Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 28 2017

(Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun)

- Myeonghun. / - Myeonghun.

- Myeonghun. / - Yeah.

We're friends, right?

- Right? / - Right?

Can just one of you talk?


- Okay. / - Okay.

I really can't tell.

- What? / - What?

Where everything you ate went?

It's right here.

Not that.

When we walk on the streets,

people say we look like celebrities.

Right. They say I'm Sulli.

They say I'm Hyeri.

They say I'm Lee Hyori.

That's ridiculous.

What are you saying?

You're more like...

The blob.

Don't sit on me.

Guys, congratulate me.

I shot an ice cream commercial with a movie star.

- Gosh. / - Gosh.

Are you nuts?

Who is it?

Nobody asked.

Seo Kangjun.

I went like this...

I was sexy as I ate the ice cream.

Guess what he said to me after the shoot.

Nami, text me.

Nami, call me.

Nami, you look like an anteater.

For real though...

What were you in your past life?

What are you doing? What was that?

I really hate that.

What a hassle.

- What is? / - What is?

Chewing food?

Not that.

I was looking for a four-leaf clover like this.

Some guy approached me

and I said I had a boyfriend.

Do you know what he said to me?

- Oh, too bad. / - Oh, too bad.

Oh, a bullfrog.

Why'd you hit me?

You're not supposed to hit me.

I don't like you either.


Let's all take a photo together.

- Alright, Get close. / - Get close.

Get off.

I'm taking it. 1, 2, 3.


That came out good.

Should we make this our phone background?

Should we make this our phone background?

Should I just smash this phone?

Should I smash it?

For more infomation >> Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun | 명훈아, 명훈아, 명훈아 [Gag Concert / 2017.10.28] - Duration: 2:59.


HISTORIA YA LULU: Elimu Yake, Alivyokutana na Kanumba, Familia Yake na Kila Kitu Kuhusu Yeye!!! - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> HISTORIA YA LULU: Elimu Yake, Alivyokutana na Kanumba, Familia Yake na Kila Kitu Kuhusu Yeye!!! - Duration: 8:19.


Silly Interview | 잉?터뷰 [Gag Concert / 2017.10.28] - Duration: 5:12.

(Silly Interview)

I'd like to welcome all the reporters

and audience members to this VIP preview

of the movie "The Culprit's Voice."

We'll bring in the director and actors

and interview them.


Let's bring them in with a round of applause!

Great. Here comes the director

and the actors.

Thank you. Please have a seat.

Let's start with the director.

Please say a few greeting words.


I'm the director of "The Culprit's Voice."

I'm Song Jungeun.

Director, did you have good chemistry

with all the actors for this movie?

Yes, we worked so well together.

Yumi has worked with me for so long.

Same for Soyeong.

- And the one next to Soyeong. / - Yes.

What more can I say about her?

She's one of Korea's top veteran actresses.

It was such an honor to be able to work with her.

I'd like to thank you again right now.

Thank you, ma'am!

I'm Soyeong's mother.

I didn't know it would be like this here.

Director, director! That's okay.

Why'd you pose when you came out?

Soyeong! Why'd you bring your mom here?

My mom wanted to see celebrities.

Yumi, cheese.

Cheese? Ma'am!

I've gotten you a seat. I'm sorry but please sit there.

Mom, go sit there.

- Let's go, Soyeong. / - Let's go!

Why is the mother more dressed up?

Calm down.

Calm down.


Let's hear from the actors now.

Director, please calm down.

There was some trouble at our precious preview.

I'll introduce myself.

I'm the lead of this film. I'm Kang Yumi.

"The Culprit's Voice" is about

two parents trying to find their

child that's been kidnapped.

And the only clue to find the culprit is the voice.

I'm sure you'll all enjoy the movie

if you try to figure out who the culprit is.

That's why we prepared that voice.

We'll all listen to it

and try to guess who the culprit is.

Do you want to find your child?

Hey! That's my voice!

It sounded totally different!

You're not supposed to give that away.

Why not? I already posted it on social media.

Hashtag, "The Culprit's Voice."

Hashtag, it's my voice.

The movie is ruined.

I didn't know it would be like this here.


It happens. Please...

How could you give that away?

Are you excited that your mom's here?

Why you...



Please get over here fast.

Time is running out! Please hurry!

What's wrong with him?

- Have you heard of method acting? / - Yes.

He's still in the situation that he was acting out.

I'm in front of the construction site. Please hurry!

Please! Please get here fast!

Is he calling the police after being kidnapped?

He's calling a substitute driver.

Driver, over here.

Yes, please hurry.

- Alright, that's enough. / - Over here.

That's enough. Stop it.

Stop it.

Or I'll sit you next to Soyeong's mom!

Alright, please sit down.

This is a question for Yumi.

You always played good people in your roles.

But this time you pray a strong character.

Were there any difficulties?

It was really tough.

I always played delicate roles.

There were a lot of scenes of me cursing in this film.

It's hard for an actress to curse.

No, people say I swear like a sailor.

So it wasn't hard to say cuss words.

But in the scene where

I have a fight with my parents...

Even if it's acting, it's hard to fight your parents.

No, my family is dysfunctional.

I'm always disrespectful to my parents

so it wasn't hard.

Actually, the hardest scene

was when my property was seized.

I wanted to make it look real

so I played pachinko at a casino for real.

You can lose your life's fortune faster than you'd think.

There are guys in front of my house.

Another debt collector there with the sign,

"Pay us back, Kang Yumi."

Lastly, we have to mention action scenes

when it comes to Director Song Jungeun.

That's right.

If you don't mind,

can we see some of it here?

Yes, we can do that.

Let's show them.

Who's that?

That's Yumi's stunt double.

Don't worry about him.


It was you, wasn't it?

You took my son.

Where's my son?

I guess you don't remember.

My child died because of you!

You rotten wench!

That was an accident!

You think I'd believe that?

I'll never forgive you!

How dare you hit me?

I won't stand for this!

- You rotten wench! / - Shouldn't we stop her?

- Calm down... Calm down! / - Get off me!


I didn't know I'd get slapped here.

Director, hold on!

We'll say good-bye to everyone now.

For more infomation >> Silly Interview | 잉?터뷰 [Gag Concert / 2017.10.28] - Duration: 5:12.


Gag Concert | 개그콘서트 [ENG / 2017.10.28] - Duration: 1:13:12.

(Acting Idols)

A movie about an alien that's addicted to shopping.

We'll start the audition for

"How Much For This T-shirt?"

First candidate, come on in.


I'm a rookie actor, Kim Hoegyeong.

I believe the set-up is key in acting.

Yes, the set-up is important.

What kind of acting did you prepare?

I'll play a teacher at a winter sports meet.

Great! Ready... Action!

Alright, everyone. We'll be doing the long jump.

Watch me demonstrate and do what I do.

1, 2, 3.


Hold on. What are you doing?

The set-up is that I jumped so far

that I landed in Jeju-do.

How could you jump to there?

Forget that.

Let's do the scene where you're eating lunch.

- Be serious about it. / - Yes.

It's time for lunch now.

Enjoy your lunches.

Time to eat...

What the...

Hold on. What are you doing?

The set-up is that I packed frogs for lunch.

Don't be ridiculous!

What is this?

The set-up is that it's a bullfrog.

Drag him out.

Drag him out and go sit.

You're out.

Next candidate, come on in.


I'm a Hollywood actress, Nami Oh.


You're out.

This is Hollywood!

If you do this, the guys go crazy!

They love it!

They say I look like a popular singer!

Hello, Kim Heungkook!

Here comes my acting!

No, just go sit down.

Here I go.

A scene of me on a date with my boyfriend.

Just a moment...

Okay! Action!

Hi, honey.

Nami, I have something to tell you.


We should... Where did you go?

- We should... / - Yeah?

Break up.

Where is this coming from?

I want to meet a tall girl unlike you.

You should've said so earlier.

Am I good now?

I guess your height wasn't the issue.

I can't stand the sight of you. Get lost.


Fine. I'll go!

You just wait...

What the... Where did you go?

Nami... Nami...

What's all this?

Why are coins flying out?

What the...

What are these coins?

From here too?

Where did she go?


Don't make me laugh.

I'll buy it with love.

How much? How much will it take?

You're still very short. Go get more.

This is Hollywood!

If you do this, the guys go crazy!

They love it!

They see my beauty and say, "Oh, my God!"

Oh, go back in.

You're out!

Last candidate, come on in.

What brings you here, ma'am?


