Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 28 2017

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For more infomation >> New Youtube channel intro - Duration: 0:13.


[Youtube Downloader HD]โปรแกรมช่วยดาวน์โหลดวิดีโอจากยูทูป - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> [Youtube Downloader HD]โปรแกรมช่วยดาวน์โหลดวิดีโอจากยูทูป - Duration: 1:56.


10 КАК избавиться от кредитов и долгов-Как вылезти из долгов и кредитов,что делать чтобы были деньги - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> 10 КАК избавиться от кредитов и долгов-Как вылезти из долгов и кредитов,что делать чтобы были деньги - Duration: 3:56.


Самоделки, Изобретения и Удивительная техника ✦ Amazing Homemade Inventions ✦ 104 ✦ LUCKY - Duration: 7:56.

Japan has always been considered a very special country

And the ancient art of Kirigami confirm this

And here in Japan make furniture without screws and screws

And this clever box

Further evidence of the peculiarity of the Japanese mind

Modern Japan is the most complicated mechanisms

And smart and reliable technology

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For more infomation >> Самоделки, Изобретения и Удивительная техника ✦ Amazing Homemade Inventions ✦ 104 ✦ LUCKY - Duration: 7:56.


How to make a Gems or Candy Dispenser Machine Using cardboard DIY project - Duration: 7:22.

Song:Alan Walker - Fade [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

Song:Disfigure - Blank [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

For more infomation >> How to make a Gems or Candy Dispenser Machine Using cardboard DIY project - Duration: 7:22.


Colors Learn animal Dinosaurs color ball for children Finger Family - Duration: 1:41.

Colors Learn animal Dinosaurs color ball for children Finger Family

For more infomation >> Colors Learn animal Dinosaurs color ball for children Finger Family - Duration: 1:41.


What Makes A Good Horror Anime? (feat. Mr.AJCosplay) | Glass Reflection - Duration: 11:45.

According to THE MOST RELIABLE SOURCE EVER, wikipedia:

"Horror is a genre of fiction which is intended to, or has the capacity to frighten, scare, disgust, or startle its

readers or viewers by inducing feelings of horror and terror."

So it should go without saying that if an anime wants to be horror, it has to have the

capacity to frighten, scare, disgust, or startle.

Despite having a closer resemblance to Mickey Mouse horror

then anything you'd find in the section on Netflix.

Anime has an uphill battle that it needs to face in order to be considered for the horror genre.

It has to unnerve you while being a medium that's clearly not real.

Live Action films have the benefit of realistic visuals, anime has to make you frightened

of a cartoon.

So the silly Canadian man want to sit here and talk about Horror?

wait what?

Maybe horror anime wouldn't be so hard to come by if you weren't so squeamish.

After all, you can't even sit through something like parasite.

Well yeah, because it's Body Horror, which is a specific type of horror that I'm uncomfortable with.

But that's kinda the point isn't it?

Similar to how dramas are usually ranked on their ability to make audiences cry, horror

is revered for it's ability to make the viewer be offput by what's being displayed

in a way that stays with them.

Body horror is just one of many ways that we can become unsettled and after looking

at the success of mainstream horror over here in the west with shows like the Walking Dead,

it's not that surprising as to why.

Through the power of good live action acting and impressive

practical effects, we get drawn into this sort of uncanny valley.

It's this dread of being confronted with something that looks so close to being human

yet clearly isn't that's enough to make the images stay with you, cause deep down,

no one one really wants what was done to these characters to be done to us.

Like you said, animation has to work a lot harder in order to accomplish the same effect

because it's easier to be afraid of something that's emulating real life as suppose to

2d cells of animation.

Even manga has the advantage over it because you can craft so much more detail and realism

into static panels compared to more smooth and basic character models that don't always

look like real people.

The more detail you're allowed to experiment with, the more you can unsettle your audience

and animation usually needs to compromise that detail for the sake of movement.

But what anime lacks in displayed realism, they make for that with


[Because we had too...]

No with creativity.

Parasyte capitalizes on gore and body horror but it kept one upping itself with how creative

and brutal the characters can maim each other.

I think that's why shows like Attack on Titan are often seen as creative updates to the

mainstream zombie formula, particularly at the beginning.

Because they take those familiar formulas and give them an impression that they're

not holding back with regards to what CAN be shown to the viewer.

And sometimes, just the thought of that can be scary on its own.

We obviously know what's on screen isn't real in the practical sense, but because animation

is capable of displaying things in such a fast and visceral way, it's easier for us

to be surprised.

Don't believe me? Just compare these animes to their live action counterparts.

Some things you can just get away with in one medium compared to the other and that

goes both ways.

So why are none of these examples remembered as Horror anime?

I think it's because the shows themselves don't want to be.

