Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 12 2017

David De Rothschild Indictment Rothschild Bank Under Criminal Investigation

David de Rothschild was indicted by the French government after he was accused of fraud in

a scheme that allegedly embezzled large sums of money from British pensioners.

It has taken many years to bring this case against Rothschild and his company the Rothschild

Financial Services Group, which trapped hundreds of pensioners in a bogus loan scheme between

the years of 2005 and 2008.

One by one the pensioners lost their money and pressed charges against the notorious

banker, beginning a case that would take many years to get even an indictment.

In June, Paris-based liaison judge Javier G�mez Bermudez ruled that Rothschild must

face a trial for his crimes, and ordered local police to seek him out in his various mansions

that are spread throughout the country.

�It is a good step in the right direction.

The courts are now in agreement with us that there is enough evidence to interrogate Baron


The first thing they will have to do is find him.

Once they have done that they can begin to question him.

It is a real breakthrough moment for everyone involved,� lawyer Antonio Flores of Lawbird

told the Olive Press after the ruling.

�In short, independently of what happened to the investment, Rothschild advertised a

loan aimed at reducing inheritance tax, which is a breach of tax law,� he added.

While news of a single Rothschild being indicted is certainly noteworthy, a particularly important

announcement was made this Friday.

The French government announced that it has launched an investigation into the entire

Swiss branch of the Rothschild�s banking empire.

According to Bloomberg,

The Swiss unit of Edmond de Rothschild said it�s the subject of a French probe regarding

a former business relationship managed by a former employee.

�Edmond de Rothschild (Suisse) SA is actively participating in the criminal investigation

under way,� the Geneva-based bank said in an e-mailed statement on Friday.

�The bank denies all the allegations that have been made against it.�

Edmond de Rothschild, a private banking and asset management firm established in Paris

in 1953, oversees about 150 billion euros ($164 billion) and is led today by Baron Benjamin

de Rothschild and his wife Ariane.

The Swiss unit traces its roots to the acquisition of Banque Privee in Geneva in 1965.

The company has no further comment at this time, according to the statement.

Officials in Geneva weren�t immediately available to respond to a telephone call from

Bloomberg News on Friday.

The Rothschild empire has been instrumental in helping move the global elite�s wealth

from traditional tax havens like the Bahamas, Switzerland and the British Virgin Islands

to the U.S.

Last month, the Free Thought Project reported on the above the law tax haven established

inside the United States by the Rothschilds.

After opening a trust company in Reno, Nev., Rothschild & Co. began ushering the massive

fortunes of the world�s most wealthy individuals out of typical tax havens, and into the Rothschild

run U.S. trusts, which are exempt from the international reporting requirements.

The Rothschild banking dynasty is a family line that has been accused of pulling the

political strings of many different governments through their control of various economic

systems throughout the world.

Historically, there is ample evidence to show that the family has used insider trading to

bilk money from both private and public funds.

During the Battle of Waterloo in the Napoleonic wars, Nathan Rothschild was responsible for

one of the oldest cases of �insider trading,� which led to the Rothschild family robbing

a whole nation blind.

In 1815 when the battle of Waterloo took place, there were no quick methods of communication

like we have today so messengers were used for communication in times of war.

The Rothschild�s took advantage of this by having spies on the frontlines of the battle

who would return information to the family faster than the messengers used by the military.

For more infomation >> David De Rothschild Indictment Rothschild Bank Under Criminal In - Duration: 4:56.


Serena - A Volte Piango Feat. Wedra (lyrics video) - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Serena - A Volte Piango Feat. Wedra (lyrics video) - Duration: 3:45.



Hello guys, Diego here

And today we will see the best invoker

exectly Sumiya

For more infomation >> ЛУЧШИЙ ИНВОКЕР В МИРЕ😱7000 МАТЧЕЙ 70% ПОБЕД/БУСТ ММР НА ИНВОКЕРЕ В НОВОМ ПАТЧЕ/Invoker Dota 2🔥 - Duration: 7:58.


Top 5 True Stories Behind Hollywood Studio Logos - Duration: 3:35.

So before we watch our favorite movies we will see a studio logo flash across the screen

and at this point were just so used to seeing them we don't really think twice about it.

But theres actually some really interesting stories behind these Hollywood studio logos

and that's what im going to be talking about today.

Hey youtube im court mcginley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started on our list I want to know- whats your favorite Hollywood studio


Let me know your answers down in the comments.

Also don't forget to subscribe to our channel and give this video a big thumbs up.

Alright lets get started on our list of the top 5 stories behind Hollywood studio logos.

Coming in at our number 5 spot--Paramount- The majestic Mountain- This corporation was

founded in 1912.

The logo was first drawn up as a doodle by W.W Hodkinson during a meeting with the companies

founder Adolph Zukor.

He based his doodle off of the Den Lomond Mountain from his childhood in Utah.

This is actually the oldest surviving Hollywood film logo.

Over the years it has been updated but its pretty much stayed the same.

However there are 2 differences.

For one thing- over time the original matte painting has obviously been replaced with

a computer generated mountain and stars.

And also the original logo has 24 stars- representing Paramounts then 24 contracted movie stars.

Now there are only 22 stars.

In at number 4- 20th Century Fox- the Searchlight logo- 20th century Pictures and Fox film company

merged in 1935 to created 20th century Fox film corporation.

The original logo was created 2 years prior in 1933 for the original 2oth century pictures.

it was done by famed landscape artist Emil Kosa Jr.

After the joining of the companies Kosa kept the original logo but just swapped out Pictures

Inc with Fox.

