Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 29 2017

Have you ever felt the light of the moon?

Have you ever tried to scream in silence?

Never looked back, no use All I ever wanted was to live on an island

Never let a good man down Have you ever seen a sad man smiling?

I never understood this world All I really want is to live it up, live it up now.

Live it up, live it up now

Above the Storm

Live it up, live it up now

Have you ever seen a break in the cloud?

The rain's falling down but the sunshine's shining

Do you ever get lost in the sound?

Turn it up loud, but the sound keeps dying

I wonder where you go when you die?

It's a mystery but I think our soul starts flying

I don't want to wait so long All you got to do is live it up, live it up now

Live it up, live it up now

Above the Storm

Live it up, live it up now

Close your eyes for a moment, Focus on the air that you breathe

Think good thoughts and now hold them, Now you slip into a dream.

And now you slip away to another place Above the storms and rain,

You're miles away, you're miles away

If you're just now waking up, I want to send you all some love

And I do it just because I'll find a way

Just like a tale as old as time We've been having a good time

Paint the story of a life Get high with me

I've been holding on for years I've been facing all these fears

I'm not afraid

So when you put your head to rest Man I wish you all the best

For this life we have been blessed I could die today, give thanks and praise

For more infomation >> Stick Figure - Above the Storm (Lyrics CC) - Duration: 4:56.


Destiny 2 Why Oryx will never return! - Duration: 13:15.

Welcome back Guardians.

With the leak of the Destiny 2 audio files, one specific audio file has captured the attention

of many, specifically the one that says, "Okay here me out.

What if Oryx isn't dead?", combine this with the Hive experiments being conducted

on Titan and people have started to question whether it is possible for Oryx to return.

If you are familiar with the Books of Sorrow you likely already know the answer to this

question, however I wanted to give a detailed explanation why Oryx will not return in Destiny


If you are enjoyed the anan-51 destiny comic book that I released just prior to Destiny

2, you can get access to digital versions of the images on Patreon.

All patreons of any donation level will get access for the month of November.

Once again, thanks for all the support.

All donations go towards paying the artist gammatrap for his work.

This is myelin games and I hope you enjoy this latest destiny 2 lore episode.

[intro] To understand if it is possible for Oryx to

return, you need to understand the Books of Sorrow which was released with the Taken King

in Destiny 1.

The Books of Sorrow are essentially "diary" entries from Oryx; they detail the history

of the Hive mostly written from Oryx's perspective.

However, some entries are written from the perspective of other major Hive characters.

There are 52 entries that can be collected in Destiny 1 by finding all of the Calcified


Each Calcified Fragment provides a new entry in the Books of Sorrow.

We don't really know what Calcified fragments are however when we take them to Eris Morn,

she confirms that they tell the story of the Hive.

The exotic quest line for Touch of Malice reads,

"The Hive… were not always as they are.

They were once… something else.

These fragments speak of that past.

Morgath, Lore keeper will know more."- Eris Morn.

Essentially, we collect these Calcified Fragments by exploring the Dreadnaught and defeating

Oryx's most powerful soldiers.

As we collect the Calcified Fragments we begin to unlock more and more diary entries from

Oryx and begin to understand the history of the Hive.

Each entry is numbered with Verses so that the story of the Hive can be read chronologically,

together the Verses form the Books of Sorrow.

For example, Verse 1:0- Fundament is the first entry of the Books of Sorrow and describes

the earliest known documentation of the Hive.

Verse 5:9 is the final verse and concludes the Books of Sorrow.

Certain verses in the Books of Sorrow explain how the Hive can prevent death with the use

of Throne worlds and understanding how the Throne worlds work will provide clues to whether

Oryx can return from death in Destiny 2.

The first mention of Thone worlds is in Verse 2:7 where Auryx, the previous name of Oryx

before he was the Taken King, is killed by his Sister, Savathun.

Savathun kills Auryx because Auryx tried negotiating with a species known as the Ammonites rather

than just destroying them.

Upon being killed the Verse reads, Savathûn's betrayal is the greatest gift

she could offer you.

Your body is gone, but you have endured.

Safe in the cyst universe created by your own might — your throne world.

From this day forward, Auryx, you and your sisters will each survive death — so long

as you aren't killed in your own throne.

We don't really know why a throne world was automatically created upon Aurxy's first

death however the previous verse explains how the worm gods taught Auryx to call upon

the Deep, i.e. the darkness.

