Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 2 2017

I'm giving Allie and Danielle this HP Sprocket

printer and I thought it would be fun to surprise

them and show them how it works.

Sprocket is small enough to fit

in your pocket so you can carry it anywhere.

It prints card sized stickable


and you can print any photo from

your phone, Facebook,

or Instagram. It's so cute!

Yes! Look how cute it is! It's so

For more infomation >> The Tannerites Mother/Daughter Room Makeover | HP Sprocket Photo Printer | HP - Duration: 0:41.


🐻 JayKode - Wasted (feat. Marco Foster) (Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:13.

📝 JayKode - Wasted (feat.

Marco Foster) Lyrics

I don't even know what to feel anymore You threw me out and locked the door

I don't even know where to go from here Just close my eyes and disappear

I thought what we had was something Special like it's that, it wasn't

All that time I wasted on you All that time I wasted on you

I see visions of what could've Been before you tore me open

All that time I wasted on you All that time I wasted on you

All that time I wasted on you

I've been taking shots straight from the bottle

Guess that I've got no self control Never thought that we would fall apart

Never really knew how to let you go

I thought what we had was something Special like it's that, it wasn't

All that time I wasted on you All that time I wasted on you

I see visions of what could've Been before you tore me open

All that time I wasted on you All that time I wasted on you

All that time I wasted on you

For more infomation >> 🐻 JayKode - Wasted (feat. Marco Foster) (Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:13.


Pelosi Stuttering, Stammers, Appears "on Something" as She Attacks GOP Tax Bill - Duration: 4:49.

Pelosi Stuttering, Stammers, Appears "on Something" as She Attacks GOP Tax Bill.

During House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's daily press briefing Thursday, a day before

the Senate finally passed the GOP's sweeping tax reform bill, she gave America more embarrassing

evidence that it's long past time she left the national stage.

Pelosi was clearly trying to portray some kind of moral outrage, but right from the

onset, the 77-year-old congresswoman behaved like a senile senior fast approaching the

onset of full-blown dementia.

First, she walked by a giant sign labeled "GOP tax sham" but, as she arrived at

the podium, looked over her left shoulder in search of that very same sign.

Upon realizing that it was to her right, she pivoted and announced, "Here it is: the

GOP tax scam."

And here you are — the Democrat Party's Achilles heel.

Pelosi then began babbling her complaints about the tax bill, repeating and slurring

her words like the iPhone's Siri stuck in a loop.

Pelosi has embarrassed herself in public before, of course, but this time came off differently.

The careful, but botched, enunciation gave the impression she was "on something."

She sounded like a driver who's had a few too many trying to tell a cop exactly how

he was just heading home.

Listen to a compilation of Pelosi's stuttering and stammering pieced together by the folks

over at The American Mirror:

"It will unravel the ACA," she said, using liberal terminology for what normal Americans

call "Obamacare."

The Senate version of the tax reform would repeal Obamacare's individual mandate.

"The sneaky ACA ref .. reform," she then repeated.

"Repeal … sneaky ACA repeal."

Took you long enough to get that right, Nancy.

"It's a lethal attack on the middle class, on America's jobs … on Americans' jobs,"

she later said.

Interestingly, a transcript of this briefing posted to Pelosi's House website didn't

include most of her mistakes: "It's a lethal attack on the middle class, on Americans'

jobs, good health, and education, on the children and seniors."

How convenient.

Pelosi also slurred her speech when speaking about veterans, referring to them as "ever-veterans,"

and spoke of congressional "bri-partisanship" in regard to her hopes Congress will pass

legislation to protect illegal immigrant children.

When later criticizing President Donald Trump for his alleged refusal to hear her arguments

in favor of former President Barack Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program,

which Trump rescinded earlier this fall, Pelosi then said something astounding.

"How can you judge — judgement be respected if you don't even know what you're talking

about?" she uttered.

Said the lady who enthusiastically voted in favor of Obamacare seven years ago despite

admitting to not knowing what was inside the bill.

Nice try, though.

I'm not an ageist or whatnot, but I gotta wonder … does does an aging woman with so

many glaring issues really need to be leading the Democrat Party?

I would typically argue "no," though given the effect her leadership has had on the party,

I'm tempted to yell, "Heck yes!"

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and let us know what you think about Pelosi's bizarre behavior.

For more infomation >> Pelosi Stuttering, Stammers, Appears "on Something" as She Attacks GOP Tax Bill - Duration: 4:49.


Keto Meal Prep For The Week | Vlogmas Day 3 - Duration: 6:04.