I'm an actress of 40 years. I'm Kim Jeongja.

We're sorry but the only roles we have left are

boring roles like the lady running

the college snack bar...

There are no boring roles in acting.

No matter how boring the role, you give it your all

to deliciously express yourself.

This is the spirit of acting.

I am merely like food researcher Lee Hyejeong.

I'll express myself deliciously today.

One spoon of the spirit of acting

and two spoons of passion for acting.

Mix it up nicely and it's delicious!

Have a taste.

Since it looked like I expressed it deliciously,

I'll act as the lady working at the college snack bar.

♪ Business isn't so great ♪


It's a handsome student today.

I'm closing down the shop today.

Do whatever you want, student.

What the...

Why would you take that?

Boy, why are you taking the microwave oven?

Hey! Hey! Hey!

That sure was amazing.


Your acting lacks direction.

There's no lacking direction in acting.

I was clearly expressing the frugalness of the lady

as she'd eat the expired foods herself.

This is the spirit of acting!


The scene of the lady running the snack bar.

Just show us what everyone else would do.

There is no doing what everyone else does

in acting!

She hit me hard.

In acting, you give it your all

and it comes out when the audience enjoys it.

I am merely a DJ at a club.


♪ The spirit of acting ♪

Make some noise!

The girls at this club are a hot mess.

Now that I've partied,

I'll act as the lady working at the snack bar.

It's so nice to see you all enjoying the food.


You found a hair in the noodles?

That couldn't have happened.

Why would I lie?

Why won't you believe me?


It couldn't have been my hair.

I sure wish it was my hair!

Ma'am, you're out!

(Can We Become Strangers?)


Hello. One Americano please.


Are you alone?

Your boyfriend must be busy today.

We broke up.

I'm sorry.

That's okay. I'm fine.


Your girlfriend came by alone yesterday...

Oh, you broke up...

I'm sorry.

No, it's okay.

When I first met Sora,

she was sitting by that window.

She sure looked pretty from behind

sitting by that window.

That seat I sat at often...

There's someone there.

Oh, that window seat?

No, the smoking section.

My hand is trembling. Can I just light up here?

- You may not. / - How about a vape?

- I said no! / - You're so uptight!

Sora said I was her first love.

I never thought we'd break up.

Jonghyeok said he's never loved anyone

as much as me.

I thought we were destined.

So why did you break up?

- I dumped him. / - I dumped her.

I dumped her. For real.

She got really clingy.

He got on his knees!

She was begging me!

- He was crying his eyes out! / - For real.

She called me and said...

- That's enough. / - He was clinging to my pants!

- She called me every time she drank! / - Enough.

Geez... I'll let it go.

Doesn't this bracelet look nice?

I got matching bracelets with Sora.

I guess I shouldn't wear it anymore.

This thing...

I still have it on.

Your matching bracelet?

Club wristbands.

I passed out while drinking last night

and forgot to take these off.

I was twerking on guys...

Like I was possessed.

It was so much fun.

You're not allowed to drink here.

- Let me just have one drink. / - No.

- I just really feel like a drink! / - I said no.

You're so uptight.

I bought this for Jonghyeok.

I think he'll need it.

Please give it to him.


- Good-bye. / - Bye.

This is from Sora...

She said to give it to you.

From Sora?

I brought a gift for Sora too.

- Please give this to her. / - Sure.

Good-bye then.

Did he come by?

- He just left. / - Oh...

Did you give him my gift?


Thank you.

Jonghyeok left this for you.

Jonghyeok did?

A shirt...



Dang it! I'm not that flat-chested!

That little punk...

She got me shoes as a gift.

This is like giving me stairs!

This is...

Am I that short? Am I...

Hold on...

Are you okay?

Am I that short?

Am I... I guess I am short.

Dang it... Sora...


I manage my gang.

I manage my girlfriends.

I try to take care of myself.

Hey, Double Knives.

Where are you at?

Get over here!

Baby, where are you?

Get over here.

Get out! Come out, pus!

I manage my gang.

I manage my girlfriends.

I try to take care of myself.



I manage my gang.

I manage my girlfriends.

I try to take care of myself.

I manage my gang.

I manage my girlfriends.

I try to take care of myself.

I've gone clean.

I'm all washed up, baby.

I washed up.

I manage my gang.

I manage my girlfriends.

I try to take care of myself.

Man, you scared me.

I thought you were a cop!

Baby, you scared me.

I manage my gang.

I manage my girlfriends.

I try to take care of myself.

(Idiotic Robot)


Where are you, Jinho-bot? Get over here.

I'm drinking all alone here.


Did you call, master?

I have no emotions.

I am Jinho-bot.

I do not have a heart.

I do not have a heart.

I do not have a heart.

- Master. / - Yeah?

What's going on? You asked me out for drinks.

♪ Your first drink should be a shot ♪

♪ Drink up, drink up ♪

♪ How long will you make me bob my shoulders? ♪

♪ My bones have dislocated ♪

Master, cheers!


I got fired from my job.

Man, you killed the mood.

I'm broke now.

I can't even get you nice engine oil.


That's why I prepared this.

This... What is this?

You saved up the living expenses

and you're giving it to me?

You're the best, Jinho-bot. Thanks!

What the...

A resignation letter?

I hear you're looking for a robot.

What are you saying?

Hey! You should be consoling me

and you give me a resignation letter?

If you're broke, don't have a robot.

That's not what I meant! I'm so angry!

- Who's being so loud? / - We spent time together!

Do you own this place?

Jinho-bot, let's be quiet.

- Drink quietly. / - Sure.

- Let's go. / - I think you were louder.

What are you doing, Jinho-bot?

Hey, tin can.

What did you just say?

I was going to let it go...

Are you insane? What are you doing?


Guys like this are pushovers.

Fighter mode.

Fighter mode?

What the...

What are you doing, Jinho-bot?

So what are you going to do?

Out of battery.

- What the.., / - What the...

What was that?

Why did you turn off suddenly? What about me?

What am I going to do?

I'm really sorry, sir.

I didn't train my robot properly. I'm very sorry.

Get your act together!

Yes, sir. I'm sorry.

- Let's go! / - Yes.

Hey! Why isn't he turning on?


What do I do?

Turn on!


Oh, honey.

- Miss. Somi! / - Long time no see, Jinho-bot!

What are you doing?

- Gosh. / - What?

- Honey. / - Yeah?

Your face... What happened?

Gosh, this guy here

got me into a fight with a gangster!

Were you hurt?

I hurt myself here.

I am just fine.

- That's good then. / - What?

Come on, honey. I got hurt here.

That's why you should exercise regularly.

That's not what I meant.

Where are the rice puffs?

Excuse me. More rice puffs please.

- Why is it her? / - Why is she showing up?

Eat up.

I will.

Hyeseon-bot is the best.

Hi, Jinho-bot!

Hi, Hyeseon-bot!

Jinho-bot, do you think I'm cute

or sexy?

You're strong.

What? You dummy!

I'm a cute girl.


1 plus 1 is cutie.

2 plus 2 is cutie.

3 plus 3 is?

Switch off.

Generator on.


You're so mean!

Are you okay?

(The Participation Show)

Hello, I'm Song Yeonggil the comedian.

We'll be picking one of you in the audience

and make you into the female lead of a drama.

Raise your hand

if you've wanted to be the female lead in a melodrama.

But you have no boyfriend now.

You can put your hand down, guy.

No guys. Just girls.

You, miss. You don't have a boyfriend?

You don't?

Then come on up.

Give her a big hand, people.

You are no longer a regular person.

You're the female lead in a drama.

If you just stand here,

our actors will make you into a female drama lead.

You just have to stand here.

Right here.

And face forward.

The drama will start now.

A big round of applause please!


Na for beautiful and Mi for beautiful,


My surname is Oh.

I'm Oh Nami.

Stop it!

Today is my first day at Gag University.

Time to go to the lecture hall.

Why is it so hot out?

Dang it... Watch where you're going!

I haven't seen you around.

Nice to meet you.

I'm in Gag University's law school.

I'm Seo Taehun, a ballet major.

Why are you avoiding me?

Shouldn't you help me with some of this stuff?

No, let me get it...

Why is my heart racing?

I don't know how you'll take this but...

I fell for you at first sight.

I won't ask you to date me right away.


On this big campus...

If we happen to see each other 3 times...

That's when we'll start dating.

This was once.

Ow! That's twice.

Oh, right. This book is important. I need to take it.

That's three times.

Starting today...

We're a couple, my princess.




Your hands...

