Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 12 2017

what's going on guys welcome back to a brand new video on this channel today I

want to talk to you guys about litecoin what is the one on with like coin how

when should you buy like coin like Kwanzaa will likely get a thousand

dollars it's currently at what is it $321 all these questions I'm gonna

answer for you guys right now in this video but before we get started if you

guys are new to the channel and you have not subscribed yet make sure to do that

I have a great video coming out on Thursday I believe it's gonna be

teaching you guys how to turn a hundred dollars to a million dollars so I'm very

excited for that video I think it's going to be a very very good one you

guys don't want to miss it it's a you know hit that subscribe button hit that

Bell icon so you guys are always notified every time you release a new

video you guys want to be the first one in so the first one thing you guys are

gonna have the advantage so make sure you do not miss that video anyways

talking about litecoin let's see it's a look at the chart here umm it's at a

17.5 little over seventeen point five billion dollar market cap absolutely

ridiculous currently it's trading at three hundred and twenty six US dollars

I do believe it did go further than that though to just today will over the

charts a little better later actually is use this one let's look at this chart

let's try look a lot better so it was that here it shows a high at 342 crazy

stuff this is I believe we are in a for our for our candlesticks so let's look a

little bit at the chart so we look if we look not too long ago right not too long

ago hide okay not too long ago November right start of November we were trading

at 49 fifty dollars now this is one of the coins I told you guys a lot of other

fees when I talk about my top five coins that I really thought was a bad idea to

sleep on my coin it's just you know it was consistently going up just trending

upwards trending upwards just calmly you know started on November it was trading

at 49 oh you know end of November is trading it 60 70 you know profits right

there it's a great percentage profits people who may

County because of the the numbers we see when it comes to Bitcoin but this is

absolutely ridiculous and then it shot up a little bit

everyone's just say all wats testing a hundred dog whoa ok went back down right

then this is the early December I think and then all of a sudden right now we

just had it the crazy boom right the crazy boom we shot up one time kind of

corrected shut up a second time so this charts have been absolutely crazy and

now it makes everyone wonder how far is like coin going when should I get into

like coin check inside coin now all those different things so hopefully I'm

gonna be able to address most of those questions you guys have right now and by

the end of the video we're gonna come up with a pretty pretty good understanding

of what's going on and you guys can make you know an educated decision so if I

was looking at the charts right now now the biggest thing that I do as someone

who's messed around who's traded stocks before you know I'm

no professional trader by any chance no professional day trader but I do

understand how these things work I've you know traded stocks before and

recently I've been getting a lot more into cryptocurrency and in doing a lot

of my research when it comes to cryptocurrency so I don't recommend

buying at all-time highs you know I don't like paying a premium for my

purchases and I know a lot of the big cryptocurrency people a lot of the big

investors are gonna agree with me on this they don't enjoy paying premium

prices for things so we see that you know I know currently like coins not at

the all-time high than it was but it is very expensive right now and we've just

seen green rights just been green recently so so it's not looking like

it's the right time to you know jump in and buy this at least for me I'm not

going to be jumping in and buying it at the current moment but when would I buy

it I like to buy things when I see a dip I usually can know where the dip is

going to just by looking at charts it's usually not that hard to tell you can

usually tell where the dip is going to and I prefer buying it when I think is

reaching a low that way I know that I'm you know it's only up from here umm this

like I said this is the 4-hour chart candlesticks but one of the things that

sticks out to me is this one right here this is the

I know it's like a 4-hour candlestick so it's not the greatest you know

resistance level but this would be the first point I would look at when it

comes to buying litecoin and after that then I probably would just look all the

way back here if I think it's going to go all the way back here but this would

be the first point where I would consider buying some more like quinton

adding that to my portfolio so okay this thing is being annoying stop alright

nevermind so anyways um I was done with that anyways bitcoin is continuing to go

up now why is this important why is this an important thing for me to tell you

guys this is because usually what happens is we see like we see um it's a

go here we see the value of Bitcoin go up and the value of all coins go down

because people are selling their all coins to get into Bitcoin and vice-versa

so when people get out of Bitcoin they put their money into light coins they

don't want to transfer it to US dollars they want to keep it in the market so

usually we see when we see a move like this from like coin we would expect to

see you know a pullback from Bitcoin but as you guys can tell we are near

all-time highs again the only time we are an all-time high

other than you know those few minutes where we were at almost 20,000 so this

is basically our all-time high and it doesn't look like we're pulling back at

all right we just had a pullback here so now it looks like we're getting

comfortable to just shoot up so what does that mean that means that there's a

lot of new money in the marketplace there's a lot a lot of new money in the

marketplace people from that didn't own cryptocurrency didn't own Bitcoin or

people that own Bitcoin but don't want to remove the money from Bitcoin because

you know they have faith in it the money is coming from these people and that's

really interesting that's really interesting because the more people

coming into cryptocurrency you know the bigger chance of not not just adoption

cuz that's something that I see is inevitable in the future we're going to

adopt cryptocurrency it's going to happen but the more few that come in the

more the price will rise supply a demand right there's only a certain number of

coins and litecoin only has maximum supply 84 million litecoin right that's

low more than Bitcoin but like four times Bitcoin but

still it's it's not a lot to learn at Bitcoin it's only 21 million so it's

four times that of Bitcoin but the price is nowhere near resembling anything like

that so that's what I think is really interesting I think it's really

interesting that we're getting more people in the marketplace and I see that

too that's gonna help continue to make the prices go up and that's why I'm just

very very big on you know making the right cryptocurrency plays holding some

you know investing in mining investing and lending trying to get as much

Bitcoin as I can I choose to like Bitcoin still my og it's my favorite

once the one I want the most stuff I want you know have a hundred Bitcoin in

my wallet at some point but I do also understand the value of the smaller

coins that's why I also own some light coin not nearly as much but you know

this is an interesting point to look and see if I will increase my position if

like coin dips down to the points that I was showing before in case you guys

missed it I might be able to pull it back might be able to pull it back here

for us for us to look at exactly what I

like when US dollar looks about right so oh right so look at that already we

are seeing a pullback on light coin I'm looking at the $250 range guys I don't

want to be paying any premiums $250 range is what I'm looking is so one of

the things that I like to keep in mind um is you know the strategy do you have

a strategy in place do you you know what is your long-term strategy when it comes

to cryptocurrency do you understand trading and stuff like

that and I'm gonna kind of break down my strategy for you guys and tell you guys

where I see myself invest so we saw the $250 raise that's where I would get into

litecoin I don't like buying things on green on green days I like buying on red

days because usually if it's a good currency and I faith in that currency

you know I have faith in Bitcoin Bitcoin has a red day or specially when has two

red days in a row I know it's time to buy some Bitcoin cuz I had things going

back up and when it does I'm going to profit a lot from it when it's green you

know the Bitcoin I

Full Faith bitcoins going to like $100,000 you know one to two years I

truly believe that that's why I truly own a good amount of Bitcoin but I also

don't like I'd can't bring myself to buy it on Green Day's that's why even right

now with all this going on I still you know I bought some here but I didn't buy

any on the way up here simply because I was I knew it was gonna go up I knew it

was gonna go up but as a trader I needed to have that what's the word so I needed