It reads, We will not give you the Deep, King Auryx

— that power is for us, your gods.

But we will teach you to call upon that force with signs and rituals.

Small minds might call it magic.

You are no longer bound by causal closure.

Your will defeats law.

Kill a hundred of your children with a long blade, Auryx, and observe the change in the


Observe how the universe shrinks from you in terror.

Your existence begins to define itself.

This is the basic premise of the Sword Logic, that killing makes you more powerful and future

verses will also explain how this is the philosophy of the deep, ie the darkness, to create a

perfect universe by removing anything that is weak.

It seems that this knowledge and power is what prevented Oryx's first death and helped

to create his throne world.

A few verses later, Savathun would gain a greater understanding of how to use the sword

logic allowing the Hive to create their own wounds, i.e. portals, into other dimensions.

This allowed them to travel into their Throne worlds.

Verse 3:1 reads, SAVATHÛN said, Auryx my brother and king,

I have studied the wounds cut by the Worm our God.

Also I have studied the manner of your death and return.

These two things are the same, for they are predicated on death and the passage through

cut spaces.

Let us practice the sword logic until we are sharp.

We may then cut our own wounds and step through.

Sayeth AURYX, this is where I went when I died.

Let us establish our thrones here.

For I am Auryx the First Navigator and I shall chart death.

And my throne shall be carved of osmium.

So from this point on, the Hive gods have Throne worlds and they cannot be truly killed

unless they are defeated in their own throne world.

This is seen in game both with Crota and with Oryx.

We go into Crota's throne world in the raid by passing through the abyss and we go into

Oryx's throne world by passing through a portal on the Dreadnaught.

Now, we have enough information to answer the question, can Oryx return?

The fact that we kill Oryx in his throne world should make it impossible for Oryx to return.

However, there are a couple of rebuttals to this, and that is that the Dreadnaught is

a very unique throne world, it is not typical of other throne worlds.

It is tough to explain so just have a listen to Verse 4:11 from the Books of Sorrow.

To make his ship, Oryx scrimshawed one piece of Akka, who was dead but far from gone.

He stole the Hammer of Xivu Arath and the Scalpel of Savathûn and he armored his ship

in baneful armor.

When Oryx had built his Dreadnaught, he pushed his throne world inside out, so that it bled

into the material space of the Dreadnaught.

They were coterminous and allied, his ship and his sin.

The Dreadnaught was within the throne of Oryx, but the throne of Oryx was the Dreadnaught.


So I guess, you could argue that the Dreadnaught is not really a typically throne world and

maybe in some way, this protected Oryx's death.

Personally, I believe we did defeat Oryx in his throne world which means he is perma dead.

However, there is still another rebuttal and that is people often recall that Savathun

and Xivu Arath, Oryx's siblings were killed in a throne world, however later revived them.

Verse 3:9 Carved in Ruin describes the resurrection of Savathun and Xivu Arath, it reads,

Oryx made war on the Ecumene for a hundred years.

At the end of those hundred years he killed the Ecumene Council on the Fractal Wreath,

and from their blood rose Xivu Arath, saying, "I am war, and you have conjured me back

with war."

Oryx was glad, for he loved Xivu Arath.

The Ecumene wailed in grief.

Then Oryx and Xivu Arath made war on the Ecumene for forty years.

At the end of those forty years Oryx said to the Dakaua Nest, listen, I am jealous of

my sibling Xivu Arath, help me kill her.

And in desperation they agreed.

But he drove the Dakaua Nest into a trap, and they were made extinct.

From their ashes rose cunning Savathûn, saying, "I am trickery, and you have conjured me

back with trickery."

Even though Savathun and Xivu Arath were revived, it is important to note that they were killed

in Oryx's throne world, not killed in their throne world.

To truly kill Savathun you have to kill her in Savathun's throne world, and Xivu needs

to be killed in his own throne world.

In Verse 3:6 of the Books of Sorrow, it clearly states that the siblings are killed in Oryx's

throne world, it reads, Beneath a green fire sky, in the throne-world

of King Auryx, our lords embrace.

Then kill me," says Xivu Arath, "and use that killing logic, the power you prove by

killing something as mighty as me."

So King Auryx took up his blade and beheaded Xivu Arath.

"And strangle me," says Savathûn, holding a blade behind her back.

"Use that killing logic, the cunning you prove by killing something as smart as me."

But King Auryx turned with the speed and might of Xivu Arath, and beheaded Savathûn before

she could move.

