Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 30 2017

it was, as far as I can ascertain, in the year of 2013

that a most distressing event happen in my life

I can only tell you the year in which this tale of mine

befell my simple and rather calm life for I do not know exactly the month or day

due to this disquieting event

I was taking my degree in history and archaeology

and I had an important research work to do

there were specific books and documentations on a library far from the city where I lived and study

therefore I had to spend some time away to be able to do my work

I will not go into details about such studies, for I fear it is a rather dull subject to the listener

and it has nothing to do with these strange events I'm about to describe

I went by train

it took me a bit less than seven hours to arrive into this town where the library was

I had never set foot in this place nor had I any connections to it

I had only the address of the Inn where I was supposed to stay and the name of the street where the library was

night fell swiftly when I arrived

the last fiery colors before the world is consumed by utter darkness

calmly faded in the edge of the world

slowly blending with the gloom

a keen wintry-wind blew and whispered moans

in the hollow trunks of trees

upon stepping in the train platform

I took a deep breath and clung to my luggage, for I was completely alone and had a few more miles ahead of me

untill I reached the town

glowing in the distance

I could see the ruined medieval walls which once protected the town

I hastened to reach safety and light

considering that the road between the train station and the town

had no illumination and I had felt a heavy presence looming in the darkness

pressing its icy talons on my shoulders and cold breath on the back of my neck

the entrance to the town was by an arc way recently built on the granite walls

the streets were empty but the shadows of the townsfolk were

reflected upon the yellow lights of each window

the names of the streets had long faded from the stone slabs on important buildings

but fortunately a police officer making the night patrol gave me

indications to where I could find the Inn

I walked up on a gentle slope, passing a few old stone houses and there it was

the Polycarp Inn

it had to be, because it was the only building with its front door opened

at this time of night

there was a sign with the name of the Inn beneath the lamp

but the lamp was broken and I could barely see it in the dim what was written in the sign

had not been for a hazy light streaming out of a window

I would never had noticed the sign

the innkeeper was a very gentle and friendly woman, in her mid 70s

her left leg was lame but even so she went up the stairs to take me to my room and explain me

the plumbing problems and that I couldn't turn on every light at the same time

I turned the central heating system

I prided myself on being a keen observant

so I had noticed in the reception board that there were no odd numbers

the rooms had only even numbers, and so mine was number 10

and there it was, right where it was supposed to be

the last room at the end of the corridor - the number 10

I could barely sleep the first night, the person on number 8 was very restless, it seemed

the room was right next to mine and it seemed the walls were very thin

so I could hear the person sobbing and walking from one side of the chambers to the other

barefooted, making that irritating pump pump pump sound echoing in my ears

just a bit before the break of dawn the sound had come to an end at last

finally all was at peace and I shut my eyes for a brief moment

but someone was battering at my chamber door, calling everyone aloud

shouting that breakfast would be served in the Common Hall

*breakfast ready! At the Common Hall!*

I dragged myself downstairs, I sat and ate and went back upstairs to have some sleep

as I thought of myself as being a keen observant

I had noticed that everyone at the table was as exhausted as I was

most of them were completely aloof to the fact that there was food in front of them

and that the sleeves of their robes were soaking inside their plates filled with milk

it seemed that I wasn't the only one that had a rough night

my brain was still sound asleep so my observant skills were not yet acute enough at that time of the day

and I wasn't able to tell which of those standing there was the person on number 8

all of them had their eyes touched in with a burning red

weeping or lack of sleep seemed to stain the eyes in the same manner

it was past midday when I left my room again and went to do some research at the library

for that was why I had come to this forsaken town in the first place

I brought some books with me back to the Inn

so I could do my work at my chambers, alone, in peace and quiet

I was arriving at the Inn when I looked up and saw the window to my room

next to it was the window of number 8

red shoes on the window ledge

a woman's shoes

so number 8 was a woman . . .

I could have sworn that by the barefooted sound and the crying, that it was a man

one can't definitely trust everything he hears

I went upstairs to my room, I tried to put the key on the door lock of my chambers

but it simply didn't fit

inside my room, or what I thought it was my room

I heard the sound of footsteps and voices talking in whispers

then all sound ceased and someone, barefooted again, came running towards the door

and there it stopped

I noticed that it had grabbed the door handle and was trying to pull it

or push it, I'm not certain

I had the sensation that it was trying to get out

I was startled to hear that there was a low moan by the door

the person had its face leaning against the door and I could hear a rapid breathing as well

I looked up and noticed that number of the door wasn't mine

nor was it the number 8

it was clear to my sight that there was a 9 hanging above the door

for a man who thought of himself as being a keen observant, well . . .

