Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 29 2017

hello my name's Claude Taylor and welcome to my how to plumbing channel to

all my subscribers and return visitors thank you for your continued support and

if you are new to this channel and you like what you see give it a thumbs up

and become a subscriber thank you without further adieu let's go on to the

video now this is a little different than what

I've normally doing on a how to channel this particular water heater here that

we're looking at right now I've actually fixed this about a year

ago there was an issue with the burner and wasn't cutting on and they couldn't

get the light so we did take care of that problem but now they called me back

out and this time the water softener went bad and when the water softener

started to go bad the little pellet stick Jim you might see in your water if

you do own a water softener and had one that started having issues the little

beads that's getting stuck in your faucet and stuff well anyway on this

particular water heater it's quite a bit of those beads got into the inside of it

and rather than you know flushing it because they did try to flush the tank

the homeowner just wanted to go ahead and replace it so we did go ahead and

replace it and what I did is brought it back so that I can

take it apart and see what's going on in the inside what it looks like and the

damage that the water softener done into the inside and what you see me doing

here is trying every and anything I can to cut into this metal tank

it wasn't easy I used all the little tools that I had I'm not really set up

for taking stuff like this apart but I was curious to see what's going on okay

that one put a little too much on that so gonna try something else but we are

going to get this tank open and we're gonna see what's going on in here this

was actually a really good water here is only like ten years old and the life

expectancy of a water heater is 14 to 15 years but this one was up in the attic

also a lot of the water heater manufactures they really actually don't

recommend water heaters in the Attic and for obvious reasons because in the

attics especially down here in the south it gets very hot and we know that when

it's hot and closed in that we have sufficient air and we all know that fire

will need some oxygen to breathe so with this issue down here in the South

without meaning the Attic it's probably not the best situation

but anyway we pulled this one out of the Attic and that's why I had to fix it the

first time because it was so having issues with the with the politics Imlay

prematurely going out and by the way if you are curious about the first job that

I did on this water heater there will be a copy of that video at the end of this

one here and if you're wondering I know you can't see but I do have a shield to

cover my face so the particles and the fire coming from the tank get into my

eyes so please don't take this video as a lesson on how to cut open the inside

cut open the hot water tank from the outside this is not something I normally

do this is out of curiosity for me and you

I'm sure there's Watchers out there that's watching this channel right now

they can tell me a better way and a quicker way that I could have done this

that would have been great but anyway that's my story and I'm sticking to it

what happened with the water softener just you know if you are a a person that

owns a water softener at your home the it started malfunctioning which means

the little beads and the resin they call it the resin part the resin tank that

holds the residence I would say that the strainer that keeps the little beads

from getting into the water and filter the water the strainer probably more

than most likely it's just cracked and the beads started coming through it's

possible that it could be fixed but that would only be done by someone that's

specialized in water purification systems most plumbers you don't want to

call them out and have them look at your water softener because they don't really

know what they're looking at I mean they think they've got an idea

how it works just like I do and if you call them out their important was likely

we get a plumber that likes to sell and want to upsell you're gonna be buying

your new water softener or he's gonna try to talk you into a new water

softener rather than trying to fix the one that you have so if this issue

occurs I would recommend that you call someone from Google's or the internet or

Yellow Pages that specialize in water purification systems

most people that do have these water softeners in a home a lot of them they

don't they might not keep the maintenance up on it because they're not

sure but there are purification companies out there that will contract

to check your water softener periodically six months to every six

months to a year that's something you might want to check out and if it's not

something that you really don't want to keep up with and if you like me you're

very busy there's so many things you need to keep up with I probably wouldn't

even recommend a water softener because right now it looks like it's going to be

more damaged then it's supposed to help a plumbing system

and keep you keep your water nice and clean and drinkable

and I know a lot of welders out there looking at this right now they will it

be nice to have a blowtorch I would love to help blow to it just cut this right

over real quick

and I am being as cautious as I can because the and having these nice heavy

gloves on will help keep me from getting cut because this is like razor some of

these corners are razor sharp and it's just easy very dangerous I was

recommending else doing this unless you are experienced at doing this right

there that little blue tube you see coming down that too is coming straight

from the hot water side I mean the cold water side where the cold water comes

into the tank and that tube goes all the way to the bottom if you know how a

water heater operate heat rises so when the cold water comes into the tank it

goes straight to the bottom some issues that I've ran into we're customers were

running out of hot water really quick is when that dip tube right there was

broken off so if it was broken off that meeting at the top when that cold water

came in it mixed immediately with the hot water that was on top already and

therefore their water hot water was being depleted really quick

and that little stringy looking thing Larry did you see right there this is

what it's supposed to look like that actually is the ennop tube and I'm gonna

leave a description below so you can go check out the ennop tube that ennop tube

is completely gone I mean it's really I'm trying to get a good view of it

inside here that's the ennop see what all that stuff's coming off of it I

don't know and some of it is the resident from the water softener that's

caked around it

Yeah right there you see really good now resin up on top it's mixed

and you can see all the resin from the water softener the little beads that

they were stuck down at the bottom of the tank I'll give you a better view of

this later in the video here

and the tube you see coming inside a little tube that's from the gas control

valve that's the thermostat it reads the temperature of the tank it knows when so