Hello and welcome back to my channel! Today I'm going to show you how to do

everything that you need to do to make these lovely meal prep boxes with, using

my favorite meal prep containers and remember to check down below I'll

leave links to loads of information where to find these meal prep containers,

blog post, all the recipes, information, everything you need will be down below

and remember to subscribe for more yummy inspirations just like this and leave a

like and a comment with your go-to meal prep tips I look forward to reading them

let's get straight into the video and starting my Sunday meal prep by making

this big corn beef silverside, you can see it's one point six seven kilos and

on ours we've got instructions on the back they tell us how to cook it but

what I pretty much do is I'll open up the package

give it a bit of a wash get all the brine that's in and washed away

and I'm gonna put it, pop it into a pot, I'm going to cover it with water

heaps of salt and then just cook it according to, so I usually go it's 1

point 6 kilos I'll cook it for about an hour and a half or so bring it up to the

boil, cook it for an hour and a half and then I've got meat for the week look at

that, that's for my husband and I and even the kids as well, when he wants

lunches it's just great thing I do on Sundays so we've got meat you could cook

this for a meal as well but it's just one of the things I do, so I'm gonna get

on and cook that and I'll chat you through more as I go with my Sunday meal

prep and as you can see I chose that absolute fattiest piece that I could so

you get some good healthy yummy fats on it and it's covered with water, we've got

the flame on, somewhere, there's the flame, we've got the flame on it's gonna just

I'm just gonna bring it up to the boil and then reduce it to a simmer and cook

it for a good hour and a half I pop the lid on to help the bubbling process

along you can see it's just come up and it's doing a nice little simmer so I'll pop

the heat down and we'll set in an alarm start, one and a half hours,

and we're just gonna let this bubble away and I'll move on to my next meal

prep food, and next I'm gonna make some hard-boiled eggs always good to have in

the fridge for salads for snacks for making some deviled eggs so I've got a

whole lot of eggs covered with water we got the flame on we're gonna bring it

up to the boil and my method is bringing up to the boil simmer for 10 minutes and

then turn it off and let it cool in the water that produces perfect hard-boiled

eggs for me, you might have your favorite way of doing it but that's just another

thing I like to do on Sundays in addition to my meat which is gently

bubbling away over there so I'm gonna get on and make my hard-boiled eggs now,

it's been an hour and a half and I've turned the heat off it's still bubbling

a little bit but that's beautifully cooked silverside, we've got some cooked

hard-boiled eggs it's all coming together just one more thing that I want

to make today and next I'm gonna make some veggies and I'm gonna make some

cauliflower mash just what I feel like so I've got a whole head of cauliflower

over here we've got the meat in the background there we're gonna use the

same pot drained off the meat just letting it cool a bit before you slice

it up and so I'm gonna chop this into teeny little pieces, cut, cover water

bring up to the boil and just cook it until it's Mashable and the cauliflower

is all chopped up covered in water and now it's just gonna bubble away and I am

going to just make some cauliflower mash and I've actually shared heaps of

cauliflower mash recipes in the past I'll leave a link down below to a blog

post with five cauliflower mash recipes you can choose from so you can make it

whatever you like ok almost there I've got the meat sliced up, we've got our

hard boiled eggs cooled and sliced up on you can tell

it's steamy over here I've got my cauliflower

it's boiled up, it's ready to mash and I'm just gonna pour over some cream, add

a couple of knobs of butter and generous shake of salt and mash that all together

right let's get mashing, mash it until we've got some smooth creamy cauliflower mash,

and next I will show you my meal prep boxes and how to put all of this together,

now got my favorite meal prep containers here and what I'm going to do

is just pop a couple of slices of meat in one little portion and a couple of

hard-boiled eggs and another one and a couple of dollops of my cauliflower mash

in the last one now these are to grab and go, they make great lunchboxes or

for me we've just, we never know each day where

we're at we've been moving, we've been sightseeing, we've been catching up with

friends and doing all kinds of things so it's great to come home to a meal ready

prepped in the fridge that's got good portion of meat, good low carb high fat

protein some veggies as well and and I'll make a couple of these boxes up but

also just keep you know my bowl full of, can't really see there, let me move you,

that's my bowl full of hard-boiled eggs as well as my meat over there everything

in my kitchen is going a bit crazy and the cauliflower mash so I've got so I'm

gonna make up a couple of these boxes and then with the rest of it just, you

know, container it up and use for different purposes but how fun and how

easy is that, so that is the video for today showing you my Sunday meal prep

how to make these awesome meal prep boxes and check down below I'll leave a

couple of blog posts with loads more information to help you on your low-carb

keto journey or just making some healthy meal prep and thanks so much for

watching make sure that you leave a like and subscribe for more yummy

inspirations just like this and leave me a comment with any of your meal prep

tips I look forward to reading your comments and we'll see you again

tomorrow for more vlogmas fun, bye!

For more infomation >> Keto Meal Prep For The Week | Vlogmas Day 3 - Duration: 6:04.


