Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 12 2017

No one is perfect—not even the beautiful celebrities who get paid tons of money, at

least in part, for their physical appearances.

The difference between the stars and regular folks is that they can afford to make the

changes they think they need to achieve "perfection."

Unfortunately, sometimes the rich and famous take certain cosmetic adjustments a little

too far.

Check out the stars who've had nose jobs that completely changed their look.

Ashley Tisdale

While Ashley Tisdale has an extensive acting history dating back to her childhood in the

'90s, you might not recognize her in those early roles, thanks to the nose job she got

in 2007.

Tisdale became a household name when High School Musical aired in 2005– she was instantly

recognizable by her long blonde hair and notable nose.

But in 2007, she told People that she underwent surgery to correct a deviated septum.

"I went to get it checked out, and the doctor told me the septum was 80 percent deviated

and that I had two small fractures on my nose."

Not only did the surgery fix her deviated septum, but it also transformed her whole


Tisdale told People her surgery was only motivated by her health, urging fans to embrace their


"I didn't do this because I believe in plastic surgery.

I want my fans to know the truth.

I'm not someone who is going to act like I had nothing done.

I just want to be honest because my fans are everything to me."

Heidi Montag

When The Hills began filming, Heidi Montag had the sweet, girl-next-door look, but in

2007, she started undergoing a slew of plastic surgeries, including rhinoplasty and breast


She told Us Weekly that year,

"I've always been very insecure about my body.

I have my dad's nose, which is huge.

It took up so much of my face, when I looked down, I could see my nose.

I couldn't get away from it!"

She didn't stop there.

In a 2016 interview with Entertainment Tonight, Montag revealed that she's had nearly a dozen

surgeries, totally transforming her appearance.

She said she doesn't regret her procedures, but, quote, "certainly wouldn't do it again"

and "certainly wouldn't recommend it."

Jennifer Grey

She burst onto the scene in 1987 with the iconic role of Baby Houseman, alongside Patrick

Swayze, in Dirty Dancing.

In 1989, Jennifer Grey went under the knife to alter her strong nose, but following the

"fix," her career suffered.

Grey blames her diminished opportunities on what she called "the nose job from hell."

She told the Mirror,

"I went into the ­operating room a ­celebrity and came out anonymous…I'll always be this

once-famous actress nobody ­recognizes because of a nose job."

Ashlee Simpson

In the early 2000s, Ashlee Simpson's career was really starting to take off.

She had her own reality show, a Billboard Top Ten hit, and a chart-topping album.

However, her career soon took a couple of big hits.

In 2004, she walked off the Saturday Night Live stage when the wrong backing track was

played, which many critics took to mean she couldn't really hold her own on stage, and

was likely lip-syncing during her live appearances.

Then, in 2006, after her once distinctive nose appeared noticeably slimmer and straighter,

she began battling rumors about a nose job.

Though she's never outright admitted to having work done, Simpson has also never directly

denied it.

In 2006, she told The Associated Press,

"Everybody's already saying it, so I just don't talk about it.

I'm like, okay, whatever.

It doesn't bother me."

The alleged surgery was rather untimely, as it coincided with a Marie Claire issue that

featured Simpson as a cover girl encouraging readers to embrace their flaws.

Michael Jackson

The late Michael Jackson's looks were always a hot topic, and at the time of his death,

he looked drastically different than he did at the beginning of his career—most notably,

in the area of his nose.

In 2002, Jackson told ABC News that he had surgery on his nose so that he could breathe

better, which allowed him to "hit higher notes."

After his death, rumors abounded that Jackson didn't even have a nose anymore due to the

many plastic surgeries he'd allegedly underwent — though Jackson only acknowledged two procedures.

Rolling Stone cited one source who claimed Jackson's nose was actually prosthetic.

The insider alleged that he saw it fall off of the pop star's face.

Farrah Abraham

This teen mom has never been shy about her ever-changing looks.

Farrah Abraham debuted as a young parent on MTV's 16 and Pregnant series and soon fell

in love with reality television.

She has since appeared on multiple reality shows, and her looks seem to transform each

time we see her.

