Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 28 2017

The Flatterer

The Flatterer

Even though you do well for nine times,

for the next tenth, and eleventh time, you have to do better and be more carefull.

Go buy ramen.

What kind of ramen?

Anything that has a lot in it.

Aren't you going to run?!


I became the lowest rank

Slave of the highest...

But, I don't ever intend to live as a slave.

It's hot! What are you going to do? I asked what are you going to do?

I'm not holding it back because of compromise.

I'm holding it back to become stronger.


I'll buy it.

Eat a lot, my friend.

Move your hands. I hate it when somebody touches me while I'm eating.

I'm just trying to become friends with you because we are in the same class.

Have... Have you forgotten what Bang Hui said the last time?

Bong Hui?

Oh, I forgot about it.

What's wrong?

I heard you had a meeting yesterday with Bong Hui.

Hey... It wasn't on purpose... I had a reason.

What reason?

I thought I told clearly you not to hang around Bong Hui.

I'm not patient. Be careful from now on.

What a rough bastard.. That's why he doesn't have friends.

You don't have them either... Friends.

Do you know me?

Of course I do.

Poonglang High's pushover.

I'm not a pushover! Did Dae Chi say that?

Hey! A friend doesn't call a friend some kind of bastard.

Become close with kids similar to you.

I'm trying to become closer, but that bast...

Dae Chi is acting crooked.

You shouldn't treat Dae Chi like that.

Then how do I treat him?

- Am I supposed to tell you for nothing? -Are you going to take money from student?

No, I'm not that kind of person.

If you don't want to know, then just give up.

- Teacher... Let's go somewhere quiet and have a cup of tea... - Tea?

Or a health drink? The so-called Vita drink?

- Is it good for your body? -Yes, Customer.

- Lets go. - Yes, Customer.

Oh... What's this?

I had a crush on you since a long time ago...

Please accept my feelings.

I know you're a great person, but

I already have somebody else whom I like.

I'm sorry.

I'll go first.

I don't know.

Did I get rejected?

But I'm smart and rich..

I think something's wrong..

So you're saying that you asked teacher Song and got rejected?

Yes... She says she has another man she's interested in.

It's because you suddenly asked her!

You should've made her fall for you.

Lets try to find a way to win-win.

A way for Win-win?

Oh, then... I should try to help you and Yong Ho get closer?

Then I'll help you get together with Teacher Song.

Oh really? Thank you!

Then what should I do next?

Maybe make a date for the four of us.

Shall we increase our attractiveness?


Yeah, that's good.

But... I'm just asking this..

Does teacher Song like Yong Ho?

What? No way...

Yeah. Maybe it's because they were close since they were little.

Yeah that should be the reason...

Anyway, let's do a cheer!


Chae Bin likes the store ajussi...?

I know you're a great person, but

I already like someone.

Oh no no. No way.

That bastard!

Yes? Me?


Uh yeah you! If you fail your test tomorrow, you're going to get kicked out of school!

♬ Before I was aware of it the invisible hope which is love came knocking on my heart ♬

♬ The unheard pealing of love's bell is ringing in my head ♬

What? Stop being so annoying.

I'm sorry for being annoying.

Sorry, I thought you were Dae Chi.

He keeps saying I had a meeting with you or whatever..

I'm sorry for that time.

What are you sorry for...

It's hard becoming friends with Dae Chi. Is there any way I can get close to him?

- You called this late at night to ask me that? - Yeah.

Especially for that.... Dae Chi is...

You fill empty spaces for your friend.

There is the sound of eyes straying (to look at someone else's answers.)

Stop all actions!

Collect the tests.

Hey pushover!


See me for a second.

I think Tae San also started to use Park Geon.

We'll see.

Hyungnim, since the test is over, can we go to the night club?

Shall we?

Park Geon already left.

I came to play with him, and he's not here again?

Yeah... Oh! Did you buy a new uniform?

Wow.. It's really pretty. Where'd you buy it?

Hey. Who buys things in stores? You can buy it online, stupid!

Internet? Which internet? Wait up! Let's go together.

Do you have anything to say?

Or do you need money? I don't have a lot today... But

What do you see me as?!

You told Dae Chi the answers, right?

Yeah... Dae Chi's grades are really low so

I just showed him mine as a friend.


Tell me them, too.


I'm not asking you to tell me the exact answers.

Just... Share some information about the test.

Share..? Study?

- If I tell on you? - Hyungnim, I'm not that smart and I don't have time..

You can make some time.

Okay. Of course I'll make time

Just trust me.


Oh. Long time no see. I heard you still go to school.

Because you graduated

are you acting all mature?

I heard a person named Tae San goes to your school.

You know Tae San?

Be careful.

- Who's that? - A Friend.

What were you guys talking about?

There's something. You guys don't have to know.




You didn't get hurt? Well Tae San isn't the type to hit anyone for no reason.

He asked me to help him study.

From you? So what? Did you tell him you would?

Now what?

For now, let's try our luck. Try to be invincible.

A chance came again.

For more infomation >> The Flatterer (아부쟁이 얍) - Full Episode 10 [Eng Subs] | Korean Drama - Duration: 18:30.


「รวมอนิเมะ EP.9」Release My Soul [Thai/English Version] Cover : Fahpah Studio【AMV】ᴴᴰ - Duration: 4:31.

Oh Take a look in the mirror you look so sad

It's so cold like that winter market we used to go

I don't cry anymore but I feel so hurt

So I don't need you to close to me

You don't hear me so you said

I don't know why thing have changed since yesterday

This could be love again

All I need is you

Comeback, I'm waiting, Anytime

The heavy rains come

Still I miss days with you

I can't look into your face

Oh Feeling blue and looking back again

Please come back to me

Oh Take a look in the mirror you look so sad

It's so cold like that winter market we used to go

I don't cry anymore but I feel so hurt

So I don't need you to close to me

You don't hear me so you said

I don't know why thing have changed since yesterday

This could be love again

All I need is you

Comeback, I'm waiting, Anytime

The heavy rains come

Still I miss days with you

I can't look into your face

Oh Feeling blue and looking back again

Please come back to me

To stay with you always

You're the world to me, and dream on

So you can take my sword for you

Oh How do you feel, so fine

You're the world to me, and dream on

You stole my heart so long ago

Oh I release my soul

So you feel my song

For more infomation >> 「รวมอนิเมะ EP.9」Release My Soul [Thai/English Version] Cover : Fahpah Studio【AMV】ᴴᴰ - Duration: 4:31.


¿Cuál es el destino final de Satanás? | Preguntas y Respuestas | SUB - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> ¿Cuál es el destino final de Satanás? | Preguntas y Respuestas | SUB - Duration: 2:58.


Sewer Cleaning Rancho Santa Margarita CA 800-538-4537 Sewer Cleaning Rancho Santa Margarita CA - Duration: 1:06.

Sewer Cleaning Rancho Santa Margarita CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

6 months to come clear it out?

Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the

entire surface of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!

For more infomation >> Sewer Cleaning Rancho Santa Margarita CA 800-538-4537 Sewer Cleaning Rancho Santa Margarita CA - Duration: 1:06.


As The True Leaders Rise, The New Breed Begins - Duration: 5:38.

As The True Leaders Rise, The New Breed Begins

by Deane Thomas,

As our consciousness shifts, there is a ripple effect that travels around the globe, in turn,

this ripple is converted into an energy.

In addition, the vibrational pitch changes, in effect sending a very specific frequency

to the universal highway of consciousness.

Others, who have also shifted their consciousness will be able to tap into the frequencies.

As our receptors tune into the new frequencies we take it upon ourselves to make an action

or change in something new.

Almost like a seed receiving pure energy from Source, that will encourage rapid growth.

You see, unity consciousness is available to everyone and everything.

It is just a matter of reducing the fog or noise in our 3D world to have uninterrupted

access to it.

With many interesting global events happening in politics that are in the mainstream (old

school paradigm) we are beginning to see signs of the new in real ways.

Recent events in Europe, where we have seen an LGBT Prime Minister appointed in Serbia

(a staunch ally of Russia), the election of a gay Premiere in Ireland, and the youngest

leader of a political party in Austria.

In addition, the events surrounding Spain and Catalonia, demonstrate the political battles

currently happening in Europe.

These events are all new; they all represent a demand for change and have no choice but

to be accepted in the world today.

Great Britain deciding to leave the European Union, is a further indication of the inevitable

collapse of the establishment�s current way of ruling.

The many millions of people that have awoken are now on a major path of transition.

One that is going to require a whole new breed of �leaders�.

The new leaders have endured many eons of poverty, suppression and other traumas.

Throughout this lifetime they have been the brave souls that have further been subjected

to attempts to condition them.

Their determination and inner knowing has allowed them to rise above everything, and

clear their consciousness.

They have finally attuned to the unity consciousness that has always been present, and are now

ready to lead the way forward.

These new leaders are those that will pioneer alternative systems and ways of living.

They will share and teach their wisdom so that others may too become pioneers.

They will continue to shine their light, to lead the way in a new way of doing things.

It is the inevitable part of our evolution as a species and one that is welcomed by so


Many will resist the changes on the horizon, as it is completely new; it is one that is

like nothing we have ever encountered on this planet.

It is lead by the global citizens, not the current leaders or alleged representatives.

Finally, technology has given us a distinct advantage this time.

One that enables us to reach the rest of the world in an instant.

There is no more need to rely on a letter, a messenger, a scroll or a tablet � today

we have social media.

Enlightenment will come to us all eventually, but it is crucial to the planet that we return

to our roots.

Our very existence.

Today we have an opportunity to create all our desires and dreams in a parallel system.

We are choosing to take advantage of the holes left, so that we may grow.

