Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 29 2017

Doesn't look right without the light

The future of my channel

What do i plan to do? What new type of video is going to come considering the drift season is ending?

Concretely, what is going to change on my channel?

Let's chill and answer these questions

So before we talk about the future let's give a little look at the past

What past is there in the past

Wow holy cow bravo!

7 months ago, i had a dream

Make my passion, which is drifting, concrete

At this time i was training very hard on a simulator called "Assetto Corsa"

( What i still do )

And i absolutely wanted a drift car to drift in real life, you see

So, for the ones that doesn't know what drifting is, what is it?

Well it's "skids" but in another word

Yes, you know, Jean-Kevin being a turd on the roundabouuut

Well already BAM, you fell into the trap

It's not Jean-Kevin but Jean-Christophe

Seriously, drifting is not about being a turd on the roundabout

Drifting is an art

It's an art requiring you to master absolutely a big mass that a car is

On a track


Well, okay, i admit, that drifting was born in the 80's in japan mountains

Well sorry but it wasn't a track

In fact drifting is very visual

But in the meantime the sensations you have in the car are huge

Drifting is also represented by its sound:


The 2JZ

And by its smell: the smell of tire and gasoline in the cockpit

So, 7 months ago i wanted a real drift car

After fighting with my parents

Because yes i'm 17


Thug life

I finally had the support to realize my passion and

we bought an e36

Which is here

And i have to say this car is extraordinary

After some troubles and parts changing

Because voila, it comes with aftermarket cars

We linked all the events having one idea in mind:

Progress and progress to reach the most skilled drivers later

So we linked adventures and adventures and some upgrades here and there

We come

to my



The crash

So yes that's why there's a blinker missing

a headlight and

that wing is broken :'c

And so voilaaa

We come to the future of my channel

Considering the drift season is ending, i won't be able to hold the actual real drift event video rythm

being one per week

It'll be more once per month now

I have some new video types to purpose to you to fill in the holes

Firstly, vlogs

So, yes again, already

having all types of subjects

Generally it'll be all that will be in relation with drifting stuff

but it can be more personnal stuff

For you to know me a bit better

Yes, this sentence is a stereotype

That way you'll see the behind the scenes of the drift events i posted each week

If we think about it tho one event per week is ridiculously frequent

Secondly, i purpose something you heard about in the last video

Especially, i don't know the timing anymore


I purpose to you videos of my simulator

that video game where i train



a good


Because no, you don't only train in real life to have a good level

So i have several video ideas for Assetto Corsa

Especially, montages

But i won't tell you more that way we keep the hype up

And thirdly, lives


Which lives will i purpose? Good question

Well, a bit of all in fact

Like Q&As, work on the car or when we play assetto corsa

Oh yeah i said "us", true

I forgot to present to you my best friend

Mister Paulo

He assisted me all the time in the events and he's watching this video

Thanks Paulo

Without him it'd be way more complicated guys

There's also my other best friend which is not often here because he's not really interested in drifting

But his name is Nicolas

And i love him too

Voila, here are some ideas for the future of the channel in my heart

and that is growing up

patiently, but growing up

If you have ideas or suggestions of videos

It'd be really great to write them in the comments

*Give your opinion!* It'd be really great to write them in the comments

Because we're a community and i can't run without you

I'm really opened to your opinion, i'd like to know what you think

If you think that some ideas are zeros or great

To guide me a bit in my way

If you like what i do and you want to support me

You can subscribe to this channel, and be part of the community

On that

Power belongs to all

For more infomation >> THE FUTURE OF THIS CHANNEL - Duration: 4:14.



For more infomation >> CRATER MALDONADO | IV.- VERSÁTIL | VIDEO OFFICIAL - Duration: 3:15.


O APOCALIPSE | Can you escape #1 - Duration: 15:36.

For more infomation >> O APOCALIPSE | Can you escape #1 - Duration: 15:36.


LIGHTSEEKERS! Dad VS Kid! ✳ TottyChoCho - Duration: 12:23.

Thanks to Lightseekers for sponsoring this video.



Hey Dudes, this is Sammy and today we have LIGHTSEEKERS!

It's a new adventure roll playing game.

You can get it on your phone or tablet for free.

You can use these awesome action figures in the game too.

We have both Tyrax Starter Pack, and Mari Starter Pack.

Both come with a hero figure, a weapon, a fusion core, 5 augmented reality cards and

a tribute card.

Here's a closer look at Tyrax.

He's HUGE!

And you can pose him how ever you want.

To put him in the game you have to put on his fusion core.

You can give him his weapon to use in the game too.

Tyrax' weapon is the nitro hammer.

The character and the weapon both gain experience points.

You can even scan the cards into the game.

They will give you special abilities and perks.

This is the intro pack to the trading card game.

You can play this game with your friends and you don't

need a video game or the figures.

You can also scan the cards into the game.

You can even eat the cards for biscuits.

Just kidding.


Let's have a closer look at Mari.

Mari's weapon is a Aquadart Crab.

Let me show you the game, then my Dad's going to join with Mari.

I'm going to show you how to put Jax in the game.

On the back, remove this part.

Then you put the fusion core in here.

When you put the Nitro Hammer in his hand you can see it in the game.

Check this out, it's so cool.

We're going to play the Adventure game first.

Hey after you beat him, want to try and scan in some cards?

Guys, I think we should scan in these 3 cards.

We're going to use Jax card, Nitro Hammer card and the Tribute card.

First let's do the tribute card.

wow, cool!

Wow, that looks so cool.

We're going to scan Jax now.


Let's do Nitro Hammer now!

Now our guy's better in the game, let's play!


I won.

I'm still fighting!

I'm losing!

I'm Winning!

Nitro Hammer Leveled up.

I'm going to continue this adventure game on our gaming channel.