to have that self control that was gonna allow me to you know to continue doing

well if I let myself lose control and buy some on the way up and just on Green

Day's eventually that might come back and hurt me later so that's why I chose

to not buy any Bitcoin and I'm also not buying any light coin right now until I

see a good enough pullback where I feel comfortable getting in and seeing it

rise after that now again this is really depends on if you're a short term or if

you're a long term trader of cryptocurrency now it's short term if

you're looking at this in like an hour term and you wanna buy sell buy sell

look at this um it's currently red if I was to you know make a guess I would

hold off because I think it's going to come down a good amount and then when

you see this you know sufficiently low I would then get in and try and ride the

boost and sell it when it's high that's what I would do in the short run in the

long run though as I I mean this is just completely my opinion as to what I'm

doing I'm just buying I'm just buying and holding I still see a long way to go

on cryptocurrency so I don't believe in these small little pull backs and stuff

like that I think this is way too early people are way overthinking this there

is a lot of people who are still have to come in to cryptocurrency which is gonna

drive the price up alright guys so hopefully you understood a little bit

more about like coin what everything's been going on and sort of my position on

the matter I know I can't give you a guy I can't tell you what to do I could just

give you guys what I'm doing and you know my opinion on the current

situations and where I see things going by no means was any of this financial

advice you know you should always do your own research if you're not

comfortable don't invest it's pretty much the golden rule if you're not

comfortable don't invest but yeah hopefully you guys learned

if you did smash the thumbs up button and let me know in the comments what are

you guys doing are you waiting for the dip are you you know buying more right

now let me know all that in the comments down below and also make sure to

subscribe and smash that notification button so you guys are notified for the

big video on Thursday if you guys are watch this after Thursday tunes go check

out the video that ever at least two videos after this one it's gonna be good

trust me it's gonna be good I'm gonna keep you guys updated I want to say too

much about it but is gonna be good it's gonna be good alright see you guys

tomorrow for another video

For more infomation >> Will Litecoin (LTC) Hit $1,000? When Is The Right Time To Buy? (Litecoin News + Price Prediction) - Duration: 11:37.


Joe Fyah - Sentimento (Part. Jenny Zion) | Prod. Jedi - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Joe Fyah - Sentimento (Part. Jenny Zion) | Prod. Jedi - Duration: 4:02.




And the angel said, Have no fear; for truly, I give you good news of great joy which will be for all the people: For on this day, in the town of David, a Saviour has come to birth, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10-11

And she will give birth to a son; and you will give him the name Jesus; for he will give his people salvation from their sins. Matthew 1:21

Now may the God of hope make you full of joy and peace through faith, so that all hope may be yours in the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

And his witness is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. I John 5:11

Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased. Luke 2:14

More Videos

For more infomation >> VERSÍCULOS BIBLICOS PARA NAVIDAD - Duration: 1:07.


Big Keto Breakfast Sausage Fry Up - Duration: 1:10.

Today I'm going to show you everything you need to do to make this big

beautiful breakfast fry up it's low carb and keto friendly, so let's go make breakfast!

I've got 6 sausages sizzling in the frying pan and I'm going to be making a big keto breakfast.

Now I'll just place lettuce leaves all around the outside of the frying pan.

And I'm going to let those wilt.

Out with the lettuce and in with the mushrooms, sausages are done I'm gonna move on to

plate, clean out the frying pan and make some yummy crispy eggs now and look

at my completed big beautiful breakfast had a little instant with the yolk but

it looks so good so I got my two sausages, two fried eggs, fried lettuce,

fried mushrooms that is one big beautiful low carb, keto breakfast so thank

you so much for watching this video make sure that you leave a like and subscribe

for more yummy inspirations just like this and let me know when you're making

a big fry up for breakfast what are your essentials what do you have to do

include on your plate I look forward to reading your comments and we'll see you

again soon bye!

For more infomation >> Big Keto Breakfast Sausage Fry Up - Duration: 1:10.


GIVEAWAY! REGALOS con On-Stage! - Duration: 2:57.

Hi guys! How are you doing?

My name is Tony Succar.

Qué tal todos.

Estoy muy emocionado. ¡Sí!

Porque voy a dar unos regalos especiales.

Me asocié con la gente de On-Stage.

Un gran saludo a On-Stage.

Y vamos a regalar...


Unos maravillosos audífonos profesionales.

Un par.

Dos pares.

También tenemos un cajón.

No lo tires.

Gracias Chris.

P.D. El cajón también viene con las escobillas.

La mecánica de este concurso

es genial.

Lo único que tienen qué hacer es tomar su teléfono,

y grabarse cantando un villancico.

Y luego me lo envían

y lo compartiré.

Nooo, bromeo.

Este concurso es muy sencillo.

Se llevará a cabo en Facebook

y en YouTube.

Si están en Facebook,

sólo tienen que darle "Me gusta" a mí página,

compartir este video en modo público

y comentar.

Si están en YouTube,

se suscriben a mi canal,

comentan y le dan "Me gusta" a mi video.

Voy a tomar mi iPad,

voy a desplazarme

y escogeré aleatoriamente a los ganadores.

Y les enviaremos los regalos

a su casa.

Entonces, eso es todo lo que tienen que hacer

para participar en este concurso

Entonces, thank you very much to On-Stage.

These are los audífonos profesionales de estudio.

Yo ya los he usado

y suenan genial.

Definitivamente son para músicos

o sí les gusta escuchar música en alta calidad,

estos son perfectos.

Vamos a regalar dos.

Y luego, tenemos el cajón

de On-Stage.

Estoy muy emocionado de regalarlo.

Y voy a autografiarlo ahora.

Así que lo voy a desempacar.

I'm going to take it out.

Aquí está el cajón.

¿Cuál es la cámara?

Cambio de cámara.


Escuchen cómo suena.

Aquí grabado por el LCT240 PRO de Lewitt

Unas horas después

So, I'm going to sign this cajon for all of you.

I'm going to sign it here.

I'm going to autograph it.

So, now I'm going to sign the cajon

and then I'm going to pack it

to send it to the winner.

So... With lots of love

and sabor



Merry Christmas guys.

Gracias por participar en este concurso.

Esto se va a ir.

Anunciaré los ganadores esta semana.

Así que estén pendientes.

Visiten On-Stage en Facebook e Instagram.

Especialmente si son músicos

porque tienen cosas espectaculares.

Y en realidad, estamos dotando este estudio

con elementos de On-Stage.

Así que haré muchos videos de reseñas sobre sus productos

en este canal.

Y también daremos más regalos.

Así que recuerden, si les gusta el sabor

suscríbanse por más.

Paz y nos vemos pronto.

For more infomation >> GIVEAWAY! REGALOS con On-Stage! - Duration: 2:57.


David De Rothschild Indictment Rothschild Bank Under Criminal In - Duration: 4:56.

David De Rothschild Indictment Rothschild Bank Under Criminal Investigation

David de Rothschild was indicted by the French government after he was accused of fraud in

a scheme that allegedly embezzled large sums of money from British pensioners.

It has taken many years to bring this case against Rothschild and his company the Rothschild

Financial Services Group, which trapped hundreds of pensioners in a bogus loan scheme between

the years of 2005 and 2008.

One by one the pensioners lost their money and pressed charges against the notorious

banker, beginning a case that would take many years to get even an indictment.

In June, Paris-based liaison judge Javier G�mez Bermudez ruled that Rothschild must

face a trial for his crimes, and ordered local police to seek him out in his various mansions

that are spread throughout the country.

�It is a good step in the right direction.

The courts are now in agreement with us that there is enough evidence to interrogate Baron


The first thing they will have to do is find him.