In 2014, Abraham told In Touch Weekly that by the time she was 21, she'd spent $21,000

on plastic surgeries, including a nose job, which she called "very worth it."

Mickey Rourke

While many people now know Mickey Rourke as an actor, he got his start as a professional

boxer, enduring hundreds of hits to his face.

He told the Daily Mail in 2009 that he broke his nose twice.

"I had to have cartilage taken from my ear to rebuild my nose and a couple of operations

to scrape out the cartilage because the scar tissue wasn't healing properly."

Rourke said he, quote, "went to the wrong guy" to get it fixed, which left him with

an almost unrecognizable mug.

In October 2017, Rourke reportedly went back under the knife to fix his nose.

He posted a photo on Instagram after the surgery, captioned, "Now i am 'pretty' again."

Lil' Kim

In 2016, rapper Lil' Kim posted a selfie photo collage to Instagram—only, it didn't look

like her at all.

Her followers went nuts, posting comments such as, "Lil Kim who?" and "Who is this?"

Though the rapper didn't confess to a nose job after posting the photos, she did reveal

in 2005 that she had work done on her nose after it was broken by an abusive boyfriend.

Courtney Love

Actress and musician Courtney Love was a huge player in the '90s grunge scene.

But before her success and notoriety, she had a nose that was supposedly holding her


In 2014, she told late-night host Jimmy Kimmel that once she got her nose job, "the whole

world changed."

"Let's just be real.

I had a really big nose, and that schnozz was not taking me anywhere."

"Do you regret having your nose fixed?"


"You don't.

Okay, well that's good."

"Hell no."

"Okay, alright!"


Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Celeb Nose Jobs That Completely Changed Their Looks - Duration: 6:00.


Marvel's Runaways 1x07 Promo "Refraction" (HD) - Duration: 0:34.


I hope you get this in time.

Please, whatever you do Dad,

don't pick up the Fistigons.

Shit's about to get really real.

They need to be held accountable for their actions.

I need you to step aside.

What the hell was that?

My new job.

Why are you guys doing this?

There are things going on you can't understand.

Then try it!

For more infomation >> Marvel's Runaways 1x07 Promo "Refraction" (HD) - Duration: 0:34.





William Binney is a former high ranking intelligence official with the National Security Agency


He is one of the highest placed intelligence officials to ever blow the whistle on insider

NSA �knowings.� He made headlines when he resigned in 2001 after 9/11, having worked

more than thirty years for the agency.

He was a leading code-breaker against the Soviet Union during the Cold war, and was

repelled by the United States� massive surveillance programs.

He�s had quite the go, starting in 2002 when he let the public know of a system ( �trailblazer�)

intended to analyze data carried on communication networks (like the internet).

He exposed the agencies eavesdropping program and has faced harassment from the FBI, NSA

and more.

He has been in and out of the court room ever since he decided to resign and blow the whistle.

These mass surveillance leaks are nothing new, as we�ve seen by the leaks recent NSA

whislte-blower Edward Snowden has provided us over the past few years.

In an interview that was blacked out by the U.S media, Snowden referred to a Super National

Intelligence Organization known as the �Five Eyes� that do whatever they want, and are

far beyond the laws of their own country.

You can read more about that HERE.

Binney hasn�t stopped, one of the highest-level whistleblowers to ever come out of the NSA.

He is now saying:

�At least 80% of fibre optic cables globally go via the US, this is no accident and allows

the US to view all communication coming in.

At least 80% of all audio calls, not just metadata, are recorded and stored in the US.

The NSA lies about what it stores.

The ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control.�

According to the Guardian:

�The NSA will soon be able to collect 966 exabytes a year, the total of internet traffic


Former Google head Erich Schmidt once argued that the entire amount of knowledge from the

beginning of humankind until 2003 amount to only five exabytes.�

Binney has supported the recent revelations of Snowden, and says he has contact with a

number of other NSA employees who are appalled with what the agency does.

Total Population Control

What used to be considered a conspiracy theory is becoming much easier for more people to


Mass surveillance is not about the protection of national security, it�s about controlling

the entire population.

We are made to believe that intelligence agencies are working to protect us, when the truth

is that they have their hand in what they claim is a threat to us.