Shall we laugh together?

Spin, spin... Spin around.

Yes, spin with me.

Oh... Hold on.

Say hello.

That's my best buddy Seongwon.

And this is my girlfriend Nami.

Hold on. I have to go to the lecture hall.

You guys get acquainted.

Long time no see.

You left to study abroad in Jamaica...

Without even saying a word.

Why are you back now?

Do you know how hard it was for me...

Without you?


There's no point in saying all this stuff now.

I've changed a lot while you were gone.

I'm a womanizer now.

I have three women that I love.

You, who I used to love.

You, who I still love.

And you,

who I'll love forever.

So how's it...


What are you doing, man?


Nami, come here.


Is my girlfriend!

She was my girlfriend first!

Someone stop us!

This is when someone should step in!

She stepped in!

She just stepped in.

That was a strange way to stop the fight.

But she stopped it.

Nami is my girlfriend, so...

- She's my girl... / - Miss!


It's dangerous. Stand behind me.

- What is this? / - What?

Who are you?

Me? I'm her bodyguard.


You look so scrawny.

You want a beating?

You punk...


He's so strong!

He's a real bodyguard.


Are you okay?


I have something to tell you, miss.

As a bodyguard,

I've stayed by your side for 7 years.

But I don't think...

I can protect you anymore.

Thank you for everything.


I am not longer your bodyguard.

I will protect you...

As your man.

What are you doing?

Why'd you pick her up?

What the...

Who was that harder for?

You should've made it look cool!


She was light.

I was just weak.


Listen up.

Nami is my girl.

Hey! She's my girl.

She's my girl!


Hands off my girl.


Don't associate with those scumbags.

Come here.

Come here.

Come here.

So you came.

Ditch these losers.

I'll treat you to a nice dinner. Let's go. Grab my hand.

If you'd like that, grab my hand.

Dang it!


You're hanging out with them on stage.

But you'd marry someone like me in reality.

What a horrible thing to say!

Why are you cursing her?

Let's stop harassing Nami.

Nami, you make the choice.


Is truly your man?

Is it time for me to choose?

Who should I choose?

Yes. I'll pick last place first.

I'll hit last place with a rubber mallet.

With a rubber mallet.


Yes. I'll hit last place on the head

really hard with this.

It wouldn't be funny if I didn't hit him hard here.

Here I go.

1, 2, 3!

What a relief!

I'm not last.

Next is 2nd.

I'll hit him harder than the last guy.

1, 2, 3!

Give her a round of applause please.

(Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun)

- Myeonghun. / - Myeonghun.

- Myeonghun. / - Yeah.

We're friends, right?

- Right? / - Right?

Can just one of you talk?


- Okay. / - Okay.

I really can't tell.

- What? / - What?

Where everything you ate went?

It's right here.

Not that.

When we walk on the streets,

people say we look like celebrities.

Right. They say I'm Sulli.

They say I'm Hyeri.

They say I'm Lee Hyori.

That's ridiculous.

What are you saying?

You're more like...

The blob.

Don't sit on me.

Guys, congratulate me.

I shot an ice cream commercial with a movie star.

- Gosh. / - Gosh.

Are you nuts?

Who is it?

Nobody asked.

Seo Kangjun.

I went like this...

I was sexy as I ate the ice cream.

Guess what he said to me after the shoot.

Nami, text me.

Nami, call me.

Nami, you look like an anteater.

For real though...

What were you in your past life?

What are you doing? What was that?

I really hate that.

What a hassle.

- What is? / - What is?

Chewing food?

Not that.

I was looking for a four-leaf clover like this.

Some guy approached me

and I said I had a boyfriend.

Do you know what he said to me?

- Oh, too bad. / - Oh, too bad.

Oh, a bullfrog.

Why'd you hit me?

You're not supposed to hit me.

I don't like you either.


Let's all take a photo together.

- Alright, Get close. / - Get close.

Get off.

I'm taking it. 1, 2, 3.


That came out good.

Should we make this our phone background?

Should we make this our phone background?

Should I just smash this phone?

Should I smash it?

(Say Anything Festival)

Hello, viewers!

This is the Say Anything Festival.

- We'll be starting, you jerk. / - What?

I just said anything!

First contestant, come on in!

We are...

The three beauties!

They look more like uncles!

- Amazing. / - Yeongjin, out of those three...

- Who would you... / - Shut it.

Alright, let's meet the next contestant.

Is it a hex on someone?


It wasn't a hex! He was feeding a cow!


A cow eating hay like that

is a sommelier.

All about wine.

Let's meet the next contestant.

I am Jo Seonui...

Jo Seonui...

Is it Empress Myeongseong?

- Miss. Jo Seonui. / - Yes.

Her name was Jo Seonui!

I am...

♪ I am the best ♪

♪ I am great too ♪

Let's meet the next contestant.

♪ Alrighty, here I go ♪

He just left!

- Amazing. / - Amazing!

The singing beggar didn't die and came back!

That's right!

What is a singing beggar's dream?

- What? / - A sugar cube.

Such a sweet dream.

Let's meet the next contestant.


I'll invite a guy I know

and tonight we'll...

She's really being absurd

for the Say Anything Festival!

Minkyoung actually knows a lot of guys.


The fried chicken restaurant owner,

the pork hock restaurant owner...

She's so popular.

Let's meet the next contestant.

We're the same age. Take it with one hand.


He really took it with one hand!

- Gosh... / - A handy statement!

On rainy days,

you need an umbrella and rain boots.

Let's meet the next contestant.

♪ Our love then must've been certain ♪


You need to twist for trot.

She twisted her neck!


The best trot singer is Whitney Houston.

The queen of trot.

Let's meet the next contestant.

Is he singing "She's Gone?"

- That song goes up very high. / - That's right.

- He must be very good at singing. / - Yes.

I'm excited.

♪ She's gone ♪

"She's gone" is over!


That one deserves praise.

Good job! Stamp, stamp!

Let's meet the next contestant.

Honey, your clothes are so revealing.

Everyone is looking. Cover up.


- Putting the cart before the horse! / - Right!

His clothes are even more revealing!

- Right! / - But isn't Somi sexier?

That's not sexy.

True sexiness is...


A newlywed bride.

From the Say Anything Festival,

this has been caster BTS...

And commentator let's be friends.


(YOLO Inn)

Gosh, what's taking Okbun so long?

We should be doing this together.

- Sheesh... / - Dear.

Guess who.

Who could it be? Only one person would do this.

Give me a hint.

Shall I?

I'm saved as Angel on your phone.



I told you not to come over when my wife is home!

Who's Myeongseon?

- I didn't... / - Who's Myeongseon?

- No... / - Who's Myeongseon? Who is she?

I didn't mean that.

- You old fart... / - Grandpa!


Why are you guys here now?

Who are you kids?

Hello, we're from the village nearby.

- I'm Deullae... / - And I'm Dallae.

It's good that you're here.

Very good timing.

♪ The old man ♪

♪ Is an idiot ♪

♪ He's a dummy ♪

- ♪ He's a dummy ♪ / - You brats! That's rude!


They say you'll live longer if people curse you.

That's why we called you names.

We hope you stay healthy, grandpa.

I know you were teasing me!

See? He's still very sharp.

You shouldn't do things like that.

I could die any time.

Don't say that, grandpa.

There's no order to when you die.

You brats...

So why are you here?

Grandpa, read us a fairy tale book.

- A fairy tale book? / - We don't have one.

$5 for a fairy tale book!

Fun fairy tales for $5!


Buy one.

- Alright. / - Thank you!

I'll read you a fairy tale.

The words are too small.

$50 for a magnifying glass!

It'll help you read! $50!

You brats! How dare you try to swindle me?

Where's my beating stick?

Beating sticks for $100.

- Beating sticks for $100. / - That's a great deal!

- You brats! / - Run for it!

- You brats! / - Gosh... Dear...

Dear, don't get angry.

- Those brats... / - Dear!

- Aren't you hungry after getting mad? / - Yes.

I brought you mixed noodles. Your favorite.

Mixed noodles?

Doesn't that sound great?

I love mixed noodles.

I'll mix them up for you.

Gosh, why does my head keep itching?

It's really itchy. Hold on please.

You're going under the wig?

Gosh, that's itchy.

That feels better.



Doesn't it look good?

It sure does.

I'll give you a bite.

Boy, that looks good.

Say ah.

- What is this? / - Mixed noodles.

Aren't they dandruff noodles?

A woman doesn't have dandruff!

Women don't get dandruff?

