Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 29 2017

oh that's hilarious I am using a size F 3.5 millimeter

crochet hook and 4-ply yarn I was going to use yellow however yellow was arguing

with the camera and light source today so I will be using orange instead we

will need some sort of stuffing for the center over ball and this time I'm just

going to use some scraps here that I've been playing around with I'm not going

to use any fiberfill I'm just going to use yarn and this is just some stuff

I've been playing around with and seeing how well acrylic felts and I've even

made some goofy little things out of a combination of wool and acrylic yarn but

what I'm going to do is use this for my stuffing

I'm going to attach the yarn to the hook and work a chain of three one two three

join with the beginning chain joining is putting your hook through the first

chain wrap the yarn over pull through pull through the loop on the hook we

have joined our chain adore ring we will be working nine single crochet through

the chain I'm going to work a chain one and then work nine single crochet and

I'm putting my hook right through the center

one two three

four five six



9 we have completed our first round and it is a little bit tight working with

the smaller crochet hook that is what I wanted with this particular project so

the fabric created by the stitches would be closer together now I'm going to work

the continual around and this is just going on ahead I'm not joining I'm just

working through the top of the first stitch and I'm working to single crochet

through the top of the first stitch and in each stitch around for a total of 18

on round 2 I've completed two stitches and I'm putting my hook right below the

two loops at the top of the stitch three

four five six

seven eight

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 this is what we have completed through round 2

and you may want to attach a stitch marker or yarn marker of some sort to

identify your first stitch now it doesn't have to be perfect because this

is one of those projects that is flexible so if you're off a stitch or

two it's still probably going to work out if you're new to crochet you may

want to have an idea where the first stitch is out round three is going to be

one single crochet in each stitch around for a total of 18 one two three four

five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 we have completed round

three round four is going to be an increase round so we are going to work

one single crochet in the first stitch two in the next stitch and I'm still

working right below the two loops at the top of the stitch that's one and I'm

putting my hook in the same stitch wrap the yarn over pull through I've

completed three stitches one in the next two in the next stitch for the increase

we have six stitches this is number seven

two in the next eight nine ten two in the next 11 12 one in the next

thirteen two in the next 14 15 one in the next 16 two in the next 17 18 one in

the next stitch 19 two in the next stitch 20 21 one in the next stitch 22

two in the next 23 24 one in the next stitch 25 and the last stitch is two for

26 and 27 we have completed round four round five is going to be one single

crochet in each stitch around for a total of 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 we have completed round

five and you can see here it is slightly starting to curl up a little bit we have

one more increase round to do round six is an increase round we will be working

an individual stitch in each of the first two stitches two stitches in the

next stitch for the increase there is a multiple on round six which is three we

work an individual stitch in one stitch an individual stitch in the next stitch

two in the next for the increase so with each set of three stitches we are

working four stitches so in the last stitch is two stitches for the increase

an individual that's one an individual in the next four to the third stitch is

two which is three and four the first two are individual

five six to the next seven eight an individual in the first two which is

nine ten to in the next eleven twelve the first two are individual thirteen

fourteen two in the next fifteen sixteen individual seventeen eighteen an

increase 1920 the first two are individual twenty-one

twenty-two an increase 23 24 the first two are individual 25 26 an

increase in the next twenty seven twenty eight individual 29 30 increase 31 32

individual 33 34 increase 35 36 this is what we have completed through round six

round seven through 13 will be one single crochet in each stitch around for

a total of 36 there will be a total of seven rounds working one single crochet

in each stitch around you will continue on around to complete the seven rounds

and at this point if you wanted to make it a little bit longer you could you

could add in additional rounds to increase your little creature and make

it into any shape that you want to make it into

and now I'm going to stop here and go on ahead and finish my seven rounds and

then I will be back with the remaining part of this little emoticon I have

completed round thirteen round fourteen is going to be a decrease round what we

will be doing is working one single crochet in each of the first two

stitches and then a decrease over the next two stitches a decrease is taking

two stitches reducing them down to one and I'm putting my hook through the

front loop only yarn over pull through putting my hook through the front loop

only of the next stitch wrap the yarn over pull through there are three loops

on my hook wrap the yarn over pull through all three loops work one single

crochet in each of the next two stitches then the decrease and we will repeat the

