Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 3 2017

Hey guys mass here welcome to the channel once again, I am bringing you some halo 2 gameplay

That's right

Halo 2 - if you know anything about video games, and you play a lot shooters back in the day

Then you're probably asking yourself isn't that shut down or something or only available through that craffy-er

Crappy Master Chief collection thing that doesn't even work half of the time

Well my friend. I have great news to tell you halo 2 pc. Is alive and doing pretty well actually

It is alive through a feature or not feature it is a group of

individuals, beautiful individuals. who have brought it back through the name halo 2

Project cartographer which basically means it's awesome, and it's back and it's everything that it used to be well

It's not everything that it used to be but it sure is fun. I mean

There's no ranking system yet or anything like that. I don't think they're gonna be adding any but that would be great if they did

But they might actually if we get a bunch of people on here and play it a bunch

Um but anyway right now

This gameplay is actually with my brother and my nephew

Though you can't hear them

Or even me because I changed my settings and screwed everything up like I usually do because I can't stop

Finicking with everything. I want to make everything perfect and it makes up and it ends up ruining everything in the process which


Anyway, yeah, it's not that big of a deal. We're playing king of the hill

I don't even know what map this is because I only played four hours of Halo 2 for the first time in like

More than 10 years, so it's been a long time since I played this game and when I did play it

I only played the campaign because I was really young and didn't have.. I don't even think I had internet back then or knew what the internet was

and if I did, I only played on Cartoon Network games or something anyway, I digress

This is halo 2, and it's it's fantastic. one thing I experienced when playing it was

Obviously the graphics are outdated

But I played for like four hours straight four hours straight because it was addicting we played this non-stop

Like we didn't even end we played forever. It was fantastic

Okay, back to what I was saying um one thing

I really noticed when I was playing this is that the graphics look dated

But the gameplay is very much still modernized

Once you've fix once you get the mouse fixes and everything and you get everything set up to you know to your comfort zone like

your key bindings and everything the game feels so smooth and modern and

No wonder this game was considered a masterpiece back whenever it first came out it set the bar for

Everything else that came after it. It's really amazing I

cannot believe that they

made this

When they made it don't even know what date, it was so please quitting it only in the comments

Oh, I could probably google it

But I'm trying to do this as a semi live comas and like I'm not actually talking to you like while playing the game

I'm talking in the editing program, but like I don't want to do a whole bunch of cuts

I'm probably going to have to do a couple, but anyway


the game still feels very modern and smooth and very

Very enjoyable and skill-based it feels absolutely fluid and amazing. It's fantastic

It really is the aiming the the way you shoot people it feels great still like

Like a modern competitive shooter, and this this game needs

So many more players it needs

Halo players people that played it before people that are interested in playing it now

the way it used to be and the way it should be and

Yeah, so if you watch this video, and you haven't played halo 2 project cartographer you got to give it a chance

I'll put a link to the website in the description and you can download it from there and give it a try

Because we need more people especially in the US area because I can't freaking find a game. That's in the US

I mean, I probably can but everybody freaking speaks, Spanish, which your no problem with that

I just can't understand them, so I can't team play

So I just playing with my brother and nephew, and we loves it. It was fantastic

We played it for like well as I said we played it forever so with the whole subnautica thing. I've been doing recently

I'm about to start working on the next couple episodes after this goes live

I basically I've had this stuff scheduled up so I have time to work on videos more often

Basically what I'm doing is I'm making one videos and up then setting it to upload on say today

And then if I make another video during that day, I'll set it up set it to upload the next day

And then I'm basically doing that so that it makes me look like I'm super active and stuff it gives you guys more

content more like

Every single day almost and it gives me time to work on more content, so it's kind of like a a

win-win situation

but anyway if you guys want to play Halo 2 Park Project cartographer

And you want to like group up with me we can play a game together

Maybe even set up like some competitive teams or something that'd be great

That doesn't mean that I'm going to completely drop out on

Halo online as well because I remember talking about playing some of that at some point I even had some

gameplay up on my channel of Halo online I am basically waiting for the

0.61 patch or whatever for Halo online which basically adds dual wielding

The forge mode is going to be incredibly different and better and increased so that you can basically make any map you want

forges like this map editing tool

That is inside the game, so you can make whatever you want and play it however you want. It's really cool

But yeah, that's that's basically what I am waiting on when it comes to Halo games other than this of course

This is fine the way. It is. I like it's great. It's freaking amazing

But a halo halo online. Yeah, it's um

I'm waiting on that I have this weird issue with it

Where it causes my game the like lag?