And that's the current logo we have now.

At number 3--Columbia Pictures- The studios logo was designed in 1924 and its suppose

to represent the female personification of America.

The woman who posed for the logo was known as the torch lady and her identity was never

confirmed to the public.

The current torch lady that we see today was designed by Michael J Deas in 1993.

The model for the new torch lady was actually a Louisiana homemaker named Jenny Joseph.

But rather then use her face Deas drew a composite face made from several computer generated


Coming in at number 2--MGM- Leo the lion- Haward Dietz was the Studio publicist and

back in 1924 he designed the Leo the Lion Logo for Samuel Goldwyns Goldwyn Picture collaboration.

Haward used to go to Columbia University so he decided to base it off their mascot the


Then when Goldwyn Pictures merged with Metro Pictures Corporation and Louis B Mayer Pictures

the newly formed MGM kept the logo.

If you've been around for awhile then you know that over the years this lion has changed.

Theres been a total of 5 lions playing the role of Leo.

The first was Slats from 1924 to 1928.

Then there was Jackie who was the first MGM lion to roar- and was the first one to appear

in Technicolor back in 1932, The 3rd and most famous lion was tanner.

And at number 1--DreamWorks SKG – Boy on the moon- In 1994 Speilberg- Jeffery Katzenbery

and David Geffen got together and found a new studio called DreamWorks.

And that's where the SKG part of the logo comes from.

So why the boy in the moon?

Well Speilberg wanted the logo for Dreamworks to be reminiscent of Hollywoods golden age.

So they came up with the idea to have a computer generated image of a man in the- moon and

they would have him fishing.

But then Dennis Muren who was the Visual Effects Supervisor and often worked with Speilberg

on his films suggested that a hand painted logo would look better.

So he asked his friend Robert Hunt to paint it.

Hunt did so- but he also made up an image that he thought would be a better fit- and

that was of the young boy sitting on the crescent moon.

He actually modeled the young boy after his own son.

He sent back the drafts and Speilberg ended up liking his version better.

And that's the one we see today.

And there you have it that's the top 5 true stories behind Hollywood studio logos.

Thank you guys so much for watching and il catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 True Stories Behind Hollywood Studio Logos - Duration: 3:35.


Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 318 - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 318 - Duration: 4:35.


Laser Mapping, Chimp Disgust, Floating Island, Spit Concussions, Organic Semiconductors... - Duration: 6:48.

A massive leap in the autonomous vehicle revolution has arrived with the brand new Velodyne VLS-128.

Ten times more powerful and a third the size of the previous model, it uses 128 lasers

and new auto-alignment technology to map the surrounding area with a 300 meter range.

And a new study from Kyoto University's Primate Research Institute sheds light on

the origins of our disgust mechanism.

As it turns out chimpanzees will eat seeds from their own family's poop right away,

but hesitate before eating from stranger poop.


Kevin, here.

This is Mind Blow.

After years of work by The Seasteading Institute, Blue Frontiers is set to unveil the world's

first floating island.

The island in French Polynesia, will consist of floating concrete upon which homes, offices,

shops, restaurants, and science research centers can be built -- and re-arranged as needed.

Blue Frontiers hopes to have a dozen floating islands that can adapt to changing sea levels

ready by 2020 and to make sustainable communities on the ocean a viable option for 1 billion

people by 2050.

Researchers at Penn State College of Medicine believe that we can better diagnose concussions

with saliva.

By testing the levels of microRNAs present in tiny molecules of spit, the team found

more accurate diagnoses and predictions of how long symptoms would last compared to traditional

survey tools.

The quick, reliable diagnosis of concussions and their severity would allow doctors and

sports medicine professionals to harness biomarkers to implement appropriate treatment immediately.

So maybe spit analysis will be coming to a future football sideline near you.

Pills with built-in radiofrequency emittors will make sure you take your prescriptions.

Brigham and Women's Hospital did a pilot study involving oxycodone equipped with ingestible

digital biosensors inside gelatin pills.

The pills communicated information to doctors who were able to see how often patients used

the potentially-addictive medication.

And these monitored patients ended up taking only a fraction of the prescription to manage

their pain -- a breakthrough that could help rein in the growing opioid epidemic in the

United States.

Another new breakthrough could make organic semiconductors a viable alternative to silicon

in phones, TVs, and flexible electronics..

By using a new method of "doping," which adds impurities to semiconductors to increase

their conductivity, researchers from Princeton, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Humbolt

University in Berlin were able to increase conductivity by 100,000 times.

This would allow for a cheaper and greener way to create the foundation of modern electronics.

Which means, that phone in your pocket could eventually be a carbon-based life form.


Buckypaper is looking to make wearable technology cheaper.

Researchers at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering have developed durable, highly-flexible motion

sensors using "buckypaper", which is a sheet of carbon nanotubes 50,000 times thinner

than a human hair.

Buckypaper would allow wearable tech to stand up to the demands of the human experience

at a fraction of the current cost.

Everything from bed sheets that monitor your sleep to shoes that count your steps and track

your posture are on the table.

Don't know what to wear?

An artificial intelligence system can learn your style and suggest outfits.

A team at the University of California San Diego worked with Adobe to develop a trainable

AI that uses your browsing data to present images of clothing that you'll want to put

on -- and it can also design new pieces of clothing based on your preferences.

This could be extremely helpful for those of us who aren't particularly fashionable.

An algorithm can now diagnose pneumonia better than humans.