when the tank knows when to kick on and off

and exceed the dip tube goes straight down the blue one and here we have the

gas control valve so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pull this out so you can

see the resin that's built up kind of kicked around the stem up at the Wynn in

I'm getting a large pair of channellock pliers

another easy way to do this is have a small piece of half-inch pipe probably

about 12 inches long and screw it into the part where the pipe goes in and just

use your leverage and twist it off of there and then rest the rest you can do

with your hand and I'm trying to operate the camera and do this at the same time

so please bear with me so I'm trying to give you a view of the inside as I

pulled the stem of the and remove the

I probably should have made this hole a little bigger huh

anyway this gives you a little view again like I said I've got a little

better angle later in the video you'll see

you can see the residents all kicked up and build up on here the initial flush

that there did evidently it wasn't enough to flush enough of this away

okay as promised here's a better view of the little beads and resin from the

water softener caked at the bottom and built up on the side and this right here

is D of course the T&P valve temperature pressure relief valve if this water

heater gets too hot the water is too hot it'll shoot water out of here and blow

off the steam or if there's too much pressure in the tank okay I do apologize

for the vertical challenge here but it seemed like the light from my phone was

I was able to actually access a little better so I pull my phone out and kind

of videotape the inside of the water tank and then again there's the tip

relief valve

as promised this is the water here that I fixed over a year ago this is what

happened it this is the same water heater I took apart at the beginning of

the video from the water heats water softener issues I hope you find it

helpful and you gonna get started on this water heater this is not a customer

this is a friend actually a family member the issue they were having the

water heater would not light and of course I've done hundreds of these so

when they told me I knew exactly what it was he ordered the part got the part in

and now I am here to install the part for him the brand of water heater this

is this is a state water heater that's the name brand of this water heater and

I do have two other videos out here one covering a rain gas water heater same

problem and another covering the Bradford white water heater same issue

almost the same operating system except for a few changes on the safety device

and the safety device that I'll show you on this one and it's much different than

the Bradford white our aim they have actually have a small little capacitor

on the thermal coupling that actually goes bad when the water heater is either

overheated or smothered with a lack of oxygen

so once we get this apart and we start working and I'll show you that part and

right now I know I'm using a crescent wrench to take these bolts off I do have

a nut driver to fits that just right now I'm too lazy to run down to the truck

and get it but I will go get it because I'm gonna have to go back down anyway we

just keep turning out the way and you can see me struggle with this a little

bit the area in this attic that I'm working in is very tight I'm only like

three feet from the the opening if I'm not careful I can fall right down the

ladder and hurt myself so I have to work real careful right here in this spot

right now it's a little early so it's kind of not too hot but I can feel the

temperature starting to rise and that's the bracket that was holding it in place

you can see the gas is off long as the handle is facing the opposite way of the

pipe it's off and we're going to remove the gas flex line

and we're going to cut the water to the hot-water tank off see it's so tight up

in here I can I can't really even stand up so I have to do my best to get the

camera in there to get a picture of the cutoff valve I won't be able to show you

myself cutting it off but I'll show you after it's cut off

okay right there it's off long as the handles facing the Atmos a opposite way

of the pipe it's off and with that we're going to relieve the pressure from the

tank now we relieve the pressure and there's no air in the tank so that when

we go to remove the gas control valve we don't have to worry about water shooting

