Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 2 2017

(Countryside Love)

Where is this fool?

He's not showing up.

- Gosh, I'm so tired. / - Where were you?

Hey! What's that on your nose?

Your cow was tired

so I plowed the field for your cow.

Wow... You're the best friend ever.

With a friend like you,

I don't need to get married.

I won't get married either!

- I'll get that out for you. / - Be gentle.



That girl from Seoul...

- She's so pretty. / - She's so pretty.

What's your deal?

What's yours?

You said you weren't interested in girls.

I never said that!

A Seoul girl won't like a hick like you.

Why not?

You can't even talk to her.



What's no makeup?

Do you know what that is? You don't.

I know no makeup.

What is it? Tell me if you know.

What's no makeup?

It's frozen meat.

So you know.

I told you!

You almost fooled me.

You have to pronounce it right.

Anyway, you'd better not play dirty.

You'd better not ogle her.




I didn't really hear that.

Say it again loudly.

I said I'm the village chief now.

I'm his son.

Would you like to taste the sweetness of power?

What the...

You're using your father? I have a dad too!


The $20,000 we made from selling mandarins...

Say it loudly.

Oh, that money?

I blew it all on gambling.

What do you mean?

The one who won that money

was my dad.

Give me back our money.

- Guys! / - Give me back our money!

Why are you fighting again?

- You! / - What's your deal?

Do you want to take part in this war too?

Things are going to get real ugly.

What are you saying?

I'm not interested!

You guys getting married first...

That's the way of life!


Gosh! I'm so upset.

Look here!

Speak up.

Say something already!

Say what?

What the...

It's a talking doll.

You cheater! Get over here.

You ogler!

Tell me. Tell me!

Tell me the PIN number to your bank account!

You're not falling for it.

What are you saying?

- Of course not. / - Tell me!

Tell me!

Tell me why I'm hungry after I just ate!

I'm so hungry. I feel so weak.

What are you saying?

- Let's grill some frozen meat. / - What?

That's not what that means.

- What, fool? / - Guys!

Stop fighting!

You! What's your deal?

- What's your deal? / - What was that?

What are you saying? I'm not interested!

Why does she keep sitting there?

Look here. Look here!

Stop showing up.

Stop showing up!

Stop showing up in my dreams!

That's it.

- Drag him behind the mountain. / - Grab him.

Stop it.

Don't come out. Don't come out!

It came out.

That stinks, fool! Move it!

Don't stick out. Don't stick out!

Stomach, don't stick out!

It's sticking out again.

Don't stick out!

It's sticking out again.

Hey! Stop showing off.

Wasn't it funny?

Excuse me.

- Excuse me. / - Yes.

My friends are coming from Seoul.

Are there any good restaurants around here?

Tell them to come now!

My friend's a butcher.

I know a great place to get stew.

- Hey! / - Guys!

Don't you guys have any pride?

And you.

The neighborhood is chaotic because of you.

Why are you trying to bring more outsiders?

Our neighborhood doesn't have

any good restaurants.

Take his and go!

What's this?

The key to my country house.

I'll do the cooking. You can just sit there.

This guy...

I wonder what my sisters-in-law will like.

He wins.

What the...

For more infomation >> Countryside Love | 촌's Love [Gag Concert / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 4:44.


Top 10 Best Superhero Beards - Duration: 4:45.

Best Superhero Beards Hey guys!

Welcome back to Top 10 Nerd, Iím Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

One thing that you may notice about me is that I have a beard.

Is it mediocre?


Does it look vaguely pubic?


But Iím doing my best.

Because I like beards.

And you know what else I like?

Superheroes with beards.

So you know what Iím gonna talk about?

Uh, that.

If you like this video, check out our Top 10 Facts about Scarecrow video, linked down


Now get ready, itís time for the Top 10 Best Superhero Beards!

Number 10: Captain America.

Letís be real, this was the reason for the video.

When we found out about the new Infinity Wars trailer, everyone in the office crowded around

a computer to watch.

And then we saw Beardy cap at the end.

And we went ìEEEEEEEEEEEEE!î Beardy cap in the new trailer was so unexpected and epic

that it sent shockwaves across the netsÖ and across our office.

Heís had a beard a few times in the comics, especially in the Elseworlds stuff, but Iím

pretty psyched to see a rugged Cap in Infinity Wars.

Number 9: Hercules.

Hercules has the beard that my beard wishes it could be.

Itís so thick and full, long enough to be significant but not so long that it looks

scragglyÖ Honestly, if I was given a choice between Hercís strength and his beard, Iíd

probably pick the beard.

Okay, thatís a lie, Iíd definitely take the strength, but it IS a good beard.

Number 8: Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange didnít always have a beard; traditionally he just had a moustache.

But over time, and with changing styles, he slowly allowed a small amount of hair to grow

under his lip, in the form of a soul patch.

And although Iím normally very much against the soul patch, I gotta admitÖ it really

suits him.

Kinda reminiscent of his awesome facial hair buddy, Tony Stark, especially when he has

the goatee like in the Doctor Strange movie.

Speaking of StarkÖ Number 7: Tony Stark.

This one had to be on here.

As with a lot of the heroes on this list, Tony didnít always have the beard.

He used to have just a plain moustache.

But he had the goatee from time to time, and once the world saw Robert Downy Junior with

the goatee, it was decided that that was just way better.

And it is.

The goatee transforms him from a super stereotypical suave rich guy with a thin moustache, to a

pretty unique lookingÖ suave rich guy.

And I wouldnít have it any other way.