Pneumonia is responsible for nearly a fifth of deaths among children under the age of

5 worldwide and notoriously difficult to diagnose.

It took the Machine Learning Group just one week to develop the CheXNet algorithm that

analyzes images to spot markers indicating pneumonia.

After a month of learning, CheXNet was better at identifying all 14 pathologies.

According to the World Health Organization, lower respiratory infections account for over

5% of deaths worldwide -- a number that CheXNet is poised to reduce.

3D printing silicone allows for highly-durable models with more realistic elasticity.

The Disney Research Institute has pioneered a method of injecting a variety of materials,

including water bubbles, into MetaSilicone prints.

The result is output that mirrors the elastic complexity of the world around us -- including

creating lifelike, multi-density models of organs that can be used for surgical training.

And bunnies that can safely withstand hammers.

So that's good.

For a clean and easy way to watch every episode of Mind Blow I created a Mind Blow website

with Squarespace.

I've made a lot of websites over the years and this was by far the most stress-free process

for making a site that looks great and works great.

You just choose a template, make it your own and you're done.

So check out the link below to start creating your website and in the process support Mind


Which is officially back.

I'm gonna leave you with the Raven R, the robot Baidu hopes will be dancing in every

living room -- and as always, thanks for watching.

Okay, mom.


What're you doing, Susie?

She wanted to hear the voice going through the wire.

You can't hear voices in the wire!

Well, how does it work?

How'd your mother's voice get in the phone?

That's simple!


That's funny, I don't know.

I never thought about it before.

We were talking as if we were in the same room.

How does the telephone work, Uncle Bill?


No, not magic, susie, but science.

Science of sound waves and electricity.

For more infomation >> Laser Mapping, Chimp Disgust, Floating Island, Spit Concussions, Organic Semiconductors... - Duration: 6:48.


Trump Tells Alabama Voters 'We Need Roy' - Duration: 2:44.

Trump Tells Alabama Voters �We Need Roy�

The Roy Moore campaign began running President Donald Trump�s robocall Sunday night where

he implores Alabama voters to support the Republican Senate candidate to further the

�Make American Great Again� agenda.

�We need Roy voting for us and stopping illegal immigration and crime, rebuilding

a stronger military and protecting the Second Amendment and our pro-life values,� Trump�s

voice is heard saying in a robocall obtained by ABC News.

�But if Alabama elects liberal Democrat Doug Jones, all of our progress will be stopped


�Roy Moore is the guy we need to pass our �Make America Great Again� agenda,�

the call said.

The robocall, made just two days before the special election, represents Trump�s most

explicit show of support for Moore thus far.

Trump did not travel to Alabama to campaign for Moore � in keeping with promises made

by the White House in the wake of sexual misconduct allegations against Moore � however, he

did hold a rally in Pensacola, Fla., just 20 miles from the Alabama state line on Friday.

During the rally Trump asked the crowd how many of them traveled from Alabama and urged

those who had to �get out and vote for Roy Moore.�

Moore�s polling numbers dropped precipitously in mid-November in the wake of allegations

that he molested a 14-year-old, sexually assaulted a 16-year-old and pursued romantic relationships

with multiple teen girls while in his thirties.

GOP leadership and the Republican National Committee (RNC) initially withdrew support

for Moore, calling on him to resign.

However, as his numbers rebounded in early December, Trump endorsed Moore and the RNC

quickly followed suit, resuming their financial support for the embattled campaign.

Moore now enjoys a slight lead over his opponent, Democratic candidate Doug Jones just one day

before the special election.

For more infomation >> Trump Tells Alabama Voters 'We Need Roy' - Duration: 2:44.


Happy Holidays from the Island Express - Duration: 0:59.



A game by Villa Gorilla



For more infomation >> Happy Holidays from the Island Express - Duration: 0:59.


Invisible, Inc. - Shuffle Protocols - 1-2 (646E4) [Commentary in the subtitles] - Duration: 16:12.

Hey, welcome back to the second episode of Shuffle Protocols.

Since you can check anyway when this video goes live, we are playing Cyberboys save today.

And we are in for a treat. Arch. Nika never was one of my favorites, although she is very interesting.

Before I talk Internationale, lets just say ""Yes, Wisp". Not as useful this early, but later operators gonna like this.

Ok, so arch. Internationale is one of the strongest power generators, but next to never played, so its cool to have her.

With the money we have, its probably a good idea to go "speed + anarchy"

And with Nikas augment and the Paralyzer, she is perfect for this

Nanofab: Makes the most sense with way more money Detention Center: Can't outfit the 3rd agent, so not yet.

So serverfarm it is.

Way too many doors for my liking already, esp. since more can be hidden in the 3 corners

However, with the loadout we have, I think we can play just that tiny bit more aggressive.

Merc is a pretty neat concept with this team, but this early, where you finish the level very early, it gets expensive fast.

Love this kind of room, massive ap waste for some power. With the current power situation, though, maybe we should get it.

Here shows that I haven't played in a while. Will he notice me when I open the door. Anyway, I was prepared for the worst anyway..

Oh yeah, the one time I used pickpocket this mission. :/ And it was completly useless.

Oh, a nanofab, maybe something cool for Nika in there

Yeah, we totally will not lose control over power in this one.

A bit more money before we waste it in the nanofab (the serverfarm also is more important right now).

And further cooldown reduction. This can spiral very out of control later in the campagin, and it feels freaking good.

Not too much of hiding between me and the exit, but we can control all the doors.

Some sprint-testing. No one is near the door. Also, only 1 more guard in the level, which mean potentially some extra ap.