I felt ashamed of myself at that moment

my room was clearly the next one and not the one I was trying to get into

I apologize to . . . whoever was inside number nine, and went back to my room

as fast as I could so no one would see the stupidity that I had made

one cannot trust half of everything he sees

at my room

after pondering about my previous encounter with the wrong door

I remembered that there were no odd numbers in that Inn, so number nine couldn't possibly be there

but what was I thinking? No, no, no, I obviously had seen it just then

and certainly the day I had arrived at the Inn, I hadn't seen it right in the reception board

I had been tired from the train journey and was a bit afraid, I confess, when I got to the town

Yes! That was it . . . I definitely didn't noticed that there were rooms with odd numbers

so much for my observation skills

that same night, and the three nights after

the same moaning and sobbing sounds from number 8

well . . . from number 9 that is

were still heard

the person inside that room seemed to be dancing in one of those nights

at my fifth night at the Inn

I heard a horrible muffled voice, seemingly singing a most dreadful melody

It stopped when someone came banging on my door

*who is it ?*

said I, afraid to get up and go to the door

*your neighbor next door*

a woman shouted

I went to the door to see what the woman in the red shoes wanted with me

it was clearly her

for now I was convinced that the person on number 9 was really a man by the terrible sounds he made

the woman sounded a bit upset

as I opened the door she spoke to me in a manner that I thought she was going to strangle me

I was very angry by that peevish tongue of hers and the way she addressed me

I was also very tired and with little patience for foolish questions

*what on earth are you doing in here?*

she asked me

* could you please . . . *

when she was about to tell me to stop doing whatever I was doing, I deem

the crying or singing voice was suddenly heard for brief moments

and then dead-silence fell

only a few seconds later the voice was heard again

seemingly to laughter, laughing at himself in a rather crooning way

the woman looked at me with bulging eyes, a white fear struck her

her lips were white, her skin was pale and she started to shake

had she been a mirror, I would have seen my own reflection similar to her current state of fear

I told the woman, as she could perfectly hear

that the sounds came from the person whose room was between ours

then I realized that she was even more frightened when she looked to where, supposedly, the door of number 9 was

I peered to see if the person of number 9 was on the corridor

and what kind of hideous look he had to frighten the woman so

my heart sank into a profound void inside my bowels when I noticed, to my horror ,that there was no door at all

there was only number 8 and my own room - number 10

yet inside the wall between ou-our rooms ! The sounds continued . . .

the woman and I went to get the innkeeper

in the process the sounds inside the wall had died away

even so, the three of us stood for a while facing that wall . . . waiting . . .

at first we heard nothing at all and innkeeper was about to say we were both barking mad

when we heard someone . . .

we heard a faraway sound of someone screaming

and then another person, not too far off, gurgling and groaning

then we heard someone else nearer the wall, laughing out loud . . .

clearly it wasn't the same person

I don't think it was a person at all by such sounds

there was the sound of feet going down some stairs and coming back up

and then a heavy door shutting

and all was quiet again . . . morning was about to break

I wanted to forget all about it because if I couldn't I would never be able to sleep again

but we had to get to the bottom of this

was there something or someone trapped inside the wall?

going mad by the lack of food and drink, shut in the dark of some old chimney?

after hearing such sounds it wasn't likely that these questions had some truth in them

every one in the inn had been troubled by those sounds

but they were too afraid to speak of it or to come out of their chambers to see what was going on

at lunch, we all agreed to check where did these sounds came from

or if there was a way into the inside of the wall, for it clearly had stairs inside

in fact, there really had been of way as I had suggested

in the cellar

where the innkeeper had made a laundry room

there was a very large pillar

larger than any other supporting the building

in such pillar

there was a granite stone with Latin inscriptions, this stone had been placed where a door had been

well, I'm not an expert on Latin but I always keep with me a Latin dictionary

to aid me when I'm doing a research for archaeological works about Romans

thus, this is what was written on the stone:

"Hinc natus est et hinc habitare"

I had translated this to: "born here and here to stay"

but at the base of the pillar another thing was written:

"Pervetus Umbræ"

for this I had no need for my dictionary, I knew exactly what it meant

though everyone was shouting and asking me

to see in my dictionary what it meant but I didn't want to tell them

well eventually I spoke . . .

Pervetus means "old" or "ancient"

and Umbræ . . .

is the term used for shadows, but not just any shadows . . .

Umbræ are the shadows of the dead . . .

we took our . . . time, trying to break the wall around the stone to be able to take it away and get in

we were so much concerned with our findings and all that process that we hadn't noticed that

night was advancing with haste . . .

we were talking with each other when there was the sound of metal hinges creaking

we were silent . . .

the there was the sound of a door slamming and hastily-feet coming down the stairs to meet us

we all ran outside into the street more quickly than I could write these words or could have spoken them

I spent the rest of my time in that town, on another inn just outside the town walls

I heard that the police was able to enter that pillar and found a large wooden coffer

inside the coffer there were animal bones and fur and a rusty dagger and a book

a very old book with a black leather cover with words cut on it

they came to me to see if I could tell them what was written inside the book

but not even I nor the oldest of my archaeology professors could tell what kind of language was that

however, I could see that the dagger was made of copper

and dated back to the middle Bronze Ages, even before the Romans had come to that place

but they clearly had an encounter with whatever had been born there

and was there to stay . . .

For more infomation >> The 9th Room (Audio) - Duration: 16:27.


It EXCEPT Pennywise dances to anything pt. 26.99 - Duration: 3:52.

Don't look down.

For more infomation >> It EXCEPT Pennywise dances to anything pt. 26.99 - Duration: 3:52.


