Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 2 2017

(Countryside Love)

Where is this fool?

He's not showing up.

- Gosh, I'm so tired. / - Where were you?

Hey! What's that on your nose?

Your cow was tired

so I plowed the field for your cow.

Wow... You're the best friend ever.

With a friend like you,

I don't need to get married.

I won't get married either!

- I'll get that out for you. / - Be gentle.



That girl from Seoul...

- She's so pretty. / - She's so pretty.

What's your deal?

What's yours?

You said you weren't interested in girls.

I never said that!

A Seoul girl won't like a hick like you.

Why not?

You can't even talk to her.



What's no makeup?

Do you know what that is? You don't.

I know no makeup.

What is it? Tell me if you know.

What's no makeup?

It's frozen meat.

So you know.

I told you!

You almost fooled me.

You have to pronounce it right.

Anyway, you'd better not play dirty.

You'd better not ogle her.




I didn't really hear that.

Say it again loudly.

I said I'm the village chief now.

I'm his son.

Would you like to taste the sweetness of power?

What the...

You're using your father? I have a dad too!


The $20,000 we made from selling mandarins...

Say it loudly.

Oh, that money?

I blew it all on gambling.

What do you mean?

The one who won that money

was my dad.

Give me back our money.

- Guys! / - Give me back our money!

Why are you fighting again?

- You! / - What's your deal?

Do you want to take part in this war too?

Things are going to get real ugly.

What are you saying?

I'm not interested!

You guys getting married first...

That's the way of life!


Gosh! I'm so upset.

Look here!

Speak up.

Say something already!

Say what?

What the...

It's a talking doll.

You cheater! Get over here.

You ogler!

Tell me. Tell me!

Tell me the PIN number to your bank account!

You're not falling for it.

What are you saying?

- Of course not. / - Tell me!

Tell me!

Tell me why I'm hungry after I just ate!

I'm so hungry. I feel so weak.

What are you saying?

- Let's grill some frozen meat. / - What?

That's not what that means.

- What, fool? / - Guys!

Stop fighting!

You! What's your deal?

- What's your deal? / - What was that?

What are you saying? I'm not interested!

Why does she keep sitting there?

Look here. Look here!

Stop showing up.

Stop showing up!

Stop showing up in my dreams!

That's it.

- Drag him behind the mountain. / - Grab him.

Stop it.

Don't come out. Don't come out!

It came out.

That stinks, fool! Move it!

Don't stick out. Don't stick out!

Stomach, don't stick out!

It's sticking out again.

Don't stick out!

It's sticking out again.

Hey! Stop showing off.

Wasn't it funny?

Excuse me.

- Excuse me. / - Yes.

My friends are coming from Seoul.

Are there any good restaurants around here?

Tell them to come now!

My friend's a butcher.

I know a great place to get stew.

- Hey! / - Guys!

Don't you guys have any pride?

And you.

The neighborhood is chaotic because of you.

Why are you trying to bring more outsiders?

Our neighborhood doesn't have

any good restaurants.

Take his and go!

What's this?

The key to my country house.

I'll do the cooking. You can just sit there.

This guy...

I wonder what my sisters-in-law will like.

He wins.

What the...

For more infomation >> Countryside Love | 촌's Love [Gag Concert / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 4:44.


Top 10 Best Superhero Beards - Duration: 4:45.

Best Superhero Beards Hey guys!

Welcome back to Top 10 Nerd, Iím Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

One thing that you may notice about me is that I have a beard.

Is it mediocre?


Does it look vaguely pubic?


But Iím doing my best.

Because I like beards.

And you know what else I like?

Superheroes with beards.

So you know what Iím gonna talk about?

Uh, that.

If you like this video, check out our Top 10 Facts about Scarecrow video, linked down


Now get ready, itís time for the Top 10 Best Superhero Beards!

Number 10: Captain America.

Letís be real, this was the reason for the video.

