Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 27 2017

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For more infomation >> WE ARE HERE VERY SOON! - Duration: 0:26.


Learn Colors with The Secret Life of Pets Wooden Face Hammer Xylophone | The Finger Family Song - Duration: 4:25.

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For more infomation >> Learn Colors with The Secret Life of Pets Wooden Face Hammer Xylophone | The Finger Family Song - Duration: 4:25.


Les "Grind" - ou comment tradition est synonyme de meurtre - Duration: 17:43.

Hello everyone and welcome to Sea And Human.

Today we are going to talk about a very sensitive

subject although still valid today.

The question we are going to try to answer is,

under cover of tradition, can we tolerate

all the wildest and most barbaric rites... If I tell you that 1500km

from Paris, hundreds or even thousands, of cetaceans are killing each year? Should we

call it "tradition"? I will of course leave you free to judge for yourself.

But before answering this question let's try to know a little more...

The "Grind" - or how tradition is synonymous with murder

Faroe Islands: their history

These massacres take place in the Faroe Islands,

a small presentation of the region. This archipelago consists of 18 main islands

between Iceland, Scotland, and Norway. The Faroe Islands therefore are between

the North Atlantic Ocean and the Norwegian Sea. The archipelago was colonized in the 7th century

by Vikings who fled the tyranny of King of Harald 1st, king of Norway.

Part of the Kingdom of Norway until 1386, the Faroe Islands became

Danish in 1814 following the dissolution of the union between the Kingdom of Norway

and the one of Denmark. It was especially at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century that

the Faroe Islands experienced a national awakening with the preservation of their language, a cultural

and then governmental craze with the creation of the first political parties.

Following the Second World War, the Denmark gave

a great autonomy for the Faroe Islands. But it was in 2000 that the Faroe Islands proposed

a project of total independence, with their neighbor Danish. Total independence project?

Except for the currency which would remain the Danish krone. Denmark replied

that in the event of complete independence, the Faroe Islands would no longer receive

the annual financial assistance of 1 billion danish krone

and should repay their debt of 6 billion danish krone. Faced with this ultimatum,

the Faeroese government refused and canceled the referendum.

Four years later, a new referendum was voted in the Faroe Islands, and

the independence proponents gained with 50.72% of the votes. But Denmark refuses again to accept

the referendum. However, things may change in April 2018 as the Faroe Islands

will have a new referendum, and Denmark has promised to accept the result.

Faroe Islands, Denmark & ​​EU: their relationship

49117, was the number of people in the Faroe Islands in 2016. And 3%, this is

the unemployment rate for about ten years, one of the lowest in Europe.

But this very low rate of unemployment is mainly due to the mass exodus of young Faroese

to Denmark rather than due to an healthy economy.

Economy which is based, mainly on the products from the marine environment.

Fishing, fish-breeding farms and the fitting out of small boats

are the main industries of this archipelago. This is why 94% of their products

exported are fish or fish products, and boats.

Their first import customer, is obviously Denmark with 38%, followed by

the United Kingdom with 29%. Finally, 10% of the Faroese GDP is due to

the annual financial aid from Denmark. The Faroe Islands, therefore,

have been since 1948, a Danish protectorate, enjoying a very great autonomy.

But what is this autonomy? Well, today the Faroe Islands have their own national anthem,

their own language and their own flag. The Faroese government,

called Løgting, is working with the Danish government on health care

and education. But today it is still Denmark that controls

the police, defense, foreign policy and currency.

Relations between the Faroe Islands and Europe date from Denmark's accession

to Europe in 1973. The Faeroes, then refused to enter the EEC, mainly because of

the common fisheries policy. The Danish archipelago felt that it was not in

their interest to be part of Europe, so the relations between the Faeroe and the European Union

are linked only by two bilateral agreements on free trade and

one policy on fisheries. Moreover, every people in the Faeroe Islands,

whether Faroese or Danish, who has a Faroese passport, is not

a citizen of the European Union. But, on the other hand, every Faroese who lives

in the Faeroe Islands has the possibility for applying for a Danish passport, thus becoming a citizen

of the European Union and access to all the facilities linked to the European agreements.

We understand it quite easily, the economy

of the Faroe Islands is closely linked to the Denmark and the European Union, whether through

annual financial aid or through the main export products. Similarly,

Denmark still controls the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

So to sum up, without Denmark and without the European Union,

the facilities that the Faeroe Islands have at the present time would be no more.

The Grind: Its History

The first description of this hunt dates back to the 16th century, although it is

more than likely that this hunt has been practice since the colonization of this archipelago

in order to feed the population of Vikings. In 1928, the Ministry of Public Health

announced that the consumption of dolphins and pilot whales was the only

source of animal protein for this archipelago. But for many years now,

the Faroe Islands no longer depend on these dolphins and pilot whales

to eat their needs of protein. Nevertheless, for 2 decades, this hunting

persists and nearly 1000 dolphins and pilot whales are slaughtered each year.

Traditionally, this hunting involved 5 stages: tracking, hunting, slaughtering,

dancing and distribution. But today, dance is no longer realized,

and this practice thus loses part of its authentic side of its traditional side.

You will understand, the word "Grind" is a diminutive of the word Grindadráp

meaning the slaughter of cetaceans. At that time, spotting required making a fire

to prevent that a group of cetaceans, also known as pod, has been spot.