The X-Files Season 11 "Help Without Trust" Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:21.

I've seen how it begins.

We need your help, even if we don't trust you.

[music playing]

["x-files theme song"]

For more infomation >> The X-Files Season 11 "Help Without Trust" Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:21.


Hedgehog Cake | Food Network - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Hedgehog Cake | Food Network - Duration: 1:07.



yo first off thank you for clicking on this f*ing video pardon my language

and parents and children watching if you don't like foul fuckin words then these

are not the videos for you but for those y'all that are gonna stay and rock with ya

boy I appreciate you now y'all see the title of this video GIBBY GANG let's

dive all the way yeah come on ten niggas that got bigotry most of the time when

these people be talking I don't even hear them they talk in a talk but I do

not hear now we all know we're here for a reaction we just need to clear up a

few things first if you new to the channel I am not fluent in Spanish

espanol is you might say I am English so that is what it is but music brings us

together in my opinion and I vibed it as music all the time

hippie gang already knows what's up - mo mainstays capita this is the remix

feature of bad buddy daddy yankee does go and well double ah but we just don't

call them air well today and coast excuse me

the fuck did you just say that's not pronounced in I don't care you but now

it's a banger shades aka tagu sees that the song is play list but we turned up

get buck wild shake our cool oh these one are high boss let's set them close

by cos we already reacted to the regular version that's when I hit 10,000 subs

thank y'all for that it's about to get wild baby I'm sorry I just talked so

much but hey let's go there's a lyric video so we just go back free and well

cuz you already know he to go so I mean there's a couple goats back free and

well I broccoli and we're a long way I think you need a new haircut though he

need a new style

fuck it to be drop out

now that's the type of banger in the background they just blow the cars

because I write there but hey you need to upgrade is my Spanish though for real

for real but hey we already know this songs go crazy so if you got some

bangers at the crib slide them things on why cuz we mix it up this no more

positive not no mo no more talking unless I absolutely need to let's turn


ah Tacoma Ozuna now those gonna mean something else or

these are my daughters what'd he say about Ozona right now cuz you know soon

as part of the Gibby gang what's up stop it get some help

I think man hey that buddy yeah oh I rock with all these artists oh but

uh daddy can't use my number one he did make his way to my number one spot bad

bunny number to guess the number three number three ain't got nothing to do

with a latin track but it's all good though he's Spanish

oh yeah hey if y'all fall damn busier on Instagram he don't even need my shot up

hey that dude if you want to see no filter you think I'm watching follow

them Brazilian on dan Bilzerian or Instagram ever you pronouncing he made

his money through poker and now he's just out there free ballin living life I

need to live life let's go no tears in that motherfucker let's go turn up hard

enough on that last part

I was already known and up with doing crazy on this the first one was no but

it's still way better okay buddy put some swag on everybody name yeah I mean

but I need that last part one more time one more time one more time I'm sorry if

you get tired of bottle bang that thumbs up button below for do no make this gay

brothers remix huh whoever's putting a video processor looks to do sound bad

bunny Betty young gay yeah well it cost well another course well how do you say

his name eyes it don't even hear don't parties I rock with them a long way hit

the thumbs up button for yourself with your boy for coming to turn up with me

subscribe to the channel if you're new share these videos with your family your

friends that's bringing it let them know ahead of time we get real raunchy real

dirty and we all get both fucks with society or YouTube has to say about it

cutting that check you're not YouTube's copyright or not videos getting posted

regardless because I do this to entertain y'all I know I'd be wiling out

losing my damn mind baby a lot of y'all rock with it so imma keep doing my thing

this is me so who cares you know I'm saying we're growing every single day

man I appreciate y'all for watching if you really want to see how we get crazy

and turn up behind this camera we get liddie as a titty every single day on

Instagram and snapchat whip out your phones right now cuz that's where you

can send me song recommendations coming on my Instagram post send me direct snap

Syre response you also now have by the end of the day so whip them out if you

were real one get to Adam let's go this ain't a game this ain't a game pink I'm

playing so I'ma be singing on there I don't mean that personally I'm just

saying it just fits the moment alright bye now those should be added

nah he's talking about nothing man originally - this video will be listed

below so you go check it out for yourself but for right now be Gibby

no y'all I got it on my head did ever a fuck and forgot it in a whip not been a

bad shit cuz I got her off the strip talk about my day because she got it on

her lips got a few girls in it



Apple Fired An Engineer After His Daughter's iPhone X Video Went Viral - Duration: 1:34.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

Even though the iPhone X is about to hit shelves this coming week, Apple had zero chill when

it came to one of their employee's sharing a hands on look of the new phone.

Apple fired one of their engineers after his daughter uploaded a vlog that showed an impromptu

look at her father's new iPhone X. Brooke Peterson uploaded the vlog and noticed that

it went viral on Thursday.

The vlog starts off pretty standard but it ends with Brooke visiting her dad at the Cupertino

Apple Campus.

Brooke's video landed on the YouTube trending page and she was asked to immediately take

it down.

"Apple, of course, asked me to take it down.

And I took it down right when they asked me to because I respect Apple.