My hair is very clean!

Isn't that white stuff dandruff?


- Have a bite. / - That sure looks good.

Oh, boy.

- Isn't that good? / - I'll eat it myself.

Isn't it good?

My wife...

You like coffee.

I do?

- I don't like coffee. / - You like coffee.

I do?

I brought coffee beans.

Oh, I'll bring a millstone to grind them.

I have something to grind these.


- Right here. / - Oh, boy...

Wow, he's taking it so far.

So disgusting!

Don't say things like that.

We're a couple.


What is that?

It's Americano.

More like Americanope.

Americanope? It's Americano.

Oh, I can't drink caffeine.

- I can't sleep. / - Drink it.

- I can't sleep. / - Drink it!

I ate yours.

What is that?

♪ Americano ♪

♪ You like it, you like it ♪

♪ I don't, I don't, I don't ♪

- Okbun! / - I'm not drinking that!


- Hello, sir. / - Hi.

I'm here to stay at your inn again.

That's not how young people greet others.

- They do a high-five. / - That's right!


Me too, sir!

- High... / - You disrespectful punk!

You should bow to your elders!

Thank you for teaching me manners.

- Alright. / - I'm here with Seunghye...

To stay for the night.

- Eat up and enjoy yourselves. / - Thank you.

Hey! Mixed noodles!


For spicy foods... An Americano!

Honey, I want some coffee too.

No! It's all for me.

Gosh, I should cut down that tree.

What the...

Why is there a turtle? So random!

Get out of here.



It sure was tiring to bike over here.

Please give me some water.

I don't have water but I have Americano.

- Americano? / - Yeah.

- Honey, I've been exercising these days. / - Yeah.

How does my body look?

You have an hourglass figure.

Honey, I have abs too.


Want to see?

You're embarrassing me...


I think someone is watching us.

Nobody's watching.


- Get out of here! / - Harder!

- Get out of here! Why are you so slow? / - Right!

- Shoo! / - It's nothing.

The old man is crawling around.

Sheesh, don't joke around.

Honey, it's so nice being in here alone.

Honey, come here.

You come here.

No, you come here.

Dear, what are you doing?

What are you doing?

What is this? Why is this tree alive?

Are you insane?

Dear! What was that?

Get out of here with that!

Gosh... My blood pressure...

Geez! How did I live 60 years with that man?



Why do you look so sexy today.

You're embarrassing me.

- Honey. / - Yeah.

- Did you just hear a sound? / - What sound?

- I think someone's outside! / - Really?

- Nobody's out there. / - Yeah?

Yeah. Come here and give me a kiss, honey.

(We Need to Talk 1987)

You told Bongseon that she's annoying!

I'll never give up on Bongseon.

- Give her up! / - Never!

Two men are in love with one girl.

What are you doing in front of my house?

- Sorry. / - Sorry.

- Sir... / - Sir...

It's Bongseon!

It's good that you're here.

You decide.

Is it me or Daehui?

For me...

Rather than my pretty face...

I'm going to meet a man that

likes me for who I am inside!

You two should try to win my heart!

A never-seen-before love triangle...

It won't be easy.

Rather, a fierce love triangle begins.

- Bongseon. / - Yeah.

So how have you been?

Daehui and Sejin are always asking me

where you are whenever they see me.

I just want to have an ordinary school life.

It's such a hassle to be pretty.

I know how that feels.

- Ugly girls would never understand. / - Totally!

So which one are you going to choose?

I don't know. I'm going to see what they do.

Hyeonjeong, I resent my mom sometimes.

Why did she give birth to such a pretty girl?

Hey! Same for my mom.


I've been looking for you. So here you are.

Bongseon, let's each lunch together.

You haven't gotten your food?

I'm going to get it now.

Stay seated. I'll get you your food.

He's trying to impress me these days.

I'm so jealous!

- He's really changed, right? / - Yeah.

He's back.


What? Not enough?

Should I get more?

What about Hyeonjeong's food?

I'm fine.

I have a guy I always eat with.

I'll be going then.

I always see her eat alone.


Eat up.

What about the soup?

Oh, I forgot the soup! Sorry.

- Hey! Bongseon. / - Sejin.

- So you were eating. / - Yeah. Come join me.


This looks good.

Sejin, you got a lot of sausages.

- So you like sausages, Bongseon? / - Yeah.

You can have some of mine.

I'll just have one.

Hey! Wait, wait.

- You said you'd have one. / - Yeah.


So Bongseon...

As you said before,

Daehui and I will be competing for you.

Alright. Give it your best.


Here's the soup!

I brought the entire pot.

What the...

Seoul city boy, you're here too?

Yes. I'm eating with Bongseon.

Dang it...

Alright, let's eat together then.

Bongseon, after we finish lunch,

how about we get coffee? It's good for digestion.

That sounds alright.

Bongseon. After we finish lunch,

let's get pork belly. It's good for digestion.

That sounds really alright.

Bongseon, I'll take you out for beef ribs.

I got my allowance.

- Beef ribs? / - Yeah.


Let's go for beef ribs!

Let's get pork belly some other time.

- I'm going to eat beef ribs. / - Yeah, beef ribs.

Wow... Seoul city boy, you're a lucky guy.

You have rich parents

so you don't have a single worry, care, thought...

You're rude...

I hate your face. You're the worst!


That's going a bit too far.

I was trying to be respectful but I've had it!

- What, fool? / - If you're going to fight, go outside!

Fine. Daehui.

Follow me outside!

Did you think that would scare me?

It's that way.


Sheesh... What's with them?

Bongseon, are you eating?

- Yes. Are you here to eat? / - Yeah.

Let's eat together.


Sheesh, the cafeteria's out of soup.

Were we raided by homeless people?



How are things with Daehui these days?

Just so-so.

Geez... I know Daehui doesn't seem like much.

It's just because he's immature.

It's all my fault for raising him wrong.

Not at all.

I heard Daehui borrowed $500 from you.


That's alright.



I borrowed that money from my dad.

I do need $500.


If you needed money, you should've said so!


I'll let you borrow $500.

That's alright.


You know...

You're exactly like Daehui.

You act just like him.

Don't compare me to that lowlife!



What's with this boy?

What happened to your face?

Your face is a mess!

Why did you pick a fight with Daehui? Why?


What happened to you?


He hit me!


How could you hit someone? How could you?

I'm sorry.


What are you going to do about this?

Boy. You, you...

We know each other.

Let's settle this for $500.



Lie down.

Everyone, look!

This guy nearly killed my son!

Give me that $500!

(Silly Interview)

I'd like to welcome all the reporters

and audience members to this VIP preview

of the movie "The Culprit's Voice."

We'll bring in the director and actors

and interview them.


Let's bring them in with a round of applause!

Great. Here comes the director

and the actors.

Thank you. Please have a seat.

Let's start with the director.

Please say a few greeting words.


I'm the director of "The Culprit's Voice."

I'm Song Jungeun.

Director, did you have good chemistry

with all the actors for this movie?

Yes, we worked so well together.

Yumi has worked with me for so long.

Same for Soyeong.

- And the one next to Soyeong. / - Yes.

What more can I say about her?

She's one of Korea's top veteran actresses.

It was such an honor to be able to work with her.

I'd like to thank you again right now.

Thank you, ma'am!

I'm Soyeong's mother.

I didn't know it would be like this here.

Director, director! That's okay.

Why'd you pose when you came out?

Soyeong! Why'd you bring your mom here?

My mom wanted to see celebrities.

Yumi, cheese.

Cheese? Ma'am!

I've gotten you a seat. I'm sorry but please sit there.

Mom, go sit there.

- Let's go, Soyeong. / - Let's go!

Why is the mother more dressed up?

Calm down.

Calm down.


Let's hear from the actors now.

Director, please calm down.

There was some trouble at our precious preview.

I'll introduce myself.

I'm the lead of this film. I'm Kang Yumi.

"The Culprit's Voice" is about

two parents trying to find their

child that's been kidnapped.

And the only clue to find the culprit is the voice.

I'm sure you'll all enjoy the movie

if you try to figure out who the culprit is.

That's why we prepared that voice.

We'll all listen to it

and try to guess who the culprit is.

Do you want to find your child?

Hey! That's my voice!

It sounded totally different!

You're not supposed to give that away.

Why not? I already posted it on social media.

Hashtag, "The Culprit's Voice."

Hashtag, it's my voice.

The movie is ruined.

I didn't know it would be like this here.


It happens. Please...

How could you give that away?

