Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 28 2017

Hey guys!

Welcome to top 10 nerd.

I'm your host Kelly Paoli and today we're taking another look at Red Hood, Jason Todd,

for our top 10 red hood shocking facts part 2.

We covered most of the bases the first time around, so make sure you check out that vid

afterwards to catch up.

But, in the meantime, let's jump into our list!

10 Other Aliases We've talked about Jason as the Red Hood,

but what about the other aliases he's taken on over the years?

During Countdown, Jason encounters Earth 51's Batman who gives him the Red Robin costume.

And in Battle for the Cowl, where he donned a version of that Batsuit where he was heavily

armed and wore the cowl that previously belonged to Bat-Devil.

9 Age Since DC likes to relaunch itself so many

damn times, we've had a few changes in terms of character ages pop up, including Jason's.

Post crisis Jason was Robin for three years, he met Batman when he was 12 and died when

he was 15.

Whereas in the new 52m Jason was Robin for just a year, and was 16 when he took up the

mantle and 17 when he died.

And according to both Rebirth and the new 52, his age is roughly between 18-20, making

him underage.

8 Mechanical Capabilities Jason has an affinity for vehicles, and knows

his way around them quite well.

When we're reintroduced to Jason post crisis, he's stealing Batman's tires.

Which even Bats points out would have been difficult, much to his surprise that a young

boy committed the crime.

There's been other instances of Jason's competency of cars, especially the bat mobile

- at one point, he develops a scheme in which he infiltrates the bat mobile to pop a bomb

on it while wearing a wet suit while Batman is distracted with the Penguin's goons in

The Lost Days; the special wet suit being the one way he won't be detected by the

bat mobile.

And to top it all off, he often rides around on his motorcycle.

7 Demolitions Aside from his mechanical capabilities, Jason

has picked up a few other tricks through his training, including demolitions.

Taught by a world renowned bomb expert in Russian, Jason learnt how to defuse a wide

variety of bombs and explosive devices.

This Russian expert was involved with the mafia, who was part of a plot to distract

British law enforcement with a bomb they were to believe was from an Islamic extremist,

but Jason ends up hunting them down and safely denotes the bombs.

6 Trained across the globe Just like Bats!

Funded by Talia al Ghul's credit card, that is.

Anyway, he trained with the All-Caste clan of assassins, an ancient clan that actually

predates the League of Assassins, who are located in the Himalayas.

During the Lost Days he spent a ton of time travelling across the world, a lot of it in

several undisclosed locations, but as we mentioned in our last number, he also saved London civilians

when defusing bombs.

He's fluent in English, French, German, Italian and Russian, although the latter is

his weakest.

5 The Dark Trinity With DC Rebirth came a new Red Hood and the

Outlaws team, Jason joins up with Bizarro and Artemis the fallen Amazon, forming the

Dark Trinity, which is suppose to mirror the iconic DC trinity of Superman, Wonder Woman

and Batman, with Jason being Batman's foil.

Red Hood and the Outlaws originally debuted during The New 52 in 2011, and featured Arsenal

aka Roy Harper and Starfire, the latter receiving a ton of criticism for her overt sexual depiction,

with some saying rather than being sexually liberated, she came off as a wish fulfillment

sex object.

Neither volume did well critically, but more on that later.

4 Protege Scarlet, otherwise known as Sasha, who was

deformed by Professor Pyg after her father worked for him, and murdered her father while

he was in the hospital after the attack.

Red Hood found her there, and promised her a way she could channel her rage.

This began their relationship as his sidekick.

3 Parents While we talked a little bit about Jason's

parents in the last video - specifically how he was a bit of a clone of Dick Grayson, and

then when he was redefined his dad became a criminal and his mother a drug addict - but

there's another parental duo that Jason had in an alternate universe - Kate Kane,

aka Batwoman and Renee Montoya.

They had adopted Jason in DC's Bombshells, who Kate meets as a young boy during the Spanish

Civili war.

And unfortunately, he too meets an untimely end in this timeline.

2 His Return Was Teased For two years, in the Hush story arc when

Tim Drake is kidnapped by Jason but turns out it's just Clayface.

Many people saw this retrospectively to be signalling his return.

And in a way, it did.

He would eventually return in Batman: Under the Red Hood.

When Superboy Prime punched reality.

Yes, punched reality, which obviously has more context then him throwing one massive

super punch, but that's for another video.

Anyway his punch set a ripple in time and space, distorting events in the main universe,

which ultimately resulted in Jason's resurrection.

Which is no longer cannon, but hey, still hilarious.

1 Problematic Popularity The response of Jason's appearance in Hush

led to his reintegration into the DC universe.

But his popularity has always been problematic at best, from his early days of being a Dick

Grayson clone put up on the chopping block by editors, to the mixed reception of the

current Red Hood and the Outlaws.

Over the past five years as of August 2017, sales for that title have dropped by 27.2%,

with sales dropping by 72.8% in the past year - which to be fair, had gotten a boost in

general because of the Rebirth launch.

The past six months had dropped by only 12.8%.

Which is better than the stats were in January 2017, where stats for the six months prior

to that dropped by 67.9%.

There we have it friends!

How do you guys feel about Jason Todd?

Love him or hate him or are you somewhere in between?

Let us know in those comments below.

If you liked this video, hit those like and subscribe buttons, and check out a few other

lists on our channel, like the top 10 red hood shocking facts part 1, or the top 10

alternate versions of Wolverine.

In the meantime though, thanks for watching guys.

I've been Kelly Paoli and this has been top 10 nerd.

I'll catch you all in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Red Hood Shocking Facts - Part 2 - Duration: 5:41.


Tenno BROKE Twitch Drops! XD An IRL Warframe Min/Max Success Story - Duration: 2:25.

I had a guide all setup and darn near ready to upload on how to efficiently farm the most

items per hour with the least amount of strain to your internet and performance power that

was set to go live this morning,

but no need now as Twitch just axed off that entire thing.

DE then followed it up on the one-two punch by conveniently preventing speedrunners from

attaching new accounts to keep the achievement runs and hype alive.

Sure, ya got room to be a bit upset at the potential loss of a fireworks to put any Fourth

of July display to shame,

and based on drop tables we were able to suss out, DE really did make the odds of getting

the Frost Deluxe skin and Vectis Prime about .1%

and that looks eerily similar to why the fan base loves data miners and their work to keep

DE honest in the first place,

but ya know what?