Part of the reason why so many people in the community still crave a good horror anime

is because we know it CAN generate the same appeal we've come to expect from a lot of

mainstream horror shows.

The problem is that they rarely ever maintain that appeal from beginning to end.

Titan has horror as part of its appeal certainly, but on the whole it's an action show first.

While Parasyte becomes bogged down by its environmental messages and

weird lackluster presentation to the point where it became less about the gore factors.

Even if it makes more sense narratively for them to forgo that initial direction, these are

examples of shows that COULD have been remembered as good horror anime but are instead remembered

for other reasons.

It's hard to come across something with enough confidence to take that direction all

the way to the end.

But can the same thing be said about psychological horror?

like Higurashi?

What do you mean?

[Still a freaking amazing opening]

Higurashi is a series that hits all the right notes of a horror while not worrying too much

about it's visual appearance.

Heck a good third of the series watched on its own would look like a Moe blob slice of

life show, but that's only if you cut out said Moe blobs

going around and murdering one another.

Higurashi also tries to do more in the way of unsettling the audience.

Only instead of using jump scares, dismembered bodies or copious amounts of blood, it psychologically

messes with your head.

Not only by showing you this constant contrast with its characters and setting, but also

because for a large amount of the series it leaves you in the dark as to what exactly

is going on.

But wait, doesn't Akeme ga Kill also hit the same check marks as Higurahi?

You're not suggesting that it's a psychological horror are you?


How dare you.

Similar to what you said before, just because something possesses elements that are specific

of a certain genre does not mean that they have the same intent that's expected of

that genre.

AGK is more of a battle-action narrative.

Higurashi on the other hand makes it clear who is going to survive at the end of each

arc by starting with a preview of the arc's climax.

But even if you know how each arc is going to end, it still crafts those uneasy environments

by making it a story of "HOW" we get to that point.

Ok so it plays with your expectations and let's your imagination run wild.

But isn't that more akin to a standard mystery then a psychological horror?

Yes but mysteries are about showing that line between reality and imagination; debunking

what's impossible and highlighting the possibilities of what can or did happen.

Horror on the other hand blurs that line.

"Terror has its degrees of freshness...

The more intense the fear, the more emotions die.

Terror, in it's truest sense, is not a static state but rather a dynamic one.

It is the sublime moment when shining hope turns to utter despair.

Horror is similar to mystery because the author needs to be conscious about how much the audience

is trying to fill in the blanks.

The difference though is that the appeal of a mystery stems from the mystery being solved.

It's about being presented with a question and looking forward to having that question answered.

That's why bad mysteries are criticized because how we get to that answer or the answer itself

can leave a lot to be desired.

Sometimes the author will feel tempted to take advantage of the fact that they can seemingly

come up with anything for the sake of moving us to the next plot point.

But if we get from point A to point B in such a hackneyed way, our immersion begins to break

because a good mystery still needs to have some kind of logic in its events.

Arguably a good horror does too, but the difference is in where the focus lies and what the author

takes advantage of.

While a mystery gets us into a mindset where we want to appreciate the little details,

a good psychological horror will be more selective on what details it'll allow us to see.

For example, what is considered one of the most iconic shots from the first season of


Oh you mean when Rena is walking back to the junkyard with the machete?


Aside from the way that it's shot, can you think of any other reasons why this scene

felt so unsettling to you in the moment?

What happened immediately before it?

The main character was told about where a string of murders took place in town.

That the bodies were discovered chopped up in various pieces.

Up until this point, we'd have no reason to expect anything of Rena when she says

she's going to get some kind of sharp tool so they can get the Kernel Sanders statue.

But now that we know these murders took place in such a specific way, we're given just

enough information to think "Oh Shit!

Did she have something to do with it?"

It's that perfect moment where you and the main character are on the exact same wavelength,

feeling the exact same feeling of dread and uneasiness at the exact same time that really

does embody a good psychological horror.

The best part is that, even though we later know that Rena wasn't responsible for that

murder, it still serves at the catalysis for us being locked into this suspicious mindset

moving forward.

It's a feeling of uneasiness that sticks with you well after the show is finished which

is much more potent and impressive than modern standards of horror that rely on jump scares.

But each arc of the series starts with a preview of the arcs climax.

And by the second arc we know that everything is just going to reset.

So how can you feel uneasy about something that you already know is going to happen?

But do you know exactly what's going to happen?

You might think to yourself "What could possibly lead us to that scene?

I'd like to argue that sometimes knowing exactly what's coming is more frightening than being surprised.

The suspense is in the feeling of powerlessness that comes with questioning the when and how.

This is what made FNAF and other first person horror games so popular.

It creates an uneasy atmosphere that makes you feel powerless and by cutting you off

from the rest of the world.

We're limited in our ability to take action but we're also limited in how much we actually

know is going to happen.

