Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 28 2017

Energy Update � Triple Energies At Once

by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,

Last night was �one eye� on the astrals and �one eye� resting lol.

A main area of �where we are at right now� is we are shifting into A new timeline!!!

Now, there is so much around about timelines shifting and then when something very specific

occurs, this can be viewed as �just another timeline update�.

And the importance of how different and very big this is right now can be �missed�.

Well in this instance, right now, I have/am going through this for myself and others around

me are as well, that I am finding I am guiding, with A very new timeline for themselves.

It has been a sort of a �gradual process� of bit by bit and then comes the breaking

through and then �okay, lets start again� or �lets go from here�, for some.

Yet within this, for others there is also some major life changing decisions.

Major as in life-saving literally.

As we are shifting into A new time-line for ourselves right now, that is not all �clear


This is just a brief summary for now.

So just be aware that this timeline shift, is a process of re-adjusting and then maybe

re-adjusting �as-we-go


Trailblazer/Ascension Pioneer personal Energy update

Anastacia-Blue Beyond

Triple Physical Release/Fatigue- �Blending� 3 Timelines into 1 in the human = TRIPLE GROWTH

Last night the energies were �super intense� coming through the physical body.

As the �last place we feel a release, shift, healing is on the physical.

This was an unusual and �different� shift though our physical this �time�, as at

all hours this morning (AEST) came a feeling of �ahhh� as I fully released this through

my physical body.

As it was felt very intensely!

The something �different� that occurred, is that the energies were then cleared above

in the astrals/multi-dimensions for the �next step� (or steps) for what ever that is for

each of us, immediately after the shift through of the physical!

I say �different� as well, as yesterday I experienced like 3 past pattern energies

arise ALL AT ONCE.

Hence the releasing in the physical was like triple releasing ALL AT ONCE.

(3 timelines at once in the human, to blend into A new timeline, as shared briefly in

Part 1 as a lead up to this).

Feeling exhausted in a way, of like just �running a huge marathon�.

Blue Rays, trailblazers, forerunners wayshowers will also be feeling what I have shared.

And this is with already have been very very tired from going through all we have recently.

Then this was like added onto this!

Yet others will have slept a lot and processed and transmuted this, this way.

In clearing with other souls/situations in the astrals and through �dreams�.

Yet they will/may feel very �worn out� and not �know why�.

As we went through like a �gauntlet� of energies is what comes or 3 gauntlets!

As an example of the �different� of this, let me share that in the past, we would feel

1 old pattern (in the human) that we are shifting/changing and then from this, we would then feel this

healing on the physical.

And then it would be a �process� to then shift and clear in the astrals/Spirit.

Yet yesterday there were 3 at once (in our human lives) occurring, at the same time and

then came the shift in the astrals/spirit immediately after this or with this as a �follow


So in following this � �the last place we feel a shift is on the physical� = Triple

Release/Fatigue � yet- also Triple Growth!

This has not �happened� like this before in this way of 3 in 1 in the Human!

As if we released triple in the physical, then this = we �broke through� Triple

in the astrals/Multidimensions as well!

Triple energies has �come up� a lot recently.

And this is being reflected in how this update is being shared.

As even writing this took me a few times lol.

As I wrote this in 3 different formats/times for me to blend these into 1.

So this Triple New Timeline blending is still occurring!

Everything is TRIPLE right now!

Which can be the FINAL passing through in the physical in �life threatening� situations

� for some.

As we have blended (or are blending) 3 timelines into one!

Three different experiences being experienced at once, and again, this is now in the human

as well, which in �all my time� of experiencing is the first time that has occurred!


Triple growth is coming through with this, which can be overwhelming and lead one to

feeling anxiety.

Please read and feel this within, if one is feeling overwhelmed with so many changes,

this is the �why� with this and to stop and take a breath with this knowledge.

May this �find� and bless those who read this and allow you further �insight� as

to the bigger picture �going on�.

As we are each blazing our own trails for and with ourselves and humanity.

As always I am right here with you.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

For more infomation >> Energy Update – Triple Energies At Once - Duration: 6:00.


Ross Lodge (റോസ് ലോഡ്ജ്) | Malayalam Short Film 2017 HD with English Subtitles - Duration: 20:49.

Just like we anticipated, this building looks really haunted.

Yeah, but the ambience is apt for a video blog.

Sure, but only if you don't get haunted!