Guys, make sure you subscribe to our GAMING CHANNEL!

I'm going to bring my Dad in and we're going to play the ACTION GAMES!

OK Dad, you're going to be Mari.


I'm going to be JAX!

I'm going to put the Fusion Core in!

We're going to play the ACTION GAMES now.

Let's do COIN CHACE!

I don't know if I want to go faster because I'm trying to get the coins.

I don't want to get the speed boost.

I'm going to get the speed boost.


Oh I missed all the coins.

Who won?


Look at my score!


Action games!

Let's try Flight Force - Jungle.

It's like Mario Kart!

I got those little treats!

Oh you get a special attack if you press the other button!

Don't get hit by the blades!

I saw on EvanTubeHD – Evan got blasted by the blades.

Who was better, Jillian or Evan?


What happened to you?

How did you get defeated?

You nailed it!


Oh no!

DON'T get the RED ones!

I had a lot of fun with this game!

Guys, let us know in the comments what YOU think!

Do me a favour, press the SUBSCRIBE button and hit the BELL!

When is my next video coming out?



Bye Bye!

Thanks to LIGHTSEEKERS for sending us this awesome stuff.

Bye Bye Mari, Bye Bye JAX!

For more infomation >> LIGHTSEEKERS! Dad VS Kid! ✳ TottyChoCho - Duration: 12:23.


Как создать заказ на сайте - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Как создать заказ на сайте - Duration: 5:22.


EDGAR ALLAN POE | Draw My Life - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> EDGAR ALLAN POE | Draw My Life - Duration: 5:33.


New Nail Art Tutorial 2017 - The Best Halloween Nail Art Designs Compilation October 2017 | Part 30 - Duration: 10:27.

The Best Halloween Nail Art Designs Compilation October 2017

For more infomation >> New Nail Art Tutorial 2017 - The Best Halloween Nail Art Designs Compilation October 2017 | Part 30 - Duration: 10:27.


Quebec's Bill 62 discriminates against Muslims | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 4:25.

On October 18th, the Canadian Province of Quebec passed Bill 62, the "religious neutrality law".

It bans people from wearing face coverings when giving or receiving public services.

That applies to anyone who works for the state, as well as anyone who uses public transportation,

goes to a hospital, or goes to school.

It will pretty much exclusively affect Muslim women who wear a niqab or a burqa.

Despite being called the "religious neutrality law", it clearly only targets Muslims.

The language in the bill doesn't explicitly say niqab or burqa, but the intention is clear

-- and the effect is that it only really affects Muslims.

Which is clearly not religiously neutral.

It's singling out people from a specific religion and targeting them.

It's making their clothing a source of public debate.

It's making people fear them.

There's nothing neutral about that.

Plus, all it ends up doing is preventing some Muslim women from accessing Government jobs

or using public services.

If they can't ride a bus, or go to the hospital, or go to school -- where do you expect them to go?

You know, I think that's actually the point.

Laws like these drive Muslim women out of the public eye -- an out of sight, out of

mind kind of thing.

People are irrationally afraid of Muslims, and so they want them to disappear.

Like one of the defensives of this ban I've heard is people saying that it's intended

to protect Muslim women, that they're being forced to wear niqabs and burqas by men.

But even if that were the case, this law wouldn't help them -- it would just make them hide away.

Plus, you can't just disregard women's autonomy.

Women can choose what they wear, and what they don't, and it's not our job to dictate that.

If someone wants to wear a niqab or a burqa, they should be allowed to.

This applies across the board.

If you think the government shouldn't tell women what to wear, then that should include

niqabs and burqas.

Women deserve full independence over how they dress.

I don't think that's a controversial statement, and I really think this discussion should end here.

Let women wear what they want. Period.

But, obviously, there are some more points to address.

For one, proponents of Bill 62 have said that it's necessary to see someone's face when

they're using a bus.

I say that's bullshit.

I've been on a bus in the middle of winter with a scarf wrapped around my face and a

beanie pulled down to my eyes.

I was fine.

Other people were doing a similar thing because it was cold.

There was no national security threat because most of face wasn't visible.

The whole fear of people having their faces covered somehow only applies to Muslim women.

Weird, huh.

What's weirder is that there isn't even like an epidemic of Muslim women in niqabs

or burqas committing crimes.

Like, proponents of Bill 62 made this up to address a threat that doesn't exist.

It's not like groups of burqa-clad women are roaming the streets of Quebec robbing banks.

Women in niqabs aren't constantly attacking people on buses.

And obviously, even if there was an incident with someone wearing a niqab or burqa, that

wouldn't make all other niqab- or burqa-wearing women guilty as well.

But it's just bizarre to me that there isn't even a problem to be addressed here.

Their concerns around safety are founded on the basis of literally nothing.

They're afraid of Muslims. That's it.

But there's no actual threat.

They tried to make a solution without first having a problem.

There were also concerns about how this law would be enforced.

Would women receive a fine for wearing face coverings?

Would they just be denied services?

Would they be arrested?

Who would enforce it?

The police, or the bus drivers and doctors?

Well, about a week after the law passed, Quebec's Justice Minister, Stephanie Vallee, said this:

"No one will be thrown off public transit, denied emergency healthcare or be chased out

of a public library.

We do not have the intention of setting up an uncovered-face police."

In their continued backtracking among criticism, the government said that people wouldn't

have to have their faces uncovered the whole time, just during identification.

So you would have to show your face to get on a bus, or rent a library book, or check-in

to the hospital -- but you wouldn't have to remain uncovered for the whole time you're

on the bus or in the library or in the hospital.

Which is weird, because I've definitely gotten on buses and the driver just never

looked at my face.

I'm sure I've been in libraries where nobody ever saw my face.

Everything was fine.

It's like they're making up things to be worried about because it's the only justification

they can think of to discriminate against Muslims without directly saying that's what they're doing.

