Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 13 2017

Guard-Lucas? Lucas? Lucas?


Lucas-what you want

For more infomation >> The Order Of The Assassins #1 - Lucas Patrick, The Ignorant (1 Season) - Duration: 13:10.


Patrick G Johnston - A Life Remembered - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Patrick G Johnston - A Life Remembered - Duration: 4:16.


With All Eyes On Alabama, Trump Gave Democrats Huge Middle Finger With What He Quietly Did. - Duration: 4:05.

With All Eyes On Alabama, Trump Gave Democrats Huge Middle Finger With What He Quietly Did.

Most of the country was focused on Alabama last night, and rightfully so, after perhaps

the ugliest campaign battle we've ever seen.

However, others were still hard at work while the rest of America paused – and President

Donald Trump just gave Democrats a huge middle finger with what he quietly did.

The left was recently responsible for some of the most disgusting, dirty, and vile tactics

we've ever seen during a campaign.

Sadly, they were successful as Democrat Doug Jones was able to pull off a narrow victory

over Republican Roy Moore.

Of course, we'll just have to wait and see how those sexual assault allegations against

Moore go now that the election is over.

In the opinion of many, now that the left no longer needs them, the accusers and their

claims will just fade away with nothing becoming of them whatsoever.

You know, kind of like what happened with Herman Cain.

Although most of the country paused to watch what was unfolding in Alabama, it seems that

wasn't the case for everyone.

In fact, President Donald Trump was still hard at work last night and was actually able

to give Democrats a huge middle finger with what he quietly did while most of us were


According to The Hill, President Trump picked up an important judicial nominee via a narrow

Senate confirmation.

At the end of the day, Trump managed to slip another right-leaning judge into the federal

court system which can only help our country in the long run.

"By a count of 50-48, the Senate voted to confirm the nomination of Leonard Steven Grasz

as circuit judge for the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, despite the fact that the American

Bar Association (ABA) rated the judge as "not qualified" for the position.

Of course, if the ABA were a non-partisan, unbiased arbiter of mere legal qualifications,

one might be concerned.

However, since we're dealing with what Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse has called a "liberal

advocacy organization," their ratings of Trump's nominees mean a lot less."

"That's not a bad thing.

You can be a liberal advocacy organization," Senator Sasse said last month during a Judiciary

Committee hearing.

"You have First Amendment rights and you should use them.

What's not OK is being a liberal advocacy organization and be masquerading as a neutral

evaluator of these judicial candidates."

As always seems to be the case these days, Democrats are angry.

For one, they lost again.

However, they're actually telling the American people that they have the moral high ground

on this.

"A panel of nonpartisan, legal experts unanimously concluded that this man is not fit to be a

judge," said Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.).

"What else do my colleagues need to know?"

Schumer added that "more broadly, these attacks, in small but important ways, diminish

our democracy."

Too bad for him, he's wrong – and Trump knows that he's wrong and is about to make

sure it never happens again.

As it turns out, Trump's administration officially put the ABA on notice in March

that it will no longer be invited to review the president's judicial nominees.

In short, he's discredited the group by hinting at the fact that they too are "fake


Democrats may be celebrating their win in Alabama today, but they're still losing

big time.

Alabama was the first real win they've had in a long time, and it really doesn't do

them much good, seeing how much they've lost recently.

Sure, they get another vote on the left, but they're still the minority, and the only

thing they can do is lie and use pathetic delay tactics.

The end is near for Democrats – and although they may be loud and boisterous, all we're

really hearing is the death rattles of a dying party.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> With All Eyes On Alabama, Trump Gave Democrats Huge Middle Finger With What He Quietly Did. - Duration: 4:05.


Mini Arranjos de Buxinhos Artificiais para Lavabo e Banheiro | Eleny Inoue - Nature Flores - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Mini Arranjos de Buxinhos Artificiais para Lavabo e Banheiro | Eleny Inoue - Nature Flores - Duration: 3:29.


Zedd & Liam Payne - Get Low (Big Z Remix) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:22.

Chained to a love

But that don't mean much

Sensitive tough, you don't get enough

I've been drowning in your, lost in the rush

Faded, you stuck? I'll help you up

I don't care if we get too loud

Sexy, I want you now

Bet I could take you there

Whispering in your ear

What do you wanna feel?