When we found out about the new Infinity Wars trailer, everyone in the office crowded around

a computer to watch.

And then we saw Beardy cap at the end.

And we went ìEEEEEEEEEEEEE!î Beardy cap in the new trailer was so unexpected and epic

that it sent shockwaves across the netsÖ and across our office.

Heís had a beard a few times in the comics, especially in the Elseworlds stuff, but Iím

pretty psyched to see a rugged Cap in Infinity Wars.

Number 9: Hercules.

Hercules has the beard that my beard wishes it could be.

Itís so thick and full, long enough to be significant but not so long that it looks

scragglyÖ Honestly, if I was given a choice between Hercís strength and his beard, Iíd

probably pick the beard.

Okay, thatís a lie, Iíd definitely take the strength, but it IS a good beard.

Number 8: Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange didnít always have a beard; traditionally he just had a moustache.

But over time, and with changing styles, he slowly allowed a small amount of hair to grow

under his lip, in the form of a soul patch.

And although Iím normally very much against the soul patch, I gotta admitÖ it really

suits him.

Kinda reminiscent of his awesome facial hair buddy, Tony Stark, especially when he has

the goatee like in the Doctor Strange movie.

Speaking of StarkÖ Number 7: Tony Stark.

This one had to be on here.

As with a lot of the heroes on this list, Tony didnít always have the beard.

He used to have just a plain moustache.

But he had the goatee from time to time, and once the world saw Robert Downy Junior with

the goatee, it was decided that that was just way better.

And it is.

The goatee transforms him from a super stereotypical suave rich guy with a thin moustache, to a

pretty unique lookingÖ suave rich guy.

And I wouldnít have it any other way.

Number 6: The Punisher.

The Punisher hasnít historically had a beard.

Heís generally hovered somewhere between clean-shaven and scruffy.

But in certain stories, we get to see a beardy Frank Castle, and it looks just awesome.

Heís basically Solid Snake.

But thatís not all, in recent photos of the Punisher show, itís looking like weíll be

seeing Punisher looking beardier than ever!

Personally, Iím actually not a big fan of that particular look, I prefer it better groomed

on Frank, but maybe itíll grow on me!

Number 5: Zeus.

Especially in Injustice.

Zeus may not be quite as A-list as some of these other heroes, but what he lacks in star

power he makes up for in incredibly awesome beardiness!

Itís long, itís luscious, itís white as snow, the dude can grow a beard.

I mean, heís also immortal and can chuck lightning at people, but the beard is clearly

his most impressive feat.

Number 4: Superman.

As if Superman wasnít handsome enough, when he seemingly came back to life after his apparent

death, he came back rocking an awesome flow and the sexiest damn beard ever.

Some people werenít fans of this look, but I really loved it, it made him seem both less

perfect and more perfect at the same time.

And then we saw Henry Cavill with the beard, andÖ letís just say I didnít not question

my sexuality.

Number 3: Green Arrow.

Aw yiss.

Green Arrow was always my brotherís favourite hero, and heís pretty great.

Robin Hood as a superhero?

Get outta here.

But you know whatís even better than his skillset?

His wicked beard.

No, Iím not talking about the scruff he has in Arrow, Iím talking about the REAL Green

Arrow beard.

With the point.

Itís awesome.

Number 2: Aquaman.

Aquaman has been unfairly used as a punching bag for way too long.

People just donít want to accept that he can do things other than talk to fish.

But now, the guyís suddenly seen as super cool by everyone.


Because he has a flippin beardÖ Okay, itís also because heís finally being given a juicy

role and being played by the always-badass Jason Momoa, but the beard helps dammit!

Number 1: Thor.

Thor is probably one of the best known beardy heroes on the list.

While he was originally cleanshaven, he later adopted one of the awesomest, manliest beards


Plus in the MCU, he generally has some amount of facial hair.

Which seems to get thicker every movie.