Plus, the government went on to add that there won't be any fines or sanctions against

those who don't comply.

So it's basically not enforced at all.

Which really just means it's symbolic.

It's way to further "other" Muslim women.

It will make people more distrusting of Muslims, and it will draw attention to them even more now.

They say their intent is safety, but without enforcement, that doesn't seem to be the case.

I highly doubt the intent is to keep people safe.

Rather, it seems like the intent is to further stigmatize Muslims.

This law could be overturned by the courts in the future, but that process could take years.

In the meantime, you need fight back against the anti-Muslim stigma that this law is trying to push.

So yeah, that's the bullshit going on in Quebec right now.

I'd urge all of my Canadian viewers to be speaking up against this loudly.

Make it clear that you won't support this kind of legalized discrimination against a

religious group.

Defend those whose rights are being taken away.

Anyway, that's all for today.

Thanks for watching this video, and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Quebec's Bill 62 discriminates against Muslims | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 4:25.


Ninja Turtles Surprise Toys - Duration: 9:15.

Ninja Turtles Surprise Toys

Hey Dino pals this is Toy Rex here, let's see what toy surprise we have today

It's Ninja Turtles surprise toys, it's a ninja turtle surprise toy party with Ninja turtle surprise eggs

And Ninja Turtle toys and wait there's more toys watch

Wow there's so many surprise toys, I can't even see the Ninja Turtle surprise eggs, which surprise toy

Should we open up first a nope house how about this one? It's right on the top. It's a Suicide Squad mystery mini

I see evil Joker and his girlfriend Harlequin. These are some figures. We can get which one

Do you guys want to get let's get Harley Quinn alright? Let's open it up

Whoa we got Captain Boomerang

He's called chapter brewery cuz his weapon is a boomerang he's a member of The Suicide Squad

And he carries a pink stuffed pony haha now. Let's check out that Batman

Well this Batman looks so cool there's another Joker

And then there's scarecrow and Red Hood the figures all look so cool

Which one you guys wanna get let's try and get Harley Quinn again again here we go

He looks so cool

He's got his red shirt black hood and black Matt's on with a gold utility belt with metal armor on him

He's holding a staff as his weapon so cool after Bennett finishes his training Robin becomes Nightwing

Let's see him do a jump. Whoa ho

Now let's check out this one on the bottom. I see

Well, I'm knocked over everyone hood. This is an Adventures mystery mini. I see Iron Man Captain America and the whole

there's Hawkeye and black widow -

These are my awesome fingers week again Wow I really want to get Hulkbuster. He looks so cool. Let's open it up


He looks like he's ready to shoot out his laser beam on his head

So cool Iron Man is wearing his red and gold power armor and his real name is Tony Stark a super smart

Engineer he's a member of the Avengers and fights alongside Captain America

Time to blast off Iron Man and next we have this super heroes mini so cool

I see Catwoman a little cute kitty and Superman and then there's Aukerman it's super pop -

Which fingers do you guys want to get I want to get Wonder Woman cause she's so cool

Here we go

We got Superman, that's awesome

He's wearing his blue and red superhero costume, and there's the Esper Superman

He's got a big long red cape and his hair is super nice his real name is car Clint a news reporter

But then he transforms in the sermon and he can fly super strong and sure laser beam other's eyes


What's this one whoa? It's a mashups? It's a superhero paw patrol one

That's so awesome. Which paw Patrol is your favorite. Let's open it up

Here we go

Whoa guys we got Batman chase

Awesome chase is wearing a blue pen egg costume Vinny super squishy watch

100 good squeeze head well look at that. It's open huh Wow?


Shades now bemmon he can work with Robin off to the Batcave. Uh-huh

And then we have this Avengers egg there's Captain America Iron Man Hulk and Thor

Awesome shake shake here. We go guys

We got Captain America, and he looks like he's charging through the bricks to attack whoa

Captain America is holding his awesome shield

It's made of X Man team steel, and he can throw it he wears a blue red and white costume

And he is the captain of the Avengers

So awesome

Yes, we have this one. It's a Thomas and Friends mystery mini

There's nobody 70 trains to collect and I see Thomas right there this question mark is the train that's inside

Did you guys know that the golden Thomas is the most rare one let's try and get the golden Thomas guy

Here we go

This is the special Halloween Batman Thomas look so cool

Thomas is wearing a Batman costume. He's got a blue mask, and there's the Bell oh go it looks so cool

Let's check out the collector's guide

Shares all the special Halloween once we can get there's the Batman one we have then there's Robin flash and Superman

There's the Joker

Harlequin Riddler and cyborg so awesome time for Thomas Batman to go for a ride whoa

And what's this last one guys well. It's a bunch of monsters. They're so scary

There's a knight and a scary monster

Perfect, but don't worry guys Superman will protect us here we go

Here we go

We got this scary alien so cool

She's got crazy purple hair and scary alien suit, and she's screaming her

Name is Kerrigan. She is the queen of the CERN so creepy?

Now let's open the engine turtle surprise eggs. Here's Raphael Michelangelo, Leonardo and Donatello

Let's open up don't tell first. Here's the door to a surprise egg, and you start Otello Donatello wears a purple mat

And he's the super smart turtle brother

And he's great at making and inventing

Whoa we got the yellow ranger so cool the yellow ranger is a member of the Power Rangers

And she drives a super cool sword her sword is the saber-tooth tiger?

