Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 13 2017

TIME magazine named "The Silence Breakers" Person of the Year for 2017.

These are the women and men who shared their stories of assault, harassment and hostility

and publicly named their alleged abusers in Hollywood, the media, and politics.

But if you look closer, there's something else on the cover.

A hint that there are many more who don't — or can't — break that silence.

So while 2017 was a landmark year for talking about sexual assault, harassment, and rape,

a majority of the women and men who've felt violated don't speak out at all.

For every 1,000 rapes, it's estimated that only 310 are reported — that's just under

one third.

In fact, it's believed that rape is the most underreported crime.

Of those reported, only a fraction lead to arrest.

And only a fraction of those arrests lead to prosecution.

And only a fraction of those prosecuted are incarcerated.

And, when it comes to harassment,

Well, a U.S. government report found that when men and women were sexually harassed

at work, the least common response was to formally report it.

Only 30% of people did.

That means that for every three that reported, another 7 remained silent.

Another study cited in that EEOC report found that of the people who reported harassment

at work, 75% faced some sort of retaliation for doing so.

Which explains why so few people report their harassment: Fear.

In fact, fear is the number one reason people don't report.

Fear of retaliation for speaking out.

And this is why the Silence Breakers are a big deal.

2017 certainly feels like a year in which many, many, more people are speaking up in

spite of that fear.

But there's just so much more we don't know.

Even the statistics cited in this video — by their own admission — overrepresent the

experiences of straight white women, and probably don't accurately reflect the experiences

of women of color, men, lesbians, gays, or transgender people.

Which is to say that the stories of the few silence breakers that have come forward are

really just the tip of the elbow for all the people remaining silent.

For more infomation >> Why this elbow is a TIME person of the year - Duration: 2:41.


Mum, I Have Converted To Islam And It's For The Best | Woke Up Call - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Mum, I Have Converted To Islam And It's For The Best | Woke Up Call - Duration: 2:15.


Ai Là Cứu Tinh Thực Sự của Trung Quốc? | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 5:28.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

the Chinese Communist Party may be atheist,

but that doesn't mean they don't want to be worshipped.

Hi, welcome to China Uncensored,

I'm your host Chris Chappell.

Do you feel it brothers and sisters?

Do you feel the spirit move within you,

the spirit of socialism with Chinese characteristics?

You see, there's a new preacher in town

and his name is Xi Jinping.

And he's leading the great China revival,

or as he calls it national rejuvenation.

Advanced the new project of party building

as well as striving for socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era

and realizing the Chinese dreams of a national rejuvenation.

Praise be to Xi, it's a new era.

So get rid of your pictures of Jesus, he's not gonna save you,

and put up this photo of Xi Jinping.

No seriously, take down your pictures of Jesus

and put up one of Xi Jingping or else you lose your social services.

That's what Chinese Christians are being told in some really poor parts of China.

Yes, local communist officials in southeastern China

say they've been melting the heart ice in the hearts of religious believers

and helping turn them into believers in the party.

Just look at them go.

One local officials said:

"Many rural people are ignorant. They think God is their savior.

After our cadres work,

they'll realize their mistake and think:

We should no longer rely on Jesus, but on the party for help."

Who needs spiritual beliefs

when you can always turn to your loving totalitarian government.

Seriously, who needs spiritual beliefs,

write down their names and report them.

And really, who wouldn't want this wonderfully flattering portrait of Xi Jingping on their wall.

I didn't know that Xi was a fan of Meitu.

In fact, that airbrushing is so good,

I should really get my own version.

Okay, so there's no way to know whether or not this is sanctioned by Xi Jingping,

or if it's just some overzealous local officials trying to curry favor.

But morality is coming back to China,

and it will be guided by the most moral body of all -

The Communist Party.

Kind of like when your elephant sanctuary is run by Ivory Dealers R Us.

I hear they're starting one for white rhinos on the side.

Okay, so learning morality from an authoritarian regime

that's killed tens of millions of your people

and almost completely destroyed the moral and spiritual underpinnings of your culture

might seem a little dicey.

But the idea that China needs a moral revival is not new.

According to this survey by research firm Ipsos,

a shocking 47% of Chinese people rank moral decline

as one of China's top three problems,

more than in any other country.

But worry not my good Christian,

I mean, good Communist brothers and sisters,

because the Chinese Communist Party has released not just 10 commandments

but 68 commandments.

As part of China's great moral revival,

over the summer,

China's online entertainment industry was sent a new censorship directive.

