Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 13 2017

Hi, How are you?

I am Sara Hussein

and this is my YouTube Channel

Last Summer, I went on a one month training in France in a small city

called Limoges

And I visited Oradour sur Glane on a weekend

and I would like to share with you

some of my videos which I shot there

and tell the story of Oradour sur Glane

Oradour Sur Glane is a small village located on centre of France

In 10 june 1944,

It was attacked by the Nazi

Children and Women were taken to the church

and men to the barns

and a huge massacre was done

with hand bombs and guns

and all of the population was killed

and to make sure everyone was dead

The soldiers piled wood and straw on the bodies and set them on fire

to make sure everyone was dead

and there was orders to disfigure the faces of the dead

so they wouldn't be identified

and they did.

Only 26 person could be identified

from 642 victims

including men, women, elder people and children

There were people died while sleeping

A one week old infant was burned in the village's oven

The victims were from all ages

from one week to a 90 years old lady

No one knows why Oradour Sur Glane

Maybe because of its role in the resistance

Resistance of the Occupation

Some people say there was an order for another village with the same "Oradour sur.."

and another last name

and it was a mistake

But no one knows until now where the truth is

Why Oradour Sur Glane?

The general who was in charge got killed afterward in Normandy

Most Soldiers who were involved in the massacre got killed

in incidents after

I have visited the village

They left it as it is

The village is damaged completely




Only written tags

This is where the Pharmacy was

This is where the bakery was

For example, a tag saying here a person was burned alive

and they only found Calcium remains of him

There was no bone, no flesh

A museum containing victims photos

Collectibles they found, is established in the village

I noticed the watches stopped at the time of the attack

The French built a new Oradour Sur Glane with the same system

People live there

For more infomation >> [ Vlog ] Trip to :Oradour sur Glane - Duration: 8:33.


Soul Gem In Wakanda CONFIRMED?! Black Panther Trailer - Avengers Infinity War Infinity Stones Theory - Duration: 8:13.

so third sister Sophie may become the Kangas an iconic Nina she Michener EEMA

avocado toast eight explorers has searched for centuries the Golden City

it's a technological marvel technically the king

if anyone found out what we truly are what we possess

it could destroy the world some matters man it is my duty to protect it in value

my son it is your time one more demo co-op cool cool

the king of Wakanda is here how much more you hiding Karan you are

more stood smoke Olga it is lighter completely it absorbs

energy for redistribution

black pant I waited my entire life for this

the world's gonna start over I'm gonna be on top what do you want I

want the tomorrow

what is good YouTube Warstu here with a video on black panther so recently

over the last few days Marvel released a new international trailer for black

panther this was expected now that the latest Star Wars movie the last Jedi is

out there going to be vamping up their promotions for the next big movie which

will be black panther we already know that Kevin Feige said there's a massive

crossover from Black Panther to Avengers infinity war Avengers 3 starting and we

already know this as there's going to be a massive fight with Thanos showing up

in Wakanda and the biggest theory going around is he's gonna show up in Wakanda

because that is where the soul stone is so within this trailer we do see a lot

of cool stuff we find out that Wakanda is kind of like the famous Korra in DC

it's like a hidden place that no one knows about until it's discovered but

the only difference is what Condor is kind of like a paradise for technology

we know that Black Panther is going to use a vibranium to make new Iron Man

suits as it's gonna get a major upgrade we do see the black panther suit gets a

massive upgrade to the point where it can basically bulletproof absorb energy

and use it back so it's basically gonna be a movie that's gonna be highlighting

all the different tribes inside will Conda Conda is just the place there's

lots of different cities and tribes inside this one place which is very

interesting and it's just gonna show you how powerful the technology that the

Wakanda I guess Black Panther has in terms to people like Iron Man because

realistically in terms of wealth black panther makes Tony Stark look basically

homeless which is very interesting so a lot of people expect in the soulstone to

be revealed within this movie and that does make a hell a lot of sense

because in order for fan asks to take all the stones they need to be revealed

before the end of this movie as the soul stone has been missing for so long a lot

