Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 28 2017

For more infomation >> The Most Satisfying Video In The World! Most Oddly Satisfying Video Ever - Duration: 10:14.


HOW DO RESIDENCIES WORK IN MEDICINE? (Q&A) | med school vlog - Duration: 11:24.

This video is made possible by Away.

Hi everyone!

It is Wednesday.

I have a new block.

In the last block, I did my medicine sub-i and this block I'm doing my EMS elective for

the next four weeks.

And for EMS elective, I'm gonna be doing a bunch of ambulance ride alongs and I'm gonna

be observing both BLS as well as ALS.

I have a few of those coming up.

I also have a bunch of interviews coming up.

I know I talked a little bit about my interview process, in the last video.

A lot of you guys had really good questions, and I wanted to kind of address them.

So a lot of you guys asked about sort of the general process of "match" and residency interviews.

So the way residency applications work... is towards the end of your medical school

career, so sometime during the very end of 3rd year or the very beginning of 4th year

you send out your applications.

Most people only apply to one specialty.

I know somebody asked if I'm only applying to emergency medicine.

I am!

I would say the vast majority of people end up applying to only one field.

The reason being that, when you apply to these programs, you have your personal statement,

you have your away rotations, you have your letter of recommendations.

All of these are geared towards the specialty that you wanna go into.

So it's kinda hard to prepare for more than one specialty because you're gonna be writing

about why you wanna go into emergency medicine or why you wanna go into surgery or why you

wanna go into internal medicine.

You're also gonna be doing things in your medical school career to show that, that's

the field that you're interested in.

So for example, for me, I did a bunch of away rotations in emergency medicine, kind of 1.

to experience what's it is like at different hospitals 2. to show the different programs

that that's the field that I wanna go into.

Also reason number 3.

being that I needed recommendation letters from specifically designed for emergency medicine.

So it would have been very difficult for me to apply to more than one specialty.

For the most part, people apply to what's called categorical residencies, meaning you

go directly from medical school into the field that you're gonna be specializing in.

So from... going from... doing directly from medical school to emergency medicine.

Or directly from medical school to general surgery.

There are certain specialties that require you to do one year of either transitional

year or a preliminary year of either medicine or surgery.

Those are things like ophthalmology, dermatology, I think anesthesiology and a few other specialties

that require that you do a separate year of training before actually starting to study

anesthesiology or dermatology or ophthalmology.

Aside from those specialties, most people apply to just one type of specialty and that's

the field that they wanna go into.

There are also questions about sort of the interview process and what's it's like.

I honestly can't speak for all the other specialties but for the most part, from my experience,

and from what I've heard, emergency medicine interviews tend to be pretty relaxed and pretty


You get asked for things like: what do you like do during your free time, tell me about

yourself, why do you wanna go into emergency medicine.

Kind of just basic questions.

I've heard that in other specialties you get what's called "pimped" on patient cases, sort

of like the medical knowledge.

In emergency medicine, they don't do so much of that which is nice because you're not really

being tested for medical knowledge when you go for interviews.

I think that should come from your standardized test scores and you know, you're still a student

so you still have a lot to learn.

I feel like the most important thing in the interview like I mentioned in the previous

video is for the program to get to know you as a person and get to know who you are outside

of these scores and the numbers that you have in your resume and your applications.

So those are sort of the more commonly asked things on the interviews from my experience

and from what I've read online and from other people.

People also asked me what other people bring to the interview.

So I wanna show you guys what I brought to my interview.

This is the bag that I brought.

This is kind of a plain grey shoulder bag.

It's big enough to fit this folio.

This is a folio that I got from my alma mater when I graduated.

It's from Barnard.

Basically has a notepad, and there is a little slot for you to bring in your CV or your resume,

and little slots for business cards and things like that.

Honestly, a lot of brought these but there is really no use for this other than it makes

you look a little more professional I guess, so you can carry your resume with you in case

you wanna look over right before your interview.

I think as a general rule of thumb, it's nice to have something to write in like a notepad

or like a pen or something just so that if anybody gives you any important information,

you can write that down, if you get in touch any residents, or any program directors who

wanna give you their e-mail address, or their phone number or for you to ask more questions,

you can write that down.

I brought my pencil case, I brought my wallet.

And most places will give you breakfast and lunch or at least some light refreshments

so you probably don't need to bring like snacks or water bottles or anything.

You can if you want to.

I brought a little thing of mints just in case.

But aside from that, that's really all I brought me to the interview.

Like I said before, same thing with the outfit, I wanted to have something kind of plain bag.

I didn't wanna bring anything flashy.

I also didn't wanna show up in like backpack so I wanted something just kind of nice enough

and doesn't stand out too much.

So that's the bag that I brought.

So the next question somebody asked was for me to describe the match process.

It's a little nebulous.

I don't know exactly how it works but I have an idea of how it works.

So basically, when you apply to these programs during your medical school during 4th year

or something, some programs will give you an interview, and not all of them.

You go to these interviews.

They're evaluating you but you're also evaluating them to see if you're a good fit for their


Of if that program is a good for you.

And then you're supposed a make ranked list of the program that you like.

So you make a ranked list and the programs also make a ranked list of the applicants

that they liked.

And I think there is a computer process that's takes both list into consideration and then

matches you into the program that you're supposed to go to the following year.

So that's like the nutshell of how the match process works.

Match day is basically this big national day where all the US medical students find out

on the same day where they're gonna go residency.