Let's just enjoy the thrill

I'll take over the wheel

And give you the touch you're missing

Get low, get low

Hands on your waist, let's go

Get low, get low

Girl, you got the vibe, I'm up for the climb

Get low, get low

Hands on your waist, let's go

Get low, get low

Girl, you got the vibe, I'm up for the climb, get low

Girl, you got the vibe, I'm up for the climb

Beautiful as you are, I wanna light up your dark

Maybe you don't believe in me

It's hard to know what you see in me

Don't be quick to say no

My chest is your pillow

Come out of the shadows, I know that you're fragile, yeah

I don't care if we get too loud

Sexy, I want you now

Bet I could take you there

Whispering in your ear

What do you wanna feel?

Let's just enjoy the thrill

I'll take over the wheel

And give you the touch you're missing

Get low, get low

Hands on your waist, let's go

Get low, get low

Girl, you got the vibe, I'm up for the climb

Get low, get low

Hands on your waist, let's go

Get low, get low

Girl, you got the vibe, I'm up for the climb

I'm right here, you know, when your waves explode

Escape the undertow

Know that you've been broken

Know that you've been hoping

Swimming in your ocean

A new life is floating

The stars were made to shine

Reach up and make a wish

It's a beautiful time, I hope you take a glimpse

We're the sound of lovers blowing crazy in the wind

You don't have to pretend

I don't care where you've been

Get low

Get low

Get low

Get low

Girl, you got the vibe, I'm up for the climb

I like the way you take me there

I like the way you touch yourself

Don't hold back, I want that

When the water come down, I'mma get in that

Get low, get low

Hands on your waist, let's go

Get low, get low

Girl, you got the vibe, I'm up for the climb

For more infomation >> Zedd & Liam Payne - Get Low (Big Z Remix) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:22.


Herman and Sharron - Caren Clevenger "Eternity With Your Pets" - Duration: 28:31.

For more infomation >> Herman and Sharron - Caren Clevenger "Eternity With Your Pets" - Duration: 28:31.


Do This For 20 Minutes Before Going to Bed, will Change Your Skin Complexion Overnight - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Do This For 20 Minutes Before Going to Bed, will Change Your Skin Complexion Overnight - Duration: 1:55.


angry - Duration: 0:07.

I know what men can do when they're angry.

For more infomation >> angry - Duration: 0:07.


👽 ▶ THE BEST VIEWS OVNIS, December 2017, REAL OVNIS CATCHED BY CAMARA 2018, Ufo 2018 - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> 👽 ▶ THE BEST VIEWS OVNIS, December 2017, REAL OVNIS CATCHED BY CAMARA 2018, Ufo 2018 - Duration: 5:20.


14 - Estocolmo - Mais Um Dia - As Viagens do Gerson - Duration: 1:58.

I just wanna say that life is so fast.

and if we won't work hard to make our dreams come true,

everybody will die frustrated.

Little by little I'm becoming swedish.

My first week in Stockholm,

and I'm using T-shirt.

Well, things are getting better.

After one week herer I can say:

Today it's hot!

It's a hot day!

Today I can go out using a T-shirt and don't feel cold.

And don't forget!!!

Subscribe at this channel!!

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Share it!!

And activate the notifications,

at the little bell!

It's 19:05 and there's this wonderful sun!

But it doesn't mean that it's hot!

When it's close to 18:00, 19:00

temperatures starts to fall down, ever with the sun in the sky.

Do, don't come over here fantasizing a hot weatheruntil 10 PM,

because it doesn't exist.

But it's beautiful!!

My last moments in this room,

in Acco hostel,

Now I'm going to another hostel,

at downtown,

it's half of the price,

I'll stay there one day and one night,

and then,

go to another couchsurfer who will host me for two days.

For more infomation >> 14 - Estocolmo - Mais Um Dia - As Viagens do Gerson - Duration: 1:58.


Helmet Blower & Duct Tape - Racing Tech Tip - - Duration: 1:14.

What's up everybody, this is Ryan with

Tech Tip about the helmet air blower system

Show you how to save the hose from fraying

Have had problems with the air hose actually getting cut by the decking

A little bit of duct tape can go a long way

Put some duct tape on the end to help secure the rubber end to the hose.