Number 6: The Punisher.

The Punisher hasnít historically had a beard.

Heís generally hovered somewhere between clean-shaven and scruffy.

But in certain stories, we get to see a beardy Frank Castle, and it looks just awesome.

Heís basically Solid Snake.

But thatís not all, in recent photos of the Punisher show, itís looking like weíll be

seeing Punisher looking beardier than ever!

Personally, Iím actually not a big fan of that particular look, I prefer it better groomed

on Frank, but maybe itíll grow on me!

Number 5: Zeus.

Especially in Injustice.

Zeus may not be quite as A-list as some of these other heroes, but what he lacks in star

power he makes up for in incredibly awesome beardiness!

Itís long, itís luscious, itís white as snow, the dude can grow a beard.

I mean, heís also immortal and can chuck lightning at people, but the beard is clearly

his most impressive feat.

Number 4: Superman.

As if Superman wasnít handsome enough, when he seemingly came back to life after his apparent

death, he came back rocking an awesome flow and the sexiest damn beard ever.

Some people werenít fans of this look, but I really loved it, it made him seem both less

perfect and more perfect at the same time.

And then we saw Henry Cavill with the beard, andÖ letís just say I didnít not question

my sexuality.

Number 3: Green Arrow.

Aw yiss.

Green Arrow was always my brotherís favourite hero, and heís pretty great.

Robin Hood as a superhero?

Get outta here.

But you know whatís even better than his skillset?

His wicked beard.

No, Iím not talking about the scruff he has in Arrow, Iím talking about the REAL Green

Arrow beard.

With the point.

Itís awesome.

Number 2: Aquaman.

Aquaman has been unfairly used as a punching bag for way too long.

People just donít want to accept that he can do things other than talk to fish.

But now, the guyís suddenly seen as super cool by everyone.


Because he has a flippin beardÖ Okay, itís also because heís finally being given a juicy

role and being played by the always-badass Jason Momoa, but the beard helps dammit!

Number 1: Thor.

Thor is probably one of the best known beardy heroes on the list.

While he was originally cleanshaven, he later adopted one of the awesomest, manliest beards


Plus in the MCU, he generally has some amount of facial hair.

Which seems to get thicker every movie.

I LOVE beardy Thor, I think heís objectively way cooler that way.

Let me know if you disagree.

But if you do, youíre wrong.

Just kidding.

Iím not kidding.

Thatís it for today!

Hope you guys enjoyed, if you did please smack that thumbs up button and subscribe to Top

10 Nerd for more videos!

Do you like your heroes beardy, or is a clean shave the way to go?

Are you sick of me saying the word beard?

Let me know in the comment section down below!

Until next time, Iím Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Top 10 nerd.

Later nerds!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Best Superhero Beards - Duration: 4:45.


👑👑 [Kizomba] - DJ BBOY - M I LE N A [Instrumental] - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> 👑👑 [Kizomba] - DJ BBOY - M I LE N A [Instrumental] - Duration: 2:53.


Modern Combat Versus - Lowest Settings | أسوه جرافكس كيم بلي - Duration: 9:38.

ok guys WELCOME !!!

with a new video

today's video will destroy your eyes

haha i'm joking

todays video will be

we put the worst graphics we can get

i'm now playing SOLO PLAY as you see my graphics now

i play with and the one in all my videos

is kinda good

so we are going to put the lowest graphics we can get

so now i'm play SOLO PLAY so let's Exit

so as you see the main menu the picturs the graphics

all good

ok guys you know i play on windows

so i have here performance i set my graphics the way i want

so we have here 'HIGH'

i will put low 'the lowest'

and we don't mess with what under it

and screen scale we put it on the lowest

and field of you view i already made a video about has nothing to do with graphics

60 FPS we put on 30

this, we will put it on the lowest

768 432


From now I can see the ugly graphics

now i need to restart the game

i will be back after i restart...

ok guys i restarted the game

as you see i'm in and we will see how the graphics looks like

and we will join multiplayer and we will see

if we can win or not

ok i'm seeing unclear picture

as you see the version of the game is unclear


the boxes are too

o let's press here, is unclear as will

unclear picture

but i'm sure the agents will look pravo

the will look geat

really amazing


what happend to you?

he remind me of the movie lights out

we you turn the lights out and the monster come out, he remind me of her

i won't sleep today

ok let's see lock, lock is my favorite. and now!!!

what I'm seeing now !!!!!

omg lock, i fell sorry for you

well we can see the emoji, that's good

ut his face look like clay

ok let's check mi-nu

let's be honest a lot of guys are..... on her

so let's check her out

omg its looks like a Japanese movies

all of it is blur

ok lets play multiplayer and see what we can do with these graphics

i feel we did back to the micro games

why this loading?

you guys remember the search and the emblems at first

ok and this one as will

the diamonds... sorry no.

the trophies when show up on screen

ok, what's going on right now?

ok, we are in now

we will use lock first

ohhhh, what hell is this?

where is the cross hair? x2


why he is faster then me?

this is ronin, i can see him

wow tow ronin?

and one kult?