As a grass seed falls, it will always find the tiniest crack so that it may earth and


We as a population are also doing the same.

It is too late for anyone to reverse what is happening.

Those that embrace and welcome the change will simply grow into the new and be remembered

as a pioneer.

Leaving a legacy for all to benefit, not the select few.

This is a momentous tipping point in the evolution of man, and one we shall embrace with all

our hearts and souls.

Those new leaders are here and walking the planet, they are living their missions.

Many live in oblivion to the massive task they have undertaken.

This is how it is meant to be � free of ego-mind thoughts.

It can be no other way for the highest good of the planet.

As we watch the lower vibrations play out their final scenes, the noise is going to

get louder.

Be patient, and hold space for the new that is on the horizon, it is incredible, just

wait until you begin to feel and sense it�It is an amazing sensation to experience.

Our future leaders will act from a place of love, peace, and harmony, as well as respect

for all that is.

They will embrace all that ever has been, and transform it into a heaven on earth scenario.

Giving back to Mother Earth and nourishing her, instead of the old ways.

We owe this to our planet as well as our fellow brothers and sisters around the world.

We, the pioneers, are the stardust that will change the world.

For more infomation >> As The True Leaders Rise, The New Breed Begins - Duration: 5:38.


ASMR GLOBAL MONEY? NANI!? 💲💲💲 - Duration: 51:15.

Sounds of Global Money


Quater $=25¢



Hello everyone

PPOMO here

How have you been?

I hope you were doing well

It's fall... aututmn now

in Korea

So the weather is nice

but I feel cold nowadays

Today, I'm gonna show you

Global Currencies

And I'm gonna let you hear sounds of Coins&Bills

I prepared so many ones

I'm not sure

if you like these

but I'll just try it

Well.. I was glad to

hear that 'Your English is improving' from you

(My English improves) Again and again.. thank you

Thanks for watching everytime

Oh got ya..

The first is Canadian one

Canadian coins

I'll show you

um.. Actually these are not mine

I borrowed these from a my friend

Thank you my friend

This is 10¢ coin

This is 5¢ one

and 25¢ one

1¢ the least one

The golden one is

oh. 1$ coin

Canadian 1$ coin.

and this one is 2$


Next coin is Brunei ones.

I have two

umm... It is

Brunei 5¢ coin.

Ok next

this is 1£(pound) Egypt coin



There is a Pharaoh on this coin

Have you ever been to Nepal?


Actually I don't know well

how much is this?

these are Singaporean coins.

mm.. This is

5¢ one

This one is 10¢

20¢ one

These are US one



Quater $ (=25¢),


5.. 5¢ it is

Quater $

Another Quater $

They don't have same image

1dime(=10¢) coin

Next one is Australian

2$ coin

2$ Australian coin

This coin is thicker than the others

Is this good sound too?

I like this

For next..


There are many kinds of coins.

1¢ one

this is 2¢

10¢ is the biggest here

10¢ coin



This is 1€. 1€ one

2€ this is


1€ I like this

20¢... 20¢ coin.

2€ coin

50¢ one


Ok, next

These are Japanease coins

一円.. 1¥

10¥ coin

This is 100¥ one.

It's about 1$.

New Zealand coins are the next

New Zealand coins.... 20...


Last of coins will be Korean ones

start with10₩



And 500₩ is the biggest one of coins

Bills part. here we go

I prepared Won, Dollar, Euro

Ok. let me introduce these one by one

1,000₩ bill

Feel the texture


Next one

5,000.. 5,000₩

It's about 5$

Next is

10,000₩ one

It's about 10$


I'll show you Japanease bills

I brought 3 kinds

1,000¥ one

1,000¥is about 10$

Beige color and blue color

Looks good

I think this is kinda simillar to Korean ones

5,000¥is next

5,000¥ is about 50$

I borrowed these from a my freind

this is 10,000¥.

(It is)about 100$


So large money

Ok, Next will be Dollars

m.. I touched these for the first time

And so many kinds I think..

1$ bill!



I heard that 2$ bill is a symbol of fortune

I'm a lucky girl now~

Jefferson.. Jefferson

Lincoln is in 5$ bill

Beautiful.. it is


10 Dollars


There's Jackson in 20$

This is 50$


100$ bill with Franklin

I get them for my video.

I like this one

Because this is a symbol of fortune

Ok.. last is

Euro bills

5€, 10€, 20€ there

They have many kinds of Euro

But they are too expensive for me

So colorful

5€ bill

10€ one

20€ has beautiful number

Have you seen?

Ok~ that's it

ASMR video about global currencies has overed now

I hope you enjoyed them

Bye bye~

For more infomation >> ASMR GLOBAL MONEY? NANI!? 💲💲💲 - Duration: 51:15.


Azaelia Banks Comes to New Friend Nicki Minaj's Defense - Duration: 1:42.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

Earlier this week Nicki Minaj took to Twitter to address the issue of sexism in the music


She tweeted,

"In any field, women must work TWICE as hard to get even HALF the respect her male counterparts


When does this stop?

The greats collaborated w/Drake, Kendrick & Jcole b/c they're dope MC's.

They collab'd w/nicki cuz someone pulled a gun to their heads...

Putting ppl in the same sentence as me after my 10 years of consistent winning.

What are you teaching THEM?

They'd never do this to a man."

Journalist and Rap Radar founder/CEO Elliot Wilson posted a tweet in response to Nicki's

point saying,

"Once Nicki stop pulling this "stats/accomplishment" ish, she'll win everybody back over.


Azaelia Banks apologized to Nicki for "Catty Shit" about a month ago, and now the girl

is on the defense for her new best friend.

"These are all stats hiphop didn't give her.

[you] just trying to tear her down because you feel not in control and not responsible

for her success...

You lot are always trying to prescribe life for the female rapper not acknowledging that

our music world extends far beyond hip hops walls.

Our femininity is what makes us non threatening and with such we've been able to take hip-hop

places it's never been before, places were the sight or notion of the black male is still


She goes on to say,

"...No matter how hard you try you won't be able to erase authentic black women from authentic

black women's art forms.

The end."

On fan chimed in to say that instead of clapping back at tweets Banks should be focusing her

energy on rap.

To which she responded, "Excuse me, did you listen to "chi-chi"?

Chi chi is the hottest female rap song of 2017 buddy.

Don't you go discrediting.

Chi Chi was released in back in June.

That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe

to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> Azaelia Banks Comes to New Friend Nicki Minaj's Defense - Duration: 1:42.


Pickled Avocados | Food Network - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Pickled Avocados | Food Network - Duration: 0:45.


How liquids flow: laminar, transitional and turbulent flow (simple tutorial) - Duration: 1:46.

Have you ever wondered what's actually happening when water flows?

Well let's take a look!

Here we have three garden hoses.

At a glance their water flow looks identical;

but if we insert a thin constant through each hose we'll see that their flow is actually quite different.

In the top hose, the water molecules are flowing in a very orderly fashion and we call this laminar flow.

In the bottom hose, water molecules are flowing in a very disordered and turbulent manner; we call this turbulent flow.

In the middle hose, water flow is somewhere between laminar and turbulent flow; we call this transitional flow.

Now you may be thinking: the hoses are identical, so

so why is water flowing so differently through each of them?

That's a great question!

Well, this has to do with how fast the water is flowing.

The faster it flows, the more likely it is to be turbulent.

There are of course other factors that can affect how a liquid flows in a system,

including its density, viscosity, and also the diameter of the pipe itself.

Reynolds number combines all these variables in such a way that we can predict how a liquid will flow.

If you calculate Reynolds number to be less than about 2000, the liquid will likely to be flowing with laminar flow.

Any value above 4000 indicates turbulent flow, and any

and any value between the two means the liquid is transitioning or fluctuating between the two flows.

We'll look at Reynolds number in more detail in future videos but for now you just need to know that

Laminar flow is when liquids are flowing in a very ordered fashion;

turbulent flow is when flow is very disordered;

turbulent flow is when flow is very disordered;

transitional flow is a fluctuation between the two flows;

and both properties of the liquid and the pipe it's flowing through will determine how a liquid flows.

We hope you found this video useful. As always you can find a link to the written tutorial in the description box below.

Check it out and if you've got any questions don't hesitate to directly message us through YouTube,

or send us an email to

Thanks everyone!

For more infomation >> How liquids flow: laminar, transitional and turbulent flow (simple tutorial) - Duration: 1:46.


Salem expecting record crowds for Halloween Saturday - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Salem expecting record crowds for Halloween Saturday - Duration: 1:22.


Halloween Costumes for my STUMP! (AMPUTEE FUN!) - Duration: 1:13.

[Halloween-themed music]

[Spaceship beeps]

[Astronaut talking + spaceship beeps]

Theme music: "Stump Kitchen, Stump Kitchen

gluten free vegan eats and Stumptastic treats!"

For more infomation >> Halloween Costumes for my STUMP! (AMPUTEE FUN!) - Duration: 1:13.


The Oxford 3000™ from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (Q-R) - Duration: 8:06.








































read out

read over


















reckon on












refer to


















relate to














rely on









remind of






























resort to














result in
























ring back































rule out




run after

run away



run out

run over

run through



For more infomation >> The Oxford 3000™ from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (Q-R) - Duration: 8:06.


The Ending Of Jigsaw Explained - Duration: 5:10.

While it might've seemed like the Saw series was "game over" when the seventh installment

came out in 2010, there was still a lot of bloodshed to be had on the big screen.

With a little revisionist history, some new and confusing characters, and even more disgusting

traps to behold, the eighth installment to the Saw franchise has an even more complex

relationship to the original story than the other sequels.

So, let's walk through how exactly Jigsaw fits into the overall puzzle, shall we?

