Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 28 2017

Hi everyone, this is Anastazia Custom speaking

and welcome on this special Halloween collaboration video

organized by Dollightful

With this video, I want to thanks her

because thanks to this opportunity

I was able to meet artists from other countries with various horizons

with a common passion for dolls and customization

I will now present the creations of my 10 partners

each one having a different Halloween vision

before showing you in details

the realisation steps of my own creation

We start with Dolligtful of course

Andreja from Nicolle's Dreams

Maria Lazar

GM Art


Dolls Brand-New Look

Moonlight Jewel


Patrick Custom

And finally Tamakyu

For my customization I choose to stay classic

So I went for a witch

in collaboration with the dressmaker Furyli

And here comes Luna Gladis Brok

The outfit and accessories

were entirely made by Furyli

Please note Luna Gladis Brok is in auction on Ebay for 3 days

so that the end of the auction

will timely be on Halloween evening

You'll find the action link in the video description

as well as the dessmaker Furyli Facebook page

and of course the Youtube channel of each partner

I hope you liked this video

Next week I'll show you a new DollZap'

Meanwhile, I wish you a very happy Halloween

and eat candies without restraint

Tchuss !!

For more infomation >> COLLABORATION SPECIAL HALLOWEEN organized by DOLLIGHTFUL - Duration: 16:03.





�The more we observe Mars, the more information we�re getting that it really is a fascinating

planet, from the Curiosity Rover we now know that Mars once was like a planet very much

like Earth, with long salty seas, with fresh water lakes, probably with snow capped peaks

and clouds and a water cycle just like we�re studying here on Earth.

. . . Something has happened to Mars, it lost its water.�

The quote above comes from John Grunsfeld, a five-time space flow astronaut and associate

administrator of NASA�s Science Mission Directive.

It was given at a NASA press conference where representatives told the world that there

is water on Mars, that it�s not the dry, arid planet we imagined it to be, and that

it was once very much Earth-like and still holds the possibility of harbouring life.

After all, water means life.

While this announcement came as something of a shock to the public, scientists have

been telling the world for some time now that Mars was once very much Earth-like, that it

probably hosted some form of life, and that something happened in Mars� past which completely

changed its planetary/atmospheric conditions.

What�s more, many prestigious scientists, high ranking military personnel, and political

figures have been coming forward to disclose sightings of strange objects flying within

our atmosphere that defy our current understanding of physics.

Some also assert some of these objects could be extraterrestrial, and there is �abundant�

evidence we are not alone in the universe.

One of many examples is Dr. Norman Burgrun, a mechanical engineer who has worked for Ames

Research Laboratory, NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), and Lockheed Missiles

and Space Company, now known as Lockheed Martin.

He then went on to found Bergrun Engineering and Research.

You can view some of his publications for NASA, where he worked for more than a decade,


In this interview, Bergrun accuses that agency of �garbling� photos and fudging data,

as well as hiding the fact that there are intelligently controlled objects out there,

greater than anything we could ever imagine.

Life on Mars

It�s interesting that NASA held the press conference confirming that Mars used to be

Earth-like when Dr. John Brandenburg, who worked for NASA, has been speaking about this

for years.

Brandenburg has worked on space plasma technologies, nuclear fusion, and advanced space propulsion,

and invented the Microwave Electro-Thermal plasma thruster using water propellant for

space propulsion.

He was also the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint

space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA.

The mission discovered water at the Moon�s poles in 1994.

Brandenburg has been lecturing and writing for the past couple of years on the pyramid

structures that have been found on Mars, as well as relaying to the public that the giant

�face� discovered on Mars by Viking in the 1970s is an actual, giant face.

He says NASA knows this and that, contrary to their assertion that they don�t know

what caused the dramatic shift that occurred in Mars� atmosphere, they know there was

a nuclear blast � a fact proven by nuclear isotopes found on the planet.

�We have found, in a nutshell, that Mars used to be Earth-like, in the past, and became,

eventually, the home not only to life, but a humanoid civilization, and that civilization

was apparently destroyed by a nuclear attack from space, and we have to send astronauts

there to find out what exactly happened.

Did the people on Mars know who did this to them?

And how can we make sure that this doesn�t happen to us?�

� Dr. John Brandenburg

The picture above, which includes the pyramid, was taken from a lecture given by Brandenburg

(at the 26:46 mark).