Now just wait that one turn, and merc gets cheap again.

Prepare for one of the biggest facepalms ever.

Facepalm n1 (also, thanks clover.)

YES, Fool, a great addition all the time, if you have the place for it

Also Datablast. Thats a high value serverfarm right here. Perfect and save combo for this loadout.

1. Great swapping trick the 2 guards had there. Glad I didn't try anything stupid.

2. That guard we had ko'd is bound to wake up soon.

3. I noticed I had a keycard. Gigantic facepalm.

I love to play this small distraction games. Arch. Decker even would get 2 ap for doing so.

Yeah, that is 2 (two) safes

And great hiding places. Im begining to understand all the guards around it.

Oh wow game, thanks a lot for the worst daemon I could have hoped for.

And firewall increase. Thats some terrible timing.

That ambush is just to be safe. The chance of him going there is small at best.

Definitly not what I hoped for. Econ is too expensive (although neat with Nika) and not enough stuff with cooldown. I think a ranged option is the best right now.

Dunno why I peaked there. I think I feared the angry guard, but Internationale could have checked, as she is in a far less dangerous spot.

Also perfect, 2 cameras I have to hack

Datablast is a real life saver here.

And this means we pretty much have won the mission. I think I get something to drink. Nothing is going to happen anyway.

And that is that. I wonder what the next person will think about the program loadout.

For more infomation >> Invisible, Inc. - Shuffle Protocols - 1-2 (646E4) [Commentary in the subtitles] - Duration: 16:12.


How to Download videos from YouTube without any software installation | Daily IT Tips - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> How to Download videos from YouTube without any software installation | Daily IT Tips - Duration: 3:21.


لا يفوتك : غزالة تنتقم لصغيرها من كلب و قط حاولا ايذاءه - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> لا يفوتك : غزالة تنتقم لصغيرها من كلب و قط حاولا ايذاءه - Duration: 2:01.



well I know got the only holiday shirt I own so that could only mean one thing

especially because normally I'm a Grinch and if you don't know that about me well

you should know that I'm an idiot I hate this time of year but what I don't hate

is putting my friends to the test to see what they think that I would like to

have in my life and for that reason we're doing Secret Santa again this is

the third time that most of us are doing this so we are kind of experts now at a

either buying things that our friends like or be buying them things that they

will absolutely hate we are about to find out which category My Secret Santa

went with I have my package here and it is very nondescript okay so it is from

Amazon we have our note let's read it out loud together and I'll prove to you

that I can read do Britney to be fair you have to have a very high IQ to

understand understand I'm already messing up dear Britney to be fair you

have to have a very high IQ to understand stranger things

the danger is extremely subtle and without a solid grasp of theoretical

physics most of the hints will go over typical viewers heads Cheers

Kat okay so from this note we have learned two things one that there is

something stranger things in this package and if you can't see my face

which you can because this is a video and you're watching it and two

if you don't know cath lady she is from Germany and if you don't know cath lady

I don't know what you're doing her link will be down in the description so let's

see how cath did with some stranger things something is there an easy way to

open this or do I just Hulk and rip it we're just I'm doing it first of all if

you can't tell from the back it is a black which I were a lot of black now

because it goes with my hair but it's also a pullover

I don't like hoods they're weird so like it's New Jersey and it's getting cold

and now I have a pullover you see it you see it you see we have eleven across the

top we have bikes we have Christmas trees and walkie-talkies

Merry Christmas is written upside down in the stranger things font and then we

also have down here the Demi Gorgon and a person which I'm going to say is will

because like I don't want to spoil anything for you guys should I put it on

I started this video saying that I only had one festive shirt and now not only

do I have a festive shirt but I have a festive pullover that I'll actually wear

because stranger things is amazing and if you haven't watched it yet I don't

know what you're doing with your life hold on okay I don't want to mess up my

space buns oh my god it's perfect it fits beautifully I was so excited Kath

thank you so much I'm I'm just now I know what I'm wearing to Christmas sorry

mom but not sorry I'm probably not cuz I'll probably be too hot but like the

thought oh my god I'm never taking this off it's gonna be covered in cat hair in

like 2.5 seconds but like it just makes it feel more like home like I said in

the beginning this is a Secret Santa gift exchange did I say that how it

works his tasks sent me something but I had to send something to someone else

and who did I send something to well hint this person hates everything I mean

everything like that's his brand so you should know that buying presents

for this person was extremely difficult so follow the link in the description to

mr. Darrell Kings channel and find out what I bought him and how much he hated

that me it I'm not sure everybody hates at this point but it's it's everything

so here is the last time I'm going to say thank you to cath on video but how

this works is you follow the links to everyone else's videos and you should

see everyone who is involved with this Secret Santa gift exchange who got what

what got who do I really have to explain Secret Santa to you I don't know okay

but if you follow the link to Daryl you should be able to follow the link

through the entire chain and if not I've put everyone who's involves information

down in the description so you can make sure that you saw all the videos that

were connected to this video that's how explaining things as a

youtuber works so don't forget to subscribe to my channel subscribe to

Cass channel subscribe to Darrow's channel everyone else involved I'm not

gonna name you all there's like ten of us so you can figure it out you're

smarter than me viewer that's watching this right now so from one Grinch to

people with normal-sized hearts I wish you all the happy holidays

I hope you get everything you want out of the holiday season whether it's

family time food which I can get down with or presents which is not really

what the holiday season is about but like I'm just going to you know continue

being a Grinch so uh let's uh let's let's just turn this off now that would

involve me getting up off this chair I guess I'm gonna have to do like a photo

shoot and like with this one Instagram and shits because it's my life now if

you haven't followed me on Twitter or Instagram

um you can give this video a thumbs up let me know in the comments below how

jealous you are of my new Christmas sweater and I will see you when I see


For more infomation >> SECRET SANTA MYSTERY BOX UNBOXING | BratKnee - Duration: 6:11.


