Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 20 2017

Hello everyone my name is StillCage and welcome to the last of us today we are

playing a very special game mode with some very great people and this game

mode has calm defend the lodge this game was brought to you by Nick eh 30 so

here's the rules got four hunters who stands at the lodge they gets a cycle

two for supply crates to get you know Stuff to craft, to throwables to defend

the lodge from the infected who is a set of four other players who will be trying

to kill us all with melees only the hunters loadout consists of a revolver a

semi-auto rifle Hawk-eyed 3 collector 2 and a flamethrower the

infecteds loadout consists of a revolver covert training two sharp ears 3

marathon runner one and TLOU strategist three I mean uh.... strategist 3 it's

also worth noting that covert training to later gets turned into brawler 2

because well the hunters aren't allowed to use listen mode so cover training 2

does the infected no good other rules for the game-mode include the hunters

being able to use anything at their disposal weapons marking they're just

now let's use listen mode and the infected can only use melee they can

also use listen and they can also purchase armor if they get the parts the

hunters must stay inside the lodge no matter what they're not let's go into

the deck or on top of the balcony if a fellow hunter goes down his buddies are

allowed to revive him as for an infected goes down

no one can revive him you're probably wondering so how do you win well the

infected win if they can kill off all four hunters when the hunter dies they

have no more response and they have to go stay on the other side of the map and

watch in shame the way the hunters win is by killing off all 24 infected so

that's the rules of the game so without further ado let's get into the gameplay

I should really quickly mention that at the start of this game I accidentally

picked the hunter's class so I was at a disadvantage that's why I have a

semi-auto rifle do it *random people talking*

boys okay let's get the boys I think we got

agility remember if any of you guys have it equipped so that's good

*lots of talking*

*more talking*

*something about nail bombs*

If your seeing this tell everyone in the comments to turn on


♪ Now this is a story all about how My life got flipped-turned upside down ♪

♪ And I'd like to take a minute Just sit right there I'll tell you how ♪

♪ I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air! ♪

*every thing goes quite*

guys there's what I learned one in I learned one in he's doing specially oh

I got down he did that that's a good ah you thought i was done

maybe your just noticing this isn't actually going to gameplay. what if this just

goes on forever hmmm... what then? but really he should have been Disqualified.

back to something better.... *clears throat *



Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping

Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains Within the sound of silence

I hope your Enjoying this. You have no Clue how long this takes. i have to type out each one of these. but i mean if you press like that would be nice XD

Na you don't have to do that.

But you should leave a comment letting me know you found this!

Here's something fun! guess all these songs.

Yes, you know that I've been looking at you for a long time I must dance with you today I saw that the look in your eyes was calling me Show me the path that I will take (Oh)

Next song!

It's been a long day without you, my friend And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again We've come a long way from where we began

last song!