I ain't even mad.

For all the previous games running Twitch Drop campaigns, all the well-known fully supported

and huge mega triple-a titles and their big floppin' financial phallus of marketing,

it came down to Warframe and it's army of Tenno to bring low the system and force Twitch's

hand to how they work.

Do ya see the greatness in that, Legion?

Through DE's unhealthy love of RNG and our desire to combat them with sheer quantity

of loot rolls without care to the cost of bandwidth,

we have altered the course of Twitch history.

From now on, every single Twitch Drop campaign will have that 'one streamer at a time' requirement,

which was previously implied but clearly not enforced.

So while you can thank DE's painfully diluted drop table and lust for free promotion on

Twitch as the catalyst,

it was all you at home who really swung the pendulum of digital history in a different


I'm not even mad I didn't get all the drops, bit miffed I darn near fished a fully edited

video and invested all those hours testing different methods to make sure it was accurate,

but I can't help but giggle that a bunch of ninja farmers and speedrunning streamers we

SO dedicated to their craft that the proverbial hands of god were forced to act.

Now you're free to say they killed the fun, and ya wouldn't be wrong, but at the end of

the day I'm just gonna tip my hat to all yall on a job well done.

And from first-hand experience I gotta give a hats off to RandomSurge, SwissCheesyEZ,

Daniel the Demon, and Smashly for supportin' the event and small streamers as hard as ya did.

Good on ya lads and lass!

Happy Halloween and may everyone out there have a great weekend.

Until next time, thank-you for watching and take care!

For more infomation >> Tenno BROKE Twitch Drops! XD An IRL Warframe Min/Max Success Story - Duration: 2:25.


What Fans Never Knew About Scary Movie - Duration: 4:36.

The 2000 horror spoof Scary Movie was a total game-changer that managed to bring a heavy

dose of absurdity to a genre that was getting a bit long in the tooth.

It turned an unknown Anna Faris into a movie star, spawned a bunch of sequels, and featured

a ton of cameos — but there's a lot more to the story than that.

Here's the untold truth of Scary Movie.

What's in a name?

From the start, Scary Movie was conceived as a wacky spoof of everything that makes

the horror genre great — and writers Shawn and Marlon Wayans made that abundantly clear

with the film's original title,

"Last Summer I Screamed Because Friday the 13th Fell on Halloween".

...which, of course, is a mashup of I Know What You Did Last Summer, Scream, Friday the

13th, and Halloween.

Reportedly, another potential name for the movie was,

"Scream If I Know What You Did Last Halloween."

Even though these overly-long titles were shelved, the shorter, simpler title still

pays tribute to a classic — Scary Movie was the original working title for Scream.

"I'll send you a copy."

Tenth time's a charm

In an interview at the time, director Keenen Ivory Wayans revealed that he saw the potential

in his brothers Shawn and Marlon's idea, but that it took ten different drafts of the script

before it was ready.

At the same time, another horror-parody was being developed, written by Jason Friedberg

and Aaron Seltzer, and Dimension Films bought both scripts to avoid any potential legal


Scary Movie used ideas from each of the two scripts, so Friedberg and Seltzer were also

credited as writers on the film.

Saving the horror genre

Keenan Ivory Wayans reportedly felt that a project like Scary Movie could be just the

thing to breathe some fresh life into a tired, cliche-filled genre, saying,

"In horror, you've had the Jason series, the Freddy series, the Scream series.

This genre's been played to death."

He referenced how the movie Airplane turned the disaster-movie genre on its head, and

with Scary Movie, he saw a way to similarly shake things up — by melding the horror

with outrageous comedy.

"I'm running!



While the film was not exactly critically acclaimed, its box office and cultural success

speaks for itself.

Anna's concerns

One of the things that made Scary Movie so successful was newcomer Faris's hilarious

performance, which included some of the silliest moments ever on film.


"Hi baby!"

"My hip!"

Faris reportedly credited the Scary Movie films for giving her a career and opening

doors, but she admits she was "very naive" at first, and thought her success in the gross-out

comedy would make things easy for her in Hollywood.

Instead, she said she had to branch out to projects like Lost in Translation in an effort

to garner some more respect as an actress.

In 2009, Faris told The AV Club she initially questioned her decision to sign on to the

horror spoof, saying,

"I had this moment during the first Scary Movie where I felt really unattractive and

really concerned.

Just like, "What am I doing?"

Faris said she never really considered herself a funny person, and it took a pep talk from

her director to get her back on track.

According to her, Keenan's advice was:

"There's no vanity in comedy."

Faris said that the philosophy stuck with her, and helped carry her through her lengthy

comedy career.

No sequel?

In promoting Scary Movie, the studio took a jab at the "sequelitis" that typically plagues

horror franchises, releasing posters with the tagline, "No mercy.

No shame.

No sequel" — a clear signal this wasn't your typical horror flick.

But that went right out the window when the first Scary Movie banked $278 million worldwide

off a comparatively tiny production budget of $19 million.

Not surprisingly, that tagline was retired in subsequent home releases once it was clear

the film would indeed spawn a sequel — or four.

The Scary Movie franchise would go on to encompass five films, collectively grossing just short

of a billion dollars, at $896 million worldwide.


Lord I'm-a have a heart attack!"

A falling out

The Wayans brothers may have created the Scary Movie franchise, but it still belongs to Dimension


In a 2013 interview, Marlon Wayans revealed that the studio rushed them to crank out the

critically-panned Scary Movie 2, and he didn't even realize a third film was in the works

until he read about it in the Hollywood trades.

He claims the studio basically stole their pitch for a third film, before actually inviting

them back to take on Scary Movie 5.

But by that time, the Wayans brothers had moved on.

Marlon said,

"We had our time and did what we could with the franchise.

I think Scary Movie is tired."

Considering we haven't seen anything since 2013's Scary Movie 5, Wayans is probably right.

"God this is exciting!"


I think you should feel my nipples."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> What Fans Never Knew About Scary Movie - Duration: 4:36.


Japanese Self-Heating Food... - Duration: 4:55.

Okay, so today I have something very special, that I'm incredibly excited about

it's, it's...

somewhat primitive but nonetheless incredibly exciting

so it's this bento box

We're taking a Shinkansen, and kind of like a ritual when taking a Shinkansen in Japan

is to get a bento box

and that's a...

that's a nice box of rice and beef tongue, but what makes it special is this little string right here...

and apparently when I pull this, there's some sort of a liquid that's separated

the liquids are gonna combine and it's gonna create a chemical reaction

that's gonna produce steam or heat and that's gonna warm up the whole meal

so let's see if that happens...