Some tape here to protect it from the underside of the car and from the decking

Add a layer to the edge of the decking itself

Put some tape & a zip tie around the top that can move freely it's always where it...

needs to be. Racing Tech Tips

For more infomation >> Helmet Blower & Duct Tape - Racing Tech Tip - - Duration: 1:14.


How to cook Biko-eating all day! - Duration: 10:25.

good morning guys

it's already 9:25 Sam is still sleeping so I voted tidy up the house as I didn't

go back to sleep anymore so we have people coming over this afternoon and

I'm gonna make biko and I'm like why not blog this so um yeah I'll show you

how to make biko and this is the first time I'm gonna make it so if this is a

fail then it's a bail oh God then that's good I could share it with

you so here you go the ingredients are some giving this rice coconut cream

coconut milk we also need some butter and brown sugar just gonna get those

okay so first we're gonna make the link which is you know the brown yummy thingy

on top of the people and we're gonna use coconut Kingford I spread the recipe

needs 2 cups of coconut cream but because I'm gonna double up the recipe

I'm gonna make 4 cups of lemonade 4 cups of coconut cream and it just you just

need to pour it in a pan and I'm just gonna

continuously mixing it and then once it thickens why is the curd separated from

the liquid oil or the coconut oil then there's still nothing and the coconut

oil we're going to use as well to grease the pan and so while that's going I'm

gonna clean up the rice this year we'll wash the glutinous rice

- very cool um the oil is slowly separating from the curd so it's gonna

like burn baby so let me guess anything

thing over there and coconut oil we are now going to start on the rice part of

it so from the oil from the coconut oil we're gonna grease the pan

so we're just gonna tell the Wrightsville so now it's a little bit

thick and already I'm gonna add the sugar and we're gonna add two cups of

brown sugar so there it is it's not that far because I didn't use dark brown

sugar so it's just a little bit lighter than usual

I think the rice is cooked already I just need to let the liquid evaporate a

little bit more I wanted to be a little bit more thicker and is that worried

like which

okay Louie thank you first wonderful third we thank you for marvelous most

astonishing day thank you for my most wonderful most

amazing most kick-ass SWAT and thank you was wonderful third and cross thing so

we have got leftover schnitzel fries fried chicken and seafood chowder yo you

some people shakers oh my gosh look at the guard

that's like Ronin a psycho oh my gosh

guys they got my 18 year old boyfriend back look look at that smooth as a

baby's butt here's a gravel beam oh thank you thank you

I know I am yeah show me a lovely face max yes baby

I'm Jewish I people gonna be like oh hey this guy who's um I thought II am I

gonna recognize me oh yeah you have to introduce yourself

again to people yeah yeah it's like I got my husband back head up asylum

that'd be it I've had that's like six months at least I'm happy yeah

definitely I gotta go down do some shopping okay

it's awesome so we'll just see how play Islamically

and then forgert then we can probably simply not but more than likely maybe

Saturday nights at the moment okay so we're just having dinner and then cook

up some fried rice and I just cooked up some fried rice and some egg and Sam as

well and we're just gonna have dinner as you guys notice or if not the cinema we

often eat here in the lounge more than the dining table sometimes it will just

use it for one day every Saturday morning long I know it's bad because

that's the dining table but we love watching Netflix while eating the says

so it's again bad but that makes us happy so we're just gonna have dinner

okay Elsa yes please I made it tastes like

hello we thank you for this food we thank you for this wonderful most

wonderful day this lovely fellowship that we hear or the all the more like

our friends coming through evening you know lots of lovely banter and

fellowship and sharing and lots and lots of love coming around

we think your Lord for that time and we thank you so much for allowing us to

present with such lovely lovely and hospitality today thank you Lord for

giving us such a stirred thank you Lord in Christ's name Amen


For more infomation >> How to cook Biko-eating all day! - Duration: 10:25.


Ocarina Harmony Performance of a Gentle Tree Sound ♫ No. 36 "Ninja Sasuke" Animation Song - Duration: 2:08.