I LOVE beardy Thor, I think heís objectively way cooler that way.

Let me know if you disagree.

But if you do, youíre wrong.

Just kidding.

Iím not kidding.

Thatís it for today!

Hope you guys enjoyed, if you did please smack that thumbs up button and subscribe to Top

10 Nerd for more videos!

Do you like your heroes beardy, or is a clean shave the way to go?

Are you sick of me saying the word beard?

Let me know in the comment section down below!

Until next time, Iím Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Top 10 nerd.

Later nerds!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Best Superhero Beards - Duration: 4:45.


[ENG CC] Sowon Chin Fetish, Sowon: We are YeoJa "CHIN"Gu! - Duration: 1:44.

Sowon: There is a cutie here too, right~

Jealous Eunha~

Sowon notice sulky eunha from the monitor

Eunha: Seoul Tour~

Eunha: Not this~

Accidentally cover sing's face with her hair

Sowon, that is not chin~~

For more infomation >> [ENG CC] Sowon Chin Fetish, Sowon: We are YeoJa "CHIN"Gu! - Duration: 1:44.


Top 5 Lil Uzi Vert Surprising Facts - Duration: 3:32.

Lil Uzi Vert is a famous rapper who gained recognition after his single Money Longer

was released.

Hes definitely done a lot for his career in just a short amount of time- and theres a

lot of things that might surprise you about him and that's what were going to be talking

about today.

Hey youtube im Court McGinley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know who is your favorite rapper and why let me know your

answers down in the comments.

Also don't forget to subscribe to our amazing channel if you havnt already and make sure

you hit that like button so I can keep bringing you awesome top 5 videos.

Alright without further adue lets get started on our list of the top 5 lil Oozy Vert surprising


Coming in at our number 5 spot--Bottom Dollar- Before making it big in the music industry

this rapper worked at a company called bottom dollar food which was an American soft discount

grocery chain.

He only worked there for a few days before he was fired.

It was after this he seriously started to pursue music.

Also shortly after this the bottom dollar franchise closed all of their stores after

their parent company sold the locations to a leading competitor.

See guys everything happens for a reason.

In at number 4- Inspo- turns out oozy is a huge fan of Marilyn Manson.

His music is actually influenced by Mansons style.

And Oozys dreams turned into a reality back in September when Manson actually revealed

that the 2 have been in talks about working on new music together and were going to collaborate

on an up and coming album.

About this Manson said- He wants to do a rock album next- and I would love to see that happen

because I think that he could make a new thing.

Not some rock rap type of thing- something special and new that I think needs to be created

just to fuck up the world more.

That's uhh..inspiring.

I can imagine that this made oozys day to hear his idol talk about him like that.

I mean oozy has a chain with a small replica of Manson himself on it…that's how much

he admires him.

Oozy also said when he was younger that he used to listen to Manson on repeat.

At number 3--Money- it turns out this rapper never wanted to be popular or even all that

famous- he just wanted to become rich.

Cant say I blame him.

But usually when people head out for stardom its because they want people to know there

name. and well lets be honest its because they want to money too.

But more often than not it's the fame that's seeked out rather than the fortune.

And Oozy has said that its important for him to be noticed by people but the reason he

wants to be noticed by people is so he can make more money.

Its also important for him to be noticed because then he knows hes doing something right.

You wouldn't be able to tell by looking at him but It turns out this rapper is filled

with self-doubt and always thinks that hes not good enough.

Well he managed to rise to stardom really quickly for such a young man so obviously

hes doing something right.

Coming in at our number 2 spot--Private- Now a lot of celebrities like to keep there personal

life private.

But once you reach that certain level of stardom people start to dig deep and try and learn

everything they possibly can.

Especially what the person was like before fame.

But this rapper has made sure to keep his personal life- and especially his family life


He makes sure to never share information about his family- and rarely talks about his life

before fame.

He says that he knows what its like to be afraid of something and he doesn't want

his family to have to go through that.