낮에는 따사로운 인간적인 여자 커피 한잔의 여유를 아는 품격 있는 여자 밤이 오면 심장이 뜨거워지는 여자 그런 반전 있는 여자

okay i cant do anymore. back to youtubes auto captions

you're too close too close okay I'll back out good yep nice punning on their

own airman I want it go hey guys next time try doing this cuz we might spawn

in my building if we face backwards like this right here

there's two we got this you got this oh go right side again that works so

well and we all have like armor we could just go in back yeah yeah I got more

let's save it though don't use it yet don't use yet wait so you mean wait till

you're just about the enter enter the building but let's go far right I'm

gonna go over it yeah all right yep there's there's a huge blind spot see

yeah exactly yeah they can't shoot us through the

middle just trying to lose health it's are looking I'm gonna make a run for it

oh okay so yeah oh wait a minute yeah oh gosh guys do you think he's

communicating to them I hope not I hope I think so even if it is there's so much

for blind spot here it's yeah yeah they literally catch you this monster down

below up top the Carolina yeah you can only get down below yeah yeah once we

get near the window guys get ready to armor up don't you yeah way to get up in

position I'm gonna climb up Thomas and I'm gonna go low okay someone back up

for me and um yeah yeah okay I'm gonna try and like set off a bomb see if I can

make it but just so I can get the respawn alright the other guys like

their bags in the bag yeah using the fire bike or is he

looking at it just drive wait Raimondo if you can just that wait till we're all

spun you know what I mean and then we'll bomb rush I don't know I respond pretty

close anyway it's all good okay I'm all revved up let me know what you guys are

ready okay so much I run around like this real quick that I can get them

looking we have to get the guy by the window not moving either if you go and

listen or you can see little ripple spice oh he moved he moved yeah he's not

gonna do Nick Nick guy tomorrow trying to pick us out he's trying to pick us

out yeah he is donate or you're gonna lose your

I'm gonna okay I didn't know just go just go behind your name girl oh yeah

okay let's wait wait or should we go I'm going I'm going

you guys ready Ajay Sorrento go go go

we have health boy we took over our lines yes good thank you very much for

watching the first episode of hunters vs. infected defend the lodge make sure

you subscribe to the channel if you are new and if you want to see more I will

definitely be uploading more episodes of this make sure you check out everyone

who was on my team everyone who was on the other team I will leave all their

channels in the description below thank you very much for watching and you will

all see me later

For more infomation >> HUNTERS V.S. INFECTED - Defend the Lodge - The Last of Us - Round 2 - Duration: 10:14.


Bowflex 1 Minute Pro Tips: How Do I Build Up My Cardio Endurance? - Duration: 0:48.

Hi I'm Tom Holland Bowflex Fitness Advisor.

How do I build up my cardio endurance?

Short answer is, slowly.

It takes time, you're gonna do it gradually.

You're gonna do what you can do, you're gonna stick with it.

And over time you'll get stronger.

Alright, so you may do a 3 minute workout cardio one day, 4 minutes the next, it takes

time, you're gonna build up.

Start slowly, give it time. And you will get there.

And you will get there.

For more infomation >> Bowflex 1 Minute Pro Tips: How Do I Build Up My Cardio Endurance? - Duration: 0:48.


My Biggest Pet Peeves - Duration: 3:58.

Let's jump right into it.


Number one.

I hate when I'm laying in bed and I'm

in a very comfortable position,

like my comfortable meter is up to 100, maxed out.

And then somebody makes me get up and go do something,

because I'll never be able to achieve that comfort level

I was at ever again.

This one time, I was about to go to bed,

my comfort level's 111%

(glass breaks)

and then my mom calls me from the living room,


I just laid still for a moment,

just in case she decided she could do whatever she wanted

me to do my herself, and then she called me again.

"Elijah, get in here!"

So I get up and she literally asked me,

"Hey, can you grab me that remote right there?"

The remote was literally a arm's reach away.

She made me come all the way into the room just for that.

Blast for me, that's what it is, I tell ya.

Number two.

Something that makes me really wanna stab somebody

in the eye with my finger is when somebody

starts off their story with, "So funny story,"

because usually when somebody starts off their sentence

with, "So funny story," it's usually never funny.


So funny story, I was walking down the street

and I bumped into a gas cloud and he said,

"Well, excuse me."

(crickets chirping)

I thought it was kinda funny.

Number three.

I just really wanna rip out somebody's belly button

every time somebody texted me, "Hey, I'll text you later,"

and they never texted me back.

Like hey, what was the point of even telling me you will

text me later, if you weren't gonna text me back, jerk?

Number four.

I hate when people.

- Hey, do you know when Matt gets home, like...

- No, I have no idea, can you...

I told you to be quiet, I'm like recording,

text him or something.

Switching it up a little bit.

Number four.

I hate when people ask me where people are,

because I have no idea where that person is,

I'm not their keeper.

Text them, it's a generation where you could text people.


You know what I mean?

Number five.

I hate when people explain their jokes.

If nobody laughed, it's because it wasn't funny.


I'm also a hypocrite because I often explain my jokes

because I need a reassurance.


It really scrambles my eggs when I'm walking

down the street with headphones in

and somebody tries to talk to me.

I have headphones in for a reason,

I don't wanna talk to you,

especially if you're a homeless person asking me for money.

Number seven.

It really spoils my milks when somebody kick the back

of my seat, or even puts their feet on it

because I could feel it.

I just wanna turn behind them and just strangle them

and not in a sexual way.

Number eight.

You know what really rustles my jimmies?

Public displays of affections.

I hate when I'm going down an escalator

and I just see two people like attacking

each other's faces, or like almost having sex in the mall.

It's just disgusting, there are children here.

It also might rustle my jimmies because, you know,

I'm single and I haven't had any action

in the past two weeks, so...