They banned 68 different topics,

including things like underage drinking,

gambling, extreme violence, scantily clad people

and satirizing spiritual figures and beliefs.

But this kind of thing has been happening all year,

an update to the official state-run media style guide

banned a bunch of new words

along with crude language and online slang.

But along with crude online slang,

media are banned from using terms like Taiwan government

or Taiwan presidential elections.

Nope, those are leader elections in the region of Taiwan.

Just rolls off the tongue.

In addition, textbooks have been purged of immoral values as in - Western values.

And celebrity gossip blogs have also been shut down.

But before you start thinking,

maybe the CCP is on the right track with banning celebrity gossip,

just remember that it comes as part of the overall 'No-one gets free speech' package.

I mean, this is the same CCP that in 1999,

started killing people who practice Falun Gong meditation

because as state-run Xinhua put it:

"The so called 'Truth, Kindness and Tolerance' principle

preached by Falun Gong founder Li Hongzhi

has nothing in common with the socialist, ethical and cultural progress we striving to achieve."

And while other spiritual believers are also getting in trouble,

you'd better not believe in anything if you're a party member

other than the party, I mean.

So the Church of the Communist Party

will be light on kindness and heavy on Xi Jingping thought.

And the truth is,

there's not going to be a lot of tolerance unless you start putting up those posters.

So what do you think of China's moral revival

at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party.

Leave your comments below.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell,

see you next time.

Don't take Xi Jinping's name in vain

head over to Chinauncensored.TV

where you can learn way more about all he's done just save your soul.

Once again that's Chinauncensored.TV

For more infomation >> Ai Là Cứu Tinh Thực Sự của Trung Quốc? | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 5:28.


BhagavadRamanuja Vaibhavam Part 14 || Devotional || Bhakti Ranjani - Duration: 16:11.

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For more infomation >> BhagavadRamanuja Vaibhavam Part 14 || Devotional || Bhakti Ranjani - Duration: 16:11.


How to draw Santa Claus HAT - Duration: 2:11.

How to draw Santa Claus HAT

For more infomation >> How to draw Santa Claus HAT - Duration: 2:11.


Recording historic data from Excel to Google Sheets - Duration: 2:51.

hello I'm Dennis from Sheetgo and today I'm going to show you how to record

historic data from Excel to Google sheets for this you need Sheetgo, so if

you don't have Sheetgo yet click on the link in the description. so here I

have a spreadsheet with stock information and as first I have to save

this on my Google Drive for this I use drive for office so if you haven't

installed this yet click on the link in the description this is very easy to use

you just click on document save as you press the Google Drive button then again

save as and you give it a name like stock stock prices later than ok and

now it will automatically be saved on your Google Drive so now we have to go to an

empty spreadsheet to recover the stock prices into a Google sheet so let's go

to empty spreadsheet so for this you have to start off sheet go you go to

import then you go to append this means to import a sheet to this

spreadsheet below the previously imported data so it will be updated then

you select the stock prices data from today so this one you select a sheet

that you want to import this one you can give it an automatic update when you

want hourly daily weekly monthly we just keep it daily you can give it another

name like stock prices okay and then you just connect it so it's now connecting

and once this is done you can see it here already so these are just the stock

prices of the 21st of August so if we if you open this document in a few days you

can see it like this

this is you have to change this because this was an example but so let's change

this first to red but you can see it here already it says automatically

updated after a few days and these are historic stock prices so now we recorded

historic data to Google sheets this is very easy to do and I hope you learned

something if you have any questions leave them in the comments below this

video is based on my blog post so if you want to read more click on the link in

the description thank you for your time and if you like the video please put a

thump up have a good day bye

For more infomation >> Recording historic data from Excel to Google Sheets - Duration: 2:51.


Axol x Alex Skrindo - You - [ Beats Music ] - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Axol x Alex Skrindo - You - [ Beats Music ] - Duration: 3:16.


Entrevista a Rafael Zaragoza - Design Thinking en nuestro USER EXPERIENCE IMMERSIVE - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Entrevista a Rafael Zaragoza - Design Thinking en nuestro USER EXPERIENCE IMMERSIVE - Duration: 2:01.


Express Payload (with English Subtitle) - Duration: 12:50.

They have Pharah main

Be careful

Is our comp powerful enough?

Don't lose your confidence

Do we have enough damange?

Should be enough

We play by getting pick

Mei picks one then you hammer him

The target should be dead

Usual strat, I will wall right side then we go left side

Moira is ok, can outheal them

Can Moira's right click pass through Rein's shield?