Ocalina harmony playing of a gentle tree tone ♫ № 36 "Ninja Sasuke" Showa's animation song

For more infomation >> Ocarina Harmony Performance of a Gentle Tree Sound ♫ No. 36 "Ninja Sasuke" Animation Song - Duration: 2:08.


Too dark for you | the static speaks my name - Duration: 11:25.

Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en

Welcome to the static speaks my name

I don't know what is this game about. It's a free game, so I'm curious

Shall we begin?

Looks like I'm in outer space

Oh, I can move

Name: Jacob Ernholtz, age: 31, method: asphyxiation by hanging

the static speaks my name

Where am I?

Today will be a better day

3:22 AM. Go back to sleep

Use the bathroom

Oh, that's amazing

Ok, I'm done

I need to wash my hand. Oh god.. Gross..

Oh, the keys

What is it for?

What is going on?

Zombie apocalypse?

This is really cold here. So cold!

Too many TVs

The Bahamas

What is so special about the palm trees?

And the island...

It's empty


Feed the shrimps

Whoa wait! What did you say?

I ate the shrimp...

I just ate the shrimp...

Raw shrimp...

No thanks

What is my objective?

If I ate all of the shrimps, then I will get a new objective

Press "G"

Press "G" again

Clean the microwave


The man in the cage?!

Who am I? Am I a murderer?

Where is the man in the cage?

I need to find him

Where is he?

Is that what the guy wants?

What else can I do?

Mom, I guess I'm supposed to write a note? First off, I don't want you to blame yourself

And with dad gone I'm sorry I have to leave you too. Please don't be angry with me...

Their faces...


I thought I had the keys

He's dead

What the hell did I do with him?

Why did I put the man in the cage? I don't know the whole story

Need sleep

This game is all about the people who commit suicide

This is really dark

Ok... You're welcome...

Oh, it's done

Oh wow ok

That's definitely dark

Thank you for watching. Please click Subscribe, Like, Share

or whatever that will help me a lot. See you in the next video

For more infomation >> Too dark for you | the static speaks my name - Duration: 11:25.


Ceasing to Do. Ceasing Effort. - Duration: 5:56.

Today I want to talk about ceasing to do. It's probably more accurate to say

minimize effort or ceasing to efforting... basically. It's kind's the

realization that you can live in the world such that you don't have to use

two oars...rowing quite vigorously...going against the stream to try to get

somewhere. You can use one oar and fairly effortlessly steer downstream and use

the entire strength of the river to get where you're going; and know...this

is a principle that I try to put in the forefront of when I'm talking to people

is we've been doing things forever... years. Different spiritual practices;

different attempts to do this, that, or the other thing; and really it's all this

doing is an and of itself. Even a lot of the basic spiritual

teachings we hear about are put in a rather egoic "doing" way. For example, you

hear let go. And then a lot of the nondual people will say, "well who's

gonna let go?" To a certain extent they are true..that you know, they're onto

something there when they say that, because it's like if you're holding on

to a bag of know, in your hand. You's in your hand

only so long as you're making the effort to hold on. As soon as you cease making

the effort, the bag falls away. Gravity pulls it away. The very nature is not

holding on...our very nature...our inherent nature is to not hold on. It is we

that is holding on; and so, it's not so much a letting go,

which is another egoic way of putting it, but a ceasing to hold on.

Likewise you'll hear people say, well you know...we should allow. Allowing is kind of

an egoic way. You can egoicly try to allow; however, allowing is not what we're

doing. We're resisting. That's what we're doing; and so the trick is to cease

resisting. If we cease resisting, we automatically

allow. Some people say, well we need to accept. Well, accepting isn't the issue.

It's the fact that we're denying. That's where we're making the effort. We're

denying. If we cease denying, acceptance automatically occurs. And so, this is kind

of the principle...the same...similar principle to like silence or stillness.

You know, if the goal is to be do you do it?

Well, whatever action you make; however, whatever movement you actually

counter to stillness. If you're trying to get silence, whatever...if you keep talking

about it or making're destroying the silence. The way to get

stillness or silence is cease doing. If you cease making noise, there's silence.