Face the spoilers or click away now…

"Make your choice."

Still dead

One of the biggest questions facing the Saw revival was how the filmmakers would deal

with the demise of the franchise's primary antagonist, John Kramer, a.k.a. Jigsaw.

Unlike Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers, Jigsaw never had any supernatural powers; he was

just a wickedly brilliant guy with an axe to grind—and, eventually, a terminal case

of cancer.

So imagine the audience's surprise when John Kramer shows up to stage a new grisly test

series in Jigsaw.

Yes, it's the same guy who was laid out cold and in the buff on the autopsy table in Saw

IV, and he's definitely alive when we see him in this movie … but he hasn't magically

risen from the grave.

Instead, his newest group trap series actually takes place 10 years in the past, even though

some clever editing that suggests otherwise.

And while it looks like there are five victims to bite the dust, there is one guy who secretly

walks away from the whole thing.

Settling the score

In the beginning of Jigsaw's group trap, there's one man who's left behind during the first

test because he's not even awake for it.

But it turns out, that guy doesn't bite it after all.

Logan Nelson, who's been analyzing all the new bodies popping up with Jigsaw puzzle pieces

carved out of them, seems like a nice guy throughout the movie … until we learn that

he's actually Jigsaw's secret protege.

As it turns out, early in his career, he mis-labeled John's brain scans, which may have made difference

in his treatment and prognosis.

But even though Jigsaw's willing to put him into the group game for his mistake, he changes

his mind and decides he doesn't want Logan to bleed out over a simple workplace error

and decides to train him instead.

Whether he's ever worked with any of the other Jigsaw minions remains to be seen.

A game of his own

The new bodies that are popping up around town belong to victims of Logan's modern copycat

game, and have each escaped real punishment for their various crimes, thanks to Detective

Halloren's questionable ethics.

One of these people is Edgar Munsen, who's shot by police after claiming to hold the

lives of five others in his hands with a remote control.

He just so happens to have been the man who attacked Logan's wife, but was let off easy

by Halloren.

But it's not just his wife's fate that makes Logan hate Halloren.

He also had a girl about his daughter's age pop up on his autopsy table who was attacked

by a guy who bribed Halloren, so he wants to stop the bad cop in the worst way possible.

And all of the people who've perished in this new round of games are dangerous perps who

Halloren has let off the hook recently.

Eye on the prize

As the body count climbs, Halloren starts to suspect Logan's Jigsaw-obsessed assistant

Eleanor, and for good reason.

She's been re-creating Jigsaw's most infamous traps from dark-web-scoured blueprints and

seems oddly fascinated by his history.

Once Logan's old combat buddy Detective Hunt catches wind of her sinister little studio,

he starts to buy into the theory that Logan and Eleanor are behind these fresh homicides.

However, Logan plants some key evidence that points at Halloren being responsible for everything

and sets up for a final grudge match with Halloren himself.

A big showdown

There are only three bodies that emerge from Logan's games, which is two fewer than the

casualties of Jigsaw's original scene.

Jigsaw's final two victims' bodies have never been discovered and are still tucked away

in Jill's farmhouse.

And that's exactly where Logan wants to play in his own final game with Halloren to make

it a total of five players, with him being the sole survivor once again.

After planting clues for Eleanor to follow in the morgue, she thinks she's leading him

out to the location, with Logan knowing full well that Halloren will follow.

Once Halloren tries to nab them, he's quickly overtaken by Logan, who advises Eleanor to

make a break for it and escape.

That's when Logan seizes the chance to put himself and Halloren in one final, terrible


The voice over, which has been dubbed from old Jigsaw tapes, suggests that it's John

Kramer who's running things and demanding confessions from the two.

And it looks like Logan fails the test and is taken out first.

But once Halloren confesses to having cost innocent people their lives, Logan re-awakens,

full-on Jigsaw circa the first Saw-style, and reveals himself to be the orchestrator

of this trap.

And Logan has made a game Halloren cannot win.

An alibi

Eleanor's part in all of this is interesting to say the least.

At first, she seems to be a perfect distraction for investigators due to her extracurricular


And then she seems to be a budding love interest for the widower.

But in the end, Logan says she's just a pawn meant to provide him an alibi and support

his story that Halloren tried to kill them.

But there may be more to her than meets the eye.

After all, Logan seems to be doing this solely to punish Halloren, and now that he's brought

his targets to justice, he has a life to get back to.

But Eleanor seems just weird enough to fill the shoes of a Jigsaw emulator.

She's obviously good at building traps and has no family to speak of.

And even though she doesn't know she's just worked with Jigsaw's latest protege, she'll

probably find out eventually because Logan can't possibly explain why Halloren's head

ends up looking like an octopus in the end.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Ending Of Jigsaw Explained - Duration: 5:10.


(Ep-1) Trixz plays inmates - Duration: 2:46:43.

For more infomation >> (Ep-1) Trixz plays inmates - Duration: 2:46:43.


Crorepati Game Show With Dr Aamir Liaqquat Hussain | Ep 1 | 28 October 2017 | Pak Trends - Duration: 35:02.

SUBSCRIBE For More Videos

For more infomation >> Crorepati Game Show With Dr Aamir Liaqquat Hussain | Ep 1 | 28 October 2017 | Pak Trends - Duration: 35:02.


Abone Duyurusu ! - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Abone Duyurusu ! - Duration: 1:45.


İtalyan Kurabiyesi (Amaretti) Nasıl Yapılır? Tatlı Tarifi - Bir Dilim Lezzet - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> İtalyan Kurabiyesi (Amaretti) Nasıl Yapılır? Tatlı Tarifi - Bir Dilim Lezzet - Duration: 1:05.


28 oct. 2017: Actualizare profetică – Titlurile de ştiri ale vremurilor de sfârşit - Duration: 7:58.

For more infomation >> 28 oct. 2017: Actualizare profetică – Titlurile de ştiri ale vremurilor de sfârşit - Duration: 7:58.


Free Live event: Living in Freedom! January 5th in Sydney - Duration: 2:22.

Hi, I am Maurice Kok author of this book the journey of an ascended master and I

want to share with you that I'm going to give a live event for free here in

Australia in Sydney the live event is all about living in freedom how do we

live in freedom what is freedom look like and for most of all what is holding

us back from freedom I'm here now in Australia living in freedom with my wife

and my children and I really really really would like to share with you how

you can move into this freedom how it what is holding you back to live in this

freedom and for most of all I'm going to share a lot of insights that I've never

never never seen before and this live event is for free if you really would

like to join me in Sydney on the 5th of January 2018 your are more than welcome and one

I'm free to come over and move beyond the human prison you will find more

information beneath this video you have to get your ticket it's only for

people who subscribe and there is something for the ones who cannot make

it on the 5th of January to Sydney some people all over the world you can

still gain this knowledge there is more information on the page below so don't

wait and go go go to the page and join me on the 5th of January in this free

live event and we are going to make it really amazing

you will see me and I hope that I see you too


For more infomation >> Free Live event: Living in Freedom! January 5th in Sydney - Duration: 2:22.


Being a Deaf Gamer | The FEDcast Ep12 Full video Special - Duration: 1:17:23.

(people conversing loudly)

- [Man] Welcome to the FedCast.

- Hello, I'm Danfriedz.

- And I'm Jaymii Plays.

And welcome to a very special episode of the FedCast.

This is the first episode in a series of episodes

that we are dedicating to accessibility and diversity

in games, the gaming industry and community.

We hope to bring you these episodes every

third full length episode.

- But Jaymii, what about our diversity

and inclusiveness episode back at episode three?

- Well, that episode focused on why diversity

and inclusiveness is important,

but these episodes are gonna go deeper,

and look at more specific people in our community

and how we can better develop games

and interact with each other in the community

to make everyone feel included.

- Let's get into it then.

- Hey Dan!

- Hey Jaymii, it's good to see you.

- It's good to actually see you.

It's gonna be amazing.

So yes, this episode is all about deaf people,

and in Australia, the sign language is called Auslan.

It's not ASL, as American Sign Language,

in Australia, we use Auslan.

So I thought maybe, I know you usually introduce the podcast

and it's your thing.

- Yeah.

- But I thought today, I would introduce the podcast

with a little bit of Auslan.

Is that all right? - Go ahead then, yeah.

- All right.

So hello everyone, and welcome to the FedCast.

Which I'm gonna spell FedCast.

Please, if you are good at Auslan, please forgive me.

I am very much learning, but I'm gonna give it a shot.




And my name is




Jaymii Plays.

- Right.

So you have to,

I would love to do the same,

so you're gonna have to teach me.

I think I saw I am.

- Yep.

I said that my name is--

- My name is--

- Yep, all right.

- D. - Yep.

- A?

- Yep.

- I don't know N.

- Okay, so N, so I did M,

but then N is just two fingers on your palm.

- Two, okay. - Yep.

- N. - N.

- F, which we saw in, the Fed, is this,

with the dominant hand on top.

- F. - Yep.

- E.

Oh sorry, I first, I don't know how you spell your name.


- I.

- E.

- E.

- Then back to D.

- D. - Yep.

And then Zed.

- Zed. - Yeah.

Very good! - All right.

Thank you very much.

- So Dan, did you know that over 20% of the community

of gamers have a disability?

- I didn't know that, but I do now.

- The major thing about with disabilities is that

it isn't about, it's about overcoming a barrier.

So it's not going, the reason you are this,

is the problem is, the fact that

your medical condition is a barrier between

your medical condition and the aspects of the game.

And it's very simple to overcome those,

there's a lot of great references, resources out there

for new devs that want to learn how they can

make their games more accessible,

and we'll put those all in the description and whatnot.

