Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 12 2017

Thank you for walking me home.

But you don't have to do this.

I don't want you to waste your time on

the road going back and forth.


I don't want you to go home alone.

I'm fine going home alone.

I know you are.

But I won't let you go home alone.

Take a shower and go to bed.

See you tomorrow.

Hold on, Pong.

I want to ask you again

are you sure

you want to work for me?


If you just want to mess around with me,

you can quit now.

I put all my efforts into this café.

I love my café.

I'm serious when it comes to work.

I don't want to hire someone who is lazy.

I want someone who has integrity

and works hard for me.

I know

to you,

I may be just a lazy bad boy in the past.

Wait and see tomorrow

I show you that

I'm better

than you think.

We'll see.

Well then,

see you tomorrow at 7 o'clock sharp.

Don't be late

or else don't bother to come to work.


Do you have some left for me?


these are for selling at my café.

What about this tray?


Have a quick bite of this.

In case traffic is bad,

you won't be too hungry.

Thank you, Kris.

You've saved my life.

I'm starving to death.

You are always starving.

When I'm hungry in the morning,

my brain doesn't function well.

the acid in my stomach

takes over my body.

By the way,

are you sure you want to hire Pong?

It's better than seeing him

making money through racing.

You seem to be worried about him.

I'm not worried about him.

I have been looking for someone

to work for my café for so long.

Nobody shows interest to apply.

But I'm concerned

that he may bring more troubles

to you if he works for you.

He always looks for troubles.

I have set some ground rules with him.

He must not involve in any violence.

He must not be late.

I will kick him out if he's late.



I'm late now.

Hurry up.

Come on.

Don't be late?

Come on.

You will be kicked out if you're late.


He's late on the first day.


Namkhing is late too.

It's fine for me to come late.

But Pong cannot be late.

You should be on our friend's side.

And you always spoil her.


where are you now?

I told you, right?

I won't hire you if you are late.


I'm not late but you are.

I have been here since 6.30 am.


Be chilled.

I smell nice, right?


If you want to work with me.

You should not smell

like cigarette like this.

She's getting cranky again.

Let's get out of here

before she takes it out on us too.


we have to go now.

Have a good day, then.

Do your best.

Call me if anything happens.

Hey, Mr. Tomboy.

Don't worry about her.

I'll take good care of your friend.


Let's go to uni.

Let's go.

What cake is this?

Blueberry Cheesecake.

You made it?

Move away.

Can I eat it?

It's for selling.


why are there many cigarette butts?

Hey, Pong.

don't throw cigarette butts

all over the floor like this.

It's dirty.

I told you

not to smell like cigarette

while working here.

Clean them.

Get up and clean them.

This side too.

Put more strength to it.

Okay. Okay.

This side too.

Clean it properly.

I can't accept

to have that bad boy

working for our daughter.

Don't jump into conclusion so fast.

That man

may not be as bad

as you have heard.

But he's a motor punk.

He's loitering around

with his bike day by day.

How could you say he's not bad?


And who is this man?

It's not the same.

He drinks and smokes too.

He does?

What about this

and that?

Whom do they belong to?

At least,

I have high responsibility.

I have a solid job.

I don't involve in any violence.

More importantly,

I don't do gambling

and you know that.

All right.

that's something I can't argue.

What do I do to keep

that guy away from our daughter?

Don't do anything.

Just sit down and talk to her nicely.

You know that

she hardly listens to me these days.

If you want her to listen to you,

you will have to clear up

the old issues first.



A year earlier.

I've contacted a university over there for you.

And your dorm

is right across the campus.

It's really convenient.

No, dad.

You can't force me

to go there like this.


Didn't you tell me

you want to further your study abroad?

So I look for one and get you in.

I don't want to go there just yet.

I want to finish my degree here first.

And I told you that

I didn't want to study administration.

We won't go to that topic again.

I'm tired of arguing with you as well

that I don't want to study administration!


Take it easy, dear.


you should know that

he does everything for your own good.

He wants you to have a good future.


I didn't open that café for you

without a good reason.

I want you to learn

how to manage a business

so you have experiences in managing.

This is an advantage for you

when you study abroad.

You have better life experience

than other people.

Why do I have to go now?

I'm just a sophomore.


that university

opens a special course.

If you complete the course,

you will get 2 degrees at once.

But I don't want to go there just yet.

But you have a plan to study abroad, right?

Why wasting your time here in Thailand?

You can just go overseas now.

I don't want to leave my life here.

I have friends.

I have my own society.

You can get new friends,

new society over there.

Come on, dad.

I beg you.

Can I go there when I graduate from here?

No, you can't!

As long as I'm the one

who pays for your tuition,

you must study what I want you to.

If you are so addicted to your friends,

I might as well sell off the condo

you are staying.

And at the end of each day,

when you graduate,

you must come back and stay here.

You will go to your uni with my driver.

And I will not let you

hang around with

your friends ever again.


stop paying the tuition for me.

I will pay for it my own.

I will not ask money from you again.




Let her go.

If she thinks she can survive by herself,

let her be.

Does she really think

it's easy to live by herself?

You are one of the reasons too.

You have been spoiling her all along.


Since that day,

she has been living off

by her own money.

You should at least

see her strong determination.

Does she see my good intention

I have for her?

Do you want to see her continuing

her café like this?

Her business cannot grow

from where it is now.

What I have prepared for her…

is the best future she can have.

What are you going to do next?

Let's put the studying abroad idea

aside for now.

We must find a way

to drive away that motorpunk now.

The smell is so strong.

Your T-shirt has cigarette smell all over.

What do you want me to do?

Take it off.

You want me to take it off?

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] My Dear Loser รักไม่เอาถ่าน | ตอน Monster Romance | EP.5 [1/5] - Duration: 12:49.


Short Creepy Horror Story - Duration: 6:36.

workers refused to work at my new house because they heard a girl's cries there

after lots of convincing some did agree but that too not after 6 p.m. my wife was

scared she didn't want to go to a haunted house I said her that it was all

just an excuse made by the workers but it was all useless since we had bought

the house my daughter always kept getting up at night and the reason

always stayed a bad dream all the investments I had made to buy this house

were about to become a loss because of the ghost stories which scared my wife I

needed to do something and hence I decided to spend a night at the house

and see if there was actually something which people kept talking about

after hours of convincing my wife finally allowed me to go there and by 6

p.m. I reached there when the last worker left giving me the keys I kept my

bag at the sofa and went to the kitchen to

unbox my tiffin but the Tiffin had become cold so I went to the neighbor's

house to check if they could help me to warm it the neighbours were good and

they helped me with open hands I was happy that our new neighbours were so

good I came back home and started inspecting the work done by the workers

the work was only half done because of the stupid ghost stories someone

knocked the door I opened it but there was no one

I closed it and someone again knocked the door

I opened it this time much faster but still there was no one this time I acted

to close it but kept it a bit open to suddenly grab the person attempting to

disturb me I heard a girl cry outside my house and

I was pretty sure that this was the same goal haunting others and hence I

immediately opened the door to see who she was I didn't find anyone outside and

hence I went back into my house closed the door and went to the wash basin to

wash my face someone knocked the door again

and I went very slowly close to it and when I was very close to it someone

knocked it again I immediately opened the door and as I did it something

pushed me from behind throwing me out of the house and closed the door immediately