out we will get a small amount because the tank is full but we're not gonna get

a heavy rush of water it'll just kind of goop out of here so that'll give us

enough time to remove this and put the other one in place but if you feel safer

draining the whole tank to me by all means go for it

I've been doing this quite a few times like I said hundreds of times so I'm

pretty familiar with it and check it real close myself and I'm using the

sponge I'm putting it down here in the combustion area opening because like I

said a little water will come out and I don't want any going into the air cup

the combustion chamber are on the bottom of the tank so we're trying to do this

job as neat as I can without getting water everywhere

and this is the new gas control valve you can see it comes with teflon tape

already on it so we don't have to just line it up or

pipe dope it we're good and now that I've loosened the gas control valve with

the the gas pipe I used it as a tool to remove it to loosen it now I can loosen

it with my hands gonna take it right off and we're going to put the new one in

right away you'll see a small amount of water right there that's about it screw

it in and we're good

yeah now the gas pipe that we took off the old one we're gonna put it on this

one and we're gonna use it as our tool as our wrench to put this back on here

and tighten it back down

before I do that I'm going I did put some true-blue that's what the pipe dope

is called that I use true blue it's really good and strong and seals the

pipe nicely

you can see how I used the leverage of the gas piping to twist the valve in

place and tighten it down and that that was me

well you see right here I'm going to use my channel lock pliers to tighten the

Flex gas flex line down but what you don't see I was able to show you is I

did use back up another wrench to hold it steady to really get it tightened and

sealed again like I said I'm working in such a tight area if there's anything on

this video that I might have missed it wasn't intentionally and I apologized

and if you have any questions or comments leave them below its

matter-of-fact what do you think of water heaters in

the Attic good idea bad idea here

you can see where it's cracked right there this is part of the thermal

coupling which is different than any other water heater that I know of other

than State and once that's cracked we know that it's damaged and here's the

new one sealed nicely and tight again this is

the thermal coupling a lot of you out there that are familiar with thermal

coupling you know that this don't exist on them only on state water heater that

is what they use as their safety device to shut the water heater down in case

any uh any problems arrive and if you see the other videos dream and the

Bradford white you'll see that they have their own type of safety device one is

those are not connected to the thermal coupling

you probably notice that I'm starting to breathe a little heavier it's the day is