100% i will loose

he stuck in here

he stuck in here i can't go out

get out

got out

comeee, you die

omg here comes ronin

dieeee, ok he dead

ok let's take the zone

you come

i'm really shocked.... oh ok

ok you die

ok let's destroy this

god helps those who have weak devices

you die

ok, i'm switching to blaze

who is this front of me? KAN?

oh yeah Kan

ok lets throw a grenade

on the love of god let it be what ever it goes, because i can't see shit

you come and burn

don't kill me don't kill me ohhhh i got him

ok i need to kill kult

ohhh he ran

ok he killed me

i don't think i can win this one

with this graphics?

ok throwing a grenade

ok this is a double kill

no no no don't hit me

ok we will take the zone

i need a grenade

i need to throw a grenade on them


give me a kill

give me a kill

omg my eyes right now.....

ok let's kill tower

excuse me i need the zone

let's throw a grenade here

ok i need to kill kult

because his going to be an annoying

or if we won

hopefully we win

on this graphics will be great on youtube

come here

let's try keep the zone, kult will come

DIE Die die die

i killed him

ok we will win win win

did we won?

did we won?

what happened?

The game froze

the game froze

the game crashed

i hope we didn't loose

pleas.. please tell me we won

is not over yet, they took the zone


so i crashed an returned just to see me defeated ?

all 00000000000000

and i lost 12 trophies

ok this the end of this video tell me your thoughts in comments about this

about these graphics

and god helps who have weak device

For more infomation >> Modern Combat Versus - Lowest Settings | أسوه جرافكس كيم بلي - Duration: 9:38.


[ENG CC] Sowon Chin Fetish, Sowon: We are YeoJa "CHIN"Gu! - Duration: 1:44.

Sowon: There is a cutie here too, right~

Jealous Eunha~

Sowon notice sulky eunha from the monitor

Eunha: Seoul Tour~

Eunha: Not this~

Accidentally cover sing's face with her hair

Sowon, that is not chin~~

For more infomation >> [ENG CC] Sowon Chin Fetish, Sowon: We are YeoJa "CHIN"Gu! - Duration: 1:44.


Let´s Play Star Citizen 3.0 PTU / ultra wide/ #004 - Duration: 1:14:17.

For more infomation >> Let´s Play Star Citizen 3.0 PTU / ultra wide/ #004 - Duration: 1:14:17.


Avengers Infinity War New Scenes REVEALED? Soul Stone REVEALED - Duration: 9:36.

what is good do to Warstu here with another video on Marvel Avengers in

affinity war so the trailer came out this week and it's smashed the YouTube

record getting over 230 million views in one day so the hype for Marvel Avengers

infinite war that has confirmed to have over 30 characters in the movie has a

massive hype on it and I can definitely say it's gonna gross over a billion

dollars quite easily so we do have some potential spoilers from some set scenes

within this movie which I did report some of them a couple of weeks ago but

this is a Lego Marvel superheroes Avengers infinity war set that has been

revealed so the kind of company Twitter companies get all this stuff months and

months before the movies come out so they do have a description to go with

their products as merchandise for Marvel is absolutely huge so the source of this

is brick I will link it down below so let's go over some of the

descriptions it does give away potential spoilers but most people don't really

care about spoilers but if you don't give this boy a warning then people

would kind of say that you ruined it so it's potential plot details revealed

question mark I guess so attack of the riders this one costs 15 euros a mini

figures include Captain America Black Widow outriders and the space stone so

United with Captain America and Black Widow to protect the kingdom of Wakanda

from the invasion of foreigners avoid the fire from the thorns of the landing

ship restrained a restrain the attacks of six armed enemies and it's hack using

the shield of Captain America bounce on the enemies of the Black Widow and get

the cosmic stone of infinity I mean the last bit doesn't really make sense but

it does go coincide with the trailer when we see Black Widow

Captain America is needing the chart but the only difference is he doesn't have

to feel so that makes me think my theory about him

having some Wakanda technology on his wrist and that is his new shield so it's

very interesting so the next one the search for Thor's weapon minifigures

include rockets racoon groups Thor an unknown infinity stone which is kind of

weird join The Avengers Avengers who are trying to find the Thunderbolt for Thor

ax Thunderbolt Thor sit down in the cab of the rescue collapse with rocket Thor

and Groot and go into space now this next words a bit weird I've never kind

of seen it anywhere so that's kind of butcher it on the way to nevla

you will meet many enemies you can be protected from them shooting from the

thorns land on the Red Planet to charge tours of power I mean I think that's

when I say Thor's power plan in the space Forge find the sign of infinity

and twist the energy ray and create the amazing axe thundery now I think that

means that they're gonna somehow recreate his hammer if you remember the

scene in a trailer with door Thor is kind of stretched and you can see that

he works out and you see its arms are stretched out I believe that's when

they're going to somehow recreate Thor's hammer or get Thor's ultimate hammer

that has actually been rumored for a good amount of time some of these words

I don't know to me look like they appear to be missing some characters or maybe

it did mean Sato and not thought so next one is attacks multi figures include

vision Black Panther Shearer and the mind stone protects the wall of the

wicked from killer and his thresher shooting at the

threshing machine of double guns thorns and a disc shooter quickly opened the

gate so that black panther can enter the battle but do not forget to close them

immediately so the enemies do not break in help Sheree I believe it says to

remove the infinity stone that controls the mind from the head of a vision can't

you do this before the Thrasher crushes the wall and destroys the setup so I

presume this has got something to do with the Infinity glove and also with

vision as it does say remove the stone that controls the mind from the header

vision that would vision still be alive without the gem I'm not too sure the

Hulkbuster fight this one that costs $34.99 Proxima midnight included on this

one I can't wait to see a character from the Black Order Falcon Hulk Bruce Banner