I try to open the door but the efforts were useless it seemed like someone

tried to push the door from the other side I tried to break to the door but

failed again and again after lots of efforts I was finally somehow able to

break the door and as I entered inside my bag was on fire so I immediately picked

up my phone to call the fire brigade as the fire was spreading but when I picked up

my phone the phone rang and it was my wife who had called me to warn me that

our daughter had seen a bad dream in the dreams she saw me in a burning house and

a woman 2 times taller than me standing right behind me

with wide-open eyes

what happened next did you survive of course I did but that house is haunted

you better not go there after saying this Rajeev left and Vijay walked closer

to that house the neighbors came out to ask him why was he standing there

Vijay them about his meeting with Rajeev and after hearing this the

neighbors were shocked as Rajeev died that same night

as a memory Rajeev's daughter made a painting of what she saw her painting

sold at a very high price but whoever bought it his or hers house caught fire

killing everyone

For more infomation >> Short Creepy Horror Story - Duration: 6:36.


The Untold Truth Of Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Duration: 5:18.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi somehow managed to keep pre-release details shrouded in secrecy

- and that caused fans to dream up their own unusual theories and speculations before even

buying a ticket.

Considering that at two and a half hours, The Last Jedi is the longest franchise entry

to-date, there's a lot to look forward to that no amount of teasers could possibly spoil.

But some of the behind-the-scenes details surrounding the movie were guarded a little

less under carefully.

From Easter egg reveals to production conflicts as well as even one or two plot-related scoops

that came through a little earlier than expected, here's what you might not know about Episode


One last stand

Due to the unexpected passing of actress Carrie Fisher, Princess Leia's planned appearance

in Episode 9 became a point of major speculation for fans.

Given that her part in the next film was supposed to be enhanced, the loss made some fans wonder

whether the filmmakers might digitally insert her into Episode 9 like they had in Rogue


Lucasfilm boss Kathleen Kennedy, however, dispelled rumors of a potential CGI Leia appearance

in Episode 9 and said The Last Jedi will mark Princess Leia's last physical appearance in

the Star Wars universe.

Perhaps it's a fitting final stand for Fisher because, as director Rian Johnson has since

revealed, she was instrumental in his script-writing process for the picture.

Johnson said that while developing Episode 8, he'd go to her house and talk with her

about the script; what resulted were "...a kind of stream of consciousness, jazz poetry

sessions" and that their conversations usually led to changes in the script, such as in the


Considering a large portion of Fisher's non-Star Wars career was spent doctoring screenplays

like this, The Last Jedi sounds like it'll feature a culmination of her many talents.

Actor objections

It's no secret that Mark Hamill hasn't been entirely pleased with the process of bringing

Star Wars back for the New Trilogy.

First, he was disappointed over his lack of screentime in The Force Awakens and its treatment

of Han Solo, and now, he's taken umbrage with Rian Johnson's vision for The Last Jedi.

In an interview with Vanity Fair, Hamill said that he confronted Johnson about his thoughts

on the script, and told him,

"I pretty much fundamentally disagree with every choice you've made for this character."

Luckily for Johnson, though, Hamill wasn't put off enough to walk away and instead, he

told the writer-director,

"Having said that, I have gotten it off my chest, and my job now is to take what you've

created and do my best to realize your vision."

So even though The Last Jedi will feature a Luke Skywalker that Luke Skywalker himself

doesn't approve of, at least the actor will be giving it his best effort.

Unique influences

Even if Mark Hamill doesn't quite get his vision, Rian Johnson sure boasts some novel

sources of inspiration for his segment of the Star Wars films.

For example, the aerial dogfights and space combat seen in The Last Jedi were at least

partially inspired by 1949's Twelve O'Clock High, an American war drama about the U.S.

Air Force's involvement in World War II.

Additionally, 1964's Three Outlaw Samurai has impacted his directing style, meaning

that that movie's pulpy plot and hack-'n-slash sword fighting action will have a presence

among the space drama and fancy lightsabers of Star Wars.

The film series drawing influence from classic films is nothing new, since A New Hope borrowed

from 1954's The Dam Busters and Akira Kurosawa's 1958 film The Hidden Fortress, so while those

might not be the most ordinary muse movies, maybe this means an even truer return to classic

Star Wars.

Royal cameo

If you were tickled by the news that James Bond actor Daniel Craig had a cameo in The

Force Awakens, well, you're in for a royal surprise in The Last Jedi.

"There's loads of rumors man, but you know it's a hard secret to keep, you know the Royal

Family in the, in the Star Wars universe?

I'm sure you wouldn't be able to keep that secret."

"I know nothing"

Princes Harry and William were both seen on-set goofing around, and actor John Boyega confirmed

that Tom Hardy was there as well.

Boyega said of the surprise guests,

"They were there.

I'm sick of hiding it.

I think it was leaked, anyway.

There were images."

He took it a step further in November, 2017 by telling The Hollywood Reporter that not

only would both princes appear as stormtroopers in the film — in addition to Hardy and singer

Gary Barlow— but they'd all donned the instantly recognizable armor for the same scene.

Scar switcheroo

When it came to Kylo Ren's gnarly facial scar, Rian Johnson has admitted that he moved it

simply because it didn't look right back in The Force Awakens.

Now it resides on Kylo's right cheek rather than the bridge of his nose… not because

of midichlorians, but just because of his own personal preference.

It's not exactly universe-shattering canon reconfiguration there, but it is something

Kylo Ren's fans will certainly take notice of.

Code name

Just as Return of the Jedi used the fake working title "Blue Harvest" to fool autograph-seeking

fans during filming, The Last Jedi had its own pretend moniker in play while the cameras

were still rolling on the film.

But instead of holding any clues to the substance of Episode 8, the fake name was simply "Space


Yep, Space Bear.

That might be some subtle nod to Chewbacca or one of the other furry creatures coming

along in The Last Jedi, or the fact that porgs are basically the new Ewoks … or it might

just be Rian Johnson toying with everyone because he can.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Duration: 5:18.


รวมเพลงฮิต 2017 #ANIMOJITHAILAND - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> รวมเพลงฮิต 2017 #ANIMOJITHAILAND - Duration: 2:11.


6-year-old made $11 million in one year reviewing toys on You Tube? - Duration: 6:21.


For more infomation >> 6-year-old made $11 million in one year reviewing toys on You Tube? - Duration: 6:21.


Glühwein Trichtern vong heute (12 Tür #Flynachten) - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Glühwein Trichtern vong heute (12 Tür #Flynachten) - Duration: 1:45.


Santa Baby - Ivana | Official Music Video (Cover) - Duration: 3:22.