Any scientist who publicly shares information that challenges commonly held belief systems,

as well as what�s been put out by mainstream media, will always come under public scrutiny

and ridicule.

In another lecture given by Brandenburg (below), he goes into more detail regarding these strange

anomalies, and about the civilization that once existed there.

For more detailed information relating to this topic, you can check out these CE articles:

Ex NASA Scientists Share Concealed Information About The Giant Face & Pyramid Found on Mars

Researchers Find Tetrahedral Geometry & Reflections of Pythagoras & Dirac In The Mounds of Cydonia,

on Mars.

Joe McMoneagle, the Army Remote Viewer

The STARGATE project was one of multiple programs that the U.S. government undertook to examine

non-material science and �psi� phenomena like telepathy and telekinesis.

It ran for more than two decades, and a lot of information regarding the program has since

been declassified and opened for public viewing.

The program was used multiple times for successful intelligence collection, as outlined in a

paper published after the declassification in 1995:

To summarize, over the years, the back-and-forth criticism of protocols, refinement of methods,

and successful replication of this type of remote viewing in independent laboratories

has yielded considerable scientific evidence for the reality of the [remote viewing] phenomenon.

Adding to the strength of these results was the discovery that a growing number of individuals

could be found to demonstrate high-quality remote viewing, often to their own surprise.

. . . The development of this capability at SRI has evolved to the point where visiting

CIA personnel with no previous exposure to such concepts have performed well under controlled

laboratory conditions.

One of the participants in that program was Joseph McMoneagle, a now-retired army veteran

who was involved in the remote viewing program.

Remote viewing is the the ability of individuals to describe a remote geographical location

up to several hundred thousand kilometers away (or more) from their physical location.

Remote viewing is also tied in with pre-cognition, and future events have also been successfully


One example includes a Soviet Tu-22 bomber that was outfitted as a reconnaissance aircraft,

lost in Zaire in 1979, then located by an Air Force remote viewer.

President Jimmy Carter was aware of this, admitting to national press that the CIA,

without his knowledge, once consulted a psychic to locate a missing government plane.

According to CNN, he told students at Emory University that the �special U.S. plane�

crashed somewhere in Zaire.

The only thing is that it was a Russian plane, not an American one.

According to Carter, �the woman went into a trance and gave some latitude and longitude


We focused our satellite cameras on that point and the plane was there.�

Another example is Ingo Swann, McMoneagle�s colleague, a man who was able to successfully

describe and view a ring around Jupiter that scientists had no idea even existed.

This took place precisely before the first ever flyby of Jupiter by NASA�s Pioneer

10 spacecraft, which confirmed that the ring did actually exist.

These results were published and they are linked earlier in this article.

�To determine whether it was necessary to have a �beacon� individual at the target

site, Swann suggested carrying out an experiment to remote view the planet Jupiter before the

upcoming NASA Pioneer 10 flyby.

In that case, much to his chagrin (and ours) he found a ring around Jupiter, and wondered

if per- haps he had remote viewed Saturn by mistake.

Our colleagues in astronomy were quite unimpressed as well, until the flyby revealed that an

unanticipated ring did in fact exist.�

� Dr. Hal Puthoff

In the video below, McMoneagle explains how he detected �shadows of people, fragments�

and was picking up on a memory of people once existing there.

He said he found evidence of giant structures, pyramids, and an ancient people trying to

survive, people who had sent out someone to look for a new home.

He also had visions of tall, thin, humanoid beings.

We�re talking about a highly skilled army remote viewer coming from a very successful


Simple put, remote viewing can work, which is why the U.S. government uses it.

General Stubblebine, a retired United States Major General who was also the Commanding

General of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), also supported

and involved himself in these programs.

He once told the world that army remote viewers were able to find structures on Mars:

There are structures on the surface of Mars.

I will tell you for the record that there are structures underneath the surface of Mars

that cannot be seen by the Voyager cameras that went by in 1976.

I will also tell you that there are machines on the surface of Mars and there are machines

under the surface of Mars that you can look at, you can find out in detail, you can see

what they are, where they are, who they are and a lot of detail about them.



ᴴᴰ Doc Mcstuffins & Doc Mcstuffins full episodes Cartoon Network # 28 - Duration: 27:47.

For more infomation >> ᴴᴰ Doc Mcstuffins & Doc Mcstuffins full episodes Cartoon Network # 28 - Duration: 27:47.