The OREO CHALLENGE!!! *Gone Wrong* - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> The OREO CHALLENGE!!! *Gone Wrong* - Duration: 5:08.


[Syria] [Damacus] SAM Buk -M2E Syrian rocket fired three Israeli missiles - Duration: 2:01.

On December 2, according to local sources, the Israeli military launched from 4 to 6

missiles from positions in the Golan Heights to several Syrian Arab military bases (SAA)

in al-Kiswah district, south of Damascus, Syria.

Syrian government sources say the Syrian Air Defense Forces (SADF) has deployed several

Buk-M2E air defense missiles from the Mezzeh air base north-west of Damascus to intercept

Israel missiles.

Sources said at least three Israeli missiles were successfully intercepted by the SADF

in the sky over Damascus.

However, these claims have not been confirmed.

According to Syrian government activists, an alleged Iranian base in the Kesweh area

around al-Kiswah district, and a mine depot of the SAA 1st ST Division were hit by Israeli


Earlier, on November 10, the BBC reported that Iran is building a military base in al-Kiswah


However, the BBC's information has yet to be verified.

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman has threatened to destroy the Iranian base

in al-Kiswah and says: "Israel will not allow Iran to set up a military base in Syria."

No Syrian or Israeli officials have commented on the Israeli missile strike in Damascus.

For more infomation >> [Syria] [Damacus] SAM Buk -M2E Syrian rocket fired three Israeli missiles - Duration: 2:01.


【マイクラ】シャレたインテリア 2選!| 2 Ways of Hiding Lights!![Minecraft] - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> 【マイクラ】シャレたインテリア 2選!| 2 Ways of Hiding Lights!![Minecraft] - Duration: 3:49.


How to deal with SUPER SHORT PENCILS [24 days of Art Tips - day 2] - Duration: 1:24.

Hello guys and welcome to the second episode of 24 days of art tips! I am

Gadounelfe and I am a fantasy artist and I help fellow artists from around

the world to take their drawing skills to the next level.

So let's begin with today's video. Has it ever happen to you to have a super short

pencil and you don't know how to be able to work with? Well today I'm

bringing the solution to you! As you know, I use Faber Castell Polychromos

colored pencil and... Well, they are quite expensive! So I like to use them as much

as possible. So what I did is that I bought those pencil holders from the

internet, I know they also have them in some art stores and what you do is you

put your pencil into this pencil holder. This will not only help you to hold your

pencil, but it will also help you to sharpen it so you can get to a super

small pencil! So this is it for today's tip! Make sure you subscribe to this

channel to be able to learn 23 other amazing tips and thanks for watching and

see you to the next one!

For more infomation >> How to deal with SUPER SHORT PENCILS [24 days of Art Tips - day 2] - Duration: 1:24.


Sexy! Adventskalender mit nackten Feuerwehrmännern | Grünwald Freitagscomedy - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Sexy! Adventskalender mit nackten Feuerwehrmännern | Grünwald Freitagscomedy - Duration: 0:21.


Overwatch Animated Short | Barely Alive - Duration: 5:24.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

When I was a girl,

I had a fear of spiders.

Was told they felt no emotion.

That their hearts never beat.

But I know the truth.


Mum Mom!

Everybody type in the chat,

Alex is a stupid...

I need healing! 💉

Good evening Twitter, this is your boy EatDat🐱445 and about like 30 to 45 minutes ago.

I beat the 🦆 out of my 🍆 so goddamn hard that I can't even feel my left leg...

My leg my left leg has went totally numb.



Greetings agent!

...and my 🍆 has also been totally numb.

To the point where is feels 🦆ing weird, when I go and take a piss!

[Lazy animation intensifies]

Hey Vsauce!

Cheers, love! The cavalry's 👭!


EDP is in danger! Shooter on the roof! I repeat shooter on the roof!

This is a secure Channel, no one is allowed...

EDP is in danger! Get him outta here!

Identify yourself immediately!

All rooftop teams check and clear Halo is leaving. I repeat Halo is leaving! Sir there's been a breach.

We need to leave now! Chariot this is team one. Halo is coming in hot! Over!

Hmmm? 🤔

Good day for a swell battle! ☕

You're up! ☕

My leg!

Such a sweet foolish...


What's that?

Grenade out!


Omae wa mou shindeiru! 👊



Looks like the party is over.

No no no... no no NOO!

Knockout! ☕

I need healing!

When I was a girl, I had a dream that I was filing at something. I missed. So I fired again, and I missed.

And then I missed again. And then I fired. And then I missed.

And then I was out of bullets. And then I got sad.

I had the popsicle. And then I reloaded. And then I fired. And I missed. I missed again.

Then I filed and I hit something.