It's supposed to be like a big day of celebration and all that.

So that should be exciting!

That's coming up in March.

I'll maybe try to vlog that day so you guys can find out where I'm going to... maybe.

So that's pretty much the Match process.

I know there is a lot involved.

There's the application process, interviewing, ranking and then Match Day and it's a whole

big process but it's very exciting and you find out where you're gonna spend the next

as short as 1 year to as long as 5 plus years of your life doing your residency.

So it's very very exciting.

So, I hope that kind of answers all your questions about the Match process and residency interview


I'm trying to remember if there are any other questions.

I will check back with more questions.

So I just finished dinner and now I'm doing some reading for my EMS elective.

So EMS stands for emergency medical service and basically consists of all the EMTs and

the paramedics who ride in the ambulance and pick patients up and provide some care.

So the reading that I'm doing is basically all the protocols that's been written for

certain cases like sepsis or cardiac arrest, or hypotension, congestive heart failure and

there are all these protocols written by medical directors.

I think it varies from state to state but there's basically protocols on what to do,

what drugs to give, how to transport patients, and things like that.

So I just wanna familiarize myself with all these things so that hopefully I'll see some

cool things tomorrow and for the rest of the month and I'll be able to jump in with what

I'm supposed to do.

Technically I'm supposed to observing mostly so I won't be doing anything, I won't be intubating

anyone, I won't be starting lines, but I heard that sometimes the paramedics will let you

do some minor things so I think it's just a good idea for me to know what's going on

so I'm just gonna read up on everything and I will check in with you guys later.

So it's getting late, I have to go to bed soon because tomorrow I have a 7am-7pm shift.

So I wanna make sure I get plenty of rest for that.

But before I end the video, I wanna tell you guys a little bit about today's sponsor, Away.

I wanna tell you guys about their product.

So Away is a luggage company and they use high quality material.

They use German polycarbonate and they offer it at a much lower price compared to other

brands by cutting out the middle man and selling directly to you.

You can choose from a variety of colors and sizes.

They have four different sizes, they have the carry-on, the bigger carry-on, the medium

or the large.

The one that I have is the bigger carry-on.

The suitcase itself has a lot of cool features, like I said it's made of German polycarbonate,

which is very light but very strong and impact resistant.

The interior has patent pending compression system so you can actually compress all the

stuff that you packed so that it fits and you can zip everything up.

It has four 360 degrees spinner wheels and it has TSA approved combination lock built

in to the top of the bag to prevent theft.

Another bonus is they have a removable, washable laundry bag so that you can separate the dirty

clothes from the clean clothes.

Something cool about the carry ons and the bigger carry on that I haven't seen on any

other luggage is that they have this charger that's built into the luggage itself so you

can charge all your cellphones, tablets, kindles or anything else that you can power with a

USB cord.

The luggage comes with a lifetime warranty so if anything breaks, you can send it over

to them to fix it or they'll replace it for life.

The luggage comes with a 100 day trial so you can live with it, travel with it, and

then if you decide it's not for you you can return it for a full refund.

There's free shipping on any way order within the lower 48 states and the carry-on sizes

are complaint with all the major US airlines so you can take it with you on the plane.

And if you're in New York City, or visiting New York City you can actually visit the away

retail store and check out all the luggage in person.

So this is the luggage that I used for my away rotation last month.

I have the bigger carry-on like I mentioned and it fit everything that I need while I

was at the hospital.

Probably my favorite feature was the laundry bag so that I can put all my laundry in there

in will be separate from all my clean clothes.

I didn't have to bring a separate plastic bag or a laundry bag. to put all my dirty

clothes in.

So if you guys are interested in trying out the luggage, you guys can go to

that's and use the promo code "strivetofit" for $20 off your


So I'm gonna close the vlog now.

I Hope you guys enjoyed the video.

Let me know if you guys have anymore interview related questions and I'll try to answer them

in the next video.

I will see you guys next time!


For more infomation >> HOW DO RESIDENCIES WORK IN MEDICINE? (Q&A) | med school vlog - Duration: 11:24.


Pusnakts šovs septiņos - 9. raidījuma kopsavilkums - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Pusnakts šovs septiņos - 9. raidījuma kopsavilkums - Duration: 5:09.


Top 10 Places You Shouldn't Be On Halloween - Duration: 7:08.

How's it going Youtube I am Kicker the Clown and welcome back to another freckin video.

I am super glad you guys clicked on this one its time to hide under your blankets, and

start shaking because it's about to get real scary around here.

This is the top 10 places you shouldn't be on Halloween.

And you guys are lucky this year because Kicker the clown is about to help you guys get throw


So if you listen to me you will stay alive this year, for now.

Screaming and kicking at number 10, are kids going into a white van.

This is no jokes kids.

And I guess adults.

There's always that joke going around about don't get into a white van when someone

offers you candy because inside of that white van is always a pedophile.

Well this is actually no joke there has been some kid nappers using candy to lure kids

into their white van or any vehicle for that matter.

You guys don't need to be around vechile on this night just stay safe on the sidewalks

and go only up to houses for candy.

Which actually thinking about what I said sound so off as well.

Why are we allowed to go out and beg for candy door to door.

This is like a pedophiles dream, a ton of little kids knocking on their door.

Number 9.

Don't go inside of people's houses.

There have been stories out there of people saying, come inside little kid the candy is


If someone offers you to come inside of their home don't go inside no matter what.