- Wow, what a loser!

- Shut up.

Number nine.

You know what really tugs on my udders?

I hate when I hit the crosswalk button

and a few seconds later because the light doesn't change,

the person standing next to me hits it as well,

as if they're saying, "Ha, your press wasn't good enough,

I'm gonna do it myself!"

Screw you, my press was good, it was good.

I'm an excellent button pusher.

Just ask my ex, I pushed her buttons all the time,

that's what she told me.

Number 10.

Something that really butters my biscuit.

That's not what I wanted.



Something that really busks my piñata

is when I go into a public bathroom

and I go into the stall and I open the seat

and there's just a huge present sitting inside still.

And by a present, I mean big, steamy pile of poop.

Okay, to be honest, this video was just a PSA to tell you

to flush your poop.

And that's where I'm ending this video off,

on a poop joke.

You're welcome.

I'm gonna go.

(fast paced rhythmic music)

For more infomation >> My Biggest Pet Peeves - Duration: 3:58.


see yeah later - Duration: 0:13.

Georgie's a little sh*t.

For more infomation >> see yeah later - Duration: 0:13.


when Enduro hurts, and Ends with a broken shoulder?!? Haisl - Duration: 5:31.

you can ride on

i think, sib rides on

yes yes, i am riding alone

then you can "shoot" field lanes and make some wheelies!

à la querly

sib, fuck off!!!

bro, what are you doing?!

oh shit, that was the shoulder


the shoulder

ooohhh, kiss my mother fucking ass

that was the shoulder or the collarbone




shit man, i didn't even film

ha, ha


i'm soon fine again

ooohhh man, fuck , please look if the camera is still running?


fucking shit

sib filmed it


i hope my collarbone is not broken

please, let it not be broken

did you move that way?

I was riding on for another thirty minutes


nothing is broken, but his soul

he has finished his FAIL-studies, he´s just learning the caretaker master

"shoots" field lanes and make wheelies full-time á la querly. Wonders if he is too old for that. Now sib_stundrider_official is called on istagram

He's still afraid of thunder, he currently doing a therapy. The thunder song helps him.

he likes to hike, now offers beer hiking days

he says, 40 is the new 30...........

............he´s really 40

he´s the edek from HAISL............braaaaap

For more infomation >> when Enduro hurts, and Ends with a broken shoulder?!? Haisl - Duration: 5:31.



For more infomation >> VLOG #6 SHOOTING A MUSIC VIDEO, RED CARPET & EVENTS | ELA. - Duration: 3:18.


Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kournikova Drop $600K to Protect Twins | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 0:58.

Brand new parents, Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kournikova, are spending $600,000 dollars

to remodel their home to accommodate their twins.

According to TMZ, the couple secretly gave birth to a boy and a girl, but they're keeping

up their ultra-private life by building a 16-foot wall around their Miami home, as well

as other additions.

TMZ also reports that they're adding a 2-story single-family home to their estate, and making

sure their amenities are baby-proof.

Enrique and Anna have successfully done a very good job of staying out of the public

eye in general, and now that they're new parents, we're guessing they will continue

to do as much as they can to keep it that way.

For more infomation >> Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kournikova Drop $600K to Protect Twins | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 0:58.


Cris Cyborg Highlights 2017 (UFC / MMA) - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Cris Cyborg Highlights 2017 (UFC / MMA) - Duration: 1:21.


The Blacklist 5x09 Promo "Ruin" (HD) Season 5 Episode 9 Promo - Duration: 0:14.

It's been nearly a year.

Tom is dead.

Imagining what I'm going to do to Tom's killers,

it's the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning.

You wanna come for me?

You better come ready!

The Blacklist returns January 3rd on NBC.

For more infomation >> The Blacklist 5x09 Promo "Ruin" (HD) Season 5 Episode 9 Promo - Duration: 0:14.


Continoom - Fckn Liar - Official Video - Duration: 3:51.

What do you want, what do you want, what do you want to eat?

What do you need, What do you need, What do you need to live?

Where do you want, Where do you want, Where do you want to sleep?

What do you want, what do you want, what do you want to eat tomorrow?

Nothing 'but a...

Nothing 'but a…

Nothing 'but a…

Nothing 'but a fuckin' liar!