But it wasn't what I was going for, so I guess I missed.

I reached into the fridge for another popsicle. I missed.

I got the cabbage. I put it back, but I missed. I dropped it on the floor. Long story short.


For more infomation >> Overwatch Animated Short | Barely Alive - Duration: 5:24.


LET IT ALL BEGIN! • vlogmas day 1 - Duration: 11:34.

For more infomation >> LET IT ALL BEGIN! • vlogmas day 1 - Duration: 11:34.


No Thoughts Will Help You Realize The Self. (Robert Adams Satsang) - Duration: 53:28.

For more infomation >> No Thoughts Will Help You Realize The Self. (Robert Adams Satsang) - Duration: 53:28.


Realidad cuántica... Experiencias con Terapias cuánticas por Yolanda Soria - Duration: 59:09.

For more infomation >> Realidad cuántica... Experiencias con Terapias cuánticas por Yolanda Soria - Duration: 59:09.


Rankings Outside the Rankings | 순위 밖 순위 [Gag Concert / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 3:10.

(Rankings Outside the Rankings)

Hello, everyone.

It's time to talk about rankings outside the rankings.

I'm the 168th ranked comedian, Yang Seonil.

You all kiss a lot.

- Yes. / - You kiss a lot?

- Yes. / - Everyone...

What do couples say after kissing?

That's why we looked into it.

The top 3 comments after kissing.


"See you in my dreams."

Guess you've said that before.


"You're mine now."

And 1st place.

" I love you."

Unfortunately, these didn't make the top 3.

Comment after kissing ranked 22nd.

Did you like that?


You're a better kisser than Mincheol.


I guess you don't scrape your tongue

when you brush your teeth.


Baby, about our kiss...

Don't tell my girlfriend.


Honey! Is this why you're dating me?


So where do you live?

Did you see that?

Did they mention a few you had in mind?

People, couples go watch movies often too.

Then what do couples say often

after watching a movie?

That's why we looked into it again.

The top 3 comments said to your significant other

after watching a movie.

"I need to use the bathroom."


"Give me a dollar to pay for parking."

I guess you've said that often.

It's 1st place.

"You're a lot prettier than the female lead."


The ones that didn't make the ranking.

What you say to your significant other after a movie.


Honey, wasn't that great?

- Honey. / - Yeah?

I took the 3D glasses from the theater.

You're crazy!


Honey, wasn't the movie great?

It was.

Let's go smoke a cigarette now.


That movie was terrible.

Kim Gyeongsik fooled me again.


The action in "Thor." Wow...

Thor's butt... Wow...

This has been Yang Seonil

of Rankings Outside the Rankings. Thank you.

For more infomation >> Rankings Outside the Rankings | 순위 밖 순위 [Gag Concert / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 3:10.


How to Knit 2 Color Brioche In The Round Part 1 of 3 for Hat and Cowl - Duration: 11:48.