A great example of this is 9/11.

Again, we must question the world�s constant direction towards a total security state,

what is happening today is ridiculous and completely unnecessary.

If events are really created and justified (like 9/11), and the �war on terrorism�

is a complete sham, think about what that means for a second.

Ask yourself, why are they doing this?

�There is a very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized

upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship

and concealment.

That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control.

We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily

on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence.

On infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead

of free choice.� JFK (source)

�In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted

influence whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex.

The potential disaster of the rise of mis-placed power exists, and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes�

Dwight Eisenhower (sources)

Everything we do is monitored.

As a result, anything that threatens the interests of those wishing to �control� us will

most likely be known about.

At the same time, I�m sure there are many individuals within these departments that

share the beliefs of the masses, I do not wish to make anybody who is or has been apart

of these agencies as �evil.�

Mainstream media continues to push the idea that an increased need for security is needed.

They do this by using terrorism propaganda, and more.

Anything they can use to brainwash the population that our world is in a state of constant threat

is to their advantage, and allows them to infiltrate and take over countries,resources

and more while using their corporately owned media to justify this type of action.

It�s great to hear Mr Binney come out and say something like this, to him we say thank


As I always do with these articles, I�d like to emphasize that mass surveillance is

not the NSA�s biggest kept secret.

This came to light recently with the very first public disclosure of the �black budget�

by Snowden (despite numerous researchers already exposing it.)

I�m talking about �Special Access Programs,� they do not exist publicly, but they do indeed


They are better known as deep black programs, and involve projects that the human race knows

nothing about.

For more infomation >> 30 YEAR NSA EMPLOYEE SHARES WHY THEY ARE WATCHING YOU & IT HAS N - Duration: 6:12.


RIDICULOUS REASONS WE WERE DUMPED | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:51.

• From disliking a video game to not looking nerdy, the Planet Dolan crew re-enact some

of the best true stories from our subreddit about the most ridiculous reasons someone

broke up with us.

I'm Hellbent and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was submitted by YaPaperHatBoiMason Froggy

One day, when she was in middle school, Froggy was eating lunch with her boyfriend.

She was eating, but her boyfriend never wanted to eat school cafeteria food.

So he watched while she ate the brownie that came with the lunch.

As soon as Froggy finished the brownie, her boyfriend asked if he could have a bite.

After swallowing the last piece, Froggy told him that he should've asked before she finished


He asked again, and she said that it was impossible.

He then proceeded to call her a greedy bitch and broke up with her right there in the cafeteria.

Number 9 was submitted by ShinPlays Cidius So one day Cid and his girlfriend went to

Dairy Queen to get a blizzard.

His girlfriend HATED the brownie-flavored blizzard, but he didn't know that at the time.

She got an Oreo blizzard and he got the brownie blizzard.

When she saw what Cid ordered, she fucking flipped and grabbed his blizzard and threw

it out the car window.

She then said, "I hate you!

I'm never talking to you again!"

After that he never saw her again.

Number 8 was submitted by Mote-of-Lobross CivilSpider

When CivilSpider was 15, he briefly dated a girl in his summer school class.

They got along great, with her always calling him her "little nerdling" because he wore


A month or two into their relationship, CivilSpider decided to try contact lenses.

She didn't like that one bit.

Since his dad spent a good amount of money on the contacts and expected him to use them,

he took CivilSpider's glasses away.

After a few weeks, CivilSpider's girlfriend dumped him because his contacts made him look

less nerdy.

Number 7 was submitted by ReThink_Logic SweetCommando In 8th grade, SweetCommando took out a girl

to a small, local diner and shared a large order of ribs.

She asked, "What do you plan to do with your life after graduating high school?"

SweetCommando paused, then said, "I think I might join the Navy.


She stood up, laughed, and said, "Nope," before walking out the front door and putting her

thumb up to hitchhike.

Afterwards, whenever they passed each other in the hall, she would say stuff like, "Don't

drown" and "Hope you're not claustrophobic."

Number 6 was submitted by bobbyisgone MKyleM When he was 4th grade, MKyleM had a girlfriend

who was the type of person who only liked smart boys.