FCKN' Liar

FCKN' Liar

When there is nothing we can do, 'Cause you don't know how to it,

Tell me more, say something new

If you don't know what to say, Hear it now, here is a way,

Thank you for coming, farewell, good bye!!

Wake up, wake up.

What do you want, what do you want, what do you want to eat?

What do you need, What do you need, What do you need to live?

Where do you want, Where do you want, Where do you want to sleep?

What do you want, what do you want, what do you want to eat tomorrow?

Nothing 'but a...

Nothing 'but a fuckin' liar!



When there is nothing we can do, 'Cause you don't know how to it,

Tell me more, say something new

We are sleeping, nothing's wrong.

If you don't know what to say, Hear it now, here is a way,

Thank you for coming, farewell, good bye!!

When there is nothing we can do, 'Cause you don't know how to it,

Tell me more, say something new


When there is nothing we can do, 'Cause you don't know how to it,

Tell me more, say something new

We are sleeping, nothing's wrong.

If you don't know what to say, Hear it now, here is a way,

When there is nothing

we can do,

If you don't know what to say, Hear it now, here is a way,

Thank you for coming (thank you Mister), farewell, good bye!!


For more infomation >> Continoom - Fckn Liar - Official Video - Duration: 3:51.


Announcement FAQ - Duration: 0:28.

Ask your questions in the comments.

For more infomation >> Announcement FAQ - Duration: 0:28.


Camila Cabello - Never Be the Same (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:49.

Something must've gone wrong in my brain Got your chemicals all in my veins

Feeling all the highs, feeling all the pain Let go on the wheel, it's the bullet lane

Now I'm seeing red, not thinking straight Blurring all the lines, you intoxicate me

Just like nicotine, heroin, morphine Suddenly, I'm a fiend and you're all I need

All I need, yeah, you're all I need

It's you, babe And I'm a sucker for the way that you move,

babe And I could try to run, but it would be useless

You're to blame Just one hit of you, I knew I'll never be

the same It's you, babe

And I'm a sucker for the way that you move, babe

And I could try to run, but it would be useless You're to blame

Just one hit of you, I knew I'll never ever, ever be the same

I'll never be the same I'll never be the same

I'll never be the same

Sneaking in L.A. when the lights are low Off of one touch I could overdose

You said, "stop playing it safe Girl, I wanna see you lose control"

Just like nicotine, heroin, morphine Suddenly, I'm a fiend and you're all I need

All I need, yeah, you're all I need

It's you, babe And I'm a sucker for the way that you move,

babe And I could try to run, but it would be useless

You're to blame Just one hit of you, I knew I'll never be

the same It's you, babe

And I'm a sucker for the way that you move, babe

And I could try to run, but it would be useless You're to blame

Just one hit of you, I knew I'll never ever, ever be the same

I'll never be the same I'll never be the same

I'll never be the same

You're in my blood, you're in my veins, you're in my head (I blame)

You're in my blood, you're in my veins, you're in my head

I'm saying it's you, babe And I'm a sucker for the way that you move,

babe And I could try to run, but it would be useless

You're to blame (you're to blame) Just one hit of you, I knew I'll never be

the same (I'll never be the) It's you, babe

And I'm a sucker for the way that you move, babe

And I could try to run, but it would be useless You're to blame

Just one hit of you, I knew I'll never ever, ever be the same

For more infomation >> Camila Cabello - Never Be the Same (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:49.


Heroes of Houston - Mark E. Steiner | Shell #makethefuture - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Heroes of Houston - Mark E. Steiner | Shell #makethefuture - Duration: 2:01.


Yevanim! Yevonim? Y'vonim?!? (The Greeks) - A Chanukah Song Lesson - Duration: 8:48.

It's Chanukah!

And I've got a song I want to teach you!

So it's DOWN the rabbit hole we go!

♪ (intro) ♪

Welcome to Jewish Music Toronto!

I am Eli.

Remember that all of our lesson and sing-along videos are closed captioned, so if you want

to follow along, all you have to do is click the CC button at the bottom of the YouTube player.

In case you were wondering, I wasn't kidding about that rabbit hole comment.

This week's song is Y'vanim (or The Greeks), and in researching this song...


I spent hours poring over page after page, version after version, until finding the melody

and a tiny bit of extra information in a song book I'd borrowed from a neighbour.

Thank. YOU. Sy!

So let's just get into it and bring up the board!


What's that?