it's interesting that Bruce Banner and hopes gonna be in a Lego pack and the

soulstone danger Proxima midnight captured that the shooting tower shoots

on Hulk buster Bruce Banner Hulk Buster smash the missile insulation of the

field shooting Tower with the powerful fists of Hulk Buster and crush the six

armed enemies reflecting at the punches of Proxima midnight order the Falcon to

drive down to take away the Infinity stone now I believe this is actually the

leaked footage that we got that didn't actually appear to come out in the

trailer that everyone thought we were gonna be getting but the trailer what we

thought we actually were gonna get was more just like a modified version of the

San Diego Comic Con trailer so it's very interesting these kind of descriptions

do give away some details but not as much as I actually thought so

there is two more to go over fan offs the last battle now this last battle is

literally a word for a description of what we got a couple of weeks ago so

this one cost 80 euros down lots of our money minifigures includes Thanos Iron

Man At star-lord and d'amore together with the Avengers start the fight for

the glove of infinity shoot at phallus from the ships thorns open the cockpit

attack the space bike along with star-lord and Gamora avoid the blows of

fan of suits or use the Ironman power units to defeat the Titans soo villain

having one grab the golden glove of infinity of light way so the base is

saying is still at the Infinity Gauntlet I Thanos and flee which is pretty much

why said in a previous video so it's very interesting this one come again and

the next one cost a hundred years the Battle of the sanctum minifigures

include Doctor Strange Iron Man and spider-man an ebony poor and cool so

together with spider-man jumped off them from the roof unite with Iron Man Doctor

Strange use our powers to repel a super villain if every nemo is able to

penetrate the bedroom of peter parker lead him from there through the secret

hatch you must stop the evil invaders from before they blow up the wall of

holy of holies Doctor Strange get some get the stone of infinity of time so

that's obviously all about the time time stone after defeating your enemies all

that Pizza celebrate it or Peter Parker the so like I said guys this is just

that kind of Lego description so it might not be true but they do correspond

with other reports that we have been getting here on the channel so let me

know guys what do you think I mean it kind of does give away some set pieces

like the search with Thor's weapon so that obviously means he will be getting

another power weapon but according to Odin

he didn't really ever need it I mean the last battle the Hulkbuster fight the the

battle in the country it does give away a lot of set pieces the soul stone

Captain America that he's got a shield it does give away quite a lot but I did

give spoilers and I'm gonna link down the brick article down below so

anymore guys please like subscribe and comment let me know if you want more

videos like this they seem to be doing decent on this channel I used to have

the perception that a lot of people who was saying on a Marvel DC fanboy but

since I've been doing Marvel videos people are now saying a Marvel fan boy

I'm just a comic book fan boy I guess you could say so hit that button down

below to never miss a video like this and we will see you in another video

very soon gotcha later

For more infomation >> Avengers Infinity War New Scenes REVEALED? Soul Stone REVEALED - Duration: 9:36.


What If The Hydrogen Bomb Was Dropped On North Korea? - Duration: 4:02.

What if we drop a hydrogen bomb on north korea?

Perhaps you have asked yourself this question after Donald trump said he would 'totally

destroy north korea if necessary to defend the united states or its allies.

So what would happen if the United States dropped a hydrogen bomb on north korea?

Would it be good, wood it be bad?

That's what we're going to talk about, right now on lifes biggest questions.

Hello and welcome back to LBQ, I'm your host, charlotte dobre, don't forget to hit

that thumbs up, subscribe and let us know in the comments below what topics you would

like to see next.

To understand what might happen if we dropped an atomic bomb on North Korea, we must look

at the last time the united states dropped a similar bomb on an enemy country.

When America dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it killed every person within

a mile radius.

The death toll was 200 thousand.

But experts say those atomic bombs were little guys compared to a hydrogen bomb.

Hydrogen bombs are a lot more adcanced and a lot more powerful.

The hydrogen bomb has a potential of being 1000 times more powerful than the atomic bomb.

They cause bigger explosions, which in turn causes more heat, radiation, and shockwaves.

The reach is much larger with a hydrogen bomb, anywhere between 5 to 10 miles.

Both bombs have the capability to kill people in seconds.

In the aftermath of the atomic bomb, people's internal organs ruptured, buildings were crushed.

Experts say that a hydrogen bomb could kill significantly more people than the atomic

bomb, as well as wipe out entire cities.

If the US drop the hydrogen bomb on North Koreas capital, Pyongyang for instance, it

would be completely wiped off the map.

2.5 million people live in Pyongyang, it would be assumed that most if not all of those people

would be killed instantly.

Those 2.5 million people are for the most part, innocent civilians that are victims

of a tyrannical government.

Just because they have a crazy person for a leader, that doesn't mean the deserve

to die.

Furthermore, everyone that lives in the region would be affected.

One has to remember that South Korea shares a border with north korea.

South korea is our ally.

China is also very close to north korea, there is only 100 miles of distance between the

largest chinese city along the north Korean border and Pyongyang.

Japan is also our ally, and they are only around 400 miles from north korea, and they

would feel the effects of the fallout as well.

If the US drops a hydrogen bomb on north korea, they are effectively putting everyone in the

surrounding area at risk too.

Apart from the extensive loss of life, a dropping hydrogen bomb on North Korea would have serious

consequences for the environment.

The explosion will send radioactive particles into the air, soil and water.

Wind will carry the particles hundreds of miles away from the explosion.

Seeing as North Korea is very close to the pacific ocean, this could cause serious problems

for marine life as well.

The smoke could block out sunlight, making it impossible for plants to use photosynthesis

to survive.

The radioactive particles could devastate plants, animals as well as humans.

Radioactive particles damage cells by causing changes in genes, causing mutations in future


The effects of radiation will have lasting effects as well.