At the time he had all A's, and so they went out for about 2 months until midterms came


He ended up getting one F. When she saw MKyleM's grades, she saw the

F and said, "Well, I guess F is for FUCK OFF!"

She then spat all over him, so MKyleM got mad and pushed her.

He was then taken out of the classroom.

Number 5 was submitted by ssStarcutter Doopie When Doopie was in 9th grade, she dated a

boy she had a lot in common with.

They liked video games and making art.

One day, their parents took them to a restaurant where they sat at separate tables.

He started talking about Overwatch and said that he had been playing it nonstop since

it came out.

Doopie said, "I'm not really into the game" and started explaining why.

He began to shake his fists violently and looked really, REALLY mad.

Then, midway through her explanation, he got up and started yelling at her, saying, "You'll

never be as good as Overwatch!" and "I hate you!"

That made everyone in the restaurant stare at him.

After his childish meltdown, he stormed out of the restaurant.

His parents awkwardly apologized for his behavior and rushed out after him.

Number 4 was submitted by CaptainLadybug Mimi When Mimi was 16 years old, she met a guy

at a New Year's Eve party.

They dated for a couple of months, and she thought it was going great... until he hit

her with the, "We need to talk" text.

So Mimi went to his house, where he sat her down and said that he couldn't be with her


When she asked why, he said, "You're just too nice and it scares me.

I've never seen you get angry at anyone, and it makes you seem like a psychopath.

Like one day I'm gonna wake up with an icepick in my chest, with you grinning at me."

When she heard this, Mimi cried and left his house, dumped by someone she actually loved,

just because he felt she was "too nice".

When she looks back on it now, Mimi just laughs.

Number 3 was submitted by Ja_Z_Girl Spincess When Spincess was 19, she had a boyfriend,

Tolop, who liked how she wore her hair, which was straight.

He said, "Wow, I love your hair!

Don't ever change it."

The next week, she got a fro-hawk.

Tolop saw it and said, "Why did you change your hair?

Eww, it doesn't even go with what you're wearing."

Spiness said, "I think it's cute."

Tolop said, "Well, I don't.

I think it's ugly.

I just can't be with you.


Then, he walked out of the house and left his stuff.

So, Spincess took it to his mom's house and told her, "He broke up with me because he

said my hair was ugly."

When Tolop came back and apologized, Spincess told him, "It's too late, buddy.

Your clothes and stuff are already at your mom's house."

Number 2 was submitted by yourealiseidontcare Legna

So when Legna had his first girlfriend, he felt they were perfect for each other.

But one day, she just broke up with him.

When he asked why, she told him it was because he was allergic to cats!

Apparently, the common house cat is her favorite animal.

When she left, Legna went through a slew of emotions, mostly anger.

Now, whenever he goes on a date, he always tells the girl he's with that he's allergic

to cats.

Number 1 – What was the

most ridiculous reason someone broke up with me?

For more infomation >> RIDICULOUS REASONS WE WERE DUMPED | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:51.


Mapcore's 2017 Competition - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Mapcore's 2017 Competition - Duration: 5:09.


LightTheWorld LIVE Concert with The Piano Guys and Friends - Duration: 1:43:31.

For more infomation >> LightTheWorld LIVE Concert with The Piano Guys and Friends - Duration: 1:43:31.


La tecnología que está ayudando a concluir la Sagrada Familia - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> La tecnología que está ayudando a concluir la Sagrada Familia - Duration: 6:05.


Pearl Harbor Remembrance - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Pearl Harbor Remembrance - Duration: 1:27.


The SENS Research Foundation - Project for Awesome 2017 - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> The SENS Research Foundation - Project for Awesome 2017 - Duration: 2:49.


Flaco x OC - For Me [Official Video] (Prod. Episteme) - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Flaco x OC - For Me [Official Video] (Prod. Episteme) - Duration: 4:24.


Van Alstine Tire Groover - Product Features - - Duration: 0:56.

What's up everybody this is Ryan with

Van Alstine V100 Tire Groover.

Temperature settings on gun.

High and low setting.

Three settings for the heat.