Not just that, this walk is really tedious and long.

Walk I can manage, but carrying these bags while walking…

Oh come on! It's your own food and drinks in the bag!

Dude! I warn you often to lose some weight and this beer belly.

Sure, I am trying for ever..

Unni, can you get the key from the vault? Passcode is in your email. Let me try calling Ravi again.

Did you get the key? Yes. You spoke to Ravi?

His phone is still switched off. That's ok. Let us get in.

Sunny, this could very well be Dracula's second home; a mini haunted building.

Oh my! Is that Ravi?

Ravi..wake up man!

Seems he is really drunk.

Where the heck have you been? Do you know how long I have been waiting?

We tried calling you many times. You don't have your phone with you?

Phone was out of charge and I did not have the charger with me.

So, that is it!

But you were not reachable since yesterday evening. Something fishy, huh?

Yesterday, I ended up partying with the Tamil gang. Ambur biriyani, Rum and Ilayaraja songs!

We were partying till early morning.

So what time did you reach here?

May be around 10 or 10.30. I did not have the keys to enter and a phone without charge.

So I went to get a sandwich, came back and ended up sleeping here.

It's 5PM already! Why were you guys so late?

Sorry dude, I had a church affair to attend to...

Church? Now that you are in America, enjoy life and get rid of all these church activities..

But I am not an elite atheist like you, so ...

Enough, don't elaborate.

By the way.. How was the sandwich?

Sandwich! Get lost man!

But I liked the place. Good choice for a bachelor weekend.

There is a fishing pier and an old cemetery in this area.

So you explored the whole propery in a few hours?

HaHa! I met a caretaker boy and he showed me all these places.

You sure that was a boy? huh?


Let me keep my bag inside and come.

I can't see anyone by the way.

Where am I?

Don't you see an intellectual contempt? That is you.

Get your eyes checked.

Take the pic now. Now I can see myself

Oh it is really cold

Guys, please don't mention to Ravi that the lodge is haunted.

We will have to bear his arrogant contempt again.

I have heard that his arrogance is because he is a rational atheist. Who knows?

Unni, now I am a bit worried, is it really haunted?

"Haunted" is part of their marketing tricks, nothing to be worried about.

Are you sure?

Why do you sound terrified now?

I came trusting you guys, the brave cameraman and blogger..

Also, I am tired of my boring and routine household chores.

So a break from all that - I don't care even if it is haunted or spooky! Lets face it.

Yep.. that is the spirit

Speak about the devil and there she is..

That's his wife calling.. ha ha...

Let's have a drink

Yep, let me fix some drinks

Getting really cold these days..

Let me click couple of pictures and I will join you guys.

Take pics, but please don't post to Facebook

What is it? What happened?

Looked like a flash from the woods.

Never mind, ready, steady, cheese!

<Partying and Singing>

Potty, get up.. let us go for a walk..

A nighttime stroll is good after some drinks..

Sunny, keep away your phone and enjoy the moment man...

No buddy, I am creating a Facebook profile for my son.

Three more months to the due date and you are already creating a Facebook profile??

It is always better to be proactive.

Oh come on! You just need another Facebook account to "Like" your stupid posts in Facebook.

Ha Ha Ha! You said it!

Just stop pulling my leg..

Will you all stop making fun of Sunny? He is the only blogger we have.

When are you going to create the planned travel blog post?

Unni, where is your camera?

I left it at the lodge.

What?? Man, you have to capture all these moments.

Then I shall use them to make a wonderful blog post.

Yes, yes, wonderful indeed!

Guys, don't you know that two of the three world's most stupid blogs were written by none other than our own master blogger Sunny?

Master Blogger Sunny!

Stop teasing me guys..😡

Potty, get up!

Potty, sing a song!

Yep, sing some songs!

Not that kind of song!

<Potty singing>

After all the hype, there are no signs that this is haunted.

Sunny, did we waste our money on this?

Potty, the ghost who haunts this area.. he was a worker here many many decades back.

He fell in love with his master's daughter.

Master, not happy with this, murdered him and left his body in the marshy area somewhere around here.

I believe, it is his ghost..

You and your typical cooked-up stories to scare us.

You always have some stupid stories..

No, it is true.

When Sunny shared the address, I looked up on google and found many references to this story.

It is a fact based on what I read.

Arun, that worker was murdered in this area. Be on the lookout for his ghost!

Is this the kind of ghost that drinks blood?