same thing and I'm working through the front loop only yarn over pull through

put your hook through the next stitch front loop only wrap the yarn over pull

through there are three loops on your hook wrap the yarn over pull through all

three loops work one single crochet in each of the next two stitches and now we

will work the decrease

one single crochet in each of the next two stitches we will work the decrease

continue working around to the beginning upon completion we will have a total of

27 stitches on round 14 I have completed round 14 round 15 will be one single

crochet in each stitch around for a total of 27 that's number two three four

five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

and this is what it looks like at this point you can see that it's starting to

curve up in this direction round 16 is going to be a decrease round we will be

reducing our stitches from 27 down to 18 and if they aren't exact or if your

count is off you don't have to worry about it if it's just off by one or two

stitches don't worry about it because it is going to work out in the end now

we're going to work one single crochet decrease over the next two and the

decrease is still the same we're working through the

loop only over two stitches and that's two right there work one single crochet

now we're working a decrease putting our hook through the front loop only yarn

over pull through put our hook through the front loop only yarn over pull

through we have three loops on the hook wrap the yarn over pull through all

three we have completed four stitches work an individual in the next now we're

working a decrease this is stitch six and individual and then a decrease

that's eight this is nine

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

now this is what I have now we will need to stuff this now at this time you will

want to stuff the center of your ball and this is what I'm going to use and

just start stuffing it like that now I'm going to put everything in there

just like that

then if you have access to nylon stockings or old stockings you could

always put this stuff in in a stocking and then put it on the inside if you are

concerned about it coming out but this is why I used the smaller crochet hook

was so the stitches would be close together

and there wouldn't be as big a concern about the stuffing coming out or peeking

through when I'm going to put this in as well put that right in there like that

and I'm just using up some of these scraps here that I have and you can see

none of its coming through right now and really this isn't much different than

what the fiberfill is so they're made of similar materials and you know just

however much you want to pull your yarn apart and you can turn your yarn into

fiberfill if you have leftover scraps

and I think that's pretty good for right now then I'll set that aside in case I

need more I'm going to work one more round of single crochet for a total of

18 so if you wanted to wait to stuff it after this last round on round 17 you

could do that it's number three four

five six

seven eight nine ten

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 round 18 is going to be nine single crochet decrease

so this part might get a little bit challenging and the decreases work the

same way as the previous decrease stitches we're working through the top

of two different stitches working like that that's number two



five if it starts to just get a little bit too tight and I'm gonna I'll show

you what we can do and we don't have to finish the stitches this is what we'll

do and I'm going to cut my yarn right here and then I'm going to knot it off

like that and I think that I want to add a little bit extra stuffing right here

at the top just like that just to add a little bit more fullness to it

now I'm going to thread my needle I have my little tapestry needle here and then

I'm just going to weave the needle through this last round of stitches and

just ease it shut as I go and I'm just working through the front loop and that

seems to even the loops out and the stitches so they're not pulling so tight

and create those big gaping holes

there we have it shut like that it doesn't look too bad

and the bottom is always going to look nicer than the top part increasing for

some reason just always looks a lot nicer than decreasing but that's alright

I'm going to I don't know what I'm gonna do yet either put a hat or hair on right

now I haven't quite decided what I want to do yet but I'm going to make a little

knot up here and if you actually liked the bottom side better what you could do

is make two bottom sides and then sew them together around here that's just

another option

I'm going to slow this on to the inside back decided to use up my strand of yarn

here and make little loops for hair up here so what I'm doing here is I am

looping around my thumb like that and using my thumb as a measurement and then

down here when I get my loop then I make a knot and secure it in place just like

that then we have little loops there or you can use your finger if you want to

you know if you want to do different sizes make a loop and then make a knot

down here to secure it and you can see that's going to keep it in place as long

as you don't tug too hard but

no maybe not down here to secure okay now that one's a little bit better

than that other one so you can play around with that and decide what you

want to do as far as your hair and the size of your loops and

then every so often you may want to make a second knot but the previous hairs

here they do seem to be staying in place like that and I'm just going to Co

continue on around here making loops and then I'm going to probably change color

and add in some other colors

For more infomation >> How to make Ball Crochet Amigurumi Knit Ball English Subtitles Translations - Duration: 25:07.


Looking For An Answer - Linkin Park (Acoustic Cover) | Shelly - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Looking For An Answer - Linkin Park (Acoustic Cover) | Shelly - Duration: 4:01.


What If We Were Made Of Light - Duration: 4:27.

What If We Were Made Of Light

by Rainbow Ra,

Man is a star bound to a body.