King Auryx was the First Navigator, with the map of death.

As you can see they were killed in Oryx's throne world, meaning that they could be revived

at a later time.

However, the most confusing part of this verse is the second last sentence, it says,

These were true deaths, for they happened in the sword world

And that gives the impression that they were permanently killed and then obviously Oryx

brought them back to life later.

Personally, I take the approach that Savathun and Xivu Arath were killed in Oryx's throne

world and therefore it was always possible to summon them back.

Consequently, because we kill Oryx in his throne world, I think it very unlikely for

Oryx to return in the future.

That being said, I think there are some loop holes were Destiny 2 or future releases could

write Oryx back into the storyline, I don't think it will happen, however we have seen

other Hive characters return without any explanation, for example, Omnigul who returned in Destiny

1 by undoing her death.

Combine this with the unique nature of the Dreadnaught and the fact that Destiny 1's

lore is not really considered canon anymore and is subject to change, I can see why some

think Oryx will return.

Lastly, what about Touch of Malice?

Didn't we make touch of Malice that ensures Oryx lives forever?

Where is Touch of Malice, was it lost to the Cabal?

The short answer is, I personally believe Touch of Malice continues Oryx's philosophy,

the sword logic taught to him, kill to become more powerful and kill to prove you are a

part of the final universe, and essentially guardians continue that philosophy by continuing

to destroy any species that crosses us.

To get a more detailed perspective on the touch of malice, I suggest watching my lore

video about Touch of Malice.

To understand more about the Ravenous Heart, the centre piece of the Touch of Malice, I

suggest watching my Black Garden Video.

Whilst I do think it possible that the Ravenous Heart, which is an essential component to

creating the Touch of Malice is worm related, I don't think that even if the Hive found

the Touch of Malice and the heart of Oryx, that it could be used to resurrect him.

As far as I am aware, we have not seen any evidence of using the Hive worms to resurrect

gods, then again, maybe that is what they are trying to work out on Titan?

There you have it, that is why I do not think oryx will ever return to Destiny, if you would

like to support the channel leave the phrase throne world, to represent that we killed

Oryx in his throne world preventing his resurrection in the future.

As usual it has been a pleasure, this is myelin games peace

For more infomation >> Destiny 2 Why Oryx will never return! - Duration: 13:15.


Amazon's Jeff Bezos Name Richest Man on Earth... Again - Duration: 1:42.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.

While ninety nine percent of the planet monitor every penny in and out of their bank accounts

hoping to dodge an overdraft fee, Amazon kingpin Jeff Bezos is back in the No. 1 spot after

banking more than $10 billion in a single night.

Which I'm sure, he worked very hard for those eight hours.

Bezos, seen here auditioning for a part in the next fast and the furious joint as the

meth mechanic, once again ascended to the spot of Earth's richest tech dude. after Forbes

updated their rankings on Friday

The 53-year-old Amazon CEO, seen here auditioning for the role of Lex Luthor in the next Superman

movie, is officially worth $93.1 billion, which is more than $3 billion above Bill Gates.

This overnight fortune was brought about after Amazon experienced a single day stock bump

of $62 billion.

Amazon currently sits as one of just four publicly listed American companies with shares

that trade for more than $1,000 apiece.

Additionally their stock is up by 47 percent this year.

According to CBS News, this stock surge was brought about by:

"A blockbuster earnings report, with revenue for the third quarter rising nearly 34 percent

to $43.7 billion, up from $32.7 billion a year ago.

Amazon benefited during the period from growing corporate demand for its internet cloud services

and record online sales during its Prime Day promotion in July."

I've got a crazy idea, what if people weren't allowed to be worth 93 billion dollars?

Maybe vast fortunes shouldn't being hoarded in the hands of very few people who can't

possibly spend that much money in their lifetime.

I say we nationalize companies like Amazon and use it for shit we actually need like

infrastructure and universal health care?

Crazy, I know, but just a thought.

That's all for now, for everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube, for Complex News, I'm

Hanuman Welch.

For more infomation >> Amazon's Jeff Bezos Name Richest Man on Earth... Again - Duration: 1:42.


Use Every Opportunity to Get Your Foot In The Door - Duration: 2:38.

- What I would suggest is just trying to find

as many ways as possible to get in with whatever teams

or associations that you wanna be involved with,

because it's not a ma- you don't have to find

a team where like, "Oh do they do social media?"