If you cease moving, there's stillness. And so, I try to swap it around and that it's

not a trying to do. So, in a very same way, you'll hear it's not about's

being. Well becoming is a doing. We're trying to do something. It's not about's about being...or at least realizing, you know, what is's

the illusions of the mind and ignorance that are the obstacle. It's not trying to

become something. And so, this is kind of a change of direction and focus, because

so many people will ask me, "well, what should I do?" I keep telling them...don't

do anything. Doing is the problem. You've been doing for've been

doing all these practices and inquiries and contemplations and everything else.

Try cease doing. Try to not do anything. If you need kind of a practice, you know,

just kind for where you're making the effort and cease

making those efforts. And, it will naturally bring us back to a more

natural state, because...a lot of times you'll also hear Awakening from or being or however you want to say...the natural state. Well, do you get to the natural state? By not trying to do something.

It's our doing that is the unnatural part; and so, we need to cease doing or

cease making the effort. Minimizing the effort...and allow stillness...silence...allow

awareness to perhaps see what-is as it is. And so, I think it's important to

realize or be aware of how much effort and doing and practice we're doing and

what we're...and trying to become...and look at all that and go its the wrong

direction. It hasn't gotten me to where I want to go...and truthfully, it never will....

because, if enlightenment could be said as seeing through the illusion...

illusory "I" or seeing through the "me" or maybe some people might say...overcoming

the ego...but it's more...seeing through the ego...

what can the ego do to see through itself? Absolutely nothing. Anything the ego

does only reinforces and strengthens the illusion of ego; and so, it's not about

doing. It's not about doing; and we do far too much. We need to pull back from the

doing and just try not doing. Which isn't really an effort. Not doing isn't an

effort...its ceasing to make the effort; and then what's left behind is stillness,

silence, and such. So I hope this helps. If you need any further explanation, put a

comment below and I'll see what I can do. Thank you!

For more infomation >> Ceasing to Do. Ceasing Effort. - Duration: 5:56.


President Trump to Sign Space Policy Directive Today at 3PM EST - Duration: 3:47.


Trump to Sign Space Policy Directive Today at 3PM (EST) � Watch Live

President Trump will sign Space Policy Directive 1 at 3:00 pm tomorrow at a White House ceremony.

The directive apparently will make a human return to the lunar surface part of U.S. space

policy. That will override the Obama Administration�s policy to eschew a return to the lunar surface

in favor of focusing on sending humans to Mars with an encounter with an asteroid as

an interim goal.

As of Sunday evening, it was not clear if the event would be covered in real time by

national news media or NASA TV.

The event is timed to coincide with the 45th anniversary of the Apollo 17 mission � the

last time humans walked on the surface of the Moon.

[Today], December 11, is the exact anniversary of the date that Apollo 17 commander Gene

Cernan and Lunar Module Pilot Harrison �Jack� Schmitt landed on the Moon while Command Module

Pilot Ron Evans orbited overhead. Cernan died earlier this year. Evans died in 1990. Schmitt

is still active in space policy and is expected to be at the White House ceremony [today].

Vice President Mike Pence chairs the National Space Council. At the first meeting of the

Council on October 5, he directed that a Decision Memorandum be prepared for the President to

amend U.S. National Space Policy to say: �We shall lead an innovative and sustainable program

of exploration with commercial and international partners to enable human expansion across

the solar system to bring new knowledge and opportunities. Beginning with missions beyond

low Earth orbit, the United States will lead to return humans to the Moon for long term

exploration followed by human missions to Mars and other destinations.�

It is that Decision Memorandum that apparently will be signed tomorow.

Along with Schmitt, other invited guests are rumored to be from Congress and space organizations

including the Commercial Spaceflight Federation, the Coalition for Deep Space Exploration,

and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

President Obama cancelled the George W. Bush Administration�s Constellation program to

return humans to the Moon by 2020 and then go on to Mars. In an April 15, 2010 speech

at Kennedy Space Center, he said there was no need to return to the Moon�s surface:

�We�ve been there before. � There�s a lot more of space to explore.� Instead,

he directed NASA to focus on sending humans to an asteroid as a steppingstone to Mars.

Over the years, that morphed into the controversial Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM) that would

have used a robotic spacecraft to divert an asteroid into lunar orbit where it could be

studied by astronauts. ARM never won widespread support in Congress or the space community

and Trump�s proposal to terminate the program shortly after taking office was not challenged.