No one knows the name of his mother or father or if he even has any siblings for that matter.

The one thing that hes been unable to keep private is his dating life.

And hes had 2 girl friends over the past 3 years both named Brittany.

And in at number 1- Height- it might surprise a lot of you that this rapper only stands

at 5 feet 4 inches.

Now theres nothing wrong with being short.

I myself am only 5 foot 1- and im not going to lie I actually enjoy it.

But when you're a celebrity people often just invasion you being tall.

So when youre on the shorter side it can often come as a shock- and with oozy only being

5 foot 4 he is among the shortest rappers in the world.

And there you have it that's our list of the top 5 Lil oozy Vert surprising facts.

Thank you guys so much for watching and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Lil Uzi Vert Surprising Facts - Duration: 3:32.


The Best Horror Movie Endings Of This Century - Duration: 6:30.

Horror movies have to really stick the landing to last.

Whether that means coming in with a surprise twist, or an explosive event, or even a maddening

cliffhanger, the final moments of any good thriller should bring together all the jump

scares and eerie elements that have defined the rest of the movie.

For these modern flicks, the third acts were so good that they'll easily stand the test

of time.

Let's take a look at the best horror movie endings of the century so far.

And don't be scared, but there are huge spoilers ahead.

The Others

This atmospheric period film follows the Stewart family, a mom and her two kids, who start

to notice that their house is haunted.

There's a couple roaming the hallways, a ghost boy hiding behind the curtains, and even a

freaky blind lady lurking in the shadows.

But when Grace and her children stumble upon a séance in the attic, they suddenly realize

they're the ones who are deceased.

Her daughter had been right the whole time about her mother's maniacal ways.

"She won't stop!

She won't stop until she

hurts us."

As Grace remembers that she did away with her children and then herself after temporarily

going insane, she realizes she's damned her whole family to an eternity inside their creaky


It's a gut-punch of a twist and also changes the entire film when you realize the so-called

ghosts that have been scaring the Stewarts are actually living people who've moved into

Grace's old home.

And they're the ones being haunted.


These days, Jigsaw is one of the most famous bad guys to ever torture someone on the big

screen, but in 2004, when the first Saw film hit theaters, audiences had no idea what the

infamous serial killer actually looked like.

In fact, for most of the movie, everybody suspected that Zep was the psycho who abducted

and chained up poor Adam in that bathroom dungeon.

But after our hero bashes Zep to bits, he discovers a cassette that reveals the hospital

orderly was just another victim in Jigsaw's game.

And as Adam begins to process this new bit of info, we watch in horror as a body—which

has been lying on the bathroom floor for the whole movie—crawls up off the floor.

Yep, this corpse is the killer himself, John Kramer, and when Jigsaw walks out of the bathroom,

he leaves his latest victim chained to a pipe, parting with his trademark line:

"Game over"

With a doozy like that, it's no wonder the movie has spawned seven sequels and counting.

The Mist

The ending of The Mist is so notorious now that it really needs no introduction.

But it's still pretty brilliant and terrible all the same.

Director Frank Darabont took a major liberty with the Stephen King novella to end it the

way he did, but even King had to compliment the decision, saying,

"I loved [it].

It is the most shocking ending ever."

The story surrounds a supermarket full of people who've been trapped inside by an otherworldly

mist full of monsters.

But they're not exactly safe from harm there either.

As the threat outside continues to dwarf any escape options, religious zealotry begins

to overtake some of the survivors, who threaten to sacrifice our hero David's son.

So he and the others who reject the apocalyptic overtures make a break for it after an intense

stand-off in the checkout aisle.

Unfortunately, they don't get far before they run out of gas, and, faced with certain death

by tentacled terrors, David executes his own and son and friends with a pistol, but runs

out of bullets before he can off himself, too.

Overcome with instant grief, he goes into the mist to accept his fate but finds that

the military has arrived to eradicate the beasts.