In the same way, the conduct, or the hunt, was driven by

wooden boats and oars. This allowed the younger Vikings to show their strength

and power by successfully driving a pod to the beaches where the slaughter will take place.

But today, with our technical and technological means, much has changed.

The Grind: Nowadays

Nowadays, the Faroe Islands obviously benefit from the technological advances,

in order to make a Grind happen. Sonar, Radar, satellite imagery, helicopters, planes

and ferrys are used to locate a pod in a much easier way.

Also, in order to drive the animals to the beach, where they will be slaughtered,

they no longer use wooden boats and oars, but dual-engine boats,

rapid intervention boats and Jet-ski. Finally, in order to contact the coasts

and say where the pod in question is, they no longer use fires as before

but they use VHF radios, radios and satellite phones.

Even today, hunting can take a few minutes to several hours,

causing stress and panic for the cetaceans. Once the pod is spotted,

the Faroese boats are placed behind him, in a semi-circle and then fold the animals

to one of the beaches or preselected bays. Indeed, in the Faroe Islands,

only 23 beaches are currently allowed for the slaughter of animals.

When pilot whales or dolphins really feel stuck in

this little bay, some of them are trying to escape by the riverbank, where

they will eventually end up s' beach themselves. The others, further back, will be towed

and hoisted on the beach with hooks placed in the vent.

Until 2015, the slaughter could be carried out using traditional Faroese knives,

used only for Grinds. For many years, the Faeroes have been promising

fast and painless slaughter. In this sense, they created in 2011 a specific tool

designed to limit the suffering of the animal during the massacre.

Unfortunately they sometimes have to take it over several times to cut

the spinal cord of the pilot whale. Especially at the end of a grind that lasted several hours.

Despite the fact that only this tool is allowed for the killing of animals since 2015,

the participants in this massacre do not hesitate to use their traditional knife

as soon as the pod is more important than the number of these tools available.

Successfully cutting the spinal cord of a cetacean that can measure more than 6 meters long

and weigh up to 4 tons all thanks to a knife, can sometimes last

several tens of seconds or even several minutes, and thus cause

a excruciating suffering for the animal

These Grinds cause the death of

all captured animals. In those, including pregnant females and juveniles.

Once the pod has been decimated, the pilot whale flesh is cut and shared between

the villagers of where the Grind took place and the Grind's participants.

The Faroese continue to eat privately this pilot whale and dolphin meat.

But many restaurants also offer dishes for tourists

with this same animal pulpit.

Unfortunately, today, a large quantity

of this animal flesh is turned into flour for fish farms,

which are present in large numbers in the Faroes Islands. These fish farms therefore eat

their natural predator, which is completely aberrant. As a result, they ingest

the harmful elements present in this meat. These are the same fish that will eventually

end up in the stalls of your supermarkets or fishmongers.

In 2010, the organisation Sea Shepherd was present in the Faroe Islands to document

the progress of a Grind. The members of this organisation then discovered

real submarine mass graves, where pilot whales uncut were

in full decomposition. This is indisputable evidence that some Grinds only occur

for fun, and so that all pilot whale meat is not always

used or consumed.

The Grind: What is the impact on the ecosystem?

The main victim of these Grinds is

the black pilot whale of the North Atlantic. It is part of CMS Appendix 2

which means that the IUCN has determined that, although it is not

threatened with extinction, this species could become very quickly

if its hunting is not strictly controlled. There is currently

no validated scientific data on the estimated population of pilot whales

in the North Atlantic. But with all the current threats, such as these famous Grinds,

such as military sonars gill nets or trawling, biologists believe

that the population of pilot whales

could decrease by 30% over the next 3 generations.

These are all the reasons that led

Europe to add the pilot whale to the list of strictly protected species

in Appendix 2. And even if the Faroe Islands are not part of the European Union,

they remain, like we saw it previously, under Danish protectorate.

Denmark, for its part, has signed the Bonn and Berne Conventions on the protection

of migratory species and the conservation of Europe's wildlife. By not preventing

these massacres, and by endorsing them by sending police and boats

from the Danish navy, Denmark violates these conventions that he has yet signed.

Consuming pilot whale meat: what impact on the human body?

Because of their position as top predators in the North Atlantic

food chain, pilot whales therefore ingest large amounts of environmental pollutants.

Meat resulting from the killings contains high levels of heavy metals, such as

copper and lead, and very high levels of mercury.

In 2008, Pal Wiehe and Hogni Joensen, two prominent doctors in the Faroe Islands, reported

that the pilot whale meat contained too much mercury and was unfit

for human consumption. One study has shown mercury poisoning in several

local residents. Mercury poisoning causes damage

to the neurological development of fetuses, it also implies higher blood pressure and

impaired immune system in children. It also leads to increased

cases of Parkinson's disease, circulatory problems and increased risk

of infertility in adults. Feeding children with pilot whale meat

can be considered abuse, according to these 2 doctors.

Question not so stupid as that: How can we prevent these slaughters?

Well, that's an excellent question that the organisation Sea Shepherd has been trying

to answer by being there many times for more than 30 years.

This organisation, often controversial, is nevertheless the only one to want to act

concretely and directly to stop these slaughters. On a number of occasions, members of the organisation

have tried to intervene peacefully to prevent these Grind. After several

violent arrests that did not have the heavy consequences that the Faroese

wanted, their actions made it possible to highlight what happened

in this archipelago. The GrindStop campaign in 2014 had unexpected results,

as only 53 pilot whales died thanks to the intervention

of volunteers on the island. The year 2015 was less positive, although half of

the annual average quota could have been saved. Since the end of the 2015 campaign,

Faroese laws have hardened against volunteers and other members of organisations

wanting to prevent these Grind. To do this, new laws have emerged in the Faroe Islands.