For more infomation >> President Trump to Sign Space Policy Directive Today at 3PM EST - Duration: 3:47.


ill Payne - Pursuit 72 Gucci Flip Flops Review (Official Audio) - Duration: 4:04.

i blow a bag she blow my d*ck

Real N*gga Sh*t

Counting blue cheese

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci Flip Flops. (So much designer)

i'll never chase these H*es x 6

just put in that work and ignore these h*es

The pu$$y gone come thats the way it goes!


Young n*gga never had a job but he got his sh*t lock.

Three grand for your rent just spent that all on god damn flip flops

Want to know if i move grams and if i got that work in a god damn zip lock

One grand for my socks and five times that for my god damn wrist watch

Got n*ggaz hating my bishop (Juice)

Got b*tches acting malicious

Broke n*ggaz acting suspicious

I be getting money like a religion


Fu*kin other n*ggaz b*tches


Who she choose is her decision


You try to keep her in prison


She sh*t on you like a pigeon... HA!

She be dancing to my rhythm

Maybe she's seeing my vision

Stupid n*gga need some wisdom .. yea i tried to warn him he didn't listen

First you get the money

Then you get the power then the respect

Tried to copy my dab so he ran up a check no food in his fridge and bills to his neck god damn

Designer just ruin your life x 3

it fu*ked over you and your wife.

Gucci just ruin your life louis just ruin your life

Versace just ruin your life it f*cked over you and your wife AYE!

i'll never chase these h*es x 6

just put in that work ignore these h*es.

The Pu$$y gone come thats the way it goes.

Pursuit AYE

72 im fly till 72 im finna get high till 72

and sling this d*ck till 72


Pursuit AYE

72 im fly till 72 they say the good die young

Well tell you the truth i'll die bout 72


Pursuit AYE

72 im fly till 72 im finna get high till 72

and sling this d*ck till 72


Pursuit AYE

72 im fly till 72 they say the good die young

Well tell you the truth i'll die bout 72

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci Flip Flops.

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci...

Aye Pull up im groovy feel like a movie

Spend about a car on some jewellery and buss it all down for the foolery

Out with the old now the new me , now a n*gga got class like UWI

They didn't know me then now they knew me

All this white designer this coonery

But designer won't ruin my life, started some businesses doing it right

Paid in my sleep while you toil in the night

F*ck her in Gucci yea all off the hype!

She saw them Gs and G A G on my pipe

A G is me i been a G all my life

Spray in her face then im out for the night

She be calling me back cause im doing it right and...

i'll never chase these h*es x 6

just put in that work ignore these h*es.

the Pu$$y gone come thats the way it goes!

Pursuit AYE

72 im fly till 72 im finna get high till 72

and sling this d*ck till 72


Pursuit AYE

72 im fly till 72 they say the good die young

Well tell you the truth i'll die bout 72

Pursuit AYE

72 im fly till 72 im finna get high till 72

and sling this d*ck till 72


Pursuit AYE

72 im fly till 72 they say the good die young

Well tell you the truth i'll die bout 72

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci Flip Flops.

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci Flip Flops.

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci Flip Flops.

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci Flip Flops.

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci Flip Flops.

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci Flip Flops.

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci Flip Flops.

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci Flip Flops.

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci Flip Flops.

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci Flip Flops.

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci...

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci...

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci...

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci...

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci...

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci...

I just f*cked your b*tch in some Gucci...

For more infomation >> ill Payne - Pursuit 72 Gucci Flip Flops Review (Official Audio) - Duration: 4:04.


The Fix NICS Act of 2017! - The Legal Brief - Duration: 11:38.

Welcome back to The Legal Brief, the show where we CRUSH the various legal myths and

misinformation surrounding various areas of the gun world.

I'm your host Adam Kraut and today we're talking about the bill everyone is talking about,

and no I'm not talking about National Reciprocity, we already covered that,

the Fix NICS Act of 2017.

February will be here before you know it and that means the NRA Board of Directors ballot

will be arriving in your monthly magazine soon.

To learn more about my stance on the problems gun owners face, head on over to my website

While you're there, don't forget to grab a petition to amend the bylaws.