When the United States tested a series of atomic bombs by Bikini Atoll in the marshall


Residents that lived anywhere near the site had to move, as there were high levels of

radiation in the crops and water.

nearly 60 years later, the island is still uninhabitable.

The difference between dropping the atomic bomb that was dropped on japan at the end

of world war 2, and the possibility of dropping the hydrogen bomb on north korea, is that

japan attacked the united states first at pearl harbour.

At the time this video was filmed, north korea has not attacked the united states yet.

Attacking a country who has not attacked first would effectively make the united states a

war criminal.

The atomic bomb was used to effectively end world war two, and perhaps deter anyone from

ever dropping a bomb like it again, let alone a hydrogen bomb that is 1000 times more powerful.

If the united states dropped an atomic bomb on north korea, it would change how the rest

of the world feels about them.

Washington's influence in Europe and the rest of the world would fade significantly,

as all the allies attempt to distance themselves from the nation who violated its own fundamental

values of human rights.

To this day, a hygrogen bomb has never been used in battle by any country, and lets hope

it does not start with north korea.

I'm charlotte dobre for life's biggest questions, if you liked this video, you should

check out dont forget to click that bell notification so you never miss an upload.

For more infomation >> What If The Hydrogen Bomb Was Dropped On North Korea? - Duration: 4:02.


LA DISPARITION DE BERNARDO VAZQUEZ - Légendes Urbaines - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> LA DISPARITION DE BERNARDO VAZQUEZ - Légendes Urbaines - Duration: 7:21.


The US Navy and Their Hilariously Inept Search for Dorothy and Her Friends - Duration: 9:04.

While the Ancient Greeks had their celebrated Sacred Band of Thebes, a legendarily successful

fighting force made up of all male lovers, in more modern times the various branches

of the United States military have not been so accepting of such individuals, which brings

us to the topic of today- that time in the 1980s when the Naval Intelligence Service

invested significant resources into trying to locate a mysterious woman identified only

as "Dorothy" who seemed to have links to countless gay seamen.

The plan was to find her and then "convince" her to finger these individuals so the military

could give them the boot.

This story all starts with a naval crack down to try to get rid of any gay personnel in

the early 1980s.

One Mel Dahl, who was completely open about the fact that he was gay when he was questioned

about it upon enlisting in 1980, was kicked out in 1981 after being interviewed for a

security clearance upgrade and once again letting the Navy know he was gay.

This time they weren't so accepting of that information.

During the course of Dahl's subsequent legal battle with the Navy over his discharge, he

noted to the news media that there were quite a lot of gay men at the Great Lakes base he

had been stationed at.

This information did not go over well with the military brass who launched a full scale

investigation of the base to try to identify these individuals.

Specifically, as reported in Conduct Unbecoming: Gays and Lesbians in the U.S. Military, by

Randy Shilts, the U.S. Navy spent a considerable amount of money sending investigators to gay

bars in the Chicago area to try to discover these gay sailors.

During these trips, investigators noticed that many gay men in the area identified themselves

as "friends of Dorothy".

The Intelligence Service deduced that "Dorothy" must be a woman that functioned as a sort

of information hub that gay men could use to find other gay men.

If they could only find her, they figured they could convince her to talk, perhaps outing

many of the gay navy personnel in the process, who in turn, with a little pressure, could

no doubt out many others.

The key was simply to find Dorothy.

Thus, the NIS tasked investigators with returning to the same gay bars to clandestinely ask

questions about this mysterious woman.

Unfortunately for them, they failed at finding Dorothy, wasting an amazing amount of taxpayer

money paying investigators to pose as gay men, drinking and breaking it down in 1980s

era gay bars.

This said, other investigations they conducted seem not to have been so fruitless, with the

Defense Department noting that, in total, 1,976 members of the various branches of the

U.S. military were kicked out for being gay in 1981 alone; a reported 55% of these individuals

were ousted from the Navy- all at a massive cost to U.S. taxpayers.

As noted by one discharged gay Air Force captain interviewed by Shilts, it cost the Air Force

somewhere in the range of four to five million dollars to train him when factoring in the

exceptionally high cost of aircraft time in that training.

(As an interesting aside, for a time it was perceived that the military was unfairly targeting

gay men, while not cracking down nearly so hard on lesbians in their ranks.

As a result, in 1990 Vice Admiral Joseph S. Donnell issued a memo urging his subordinates

to root out lesbians in the Navy, not just gay men.

As to how lesbians were to be identified, he wrote, "Experience has shown that the

stereotypical female homosexual in the Navy is hard-working, career-oriented, willing

to put in long hours on the job and among the command's top professionals…"

We can't make this stuff up.)

In any event, at this point you might be wondering who exactly was this "Tokyo Rose" of the

gay community and how did she have so many gay friends?

As it turns out, she was none other than Dorothy Gale of The Wizard of Oz…

You see, for over a half century now the phrase "Friend of Dorothy" has been considered

a euphemism for "gay".

The phrase, sometimes simply abbreviated to FOD, is believed to have first popped up sometime

in the 1940s as a way for gay men to identify themselves as such to others without outright

saying it.

As you can imagine, in areas where the laws of the land and/or the general populace were

strongly against said individuals, being able to say "I'm a friend of Dorothy" instead

of "I'm gay" was a major boon.

After all, if said individual was speaking to someone who was also gay, the other person

would probably know exactly what they were saying.

If not, likely they'd think the individual knew some woman named Dorothy who they mistakenly

thought was a mutual acquaintance.