I can't wait to see what's gonna come out of this

this is how the box looks like

pretty standard box

and then this is the...

this is the bento box like this

It's good that I've got Arisa here with me because these are the instructions...

In Japanese!

Yeah, this is very very very very very clear...

so all you gotta do is take this string...

and then pull it

Right? So that's what I'm gonna do!

Yeah, all the way?

and it just made some sound

I can already hear something happening

Oh look at that!

There's steam coming off of it...

I don't know if you can see this but there's literally steam coming off of it

I just...


be careful there is is steam

So there is some initial like wave of energy, heat...

and then...

I guess more is coming...

How long do you have to wait?

Five or Six

Six minutes? Six minutes...

Ohh it smells...

it's already starting to smell really nice

They also have this thing in Japan where you can buy a coffee, a can of coffee and...

at the bottom of it they had some sort of a heating unit like a disposable heating unit

and you just twist it, and then...

it starts heating the can and so you get instant warm coffee

so it seems to be like a thing that's gaining in popularity in Japan

and I would love that...

if this actually works

Yeah, so when I touch the box now it's...

it's literally like is cooking on a stove top

like it's...

I can't hold my hand over it because it's too hot...

and I'm not exaggerating at all it's actually that hot

One eternity later...

Ok! I think it's ready!

It's been, it's been like 5-6 minutes

It's hot!

Ok, so the moment of truth now...

Is it actually hot?

Arisa's gonna try...

Hot? Really hot?

Not very hot but it's... you can eat!

Can I try?

It's the best!

So it's definitely not like out of a microwave...

It's just warm... it's just nice and...

nice and comfortable temperature

which is what you want!

So, overall my review is...

awesome I love this thing!

Like how cool is that you just pull a string and the thing gets warm

I think it's incredible

Arisa, what do you think?

Yeah, nice! This is my second time...

Yeah, eating this like this?

Yeah! I ate when I was high school!

I think this is the future guys, this is the future...

Maybe not, but it's very cool!

I don't know, I'm very excited about it!


We're on the way now...

I'm gonna eat...


when you're in Japan try some self-heating food!




For more infomation >> Japanese Self-Heating Food... - Duration: 4:55.


Robbery at 1:25 | ANIMATION | Zelda - Duration: 4:41.

Well, "shopping time"...

Let's see what they sell here...


...the normal items in any store inside the legal....

A shovel...


...three hearts probably human...

Oh look, a bow, this interests me.

What? 980 rupees?!

If you don't like: don't to buy.

That bow is of high quality and unique.

But it's too expensive!

A chicken-vine! You pay!

That the crust has the Apple's logo drawn it.

And that's just why is a fucking-mother item.

Obviously I need it, but it's expensive, and this is the only "100%" of the island ...

Holy wind fish!

Listen sir: these security gossip does not work.

Sure, they're there to freak out.

But I have cameras, and nobody escapes me ...

No one!

Anyone is robbed any day ...

I tell you, a friend of my father-in-law's cousin knows about these things.


Hey! What do you do with bow?

You bring the bow here with the freelance lord!

In other words: me.

So long!

As long as you do not come back, I'll give you wives on the Kung-Fu plan!


Son of a mother's bitch!

Hey Chinese:

Say "cerda", sow in spanish.


Well, okay, I don't lose anything to say.


*He laughts*

Fucking racist, I'm going to get you by the band and I'm going to tease you in the ass, you fucking shit-eater!

His motherfucking mother...

...this fag is going to shit him...

Hello, the record?

I'm the shopkeeper of the shop, I wanted to change the name to a retard that goes green.

Ay, "the legend of cerda"...

..."the legend of sow" in spanish...

Hey Thief, you're worse than "the Lute".

*Laughs uneasily*

Ah... yeah, hello...

Hey, what's up, Thief?!

What a machine you're made of!

Marin is crazy for you!

Fuck, another...

Thief, you are undoubtedly the hero of the legend!

It's okay, man!

Hey thief...

...I composed a chiptune song for you, listen...

I knew that in the towns with 10 inhabitants, the news circulates at all pills...

But this is surreal!

Please, this people prays to a whale that seems to come from the Seville Fair...


Civil Guard, please, take me your identification document...

Yes, here you are...

What's your name?


You make fun of me?

To the jail!

This can with me...

When I leave here, I will return the fucking bow...

You're an asshole, "poyo"!

I suppose the scene of this game served not to steal in the Chinese shops, because...

Oh come on, please... who has not ever stolen an "100%" shop?

Because this robbery scene...

Which is real by the way, nothing of the parody...

The developers of this game claim to have done so, and more admitting...

...that those of Nintendo develop the games through experiences of life.

Can you imagine Shigeru Miyamoto stealing in a Chinese 100% shop?

He did it!

And this game is the greatest test you will ever see in your whole life!

Hey you, the green one:

Stop talking to the 4th wall and get out of here...

Which, as I see it, actually: your name is Thief.

To the "carrer"!

...Stupid Chinese with judicial powers that change you name of the balls...

Hey, I've come to return this stick tied to a rope more expensive than all my retirement.

And by the way, I want to sell this Digimon-Bakugan-Sesame Street or some shit of those plush...


What the...!?

- HA! - NOOOO...!

This happens to call me Chinese, I am from Albacete.

That I have an eye problem that makes me see bad as a fuck-shit...

...and talk bad too.

What do you think? You like it?


I'm the great Mamu!

*He laughs*

I escaped from prison, "poyos"!

And as my name is Anti-Kirby ...

I'm going to kill that fucking Kirby!

Oh hell, it's all been a dream!


For more infomation >> Robbery at 1:25 | ANIMATION | Zelda - Duration: 4:41.


HALLOWEEN G 17 + CAMPIONATO 10 + ROTTAMAGANG !!! : 😺 C.A.T.S. Crash Arena Turbo Stars 😺 #174 - Duration: 19:16.

For more infomation >> HALLOWEEN G 17 + CAMPIONATO 10 + ROTTAMAGANG !!! : 😺 C.A.T.S. Crash Arena Turbo Stars 😺 #174 - Duration: 19:16.