You don't want to be a victim in any crime that is about to happen.

I think instead of teaching kids how to expand an equation in school they should be teaching

them about everyday life lessons like this one.

Horrendously coming into number 8, is you shouldn't be alone.

You never know when I will get you.

(Cough) I mean you never know when something bad will happen to you, so it's better to

always have a Halloween buddy with you, so you can keep each other safe for the night

while you knock on peoples doors like homeless people begging for candy.

Halloween always takes place at night time where its dark and scary.

Night time is the best time to commit crimes, like kid napping, assault, someone could get

stabbed, someone could take all of your candy so you better watch out.

Always turn 360 every like 5-10 seconds.

So lets try this move together.

Walk walk turn 360 walk walk turn 360.

You guys got it, k good use this technique on Halloween so you can see all around you

and your always on alert for the bad guys like myself.

Number 7.

Stay away from the hobo's homes, aka dark alleys.

You never know when the Hobo's last ate and they could be Hangry.

So stay away from them you don't want to find yourself in any altercations.

Going down dark alleys could be hair-raising and spine-chilling, at any moment I could

come out of the dark and get you guys.

I will take all of your candy, and no way you can beg that shit back forget that.

I thrive on this night, I let you guys do all the work and I just take it all from you.

That's how life is for me so if you want to get all of your candy and not be attacked

in an alley way stay away from it.

This is no joke.

Terrorizing at number 6, we have cemetery's.

On Halloween you never know what's real and what is fake so its just best to stay

away from it.

Imagine seeing a Ghost and your thinking Is that just someone dressed as a ghost or is

this a real ghost?

This is a time for creatures of the dark to come alive at night time and blend right in.

The cemetery symbolizes the after life, the life of the death, and you never know what

dead people are going to rise on this night so watch out.

Number 5, don't go into a real haunted house.

This is a place where a real death happened usually a murder.

You never if that dead person is still haunting the house.

There could be Paranormal events happening in that house and I don't think you will

want to be apart of it there could be extraterrestrial life, and unidentified flying objects.

Unless you're a Youtube trying to get scary content and click bait content maybe stay

away from Haunted houses on this night I know I would.

I usually like staying inside of storm drains.

At Number 4, unless you don't want to run into me on Halloween I would stay away from

where I live the Storm Drains.

Don't try and squeeze yourself down here.

I will find you and do what I have to do to get rid of you.

That's right kids you have been warned.

Stay the hell out of my house I already have enough kids down here this year.

" I shouldn't have said that" I shouldn't have said that" Is there an editor that

we use for this video.

"Ya we have editors why" Can we get them to remove that last part I

don't want to incriminate myself.

You know the part I said I already have enough kids down here this year ya that statement

is try but can we make it not true.

. "Pulls out knife" Number 3.

Next up we have an Abandoned Corn Maze.

This is a place you for sure don't want to be in during Halloween.

You shouldn't be at a place that is very dark and it's a maze what if you can't

get out.

What if someone is chasing you inside the maze and you take one wrong turn that's

all it takes one wrong turn.

What if your in the maze and you start to panic because you can't get out you realize

your just running in circles and everything starts to look the same.

Now your missing out on all the Halloween candy because you stuck in a dam maze I told

you guys not to go in.

Number 2, don't be going into no fun house because, that where I will be hiding out the

night of Halloween.

I will be in sweage drains and fun houses with a ton of mirrors in them.

You wont even see me coming and I am warning you guys now.

Fun Houses are just way to scary to visit especially on Halloween.

Everything just becomes real on that night and mirrors freaks out a ton of people because

you never know what you will see in them.

And finally at number 1 a place you shouldn't visit on Halloween in a jail cell.

Make sure you guys keep safe on this night and stay out of trouble.

No fighting with your buddies just because his costume is scarier than yours or they

got more candy than you.

Also don't go stealing peoples candies because that's my job.

The more candy you guys have the more likely I will want to come find you guys.

Its no joke.

Well there you guys have it thanks so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Places You Shouldn't Be On Halloween - Duration: 7:08.


The Battle Cats | I Don't Like Romantic Highway - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> The Battle Cats | I Don't Like Romantic Highway - Duration: 1:17.


The Battle Cats #07 : What The Hen! con i gatti italiani !!! - Duration: 12:16.

For more infomation >> The Battle Cats #07 : What The Hen! con i gatti italiani !!! - Duration: 12:16.


Top 10 Things That Are BETTER Than They Were 50 YEARS AGO - Duration: 13:19.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Things That Are BETTER Than They Were 50 YEARS AGO - Duration: 13:19.


Perhaps President Donald Trump Is Actually A Dumb Liar With A Terrible Memory - Some News - Duration: 13:51.

(exiting instrumental music)

- Here's some news,

while enriching himself and associates

at the expense of people and the planet,

the president took some time to talk about himself,

and complain about the news and how everyone is lying

about him and then he lied about that

and other stuff in the process,

and you know some of it's small,

some of it's calculated and malicious

and some of it's because he just doesn't know

and it'll be like a mixture of a couple things he heard

then exaggerated and filtered

through his need to make it about himself,

and in addition to all of the things I just said

illustrating poor qualities of leadership,

they also acted as a distraction for a lot of the things

he doesn't want people to notice that are enriching himself

and associates at the expense of people and the planet.


That's, the news.

We did it.