Once they have done that they can begin to question him.

It is a real breakthrough moment for everyone involved,� lawyer Antonio Flores of Lawbird

told the Olive Press after the ruling.

�In short, independently of what happened to the investment, Rothschild advertised a

loan aimed at reducing inheritance tax, which is a breach of tax law,� he added.

While news of a single Rothschild being indicted is certainly noteworthy, a particularly important

announcement was made this Friday.

The French government announced that it has launched an investigation into the entire

Swiss branch of the Rothschild�s banking empire.

According to Bloomberg,

The Swiss unit of Edmond de Rothschild said it�s the subject of a French probe regarding

a former business relationship managed by a former employee.

�Edmond de Rothschild (Suisse) SA is actively participating in the criminal investigation

under way,� the Geneva-based bank said in an e-mailed statement on Friday.

�The bank denies all the allegations that have been made against it.�

Edmond de Rothschild, a private banking and asset management firm established in Paris

in 1953, oversees about 150 billion euros ($164 billion) and is led today by Baron Benjamin

de Rothschild and his wife Ariane.

The Swiss unit traces its roots to the acquisition of Banque Privee in Geneva in 1965.

The company has no further comment at this time, according to the statement.

Officials in Geneva weren�t immediately available to respond to a telephone call from

Bloomberg News on Friday.

The Rothschild empire has been instrumental in helping move the global elite�s wealth

from traditional tax havens like the Bahamas, Switzerland and the British Virgin Islands

to the U.S.

Last month, the Free Thought Project reported on the above the law tax haven established

inside the United States by the Rothschilds.

After opening a trust company in Reno, Nev., Rothschild & Co. began ushering the massive

fortunes of the world�s most wealthy individuals out of typical tax havens, and into the Rothschild

run U.S. trusts, which are exempt from the international reporting requirements.

The Rothschild banking dynasty is a family line that has been accused of pulling the

political strings of many different governments through their control of various economic

systems throughout the world.

Historically, there is ample evidence to show that the family has used insider trading to

bilk money from both private and public funds.

During the Battle of Waterloo in the Napoleonic wars, Nathan Rothschild was responsible for

one of the oldest cases of �insider trading,� which led to the Rothschild family robbing

a whole nation blind.

In 1815 when the battle of Waterloo took place, there were no quick methods of communication

like we have today so messengers were used for communication in times of war.

The Rothschild�s took advantage of this by having spies on the frontlines of the battle

who would return information to the family faster than the messengers used by the military.

For more infomation >> David De Rothschild Indictment Rothschild Bank Under Criminal In - Duration: 4:56.


Serena - A Volte Piango Feat. Wedra (lyrics video) - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Serena - A Volte Piango Feat. Wedra (lyrics video) - Duration: 3:45.



Hello guys, Diego here

And today we will see the best invoker

exectly Sumiya

For more infomation >> ЛУЧШИЙ ИНВОКЕР В МИРЕ😱7000 МАТЧЕЙ 70% ПОБЕД/БУСТ ММР НА ИНВОКЕРЕ В НОВОМ ПАТЧЕ/Invoker Dota 2🔥 - Duration: 7:58.


🎁 GIFT GUIDE: BOOKS FOR "HARD TO SHOP FOR" PEOPLE || 2017 - Duration: 7:27.

Hey guys, it's Emily! For today's video I am doing a book gift-giving guide for

people that are hard to buy books for! So I am looking pretty festive, as you can

see. My lovely roommates were kind enough to get me this sweater. As a book lover I

love giving books, but sometimes it can be kind of hard to figure out what to

give someone who you don't talk about books with all that much, who's not a

huge reader, and so these are for those kinds of people. So first up I have books

that would be great for people who just give kind of non-committal answers like,

"I just like really good books," or they list off a bunch of like the biggest

blockbuster hits that you've heard of. These are great books that they may not

have read yet, but I think they'll also like. The first of those is The Seven

Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. This is a book that I do

not think has gotten enough buzz and attention and all that good stuff

because it's great! In this the titular Evelyn Hugo is like the be-all end-all

glamorous old Hollywood star, and she is giving a tell-all interview to a

magazine writer named Monique all about our life--pure truth, no fabrication,

telling it like is. And it's framed around her infamous seven husbands. What

we come to understand is that Evelyn Hugo's greatest love was actually with

a woman, and then we go from there. It is juicy, it's page turning, it's full of old

Hollywood glamour and drama and all that kind of stuff. I love this. It is

seemingly a very light read--it's blurbed by Cosmopolitan and Us Weekly--

but it has a lot more substance than that. It looks at identity, it looks at

the presentation of identity. Evelyn Hugo is bisexual. She's Latina but hides that

for the sake of her career and Monique the woman who's interviewing Evelyn is

biracial and so Jenkins Reade is really making an effort to examine identity and

how we present it it's really interesting and well done and on top of

that it's just a super fun page-turner so this would be a great book for

someone who says stuff like I'm just like good books next I have half of a

Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie I think this would make a great gift first

of all because it is a brilliant brilliant brilliant book and this we

follow five characters during the 1960's in Nigeria during the Nigerian Biafra

Civil War and then secondly I think this would be a great book

because a lot of people know Adichie's name but they know it from her TED talks

not from her writing so she's done several TED talks the most famous of

which is we should all be feminists which was used in Beyonce's song

flawless so people know her from that I think fewer people have actually read

her fiction this is a brilliant book it is just beautifully written in the

characters are so compelling I actually did a full review of this if you want to

check it out for more information I'll leave a link to it in the cards and down

below I think this would make an awesome gift next I have little fires everywhere