Would our world be a far cry from our current one if we could physically see that we are

light beings?

Would we act any differently if we saw one another�s light essence?

You are invited to join my journey to see for yourself!

My Inner Light!

A few years ago I had an amazing experience.

I was remotely sending healing to a dear loved one as this was my typical bedtime ritual.

It is a Qigong practice I do prior to sleeping, while flat on my back.

Since it is meditative, it tends to get me very buzzy and tingling.

That particular night during the Qigong, I had a vision of three little lambs nestling

and nuzzling with one another.

It was followed by a second vision of the critters that also included a clearly audible

male human voice directing, �Feed my sheep�!

Next I felt that I popped out of my body.

I went above and behind my body, even though that meant �I� was located either in the

mattress or the headboard!

I could see into my body.

Rather than the typical organs, muscles and veins, I viewed a brilliant bluish white light

surrounded by a gorgeous, velvety indigo blue!

The light, in an elongated form, came to a point at either end.

There were innumerable, narrow strands of light, porcupining out in all directions from

its core.

After I�d been fully mesmerized by this breathtakingly beautiful sight, I slid back

into my earthly shell and fell fast asleep.

The next morning I was awakened by our clock radio.

The very first words from a random radio station in mid-song was �Blinded by the Light�!

I continued laying there taking in the words of the remainder of this Manfred Mann music.

I thought to myself, �Wow!

What a miraculous Universe in which we live that it can so synchronistically arrange such


Since then, I look back to that time wondering how many others have been blessed to see our


That was the only time, thus far, that I�ve seen what we truly are.

Our bodies, as well as all our 3-D physical world, despite seeming quite solid and real,

are merely illusory.

The physical aspects of ourselves vibrate at a slower frequency than our light.

It was my higher vibrational meditation that afforded me a glimpse into the 5-D realm.

What If?

What if everyone in the workplace was suddenly able to see their own, as well as everyone

else�s, inner light?

Imagine what it would be like.

Would we be kinder and more cooperative?

Ponder yourself walking down a busy city sidewalk and all at once everyone�s light becomes


Would we be able to appreciate the beauty?

Visualize a battlefield in which all the soldiers were allowed to see inner lights, from friend

and foe alike.

Would we have instant peace?

Join Me!

It is finally time for me to help �feed my sheep�.

I feel this happening through guiding others toward awakened awareness.

Please humor me and imagine.

After all, the grandest ideas were all birthed from the kingdom of the imagination.

Picture this.

We may not be able to see our light yet.

However, when we look a fellow human in the eye, we can notice a glimmer of light sparkling

from that window of the soul.

We can all imagine, ponder and visualize that bit of sparkle being a portion of their light,

literally oozing out to create a better world.

Won�t you join me?

Let your light shine!

May the light in me greet the light in you!


For more infomation >> What If We Were Made Of Light - Duration: 4:27.


LeBron Laker Rumors are Flying Again Thanks to a Happy Birthday Tweet - Duration: 1:17.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

It seems like LeBron James can't even take a breath without people speculating whether

it will give details on where he's being traded in 2018.

Something so simple as a happy birthday tweet has speculated rumors once again that James

will be traded to the Los Angeles Lakers.

On Friday, the Cleveland super star took a moment to wish happy 20th birthday to Lakers

rookie Lonzo Ball.

Happy Gday young King @ZO2_!

Live it up on your day!

#LiveLaughLove #StriveForGreatness

Because there are so many people who are already convinced that LeBron is going to the Lakers,

his tweet for Lonzo raised a lot of eyebrows.

Some fans are even thinking that his happy birthday shoutout is proof he's heading to



Lebron Going to the lakers issa wrap

This just in.

Lebron confirmed he is going to the lakers.

Following the Lakers loss to the Toronto Raptors, Ball was asked about LeBron's shoutout saying,

"It's pretty cool.

My favorite player growing up.

He wished me happy birthday.

It's pretty cool."

Like every other rumor out there surrounding LeBron's trade there's no telling what he

will do come 2018.

Let's just see what he does with the Cavs this season.

They play the Pelicans tonight at 7pm EST.

That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe

to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> LeBron Laker Rumors are Flying Again Thanks to a Happy Birthday Tweet - Duration: 1:17.


Uh MARK - Duration: 1:52:45.

For more infomation >> Uh MARK - Duration: 1:52:45.