Right click cannot pass through, only the orbs

No primary fire can pass through barrier

Only orbs do

How about Winston's primary?

Orisa again

Ready? I will wall right and we go left - Speedboost

1, 2, 3 go

Torb's turret far behind

No hook!

Come left (3x)


Be careful

Mercy got 2 hits!

Zenyatta down!

Mercy down

Orisa down

Pharah inside

I don't have left click, follow my orb

Almost have hammer down

Pharah commited suicide?


Torb changed to soldier

Pharah changed to Genji

And Tracer - Single tank

Tracer changed to D.Va

Get ready to be spammed

Don't feed the firestrike

I think he has earthshatter


I will pick Rein

Get ready to use charge

Genji (5x)

1 1 1

Omg my hammer disappeared


Genji below

Bottom left

Cut from there! (2x)

Nice - Alright

Rein alone! (2x)


You guys can go in

Go go go go go go

LOL I got Reaper

Can rez?

Err I don't have rez


They have reaper now, stand back a bit

Soldier changed to Reaper


Go back (3x)

AAHH wall!!!!

Such an egoistic wall

I can't. That was too high.

You should've entered under the bridge and walled me as well

Surprise hammer!

Oh sh*t ryuujin!

Oh come on, get real

No need (2x)

Disturb him!

Point point - Contest contest

Rein escaped

Zarya: I have ult Rein: ##### hammer (unclear)

Rein half

My mercy come here, my Mercy


Genji changed to Junkrat

Ready to pick? 1 ...

Zarya self bubbled


Nice one


Only Reaper left? Be careful

Oh nvm


Spawn camp (2x)

I'm ready to bodyblock

1 go left

Iced! (LOL)

Iced (another LUL)

Zenyatta very low! (2x)

I got Rein

Hammer down ready

No need

Mercy (2x)

What happened guys?


That hammer outta nowhere

That solo Q guy, what did he play?

Don't know - Not DPS IIRC

I think he played tank

No no no, he tanked

D.Va - Rein

Are you fine without Rein?

Ok, we can try

You can even go Symmetra

I don't like triple tank of defense

Not triple, but 2 and half

We can, as long as we don't go past choke we will be fine

I also want to play Symmetra actually

Zarya and Mei guard the choke

Junkrat will guard left side

They won't go through our def

The only thing left if they have Pharah, it's McCree's business

McCree and Mercy's together

(To Mercy) Hey! Where are you? Come and right click on me

Let's reenact the past event

A rat, a satan and a spider

They have Zarya D.Va

Oh, you are in front?

(To Junkrat) Don't give them 80 charge, be careful

Did they have D.Va just now?

They have - This is the line

Go back before you are walled by Mei


That happened

And they used rez, 30 seconds

3:20 next enemy rez available

Zarya low

Sorry, I mean I need healing

D.Va went up

I enter the house

Ok, split up and go back to choke

Go back to point

WTH, Lucio is flying so high

Can you rez me?

Thank you

Nice stagger - Nice wall

Go back to choke (2x)

Thank you for the rez

I will wall here

I have my trap on top. I will tell if it is triggered

Heal gamma first, heal me later

Someone is triggered up top - D.Va went up

Genji above!

Nice - I have grav

Genji on right

D.Va mech is going to be destroyed

D.Va no mech - Point first (2x)

On point (2x)

Lucio (2x)



Nice wall

Nice wall

Omg, his head was already shaking

Ah, I'm pissed

Eh, we don't need it. Omg

It's fine

My trap returns to the left side

I am guarding top

They have grav

Nodasque, don't keep hiding there, peek a bit

I need body (to tank) - Moira's orb deflected

Here comes the body

No no, wait wait

My trap is destroyed on left side


Left! (2x)

Point! (3x)



Kill Genji pls

Oh no - What!?

I got Lucio

We have valk

Someone's triggered

Oh G enji slashed me

Rip tire coming soon

Soldier half!

He's healed

Baby D.Va low


Genji half

Don't target Lucio (2x)

Nice one (2x)

Go back to choke (3x)

Ok, I'm still walking from spawn, taking a long time

Do you have bubble?

I have

Ok, I'm back

Ok guys, back (3x)

Zarya! - D.Va triggered


Zarya has no grav

10 seconds

You have grav, don't you?


Has enemy Zarya grav-ed?

Genji trying to get it - Can grav now!

Genji down

I still don't have grav, still 60%


This is a good game to end the day

This must be that one outta nowhere

Oh not that one

This is the one after "outta nowhere"

My wall is red? Esports ready

36 is gold elim

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