Камера наблюдения ЗАСНЯЛА ПРИЗРАКА в старинной ирландской школе - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Камера наблюдения ЗАСНЯЛА ПРИЗРАКА в старинной ирландской школе - Duration: 2:38.


Bruce Banner Gamma Radiation Exposure | Hulk (2003) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:20.

- About Glen, I, um... - There's nothing to talk about.


I just wanted to say, don't worry about 'im... I'll handle it.


I'm gonna call my father, ask him to exert some pressure.

Last I heard, you and your father weren't speaking.



I guess now I have something to talk with him about.

I think this circuit's kinda fried.

I-I don't know. Maybe you wanna come take a look at it.

Okay, I'll be right there.

The gamma's too high! Bruce, I can't stop it!

Harper, get out!

Get out!

- How's Harper? - He's all right.

You saved him.

I don't think he's coming back to the lab for a while, though.

I don't understand how this is possible.

You should be dead.

They worked... the nanomeds.

I mean, I feel great.

I feel like... I don't know. They must have, like, fixed me.

Bruce, they've killed everything else that they've come into contact with.

- Are you sure the doctor checked? - The doctor gave me the full workup.

He wants to know where he can get what I'm taking.

I'm a hundred percent.


- What do you mean? - Remember my bad knee?

Well, now it's my good knee.

Bruce, this isn't funny. I was watching you.

You were gonna die, and I was gonna have to watch you die.


I'm sorry.


- Hey, I'm not gonna explode, okay? - Yeah.

You should get some rest. And I'm fine, really.

I've never felt better.

For more infomation >> Bruce Banner Gamma Radiation Exposure | Hulk (2003) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:20.


Farming Simulator 17 MASSEY FERGUSON 6600 + KUHN 153 FRONT PLOUGH - Duration: 10:48.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You One New tractor and one Speacial Plow.

MASSEY FERGUSON 6600 Front Loader 5 Engine Setup 3 Wheel Setup 2 Design Setup Colorable Rims 40Km/h Top Speed

Open doors - hood R key


KUHN 153 FRONT PLOUGH 2m Working Width 15Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 120Hp

I Combine the KUHN 153 FRONT PLOUGH With the KUHN VARI CHALLENGER PLOUGH Total Working Width 7m

The worker need 1 or pass to setup the ploughs

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 MASSEY FERGUSON 6600 + KUHN 153 FRONT PLOUGH - Duration: 10:48.


I ♡/hate these things about myself • PERFECT imperfections T A G - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> I ♡/hate these things about myself • PERFECT imperfections T A G - Duration: 6:11.


Vietnamese people talk about Annabella Sciorra l channel NEWS 24H - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Vietnamese people talk about Annabella Sciorra l channel NEWS 24H - Duration: 2:04.


Take Action Now, Tackle Problems Immediately - Duration: 1:12.

- So it can be done, and I think what's crazy

about all of this is, for me, I'm nobody special,

I'm just this skater kid that had this crazy dream

that I was gonna build a company, a media company,

production company, now an ad agency.

I didn't know what I was doing.

I have half of an art degree.

College drop-out, technically.

If I can do it, anybody can do it.

It's just about staying in action at all times,

and knowing where you're trying to go,

and not hiding from the issues.

Because as entrepreneurs, even to this day,

if I find myself like, alright I'll worry about

that problem later, and what that does is that problem

gets bigger and bigger, it doesn't go away.

The only way that that problem goes away,

the only way it gets fixed is if you address it immediately,

and you look it in the face and go, hey this sucks,

but I'm going to fix it and I'm going to figure out how.

And so my entire methodology of my current company,

which is very successful, is based on,

we don't know how much time we've got.

We need to take action now at all times, and do whatever

it takes to get where we need and want to go.

For more infomation >> Take Action Now, Tackle Problems Immediately - Duration: 1:12.


A New Approach To Beating Candida - Duration: 16:33.

- Hi there.

Katherine here from,

and today, I am going to be sharing

a new approach to battling candida.

(upbeat music)

(blender whirling)

Now, quite recently, I suspected that I had

an overgrowth of candida.

I was having various symptoms like

on and off throughout my life,

I've probably had an overgrowth of candida

apart from, I think, two occasions in my life

where I've had slight fungal toenails.

Lately, I was getting yeast infections

and my sugar cravings were completely crazy,

and I was thinking, what is wrong with me?

I started Googling it, and all the signs

pointed to an overgrowth of candida,

so I thought, okay, I will go on a new diet.


I will go on an anti-candida diet,

so I started this diet, which if you've ever

been on this kind of diet, you will know

that you cut out sugar, you cut out fruit,

most fruits, you mainly eat, like,

animal products like meat and eggs and vegetables,

and that's the diet that you stick to for a long time.

Could be months, could be, like, six weeks,

eight weeks, months, half a year, whatever,

and then you also start taking

supplements as well,

and so I started this diet,

and I was starting to take two products

that I think they made me quite ill actually.

They are, and this is quite common advice for people

who are going on an anti-candida diet,

is that they take different supplements,

and these supplements that were recommended

were diatomaceous earth

and bentonite clay,

and the advice is to mix them together

into a glass of water, and I started to do that,

and within about, maybe about four days of doing this,

I started to not feel very well at all,

and I was getting, I had a pain in my chest,

in my heart, and my arms were going numb

all the way down my arms, and I was lying there one evening

thinking, I feel like I'm having a heart attack.

I just felt like I was, I don't know,

I just Googled am I having a heart attack,

and it said you should get yourself to the hospital.

And I thought about it, and I thought,

oh no, I really, I just don't want to sit

in that hospital all night,

and maybe I would have rather died than go to the hospital.

Who knows, but that's certainly not the advice

that I'd give to anybody else, of course.

If it was somebody else, I would've taken them,

but for me, I don't know why I didn't go.

I just told myself over and over,

you'll be fine, you'll be fine,

you'll be fine, you'll be fine.


And went to bed and didn't sleep very well,

but I woke up in the morning and did feel

a little bit better, and it started to ease off,

so I thought, thank goodness,

and then I started to read about these products,

and probably should have done that before,

but you read on good stuff first.

You start it, and then it doesn't agree with you,

and then you read all the bad stuff,

and it was saying, really, we should not be consuming

these products at all.

They're not fit for human consumption,

that there hasn't really been any scientific research done.

There hasn't really been any benefit.

People haven't really noticed any benefits,

that they're good to use on the outside

of your skin, like on your teeth.