Comes with allen head.

Length and width of blades are adjustable

Square bottom or a round bottom blades available.

Sizes from 3/32 all the way up to 12/32.

Enjoyable tire grooving.

Simple and easy! You can find it at

For more infomation >> Van Alstine Tire Groover - Product Features - - Duration: 0:56.


How to play guitar : "L'Eternel est bon" song from Dena Mwana - Duration: 9:20.

Hi guys ! Today we'll Dena Mwana's song "l'Eternel est bon"

I know there are some difficulties on this song that's why, it may help you Guy Ketenge

leave a comment as you have asked for this video, so share it with people

This song is a bit hard to play 'cause of the "non usual chords"

so not only major chords, but a few reversals in chords, some colors as 7th, 4th 2nd notes etc.

Anyway we'll simplify it, let's just identify the chords as they have been played

So first difficulty : this song as been played with a capo

Like this one ! It's not obvious when you are a beginner but if you practice your earing skills you will easily notice

because of the free strings played

And the capo is put on the 3rd fret

So from the 3rd fret we can play the same shape of chords played on the key of Em here

Here is the form of the original Em

so with the capo we can use this same form here with the capo on the 3rd fret

Concretely it is a Gm

but we are going to talk like if we were still on th key of Em playing without capo

Don't forget we are concretely on the key of Gm but I will be talking like if we were still on Em because of the capo

So we are on "Em" and as for making things more difficult the guitarist has started the song like this

let's call it a "starter chord"

It's a Em with some colors added in the chord

so you from the shape of classic Em you add notes like this

it's a 9th

and also a minor 7th

So it gives a kind of Em 7/9

But sorry for this video we are not going to talk about pure theory

There are theory lessons about all of this, notes added, substition of chords and reversals ...

we are not going to talk about it for the moment but if you realy want

leave a comment, like the video and suscribe to the newsletter, send me a message so we can talk about it

The goal of this video is just to identify chords as they have been played

and to have a glimpse on different colors possible with notes (7th, 9th..) added on enriched chords

Let me zoom !

Here is the "starter chord" as I have said before

Here it's like if we were playing this shape of C

but offset here

then you add this note here

with the pinky finger

so with this free string it gives a kind of 4th/sus note

Kind of Dsus4 I guess

the guitarist does this trick in the original song

then come back to the Em

For the forms of Em you can either play this shape, or these others ... it's up to you

Every time you will notice an Em you can play any of these shapes ...

Em, Em 9, or Em 7/9

Like if we were playing this chord

but as we want to enrich it we rather play it like this

Same here just like we were playing this C

but we enrich it by freeing one string here like this which is the third of the chord replaced with a second (or ninth)

Here it's a D reversed with a G flat as a bass note

with this high note here with the pinky finger

and then end the measure with this chord

For more infomation >> How to play guitar : "L'Eternel est bon" song from Dena Mwana - Duration: 9:20.


GLOgames Basketball - LED Rim Kit - LIGHT IT UP! - Duration: 1:02.

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For more infomation >> GLOgames Basketball - LED Rim Kit - LIGHT IT UP! - Duration: 1:02.


Dr. Hooman Melamed Donates to Project Alive -- CALL 310-340-2024 - Duration: 5:29.

I want to introduce to you dr. Patricia Dixon an expert in Hunter syndrome

Tell us a little bit about what it is. hunter syndrome occurs generally in boys

and they're born without an enzyme and you can't tell at Birth a boy with

Hunter syndrome is really going to look pretty normal to you and in fact you

might not suspect something is wrong for years sometime after the age of one

you might notice your child doesn't grow well or doesn't develop skills at the

proper rate maybe his joints are a little stiffer than they should be maybe

he's constantly getting sick and the pediatrician might detect a large liver

and spleen and that's the way that lucky families get the diagnosis because a lot