hi I'm Kristin Omdahl and welcome back to my studio in this series of videos

I'm going to show you how to knit brioche stitch in the round with two

colors of yarn after you learn the technique I'm going to show you how to

make this gorgeous cowl and slouchy knit hat we're going to be using worsted

weight yarn so it works up really quickly to make these beautiful holiday

gifts let's get started make sure you follow the link in the

video description to download the free pattern and order the Be So Brave Yarn

which is still on sale on my website for $5 a hank Be So Brave yarn is 100%

USA made American merino wool it's worsted weight and comes in many

beautiful saturated colors I'm going to use Cape Cod Bay and Orangesicle for

the two colors for the demonstration and I'm going to cast on with both of them

sometimes I think it's fun to use two colors of yarn when doing a cast on

because then you don't have to do any guesswork to figure out how much yarn to

pull ahead so I'm going to hold both tails in my right hand with my needle

and then hold both of the yarns in my left hand like I'm doing long tail cast

on and just cast on as many stitches as I need if you are doing the Hat pattern

you're going to need 60 stitches cast on if you're doing the cowl pattern you're

going to need 72 stitches cast on and if you're making something smaller or

larger in circumference just make sure that you cast on an even number of

stitches when learning how to knit brioche in the round I highly recommend

starting with two color before working in one color because it's much easier to

recognize your mistakes you'll clearly see if you've knit or slipped the wrong

stitches because you won't be maintaining these vertical stripes using

the two color cast on is a great way to help you understand - how to not twist

your stitches when working in the round if

notice the doing it in two colors our stitch is at the top of the work and our

cast on edge is at the bottom of the work so Cape Cod Bay is the stitch and

the cast on edge is in Orangesicle so if we line this up just so you can see

that I have my stitches to the outside of the needles and my cast on into the

inside and that's how we know we haven't twisted our stitches I love that it's

such a great way to learn how to recognize your stitch from your cast on

so that you don't twist it we're now ready to begin our setup round for the

beginning of this project and what a setup round means is that it's around

you only do one time and it's not repeated like the rest of the stitch

pattern I'm going to use Orangesicle for my set up round just the beautiful

saturated orange and we're going to we're gonna add our stitch marker first

and then we're going to yarn over slip one and knit one yarn over slip one and

knit one yarn over slip one and knit one and this is what we're going to repeat

all the way around I enjoy living dangerously just as much as the next

person but knitting brioche two color in the round is not one of them I always

recommend slipping a stitch marker in between every round in the early rounds

of this project you want to make sure that you're checking to see that your

stitches aren't twisted still so we've got our stitches to the outside edge and

our cast on edge to the inside edge I've slipped my stitch marker and I'm now

ready to begin row round two and so I'm going to grab the second ball of yarn

which is the Cape Cod Bay and I'm going to pull it from under the Orangesicle

so that I'm kind of wrapping the yarns together because I want to carry my

yarns up every other round as I go instead of cutting them at the end of

our around because what will happen is you'd

have so many ends to weave in Plus it's a waste of yarn so we're going to carry

our yarns from round to round so we've slipped our stitch marker or at the

beginning of round two and so with yarn B we're going to knit two together with

our first two stitches and on a brioche stitch knit two together or purl two

together which will be our following round you want to make sure that when

you're doing this the two together portion you're doing a yarn over and a

stitch together it's a good way to make sure that you're on track is to always

make sure that the two together stitch is with a yarn over so these first two

here we're going to knit two together which is our brioche knit stitch and

then we're going to yarn over slip one as if to purl and that's our repeat so

we're going to knit two together yarn over slip one knit two together yarn

over and slip one and we're going to repeat this all the way around and now

we're ready to begin round three we're going to grab our yarn a and it's really

helpful to untangle your yarns as you go you'll have lot less headaches in the

long run if you make sure that they stay untangled so I'm gonna pull this okay

there we go so now we're gonna we're position so that I can grab yarn a from

underneath yarn B so I'm carrying it up as I go and I'm ready to begin round

three so we're going to move the yarn to the back of the work slip one as if to

purl and purl the next two stitches together yarn to the back of the work

which is a yarn over on a purl round slip one and purl the next two stitches

together yarn to the back of the work slip one as if to purl and purl the next

two stitches together

yarn over slip 1 purl 2 together yarn over slip 1 and purl two together a

couple of tricks to keep in mind to keep you on track remember that a slip stitch

needs to be the wrong color so we're working in orange right now we want to

make sure that our slip stitches are not orange that way we're carrying up the

other color so that we maintain this two color vertical striping the other trick

to remember is to make sure that your knit two togethers and purl two together

include one of the yarn overs you never want to be slipping the yarn over stitch

so we'll yarn over slip one and purl two together yarn over slip one and purl two

together yarn over slip one and purl two together and you want to repeat this all

the way around we're ready to begin round four which is going to be with

yarn B which is Cape Cod Bay we want to make sure our yarns are not tangled and

that we can position okay so that the yarn B can come out from under yarn a

which kind of wraps it as we go and we're gonna start with a brioche knit

stitch which is to knit the first two stitches together and remember you

always want to make sure you have a yarn over with that knit stitch so we're

going to knit these two together beginning of round four

yarn over slip one and knit two together yarn over slip one and knit two together

yarn over slip one and knit two together and repeat this all the way around I

prefer working my brioche knit stitch through the back loop I like how it

differentiates the right side from the wrong

the fabric whether you work through the front loop or the back loop with your

brioche stitch just remember to be consistent throughout the entire project

the end of round four you want to make sure you move your yarn to the back of

the work which is kind of like a very loose yarn over which will be handy at

the end of the next round we're going to slip our stitch marker to the right hand

needle we're now ready to begin our next round with yarn a so we're going to wrap

the yarn underneath the last yarn worked to come up and repeat round three

you want to make sure your yarn is to the back of the work before you slip one

as if to purl and purl the next two stitches together so we have a slip yarn

over and the brioche purl two together so we're going to move our yarn to the

back of the work for the yarn over slip one as if to purl and purl the next two

stitches together yarn over slip one and purl two together yarn over slip one and

purl two together yarn over slip one and purl two together and you want to repeat

this all the way around slip our stitch marker to the right hand needle and

we're now ready to begin round six which is to repeat round four so we're gonna

bring yarn be around yarn a and we start with a knit two together with the yarn

over and the stitch that come first knit two together we're gonna yarn over slip

one as if to purl and knit the next two stitches together yarn over slip one and

knit two together yarn over slip one knit two together and repeat this all

the way around as you've noticed our last two rounds were actually repeats so

at this point we're going to continue with repeating rounds three and four for

the desired length both the slouchy hat and the cowl call

for knitting for nine inches but if you're doing a different sized hat or a

different type of tubular project just repeat rounds three and four for the

desired length in the next two parts of this video I will show you how to either

cast off to create a tube for the cowl or create a decreased crown to create

the slouchy happen if you have any questions by all means leave them for me

in the comments and please subscribe to my channel for more videos

For more infomation >> How to Knit 2 Color Brioche In The Round Part 1 of 3 for Hat and Cowl - Duration: 11:48.