They're really good for cleaning teeth,

but not for on the inside of your body,

so I stopped that, and these symptoms

started to go away, and they went away, thank goodness,

because they were really not agreeing with me at all.

So I went researching, and I came across somebody

that I,

somebody that I used to really, really love

and take advice from.

I really believed in him, and he is called Anthony William,

and his website is the,

and I'll link to everything that I'm sharing with you here

in the blog post based on this video,

and I discovered him maybe two years ago,

and I had already followed a lot of his advice

before I'd even heard of him, and it had worked for me.

So as soon as I heard him talking about what he talks about,

which is a high fruit diet,

he was somebody that I believed in,

and it just seems to make sense what he says,

and I'm not the only one.

He's very, very popular, so go and check him out,

because I really do believe.

Especially if you've got health problems,

I really do believe that he's got your

best interests at heart.

He might be, a lot of people might think

he's a little bit wacky because he gets his information

from spirit and not from scientific sources,

but, you know, when you've been suffering

like I've been suffering with chronic fatigue syndrome

and these mystery health problems.

When you've been suffering and nobody can help you,

the doctors can't help you, the naturopaths can't help you,

you seem to have tried everything under the sun,

and nothing seems to be working,

and people thing, oh, are you just faking it?

You just, what's wrong with you?

You haven't been diagnosed with anything.

All of the tests have come back fine.

Why don't you just stop being lazy,

and you know, all these things.

You will grasp at anything to get better.

You'll try anything, and when somebody comes along

and says, actually, science isn't there yet.

We've not found the answer to these mystery illnesses.

You think, actually, that sounds right to me

because if they had found the answer,

I would have got well.

You know, it's as simple as that.

If science had found the answer,

it would have worked for me.

So, Anthony William.

He, I believe, he does have the answers.

I followed his protocol, which I had,

like I said, I'd previously done,

which is a high fruit diet.

Lots of fruit, vegetables, lots of raw fruit and vegetables.

Nothing crazy.

Natural supplements based on, usually based on

food-based products, like spirulina and things like that,

and I thought, well, that all seems, it's not crazy,

you might think it's crazy where he gets his information,

but the diet itself does not seem crazy at all.

So two years ago, I followed his protocol to the letter

for I think it was two months, and I felt amazing.

I felt so, so good, and then stupidly,

you stop doing these things, and you think,

oh, I'm back to normal.

I can just start living like everybody else,

and then you have problems come back again.

Anyway, I'm rambling on.

I'm supposed to be talking about candida,

but anyway, I found Anthony William,

and he was talking about candida.

So everything that I'm sharing with you today

is actually from Anthony William.

This is not something I Googled.

It is not based on science.

It is based on his opinion who

he says he gets the information from spirit,

so just bear that in mind, because this is completely

different to anything that anybody else

has told you about candida.

Anthony says that candida is actually natural,

which we know that everybody has candida

and should have candida in their body.

That's a fact.

But, what we don't know is that when we have too much

candida, that that is actually the body

trying to protect itself is the overgrowth of candida.

It's not actually the candida that's causing your symptoms.

The candida is a warning sign to the body

that something else is going on,

so that's the difference.

We're not trying to kill off the candida

because the candida is the problem,

we're trying to think, oh good,

candida is sending us a warning sign

that there's some other problem,

and usually, the problem is a virus,

a bacteria, something like strep,

that's overtaking the body that we need to detox

and get out of the body.

What is causing it?

So it could be things like a pathogen or virus,

so what kills the pathogen or virus

that's actually causing the problem?

And Anthony says that fruit and vegetables

and leafy greens, they are the things

that actually kill the virus, is a lot of fruit.

Now, this is completely contradictory

to any of the other information

that you'll get about candida.

Most of the time they tell you

to cut out fruit because it's too high in sugar,

but the fruit from, the sugar from the fruit

is completely different, and the body does handle it

in a completely different way to refined sugar,

and Anthony says that the fruit actually,

when it goes into your stomach,

it leaves within three to six minutes,

and it doesn't actually go anywhere near

the intestinal tract at all,

so it can't be causing the problem.

It actually helps the problem,

and he says what makes the problem worse,

what makes the virus proliferate in the body,

is things like animal products and high fat,

so that's exactly why most people don't recover

when they're on an anti-candida diet.

So, Anthony says what we have to do

is we have to bring the body back into balance again,

and we have to increase the amount

of good bacteria in your body,

so these are some of the things that he says

are really good for bringing the body back into balance,

so we can get the candida down,

and we can kill off the problem,

the virus that's actually causing the problem.

So things like raspberries, great fruit.

Cucumber, spinach, tomato, avocado,

coconut, and vitamins like, like I've got my vitamins here.

I've got my B-12, and my barley grass powder,

which is great for detoxing the body

and bringing it back into alignment again.

And we're also to avoid,

we're to avoid antibiotics and antifungal medications,

but because they actually make the problem worse,

but we can have some natural antifungals

in our diet which will help to kill the pathogens

and the viruses that have overtaken our body.

So these are four things that I do.

So this is something that you might hear

on other anti-candida protocols that actually do help,

and these are natural antifungals,

these from natural sources that actually help the body.

So the first one is

oregano, so I've got some oregano oil,

some essential, and this is completely pure.

I wouldn't take anything that's got more than one ingredient

in the ingredient list because that might be

adulterated with all kinds of nasty things

you don't want in your body,

so this is the source that I use,

and I'll leave a link to this in the blog post as well.

And I would put four drops of it

into a veggie capsule, and empty capsule like this,

and swallow that, so basically,

I'm making my own supplements.

I'd also do the same with the grapefruit seed extract

because that doesn't taste nice.

You can put that in water and dilute it,

but it really doesn't taste nice,

so I put that in a capsule as well,

and another thing I use is this

Advanced Cellular Silver,

and this is really good for killing off

any viruses in the body, and I actually use this daily.

What I do is I spray this six times into my mouth,

I swish it around my mouth, and then swallow it,

and the reason why I do that as well

is because of my tooth because I've got an implant

in my tooth, and I've been told

it hasn't been put in very well.

And there's a very high chance of infection in the future.

I take this to keep my body,

you know, kill off anything

that might be causing me infection,

and, well, so far, it's worked.

I've had about eight or nine months

of using this, and the infection hasn't come back,

so I'll keep you posted on that.

That's possibly good for so many things.