The obligation for every person, including tourists, to warn

local authorities of any fin seen. The prohibition also to be

within 2km of the least Grind if we have not been authorized by the police.

In case of non-respect of the laws, severe fines and prison sentences

may be applied.

In addition, Sea Shepherd's ships

are prohibited from entering the territorial waters, and their volunteers

will be returned to customs in case of arrival. Sea Shepherd has attempted to initiate

legal proceedings against Denmark and the Faroe Islands with the Parliament and the European Commission.

Procedure that has been rejected by the European Commission recently despite

numerous photos and videos evidence, numerous testimonies, a petition signed more than 250,000 times

and the support of 27 members of the European Parliament. As a result,

no organisations has been present on this island for 2 years now.

Since the beginning of this year, nearly 1605 cetaceans have died

in this archipelago that seems untouchable.

What can we do to prevent this?

Well, first of all, let's start by sending

messages, emails and letters to the Danish embassy in your country

to show our will to stop these slaughters. I will also put

a standard letter in the description below this video and the sending details,

so that you can share your discontent.

In the same way, let's try to share the information to the greatest number.

Boycotting products from the Faroe Islands and Denmark will have the only impact sufficient

to be heard, that is, to touch the finances. The tourism industry is also targeted

by this boycott campaign by avoiding going to these two countries.

Ask our respective governments to report on the 8 million euros

in European subsidies (so with your money and mine) that affects

Denmark to protect its coastline and to respect the conventions of Bonn and Berne

that he violates cheerfully.

We are now at the end of this video. I hope that

it has informed you, that you will have learned a great deal, that you have become aware of

the importance of contacting the right institutions and making your voices heard.

If you liked this video, do not forget

to put some thumbs up, comment and share. This is the most important, because only you

can allow us to continue our videos and especially to improve them.

Take care of yourself, and I'll see you soon for new « Recif'Eau" episodes.

Reefly yours!

For more infomation >> Les "Grind" - ou comment tradition est synonyme de meurtre - Duration: 17:43.


deafpony - It's So Nice Outside - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> deafpony - It's So Nice Outside - Duration: 3:37.


Horror Clowns VS Parkour POV | Creepy Halloween Chase - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Horror Clowns VS Parkour POV | Creepy Halloween Chase - Duration: 3:20.


Why Pirates Were Nothing Like You Think - Hilarious Helmet History - Duration: 8:05.

(lively bright music)

- Welcome to Hilarious Helmet History.

The show where your cultural historical misconceptions are

even sillier than my helmet.

This week I'm wearing the helmet of the scurvy seas.

A pirate hat.

Because we're talking about pirates.

The outlaw rock stars of sailing.

Also, I'm speaking English so when I say pirates you're

probably picturing white European pirates.

Such as this famous, crazed international criminal.

Or instead of him, Blackbeard.

That other guy.

Anyway you're wrong about these people.

Though you do know how they really looked, you're wrong

about almost all the important stuff.

And you're super wrong if you think white European pirates,

your favorite kind of pirate, were more than a blip on the

historical radar.

They barely even existed.

Let's start with one and two here.

You are kind of right about pirates.

Because almost all pirate lore and pop culture comes from a

kind-of right source.

In 1724, the hit bestselling book A General History Of The

Robberies And Murders Of The Most Notorious Pyrates defined

pirates in the minds of Western audiences.

It defined pirates on its own.

And as the main historical reference for Peter Pan and for

Treasure Island.

The 1950 movie version of which took a joke version of a

regional British accent.

- Smart as paint you be.

- And made it so global and so annoying

it's got an official made-up Internet holiday.

All that came from this one book.

And this book had a mystery author, writing under the pen

name Charles Johnson whose real identity is a mystery to

this day and Charles Johnson listed almost zero sources.

He made lots of stuff up.

However, according to Under The Black Flag, a book by actual

historian David Cordingly, some of Johnson's book is


Because Johnson wrote it in pirate times.

He used current newspapers as sources.

And he tracked down eyewitness accounts of a few key things,

such as the crazy style of the famed pirate Blackbeard.

So because our dominant single source for pirate stuff is

kind of accurate our concept of them is kind of accurate


For instance, Johnson said white European pirates dressed

like guys of their time.

And if you Google that era.

If you google "guys in King Charles The Second England", the

guys will look pirate-y to you.

Even the fancier guys look like fancy-pirates.

Also pirates often lost hands at sea.

Many famous pirate captains had Ahab style peg legs.

When raiding a ship, pirates really swung over, armed to the


Even eyepatches might've been common and in a way that's

cooler than you think.

Because if you have two working eyes, an eyepatch is an

old-timey night vision goggle.

You wear it over one eye all day, that eye gets used to

darkness, it's born in the dark.

Then at night, you flip the patch up, boom

you're half of a Bane.

And speaking of movies, the navies that pirates fought

against were even bigger (beep) than The Pirates of the

Caribbean movies make them out to be.

The real British Navy kidnapped people, worldwide, to force

them to work as British sailors.

It was a system called impressment.

And that not impressive system got three out of four of its

victims killed, within two years of capture.

Compared to that global government body-snatching, you got

to root for pirates, right?