it's a very very weird lag like I

Look in the middle of the map and I my framerate

Feels like it's laggy, but it's not actually laggy. I got a frame counter. I've used multiple ones

It says I'm running at 60 frames, but it feels like I'm running out like 40 and I don't know what to do

The devs telling me to use them use vsync I use vsync it doesn't do a difference

It doesn't help so it Debs of Halo online if you're watching this

Help me

Please I love your game, but I cannot play it as it is right now

I don't know. Why what's wrong with it, or what's wrong with my system my system should be able to run it perfectly fine

I freaking run battlefield one without issue

so yeah

if you're a dev of halo online listen to me help me comment on this video or

Contact me elsewhere. I don't know anyway. Hope you guys have enjoyed the video so far and

Please comment and if you want to

Keep to keep up to date on my channel what you can do is subscribe and you will get notifications if you want more often

Notifications and you want to be like even even cooler

You can hit that little bell icon next to the subscribe button and that will give you mobile notifications or whatever

Basically it just makes everything better

Anyway as I said before I hope you enjoyed the video so far and I will see in the next one


For more infomation >> HALO 2 IS ALIVE!?!? - Duration: 8:16.


Lage Lund - How I Comp - Duration: 1:48.

I'd like to talk a bit about comping, starting with how to comp for yourself.

I think comping for yourself is a good thing to be able to do, it's also something that

teaches you how to be a better comp'er, I think.

If you're not able to comp without getting out of your own way, you're probably also

doing the same thing when you're comping for other people.

It's not difficult for me to add some little melodic things to add to just the chords themselves.

Breaking chords up into thinking of them more as individual voices.

See if you can just stay in the last note of your idea, and then have that go into some

sort of accompaniment.

For when I'm comping in general, like I can, even if I take like very basic, you know.

Basic chords, I can make it sound like there is more kind of happening, like.

For more infomation >> Lage Lund - How I Comp - Duration: 1:48.


「HERE」【魔法使いの嫁】(The Ancient Magus' Bride Japanese Cover)- Iris - Duration: 2:04.

Hey all! I'm Iris

Thank for watching the video and your constant support to my work

I hope you've enjoyed this last one

I want to wholeheartedly thank

my wonderful Patreons

Big hugs for Alberto, Ayrton, Chipopi, ZuelaCorp and RurouniKhoi

Thank for motivating me by supporting me this way!

I also wanted to know

whether you wanted a full, Spanish version

for the song you have just listened to, Here by JUNNA

Tell me in the comments and see ya in my next video!

For more infomation >> 「HERE」【魔法使いの嫁】(The Ancient Magus' Bride Japanese Cover)- Iris - Duration: 2:04.


Flexible Dieting (Amer Kamra Interview) - Duration: 8:43.

Ben: In this video I have a special guest with me that's gonna to teach you all about

flexible dieting and how you can use flexible dieting in your own diet routine and workout

program to get amazing results and still eat the foods you like.

So, let's get started.


Ben: Hey guys, so I'm here with Amer Kamra

I've been following him for quite a while now and he has amazing results when it comes

to coaching people, training people, getting people ready for competitions and why don't

you just give a little overview of your background.

Amer: Yes, sure so I've been coaching people for about 10 years now online and offline

in person and I've dedicated my life to coaching specifically fat loss and getting people in

their peak shape physically and mentally, all right, teaching people with psychology,

teaching people the physiology behind dieting, how to get them in their best shape and sustain

that best shape for long periods of time.

So, I coach people now do all levels whether it's a general lifestyle type of coaching

you know at a basic level, someone just wanting to get in shape for themselves for

a wedding for anything of their personal goals but then as well I've coached people all the way

up for the IFBB pro level, people all the way you know in pro shows, in bodybuilding

in men's physique, in bikinis.

So, I've coached people you know at all different levels on all different scales. Have worked

with some celebrities as well, so the prime of my business is online at the moment.

Ben: Yeah, Amer has a crazy amount of experience and I've seen his transformations and they're

really amazing. Like you see the before and after pictures and it's crazy the kind

of results he helps people get.

So, in this interview I just wanted to talk to you a bit about flexible dieting. I know

that's like a point where people get mixed up about and they're not sure what it means

are they allowed to eat pizza all day because there's all these Fitness personalities online

these days that they post pictures of pizzas and they're eating McDonald's and all these

burgers and cakes or sweets and then I feel that a lot of people see that and then they

go and start eating all this junk food and they end up getting fat and not the results

and then they get all mixed up.

