came here with somebody else ♪

♪ know you lying ♪ ♪ when you said you came here by yourself ♪

♪ well since your by yourself ♪ ♪ let me take you somewhere else ♪

♪ somewhere where there will be no body else ♪

♪ sorry for the stressing ♪ ♪ i was stressing now im flexing ♪

♪ when that henny hit her♪ ♪ she be drunk she get to texting ♪

♪ girl stop vexing ♪ ♪ i got your message ♪

♪ i brought the lean yeah ♪ ♪ i got the beverage ♪

♪ i got the heat ♪ ♪ you can see i got the ice ♪

♪ i lay it down and she sing like kelly price ♪

♪ yeah , like kelly price ♪ ♪ i ain't finna lie girl you feel so nice ♪

♪ feel so nice ♪

♪ this the night we both been waiting on ♪

♪ come on lets get it on ♪

- get it get it!

♪ get too close to me ♪

♪ get too close to me bae ♪

♪ i say she tropical , phenomenal ♪ ♪ sophisticated barbie doll ♪

♪ that booty roll ♪ ♪ i been waiting on you ♪

♪ bae i'm waiting on you ♪

♪ i say she tropical , phenomenal ♪ ♪ sophisticated barbie doll ♪

♪ that booty roll ♪ ♪ i been waiting on you ♪

♪ bae i'm waiting on you ♪

♪ she tropical yeah ♪

♪ she barbie doll yeah ♪

♪ she tropical yeah ♪

Thanks for watching :)

For more infomation >> Chevious - Tropical prod by. Ill Instrumentals - Duration: 4:15.


Transformers Origins: Sunder (IDW) - Duration: 1:36.

Mnemosurgery is not an easy job.

Some were not cut out to go through memories.

Upon memories.

Upon memories.

Seeing things that cannot be unseen.

Sunder used to be a world-class mnemosurgeon...until he lost his mind.

After taking many, many lives, he became known as the Tetrahex Ripper.

Sunder was soon apprehended after his brother, Sceptre, accidentally revealed too much information

to the authorities, who had arrived from a profile composed by psychiatrist Froid.

In his fascination, Froid accompanied the brothers during their transport to Garrus 6.

This might've gone smoothly except, during his time in captivity, Sunder had managed

to develop the ability to enter a bot's mind without physical contact.

In addition, he began to grow a hunger for memories, especially one's darkest secrets.

Getting the guards to forget to lock the doors and holding Froid hostage, the killer managed

to escape aboard Sceptre...only for his brother to get shot down and destroyed.

The two surviving, Froid made a deal with Sunder.

In return for studying and using his new ability to further his own career as an incredibly

effective psychiatrist, Froid would help Sunder cope with Sceptre's death and provide him

with fresh victims.

With his brother's body now being used as their ship, Sunder is kept under intense security

measures by Froid to control his appetite, only consuming when he can see his prey.

For more infomation >> Transformers Origins: Sunder (IDW) - Duration: 1:36.


Nekomews + Red talk Future plans :D while building stuff in minecraft - Duration: 1:39:10.

For more infomation >> Nekomews + Red talk Future plans :D while building stuff in minecraft - Duration: 1:39:10.


Quavo and Drake Apparently Have a Collab on the Way and It Sounds FIRE - Duration: 2:11.

What's up everybody, Frazier here for Complex News.

It feels like every other day I'm doing a video theorizing about something Quavo's

up to, but the man literally is kind of everywhere right now.

One day we're speculating about when his joint album with Travis is gonna drop.

Then he drops a solo track.

Then he pops up in the studio with Yachty, Chance and Gambino working on God Knows what.

Frankly, all the anticipation is driving me crazy.

The latest update is this snippet of a song featuring what appears to be Quavo rapping

alongside Drake.

Take a listen for yourself here

Once again, as per the way the hype train seems to be moving right now, we're going

to assume this is from Migos' upcoming album Culture II.

The signs are all there: there was apparently a listening party for the album earlier this

week, which could be where the snippet originated from.

Moreover, the Migos already specifically dropped Drake's name when listing off collaborators

who they've been in the lab with recently.

Not to mention, despite all the irons he has in the fire, the new Migos album is what Quavo's

been going hard for as of late.

He teased not only the impending first single but also the identity of the album's executive

producer on Twitter recently.

Which is probably Kanye.