(exiting instrumental music)

Still here?

Alright, so here's some, more specific news,

the president voluntarily lied about calling almost

every fallen soldier's family,

causing the White House to scramble for the information

that would be required for when the president

starts making all those phone calls.

Then it was reported that he had an insensitive phone call

with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson

in which the president seemed to not know the soldier's name

and also allegedly told the wife,

"He knew what he signed up for...

"but when it happens, it hurts anyway,"

showing, this says empathy

but it should say, showing that he's bad at this,

and also showing he has a deeply disturbing view

of what soldiers sign up for.

As the Commander-In-Chief,

thinks his soldiers sign up to die.

Not great, especially considering he keeps teasing war

like it's a fun game for us all to play,

and thinks we should invade countries and take their oil.

- We should have said we'll help you,

but we want 50% of your oil.

- Anyway, the president was accused

of not knowing the soldier's name,

and thus took to Twitter to tell the people directly

that he knows the soldier's name by tweeting

"Democrat Congresswoman totally fabricated what I said

"to the wife of a soldier who died in action,

"and I have proof, sad!"

And I have been convinced

that he knows the name,

of the soldier,

and the wife,

and the Congresswoman.

Because of proof.


This story continued until he finally snapped

and told everyone.

- No hesitation, one of the great memories of all time.

One of the great memories of all time.

- Or a GMOAT.

He's the proud owner of a GMOAT,

despite saying "I don't remember" 35 times

during his deposition for the case against Trump University,

a fraud university,

and despite declaring October 24th United Nations Day

even though it's been United Nations Day since 1948,

and despite saying under oath

he wouldn't recognize Felix Sater

if he were in the room with him right now,

despite Felix Sater being a Russian-linked mafia figure

who worked with the president

on several real estate projects,

has been photographed near him several times,

literally lived in Trump tower,

and was the one who wrote an email

to Trump's lawyer that read,

"Our boy can become president of the USA

"and we can engineer it.

"I will get all of Putin's team to buy in on this,

"I will manage this process."

Or maybe, not despite of all that.

Probably because of it?

(exiting instrumental music)

But anyway, in the interest

of one of the great memories of all time, here's some news,

when this week Sarah Huckabee Sanders

said it's inappropriate to question a General,

even when that General is retired

and now the Chief of Staff for the White House

that you speak for, a GMOAT-haver

might remember when Donald Trump did exactly that,

and when John Kelly attacks Congresswoman Wilson

for making a speech honoring Americans

who died for the country about herself and money,

even though it turned out that's not what happened,

one can't help but agree with 4-Star General

and current White House Chief of Staff

for the Trump Administration, John Kelly,

that empty barrels make the most noise.

Or as daughter of local DC comic Mike Huckabee

and current Press Secretary for the Trump Administration

Sarah Huckabee Sanders said

"If you're able to make a sacred act like honoring

"American heroes about yourself, you're an empty barrel."

And then a GMOAT-haver might point to President Trump

on literally his first full day of office when he gave

a speech to the CIA in front of a wall representing

117 CIA employees who died in the line of duty.

- We had, it looked, honestly,

it looked like a million and a half people,

whatever it was, it was,

but it went all the way back to the Washington Monument.

I think we have the all-time record

in the history of Time Magazine.

Like if Tom Brady's on the cover,

it's one time because he won the Superbowl or something,

right? (laughing)

I've been on for 15 times this year.

I don't think that's a record, Mike,

that can ever be broken.

Do you agree with that?

Trust me, I'm like a smart person.

- He said, to the intelligence community,

in front of the wall, commemorating their fallen colleagues

10 days after comparing them to Nazis, in Nazi Germany,

and I'm not even gonna touch the Nazi thing.


But I won't.

What sparked this tweet, the CIA-is-Nazis tweet,

was the release of the now infamous Steele Dossier,

which alleges Trump's campaign colluded

with the Russian government during the 2016 election

via various channels and financial dealings.

It also alleges activities which make the president's

use of quotes around leak very interesting.

But it's back in the news, so.

(exiting instrumental music)

Here's some news, the Steele Dossier was funded

in part by bum bum bum,

the Democratic National Committee

and the Clinton campaign as opposition research,

which is a thing that all candidates do,

through private firms,

like the ones hired to produce the dossier.

They don't traditionally email people

connected to the Russian government and get emails back

saying, "I will get all of Putin's team to buy in on this,"

but they do hire private firms to research opponents,

and even though the president wants to make a big art

of the deal out of this,

the news that the DNC funded some of it isn't news

because it was already widely known that the firm was hired

by a Republican donor in the Republican primary,

stopped paying when Trump got the nomination,

Democrats started picking up the bill, Steele came on,

Trump won, the Democrats stopped paying,

and Steele kept investigating

because he thought it was credible and important.

So it's weird the president keeps bringing up

the discredited dossier, which, first of all,

more like pisscredited, and also of all,

it's not been discredited, in fact,

many aspects of the dossier have been confirmed,

by other outlets, and by the intelligence community.

- I'm a very intelligent person.

- Uh-huh!

Speaking of that, another big story Trump and Sean Hannity

are yelling about now is the Uranium One deal

because Hillary Clinton was given millions by the Russian

government for 20% of our uranium, to use, for bombs.