While there are alternate speculative theories as to the origin of the phrase, based on the

evidence at hand, as mentioned, it is generally thought to have been inspired by the popular

1939 film The Wizard of Oz and/or the 1909 book it is based on.

It is also noted that Judy Garland herself ultimately became exceptionally popular among

the gay community throughout her adulthood, while the film is popular for its message

of inclusivity in spite of differences.

To quote the Gay Times on the matter:

Dorothy's three companions on her trip to Oz have long been read as gay, and for good


The Tin Man, the Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion are misfits who do not conform to their

perceived 'roles'.

The Scarecrow is unable to frighten anything – crow or otherwise; the Tin Man constantly

needs lubing up; and the Cowardly Lion seems to prefer mincing to roaring.

This ostracisation is familiar to many gay guys – who are often accused of being less

masculine than straight guys.

On that note, Dorothy happily accepts the somewhat effeminate "Cowardly Lion" who

eventually identifies as a "friend of Dorothy," and earlier on states, "I'm afraid there's

no denyin', I'm just a dandy lion," with "dandy" generally referring to an

often effeminate man seen as overly preoccupied with fashion.

(For more on this, see Why Did Yankee Doodle Stick a Feather in His Cap and Call It Macaroni?)

Books continuing the story also include similar themes, characters and moments that likewise

resonate with the LGBT communities.

Most famous of all is a quote from the book, The Road to Oz, in which Dorothy responds

to a character saying she has "queer friends" by saying:

The queerness doesn't matter, so long as they're friends.

Of course, the word "queer" here is roughly understood to be a synonym for "odd" or

"unusual", but, as with so many other bits of the books that are not actually thought

to have been references to homosexuality, it nonetheless struck a chord among gay fans

who responded well to the idea of accepting someone regardless of how different others

found them- it was their character that was the only thing that was important.

A mere decade after The Wizard of Oz first made its debut on the big screen, "Friend

of Dorothy" had become one of the most popular euphemisms used by gay people to refer to

themselves- a fact the rest of the world were largely oblivious to, allowing gay people

to discretely identify themselves as such at a time when doing so may have been illegal

where they lived and/or potentially dangerous.

Unsurprisingly given changing attitudes and laws today, the phrase "Friend of Dorothy"

isn't nearly as widely known among those of the youthful persuasion in the LGBT communities,

and many with a few more years under their belts have less need to use the phrase than

they once did, so it is dying out somewhat.

However, one place you'll still occasionally hear it is aboard cruise ships, where an announcement

like "Friends of Dorothy are meeting in the lounge on Deck 7 at 8 pm" is sometimes


This is similar to how members of Alcoholic Anonymous have long announced meetings aboard

cruise ships as a meeting of "Friends of Bill W".

This refers to the founder of Alcoholic Anonymous, William "Bill" Willson.

Similar to the "Friends of Dorothy" announcements, the idea is to provide a way to announce such

meetings without outing those

who attend.

For more infomation >> The US Navy and Their Hilariously Inept Search for Dorothy and Her Friends - Duration: 9:04.


How To Develop Yourself: Continue to educate, train, and develop yourself - Duration: 2:01.

hey friends I am here at the Indianapolis Airport after two days of

training with a phenomenal group of loss prevention professionals who came out to

further develop their skills in communication and asking the right

questions and how to develop and build rapport with someone and that really got

me thinking these folks some of them have been in loss prevention for many

many years and others are brand new but they still recognize the importance and

further developing themselves and learning a new skill to be able to apply

to both their professional and their private lives and I want to talk for a

second about developing ourselves as human beings it is so important to

continue to develop yourself whether it be in learning a new language because

you want to live somewhere else one day or learning how to cook something other

than your like five staple items I know some of you only have five staple items

and you want to develop that or learning how to go out and forage in your area

for salad toppers that you can actually use that come from the wild there are so

many things that we can do to teach ourselves to be more self-reliant and

not relying on other things and other people and oh there's an app for that so

I don't have to learn it I want to stress the importance of self-reliance

of continuing to develop and grow yourself professionally and personally

there are options out there it doesn't have to be very time-consuming it

doesn't have to be very expensive but there are things that we can all be

doing to further develop ourselves and our skills so we don't have to rely on

other people or other things so just a thought that I had I wanted to share it

with you I'm passionate about it so consider it consider learning something

else use what you want to motivate you to develop that skill or to learn some

new alright take care stay safe talk to you soon right

For more infomation >> How To Develop Yourself: Continue to educate, train, and develop yourself - Duration: 2:01.


Bitcoin-Kurs durchbricht 10.000$ Marke! Meine Gedanken zu dem Thema // Preis-Einschätzung 2018 - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Bitcoin-Kurs durchbricht 10.000$ Marke! Meine Gedanken zu dem Thema // Preis-Einschätzung 2018 - Duration: 3:00.


Juilliard New Dances 2017 - Duration: 0:47.

♫ ♫ ♫ [fast percussive music]

For more infomation >> Juilliard New Dances 2017 - Duration: 0:47.


Top 5 Lil Uzi Vert Surprising Facts - Duration: 3:32.

Lil Uzi Vert is a famous rapper who gained recognition after his single Money Longer

was released.

Hes definitely done a lot for his career in just a short amount of time- and theres a

lot of things that might surprise you about him and that's what were going to be talking

about today.

Hey youtube im Court McGinley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know who is your favorite rapper and why let me know your

answers down in the comments.