Santa baby, slip a sable under the tree, for me

Been an awful good girl

Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

Santa baby, a fifty four convertible too, light blue

I'll wait up for you dear

Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

Think of all the fun I've missed

Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed

Next year I could be just as good

If you'll, check off my Christmas list

Santa baby, I want a yacht and really that's not, a lot

Been an angel all year

Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

Santa honey, there's one thing I really need, the deed

To a platinum mine

Santa honey, so hurry down the chimney tonight

Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex, and checks

Sign your 'x' on the line

Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight

Come and trim my Christmas tree

With some decorations bought at Tiffany's

I really do believe in you

Let's see, if you, believe in me

Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, a ring

I don't mean on the phone

Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

Hurry down the chimney tonight

Hurry, tonight

I hope you want to support me through Patreon, or my own support site

Or buy something in my web shop, like my CD, or DVD

It would help me a lot to keep making music videos ♥♥♥

For more infomation >> Santa Baby - Ivana | Official Music Video (Cover) - Duration: 3:22.


Less Than 1 Year After Trump Took Office, Iraq Declares Victory - Duration: 3:47.

Less Than 1 Year After Trump Took Office, Iraq Declares Victory Over ISIS

For a major chunk of the past administration, Barack Obama struggled with trying to defeat

the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria.

In less than one year after Donald Trump has taken office, the nation of Iraq has declared

victory over the terrorist group.

According to The Washington Post, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced an end

to the war against the Islamic State group, which once controlled and terrorized two-thirds

of the country.

�This victory was achieved .?.?. when Iraqis united to face a heinous enemy that didn�t

want us to see this day,� Abadi said at a press conference Saturday.

�They wanted to return us back to the Dark Ages.�

The final victory was achieved when, according to the Post, the �rugged, sparsely populated

desert region bordering Syria has been �cleansed� of Islamic State fighters and that the porous

border that had underpinned the self-declared caliphate that straddled both countries has

been fully secured.�

The turning point of the fight for control of Iraq was the nine-month battle for the

city of Mosul, which was won in July.

Mosul, an ancient city that was destroyed by both Islamic State rule and the nine-month

campaign to recapture it, was the last major stronghold of the terrorist group in the country.

However, pockets of resistance still remained throughout the country.

With Saturday�s announcement, it appeared those pockets had finally been eliminated.

The fight against the Islamic State group was declared over in Syria by Iran and Russia

last month, although there are continued pockets of fighting there.

In a tweet, the U.S.-led global coalition congratulated the Iraqis on their triumph,

using an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group.

�The Coalition congratulate the people of Iraq on their significant victory against

Daesh (the Islamic State group).

We stand by them as they set the conditions for a secure and prosperous #futureiraq,�

Less than one month ago, Defense Secretary James Mattis said that only 5 percent of the

terror group�s infrastructure remained.

�Our nations� dedication to defeating the terrorist enemy is evident in the progress

we have made since our last gathering here � 95 percent of the territory once held

by ISIS is now liberated, and our partners continue to secure more each day,� Mattis


��Mosul, Tal Afar and Hawijah have been liberated; efforts to liberate the final pockets

of ISIS-held territory in Anbar province are progressing rapidly.�

What a difference a year � and a political will to defeat the terrorist group � makes.

Sayonara, JV team!

Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter with your thoughts on this amazing news.

How do you think the Trump administration has handled the war on the Islamic State group?

Scroll down to comment below!

For more infomation >> Less Than 1 Year After Trump Took Office, Iraq Declares Victory - Duration: 3:47.




By Stanley Bing

Two millennia ago, a young carpenter appeared in what is now Israel and, in addition to

suggesting some guidelines on personal behavior, offered the gift of eternal life to those

who believed in him.

This went over well, since the prevailing religion of his people was noticeably weak

in that department, lacking clear rewards for the virtuous.

His apostle presented the deal in no uncertain terms: �He that heareth my word,� said

John, �and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life.� So far nobody has

come back to testify to the veracity of this offer on the next plane of existence, but

no one has disproved it, either.

So that works for some people.

It still doesn�t get to the nub of the matter, though.

You still have to die in that scenario.

Some have searched for magic poultices, creams and liquids.

In the 16th century, it was Ponce de Leon who reportedly searched Florida for waters

that would stave off his rapidly approaching old age.

Today, people follow in his footsteps, settling down in Boca, Hollywood and Jupiter Beach

to achieve the same objective, with much the same lack of results, and in Beverly Hills,

gorgons with crimped, distorted mouths and desiccated eyesacks roam Rodeo Drive, tweaking

and slicing into themselves as they worship at the shrine of perpetual youth.

Some even look okay at a very great distance.

It�s discouraging.

Even if one buys into the notion of reincarnation, you are still only preserving the spirit;

consciousness doesn�t make the trip from one life to the next.

Plus, there is also the possibility that one will return in the next life as a stoat, or

a guy whose karma involves the weekly cleaning of portable toilets at construction sites.

Not the true vision of eternal life most of us would like, which involves sticking around

without ever shuffling off this mortal coil at all, seeing the world change and evolve

over generations.

No, for true advancement towards humanity�s most elusive goal, we must turn to the religion

that we tend to like now: Technology.

And the good news is that in this area we may actually be on the brink of success.

For today, enormous gains are being made in the branch of computer science that is working

to deliver eternal life to those who can afford it.

Those in the hunt are far from snake-oil salesmen or alt-right marketers of nutty fluids.

These are distinguished scientists making the prognostications.

Nick Bostrom of Oxford University described the concept: �If emulation of particular

brains is possible and affordable,� he wrote in a 2008 paper, �and if concerns about

individual identity can be met, such emulation would enable back-up copies and �digital


Let�s take a moment to consider why this whole idea is not just futurist bushwah.

The human brain, while based on an organic platform, is essentially a vast electronic

switching station.

If such is the case�or even fundamentally the case, with some, as it were, gray matter

on the edges�why not work toward a method of emulating the brain-based persona of the

individual in its entirety the way you would make a disc image on your laptop and then,

when the operations and digital activities are mirrored in this manner, simply backing

it up?

Once it�s backed up, it can then be stored in a suitable, safe digital warehouse and

then, when that receptacle has been created, downloaded into a young, vital living entity

and voila.

Old mind.

Young body.

Just what you always wanted.

A hundred years later, you can do it again.

There is already significant scientific literature on the issue of personality transfer.

Nobody writing about it doubts it can be done.

Christof Koch, Chief Scientific Officer of the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle,

and Giulio Tononi, who holds a Distinguished Chair in Consciousness Science at the University

of Wisconsin, offered this view on the circular of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies,

�Consciousness is part of the natural world.

It depends, we believe, only on mathematics and logic and on the imperfectly known laws

of physics, chemistry and biology; it does not arise from some magical or otherworldly

quality.� Once one assumes this sort of materialist view of the mind, it�s not difficult

to imagine moving the contents of this mechanical entity from one housing to another.

�Immortality will be like Tesla�available at first only to the very, very, very rich,

then, after a while, commoditized for the upper middle classes but pretty much stopping

right there.�

Now, it is true that the task of performing a digital upload of an entire individual consciousness�its

knowledge, earned experience, memories going back to the womb�the tech on that part of

the process is in its infancy.

But gains are being made.

Thoughts and simple commands are now being transmitted over short distances by individuals

with gizmos attached to their heads, moving little objects around at a distance by the

power of their thoughts.

It�s not much.

But it shows that brain activity can be digitized and transmitted.

But let�s face it.

We�re not going to go around with wires sticking out of our heads.

The good news is that this really shouldn�t be necessary, not the way things appear to

be going.