Or, this is an old news story in which a Russian company

bought a 51% stake in a company merged

from South Africa-based Uranium One

and Canada-based UrAsia Energy,

and the transfer of ownership needed to be approved

by then-president Barack Hussein Obama as advised

by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States

which was made up of Hillary Clinton

and eight other cabinet members and of which the

Secretary of Treasury is the chairperson,

and the uranium is still in the United States, still here,

and is not allowed to be exported

because Uranium One doesn't have an NRC export license,

and the majority of the alleged quid pro quo donations

were made a year and a half

before Clinton was Secretary of State, and three years

after the donor sold his stake in the company.

Who knows, though, there might be something there.

But this story stemmed from opposition research

by Steve Bannon, some of it's been discredited,

not like Trump's lawyer discredited the dossier by proving

he'd never been to Prague by tweeting a picture

of the front of a passport, but you know, there were errors.

And the article that restarted this Uranium One talk

was written by pro-Trump,

weirdly pro-Michael Flynn, John Solomon,

who was the COO of Circa,

a media company loved by Sean Hannity that pushed

anonymous allegations against Trump's enemies

and was bought in 2015 by the pro-Trump Sinclair Group

which currently covers about 40% of American households

in drippy Trumpy propaganda

without you even knowing it or telling you.

Just how he likes it.

And this story was pushed by none other than Devin Nunes,

who you might remember recused himself

from Russia-related investigations

because he helped the president lie

about evidence of wire tapping of the president.

Devin Nunes, also happens to be the guy who helped break

the story about the dossier being funded by the DNC.

Busy guy, Devin.

Almost like you and the president and his buddy in state

media are doing a little, like, coordinated propaganda.

To, distract people.

- I'm a very intelligent person.

- Wow.


A little bit.

Although, he recently said that

after being asked if he should be more civil.

His answer to should you be more civil was that

he went to an Ivy League school and is very intelligent

but it's not a great answer to that question,

especially if you have a GMOAT,

because he transferred to that Ivy League school

in his junior year as a favor

from the admissions officer who is his brother's friend.

If you're an intelligent person you don't say you're

an intelligent person after being asked why you're uncivil.

The question was about why you're a bully.

You know, cause you're a bully.

Your wife is on an anti-bullying campaign along with

Betsy DeVos who thanks to my GMOAT I know has so far

rolled back protections for transgender students

and sexual assault survivors and students with disabilities,

and I wonder if a GMOAT could think of a good single moment

to represent bullying and the disabled and memory.

- Ah, I don't remember!

- Cool.

I knew we could do it.

- I'm a very intelligent person.

- I know.

As a fellow GMOAT-haver I remember you donated

your second quarter salary of $100,000

to the department of education, something you value,

but as a GMOAT-haver,

you also cut the education budget by millions.

But, GMOAT-wise I remember you said you'd donate your salary

which is nice but damn my GMOAT that's literally

what Hitler did and GMOAT gettin' me hard you also

slept next to Hitler's speeches and when asked about it

you asked, "Who told you about that?"

And then said, "Yeah but not Hitler's speeches,"

"my friend Marty gave me Mein Kampf,

"but it's okay because he's Jewish."

But your friend says, "No it wasn't Mein Kampf.

"It was My New Order, Hitler's speeches,"

and also he's not Jewish and then you brought it up again

later to say that if you had Hitler's speeches,

you wouldn't read them.

But, as an GMOAT,

I remember saying I wouldn't bring up Nazis.


(exciting instrumental music)

Here's some news,

Republican Senator Jeff Flake gave a speech

about how Trump sucks, so,

welcome to the #Resist#ance and the #21st century.

Even though Flake basically said,

"Because I am no longer seeking reelection,

"I may now speak my mind.

"The things that I said are good, are, bad.

"You're welcome for my bravery."

And even though now that he's leaving, his seat is open,

and Bannon can get a far right

nationalist candidate in there instead.

And GMOATs might notice he has more than

a 90% voting alignment with Trump

and less than 12 hours after his brave speech,

his GMOAT (bleep) itself and he voted

to strip away consumers' rights to sue banks.

Good thing banks don't do crimes that cause problems

and then don't answer for it already.

Good thing, lies.

(exciting instrumental music)

He's so obviously a liar, and not a very intelligent person,

and doesn't know what he's doing, and is unhinged,

and doesn't have the people's best interest at heart,

and is just, he's just a liar.

Long history of it, lies all the time.

Little stuff like lying about his approval rating

which has been lower than 40% for 21 straight weeks

or big stuff like, "I will uphold the Constitution."

His lying is so obvious, and if you still support him,

sorry, you're just a, you're fascist,

or you're in a cult, maybe both.

It's, um, alarming.

But the one thing cults and fascist regimes

need to succeed above all else is a charismatic leader.

So even though (bleep) you Jeff Flake, fist shake,

the more and more people who acknowledge what a danger

he specifically is, the sooner we can get rid of him

and he can stop distracting us with his (bleep)

and, with Trump gone,

there will be an opening for a new charismatic leader.

And I'm not worried about that.

(exciting instrumental music)

Sorry, that was pretty bleak.

Fascism, cults.

So, to close, speaking of the Interior and parks,

to which the president donated his first quarter salary

and also from which cut millions of its budget,

here's some fun news.

You know how when you think of rich people in New York

who've been staples of the city for decades and allegedly

donate millions to charity all the time and are good people?

And how over all those years,

there'd be something named after them.

A park.

A park bench.

A street.

Something that's not a hotel built by them,

or steaks made by them, or a fake university made by them.