Bí mật về đại tiệc 500 AE giang hồ cả nước dự kiến tổ chức thế nào? - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Bí mật về đại tiệc 500 AE giang hồ cả nước dự kiến tổ chức thế nào? - Duration: 3:59.


The Mayor 1x05 Promo "The Strike" (HD) - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> The Mayor 1x05 Promo "The Strike" (HD) - Duration: 0:16.


Crorepati Game Show With Dr Aamir Liaqquat Hussain | Ep 1 | 28 October 2017 | Pak Trends - Duration: 35:02.

SUBSCRIBE For More Videos

For more infomation >> Crorepati Game Show With Dr Aamir Liaqquat Hussain | Ep 1 | 28 October 2017 | Pak Trends - Duration: 35:02.


MY GOBLIN BARREL IS OUTSIDE THE ARENA in Clash Royale! - Duration: 11:29.


Guys the clickbait god is back again or two videos in a row

I don't know what's going on yesterday's video was so much fun

if you missed that go check it out was definitely crazy, but we're back again on the clickbait god account I

Made a brand new random crazy stupid deck and we're just gonna

Hop right into some battles with fans. I tweeted this link out the other day

We filled up the friends list pretty quickly, so I told them all to spectate the clickbait god

So we should have an awesome audience for today's video now if you remember yesterday we invited Big Momma jerky to a battle

So hopefully this person accepts because I don't like being rejected

Ok Big Mama jerky. I'm sorry. You just can't battle with you today, but oh

Oh the capsule mine work gets a miracle boy someone sent us a battle

Let's get into this now if you're wondering why I'm wearing a bathrobe

I honestly can't tell you like I'm just trying to be entertaining guys if this is entertaining

Awesome, hopefully. I'm not too revealing. Oh god. Don't want to get demonetised out here. Let's go for the past couple battle

I've ever seen in my life. I don't know the whole guy there's walking

There's fireball value fireball my goblins were just outside of the map. I don't even know what's going on right now guys

There's a lot on my mind. We need to take things a step slower

Not only did I just have the best value fireball my goblins were

Outside the map I'm gonna have to try to do that again because that was definitely a little bit interesting

Oh, yeah, that is a rip for him

I am gonna put the knight down wasn't sure if the knight was going to be needed and

what what the hell is that furnace doing there like I've seen some bad furnaces in my lifetime, but that's definitely a new one I

I'm not gonna judge. Okay, the clickbait God is gonna. Be judge free for the next five seconds. Okay five seconds is fast

What the hell is that furnace okay? Speaking of randomness though?

I'm trying to think of what we can do my teammate has a valkyrie. There is a wedged we go all out splash

Yeah, screw that way to the fireball Oh

Luckily he has a meaning word there um still I have a pretty useless hand I guess I can go for like a

Crazy goblin barrel is that interesting not? We're just gonna chill elixir. Unfortunately that giant is gonna get some hits off

I probably could have used an offensive goblin barrel

But I just was not feeling that so right here watch this professional play right now ready ready look look look. Oh the Hulk

Oh he went around the ice calm

I was hoping the hog was gonna get stuck on that ice goal

But right now Birkin, and I we're struggling a little bit like we could probably do better

But right now things are just rough. I don't really know what's going on all boys

This is gonna be a giant down dark goblin behind it and remember

I said I would show you these goblins again, so look at my goblin barrel. We're sending that dude in straight away

Let's get a free spell ready as well freeze that Oh

Oh, it's also gonna Mecca value fireball up in there

We aren't getting too many hits off, but it looks sick so that is all that matters um oh god

Okay, ready ready screw that on get a nice calm down

I don't quite know what the ice golems gonna do but I guess we have a pretty cool counter push

Let's get that gobble barrel in there right now. Please please please come on come on come on get something

It's off get something heads off one dead one hit was all we got yeah. I'm a bum bum okay

Let's get Valkyrie Plus dark goblin + giant, and we need to get a freeze fell down this freeze

Spell is gonna be an absolute game changer. I don't quite know what that was right there, but freeze that

We're out the tower the holy crap we're gonna be pushing over time that I swarm was a complete failure right now

We are making some serious plays guys. Holy crap. We just destroyed all that right now. This is eight. This is everything

Let's get the dark out one on the inside get arska

Oh, no way no way no way we're gonna win this right now guys

Please please win this please come on you can do it. You can do it. I'm gonna freeze all that let's go

Let's go come on goblins come on goblins. You can do it. You can do it come on come on you got this goblins? Oh?