She's all yellow and she fights with these supercool sabers she awesome

Receivers look like the tooth of a saber-toothed tiger. It's morphing time

Now let's open up the raphael surprise egg. Here's raphael surprise egg, and his Ralph. He's doing a crunching. Oh, yeah

And he fights his size he's the hot head of the group and you stood for super tough time okay, Ralph egg sushi shake

Here we go

This time we got the Blue Ranger. He's so cool. He who drives a

Triceratops, and he has a red gun and they're super cool staff try to do a flip whoa

There's Michelangelo and Leonardo

Let's check out Michelangelo

Michelangelo has an orange bandanna, and he's the party animal he fights with in shots, and he loves to skateboard

There's a skateboard right there. He also loves the

Michelangelo's nickname is Mikey. Okay. Let's open up this egg here we go

Well there's two toys in here

There's April O'Neil April is the friend of the turtles she is a major pearl?

So she's holding a camera to film everything and she has red hair

And that's whoa we have Casey Jones Casey Jones fights, alongside the into Turtles

He uses hockey sticks and baseball bats. He's one of the integers best friends trying to do a flip Casey

Touch with the lats in general surprise egg. It's Leonardo

Leonardo wears a blue bandana. He is the leader of the injured Turtles

He's the oldest brother and he fights with katana swords and his nickname is Leo

Let's open up Leone

Shake shake here we go

Whoa we got a Batman so cool and just like Leonardo

He's wearing a blue suit, and there's his bat logo, and he's about to throw a Batarang wow so cool

City he fights his tie Robin and with Superman he forms two Justice League. Let's go Berman. Uh-huh

Well, it was so fun down her friends the ng turtle got us all these awesome surprise toys

I hope everyone is a super awesome day, and I'll see you guys in the next tyrants video

Thanks for watching Dino pals you guys are awesome

For more awesome surprises with me click here and give me a big high-five to subscribe and join the Dino Club

For more infomation >> Ninja Turtles Surprise Toys - Duration: 9:15.


The beautiful scenery of rural Bengal - Duration: 1:09.

The beautiful scenery of rural Bengal

For more infomation >> The beautiful scenery of rural Bengal - Duration: 1:09.


Overcoming barriers through sports and food- Enric Herrera- - Duration: 30:54.

For more infomation >> Overcoming barriers through sports and food- Enric Herrera- - Duration: 30:54.


Witch Poo Cookies | Fun Halloween Treats - Duration: 5:25.

hey everyone it's James from fun foods and today I'm gonna show you how to make

these witch poo cookies now these are a lot of fun to make and they're perfect

for a Halloween party so I hope you get a chance to make it for yourself for

right now keep watching and I'll show you step by step how to make these now

the first thing we need to do is make our sugar cookie dough and to do that

you can either do a box recipe or you can make it from scratch if you want to

see how I made it from scratch click the little card above or the link in the

description and that'll take you to last week's recipe where I made this from

scratch now after our cookie dough is made I had in a refrigerator chilling a

bit I'm just gonna open it up now you want to use the cutout cookie recipe if

you're making it from a box we're gonna divide this into four equal pieces and

we'll color it different colors I'm gonna use Halloween colors I'm going to

use orange black green and purple

there you go that is our purple one and we're gonna do the same thing with the

rest of the colors when you're all done coloring the dough you should have 4

different colors just take a few of them set on the side we're gonna work at one

of them at a time take it with some wax paper

I'm gonna use another sheet of wax paper and we're gonna roll this until it's

about 1/4 of an inch in thickness and it should be nice and flat it's okay if

it's less than 1/4 of an inch we really wanted a little smaller than that because the

total one all four of them together will be 1/4 of an inch so take this set this

aside and move on to your next color and when they're all nice and flat next what

we're gonna do is just take some egg white and I'm gonna start with the black

you can start with any color you want and I'm just gonna brush some egg white

right on it on one side so after I put the black down now I'm gonna take the

purple and I'm gonna flip it right on top try to line it up the best you can

it's not gonna be exact but just do the best you can put some more egg white on

the purple

now we're just going to put the paper right back on top of it and we're going

to roll this out this time we do want it to be 1/4 of an inch in thickness

there we go it's all rolled out nice and good it's pressed together and what

we're going to do now is cut these into strips now I'm going to cut this about

here this isn't necessary but I want I want to start with the longest piece

possible so I'm just gonna put this aside and we're gonna cut and trim a

very small piece about ooh only about two centimetres I guess long piece like

that and that's what we're gonna work with now I have it on this mat here that

we can use to roll this out and as you see it has all the colors on it and

we're just gonna roll it with our fingers we're gonna make it this long

cylinder of shape okay so when you have this shape now what we're gonna do is

put it on our baking sheet we're gonna just do it nice and slow we're gonna

start just like this and we're gonna curl it around it's okay if it breaks up

and then just join this with the part that broke now when we get to the top we

want to kind of twist it and break it off and we're left with the shape of

poo now you just want to leave it like this and do the rest of them that way

now you may not use the whole long roll that we did but that's okay I'd rather

be longer than shorter when you get your cookies all shaped perfectly like poo

we're gonna take these put these in the refrigerator for 15 to 20 minutes to get

them nice and cold now what we need to do is pull our dough out of the

refrigerator make sure you pre-heat your oven to 375

degrees we're gonna take these put these in there anywhere between 7 and 9


so after about nine minutes pull the out of the oven let them sit and rest until they

cool down well now it's time for the taste test I'm gonna try out this witch

Poo cookie it looks like a lot of fun and I'm sure it's not taste amazing it's

good well thanks everyone for watching I hope you enjoy watch me make these witch

poo cookies this wass a lot of fun making these these are perfect for a Halloween

party so I hope you get a chance to make it for yourself and I hope if you

enjoyed this video you hit that like button and that big red subscribe button

so you get new videos every week now I didn't show you the actual way to make

this as far as ingredients wise that's because last week I put in my other

Halloween cookies the exact ingredients and the step-by-step on how to make the

sugar cookies so if you get a chance to go check that video out as well as other

videos too and until then I'll see you next week

For more infomation >> Witch Poo Cookies | Fun Halloween Treats - Duration: 5:25.