But let's just talk about some of the general stuff about

things that, people who are deaf need to overcome.

Can you think of anything?

- Well, I'd imagine people who are deaf would encounter

barriers when playing games that are going to make it

hard for them to play the game in general,

like I'd imagine if you were deaf,

you would have trouble locating

where bullets are coming from in a shooter.

- Yeah, so there's a lot of things like,

people automatically obviously talk about subtitles

and dialogue and that is a huge thing

and it's a big part and you'll see in interviews

with people we've got coming up,

they all mention subtitles and how important it is,

not just to include them, but do them right.

But you're very right, there's other things,

like having audio cues that aren't necessarily

put into captions.

Things like a zombie moaning off in the distance behind you

and if that's the first time you know of the zombies,

as the player, and that's what you react to,

if you're deaf, you might not be able to hear that zombie,

and if it's not included in the captions

or in some other way in your screen,

they don't know it's there.

So, there you go.

Now, it's all very good for us to keep discussing this,

but we're not really experts so


we've done a series of interviews with a bunch of people

and the first one is with Peter, who is one of,

is a deaf member of the gaming community,

but specifically, our gaming community.

He's a member of the Federators,

and Peter was very gracious to spare some of his time

to answer some of our questions.

So, here's Peter.

Hello Peter, thank you very much for joining me today.

I just want to ask you a few questions on

what it's like from your perspective as a deaf gamer

in the gaming community.

So to start off, are there any features or mechanics

that you've come across in games that have made games

more or less accessible to you?

- Yeah, I can see that there are a lot of deaf people

that love to play games, and for me as a deaf person,

without captions, I'm unable to understand

features of the game.

So, they should include captions.

- Are there any games that you currently play

that you wish had captions?

- Yeah, there's some games like WOW, World of War.

- Yeah.

- And so, there's oftentimes where there isn't subtitles.

And a lot of games with VR that use the VR system,

I've often been excited to get involved with them but

they are always, the instructions and the type of movement

that's required is always audio files,

and so I'm unable to play those.

- That's a shame.

So independent developers who are starting,

one of the simplest things they can do

would be to add captions?

- Yeah, definitely.

And hopefully in the future,

that's something that they consider

and that they can work out.

And that would,

that would then make it be perfect.

At the moment, virtual reality stuff is quite new

and I understand that they're still working on

things like that.

- Wonderful.

Thank you.

What has your experience been like as a deaf gamer

in the online community?

- When I first joined the online community, through PC,

everyone would forget that I'd actually need

an audio device, and I would actually just follow games

and teach myself based on what was on the screen.

So things like, yeah, having lives left

and all the information, I was only getting

what was on the screen.

So that was something that's, yeah,

that I started with.

- And if you don't mind me asking, how can

us who aren't deaf better interact with deaf gamers

while in the online community?

- It's not easy, I guess.

I have used an interpreter in the past.

And sometimes I'm playing versus friends,

and I can't see what's happening online through,

well, I can't hear what's happening online,

so I've used an interpreter.

But it is quite hard.

- Does text chat help?

- Yeah, at times it can, yeah.

I can use text chat if it's a video call,

but if I can't, and people are speaking, I can't, no.

- I understand.

And so what are your thoughts on the current representation

of deaf people in video games,

and would you like to see more deaf playable characters?

- Yeah, it'd be great to see that.

In the future, for game competitions to have

maybe an e-sports game could include a deaf person

or some sort of organization that could include that,

yeah, I would be very supportive of someone

who could include those things.

- That'd be awesome, and would you like to see

within games themselves characters that you can play

that are deaf?

- Oh, I don't mind.

Yeah, I think that it'd be great to have,

I did see actually in America, there was a game,

it was Moss, it was a little mouse game?

- Yeah, Moss, are you referring to Moss?

- Moss, yeah, it's the Moss game.

Yeah, that's the one.

And so that was quite interesting to see

the sign language involved with the game,

and so, I think it'd be great to sort of see

to have that feature in the game.

- And that's pretty exciting as well

because that is also a VR game.

So hopefully they will also include some instructions

in there that aren't audio,

so that deaf players can also experience that as well.

- Yeah, exactly.

And so I think there's big interest in

and a great need to have that involved in the game.

It would create a lot of excitement for deaf people.

I guess if deaf kids are willing to get involved with games,

it would encourage them, if they did see that sort of,

that feature in a game,

or that involvement if they saw it in the game,

it could definitely generate more interest for young people.

- And has games helped you as a person?

Do you find games a really big part of your life?

- It's helped me understand in terms of reading things,

and literally, I do enjoy games in general.

How I grew up,

I grew up involved with games through my brother

and my brother was the one who introduced me to

an arcade system with a game,

and so at the time, that was only Pac-Man,

the arcade game, Pac-Man.

And so he told me there's lots of pictures there,

but that Pac-Man game didn't have sound,

so that's what got me involved.

- Oh, that's awesome.

My brother also got me, helped get me into gaming.

- Oh, nice.

- So what are your favorite games?

- My favorites would be

video games would be, here's an example.

- Bioshock Infinite, very good.

- Bioshock.

Great graphics, beautiful graphics and playing,

very smooth playing and

much better than the old days

as far as gameplay so, good.

Other examples that I could show that I generally enjoy.

- Fallout, yeah. - Fallout.

And also

I love to play long...

- Oh yeah, Assassin's Creed.

- Yeah, long to play games.

- So generally, are you a big fan of the story-based games

but with a bit of action?

- Yeah, definitely.

And any sort of long game that makes it

a little bit busy and yeah, keeps me focused.

I don't know, shorter games I find it,

you don't get value for money.

And it's quite, I mean, quite a bit of expensive

just to play short versions of games.

- No, I definitely agree.

It's always good when you can sink your teeth

into a big campaign.

- Yeah, definitely.

- Well thank you very much Peter for everything,

for sharing your time with me today

and answering some questions.

Is there anything else you wanted to

talk to everyone about?

Or anything else you wanted to talk about?

- I'd like to let people know in the community

that don't have deafness that they always should think about

if they ever meet deaf people in the community,

at competitions or getting involved,

maybe they might use a pen and paper or instant chats

or using their phone to try and communicate,

'cause often, there's a communication issue

through no fault of anyone's but it's just a strategy.

A lot of people just get nervous about

how to communicate with deaf people and

just anybody really.

Those different cultural things, it could be any disability

but just want to give people an idea

that they should be confident to try

and interact and communicate.

- Well, thank you very much and I agree, I think that,

generally we as gamers, we find that we often are

very socially, have social anxiety.

And so that it can be hard enough talking to each other

and that games kind of help create that bond

to let us communicate.

But sometimes we have to remember that for some of us,

we have to go that step further and just to be brave,

and I'm very thankful that you've taken

your time to reach out to me today,

'cause I know I'm very scared of video calls as it is,

so I appreciate it when people in the community

do take their time to talk to me about this.

- Yeah, that's no problem, thank you.

- Thank you very much.

- Thanks for having me.

- Thank you, see ya.

And so you can check out Peter's YouTube channel.

We'll put a link in the description below.

Or above, to the side, wherever it is in podcast land.

- Wherever it is.

One of the things I thought was really interesting

with Peter's interview is he mentioned VR quite a lot.

Something I didn't consider.

What do you think about it?

- Yeah, VR's one of those really new things

that we don't necessarily think about altogether sometimes

because it is so new,

when it's developing all these new things to it.

And yeah, I thought it was really interesting as well,

so I thought I would contact the developers of Moss,

Polyarc Games, and find out more about Quill and VR

and if they were, what they were gonna do

to make it accessible.

So I sent them some emails,

and these are the questions we asked them.

- So what I'll do is I'll read your question.

You can read the response.

Is Quill a deaf mouse, or just knows how to sign?

- [Jaymii] So, Quill is not deaf.

She uses pantomime gestures to help communicate,

and some of those gestures are authentic

American Sign Language.

- [Dan] All right.

So will Moss have subtitles or closed captions?

And if so, how will they be formatted?

Will there be captions options, such as letterboxing?

- [Jaymii] So they said they will have options for captions.

As for how they will be formatted,

they're still working on that.

- [Dan] Will Moss feature any non-verbal cues

to assist deaf players better understand information/

instructions in the game?

- [Jaymii] So they're still testing out the game to see,

to try to make it more accessible for everyone,

but it's definitely something they are taking up.

- It's so good to see that there are developers

taking this seriously, taking accessibility seriously.

- Yeah, I agree.

It'd be very interesting to see how the end product goes

and fingers crossed they do it really well.

So, it'd be one to watch.

- Yeah.

Speaking of which, you had a chat to a odd gamer girl.

Why don't you have a chat about that?

- So yeah, one deaf gamer is giving feedback and support

to the community by reviewing games

based on their accessibility.

So it's reviews that aren't how good the game was,

or the design features,

it's more about how accessible the game is.

And so that's kind of giving back.

Her name is OneOddGamerGirl, or Susan,

and she was a bit camera shy,

so I'm gonna need you to help me out again, Dan,

as we had our interview via text.

So can you read out the questions

and I'll read out Susan's answers?

- I absolutely can.

- Great.

- So, how do you approach reviewing a game?

- [Jaymii] My process for reviewing is pretty simple,

since it's not content or game quality based.

I'll start a game and play enough of it

so I get a good feel for the accessibility features,

usually an hour or so, and while playing,

I make a note of all the things

that are particularly hard for me.

Then my hearing partner Courtney plays through

the exact same section with my notes

and makes sure to see if the areas I had trouble with

were due to inaccessibility,

like bad or nonexistent captioning or lack of visual cues.