You know, like if you have any kind of pain or rash,

you can spray that on the outside of your body,

and it takes it away.

We've used it for everything.

Basically, if my kids fall or get a cut,

I put that on and then I put an ointment

with some essential oils after it,

and I just, that's what I use on everything now.

So that is amazing stuff,

and another thing, the final thing I do,

is I use this, this is actually herbal tea.

This is proper herbal tea.

If you watched my other video

on the deadly ingredient lurking

in your herbal tea, go and watch that now

because that, this is why I now buy teas like this,

and I don't know whether you can see this,

but this is basically, when my husband saw it,

he says, what on earth is that?

That looks like kind of tree bark or hay

or you know, straw or something like that,

and it is, this is really good for the immune system,

and it's very good at naturally killing off

any viruses in your body as well,

so this strengthens your body,

and it removes nasties from your body.

So it's really good for you.

So what I do is I take one of these

little tea strainers, which has got a lid

that goes on top of it,

and what you do is you put the tea inside here,

drop it into your cup of tea,

and this one is amazing because it has got

a little string on it.

You attach that to the handle of your tea cup,

and it just dangles in there,

and strains the tea, and I just leave it in there

as long as I can, maybe like 10 or 15 minutes,

and that is the best way to drink herbal tea

is using one of these tea strainers.

Use leaves rather than tea bags,

because in tea bags, they tend to put all kinds of nasties

in them that you might forget to check the ingredients.

So what I do, that's my natural antifungal set,

and I am cycling through them.

I'm taking one every day for four days,

and then I'm moving on to the next one,

and that's the way I'm trying to get rid of

any viruses or bacteria.

I don't actually know what it is that's in my body.

I've stopped with kind of going down the path

with the naturopath and the testing.

All tests were so expensive,

and I just though, I just don't know if it's going to,

and according to Anthony William,

he said that most test are not accurate anyway,

so you could be just wasting your money,

so I am just gonna go down the path of healing from now on.

I'm just going to focus on

keeping my diet very, very clean

including lots of fruit,

lots of leafy greens work, which are amazing for healing.

Lots of vegetables.

I'm back on a plant based diet,

and I'm already feeling a lot better,

a lot more like myself.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now,

so it's yeah.

I'm definitely on the right track for my own body,

and if you want to get a month's worth of free meal plans,

then you can go to,

and you can get the exact diet that I am following there.

So if you like this information on candida

and you would like to share it,

please share it, like it, comment on it,

and subscribe to my YouTube channel,

and go over and check out,

and I'll link to that as well in the blog post

that this video comes from,

and I really urge you to go over there,

and even if you're not suffering with a health problem,

and you just feel a bit lethargic,

and maybe a bit overweight, still go over there

and check it out, because I really believe

that he is the real deal.

Like, I've never been so convinced

that somebody really does care about health than him.

So that's it for today, and take care,

and I will see you soon.


(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> A New Approach To Beating Candida - Duration: 16:33.


Hambistri Nangy Ho Kar ki Ja Sakti hai? Urdu|Hindi | Wazaif Us Saleheen | Wazifa - Duration: 5:11.

Hambistri Nangy ho kar bhi ki ja sakti hai kya??

For more infomation >> Hambistri Nangy Ho Kar ki Ja Sakti hai? Urdu|Hindi | Wazaif Us Saleheen | Wazifa - Duration: 5:11.


8 Συνήθειες Των Ανδρών Με Στυλ Για Να Εισάγεις Σιγά Σιγά στην Καθημερινότητά Σου! - Duration: 3:48.

Probably you have noticed stylish men around you.

They are neat, with their own taste, their own air.

They are all different, but eventually, they have some habits in common.

I am Themis from the Men Of Style

And today I will present to you the eight habits of stylish men.

The first habit that stylish men have: They feel comfortable with their clothes.

Feeling comfortable with your cloths is a rule of the style which you must follow.

The comfort, is the result of applying clothing to appropriate body type.

Therefore, since they feel comfortable.

They do not think of: Does it fit me? Does it look good on me? How can I combine it?

And that is not selfish, they have the required confidence, that those clothes suit them.

The next habit that stylish men have: They dress up simply.

They chose simple clothes in simple combinations, with an amazing result.

Choosing simple clothes gives you the feeling that you don't overdo it

And helps you to avoid excesses, you simply enjoy it.

The next habit that stylish men have: They know the rules.

You may not like it as a word.

However, as in all situations and circumstances, there are also rules in styling.

Stylish men are aware of the rules, but they are not afraid to break them.

They know which color combination is correct or which is the right fitting line.

But they are not afraid of to get away from it.

The fourth habit that stylish men have: They know their own dimensions.

They know the length of their hands, their legs and also their circumference.

So, if their circumference changes their clothes will also change.

In example: If you just returned from the summer and gained 2 - 3 kilograms.

Change your T-Shirt and do not wear the same fitting line.

That highlights your belly and get a counterpart.

And because the weight is changing easily for men,

stylish men have a habit to know a tailor.

So they do not need to buy clothes all the time

A tailor is one of the people which is visited frequently by them

Either they want to create a new clothing piece, In example: a suit.

Either they want to change something due to weight gain or loss.

The sixth habit that stylish men have: They take care of themselves.

Besides the cleanliness of the skin, of the hands, of the face.

The cleanliness can be shown a lot more if you do not have uncontrolled hair growth.

Therefore stylish men control their hair growth.

They control the hair that comes out of their T-Shirt, on their neck, in their hair, in their ears, everywhere!

And they have the right tools, so do not hesitate using a Trimmer.

The seventh habit that stylish men have: They have and control their scent.

Besides the deodorant, clean clothes and perfume.

The have a habit of renewing this freshness throughout the day.

So: Either you take a cologne with you and spray to refresh, whenever it is needed.

Or if your mouth smells, you should chew a chewing-gum or use some spray.

The eighth habit that stylish men have: They are kind.

They talk to everyone with respect.

Without necessity to know them or to have something to gain from them.

That's because they are generous.

Because generosity can be seen and not only through money.

But by behavior and emotions.

That's why you should also be generous and subscribe to our channel.

I am Themis from the Men Of Style

And today I told presented to you the habits of stylish men.

See you.

For more infomation >> 8 Συνήθειες Των Ανδρών Με Στυλ Για Να Εισάγεις Σιγά Σιγά στην Καθημερινότητά Σου! - Duration: 3:48.