They all either do it or need to do it,

so it's just a matter of like,

"How can I get in that door? How can I network there?"

Um, you know, an assistant internship.

Take another one if you have to.

Like, just keep applying.

Don't get caught in the,

"Well I've already done my intern ... "

Again, that's the like, "Well I did my internship,

"and now I have to then get hired for a thing."

Yeah, you can try to keep getting hired as you go.

For sure you should, but don't get stuck

or like in between, you're better off being inside

of an organization, gettin' coffee but talking

to that person that might end up connecting you

with somebody else or getting you a job there,

and then you're in that environment.

It's just about surrounding yourself

in that environment, in that circle,

and just keep networking, right?

And there's all sorts of different events and stuff

for social media, for sports marketing.

Go to those, and as a student

you can totally call, and you should.

Everyone should do this.

I don't think most people know,

'cause they don't advertise it a lot.

Call up like, if you're like, "Hey, I wanna go to

"this like uh, social media event,

"or this sports marketing event,"

or whatever event in any industry you wanna work in ...

Call them up, say, "Hey, I'm a student.

"I don't have any money for this,

"but in exchange, I'll make sure that I write about it,

"tweet about it, post about it,

"Instagram social net, whatever."

Most of the time ... some of the times they'll be like,

"Great, come," 'cause they want you to be there,

and even some of the times they'll say ...

Maybe they even have something in place where,

"Hey, maybe normally it's $300 for industry people,

"we'll do it for 30 bucks for you

"'cause you're a college student, if you show us your ID."

And so then, it's like it doesn't become so frictional.

If they say no, alright, there's a thousand other events.

So it's just surrounding yourself

and putting yourself in that position

of being where you ultimately want to be.

You should be tweeting at every team,

every brand you wanna work for.

You should be DMing them, messaging them,

because the thing is, is you forget sometimes that

that brand or that team,

it's somebody that is the social media manager of that team.

And then like, you maybe even can create a relationship

and end up DMing them, and I would say, actually,

here's a really good piece of advice off of this ...

Ask if just, "Hey, can I interview you for 15 minutes?

"I would love to know what it's like

"to be in your position, I aspire to be that,

"this is what I'm doing.

"I would love for 15 minutes of your time

"to just interview you."

And maybe, I don't know, if you're writers

you could write a blog.

You wanna do a podcast on it, you can.

Or if you're just gonna call and

for your own information, that's cool too.

You'd be surprised how many people

will give you that 10 or 15 minutes if you just ask for it.

For more infomation >> Use Every Opportunity to Get Your Foot In The Door - Duration: 2:38.


The Most Over Rated Statistic On The PGA Tour - Duration: 4:39.


I am Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

And today I'm going to talk to you about the most over rated statistic on the PGA Tour.

We know there is a lot of statistics out there.

This one is by far the most over rated.

If you're interested.

Stay tuned.


So if this is your first time to my channel.


This channel is all about helping you play better golf.

And today we are going to learn about the most over rated statistic on the PGA Tour.

And I have delved into the research and I have looked at 2016 and all this is freely

available on the PGA Tour website.

And if we look at driving accuracy.

Everyone thinks that driving accuracy is the is one of the most important statistics.

And many of my clients feel that that is the most important.

It's actually not.

The 5 best guys at hitting there driver on to the fairway on the PGA Tour in 2016 were:

Colt Knost, Thomas Aiken, Jerry Kelly, Brian Stuard and Zac Blair.

Now they're ranging in fairways hit from 73% down to 69%.

So they're pretty accurate.

And you would think that would bear fruit when it came to scoring.

Well Colt Knost finished 64th on the scoring averages.

Thomas Aiken finished 132nd.

Jerry Kelly finished 88th.

Brian Stuard finished 123rd.

And Zac Blair finished 153rd.

So of the 5.

Only 2 of them finished in the top 100 out of 185.

And they were well outside the top 60.

Now if we reverse that statistic.

And we look at who are the 5 best scorers in 2016.

So number 1 was Dustin Johnson.

Number 2 Jason Day.

Number 3 Adam Scott.

Number 4 Jordan Speith.

And number 5 Phil Mickleson.

They all had scoring averages in the 69's.

So ranging from 69.172 down to 69.582.

So they're averaging roughly 3 under par every round assuming the average par is 72.

So DJ one of the best drivers on tour.

Acknowledged as being so.

He only finished 138th in driving accuracy out of 185.Jason Day finished 181st.