নাগরিকত্ব পেল "রোবট"নতুন পৃথিবীর আগাম সংকেত মিলল আরব দুনিয়ায় Robot has been given Saudi citizenship - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> নাগরিকত্ব পেল "রোবট"নতুন পৃথিবীর আগাম সংকেত মিলল আরব দুনিয়ায় Robot has been given Saudi citizenship - Duration: 2:14.


Если бы фильм "ОНО" снимали в Украине - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Если бы фильм "ОНО" снимали в Украине - Duration: 2:54.


Un extraño fenómeno ha sido detectado en Argentina durante una tormenta - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Un extraño fenómeno ha sido detectado en Argentina durante una tormenta - Duration: 1:35.


Calendarios Publicitarios 2018 #3 Calendario pequeño de sobremesa 14 hojas - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Calendarios Publicitarios 2018 #3 Calendario pequeño de sobremesa 14 hojas - Duration: 0:41.


Road Trip From Portugal do Italy: Final Days (Verona and Monaco) - Duration: 9:25.

For more infomation >> Road Trip From Portugal do Italy: Final Days (Verona and Monaco) - Duration: 9:25.


PAW PATROL Toys Ride School Bus - Duration: 10:55.

Paw Patrol Toys Ride School Bus

See you later Paw Patrol pups. Enjoy the poop ha ha ha.

Oh no the school bus crashed. What happen to the Paw Patrol?

Hey Dino Pals, this is Toy Rex here. Let's see what Toy surprise we have today.

Today the Paw Patrol toys ride a school bus.

Wow that sounds so fun Ryder. Where's the school bus?

Here's the Playmobil school bus. It looks so cool.

It's got flashing lights and it's a big orange school bus. Lets open it up.

For more infomation >> PAW PATROL Toys Ride School Bus - Duration: 10:55.


Большинство христиан никогда не становятся духовно зрелыми. - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Большинство христиан никогда не становятся духовно зрелыми. - Duration: 4:26.



Look at me it's Lukmi

and welcome to The Lukmi Show.

In today's video I'm going to show you my Wegene results.

So a while back I uploaded a video of myself

showing you guys the results of my AncestryDNA test.

You can watch the video up here somewhere.

There's a link to it

and also there's a link in the description.

After I uploaded that video

I got comments and messages from people

telling me to upload my AncestryDNA raw data to Wegene.

Wegene is a Chinese based DNA company

and apparently they're more specific

when it comes to Asian ethnicities

and they break it down a bit more further.

Okay let's go.

Let's start this.

I have a piece of paper here with all my results.

So let's start of with the grouping

that I'm most part of.

So according to Wegene results

I am 70.73% Chinese

however when you click on it

it breaks it down further.

33.28% is under the label Gaoshan

which includes the indigenous tribes of Taiwan:

The Amis and Atayal.

The Amis and Atayal are Austronesian tribes

and one-third of me matches to them.

Southern Han Chinese is 26.69%.

I think I gotta book a trip China hey?

I'm gonna see where my ancestors are from.

The Dai tribe: 5.56%.

The Lahu tribe: 4.78%.

The next major category is Southeast Asia.

I'm 8.23% Cambodian.

I'm 7.79% Kinh.

I had to look this up.

I think it's just another name for the Vietnamese people.

So the results here could show

that my ancestors weren't only going through the Taiwan route.

They were also going through peninsula Southeast Asia route too.

Going down I pick up Oceanian.

I'm 7.65% Papuan.

My ethnicity is Buginese.

It's a tribe that inhabits Southern Sulawesi

and they call themselves To Ogi or Bugis.

The Buginese people are known to have traded

with the Aboriginal people of northern Australia.

Do you think that maybe I have an ancestor

from that history with contact with the Aboriginal people

or do you think that maybe it's just a remnant

of the original inhabitants of what is now Indonesia

before Austronesians came?

Sulawesi is also kinda in the transitional zone

between Melanesia and Asia

so it could be because of that too.

The last major group I'm going to be visiting

is the South Asian group.

I have uploaded my results to

and also GEDMatch

but maybe in the future I'll make a video on them too.

So 4.44% of me is from South Asia

and 4.12% is Bengali.

I'm not too surprised with this

because India has had lots of historical contact with Indonesia

So yes these are the groups that make me.