But there's not.

Except wait, thank you GMOAT, there literally is

a Donald J. Trump State Park in New York.

He bought the land for two million dollars

and tried to build a golf resort on it

and couldn't get the permits so he donated it

and wrote it off for $100 million and they tried to turn it

into a dog park but the buildings have asbestos in them.

Now, it just sits around looking like this.

Look at it.

Look at it.

Look at the metaphor for his brain and soul.

Greatest memory of all time.

Only I can fix it.

Look at me, the greatest park in the world.

That's his park.

He's the president.

His (bleep) park looks like that.

We're done.

(exciting instrumental music)

That's his park.

For more infomation >> Perhaps President Donald Trump Is Actually A Dumb Liar With A Terrible Memory - Some News - Duration: 13:51.


The Council of Wells - The Flash Season 4 Episode 6 Teaser Breakdown!!! - Duration: 8:01.

what is good YouTube Warstu here with a video on the flash season 4 episode 6

this is gonna be a teaser video the episode is called When Harry Met Harry

we're gonna go over synopsis then go over a couple ideas originally when I

first read this title ages ago before the season started I thought it was

going to be the case of When Harry Met Sally but this isn't the case and this

episode sounds very interesting as it involves Harrison wells heavily and as

your Google guys know he's one of my favorite characters

so the synopsis goes like this one Harry - Harry three Harry four when collectors

of Native American artifacts are attacked by a matter who can bring in

animate objects to a life turns to a surprising ally for help determinated to

crack the identity of the thinker unless Sisko helps to summon the ultimate

think-tank the Council of wells a round table of the brightest Harrison wells

from various earths now that sounds absolutely amazing because you remember

last season we had multiple Harrison wells when earth - Harrison wells wanted

to go back home and he came up with an idea to replace himself and before we

got HR we had mine Harrison wells we have lots of different variations pop up

so there's an episode in Rick and Morty called the Council of Rick's so it's

interesting that the internet is comparing this synopsis to being like an

indirect kind of not copy but it looks very similar to that episode of Ricky

and Morty and what's even more funnier to me is in the Justice League the flash

Ezra Miller Barry Allen shot in this shot you can actually see on the screen

that Barry Allen is a fan of that program at least in the DC extended

universe so that's kind really funny so the Prem

of the council of ricks was the governing body all of the Rick's with in

reality the council was created when Rick's from multiple dimensions decided

to form a way from Rick's written protect one another from their enemies

of cross realities and have ruled from their secret headquarters called the

cartel of Rick's so Wow that sounds pretty interesting so basically we can

get interpretation on this because in the flash we have the multiverse so I

presume they're just going to pull different Harrison wells from the

multiverse who are clever or people who are not clever for comical value now it

does sound like they are directly pulling from the Rick and Morty show

which I don't actually watch guys I had she had to I had to do it a little bit

research for this but it sounds like a pretty awesome Aang episode as Tom

Cavanagh who plays her as well is such an amazing actor can't wait for this

episode it's such an awesome and clever idea as the most recent episode of the

flash Harrison wells from earth-2 came over to give Wally West the breakup box

because Jessie QuickBase he doesn't want to be with him and she's forms a new

group and Harrison wells isn't part of it but he worked out that everything

that's happened this summer right the two met humans in height even the spot

where Barry Allen came out the Speed Force and everyone the bus became a meta

he worked out that one person is behind everything and it's quite a clever

storyline because as the audience we know it's the thinker we're seeing it

from the thinkers point of view and we're also seeing it from how it's

happening from Team Flash's point of view they've got absolutely no idea

until Harrison wells actually told him that there must be some guy behind it

they had no absolute clue so this episode me sounds really amazing I

currently think the flash is struggling it massively in terms of the narrative

last week's episode yeah I mean it was good but this

in weeks episode does look really good it's the one where the elongated man's

in it breaches in it who is gypsies father so Cisco's gonna be running

around trying to get away from him I don't think he's gonna try and fight him

but I think they're gonna play on the narrative a little bit and it's gonna be

quite interesting to see how they introduce the breacher character Danny

Trejo such a big big name in the TV and movie world if you are not a young

viewer if you are a young viewer you probably have no idea who Danny Trejo is

but I'm really looking forward to flash going forward I think the thinker

concept is very clever I just don't think you think a concept is going to

play out for the rest of the season I think someone's behind him I think maybe

a Godspeed kind of character and from the way the trailer suggests of the

elongated journey in tonight but guys it wouldn't make more sense if I kept

assaut was called elongated journey into the dark night or something like that

they kind of liked making it look like it's Barry Allen versus Ralph

Digby Ralph Digby I think Digby I think I can't remember saying but I'm just

spending this off the top um head but it's gonna be a very interesting episode

as it will be introducing a Ralph aka the elongated man kind of looks like the

Plastic Man and I guess he is going to be basically in place in Julianne Albert

who was played by tom felton so he's gonna have to be pretty good because I

feel like Tom fell and Giuliana is missed this year I don't know the

fashion just missing something this year maybe it was Harrison wells I'm not too

sure but the council of Harrison Wells does sound pretty funny anyway guys I'm

going to do lots more flashing arrow canto content I know I mean slacking I

know I've been concentrating too much on Justice League

and kind of Marvel with infinity war Thor 3 and so for that but I want to

keep doing that content alongside the flash and arrow stuff I've just put out

an arrow video so check that if you haven't checked it out I've had not just

the video tonight so I'm sure get interest back for the fashion hire

videos I've upgraded the audio so hopefully you guys notice please let me

know down below guys is the audio better now it should be a lot better because

the microphone I'm using now is actually a real microphone so anyway guys we have