Within just a very few years, the transporting of the electronic entity that is the human

brain and all its contents will be vastly advanced�indeed, made possible�by a tremendous

development in digital communications: that is, the widespread implantation of the cell

phone and all its many wonderful functions right into your cranium.

Do you doubt it?

I don�t.

Go to any Starbucks, any airport, hotel lobby, public space, and you will see the entire

strolling pageant of humanity with their noses firmly attached to a screen.

Couples in restaurants.

Kids hanging out at home.

Staring into the little device.

It�s not sustainable.

It�s only a matter of time until a new way of inputting that data will be made available

to those who want it and can afford it�driven by that ultimate arbiter of product development�consumer


Tell the truth.

Isn�t it a pain to be constantly carrying that thing around all the time?

How many times a week do you lose it?

Wouldn�t you like to be able to employ its many functions simply by touching your head,

or maybe even just thinking about something?

How would it be to be in touch with the Cloud 24/7?

I propose the mastoid bone behind the ear.

It�s unoccupied at the moment, totally unmonetized.

It�s near the ocular and auditory systems, not to mention the wetware of the brain.

It won�t be messing with your spine, which is complicated enough.

The mastoid bone is perfect.

And won�t it be nice to have your hands free?

Issues of storage have already been solved.

The Cloud has already given us so much.

Now it can be given the job of housing the collected personas of the ruling class, and

still have room for all the pictures, music, movies and personal preferences of every mind

on the planet.

It is the quintessential storage container necessary to keep your consciousness safe

while it awaits your brand new body.

Until then, if your old body conks out, don�t worry.

You still exist.

That�s it�a solution to the problem of death.

Those now in the hunt are powerful, enormously wealthy, and have succeeded in every enterprise

to which they have put their imaginative and well-funded minds.

And they�re all at the precise age when the prospect of death rears its bony head.

They�re also, it�s safe to say, with all due respect for their towering achievements

and wealth, toxic narcissists who cannot imagine a world that might continue without them bestride


If this was a start-up, I�d invest in it.

I figure that when it happens, immortality will be like Tesla�available at first only

to the very, very, very rich, then, after a while, commoditized for the upper middle

classes but pretty much stopping right there.

The rest of humanity will either have access to a very inferior product or have to go ahead

and die.

When that day comes, there will officially be just two classes of homo sapiens: human

beings and immortals.

The human beings, all implanted and plugged into the corporate Cloud their entire lives,

may not end up being all that sapiens.

And as for the immortals, I don�t think they�re going to be very nice.

After all, they haven�t been very nice this lifetime around, have they?

You may have noticed that we have yet to consider the final step of the process: the download.

I have saved it for last because, frankly, it presents, I believe, a virtually insurmountable

problem that attends this entire enterprise.

What is this body that is created to house the ancient rich person paying for the procedure?

Or, more accurately, who is that?

Is it a person?

A thing?

Some combination of both?

Here are things it won�t be.

It won�t be a baby, stuffed with the mind of an Elon Musk in its tiny cranium.

It won�t be a mechanical person, a robot, because nobody with a trillion dollars in

the bank and a lust for food and sex and power and fast cars is going to want to go around

in an unfeeling casket like the ghost in the shell.

They�re paying for immortality.

They want to roll down the windows and let the wind blow back their brand new hair.

And I don�t think any real mogul wants to wait for several years while a pod person

grows in its cocoon.

Which is why the final step of this technology will have to be the creation of fully baked,

living, organic human beings ready for download, empty of any consciousness whatsoever.

And such creatures will refuse to exist.

Because with life comes consciousness.

And with consciousness comes the drive to exist.

Any brain capable of receiving an entire person has to be functioning on its own.

It must be generating rudimentary thoughts of its own.

It probably needs to be jump started into some form of consciousness to prove that the

download will work.

It must be a life.

And as a life, it will have all the things that come with that blessing.

And here comes the big, rich motherfucker to take that all away?

How do we think that transaction is going to work out?

Still, the portability of consciousness is a very seductive and beautiful notion, isn�t



I�d rather be housed in a cactus looking out the window of a cottage in Palm Desert

than moldering beneath the earth for eternity.

So I�m rooting for the bad guys here.

God bless tech.



Predicting The Most Popular Baby Names Of 2018 - Duration: 3:59.

Picking a baby's name is stressful business for new parents, especially if you're steering

clear of family monikers.

You may want to find a title that's common for the era so that your kid will fit in his

or her formative years, while still sounding quite unique.

So, to help guide you along in the name-picking process, we've assembled a list of some new

names that are most likely to be popular in 2018.


This is a newfangled spelling of the classic name Emerson that's steadily increasing in

popularity right now.

The surname Emerson has been around the United States for a long time.

Emerson College in Boston was named after minister Charles Emerson when he founded the

school in 1880, and Ralph Waldo Emerson was one of the most celebrated American poets

of all time.

A shorter version of both, Emery, is also gaining traction with boys and girls alike.

So, if you're looking for a gender-neutral name that'll continue being cool for generations

to come, Emersyn might be your best bet.


Yes, we do have the Star Wars franchise to thank for the long-lasting relevance of the

name Leia, and we have the new trilogy to thank for the recent resurgence in popularity.

With the return of the character, now not a princess but a general, in The Force Awakens

and The Last Jedi, it's hardly any wonder people have the regal moniker in mind when

naming their children lately.

But it doesn't have to be exclusive to fans of the galaxy far, far away.

The name also signifies heavenly flowers, in Hawaiian, so if you like to think of babies

as blossoming creatures of the earth, this might be a good name to go to.


Here's a name you might think is going to be a standout, but could actually become really

commonplace: Aloy, or Aloy.

Like Emersyn, it's an updated version of a traditional name: Aloysius.

That original boy's name hit its peak popularity way back in 1898, but it's once again coming

back into vogue in its abbreviated form.

It might sound pretty old-timey to us now, but maybe in 20 years it will feel as young

as the name Zayn.


Another gender-neutral name, Sage is also trending upward right about now.

It makes sense that this name is emerging as a go-to, as it fits in with a number of

current trends.

Sage is an herb, used in both cooking and those home cleansing rituals that are becoming

so common now, and that increasing prevalence in daily life has put it squarely in the hipster-slash-artisanal

name category.


The Hawaiian name Malia has gained in popularity over the last year or so, thanks to former

First Daughter Malia Obama's ascent from the White House to Harvard University.

The fashionable young lady and her younger sister Sasha have always been fun to watch,

from their grimaces at their dad's turkey pardon jokes to their excitement over his


But now that Malia's left the roost, she's become an even more intriguing figure for

the public, and the baby names are starting to reflect that admiration.


There are a ton of different versions of the name Leo that are increasing in popularity:

Leo, Leon, Leonel, Leonidas, Leonardo, and for girls, Leona.

Even Mindy Kaling's character on her TV show The Mindy Project named her baby Leo.

It doesn't hurt that Leo means lion, because strength is definitely a desired quality for

the coming generations.


Although Luna is often the go-to space-related name of modern times, Nova is also gaining

in popularity lately.

Luna is a name that signifies the moon and usually goes to girls, while Nova refers to

a star or the sun and has no true gender specification.

The names are also similar enough in concept that if you're looking for unique twin titles,

look no further than the sky.