If only David had waited just a few seconds, his son would've been okay, and we all could've

been spared that emotional devastation.

The Cabin in the Woods

Possibly the most meta horror movie ever made, The Cabin in the Woods follows a bunch of

college students who foolishly spend a weekend in a creepy forest.

Naturally, their little getaway doesn't go as planned, and they quickly discover they're

meant to be sacrifices in an elaborate ritual to please some angry ancient entities.

With a family of undead rednecks hot on their trail, the two remaining survivors find themselves

trapped in an underground bunker, surrounded by a bunch of goons with machine guns.

Without any other choice, our heroes unleash an army of monsters, resulting in one of the

wildest, you-won't-believe-it-until-you-see-it sequences in horror cinema.

Pretty much every creature you can imagine shows up, ready to do some damage.

We've got a knock off Pennywise, an imitation Pinhead, and masked murderers straight out

of The Strangers.

There's a merman, an enormous bat, and one unfriendly unicorn.

By the time the zombies, ghosts, and werewolves are finished slaughtering everyone in sight,

the walls are caked with blood, the earth is doomed, and audiences have had a gory good


It Follows

It's hard to come up with a completely original movie monster nowadays, but It Follows combined

the common societal fear of communicable diseases with traditional terror tropes to create something

entirely new.

Basically an STD on two legs, the titular "It" is spread via contact, and if you contract

the curse, this enigmatic monster will mercilessly hunt you down.

And if it gets you, it then goes after the person who gave you the curse…and so on

and so on forever.

Sure, the creature moves pretty slowly, but this thing can take any form necessary to

get close enough to end your life.

And no matter what, it never stops following.

Our heroine Jay does her best to fry the monster with every electronic device she can get her

hands on.

And just to play it safe, she gets down with her friend Paul, who then passes the curse

on to a prostitute, just in case the thing comes back.

And that leads us to the final eerie image of Jay and Paul walking down a neighborhood

street, with a man behind them in the distance.

Maybe it's just a guy walking or maybe it's the creature that can never die, coming back

for round two.

Open endings are often too frustrating to withstand, but this one fits the theme of

the film like a glove, if you catch our drift.

Get Out

A modern-day masterpiece, Jordan Peele's Get Out almost had a radically different ending.

Originally, Peele planned on having his main character, Chris Washington, arrested after

escaping the clutches of the mind-controlling family.

Fortunately, the writer-director had a change of heart and crafted a new ending that left

audiences cheering instead of crying.

To set the scene, Chris has just narrowly avoided the lobotomy to end all lobotomies,

and during his getaway, he dispatches every evil white person who steps into his path.

This eventually ends with Chris standing above his psycho ex-girlfriend as she's bleeding

out on a country road.

Suddenly, flashing lights appear in the distance, and we assume the worst is about to happen.


But instead of the law showing up to cart Chris away, who should step out of the car

but Chris's best friend, TSA Officer Rod Williams.

As Rod takes Chris back to safety, everyone in the audience breathes a sigh of relief,

knowing full-well this kind of upbeat ending rarely happens in real life.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Best Horror Movie Endings Of This Century - Duration: 6:30.


Top 6 Natural Alternatives To Ibuprofen - Duration: 5:26.

Top 6 Natural Alternatives To Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen is a type of �non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug� (NSAID) that is in wide use as a painkiller.

It has been demonstrated to be effective at pain removal, however there is the possibility

of some serious side effects, including internal bleeding and heart problems such as higher

risk of heart attacks or stroke.

Despite this, Ibuprofen remains one of the most popular painkillers in the market and

continues to be sold in most drugstores, grocery stores, and convenience stores throughout

the world.


The risk of this varies depending on the amount used and from person to person.

But I had a personal experience with Ibuprofen, not so long ago, where I only took ONE and

the following morning there was blood.