NOVEMBER WRAP UP! - Duration: 11:23.

Hi guys, I've got my November Wrap Up today and November was definitely a

month of highs and lows reading wise. I read a couple of books

that I absolutely loved and then I also read a couple of books that I didn't

love quite so much. So I'm just going to get straight on into it because the light

is very quickly fading and honestly so is my energy. I started November with a

bit of a confusing low and that was '13 Minutes' by Sarah Pinborough. This is a

psychological thriller, told through multiple perspectives. Following the

investigation of a girl who was dead for 13 minutes, after being found in a

freezing cold river. I just don't know how to feel about this. On the one hand

it was incredibly addictive, incredibly gripping. I couldn't really put it down

but on the other hand, there is not one single character that I warmed to or

liked reading about or like reading their perspective and there's unlikable

characters and then there's just characters that you don't like. And to be

honest there were multiple points during this book that I was very close to just

deciding not to finish it. There was also a lot of ableist language used in this

and also some homophobic language and a lot of other things like slut-shaming

and body shaming and I just didn't enjoy any of those things. Having said that, I

had to know what happened because my brain is just very frustrating and I

need to know everything when it comes to books. So I couldn't give up on this not

knowing what happened in the end but I didn't enjoy it. I just needed to know

what was going on and I ended up giving it a 2.5 out of 5 stars

and I don't think I would necessarily recommend it.

After that I read 'Alex & Eliza' by Melissa De La Cruz and this is a YA historical fiction, following the

story and the love story of Alex and Eliza and is inspired by the love story

that inspired Hamilton. I've not watched 'Hamilton: The Musical' but I have

listened to it a lot and that is why I was so intrigued by this because

although I've listened to the music, I don't necessarily know the story. Also I

don't really know much about this time period because it isn't something that I

ever learnt about at school. So I was really intrigued by that aspect of it

but because of that a lot of the things that happened in it, I wasn't entirely

sure whether it was creative liberties or whether it was factual but whatever

it was I really, really enjoyed it. I loved all of the characters. I thought

they were written really well. I loved Eliza's guts and I thought the romance

was really lovely. I really enjoyed historical aspects of it and learning

the bits that I did know were factually correct and we're historically accurate.

I thought it had a really good balance of being informative but not info dumpy

at all and I ended up giving it 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Next I read 'There's Someone Inside Your House' by Stephanie Perkins and I don't

really know the best way to describe it but it is basically a YA horror/thriller,

that is following a serial killer, who is very very gruesomely

murdering high school kids in this small town but it also follows the everyday life

of the main character and her relationships and her family and her

friendships and things like that. I was very apprehensive going into this

because I have absolutely loved everything that I have read from

Stephanie Perkins and I hadn't heard great things about this. So I was a

little bit nervous that I was going to be disappointed but I was not

disappointed in the slightest. I absolutely loved this book. I had heard a

few people being disappointed with this because they described it as being a

contemporary with murders in it and they weren't happy with that. For me, I read it

and I was just like, this is a contemporary where the romance, with murders in it and

it was just so much fun. It was everything I love in a book. There was an

adorable romance but also there were murders and it was incredibly gruesome,

incredibly thrilling and page turning and I just enjoyed it so much.

Stephanie Perkins has a way of making me fall in love with all of her characters instantly

and I did with this as well. I just warmed to every single one of them.

I loved the storyline, I loved the writing. There wasn't really anything

about this that I didn't thoroughly enjoy. I do think if you're going into it

expecting an incredibly gruesome, nail-biting, intense thriller, then you

probably will be disappointed in it because although it is very gruesome, it

also does have this adorable romance. Also if you're going into it just hoping

for it to be a fluffy romance, you're going to be a little bit shocked because it

is very gruesome at times but as I said I thoroughly enjoyed it

and I ended up giving it a 4.75 out of 5 stars.