Amer: Yeah, absolutely, I think you know I'm a huge proponent first of all - put that out there...

of flexible dieting but I think people don't understand what the true meaning of

it is, right, so people are very quick to judge and discredit and say that's not

a good method of dieting and then you have people that, you know, are all over it and

all over you know but there's just two ends of this extremist, right, and two opposite

ends of the spectrum and with everything the truth lies somewhere in the middle, right.

My theory on it and my paradigm on flexible dieting is that I believe it works, I know

it works, it's you know worked for many of my athletes but it works and it's superior

to "BRO dieting", which is you know for most of you that don't know is you know the same

food six times a day, you know, fish and tilapia and asparagus six times a day, right, and

the reason why a dieting like that works is because you're eating so minimal amounts of

food, you know, you have very little limited fats, very limited cards and that's what dieting

is it's essentially starvation.

So, you're eating very little and you're doing a lot of cardio, you're doing a lot of training,

you're doing to get lean regardless but with something like flexible dieting it gives you

options, I don't believe in eating you know junk food and donuts. I'm not a big proponent

of that. But I'm a big advocate of, an advocater of eating foods that are conducive to health.

The foods that are conducive to micronutrient optimization, so you know when you do have

a variety of foods in your diet in a wide spectrum an array of foods you end up getting

leaner easier because you're getting the micronutrients the micro minerals that you need in your diet

where, you know, from eating the same food over and over, you're only getting a limited

amount of nutrients, you're only getting a limited amount of amino acids, a limited amount

of specific types of vitamins, you know, there's only for us to get all the vitamins and nutrients

we need in arrow diets on a day to day basis we need to eat 30,000 calories a day, right,

and that's not human, humanely possible.

So, we need variety of foods in our diets, you know and people will argue and say while

eating bread is worse than eating sweet potato, by what measure, you know, what

what are we using to gauge that and that's what we need to quantify what good

means and people don't understand, you know, it's really dieting in this industry has come

down to people doing the same thing over and over because they heard someone else do it

30 years ago but you know we've evolved a lot and every single sport in the world has

evolved tremendously from 30 years ago, you know.

If we look at the times of Olympic sprinters 30 years ago till now we've evolved tremendously

the track, the shoes that we use, the training that we use has evolved.

Ben: And there's new science coming out, new research.

Amer: Absolutely, so what we know now we didn't know 30 years ago and we must evolve and adapt

to that rather than be stuck in this monotonous you know simple-minded approach to doing things.

Ben: So, how do you think would people best, should people best approach flexible dieting,

should they just try to figure out how to add a meal here and there or a few times a


Amer: Well I do have a book on that but you know it's very simple anyways you could google

and figure it out.

I've just simplified it in a book but, you know, if I could give anyone advice you know

this is not me promoting a book it's just me giving you advice is to learn what your starting

point is, what are you currently eating, you know, figure out how many carbs, protein,

fat, fiber, calories you're consuming on a day to day basis you know. Get that in an


There are many apps out there, you can Google, you know macro tracking apps will figure out

what your current macronutrients are and then start playing with different foods and add

foods in, because flexible dieting is not flexible in the sense where you can go and eat whatever

you want, it's flexible in the sense where you're still hitting your macronutrient allotment.

Ben: When you can just find the right foods that still need those micronutrients.

Amer: Exactly, so it actually, you know one thing that I like about it is psychologically


We are far more inclined to wanting things we can't have, right? So when you restrict

and deprive and suppress yourself from many different foods we want that tenfold. So because

you have the option to have many different foods and you haven't deprived yourself of them

because if you really wanted something you could fit it within your macronutrient allotment,

you can have it, therefore, that need to want something you can't have is no longer there,

you've eliminated that which makes dieting easier from a psychological standpoint.

Most people don't even know what a calorie is, you know, a calorie is simply a measurement

it's not an actual it's not a physical quantity right.

So, a calorie just a measurement just like km/h, right there you can't touch kilometers

per hour, it's just a measurement to gauge how your body responds to the food you're

consuming right.

So, when you know we don't need to be 100% absolute I do think there's a leeway and also

within every food that we consume there's a variance right, there's no absolute it's

an estimate of how it responds in the body, how much energy is required to heat up the

food that you're consuming and burn it and yes and oxidize it and convert it into actual

usable viable energy, right.