Then I play through the same section one more time

with her serving as my interpreter

for anything that's inaccessible,

to see if it becomes a better or easier experience

with her filling the role of missing accessibility features.

- [Dan] Brilliant.

What are the key features in a game

that make it accessible to deaf players?

- [Jaymii] The most important features for me

are legible subtitles and captioning.

Ideally, size can be scaled, the color can be changed,

and they're on a black or darkened background.

Visual cues for uncaptioned sounds are also quite helpful.

- [Dan] How accessible are games in general at the moment?

Is there a genre of games

that's generally more accessible than others?

- [Jaymii] It really depends on the developer

and the type of game.

Indie devs seem to put more effort into accessibility

and do it better, and RPGs, in my experience,

tend to have the best accessibility because often

there are times, there's a lot of dialogue,

either spoken or presented as text

that's necessary to the story,

so they're more likely to put more effort

into doing captioning well.

- [Dan] What are the most common simple things devs do

to make a game less accessible?

- [Jaymii] They seem to put out games without testing

for accessibility whatsoever.

A simple play through by them with the sound off

would reveal so much to them, or even better,

they could hire deaf players as QA testers,

because who knows what's better what we need than us?

- [Dan] What has your experience been like as a deaf gamer

in the online community?

- [Jaymii] In terms of social media, it's been great.

I've connected with a very strong and vocal community

that works for better accessibility of all kinds

and that's always nice to see.

And our allies are amazing and helpful as well.

In games, it hasn't been great.

So far, I've been pretty much unable to enjoy MMOs

as anything but a solo player because so often,

voice chat is the go-to communication method for groups.

- [Dan] So, what are some of your favorite games?

- [Jaymii] God, I have too many favorites to count.

My top ones that I return to numerous times though

are Bioware games.

I love the stories and the characters.

I also really love the autonomy of games

like Skyrim and Fallout, getting to explore a huge world

how often I want is a lot of fun.

- Thanks very much, Susan, for that.

If you haven't checked her out, go to her blog

which is

It's actually really, really cool.

I checked it out about three months ago

when we were first talking about doing these episodes.

It's really, really worth looking at.

- She does have a Patreon link through that OneOddGamerGirl

so please go and support her

if you appreciate her doing these accessibility reviews

and you want to help her out and keep her going.

- Obviously, all this will be in the description below

or to the sides or above.

- Or yeah, I'll put it on the screen

if you're watching the video version, which I hope you are.

Please, please consider watching the video version.

- We got dressed up and everything.


- I mean, you are looking pretty good.

It's like, black is classic.

- It's maroon.

Can't see that?

I even did my hair.

I even got dressed.

- I really appreciate that you got dressed.

- I think the viewers didn't want to see that.

- So now what's important is that

one of the things she, Susan, mentioned was

indie game versus triple A games,

which I thought was really interesting.

- Yeah, I mean I've heard over the past,

having this, where'd I hear this?

I heard this on the road that

a particular developer was making a game,

and one of their players contacted them and said,

"I'm colorblind, I can't actually play this game."

And then within a day made a colorblind patch for it,

just for that one player.

- That's amazing! - So, that's so cool.

And that was an indie developer.

So it's cool to see that they are so committed

to doing that.

- Yeah, so now it's just a matter of,

it's a shame because triple A developers

have so much money, you would think they would be able

to put a little bit of extra money towards accessibility

and testing that.

- Indie games definitely have the personal touch.

- Yes, so, keep doing it, indie devs.

Keep going strong, and show those triple A gamers

the way to go.

So we also got, we've talked about things from

a community member, and we've talked about things from

someone who reviews games,

but one of the things we don't also

necessarily think of is deaf streamers.

So we contacted DeafGamersTV, Phoenix,

who is a deaf streamer,

and got to have a lovely chat with him.

So let's go to that.

- Enjoy.

- So hello everyone, and welcome.

I'm apparently interviewing Phoenix.

And we are also being wonderfully interpreted by Laurie.

Would you like to introduce yourself, Phoenix?

- Sure.

My name is actually Chris.

I go by Phoenix.

Chris Robinson.

And I am from DeafGamersTV channel,

and this is located on Twitch.

So really, I'm happy to be here

and to be interviewed by you, Jaymii, it's great.

- Thank you, thank you, thank you.

(Jaymii laughing)

Laurie, did you want to introduce yourself as well?

- I'm Laurie, I'm an interpreter here

and I'm interpreting for you guys.

This is great.

- Thank you, thank you very much both

for giving us your time.

Let's just get straight into some questions.

- All right.

- All right, so Phoenix, what has your experience been like

as a deaf gamer in the online community in general?

- Well, it's been quite complicated.

It's a bit of a double edged sword in the way.

Because sometimes, you run into people who,

you don't really have a problem with them,

other times you do run into people who might be

a bit of a jerk.

For example, if you want to play a game,

particular with a team, they sometimes require,

they might ask you to put a mic on,

and as a deaf person, I'm not using a mic.

So that can be a bit of a big problem.

And I often find myself hoping and praying

that I'll be able to work with somebody

who wants to team with me who doesn't mind

me not using a mic.

So it can be hard sometimes,

it can be a difficult thing.

- Yeah, I understand, the community's got a way to go.

So specifically with your streaming...

- Yeah, you're right, you're right.

- So specifically with your streaming,

what are some of the things that non-deaf viewers

should keep in mind when watching a deaf stream?

- Well, most of the time when they come in to a deaf stream,

they might be confused about not hearing any sound.

They may be thinking that something must be wrong

but generally, deaf gamers don't use the sound.

But there are some deaf gamers who do use sound,

and I think it just depends on

what a person is chooses to do.

So first of all, don't be confused or alarmed

that you're not hearing anything.

And sometimes you might need to ask, you might say,

"Is there supposed to be sound in this game?"

So you can certainly ask, and someone will let you know.

You may see a deaf person wearing headphones,

and you might think, "Well wait a minute, if they're deaf,

"why are they using headphones?

"How are they supposed to hear with headphones?"

So that can be a bit confusing.

But I have to say that the deaf community is quite varied.

There are some people who are completely deaf

who don't have any residual hearing.

And there's some deaf people

who have a little bit of hearing.

They might hear partially in one ear

and they use their hearing aids

and can pick up some sounds.

So the community is quite varied.

It's important to just be mindful

about what you say to the person regarding their hearing.

For example, if you see a deaf person,

a deaf gamer who's got earphones on or headphones on,

think twice about what you ask because you may be,

it's like asking a blind person,

"So why do you wear contact lenses?"

So it's a bit of a level of sensitivity

that you need to have with asking about

a person's status and how much they can hear or not.

Now, I guess the number one rule is just

to sort of be respectful regardless of

what the person, whoever the person is who's gaming,

if they're deaf or if they have another disability,

so I think it's just some good advice

is just to be kind, be nice.

- Yeah, I definitely think that one of the things

the community does is be mindful that every streamer

is an individual and a person as well and that

the people behind the screen are real and they're not,

while they are entertaining you,

they're not there purely for your entertainment essentially.

- Right, I always feel appreciative of people

who might want to use the chat box

because that's how I'm able to actually

communicate with other people who are in the audience,

who are participating and watching the stream, so,

and I enjoy that, I mean,

that's really the one way that deaf gamers

do communicate with the audience.

- I love the Twitch chat as well.

I think one of the things that's particularly great

when I was watching your stream was that

the use of began to use on the Twitch Bots

to help communicate, so you as a deaf gamer

don't have to constantly remind people

that you're deaf or how to best interact with each other

in the chat, so I found that really helpful and...

- Yeah, you're right, that's really true.

- So when I was also watching your live stream,

I noticed you using the hashtag Project #NoVoiceZone.

Can you tell us more a bit about that?

- Yeah, sure, sure.

I found that, actually this is a while back

when I was in college in 2006,

there was a group, there's like a club of people

who would get together and would play but

what we would do is, the rule was that we could

not use our voices at all.

And what it did was it forced us to learn how to communicate

in a way that was visual, either by writing, by signing,

by using a phone to text on,

so we had to try to find other ways to communicate

other than the spoken voice.

I mean, and it's actually a very helpful skill to have

because we often find ourselves in settings

where there's really not,

if there's a lot of background noise and sound,

and so to be able to communicate visually

without using a voice is actually a really good thing.

And it's surprising, there are lots of different ways

that you can actually communicate without using your voice.

And I think people who come to my stream are often asking,

"So how do you communicate without a voice?"

And I say, "Well, hey, we've got chat bots here

"and we can type back and forth,

"and so I can see what you want to say

"and you can see what I want to say."

And I like the idea of this #NoVoiceZone.

So that's where that comes from.

- So is that something that people who aren't deaf

can get involved in as well?

- Right, exactly.


You can even have animals if you wanted, right?

Animals don't have a voice.

But hearing people, deaf people, it's amazing.

People can use their hands for a variety types of gestures,

even infants, babies can learn how to use

very basic gestures at an extremely young age

to gesture what they might want,

to have a drink or to eat something,

so visual communication's pretty amazing

and accessible to all.

- It really is.

I work in theater, and so backstage when we have to be

very quiet, then you need to explain to an actor

across the room what you need them to do.

I think it's a skill that I need to practice as well.

- Right, right, that's great.

That's actually a perfect example.

- So staying on Twitch, recently this year

Twitch Unity Day happened, and we talked about this

on our podcast before but we couldn't get involved, so,

but you did get involved and so we want to hear

more about Twitch Unity.

Tell us about what happened this year.

- Right, right.

I was receiving messages on Twitch

where people were saying, "Well",

they wanted to have that,

they had a secret they wanted to share with me,

they wanted to have this special day.