by Celeste egg this is just such great literary fiction it's so good it's equal

parts page-turner and literary the structure of the story makes it a real

page-turner and this we predominantly follow the Richardson family who live in

the wealthy suburb of Shaker Heights Ohio during the 1890s and literally

page1 their house burns to the ground and we go from there I think this is

very well known in the bookish community and the literary community is like for

people who aren't in those communities maybe haven't heard of it yet I think it

would make an amazing gift next I have books for people who say things like I

only read articles online which is the thing that I have been told several

times these are all essay collections that I just absolutely love the first of

those is you can't touch my hair by Phoebe Robinson Phoebe Robinson is

hilarious she's one half of the podcast - nope Queens she's a writer she's the

comedian she's an actress and in this she writes about pop culture about race

about feminism and it's all hilarious it's a quick fun hilarious read I think

you make an awesome gift next I'm slouching towards Bethlehem by

Joan Didion this is a fabulous essay collection a lot of these essays

articles appeared in newspapers and magazines and they're just so good some

of them are about actual events so it's Joan Didion covering something or other

and then others are very personal essays all of them are great so so so great if

you have someone who likes reading longer articles who likes very serious

very prose heavy articles this is for them it's brilliant and lastly for this

category I have bad feminist by Roxane gay this is a collection of that essay

is all about feminism Roxane gay is ridiculously smart she's

funny she is just all of the good things I love her so much

she examines everything from dealing with trauma to Sweet Valley

High and can you read and love Sweet Valley High and still be a feminist I

just think this is essential feminist reading it's like I said an essay

collection so each chapter focuses on different things it's just wonderful

would make an amazing gift next I have some recommendations for people to say I

only read nonfiction I think people often really do read very much

nonfiction at all or they read a whole lot of nonfiction and nothing else and

so if you were in the former category trying to give a gift for someone in the

latter it could be kind of hard so I have a few non-fiction books that I

think would make amazing gifts the first of those is devil in the White City by

Erik Larsen this is really good historical nonfiction and this we

followed two storylines one of them is all about the Chicago World's Fair

during 1890 to 93 and blanking on the exact date and the architects who built

it to chill our white city it also follows a storyline of the devil in this

case it is HH Holmes who was America's most notorious serial killer he built a

hotel that came to be known as the murder castle because he built it as

this like terrifying lair where he could kill people and then experiment on them

and one of the reasons that he was so successful for so long as a serial

killer it's a little weird to say successful young woman who would go to

Chicago for the World's Fair would stay at his hotel and then be murdered and so

it is about those two storylines weaving together ambition and American

exceptionalism in two very very different forms it is a brilliant super

compelling work of nonfiction next I have the Emperor of all maladies by

Siddhartha Mukherjee this is one of my all-time favorite non-fiction books it

is as you can see by the subtitle a biography of cancer so it looks at

cancer the history of cancer going back to classical times how we treat it today

how we treated it then all that kind of stuff it's beautifully written it is

long but don't be intimidated I think that this is easier to read than a lot

of shorter nonfiction Mukerji does such a good job of just injecting this with

humanity I adore this 100% recommend it even if someone is not a big science

nonfiction reader they should read this you got to read this it's a central

reading and lastly I have a non fixed I think is one of the best non-fiction

books of the year and that is killers the flower moon by David Graham this

follows an FBI investigation back when the FBI was still very much a fledgling

organization the investigation is of a series of murders in AUSA County

Oklahoma oil is found in Osage County which is owned by the AUSA gin daeun

nation and all of a sudden are such people are found murdered and so we go

from there it's a look at America's very dark and bloody history when it comes to

the treatment of Native Americans it is super compelling it reads like true

crime plus historical nonfiction I love this I think I make an awesome gift so

that's it for my book gift-giving guide for people who are hard to shop for

that is a long title I'm gonna have to figure out how to condense that thanks

so much for watching if you like this video give it a thumbs up hit subscribe

to see my face you can find me on Twitter it possibly lit and on Instagram

and possibly literate and I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> 🎁 GIFT GUIDE: BOOKS FOR "HARD TO SHOP FOR" PEOPLE || 2017 - Duration: 7:27.


G-Eazy - The Beautiful & Damned (Lyrics) ft. Zoe Nash - Duration: 3:18.

Hey :P

For more infomation >> G-Eazy - The Beautiful & Damned (Lyrics) ft. Zoe Nash - Duration: 3:18.


How to Pronounce Latin (Letters PH) / De Latine Pronuntiando (PH Digramma) - Duration: 1:30.

Iterum salvēte, omnēs / Howdy again, folks

ē vāstitāte Arizōnēnsī / from the Arizona desert

ego sum Lūcius, agnōmine / I'm Luke, a.k.a.


et nunc dē TH loquāmur / and now let's talk about TH

ut anteā dīxī / as I've said before

ego prōnūntiātiōne Classicā ūtor / I use the Classical pronunciation

id est Restitūtā / that is, Restored

ut ego opīnor / as I believe

Rōmānōs antīquōs / the ancient Romans

vērīsimiliter loquī / likely spoke

ut litterās PH / like letters PH

TH scrībimus ad Θ / we write TH for theta

exemplī grātiā / for example

H littera est tantummodo / letter H is only

nota aspīrātiōnis / the sign of aspiration

nōn ut Anglicē dīcimus / we don't pronounce it like in English

sī etiam vōbīs difficile est / if you also find it difficult

distinguere "tha" et "ta" / to distinguish "tha" and "ta"

nōlī "tha" dicere / don't say "tha"

etiam apud Rōmānōs antāquōs / even among the ancient Romans

"ta" nonnumquam dīcēbant / they would sometimes say "ta"

et cētera / and so forth

hīc fīnem faciō / I'll end here

ego sum Lūcius / I'm Luke


valēte! / so long!

For more infomation >> How to Pronounce Latin (Letters PH) / De Latine Pronuntiando (PH Digramma) - Duration: 1:30.


Top 5 True Stories Behind Hollywood Studio Logos - Duration: 3:35.

So before we watch our favorite movies we will see a studio logo flash across the screen

and at this point were just so used to seeing them we don't really think twice about it.

But theres actually some really interesting stories behind these Hollywood studio logos

and that's what im going to be talking about today.

Hey youtube im court mcginley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started on our list I want to know- whats your favorite Hollywood studio


Let me know your answers down in the comments.

Also don't forget to subscribe to our channel and give this video a big thumbs up.

Alright lets get started on our list of the top 5 stories behind Hollywood studio logos.

Coming in at our number 5 spot--Paramount- The majestic Mountain- This corporation was

founded in 1912.

The logo was first drawn up as a doodle by W.W Hodkinson during a meeting with the companies

founder Adolph Zukor.

He based his doodle off of the Den Lomond Mountain from his childhood in Utah.

This is actually the oldest surviving Hollywood film logo.

Over the years it has been updated but its pretty much stayed the same.

However there are 2 differences.

For one thing- over time the original matte painting has obviously been replaced with

a computer generated mountain and stars.

And also the original logo has 24 stars- representing Paramounts then 24 contracted movie stars.

Now there are only 22 stars.

In at number 4- 20th Century Fox- the Searchlight logo- 20th century Pictures and Fox film company

merged in 1935 to created 20th century Fox film corporation.

The original logo was created 2 years prior in 1933 for the original 2oth century pictures.

it was done by famed landscape artist Emil Kosa Jr.

After the joining of the companies Kosa kept the original logo but just swapped out Pictures

Inc with Fox.

And that's the current logo we have now.

At number 3--Columbia Pictures- The studios logo was designed in 1924 and its suppose

to represent the female personification of America.

The woman who posed for the logo was known as the torch lady and her identity was never

confirmed to the public.

The current torch lady that we see today was designed by Michael J Deas in 1993.

The model for the new torch lady was actually a Louisiana homemaker named Jenny Joseph.

But rather then use her face Deas drew a composite face made from several computer generated


Coming in at number 2--MGM- Leo the lion- Haward Dietz was the Studio publicist and

back in 1924 he designed the Leo the Lion Logo for Samuel Goldwyns Goldwyn Picture collaboration.

Haward used to go to Columbia University so he decided to base it off their mascot the


Then when Goldwyn Pictures merged with Metro Pictures Corporation and Louis B Mayer Pictures

the newly formed MGM kept the logo.

If you've been around for awhile then you know that over the years this lion has changed.

Theres been a total of 5 lions playing the role of Leo.

The first was Slats from 1924 to 1928.

Then there was Jackie who was the first MGM lion to roar- and was the first one to appear

in Technicolor back in 1932, The 3rd and most famous lion was tanner.

And at number 1--DreamWorks SKG – Boy on the moon- In 1994 Speilberg- Jeffery Katzenbery

and David Geffen got together and found a new studio called DreamWorks.

And that's where the SKG part of the logo comes from.

So why the boy in the moon?

Well Speilberg wanted the logo for Dreamworks to be reminiscent of Hollywoods golden age.

So they came up with the idea to have a computer generated image of a man in the- moon and

they would have him fishing.

But then Dennis Muren who was the Visual Effects Supervisor and often worked with Speilberg

on his films suggested that a hand painted logo would look better.

So he asked his friend Robert Hunt to paint it.