For those in search of an edgy name for their girl or boy, Harley seems to be picking up

speed in recent months as well.

Perhaps it's the ubiquity of the motorcycle brand or the recent debut of a live-action

Harley Quinn in the DC Universe, but no matter what's inspiring the acceleration of this

name's popularity, it's definitely a moniker meant for a badass in the making.

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Predicting The Most Popular Baby Names Of 2018 - Duration: 3:59.


raddventcalendar at half time - some real talk -subtitled- - Duration: 9:16.

so we got half time of my advent calendar after this video

it seems that I can carry out the program

today no real riding video..

going to talk for a change

time to recall the past year

a bit of criticism of the system... and my own content

to be honest it kind of sucks that the mainstream youtube mechanism establish on bike videos (referring to german channels)

for example all these dumb vlogs...

for me boring videos where people show what they got for breakfast instead of riding their bikes

getting more and more...

also everybody tries to earn money with the videos too hard...

I don't know....

problem is when you don't monetise your channel won't grow anymore

doing it too for 2 years now and everytime I don't monetise (for example when using a CC song) it it's kind of disappointing in terms of views

it's understandable cause google has to pay some servers

and why promote a video which doesn't make profit..

that's no secret

so I'm in... no big deal

but when I see other channels with descriptions packed with thousands of affiliate links and it's all about interaction - I feel like they are some kind of modern pebblers...

they are more youtubers than mountainbikers.. won't happen for me..

I'm happy to have the support of my bike sponsor..

so I don't have to pay for my bikes..

pleasant.. considering how often I ride and how often parts break..

really glad about that

so it gets harder to maintain relevance just doing bikevideos

I don't need to be super successful but it really hurts your whole channel when youtube ranks you down

that happened to a lot of people

system got changed a bit

not for the good cause I feel like clickbait videos are more successful than ever

channels get quite irrelevant it's all about single videos getting promoted.

that's how it works at the moment

do I like it? naaah - not at all

I already name my videos different than I used to.. to match some keywords and keep a little bit of relevance

creating videos to get seen not to rot on the harddrive

sometimes it's a shame-- especially when putting in a lot of work into an edit... and some days later I upload a simple gopro video which gets 5k more views

but that's because of the watchtime thingy... an edit is 3-4min top and a gopro video has usually 10min+ so the plattform ranks the video with more watchtime higher

that's how it is

reasonable.. the platform has to earn its money

and well without youtube I wouldn't know where to publish my stuff.. ibc (german mtb board) is almost dead, on pinkbike you got the despotism of the mods if you want to get on the front page...

and I haven't had any success on vimeo either. cause I do less art but more biking...

so now I get to the point

I'm 100% happy with my season and 80% pleased with my content

in retrospective it's a bit too much monotonous gopro stuff..

because of several reasons... I got my new camera just recently and the old one was just no fun anymore.

other than that the gopro videos are somehow more successful

as I mentioned sometimes putting in a lot of effort in a video and next day some random gopro raw gets twice as much views's quite demotivating

finally.. on those summer trips where it would have been nice to film we just went riding instead of filming ... and it was awesome

but now with the new Cam I'm super motivated to film stuff

some edits.. selffilmers and maybe filming other riders

lets wait and see

and if there will be comments like "just go with the flow and hop on the clickbait train" - nope won't happen

cause I want to make videos that I also would want to watch

also when I'm stumbling on a video with tons of ad breaks I quit watching

and thumbnails with red arrows and circles are triggering me so hard...

quite annoying...

I want to make bike content and don't want to become a youtuber...

subscribers meetup..? I don't want to

I'm just a rider - nothing special

won't happen

I mean it's ok if you coincidental meet me in a bikepark

but I won't determine something..

it's kinda weird

everybody has giveaways and stuff

I mean giveaway sounds nice for a moment to give something back to the community but then you got tons of people who don't care about your videos and just subscribe to get free stuff

better not

while at it.. please don't write into the comment box below "how I like bike XYZ which I never rode cause: dunno!"

also don't write a comment about how I should visit your channel - I've never done that either... and it's getting out of hand

so no bike video today..

but I'll give a recommendation.. somewhere up there!

an older video hasn't got too many views - I really like it - rode the hardtail

misty day.. I really like producing ambient stuff like that

another one: was my channel trailer for a long time: "freeride session"!

that was a ton of work

4 days of filming, shaping .. for months

then editing and even made the music which I don't like anymore but I learned a lot while producing

last some other maybe underrated video

up there... well see you tomorrow

Not sure what's up tomorrow....

winter is beautiful

not gone yet? uhm ok then I'll give you a radde special tip: always use hard compound for winter rides

when it's cold the soft tyres get hard and sometimes break and the hard ones still do something

still here?.. well what do I got left.. maybe a youtube channel recommendation..

check out willgreenfield or fiaskoracing or maybe the dudes of synergy media - they produce quality stuff

For more infomation >> raddventcalendar at half time - some real talk -subtitled- - Duration: 9:16.


How To Get Your First 1000 Subscribers FAST-2017 || how to grow YouTube fast in 4 Minute || Hindi - Duration: 4:29.

Hello friends welcome to I M Technical

Today's topic is , things we should keep

in mind while creating first/any Youtube Video

so that we will get maximum view

and subscribers at Youtube

in short time.

So lets start today's video.

Please subscribe to my channel for

Getting my latest videos.

Well this video is for everyone but I

Request all new youtubers to watch till end

to get proper guidance and help for

their upcoming videos.

Its happening many time that

we are opening youtube channel and creating videos also

but due to lack of guidance we

are not getting best results.

and some time we are

thinking to

quit as we are feeling hopeless.

we are not getting idea what to

do next, and how to create our

videos really impressive so that people start liking us.

So to resolve this I have categorized this video in 2 parts .

first- Thing we should follow and

Second- Things we should not follow

So lets start with Do's

first point is

Name and Introduction of channel

We should create unique name,

very impressive intro and outro videos

Which we can use in

all of our Youtube videos.

We should be very specific

of our channel content and inform to

our viewers about the category of videos.

we should also inform our viewers about

the upload frequency of our videos,

and we should follow

that upload frequency

without failure.

we should also ask the suggestions of our viewers

as sometime they are asking to create

video on some specific topic

and we should try to

create the videos as per their requirements.

we should also read all the comments

of our comment box

and try to reply each and every

comment at initial stage to gain viewers confidence.

In description we should

share our contact details like

mail id, mobile or whatsapp number

and we should always maintain reachability with viewers.

Now I am going to share most important

part of this video and if you will follow

this then your channel will be successful

good titles, tags, description

and beautiful custom thumbnails.

These are playing very important role to provide success

so guys please focus more on these four

points and I will also try to provide separate detail

video on this to get complete clarity.

now lets talk

about the things which we should

not do.

first is not to copy and upload other's video

if you will do this practice then you will get

strike from you tube and your channel may close by Youtube

Next is not to use copyright content as due to

this also you will get strike from Youtube.

We should not forget to upload

Video on our given timeline/frequency.

As our specific viewers

are waiting for our latest video.

We should not make videos on controversial topics

we should avoid saying bad things about any channel/person specific.