of people still think it's with Heindel but it makes a lot more sense for the

actual soul stone to be revealed inside the Black Panther movie and I'm

expecting it to be revealed inside the Black Panther movie the fact that Thanos

is coming for all the stones and there's a massive war inside the Infinity Ward

trailer tells me that something big is going to go down there it's not going to

be the case that phallus and the black order coming to a condo in order to get

the technology phallus doesn't have any he doesn't need the technology he just

needs two stones in order to carry out his plan so a recent kind of commodity a

gas thing that I've come across is Tony Stark in the latest trailer is doing

something pretty weird there's a scene that where it appears that someone's

using the time style and time has stopped as Tony Stark is the only person

that can be moved so a lot of people expect of theorizing that Tony Stark may

be with the kind of arc receptor that he has well basin with his suits that he is

the seventh infinity stone which kind of makes no sense but if you go back to age

of Ultron where Loki tapped in with the Taz Iraq it didn't affect him because in

order for that to affect him it would have to happen to have touched his

actual body but it touched the kind of reactor it didn't touch him so a lot of

people were theorizing that Tony Stark will get this back in the Avengers

infinity war at least like part 1 or part 2 because it's still cool part 1

apart - but it gives a massive spoiler away so they can't tell you why so I

think it would be quite interesting if Tony Stark was indirectly one of the

kind of secret Infinity stones that theory

sound pretty ludicrous but except for that there's not real that much new

footage throughout the kind of new trailer it's just a highlight how

powerful Black Panther is and the fact that there's gonna be a big fight for

who is the kind of the King within the Black Panther obviously we know Black

Panthers dad died during the Civil War so if theoretically he is the heir to

the throne but it seems like he's gonna have to have a big fight in order to

take his rightful heir place I guess you could say but the most interesting thing

for me is we're inside the kind of Black Panther movie is the soulstone going to

be revealed or is it going to be revealed I think it'd be very

interesting if it doesn't get revealed I'm really liking the way that the new

Black Panther suit looks inside the Avengers infinity war trailer it's very

misleading in the set sense that it kind of looks like Thanos has more stones and

he actually does for a split second it actually looks like it has the soul

stone as you can see a kind of yellow glimmery kind because the soul stones

obviously going to be the one in the middle so you could say it looks very

misleading and a lot they're cut in the way to make you thinks it's gonna happen

when really it's not gonna happen guys so all you need to do is please like

subscribe and comment I'm gonna be doing more black panther videos as they run up

to the black panther this is really a trailer breakdown it's more of a theory

based video so I'll get a height for Black Panther and infinity war as really

this movie is just a hype movie for what's to come up next anyway guys

please like subscribe and comment and I'll catch you in a video very soon

catch ya later

For more infomation >> Soul Gem In Wakanda CONFIRMED?! Black Panther Trailer - Avengers Infinity War Infinity Stones Theory - Duration: 8:13.


Nightcore - Stronger | Prismo NCS| Lyrics ด้้้้้็็็็็้้ - Duration: 3:19.

You stole my heart of gold after my silver show

Can you take any deeper now

I gave you all I own, put you on this golden throne

But I'm a little stronger now

You're catching all my promises

You know I'm too generous

Now I've learned to never help you out

Cause I'm done cleaning up your mess

Found myself in my regret

I've become a little stronger now

A little stronger now

You're catching all my promises

You know I'm too generous

Now I've learned to never you help out

Cause I'm done cleaning up your mess

Found myself in my regret

I've become a little stronger now

A little stronger now

A little stronger now

A little stronger now

A little stronger now

You're catching all my promises

You know I'm too generous

Now I've learned to never help you out

Cause I'm done cleaning up your mess

Found myself in my regret

I've become a little stronger now

A little stronger now

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Stronger | Prismo NCS| Lyrics ด้้้้้็็็็็้้ - Duration: 3:19.


Roasted Vegetables and Peaches Couscous Salad | Cling Peach Series 1/3 - Duration: 8:16.

Hello everyone.

It's Teenuja here.

We're starting off this holiday season with a series of 3 recipes using canned California

cling peaches.

The 2nd and 3rd part of this series will be coming up within the next few days so come

back soon to watch them.

Today's recipe is a delicious roasted vegetables and peaches couscous salad.