We're taking the pack over as well. We need words going on the tower setting in a goblin barrel

Are we actually gonna win this? There is no way let's send a fireball in there right now

I have no idea how many hit points are left, please please, please?

This is insane

Wow good job firkin. Where are these things good game?

Dude that that was close Wow returning back Carlos sent us a battle. I feel like I battled Carlos in my last video

Oh little get out we're going with this guy what can we even do here? Uh-oh?

here's a pretty heavy tank so it looks like I'm gonna be the

Defender and he's gonna be pushing again 15 to 16 spectators all spam and confetti

Let's start this battle off with a wizard. Oh that's a perfect giant

Please stay in front of that wizard awesome now as far as that executioner goes

I really want to fireball him, but let's wait until he is at the bridge because we can seriously wreck him

Oh wait, this is gonna. Be easy ready for this pounder. You're ready. You're ready boom now the wizard is gonna take care

Whoa what the heck is all of this they got a lot of stuff over there

I am gonna zap that on the giant skeleton should die oh, I've messed up my fries

I was supposed to freeze the pike. Oh why am I so stupid?


God okay, I need to calm down. It's just a game guys. Just a game Oh

Boys I probably should have put the knight there in the dark goblin in the back

But look at the range on that guy he is impeccable

Perfect ice oh the ice golem was perfect until it died

Now the knight did a great job at stopping all of that as far as this goes

I am gonna fireball that out right there

We just need to stop this to the best of our ability the pike is gonna get it off zapping

Deep breaths guys, it's just a game make sure we're protected can't be shown any inappropriate stuff

What do we got here only barbs on the executioner with a know pretty spell after all okay um wizard rate

There's that a double lumberjack push definitely have not seen that one before oh

Okay, okay

Yeah, it's kind of rough on that right side like that Tower is done 100%

But that doesn't mean we can't get a banger push off. Okay, I lied there's not gonna be a banger push right here unless


Frickin thing goes crazy come on go goblins

The goblins are actually doing good, but I was gonna freeze that but he logged us out as far as this goes

Let's get ourselves a wizard in the back. We really have to be careful with how we perform here

Let's get ourselves a knight down in the front

Unfortunately though this giant skeleton is about to cause some mayhem with his bombs

He's just I think he's going to destroy everything there. Oh, oh the Wizards alive still perfect and screw that executioner

We're fire balling him out of there that tower on the left is not a big deal at all so right now

We don't have to worry about that honestly

We have enough spells to pretty much win here I can zap that Tower

Any time as far as the rest of this battle goes. Oh my god his his Lumberjacks food our next level

I've never seen Lumberjacks like his before they just seemed to be like really really good

And I don't know why they're so good we got to work on this oh god

Please stop the practice stop the Pecha stop the FICA stop stop

Dude there is no way we're actually performing this good right now screw this guy over there

I'm honestly not trying to take any damage from these giant skeletons. Here's a bandit on the tower with okay guys

I think I think we're getting three started here

Yeah, wait a second wait one second not all hope is done yet not all hope is done yet

Are you ready the cool guy?

I'm gonna cancel this battle the next three battles after this is who we're going with so not you

That's one battle not Omar get us a great guy

It's free this is gonna be chaos

I know I said the max three

But did anyone else see her death look how heavy this is talk about chaos this battle is gonna be chaos

I'm telling you that right now Knight down in the very back. Let's put ourselves the peashooter

I probably could have said oh wow, that's a good zap. Just destroyed the Goblin barrel poor, dude

I was honestly debating about putting a freeze spell right there

But I decided it would be a terrible idea

As far as this goes let's put a Whizzer down to help out with that Knight

I'm thinking about putting a goblin barrel down as well if I can get 40 lakes are awesome, but to be honest

Oh my god. Talk about a value fireball

I'm gonna zap all that right there perfect unfortunately the minions are gonna go down, but we did get some hits off

Oh god. Okay. You ready for this

Are you ready for this how to stop a Pecha the easy way we're gonna pull that guy oh my God look at that godliness

Unfortunately all of our troops are about to get rack, but that could have been like nearly perfect so at this point

We're just gonna keep on toying these troops around. I'm gonna try to bring them towards my King tower

I don't know how we're gonna stop that luckily my teammate has enough for a bandit, but other than that right now

It's it's pretty rough. I don't have enough always stop the pack up. Oh my god. You got to be kidding me