Trailer: Ready Player One: Hra začíná, české titulky - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Trailer: Ready Player One: Hra začíná, české titulky - Duration: 2:26.


William Wordsworth | Regrets - Duration: 1:13.

WOULD that our scrupulous Sires had dared to leave

Less scanty measure of those graceful rites And usages, whose due return invites

A stir of mind too natural to deceive; Giving to Memory help when she would weave

A crown for Hope!--I dread the boasted lights That all too often are but fiery blights,

Killing the bud o'er which in vain we grieve.

Go, seek, when Christmas snows discomfort bring,

The counter Spirit found in some gay church Green with fresh holly, every pew a perch

In which the linnet or the thrush might sing, Merry and loud and safe from prying search,

Strains offered only to the genial Spring.

For more infomation >> William Wordsworth | Regrets - Duration: 1:13.


Becoming a Kingsman for a day! - Duration: 27:57.

hey guys remember the awesome Kingsman number I built or the chain fist

well Fox the production company behind the movie liked it so much that in

celebration of Kingsman the Golden Circle blu-ray release they're actually

sending me to London to become a Kingsman for a day anyway I think my

rides here so I'll tell you a bit more about the trip in just a sec

Plus on this trip Ian gets to tag along

yeah you wanna grab the cuz the bags

that's I'm pretty excited for this trip we got a bit of an itinerary here that

we got from Fox that's the hotel we're staying we're staying in the NED which

apparently is a super fancy hotel it has nine restaurants there's a rooftop

infinity pool with two bars and in the basement of the hotel there's an old

bank vault which has been converted into a 24/7 cocktail bar and apparently it's

got like a two-foot thick steel door it's like 20 feet wide to do the

entrance and then obviously there's gyms and pools and all kinds of other stuff

like that but anyways what we're gonna be doing for Kingsman is we actually get

to visit the Kingsmen tailor shop and see a bunch of the props from movie

which sounds amazing we get to see some of the Kingsmen weaponry and there's

even gonna be a statesman whiskey tasting the first baguette there

the blue one I'm sure what British Airways looks like

so we're sitting here in the lounge with the gate right now and unfortunately

there's these awesome little iPads but it seems like Ian's broken everything

yeah stop pushing buttons like they're all black

yes look at all the other tables what the hell again so the funny thing is

like the King's been is a private secret service and they'll wear finely tailored

suits in order to what like blend in but no one wears suits anymore it's like

like look at me I'm sticking out like a sore thumb and this Airport like

very sophisticated

for that additional life


so we went the right way oh you sure we have our own stairwell my name is

Jacqueline if you need help we need up you want to find that about the

restaurants you want to help with the reservations we've got eight restaurants

and bars ground just in the ground floor one the rooftop and netplan which is on

the -1 and it's really cool because they all say you know this yeah yeah and the

shake deposit is still there it's really really cool it's just for members and

hotel guests great so I suggest you to go there is the - to the spa the

swimming pool which is very very nice for an underground female police okay

enjoy your stay guys thank you I didn't remember my tie but I did you can get

the Kingsmen tag it's only 120 pounds that works out to over two hundred US

dollars that's good because I forgot my tie and I need one yeah well there goes

our per diem

oh I'm touching it people use this

all right so we're in the cab on our way to the Kingsmen tailor shop and the new

home of the Kingsmen HQ which is very bros some very bros is a fine wine and

spirit merchant that's been open since 1698 and it's the new home of Kingsman

HQ remember in the movie when they found the states from the whiskey bottle well

that's it so apparently us coming here was actually approved by Matthew Vaughn

the director of Kingston which he asked them

anything you want to interact with him and I want to talk to about anything

anything works for you guys individually just jump right in there and say

whatever you talk about whatever hi everyone I'm Nate from The Statesman and

we're gonna taste the Statesmen whiskey so you've all seen the movie the

Kingsmen two Golden Circle yeah fantastic so there'll be no spoilers

that's good and so I can talk about movie freedom on the nose okay we saw

well we start off by looking at the color so we analyze the color with the

whiskey so we say how would you describe that burnished copper you know let's get

let's get kind of theatrical about it burnished copper amber it really deep

deep and rich isn't it can you smell that maybe a fruitcake on there as well

and that's coming from our rye so our whiskey has 18% rye which means it has a

high ride content and that's where all that spice comes from the main

ingredients this is corn butter I gives asserts that that big spice character

and you reinforce that that vanilla but almost it's kind of like a vanilla ice

cream you like a hot vanilla ice cream I guess better but then with a little

touch of almond in there as well so in the movie when you see the when they pan

over the distillery and they see you see the bottle shape that was inspired by

the fact that we actually have that bowl like the bottle shape on top registering