Are you excited that your mom's here?

Why you...



Please get over here fast.

Time is running out! Please hurry!

What's wrong with him?

- Have you heard of method acting? / - Yes.

He's still in the situation that he was acting out.

I'm in front of the construction site. Please hurry!

Please! Please get here fast!

Is he calling the police after being kidnapped?

He's calling a substitute driver.

Driver, over here.

Yes, please hurry.

- Alright, that's enough. / - Over here.

That's enough. Stop it.

Stop it.

Or I'll sit you next to Soyeong's mom!

Alright, please sit down.

This is a question for Yumi.

You always played good people in your roles.

But this time you pray a strong character.

Were there any difficulties?

It was really tough.

I always played delicate roles.

There were a lot of scenes of me cursing in this film.

It's hard for an actress to curse.

No, people say I swear like a sailor.

So it wasn't hard to say cuss words.

But in the scene where

I have a fight with my parents...

Even if it's acting, it's hard to fight your parents.

No, my family is dysfunctional.

I'm always disrespectful to my parents

so it wasn't hard.

Actually, the hardest scene

was when my property was seized.

I wanted to make it look real

so I played pachinko at a casino for real.

You can lose your life's fortune faster than you'd think.

There are guys in front of my house.

Another debt collector there with the sign,

"Pay us back, Kang Yumi."

Lastly, we have to mention action scenes

when it comes to Director Song Jungeun.

That's right.

If you don't mind,

can we see some of it here?

Yes, we can do that.

Let's show them.

Who's that?

That's Yumi's stunt double.

Don't worry about him.


It was you, wasn't it?

You took my son.

Where's my son?

I guess you don't remember.

My child died because of you!

You rotten wench!

That was an accident!

You think I'd believe that?

I'll never forgive you!

How dare you hit me?

I won't stand for this!

- You rotten wench! / - Shouldn't we stop her?

- Calm down... Calm down! / - Get off me!


I didn't know I'd get slapped here.

Director, hold on!

We'll say good-bye to everyone now.

(Quiz Cafe)

An intense game of wits with a prize of $1 million

on the line.

I'm the host of the quiz show Quiz Cafe,

Seo Taehun.

Will someone win the $1 million today?

Today's contestant is comedian Yoo Minsang!



- Hello, Minsang. / - Hello.

We'll start with a warm-up quiz.

You'll guess the movie title.

I'll explain the movie

and you tell me the title.

"Do I have the face of a king?"

What is this movie that's about face reading?

Answer! "The Face Reader!"

Too bad. The answer is Minsang.

Do I have the face of a king pig, a flower pig,

a poop-eating pig or a fat pig face?

Why am I in the center there?

You mean bottom row center?

Top row center!

- That's me. / - I got confused.

- Really? / - Here's your next question.

A movie about 300 Spartan soldiers

fighting a huge army of 1 million.

I know! "300!"

Too bad.

The answer is 300kg.

This is spaghetti!

Oh, come on.

All these questions are for teasing me.


- That's the answer? / - Yes! You got it right.

So we'll start the actual quiz now.

The first question is about celebrities.

Choose the worst dressing person

with the worst sense of fashion.

1. G-Dragon.

2. GD.

- Excuse me. / - 3. Gwon Jiyong.

- Excuse me! / - Among the following...

Choose the one that dresses like the biggest bum!

Hold on...

What's wrong with these?

What's wrong with these clothes?

No, no! Not that.

They're all the same.

G-Dragon's clothes look all the same?


It's not his style that's the problem...

His face is the problem?

Are you saying G-Dragon is ugly?

- I... / - How could you criticize someone's face?

I didn't criticize him!

Minsang, you're out of time.

Then what's the answer?

We'll move on to the next question.

You are now watching Minsang

who has the face you most want to punch.

I want to punch you too.

The next question will be given by

KBS announcer Park Sora.

Hello, everyone. I'm KBS announcer Park Sora.

- Minsang, good to see you. / - Hello.

Here's your question.

The average age of marriage is getting older.

I will now interview an unmarried man

regarding this matter.

Why aren't you married yet?

- Me? / - Of course.

Who else could it be?

When I eventually meet a good woman,

I'll never let her go and

get her to marry me no matter what!

- Okay. / - Okay.

This has been the future criminal Yoo Minsang...

- Who is planning a crime now. / - Excuse me.

How is that a crime?

Both of you, please quiet down.

Sora, calm down.

- Mr. Criminal, please be quiet. / - Excuse me!

You need good teamwork for the next question.

Minsang will sing a song

and Sora will guess the title.


- Here we go! / - Hurry.

Okay, this song.

♪ We're growing farther and farther apart ♪

- Marriage! / - Correct.

- Hey, how is that correct? / - Next!

Oh, this is an easy song.

♪ The door is opening ♪

♪ And you should walk out ♪

- Hey... / - Correct!

The next question is an English song.

Oh, this is an easy one.

- ♪ Kiss me darling ♪ / - Shut up!

- Hey! / - Correct!

- I hate you! I hate you! / - What?

- I'm so offended. / - Minsang, you got them all right.


Nice pronunciation.

If you get just one more right...

- You can win the $1 million. / - I'm not playing.

The last quiz is an association quiz.

Listen to my explanations

and guess who I'm talking about.

Here we go.

"He called me a poor dresser."

"Yoo Minsang teased me."

"I'm YG."

- Hold on... / - "Who am I?"

You're talking about G-Dragon again!

What are you talking about?

The answer is...

YG or Yeonggil.

Why do you keep saying G-Dragon is a bad dresser?

Minsang, I'll take that as your personal opinion.

- No, I didn't... / - Here's the next question.

"I am fat."

"I live in the north."

"All Koreans hate me."

Oh! I know!

I hate that person too.

Everyone in Korea hates him.

We need him gone for our countries to reunite!

I really hate him!

What is the answer?

Kim Jongun!

No, the answer is...

- Minsang who lives in Dongducheon. / - Hey!

Will someone win the $1 million next episode?

Next episode,

we'll have the most hated man and G-Dragon hater,

Yoo Minsang on the show!

It's not true! Geez!

(Bongsunga School)

Hello, I'm the teacher of Bongsunga School,

Kim Daehui.

Let's get started with Bongsunga School!

- Who wants to talk first? / - Me!

Who are you guys?

We're from "Produce 101."

We didn't make the cut. I'm 104th, Ryu Samuel.

I'm 103rd, Song Daniel.

102nd. I'm the lucky one, Jang Obok!

What the...

What's this?

Look at the lights!

See that?

They don't do that for just anyone.

I took these lights down from a club in Gangnam.

Everyone is dancing in the darkness now!

Alright. So what do you guys think

your charms are?

I have dimples.

I have sexy collar bones.

I was disowned by my family.

I thought it was as a joke

but I was really removed from my family tree.

I won't call you dad anymore!

I'll call you mister!

Mr. Park!

Oh, come on.

Go sit down.

That's going too far.

Who wants to talk next?

Hi, everyone!

These days guys that live alone

are more popular than handsome guys.

I live alone. I'm Honnam.


You all seem to be pitying again!

It's great being alone.

I'll tell you how great it is to live alone.

If you have a girlfriend, it's such a pain!

As soon as you meet,

she asks you a question!

"Honey, notice anything different about me?"

- Really? / - I don't know!

- I have no idea! / - You have to answer right.

Not a clue!

"I got my eyelashes extended by 1.2cm!"

How could I tell? It's only this much longer!

"Honey. What else?"

What else?

There's something else?

"I changed my lipstick color!

It was indie pink yesterday. It's rose pink today!"

Aren't they both pink?

How are they different?

People, you don't have to worry about this stuff

if you live alone!

Recently, I bought an RV for $50,000

and went to a secluded mountain.

I had fun rock climbing!

Wow, that sounds great.

When I got down,

I had lost my car key.

I looked for my cell phone to call for help.

It was inside my locked car.


I had no choice.

I smashed through a window of the $50,000 RV

with a big stone.

The cell phone inside got smashed too.

I had almost given up.

I looked through my bag for food.

Then I found my car key.

At least I got to go rock climbing.

So I'm fine!

You should find someone to date and get married.


I don't understand what's great about marriage.

I don't get it!

I bet you're envious of a single guy like me!

Yeah, I'm envious that you're single.

It's tough being married.

I have to travel every month with my family.

What a pain!

When I try to cook at the pension,

my wife says I'm getting in the way

and kick me out of the kitchen.

Then I tried to play with my daughters.

They say they want to play by themselves

and they tell me to go to my room.