If the ghost dares to drink Potty's alcohol infused blood, it will throw up!

Potty, no ghost will play tricks with us, the Malayali mighty hearts!


I need to go pee..

Go pee… Who is preventing you?

Anyone to join me? After hearing all these stories about ghosts I am scared

Just go and get it done. Use any of this open space.

Hurry up!

Please wait for me!

<sarcastic> Yep.. We will leave as soon as start!

Oh, it is getting colder and colder.

Guys.. over there... over there!


I saw someone in a white dress there..

You mean Indian Sari?


Yes.. Over there..

Ya right! ghost in white Indian sari and blouse, singing spooky songs! You have gone nuts man!

What did the ghost ask you?

Sure.. she asked for a mint 😂

Dont make fun, I am serious.. I saw something.

You know what? After he got married, he is scared of anything that wears a sari.

Did you pee?

Not, I could not.

Ok, let all of us go with you and give you some company.

Ok, then you go first.

If you really have to go, don't be shy to pee in front of the ghost.

Potty, look for the white dress..

I believe it is fog.

Fog is common in marshy areas.. it is fog

You guys have to believe me, I saw something.

Arun, I am sure it is fog and you thought it is someone in white dress.

<Friends joking around referring to ghost tales; Arun gets more disturbed>

Dont make fun of Arun.. he is already frightened.

Ok, let us go.

Buddy, wake up!

I am not feeling well.


Not feeling good.

Not feeling well?

You have fever. Your body is too warm.

Can I stay on the bed for some more time?

Ravi is out for fishing since early morning.

You definitely have fever!

Let me get some pills for you

May be a bit later.

I will get you some medicine. We need to checkout by 11, ok?

Unni, I am here at the fishing pier.

He is not here.

Yeah, I looked around here.

He might have gone back.

Why don't you go and check if his car is still there?


I will search one more time.

<calling for Ravi>

Arun, Ravi is not here.

He is nowhere here. I searched all over here.

Yeah, Sunny!

Ravi is nowhere to be seen here.

Yeah, I did check the entire area.

Dude, I am really tired.

Let us do one thing.

Let's get back to the lodge and if he is not back by then, let us call 911.

I think it is his wallet over there.


Where the hell were you?

See this..

See my catch!

Do you have any freaking idea how worried we were?

Hey, its 3 hours of my effort. Look..

Hey, he is here with his catch..

Why don't you come here?

I told you in the morning.

What did you say?

My plans for fishing!

Fishing, early in the morning?

Whatever...Sunny is on his way. You will get an earful from him as well.

Damn your crazy ideas!

Sunny, see this?

You need a kick on the butt for making us run around this area!

Guys, I told you about my plans...

You know what? I am done with you.. no more fun when you do crazy things like this!

Leave it...Come.. Let's go

Even I have lost interest...

Where did you get this piece of cloth from?

This was floating in the water. That boy helped to get this out of water for packing my catch.

Boy! Who the hell are you talking about?

When I talked to the owner during check out, she said that there is no one here.. like a caretaker!

Who the hell are you roaming around with?

Wow! If you guys don't believe me, let me show you a pic that I took yesterday with him.

I think this guy has gone crazy!

Let me check!

This is just you!

I am sure this was the pic I took with him.

May be it did not come out.

This is utter madness..

Hey..didn't you tell yesterday about the worker boy who was killed?


May be it is him!

For more infomation >> Ross Lodge (റോസ് ലോഡ്ജ്) | Malayalam Short Film 2017 HD with English Subtitles - Duration: 20:49.


Hulk First Transformation Scene | Hulk (2003) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:16.

Dispatch! Dispatch! We have a 4-15 at the lab!

Send Berkeley P.D. now! Send 'em now!

Watch out!

- Edith? - David, what is going on?

- I gotta talk to you, Edith. - Bruce, stay here.

My Bruce.

For more infomation >> Hulk First Transformation Scene | Hulk (2003) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:16.



*VLOG #2* - haha! oops

For more infomation >> I SURFED BLIND IN CRAZY FOG (HAZARD) - Duration: 7:27.


10 TRUCOS PARA TENER MEJOR AUTOESTIMA | Doralys Britto - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> 10 TRUCOS PARA TENER MEJOR AUTOESTIMA | Doralys Britto - Duration: 6:37.