This hearty winter salad is more vegetable heavy than the light leafy summer ones that

we enjoy during the warmer months.

You can turn this salad into dinner itself or a packed lunch; otherwise it makes a delicious

side dish at any holiday table.

Canned clingstone peaches are preferred in this recipe as they retain their shape and

texture much better when roasted.

The California canned peaches that we get in Canada are packed in fruit juice concentrate

with no added preservatives.

Hence, they retain much of their delightful flavour and nutritional value.

Let's start by preparing the vegetables for roasting.

So, first set the oven to preheat at 200 degrees Celsius or 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Peel and cut the carrots into half-moons of about 1 cm thick.

As usual you'll find the printable recipe on our website.

The link is in the description or top right corner of this video.

Place the carrot pieces into a large mixing bowl.

Next slice the courgette or zucchini rather thickly, at least twice as thick as the carrot

since it is a softer vegetable.

We want all the vegetables to roast together within the same time.

Add the courgette to the mixing bowl.

Cut the red bell pepper into bite-size pieces and then add them to the mixing bowl.

Add in the whole grape or cherry tomatoes.

Drizzle about 1 – 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Harissa is a complex mix of several aromatic spices and spicy peppers.

I am using the powdered version.

You can also find it in the form of a paste.

It adds a nice kick to this salad and ties all the flavours together nicely.

If you can't find harissa, you can substitute it with cayenne pepper and ground cumin for

a simple mix.

Toss the vegetables to coat them evenly with the spice and oil.

Don't add any salt at this stage as it will make the veggies go soggy.

Place the vegetables on a baking tray.

Place the peaches on the tray with the cut-side facing down.

Disperse the garlic cloves unpeeled in between the vegetables.

Roast for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile let's prepare the couscous which needs to be rehydrated.

I am using one cup of water with 1 vegetable stock cube.

You can also use vegetable broth.

Check the amount of liquid that you need for the couscous on the package as this may vary

depending on brand.

Bring the vegetable broth to a simmer on medium-high heat.

Once it reaches a rolling boil, turn off the heat.

If you're unfamiliar with couscous, it is basically pasta that is broken up into little


It doesn't really require any cooking, it just needs to be rehydrated in hot water or


I used gluten-free corn couscous in this recipe.

You can use the regular or whole wheat couscous too.

Leave the couscous covered in the pan for 10 minutes or until it has absorbed all the

water and is tender.

Continue preparing the rest of the ingredients.

Slice the olives and finely chop a small bunch of fresh parsley.

Apart from parsley, you can also use coriander leaves or cilantro.

Remove the vegetables from the oven and let them cool.

If you want to add the garlic to the salad, peel and chop the cloves.

I am leaving them out as I just want the subtle flavour that's infused in the vegetables.

The peaches should be lightly caramelised.

Cut them into small cubes.

I find peaches to be quite an interesting ingredient in savoury dishes.

In this hearty couscous salad, they impart just the ideal sweet respite, bringing a refreshing

flavour to complement the earthy vegetables along with the spiciness of the harissa.

To make the vinaigrette, combine the olive oil, balsamic vinegar, maple syrup

and salt in a small bowl.

Whisk and mix well.

The couscous should be ready by now.

So, fluff it with a fork to separate the granules.

Now all that is left to do is mix everything together.

This recipe is really quite versatile.

So, take the freedom to be creative – you can add other veggies like aubergine (or eggplant),

butternut squash, pumpkin, cauliflower and how about some cooked lentils for some extra


In any case, don't leave out the peaches; they are the centre piece of this dish.

Here's where a little kitchen alchemy can turn carefully selected yet simple ingredients

into incredibly delectable dishes.

This salad really is far greater than the sum of its parts.

It is sure to spark interesting conversations among your guests if you decide to serve it

at your holiday table.

Don't forget to send us a snapshot and tag us if you make this recipe.

If you've enjoyed this recipe, give us a thumbs up and share this video with your friends.

Stay tuned for the 2nd and 3rd parts of this series which will be coming up within the

next few days.

Check the description for the links to these upcoming videos once they are live.