I sit in the room all alone

and the door opens.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

My family throws me a surprise birthday party.

When I say thank you, my daughters start crying

saying how they're so happy they're my daughters.

My wife is so moved by that scene

she starts crying too!

Geez! I'm drowning in tears every day!

Teacher, can you go on a bit longer?

Why am I drowning in tears now?

What's wrong with you? Go sit down.

Who wants to talk next?



♪ Dream of becoming a musical actor ♪

♪ Im ♪

♪ Jae ♪

♪ Baek ♪

Alright, Jaebaek.

♪ Teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher ♪


To become a good actor,

you mustn't be satisfied where you are.

You must become an actor

that can stand somewhere higher.

If it's too hard

to make it by yourself, you should ask for help...

What the...


Help! Help me! I need help!

- Teacher. / - Yeah?

What kind of help do I need?

It's not that complicated...

What the...


Where is he going?



Will you help me so that

I can stand somewhere higher?


What did you say?


What did you say?

That's it!

That's the way!

Yeah? What is it?

I can stand higher if I use...

♪ Insoles ♪


What did you say?

♪ It'll be obvious if I take my shoes off? ♪

I hid them in my socks.

♪ I won't be 180cm using 2 pairs of insoles? ♪


Then I'll...

♪ Stand on my tip-toes ♪

♪ Go sit down ♪

♪ Teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher ♪

Today's performance...

♪ Ends ♪

♪ Right ♪

♪ Here ♪

♪ And now ♪

So chaotic.

Who wants to talk next?

♪ I'm back, back, back, back again ♪

Who are you?

Hello, teacher.

I drink burdock tea instead of barley tea.

I'm Wu Eongjae.

What do you keep pointing at?

- Teacher. / - Yeah.

- There are those times. / - What times?

- There are those times. / - What do you mean?

♪ There are those times when you open the fridge ♪

♪ And the leftover holiday fritters look good ♪

They're good.

♪ Then you smelled them but they seemed rotten ♪

♪ So you feel you need to throw them out ♪

♪ My mom came and said quietly ♪

♪ Just leave them, I'll use them for your dad's stew ♪

♪ Then my mom said ♪

♪ He won't know if I add a bunch of water parsley ♪

♪ What my poor dad will need ♪

♪ Are two bags of digestive medicine ♪

♪ Don't worry, dad, you don't have to cry ♪

♪ Wonhyo drank from a skull and he was fine ♪

What is he saying?

- Teacher. / - Yeah?

There are those times.

What times?

- There are those times. / - What do you mean?

♪ There are those times ♪

♪ Your mom's arm is in a cast and you feel bad ♪

♪ Then you feel worried ♪

♪ It's time to get it removed but she still has it on ♪

♪ That's when my mom said ♪

♪ I have to keep this on to boss your dad around ♪

♪ Then my mom said ♪

♪ Once your dad goes to work ♪

♪ I'm going out to play cards ♪

♪ Mom, you can cry ♪

♪ I filmed you taking your cast off to play cards ♪

♪ To keep me quiet, you need ♪

♪ Two bags of Air Jordans ♪

Alright. Go sit down.

♪ I'm going to film, film, film some more videos ♪


It's your favorite subject.

The next class is history.

- That's so boring! / - It is not boring!

Who are you guys?

Hello, teacher. We're the fun-loving brothers.

The Fun Bros! Yes, baby!

So exciting, so exciting!

Just watching you guys is fun.

So what brings you here?

Teacher, we'll show you how world history

doesn't have to be boring and it can be fun.

Beethoven the composer.


You can't hear?

I can't hear so well.

- Then what note is this? Identify it. / - Alright.

- Ti! / - No!

- Do! / - No!

- Fa! / - This is la!

La! La! La!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7!

So exciting, so exciting!

What's with these guys?

I don't know? This is tiring.

Teacher, we'll show you how national history

doesn't have to be boring and it can be fun.

The Battle of Haengju in 1593.

The Battle of Haengju?


The castle wall is collapsing!

How could that high castle wall fall?

Like this?

- How? / - Like this!

Let me go! Let me go...

Let go?

What the... Are you okay?

Teacher, this has been the Fun Bros!

So exciting, so exciting!

Alright... So chaotic.

Who wants to talk next?

Anyone there?


So radiant.

Who are you?

I'm an elegant woman.

My name is Tina.

Ssan Tina.

Tina, I thought you got here early.

Where did you go?

I had some expensive food

and it gave me an upset stomach.

I had to drop a deuce.


I was beatboxing in the bathroom.

Gross! Stop that.

Oh, right.

Who cleaned the bathroom today?

I almost slipped and took a dirt nap!


I almost ended my life in the bathroom.

That really hurts...

You should go to a hospital.

The bill would be so expensive.

I'm so angry. I can't take this.

I'm going to find out who it was...

- And get paid off this. / - What?

Someone needs to be billed to fix my body.

Who was it? Tell me.

Alright. If you raise your hand at the count of 3,

I'll let it slide.

- 1... / - Me!

Hey! You said...

You said you'd let it slide!

I didn't say I wouldn't hit you.

You'd better pay me for my hospital bill now.

- I'm so angry. This is my account number. / - Okay.

Honnam, I fell in the bathroom too.

You need to get a lot of money from him.

How did you fall on your face?

I just twisted my ankle.

Look into it.

You must've fell on your face as a kid.

Or did someone step on it?

Go sit down.

Who wants to talk next?

That's so weak for a man.

Everyone say it. Man!

- Man! / - Man!

- Man! / - Man!

- Man! / - Man!

I'm the strong man, Gangnam!

Kids these days are too weak like them.

I'm saying a man shouldn't be this weak.

Kids need to be strong and powerful!

Look at this.



- Larva is too weak! / - Weak!

This is why he's always saying,

"Let me go! Let me go!"

- He says that. / - What was that?

Make his face powerful!

- Man! / - Man!

- Larva is a thuggish man! / - Man!

Make his body powerful!

- Man! / - Man!

He's a man that would be in a heavy baby contest!


Make his tongue powerful!

- Man! / - Man!

Larva is...

- A man that would do that! / - Man!

And that's not all!

Men these days are so weak.

When they write love letters...

"Honey, I love you. Heart, heart."

- This is too weak! / - Weak!

A heart should be powerful!


Express it with your entire body!

A powerful heart...

A heart should be powerful!

A powerful heart!

It's a work of art.

A man's heart!

Good job. Go sit down.

Who wants to talk next?

I will survive. I will survive.

I will survive in nature!

Come on in.


I moved to the mountains to escape the city.

My surname is Shin and my name is Dosi.

- I'm Shin Dosi! / - I see.

What did you do on the mountains today?

I spread seeds on my field all day today.

When I'm spreading my seeds,

the birds come and eat them all up.

It's okay. We're all trying to eat and survive.

And after they've had their fill...

Do they fly away?

No, I give them a pounding.

Don't eat so much!

Spit it out.

You'd better spit it out!

Do you like getting free food?

Well? Hey!

Stop it. That's enough.

Calm down.

What do you do at night on the mountains?

I spend my time meditating.

If I open my windows during the full moon,

sit down and look outside,

it's so beautiful...

The moonlight?

No, moths swarm in.

There are ones this big, ones big as birds...

It's you, isn't it?

You're the bird from last time.

- Take this! / - Go sit down.

Sit down.

Before I do,

I made a cure-all medicine based off a folk remedy

made with natural ingredients.

So... Hold on...

- Young man. / - Yes.

Come here.

I'm sure you get sore muscles from working out.

That's right.

Try applying this.

Just go like this...

And apply it on you like this.

Just like this.

Does it make my sore muscles better?

It makes me feel great!

The mountain gets lonely.

Now I can go back happy!

I feel terrible now!

What the...

He was just sitting there.

Is everyone done talking?

Mr. Principal.


People come first.

I am the 19th principal of Bongsunga School,

Moon Gyojang.

These days, I'm really into pansori,

which is traditional Korean music.

May I show off some of my skills here?

Of course.

- ♪ Come here and let's party ♪ / - Yeah!

♪ Love, love ♪ People come first.

I was nervous you all would catch on.

Nice job! We should party too!

I love you.

There are many close and loving celebrity couples.


Jang Donggun and Ko Shoyoung.

Jang Donggun and Ko Soyoung.

Lee Hyori and Lee Shangshun.

Lee Hyori and Lee Sangsun.

And they'll be a couple soon.

Shong Joongki and Shong Hyekyo.