We should also not to repeatedly request for likes

share and subscribe and focus more on our

content of video

If our content of video is good

then automatically we will get like share and subscribers.

Please follow these tips for best results and share your suggestions with me.

Hope you like this video, please

share your comments and suggestions and SUBSCRIBE our Channel

Thanks :)

For more infomation >> How To Get Your First 1000 Subscribers FAST-2017 || how to grow YouTube fast in 4 Minute || Hindi - Duration: 4:29.


105 Pussel Babblarna för små barn - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> 105 Pussel Babblarna för små barn - Duration: 2:18.


[Eng Sub] My Dear Loser รักไม่เอาถ่าน | ตอน Monster Romance | EP.5 [5/5] - Duration: 16:03.

Why are you here?

I told you we are closed today.

There are plenty of good fish in the sea.

He is just normal fish.

Just forget about him.

You should go.

I want to be alone.



I don't want you to be alone.

It's going to be okay.

You have my support.

I'm here for you.

Don't be sad about it.

It's going to be okay.

Let it all out.

Do you feel better?

What are you going to do next?

I don't know.

Let's say…

what do you feel like doing most now?

P'Ton is really mean.

He said something that misled me.

He didn't mean what he said.

Didn't you say that

P'Ton cared about you especially?

No, he didn't.

He didn't give a damn about me.

And about the perfume.

He remembers what perfume I use.

That's because

it's the same perfume as his girlfriend.

That's why he remembers.

And this hair color.

His girlfriend likes to dye her hair too.

He never cares or knows about me.

He knows these

because of his girlfriend.

Come to think of it.

P'Ton is actually a good guy.

Good guy, my foot.

He is not.


why do you like P'Ton?


…think I like his looks.

He's my type.

What is your type?

Light skin,


Oppa lookalike,

A good guy.

Yes, he must be a good guy.

Why is my chair tilted?

I'm your type, then.

You are not a good guy.

You are a bad guy.



A good guy doesn't take away

other people's stuff.

You are taking away what is mine.

Give it to me straight.

Why do you like P'Ton?

When you like someone,

do you need a reason for it?

I don't have the reason.

I just like him.

You are right.


What now?

Is it because I'm not pretty?

I'm not pretty

so P'Ton doesn't like me.

It has nothing to do with that.

I'm not pretty, right?


I'm well built.

My boobs are not small.

Stand up.

Touch my boobs.


They are real.

They have never been under the knife.


You can be this crazy

when you are drunk?


Go to the restroom.


What are you doing in here?

That's the toilet bowl.

Don't put your face in it.

Are you okay?

Do you feel better now?

Can I ask you something?

If you were P'Ton,

would you like me?

Be honest.

Would you like me?

I would.

Even I'm not him,

I can like you.

I know, right?

Even you like me.

Do you like me?


I like you a lot.



Loving someone is the reason I live.

You may not know how great love is.

We can't help thinking differently on love.

I'm sure you'll be fine

Don't do this.

and I know you can live without it.

It's not good for you.

Loving someone is the reason I still breathe.


You also reject me.

It's not the same.

No one loves me.


You punk boy!

Where are we going?

Getting out of here.

You may cry again if you are here.

Come on.

Hop on.

Hold me.



Pretty, right?


When I'm bored or feeling down,

I like to come up here.

When I'm better,

I go home.

Crying baby.

Look at you.

You don't have any makeup left

after you cried.

Don't say that.

I still look pretty without makeup.

I agree.

You look kinda cute too

with your bare face.

Actually, I don't like to wear makeup.

I wear makeup

because I don't know

when P'Ton will come to my café.

So, I have to look pretty all the time.

Do women wear makeup for men to look at?


Go ask On.

She puts on makeup, styles her hair

and wears those bulky earrings.

Does she do those to attract you?

You talk about her again.

Are you..

jealous me and On?

Are you dating her?

I'm not dating her.

And it will never happen.

On is Jued's crush.

And I like you.

Do you really like me?


Do you allow me to like you?

I don't know.

I take it as a yes, then.

Don't assume it to your liking.

The opportunity knocks on my door,

I should grab it.


You had the opportunity to kiss me back then.

But you didn't grab it.

Can I do that?

I don't know.

Damn it.

I didn't want to look bad to you

so I didn't kiss you.

You were too obsessed with

how you would be looked.

You wanted to be a good guy.

Sorry, the opportunity has left.

If you say that again,

you will see what will happen to you.

Do it if you dare.

I gave my word to Namkhing that

I wouldn't go back to the race field.

The race?

I want to be a good person.

So she can feel good about me.

I never thought that

P'Pong would quit racing.

I know, right?

What do you get from dating

that punk boy?

He only drags you down.

If you think you are good enough

to stand on your own feet,

I who started this café for you…

can close it if I want to.

Close it.

Take it back!

You know that

P'Pong is trying to win Namkhing's heart.

No way.

P'Pong and Namkhing

can never end up together.

Where are you going?

Get your hands off.


For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] My Dear Loser รักไม่เอาถ่าน | ตอน Monster Romance | EP.5 [5/5] - Duration: 16:03.


[Eng Sub] My Dear Loser รักไม่เอาถ่าน | ตอน Monster Romance | EP.5 [2/5] - Duration: 10:26.

You don't have omelet rice today?

No, we don't.

The person in charge of omelet

is not available today.

So sorry.

I need to see the menu, then.



I can make omelet if you want.

My omelet is really yum.


don't stand close to me.


have you just smoked?

The smell is so strong.

Your T-shirt has cigarette smell all over.

What do you want me to do?

Take it off.

You want me to take it off?


Take it off and

change to a new T-shirt.

Not everyone has a spare T-shirt to change.

I don't know.

Call your friend to bring

a new T-shirt or something.

You can't wear this T-shirt anymore.

It smells really bad.

You want me to take it off

right here right now?

You should not have smoked

in the first place.

I think my pants have cigarette smell too.

Do you want me to take it off too?

Don't dare me.

Go ahead.


and smile.


Can I take a photo with you?

Let me take it for you.

Let me.

You'll get a better angle if I take it for you.

Stand closer.

You can touch him.


His name is Pong.

He's an internet Idol and a new worker.


Come on.



what the hell is this?

Just because she hates cigarette smell,

I can't believe she goes this far.

He looks good actually.

Not at all.

He makes me sick.

I've an idea.

Post his picture on the webpage.

I'm sure we can draw in more customers.

Hurry up.

Come on.


Every minute counts.

Okay. Okay.

Give me a sec.

Thank you so much, Em.

The selling today

will be really good.

We have so many customers.

Here we are.

Ginger's House.

Isn't it?

Take a picture for me.


Be my guest.

Your turn.

Look at his muscles.

His nipples.

We took a cab from suburb, you know?

What is this?

He's the guy from the internet.

You can take a picture with him.

Go away.

Keep your hands off my guy.

Go away.

P'Pong, why are you in this outfit?

Come here.

Come take my order.

Go away.


Who told you to dress like this?


don't poke his muscles.

It's inappropriate.

I'm gonna smack your head.

Just teasing.

Don't be so harsh to me.


where are your clothes?

They were taken away.

They have cigarette smell

so she doesn't let me wear them.

I can't believe her.

She's so bossy.

Do you think you can work with her?