We can't use the board anymore?

No more annotations on YouTube...


(Crinkling paper)

(Paper smacking into the ground) (Technical Difficulties Static)

(Technical Difficulties Static)


Alright! Well, at the moment it seems there's nothing I can do about that.

So, from now on, until some other solution comes along, these lessons are just going to run straight through...

Like this!

Let's get into it!

Here comes the Background!

Y'vanim is not an original song unto itself.

(Then again, loads of other Jewish songs aren't either...)

Rather, it's one of the verses of the well-known Chanukah song Ma'oz Tzur.

As noted in our original video on Ma'oz Tzur, each verse of the full song tells a different

story of salvation from throughout Jewish history.

You've got the Egyptians, the Persians, the Romans, the Babylonians

and, of course, the Greeks!

Also, given the last verse's focus on being delivered from a "wicked nation", and the

treatment Jews were getting at the time the song was thought to be written (see: the Crusades...),

the last verse is probably about Christianity as a whole.

(I've included a link to the Wikipedia entry on Ma'oz Tzur, if you're interested in reading a little bit more about that.)

But THIS verse specifically focuses on the Greeks!

Heck, it's the first word in the verse, and, likely because of THAT as well, the name of this spinoff song.

Outside of the first verse of Ma'oz Tzur, it's also the only other verse to actually be about Chanukah itself.

That may well also explain WHY it became a spinoff song.

As you'll see when we get to the lyrics, it does a great job of condensing the elements

of the story into a single verse.

You've got Greek rule, the defiling of the Beit Hamikdash (the Temple),

the miracle of the oil, and the declaration of the holiday!

The only thing that isn't in there is the conflict within the Jewish world that was raging during those years.

Though you wouldn't exactly expect a song celebrating victory over assimilation

(both pushed from without and within) to include that darker chapter...

It's not unlike some of the Jewish people who fell into Persian ways in the Purim story.

I've got a couple of links below if you want to do a little more reading on that.

So let's move on to the author!

We covered this, in short, in the original Ma'oz Tzur lesson video.

But let me just provide a quick refresher with a tad more added information.

This is the same information you could pull up on Wikipedia or any other article about

the song, but you ARE already here.

Ma'oz Tzur is believed to have been written by a Mordechai, mainly because the name appears

in the acrostics within the lyrics.

Which Mordechai it was, though, is between the author of the Shabbat song "Mah Yafit",

Mordechai ben Yitzchak HaLevi,

the scholar Mordechai mentioned in a Tosafot in Masechet Niddah of Talmud Bavli (the additional

commentary in the Tractate of Menstrual Cycles in the Babylonian Talmud)

Yep! That's a thing!

If you didn't know -

...and another Mordechai, who, frankly, I'm not sure should have been considered,

given the expected timing of the song's authorship.

Again, links are down in the description if you want to learn more!

On to the composer!

Here's where I fell down the rabbit hole!

There are so very many versions of this one spinoff song's melody, that I wound up jumping

from song to song, version to version, just to get as close as I have to the little information

that I have now.

And even STILL, I'm left with "It's a traditional folktune".

If you're familiar with why I started this channel, you'll know that's not particularly

satisfying for me (as I'm sure it's not for you either).

That's not to say that the search wasn't informative.

What I found explained why I had so much trouble getting to this conclusion.

I started with Sy's book - a copy of Edward Kalendar and Velvel Pasternak's

"The Ultimate Jewish Piano" book - paired with my usual sources.


No luck.

Sure, it has the words, but the only link it has to sheet music is behind a login page

exclusively for music retailers.

The Milken Archive of Jewish Music?

Not even close.

So I dug in further, into a couple of University databases which have kindly granted me access

for just such research!

First, Florida Atlantic University's Recorded Sound Archive.

I started finding tracks titled "Yevanim" here and there, but every track I heard...

it was always the wrong melody.

Surely there must be some older recording somewhere!!!

And then!!!

There it was...

Sitting on the server at the Dartmouth Jewish Sound Archive...

On an album from the early 60's...


This track on "Chanuko Sing with Seymour" featuring Seymour Silbermintz and The Boys

followed the book's sheet music PRECISELY!

That cleared up some major confusion I had regarding this particular melody, because

I had heard something so similar to it time and time again, but something was off every

time I looked at the sheet music.

Every version I've heard of it was altered from the original!

