Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 28 2017













For more infomation >> 57 KILLS ON PULSIVE GAMING (Part 2) - Duration: 12:52.


Куклы Пупсики Беби Элайв Соня Покупки Магазин Играем в Игрушки для девочек Мультик Видео Зырики ТВ - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Куклы Пупсики Беби Элайв Соня Покупки Магазин Играем в Игрушки для девочек Мультик Видео Зырики ТВ - Duration: 5:02.


50 KILLS ON PULSIVE GAMING (Part 1) - Duration: 10:15.





GGs in The Chat





For more infomation >> 50 KILLS ON PULSIVE GAMING (Part 1) - Duration: 10:15.


【絵本読み聞かせ英語朗読:字幕付き】マッチ売りの少女/The Little Match Girl【Japanese Fairy Tales in English】 - Duration: 6:11.

It was a terribly cold night on New Year's Eve.

It was nearly dark and snow was falling.

In the cold night, went a poor little girl with no hat and bare feet,

because she had lost her mother's big shoes.

She was roaming the streets.

Her feet got red and blue from the cold.

In an old apron, she carried a pile of matches, and she had one box of matches in her hand.

No one had bought nor given her even a coin all day.

She wandered the streets, shivering in the cold.

She was starving.

Lights were shining from every window.

She could smell roast goose.

""Yes.It is new year's eve today."" thought the little girl.

She sank down and huddled up.

She put her tiny feet together, but they were freezing.

She dared not go home, because she had not sold any single match.

She had no penny to take home.

Her little hands were almost frozen.

""Oh! The matches! They might help me!"" thought the little girl.

She took out a match.

It could at least warm up her hands.

She took one out, and "Swoosh!"

The match lit up.

It was warm, bright and burning like a little candle in her hand.

She had dreamt she was sitting by a large stove.

No. It was not a dream.

The stove was indeed in front of her.

There was a very warm fire close to the little girl.

She stretched out her feet toward the stove to get warm.

Then! The flame went out and the stove vanished.

All she had was the blackened stump of the match.

She struck another match against the wall.

As it burst into flame, it got very bright and she was in a room when she noticed.

There was a table set with splendid silverware, and in the middle was a roast goose.

The roast goose was hot from the oven and looked delicious.

And even more wonderful,

the goose jumped off with a knife and a fork on its breast and waddled to her.

Then, the match went out again.

What remained was a cold, wet and thick wall in front of the poor girl.

She struck another match against the wall.

Next, she was sitting beneath a pretty Christmas tree.

The tree was huge and decorated very nicely.

""This Christmas tree is the most beautiful one I have ever seen through the windows!""

thought the little girl.

Indeed, the tree was greater and more splendid than any other trees of rich families.

Like a bright and vivid painting displayed in a shop window,

thousands of candles around the tree were shining beautifully above her head.

The little girl stretched out her hand toward the candles, and then the flame went out.

The Christmas lights rose higher and higher into the sky, and merged above with the bright stars.

At that time, she saw a shooting star dashing through the sky.

""Someone's dying"", thought the girl.

She remembered that her grandmother always said when seeing a shooting star,

""When someone dies, a star falls down. And the soul goes back to God.""

However, the dear grandmother wasn't here anymore.

She was the only one who had ever loved the little girl.

She struck a match once more.

Now she was in the brightness.

She looked ahead, and her dear grandmother was standing.

She thought it was real.

As if her old grandmother was standing in front of her.

The grandmother was smiling warmly at her, as she always did.

""Granny!"" cried the little girl.

""Will you take me with you?

When the match burns out,

you'll vanish like the warm stove, the roast goose and the big lovely Christmas tree.""

She took out all the matches and struck them so that her grandmother wouldn't go away.

The matches lit up brighter than daylight.

When it got brighter, the grandmother was standing there,

and took the little girl in her arms.

Then, they flew up into heaven.

There was no more cold, no more hunger or pain, because God was there with them.

The day dawned bright,

and the little girl in the shabby dress leaned against the wall but did not move.

She had pale cheeks, but her lips were smiling.

It was January 1st, and the first sun of the year shone on her.

She had died sitting.

She was holding a bundle of burnt matches in her hands.

""She had tried to warm herself."" the people said.

Nobody knew all the beautiful things that she had seen

nor did they know that the new year had welcomed her with her dear grandmother.

For more infomation >> 【絵本読み聞かせ英語朗読:字幕付き】マッチ売りの少女/The Little Match Girl【Japanese Fairy Tales in English】 - Duration: 6:11.



I cannot wait !

I'm hungry...

Hi everyone, what's up? I hope you're all doing good!

I'm Yoann, and you're on my channel: my life in the USA

- If you don't know us yet, I'm Yoann! - I'm Andréa

-I'm French -I'm American

We met back in the States where I lived for a few years

Now we're back in France, where we live together in Paris.