So he only beat 4 people.

Adam Scott finished 153rd.

Jordan Speith finished 123rd.

Phil Mickleson finished 163rd.

So the 5 best scorers on the PGA Tour in 2016 were in the worst third of golf pros hitting

the fairway.

So quite obviously from that statistic.

Hitting the fairway at that level.

Doesn't influence your score.

Now that's a surprising statistic.

Because we all know it is much easier to hit the ball on to a green if you are hitting

from the fairway.

But these guys have other assets.

That really enable them to score well.

And I will look at that in future videos.

But it's to do with putting.

It's to do with proximity to the hole when they get their iron shots.

It's also to do with strength.

Not just strength from the tee and distance they hit their ball with the driver.

But it's also the strength to get the ball out of the rough.

There's a lot of other factors that come into it where scoring comes from.

And how can we learn this and learn from this?

Really we have to develop much better short games.

If we can develop a better short game and all of these guys have fantastic short games.

There's not one guy in among them that don't have solid short games.

They might not be the best putters on tour.

But they have very very solid short games.

Lets get to work on improving your short game.


Hitting the right club into the green.

All of these things matter.

And if we can do that.

I am sure you are all going to start scoring better.

And thank you for letting me help you with your golf.

I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.And if you like my videos you can click on the subscribe

button down on the round avatar down the bottom there.

You can get further information on my FaceBook page and my Twitter feed.You can also sign

up to my electronic newsletter at

For more infomation >> The Most Over Rated Statistic On The PGA Tour - Duration: 4:39.


Exploring Warwick's Lord Leycester Hospital, Lauren meets the Master and 2 of the Brethren - Duration: 7:38.

We're at the Lord Leycester Hospital in Warwick a prominent and internationally

famous building that has existed for the past nine hundred years, civic activity

has taken place here in that time starting from the chapel in 1123

Over the ancient West Gate into Warwick the chapel of Sainnt James the Great was

built as a Chantry chapel by Roger de Newburgh the second of the Norman Earls of Warwick

however the building fell into disrepair and was rebuilt in 1383 by Thomas Beauchamp

the 12th Earl it was then gifted by King Richard II to

the Guild of St. George. The walls and foundations of the chapel were built in

1383 the tower was built in 1450 but it in 1860 however extensive Chapel

restoration became necessary.

This is the Great Hall of the Lord Leyster Hospital it dates back many years

it dates back to about 1383 so it's nigh on 650 years old, we've had banquets

and weddings in here for nigh on seven hundred years non-stop and we still have

a function here today and nearly every weekend we have a wedding or whatever a

banquet it's been in constant use for nigh on 700 years. It's beautiful it's a

great place to have those events. Yeah it's terrific when it's all laid out

with flowers and tables and table plans etc it looks really great upstairs in

the Guildhall people get married and then they come down here and they have their

party here most of the time. I really love these lights so don't know what you

would call that but? yeah in Elizabethan times they used to like all that and

they would hang sort of flowers from that and they would also hang

greenery etc at different times of the year like Christmas and so on.

The Guild Master Thomas Oken decided that he needed to act quickly to save

the buildings and so he very quickly drew up documents that transferred the

buildings the chapel the guild hall the Great Hall the courtyard and now the

Masters house as well where he lived he transferred all the buildings to the

burgesses of warwick and now they owned the buildings and so they could escape

the building's being seized by Henry the eighth

So from 1571 you had ex-servicemen living at the Lord Lester could you tell

us a bit about them? In 1571 Robert Dudley Earl of Leicester acquired these

buildings and set up a hospital for wounded aged or infirm soldiers and

sailors of the Elizabethan era.

So Bill how important is it to you to be part of The Brethren? It's like an

extended family we all look after one another and we've got good comradeship

I love it, and it means so much to me I mean look at the place you'd pay a fortune to

live in somewhere like this.

So we're in the Guildhall now? This is the Guildhall that dates back to the

Civil War times it was put here for the Guilds of Warwick it was three Guilds

the Guild of St. George st. George and the dragon of England, they were joined

from st. Mary's Church around the corner by the Guild of the Holy Trinity and the

Guild of the Virgin Mary they were very sort of monastic, priestly people under

the care of Rome at that time. They built this area here, well Warwick the Kingmaker

built it around about the time of the Civil War, if you have a look around

you'll see artifacts here from the brothers over the centuries also they

brought all these muskets back from their battles around the world also

round here you've got a table the Guilds of Warwick used to sit round that table

and they ran Warwick and Warwickshire from that table that table is six

hundred and fifty years old it looks brand new it's old and is it wonderful.