'Cause they didn't work for The Man, man.

They were outside of The Man's mans.

Like free mans except that they did work for The Man.

Most pirates were The Man's entry-level employees.

You see Spain's navy rode their Christopher Columbus

discovery and gold buzz into the 1600s.

They dominated the Americas.

The rest of Europe got jealous.

So around the 1630s, France, England, and the Netherlands

hired officially licensed pirates, called privateers, to

attack Spanish ships.

And kept hiring them and kept hiring them.

Britain even did stuff like conquering Jamaica, in 1655, to

create more ports for British-backed pirates-not-pirates.

Europe's kings didn't agree to cut that out until the 1690s.

At which point they downsized their privateers.

And those unemployed guys stayed in business, as the true

pirates you're a fan of.

Which means those British navy guys who hate Jack Sparrow,

they're mad at a phenomenon Britain's government created.

Also, the kings crushed that phenomenon as fast as possible.

By the 1720s, the major pirate captains were retired or


So almost no pirates lived as true skull and crossbones

style outlaws.

Even that skull and crossbones flag is kind of made up.

In his book Life Under The Jolly Roger, historian Gabriel

Kuhn says the first recorded use of a skull and crossbones

was in 1700.

About 25 years before piracy's ended.

Before that, the actual pirate attack flag was bright red.

The French called that color "Jolie Rouge", and the English

mangled that into the term "Jolly Roger", because words are


And pirates almost never did the romantic pirate stuff.

They aimed to steal boring stuff like food and medicine, not

cool impractical gold.

When they did get gold they spent it because gold is heavy,

and burying treasure is weird and stupid.

Also movies claim that pirates built tons of lawless island

party towns.

In actuality they built one of those, called Port Royal.

It existed for a few years before being hit by an

earthquake, then hit by a tsunami, then hit by diseases that

killed the survivors and spilled the drinks or whatever.

Even pirate raids probably stunk, as drama.

Cordingly writes that in pirate times, the average merchant

ship had a crew of 10 to 18 people.

The average pirate ship had a crew of at least 30 and up to

200 people.

A pirate attack was unfair.

The merchants usually just surrendered.

And pop culture says pirate crews were super co-ed, full of

female first mates and captains played by the hottest babes.

And I'm so sorry, that's not true, this is Charles Johnson's


He spent a lot of pages on Mary Read and Anne Bonny, two

female European pirates.

But they were practically the only ones.

And a lot of writers romanticize piracy as a space that was

so full of freedom, it was full of diversity.

But white European pirates came from that culture and that


They practically never hired non-white people as anything,

but manual labor.

And pirates treated captured slave ship cargo as cargo.

Because pirates were mostly (beeps).

Also, reminder, they were mostly not outlaws.

And most importantly, if you love Jack Sparrow type outlaw

badass rum pirates, I'm telling you, that was barely a thing

at all.

There were more than a couple of them, for about 35 years.

Timeline-wise, Western history has more than three times as

many years of Pittsburgh Pirates baseball teams.

Many of them with much cooler outfits.

Now, if you wanna talk about pirate traditions in other

parts of the world, hell yeah, that history is epic.

If you watch this YouTube show, you know about Japan's


Who were samurai pirates.

If you listen to the Cracked Podcast, you know about China's

long tradition of massive pirate fleets

often led by women like Ching Shih.

And we could do a whole 'nother Hilarious Helmet History

about the so-called Barbary pirates, who conquered the

Mediterranean, then founded a North African country

that lasted into the 1800s and fought two wars against the

United States.


Thomas Jefferson and James Madison both fought pirate wars.

And somehow there is not a Disney movie about that.

Even though I keep sneaking both of those Hall of Presidents

president-robots onto the pirate ride with me.

Which is a crime, I'm going to jail, this is our last

episode, sorry.

For more infomation >> Why Pirates Were Nothing Like You Think - Hilarious Helmet History - Duration: 8:05.


What If Jigsaw Was Real? - Duration: 5:11.

I don't enjoy a scary puppet on a bike, nor do I enjoy a scary psychotic killer with

a terminal illness hell bent on social revenge.

For these reasons, I am pretty sure myself and fictional Saw character, Jigsaw, would

not get along.

Luckily he isn't real….or isn't he?

Hello and welcome back to a spooktacular episode of Life's Biggest Questions where we are

celebrating the scariest time of the year with a few themed questions for you.

I am Rebecca Felgate and today we are asking What if Jigsaw was real?

Before we play a little game, I just want to remind you guys that we have a Patreon

– so if you want to check out what supporting this channel can get you in benefits then

I'll leave a link to that in the description box below.

Okay, do you want to play a game?

No Jigsaw…I don't….but for the sake of this video…lets.

Jigsaw refers to a serial killer who tests victims in deadly scenarios, or games, as

he would call them, and if the fail, he carves jigsaw shapes into their flesh.

The man behind the original murder spree was fictional character, John Kramer, a civil

engineer diagnosed with terminal cancer, which somehow drives him to kill people he doesn't

think appreciates life.

Then, after the cancer takes hold of him, copycats who consider themselves apprentices

start popping up.

So…what if this was all real?

So actually, in a few cases of life imitating art, there have been some sickos inspired

by the Saw movies who have drawn inspiration from the franchise, deciding to enact their

own brutal killings.

In 2013 Matthew Tinling mimicked scenes from Saw 6 when he killed Richard Hamilton at a

homeless hostel in London.