Hunt did so- but he also made up an image that he thought would be a better fit- and

that was of the young boy sitting on the crescent moon.

He actually modeled the young boy after his own son.

He sent back the drafts and Speilberg ended up liking his version better.

And that's the one we see today.

And there you have it that's the top 5 true stories behind Hollywood studio logos.

Thank you guys so much for watching and il catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 True Stories Behind Hollywood Studio Logos - Duration: 3:35.


Barış Uğur - Sanki - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Barış Uğur - Sanki - Duration: 4:29.



Hi everyone!

We moved apartments earlier this year and it's finally time to show you our new place.

I know a lot of you really liked the last apartment we were living in.

It was around 300 square feet, and it was a studio.

Everything was brand new.

Great amenities and a beautiful aesthetic.

However now we are living in a place that is about twice the size yet the same price.

And in order to achieve that we had to go with somewhere

that was a little bit older and a little bit more outdated.

One of the reasons we decided to make that trade is that I'm an introvert, my husband

is very much an extrovert

and living in such a small place without walls really wasn't working for us.

Now after living here for about six months I can confirm that we did make the right decision.

Having the extra space to spread out and space to just be alone at times has been wonderful.

Now to avoid any confusion we are no longer living in that apartment.

We moved out about a month ago, rather unexpectedly, so the footage you're about to see I kind

of had to throw together.

So my apologies if it's not perfect, but I did want to show you where we were living,

And if you're counting or keeping track you're about to see apartment number three

and the place we're living now I will hopefully be able to show you sometime in the future.

Upon entering our home is a long hallway.

On top of the shoebox is our keys, coins and our books.

There's a box for our sunglasses and wallets,

some clothing care items, and all of our shoes on this side.

As you head down the hallway to the right is the master bedroom.

We keep this room very simple with just a rug, two pillows, and a small lamp.

During the day it's a wonderful place to relax or read,

and as evening comes we put out our futon and the space

transforms to a bedroom.

We keep our futons in the closet during the day.

This is also where I like to keep my coats.

We keep all of the ski gear in this box then I have my backpack, and my husband and I each

have a black box to keep our non-seasonal clothing.

Directly across from this room is another small room.

In order to use the space we bought some clothing racks from Ikea

and we keep our clothing in there.

You can see my capsule wardrobe and my husband's, then we have two boxes on the bottom.

Our laundry basket is on the side there and there you can see two doors.

Those are doors we removed from somewhere else in the house.

Further down the hallway on the same side as the closet is a small room with a toilet.

This sink turns on when you flush the toilet

and then we have some toilet paper down in the corner along with my homemade room spray.

Directly across from the toilet is our living room / guest bedroom.

In order to transform this into a guest bedroom we just move the furniture out, and we insert

those two doors into that brown wooden frame.

Then in the closet you can see that we have two guest futons, some blankets and towels.

In here we keep our two suitcases, a vacuum and the set of drawers which keeps our papers,

camera gear, electronics and some other stationery items.

Coming out of the living room is a small dining room attached to a kitchen.

These are two ikea tables, which we shortened by cutting off the legs.

We have a small station over here for fresh fruit and vegetables as well as my essential

oil diffuser.

The kitchen is just behind that and then we have two refrigerators off to the side.

These refrigerators belong to my employer, and we needed to keep both of them in the


In this cabinet we keep all of our dishes water bottles coffee machine and extra utensils.

On the bottom we have our glass tupperware, box of tea, and spices.

And on the top we have all of our packaged food items.

Those are our spices and a few of the packaged items we use for cooking.

Under the stove we keep some of our appliances.

Next are some ingredients we use for cooking,

our cleaning supplies and rags and water filter.

Then we have some empty jars and some other things I use for making my own beauty products.

In this drawer you can see the utensils that we use every day.

On top of the fridges is the papers I use every day, a drying mat and a few tea towels.

From this angle you can see the hallway and just down and to the right is the bathroom.

In here we have a vanity with a sink.

Again, I'm not a fan of this particular style of vanity because everything's on display,

but we try to do our best to keep it minimal and put some flowers in there to liven the

space up a little bit.

And down here we have all of our shaving stuff.

Now because most of our bathroom supplies we buy in America, we do have backups, which

we keep in these containers,

and then you can also see my hair brushes, makeup and towels, hair care.

Then tucked in the corner is a washing machine and some washing powder.

We try to remove things from packaging whenever possible.

Finally is the shower room with the bathtub.

For more infomation >> MINIMALIST HOUSE TOUR 3: JAPAN - Duration: 5:33.


CNN caught in the most epic FAKE NEWS fail we've seen yet - Duration: 13:18.

CNN caught in the most epic FAKE NEWS fail we�ve seen yet� and they still refuse

to fully retract their blatant lie

by: Mike Adams

If you hope to understand what�s actually happening in the world around you � and

why half the country seems so chronically misinformed and delusional � you must know

the details of what just happened at CNN on Friday.

CNN was just caught in the most epic fake news fail we�ve ever witnessed, pushing

out an utterly false piece of fake news that got a crucial date wrong, then using the wrong

date to falsely declare that Trump colluded with Wikileaks on behalf of the Russians.

In one of the most embarrassing and pathetic examples of shoddy journalism the world has

ever seen, CNN news-tards hyperventilated over the fake news and spread their falsehoods

to millions of readers and viewers across multiple news networks, instilling utterly

false information into the minds of Americans.

This continued for nearly a full day until they realized they got a key fact wrong which

invalidated the entire story.

But instead of apologizing and correcting the news, most journalists swept it under

the rug and pretended nothing happened, leaving millions of news consumers with factually

wrong information that most of them still believe to be true.

This is how the left-wing media operates now: Push fake news, refuse to retract it, then

move on to the next fake news story.

This is nothing less than the weaponization of fake news to overthrow the results of a

democratic election.

The Intercept�s Glenn Greenwald � the journalist who broke the Edward Snowden story

� details this epic fake news fail in a truly bombshell article that every intelligent

person should review.

It�s entitled, �The U.S. Media Yesterday Suffered its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages:

Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened.�

This is one of the best pieces of critical thinking journalism you�ll ever find.

I�m reprinting part of that story here and urging you to share this with everyone you


Truth be told, the mainstream media in America has been weaponized against the public, and

it only serves now to cause fear, delusion and mania among the voters through the deliberate

publication of wildly false and misleading news.

The internet gatekeepers, meanwhile � such as Facebook, Google and Twitter � censor

the independent media in order to grant the fake news legacy media a monopoly over all

narratives� even if those narratives are grossly false and maliciously fabricated (as

you�ll see below).

(Related: Find real-time breaking news from all the most censored independent journalism

websites on the �net at

Here�s part of the story from Greenwald, via The Intercept:

The U.S. Media Yesterday Suffered its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages: Now Refuses All

Transparency Over What Happened

FRIDAY WAS ONE of the most embarrassing days for the U.S. media in quite a long time.

The humiliation orgy was kicked off by CNN, with MSNBC and CBS close behind, with countless

pundits, commentators and operatives joining the party throughout the day.

By the end of the day, it was clear that several of the nation�s largest and most influential

news outlets had spread an explosive but completely false news story to millions of people, while

refusing to provide any explanation of how it happened.