The Shong-Shong couple.

Song Joongki and Song Hyekyo.

The Song-Song couple.

As for close couples, we come first.


You're Song Jungeun instead of Song Joongki.

You're Lee Suji instead of Suzy.

I love you.

Do any of you students have any concerns?

- Me! / - Me, me, me!

Yes, Ryu Samuel.


Kim Samuel of "Produce 101" was on our show.

But Kang Daniel has yet to make an appearance.

Hey, Kang Daniel.

You think you're such a big shot?

Well, do you?

Come to Gag Concert!

Be careful. He's crazy.


Deleting your social media accounts comes first.

I'd like to emphasize that this is...

- Ryu Geunji's personal opinion. / - No...

Geunji, watch out for yourself.

Luck, luck, luck, luck!

For more infomation >> Gag Concert | 개그콘서트 [ENG / 2017.10.28] - Duration: 1:13:12.


Kings And Comrades - Summer Nights - Duration: 3:01.

Summer nights and I get that feeling.

When the sun is going down.

Got my woman and some good, good, sensi, for enough.

Can't get down.

Holding you close in the moonlight.

And we'll dance all night.

Little loving in the air.

Let the music take you away.

And I can't stop thinking about…

Those summer nights with you.

No, I can't stop thinking about…

Oh, everything you do.

Late night put your head on my shoulder.

And all the world feels so right.

Take my hand and we'll run to the ocean.

Throw our stars, across the sky.

Cause all my dreams are finally washing up on your shore.

And I've never felt the current pulling me like this before.

In your eyes, there's a new sunrise and a brand new day.

And I can't stop thinking about…

Those summer nights with you.

No, I can't stop thinking about…

Oh, everything you do.

For more infomation >> Kings And Comrades - Summer Nights - Duration: 3:01.


LetterSchool handwriting PINK ABCDEFGHJ UpperCase Zaner Bloser Cursive and Normal apk for toddlers - Duration: 28:34.

LetterSchool handwriting PINK ABCDEFGHJ UpperCase Zaner Bloser Cursive and Normal apk for toddlers

For more infomation >> LetterSchool handwriting PINK ABCDEFGHJ UpperCase Zaner Bloser Cursive and Normal apk for toddlers - Duration: 28:34.


Нейлоновый поводок для собак Rogz Utility - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Нейлоновый поводок для собак Rogz Utility - Duration: 0:53.



For more infomation >> UNE RECETTE INCROYABLE POUR DORMIR COMME UN BÉBÉ - Duration: 3:57.


СОЧНЫЙ Салат для ПРАЗДНИЧНОГО СТОЛА из шпрот/Салаты на НОВЫЙ ГОД 2018 - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> СОЧНЫЙ Салат для ПРАЗДНИЧНОГО СТОЛА из шпрот/Салаты на НОВЫЙ ГОД 2018 - Duration: 3:03.


كيف تلعب مكري في اوفرواتش ؟ | 2017 | | How 2 McCree | مونتاج ضحك وتشويق | Overwatch Funny Highlights - Duration: 6:01.

How 2 McCree - Overwatch Funny Highlights 2017


Do you know where is Reaper?

There, that table

he's got his back to you

Didn't hear what the bet was?!

Your life

Alive or dead, it's your choice

let Reaper go!

Sh!t is about to go down!

I'm on fire

Do it!!!

Thank for watching :D

Please leave us a like if you liked the video, and don't forget to subscribe for everything new from Gamer G

For more infomation >> كيف تلعب مكري في اوفرواتش ؟ | 2017 | | How 2 McCree | مونتاج ضحك وتشويق | Overwatch Funny Highlights - Duration: 6:01.


VIRAL: Putin On Catalonia - West Opened the Pandora Box By Supporting Kosovo Breakaway From Serbia - Duration: 11:37.

Thank you. My question is to President Putin.

In your speech, you mentioned Catalonia.

My observations suggest that, normally, independence is achieved then and there, where some major powers or at least regional players are interested in this independence or in case no one pays attention to this.

In your speech in March 2014 with respect to Crimea, where, by the way, I was a month ago and I must say I really enjoyed it, you cited the advisory opinion of the International Court on Kosovo.

The declaration of Kosovo's independence indeed violates international law. The aerial bombings of Serbia due to Kosovo were also in breach of international law.

Based on this violation (NATO bombings against Serbia), Kosovo became de facto independent.

It seems to me that Kosovo opened up Pandora's box.

The independence of the Kurds in Iraq meets the aspirations of no one but the Kurds and perhaps also the Israeli interests. However, this is not enough.

The whole of Europe and the European Union are worried about Catalan independence. Madrid is using force, relatively moderate force, against supporters of an independent Catalonia.

My question to you is as follows. Apart from following the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other states, how could Russia help resolve similar conflicts so as,

on the one hand, not to encourage the "parade of sovereignties," while, on the other hand, helping ethnic groups and minorities, whose aspirations are not met by the authorities?

What would be Russia's position in such cases?

One thing I cannot help mentioning. You spoke of the "turbulent" 90s and I recalled how Andrei Kozyrev once told President Nixon that Russia had no national interests, only common human interests.

Nixon shook his head.

Thank you.

This shows that Nixon has a head, while Mr Kozyrev, unfortunately, has not. He has a cranium but no head as such.

As for the "parade of sovereignties," as you said, and our attitude towards this… Actually, I believe, on a global scale, the creation of mono-ethnic states is not a panacea against possible conflicts, but just the opposite.

Because after various partitions and sovereignties, the creation of mono-ethnic states might lead to clashes in the fight for the realisation of the interests of the newly established mono-ethnic states.

That is what is likely to happen.

This is why people who live in a unified state within common boundaries have a greater chance that their state will pursue a balanced policy.

Look at Russia. Muslims constitute nearly 10 percent of our population, which is a lot. They are not foreigners or migrants.

Russia is their only homeland, and they see it as their homeland. What has this encouraged us to do?

I suggested that we seek observer status at the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.

This influences our domestic and foreign policies, and makes our policy better balanced and attentive to this part of the international community. The same is true for other countries.

As for the ruling of the UN court, I have it. I did not cite it so as not to waste your time. I read the ruling because I knew that we would touch on this matter.

You are experts, and so you know everything about it. However, I would like to remind you. On November 8, 2008, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 63/3.

Question: Does the unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo's temporary institutions comply with international law? This question was forwarded to the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

On July 22, 2010, after two years of deliberations, the Hague Court issued an Advisory Opinion that the declaration of independence of Kosovo adopted on February 17, 2008 did not violate international law.

The court ruling concerns not just Kosovo, but also the applicability of international law to the declaration of independence by any part of any state in principle.

In this sense, you are absolutely right that this broad interpretation does not apply to Kosovo. It was a ruling that opened Pandora's box. Yes, you are absolutely right about this. Bull's eye.

Look at what the court ruling of July 22, 2010, says. Paragraph 79: "The practice of States in these latter cases does not point to the emergence in international law of a new rule prohibiting the making of a declaration of independence in such cases."

Paragraph 81: "No general prohibition against unilateral declarations of independence may be inferred from the practice of the [UN] Security Council."

Paragraph 84: "the Court considers that general international law contains no applicable prohibition of declarations of independence. Accordingly, it concludes that the declaration of independence of 17 February 2008 did not violate general international law."

Here it is, in black and white.

How all the Western countries pushed for it and pressurised this International Court in the Hague!

We know for certain that the US had a written recommendation for the International Court.

The State Department wrote, "The principle of territorial integrity does not exclude the establishment of new states in the territory of existing states."

Below: "Declarations of independence can (and often do) violate domestic legislation. However, this does not mean that it is a violation of international law."

Further, "In many cases, including Kosovo, the circumstances of the Declaration of Independence can mean fundamental respect of international law on the part of the new state."

Germany: "This is a matter of peoples' right to self-determination. International law pertaining to the territorial integrity of states does not apply to such peoples."

They decided to declare independence, well, good for them. And the integrity principles do not apply to this state.

The United Kingdom: "Secession, or the declaration of independence, does not contradict international law in itself."

France: "It (international law) does not allow, but does not forbid it (secession or separation) in general."

So here you are.

Then there was the reaction to this Court ruling.

Here is what Ms Clinton wrote (somebody may have worked with her) after the ruling:

"Kosovo is an independent state, and its territory is inviolable. We call on all states not to become overly focused on Kosovo's status and make their own constructive contribution to supporting peace and stability in the Balkans.

We urge the countries that have not yet recognised Kosovo to do so."