I had no idea that this was a violation."

In a subsequent video Peterson posted she said that she had no idea why her video got

so much traction considering there are many other iPhone tutorials online.

Apple usually frowns on recording anything while on premises so you can imagine why they

fired Peterson's dad after word got out about her video.

Engadget also pointed out,

"This wasn't a garden variety iPhone X.

As an employee device, it had sensitive information like codenames for unreleased products and

staff-specific QR codes."

In Brooke's follow up video she explained that her dad takes full responsibility for

his actions.

"At the end of the day, when you work for Apple it doesn't matter how good of a person

you are.

If you break a rule, they just have no tolerance.

They had to do what they had to do.

I'm not mad at Apple.

I'm not going to stop buying Apple products."

That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe

to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> Apple Fired An Engineer After His Daughter's iPhone X Video Went Viral - Duration: 1:34.


الاستاذ انمار عبد المنعم معنا في لقاء بعد اكمال فترة العلاج في مجمع فيدروف - علاج العيون في روسيا - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> الاستاذ انمار عبد المنعم معنا في لقاء بعد اكمال فترة العلاج في مجمع فيدروف - علاج العيون في روسيا - Duration: 1:33.


Adamus - Naučte se si důvěřovat - Duration: 11:48.

For more infomation >> Adamus - Naučte se si důvěřovat - Duration: 11:48.


BF Consulting: Steuernews-TV November 2017 - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> BF Consulting: Steuernews-TV November 2017 - Duration: 1:42.


Firmes Convicciones | Mensaje Reflexión - Duration: 1:20.

We all know the story of José, who due to life circumstances ended up in a jail

away from his family, away from his village

away from everything I could know. Now; What can we say? What was it for which of them?

What attitude should he take? o What should he do? I think that despite all the

what could happen to José he never forgot your ideals and your principles.

He continued to believe in God, believing in the promises that he had made

and he never forgot that it was where I was to become

in a moment in a King or in a governor.

situations should not change you, you do not have to think:

For such a situation that I am going through I have to behave like that, no.

how it sounds out there; the same water that hardens the egg, softens the potato.

Then it does not matter because as things are you happening, but keep

your Faith, your Convictions and your ideals.

After all, your faith in God gives you the confidence to endure all those things.

Then your feelings, your attitude does not depend on the things that surround you

You are as you are, for what you are inside; not for what squeezes you from outside.

For more infomation >> Firmes Convicciones | Mensaje Reflexión - Duration: 1:20.


Os 5 Maiores Mitos sobre as Cruzadas - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> Os 5 Maiores Mitos sobre as Cruzadas - Duration: 6:46.


Dracula la Muzeul Național de Istorie din Taipei | Taiwan Vlog #1 - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Dracula la Muzeul Național de Istorie din Taipei | Taiwan Vlog #1 - Duration: 1:21.


NFL: The Awesome Thing Happening To Ungrateful NFL Players Who "Take a Knee" During The Anthem. - Duration: 3:44.

The Awesome Thing Happening To Ungrateful NFL Players Who "Take a Knee" During The


Everyone knows about the self-entitled, misguided, uninformed, and former San Francisco 49ers

quarterback Colin Kaepernick's actions on the football field by taking a knee.

He knelt during the Star Spangled Banner as our national anthem played.

Kaepernick officially began his protest on September 12, 2016 and explained his actions

at the time:

"Once again, I'm not anti-American.

I love America.

I love people.

That's why I'm doing this.

I want to help make America better.."

Well, things have gone crazy since then.

Fans are now punishing the NFL.

They've held parties wherein they burned FNL products they bought, turned off the TV, and

even stopped attending games.

Just last weekend, things were so bad that tickets were being given away, "under the

guise of a "fan appreciation day", just to get fans into their stadiums.

On October 1, one former fan flew a plane over Lambeau Field during a game between the

Pittsburgh Steelers and Baltimore Ravens.

The plane flew a banner that read: "Stand and Respect Our Flag."

And pictures appeared showing empty stadiums during last week's games in Miami, Cleveland,

Chicago, Kansas City, and Indianapolis.

Indeed, loss of viewership has resulted ratings to drop significantly.

As a result.

Network executives are scrambling to solve the growing problem of crashing ratings for

the National Football League, by cutting games to end the perceived 'over-saturation'

of football on TV.

One proposal is to cut Thursday Night Football by ten games next year.

But Kaepernick's actions have spread like wildfire.

NBA players started kneeling even though there is a rule forbidding it.

There is even one report that Ann Arbor City Council members did it.

And TV networks have stopped showing National Anthem at NFL games.

Then we find out that the NFL Players Association Funds the far-left.

Gee, go figure.

But perhaps a reverse trend has begun:

Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys told his team that they will stand and properly

honor our flag during the playing of the National Anthem.

New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and wide receiver Chris Hogan walked over

to military service members and gave them high fives!

Shaquille O'Neal and Charles Barkley came out against the NBA player protests.

Major league baseball has risen in popularity.


18 NFL Hall of Famers were baptized in the Jordan River in Israel.

In a recent interview, Jerry Jones explained how these anthem protest are hurting the NFL.