The spectacle began on Friday morning at 11:00 am EST, when the Most Trusted Name in News�

spent 12 straight minutes on air flamboyantly hyping an exclusive bombshell report that

seemed to prove that WikiLeaks, last September, had secretly offered the Trump campaign, even

Donald Trump himself, special access to the DNC emails before they were published on the


As CNN sees the world, this would prove collusion between the Trump family and WikiLeaks and,

more importantly, between Trump and Russia, since the U.S. intelligence community regards

WikiLeaks as an �arm of Russian intelligence,� and therefore, so does the U.S. media.

This entire revelation was based on an email which CNN strongly implied it had exclusively

obtained and had in its possession.

The email was sent by someone named �Michael J. Erickson� � someone nobody had heard

of previously and whom CNN could not identify � to Donald Trump, Jr., offering a decryption

key and access to DNC emails that WikiLeaks had �uploaded.� The email was a smoking

gun, in CNN�s extremely excited mind, because it was dated September 4 � ten days before

WikiLeaks began promoting access to those emails online � and thus proved that the

Trump family was being offered special, unique access to the DNC archive: likely by WikiLeaks

and the Kremlin.

It�s impossible to convey with words what a spectacularly devastating scoop CNN believed

it had, so it�s necessary to watch it for yourself to see the tone of excitement, breathlessness

and gravity the network conveyed as they clearly believed they were delivering a near-fatal

blow on the Trump/Russia collusion story:

There was just one small problem with this story: it was fundamentally false, in the

most embarrassing way possible.

Hours after CNN broadcast its story � and then hyped it over and over and over � the

Washington Post reported that CNN got the key fact of the story wrong.

The email was not dated September 4, as CNN claimed, but rather September 14 � which

means it was sent after WikiLeaks had already published access to the DNC emails online.

Thus, rather than offering some sort of special access to Trump, �Michael J. Erickson�

was simply some random person from the public encouraging the Trump family to look at the

publicly available DNC emails that WikiLeaks � as everyone by then already knew � had

publicly promoted.

In other words, the email was the exact opposite of what CNN presented it as being.

How did CNN end up aggressively hyping such a spectacularly false story?

They refuse to say.

Many hours after their story got exposed as false, the journalist who originally presented

it, Congressional reporter Manu Raju, finally posted a tweet noting the correction.

CNN�s PR Department then claimed that �multiple sources� had provided CNN with the false


And Raju went on CNN, in muted tones, to note the correction, explicitly claiming that �two

sources� had each given him the false date on the email, while also making clear that

CNN did not ever even see the email, but only had sources describe its purported contents:

All of this prompts the glaring, obvious, and critical question � one which CNN refuses

to address: how did �multiple sources� all misread the date on this document, in

exactly the same way, and toward the same end, and then feed this false information

to CNN?

It is, of course, completely plausible that one source might innocently misread a date

on a document.

But how is it remotely plausible that multiple sources could all innocently and in good faith

misread the date in exactly the same way, all to cause to be disseminated a blockbuster

revelation about Trump/Russia/WikiLeaks collusion?

This is the critical question that CNN simply refuses to answer.

In other words, CNN refuses to provide the most minimal transparency to enable the public

to understand what happened here.


For so many significant reasons:

To begin with, it�s hard to overstate how fast, far and wide this false story traveled.

Democratic Party pundits, operatives and journalists with huge social media platforms predictably

jumped on the story immediately, announcing that it proved collusion between Trump and

Russia (through WikiLeaks).

One tweet from Democratic Congressman Ted Lieu, claiming that this proved evidence of

criminal collusion, was re-tweeted thousands and thousands of times in just a few hours

(Lieu quietly deleted the tweet after I noted its falsity, and long after it went very viral,

without ever telling his followers that the CNN story, and therefore his accusation, had

been debunked).

Glenn Greenwald ?

@ggreenwald This tweet is from a member of Congress today.

It was RT'd more than 7,000 times (and counting), and liked more than 15,000 times.

It's based on a completely false claim, from a debunked CNN story.

This happens over and over.

This seems damaging.

And still no retraction. �

3:23 PM - Dec 8, 2017 226 226 Replies 1,611 1,611 Retweets 2,384

2,384 likes Twitter Ads info and privacy

Incredibly, to this very moment � almost 24 hours after CNN�s story was debunked

� Wittes has never noted to his more than 200,000 followers that the story he so excitedly

promoted turned out to be utterly false, even though he returned to Twitter long after the

story was debunked to tweet about other matters.

He just left his false and inflammatory claims uncorrected.

Talking Points Memo�s Josh Marshall believed the story was so significant that he used

an image of an atomic bomb detonating at the top of his article discussing its implications,

an article he tweeted to his roughly 250,000 followers.

Only at night was an editor�s note finally added noting that the whole thing was false.

It�s hard to quantify exactly how many people were deceived � filled with false news and

propaganda � by the CNN story.

But thanks to Democratic-loyal journalists and operatives who decree every Trump/Russia

claim to be true without seeing any evidence, it�s certainly safe to say that many hundreds

of thousands of people, almost certainly millions, were exposed to these false claims.

Surely anyone who has any minimal concerns about journalistic accuracy � which would

presumably include all the people who have spent the last year lamenting Fake News, propaganda,

Twitter bots and the like � would demand an accounting as to how a major U.S. media

outlet ended up filling so many people�s brains with totally false news.

That alone should prompt demands from CNN for an explanation about what happened here.

No Russian Facebook ad or Twitter bot could possibly have anywhere near the impact as

this CNN story had when it comes to deceiving people with blatantly inaccurate information.

�Most embarrassing of all was what MSNBC did.

You just have to watch this report from its �intelligence and national security correspondent�

Ken Dilanian to believe it.

Like CBS, Dilanian also claimed that he independently �confirmed� the false CNN report from

�two sources with direct knowledge of this.� Dilanian, whose career in the U.S. media continues

to flourish the more he is exposed as someone who faithfully parrots what the CIA tells

him to say (since that is one of the most coveted and valued attributes in US journalism),

spent three minutes mixing evidence-free CIA claims as fact with totally false assertions

about what his multiple �sources with direct knowledge� told him about all this.

Please watch this � again, not just the content but the tenor and tone of how they

�report� � as it is Baghdad-Bob-level embarrassing:

Think about what this means.

It means that at least two � and possibly more � sources, which these media outlets

all assessed as credible in terms of having access to sensitive information, all fed the

same false information to multiple news outlets at the same time.

For multiple reasons, the probability is very high that these sources were Democratic members

of the House Intelligence Committee (or their high-level staff members), which is the committee

that obtained access to Trump Jr.�s emails, although it�s certainly possible that it�s

someone else.

We won�t know until these news outlets deign to report this crucial information to the

public: which �multiple sources� acted jointly to disseminate incredibly inflammatory,

false information to the nation�s largest news outlets?

Continue reading the rest of this article at

Follow more news about the weaponization of fake news journalism by the deranged, fact-free

Left-wing media at

For more infomation >> CNN caught in the most epic FAKE NEWS fail we've seen yet - Duration: 13:18.


Medo de Falhar - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> Medo de Falhar - Duration: 8:45.


Packing Toiletries | Tips & Tricks for Traveling with Liquids - Duration: 4:15.

Hi there, it's Ernest from Trip Astute. In this video, we're gonna review the rules

for carrying liquids in your carry-on bag, and provide some tips to help make

the process easier and more efficient.