coming on it's starting to get a little warmer out and actually I haven't been

up here that long it's just if the temperatures starting to rise rather

quickly here

now lookie and I've done this you know quite a few times hundreds of times so I

do remember where a lot of the parts go but if you're hesitant and not sure of

once you before you take anything apart she's not you're not gonna remember

where it went all I do when I get to the point like that as I just I take a

picture of it and when I start putting it back together if I get lost I'll just

look at the picture and it shows me where I'm at so that's just a little

little advice thanks to technology we can use our phones to do that this this

main burner right here that I'm holding right there in the hand if you look at

it it's no more different than the burners you have on a cook stove where

you place a pot and you're cooking things and basically that is what this

is this is a burner and the water heater is a large pot that sits on top of it

and once it gets to a certain temperature depending on where you set

it it cuts off automatically and once the pressure of the water drops of

course this kicks right back on

so those of you that hear that popping sound in your water heaters when it goes

to kick back on it's nothing more than a bunch of calcium on the bottom of the

tank itself the large pot let's call it a large pot it's just like putting

overcooked rice on your stove and you put water in there and it starts to heat

up you start hearing a popping same difference and they do recommend that

you flush your water heater once a year me personally I think if you if you

don't do it once a year you're asking for trouble because if you start doing

it three four years down the line and you cut it on you may have issues with

the calcium buildup so as soon as you get the water heater you want to start

that yearly process

the little brass piece you see right there that's called an oarfish you have

to have that on there if you this one is made for a natural gas if you ever need

to convert your water heater to propane you can change that orphis out and that

will allow you to change to different type of gas

you can really see it's getting hot up here I'm actually looking at the as I'm

editing this I'm looking at the sweat coming off of me

also thankless water heaters leave a comment below what do you think

do you like tankless water heaters or the conventional one like we're working

on right here right now the pros and cons

now the lead of a little red one right there where my thumb is that little red

rubber piece right there that's called a climate and we're gonna it's kind of

hard squeezing that grommet into place but once it's in place it's good because

it keeps the combustor area nice and sealed tight so that this is actually

designed to keep gases from flowing out the bottom of the tank

if you remember the old water heaters they didn't you can get access easily

right to the bottom but now they've they've sealed the bottom and you can't

get access unless you do what I'm doing here take it all out okay now we got

that grommet in place and usually when they sent it in the box the new parts

the grommet is in the spot where it needs to be so don't mess around trying

to adjust it

and that's just another rubber piece similarly to the grommet again just to

keep the bottom sealed and again it's really hard for me to try to bend over

and get a bird's-eye view of this because there's no room there's no room

for me to actually I can but it's very uncomfortable

what you can see now I'm trying to get in a position where I can get a better a

better angle and make it a little easier to work with getting this in here I'm

trying to get it up over the bracket that's in there but I can't actually I

like I said I can't see it

and you definitely want to get it in the bracket so it could rest properly right

up under the tank like it should don't just try to put it in there any

other kind of way make sure it's in the bracket that it belongs in and okay this

time I have my I have my nut driver with me actually this is like a eight way

screwdriver it has so many different parts to it the flathead Phillip head

5/16 nut driver another nut driver and then actually even have some star wrench

parts on it so it's a really good screwdriver

and that's you just heard that's me turning the water back on to the tank

and I usually I turn the water on before I finish just in case there's any

issues while I'm working on the tank I'll be able to address it the middle

one right there where you see my hand that is the main burner that's where all

the gas goes to the main burner

and this one here

and when right there that I'm getting ready to hook up that goes to the pallet

that's the gas to the pallet that keeps it lit and all of these two things you

want to be careful as you bend it so that you don't kink it and cut off any

gas supply to the unit so you just kind of bend it slowly the same with the

thermal coupling and the thermal coupling is the one that we're gonna put

them on next

and here's the thermal coupling and the purpose of the thermal coupling it's um

it's actually a current that runs to the thermal coupling electrical current it

runs through there once the pilot is lit the pallet burns up against the thermal

coupling and that causes the thermal coupling to create a small current of

electricity that operates the gas control valve itself and that's the

purpose of the thermal coupling so when you do go to light a water heater you

always hold the you hold the gasp lie down for at least a minute or so it

allows the thermal coupling to generate some electrical current to control the

gas valve and once that current gets to go in it's automatically on its own and

this is another thing that could prevent your water heater from being lit if you

have a thermal coupling that is not tightly connected up and top into the

crow valve there's no one so what I'm gonna do is oh and I'm gonna take the

old igniter because the new assembly didn't come with a nighter switch

okay the new control valve is a little different but that's not a problem we're

just gonna squeeze it the igniter switch I'm gonna squeeze the bracket sort of

get a little snug in place up here and now we're going to connect the igniter

wire that sparks the light into the chambers of the water heater

and again this is another thing that you would like to check if you can't light

your water heater if there's not a connection here you're not gonna get the

water heater to light so just pull back this little rubber piece that I'm

pulling over and check the connection

but it's very rare that that happens but it does

okay the gas is back on and what i'm doing here is holding the gas knob down

allowing a little gas to get in the chamber and now I just click the igniter

five or six times real fast and that should get it lit normally in this case

I would look through the glass to see if it's lit but again there's no room for

me to hold this and look down in there so we're just gonna hold it for a minute

and hope that it's lit and again while we hold it the reason we hold it in

place for a minute hold it down is so that the pilot light can burn against

the thermal coupling and generate enough current to keep it going on its own okay

good it's lit now the main burners on and there sit

I'm gonna take this camera and I'm gonna kind of pan the little area that I was

working in they give you an idea how tight the space was you can see it right

there it's probably no more than three feet to the edge so I can easily fell it

over if I wasn't careful and then right down here and that wouldn't have been


and you can see how when I stood up that flexible duck was right there at my head

and I couldn't get hardly get into that to cut water heater off again my name's

Clark Taylor thanks for watching I hope you

enjoyed it if you're not a subscriber become one thank you and if you liked

the video give me a thumbs up thank you have a great day

For more infomation >> What Are Those Little Beads In My Water 👍👍👍 - Duration: 46:38.


FORTNITE BATTLE ROYALE | Kills Yes wins Meh (stream gameplay) - Duration: 10:26:08.

For more infomation >> FORTNITE BATTLE ROYALE | Kills Yes wins Meh (stream gameplay) - Duration: 10:26:08.


6 Things You Should Never Wear To A Wedding - Duration: 4:00.

After senior prom, there are only a few true occasions to dress up in formalwear.

You might get to attend a captain's dinner on a cruise ship or the occasional professional

gala, but the most likely reason you'll have to get gussied up is RSVP-ing yes to someone's


Even if you're not in the wedding party, there are still some basic ground rules for how

you should style yourself for the festivities.

So, to keep you from making a major fashion faux pas during someone's ceremony, here are

some major missteps you should avoid when picking out your wedding wear.

Always avoid white

This may be a no-brainer, but it's also a major no-no.

The only person in the wedding who should ever wear white is the bride.

There is an exception for the wedding party if the bride or groom chooses their escorts

to wear white, but otherwise?

Steer very clear from wearing anything white during someone else's wedding.

That includes any variations on pure white, too, like cream, pearl, beige, and off-white.

"Take off that white dress right now or I'll take it off for you."

Unless you're planning to make mortal enemies out of the New Mrs. Whoever, you better make

sure your clothes have color.

"I thought you weren't supposed to wear white to a wedding."

I know, but there was an emergency."

"I look really good in white."

Skip the sequins

A lot of formal dresses, and even weddings gowns, have sequins.

Be sure to steer clear of sequin overload on your gown.

The reason?

Because they reflect light, they could easily disrupt the photographs that are inevitably

going to be taken at the reception.

Basically it'll turn you into a walking disco ball, and if you happen to be in a crucial

shot of the bride and groom, you could ruin the picture by skewing the view.

Chances are, your thank you note from the newlyweds won't be very happy if you cost

them the perfect picture.

Skin isn't in

It might be fun to slip into something sexy when the occasion calls, but when you're attending

someone's wedding, err on the side of modesty.

After all, all focus should be on the happy couple, not your naughty bits.

Not only that, but weddings should be treated as a family affair where children and grandparents

and co-workers are going to be gathering en masse.

So, no one needs to see your … you get the idea.

Go lean on accessories

While it's nice to find a few statement pieces of jewelry or other accessories that go with

your gown, the best rule of thumb is to keep it simple.

The bride might have a tiara, a veil, something borrowed, and something blue, but you should

still keep your jewelry and accessories game to a minimum.

Dance floors are notorious for becoming lost and found bins during attempts at "Hitting

the Quan" - and boisterous pieces can make you an accidental standout from the crowd

during what should be a blended image of partygoers.

In other words, this is one occasion when it is decidedly okay to be basic.