So, I don't think you need to be absolute but I think you need to be consistent more

than anything right. Consistency trumps everything.

So, if you're consistent with what you're doing it's a lot easier to gauge what you're doing

right and what you're doing wrong and how you can make appropriate and necessary


If you're not consistent it's very difficult to make appropriate change to what you're

doing, because we don't know what is the cause and what the effect of what's going on is.

So, we need consistency as your base and as of your foundation and then from there

we can work up or downward.

Ben: Awesome, well that was really good information I'm sure you guys enjoyed it. Do more research

on the topic and see how you can use flexible dieting in your own routine and then your

own diet plan and where can people find more information about you?

Amer: Amer the hammer on all social media platforms or a Amer Kamra.

Ben: Yeah and you should also you follow his YouTube channel he has some really great videos

there and thanks very much I appreciate having you

Amer: Thank you.

Ben: Hopefully you guys take this information that Amar just gave you about flexible dieting

put it into your routine, learn more about it.

As I always like to say a life worth living is a life worth improving, and go and get some


Chakra: If you enjoy watching Ben's videos make sure you subscribe to his channel, so

you can stay updated to all the amazing videos he post on a regular basis, you will learn

so many things and one thing I can tell you, all your dreams will come true. Chakra out.

For more infomation >> Flexible Dieting (Amer Kamra Interview) - Duration: 8:43.


CBR 450 SR - Ep. 127 - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> CBR 450 SR - Ep. 127 - Duration: 5:13.


The Story of Antorus, the Burning Throne [Lore] - Duration: 49:27.

"This video is brought to you in collaboration with"

duh duh duh duh duhduhduh duh duh

Hello everyone! Antorus the Burning Throne opened up last week and Preach was kind enough

to invite me once again so a big thank you to him and the entire raid time for letting

me grab these recordings. Last time we ended up with finishing the Crown of the triumvirate

with Velen taking the eye of prophecy from his staff to make the crown whole once more.

"Now we take the fight to the Burning Throne itself. Ready yourselves. Antorus awaits!"

With the power of the crown added to our arsenal, we can use Light's judgement upon the walls

of the accursed citadel and storm the seat of power of the Legion. We must do the impossible,

end them once and for all. The titan spirit of Argus has been taken captive, tormented,

used to fuel the might of the Legion. By striking it down, ending its pain and suffering we

can defeat the Legion and redeem the soul of this world.

"We;ve breached the wall! Lightforged, secure this position!"

"The Vindicaar will draw all the fire we can, Turalyon, but we cannot hold out for

long. You must disable their defenses!" "We will not fail you, Prophet! Champions,

we'll keep these winged beasts occupied while you clear a path."

At the core of Argus lies Antorus, the Burning Throne. From this seat of power, Sargeras

drives his burning crusade to ravage the cosmos. We're taking the battle to the enemy alright

with our forces taking on the demons at all sides, but of course this area is well protected

and will not let us go about without a fight. At the Edge if Discord we bring down a Garothi

Annihilator which draws the attention of his much larger counter part, Garothi Worldbreaker.

"Enemy contact. Deploying arsenal." "We're gaining ground! Press the attack!"

"Threat terminated." "Lightforged, fall back! Champions, bring

that monstrosity down!"

He's a bit too much for the army of the light to take on so Turalyon falls back and

lets the heroes of azeroth take the lead. Constructed deep within the core of Argus

and outfitted with an arsenal capable of decimating worlds, this war machine has been designed

for a single purpose: to bring the mortals' invasion to its knees. It's a fel reaver,

unlike any we've ever seen with massive cannons trying to blow us up. We disable his

weapons and terminate the worldbreaker.

"Termination I I I I IIiiiminent"

"Turalyon i've started my assault on the northern front. I'll keep their forces occupied

so you can hit the priority targets." "Our forces are moving towards Legion high

command. Buy us all the time you can, Alleria."

Miniature legion ships bombard the bridge that we try to cross. Troops are giving everything

to this war and we must honor their sacrifice. Up ahead we find the Den of the Devourers


"Sargeras has left us a few of his favorite pets to play with. Remove these abominations

from the battlefield."

These abominations, F'harg and Shatug are infused with fire and shadow. The Felhounds

of Sargeras are his prized pets. Bred for carnage, these hounds delight in eviscerating

their master's enemies. With the Army of the Light and their allies advancing upon

Antorus, the Legion unleashes these vicious creatures onto the battlefield to put an end

to the mortals' invasion. Man do all these fights in Antorus look pretty, they have some

sick abilities to display but all the same, the puppies go down.