Carrying toiletries while traveling can be a challenge, especially if you don't

like checking-in a bag. With all the security restrictions around liquids and

rules on the amounts, it can make for a confusing situation. So today, we're going

to review the rules and share some tips to make the process a little less

stressful. So, let's start with the rules. In the U.S., TSA has a guideline known as

3-1-1. The rules basically say that you're limited to liquid containers that

are no more than 3.4 ounces or 100 milliliters in volume, and they all must

fit in a 1 quart bag. Lastly, each passenger is limited to only one bag.

This includes liquids, aerosols, gels, creams, and pastes. Any liquid food items

must also follow this process. The only exceptions are medications and infant

and child nourishments, like formula or milk. One quart isn't much room to work

with, so here's some tips to help make the process easier.

Number 1: Use reusable silicone and plastic containers. Finding travel-size

toiletries is tough, especially if you like a specific product or brand and

they don't offer a travel-size version. Luckily, there's a great way to get

around this. I use GoToobs and GoTubb containers that allow me to pack

whatever I want. GoToobs are great for liquids and GoTubbs

are good for thicker creams and lotions. They allow me to pack whatever I

want without having to go find an equivalent travel-size version. There

are a ton of versions of these products online, some with better reviews than

others. Though I think they all pretty much do the same thing. Number 2: Carry

your toiletries in a plastic bag. While you can get a durable and reusable

plastic bag for your toiletries, all you really need is a Ziploc bag. In fact, I

recommend one quart Ziploc slider bags that have

an expandable bottom. It allows you to officially place small bottles into the

bag without any problems. Also, since these bags are fairly cheap, I carry a

couple of them with me while traveling in case my toiletry bag breaks or

something leaks inside. The bags are just handy to have for all sorts of

situations. Number 3: Separate your toiletries

into liquids and non liquids. It's easy to run out of room if you try to stick

all your toiletries into one quart size bag.

So, I recommend separating your items into liquids and solids. The solid items

are not subject to TSA rules, so you can keep them in a separate bag. This way, you

only need to focus on getting your liquids into your quart-size bag. Number

4: Reuse old travel-size bottles. If you have travel-sized toiletries that

you purchased at the store or picked up at the hotel, consider reusing them again.

It's easy just to toss them out, but you can often reuse or refill them for

future trips. Number 5: Use plastic wrap if you're short on space. if you

find yourself struggling to pack all your liquids into one bag, a useful trick

is to use "press and seal" plastic wrap to create a compact and disposable version

of your toiletries. The bags allow you to create leak proof and airtight seals,

which is ideal for your liquid toiletries. This can save a lot of room

in your liquids bag, and can be an easy and efficient way to use space. Do you

have any tips or tricks when packing liquids for your carry-on bag? If so,

please share them in the comment section below.

We've included Amazon links to some of the products mentioned in this video.

Trip Astute does get a percentage if you use our links. It doesn't cost you

anything extra, but it helps us to continue building content for this

channel. If you enjoyed this video or found it useful, please hit the "like"

button and consider subscribing. Also, visit our website and subscribe to our

newsletter for travel articles, updates, and contests. Until next time,

travel safe and travel smart.

For more infomation >> Packing Toiletries | Tips & Tricks for Traveling with Liquids - Duration: 4:15.


Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 318 - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 318 - Duration: 4:35.


Laser Mapping, Chimp Disgust, Floating Island, Spit Concussions, Organic Semiconductors... - Duration: 6:48.

A massive leap in the autonomous vehicle revolution has arrived with the brand new Velodyne VLS-128.

Ten times more powerful and a third the size of the previous model, it uses 128 lasers

and new auto-alignment technology to map the surrounding area with a 300 meter range.

And a new study from Kyoto University's Primate Research Institute sheds light on

the origins of our disgust mechanism.

As it turns out chimpanzees will eat seeds from their own family's poop right away,

but hesitate before eating from stranger poop.


Kevin, here.

This is Mind Blow.

After years of work by The Seasteading Institute, Blue Frontiers is set to unveil the world's

first floating island.

The island in French Polynesia, will consist of floating concrete upon which homes, offices,

shops, restaurants, and science research centers can be built -- and re-arranged as needed.

Blue Frontiers hopes to have a dozen floating islands that can adapt to changing sea levels

ready by 2020 and to make sustainable communities on the ocean a viable option for 1 billion

people by 2050.

Researchers at Penn State College of Medicine believe that we can better diagnose concussions

with saliva.

By testing the levels of microRNAs present in tiny molecules of spit, the team found

more accurate diagnoses and predictions of how long symptoms would last compared to traditional

survey tools.

The quick, reliable diagnosis of concussions and their severity would allow doctors and

sports medicine professionals to harness biomarkers to implement appropriate treatment immediately.

So maybe spit analysis will be coming to a future football sideline near you.

Pills with built-in radiofrequency emittors will make sure you take your prescriptions.

Brigham and Women's Hospital did a pilot study involving oxycodone equipped with ingestible

digital biosensors inside gelatin pills.

The pills communicated information to doctors who were able to see how often patients used

the potentially-addictive medication.

And these monitored patients ended up taking only a fraction of the prescription to manage

their pain -- a breakthrough that could help rein in the growing opioid epidemic in the

United States.

Another new breakthrough could make organic semiconductors a viable alternative to silicon

in phones, TVs, and flexible electronics..

By using a new method of "doping," which adds impurities to semiconductors to increase

their conductivity, researchers from Princeton, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Humbolt

University in Berlin were able to increase conductivity by 100,000 times.

This would allow for a cheaper and greener way to create the foundation of modern electronics.

Which means, that phone in your pocket could eventually be a carbon-based life form.


Buckypaper is looking to make wearable technology cheaper.

Researchers at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering have developed durable, highly-flexible motion

sensors using "buckypaper", which is a sheet of carbon nanotubes 50,000 times thinner

than a human hair.

Buckypaper would allow wearable tech to stand up to the demands of the human experience

at a fraction of the current cost.

Everything from bed sheets that monitor your sleep to shoes that count your steps and track

your posture are on the table.

Don't know what to wear?

An artificial intelligence system can learn your style and suggest outfits.

A team at the University of California San Diego worked with Adobe to develop a trainable

AI that uses your browsing data to present images of clothing that you'll want to put

on -- and it can also design new pieces of clothing based on your preferences.

This could be extremely helpful for those of us who aren't particularly fashionable.

An algorithm can now diagnose pneumonia better than humans.

Pneumonia is responsible for nearly a fifth of deaths among children under the age of

5 worldwide and notoriously difficult to diagnose.

It took the Machine Learning Group just one week to develop the CheXNet algorithm that

analyzes images to spot markers indicating pneumonia.

After a month of learning, CheXNet was better at identifying all 14 pathologies.

According to the World Health Organization, lower respiratory infections account for over

5% of deaths worldwide -- a number that CheXNet is poised to reduce.

3D printing silicone allows for highly-durable models with more realistic elasticity.

The Disney Research Institute has pioneered a method of injecting a variety of materials,

including water bubbles, into MetaSilicone prints.

The result is output that mirrors the elastic complexity of the world around us -- including

creating lifelike, multi-density models of organs that can be used for surgical training.

And bunnies that can safely withstand hammers.

So that's good.

For a clean and easy way to watch every episode of Mind Blow I created a Mind Blow website

with Squarespace.

I've made a lot of websites over the years and this was by far the most stress-free process

for making a site that looks great and works great.

You just choose a template, make it your own and you're done.

So check out the link below to start creating your website and in the process support Mind


Which is officially back.

I'm gonna leave you with the Raven R, the robot Baidu hopes will be dancing in every

living room -- and as always, thanks for watching.