hit 5,000 subscribers now so thank you very much for that I can't wait for this

episode the synopsis called turns out turns out to be a surprise in a lie for

help it's hurt me to crack the identity of the thinker the ultimate think-tank

the Council of wells it sounds awesome so can't wait for this episode I can't

wait to see this a metahuman that can in animate objects to life in anime

actually means by definition not alive showing no sign of life so this

metahuman can bring people back to life so it's very similar to kind of what the

Lazarus Pit can do and other things like that so anyway guys please like

subscribe and comment if you like this content it would be very awesome if you

could like this video subscribe and comment down below what you think any

ideas for any future videos and let me know down below hit that Bell Bunn hit

the red button so you never miss a video from war shoot anyway guys thank you for

listening if you made it this far and I will catch you in another video guys

very soon catch ya later

For more infomation >> The Council of Wells - The Flash Season 4 Episode 6 Teaser Breakdown!!! - Duration: 8:01.





For more infomation >> FIFA 18 WEEKEND LEAGUE l ТУТОРИАЛ ПО ТАКТИКЕ - Duration: 11:30.


গরুর খামার করে সফল হতে চাইলে এই ভিডিওটি দেখুন, সফল হলেন পাবনার উদ্যোক্তা মোঃআকতারুজ্জামান Dairy Farm - Duration: 5:22.

Successful Dairy Farm

For more infomation >> গরুর খামার করে সফল হতে চাইলে এই ভিডিওটি দেখুন, সফল হলেন পাবনার উদ্যোক্তা মোঃআকতারুজ্জামান Dairy Farm - Duration: 5:22.



For more infomation >> THINGS THAT GIVE ME ANXIETY | PARODY - Duration: 5:09.


My Ultimate Frisbee Gear And What I Bring To Games - Duration: 8:56.

Ok guys so today I'm going to be showing you my current set-up for what I bring to


None of this is sponsored this is just what I currently use.

So this is my bucket right here and it has a screw off lid, which I really like.

The kind that you have to pull off are a lot harder to get off and one of the biggest things

that I look for in a bucket is being able to get into my items really fast so I really

like that this has a screw off lid.

So they sell these gamma seal lids separately so you can put them on any five-gallon bucket

and I highly, highlight recommend getting one of these because it makes getting into

your bucket so much easier.

I also have this backpack accessory and this makes it so that carrying my bucket is just

a lot easier.

I don't have to carry it by the handle all the time or like something like this and at

least for me my games are like really far apart I have to walk like a huge amount of

distance to get to the next field so having it be portable and being able to wear it like

a backpack is really nice like it's really easy.

It's really easy to just pop and go on and then you're ready to go.

So I'm a huge fan of this setup.

This is what I currently use right now.

So up first inside the bucket is we have my water setup.

So I drink both water and Powerade throughout the game.

For me if I just drink water then I don't feel like I get enough energy back if I just

drink Powerade sometimes I'm not hydrated enough so I drink both of these throughout

the game and I've been really happy with the results that I get from this.

So a big thing I like about this water bottle is that the lid totally closes.

I've had a lot of problems with water bottles in the past like leaking or whatever and I've

never had any problems with this so I've been really happy with the water bottle.

Up next is my filming setup so I currently film all my games now and I use a GoPro Hero4

Black with a stabilizer so for me the biggest thing that I look for for my filming setup

is that it's super easy for me to give it to somebody else and this setup is what I

found to be the easiest for other people to film with because GoPro's have really wide

angles so it's gets more of the field than normal so it's a lot easier to get the shot

than maybe a DSLR or a better nicer camera but yeah so the GoPro goes on the stabilizer

and the stabilizer keeps it steady so that there's no shaking my footage isn't like

the super best quality ever but it's good enough for me and I've been happy with this


The biggest pro to using this setup over like using multiple cameras is that you aren't

just taking up a huge amount of storage space on your external drives like when you use

two or three cameras it's gonna be like a hundred gigabytes a game and that was just

way too much footage for me to it just makes editing more difficult it makes everything

more difficult so this is my current stuff that I use.

So this stabilizer is the Evo GP Pro and I really like this stabilizer because the battery

life on it is amazing.

I can get through two full games without changing any batteries I don't have to change the

GoPro battery I don't have to change these batteries either they last the whole game

and that's really awesome for me that's like the biggest reason why I went with this

stabilizer over some other ones.

This one is a little bit of a pain to get the GoPro on though some of the other ones

are way easier.

You'll see that these have like these screw mounts and it's it's a decent it's not

super hard but it's definitely more time consuming than some of the other ones where

just you like clip it on and just go.

So next I have rock climbing chalk.

So this is something that I use when it's really hot out.

So what you do is the rock climbing chalk goes on your hand than it wicks away a lot

of the sweat so it does a really good job of making your hands feel not sweaty at all.

And all you have to do is wipe your hands on your shirt afterwards and then it will

be off and you are ready to go.

Next are Layout gloves so right now I use gloves mostly for the rain and these do a

tremendous job of performing in the rain I have some clips of me playing in just a horribly

rainy game and you'll see that I make a lot of throws in this game and I felt awesome.