"That's 2 demons down, but countless more await the attention of your blade."

It's really cool to see that step by step the army of the Light moves further into antorus,

bombarding demonic reinforcement as they poor in. We take the transporter and turn into

a ball of light towards the Gaze of the Legion.

"I recognize the trappings of the generals commanding the Legion's forces. Before Sargeras

took our world, these generals martialed our armies and brought peace to Argus. They betrayed

everything we stood for when they accepted his bargain. There can be no redemption...only


Velen is not taking any prisoners as we jump on the elevator and move up into a gorgeous

room, the perfect spot for the Legion's gaze. Here we find the Antoran high command,

Admiral Svirax, Chief Engineer Ishkar and General Erodus.

"This is one engagement you will not walk away from."

Long ago in the golden age of eredar civilization, a council was formed to oversee the defense

of Argus and maintain peace. But after their dark bargain was struck with Sargeras, these

master tacticians used their military expertise to help orchestrate a Burning Crusade that

ravaged countless worlds. Now the full might of the Legion's army is theirs to command,

and they wield this terrible power to annihilate all who oppose the Dark Titan's will. They

have command pods in this room which they use for the fight, but while 1 of them stays

on the ground to directly face us, we can jump into the pod and use its power to our

advantage. Taking care of the high command robs the Legion of their tacticians, but I

imagine it also makes the sky a bit more safer for the Vindicaar. Those that remember the

first moment the army of the light showed up and got shot out of the sky, that was done

by Chief Engineer Ishkar.

After taking care of them and closing down the gaze of the legion, we take the elevator

back down and move back to where we started.

"Champions, there is a disturbance close to your location the likes of which I haven't

felt since the opening of the dark portal. If the Legion is using that hub to gather

reinforcements, then it must be destroyed before we are overwhelmed."

Across the bridge we take a portal into the Halls of the Boundless Reach from which Portal

Keeper Hasabel and her forces maintain the nexus through which the Legion has unleashed

its insidious armies upon countless worlds.

"Every world in our path has fallen. Yours is next."

  With portals that open to a myriad of strategic

locations throughout the Great Dark beyond, Hasabel is capable of bringing the might of

the Legion's arsenal to bear upon any who oppose her.

Unfortunately the way I imagined the fight to go down from just the dungeon journal,

teleporting to whole different worlds, that's not how the fight goes. Instead there are

3 platform up above, with Fire being our first destination.

"Witness the power to destroy worlds! Witness Xoroth, a world of infernal heat and scorched

bones!" Vulcanar:"Your ashes will be blown across

the cosmos!" "Strike them down!"

Xoroth might sound familiar to warlocks out there as that's the world where the infernal

dreadsteeds and wrathsteeds come from.

"My embers will never burn out..." "The Legions forces throughout the cosmos...Gaze

upon Rancora, a landscape of festering pools and skittering death!"

Lady Dacidion: "Come closer, heroes, so I can watch the flesh drip from your bones!"

Rancora is a newly named planet, but since Lady Dacidion is a aranasi, one of those spider

demons that might be their homeworld.

"Ow to taste ...your...liquefying flesh."

"Nathreza...once a world of magic and knowledge, now a twisted landscape from which none escape."

Lord Eilgar: "Your minds are so easily clouded."

Nathreza, homeworld of the nathrezim, a planet invaded by Illidan and his demon hunters during

the novel Illidan. The reason why it's not a twisted landscape from which none escape

is possibly because Illidan made sure to cause so much damage that it suffered a same fate

as Draenor turning into Outland. Not a great time for the dreadlords and although lord

Eilgar tries to keep us in the shadow, the fires brought over from Xoroth allow us to

see clearly and not only defeat lord Eilgar, but we also take out Hasabel.

"The portals...must...endure..." "Without their portals, the Legion is cut

off from reinforcements. Now is the time to press our attack!"

Leading into the opening of Antorus, we were send over to talk with Magni Bronzebeard who's

been busy trying to speak with the titan spirit of Argus. His last vision foretold of Aggramar's

coming which came true and now the soul is calling to him again.

"He's frantic, desperate...and sad, so bloody sad. It breaks my heart."

Cinematic: "The hour of rebirth draws near. Are the souls prepared?"

"Our kin still resist the true path, master. But they will soon be broken."

Walks away slowly "One still eludes us. Her essence is needed

to ensure the victory of my crusade." "The Life-Binder will soon reveal herself.