He tried to severe Hamilton's spinal cord, as he had seen in Saw.

This nasty trick has earned him 30 years in prison.

In 2009, a mother from Salt lake City turned her child into the police as she heard him

and his friends plotting to kill two students and a police officer in a game like death

play scenario.

They had even purchased cameras to record the murders and when questioned, they said

they wanted to harm people that had harmed others.

This is just two of dozens of examples of copycats inspired by the fiction of Jigsaw,

bringing him to life through their actions.

But, what if the character himself was real all along?

Let's have a little look at the Jig Saw job description; He would require exceptional

skills in subterfuge, planning, building and evading the police.

He would also need a willingness to travel.

People would probably notice that members of society went missing around the same time

as one another and start suspecting a serial killer, which means he would constantly have

to change the locations of his murders.

He also would have to have a lot of patience and a skilful mind for planning events.

Furthermore, he would also have to not be afraid to get his hands dirty.

Cleaning up all of that post murder scene must be a bit of a nightmare, I don't know

if you have seen the saw movies but, blimey, what an absolute mess.

It is all very well murdering someone with a bear trap, reverse bear trap, constructing

a pit of needles, putrid pig guts pool, building some limb twister machine….

The end result is pretty messy.

Jigsaw would need a strong stomach.

Okay, but jokes aside, historically, there have been men, and women, like Jigsaw out

there, and there still are… serial killers, many of which believe they are enacting their

own form of justice.

In 2006, Steven Wright served as a modern day Jack the Ripper as he murdered 5 women

in the sleepy town of Ipswich, England.

There is currently an unknown killer murdering people along the so called highway of tears

in Canada, there is the Long Island serial killer, the Mexican Ripper a killer on the

loose in South Africa targeting gay men….

The list of those we know about goes on, and then of course there is those we don't know


Perhaps what makes Saw such a scary and compelling, *COUGH* if at times a little ridiculous* franchise,

is because we all know that dark people like Jigsaw are out there and we don't want them

to take issue with us.

However it is important to note that, despite the real life existence of people like jigsaw,

for every sick twisted individual, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of good people

who act within the law to bring these people to justice.

In other words, any real life Jigsaws days are numbered.

Spooky spooky Halloween….. don't worry….

Jigsaw isn't real… but other bad people are…but what can you do…other than just

be safe and aware and good…….

A little Halloween ditty for you there.

So that is this episode of Life's Biggest Questions done with, for now I want to remind

you of our Patreon, the link is in the description box!

Also please do hit that like button if you enjoy our content and click on the notification

bell to get big answers straight in your inbox.

I am Rebecca Felgate, I will catch you in the next video, but for now, stay curious,

stay alert, watch out for Jigsaw peddling up to you like a weird puppety creep… and

never ever stop questioning.

Hungry for more answers?

Why not check out our biggest What Ifs playlist and our biggest history questions.

For more infomation >> What If Jigsaw Was Real? - Duration: 5:11.


Migos, Cardi B, and Nicki Minaj Team Up for New Song "MotorSport" - Duration: 2:33.

What's up, guys?

Beija here for Complex News.

Migos has been teasing their upcoming album, Culture II, for months now and telling fans

all about how they're going to drop the album sooner rather than later.

And it sounds like we might finally be getting close to that becoming a reality, as Migos

just dropped what sounds like the first single from their next project on Friday morning.

On Thursday night, Migos actually performed at Power 105.1's Powerhouse at the Barclays

Center in Brooklyn, and during their show, they teased a new song featuring Cardi B and

Nicki Minaj.

It came just hours after Nicki seemed to suggest that she had a surprise in store with Migos

coming soon.

The snippet got a solid response from the fans in attendance at the show with many people

clamoring to hear the song in its entirety.

Migos, Cardi, and Nicki made their fans wait for a few hours, but everyone finally got

the chance to hear the whole song on Friday when it debuted on Power 105.1's The Breakfast


The track is called "MotorSport," and it features strong verses from all those involved.

Let's take a listen.

One of the big draws here, of course, is that this marks the first time Cardi and Nicki

have been featured on the same song.

So naturally, people have already been quick to pick apart their verses and dissect which

of them came harder on the track.

It's still up for debate, but there's no denying they both brought their A-games.

Here's a snippet from Cardi's verse.

And not to be outdone, here's what Nicki had to say when it was her time to shine.

Shortly after "MotorSport" debuted on The Breakfast Club, it also popped up on Tidal,

Spotify, and the usual music streaming services.

If you haven't heard it yet, go check it out now.

Something tells us we're all going to be hearing a lot of it in the weeks and months

to come, and it should indicate that Culture II really is on the way.

For Complex News, I'm Beija Velez and coming November 4th and 5th is the Second Annual

Complex Con, where we bring all things Complex to life.

Catch live performances, score some exclusive fits, take in informative panels, and crush

some delicious grub.

Cop your tickets at now.

For more infomation >> Migos, Cardi B, and Nicki Minaj Team Up for New Song "MotorSport" - Duration: 2:33.


Cars 3 As Told By LEGO | Disney - Duration: 2:45.

This video's created by the LEGO Group and Disney.

It tells a make-believe story

using animation, special effects, and sounds.

Toys don't move on their own in real life,

but you already knew that, right?



There once was a racer named Lightning McQueen

and he was the Piston Cup champ.

And a new car shows up.

His name was Jackson Storm.

Hey there, Lightning McQueen.