It did seem a mighty strange coincidence that the one time I took Ibuprofen in years just

so happened to be several hours before the one time in years I passed blood.

Now your mileage may vary � but it was �game over� for me, I have no intention of ever

taking it again.

Anyway I hope that�s not �too much information�.

#1 � White Willow Bark

With the scientific name Salix alba, white willow is a plant used for the extracts from

its bark.

Historically, white willow has been widely used to manage a variety of conditions because

of its anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, and analgesic properties.

In modern times, it is an excellent natural alternative to manage headaches, chronic lower

back pain, joint pain, and osteoarthritis.

Though more research is needed, willow bark is also promising in dealing with menstrual

cramps, fever, flu, inflammation of the tendons, and even pain caused by cancer.

[2], [3]

#2 � Chili Pepper

Chili pepper is a pretty unusual method of managing pain.

Its spicy flavor and inherent heat make it a favorite in cooking but did you know that

it also has potent analgesic properties.

Capsaicin, the active component of hot peppers has been used in topically-applied creams

since the 1980s to manage pain.

In recent times, the EU and USA has approved the use of a capsaicin patch, which has been

shown to manage neuropathic pain effectively, compared to pain medications.

A single 60-minute application of the Qutenza� patch was able to prove pain relief for up

to twelve weeks in patients experiencing neuropathic pain.

The capsaicin patch does this by desentisizing pain receptors, reducing pain effectively

and immediately for a prolonged period of time.


#3 � Boswellia

Boswellia is a tree famous for its fragrant resin which has therapeutic effects in the

management of pain.

Studies have shown how variants of Boswellia extract can rapidly alleviate pain as well

as be able to manage chronic pain caused by osteoarthritis.

In the case of people affected by arthritis, Boswellia was able to improve pain, mobility,

and joint flexion after eight weeks of treatment.

[5], [6]

#4 � Cat�s Claw

Cat�s claw is a popular treatment method for osteoarthritis.

It has potent anti-inflammatory properties that help alleviate the swelling in the joints.

Because of this, cat�s claw is able to greatly reduce pain, improve mobility, and prevent

further damage to the affected joints � all within the first week of treatment.


#5 � Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in numerous fresh fish like salmon and tuna, as well as

vegetables like brussel sprouts and kale.

This kind of food is known as �good for the heart� because it promotes cardiovascular

health and decreases a person�s risk for hypertension, heart attack, and stroke.

All this is because of omega-3�s potent anti-inflammatory properties, which can concurrently

also reduce pain in cases.

In a study in 2015, omega-3 fatty acids were seen to reduce pain alone or in conjunction

with morphine.


#6 � Curcumin

Curcumin is a primary component of the herb turmeric, which also displays potent analgesic


In two studies published in 2011 and 2011, the effectiveness of curcumin was seen in

cases of neuropathic pain and post-operative pain after laparascopic cholecystectomy.

By the third post-operative week, test subjects included in the latter study were completely

pain free.

Another study even revealed how curcumin was able to alleviate the worst kind of pain � pain

caused by burns � because of its strong anti-inflammatory characteristics.

For more infomation >> Top 6 Natural Alternatives To Ibuprofen - Duration: 5:26.


GTA V Online - Worth it - Most Expensive vs Cheapest Supercar - Duration: 1:42.


What is more worth it.

The most expensive supercar in the game or the cheapest supercar in the game.

Well, today we are going to find out.

The way we are going to do this is to compare performance, durability, and practically and

divide all by price.

The vehicle with the biggest number wins.

So the two cars we car going to test are the Voltic and the x80 proto.

The price of the Voltic is 150,000 and the x80 is at 2.7 million on Legendary Motorsport.

So for lap times, the voltic gets a 1:05:798 and the x80 gets a 1:01:175 according to broughy's

video which in the card up above.

For durability the voltic survived for 6 seconds and the x80 survived for 0:06:766 seconds.

For practically both vehicles can only seat 2 people so that's a draw.