She will not escape me, master!" "When my new pantheon rises, no power in

the universe will stand against the Legion."

"Sargeras is building some kind of Dark Pantheon! We gotta find Eonar's spirit before

Aggramar does!"

Finding her spirit isn't going to be easy, but luckily Eonar is able to make contact


"This soul fragment calls to me again, but something's different this time. It's

not Argus speaking. It's...another."

Cinematic: "I remember the life sprang forth all around us."

"I remember unity...until it was shattered by betrayal. I remember keep

him from his prize. The time for hiding is over. Aid me...or everything ends."

"The lifebinder! Somehow, she's the key to Sargeras's plan."

Our answer lies in the Legion's own portal network in the heart of Antorus where we find

the speaker himself holding his ground against the demons.

"Champions! I heard a familair voice calling so I fought my way inside this accursed place."

"Champions, hear me. The Legion has breached my sanctuary and my defenses will soon be

overrun. Stand with me now, lest Sargeras claim his prize."

"It's Eonar, the Life-Binder! This portal leads to her sanctuary. Go. I'll stay here

and cover your backs!"

We take the portal into Elunaria, the sanctum where the spirit of Eonar has been hiding

out, a sanctum now discovered and breached by the Legion. We need to keep her safe from

the waves of demons that try to assault her spirit, killing the demons gives her the energy

she needs to blow up the Paraxis and secure her sanctum once more.

Now as I run around like a headless chicken, lets talk about the titans since from the

chronicles we learned that the whole reason why Sargeras formed the Burning Legion and

began his burning crusade was because he found out about the Void Lords. These dark entities

wanted to corrupt a titan, pushed the old gods into the universe and send them out to

infect a slumbering titan spirit. The titans tried to find more of their kind and wake

them up, but Sargeras feared what a corrupted titan would mean for the universe. In his

mind it was better to wipe it all out and start over rather than have the void lords

consume it. Life had begun before, perhaps after scouring the universe of its corruption,

life would begin anew. The others didn't agree with his plans, figured there had to

be something else they could do. They had found a little planet called Azeroth, infected

with the old gods but they've managed to contain the corruption and give the titan

spirit inside a chance. Despite their words, Sargeras was unmoved and he struck Aggramar

down, cleaving the titan in two. The rest of the pantheon were outraged, a massive battle

took place, but Sargeras with his fel fueld might had the upper hand. Before he could

strike the Pantheon down, Norgannon used his powers to bend the energies of the universe

to his will. He was able to protect their spirits and launch them into the great dark,

but sargeras thought that he had won the battle and destroyed his former brothers and sister.

He had also learned about azeroth and the titan spirit inside. He didn't know where

it was but he was sure that in time he would find it and destroy it before it would be

corrupted by the void lords just like he would with the rest of the universe. So Norgannon

protected their spirits which traveled back to Azeroth and entered the Keepers, created

by the titans to help them bring order to Azeroth. Entering the keepers bodies had quite

an effect on the story, for example Lei- Shen becoming the Thunderking but here we find

their spirits in the hands of Sargeras, being tortured for millenia and turned into a dark

pantheon. I've searched and asked around, but couldn't find a source explaining this.

Perhaps over time their spirits simply returned to the cradle of creation, perhaps only part

of their spirit was taken by Sargeras... I couldn't find a clear answer but all the

same they are here and if the Legion gets their hands on Eonar, we are doomed. Thankfully

we're able to hold off the waves of demons as Eonar blows up the ship.

"Victory is nigh, champions! Dispatch their remaining forces. I will see to their vessel

myself." Blows up ship

"The tormented cries of the Pantheon ring out from deep within the core of Argus."

"If Sargeras breaks them as he did Aggramar, no power in this universe will stop him."

"Release them, champions, or your struggle will be for naught."

Time to leave the sanctum of Eonar and move back to the Vindicaar, a lightforged warframe

is waiting to give us a little ride as our forces discuss what to do next.

"The Legion's ranks are crumbling, but they still outnumber us. My forces will keep

them engaged here." "You will not be fighting alone, Turalyon.

The demons will pay for every step....with their blood."

"Sargeras seeks to corrupt the other titans! If we don't stop him, the Pantheon will

be reborn in darkness. There is no time to waste!"

"Striking at the heart of the Legion is futile until we take out their war machines.

Unchecked, they would soon overwhelm us." "Agreed. We must cripple those infernal

engines of destruction. Champions, use this teleporter to board the Vindicaar. On to our

next target!'