So nice to finally beat you.

Wait, did he just say, "Beat me"?


[crash] Oh, no!



So Lightning goes back to Radiator Springs

to put his life back together again...

...with some inspiration from his mentor, Doc Hudson.

I'm going to make you proud, Doc.




Hey there, Mr. McQueen, you're going to be my senior project.

Get it, senior?

Yeah, yeah, I get it.

I want to try the simulator.

Uh, I don't think that's a good idea.


Mmm hmm.

They tried racing at the beach.

I hate when this happens.

The beach ate me.

They tried racing at Thunder Hollow Demolition Derby.

It's Fritter time.

No matter how hard Lightning trained,

he couldn't make enough progress.

This is it, Cruz.

This is my last chance.

At least you had a chance.

I didn't always want to be a trainer.

I wanted to be a racer.

Lightning, I won.

It's finally time for the big race.

And they're off.

You can do it, Lightning.


What are you doing, Lightning?

You get out there, Cruz.

Oh, my gosh.


Just face it, Cruz, you don't belong here.

Yes, I do!


Cruz and Lightning win the race.


Yeah, we did it, Cruz.


Hey, hey, wait up, you guys.

For more infomation >> Cars 3 As Told By LEGO | Disney - Duration: 2:45.


REM FAZA - To przez Ewę (Official Video) - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> REM FAZA - To przez Ewę (Official Video) - Duration: 3:25.


PARIS GAMES WEEK !!! - Duration: 0:29.

I will be at Paris Games Week

Saturday, November 4, 2017.

It's so cool, I'll be able to meet you,

meet other youtubers friends !

It will be GREAT !

I invite you to follow my Twitter and Instagram account to miss nothing !

If you go to Paris Games Week, I look forward to meeting you !

Tell me in the comments if you too go there!

See you Saturday !!!

For more infomation >> PARIS GAMES WEEK !!! - Duration: 0:29.






Acid - Most Nights [Official Music Video] - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Acid - Most Nights [Official Music Video] - Duration: 3:57.


3 expressions à connaître absolument en français - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> 3 expressions à connaître absolument en français - Duration: 4:19.


How to Color with Metallics : Episode 3 - Duration: 8:33.

hey I'm back again this is episode 3 this is actually turning into something

which is exciting so here we go today's topic is metallic

it's time to sit down and draw something pretty for you

speaking of sitting how was your week this was the biggest pain in the rear

week of my life would you believe I fell down the stairs and broke my tailbone

yes pretty painful I can't believe I did it I'm still in denial I'm in a little

bit of pain sitting right now but I've got this nice Boppy to sit on so I'm

feeling alright

done with the drawing and time to scan so I can put this up in my shop and

print and cut out also I need to do this so I don't smudge the original drawing

when I go to color it get ready to get shiny because today's topic is metallic

so my first tip for you today is paint markers make a great border this

liquitex paint marker is opaque so it'll cover up all your black lines this makes

it perfect for making borders around the edge of all your colorings my second tip

is add bits of shiny paper I happen to have a lot of origami paper around my

house I'm not sure if that's normal or not but anyway I'm gonna take a piece of

this blue shiny paper and cut it with this cool scissor I have and then glue

down this little piece as a border if you don't have any origami paper lying

around your house you could also do this with tinfoil

I want to introduce you to my favorite glue it's called Jade 711 I buy it

from TalasNYC .com I have the good fortune of being able to visit Robert

Sabuda's studio and one of his paper engineers turned me on to this glue it's

a PVA glue which is the same as Elmer's but it's stronger thicker and I think it

has a tighter bond so I highly recommend it

tip number three is Faber Castell pens are beautiful I just wanted to let you

know that I have not been endorsed or gifted any of these art supplies I just

really genuinely love them if that opportunity ever comes my way I will be

sure to disclose that information to you and give you my absolute honest opinion

the reason I like these pens is because they're ink based and they go on really

thick an ink based marker just means that the color particles are suspended

in the solvent instead of dissolved in the solvent so I just think of it as the

difference between glitter glue and your other markers are more like kool-aid

and tip number four turn the black lines to gold this is actually my favorite tip

that I've come up with so far I'm going to take full advantage of the

opaque quality of these markers and I'm going to draw right over my black lines

it's going to cover up the black lines entirely and make my coloring look like

it's been printed in metallic it's so cool in theory you could color over

every single line in your drawing and make the entire thing look like it was

printed in metallic I'm just gonna do it on a few flowers here but it's pretty

cool I think tip number five metallic pencils are surprisingly shiny so I

decided to do it a side-by-side comparison with my prismacolor pencil metallic

silver and my Faber Castell metallic pen and I cannot believe how similar

they are for the pencil I'm pressing down very very hard and I'm getting a

really nice shiny area then when I try with the Faber Castell it's practically

identical it's really amazing I mean it's like a tiny bit shinier but almost

not even worth mentioning so I... my conclusion here is that metallic pencils

are pretty shiny

all righty well I think that this coloring needs some actual color so I'm

gonna take some time out here to just do some regular coloring with my non-shiny

pencils and add some blue to tie in that blue border and of course I'm gonna use

gradients because you know how much I love them

this seems like a good time to describe the new weird thing I have in the corner

of my video I had an idea I was like hey duh I should actually put some art of

mine in the corner to show you guys what other stuff I actually do so anyway this