10 Minute Intense Ab Workout (6 PACK GUARANTEED) - Duration: 11:56.

Hey guys its Anna and welcome back to my channel now on today's video I'm going to be showing

you my favorite definitely most loved workout which are my abs I absolutely

love training abs because I really want those nice chiselled and popping abs

that ohhh I just adore and I really want them so much

so I train abs every single day and I don't train them for more than 10 minutes and

that's it I don't like stress myself in working

abs like 30 minutes an hour or so because you don't really need to do that 10

minutes or even less than that a day to spend really working really hard on your

abs not like doing one exercise and having a brake and doing one exercise and having

a break no you really keep hammering at those set, this exercise has a lot of

super sets and tri sets to really work at your abs getting them stronger i really do

hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do definitely give it a like and comment

down below telling me what you think and of course subscribe if you already haven't bye.

soft music playing

Right guys moving on to my first exercise which is gonna be the sit ups when doing

the sit ups you want to place your feet about hip distance apart exhale and pull

your belly button in towards your spine as you gently raise your torso

Soft music playing

moving swiftly on to our next exercise which is foot to foot crunch or oblique

crunches make sure to breathe in and out in each rep and focus on really

tightening your core.

soft music playing.

without any rest period move straight on to your next

exercise which is the leg raises lay flat with your arms at your side

then raise your legs keeping them as straight as possible

lower them until they're hovering just above the ground straight away pull them

up controlling the move so that you're not slamming back down.

Soft music playing.

and now I think

we've earned ourselves a ten seconds break but that's it just ten seconds

and we're coming straight back to this exercise

Soft music playing.

going back to the swing of things we're gonna move straight on to plank with

twist twisting planks are amazing because they can tone your waist they

do this by strengthening your muscles in your core so by doing this ammm every day

or every other day you can really strengthen your core and get those nice

chiseled abs.

Soft music playing.

Superman planks start in a full plank position draw one knee to the outer

corners of your shoulders return to plant positions and repeat while

alternating sides making sure to keep your body straight.

Soft music playing.

And than going in to side planks.

Soft music playing.

moving into our next exercise which is the figure of eight lay flat on your back

stretch your legs out straight making sure to really keep them straight and

move your legs in a figure of eight movement just like you see me doing

Soft music playing.

moving on to the side-to-side leg drops now by this point I was dying I needed a

break so I decided to do the easier version of these exercises which are the

ones you see me doing right here but if you want to make it harder you can

extend your legs fully to the air and then just drop it side to side really

controlling the moves so that you're not rushing through the exercising it absolutely

burns but it's worth every minute of it it's an amazing workout.

Soft music playing.

advanced sit-ups now the first exercise we did was the regular sit-ups but this

one is a bit different because your legs and your shoulders are not touching the

floor you're basically going down just above the ground

and then coming straight back up really contracting your abs and this workout

will burn you out let me tell you a bit it's hard but you can modify it to suit

your fitness level if you can't quite get this workout you can just do regular

sit-ups or you can just add weight to make this workout a lot harder.

Soft music playing.

Soft music playing.

and plants now we all know what plants are your elbows should be directly

beneath your shoulders and your body should form a straight line from your

head to your feet and hold this position for as long as you can.

Soft music playing.

now one of my personal favorite ab workouts are plank jacks now just go to

a regular plank position and move your feet

from inner to outer corners

Soft music playing.

Mountain climbers

Soft music playing.

Russian twist with ball.

Soft music playing.

sit up with medicine ball doing a sit-up with a medicine ball just intensifies

the exercise making it a lot harder squeeze your abdominal muscles in

towards your back and exhale as you rise

Soft music playing.

Bicycle crunches.

Soft music playing.

and finally for our final exercise the scissor kicks keep the movement slow and

steady that's the whole point of this exercise is to really control the

movement just to get your muscles really contracting and working really hard so

make sure to engage the core the entire time you're doing this exercise and also

make sure to keep your back pressed into the floor.

And they have it guys that's

it I really did enjoy making this workout for you and I really do hope you

guys enjoy it just as much as I did and I hope you guys hit the like button down

below and I will see you all in my next one.

Soft music playing.

For more infomation >> 10 Minute Intense Ab Workout (6 PACK GUARANTEED) - Duration: 11:56.


What To Do If You Feel Like The Alien In Your Family | Quantum Consult #10 - Duration: 12:26.

Are there any ways there on the top of your heart where you believe I can support you?

I've written a few things because as you probably realize, I'm French. I'm not english, so it's not my

first language and it's a bit harder for me to express in English.

Awesome. I understand you pretty well. I think you speak English great.

When I actually first met Diana, it was the weirdest thing. She spoke

English so well but she was her biggest critic. I was like "I understand you. I

understand you." She finally believed, I think that I understood her and she

started speaking such better English. So you're good. You're good on my end.

Thank you. So, well, my challenge is that I feel like I'm an iceberg person.

Meaning I feel that the deeper part of me is hidden from my family and all the

persons around me except my near, near family like my husband and my kids.

My big family, my parents, my brothers and sisters.. they are very, very conventional

very normal people. And I am out of the box. I am the creative one.

I am the more mind open, I guess. I think I am. I imagine what they imagine about me is

negative because I'm always the alien in the family.

I don't know if you understand.

Oh I think I do. So you're the weird one in the family and you're saying that you

don't feel.. you haven't ever given yourself permission for your family to

fully see you in certain emotional elements. Like what is it? What

have they not seen about you? Have they not seen you when you're mean or mad or

angry or sad or what do you mean? She's going for my microphone.

Im gonna have to hide that next time from her.

Like my real.. my real me. Like not wanting to work always, just wanting to be with my kids.

Just wanting to do what I love, not what I should love or what I should to to get paid.

And like, I'm.. in my heart I am the Breaking Normal person. You understand?