The walls are so thin that people used to listen to marriage breakups and

dramas inside the house and they got underneath the eaves and that's where

the word eavesdropping came from.

so this chair has a particularly royal pedigree

I believe yeah belonged to King James the first of England who was King James

the sixth of Scotland now he was the guy that changed the Bible from Latin to

English we all call it the King James Bible he came here and was in the Great

Hall in 1617 it was just after the Gunpowder Plot and the Catholics and

Protestants were jumping up and down as usual and he was a bit worried about

getting assassinated it's nothing new today with all the troubles we have but

King James he used to wear padding all around him so as he would be he was

afraid of being stabbed in the street so he wore all this padding around him so

because he wore the padding the whole time even at dinners and so on they had

to make a wide chair for him to sit on and he would sit on that chair at the

banquet the town of Warrick spent 10 years paying

for what went on at that banquet that but that's the reason why the chair is

so broad to make him upstanding and look like a king sitting there in all his


So these are iconic medieval buildings how are you going to ensure that they

stand into the next century? Almost five years of fundraising but the hope is by

that date we will have raised the money that we can do what the Victorians did

150 years ago and really do what's needed to conserve and protect this

place so that it stands strong and proud into the future.

For more infomation >> Exploring Warwick's Lord Leycester Hospital, Lauren meets the Master and 2 of the Brethren - Duration: 7:38.


NON VOGLIO MICA LA LUNA - "Papà mi prendi la luna?" Eric Carle - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> NON VOGLIO MICA LA LUNA - "Papà mi prendi la luna?" Eric Carle - Duration: 2:49.


11/11/17 in Jerusalem - DEFACE invites you!!! - Duration: 0:54.

11 of November

Blaze Bar, Jerusalem

Arallu releases

new album

Deface comes back to Jerusalem!!!

For more infomation >> 11/11/17 in Jerusalem - DEFACE invites you!!! - Duration: 0:54.


Baby Doll House Coloring Pages for Girls - How to Draw Coloring Books for Children - Art for Kids - Duration: 1:23.







Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> Baby Doll House Coloring Pages for Girls - How to Draw Coloring Books for Children - Art for Kids - Duration: 1:23.


MINECRAFT SKYWARS:O FRACASSO;-;!!! - Duration: 13:23.

For more infomation >> MINECRAFT SKYWARS:O FRACASSO;-;!!! - Duration: 13:23.


dylAn - Lemons (Sub Español /// Lyrics) - Duration: 2:22.

Kid #1: I really have no idea what's been good with dylan lately dude, like…

He literally spent like 2 hours on the balcony yesterday talking to some girl-so weird

Kid #2: I mean have you seen his tweets bro?

Kid #1: He deletes them, like right after, he puts them out

Kid #3: Who's, who's mans?

I feel like you're always right (I) Hate my life

Some say bad for my health

I always cry, I'm always high You're on my mind

Almost forget just how it felt

I paint my nails, I think it's cool I'm insecure

Stay out of school and teach yourself

With all the time I spent on you I should spend on me

Go out to eat and feed myself

They love to hate and hate to love No support; everyone can see him fall

I bet they ears be at the door tryna hear And eavesdrop when Jaden calls

What clique is you on?

Who's the squad and affiliates?

Promised myself at the start ima finish it Talk about MSFTS republic, we livin' it

(we livin' it)

I remember when gettin' flows tough If I die now, my music blows up

Bet you miss me then I throw up

My legacy, no end for me Just love and music, my remedy

No negativity or jealousy My dreamer gone but got destiny

My dreamer gone but got destiny

I swear they don't want me to rap again, after them

Just all the bullshit that's passin' him

Picked up my phone, clicked the notes just to spazz again

I needed Jaden to say I'm not passionate To get my lazy ass up, I'm not havin' it

They say to reach for the stars, I'm not grabbin' it

Sky is the limit to someone without a ship When you explore you see more and it's infinite

Deliver the writtens Perfecting my diligence, it's safe to say

That capital's killin it Worry 'bout then?

The journey is livin' it Baby, you wanna be present, just live in it

Hope I get out, before all my vision ends

I sell out and switch up on all my friends I don't even know like who dylAn is

I guess it's just me and our differences

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