Alleria and Turalyon go off screen to hold the ground, bit of a shame that we never saw

her fight in Voidform or perhaps I simply missed it. Either way we board the VIndicaar

and fly out to the Exhaust where Imonar the Soulhunter thinks he can stop us.

"You'll go no further mortal scum. There's a bounty on your heads, and I mean to collect."

"Think I'll keep a few of your parts as a trophy."

The infamous Imonar the Soulhunter serves as the Legion's bloodhound, capable of tracking

prey across the cosmos. With a vast array of gadgets and traps at his disposal, Imonar

has yet to lose a bounty...and he certainly doesn't intend to sully his perfect record

by failing to fulfill his latest contract. A bounty hunter recruited to take us out with

some really cool phase transitions, even has some miniature spaceships to shoot at us,

but of course, we ruin his perfect record.

"I regret...taking...this job!"

Cinematic: Charge them lasers, fire them lasers, aaaaaaand we have a door. Sweet.

That laser sure is handy as we enter the Hallowed Felworks, the place where they create their

machines of war, the engines of destruction we have to cripple.

Kin'Garoth engineer of the apocalypse: "Good. Good! I was hoping you'd find your

way here. I'm always in need of test subjects. You should do nicely."

The design of every Legion war machine stems from the depraved mind of Kin'garoth. Obsessed

with crafting implements of death, Kin'garoth infused his very body into the production

machinery so he could more efficiently churn out a never-ending supply of destruction.

"Allow me to demonstrate my newest invention."

With an unending supply of fel reavers and a mega beam of death, he tries to take us

out but not even his brilliance is able to stop us. The entire facility starts to crumble

down upon his death so we jump back into the Vindicaar and fly to the Burning Throne.

"The Heart of antorus lies before us. The power behind the Legion's infinite army."

"So much agony many voices. It's nearly overwhelming! But I can feel Eonar

urging us forward." "At long last, the end is upon us. Press

on, my friends."

We're getting closer and closer to the Heart of things, but first we run into an old friend...Varimathras.

"Gaaaaah! Witches! You call that torment? I have endured far worse!"

"I tire of that worm's babbling! Let me scorch the flesh from his miserable bones!"

"Ignore him, sister! Focus on your duty. These souls are nearly ready to join Aggramar

in the master's service." "I feel those demons twisting the spirits

of the titans! Forcing them to use their might to serve the Legion!"

"Should they fall to darkness, Sargeras will have the power he needs to claim the

final titan." "Azeroth!"

Up above we have the Coven of Shivara tormenting the titan spirits like they've tormenting

their prisoner Varimathras.

"Draw your blades, I will show you torment!" "Look. The wretch struggles against the

mortal intruders." 'Pathetic, let them all burn!"

"Grah, damnable witches."

As one of the dreadlords overseeing the Legion's forces during the Third War, Varimathras failed

to stop the rebellious Lich King. He submitted to an ill-fated alliance with Sylvanas Windrunner,

then made one-last bid for power before facing a humiliating defeat. We saw this play out

during Wrath of the Lich King where together with apothecary Putress they took over the

undercity and presumably tried to summon Sargeras.

"You have failed me Varimathras" "A thousand, thousand pardons master. I

will deal with these intruders myself."

The alliance and the horde both went in to put a stop to that and in payment for his

blunders, Varimathras has been tortured by the Coven of Shivarra. The vindictive sisters

stripped away both flesh and sanity, leaving only a singular desire to inflict suffering

upon the mortals who cost him everything. Keep in mind that time does not the work the

same so deep in the twisting nether, who knows how long the sisters have been playing with

their toy. What is certain is that the dreadlord did not have a good time here so let's put

him out of his misery.

" us...all" "His fate was ours to decide. You will pay

for your insolence, mortals!"

The coven of shivarra have proven themselves to be the most depraved and fanatical of all

of Sargeras' followers. He entrusted the coven with the unholy task of twisting the

minds of the fallen titans into an unstoppable dark pantheon. Each sisters employs her own

signature brand of torture, eliciting screams which echo through the halls of Antorus. It

is said that neither mortal nor demon can refuse their whispers, but during the battle

all they do is scream. Scream and inflict torment upon the spirits of the titans forcing

them to use their powers against us. Tormented apparitions of the titans appear

on the battlefield while the Shivarra, Noura, Mother of Flames. Asara, Mother of Night.