Germany: "The consultative ruling of the International Court confirms our legal assessment of the legitimacy of Kosovo's declaration of independence. It reinforces our opinion that the independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Kosovo are undeniable."

France: "The independence of Kosovo is irreversible. The ruling of the International Court, which terminated the legal debates on the matter, has become a milestone and will allow all parties to dedicate themselves to other important issues to be resolved."

Now, "other important issues" have arisen today, and today, when these "other important issues" have arisen, including in Catalonia, nobody likes it.

Nobody! This is exactly what I called double standards. This example is the Pandora's box that has been opened, and the genie that was let out of the bottle.

What is our position on this case? I said, I was saying, if you listened carefully, I was saying that we hoped that the problem would be resolved based on Spanish legislation and Constitution.

I believe this is the end of it. The end of it. However, of course, we have to be careful in such issues and very sensitive to everything that is going on.

We hope that everything will be resolved within the framework of democratic institutions and procedures; there will be no more political prisoners and so on.

However, this is an internal issue of a country. I think this is enough. Thank you.

For those of you who may have forgotten, President Putin is a lawyer by education, so debating him may be a challenge.

For more infomation >> VIRAL: Putin On Catalonia - West Opened the Pandora Box By Supporting Kosovo Breakaway From Serbia - Duration: 11:37.



For more infomation >> КОД ВАШЕГО ПАСПОРТА. НУМЕРОЛОГИЯ ПАСПОРТА - Duration: 11:22.


Juuou Mujin no Fafnir Tập 3 - Anh nhìn thấy panstu của em rồi nhé ! - Duration: 24:10.

Thanks for watching !!!

For more infomation >> Juuou Mujin no Fafnir Tập 3 - Anh nhìn thấy panstu của em rồi nhé ! - Duration: 24:10.


Clash Of Clans - NEW TROOPS | Giant Skeleton & Pumpkin Barbarian Halloween Update | MASS GAMEPLAY - Duration: 10:18.

Clash Of Clans - NEW TROOPS | Giant Skeleton & Pumpkin Barbarian Halloween Update | MASS GAMEPLAY

For more infomation >> Clash Of Clans - NEW TROOPS | Giant Skeleton & Pumpkin Barbarian Halloween Update | MASS GAMEPLAY - Duration: 10:18.


திவ்ய தர்ஷினி விவாகரத்திற்கு காரணம் தனுஷா ? SHOCKING NEWS | Tamil News Kollywood News Talkies - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> திவ்ய தர்ஷினி விவாகரத்திற்கு காரணம் தனுஷா ? SHOCKING NEWS | Tamil News Kollywood News Talkies - Duration: 1:22.


Lärmterror aus dem Vorgarten | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> Lärmterror aus dem Vorgarten | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 5:18.


The Participation Show | 올라옵Show [Gag Concert / 2017.10.28] - Duration: 8:26.

(The Participation Show)

Hello, I'm Song Yeonggil the comedian.

We'll be picking one of you in the audience

and make you into the female lead of a drama.

Raise your hand

if you've wanted to be the female lead in a melodrama.

But you have no boyfriend now.

You can put your hand down, guy.

No guys. Just girls.

You, miss. You don't have a boyfriend?

You don't?

Then come on up.

Give her a big hand, people.

You are no longer a regular person.

You're the female lead in a drama.

If you just stand here,

our actors will make you into a female drama lead.

You just have to stand here.

Right here.

And face forward.

The drama will start now.

A big round of applause please!


Na for beautiful and Mi for beautiful,


My surname is Oh.

I'm Oh Nami.

Stop it!

Today is my first day at Gag University.

Time to go to the lecture hall.

Why is it so hot out?

Dang it... Watch where you're going!

I haven't seen you around.

Nice to meet you.

I'm in Gag University's law school.

I'm Seo Taehun, a ballet major.

Why are you avoiding me?

Shouldn't you help me with some of this stuff?

No, let me get it...

Why is my heart racing?

I don't know how you'll take this but...

I fell for you at first sight.

I won't ask you to date me right away.


On this big campus...

If we happen to see each other 3 times...

That's when we'll start dating.

This was once.

Ow! That's twice.

Oh, right. This book is important. I need to take it.

That's three times.

Starting today...

We're a couple, my princess.




Your hands...

Shall we laugh together?

Spin, spin... Spin around.

Yes, spin with me.

Oh... Hold on.

Say hello.

That's my best buddy Seongwon.

And this is my girlfriend Nami.

Hold on. I have to go to the lecture hall.

You guys get acquainted.

Long time no see.

You left to study abroad in Jamaica...

Without even saying a word.

Why are you back now?

Do you know how hard it was for me...

Without you?


There's no point in saying all this stuff now.

I've changed a lot while you were gone.

I'm a womanizer now.

I have three women that I love.

You, who I used to love.

You, who I still love.

And you,

who I'll love forever.

So how's it...


What are you doing, man?


Nami, come here.


Is my girlfriend!

She was my girlfriend first!

Someone stop us!

This is when someone should step in!

She stepped in!

She just stepped in.

That was a strange way to stop the fight.

But she stopped it.

Nami is my girlfriend, so...

- She's my girl... / - Miss!


It's dangerous. Stand behind me.

- What is this? / - What?

Who are you?

Me? I'm her bodyguard.


You look so scrawny.

You want a beating?

You punk...


He's so strong!

He's a real bodyguard.


Are you okay?


I have something to tell you, miss.

As a bodyguard,

I've stayed by your side for 7 years.

But I don't think...

I can protect you anymore.

Thank you for everything.


I am not longer your bodyguard.

I will protect you...

As your man.

What are you doing?

Why'd you pick her up?

What the...

Who was that harder for?

You should've made it look cool!


She was light.

I was just weak.


Listen up.

Nami is my girl.

Hey! She's my girl.

She's my girl!


Hands off my girl.


Don't associate with those scumbags.

Come here.

Come here.

Come here.

So you came.

Ditch these losers.

I'll treat you to a nice dinner. Let's go. Grab my hand.

If you'd like that, grab my hand.

Dang it!


You're hanging out with them on stage.

But you'd marry someone like me in reality.

What a horrible thing to say!

Why are you cursing her?

Let's stop harassing Nami.

Nami, you make the choice.


Is truly your man?

Is it time for me to choose?

Who should I choose?

Yes. I'll pick last place first.

I'll hit last place with a rubber mallet.

With a rubber mallet.


Yes. I'll hit last place on the head

really hard with this.

It wouldn't be funny if I didn't hit him hard here.

Here I go.

1, 2, 3!

What a relief!

I'm not last.

Next is 2nd.

I'll hit him harder than the last guy.

1, 2, 3!

Give her a round of applause please.

For more infomation >> The Participation Show | 올라옵Show [Gag Concert / 2017.10.28] - Duration: 8:26.


Play Doh videos | food pizza party + Ninja Turtles with Lily's Super Fun Time - Duration: 4:01.

That's a big one. What!

Wow, no thank you.

I don't want it.

Wow, I like big things.


Lily's Super Fun Time









I'm making the pizza crust.

Now put the brown top on.

So, now I'm going to get the cheese, for our Play Doh.


And pizza!

Cheese, cheese

Cheese and pizza

Now I'm going to make the pepperoni.

Flip it up.

And you make the pepperoni.

This pizza is going to be cool.

Wow, pepperoni.

Now put it on the pizza.

Do you want a piece of pizza?


I can't eat this. This is so big.

Wow, no thank you. I don't want it.

Do you want to try it?

I don't like big things.

Wow, I like big things.


Look, his face is gone.

When you hold it, his face is gone.

Look out, his face.



Did you have a Super Fun Time?

Because I did!

Look out for more videos!

For more infomation >> Play Doh videos | food pizza party + Ninja Turtles with Lily's Super Fun Time - Duration: 4:01.


Art in Apple Bird Carving Garnish - Best Swan Apple Lifehack Video to Watch - Duration: 10:06.

The Art in Apple Bird Carving Garnish

Enjoy our new video about "Art in Apple Bird Carving Garnish"!

This "Best Swan Apple Lifehack Video to Watch" clip was created for entertainment and educational purposes only! Subscribe for more updates.

For more infomation >> Art in Apple Bird Carving Garnish - Best Swan Apple Lifehack Video to Watch - Duration: 10:06.


Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Rare Video || DARSHANAM LIVE || INDIAN Temples - Duration: 8:02.

DARSHANAMLIVE – Everything about INDIAN temples grandeur and visual feast

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