Granted keeping an audience in suspense should be the goal of any writer, but I see what

you're saying.

There's a difference between wanting to know what's going to happen in the story

out of curiosity and being cautious of what get revealed to you next.

Plus that's assuming that everything we're seeing is even real.

It isn't until we get to season 2 that the answers become clear.

But before that?

You don't know what to believe.

Everything is happening but there are still things missing and the show strikes deep

into the paranoid part of your brain to the point where you can't even remove it.

You look around, question the motives of others when you're in an environment that was previously

unknown to you and start skirting that line between what may or may not be real.

After all, horror doesn't always need to have a point, sometimes all it needs is to

make you wonder what's the point of everything else around you and whether or not you should

be scared of them.

That's true.

Speaking of... what the hell are you?

Thank you very much for taking the time to watch this video, we hope you enjoyed it!

I'd like to give a shoutout and thanks to my good friend Mr.AJCosplay for helping me

write as well as participating in this video.

You can check out him out on his Youtube channel Cartoon Cypher as well as various social media,

links will be in the description for your convenience.

As always another major thank you to all of my patrons who support these videos as without

you they would not be possible.

Specifically though I'd like to thank Yunru Dovaqueen, Robert Chumsae, Calhounboy, Siri Yamiko,

Viktor Ekmark, and Joshua Garcia for being especially awesome.

And until next time, ladies gentlemen and others stay frosty!

For more infomation >> What Makes A Good Horror Anime? (feat. Mr.AJCosplay) | Glass Reflection - Duration: 11:45.



Woman of the tumulus

Mysterious fairy

Messenger of death

Banshees were creatures who guarded

the great families of Ireland

Waiting to announce each death,

caring for the deceased in their bed.

Banshees respected and valued the families and their deceased...

However they also could be deadly.

As they say never provoke a banshee's rage,

because their yell will be the last thing you hear in life.

For more infomation >> BANSHEE MAKEUP TUTORIAL - Duration: 7:12.


New life hacks| Bluetooth speaker|magic tricks with magnet|Amazing science|life hacks with magnets| - Duration: 6:28.

subscribe my channel

For more infomation >> New life hacks| Bluetooth speaker|magic tricks with magnet|Amazing science|life hacks with magnets| - Duration: 6:28.


How To Crochet the X stitch SLOW for Beginners plus Right Hand and Left Hand Crochet Tutorial - Duration: 11:24.

Yarn over four (4) times.

Insert your hook into the specified stitch.

Yarn over and pull up a loop.

Yarn over and pull through 2 loops on hook.

Yarn over and pull through 2 loops on hook.

The first bottom leg of the X-stitch is complete.

Yarn over twice.

Skip the specified number of stitches.

In this case we are skipping 3 stitches.

Insert hook in specified stitch and pull up a loop.

Yarn over and pull through 2 loops on your hook.

Yarn over and pull through 2 loops on your hook.

The second bottom leg of the X-stitch is complete.

Yarn over and pull through 2 loops on hook.

Yarn over and pull through 2 loops on hook.

Yarn over and pull through 2 loops on hook.

And, yarn over and pull through 2 loops on hook.

The third leg of the X-stitch is complete.

Chain 3.

Yarn over twice.

Insert your crochet hook into the diagonal bars at the join of the bottom two legs of

the X-stitch.

Yarn over and pull through both loops.

Yarn over and pull through 2 loops on hook.

Yarn over and pull through 2 loops on your hook.

And, yarn over and pull through 2 loops on your hook.

This completes an X-stitch.

Yarn over four (4) times.

Insert your hook into the specified stitch.

Yarn over and pull up a loop.

Yarn over and pull through 2 loops on hook.

Yarn over and pull through 2 loops on hook.

The first bottom leg of the X-stitch is complete.

Yarn over twice.

Skip the specified number of stitches.

In this case we are skipping 3 stitches.

Insert hook in specified stitch and pull up a loop.

Yarn over and pull through 2 loops on your hook.

Yarn over and pull through 2 loops on your hook.

The second bottom leg of the X-stitch is complete.

Yarn over and pull through 2 loops on hook.

Yarn over and pull through 2 loops on hook.

Yarn over and pull through 2 loops on hook.

And yarn over and pull through 2 loops on hook.

The third leg of the X-stitch is complete.

Chain 3.

Yarn over twice.

Insert your hook into the diagonal bars at the join of the bottom two legs of the X-stitch.

Yarn over and pull through both loops.

Yarn over and pull through 2 loops on hook.

Yarn over and pull through 2 loops on hook.

And, yarn over and pull through 2 loops on hook.

This completes an X-stitch.


Thank you for watching this video.

It is part of a huge library on my website that is dedicated to learning how to crochet.

In this library you will find stitch definitions, photo tutorials, all sorts of techniques as

well as video tutorials.