I then read 'A Perfect Proposal' by Katie Fforde and I'm gonna put this down because it keeps turning my

camera very, very strange but this is an adult romance. It was basically girl goes

to New York, meets super rich woman, meets super rich woman's grandson, they have

this whole Mr. Darcy thing "oh I don't like you"

but obviously very clearly do like each other and then everything that you

expected to happen, happens and it was a fun read. It was a very, very

stereotypical, very run-of-the-mill romance. I will say that there was a lot

of language in it that just was very questionable and I think that is because

it was written seven years ago and I think the language used in it wasn't

really called out as much but if you wrote it in a book now, you definitely

would not get away with it. There was a lot of sexist comments in it, a lot of

homophobic comments in it and it just it wasn't great in that respect and it was

a fun read but as I said, it was nothing special and I ended up giving it a 2.5 out of 5 stars.

Next I picked up 'Ramona Blue' by Julie Murphy

and this follows Ramona, who is one of the only two out lesbians in her small

town and her family was very badly affected by Hurricane Katrina and it

follows her after a childhood friend comes back into her life and it sets off

some very confusing feelings because her childhood friend is a guy and she is

always considered herself only being attracted to women. And it basically

follows her everyday life, whilst she is trying to figure out her money problems

and also figure out her sexuality, whilst also juggling her friendships and her

jobs and things like that and I adored this book. I loved every

single character in it. I really enjoyed the writing. I absolutely flew

through it and honestly there wasn't any aspect of this book that I didn't love wholeheartedly.

There was so much representation in this, from things like

body diversity and sexuality and race and class and it was just brilliant.

I loved it so, so much. It's definitely one of my favourite contemporaries that I've

read this year and I ended up giving it a 5 out of 5 stars and I would most

definitely recommend it. After so, so many months and numerous TBR's saying that I

wanted to read it I finally read 'Six of Crows' by Leigh Bardugo.

I now completely understand why so many people love this book so much because it was fantastic.

If you don't know what this book is about, I'm not gonna say too much just because I feel as though going

into this not really knowing anything, is such a great way to go and that is what

I did and all I knew about this before going into it, is that it is set in the

Grisha world and is about a heist that this gang of outcast teens have to take part

in and it was just so great. There wasn't a single point of view that I didn't absolutely love.

Jesper and Wylan were adorable. Nina Zenik is just the coolest person ever.

Kaz Brekker is basically, how I read him, as being like a baby Tommy Shelby

from 'Peaky Blinders'. He was great and Inej was just everything I want to be.

She was so cool and I think I may have pronounced her name wrong but I

absolutely adored every single character. I really enjoyed it. It kind of reminded

me a lot of 'Peaky Blinders'. It had that kind of vibe of this gang of people that

are doing really bad things but also you kind of want them to win all the time.

It was just really great and I loved the fact that there wasn't a huge amount of

magic in it. There was definitely magic there but it wasn't the full focus of it

so it definitely kind of tread the line of being fantasy and reality, which

made it for me so much fun to read and I ended up

giving it a 4.5 out of 5 stars and I'm very much looking forward to continuing

with this series because I love all of the characters and I'm really excited to

see where it goes because I just I really enjoyed the characters the

characters were fantastic. Next I read the first two volumes of 'Lumberjanes'

by Noelle Stevenson, Grace Ellis and Brooke Allen and this follows five girls

at a summer camp, where basically a lot of strange things are going on.

There's mythology, there's dinosaurs, there are monsters, there's a bear lady.

There's just so much random stuff happening in this book, that honestly I have no idea

what was going on. It was just so bizarre and so strange and probably one of the

most random series I have ever read but I really, really enjoyed it. It was so

much fun. The artwork in it is gorgeous. I'm hoping we get to know a

little bit more about each of the individual characters in it because they

are all very different, very interesting but I don't feel as though there has

been much depth to them yet but I'm absolutely loving it. It is so ridiculous

but so much fun and I ended up giving them both a 4 out of 5 stars and

I'm most definitely going to be continuing with this series because I

don't know how I couldn't. The last book I read in November was 'Dreamology' by Lucy Keating

and this is a contemporary kind of sci-fi fantasy but mainly a

contemporary. Following a girl called Alice, who has been in love with this guy

called Max for as long as she can remember but he is literally her dream guy

because he is not real and she only ever knows him

in her dreams and then one day she moves school and he turns up in her classroom

and it basically follows on from there and follows Alice trying to work out

what is going on. I enjoyed this. It was very cute. It's a very easy read but for me

it wasn't necessarily anything special. It was very far-fetched and I didn't

personally feel all that connected to the characters or the plot but having

said that, it was adorable, it was fun and I did like the writing. So I'm definitely

interested to read more from Lucy Keating in the future but it wasn't

anything major for me and I ended up giving it a 3 out of 5 stars.

In November, TV wise, I watched a lot and it was kind of ridiculous but I haven't

been very well but I'm continuing watching 'Jane the Virgin' and loving it.

I finished 'The Good Place' and 'How To Get Away With Murder' at the same time and

was heartbroken because I didn't realise that they were going on midseason hiatuses.