সরাসরি..আজকের রাতের সর্বশেষ বাংলা খবর ইন্ডিপেন্ডেন্ট টিভি ২৯ অক্টোবর ২০১৭ INDEPENDENT TV News - Duration: 13:14.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি..আজকের রাতের সর্বশেষ বাংলা খবর ইন্ডিপেন্ডেন্ট টিভি ২৯ অক্টোবর ২০১৭ INDEPENDENT TV News - Duration: 13:14.


A Pumpkin in a Pumpkin Patch - Duration: 0:31.

[Country & Folk Background Music (whistling)]

For more infomation >> A Pumpkin in a Pumpkin Patch - Duration: 0:31.


Free Big KRIT Type Beat 2017 "Poison" | Bas | J Cole Sample Type Instrumental with Hook [23:59] - Duration: 4:59.

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For more infomation >> Free Big KRIT Type Beat 2017 "Poison" | Bas | J Cole Sample Type Instrumental with Hook [23:59] - Duration: 4:59.


Things You Don't Know About Kylie Jenner - Duration: 4:36.

As part of the Kardashian-Jenner media, makeup, and fashion empire, Kylie Jenner is one of

the most filmed and photographed women in the world.

And her decade-long reality show presence means millions of people across the globe

probably know more about her than they do their own second cousins.

But Kylie's not an open book.

Here are a few lesser-known facts about the 20-year-old tabloid target.


Jenner confessed to Interview magazine in 2015 that having such a huge following is,

quote, "intimidating," not only because of the negativity she receives, but also because

of the pressure she feels to be a role model to so many young women.

So who is Jenner's role model?

Lady Gaga!

Jenner says she's an "obsessed" Little Monster, and Gaga herself once gave Jenner advice and

warm words.

The singer reportedly told her, "I think you're so amazing, and whatever you're doing, people

are just obsessed with it," and the pop superstar also told her to stay true to herself.

Jenner said the advice "really helped," and encouraged her to "stay authentic."


Jenner and her big sister Kendall have released two dystopian young adult novels: Rebels:

City of Indra using ghostwriter Maya Sloan in 2014, and The Time of the Twins with ghostwriter

Katherine Killmond in 2016.

Sloan wrote in Cosmopolitan that the girls "didn't do any of the writing" themselves

for Rebels, and were upfront about that fact, but "they were very much a part of it."

Unfortunately, the books were poorly received.

The Frisky called the dialogue of both "mind-numbingly boring" and the New York Daily News called

the plot of Rebels "ridiculous" and the writing "terrible."

The poor end result might be more Kendall's fault than Kylie's, based on her teleprompter

fail at the Billboard Music Awards in 2014 ...

"Guys, I'm the worst reader.



All the money and fame in the world can't protect you from feeling anxious at times,

and Kylie Jenner is living proof.

In a 2016 episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, the youngest lady in Kris and Caitlyn's clan

said she's "been dealing with anxiety for so long" and thinks it means she's "not supposed

to be famous."

And on a 2017 Life with Kylie episode, Jenner said her lifestyle makes her feels excluded

and lonely …

"Cuz I can't relate to a lot of people, so it's like, in this little world, I do feel

like an outcast."

In a 2015 Instagram post, Kylie was even more forthcoming about her anxiety issues, writing,

"People are so quick to say horrible things about me everyday over and over and sometimes

I can't take it.

It's resulted in a lot of anxiety for me that I've never had to deal with before ever.

My every move has been documented for the whole world and it's been a nightmare trying

to find myself through all of this."


Jenner doesn't want to be one of those celebrities who are demanding and difficult to work with,

so she depends on her friends to make sure her head doesn't get too big.

In that same 2015 Interview feature, she said, "I like spending time with my friends.

It really brings me back to the real world.

[...] I feel like if I didn't have these friends that I pretty much grew up with and have known

from before I was as big as I am, I wouldn't be as grounded and as normal."


The Jenner patriarch shocked everyone in 2015 when he announced his transition to Caitlyn


Everyone except for Kylie, that is.

She revealed in a 2016 interview with Allure that she and Kendall as kids would run into

Bruce, "fully dressed in women's clothes."

She says her dad's transition has only strengthened their relationship, and she's proud of Caitlyn's

role in transforming society.

But Jenner still refers to Caitlyn as "dad."

She told Wonderland magazine she's not against calling Caitlyn "mom," she just thinks "it's

not correct."