is a paper craft dinosaur I illustrated it and engineered it for my book "Paper

Craft Dinosaurs" which actually is available on Amazon if you want to check

it out I'll put the link below and you can see what other kind of weirdo Dino

creatures I've created

so tip number six is create a glitter effect with metallic polka dots this is

another technique that I'm actually pretty excited for episode two was all

about polka dots and then it dawned on me that if I used these metallic pens

to make polka dots then it would actually look like my drawing was

covered in glitter without having to actually glue down tons of pieces of

glitter so anyway give it a try what do you think does it look like glitter tip

number seven is my last tip for you today and it is look around your house

for shiny objects to add I happen to have a lot of little shiny things

because I got quite swept up in the scrapbooking excitement a couple of

years ago if you did to get out those scrapbooking supplies because you can

use them on your coloring hooray if not then keep an eye out for things around

your house that might be shiny like some extra buttons lying around or some

metallic candy wrappers that you can cut up anyway here I'm using some brads I'm

just gonna poke some holes and attach these and then I also found some pretty

metallic star glittery pieces that I"m going to glue on

and I'm just gonna wrap this baby up with some light blue areas in those tiny

little flowers well thanks so much for watching I hope you found something that

you can use in your colorings these tips will work on any of your coloring books

if you want to download this this exact note card you can find it in my shop

Mary Beth cryan there's three things in the shop it's starting to look like

a shop so check it out and I really really want to see your metallic tryings

so tag me on social media Mary Beth Cryan and I'm gonna keep a lookout for

those and until the next tip

For more infomation >> How to Color with Metallics : Episode 3 - Duration: 8:33.


[ENG SUB]Jane's Halloween Party with Yoona![Making DIY ghost decorations&Eating cupcakes!][DAISO] - Duration: 4:55.

Hello everyone!

You can see that I'm not alone today, right?

Today I invited my friend, Yoona! (Yoona & Jane)


So today~


It's gonna be Halloween soon so

we're gonna make Halloween decorations!

so we have all our materials ready

First, a paper like this

which I cut beforehand to save time

and some cotton..

and glue! (liquid type recommended)

That's all you need to prepare

Well then, should we start?/ Yes!

It was too long so I had to cut it :D

(Due to her multi-cultural background, Yoona usually mixes up her languages)

I myself didn't have a "favorite" chocolate before

But then...Yoona..

she recommended Kit Kat chunky bar to me one day

saying that it's SOOOO GOOD

so I started eating it since then and..


when I got really addicted to the taste

eating Kit Kat bars

was the first thing I did every morning cost me a lot

and I gained a bit of weight

By the way, all the Halloween decorations behind here

are from DAISO(a shop where they sell everthing for a dollar)

So everything together cost less than 10 dollars! (Halloween headbands+other decorations=8 dollars!)

It's really cheap, right?

DAISO's the best place!

By the way, Japan also has DAISO,


Miniso?/..and other 100yen shops?

well MINISO costs more than a dollar so..

MINISO's also cheap, though

Well they have lots of shops like that so

I think you can also get Halloween decorations for a cheap price in Japan


We finished the Halloween ghosts!

they're so cute! aren't they?

yeah they are! Should we name them?

I'm~gonna name this one



yeah, and you?

because this one is fluffy, I'm gonna name this one Mongshiri(which is Korean for fluffy)!

It's Edward and Mogshiri~everyone!


Shall we begin the party now?

Shall we eat?/ yeah

the cupcakes are from Dean&DeLuca! (I have another video for these! :D)

I'm really looking forward for this one, everyone!

I really love chocolate flavor

yeah you really do!

Chocolate is my life!

This cupcake looks cute but that's not everything!

If you look at it close enough, it's actually red velvet cake!

So I think it's gonna be really good!

It's sooo good!/ really?

try this one, Jane!


It's so good!

this is really good!

it's also really chewy!


I feel sorry for the marshmallow ghost

doesn't it resemble this guy?

they really look alike!

So did you guys enjoy our Halloween party?

It was really fun enjoying Halloween party with everyone

and it was even better cuz we were able to do this on a small budget!

Today my best friend Yoona came as a guest !

thank you so much for coming!

I really had a great time here

and if you invite me again, I'll come!

Yeah sure thing!

plz subscribe and like our video 0▽0ノ

Well then, we'll come again next time!

See you guys in the next video!


For more infomation >> [ENG SUB]Jane's Halloween Party with Yoona![Making DIY ghost decorations&Eating cupcakes!][DAISO] - Duration: 4:55.


ESP32 WiFi Weather Station with a Nextion Display - Duration: 8:26.

Dear friends welcome to another video!

In this video we are going to build a WiFi enabled weather station project!

We are going to use the new, impressive ESP32 chip for the first time along with a Nextion


Let's get started!

Hello, guys, I am Nick and welcome to a channel that is all about DIY electronics


In this channel, I share everything about the projects I build to help you develop similar

projects or inspire you to start making things because it is easy, fun and creative.

Subscribe to the channel now if you do not want to miss any future video.

In this video, we are going to make this.

It is yet another weather station project I know, but this time we use the new ESP32


We also use the new BME280 sensor which measures the temperature, the humidity, and the barometric


When we power up the project, it connects to the WiFi network, and it is going to retrieve

the weather forecast for my location from the openweathermap website.

Then it will display the forecast on this 3.2" Nextion Touch Display along with the

readings from the sensor!

The readings are updated every two seconds and the weather forecast every hour!