Ya basic."

Don't recycle your prom dress

Whether they have sequins or not, prom dresses are a no-go for weddings.

While it may be a shame that you'll never have a real reason to re-wear that lovely

gown that made you feel like such a star back in the day, weddings aren't the place to wear


For one thing, they'll probably end up looking a lot like a bridesmaid's gown and confuse


And for another thing, your prom dress was probably picked for how much it made you shine,

and, again, this just isn't your day to be at the center of anyone's attention accept

the fact that you're a guest.

Skip the giant handbags

While you might ordinarily walk around with a purse full of makeup, medications, sewing

kits, and the kitchen sink, you simply do not need to tote all that to a wedding.

Instead of bringing a satchel full of your go-to gear, lock that up in a car trunk and

come inside the wedding with just a small clutch containing just the basics like lipstick

and tissues.

Not only is there likely to be nowhere to keep your big bag among the already-tight

seating at the reception hall, but you're not gonna wanna lug around a big bag once

the "Electric Slide" kicks off.

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> 6 Things You Should Never Wear To A Wedding - Duration: 4:00.


How To Get Ease and Wizz Plugins- Free Download For After Effects - Duration: 2:10.

How To Get Ease and Wizz Plugins- Free Download For After Effects

How To Get Ease and Wizz Plugins- Free Download For After Effects

How To Get Ease and Wizz Plugins- Free Download For After Effects

How To Get Ease and Wizz Plugins- Free Download For After Effects


For more infomation >> How To Get Ease and Wizz Plugins- Free Download For After Effects - Duration: 2:10.


David supports Woodchurch Methodist Church, Birkenhead #TheCoopWay - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> David supports Woodchurch Methodist Church, Birkenhead #TheCoopWay - Duration: 1:06.


What is: Skyrush - Hersheypark - Duration: 4:18.

What is: Skyrush

Skyrush is a steel wing coaster, located at Hersheypark, in Pennsylvania, USA.

The ride was constructed by Intamin, and opened as the company's first roller coaster

to feature both winged and conventional seating.

The cars, which seat four riders per row,

feature two seats suspended over the sides of the track.

As a result, visitors can "Ride the edge",

which interestingly enough happens to be the tagline of the attraction.

Skyrush officially opened to the public on the 26th of May 2012,

at the cost of roughly 25 million USD.

The ride became the tallest roller coaster at Hersheypark,

as well as the third constructed by Intamin,

after the likes of Storm Runner and Fahrenheit.

Officially, the attraction was the initial prototype of the company's wing coaster.

Since 2012, only one other wing coaster has been constructed,

Flying Aces, at Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi.

A ride on Skyrush begins with guests leaving the station

by immediately climbing the lift hill.

Similar to other Intamin roller coasters, the ride utalises a cable lift hill,

allowing for each train to climb to its to highest point at a quicker pace.

As a result, riders of Skyrush reach the height of 62m (220ft), in under 20 seconds.

As they crest the hill, the trains disengage with the lift cable,

and guests begin to descend the first drop, at the maximum vertical angle of 85 degrees.

The train banks to the right, before undergoing a sharp turn,

and ascending the first airtime hill.

As the riders reach the bottom of the first drop, they achieve the top speed of 122kmh (76mph).

Once guests have navigated the first hill,

they complete a beyond 180 degree turn to the left,

and enter a second large airtime hill.

From this point on, highlights of the ride include a stengel dive,

an S-hill,

and a quick bunny hop.

The entire ride experience, from the first drop, to the major break run,

lasts for a total of 42 seconds.

During this time, guests navigate 1186m (3891ft) of track,

the majority of which takes place over a large lake.

The station building of the ride is located adjacent to another roller coaster at Hersheypark,

Comet, a PTC wooden coaster.

As a result, riders board and exit the trains of Skyrush from the same side within the station.

The building itself has been designed to resemble historic train stations

around the Hershey area, however, the ride as a whole features no theme.

This can clearly be seen on the trains of the coaster, which feature a generic design.

Each train is made up of 8 cars, with riders seated in single rows of 4.

As a result, each train seats up to 32 guests.

A total of two trains can navigate the circuit at any point in time,

leading to a maximum theoretical throughput of 1355 riders per hour.

Over its existence, Skyrush has become highly rated by many roller coaster enthusiasts.

Most appreciate the speed and intensity of the attraction,

as well as it's extreme ejector airtime and consistent high forces.

Unfortunately, the ride isn't perfect, as a common complaint involves the lap bar restraint.

Some state the restraint becomes excessively tight during the ride,

causing discomfort and pain to riders.

Because of this issue, the coaster has earned the nickname 'Thighcrush',

resulting in numerous visitors not enjoying their ride experience.

Does Skyrush remain a world class coaster even with its obvious flaws?

What's your opinion?

For more infomation >> What is: Skyrush - Hersheypark - Duration: 4:18.