The disc never slips for me at all I feel completely in control of all of my throws

when I'm using these gloves I can not recommend them enough for the rain.

I will also use them in the cold but they stay in my bag mostly for the rain.

So next are running socks so I use to have a really big problem of getting blisters on

the bottom of my feet, but once I started using running socks I've never had that

problem again.

So these type of socks have they have a little more padding than normal and they also do

a better job of just sweat control and once I started using these I've never torn my

feet since.

So I really recommend running socks if you have blister problems like I do.

So next is a sweat band so this is something that I like can not play without.

So I wear it on my wrist that is the bottom hand for catching and what this does is it

protects my wrist from the rim rubbing against it and I use to also have a problem of my

wrist just being bruised up all the time because of the constant rubbing from catching, but

once I started wearing this I've never had that problem again and I just really love

these I can not recommend this enough if you have that problem.

So I use these Wilson sweat bands I really like these because they don't shed a lot

of the brands that I've used they'll like shed on my hand and it's really annoying

these are really cheap they don't shed and I've had good results with them so I recommend


Next are my cleats.

So these are the current cleats that I use.

They are the Nike Ctr 360's and I really like them they fit my feet really well and

I also really like this stud pattern.

They're more of the pointy kind over the round kind and I find that this give me a

little more better grip than the circle kind so I've been really happy with these they're

kinda old I don't know if you can find them anymore but I'm a big fan of these and finally

we have my scoreboard so for score it just really nice to have to always be able to see

what the score is for a lot of my teams when I first started we were just like really bad

at keeping score I'm pretty sure I lost like four or five games throughout my career

because my team didn't keep score and we just had to go off what the other team said

and when you have a scoreboard you never have that problem again.

So it's just something that's really nice to have and it's just nice to not have people

constantly asking you what's the score?

what's the score?

what's the score?

people can just look at the scoreboard and then you're good to go.

Also for this you will notice I put clothespin here so what this is for is when there is

wind these flaps will push over and then you don't know what the score is but if you

clamp this down and it comes over this keeps your score so all I have to do is push it

back and then you know exactly what your score was again and that's it.

For more infomation >> My Ultimate Frisbee Gear And What I Bring To Games - Duration: 8:56.


Easy Old Lady Shocking Makeup Transformation |Shocking - Duration: 1:08.

Subscribe My Channel..WellFashionPlanet

For more infomation >> Easy Old Lady Shocking Makeup Transformation |Shocking - Duration: 1:08.


Anime Mix Music Vines 75 #amv - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> Anime Mix Music Vines 75 #amv - Duration: 10:01.


Vampire V2 / Oxygene Mod /SUBTITLES, MULTILINGUAL ACTIVITIES / Atty / Tank - Duration: 18:17.

For more infomation >> Vampire V2 / Oxygene Mod /SUBTITLES, MULTILINGUAL ACTIVITIES / Atty / Tank - Duration: 18:17.


Stranger Things - Duration: 2:37.

Hey, everybody! Unfortunately I think things are going to be a little bit delayed

today the power's out. I don't believe I have experienced in this place

yet. So you can see the computer's not on. The atomic clock's not on I don't know

what's happening and this is all while watching Stranger Things

Yes, Stranger Things came out at three o'clock our time Eastern Standard Time I

was up until basically three or so I tried to watch it I couldn't so I just

went to sleep and I woke up and now we're here today is just gonna be a

really productive day but the Internet is probably down too - I don't know what's

happening and I don't know if it's just upstairs - we can go look who's fooling

around I don't know if any of us can help us.

This is so odd. I'm kinda...Why

The internet I need it.

What happened?

Oh my god.

[Jafar]: Oh my gosh.

It's so good.

I'm just like the skill.


I think we have power now upstairs I turned on the heat downstairs

[Jafar]: Are you talking to me? Yeah, but

also the vlog both at the same time I can multitask down so Jafar is

heading out but once they come back we're going to be co-working on some

grant stuff and job stuff because we want to grow and also not work at 9:00

to 5:00 yeah and I was just updating everybody. I think I'm actually gonna

take the time to sit down do this green screen stuff not have any assets created

for it because I wanted to look really good. This is gonna be probably like a

monthly podcast where I just have to basically write an essay about one topic

that I'm thinking about trying to figure out a potentially daily or weekly

podcast idea that I can work on but I just want to make the assets you know

I'm gonna make it and do it right we'll figure out what because Gary Vee I was

just watching video and he's like you should be doing a podcast and I'm like

alright so now I have to the podcast now I have to just start faster there. I have to

be priority it shifted up a priority so that's what I'm gonna go ahead and do

Everyone watching Stranger Things about to go to bed because I'm pretty tired

tomorrow it is gonna be a pretty cool day gonna be getting some stuff fun yeah

Stranger Things to really interesting so far. Might binge before going to sleep and

yeah that's it today was pretty cool thank you so much for watching sorry if

you didn't go get something else in the next one. Stranger Things.

For more infomation >> Stranger Things - Duration: 2:37.


Deepika Padukone Lifestyle, Biography,car,House, family, affairs,new movie by channeldeshi - Duration: 6:00.


For more infomation >> Deepika Padukone Lifestyle, Biography,car,House, family, affairs,new movie by channeldeshi - Duration: 6:00.


Meek Mill Type Beat - "No Patience" - Frytz Beats - Duration: 2:55.

***Music Playing, No Dialogue***

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