Okay, mom.


What're you doing, Susie?

She wanted to hear the voice going through the wire.

You can't hear voices in the wire!

Well, how does it work?

How'd your mother's voice get in the phone?

That's simple!


That's funny, I don't know.

I never thought about it before.

We were talking as if we were in the same room.

How does the telephone work, Uncle Bill?


No, not magic, susie, but science.

Science of sound waves and electricity.

For more infomation >> Laser Mapping, Chimp Disgust, Floating Island, Spit Concussions, Organic Semiconductors... - Duration: 6:48.


Top 10 Superheroes Who Can Defeat Starfire - Duration: 7:00.

Starfire first appeared in DC Comics Presents in issue 26 back in 1980, and her creation

incorporated many existing characters in the comic book industry - as artist George Perez

said, "based on the description, she was Red Sonic in outer space."

Needless to say, that's definitely helped with Starfire's sex appeal - and controversy

- over the years.

But let's not forget that she's oh so more than that.

She kicks some serious butt, being capable of ultraviolet energy projection.

Has an immunity to intense radiation, cold and heat, is of a superpower condition - strength,

speed, near invulnerability, all that jazz - and she can survive in our space.

So naturally, all this power got us thinking - who can she NOT take?

Well, lets count down out top 10 superheroes who can defeat starfire and KO our favourite


10 The Hulk Let's start off this list with one of the

hardest heroes to defeat.

The Hulk.

The Hulk is pretty much invisible.

His invulnerability gives him a great advantage over everyone he takes on, especially since

he only gets stronger with rage.

Which is bad news for Starfire if we're looking at this solely on the basis of a physical,

regular fight.

While Starfire may have a few tricks up her sleeve and may be able to find a way to diffuse

the situation and calm Bruce Banner's angrier half down, it's hard to imagine that she'd

stand much of a chance with the Hulk all ramped up, with his power ever increasing.

Perhaps Starfire would have been able to take on the Hulk before the character was given

all of his invulnerable plot armour, so we'll give her that.

Speaking of plot armour,

9 Batman While many argue that Starfire shouldn't

stand a chance against Nightwing - I think it could make for a pretty decent match, to

be honest, but that's just me - there's not much doubt that she would have a difficult

time taking down the world's greatest detective.

Now, the argument for Batman typically is that, Bruce, as a regular human, would surely

get his butt kicked by anyone who has any sort of supernatural abilities.

Plot armour aside, Bats is really good at recon and comebacks - he analyzes what he's

up against, deducts the best possible way to progress, and then usually takes out his

foes, all by the power of his intellect.

And shit tons of cash.

Can't forget that.

That being said, while Starfire may have the upper hand against Batman in their first encounter,

you bet that he's not ashamed to retreat if things were going sour, and would come

back and hit her even harder once their battle resumed.

8 Rogue While this might be highly debatable and depend

on the circumstances in which this fight occurs, it's undeniable that Rogue has a solid shot

at taking Kory down.

All she would need to do is manage to endure Starfire's attacks long enough to get close

and drain her of her powers.

A bit of a long shot, but not totally impossible.

7 Deathstroke Slade Wilson has nothing on Starfire when

it comes to strength.

But, Wilson does have an advantage when it comes to intelligence, combat tactics and

durability, which is why he's always been a foe for the Titans in general.

He's got accelerated healing, he's toxic and disease resistant, and has super speed,

longevity, reflexes and enhanced senses.

While he may not stand a chance against her these days, Slade did beat her once.

So never say never, friends.

And yes, he's a villain and not a hero, but it only felt right to include him on our


6 Invisible Woman Obviously, the biggest advantage here is that

Sue Storm, the Invisible Woman, is, well, invisible.

But that's not the only trick up her sleeve when it comes to battling Kory.

Sue is capable of invisible force field projection, which allows her the ability to generate protective

invisible shields and invisible energy constructs, and the power to control and manipulate objects

with it.

Those two abilities combined, and you bet Kory is gonna have a rough time.

5 Power Girl In what would most definitely be a close match,

Power Girl and Starfire are on pretty even ground.

But the one advantage that Power Girl has over her is that she's a Kryptonian.

While Starfire's Tamaran race is superior in general, Kryptonians have an upper hand

on earth, with the argument here being they'd be able to draw more energy from our sun than

a Tamaran could.

Aside from this, being the biological cousin of Superman and therefore having many of his

abilities gives her a general upper hand in most battles.

But the character has had inconsistencies in her powers over the years since 1986 - or

rather, writers have revised them multiple times - so the era in which Starfire is fighting

her could also be a major factor in the battle.

4 Wonder Woman Wonder Woman is the original female icon when

it comes to superheroes.

And, in a way, is a bit of a trump card when it comes to opening a can of whoop ass on

many an opponent.

But let's take a look at a concrete example here.

In the animated Justice League vs Teen Titans, she easily defeats Starfire.

Being under Trigon's control, Wonder Woman attacked the Titans, whooped Beast Boy's

butt and then crashed into a building with Starfire.

Despite Starfire being able to hold her own at the beginning of the battle, and ended

with the lasso of truth around Kory's neck.

Aside from all of this, it's safe to say Diana's powers exceed that of Starfires,

with her being either on par or more capable.

3 The Flash Two words - Speed Force.

All the Flash would have to do is tap in, and bam, Starfire's got a whole lot of problems

coming her way.

A lot of which she wouldn't even be able to see.

Starfire can't attack someone she can't see, and if the Flash is speeding around her,

it's unlikely she could get a half decent shot in at him.

And, if the Flash she's facing is Wally West, that's significantly worse.

His manipulation of the speed force is even greater, and between time manipulation, the

creation of vortexes, his ability to phase through objects, to take speed away and his

infinite mass punch, well, things aren't looking very positive for our Tamaran alien,

are they?

2 Jean Grey While Kory may be of sound physical capabilities,

her mind is susceptible to invasion.

Enter one of the Marvel universe's most powerful telepaths - an omega level mutants

- Jean Grey.

Jean's got many a trick up her sleeve - there's her telekinetic abilities, and as Phoenix,

immense cosmic abilities, that involve the likes of cosmic fire generation, reality warping,

space and time control, life force control, and temporal and existence manipulation.

Yeah, that's a lot.

But, even when she's just Jean Grey, she gives Starfire a serious run for her money,

with Starfire being vulnerable to the kinds of attacks Jean can lash out.

Also, worth noting that Charles Xavier could also do some solid damage and take out Starfire,

but for the sake of not polluting this list with a bunch of telepaths, we're keeping

it down to just Jean for today.

1 Raven In a different approach to mental attacks,

let's take a look at Starfire's teammate on the Teen Titans, Raven.

Starfire's inner powers derive from her emotions.

So it makes perfect sense that a superhero who is an empath would be able to manipulate

Starfire and turn that against her, in her favour.

Raven not only has the ability to control others emotions, but to make those around

her emotionally numb, which could depower Starfire, leaving her with only a few abilities

to take Raven on, like her expertise in alien martial arts.

Physically, Raven may not be a match for Kory, but the second she whips her powers out, Starfire

will have one hell of a time continuing the fight.

There we have it friends!

Who do you think Starfire would lose to?

Who on this list do you think she could beat (aside from Deathstroke, of course).

Let us know in those comments below.

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In the meantime, thanks for watching!

I've been Kelly Paoli and this is top 10 nerd.

I'll catch you all in the next one.

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