If you haven't already, please subscribe to our channel and newsletter to get notified

about videos and updates from the blog.

I'll see you very soon.


For more infomation >> Roasted Vegetables and Peaches Couscous Salad | Cling Peach Series 1/3 - Duration: 8:16.


Alle *NEUEN TRUHEN* öffnen! - Chest Opening! 💰 (Legendary?!) - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> Alle *NEUEN TRUHEN* öffnen! - Chest Opening! 💰 (Legendary?!) - Duration: 6:26.


Твоя цель. - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Твоя цель. - Duration: 4:14.


Američanka Zpívá | Karel Kryl Bratříčku Zavírej Vrátka - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Američanka Zpívá | Karel Kryl Bratříčku Zavírej Vrátka - Duration: 3:27.





Lockheed Martin is a military contractor that manufactures advanced aircraft and propulsion


They�re known for building some of the most advanced technologies known to man, and for

years, all of the engineering, science, and technology, for the most part, has been locked

up in Black Budget programs that have absolutely no oversight from Congress.

This is according to a 1997 U.S Senate report.

This means that nobody, not even those who have �high level� positions within the

military, political, and intelligence communities, knows exactly what�s going on.

Many of these programs are completely unacknowledged, and the United States has had a history of

government agencies existing in secret for years.

While the National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952, its existence was hidden

until the mid 1960s.

Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained

completely secret for 30 years, along with all of the technology it was using.

You can read a more in-depth article on the Black Budget here.

The same type of secrecy surrounds our space program, and what�s now known as The Secret

Space program.

Who knows what�s really going on up there.

�It is ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of

weapons of mass destruction, when the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring

in your own backyard.

It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,

allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called

a democracy, when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on

projects about which both the Congress and the Commander in Chief have been kept deliberately

in the dark.�

� Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer

This is why when Steve Justice, the recently retired Director of Advanced Systems at Lockheed

Skunkworks, signed on board with To The Stars Academy, it raised some eyebrows.

To The Stars is an initiative to let the public know that Unidentified Flying Objects are

real, and they commonly perform maneuvers that defy our known laws of physics.

It�s goal, one out of many, is to bring forth these technologies that have been locked

up in the black budget world in order to help humanity thrive.

They will be working directly with the U.S. government to release video footage, documents,

and more.

Now, what does this all mean?

What are the intentions?

Who is providing these people with information, and who is providing the U.S. government with


Those are completely different topics, but it would be sensible to exercise caution,

as it�s not uncommon for Western governments, corporations, and media to deceive us, to

twist stories for their own personal gain.

This is also a possibility with regards to the UFO phenomenon.

So, what did Mr. Justice have to say?

Well, a lot of things.

One of the first statements he made using the To The Stars platform is that, when it

comes to the technologies he�s been around, worked with, and seen, it would be an understatement

to call them revolutionary.

He also stated, while discussing the concept for the craft that To The Stars plans to build,

the following:

This is a concept for an international point-to-point transportation craft that will erase the current

travel limits of distance and time.

It mimics the capabilities observed in unidentified aerial phenomenon by employing a driver system

that alters space-time metric.

We have glimpses of how the physics of this works, but we need to harvest technologies

from the Science Division to �realize� the capability.

By making this statement, he is telling the world that Unidentified Flying Objects (which

are commonly tracked on military radar) utilize a device that somehow combats the problem

of distance and time, making it easy for them to travel what we humans perceive as great

and impossible distances in a short period of time.

�There is another way, whether it�s wormholes, or warping space, there�s got to be a way

to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they�re

[extraterrestrials] here shows us that they found a way.� (source) � Jack Kasher,

Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Nebraska.

Another representative, Chris Mellon (CIA), commented: �To the Stars represents an opportunity

to reach beyond the normal boundaries of Aerospace to create products that we can call them revolutionary

and that�s too mild of a word.�

Louis Elizondo, who recently retired from the Pentagon, �ran a sensitive aerospace

threat identification program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies� where

he learned that, as he mentions in the video below at approximately the 20 minute 50 second

mark, �the phenomenon is indeed real.�

You can watch the livestream of all these individuals speaking here.