The link is in the description.

Last week, we saw the House of Representatives pass the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of

2017 and the Fix NICS Act of 2017.

While the passage of national reciprocity is a HUGE deal, it seems people are more interested

in discussing the Fix NICS Act.

Why are people more interested in talking about that?

Representative Massie and several gun lobby organizations have been sounding the alarm

that Fix NICS is a trojan horse, which will result in more individuals losing their rights.

The question I have is are they right?

Before we dive into the details, how did we get here?

The Fix NICS act was combined with the language from the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act and

they were voted on as one bill.

Now that it is in the Senate, there are several things that can happen.

First, the Senate could pass the bill exactly as it was sent to them.

If that is the case, off to the President's desk it goes for his signature.

The Senate can also pass their own version of the bill, which would result in the two

bills going to conference.

When bills go to conference, members from both the House and the Senate revise the language

of the bills and come up with a final version.

Once they create a final version, the bill is sent back to both chambers, where it is

either voted up or down.

There are no further amendments that can be added to it at that point.

If both chambers vote to pass the bill, it goes to the President for signature.

If one chamber fails to adopt it, the bill dies and that's the end.

There is one other scenario of "ping pong" that is less likely to happen, so we won't

cover that today.

Now that we know what could happen with the bill, what exactly does Fix NICS say?

Section two deals with the accountability for federal departments and agencies.

It requires that on a semiannual basis, the head of the department or agency shall submit

a written certification indicating whether the department or agency is in compliance

with the record submission requirements.

For those wondering, the law already specifies and requires that record submissions are to

be done no less than on a quarterly basis.

And those records are ones that prohibit individuals from possessing firearms and ammunition.

The bill requires that within 1 year from the date of enactment, the head of the department

or agency, with the assistance of the Attorney General, must establish a plan to ensure maximum

coordination and automated reporting or making records available to the AG.

It also requires that the accuracy of those records be verified.

The bill also sets up benchmark requirements to measure the progress.

You may be asking yourself, well that's all well and good, but if the law already specifies

that departments and agencies have to report these records then why does this matter?

As we stand right now, there are no "penalties" for non compliance.

The bill seeks to address that by adding a section on accountability.

A novel concept for government agencies.

And remember guys, the whole point of this is to ensure the NICS system has a complete

set of records, so that prohibited persons do not slip through the cracks.

The bill would require the Attorney General to publish a semiannual report which discloses

the names of the departments or agencies that failed to comply with the certification requirements.

The report would also list the reasons the AG has determined the department or agency

is not in compliance.

So we have public shaming.

In reality, is that going to work?

Probably not.

However, the House has decided to hit people where it hurts, their wallet.

From 2019-2022, a political appointee of a department or agency that has failed to certify

compliance and is not in substantial compliance shall not be eligible for bonus pay until

the department or agency remedies the defect.

I don't know about you, but where I work, they are hesitant to pay me for not doing

my job, let alone bonuses.

So, in essence, we have a section that requires federal departments and agencies to report

records of individuals who would be prohibited under the Gun Control Act, require them to

certify that records are being reported and penalizing political appointees who manage

departments or agencies that aren't in compliance.

The next section reauthorizes the NICS Act Record Improvement Program.

The only thing that jumps out in this section is the establishment of a priority area for

a Domestic Abuse and Violence Prevention Initiative which would emphasize the need for grantees

to identify and upload all felony conviction and domestic violence records.

Again, adding to the records of individuals who would be prohibited under federal law.

Section four reauthorizes the National Criminal History Improvement Program.

Again, not much worthy of discussion in this section.

However, I did find it interesting that the language would amend the law to include the

integration of national, state and local criminal record systems to identify individuals who

have been convicted of a crime punishable for a term exceeding one year.

If you recall, the GCA prohibits individuals who are convicted of a crime punishable by

more than one year imprisonment from possessing firearms and ammunition.

Included in that definition are individuals convicted of state law misdemeanors punishable

by more than two years imprisonment.

In essence, this section again, ups the reporting requirements for agencies.

The bill also requires state and Indian tribal governments to establish a plan to ensure

maximum coordination and automated reporting or making records available to the Attorney


This section carries similar requirements as it does for the federal departments and

agencies we discussed earlier.