If all of these recent teases add up to one album, then Migos are about to put the game

in a headlock.

I, for one, cannot wait.

Literally I'm tired of waiting.

Quavo, drop something, anything, now, please and thank you.

That's the news for now but when any or all of this stuff does drop you're going

to wanna be locked into Complex News on YouTube for all the latest info.

And don't forget coming Nov 4th and 5th is the Second Annual Complex Con, where we

bring all things Complex to life.

Catch live performances, take in informative panels, cop exclusive fits and eat delicious


Get your tickets right now at

For more infomation >> Quavo and Drake Apparently Have a Collab on the Way and It Sounds FIRE - Duration: 2:11.


Winsor and Newton Watercolours Unboxing + First Impressions │♥Alexandra ♥ - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> Winsor and Newton Watercolours Unboxing + First Impressions │♥Alexandra ♥ - Duration: 5:13.


👩🏻🔬 Wonderful World of Algae: Coralline Algae the ocean cement - Duration: 4:35.

Coral or coralline seaweed is an important part of the natural reefs and may be desirable

in the homemade aquarium as well.

In nature, coral algae grow many different ways, but for our

household aquariums, we are mainly interested in encroaching algae.

In a wild reef coralline seaweed can be so ubiquitous and cover so much of the reef,

that it is easy to forget that it is there.

With many species that take inlaid forms on any and all immovable spaces

available on the reef, it is important to the reef and provide new locations for the corals

if installed.

In the early days of creating aquariums of coral, to have a good and luxurious growth

of coralline algae on living rocks and tank walls was a trademark

of a healthy tank.

And it was once the appearance of coral reefs in the reef aquarium used to be used

as a sign that the tank is ready to accommodate hard corals.

This is no coincidence, since algae coral and corals construct a "skeleton"

of aragonite and require a similar balance of water chemistry to grow and thrive.

It is perhaps this demand competition of minerals that caused coral reefs to

lost space in contemporary reef aquariums.

Since coralline algae use calcium, carbonate and magnesium to grow, not to

to mention many trace elements, the explosive of these calcareous algae can be

seen in direct competition with corals of aquariums.

However, the appearance of coralline algae good and healthy can be very beautiful and

there are some things that builders reefs can do to encourage

live purple layer to grow in the aquarium.

There are many things you can do to encourage coralline algae to grow in the

your aquarium, but first of all you need to make sure there is already some coral

Live there to start.

There are many types of inoculated rocks and man-made available these days

and although they may look purple, many of these aquarium rocks are barren except for

a small bacterium.

It used to be a common practice to "algae soup corallinas" of the

local fish shops, although these were usually made at home and not produced

in large scale.

Indo Pacific Sea Farms is a company that still produces and sells initiation packets

of calcareous algae to ensure that your tank be sown to begin.

Once you know you have spores live in the aquarium, or by growth in

rocks, glass or equipment, then you can adjust the conditions to make it

grow faster and more beautiful.

As mentioned, coralline algae are made of aragonite, so she appreciates

the same high calcium balance, alkalinity and magnesium that corals do.

High pH helps increase development of aragonite in corals and coralline algae,

and CCA seems to particularly appreciate the addition of strontium and iodine.

However, if you want to grow algae corallinas a little more specifically,

the species present in home aquariums grow better in certain environments.

If the conditions are correct, the seaweed will cover the brightest parts of aquariums

reef of warmer temperature.

But, in general, these grow better and more colored in low light and in aquariums


Have you noticed that the caves in the landscape the river or at the bottom of the rocks, coral

and equipment in the tank usually grow more calcareous in the shaded parts.

In some cases, tanks with a small amount of scattered light can grow more

and better the seaweed, then the very main display.

Be careful what you want because, while these algae are undeniably beautiful,

if you grow in abundance, it will be a task extra to scrape the front glass and you

you may need to use the blade scraper with more frequently.

However, you should be able to achieve a balance between algae growth

coral and coral, your aquarium will develop the most exquisite setting of aquarium choirs,

a nice purple blanket over most of the rocks of the aquarium.

For more infomation >> 👩🏻🔬 Wonderful World of Algae: Coralline Algae the ocean cement - Duration: 4:35.


🎼🎵🎸[Hướng dẫn PIANO] Yêu 5 (Rhymastic) | iLoveGuitar9999 (TAB SHEET+LYRIC+HỢP ÂM) ✅ - Duration: 3:44.

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