which is really cool no more questions no more question I have another

statement okay Garrett um I consider myself a well-dressed man okay today is

no different I think I'm out shining all of you right fantastic yeah yeah

absolutely cheers to that man Cheers


we don't get you in shot in the back today we're looking at some of the props

from Kings burns with Grant hi James yes me I was a supervising art director on

Kings when Golden Circle and these are just some of the props that we had built

or had custom-made for the filming this was one this is mainly some of the

Statesmen actual props and this was one of the baseball bats it turns into a

minesweeper that we first see in the Statesmen jet when they open up the the

pool table and this was an agent whiskey's fighter jet helmet which was

Top Gun inspired Matthews so he wanted to do something based on the tongue Tom

Cruise's helmet and of course everything say some wise is Americana Hensley so

yeah and then this is Angus whom to give us a bit more advice this is um this is

a Merlin's retro iPad come clipboard yep as usual we have multiple versions what

you probably didn't see in the film is because Merlin likes his big guns and

big knives it did originally have a knife built into it that's awesome which

unfortunately every point made it into the film so but that's you know it's

character details yeah definitely important character detail Armageddon

bigger badder last year yeah with catapulting hand yeah so let me

stop you there yeah so our own channel called the hack Smith right and what we

do is we run a series called make it real right and we try and take fictional

ideas from movies comics video games and make real working prototype so I've

actually built have a version of this doesn't look nearly as fancy notes to

see what we focused on the ability to actually shoot the fist so I've made a

metal version of this hand I can actually shoot about 50 feet Maxim

pretty good Wow attached to Rosie's on YouTube yes yes

okay so this is actually the second project we did for Kingsman the first

one was actually the umbrella and I know are those the actual umbrellas

unfortunately I just

so we also built a umbrella complete with a pico projector built into the

hill to know that projects the camera feed from the typical umbrella onto the

inside very cool and it also shoots using a little co2 me out

of a job hey yo try it's pretty heavy this is just obviously shield stitch I

think your arm goes in through that sweater

yeah so that allows you if you're right-handed I guess to fire pistol over

the side here we obviously comte a video screen in

here but shooting this is what Taryn had pretty heavy we might have to make one

of these yeah but props is that real girls I'm strong

we're in the basement now at the armory 4th Kingsman with Nick and he's gonna

tell us a bit about some of the weapons used in the movie

so this is a Kingsman pistol hey it's one of six that were made we made them

for the first Kingsman film there's only six of them it's a really machining of

an existing pistol but to made to look in a british style of night 1930s to

1950s something like that with the addition of a grenade launcher and

little things like custom English walnut grips check it like a very good mother

shotgun so this is one of Pedro's revolvers okay this is typically

Statesmen so the states would look he's stainless steel yeah

traditional American design so this is a copy of accomplishing election army okay