And I'm always fighting not to be it because my family roots are very down to conventional and

down to "you have to work there. You have to work hard. You have to work even if you don't feel like it."

What's the issue? Like I hear the.. I'm understanding that your family and you

think very differently and is it that you don't feel connected to them?

like y'all have not figured out a way to team up beyond agreement? Is that the

situation that everything's okay as long as y'all agree and then if you disagree weird things happen?

Yes. And I feel like I have to just stop talking to keep their love.

Okay I get you. I get you. I get you. So I am hearing

it. This is what I'm hearing. That you believe if you are truly yourself and the full

color and your full spectrum that your family may not want to be around you.


That you all may not be as close as you.. you want to be?


Okay, well.. if that's the

case first of all I would say like welcome to life like the reality of life

for so many people. So many people including myself.

I've had countless situations with my family who I love dearly

where I used to.. I used to hold back my truth and hold back my true beliefs

especially around religion or work or politics or school or my lack of

interest in the big show of politics and the news and

all that stuff. I used to hide that more and although as things were more

peaceful.. I think I was playing a peacekeeper rather than a peacemaker.

When I became a peacemaker instead of a peacekeeper is when I started truly

sharing my opinions and truly being me regardless of what my family thought and

it didn't look.. at first it didn't look as peaceful. There was a lot of

combativeness. There was a lot of disagreement. There was a lot of even

even I've had times when a family member asked me... like they decided they no

longer wanted to talk about something. Which was kind of shocking or jarring

for me because I was always under the belief "I can stick with to someone.

I can stick with someone even if it's fun-comfortable. Even if it's challenging

or hard or someone's getting angry I'm gonna stay here. I'm not gonna fly away

or I'm not gonna freeze or I'm not gonna fight or I'm not gonna do a facade I'm

gonna stand here in my presence." And I've had it come to the point where then my

family.. someone in my family no longer wants to

participate in that conversation or actually talk to me about certain things

and I've gotten to sit with that. I've gotten to realize they even though my

family members night might not want to show me love the same way I want

to show them, that maybe from my judgment they would rather play a role than be as

real as possible. And then I get to be even realer and with myself.

I get to sit with that. I don't have a solution for you. I don't even have a

solution for me. The solution is for me to continue being me and what I realize

is that not only can I hold space for my family to be who they are..

now I'm B I'm even becoming more of who I am regardless of who's in my presence

and then I feel like I almost everyone becomes more of a family member. The

people that do want to be in my presence while I'm being fully me are starting to

feel more even more like family, even closer friends while the other people..

I'm just spending less time with. And it's not easy. I'm not saying

that's an easy thing. I love my family dearly. I love my friends dearly that may

not want to see the true me. And I still love them.. I love them because they put up

a boundary they even.. their boundary, just as I'm putting up a boundary.. I'm putting

up the boundary like "no more faking. I'm gonna be me regardless of what it looks

like." And you know what they're doing? They're doing the same thing. But they're

saying.. they're like "I'm gonna be me and being me means I'm not gonna talk to you

about this topic." So we both get to sit with that. We both get to. Maybe they

don't want to hear my true feelings about God or my true ideas about God and

that's their freedom whereas my freedom is to share that to people that want to

listen, maybe like you. And maybe we find more people like each other around the

world that are.. that are actually family in a way. Even though we weren't born in

the same same place or from the same parents. So yeah I honestly don't have a..

there's not a thing to fix. I think the only thing to do is to be more of you

regardless of who you're with. And if it's.. if it's your husband or if it's

your mom or if it's your child, I mean this sounds crazy but if they do not

want you to show up as you then I'm not sure if it's aligned for you to show up

for them until they're ready. I just can't.. like personally I can't imagine

asking Divina to not be who she really is or to play.. to act a certain way

around me so I can be comfortable. If I ever like.. Wow. Divina if I ever tell you

anything like that you make sure you correct that please.

So I all I can say is like I trust that maybe I'm giving you a shoulder to lean

on metaphorically that.. Keep being you. And if your family.. Your family or

whoever it might be will figure it out. They'll figure it out and you

may even just inspire them or shake them out of their spell of trying to fit in

when they were born to stand out in my opinion.

Did you have any other questions written down?I don't even know how much time that was.

That's a big topic for me as well so thank you for asking.

Thank you. Thank you to you for your answer.

It's a hero's journey. What you're talking about is a hero's journey.

Have you heard of that before? 'The Hero's Journey?' It's

actually like a salmon. So the salmon in British Columbia.. they basically are born

in the rivers. They swim out all the way to the ocean, they leave their family,

their whole reality is redefined, they go from this small stream to the big

expansive ever-ending blue ocean, and then they come back a new person or a

new fish in this case of the salmon and then they actually.. they actually give

birth and die. It's like the cycle of the hero's journey. So they had to redefine

their reality. They come back to where they came, and they give birth to a new

generation and then they leave. And I think in a way that's metaphorical to a

lot of people.. a lot of our lives. Like I'm not with my family where I was born

in Florida or Georgia. I'm away. I'm finding out who I really am. I'm now

starting my own family and I get to go back to Georgia and show them who

I really am. I'm not I'm not there to show them a manipulated version or a

version that they want to see more so of the truest version and I trust that the

truest version is truly what they want to see even if they don't act like it.

Even if it's scary for them. And I'm talking myself out loud because if I'm

remembering the future maybe this one will challenge me in a similarly

metaphorical way. Maybe she won't be interested in what I'm interested in.

Maybe she'll want to be a big faker one day and I'll be I'll get to be with that.

I trust that won't be the case but that would be kind of like the flipped of the

script. Yeah I thank you for asking a question to me that I don't necessarily

have an answer to. But I those are my favorite type of questions. My favorite

types of questions are the ones that leave us with more questions. That

leave us in the curiosity of life.. that curious space rather than a convicting..

like a convicting delusional idea that I think I know what's going on and to

believe everything I think. No. I'd rather stay curious and open so

thank you for your questions to catalyze that.