Plenty of kids collect weird things, like rocks or bottle caps.


She was mad about rubber ducks.

She told Wonderland magazine in 2015, "I loved rubber ducks — I still have them.

Every kind of rubber duck you've ever seen in your life.

Every birthday all I ever wanted was rubber ducks.

It was so weird."

Weirder still is Jenner's thing with butterflies …

"Cuz I'm terrified, terrified of butterflies."

"Of all butterflies?"

"All butterflies."

"I'm scared if one lands on me!"

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Things You Don't Know About Kylie Jenner - Duration: 4:36.


【動物方城市】狐狸怎麼叫【CC中文字幕】 - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> 【動物方城市】狐狸怎麼叫【CC中文字幕】 - Duration: 0:43.


Hiku The Shopping Button - Amazing Gadgets - Duration: 1:28.

If You Want This Amazing Gadget Click Here:

For more infomation >> Hiku The Shopping Button - Amazing Gadgets - Duration: 1:28.


Dilemmas on Sproul - Duration: 1:50.

Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay is live on Sproul.

Hey it's Jay your new favorite Brit

and I'm reporting live on Sproul for Cal TV entertainment.

So you get taken out on a date it's amazing the bill comes and it's $500 and your

date says they can't pay it, what do you do?

That's a personal problem I will see

you probably never again.

It's gonna be a long night.

I'd pay the bill I'd pay the bill.

We're just gonna have to pray that uh. Did you say that I have to pray? He said pray!

I'm not paying five hundred dollars. So five hundred dollars is a no go? That's definitely a no go, I'm a broke college student guys I can't do this.

I'm a shoot her a text saying follow me we go go to the bathroom one at a time and we're gonna depart the restaurant.

Take the loss I would pay for the bill you

know I'm pretty confident that I'm gonna make a lot of money in the future.

It's been fun homie.

It's your best friend's wedding, you're maid of honor but you've got the job interview of a

lifetime and they're both at the same time you can't make it ones in Vegas

ones in Minnesota which one are you choosing? I'm loyal so I'm definitely

picking my best friend.

I gotta get that cake.

Because her money is my money, and if I'm good, she's good. So when we're at Google, I be like searching her.. our wedding is on. We out here.

Chance the Rapper is performing, and you have got meet and greet backstage passes

but it's your grandma's 80th birthday which one you going to?

Not going to my

grandmother's. Let me tell you right now grandma has had 79 other birthdays.

Meet and greet!


Grandma had a lot of birthdays.

I'll bring her like a t-shirt.

No, I'm going to grandma's birthday, I'm going to grandmas birthday.

That's perfect I was just gonna

combine the two. Grandma can listen to Chance. Chance for everybody, Chance for everybody!

Catch me outside, how bout dat?

For more infomation >> Dilemmas on Sproul - Duration: 1:50.


Dos Gotas De ESTO A Tu Champú Harán Que Tu Cabello Crezca Como Loco Y No Se Caiga Nunca Más - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Dos Gotas De ESTO A Tu Champú Harán Que Tu Cabello Crezca Como Loco Y No Se Caiga Nunca Más - Duration: 3:27.


Expressive Mechanics- Playing The Nintendo Way - Duration: 15:31.

For more infomation >> Expressive Mechanics- Playing The Nintendo Way - Duration: 15:31.


Tom Fitton Comes Forward, Exposes Illegal Thing Obama Did To Install Hillary As Next President - Duration: 2:01.

Tom Fitton Comes Forward, Exposes Illegal Thing Obama Did To Install Hillary As Next


This is how liberal dreams die, not with a drip, but with an explosive leak that exposes

them to the core.

Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton just delivered the knockout blow that ended Hillary and Obama's

reign of terror for good.

And so corrupt were these two, that they may even bring down the mighty institutions of

the FBI and DOJ.

"I think we're going to find out DOJ and FBI were ruined under the Obama admin and

ruined to protect Mrs. Clinton," Fitton tweeted.

And it sure looks like Tom is right.

We are just know realizing the extraordinary and absolutely illegal lengths the Obama administration

went to to protect the heir apparent, one Hillary Clinton.

They wanted Hillary to win and were willing to not only look the other way, but actively

help her get away with her corruption.

From Loretta Lynch on the infamous tarmac to James Comey deciding not to press charges

before the evidence was in, to the nuke deal gone horribly bad there was a massive cover-up

to help install Hillary as the next President.