Come to think of it,

I should bring my raincoat next time.

When I smoke,

the cigarette smell cannot get into my clothes.

It's too troublesome.

I think it's easier to quit smoking.

You've got a point.

I have to get back in now.

Thanks a lot.

You're going?


You look so active.

Give it to me straight, bro.

You love working or

love being with that girl.

Yeah. I wonder too.




See you.

What's this?

He called us just to get him clothes?

Yeah. Let's go.

Where have you been?

Smoke again, right?



Are you sure?


Come on.

Smell more.

I told you I didn't smoke.

I just got changed.

You didn't let me wear my old clothes.

I'm sorry

for picking on you about smoking.

I want my customers to feel relaxed

and comfortable in my café.

You understand me, right?

I try to quit it, then.


It would be even better

if you start quitting it today.

All of your ex-boyfriends…

they are either what your parents like

or are forced to be likable

to people around you.


I throw these away now.

No, don't.


Well, if you don't feel like quitting it now.

You don't have to.

Just try not to make the cigarette smell

gets into your clothes.

What's wrong with you?

Didn't you tell me to quit today?

I know quitting

smoking is hard.

How do you know it's hard?

My father is a smoker.

I've been asking him to quit

but he can't.

It must be the same to you.

Your father smokes too?

He's a drinker,

a smoker

and a biker.

Just like you.


He's a badass.


don't say that.


It's not good habits.

He's a real badass.

You enjoy being like that too, right?

He's my idol.

Not at all.


P'Ton is coming!

Ton who?


what's the rush?

I waste my time talking to you.

P'Ton will be here any minute now.

Ton who?

Sawasdee ja, my lovely Namkhing.

Sawasdee ka, P'Jeng.

Where's P'Ton?

You always ask about him.

My heart is all broken now.


you and him are always together.

But you are here alone today so I ask.

He's coming shortly.

I'm hot-tempered.

I can't wait any longer

because I miss you so much.

You are hot-tempered

or the weather outside is too hot

and you want to be

in an air-conditioned room.

You know me too well.

You are perfect to be my girlfriend.

Take it easy, pal.


This is a restaurant.

You must be fuzzy

or else this place will not survive.

A café is more like a place

that serves drinks.

Not food.


For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] My Dear Loser รักไม่เอาถ่าน | ตอน Monster Romance | EP.5 [2/5] - Duration: 10:26.


Правила построения структуры на проекте Бизнес с Биоси || Biosea #Работа в интернете - Duration: 25:35.

For more infomation >> Правила построения структуры на проекте Бизнес с Биоси || Biosea #Работа в интернете - Duration: 25:35.


| How to use array function in Excel in Hindi | by Let's Learn Excel - Duration: 2:31.

Welcome to my channel

Download the file from the link in the description

Please like,comment,share and subscribe

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> | How to use array function in Excel in Hindi | by Let's Learn Excel - Duration: 2:31.


[Eng Sub] My Dear Loser รักไม่เอาถ่าน | ตอน Monster Romance | EP.5 [3/5] - Duration: 14:05.


If you want Namkhing to be your girlfriend,

what about the woman at home

called your wife?



don't listen to him.

My wife is dead.


Your wife must die several times too.

If I meet your wife,

I'll tell her everything.

No, dear.

Don't be mean to me.

I beg you.


This is Pong.

He's my new helper.

Today is his first day.

That's good.

He can help you.

You can have a time off to rest.

Hey, pretty boy.

This girl is harsh.

I warn you.

Please bear her.

Come on.

Namkhing is not harsh.

Her fussy habits is level 10.

That's all.

I'm not harsh and I'm not that fussy.

Just kidding.

This is a restaurant.

You must be fuzzy or

else this place will not survive.

A café is more like a place

that serves drinks.

Not food.



go clean that table for me.

And then…

throw away the garbage.






Please take a seat.

Is he okay?


Okay ka.


Let's take a selfie.


No, your phone.


my phone camera has low quality.

Let's use yours.

With coffee.


Take a photo with me, dear.


How are the pics?

Should I send share them to your wife?

No need to.

Keep them in your phone.

You are quick to say no.

Excuse me. I need to…

eat noodle?


Is everything all right?

Same old. Same old.

We can always fight

with our loved ones

for the same old things?

That's how it happens

when you are in a relationship

for a long time

Like always,

if you want to vent to someone

or say something

I'm here for you.

Thank you.

It would be good

if my girlfriend was like you.

Namkhing doesn't allow anyone

to smoke here.

If you want to smoke,

do it somewhere else.

Go smoke on the other side of the street.


I think Namkhing only bars her worker

to smoke around this area.

I'm her regular customer.

I can smoke here.

Namkhing must think that

she can't teach an old dog new tricks,

so she lets you smoke here.

Watch your words, boy.

You must pretend to be a good person

when you applied for this job.

So Namkhing didn't realize and hired you.

I'm her friend.

Her friend?

Is it all in your head?

She's from a rich family.

She won't befriend with someone like you.


What's wrong with someone like me?

Someone with tattoos,

wounds and scars.

You probably a member of a gangster.

Oh, your ears are pierced too.


take my words to your heart

a guy like you

is not someone whom she likes.

What type of guy does she like?

Light skin, Chinese-looking, tall,

polite and refined

like Ton.

He can't even stand to listen.

That man who came today, Ton.

Is he your boyfriend?

I wish.

He's just a regular customer here.

But he is married.

How did you know that?

His ring.

It has nothing to do with me.

It has.

You like him, do you?

How could I?

He's my customer.

I don't like him.

But your eyes said otherwise.

I saw it when he walked in.

Your eyes were sparkling.

Even you know that.

Only P'Ton

doesn't know my feelings.

Probably, he knows

but pretends not to know.

That's good in a way.

He is a married man.

He should not have feelings for you.

The ring is there

to represent a love relationship.

P'Ton and his girlfriend just live together.

They haven't got married yet.

You know a lot.

I also know that they fight a lot.

Their relationship is up and down.

They could break up any day.

No, that can't be.


I mean…

you should not cast a spell

to break them up.

That's a sin.

A sin?

A guy like you

is teaching me about sins?

What do you mean, a guy like me?

What's wrong?

You get jealous, right?


Can I be jealous of you?


go back to your task.

You are not done mopping the floor yet.

Clean the floor well.

It's still dirty over there.

Why doesn't he answer my call?

He doesn't answer my call.

I can't get hold of him.

Be chilled, On.

No, I won't be chilled.

He's been MIA from us last night.

He doesn't read my text.

He doesn't even answer my call.

I'm not okay!

He got off work late last night.

He probably...

went home straight away to rest.

It would be good if he went home.

I hope Namkhing didn't P'Pong

at her café all night.

I don't think so.

You just worry too much.

You don't worry because you are not me.

He's been disappearing all night.

How could I not worry?

Oh, Uncle Mon.

Sawasdee krap.


Where's your gang leader?

I haven't seen him since yesterday.

He goes to work.

Pong goes to work?

Don't be kidding.

I told him to be my helper

at the garage all the time.

He never says yes.

Even he's crazy about motorcycles.


vs. Girl

The motivations between those

are totally different.

They are not different.

What's so great about that girl?

Who knows?