Cách tập KHOA HỌC cho một VÒNG 3 HOÀN HẢO | Kết quả UNDONE GIVEAWAY| An Nguyen Fitness - Duration: 12:01.

For more infomation >> Cách tập KHOA HỌC cho một VÒNG 3 HOÀN HẢO | Kết quả UNDONE GIVEAWAY| An Nguyen Fitness - Duration: 12:01.


The Real And Bizarre Reasons These Movies Were Canceled - Duration: 5:42.

In Hollywood, terrible ideas can get the green light for the silliest of reasons, and promising

projects can gain momentum only to fall apart, leaving disappointed fans wondering why Tinseltown

is such a tease.

Sometimes, there are perfectly legitimate reasons for the cancellation of an in-development

project, but some exciting projects, in hindsight, were canned for no good reason at all.

Tim Burton's Catwoman

Most fans agree that Michelle Pfeiffer's turn as Catwoman was the best part about 1992's

Batman Returns, Tim Burton's uneven follow up to 1989's genre-redefining Batman.

We almost got more of it in the form of a standalone Catwoman feature starring Pfeiffer

and directed by Burton.

But it was Joel Schumacher's Batman Forever, the neon-drenched 1995 sequel to Batman Returns,

that killed the idea for good.

"I'm sucking up your I.Q.!"


In 1993, Variety reported that Catwoman was rumored to be conspicuously absent from Batman

Forever specifically so she could be spun off into her own film.

However, as Den of Geek notes, Batman Returns screenwriter Daniel Waters delivered his script

for his Catwoman on the very day that Forever hit theaters and became an instant box office

success, and later the highest-grossing film of the year — all while sporting a noticeably

lighter tone than the previous two films.

Warner Brothers decided that dark 'n' gritty just wasn't the way to go, and scrapped Catwoman,

which eventually morphed into the light, goofy, and supremely terrible 2004 Halle Berry vehicle

of the same name.

Having learned its lesson, the studio then swung super-hard in the dark 'n' gritty direction

with 2005's reboot Batman Begins, and never really looked back.

Hellraiser: Origins

Clive Barker's 1987 horror masterpiece Hellraiser launched a franchise that is widely considered

to get worse and worse with each entry.

After 2011's Hellraiser: Revelations — the ninth film in the series — delivered the

final insult by replacing beloved Pinhead actor Doug Bradley, fans had little reason

to be excited about the future of the series.

Until, that is, a screaming nightmare of a teaser trailer showed up on YouTube on Halloween

2013 and blew everybody's hair back …

The genuinely eerie trailer, dubbed Hellraiser: Origins, was created "to aid in pitching to

reboot the Hellraiser franchise" by director Mike Le Han, concept artist Paul Gerrard,

and dozens of passionate Hellraiser fans.

But a week before the trailer was uploaded, Barker himself wrote on his Facebook page

that he, too, was working on another, unrelated Hellraiser reboot.

The legendary director, as of the making of this video, hasn't even publicly acknowledged

the promising Hellraiser: Origins concept, which is now, unfortunately, defunct.

To make things worse, Barker's planned reboot never happened, either.

Instead, fans are getting yet another low-budget direct-to-video entry in late 2017, Hellraiser:



Paul Verhoeven's Crusade

Dutch director Paul Verhoeven is responsible for RoboCop and Starship Troopers, which makes

him one of the greatest filmmakers of our time in certain circles.

He's fond of mixing social commentary with crazy B-movie tropes, knows his way around

an action sequence, and loves to provoke — all of which make his lost epic, Crusade, one

of the more disappointing canceled projects ever.

The film reportedly would have starred an in-his-prime Arnold Schwarzenegger, who also

starred in Verhoeven's Total Recall.

The sure-to-be controversial project about the medieval religious wars was budgeted at

a cool hundred million bucks, a ridiculous amount in the early '90s.

Verhoeven was asked by the studio to guarantee he wouldn't exceed that amount, but as Schwarzenegger

later told Empire, "he just wouldn't, and that was it.

That was the end of that movie."

Instead, Carolco Pictures decided to dump the funds into the 1995 pirate epic Cutthroat

Island, a famous flop that sank the studio.

John Lasseter's Where the Wild Things Are

Today, John Lasseter is the Big Enchilada at not only Pixar, but all of Walt Disney

Animation Studios.

But in 1983, he was just an up-and-coming animator at Disney, which was in a bit of

a slump at the time.

Lasseter was convinced he was on to the wave of the future: He came to executives with

a 30-second test animation based on Maurice Sendak's beloved children's book Where the

Wild Things Are, which blended hand-drawn and computer-generated imagery in a revolutionary


Den of Geek reports that Disney executives at the time weren't really into any new process

that didn't make animation faster or cheaper.

They would eventually come around, incorporating CGI elements into "renaissance" classics such

as Beauty and the Beast, but they probably should have cashed in on Lasseter's sorcery

a good decade sooner.

Instead, they waited for him to build Pixar into the most trusted and beloved brand in

CGI animated features, before purchasing it in 2006 for more than $7 billion.