of families it takes years and years of going around and round a medical care

cell trying to get that answer these families they know there's something

wrong and you just have to be persistent and advocate for your child to try to

get that diagnosis again most kids aren't going to have hunter syndrome but

you you you need to be able to tell when something's really wrong and and I love

that the two of you are bringing this message of hope and I know that you want

cases story to inspire hope and hopefully solutions yes absolutely

so we started raising money and funding gene therapy which is really the cure

for genetic diseases like these and we're getting ready to hopefully start a

clinical trial if we can fund it and you actually have an an organization so we

founded and I run an organization called project alive and that came from the

fact that kids want to be a lot of things when they grow up they want to be

a doctor or a teacher or a lawyer I wanted to be a lawyer and kids with

Hunter syndrome just want to be alive when they grow up and we're in a

fundraise for two and a half million dollars to fund a gene therapy clinical

trial and we've raised half a million dollars so far but still ways to go

proud of you and kudos to you and you have a surprise for your foundation take

a look hello case and the Hogan family we at

CosmeticCare heard and read about your story and it would be our honor and

pleasure to donate twenty five hundred dollars towards project alive

we all wish you the best hello Hogan family and I'm happy to join a twenty

five hundred dollars in project alive we wish you guys the best and we hope

this is one step closer to finding the cure

and you know what we are blessed because case happens to be here you all want to

meet them I know I do chase come on out buddy

how are you keys good I heard I heard you're a big basketball fan I know you

play everyday so we actually have us okay so I want you to look up there okay

we have a big surprise some stars that you may know who played basketball they

have a message for you hey how you doing hey what's up case we're big fans of you

over here keep fighting keep being an inspiration we hope to see you at a game

very very soon so as soon as you're ready let us know and you'll be on the

floor with us know you're a big fan I just wanted to say keep fighting we're

here to support you and show as much love as we can we know you're you're a

basketball fans you just wanted to show you a little bit of support too you can

do anything you want you know I made it to the NBA and I'm here hopefully one

day I could be as lucky as you being on stage little bachelor and all I got a

fan of Donna Mitchell that I keep right in the project 5b 5b 5d finally keep

fighting keep fighting keep fighting man we believe in you we're here for you

hopefully one day when you feel like that you can come to Suns game to be my

personal guest man so keep going you're being my prayers man my teammates and

I've heard some great things about you to invite you and your family to a Hawks

game the season at Phillips Arena hi are you a huge NBA fan number one I want you

to keep battling and also if you have an open invitation to come to our show in


I have to give huge props to all the NBA players and former players thank you so

much for that ok buddy so so we reached out to our friends at

the NBA ok and so they want you to have a ton of awesome gear so check this out

we've got a signed jersey for you from Kevin Durant and NBA is going to give

you $800 so you can spend on gear at the NBA


For more infomation >> Dr. Hooman Melamed Donates to Project Alive -- CALL 310-340-2024 - Duration: 5:29.


12 dec. 2017: Actualizare profetică – Titlurile de ştiri ale vremurilor de sfârşit - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> 12 dec. 2017: Actualizare profetică – Titlurile de ştiri ale vremurilor de sfârşit - Duration: 8:32.


Emily Ghoul Skin Care Interview & Microdermabrasion Facial - Duration: 7:26.

Dr. Winnie Moses, Medical Director at Parfaire Medical Aesthetics in Pasadena.

So each age group, they have their own conditions.

So in the younger generation, is really our aging probably starting around 25.

Initially we see our faces mostly oily, so in our early 20s we have a lot of concern of acne because the oil glans get clogged up.

And then, from 25 we start noticing sun damage.

Which is brown, yellow dark spots..

I do have a little bit of that!

Yeah, yeah. Especially in California, in LA, it's just strong.

Without using sunblock, it's definitely going to show up, even earlier.

And lot's of people coming because their skin pore is so large and it's just staring at you while you're looking at the mirror.

So those are a few common concerns in the age group of a 20 younger generation.

So, we typically approach it based on the condition,

and we do a consult,

address the layer, each layer of problem of the skin, where that condition happens.

So such as, you know, somebody who has clogged pores,

so we recommend exfloiate,

and also we recommend some medical grade skincare like,

retinol, vitamin c.

Those are all very important ingredients in your daily skincare regimen.

The reason retinol and vitamin c is, basically, help your cell turnaround.

So it typically gets your fresh skin cell every 25-30 days and this will excelerate that process.