One specific example is on Shalhevet Orchestra's Ha'Neshama Lach Vol. 9, which, itself, features

FOUR versions of Yevanim!

I knew the melody of "Yevanim 4", as it's listed on the CD, sounded almost identical

to what I was reading on the sheet music, but other versions also had similarities

to it, so maybe it, too, was a different version.

But, finally, on hearing the 1963 version, I got my answer!

The Shalhevet version, the approximate melody I'd grown up knowing, is just a spiced-up

take on the original!

No, I didn't learn who the original composer was in the end - it's still just

"A traditional Chassidic folktune melody" - but getting as far as I did was eye-opening nonetheless.

We'll be doing the original melody today, so once you're finished up here and have it

in your head, why not follow the links to other versions below, and see if you can spot

the variations.

Let's get into the lyrics!

The lyrics go:

Y'vah-nim Neek-b'tzoo Ah-lai Ah-zai Bee-may Chash-mah-nim

The Greeks gathered to attack me in the days of the Chashmanim (the Hasmoneans).

Oo'far-tzu Cho-mot Mig-dah-lai V'tee-moo Kol Hash-mah-nim

They demolished my towers and defiled all the oils.

A lot of translations use the word "polluted" instead of "defiled", but, given that word

is tah-mei, which means impure, and that the act itself was making the oil, and everything

in the Temple impure, it just makes more sense to me.

Oo'mee-no-tar Kan-kah-nim Na'ah-sah Neis Lah-sho-shah-nim

And from the last of the pitchers (of oil) came a miracle for the Shoshanim

(a name for the Jews typically used in celebration, like in the song Shoshanat Yaakov)

B'nei Vee-nah, Y'mei Shmo-nah Kav-oo Shir Oo-rih-na'nim...

Men of wisdom, designated eight days of song and praise.

And, boom!

You've got Chanukah!

Finally, it's time for the melody!

The melody goes:

♪ Y'vah-nim, Y'vah-nim Neek-b'tzoo Ah-lai ♪ ♪ Ah-zai Bee-may Chash-mah-nim ♪

♪ Oo'far-tzu Cho-mot Mig-dah-lai ♪ ♪ V'tee-moo Kol Hash-mah-nim ♪

♪ Oo'mee-no-tar Kan-kah-nim ♪ ♪ Na'ah-sah Neis Lah-sho-shah-nim ♪

♪ B'nei Vee-nah, Y'mei Shmo-nah ♪ ♪ Kav-oo Shir Oo-rih-na'nim ♪

♪ B'nei Vee-nah, Y'mei Shmo-nah ♪ ♪ Kav-oo Shir Oo-rih-na'nim ♪

That's it for this week's lesson.

Check back soon for our sing-along to Y'vanim!

If you're enjoying our videos, be sure to subscribe and share.

We really appreciate the support.

Feel free to leave any comments or questions below!

I always try to get back to them.

Also, if you're looking to purchase some Chanukah music, I've included a couple of links below.

One is to a recently released album of Chanukah classics.

The other is to Mostly Music's complete Chanukah section!


You can find us on Facebook, at,

and on Tumblr, at

I'm also occasionally on Twitter, under @jewishmusicto.

Thanks for watching, and bye for now!

For more infomation >> Yevanim! Yevonim? Y'vonim?!? (The Greeks) - A Chanukah Song Lesson - Duration: 8:48.


2017 According to Above the Noise - Duration: 3:12.

(Christmas themed music)

- (sighs)

Oh, hey there.

How you doing?

I was just reminiscing, contemplating on the

year that is, or was, 2017.

And just remembering, how fleeting time can be.

Above the Noise had a big 2017.

We launched in March.

You remember that, right?

(dramatic music)


- Ever compare yourself to other people,

and feel like you just don't measure up?

- Tired of not knowing what to believe

when it comes to science and health?

- Look at Shirin and me.

So young, so naive.

Silly us.

You remember those weirdo conversation videos

we tried to do?

You probably don't, 'cause we only did

a couple of them and, they didn't work that well.

Hey let's, oh.

- Where should I put my hands?

Like, I don't know what to do with my hands.

- What do I do with my hands?

- Like this?

Does this look okay?

- But some things never change.

Like my love for my onesie, which recently made

an appearance in a, Who's Snooping On You Online


(electronic music)

And there's more where that came from.