"All times, I want to do the right thing by them and their customers.

I have a great responsibility to the people who support us.

We all get great benefits from having a lot of people watch our games.

All of us do."

The bottom line here is that these idiots do not respect our flag, our country, nor

our military.

Our service members have fought, bled, and died for the 1st Amendment freedoms for these

numbskulls to act as they have.

President Trump perfectly explained what respecting the flag is all about.

Included in his October 13, 2017, Weekly Address, he wrote,

"We honor the flag, we pay tribute to the men and women who have given everything for

its defense.

We renew the bonds of love and loyalty we owe to our fellow citizens—to every American

who looks to the Stars and Stripes and sees woven into its fabric their past, their future,

and their place in our great American family."

Well said, sir!

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> NFL: The Awesome Thing Happening To Ungrateful NFL Players Who "Take a Knee" During The Anthem. - Duration: 3:44.


Etschbacher & Partner: Steuernews-TV November 2017 - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Etschbacher & Partner: Steuernews-TV November 2017 - Duration: 1:42.


Wemo Light Switch WiFi enabled Works with Amazon Alexa - AmazingGadgets - Duration: 5:28.

ویمو لائٹ سوئچ وائی فائی کی خریداری اور انسٹال کرنے کے لئے شکریہ

is easy if you're familiar with basic electrical work it takes just a few

minutes if you're not please don't try and do it yourself any licensed

electrician or a friend who does know how to do basic electrical wiring should

do this for you all set ok let's get started first check to see if you have a

good strong Wi-Fi signal at the light switch by holding up your smartphone to

the light switch and checking the status bar you should have at least two or more

status bars Wemo light switch works with any one-way connection light which means

that it works with standard light switches that control one light or a

bank of lights if more than one switch controls the lights

that's a 3-way connection and Wemo light switch isn't compatible next turn off

the power for the light switch at your circuit breaker normally your circuit

breaker is labeled correctly so you can easily find which breaker turns off your

light switch now check to make sure the power is off by flipping the switch a

few times and making sure the lights don't come on now remove the faceplate

by unscrewing these two screws then also unscrew these two screws to detach the

switch from the wall

now check to make sure there's no power going to the switch I like to use a

non-contact voltage detector like so you can get one at any hardware store at

this stage I like to take a picture for future reference in case I need it on

this light switch the switch wires are these black wires connected here and

here to the light switch every light switch will have both of these wires but

they could be either red or black in color

the next wire is the neutral wire which is required by Wemo light switch but

isn't always present so it's really important to determine if you have one

or not if present the neutral wire is normally found within the wall box with

a wire nut on top of it the wire is normally white which is the

case here but as for all the wires it could be any color if you can't find the

neutral wire you won't be able to install the Wemo light switch in this

location you should check to see if other light

switches in your house have a neutral wire available and install it there

instead if you need additional information please visit

now I'm going to straighten the wire I just removed using pliers take one of

the black wires from the Wemo light switch it doesn't matter which one and

use the supplied wire nut to connect it to the switch wires you just removed

like this in case you found more than one wire just place them into the wire

nut the best way to use a wire nut is to put the wires side-by-side put the wire

nut over the top and twist until tight then while holding the wire nut gently

pull on each wire to make sure it's secure it doesn't pop out now we'll do

the same thing for the other switch wire

next if you have a ground wire disconnect it from the old switch and

connect it to the green wire on the Wemo light switch using the same process now

for the oh so critical neutral wire first you will need to remove the wire

nut holding together the existing wires unscrew it remember righty-tighty

lefty-loosey sometimes this is on so tight you might need a pair of pliers to

get it off then take the white wire from the Wemo light switch and group it

together with the wires you just exposed and screw them all together because

there are three or sometimes even more wires you need to gently pull on each

wire to make sure it's secure inside of the wire nut to finish the job right I

like to wind electrical tape around the wire nuts to make sure the copper

conductor is fully concealed push all the wires back into the wallbox making

as much space as you can for the Wemo light switch try pushing the wires to

the sides of the box

set the Wemo light switch in place line up the screws with a wall box and screw

it in

the faceplate attaches by pressing it onto the front of the switch if you

prefer you can use your old switch plate or the new one included but we advise

against using metal face plates as they interfere with your Wi-Fi signal now you

can turn the power back on at your circuit breaker configure Wemo on your

smartphone in settings select Wi-Fi and connect to the new Wemo network

launched the Wemo app and wait while the list of Wi-Fi networks is populated

now select your home Wi-Fi network this is the network you normally connect

laptops tablets and smartphones to enter your password and wait while we moe

connects now all you need to do is name your light switch and you can even take

a photo if it helps you're done congratulations enjoy

For more infomation >> Wemo Light Switch WiFi enabled Works with Amazon Alexa - AmazingGadgets - Duration: 5:28.


3 down and 1 to go - A recap of the San Diego Real Estate Market 2017 YTD - Duration: 2:51.

three down and one to go can you believe 3/4 of the year is already behind us?

I am Laura Borja and I welcome you to the September San Diego real estate market

update, a special edition of the Mortgage Minute.