And they would like me to, I was asked to create a video

about my experience,

and they wanted me to put some lines from my work

if available and I thought, "Well, my personal

"meaning for these certain lines",

I was asked to sort of express that.

And I think by,

one second for the interpreter.

The interpreter just needs to repair that interpretation.

Hold on.

My aim was to basically bring together the community

through this event, and so it was a special day

that I established so that we could do that.

So as a deaf person,

I didn't want people to feel like

they had to be careful in terms of

how they could interact with me,

and then learned something about how to actually interact

with any deaf person.

So I think it was a good opportunity to show

what my experience was and how people who weren't deaf

could actually approach a deaf person and how we could

feel quite good about getting to know each other better

and understand that there are different ways

that deaf people communicate.

For example, deaf people communicate through writing

and through signing, and it doesn't have to be a struggle,

so it was really amazing, it was a really great event.

- And can you just briefly--

- If I could say, I was just really happy to be part of that

and to make that happen.

- That's wonderful.

Can you explain to me how what you were streaming differs

from what you normally stream?

- Say that again?

- Can you explain what you were streaming

compared to what you would normally stream?

- On that day you mean? - Yeah.

- Ah yes, yes.

We had a short theatrical sort of explanation

to the audience about how I started on Twitch,

and I gave some background and a little bit of information

about what the struggles had been for me,

and how I overcame some of the barriers that were there

and how the community can sort of work together.

So I gave some explanation about that to people

and offered some ideas about,

for people who hadn't yet streamed and wanted to think about

what they might want to do if they wanted to stream.

And so I gave some tips, helpful tips,

and other ideas to others who might be interested

in doing similar things who might be afraid

that they've had some barriers to overcome.

- And so have you, on that note,

have you come across many other deaf streamers

and would you like to see more?

- Oh yes, definitely.

First of all, I've seen many.

I've actually met with, about three years ago I think it was

I started small, there were just a few people,

but then after a while, people would start to self-identify

that they were deaf as well and they said,

"Oh, I've been watching a stream",

and then I would find that there were more and people

coming to my channel and, as well as not just deaf people

but people who can hear as well,

and so some people would ask me questions about

becoming a straightener and I was really happy

they took the opportunity to ask that

'cause I was happy to answer those questions.

And so, yeah, I would really love to see,

to your second question,

I'd really love to see more deaf streamers out there.

Because there's also, there are deaf

and hard of hearing teams on Twitch as well.

And I think that would be great

to see more of that happening.

And get more people on board to stream,

who would like to see more and more people join us and

I think it will be helpful to have

other deaf people as well as people who are hard of hearing

and we can just all get together and have fun and play.

And I think it'd be great for the audience.

Honestly, I'm really happy to see that this

has been happening over the past couple of years.

At first I thought, oh, I'm not really sure

how big this is gonna go, but after some time,

I've seen quite a few more people showing up and I think

things are really positive for it to continue to grow,

so I'm really happy about that.

- That's excellent that's it's so positive.

Do you find that using,

tagging yourself as part of those groups really helps

and helps build that community?

- Honestly, for me, yes, I'd have to say yes.

I want people to know that I'm deaf because

if you think about it,

if you think about,

often, well, deafness is a hidden disability, right?

So that can be a bit of a problem.

People don't know that a person might be deaf.

It's not easy to identify.

So you see somebody who comes on

and they might be saying to me, "Hey Phoenix, hey Phoenix",

and if they don't know I'm deaf,

there's no way of knowing, either in person or online.

So by being very,

very out about the fact that I'm deaf and

I tag myself as deaf, I think it helps other people as well

recognize this about me.

And I know that there's some people who might be a bit shy

and don't really want to self-identify

as saying that I'm deaf,

but it really varies depending on the gamer,

but I personally feel like it's important.

'Cause I think I'm,

I think it can be overwhelming sometimes.

Maybe some people are afraid to say, "I'm deaf",

and then that might bring on a little bit more attention

than they want to have to respond to or answer questions.

So it's an individual choice I believe,

but I'm happy to be clear about who I am and my identity.

So, I think it helps people as well,

to help people understand me.

Helps them to understand me and for me to also

be able to communicate with them better.

- It's great that you're so confident

and able to be so open about this.

Recently, a...

- Yeah, thanks.

- Recently you are even able to speak at a panel,

in Chicago I believe,

for Global Accessibility Awareness Day on May 18th?

Are you able to tell us more about that?

- Yes, yes I can.

Well, this was a group in Chicago called A11y,

or A11y Chi, A-1-1-Chi.

A-1-1-Y-C-H-I is the name of the group.

And there was a group of,

there's a bunch of deaf people who were interested in

inclusive gaming, and so they wanted to try

to promote this idea of inclusive gaming,

inclusivity to technology and include diversity within

the gaming community.

And the event was great, it was fantastic.

It got more people who were interested in being involved

and talked about accessibility in technology,

such as not only gaming but, well for example, for example,

the use of captions and how important captions are

in a lot of these technologies.

Sometimes captioning that's created by developers

is actually too small and difficult to read,

so the more we raise awareness

of the importance of captioning,

that the captioning needs to be appropriate

for people to feel like they can participate and understand,

I think it's important to let them know that,

let the developers know that

these words have to be clearly legible.

And then because it also,

it also helps people not only who are deaf

but people who don't read English as their first language,

and so it's important to make sure that

there's that level of accessibility with captions,

and developers need to keep this in mind.

So I think the whole point around the panel

was to talk about some of the ways that

technology can be improved to promote much more inclusivity,

for people like myself and others who can benefit

from some of these just adaptations

to the technology and games.

And I think developers need to develop

their own understanding of how important that is,

and getting some sort of a background

around some of these experiences I think would help them.

- Yes, absolutely.

So on that note, what do you think,

what are your thoughts on the current

accessibility of games for deaf people?

Is it generally accessible or

do we have a long way to go in that regard?

Just from your opinion and your experience.

- To be honest, we do see huge changes and developments

in technology, right?

But at the same time I think that some of the

uses of technology that are more,

that can be more inclusive to people

is not growing as fast as technology is growing.

I mean, it's about having deaf people give feedback

and have them involved in some part of the process

of that development.

I'm not sure how they get that information

from their user community but

I do see that there is a bit of a struggle now

in a lot of the games.

Not all of them are that accessible.

So, that's why I'm noticing that most of the new games

that are coming out now,

I'm noticing some of them do have captions,

which is a good thing, but again,

I have to keep reiterating the fact that

the size of the text is so small and it's,

it makes it so that it's really not even accessible,

like nice try, but it's not accessible.

And then sometimes there'll be,

the game will be interacting with the player and

there'll be a voice of a character

but it doesn't come up on the captioning,

so the captioning isn't always consistent.

So there needs to be some changes and improvements with that

I think across the board on some of these games

but hopefully we, as a group of deaf gamers,

those of us who are involved, who keep supporting each other

and share our thoughts and ideas

and maybe try to give some feedback

to the people who are developing these games and say,

"Please, could you make these fixes,

"'cause they're really important to us

"and to your user community?"

'Cause it's really important for their product,

we're using their products, and so they need to know that

in their development and changes that they make.

And so I'm actually gonna give you a spoiler alert,

let you know developers, Mr. and Mrs. Developers,

we are actually paying for your games,

so it'd be great if you could keep us mind.


(Jaymii laughing)

- I think that's very true.

So Phoenix, we talked about subtitles a lot for

game accessibility, but are there any other features

or things we can bring out to help immerse

deaf gamers in games further?

- Yeah.

So normally, when people can hear the game,

a gamer might be playing and they're fully immersed

in the sounds of the game, but as a deaf person,

there are very few ideas out there.

Sometimes people put headphones on and they can

feel the vibrations of the sound through the headphones

if it's loud enough.

Sometimes, people would put the speakers

aside their chair, and they can feel the vibration

of the noise vibrating the chair a little bit.

But then I've come across this other thing,

this new, interesting,

pack really, and I'll tell you a little bit about it.

It's called a SubPac.

And it's,

the way it works is you, the gamer, will wear it, right?

And you connect it to the game,

so the game gets connected directly to the pack.

And there's a unit here on the side.

And the headphone jack just hooks into it.

Then the gamer wears it

and it will create this sort of vibration

or movement as you're playing through the game,

like you might get, like Destiny 2 for example,

you might be playing a game like Destiny.

You're in the middle of the game and you come across these

characters and these,

and something will be happening behind you

and there'll be some sort of vibration

or some movement of the sound,

and it'll move the pack in a way that the gamer

can actually feel that something's going on

and it will almost alert you to the experience of the game.

So it hooks like this,

and the pack attaches to the backpack here.

And, you just might shuffling through a scene and

I think it's great because I think this is gonna become

very popular for other people who can actually use it.

It may be something that can applicable to watching movies

or even virtual reality games.

I think to be able to have a pack like this on you

and experience a virtual reality game too might be,

it'd be something that this pack could be used for.

So I see lots of potential uses.

It'd be really nice to find these types of replacements

for a deaf gamer to have the full experience,

or fuller experience of the game,

despite not being able to hear the game.

So yeah, this pack is great.


the vest is tight, it fits on you,

but there's also this other thing that I want to show you.

There's this one. - Ooh.

- And you might be thinking, "Well, what's that?"


(backpack unzipping)

Look at what we've got here.

Look at this. - What is that?

- You might be thinking, "Yeah, what is that?"

Well, let me show you.

You put this right here on your chair,

and then you get this vibration and sensation

as you're playing the game.

And it comes up through your back.

I mean, you just imagine, so you also have the pack on,

the vest, and then you have this unit

that's on the back of the chair, just imagine.

- Ah.

- One good thing is that actually,

you can wear the vest externally outside,

but if you're home and you're sitting in your chair

and you're gaming and you don't want to wear the vest,

this is another unit that you can use

and it creates a very similar effect.