SchloerBITS - "Halloween Candy" - Duration: 2:15.

[Music: Hall Of The Mountain King]


Kids: Trick or treat?


Kids: Trick or treat?!


For more infomation >> SchloerBITS - "Halloween Candy" - Duration: 2:15.


Harvey Specter Style | Dress Like Gabriel Macht In Suits - Duration: 10:53.

Harvey Specter Style Breakdown [0:00:00]

When I got here, I dominated.

People thought I worked a hundred hours a day.

Now, no matter what time I show up, people don't question my ability to get the job done.

Get it through your head, first impressions matter.

Gentlemen, in today's video, how to dress like Harvey Specter.

[Music] Harvey Specter, you guys have been asking

me to do a video on his style, how he dresses how he dominates a room for a long time, so

here it is guys.

Starting this off, the first thing, suits.

Now, that's the name of the show, but Harvey Specter has a lot of them and he wears them.

That's the key if some of you guys have great-looking suits in your wardrobe and what -- what happens

to those suits?

They gather dust, they get eaten by moths.

You don't actually wear them.

If you want to show up, if you want to dominate a room, you've got to actually wear the clothing.

Every time we see this character, he is bringing his A-game.

And in fact, whenever his -- he doesn't have a dimple in his tie, what happens?

All of a sudden, other characters pick up something must be wrong.

He has set the standard so high.

Now, let's talk specifically about his suits.

So, what do we notice?

First off, the fit.

I've talked about how fit is king.

Harvey Specter nails it from the shoulder points to the fit and the chest to the length

of the jacket to the fit of his trousers.

He has a well-built body and he shows it off by wearing clothing that works for him.

Now, the style is going to be more British style where we're going to see padding in

the shoulders, we're going to see padding in the chest.

It really just gives him that masculine V. He looks very strong.

He looks like someone you don't want to mess with and you don't want to mess with Harvey.

And he sends this signal when he walks into a room and people don't even know him simply

by the way he is wearing the suit.

Now, let's talk about the colors.

So, we see dark grays, we see overall just dark colors in general.

What is that -- why go with darker colors?

Because they are perceived as more formal, stronger, more dominant.

Keeps everything very business everything very dark.

But, notice the lapels, he goes for peak lapels.

I've got a notch lapel right here, very common.

Peak lapels are going to be less common.

And where we see peak lapels traditionally?

On black-tie, double-breasted suits, but he brings them into single breasted suits.

It makes it just a little bit more formal helps him stand out from the crowd and continues

to build up his chest area and his shoulders.

Other things we noticed about his jackets, he doesn't really have a whole lot of ticket


He doesn't go for that flashy look.

Instead, he goes for the double vent on the back which is more of the British style.

But, he's got little details like the stitching on the buttons which to me saying, you know

this isn't -- it was probably made by a custom tailor or definitely from a higher-end place,

but he pays attention to those small details.

Now, when we look he's usually got four buttons right here on the sleeves.

Again, most of his jackets single breasted two buttons.

I haven't really seen any three buttons.

He will occasionally bring in a vest, so what we see is a three-button suit.

Now, when we get down to his trousers, he's going for flat front trousers, so no pleats

on those.

Now, and his -- when we get down to the cuffs, he has no cuffs, but overall we've got a slim


Again, this works for his build, he's got a very toned body he's got, you know, he's

just in great shape and he shows it off.

And he lets basically this send the signal when he walks in the room that he is going

to dominate.

Pop quiz for you suit fans.


What's the most expensive item that Harvey has ever worn on set?

What do you think some of the suits, some of the shoes?

The answer is actually a wristwatch that he wore in season one.

It was a Patek Phillipe 5004P platinum perpetual calendar split-second chronograph watch.

Guys, this sells used for $270,000.

Oh, yeah, I guess you could buy it brand-new for $350,000.

Yes, he wears a very expensive watch.

Now, they did an interview and come to find out he thinks it was actually a fake, it was

with the prop department.

Now, I'm not going to recommend that you wear a fake watch, I would rather you buy a watch

that you're going to love that you're going to enjoy.

And, guys guess what?

Vincero, the paid sponsor of today's video, I want you to go check out their watches.

Why do I love them?

Why am I bringing them up now?

Because guys these watches look amazing and for the price you are getting a great watch.

These look like thousand-dollar watches.

You're going to find you pay a fraction of that.

For over two years, I've been working with this company, they're a great company.

You guys write me back I've had -- I have met people in person who have told me, Antonio,

I grabbed one of those watches and I love it.

It's just such a nice -- just a nice looking watch.

I would love for you and I would love to have a $10,000, a $20,000, a $350,000 watch, but

I know a lot of you up and coming Harvey Specters, you can't maybe afford that, but you want

to watch that still looks great that looks amazing one that actually keeps great time

has a lot of cool features and that's what Vincero has.

So, guys, go check them out.

I'm going to link to them down in the description.

There's a great discount code.

A good company I've been with for a long time.

[0:04:50] All right, guys, so let's have a little fun.

So, they sent me some extra watches as always and I want to send them your way.

But, to get a watch, what you have to do is go down and check out their website.

Let me know the exact details on the watch and with what Harvey Specter outfit you're

going to wear it with.

Be – be descriptive.

Tell me in exacting detail because I want to send some watches your way.

Again, guys, the link down in the description.

Use that discount code.

If you see something you really want.

I can tell you I love this new metal band watch really easy to change it out.

This one with the black leather the black face just beautiful.

Go check them out guys.

Great company.

Next up, Harvey Specter's shirts.

So, what do we notice about his shirts?

That they're almost always white.

Nothing wrong with white, guys.

It is a blank canvas which everything else can build off of.

You've got enough complexity in your life, what I would recommend if you wear suits quite

a bit or you want to start wearing them, just start off with five to ten white shirts.

Now, you can change them up, I'm not saying you got to get the exact same white shirt.

You can go with different color styles.

In fact, when we see Harvey Specter, he has a few different color styles.

Now, with his cuffs, what do we notice?

That he has barreled cuffs most of the time, but he also likes French cuffs.

And he's going to bring in small metal cufflinks, nothing really fancy, but something that definitely

sends the signal.

This guy know he is the man.

Now, you can change up and go with a wide variety of cuffs with those ten shirts as

I was talking about.

You can change out some of the colors.

Such an easy way to quickly build up a very formal, but very sharp looking wardrobe.