This month we're going to take a look back

at the numbers in various categories for the San Diego real estate

market during the previous nine months. Let's check out the numbers.

We will start our 2017 year-to-date recap with closings

detached properties started the year

slightly ahead of last but are now below the September 2016 numbers

attached properties also started the year with more units than January 2016

but just like with detached properties the 2017 numbers are now below last

year's numbers. Next we look at median sales prices.

I don't think it is a surprise that 2017

is a stronger year compared to last year. As you can see

both detached an attached properties are now showing higher median prices this

year. Notice that the current spread is larger for condos with the September

median price being over 11% higher than it was last year.

Now we look at how much sellers are getting

of their original listing price

sellers of single-family homes started the year

with the exact same percentage as January 2016 but

picked up some ground as a year went along. Those selling attached homes have

received a higher percentage all year long compared to 2016

And how long did it take those sellers to find buyers?

Detached properties started the year the same

as they did 2016 but have reduced the days on market at a faster pace than last year

at a faster pace than last year

Attached property started selling nine

days faster than January 2016 and have maintained the trend of faster sales.

The last category we're gonna look at is inventory.

Both property types have reflected the drop

in inventory which we have all heard about.

The inventory this year, just like last year began

to dip as we finished the third quarter

Remember, this is part of the cycle trends that we talked about last month.

Check out that video if you want a little refresher on that

I think that looking at those numbers along with the fact

that interest rates do continue to rise makes

it more obvious that now is the time to pull the trigger if you want to buy a

home. If you're ready to move forward reach

out to me I can help you out with a pre-approval and I can connect you to a

great realtor in your area.

Please hit the like button if you enjoy the video

and share with everybody that you think might find it helpful and of course if

you have any questions feel free to reach out to me. You can send me an email

give me a call, shoot me a text or connect with me on social media

Thanks so much for watching this month's

San Diego real estate market update.

Don't forget to subscribe so you're notified of all the videos as they are posted and

I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> 3 down and 1 to go - A recap of the San Diego Real Estate Market 2017 YTD - Duration: 2:51.


Dr. Reisinger & MMag. Kornprat: Steuernews-TV November 2017 - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Dr. Reisinger & MMag. Kornprat: Steuernews-TV November 2017 - Duration: 1:42.


All Hallows Write Tag / Speed Draw - Duration: 7:14.

Hello again to another video- (fubmble on words)fff mine [drink every time you hear me say 'like']

ummm - this isn't exactly an update more so as a sort of art tag that was created by

Sam Kassié, her link will be in the description below, I'm doing this to get

more acquainted with my characters uh- from my comic series in progress;

"The Trickster Abreast Tales"! 8D

So the name of this tag is "All Hallows Wright"

and basically you're giving questions about Halloween and it's Halloween inspired sooo

ooo it kind of fits with the bill of the month, so the rules are to provide a

a brief description of your novel before proceeding (it's not exactly a novel - but whatever)

and do not use the character for more than three answers okay aaannd

for this one, I am focusing solely on the four you see here; Nathin, May, David and

Charles. Ummm, so with that said let's get on with the questions!

so "The Tricksters Abreast Tales" takes place in a world like [1] ours - with the exception that the

paranormal coexists with the natural world, and the series focuses on two

pairs of people two teens one of them is May; a very outgoing eccentric girl who

befriends a half human half trickster shy guy, and the other pair is two

paranormal agents who work for the government whose names are David and

Charles. The series follows the mishaps of the teens and the case files of the

two agents, a'ight. Now let's get started with the questions! first question

"it's Halloween night what is your protagonist dressed up as?"

out of the four, I'd say Nathin is the main character but it's really all of them

so I guess I'll just - I'll just list them all. um Nathan this time is just as

a ghost, May is dressed up as some sort of vampire,

David is dressed as a witch and Charles is dressed up as a mad scientist!

there's no real reason for the to be dressed up as that they just they

just liked [2] that idea for a costume is all. XD

number two "who in your cast refuses

to dress up and shows up to a party without their costume?" (clicks tongue) um well you see them

all dressed up now - but out of the four I'd say

Charles would probably be the one who's, like [3], who doesn't dress up, mostly because

like [4], he probably forgot or it didn't have the time to come up with a costume,

or like [5], umm couldn't really think of anything to wear or didn't see anything

they'd like [6] just randomly throw on (chuckle) I mean like, being an agent in the

paranormal investigation force can be, like [7], pretty consuming and - I mean, like [8],

David used to dress up a lot but now I think, like [9], because of his jobs he's

finding less time to come up with costume ideas and so, like [10], just throws on

whatever he can. But it's mostly Charles who is likely [11] to just not dress up in general.

number three "which character wears the most outrageous costume and what would it be?"

uhhh, as I mentioned David does like [12] - love to dress up for Halloween who puts in

more thought into his costumes but like [13] I said his job like prevents him from

going to the extremes with his costumes each year, though he still finds time to

think about them. Number four "on Halloween werewolves vampires and

zombies are on the prowl which character gets caught in their clutches and which

creature do they turn into?" that'd probably be Nathan because of his job, as a

superhero, he has to deal with everybody! uhhh so, like [14], I guess it depends on who he has

to, like [15], interrupt there mischievous nature first but virtually it could be

anything or anyoooonnne. except for zombies - there are actual

procedures made to prevent zombie infestations in that world (and is also illegal to make one).