So you're leaning back in your chair

and you're just enjoying the game

and you are fully immersed in it and

more ways than just visual, it's great.

It's amazing, the technology, it's really amazing.

So when I go online, if you want to order it,

it's actually, I think it's at a site called

And there's where I got it.

So, I love it.


- Thank you for sharing that with us.

On a side note, I'm really jealous of your chair.

You have an awesome gaming chair.

- Yeah, you're right.

I waited a really long time for this to go on sale,

and when it did, I picked that up real quick.

I got a good price on it.

I was watching it for quite some time and once I got it,

the first day I sat in the chair and played,

I literally sat in, I thought,

"Oh man I don't think I'm gonna ever get out of this chair."

I've managed to watch TV, I sit it in to game.

I think, "Wow, this is great, yeah, it's fabulous.

"It's really comfortable."

- I'm still saving up for my own.

- It's got back lumbar support,

it's really helpful for your back

to have a lumbar support like that.

Super comfortable, yeah.

- We're gonna talk about that in a Health Potion episode

coming up later this year so definitely--

- What'd you say?

- We're going to be talking about lumbar support

and good chairs in a later episode of Health Potion

this year so it's definitely,

definitely something to keep in mind.

- Yeah, you're right, you're right, it's good.

- Chris, is there anything else you,

I mean Phoenix, is there anything else

you wanted to talk about?

- No, I think I've,

I showed you some interesting things here.


You might have seen my tweet about Twitch,

TwitchCon, there's gonna be a panel there and


in Long Beach, it's gonna be held in Long Beach,

near LA in California.

So that tweet I sent out and me and several friends

are gonna be manning a panel and we'll be talking about

how streaming,

how it works when you're streaming

and you've got people with disabilities who are

enjoying the stream.

And my colleague Zero will be with me.

And there are people who will use wheelchairs as well.

They'll be there to talk a bit about

how they manage their time with

their health issues, medicine, as well as how they

manage that all with their enjoyment of gaming.

And also

epilepsy, people who have epilepsy for example,

that's a disability that we'll be

talking a bit about that.

And yeah, there's also, people who suffer from fibromyalgia.

People who have that nerve disorder called fibromyalgia,

I guess, it's called fibromyalgia and

we're gonna be talking a bit about how different types of

disabilities, how that sort of works for someone

who might be a gamer, how it would work for them.

- That's awesome, I'll put a link to TwitchCon

in the description below.

Hopefully anyone who is able to make it to LA

can make it there.

That would be excellent.

And hopefully, one day TwitchCon will come to Australia.

Fingers crossed, we just had VidCon,

so maybe TwitchCon will come here too.

- That would be real nice, yeah.

Yeah, I'd actually love to go.

I've been wanting to get to, I wanted to get to PAX,

but I didn't make it so, I've never been to PAX.

- If it makes you...

- But I think it'd be nice.

- If it makes you feel better,

I also have never been to PAX,

and even though it's in Australia this year,

I can't make it.

So, I'm very disappointed, everyone I know is going.

- Oh yeah, I know.

Hopefully I can go, maybe next year, right?

Maybe next year you can go. - Next year, next year.

- Right.

- So just now, just to finish it off,

I would say one, one easy question but,

I say easy but sometimes I find

this is the most hard question of all to ask,

what are your favorite games?

- This.

- Amazing!

- I just love fighting games.

Sorry, I just love the fighting games.

Guilty Gear Xrd, I love it.

Street Fighter.

Guilty Gear Xrd.

All of it, King of Fighters.

The competition is like,

sometimes I feel like I am actually, I feel,

I gain a sense of confidence just by playing the game.

It's fantastic, it's really fun.

So those are some of my favorite games.

And there's several others.

I would say Kingdom Hearts, the Kingdom Hearts series.

And the reason I love that series is because

when I was younger, I kinda went through a hard time

and I found that I wasn't really, I'm not a,

I wasn't a very, I wouldn't call myself

a really social person back then, and so the game,

by playing Kingdom Hearts,

really started to help me understand what it meant

to have friends and to be a friend.

So that impacted me.

And I learned a lot about myself

by just even playing that game.

And I just thought it was beautiful, it's just beautiful.

So, yeah, I have a special spot in my heart for that game.

And I think everybody should actually try that game as well.

It's quite fun.

I recommend it.

I mean, and it's interesting,

you might shed a few tears while you're playing, it's good.

- It's really great when...

- Yeah.

There are actually a few other favorites.

Metal Gear, the Metal Gear Solid series.

Yeah, I really love those.

And they're kind of like spy games.

I love, I enjoy that type of game, that's a lot of fun.


I think it's a cool game.

Another game that I really like is called Yakuza,

the Yakuza series.

That, I like that game a lot.

Another one, I think it's really cool because

there's kind of like, there's a dark story, so,

but I mean, there have been tons of games

that I really like.

But these are just to name a few of my favorites.

- Well thank you, I know that's not an easy question.

I always have trouble answering that question because

games can be so impactful in our lives in so many ways,

as you say, it can either make you feel powerful

or it can really be heartwarming so,

I just love hearing everyone's stories.

- Yeah, yeah that's great, yeah.

- Well, thank you very much for joining us today Phoenix.

I really appreciate you taking the time for this.

If you haven't already, everyone,

please go and check out his Twitch.

We'll put a link in the description below.

So that's DeafGamersTV.


And we will see you on the internet.

- That's right.

Thank you.

- Thank you very much.

See you.

- Bye bye, bye everyone.

- Thank you so much, Phoenix,

for that big in-depth interview.

I appreciate you taking so much of your time

with so much insight and clarity in this issue.

- So good to see that he so passionately

wanted to talk to us.

- Thank you for talking to us.

If you want to talk to us, please let us know,

send us an email.

- So Jaymii, you and I sat down with Karl,

who has a unique disability.

He's deaf in one ear.

So it'll be good to hear what he has to say about this.

- Let's go to Karl.

And today, we are joined by Karl.

Hello, Karl, thanks for joining us.

- Hello, hi.

Thanks for having me.

- So Karl, if you don't mind, we're just gonna jump

straight into some questions.

Because we're just eager.

So what has your experience been like

as a partially deaf software engineer student

wanting to get into the games industry?

- It's been pretty good so far.

Luckily, my partial deafness has not been

too much of an obstacle in my studies.

I was even offered, when I started,

to have a special earpiece,

and the teacher would have a microphone.

- Oh, wow.

- Yeah, so it's not the first time I've been offered that

at the school, but I kind of turned that down because

typically, I am fine, right?

Unless it's a really big room and I'm at the back,

I'm usually fine.

But that's the kind of things that

people can offer you to aid you.

So that's nice.

- That is good.

- Yeah.

It's good to know they would provide something like that.

So how far along are you on your studies?

- I just started my fourth year out of five.

- Oh, wow.

- So, yeah. - Outstanding.

- So it's getting pretty exciting now.

Like the first two years are basically just math,

and then you kind of get into more and more programming

and it's really fun.

- So are you working on any projects at the moment?

- Currently, not much aside from just school assignments

like artificial intelligence and performance optimization,

but I do typically try to have some kind of project going on

just to practice and

just try out fun things.

- So not much, just a bit of AI, just a bit of this.

- Yeah, you know? - Casual, casual, casual.

- Just some machine learning, it's nothing.

- Yeah. (laughing)

But we did have, earlier this year, we did have

what we called the small game project.

And then, we are like six people per team,

and we get eight weeks to make a game from scratch.

- Oh, wow. - And the teachers, yeah,

the teachers act as the customers

who come and check on us and are,

we try to

ask them questions to figure out what it is they want

out of their product, and it's really fun.

We made a racing game in a little tube,

so there's no up and down, you just go around this tube,

and forward. - Nice.

- Yeah, it was really exciting and it was

especially fun to see people play it.

And next year, we're gonna have the big game project,

where it's like, we're gonna be 12 people working

three to four months on one game,

and it's just gonna like, Jesus.


I'm really excited.

- And so what do you have to do post your study?

- What was it?

- What do you have to do once your studies complete?

- Oh, well,

let's see.

In the final year, we're gonna be

going to different, to some studio for practical stuff.

And the typical outcome of that is that

you might get employed by them afterwards.

So I'm kind of like thinking, okay,

which studio do I want to aim at?

Because luckily, in Sweden, we have some good choices.

We have Massive and we have Dice.

And we have Paradox in the north.

- Spoiled for choice!

- Yeah, so it's really

gonna have to pick wisely, you know?

But my hope is that I maybe end up

at, I don't know, Massive.

There are some new,

there are some new studio in Stockholm as well,

I think which is also owned by Ubisoft.

So there might be a chance,

considering they're looking for hundreds of employees

that I might get in there but we'll see.

- Our fingers are crossed for you.

- Yeah, that's great to hear.

Over here in Australia, I'm pretty sure we only

hear stories of small NGOs closing down.

So it's good to know that it's good over there.

- I know, we're look, ooh look, we made a mobile game!

And that's,

that's kind of all we've done at the moment right now.

Sorry, go on.

- Were you also wondering what I will do

as like a profession or--

- Yeah, absolutely. - Yeah.

'Cause I'm currently probably

going to be aiming at doing rendering stuff,

like the rendering engine.

So I better learn OpenGL and DirectX and Vulkan,

keep myself up to date on those things.

And that can easily get pretty complicated.


But, I think it's fun.

I mean, you get to make the games look pretty basically so--

- I really appreciate a pretty, good-looking game so

we're all uber excited, I'm excited,

I'm excited that people like you exist to,

happy to knock that all out for us.