These are the latest public disclosures dealing with the topic, but for the past few years,

hundreds of such people have come forward to speak publicly about the phenomenon.

What makes the comments of Steve Justice so interesting is that one of his predecessors,

Ben Rich, has also been rumoured to make the following remark:

We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked

up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit


Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it.

. . . We now have technology to take ET home.

No it won�t take someone�s lifetime to do it.

there is an error in the equations.

When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said, �Let me ask you.

How does ESP work?� The questioner responded with, �All points in time and space are

connected?� Rich then said, �That�s how it works!� (This seems to be related

to quantum entanglement, which you can read more about here.)

What�s the source for these quotes?

There are multiple sources; to access them and read more about Ben Rich, you can read

this story we put out on him a couple of years ago.



💖 'Jace Actually' 🎁 Fake Movie Trailer Ft. Rom-Com Heartthrob Jace Norman | Nick - Duration: 1:29.

The following trailer is rated F for fake.

This holiday season,

unwrap the greatest present of all, Jace Norman.

I got a little excited.

From the people who brought you the amazing Jace

and Jace-tice league comes Jace actually.

A romantic comedy that will melt your heart.

Let's do this.

All right.

Join us, as Jace explores that time of year.

When gifts are given.

Weird dances are danced.

And crushes become kisses.

♪ We could make this night Last forever ♪

♪ We both know We're meant to be together ♪

Nickelodeon invites you to take everything you know about Jace

and multiply it by Jace.

This is amazing.

Starring Jace Norman.

Superhero Jace.

Dog Jace.

Baby Jace.

Clone Jace.

Clown Jace.

Sneezy Jace

Jace in space.

And action figure Jace.

Feels good.

Jace actually.

This movie actually doesn't exist.

For more infomation >> 💖 'Jace Actually' 🎁 Fake Movie Trailer Ft. Rom-Com Heartthrob Jace Norman | Nick - Duration: 1:29.


All I Want For Christmas... (13 Tür #Flynachten) - Duration: 24:19.

For more infomation >> All I Want For Christmas... (13 Tür #Flynachten) - Duration: 24:19.


Siamo FATTI così MALE - i DENTI (parodia) - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Siamo FATTI così MALE - i DENTI (parodia) - Duration: 3:52.


สรุปเนื้อเรื่องคร่าวๆ DLC Not A Hero - Resident Evil 7 Gold Edition - Duration: 15:29.

For more infomation >> สรุปเนื้อเรื่องคร่าวๆ DLC Not A Hero - Resident Evil 7 Gold Edition - Duration: 15:29.


Bully - Running [OFFICIAL VIDEO] - Duration: 3:48.

♪ Been six months since you turned 30 ♪

♪ Quit smoking and cleaned up the worry ♪

♪ I procrastinate manic, impulsive ♪

♪ Distract myself with trips to Chicago and ♪

♪ I struggle with being back in town ♪

♪ Especially when you're around and ♪

♪ I struggle with being back in town ♪

♪ It's hard to do when you're not around and ♪

♪ You say I'm running ♪

♪ But I don't care ♪

♪ I'll admit it ♪

♪ I get anxious too ♪

♪ Been two weeks since you lost feeling ♪

♪ I guess now starts the process of healing ♪

♪ And you must be losing your mind ♪

♪ Stuck lying there with nothing but time ♪

♪ I struggle with being back in town ♪

♪ It kills me to hear news like this ♪

♪ And I struggle with being back in town it's ♪

♪ Too much time to think and sit and ♪

♪ You say I'm running ♪

♪ But I don't care ♪

♪ I'll admit it ♪

♪ I get anxious too ♪

♪ Just like you ♪

♪ I worry, I worry, I worry about you ♪

♪ I worry, I worry, I worry I do ♪

♪ I worry, I worry, I worry about you ♪

♪ I worry, I worry, I worry I do ♪

♪ What's it about being back in town ♪

♪ That always makes me feel like this ♪

♪ And I'm done with being back in town ♪

♪ It's a silent steady existence and ♪

♪ You say I'm running ♪

♪ But I don't care ♪

♪ I'll admit it ♪

♪ I get anxious too ♪

♪ Just like you ♪

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