So time for the number.

The voltic got a number of 0.00016 and the x80 got 0.0000086 so the voltic gets you more

car for your money.

If you are wondering how I got this number I divide lap times by price, practically by

price, and durable via minigun by price and added all the numbers together and the bigger

the number the better bang for your buck.

So anyways if you liked the video like it, dislike if you dislike and subscribe if you


My name been Sky and I hope to catch you in the next video.



For more infomation >> GTA V Online - Worth it - Most Expensive vs Cheapest Supercar - Duration: 1:42.


7 Differences Between Religion And Spirituality - Duration: 4:48.

7 Differences Between Religion And Spirituality

A lot of people mistake Spirituality for Religion or some mysterious, supernatural occurrence.

Some even think of it as a sect but this is because of their lack of knowledge and their

fear of being manipulated.

If we move past this and try to study and understand what spirituality actually is,

we�ll come to a realization that it is nothing mysterious or supernatural nor in any way

connected to a sect of any kind.

These 7 differences between Religion and Spirituality will help you understand what Spirituality

actually is.

Religion Makes You Bow � Spirituality Sets You Free

Religion tells you to follow an ideology and obey certain rules or you�ll be punished


Spirituality lets you Follow Your Heart and What You Feel It�s Right.

It sets you free to be what you truly are without bowing to anything that doesn�t

resonate as right with you nor to anyone because we are all one.

It is all up to you to choose what you�ll honor enough to make it divine.

Religion Shows You Fear � Spirituality Shows You How to Be Brave

Religion tells you what to fear and tells you consequences.

Spirituality makes you aware of the consequences but doesn�t want you to focus on the fear.

It shows you How to Stand Despite Being Afraid, how to move on doing what you feel it�s

right despite the consequences that may come.

It shows you how to act on love and not on fear, it shows you how to control fear and

use the best of it.

Religion Tells You The Truth � Spirituality Lets You Discover It

Religion tells you what to believe and what is right.

Spirituality lets you discover it by yourself and understand it in your own unique way.

It lets you Connect With Your Higher Self and see with your own mind what truth is because

the truth as a whole is same for each one of us.

It lets you believe in your own truth through your own perception of your heart.

Religion Separates from Other Religions � Spirituality Unites Them

Through our world there are many religions and they all preach that their story is the

right story.

Spirituality sees the truth in all of them and unites them because the truth is same

for all of us despite our differences and uniqueness.

It focuses on the quality of the divine message they share and not on the differences in details

of the story they speak.

Religion Makes You Dependent � Spirituality Makes You Independent

If you attend religious events only then you are seen as a religious person and someone

who is worthy of happiness.

Spirituality shows you that you don�t need or depend on anything to be happy.

Happiness is always found deep in ourselves and only we are responsible for it.

We are always where we need to be and not just while attending at some events or buildings.

Divinity is in us and that is why we are always worthy.

Religion Applies Punishment � Spirituality Applies Karma

Religion says that if we don�t obey certain rules there is punishment that awaits us which

relies on our belief.

Spirituality lets us understand that every action has its reaction and realize that the

punishment of our actions will be the reaction coming from the actions we set in motion.

It relies solely on the fundamental forces of The Universe and it doesn�t need you

to believe in that force to be true.

Religion Makes You Follow Other Journey � Spirituality Lets You Create Your Own

The foundation of one religion is the story it tells about a God or Gods, their journey

to enlightenment and the truth they have discovered making you follow their steps.

Spirituality lets you Walk Your Own Journey to Enlightenment and discover the truth in

your own way following what your heart tells it�s right because the truth is always the

same no matter how you get to it.

Every religion came by spirituality, by the journey through which one person became God.

The details of the story are not important they just help the character discover the


The message that shares the truth is what is important, The Divine Code of The Human

Heart that resonates harmoniously through each of us.

That is why every religion has something true in it, the truth.

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