We have some insane luck right now so at this point. There's a minute 37 or 35 left in the battle

We got to make some serious plays I am

Losing my voice out here, but the paddle is just not pretty guys. I'm sorry

I'm trying my hardest, but things just aren't working out as planned

We're gonna take some damage here my teammate needs to get those three musketeers down ASAP

Luckily they did foot and he likes her pump down so since there's a pump down. Oh my god

Three musketeers going down right now. This is gonna. Be insane. Let's get a ball or push put them down, please

I don't know if they have enough or what but we need to get a monster push going right now. Let's get ourselves. Ah

We're recording a video hang up on that

Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh cuckoo-crazy push crazy push crazy push, we need to try our hardest right now. He died

I don't even know what I'm saying at this point. I can't English nothing's going well

Okay, we can we can do this. We just gotta play it slow maybe

Okay, yeah, I'm I'm losing. Hope guys. I I don't think there's anything else left for us. I'm sorry. I'm a failure guys

I'm a failure I tried my hardest, but unfortunately

We're just not good enough it appears, but on a serious note. I think I am gonna be wrapping up today's video here

I really don't know why I'm just so crazy today. It's something about the clique

They got account that makes me just want to go

Absolutely insane now. I'm gonna do something special

That's public the clan so anyone can join and yeah

I don't really think there's anything else for me to say in today's video. We tried our hardest

We tried to win, but unfortunately we just couldn't prevail so guys this has penny clips. Thank you all for watching and

For more infomation >> MY GOBLIN BARREL IS OUTSIDE THE ARENA in Clash Royale! - Duration: 11:29.


Abraham Granado (16y) Drummer DBandMusic // Performance - Official Logo - Duration: 4:03.

Hey my name is Abraham Granado Cuarez I'm 16 years old

I'm Dunamis Band Music's drummer

in Valencia, Venezuela

I have the privilege

of belonging to the Vida Cristiana Church with Apostle Jose Rafael Malpica

and with cover of King Jesus Ministry in Miami, Florida

with Apostle Guillermo Maldonado

I wanna show you to my Official Logo

as you can see the letter "A" is composed of nails

these nails represent the sacrifice that JESUS made

on the cross for me and for you

so as I live for Jesus and everything I do, I do it for him

wanna represent that in my logo

so I wanna welcome you to my Youtube channel

I know this channel will be of great growth for you

you will not only advance in the musical part

but also grow into being a worshiper for God

I'll be uploading several videos playing, I'll be uploading several videos worshiping God with DunamisBandMusic

and I will be uploading tutorials very soon

so you can grow fast and simple

so I ask you to share it with your best friends, with your relatives

with your friends

so I count on you with this great dream with this great project

Let's go for more and God bless you a lot

For more infomation >> Abraham Granado (16y) Drummer DBandMusic // Performance - Official Logo - Duration: 4:03.


AdP NEWS - Nova Detecção de Ondas Gravitacionais - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> AdP NEWS - Nova Detecção de Ondas Gravitacionais - Duration: 2:36.


'Stranger Things' Star Busted at LAX for Alleged Cocaine Possession - Duration: 1:20.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.

As millions of people prepare to binge on the second season of Stranger Things, one

of the series regulars was allegedly getting ready to binge on a whole lotta cocaine

Actor Charlie Heaton, who plays the character Jonathon Byers, was reportedly denied entry

into the US after trace amounts of cocaine were reportedly found in his luggage at LAX.

Which is bonkers, because here in LA, they just hand out eight balls wrapped inside star

maps when you get off the plane.

According to various reports, the 23-year-old cast member was believed to be flying from

London to Los Angeles for a Stranger Things 2 launch party when he was stopped.

According James Beal of the Sun

"He was caught by sniffer dogs at LAX Airport, where border officials found traces of white

powder on his personal items.

The 'very small amount' was subsequently confirmed to be cocaine."

The Sun initially broke the news and cited an unnamed source claiming Heaton missed the

event while being sent back to the UK.

Heaton was reportedly not arrested, presumably due to the small amount of drugs found.

Stranger Things became a runaway hit for Netflix in 2016, with Heaton's Jonathon character

serving as a brother to Will Byers and a love interest to the character Nancy Wheeler.

Stranger Things 2 is now streaming on Netflix and there's a good chance that most people

will be done watching the entire show by the time you see this.

That's all for now, for everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube, for Complex News, I'm

Hanuman Welch.