It's time to visit more of Asia to get to know my peoples.

I would love to know other Wegene results

of people from Sulawesi and eastern Indonesia

because I want to know if the results here

are just the typical snapshot

of the typical Buginese person

or could it be that there are

some more recent ancestors

who mixed around and travelled

and liked the taste of different peoples.

I know I'll never know the full story

but this is a great start to get a snapshot

of what I'm made of.

This is one of my more serious videos.

You can check out my other ones

but yes thank you so much for watching

and remember to subscribe if you want to see more from me.

For more infomation >> WHAT AM I? INDONESIAN WEGENE ANCESTRY RESULTS! - Duration: 4:49.


Stellers sea lion - 3:5 - Nature Meets Paper - Duration: 4:39.

Stellar sea lions are the second-largest Otariid

Hi, I'm Brandon and welcome to nature meets paper the place where we go on an adventure to discover the world of marine biology today

We're going to discover the stellar sea lion. Are you ready let's dive in?

Stellar sea lions can be found in the arc around the North Pacific Ocean. I will insert a map as a visual

This arc goes from Japan to Russia into Alaska all the way down to California

They stay relatively close to the coast but can be found near the continental shelf

The sea lion can be seen hauling out on sandy beaches rocky beaches and rocky shores

They enjoy nutrient-rich waters. Where food is easy to obtain

How do you identify these animals if you see them in wild the stellar sea lion is the second largest of the eared seals

Only second to the walrus females grow to an average length of 8.2. Feet long and can weigh between 550 and

770 pounds

males become larger and can average 9 point 8 feet long weighing 900 to 2400 pounds

The males are sexually dimorphic

Having thicker necks with coarse fur high foreheads and blunt snouts

Stellar sea lions are lighter in coloration than the other sea lions. They can be light tan to reddish brown

Juvenile sea lions are dark in coloration can get lighter as they age

The eared seals or Otariids use a front flippers for propulsion through the water

true seals or phocids use their hind flippers for propulsion and pectoral flippers for steering the

Eared seals can bend their spine and are more flexible than true seals they use this flexibility as their means to turn sharply

Another interesting fact about eared seals is that they can bend their hind flippers up and underneath their body on land

This allows them to walk short distances

We discovered that stellar sea lions live close to the shore due to food constraints, so let's discover what sea lions eat

they feed on several species of fish including cod


salmon herring

pollock capelin etc they feed on squid

octopus and bivalves when present

What threatens the stellar sea lion, I could only find human interactions that threaten the seal on

instances like boat strikes


fishermen using deterrents like guns or explosives and


Overfishing of fatty fishes that causes the sea lions to shift their diets to non fatty fish

This causes a problem for building insulation of blubber in the cold water

the IUCN Red List has the stellar sea lion as endangered the populations have been declining since the

1970s so

Now is the time that you want to hear my personal stories you want to hear that I was in a small boat

Cruising through the Puget Sound when we stumbled across these resting sea lions on the rocks you

Want to hear that I got an incredible photos just for you I

Would love that as well

The truth is I took these pictures in Victoria British, Columbia, Canada

I took artistic photos at the BC Royal Museum

These animals are stuffed

I've seen animals in the wild like I was alluding to in the beginning. I just didn't get great photos at the time

But although these animals are dead I can give them new life through art. I will call this adventure finished

Thank you so much for going on this adventure with me it means so much that you take time out of your

Schedules to watch this video to discover something new

I'd also like to thank you for being an active member of this community

Without you it wouldn't be possible whether it's by leaving likes comments

subscribing or even sharing this video every little bit helps I

Love hearing your stories, so make sure to write them down below remember share your discoveries and adventures with a friend

It's more fun. That way I've been Brandon, and I'll see you in our next adventure

For more infomation >> Stellers sea lion - 3:5 - Nature Meets Paper - Duration: 4:39.


BRİTANYA İMPARATORLUĞU, En Güçlü Haliyle Yeniden Kurulsaydı? - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> BRİTANYA İMPARATORLUĞU, En Güçlü Haliyle Yeniden Kurulsaydı? - Duration: 5:07.


LetterSchool handwriting Cursive UpperCase Zaner Bloser letters A2Z multicolored apk for toddlers - Duration: 26:55.

LetterSchool handwriting Cursive UpperCase Zaner Bloser letters A2Z multicolored apk for toddlers

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