As you can see, in this project we use the latest technologies available to a maker today!

If you are a DIY veteran, you can build this project in five minutes.

If you are a beginner, you have to watch a couple of videos before attempting this project.

You can watch those videos by clicking on the cards that will appear during the video.

Let's start!

In order to build this project we need the following parts:

• An ESP32 board • A BME280 I2C sensor

• A 3.2" Nextion display • Some wires

The cost of the project is around 30$.

You can find links to the all the parts I use in the description of the video below.

Instead of the ESP32, we could use the cheaper ESP8266 chip, but I decided to use the ESP32

to gain some experience with it and see what works and what not.

This is the first project I ever build with the new ESP32 chip.

If you are not familiar with it, the ESP32 chip is the successor of the popular ESP8266

chip we have used many times in the past.

The ESP32 is a beast!

It offers two 32 processing cores which operate at 160MHz, a massive amount of memory, WiFi,

Bluetooth and many other features with a cost of around 7$!

Amazing stuff!

Please watch the detailed review I have prepared about the chip by clicking on the card here.

It will help understand why this chip will change the way we make things forever!

Also, this is the first project I build with a Nextion touch display.

The Nextion displays are new kind of displays.

They have their own ARM processor at the back which is responsible for driving the display

and creating the graphical user interface.

So, we can use them with any microcontroller and achieve spectacular results.

I have prepared a detailed review of this Nextion display which explains in depth how

they work, how to use them and their drawbacks.

You can watch it by clicking on this card.

The connection of the parts is straightforward as you can see from this schematic diagram.

You can find a link to the schematic diagram in the description of the video below.

Since the BME280 sensor uses the I2C interface, we only need to connect two wires to communicate

with ESP32.

I have attached the sensor to Pins 26 and 27.

In theory, every digital pin of the ESP32 board can be used with I2C peripherals.

In practice though, I found out that some pins did not work because they are reserved

for other uses.

Pins 26 and 27 function great!

To send data to the display, we only need to connect one wire to the TX0 pin of the


I had to bend the pin like this to connect the female wire of the display since the ESP32

board is too big for this breadboard.

After connecting the parts, we have to load the code to the ESP32, and we have to load

the GUI to the Nextion display.

If you have trouble uploading the program to the ESP32 board, hold down the BOOT button

after pressing the upload button on the Arduino IDE.

To load the GUI to the Nextion display, copy the WeatherStation.tft file I am going to

share with you to an empty SD card.

Put the SD card into the SD card slot at the back of the display.

Then power up the display, and the GUI will be loaded.

Then remove the SD card and connect the power again.

After successfully loading the code the project will connect to the WiFi network, it will

get the weather forecast from the website, and it will display the readings

from the sensor.

Let's now see the software side of the project.

To parse the weather data, we need the excellent Arduino JSON library.

We also need a library for the sensor.

You can find links to all the libraries in the description of the video below.

Let's see the code now.

At first, we have to set the SSID and the password of our WiFi network.

Next, we have to enter the free APIKEY from website.

To create your own API key, you have to sign up on the website.

Getting current weather data and forecast is free, but the website offers more options

if you are willing to pay some money.

Next, we have to find the id of our location.

Find your location and copy the ID which can be found in the URL of your location.

Then enter your city's id in the CityID variable.

Also, enter the altitude of your town in this variable.

This value is needed for accurate barometric pressure readings from the sensor.

Now we are ready to move on.

At first, we initialize the sensor, and we connect to the WiFi Network.

Then we request weather data from the server.

We get a reply with the weather data in JSON format.

Before sending the data to the JSON library, I manually delete some characters that were

causing me problems.

Then the JSON library takes over, and we can easily save the data that we need in variables.

After we have kept the data in variables, all we have to do, is to display them on the

screen and wait an hour before requesting new data from the server.

The only information I present is the weather forecast, but you can display more information

if you wish.

It all here saved in variables.

Then we read the temperature, the humidity and the barometric pressure from the sensor

and we send the data to the Nextion display.

To update the display, we simply send some commands to the serial port.

If you get this compilation error while compiling, you have to add this -fno-threadsafe-statics

at the platform.txt file which is located here: … Press save, and then the project

will compile fine.

The software for the ESP32 is not mature, yet so some things do not work at once yet.

The Nextion GUI consists of a background, some textboxes and a picture that changes

depending on the weather forecast.

Please watch Nextion display tutorial for more information.

You can quickly design your own GUI if you wish and display more things on it.

As always you can find the code of the project in a link in the description of the video.

As you can see, an experienced maker today can build exciting projects in just a few

hours with a few lines of code and only three parts!

A project like this would have been impossible to make even two years ago!

Of course, this is just the beginning of the project.

I would like to add many features to it, like graphs, touch functionality that is now missing,

maybe a bigger display and of course a beautiful looking 3D printed enclosure.

I will also design a better looking GUI and icons.

I have some very fresh ideas to implement!

I would love to hear your opinion about today's project.

What kind of features do you want me to add to the project?

Do you like how it looks?

How do you want to see it evolve?

Please post your ideas in the comments section below; I love reading your thoughts!

If this is your first time here, I would love to have you subscribed.

In this channel, I post videos about DIY projects twice a month.

I love making things, and I believe that anyone can make things, anyone can become a maker.

That's why I created this channel, to share my knowledge with the community and learn

from the community.

I hope you will join us.

I will see you in the next video!

[ Translating these subtitles?Add your name here! ]

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