10 Things I Hate About Life

1999's wry romantic teen comedy 10 Things I Hate About You is possibly the most "late

'90s" film of all time.

It was also well-received by critics and movie-goers alike, helping to bolster the movie star credentials

of Heath Ledger, Julia Stiles, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

According to Den of Geek, in 2012, at pretty much precisely the moment the film's target

audience started to get nostalgic about it, belated "spiritual sequel" 10 Things I Hate

About Life went into production ... and then vanished faster than your old Letters to Cleo


After several weeks of filming — enough to make this teaser trailer — production

halted for reasons that are still completely unclear, and just never started again.

A lawsuit filed by the film's production company accused star Evan Rachel Wood of simply changing

her mind about finishing the film during a break in production, while Wood insisted that

the producers had run out of money and needed a scapegoat.

Much like the film's production, the litigation seems to have simply petered out, and 10 Things

fans were left in the lurch with nothing but a tantalizing sneak peek at what could have

been another generation-capturing farce …

There's a difference between like and love.

Because I like my Skechers, but I love my Prada backpack."

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For more infomation >> The Real And Bizarre Reasons These Movies Were Canceled - Duration: 5:42.


My Secret Weapon for YouTube Growth - Duration: 9:02.

here we go what's going on guys it's Brian from BG media innovation and I got

a great one for you here today so today I'm going to talk about a little tip

that I have that can get you more engagement more views more subscribers

and ultimately more traffic to your YouTube channel so it's basically a

plugin it's Google plugin and it comes free called two buddy and I'm gonna

share a couple of things with you that two buddy does that I think are really

really cool that are gonna blow your mind so the first and foremost the best

in my opinion thing is basically doing a keyword research on your competitors of

videos so in my my situation I'm you know pretty much everything passive

income you know online online income you know I do drop shipping I do Amazon FBA

I do a number of different things across that spectrum so for example if I were

gonna go in to make a video that covers something about drop shipping and I was

gonna link my course in the description for that what I would then do is I might

go to somebody that I think is a competitor that also you know makes

videos that deal with drop shipping so Alex Becker comes to mind

but since I already kind of looked at his videos earlier and I realized that

he wasn't really tagging it right I'm gonna just maybe go to him onto his

videos really fast and then I'm gonna see I'll show you what I mean here it

basically tells you all the tags that they that they that they're trying to

rank for and it shows you what they are actually ranking for now he's not

ranking for anything and this is something and I started to notice as I'm

doing research and I'll get into that a little bit more some of the top you know

channels don't do this but the majority of channels that are up-and-coming and

growing to now I there's a bunch of different reasons I have for this it's a

little bit or I I have that that I speculate about why this is mostly

because they're probably getting traffic from outside sources in a lot of ways

and they already have a following of you know a big subscriber base they don't

necessarily need to tag their videos but that's a little bit beyond the scope of

this video this video is basically about doing keyword research you know and

basically figure out what tags your competitors are ranking for so you can

ultimately steal their traffic now we're gonna try to find somebody

that's similar to him let's see if wholesale Ted does this cuz I remember

watching this video I was loud and let's mute that really fast and see if she's

ranking Frank so she's not really tagging that well either you'll start to

notice this but she is ranking for a couple so if I were going to you know

potentially tagged my video my dropshipping video I might want to think

of you know tagging these because they're clearly rank able now I don't

know that those are two to rank able and if I go into two buddy I'll show you

with the next basically basically the next feature I'm going to promote that

they that they have but I would venture to assume that these aren't that long

tail so they're probably difficult to rank for now I'll do one more I'll pull

up another example potentially to show you let's see if this guy right here

hated boat Hayden bowls I don't even know that is but girl he makes videos on

Shopify so I'm gonna and might as well plug it while I'm here guys obviously I

have dropped some courses I don't I sell them clearly but actually if you visit

my website you can get your free drop shipping courses I give both of them

away for free you know basically to help people out

and and be to you know acquire more students before the potential long term

you know I like to keep it real with you guys I like to keep it 100 you know I

thought wow I just said 100 I think that's the first time I ever said that

in my life but yeah I like to keep it honest and you know basically

transparent with you guys it's an email capture clearly so I can market my

future courses to you but you do get both courses for free and there's a lot

of value in them so feel free to check them out there in the description if you

want now I'm gonna basically run this and you'll start to see that he ranks

for a couple of these so he's fourth in rankings if you search drop shipping

with Shopify in the youtube search bar he's the fourth ranked video I would

venture to assume that that's probably a decent longtail keyword that I would

want to rank for when I'm doing my videos clearly Shopify is probably a

hard keyword to target that's and so is drop shipping because they're so short

and and a lot of people are probably tagging their videos with those tags so

let me show you what I mean by this really fast if I was going to go into

too buddy there's a lot of great features that