Also don't forget to subscribe to our amazing channel if you havnt already and make sure

you hit that like button so I can keep bringing you awesome top 5 videos.

Alright without further adue lets get started on our list of the top 5 lil Oozy Vert surprising


Coming in at our number 5 spot--Bottom Dollar- Before making it big in the music industry

this rapper worked at a company called bottom dollar food which was an American soft discount

grocery chain.

He only worked there for a few days before he was fired.

It was after this he seriously started to pursue music.

Also shortly after this the bottom dollar franchise closed all of their stores after

their parent company sold the locations to a leading competitor.

See guys everything happens for a reason.

In at number 4- Inspo- turns out oozy is a huge fan of Marilyn Manson.

His music is actually influenced by Mansons style.

And Oozys dreams turned into a reality back in September when Manson actually revealed

that the 2 have been in talks about working on new music together and were going to collaborate

on an up and coming album.

About this Manson said- He wants to do a rock album next- and I would love to see that happen

because I think that he could make a new thing.

Not some rock rap type of thing- something special and new that I think needs to be created

just to fuck up the world more.

That's uhh..inspiring.

I can imagine that this made oozys day to hear his idol talk about him like that.

I mean oozy has a chain with a small replica of Manson himself on it…that's how much

he admires him.

Oozy also said when he was younger that he used to listen to Manson on repeat.

At number 3--Money- it turns out this rapper never wanted to be popular or even all that

famous- he just wanted to become rich.

Cant say I blame him.

But usually when people head out for stardom its because they want people to know there

name. and well lets be honest its because they want to money too.

But more often than not it's the fame that's seeked out rather than the fortune.

And Oozy has said that its important for him to be noticed by people but the reason he

wants to be noticed by people is so he can make more money.

Its also important for him to be noticed because then he knows hes doing something right.

You wouldn't be able to tell by looking at him but It turns out this rapper is filled

with self-doubt and always thinks that hes not good enough.

Well he managed to rise to stardom really quickly for such a young man so obviously

hes doing something right.

Coming in at our number 2 spot--Private- Now a lot of celebrities like to keep there personal

life private.

But once you reach that certain level of stardom people start to dig deep and try and learn

everything they possibly can.

Especially what the person was like before fame.

But this rapper has made sure to keep his personal life- and especially his family life


He makes sure to never share information about his family- and rarely talks about his life

before fame.

He says that he knows what its like to be afraid of something and he doesn't want

his family to have to go through that.

No one knows the name of his mother or father or if he even has any siblings for that matter.

The one thing that hes been unable to keep private is his dating life.

And hes had 2 girl friends over the past 3 years both named Brittany.

And in at number 1- Height- it might surprise a lot of you that this rapper only stands

at 5 feet 4 inches.

Now theres nothing wrong with being short.

I myself am only 5 foot 1- and im not going to lie I actually enjoy it.

But when you're a celebrity people often just invasion you being tall.

So when youre on the shorter side it can often come as a shock- and with oozy only being

5 foot 4 he is among the shortest rappers in the world.

And there you have it that's our list of the top 5 Lil oozy Vert surprising facts.

Thank you guys so much for watching and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Lil Uzi Vert Surprising Facts - Duration: 3:32.


Eine Waffe wurde gefunden Rätselhafter Unfall: Messi-Bruder festgenommen - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Eine Waffe wurde gefunden Rätselhafter Unfall: Messi-Bruder festgenommen - Duration: 2:44.


Chris Pratt Wants to Punch the 'Pervy Dude' Impersonating Him Online - Duration: 1:26.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

Earlier this week Chris Pratt discovered someone created a fake Facebook account pretending

to be him.

He immediately warned his fans that the man was trying to use his likeness to catfish

various women.

The Guardians of the Galaxy star took to instagram and wrote,

"It's confirmed: somebody is trying to pretend to be me on Facebook (and maybe other social

media platforms) apparently hitting on a lot of different female fans, trying to get their

numbers and who knows what else.

I'm not joking."

He goes on to say that he finds the imposters behavior reprehensible.

He also shared a warning for the imposter saying,

"If I find out who it is I'll have their account shut down and seriously would like

to punch them right in the GD mouth.

If it's you doing it, I'm warning you.

Stop right now or you will@be very unhappy with the outcome."

Pratt urged his followers that if they didn't see a verified checkmark by his profile, then

it's the imposters account.

A spokesperson for Facebook told The Hollywood Reporter that the fake profile was taken down

shortly after Chris Pratt's instagram post.

They said,

"Claiming to be another person on Facebook violates our Community Standards, and we have

a dedicated team that's tasked with helping to detect and block these kinds of scams.

We've developed several techniques to help detect and block this type of abuse."

That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe

to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> Chris Pratt Wants to Punch the 'Pervy Dude' Impersonating Him Online - Duration: 1:26.


The Best Horror Movie Endings Of This Century - Duration: 6:30.

Horror movies have to really stick the landing to last.

Whether that means coming in with a surprise twist, or an explosive event, or even a maddening

cliffhanger, the final moments of any good thriller should bring together all the jump

scares and eerie elements that have defined the rest of the movie.

For these modern flicks, the third acts were so good that they'll easily stand the test

of time.

Let's take a look at the best horror movie endings of the century so far.

And don't be scared, but there are huge spoilers ahead.

The Others

This atmospheric period film follows the Stewart family, a mom and her two kids, who start

to notice that their house is haunted.

There's a couple roaming the hallways, a ghost boy hiding behind the curtains, and even a

freaky blind lady lurking in the shadows.