Number five "who wins the contest for best costume?"

[deep provoking thinking] uhhhm... I like [16] how Nathan's turned out (chuckle) I am the judge I am the one who gets the final say!!! \(ÒvÓ)/

but if David had more time he'd probably CRUSH everyone else in this group.

number six "Who hands out toothbrushes to death trick-or-treaters?"

that might be Charles also, I don't know- when I read that question he was the

first out of the four two that came to mind

um but definitely he be the one who doesn't give out candy or anything at

all 'cause he's at work (chuckle) or if he's lucky enough to get the day off, uh- he is sleeping (chuckles some more)

number seven "which two of your characters went to pair up and do

it devil and angel costume together?" that would be Nathan and May; May will be the

one to really arrange the whole thing she'd be like [17] "Nathan let's do a theme

this year like a devil in angels a sort of thing!" and Nathan will be like "yeah that sounds good!"

number eight "Someone is too scared to even attend to the party

WHO is it?" um none of these people are scared of the holiday per se but if

it was like [18] a movie gathering, like [19] a - mostly slasher flick is likely then Nathan

won't go because like [20] he's not really into that kind of horror genre.

number nine "who overdoses on Halloween candy and ends up sick?" May's the one who, like [21], LOVES Halloween candy

number ten "which character well put a curse or a hex on

someone and who would they curse?" and again we have May in this spot! She's the

most likely [22] to curse someone but I can't really say who without spoilers or

whatever, I mean- like [23], she doesn't learn how to curse anyone but like basically

she would if that person ever hurt someone she really cares about.

And that was the last question that was fun~

I really liked [24] um I suggest you do this if you want to get into, like, character

writing it helps with, like [25], character building and helps you get more

acquainted with them so that way you can know how they would react even if, like [26],

it has nothing to do with um where your series goes as a whole it's still fun, so

yeah there was all hallows right by Sam Kassieé I'll put a link to the post in

the description below along with the link to the side characters results! and...

until next time I guess you'll hear me later BYE [Total of 26 "like"s]

For more infomation >> All Hallows Write Tag / Speed Draw - Duration: 7:14.


Photoshop Tutorial: How to Create an Alien Planet with Rings from Scratch! - Duration: 14:49.

Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

I'm going to show you how to create a hostile-looking, alien planet

encircled with rings of blue cosmic dust all from scratch.

First, we'll create a new document to place our planet and stars onto.

Press Ctrl + N on Windows or Cmd + N on a Mac or you can go to File and New.

Make the Width: 1920 pixels...the Height: 1080 pixels...and the Resolution: 72 pixels per inch.

The Color Mode is RGB, 8 bits per Channel and the background is black.

Then, click "Create" or "Open".

Go to Filter, Noise and "Add Noise".

Make the Amount: 100%, "Uniform" and check, "Monochromatic".

Then, click OK or press Enter or Return.

Go back to Filter, Blur and Gaussian Blur.

Blur it point 5 pixels.

Press Ctrl or Cmd + L to open your Levels window.

I'll drag the Input Shadow slider to 123 or you can just type it in.

I'll drag the Input Highlight slider to 205.

Next, we'll make a new document in which we'll create the planet base.

This time, make the Width and Height both 2400 pixels.

Make sure your foreground and background colors are black and white respectively.

If they're not, press "D" on your keyboard.

Go to Filter, Render and Clouds.

Go back to Filter, Render and "Difference Clouds".

Open your Levels window and drag the Input Highlight slider to approximately 154.

Go to Filter, Distort and "Spherize".

Make the Amount: 100%.

We'll spherize it more by repeating the last filter.

Press Ctrl or Cmd + F.

Open your "Elliptical Marquee Tool".

Go to a corner and press and hold the Shift key as you drag a circular selection to the opposite corner.

Holding Shift, made the selection a perfect circle.

We'll cut it out from its background by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J.

Before we place it onto the stars background,

we'll create a new document for the basic shape that we'll use to make

our concentric rings of cosmic dust.

Keep the Width and Height 2400 pixels and the Resolution 72 pixels per inch.

Go to Filter, Render and Clouds.

Go back to Filter, Distort and Twirl.

Drag the Angle slider all the way to the right.

Next, we'll mask out the inside and outside to make it into into a donut-like shape.

Click the Layer Mask icon to make a layer mask next to the shape.

Go to the center and press and hold Alt or Option + Shift as you drag out a circular

selection from the center to the point where the twirl starts to feather out.

Go to Select, Modify and Feather.

Feather the selection 10 pixels.

Invert the selection by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + Shift + I.

We'll fill the selection with black.

Press Alt or Option + Delete to fill it with black.

Deselect it by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + D. Go to the center again, press and hold Alt or

Option + Shift and drag out another circular selection approximately this size.

We'll repeat the steps by going back to Select, Modify and Feather and feather it 10 pixels.

Then, fill it with black

and deselect it.