Thank you so much for your.. for you giving us your truth because this is so precious.

And it's inspiring.

Thank you.

Right back at you. Right back at you. And yeah you're talking about the truth

and she's grabbing my nose making sure I'm not telling a lie. Is that what

you're doing? I'm not Pinocchio don't worry. Man I don't know what y'all are

doing January 4th to the 8th but Maui would be a great place.. that's where our

next big meeting is. Our next big tribe design where we bring the families and

friends together and see what we could.. see how we can come up with better

questions to this topic that we're talking about. Like how how do we do this?

How do we.. I mean it's a great question. So those are the kind of questions that

we tackle and that we we dive into in experimenting with new solutions that

only get better and better. And they're always changing.

It's not a one-hitter quitter. Not a one fix thing everything.. like fixes everything.

But I think this mystery.. This is an opportunity of life. This is

the hero's journey and a lot of ways of what you're talking about so thank you.

For more infomation >> What To Do If You Feel Like The Alien In Your Family | Quantum Consult #10 - Duration: 12:26.


عــــــــــاجل: انطونيو غوتيريس يعلن خارطة طريق لحل نزاع الصحراء - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> عــــــــــاجل: انطونيو غوتيريس يعلن خارطة طريق لحل نزاع الصحراء - Duration: 1:45.


Dare or Dare (EngSub) - Duration: 15:30.

Kawther: So today we're going to have dare or dare

Isabel: dare or dare

kawther: In the city

Victoria: Public

Shagun: Yeah

Kawther: And we're going to do really strange stuff

Kawther: So I hope that you're going to like it

Isabel: Hey

Victoria: Yeah

Kawther: So enjoy yourselves

Victoria: Yeah

Victoria: Here we have the notes

Shagun: Yesh

Victoria: Where the dares are

Kawther: And we're going to draw

Victoria: yeah we're going to draw them

Kawther: And we have to do it

Shagun and Victoria: Yeah

Victoria: You can take another persons dare once

Kawther: Yeah

Victoria: Yeah

Shagun: Yeah, we can like switch with each other

Victoria: Yeah

Shagun: Yeah

Isabel: Just one time though

Victoria: Just one time

Victoria: so

Victoria: then

Shagun: Then

Victoria: Then we'll start

Kawther: You'll see us soon

Kawther: Somewhere..

Victoria: We're going to do rock, paper, scissors to see whos going to start

Everyone: Rock, Paper, Scissors

Victoria: Everyone took scissors?

Everyone:Rock, Paper, Scissors

Victoria: What does that mean

Isabel: It means that you guys will fight against each other

Victoria: Ohhhh. No, it's you guys that won

Victoria: Ohh ohhh

Shagun and Victoria: Rock, Paper, Scissors


Isabel: Shagun starts!

Isabel: So long

Victoria: What did you get?

Victoria: What does it say, let me see

Victoria: Noooo

Kawther: It was the only one i didn't want

Shagun: What?!

Victoria: Yes well then

Kawther: I feel so bad for her

Victoria: We're going to

Isabel: But really you're happy

Victoria: Okay, We're going to Karl Johan. Isabel: Karl Johan

Victoria: I joined

Victoria: Now we're here

Shagun: Yeah, now I'm going to sing men opera

Kawther: Can she hear us from here?

Victoria: I don't know, but it was here right?

Kawther: Oh Noooo

Victoria: Yeah, but we're just pretending.. like we're friends

Victoria: Poor (her)

Victoria: Noooo

Kawther: What?

Victoria: Look she got scared

Kawther: Huh?

Victoria: She is uncomfortable

Victoria: Fine, should I do it?

Victoria: Should I do it?

Victoria: Fine

Victoria: Okay, well I'm taking her dare

Victoria: Because it's sad to look and just... yeah

Victoria: So Shagun and I switches

Victoria: Fine

Kawther: Fine

Kawther: Poor (her)

Kawther: It's so sad too see that she couldn't do it

Shagun: What do you mean?

Victoria: I took your dare

Shagun: Ohhh, thank you!

Shagun: Okay then I've used up my chance

Isabel: Did it hurt your heart that much

Victoria: Yeah, It was bad

*Kawther laughs*

*Kawther still laughing*

Shagun: Poor (her), what did she sing

*Kawther.... still laughing*

Shagun: Shut up

Shagun: that girl is going to..(mubling).. a little

Victoria: No, it wasn't

Shagun: Are you okay?

Victoria: It went better than i thought

Shagun: Seriously?

Victoria: yeah

Victoria: Yeah, it's fine

Shagun: Yeah, It's more than enough

Victoria: Well, now it's the next round so we'll take out the notes again

Isabel: Oh!

Isabel: The notes again

Victoria: Yeah

Victoria: And now we'll have rock, paper, scissors

Shagun: Ready...?

Shagun: Rock...

Isabel and Victoria: It's you!

Kawther: excuse me?

Isabel: Yeah, but then I don't have to pick a bad one

Shagun: I know right!

Shagun: What does it say?

Victoria: Well what's going to happen now is that

Victoria: she's going to say "I love you" to a random person on the street

Isabel: And look at the reaction

Victoria: Yeah

Kawther: I love you

innocent person: huh?

Kawther: From the first time i saw you, I've loved you

Kawther: Can you talk a little with me? You're a great human

Victoria: Well then we are done with this round, there wasn't...

Victoria: oh hey

Victoria: There wasn't, there was like....

Victoria: there wasn't many good reactions,

Victoria: but eh yeah its a new round which means rock, paper scissors between Isabel and I

Isabel: Oh no..

Kawther: Isabel ;-;

Shagun: Should we? Victoria and shagun: yeah

Isabel: Oh please

Shagun: Are you ready Isabel?