- And it's even better if the game looks good

and runs well, so--

- That's true.

So now another thing is that we talked a lot about

subtitles in assisting deaf people,

but deafness is a spectrum, and for people like yourself,

you have a unique barrier, and that's stereo.

So do you want to explain more about that?

- Oh, absolutely.

Stereo is such a big problem.

It's, subtitles help a lot.

So the big problem is that, in most games,

stereo is incredibly over-exaggerated as far as I know.

It's like,

if someone is just slightly to the left of you,

it's like most of the audio is in the left speaker.

So in games such as Half Life 2,

where you have NPCs standing around and doing things,

and you have to, you can walk around,

I kind of have to place myself in a way that

they are always kind of to the right,

or the character that's speaking is currently

kind of to the right of me, and that,

that is a big problem because in some cutscenes,

the character might be walking in a tight corridor

and you're supposed to be walking on the right.

So I have to walk backwards,

just to make sure that I hear them.

So subtitles help a lot because then

at least if I miss something, I can read it.

And this happens a lot in games like Skyrim

where you might have similar types of cutscenes or just,

most games really, first person experiences

the most, I think.

- So would have a slider that can change from

stereo to mono really help with that sort of thing?

- Yes.

You don't know how much I wish

most games had like, just a button or anything,

just to switch on mono.

And I've told my friends about this.

I've told 'em like, oh, I wish I could switch to mono

because it's a problem, and everyone is shocked

that it's not an option,

and especially in the operating system,

you would think that maybe some driver would have a switch.

But every time I go look, I'm surprised that there is none.

- You're almost more likely to see a surround sound option

than a mono option,

even though it's pretty easy to implement.

- Yeah, exactly, that's what surprises me most.

It's like, surround sound is way more complicated than mono

and yet there is no option.

There was one time where I thought I had found the option,

and I went into my driver and I found this balance slider

from left to right.

And I was like, "Oh my God, is this is?"

And I slid it to the right, and nothing's changed.

And I was like, "Wait, what happened?"

And it turns out, it only muted my left speaker,

which was already useless so--

- Oh!

- Oh, I was kind of disappointed.

- That was gonna be a question I was gonna ask is

is there any games who've done it right

that you know of, that you can point as examples?

- Hmm, not that I know of.

And there might be some that actually did it right,

but maybe I didn't notice because if it works right,

you're not supposed to notice it.

Yeah, I don't, I don't really know of any.

- I feel like I've seen a mono, stereo checkbox

in older games, but that's probably when it didn't

matter so much.

- Oh yeah, maybe like stereo headsets were a new thing.

- Yeah. - Yeah, yeah.

Then maybe a game like, I think Diablo might have had it

from memory and I might be wrong,

but it wouldn't have mattered in Diablo.

- Yeah, no.

I really wish people would just implement that,

and if I can, in the future,

I would kind of try to push studios

to implement that, just because it's,

it should be so simple.

- Yeah.

So I've got another question for you,

and it probably isn't as relevant

as we thought it would be when we wrote it out.

Would your deafness inform your decisions

when you are creating software for games?

I guess there would be the one

where you probably suggest a mono switch,

like we've just talked about.

- Yeah, like,

I'm not quite sure if what you mean is like

when I start a project?

If I decide to do something specific

because I'm half deaf?

- It's more that like, being more aware of the challenges

that I guess deaf people face

how that informs decisions on the software level.

- Hmm.

I'm not sure.

Because I'm half deaf,

I haven't really done much with audio.

I haven't really programmed

that part of the engine voluntarily because

I always think that, "I better leave that to someone

"who knows what most people are gonna experience."

But on the flip side, I could offer a lot of insight into

how to make it better for people like me.

So those things do have an effect.

Hmm, what was the other thing I was thinking about?


- It's okay.

We can come back if you can think of anything.

'Cause we've got the most hard,

most difficult question of all

that we have to finish up.

- Hmm, all right.

- Why don't you take it away, Jaymii?

- So, what are some of your favorite games?

- Ooh, you know, despite being

some of the worst offenders, I would have to say Half Life 2

and Portal and Portal 2 and Oblivion,

because those games kind of sparked my interest.

I've always been interested in games,

I've always played games,

but it was when I played Oblivion that I kind of realized

that, "Oh, people make these things.

"These are things that people craft in big studios", and

I became really interested in the aspect of making

a game like that.

Then I got the Orange Box, which contained Half Life 2

and Episode 1 and 2 and Portal,

and I played Portal first because I love puzzle games,

and I was blown away by the game mechanic,

which I had never seen before.

Oh, it's such a great game.

- Yeah.

- And it's so tightly designed, all of it.

And so, I just kind of thought that like,

"Well, Portal is now the game I've ever played.

"There's no way that Half Life 2 can live up

"to that expectation."

And then I was surprised again.

It's all such a great experience.

And I really wish for more games like that.

And there is a benefit to the whole open cutscene,

where you have control over the character

and that is that I can place myself

in a position where I can hear them.

In a lot of games where it's just,

they put you in a place and you have to listen

to what people say, well, I'm kind of stuck, right?

I will have to do this to hear what they're saying.

It just doesn't really work.

- Yeah.

- But I love those games.

They gave me a development kit

that I can make my own stuff with and

when I realized that I can make levels,

I can make textures, I can kind of make models,

I kind of realized that, "Well, if I want to make something

"of my own, I need to learn programming."

So I got into that.

And now I'm here, studying it.

And it's just, it's all thanks to those games, I think.

- I think it's always beautiful to hear people's stories

of how they got into their passion

and just about how it feeds you

from all different levels.

And it's really, really, I'm excited for you.

- Oh, thanks.

I hope one day that I can be part of a game

that inspires someone else.

That's really the goal, I think.

- That's beautiful.

Has anyone got anything they'd like to say

before we wrap up?

- I'd just like to say thank you guys for

having this talk with people because

I haven't really seen much of it.

Every time I searched for people who

have the same experience and such,

everyone is complaining that there is no software solution.

The only solution I found is that

you get a little piece of hardware,

which you connect to your computer,

that is supposed to convert stereo to mono,

and that's, it works, but it's not convenient.

- Yeah. - Yeah.

- So I think it's a good idea to bring it up,

and maybe someday,

studios will realize that

they can just have a little button just for, yeah.

- Well thank you so much for sharing that insight and being,

to give us something to share to the world

because it is, without people like you,

who are willing to talk about this,

we can't really talk about it with anyone.

So, yeah.

I really, really appreciate you.

- Thanks for having me.

- Yeah, me too, thanks very much for joining us.

It's really insightful to hear from you.

- And we will keep in touch and we look forward to hearing

all about your big projects in the future and hopefully,

we'll be playing your games before we know it.

- Great, thank you very much.

- All right, thanks Karl.

- All right, thanks.

- Goodbye. - See you later, bye.

- So after I interviewed with Karl,

we decided to investigate in

what options you actually do have for turning audio

to mono on a PC.

And we spent like quite a while

trying to figure this out, didn't we?

- Yeah, absolutely.

We spent about, I think it was at least half an hour.

- It was definitely at least half an hour.

- Clicking through Windows, trying to find it.

And when we say mono, we don't mean

just panning everything into the left speaker,

we mean actually summing left and right into mono.

We did eventually find that Windows has the option.

It's just very, very hard to find.

- So, if you search Windows Accessibility in your computer,

it'll take you through your ease of access options,

but the mono option isn't in there.

But, if you type in the Themes,

then ease of access through the Themes way,

then you have, if you scroll down into other options

and then scroll all the way down to the bottom,

then it's there.

It's ridiculously weird and convoluted

and it's just weird that there's two versions of

ease of access in Windows 10.

- I found this by complete accident

right as I was about to give up.

And even then, it doesn't show up on my computer,

only on yours, Jaymii.

- Yeah, so it works on my computer.

And thankfully, it also works on Karl's computer.

So we emailed Karl to let him know our discovery,

and he's very thrilled, 'cause now he can,

when he's playing PC games at least, he has that option.

So hopefully, if anyone is a Mac user

or finds it optional like this on one of their consoles,

please email us, let us know

so we can share it with the world

because it will make people's lives easier.

Well, let's finish up this podcast.

- All right. - Back to us in the past.

- Du-du-du-du, du-du-du-du, du-du-du-du.

[record scratch] - wait wait wait wait

Phew. At the time of recording

it was not possible to turn a console

to mono but now it is

thank you very much to Ian Hamilton

for passing on this red hot tip

straight from the press

um to turn your xbox one into mono

you can do it by finding your way to settings

then ease of access


and then making it a mono output

Ian Hamilton does a lot of great talks on

accessibility in gaming

do check him out it's ianhamilton_ on twitter

and we'll put a link to one if his talks

in description below

check him out, he's great stuff

okay that's it back back to the past


Thank you so much Karl for having a chat with us.

It was really insightful to hear what you had to say.

That brings us to the end of the episode.

Thank you very much to Peter Payne, Susan, Phoenix and Karl.

You can see, you can go check out their stuff on,

you can check out Susan on

You can check out Phoenix on DeafGamersTV,

and you can check the other ones out,

we will make sure we put everything in the description.

- Yes, thank you so much for taking your time

and sharing your insight.

If you are part of a minority group

and want to share your insight with us

and be on our future FedCast episode,

please contact us at--

- [Both]

- And you can catch me, Jaymii Plays, at Jaymii_Plays,

that's J-A-Y-M-I-I_Plays.

- And my name's Danfriedz, you can find me on Twitter

@Danfriedz, with a Z.

- Thanks very much, guys!

- Thank you very much.

See you later. - Bye.

- I didn't know you were a girl.

(both laughing)

- Thanks, thanks Dan.

(upbeat dubstep music)

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