so she made by Ruger it's in stainless steel and it has a quirkiness that we

fits a niche to mount on it so it has a modern strange kick to it which is what

we're looking for in a lot of the King statesman weapons yeah this is challenge

rifle yep this is a Marlin 45 caliber rifle okay again it's typically

statesman is stainless steel it's a copy of a style of gun used in the 1880s

1870s a very American but with a modern kick on it are you that sight Ryan and

everything else so it's a modernized traditional American weapon this is a

fighting gun we would make copies again so we make quite a few copies

that's a hard rubber and that's a soft brown so we protect the garden with the

person everything that needs a copy just sort of scene you can carry on as you

can see these have been used on set and they're a little bit damaged so they

don't last forever okay yeah so this is an 84 rocket launcher yeah I don't II

tank rocket launcher military and the briefcase takes it out I believe

so yeah that's the trigger it has unfortunately already been fired

see it's just a hollow tube yeah awesome fire like this yes they have what these

actions they have what's known as an idiot car you don't know so you could

take it out the box read on it and it went already

yeah I think you need to know you to Lara tank up awesome thank you well

thank you you're welcome it's a pleasure

a king's ale I think these are like legitimately old bottles and have not

been touched watch they're worth locked

so that leaves the cab and the Kingsmen tailor shop next fix

that's pretty cool this is early in the movie yeah we're real early inside here

because he got thrown against that it's that track at the window

yeah the door on the roof yeah I've always wanted to have multiple blocks

for the time zones it's really pointless but books are pretty cheap now

yeah how do you turn on submarine mode

large CGI budget on the next stop let's go where to guvnah all right so I'm here

in the Kingsmen tailor shop and it's actually a pop-up shop here in London

selling the exclusive line of Kingsman apparel and this is awesome


Kingsman glasses how do I look it's got biometric security that's

really cool so this is the official tag watch made after the movie of course

we've got mr. pickles from the movie

let's be soft sorry mr. pickle not pickles the tailor section where you can

try on all the different flows I'm allowed to touch stuff right

that's try being a statesman on for size

hasil movie

pivot think my suit stick yes I can't move

it's like there's a crowd for the blu-ray signing

as a Kingsman early

I like a table or something

sadly this here

so apparently a light and a taxi cabs on that means it's available and there are

not many available

while is it great

Christel house is supposed to be for your face right

it looks warm but it's not chilly warm

all right so we decided to stay a few extra days in London so we do a fan

meetup but obviously we had to rent another hotel and our budget was a bit

less so we're staying at the Holiday Inn you see this door

the main bathroom door you can go inside here's the shower and sink

oh all right oh so then you close the door

and there is the toilet romantic

right under the other we're having to tell gateways to change to go along with

this district or circle like whichever one comes to go back to near Waterloo

London I had London dungeon with something

it appears he is broke his ticket and he can't get through the turnstiles

guess we're leaving him behind

we will value 1,500 pounds for a guitar with six necks that's like getting six

guitars for the price of one moderately expensive return let's go value

so we had an awesome tour of London by James he runs the YouTube channel good

to meet you again X robots I guess you just check it out link in the

description and card blah blah blah we gotta go what it was great to meet

you again again

I saw most of the site's last time like all the main touristic places and

yesterday we met up with James Burton from X robots the I did the dungeon

that's bringing SWAT your hand up to be

I'm gonna fan not stuck in the ground pretty good hey what's your name Jack

nice to meet you you guys want batarangs

it's Bogdan no kiss it well I hope you guys enjoyed that video I know it was a

bit longer than most for normal videos but would you believe that's actually

the edited down version we have a full extended cut on our vlog channel that's

over an hour long so if you guys really like Kingsman check it out anyways thank

you to Fox to sending us to London it was an amazing experience it was a

really cool game to see all the Kingsmen props up close and personal and it gave

us a lot of inspiration about some other projects that we should do here right

here in Canada and don't forget to get Kingsman the Golden Circle on blu-ray or

digital download today there are links in the description below so thanks for

watching and enjoy the movie

For more infomation >> Becoming a Kingsman for a day! - Duration: 27:57.


More Underappreciated Gems On Netflix You Need To Watch - Duration: 3:38.

While there's never any shortage of shows to binge on Netflix, the streaming service

also boasts a massive, ever-changing selection of movies.

But it's all too easy to take a chance on a new film, only to realize how bad it is

halfway through.

"Hey guys"


"What if the movie sucks?"

With that in mind, we rounded up a handful of hidden gems on Netflix to make sure your

movie night is suck-free.

Movies like...

The Voices

Released in 2014, The Voices tells the tale of a guy named Jerry, played by Ryan Reynolds,

who lives a simple but lonely life as a factory worker.

His only real friends are his cat, his dog, and his psychopathic urges.

It's a seriously dark, twisted comedy anchored by Reynolds' performance as a troubled but

cheerful guy who's so out of touch with reality that even he can't believe some of the stuff

he's doing.

Obviously, Ryan Reynolds isn't known for his horror movies.

If you've seen the 2005 Amityville Horror remake and find it hard to believe that Reynolds

could play both funny and a legitimate creep, you should give The Voices a watch.

"You have the greatest hair, Tom.

In the back.

It's awesome."

Snow on Tha Bluff

Even though it's labeled as a documentary, Snow on Tha Bluff is actually a "found-footage"

reality film that follows Curtis Snow, a real-life armed robber.

After Snow steals a camera from some naive college students, he hands it to a buddy and

tells him to start filming.

Even though it's not truly a documentary, Snow on Tha Bluff gives the audience a chilling

look at the gritty reality of life on the street from Snow's perspective.

While the footage is mostly dramatized, Curtis Snow himself is very real and the situations

he faces are a daily reality for many.

The Invitation

It's hard to talk about The Invitation without spoiling the best parts, so we'll leave it

at this: if there was ever a dinner party that went downhill, it's this one.

Director Karyn Kusama loads the movie with tension right from the start and builds the

drama in a way that leaves you guessing right along with the characters.

With great, low-key performances from Michiel Huisman and Logan Marshall-Green, The Invitation

is a swan dive into paranoia.

It's also a welcome change of pace for Kusama, whose previous films, Jennifer's Body and

Aeon Flux, weren't exactly gems themselves, hidden or otherwise.


Sci-fi thrillers with style are hard to come by.

If that's your kind of thing, chances are you've seen all the good ones—and way too

many bad ones—which makes Spectral even more of a treat.

Following a team of U.S. Special Forces who stumble across a mysterious new enemy while

on assignment in Moldova, Spectral jacks the action into the stratosphere with lightning-quick

combat scenes and several nail-biting moments of true terror.

Spectral isn't perfect, but it delivers what it promises: a bunch of dudes fighting for

their lives against an otherworldly threat.

Stick it on, crank up the volume, and enjoy the ride.

The Midnight Meat Train

Based on a short story by horror legend Clive Barker, The Midnight Meat Train is straightforward

and extremely violent.

It follows a struggling photographer, played by Bradley Cooper, who uncovers some weird

goings-on in a New York subway station late at night.

Convinced there's a killer on the loose even though nobody else believes him, he decides

to dig deeper on his own, and finds himself drawn into an underground world darker than

he could have imagined.

Unfortunately, some changes at Lionsgate during the movie's release all but guaranteed that

nobody would see the film.

According to Barker, the studio opted to give The Midnight Meat Train a very limited release

in second-rate theaters in favor of promoting their other titles, like The Strangers, released

the same year.

The result?

The $15 million picture brought back only $83,000 and then quietly drifted away into


Queue it up on Netflix and give it the attention it deserves, because this is honestly one

of the best thrillers on the service right now.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> More Underappreciated Gems On Netflix You Need To Watch - Duration: 3:38.


vidIQ nedir ? nasıl kullanılır ? youtube izlenim arttırma eğitim programı 2017 nasıl yapılır ? - Duration: 10:04.

For more infomation >> vidIQ nedir ? nasıl kullanılır ? youtube izlenim arttırma eğitim programı 2017 nasıl yapılır ? - Duration: 10:04.


3 Christmas Markets to Visit in London - Duration: 2:04.

if you're coming to London around Christmastime there are some lovely

Christmas markets that you can visit while you're here, I'm gonna show you

three of them. And I've got a special festive freebie for you so watch to the

end of this video to find out how to get it

Winter Wonderland is a world-famous Christmas Fair that happens every year

in Hyde Park and they have over 200 Bavarian Huts that have Christmas-y

festive drinks and food, and little gifts that you can buy this, is a great place.