Isabel: No

Kawther: How are you feeling?

Isabel: My stomach hurts and I want to poop

Shagun: So Isabel tell us how are.......

Isabel: I don't want to say it because then I'm probably going to pick it

Shagun: And it is....

*Shagun claps*

Shagun: No?! That's a good one! I wanted to do that one ;-;

Kawther: NOOO

*Isabel singing* (Idyll by Postgirobrygget)

Victoria: Then it's just me left

Shagun: Yeah

Isabel: Just her just her

*kawther giving us a drumroll*

*breaks the box*

Isabel: Yes yes (well then)

Victoria: okay..

*Isabel giving us a drumroll this time...*

Victoria: I think I know what this one is

Victoria: oh... Ohhhhh, you know the thing where we were going to do

Victoria: It says wave to each other with a stranger in between

Kawther: lucky

Shagun and Isabel: Ohhhh

Victoria: We are done with that one alsoooo

Victoria: so now its a new round and it's Shagun's turn

Isabel: Hey

Victoria: Think if she gets a bad one

Shagun: NO! Agian!

Victoria: Well basically what happens now is that she's going to a person and say that she lost her brother

Victoria: and then describe

Kawther: and overreact

Victoria: Yeah, describe him very, very different from what's normal

Isabel: She's going to describe him like an alien

Victoria: Yeah, like he's nothing. Like not human

Shagun: Yeah

Victoria: Are you ready

Shagun: Yes

Shagun: hey, excuse me have you seen my brother?

Shagun: he's like this small

Shagun: And he dosen't have an arm

Shagun: and he has brown hair with a white sweater with a pair of black pants

Innocent person 2: No i haven't seen him

Shagun: No, maybe you've seen him walk out or something

Innocent person 2: No ehm I haven't been looking for any kids either

Innocent person 2: so I haven't seen him, but i can look after him.

Innocent person 2: Are you looking for him now?

Shagun: Yeah, lost him and he's like really small so I.. I... I don't know

Innocent person 2: How old is he?

Shagun: He is like 3 - 4 years old

Innocent person 2: 3-4 yeas old?!

Shagun: Yeah

Innocent person 2: Then we have to go see if we can find him

Random person: What is happening?

*Innocent person 2 explains the situation*

Shagun: I can try to look for him outside, thank you!

Victoria: What was your thoughts

Shagun: I felt bad for then woman, because she started to look with me

Victoria: It was so funny

Victoria: So, It's a new round

Shagun: Now we're on round two, person two

Victoria: Person two is Kawther

Shagun: She's going to draw a new slip now. Victoria: Now you're going to draw

Shagun: I hope she gets a bad one

Isabel: Get a bad one! Get a bad one! Get a bad one!

Shagun: And it is

Victoria: Well what happens now is that

Victoria: we're going to a store where there are mannequins

Victoria: and then she's gonna stand there

Victoria: and pose with the mannequins, yeah

Kawther: I'm lucky right?

Victoria: Sure

Victoria: I don't know how to write mannequins

Victoria: so I worte it really wrong, probably... yeah

*boy stands and stares at her*

Victoria: The one with the cap?

Kawther: Yeah, I just..... It was a girl that took a photo of me

Victoria: NO?!

Kawther: YES

Victoria: NO?!

Victoria: Now it's Isabel's turn to draw

Isabel: Hello again

Kawther: You're lucky

Victoria: There

Shagun: Now she's going to follow a woman and pretend its her mother and.. yeah

Kawther: And the she's going to say that "oh you're not my mom"

Shagun: Yeah and the she's going to say that "oh you're not my mom"

Isabel: Mom, mom, i have to show you something. Oh shit you're not my mom

Kawther: Well

Isabel: Hey

Shagun: Isabel just finished her dare, what do you think

Isabel: It was extremely difficult to find a woman that was alone

Kawther: There are very many people here though

Shagun: Yeah, but there isn't many people that goes alone

Kawther: Yeah, most of the people have their own children

Shagun: And up, and up, up!

Victoria: Saltbae

Shagun: Okay, let me also try, let me try

Victoria: Now, we're done

Victoria: ehhh we ended dare or dare

Victoria: Because

Victoria: It uhh...

Victoria: Depends on you guys

Victotia: there are more notes so if you want to see more

Victoria: Then we have to get more

Victoria: views, comments, likes.... idk, but yeah

Isabel: Ohhhh

Victoria: Kawther do you have something to say?

Kawther: Hope you guys liked the video

Victoria: Shagun?

Shagun: It have been fun.............

Victoria: Oh you're not going to say anything more?

Shagun: I don't think so

Victoria: Isabel then?

Isabel: Today have been the start of a new and fantastic era

Victoria: I do not know what that means...

Shagun: No, same

Victoria: Buuut, really good

Isabel: I wasn't done ;-;

Shagun: Ohhh

*Victoria laughs hard*

Shagun: Back to Isabel then

Isabel: Wait i just have to swallow first

Isabel: Okay, so from this time and out... no i dont have anything

Victoria: Ehh I knew it, well then we're going to say bye.

Everyone: BYEEEE

Victoria: This is our outro and if you want to watch more of us then click here

Kawther: What are you wating on, click subscribe

For more infomation >> Dare or Dare (EngSub) - Duration: 15:30.


Temple Run 2 vs Talking Tom learn colors for kids nursery rhymes iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 7:37.

Temple Run 2 vs Talking Tom learn colors for kids nursery rhymes iGame Kids Cartoons

For more infomation >> Temple Run 2 vs Talking Tom learn colors for kids nursery rhymes iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 7:37.


Bangla Dua video , মসজিদে প্রবেশের দোয়া - Duration: 1:33.

Bangla Dua video , মসজিদে প্রবেশের দোয়া

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