P'Pong may come craw back heartbroken.

Listen, On.

Though P'Pong is heartbroken,

he will never choose you anyway.

Am I right, uncle?

What's so funny?

Shut up, Jack.

Don't talk to him.

Go back to your garage.


why did you talk so harshly to her?

It's not harsh.

It's the truth.


Go comfort her.


Go ahead if you want to rub it in.

I won't do that.

I just want to know if you are okay.

I don't know what he thinks of me exactly.

After that day that he won the race to get me,

he has never cared about me since.

No matter how hard I try,

he has never looked at me.

Am I not pretty enough?

No, don't think that way.

Or he doesn't like me.

If he doesn't

how come he took on the race to win me?


Well what?


I don't understand him either.

I've got the bulb.

Do you want me to change it?

Namkhing is not here.

What's your name again?

Is it Pong?


How is it, working for Namkhing?

Is she strict like I told you?

Not really.

Where's Namkhing.

She said she wanted to buy something.

Here she is.

I'm back.

What did you get?

You should have texted me

to buy them instead.

Someone here wants to have some beer.

Here you go.


you did go out and get them?

You should have told me.

I could get some myself.

At first, I wanted to buy only food.


these beers called out for my attention.

And I couldn't resist.

The next thing I know

I already paid for them.

Come on.

Let me open it for you.

I should put

this coffee aside then.

Thank you.

Do you realize that

you think for yourself now?

From what I see,

P'Ton doesn't like you one bit.

Don't rain on my parade.

I'm being happy now.

All right.

If you are so happy,

why don't you go confess to your crush now?

You may get a lot happier.

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] My Dear Loser รักไม่เอาถ่าน | ตอน Monster Romance | EP.5 [3/5] - Duration: 14:05.


Spaar voor gave horecabenodigdheden bij Bidfood! - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Spaar voor gave horecabenodigdheden bij Bidfood! - Duration: 1:25.


[Eng Sub] My Dear Loser รักไม่เอาถ่าน | ตอน Monster Romance | EP.5 [4/5] - Duration: 14:12.

Are you gonna be all right?

I'm gonna be so fine.

Do you have more?


That's the last can.

You drank all of them already.


Don't be kidding.

You've gotta have more.

Don't you have some left in the fridge?

Just 1 or 2 more.

I don't feel drunk yet.

I open a café shop.

I don't sell beer here.


you should have

some beer in this café.

Just 1 or 2 cans.

This way you can earn more.


You should also have side dishes for beer.


Fried nuts or something.

I get some for you next time.

Very good.

You are awesome.

So awesome.

What happened

between you and your girlfriend?

You haven't told me about it yet.


it takes more than love

to make a relationship work.

You need to have

some understanding for each other.

You need to have sympathy for each other.

If you don't have them,

it will be difficult to stay together.

What is it that makes you and your girlfriend

don't understand each other?





Do you know

why I get off my work late?


Because I don't want to go home.

It's boring.

When I'm home,

I feel suffocated.

Yes, suffocated.


wherever makes you feel good,

you should be there more often.

You will feel better.

That's why I'm here.

What's wrong?

I think P'Ton is going

to break up with his girlfriend.

Are you sure?

I am.

He even took off the ring this time.

He may take it off

with no special reason.

In the past, when he vented about his girlfriend,

it's not as serious as this one.

He took off the ring.

It must be really serious.

So what?

Does it have anything to do with you

if they really break up?

Yes, it has.


Listen carefully.

P'Ton lets out to me that

he wants to break up with his girlfriend.


he knows that

I have a crush on him.

No way.

Men don't do things that complicate.

What do you know?

You are not him.

I know him more than you do.


I think I should go home now.

Are you gonna be all right?

Of course.


I'm sorry.

You come home late because of me.

Don't mention it.

It's my pleasure.

You are okay, right?


Hang in there.

I will.

Thank you.

I'm heading out now.

Wait, P'Ton.


Text me

when you are home.

So that I can rest my worry about you.


I'll text you

when I get home.


Why are you so happy?

He's just a drunk guy heading home.

I have had a secret crush on him

without any hope for so long.

Now the chance seems to open for me.

That' why I'm happy.

Do you realize that

you think for yourself now?

From what I see,

P'Ton doesn't like you one bit.

Don't rain on my parade.

I'm being happy now.

All right.

If you are so happy,

why don't you go confess to your crush now?

You may get a lot happier.

You are right.

P'Ton may not know about me,

since I never make it clear that

I like him.


I'm being sarcastic, you know?

I don't expect you to confess to him for real.

But I will confess to him for real.


I don't think he likes you.

Which one to play, P'Jack?

Don't help him.

This one?

No, this side.

Now, On. Take it.


And we can take two more of yours!

Seriously, Jack.

Why do you help him?


Hey, P'Pong.

What brings you here?

You're not working?

Namkhing's café is closed today.

So I have my day off.

It's good that you are here.

Uncle Mon said the second-handed spare parts

for your bike have arrived.



Uncle Mon is here. Ask him.

Sawasdee krap.


You've got the spare parts already?

They were sent to here yesterday.

Do you want to work on it yourself?

So you can pay me for the spare parts only.

Okay. Let's do it.

Let me help you.

I help you too.

P'Pong, wait for me.

Sawasdee, Namkhing.


why are you here this early?

It's Saturday.

You should have stayed in your bed

a little longer.

I don't want to be in my home.

And where's Pong?

Is today his day off?


…called in sick.

So I have to work alone.

You can have a seat.

I'll bring you your usual coffee shortly.


Want to have some pastry too?



Thank you.

Here you are.


You give me a lot.

I give you extra.


You said you had some pastry for me too.

It's still in the oven.

But if you want to have beer,

just tell me.

I already bought it for you.

At this hour?

Come on.

Do you think of me as a drunkard already?


You were so drunk last night, you know?

So I don't want you to get upset

for not having beer prepared for you.

Besides beer,

I also have side dishes

and fried chicken.

I think you may like them.


Why are you being so nice to me?



I like you.


you already know that

I have a girlfriend.

Aren't you going to break up with her?

I never want to break up with her.

But yesterday

I saw you take off the ring.

So I thought

you were going to break up with her.


last night…

I had many can of beer.

I was drunk.

But you also said

you were happy.

when you were with me


I'm sorry for not making myself

clear to you.

This place

is where I do feel happy to be.

I get to see you.

You always listen to my problems.

And you make me feel comfortable.


I only think of you as a little sister to me.

I'm sorry for giving you

the wrong impression.

But I never think of you in such way.

It's okay.

I understand.

You are okay, right?


I am okay.

Please make yourself comfortable.

I'm going to check on your pastry.

Who's calling?

It's Namkhing's friend.

Which one?


Do you want to take this call?

Put her on speaker.

Pong, where are you?

Why aren't you at the café?


Namkhing said the café is closed today.

No, it's open.

But it will be closed soon.

What happened?

Yes, something happened.

And it's pretty serious.

Namkhing got rejected by P'Ton.

I have a presentation and

I can't go there.

Can you go check on Namkhing for me?

See if she's okay.

I need your bike.

Hey, that's my bike.


who is Ton?

I don't know.

He has taken my bike.

I want to be alone.


I don't want you to be alone.

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