To start if you want to get some souvenirs or gifts for friends and

family back home plus there's lots of rides and bars and restaurants where you

can eat and drink and have a great time

Leicester Square has a very festive Christmas market on and has all the

usual Christmas market stuff, you can get food, drinks, there's lots of gifts here.

There's also a Santa's grotto so if you have any little ones you can take them

to see Santa, and there's a vintage Spiegel tent where you can see a festive


Along the south bank every year is the South Bank Center Winter Festival

there's lots of things to do here, there's the usual Christmas market

pop-ups with things to eat and drink and some shopping that you can do, but

there's also a pop up cider lodge, there's a festive theater where you can

see some shows, and there's even a Finnish sauna that overlooks the River


if you visit any of those markets and you share a photo on Instagram make sure

you use the hashtag #Loveandlondon so I can see, and if you're visiting London in

November or December make sure you download my free festive London guide, it

has lots of ideas of things to do and see here that will get you in the

Christmas mood. You can get that by clicking the card that's popping up here

and don't forget to subscribe to the Love and London channel for more tips and

tricks for your trip to London. And if you want another festive a London video

then click around here to watch one of these videos next.

For more infomation >> 3 Christmas Markets to Visit in London - Duration: 2:04.


Disney Treasures December 2017 Snowflake Mountain Unboxing Subscription Box With Bambi, Olaf - Duration: 5:12.

This is the December 2017 Disney Treasures box.

And I'm expecting big things.

Because this is Disney, and Disney knows how to do Christmas. If you've ever been to one of their parks during Christmas,

you know they really amp up the decorations, and the music, and all the holiday fun. And the theme this month is

Snowflake Mountain. Just inside the lid when you open it up is where they always put the exclusive patch and pin.

So we'll see what that is - here goes!

It is...

Scrooge McDuck and Olaf! Scrooge McDuck is on the patch.

He's looking a little grouchy.

Probably due to Donald and the nephews.

And Olaf is his usual happy self.

Let's see what's inside the box.

Of course, there's the map of where the Disney Treasures box has gone already.

We're at snowflake mountain in December, and in February

It'll be Ever After Castle, so that's what's ahead.

And the other side of the map always shows what's inside and gives details about it.

I don't want to look at that yet, so I try my hardest not to take a peek at that other side.

I want to be surprised, too!

First thing I pulled out, I wasn't quite sure what it was

It's a little drinking bottle, but I think it's actually a thermos.

Gonna take the plastic off of it.

Yeah, that's a little Mickey and Minnie Thermos.

They're ice skating together. Really cute picture of them together.

It is insulated inside.

Looks like it's double walled. So this probably would keep something hot or cold for a while.

It's something you can really actual small thermos!

Thank You Disney, I love it awesome!

And next is Bambi. It's a Pop! figure, # 351. Of course, a Disney Treasure is exclusive. And with this figure,

it's a scene from the movie where he's kind of sliding around.

Skating on ice. Love that scene love that movie. It's Bambi with his legs all spread out.

He's trying not to slip and fall on that patch of ice that he's on.

Really nice. Here's a little closer look.

There's the ice that he's on.

And I'll show you all around the figure. That's a very fun figure.


Bambi's one of my favorite Disney movies.

And that's probably gonna be one of my favorite Pops, too.

Here's a look at the different sides of the box.

There's the ice scene from the movie.

Side view, and top.

Up next, it looks like some Nightmare Before Christmas socks.

And there it says, "Disney Tim Burton's, 'The Nightmare Before Christmas."

So different Christmas scenes on there and that looks like snowman Jack.

That's just some Disney fun for your feet!

Next is something they've been including in each Disney treasures box, every other month.

And that is a Mystery

Mini Figure in a collectible tin. And we're gonna try and figure out

what could be inside from the scenes on the tin.

There's an outside snow scene with birds.

Looks like part of a castle?

Can't tell!

And the closed gate to a castle.

And on top is a single red rose.

I guess it could be Beauty and the Beast,

but we'll find out real quick.

The side I couldn't see has Cogsworth in the window, so this is Beauty and the Beast. Let's see what character is inside.

And the figure is...

Belle! She's dressed in a hooded cape and ready for the snow.

There's kind of a full view of how she looks.

And "Beauty and the Beast" really fits in with the Snowflake Mountain theme.

Because in most of the movie you see a lot of winter scenes around the Beast's castle.

And one last thing is Olaf's Frozen Adventure

Cookie Cutter. And of course, Olaf's Frozen Adventure was a little movie "short",

they called it, (but it wasn't that short) that appeared before the movie "Coco".

So this is the little cookie cutter of Olaf looking happy with his hands raised up.

So that's a nice addition to the box, too.

Also in the box was a Snowflake Mountain sticker.

Now I can go back and look at the other side of the map. It talks about the socks.

That's Snowman Jack.

The Belle Mystery Mini figure is dressed in her iconic winter coat, and the tin exterior features the castle in wintertime.

And Disney wants you to share your Olaf cookie photos on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag, #Disney Treasures.

There's the Bambi on ice Pop!

They said that this is the first thermos they've ever made.

There's Olaf the most lovable snowman.

And a lot a little behind the scenes,

insider tips and information about how this box came together.

So there you have it...the December 2017 Disney Treasures box.

Snowflake Mountain themed. It's all good!

It's from different Disney things that have to do with winter and snow and all that kind of good stuff.

Another winner from Disney. These kind of Disney collectibles are what makes this my favorite subscription box. Thanks for watching. Have a great day!

Please Like, Share, Comment, and Subscribe to our channel if you would.

And if you don't subscribe to this box, you probably should!

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