I'll be talk and you know this video and future

videos but really I wanted to talk about doing competitor keyword research like

this because it shows you on the side what they're ranking for and obviously

all the analytics and stuff like that but it also has a tag Explorer which I

think is one of the coolest features now if I was going to you know basically

make my dropshipping video I would be looking for longtail keywords that I

could potentially rank for that have high traffic asthma as high of traffic

as I can find with the least competition that's ideal so let me show you what I

mean by that let me take a couple of his that I think are decent drop shipping

with Shopify let's see if that's an actually if that's actually a decent one

so drop shipping with Shopify and we're gonna put it into the Explorer and that

is not actually so it gets a decent amount of search volume but it's high

competition probably something I don't want to rank I don't want to try to rank

for let's try a different one let's try I bet you Shopify drop shipping is not

that good either

let's try so I in this situation I won't continue to bore you but I would

basically what I would do is I would go in and I would continue to try to look

through his videos for longtail keywords you know I want to know what my the

people that are ranking and already have views on Shopify and drop shipping are

on what tags they're trying to rank for because there's a reason that they're

trying to do that let's try this guy Mike this still don't know who that is

either see what show rankings and he ranks for this longtail one I bet you

that's a decent one how to start a drop shipping business on Shopify let's try

that always trying to save time right how to start a drop it up shipping

business on Shopify

see that's a good one this is a perfect example of something I want to rank for

and heat you see he ranks 12 for that it's probably bringing him a decent

amount of traffic to his video because a decent amount of people are searching

from that we can see that here with with this plugin it's basically a decent

mountain people are searching for it but nobody's really trying to rank for this

so this is definitely something that I was trying to rank for so if I was going

to try to rank for this I would basically take this and I'm just gonna

open up word for it just for you know not for reference and I would just save

this for later because that's a keyword I'm gonna try to rank for when I go to

tag my videos let's do one more just to bring you one more example let's see

another one here drop shipping success story let's see if that's a good one and

this is a good good example because this gives you keywords that you might not

even be thinking of that you know are potentially rank for that can bring your

videos your channel and ultimately your links a lot of traffic guys and that's

that's the key to the game is organic traffic I don't even remember what that

was got lost up in there got caught up in explaining dropshipping success story

I can't type today that's fair it's decent it's probably something I

wouldn't want to hang on to but I could find better but this just gives you

examples guys of how you can use to buddy to ultimately do your keyword

research on on your competitors on your own channel there's a moat there's a

plethora of different I think that's the first time I've used that word to that

says this is a record of veggies but you can do so much keyword research there's

a bunch of different features that two buddy has it's phenomenal I just kind of

found out about it it's blowing my mind I'll link it down in the description for

you if you want to check it out it does cost monthly I have the free version

right now you can get the free version too but obviously you're limited I

probably upgrade to just kind of demonstrate you know the differences

between the upgrade and the free version but I want to kind of experience the

free version for a couple days and see what it actually has to offer that way

when I do upgrade and I do cover that I know you know what to what to tell you

guys you know what you can expect and whether or not it's worth it so if you

liked the video please like the video it really helps the channel grow

really helps the video rank obviously in search results and you know that I'm big

with that so you know it really helps channel really helps me out I'd really

appreciate it comment and subscribe and I will see you guys in the next one

For more infomation >> My Secret Weapon for YouTube Growth - Duration: 9:02.



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My First KPOP Concert + My Birthday! (Spanish Subtitles) - Duration: 7:12.

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Çukur Tişört'ü ve Bardak Çekilişine Katılmayı Unutmayın!

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Disney Pixar Cars 3 Fabulous McQueen Jackson Storm Cruz Ramirez Rusteze Mack Red Truck A lot of Cars

For more infomation >> Disney Pixar Cars 3 Fabulous McQueen Jackson Storm Cruz Ramirez Rusteze Mack Red Truck A lot of Cars - Duration: 10:09.


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Vine #11 | Saugat Pyakuryal - Duration: 0:21.

Hey, Siri.

Call my girlfriend.

SIRI: Which one?

♪Thug life ♪

For more infomation >> Vine #11 | Saugat Pyakuryal - Duration: 0:21.


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For more infomation >> Прохождение игры Prime Peaks Мультфильмы про машинки гонки Серия 1 - Duration: 7:32.


This New Trend In Korea Is Already Becoming More Desirable Than The V-Line - Duration: 2:06.

This New Trend In Korea Is Already Becoming More Desirable Than The V-Line

In the past, Koreans often favored V-line jaws that gave people the appearance of a slim and small face.

Many idols with the V shaped jaws were highly praised for having straight and smooth jawlines with sharp chins.

Nowadays, the trend has shifted, and people are seeing the charms of an L-line jaw shape instead.

Its also known as the royalty jaw as it gives the appearance of a powerful and elegant king or queen.

Idols such as DIAs Chaeyeon….

…and Nana all have sharp, L-shaped jaw lines that give them a strong and sophisticated look.

Check out more incredibly sexy L-shaped jaw lines here!.

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