Now that we have all the basic elements to create our alien planet, let's begin by dragging

our base planet onto the tab of the stars document.

Press "v" to open your Move Tool and drag the planet onto the stars tab.

Then, drag it down and release.

Drag it to a position approximately here.

Click the Adjustment layer icon and click "Hue/Saturation".

We want the adjustment layer to affect only the planet and not the stars background.

To do this, either click the Clipping Mask icon or press Ctrl + Alt + G on Windows

or Cmd + Option + G on a Mac.

Check, "Colorize".

I'll keep its Hue: 0 and I'll drag the Saturation all the way to the right,

to give our planet an intense red color.

Keep in mind, you can change its Hue and Saturation at any time.

Double-click the planet layer to open its Layer Style window.

Click "Outer Glow".

Click the color box and if you picked a bright red for your planet as I have, then, pick

a bright red color for its outer glow.

The Blend Mode is "Lighten" and the Opacity is 50%.

The Technique is "Softer, the Spread is 0 and the Size is 30 pixels.

The Range is 50%.

Click "Inner Glow".

Click the color box and this time,

we'll pick a less saturated version of the color we picked for the outer glow.

The Blend Mode is "Linear Dodge" and the Opacity is 50%.

The Technique is "Softer", the Source is "Edge", the Choke is 0 and the Size is 25 pixels.

The Range is 50%.

Next, we'll place our planet in shadow.

Make the Adjustment Layer active.

We'll make a new layer above it by clicking the New Layer icon.

Clip the layer to the planet

and Ctrl-click or Cmd-click the thumbnail of the planet to make a selection of its shape.

Invert the selection and fill it with black.

Then, deselect it.

We're going to use a large brush, so let's zoom out of our document by pressing Ctrl

or Cmd and the minus key on our keyboard a number of times.

Open your Brush Tool and Brush Picker.

Make its size: 2600 pixels, the Hardness: 50% and the Opacity and Flow, both 100%.

Place your cursor approximately here and click once.

To fit your document back onto the canvas, press Ctrl or Cmd + 0.

Next, we'll add colorful, faraway nebulas behind our planet.

Open your Brush Picker and make its Size: 700 pixels and the Hardness: 0%.

Make the Opacity: 30%.

Make the Stars background active and make a new layer above it.

Make a copy of the empty layer by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J.

I'll scroll down, so I can see the bottom 3 layers.

Go to Filter, Render and Clouds.

Clip it to the Stars background and change its Blend Mode to Vivid Light.

Make the empty layer active.

Click the foreground color and pick a medium color.

I'm picking 0096FF.

Click once over one or two areas.

Click the foreground color again and pick a different color.

I'm picking EA00FF.

Click once again over areas of the nebula.

We're ready to add the rings.

Make the top layer active.

We'll place the rings above it.

Open your rings document.

To get it onto our planet, press "v" to open our Move Tool

and drag it onto the tab of the planet document.

Without releasing your mouse or pen, drag it down and release.

We'll convert it into a Smart Object, so we can modify it non-destructively.

Click the icon at the upper, right of the Layers panel and click "Convert to Smart Object".

Go to Filter and Filter Gallery.

Open the Texture folder and click "Grain".

Make the Intensity and Contrast: 50 each and the Grain Type: "Clumped".

Change the Blend Mode to Screen.

Click the Adjustment Layer and click "Hue/Saturation".

Clip it to the rings layer.

Check Colorize".

I'll make the Hue: 220, the Saturation: 48 and the Lightness: minus 35, however, feel

free to experiment with these amounts.

Next, we'll brighten it.

Click the Adjustment Layer icon and click "Levels".

Clip it to the Rings layer.

Make the Input Shadow level: 66 and the Input Highlight level: 144.

We're ready to wrap the rings around our planet.

Make the rings layer active and zoom out approximately this much.

Press Ctrl or Cmd + T to open your Transform Tool.

If you see this message, it's just letting us know that the grain texture will be temporally

turned off while we use the Transform Tool.

Go to a bottom corner and press and hold Ctrl +Shift + Alt on Windows or Cmd + Shift + Option

on a Mac as you drag it out approximately this much.

Go inside the bounding box and drag it to a position similar to mine.

We want to ultimately keep the inside hole of the rings outside the edge of our planet.

Once we angle and position it, we'll mask out the area of the rings that go behind the planet.

Go to an outside corner and when you see a curved, double-arrow, rotate it clockwise

to an angle you like.

I'll position it to show more rings on the bottom and make sure we see the outside edge

of the rings in the distance.

Go to the left, middle anchor point and press and hold Ctrl or Cmd as you drag it straight

it out to stretch the bounding box.

Continue to finesse it until you like its perspective and position.

Then, press Enter or Return.

Fit it back onto your canvas.

Lastly, we'll hide the area of the rings that go behind the planet.

Click the Layer Mask icon to make a layer next mask to the rings.

Ctrl-click the planet or Cmd-click it to make a selection of its shape.

Open your Pencil Tool and Pencil Picker.

Make the Size: approximately 80 pixels and its Hardness and Opacity 100%.

Now brush over the rings at the top to hide it.

Then, deselect it.

This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

Thanks for watching!

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