So that was soul destroying and then I started 'Peaky Blinders' and have gotten

totally addicted to it and binge watched the first two seasons

in two days and then I continued watching it and am now completely

caught up with it and I'm absolutely loving that. Which I

think is why 'Six of Crows' reminded me of it so much because it was so fresh in my

mind and then I also just started watching 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' and I am so

incredibly in love with the show. I am on season two I think. Actually no, I think I

just finished season two. I started it a week ago and I've already binge watched

the first two seasons but as I said, I haven't been very well so I've had a lot

of time on my hands but I absolutely love this show. I think Jake and Rosa are

my two favourites but I just love every single character. They are fantastic.

So I'm definitely going to be continuing binge watching that in December. I can't

believe it's December next month. I'm sure properly finish it to be completely honest.

So yeah, that is what I've been watching 'Jane the Virgin',

having my heart broken by 'The Good Place' and How to Get Away With Murder' because

they've finished and I have to wait 'till January. 'Peaky Blinders' is fantastic.

I now know why so many people have constantly been telling me that I need

to watch it. 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine', I think is now

probably one of my favourite shows ever. So yeah, that is everything that I've

been reading and watching in November and I would genuinely absolutely love to

know what you've been reading and watching in November

and what you were hoping to read and watch in December. I will leave the links

to my Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Goodreads, Blog and Snapchat in the description box

below, so feel free to follow me on any of those if you would like and I just

hope you had the most wonderful November and I hope you are having the most

fantastic start to December. Bye!

For more infomation >> NOVEMBER WRAP UP! - Duration: 11:23.


How to Knit 2 Color Brioche In The Round Part 2 of 3 for Hat and Cowl - Duration: 3:36.

hi I'm Kristin Omdahl and welcome back to my studio in this series of videos

I'm going to show you how to knit brioche stitch in the round with two

colors of yarn after you learn the technique I'm going to show you how to

make this gorgeous cowl and slouchy knit hat we're going to be using worsted

weight yarn so it works up really quickly to make these beautiful holiday

gifts let's get started make sure you follow the link in the

video description to download the free pattern and order the be so brave yarn

which is still on sale on my website for $5 a hank in the first video I showed

you how to cast on for either the cowl or the Hat how to get established in

your pattern and then how to knit in the round with two colors for the two

pattern repeat then we decided we would continue on with the repeat of the

pattern to our desired length for either a hat or a cowl and I have several

inches established now so for this video I thought it would be interesting to

show you how we bind off in brioche in the round with two colors and so I've

slipped my stitch marker but we actually don't need it anymore and I'm going to

show you now how to bind off if you're making a cowl actually this could easily

be the length for a headband that would be a fabulous ear warming headband but

if you wanted to make it the cowl you would just want to keep going for the

nine inches but let's see let's get over here and we're going to use I wanted to

use the Orangesicle but you could choose either color for the bind off and

we're going to knit the first stitch

knit the next stitch with the yarn over together so depending on whether you

ended on a row three repeat or a row four repeat one of the stitches is going

to be combined with a yarn over and one of them is going to be just a stitch on

its own so however they present themselves to you depending on where you

end your repeat of the pattern whichever one has the honor yarn over you're going

to knit it together with the other one and after you do then you're going to

take that first stitch you knit and pull it up and over the second knit two

together to bind off our first stitch okay so the next stitch is presented by

itself so we'll knit it and then pass the second stitch up and over the next

stitch is presented with the yarn over so we'll knit those two together and

pass the previous stitch up and over the last stitch the next stitch is presented

by itself will knit it by itself and bind it off accordingly the next stitch

is presented with the yarn over so we'll knit that together with the yarn over

and bind it off accordingly and you'll want to repeat that all the way around

and I'll show you on the cowl we have our let's see which ways which this is

our cast on edge here and there is our bind off row here in the next video I'll

show you how to do this decrease for the crown on the hat if you have any

questions by all means leave them for me in the comments and please subscribe to

my channel for more videos

For more infomation >> How to Knit 2 Color Brioche In The Round Part 2 of 3 for Hat and Cowl - Duration: 3:36.


Stupid driving mistakes #132 (December 2017 English subtitles) - Duration: 8:08.

Stupid crashes (Blyat show)

Fool! why did he go to overtaking!

Let's go help?


oh oh oh oh

God! what for?

hatchback towing minivans on a cable

something went wrong according to plan

this problem again appeared. Since morning it was not


moron suka!

condom blyat! Hey, you!

cursed azzhole

idiot blyat

blyat ! ekaraniy-babay!



Look what he does! tvoyu mat!

need an ambulance!

Trecol 39043 Predator


Russian language lessons. How do you spell the most obscene Russian curse of three letters denoting the male sex organ?


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