For more infomation >> 'Stranger Things' Star Busted at LAX for Alleged Cocaine Possession - Duration: 1:20.


Chatbot Course - Entities [Build Your Own Chatbot] - Duration: 5:56.

Entities enable Watson to identify details in the user's input which we can then use

to provide different responses to the user.

For example, "Which flowers for a birthday?" and "What are the best flowers for Valentine's

Day?" both express the #flower_suggestions intent that we defined before, however the

two requests will require different responses.

So, to differentiate these two requests, we can use entities.

Entities have a name and a series of values.

These values, in turn, have associated synonyms.

Synonyms are optional, but recommended, given that the user might enter the same concept

using a different word.

When Watson Conversation parses the question from the user, it will try to first detect

the matching intent and then any matching entities.

Extracting both intent and entity from the user's question enables us to provide very

specific and precise responses to the user.

Unlike intents, where Watson will figure out on its own the user's ultimate goal and

match it to an intent based on the examples that we trained it on, for entities, Watson

will only detect the exact values and synonyms that we've specified.

If we enable the fuzzy matching option, which is currently in beta, then misspellings of

the specified values and synonyms will also be detected.

Also, unlike intents which start with a pound symbol, entities start with an @ sign.

Not to be confused with Twitter handles.

In our flower suggestion example, we could define an @occasion entity that has several

values, one for each different occasion.

For example, we can have birthday, Valentine's Day, sickness, funeral, and so on, as its


We can then provide synonyms for each of these values, if any are available.

In Watson's eyes, the question "Which flowers for a birthday?" will then be interpreted

as having: #flower_suggestions intent, @occasion as the

entity, and birthday as the value of the entity.

Note that the colon (:) is used to indicate a specific value within the entity.

This will come in handy when we design the dialog and we want to provide different responses

for @occassion:birthday and, say, @occasion:sickness.

When we build our chatbot in the next module, we will see how to handle users who are less

specific and don't specify what the actual occasion is.

Our response could, for example, ask what the specific occasion is.

Follow up questions of this kind tend to make our chatbot more human-like and generally

more useful.

Here, when we enter the question "Can you suggest get well flowers?" to test the chatbot,

Watson detects that our intent is flower_suggestions.

It also detects that get well (highlighted in purple in the input) is a synonym we declared

for the sickness value, within the occasion entity.

It will, therefore, associate the user input with the flowers_suggestions intent and with

the @occasion:sickness entity.

When designing the dialog and defining what to reply to the user, we'll be able to check

for which entity value has been triggered by the user and respond accordingly.

Entity values can contain spaces.

However, when designing the dialog, entities with a space will have to be referred to by

surrounding them by parenthesis.

For example, @occasion:(Valentine's Day).

When it comes to entities, you don't have to do all the work.

Thankfully, there are some predefined system entities that you can use in your chatbot.

They are disabled by default, but you can enable one or more, and even all of them.

When enabled, these entities get added to our chatbot and Watson is then able to automatically

detect various predefined pieces of information from the user input.

For example, by enabling @sys-date Watson will detect any date in the user's input.

The user might type "next month" somewhere in their question, and Watson will bind it

with the @sys-date entity and the date value in the full year, dash, month, dash day.

My recommendation is not to clutter your chatbot with system entities.

Instead, only enable those that you actually need for your own specific bot.

Before moving on to the dialog portion of this module, I wanted to mention that it is

possible to import (and export) intents and entities.

In fact, if you are adding a large number of examples for intents, it might be more

convenient to import a .csv file that you've generated with a program like Excel or Google


The format is quite simple.

For intents, you would have the questions in the first column, and the corresponding

intent in the second column.

Then export to comma separated value from your program.

Note that in this case, you would not prefix the intent with the pound symbol.

For entities, you would have one column for the entity name (again without the @ symbol)

and a second column for values.

Any extra value in successive columns would be imported as a synonym for the value on

that same row.

You would end up with as many rows as you have entity values.

If you are consulting the Watson Conversation documentation in relation to this, you might

come across the term Ground Truth.

Ground Truth is a collection of vetted data that we feed Watson to train it, in our particular


Whether you enter your examples manually in Watson Conversation or you import them from

a comma separated file, that matching between the examples and the intents is Ground Truth.

Of course, it's perfectly possible to build a chatbot without importing intents or entities

from CSV, entirely relying on Watson Conversation's UI to input the data manually, as I will show

you in Module 3.

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