So, when I was talking about shirt colors, I was talking about that spread collar.

Why go for a spread?

Because it allows you to put in a large necktie knot.

Harvey loves the full Windsor.

Now, I've only got a half Windsor here because, hey, it suits my body type and I didn't want

to go overboard here.

But, a half Windsor, a full Windsor, a large knot with the right necktie.

Now, what do you notice about Harvey's neckties?

They are always silk.

He doesn't go for any of that wool or any of that knitted stuff.

He doesn't want no casual ties.

This guy is going straight silk.

And we're not talking imitation silk here, go for the real thing.

Look for a sevenfold necktie look for something that is going to be of higher quality.

If you can't afford that level at this point, well, then just go with the best that you

can find.

But at the end of the day, silk is going to be the most formal.

Now, he usually goes for solid colors, we're seeing a dark purple, the color of kings.

We're going to see our navies, we're going to see blacks, so you can go for these darker


What you want to avoid is something that's going to be silk, but way too casual.

Those are going to be lighter color ties, those are going to be ones with really bright

colors with larger patterns, those are going to be much more casual.

Now, let's talk about Harvey Specter's shoes.

So, is this is where I feel the costume design department kind of fell down.

They know that most of the time the shoes are not even going to be seen.

So whenever we do see the shoes they're going to be oftentimes in pictures, what do we see?

He just goes for a basic black cap toe Oxford.

Hey, it works when well-shined.

It's classic, works with everything.

I do find that Harvey gears towards black.

He also brings in some dark brown.

I would love to see him in oxblood.

Now, when he's bringing in the brown, we see oftentimes a brogue.

He doesn't really get super crazy with his shoes and this is an area where I think you

could outshine Harvey Specter.

You can have fun with your shoes.

You can go with a two-tone, maybe go for a double monk strap, maybe go for a whole cut

that's got a little bit of a medallion right there on the toe.

Have fun with your footwear, guys.

Next up, let's talk about Harvey Specter's hair.

So, there was an early interview that Gabriel Macht did talking about how, okay, they took

some cues from Gregory Peck from Cary Grant, but they wanted to modernize it they wanted

to change things up.

Now, that was early in season one.

What we saw happened in season 2, season 3 is that his hair started to evolve.

His hair, it became more vertical, but it still had a strict and structured feel to


We see a tight side part on the left hand side with a subtle pompadour in the front.

To get this look, you need the sides to be cut short, not buzzed just cut short with

some length on the top.

Now, to keep it in place, you want to run through it a strong hold gel or a pomade,

something that basically is just going to keep that longer hair in place.

If necessary, use the right brush maybe use a blow dryer.

But at the end of the day, what you're looking for is a bit of volume there on top, something

that isn't going to get too long something that's not too short something that gives

a modern business look.

And let's not forget the pocket square.

So, Harvey Specter wears a simple presidential fold with a white linen or cotton pocket square.

We'll occasionally see gray as well, but he's not going to bring in a big paisley or

something that has, you know, just bright colors and stuff it in there and have it going

all over the place, that would be distracting.

Harvey Specter knows that he wants to keep it very simple to the point and keep it all

about business.

All right.

So, those are some great tips on how to dress like Harvey Specter, but understand they mean

nothing if you are not the type of man that can actually pull off this look.

Who is that type of man?

Well, you need to be a man of integrity, you need to be a man of your word, you need to

be a man who every day is working harder to become the best him that is looking around

to raise and to help lift up others.

That's what I like about Harvey Specter.

He's actually a good character.

Yes, he may come off as arrogant as brash as someone that's egotistical.

Yes, I get that.

But, when it comes down to it, he's actually a good person who actually has strong feelings

and protects and takes care of those around them.

I think that men at the end of the day, we need more leaders like that.

They're a good person trying to improve, you know, just the world in general.

[0:10:15] So, guys, hopefully you took some great things

from today's video.

If you want more, go check out the support article I'm going to link to it down in the


In addition, I'm going to link over to Vincero, the great paid sponsor of today's video.

Guys, I love these watches.

For over two years, again, I've worked with this company.

I've got some extras, so go check out that website.

Use the link down below.

Let me know which styles and how you would match them with your Harvey Specter outfit.

Let me know.

I want to hear like what are you going to change up the tie?

You may be going to go for a little bit more fun on the pocket square?

Just I want to hear from you guys I love hearing your different looks and I'll be down there

in the comments interacting.

That's it guys.

Take care.

I'll see in the next video.

[0:10:54] End of Audio

For more infomation >> Harvey Specter Style | Dress Like Gabriel Macht In Suits - Duration: 10:53.


Un extraño fenómeno ha sido detectado en Argentina durante una tormenta - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Un extraño fenómeno ha sido detectado en Argentina durante una tormenta - Duration: 1:35.


Local business simulates home invasion, how to defend yourself - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Local business simulates home invasion, how to defend yourself - Duration: 1:24.


ACCA F7 Online Lectures: Tangible Non-Current Assets - Capital VS revenue items (Video 6) - Duration: 2:43.

So let's have a look at this thing. What gets capitalized? First of all what we

mean by this is what gets put on the SFP under PPE all under assets okay, what

goes there instead of going to the income statement as an expense. So that's

the question "What things go to PPE or other assets", okay.

Well I'm looking at PPE in particular in this question. So the sort of things

that gets cut to PPE obviously if you buy in plant & equipment or if you're

buying property etc then these things definitely get put there. But I'm

thinking of some of the more tricky things that might come up in the

exam. So what also gets put in there is all

the costs necessary to bring it in to it's working condition. Okay so all the

costs necessary to bring it in to it's working condition for its intended use.

So this would be not only obviously the cost of the assets but it also be the

cost of maybe preparing the site for it, you know if it's a big item of machinery and

you need to prepare the site that would debit PPE that would go to PPE. Delivery,

then the delivery costs, posting your packing that's part of bringing it into

its working condition and so that will also get added on to the asset.

Installation of it, any professional fees that you had to pay because of it, all of

that will help bring it in to it's working condition, so we're thinking here

architects or engineers fees.

Also the cost of dismantling which means taking it down at the end and as we see

in other assets cost of dismantling and removing and restoring the sites that

needs to be discounted down, discounted to the present value that figure. Okay

and that's pretty much that really. Things that don't therefore get

put to assets or definitely things like advertising for the asset, training staff

those sorts of things okay. Let's have a look at some questions!

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