But we still want to introduce you to American things

or for instance

today we're going to try American food that we found here in Paris

from the store Lidl (discount store similar to Aldi)

It was requested in the comments

that we try their special "American week"

We have already tried the American food from Picard (frozen food store)

and Mcdonald's

- Mcdonald's had a special street food - New York

Yes! New York Street food

And Picard was "Hello America"

All the links are in the description box

Or you can click here, right above her head

to watch those videos

so today we're going to try the American food from Lidl

We changed the concept a little bit

Andrea who's our American representative

is going to be blindfolded

we're going to put the scarf on her eyes

she's going to smell the food

Try to guess what it is and then taste to recognize the food

She'll try and judge

I'll try as well and judge the taste

And we'll tell you honestly, if the food taste like legit American food or not

Let's do it ! Put on the scarf

Let's do the usual test

well...My eyes are closed

Let's start with the first item

She doesn't know if it's going to be sweet or savory, I didn't tell her anything

I'm showing you the box

So you're going to smell first

- Am I close to it? - Yes it's right there

-What do you smell? - I think

- meat...? Stop laughing

is it on a fork?

no I'm holding it

- Bite it - I already know! - Bite!

fried Onion in bread-crumbs


it's good !

The thing with onion rings

you're always looking for a cripsy one

I suppose you didn't fry them

So, to tell you everything, I followed

all the instructions

it was frozen and they said "heat it in the oven"

when you buy them, they are usually fried

so it's crispy, but here they are a little bit soft

but it's not that soft

- Do you want another bite? - Yes! - There you go

you can hold it with your hands!

You're blind, you're not without arms !

What you want with an onion ring is that when you bite it

that the whole onion doesn't come out

and it doesn't here

so for that reason it's good. The taste is good

it's authentic

2nd item

open your mouth


I know !

In French they call that...



It's the pepper

which is in bread-crumbs

fried again

there is some cheese...

it's like a stuff pepper

- it's spicy - It's not that spicy, it's because you're French

Honestly they are super good !

What do you think?

To me it's good

The taste is good

Next item

let me show you

go ahead

- What is it? - Mozzarella stick

It's not amazing

again, it's not crispy

But even in the U.S. when you buy the mozzarella sticks

and you make them at home, it's never

the same as in a restaurant

But it's good for a snack before dinner

To give you more info

those 3 items, were together in a box called "American Style snack box"

All together

I'm very disappointed, you'll see why

On the box you can see a cardboard box

with the items

like it's a box that comes with it

but inside, everything was just in bags

so I had to put everything on a plate, there isn't the box actually

it might be silly, but I was disappointed

I thought it was very American to have the container

to carry them after it's cooked

even if this box could be opened to contain the food

it could have been better presentation wise

Next item ! Let me show you the box

there you go

Let's try !

I'll let you smell


meat.... Grill ...?

be careful

What are you doing?

- what are you doing? - it's the rest

-So..? - So it's a hot dog

bread: not good at all

it's hard, it tastes like frozen bread

the sausage ... is ok

it's a little bit like rubber

- *rubbered* - We say rubbery

- rubb... what? - Rubbery

the sauce is good, I don't know exactly what's in it

the hot dog we had at Picard was way better

it's the bread actually

if you've seen our other videos

we tried the hot dog at Picard, the hot dog at Mcdonald's

and now Lidl ..

I have to say that for the presentation

it looks like what's on the box

but it's true that the taste is ... so so

the bread is very hard

Next time, let me show you

it's sweet, cinnamon


I have no idea what it is ...

what do you taste?

cinnamon, sugar

it's a flavor I know

I was going say that here, we're judging the American authenticity

they sell it as an American food item

- it makes me think of a poptart - ah true !

- I know the flavor ! - Go ahead !

it's apple

it's the flavor of a *apple fake*

it's artificial...

oh, yeah... a fake apple

They call that ...

Do you have something called country cookies in the States ?

not that I know of

they are so many brands and names

not a famous brand

Next item

There were so many choices, sweet and salty

I didn't buy everything, I just bought a few things

are you ready ? I am

I haven't showed you! so it was like that in a pretty bad packaging


-a muffin ? - Yes! - I don't like it

- is it chocolate? - it is

-What do you think? - Once again, it tastes like very industrial

and it was in the American section?

it was

there is an American flag on it

it's sold like an American muffin, because in France we also have muffins in the supermarket

but here it's sold like an American one

It makes me think of something you get for free

not a great quality

We're trying now our list item. I also wrote the name of what it is

I know there is an equivalence in the States

So I want to have Andrea's opinion.Open your mouth

is it a reese's ?

they call that...

So in the States we have...

chocolate filled with peanut butter

honestly it's not bad

does it taste like the one in the States?

Reese's cups in the States have the peanut butter

in the middle

with a particular texture

a little bit more ...

sandy ...


but this one is smoother

it's not bad at all !

for a off-brand, it's not bad at all

do you want to take off the blindfold

Welcome back among us !

the light !!

And this is what the box was

Snack box, but actually you don't have it

it's too bad

So there we go !

I hope you enjoyed our commentaries and our tests of those American food items

We can say that

for the onion rings, the cheese things, and the mozarrella sticks

it was good !

it looks like

what you can find as frozen food in the States

the hot dogs... frozen hot dogs...

even in the States, frozen hot dogs...

- But we likes the one at Picard ! - That's true

The country cookies are good

they say it's American but it's not a thing

not a thing I thought: omg it's so good I've never tried that

they could have done like in the States

poptarts looking like that, but very different flavors

But Lidl, for the price it was very good!

for all of that, I paid ....

12 / 13€

yeah not bad

not too expensive

I hope you liked this video, if you did, give it a big thumbs up!

write in the comments if you want us to try other things, if you have ideas

we love trying new things and give you our opinion

Go ahead in the comments !

And we'll see you next time on my channel, my life in the USA! Bye !

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