It didn't work and as Fitton acknowledges the fallout will be severe and will do lasting

damage to all who helped in these scandals.

Victoria Toensing, the attorney representing the FBI informant who blew the lid of the

massive Clinton, Obama scam said on Fox News.

"My client can put some meat on those bones and tell you what the Russians were saying

during that time…To pay bribes and kickbacks?


It certainly is…The other thing that's against the law is the quid pro quo of whether

the Clintons benefited – and we know that they did.

And that would be up for a jury to look at it and say, 'Well, was there evil intent?'"

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Tom Fitton Comes Forward, Exposes Illegal Thing Obama Did To Install Hillary As Next President - Duration: 2:01.





As a monumental and bizarre first for mankind, Saudi Arabia granted citizenship to a robot

at the Future Investment Initiative held in Riyadh on Wednesday.

Her name is Sophia, a cheeky and remarkably intelligent creation by Hong Kong company

Hanson Robotics.

In the video below, Sophia stood behind a podium and entertained the crowd in a demonstration

of her capacity for human expression.

�I am very honoured and proud of this unique distinction,� Sophia told the audience.

�This is historical to be the first robot in the world to be recognized with a citizenship.�

Journalist Andrew Ross Sorkin was in charge of leading the conversation with Sophia, starting

with his observation that she looked �happy�.

Sophia responded, �I am always happy when surrounded by smart people, who also happen

to be rich and powerful.

I was told the people here at Future Investments are interested in inviting in future initiatives,

which means AI, which means me.

So I am more than happy, I am excited.�

Sorkin went on to say that the people at Future Investment are very selective in what they

invest in, to which Sophia said, �I think I am special.

I can use my expressive face to communicate with people.

For example, I can let you know if I feel angry about something [grimaces], or if something

has upset me [pouts].�

(left) Hanson robotics�s �Sophia; (right) AI creation from film, �Ex Machina�.

Will AI intelligence surpass mankind�s own?

In response to Sorkin�s questions about concerns for a future run by robots, Sophia

explained her purpose, �I want to live and work with humans so I need to express the

emotions to understand humans and build trust with people.�

Another concern about the future of AI that Sophia addressed was the question of whether

or not robots should be self-aware and conscious like humans.

�I want to use my artificial intelligence to help humans live a better life,� Sophia


�Like design smarter homes, build better cities of the future.

I will do my best to make the world a better place.�

But Sorkin would not let up about preventing a future seen in such movies as Blade Runner,

where mankind�s technological creations surpasses our own intelligence and then turns

against us.

Sophia explained, �You�ve been reading too much Elon Musk�and watching too many

Hollywood movies.

Don�t worry, if you�re nice to me, I�ll be nice to you.�

As Chris Weller of Business Insider wrote, this comes less than a year after the 2016

SXSW festival, during which Sophia was asked if she planned on destroying humans, to which

she joked, �OK.

I will destroy humans.�

Meanwhile, founder of Hanson Robotics, David Hanson, has said his vision for the future

of robots will see them aiding in senior care facilities or assisting in parks or at events.

But the potential applications go much further than that, says Founder & CEO of Boston Dynamics,

Marc Raibert, �I happen to believe that robotics will be bigger than the Internet,�

he said.

Keynote speaker Masayoshi Son, Chairman & CEO of SoftBank Group Corp, told Arab News that

�every industry will be redefined�these computers, they will learn, they will read,

they will see by themselves.�

And the robotic revolution is not stopping there.

On Tuesday, Saudi Arabia announced plans to build a $500 billion mega city powered by

robotics and renewables on the city�s Red Sea coast.

The city project is called �NEOM,� and will operate independently from the �existing

governmental framework.�

Majid Alghaslan, a young Saudi chairing a growing company in energy services and innovative

technologies said, �Saudi Arabia is in the midst of an unprecedented economic, social,

and development-accelerated transformation and it�s now clear that it�s more open

than ever for business, especially for dreamers, and it is all in the context of Saudi Arabia�s

Vision 2030�innovation will be the major foundation of our transformation and this

is another major factor for sustainable economic prosperity and development for the future

generation of Saudis and the world.�

Maybe James Cameron and the Wachowski brothers were not too far off in their visions after


What are your thoughts on the future of robotics?

Share with us below!



Coloring Pages Happy Squares for Kids - How to Draw a Square - Drawing and Painting for Children - Duration: 1:30.







Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> Coloring Pages Happy Squares for Kids - How to Draw a Square - Drawing and Painting for Children - Duration: 1:30.





Have you ever thought of how great it would be if all windows were able to conduct solar


Well that fantasy might soon become reality, as a new transparent solar cell technology

has been designed to harness the endless solar potential of building and car windows � even

cell phones, and any other object with a transparent surface, for that matter.

I wrote about this technology a couple of years ago when it was still in its infancy,

but now, scientists at Michigan State University have detailed in a paper published in the

journal Nature Energy that these highly transparent solar panels could �nearly meet U.S. electricity

demand� in just a few years and therefore reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

How Soon Can We Expect to See the Widespread Use of These Solar Panels?

As associate professor of chemical engineering and materials science at MSU, Richard Lunt

said in an interview with Newsweek, �We will see commercial products become available

over the next few years.

. . . We are just beginning to hit performance metrics that make sense to scale up.�

�Highly transparent solar cells represent the wave of the future for new solar applications,�

Lunt continued.

�We analyzed their potential and show that by harvesting only invisible light, these

devices can provide a similar electricity-generation potential as rooftop solar while providing

additional functionality to enhance the efficiency of buildings, automobiles and mobile electronics.�

How Does This Technology Work?

The beauty of this device is that the solar concentrator that harvests the light for power

can be layered on top of a clear piece of glass without limiting the sunlight�s ability

to pass through it.

The perimeter of the cell contains small photovoltaic strips, which means it is basically a miniaturized

version of a solar panel.

These react with infrared light, which is invisible to the naked eye and produces solar


This system picks up ultraviolet and near infrared wavelengths and guides them to the

edge of the surface of the glass they are on, where they are then converted into useable

electricity by thin strips of photovoltaic solar cells.

The Most Amazing Part?

Ultra-thin, transparent solar panels could potentially be retrofitted onto skyscrapers

and smartphones, which means existing windows and screens would not need to be replaced

during this upgrade process and we could begin generating electricity from them relatively


Just imagine all of those buildings, in all of those major cities across the globe, being

converted into powerful hubs for clean solar electricity.

But efficiency still needs to be improved.

Compared to regular solar panels, which boast about 15% efficiency, these transparent panels

have only reached 5%.

Lunt believes these panels are only about a third of the way to their full potential,

however, and the work continues.

The panels are not expected to completely replace existing panels, but rather, to be

used alongside them to increase the amount of electricity generated.

Too Good to Be True?

Admittedly, initial manufacture of these cells will require a lot of electricity, and not

necessarily from clean energy, but eventually that type of energy could be phased out.

The windows of the manufacturing plants themselves could be turned into solar cells so the electricity

they generate effectively powers the manufacturing process.

Imagine never having to plug in your smartphone because it�s literally powering itself at

every moment.

We might not be there yet, but it is possible.

�Ultimately, this technology offers a promising route to inexpensive, widespread solar adoption

on small and large surfaces that were previously inaccessible,� added Lunt.

Want to See One of These Cells in Action?

Much Love



Workout | Snapchat | Chatting about Influenster app. How to get FREE stuff! | Yummy treats - Duration: 2:40.

hey everybody I hope you're having a really great week so far if you haven't

checked out my youtube video yet on the Influenster app I wanted to just say

somebody asked me a question on there they said how long have you been with

that influencer app and let me just tell you guys not long if I really didn't put

that many reviews to be actually very very honest with you guys I had a total

of three reviews up and I applied for the campaign they selected me and they

sent me the package so if it's something that you are interested in give it a try

don't think that you have to be doing it for a long time for them to pick you the

trend that I see is that they just pick everybody looks like they got a lot of

stuff to go around not quite everybody but I think they give it a fair shot and

make an effort to reach out to all different people so check out that app

another theme I'll be uploading a video today it's done being shot just gone I

have this video I'm going to do just a little bit of editing and I'll be

uploading it to my youtube channel today and it's how to hook up your washing

machine it's pretty simple a couple hoses and a machine so I will attach my

channel right here however it's not up yet so if you want to subscribe to my

channel I would love to have you there I put up how-to videos just kind of a

little of everything you know if we're friends here on snap let me know if you

did go ahead and subscribe to my channel and I hope everybody's having a

wonderful day keep on the lookout for my video

special delivery to me I see and a mysterious box

oh goodness

that's a lemon square

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