(electronic music)

But I digress.

It was a big year for Above the Noise, indeed.

We joined the PBS Digital Studios family.

We got over 12,000 subscribers this year,

and that's all thanks to you guys, the fans.

Now if only we could get you guys to

watch the videos.

Come on, guys.

Let's work together.

Let's get these views up.

Shirin moved from our

Bay Area office to New York.

- Hey Myles, how's it going?

- Oh hey, Shirin.

How's it going?

- Good, the East Coast is crazy.

- How's New York treating you?

- It's pretty cold, but otherwise, two thumbs up.

- Just so you know, she does still work for us.

She's just on the other side of the country

right now, but she comes back all the time.

See you later, Shirin.

Have a safe travel.

- Thanks.

- Your flight.

- Over the year, we tackled some great topics.

Just how big of a problem is

student homelessness?

- So, are energy drinks really that bad?

- When I say sexting, I'm talking visuals people.

- So if reporters are using the same source,

how are they getting totally different answers?

- The idea is simple.

You inject old people with blood

from young people.

And we've got some great stuff coming up

for you in the new year.

- Hey Shirin.

I've seriously done it.

I've reduced my carbon footprint.

And with my new meta reusable water bottle,

plastic's a thing of the past.

- Um, I hate to break it to you, Myles

but you're actually

- Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Not too much, not too much.

You gotta come back next year to see

what it's all about.

I know it can be easy to get caught up in

all the hoopla and madness this time of year.

But I want you to remember this one quote

from Dr. Maya Angelou.

"Try to be the rainbow in somebody's cloud."

And if you're getting stressed,

or feel overwhelmed, you should binge watch

all the Above the Noise episodes.

And tell us what topics you want us to cover

in the new year.

And we'll see you next year.


Like, you want to touch my beard.

That's what that was.

For more infomation >> 2017 According to Above the Noise - Duration: 3:12.


Croatia vs. Norway | Group G | 2017 JCA World Cup Germany | PES 2017 - Duration: 24:02.

For more infomation >> Croatia vs. Norway | Group G | 2017 JCA World Cup Germany | PES 2017 - Duration: 24:02.


Merry Christmas From Deaf YouTubers | Jazzy - Duration: 1:56.

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to today's video.

It's Christmas time!

Ooo, how exciting that Christmas is here very soon!

This video is really special,

as I've been planning this video for a while,

I've been waiting to upload this video.

I've been asking Deaf YouTubers from all the different countries

to send me a clip of sign language in their countries.

Is the sign language the same in the world?

No, they're all different.

We are giving you the message, have a look.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, woo!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Hello, I'm here with my niece who is hearing

we want to say something to you.

Are you ready?


Happy Christmas and Happy New Year!

I don't know!


Thank you!



I really hope you've enjoyed this video!

Please can you share this video with others to spread it.

Have a lovely Christmas, I hope you all get what you wanted!

Thank you for watching, bye bye!!


For more infomation >> Merry Christmas From Deaf YouTubers | Jazzy - Duration: 1:56.


FuelTech - a vitória fala por si - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> FuelTech - a vitória fala por si - Duration: 0:39.


How to Make Holiday Impersonations w/ JoJo Siwa, Jade Pettyjohn, Breanna Yde & More! ⛄️❄️ | Nick - Duration: 1:49.

Best holiday impressions, let's do this.

Santa Claus.

You ask for Santa, you'll get Santa.

Ho, ho, ho.

Ho, ho, ho.

Ho, ho, ho, ho.

Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.

What can you even for for Mrs. Claus?

Santa, do you want some cookies and milk?

Hi, I'm Santa Claus' wife.

A reindeer, er...

[reindeer noises]

Frosty the snowman, what is Frosty the snowman?

I'm Frosty the snowman.

Hello there, kids, I'm Frosty.

Do you want my carrot nose?

My best elf impression.

We got to go make the presents.

I don't know what I did, it's like an accent.

I'm here in a store and I'm singing.

Hey Santa, where's my cheque?


Woo, woo, woo!

So that's like a flailing snowboarder.

But then there's just like a snowboarder in person.

Gnarly man, it's chill, yeah!


I just received my dream gift, what?


Oh, you didn't, you did?


No way!


This is the worst gift I've ever gotten in my life!


What is going on?

Is there a gift receipt?

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