So you're constantly getting fresh skin.

In addition, you know, to the pigments, which is really not just on the superficial layer, they're deep.

So we've probably tried all sorts of over-the-counter medications. I mean the skincare products that get rid of them,

nothing really works indefinitely.

So at Parfaire, we do one signature treatment, which is very well known.

It's called Lumecca, or Clear Skin treatment.

In just one treatment, or two treatments,

it will get rid of those pigments, just within a few days.

So the pigment will get darker, within the first few days, and then just fall off.

And what about, um, like pimples,

so I know there's like hormonal pimples, which are the kind of deeper ones..


And then there's others pimples that are just caused by like, dirty faces.

So what do you suggest to take care of both of those?

Pimples, of course, because we have more oil glans in the 20s

Uh, so in addition to the normal skincare product,

SilkPeel, which is an advanced microdermabrasion.

It's really really fast for pimples, active pimples.

It's basically diamond tipped, it just exfloiates.

Not just superficial, and it goes to the first and second layer,

because some pimples are deeper.

So it's really getting rid of that oil glan,

and exfoliate,

and in meantime get in some medical grade skincare serum into it.

Um, I heard there was also something you could inject into the pimple to get rid of the deeper ones?

Oh absolutely..

Kenalog inection, it's very easy, it's quick and easy.

Minimal pain.

So basically, it's a steroid injection.

So once you inject a tiny little amount right into the pimple,

some people notice within one day or two, that pimple just, you know, flattening.

So, what about, like at home everyday,

what are some steps that people could take to,

you know,

combat pimples ever popping up

and what are some ingredients in lotions

and stuff that you think would be good for

pores or pimples or any of the above?

Yeah, great question. There's so many

skincare products on the market right now,

it can be very confusing to look for what would

we are looking for

for our skin.

So because our skin is made up of all this different components,

when we apply skincare products

we really need to address what's our basic need.

Number one, it's very important, is

hyaluronic acid.

So with moisturizer you're looking for whether or not they have good component ingredient of hyaluronic acid.

Another important factor is peptide.


Yes. So you probably see some very expensive skincare products have one or two peptides in there.

What's peptide? They're basically building blocks for collagen.

Yes, so they're smaller protein.

When they gather together it builds collagen.

So even though age starts in the mid-20s

our collagen just degrades, and our face becomes a little bit hollow.

The most early signs are under eye bags.

Yeah, that's due to you know, collagen loss.

So that's why peptide is a very important ingredient

to supply to your skin,

so they can make some building blocks for your collagen.

And then another ingredient that is important, as we mentioned, is retinol.

And they are almost like at home skin resurfacer.

So instead of just keep doing the chemical peel,

or mechanical peel of your skin, you just apply some retinol

and they're going to help your cell turnaround.

Yeah, the best retinol is really something you can tolerate,

and use everyday.

So over the counter retinol has very very low percentage, and most retinol is in the doctor's offce and sometimes

you need a prescription, but we do have all different percentages here ready to use.

So, start with the lower percent,

and train your skin to tolerate that

and gradually build into your daily regimen.

Hi guys! I hope we've answered some of your skincare questions.

I'm not showing my face right now because I just got a SilkPeel.

And it's kinda red but,


Anything you would like to say to our lovely viewers?

If you want to come in for a treatment just give us a call.

I will put the information right here.

And also if you book an appointment,

we do a free skin consultation here.

Yay! Learn more about your skin. Woo-hoo!

Bye guys, see you next week!

For more infomation >> Emily Ghoul Skin Care Interview & Microdermabrasion Facial - Duration: 7:26.


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For more infomation >> Why Did LiAngelo and LaMelo Ball Sign With a Random Lithuanian Team? - Duration: 5:11.


Why Groove a Tire - Racing Tech Tips - - Duration: 1:03.

What's up everybody? This is Ryan with

Tech tip on grooving tires.

Why do we groove a tire?

Groove the tire for it to last longer.

Cut straight over the top of the manufacturer's cuts.

Circumference and across

Cut on the outside of the tire.

Gives yourself more side bite.

Works with a modified or a late-model tire. Racing Tech Tips

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