But when Grace and her children stumble upon a séance in the attic, they suddenly realize

they're the ones who are deceased.

Her daughter had been right the whole time about her mother's maniacal ways.

"She won't stop!

She won't stop until she

hurts us."

As Grace remembers that she did away with her children and then herself after temporarily

going insane, she realizes she's damned her whole family to an eternity inside their creaky


It's a gut-punch of a twist and also changes the entire film when you realize the so-called

ghosts that have been scaring the Stewarts are actually living people who've moved into

Grace's old home.

And they're the ones being haunted.


These days, Jigsaw is one of the most famous bad guys to ever torture someone on the big

screen, but in 2004, when the first Saw film hit theaters, audiences had no idea what the

infamous serial killer actually looked like.

In fact, for most of the movie, everybody suspected that Zep was the psycho who abducted

and chained up poor Adam in that bathroom dungeon.

But after our hero bashes Zep to bits, he discovers a cassette that reveals the hospital

orderly was just another victim in Jigsaw's game.

And as Adam begins to process this new bit of info, we watch in horror as a body—which

has been lying on the bathroom floor for the whole movie—crawls up off the floor.

Yep, this corpse is the killer himself, John Kramer, and when Jigsaw walks out of the bathroom,

he leaves his latest victim chained to a pipe, parting with his trademark line:

"Game over"

With a doozy like that, it's no wonder the movie has spawned seven sequels and counting.

The Mist

The ending of The Mist is so notorious now that it really needs no introduction.

But it's still pretty brilliant and terrible all the same.

Director Frank Darabont took a major liberty with the Stephen King novella to end it the

way he did, but even King had to compliment the decision, saying,

"I loved [it].

It is the most shocking ending ever."

The story surrounds a supermarket full of people who've been trapped inside by an otherworldly

mist full of monsters.

But they're not exactly safe from harm there either.

As the threat outside continues to dwarf any escape options, religious zealotry begins

to overtake some of the survivors, who threaten to sacrifice our hero David's son.

So he and the others who reject the apocalyptic overtures make a break for it after an intense

stand-off in the checkout aisle.

Unfortunately, they don't get far before they run out of gas, and, faced with certain death

by tentacled terrors, David executes his own and son and friends with a pistol, but runs

out of bullets before he can off himself, too.

Overcome with instant grief, he goes into the mist to accept his fate but finds that

the military has arrived to eradicate the beasts.

If only David had waited just a few seconds, his son would've been okay, and we all could've

been spared that emotional devastation.

The Cabin in the Woods

Possibly the most meta horror movie ever made, The Cabin in the Woods follows a bunch of

college students who foolishly spend a weekend in a creepy forest.

Naturally, their little getaway doesn't go as planned, and they quickly discover they're

meant to be sacrifices in an elaborate ritual to please some angry ancient entities.

With a family of undead rednecks hot on their trail, the two remaining survivors find themselves

trapped in an underground bunker, surrounded by a bunch of goons with machine guns.

Without any other choice, our heroes unleash an army of monsters, resulting in one of the

wildest, you-won't-believe-it-until-you-see-it sequences in horror cinema.

Pretty much every creature you can imagine shows up, ready to do some damage.

We've got a knock off Pennywise, an imitation Pinhead, and masked murderers straight out

of The Strangers.

There's a merman, an enormous bat, and one unfriendly unicorn.

By the time the zombies, ghosts, and werewolves are finished slaughtering everyone in sight,

the walls are caked with blood, the earth is doomed, and audiences have had a gory good


It Follows

It's hard to come up with a completely original movie monster nowadays, but It Follows combined

the common societal fear of communicable diseases with traditional terror tropes to create something

entirely new.

Basically an STD on two legs, the titular "It" is spread via contact, and if you contract

the curse, this enigmatic monster will mercilessly hunt you down.

And if it gets you, it then goes after the person who gave you the curse…and so on

and so on forever.

Sure, the creature moves pretty slowly, but this thing can take any form necessary to

get close enough to end your life.

And no matter what, it never stops following.

Our heroine Jay does her best to fry the monster with every electronic device she can get her

hands on.

And just to play it safe, she gets down with her friend Paul, who then passes the curse

on to a prostitute, just in case the thing comes back.

And that leads us to the final eerie image of Jay and Paul walking down a neighborhood

street, with a man behind them in the distance.

Maybe it's just a guy walking or maybe it's the creature that can never die, coming back

for round two.

Open endings are often too frustrating to withstand, but this one fits the theme of

the film like a glove, if you catch our drift.

Get Out

A modern-day masterpiece, Jordan Peele's Get Out almost had a radically different ending.

Originally, Peele planned on having his main character, Chris Washington, arrested after

escaping the clutches of the mind-controlling family.

Fortunately, the writer-director had a change of heart and crafted a new ending that left

audiences cheering instead of crying.

To set the scene, Chris has just narrowly avoided the lobotomy to end all lobotomies,

and during his getaway, he dispatches every evil white person who steps into his path.

This eventually ends with Chris standing above his psycho ex-girlfriend as she's bleeding

out on a country road.

Suddenly, flashing lights appear in the distance, and we assume the worst is about to happen.


But instead of the law showing up to cart Chris away, who should step out of the car

but Chris's best friend, TSA Officer Rod Williams.

As Rod takes Chris back to safety, everyone in the audience breathes a sigh of relief,

knowing full-well this kind of upbeat ending rarely happens in real life.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Best Horror Movie Endings Of This Century - Duration: 6:30.


Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Topi The WelshCorgi | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 66 - Duration: 3:18.


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