Please follow the link below to find it at

For more infomation >> How To Crochet the X stitch SLOW for Beginners plus Right Hand and Left Hand Crochet Tutorial - Duration: 11:24.


NASA TV Pope Francis Calls International Space Station Probes Crew About Our Place in the Universe W - Duration: 2:33.

NASA TV Pope Francis Calls International Space Station Probes Crew About Our Place in the

Universe WATCH Video

Pope Francis became the second pope ever to make a phone call to space on Thursday when

he spoke with astronauts at the International Space Station in a 20-minute conversation

the crew of Expedition 5253, which was streamed live on NASA TV.

Pope Francis posed several questions about humans� place in the universe to six astronauts

hailing from the United States, Italy and Russia.

�As you�re contemplating the undoubted limits of the universe, it makes us think

about where we come from and where we�re going,� he said.

�In light of your experiences in space, what are your thoughts regarding the place

of man in the universe?� the Pope began.

Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli admitted the complexity of the Pope�s question, and said

that thinking about where we come from leaves him �perplexed.�

�I think that our objective here is that of knowing our being and to fill our knowledge

to understand what�s around us,� he said.

�But on the other hand, an interesting thing is that the more we know, the more we realize

how little we know,� Nespoli continued.

Pope Francis also pointed out a painting in the room he was sitting in that is based on

the Divine Comedy � a narrative poem written by Italian poet Dante Alighieri in the 14th

century about the section of the poem that refers to love as a force that �moves the

sun and the other stars,� and asked the crew whether they�d refer to love as the

force that moves the universe.

Russian crew member Alexander Misurkin responded, suggesting the famous children�s book, The

Little Prince � a story where a boy is prepared to give his life for the well-being of someone

he cares about.

�The best example of what is love is perhaps what is shown in this book.�

For more infomation >> NASA TV Pope Francis Calls International Space Station Probes Crew About Our Place in the Universe W - Duration: 2:33.


BAD CHILD POOP! ~ BAD KIDS # 1 bad kids and bad kids - Baby & cartoon for kids and children - Duration: 14:43.

Welocome to minecraft serial "Bad kids"

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Good morning !

So much dreams

Some warm-up

Hello World !

I'm wake up and ready for something !

Maybe some more training...


Hi lion,are you here from yesterday ? Hah , good day !

What should i do today ?

For more infomation >> BAD CHILD POOP! ~ BAD KIDS # 1 bad kids and bad kids - Baby & cartoon for kids and children - Duration: 14:43.


[浩浩貓]結束了!! END - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> [浩浩貓]結束了!! END - Duration: 1:25.


உடல் எடை அதிகரித்த லட்சுமி மேனன் இப்ப என்ன செய்றாங்கனு தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> உடல் எடை அதிகரித்த லட்சுமி மேனன் இப்ப என்ன செய்றாங்கனு தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News - Duration: 1:26.


ஆனந்தியை உஷார் செய்ய பங்களா வீடு கட்டிய ஜீ.வி.பிரகாஷ் நாடு எங்கடா போகுது | Tamil Cinema News - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> ஆனந்தியை உஷார் செய்ய பங்களா வீடு கட்டிய ஜீ.வி.பிரகாஷ் நாடு எங்கடா போகுது | Tamil Cinema News - Duration: 1:20.


10k Views On Videos My Youtube Channel Easily Fast Free In Hindi | Simple Way To Get 10000 Views - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> 10k Views On Videos My Youtube Channel Easily Fast Free In Hindi | Simple Way To Get 10000 Views - Duration: 5:22.


How To Reduce Waist Size Fast At Home|3 Ways To Reduce Waist Size - Duration: 2:43.

How To Reduce Waist Size Fast At Home

For more infomation >> How To Reduce Waist Size Fast At Home|3 Ways To Reduce Waist Size - Duration: 2:43.


The Most Satisfying Video in the World! Try Not To Get Satisfied Challenge - Duration: 10:12.

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Hope you have a great time

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For more infomation >> The Most Satisfying Video in the World! Try Not To Get Satisfied Challenge - Duration: 10:12.


முதல் இரவின் போது உங்கள் மனைவியை எப்படி திருப்தி செய்யனும்னு தெரியுமா ? இத செஞ்சா நீங்க தான் HERO - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> முதல் இரவின் போது உங்கள் மனைவியை எப்படி திருப்தி செய்யனும்னு தெரியுமா ? இத செஞ்சா நீங்க தான் HERO - Duration: 3:07.


VSPNU [A video for Manor College] - Duration: 3:34.

Good morning to you all.

We are near

the monument

of the youngest Hero of the

Heavenly Hundred, Hero of Ukraine,

a student of Vasyl Stefanyk

Precarpathian National University

Roman Huryk

I look forward to further effective cooperation

and thank you for your attention.

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