However, unlike the "punishment" aspect for political appointees, the bill uses a carrot

and stick approach for states.

Comply with the requirements, and get preference for grants.

Fail to comply, and funding may become more difficult to obtain as other states and tribal

governments would have preference for the grants.

Lastly, the bill has a provision for the Bureau of Justice Statistics to prepare a written

report, within 6 months of the passage of the bill, to be presented to both the Judiciary

Committees of the House and Senate.

The report would specify the number of times a bump-fire stock has been used in the commission

of a crime.

I'll venture a guess that the number is staggeringly low.

So what exactly are Representative Massie and others raising the alarm about?

Well, for one, they all cite to the fact that Senators Feinstein and Schumer are sponsors

of the Senate's version of the bill.

Fair point.

Massie also points to the fact that there are 790 million dollars authorized in the

bill as incentives to introduce more names into the NICS database.

In other words, he believes that the reportings will increase and be subject to records the

sitting AG at the time believes belong in the database.

Now you may recall us previously covering the Social Security Administration and it's

proposed regulation for reporting individuals to the NICS system.

The SSA entered into rulemaking under the Obama administration and actually created

a regulation that would have required the reporting of individuals who were deemed mentally

defective to manage their financial affairs.

At the beginning of this year Congress repealed that regulation.

However, the Veterans Administration is and has been engaging in that same conduct, only

without having gone through the formal process of creating a regulation.

This is leaving a number of veterans unable to exercise their Second Amendment rights

and fails to provide them with due process.

Whether or not Fix NICS is implemented, this has been and continues to be a problem.

The question that arises, is whether Fix NICS will increase the number of individuals being

reported under similar conditions and accepted by a sitting Attorney General's interpretation

of the law.

There have also been discussions about simple things such as unpaid traffic tickets leading

to individuals being prohibited.

It is true that an unpaid traffic ticket can result in a bench warrant being issued for

your arrest.

The question then becomes, are you actually a fugitive from justice, which is a prohibiting


It's hard to say.

The Gun Control Act defines the term to mean "any person who has fled from any State to

avoid prosecution for a crime or to avoid giving testimony in any criminal proceeding."

While it is unlikely that the majority of people flee from the state where the ticket

was issued to avoid prosecution, it is certainly possible that a person may be denied on the

basis of being a fugitive from justice.

In fact, it happens already.

The question remains, does the bill result in more individuals in that situation being

reported, or, are they already being reported anyway?

So what's the bottom line?

The bill offers incentives to agencies, departments and states to comply with the law.

At the federal level, if the agency or department is in compliance, the political appointee

running the show is eligible for bonus pay.

Failure to comply means the agency or department is placed on the naughty list and that political

appointee is not eligible for bonus money.

For the states, it is a similar approach.

In compliance, here is preferential treatment for more grant money.

Failure to comply?

You may be eligible for grant money, after we go through all the people who get preferential


It's like getting picked last for dodgeball.

The concern remains, whether or not the records being reported are accurate.

There is a huge problem with an administrative agency adjudicating someone as a mental defective

and reporting them to NICS without giving them due process.

Then we have the traffic ticket scenario.

Those individuals may not actually be fugitives from justice by definition, but may be reported


It is worth noting that NICS does have issues with false positives and one could extrapolate

that if more records are being fed into the system, it will exacerbate that problem.

As far as what others are saying, I've included links in the description so you can see what

the NRA, GOA, Representative Massie and others are saying about Fix NICS.

As with any system relying on a database, it is only as good as the information in it.

Given NICS has issues with false positives, I'm inclined to take issue with the Fix NICS


On a personal note, and this is what I told my Representative prior to the House voting

on the bill, I'd like to see National Reciprocity Fix NICS voted on as two separate bills.

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For more infomation >> The Fix NICS Act of 2017! - The Legal Brief - Duration: 11:38.


JourneyQuest S03E05 – Algo Profano - Duration: 20:31.

For more infomation >> JourneyQuest S03E05 – Algo Profano - Duration: 20:31.


THREE IDIOTS PLAY CoD: WW II - Duration: 10:15.

Hi fellers.


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