Diima, Mother of Gloom and on mythic Thu'raya, Mother of the Cosmos are not without their

own powers. All the same the coven is defeated and the torment of the titans finally ends.

"The souls of the pantheon are free, but they endured so much suffering. Let me bide

with them for a time. Offer a bit of comfort." "Remain here Magni. The rest of us will

go on." "So close now to the end..."

From the temple of anguish we move further in to the very soul of this world where the

titan Aggramar is waiting for us.

"This may be the one place in the universe sacred to the Legion. Demons would pluck out

their eyes sooner than gaze upon it." "Who could ever imagine such a sacrifice?"

"Mortals. I wasted millenia fighting to spare you from corruption. Until at last my

eyes were opened to the truth. You are the corruption. We will save the universe by wiping

all memory of you from existence."

Once upon a time, Aggramar was a lieutenant of Sargeras. Together they stood against the

Darkness of the Universe, but while Aggramar held true to the pantheon's vision, brought

order to the planet of Draenor and Azeroth, Sargeras had a different vision. Where as

the spirits of the rest of the pantheon were saved by Norgannon, Aggramar was struck down,

nearly cleaved in two. What we see before us now is not the actual titan Aggramar, that

one would probably step on us like an ant. This is like the Avatar of Sargeras, an avatar

infused with the power of Aggramar's soul fully corrupted by Sargeras.

"None can stand again Taeshalach! Fall, frail mortal. "

Aggramar wields the might of Taeshalach, a blade that was shattered when Aggramar confronted

Sargeras. He soon found himself outmatched. Like all titans, he was uniquely susceptible

to fel magic. Sargeras's ferocious assaults shattered Aggramar's defenses and sent him

reeling in agony. In a final desperate counterattack, Aggramar summoned all the power at his command

and struck at Sargeras. Their two blades met, igniting a furious explosion of fel and arcane

power. When the torrent of warring energies finally subsided, Sargeras and Aggramar saw

that both of their weapons had been shattered. This then lead to Aggramar retreating, gathering

the rest of the pantheon and as you now know, them losing the battle similar to how Aggramar

loses to us.

"It may be too late to stop him." "You did it! Aggramar's essence is free!

He can stand beside his brethren once more." "Our victories mean nothing. So long as

Sargeras has the soul of Argus to fuel his infinite army, Azeroth remains in grave peril."

"The titans can sever that connection...but not here. They need to bring the soul of Argus

to their place of power...the Seat of the Pantheon."

"The very cradle of creation!" "Their final act will harness the last of

Argus's power, to imprison Sargeras...once and for all."

"Heroes, I can signal the titans to begin. Once they start the ritual...there's no

turning back!"

I'll be diving further into this in just a moment, but I've been asking around to

see if I missed any voicelines or what not, but apperantly this is the first time that

they even mention taking on Sargeras and imprisoning him. We can see the skybox right at the start

with Azeroth and the cloud of destruction, I wonder if we're missing anything here

but again I'll get to that in a moment lets go to the Seat of the Pantheon.

Cinematic: "All right everybody...Hold on!"

Teleporter engaged, here we go to the seat of the pantheon. Magni can do this now.

"ohhhhhh, the seat of the pantheon!" My gawd that looks cool. Titans return, cast

beam on soul of Argus but Sargeras denies them.

"That which you have stolen will be your ondoing. Rise, Argus. Rise, my broken world.""AHHHH"

"Mortals...The time has come to fight for the fate of your world."

The titans themselves, although severely weakened, take their seat and try to use the power of

Argus but before they can Sargeras intercepts and awakens the child. Bound. Broken. Eons

of existence, knowing only pain. A shattered soul used to fuel infinite evil but his master

beckons and he has risen. Ready to begin the end of all things.

"The master demands your doom!"

I don't know if this is also an avatar or if he's just that small because they abused

his powers for so long and we just did a c-section to get him out of the planet. Would also explain

why the titan themselves are a little bit smaller, their lack of power, at least he

can't step on us like ants giving us somewhat of a fighting chance. The pantheon also backs

us up by empowering us, making us avatars of a portion of their power and clearing the

field of death fog.

"Let the fury of the sea wash away this corruption."

While Argus the Unmaker has some of the most beautiful abilities ever like Cone of Death,cleaving

the fabric of reality, he creates a cone of death fog in front of him. Scythes also fly

across the battlefield trying to cleave us in two until Argus is sufficiently weakened

so that Aman'thul is able to subdue him with a temporal blast, collapsing time around

Argus, causing his form to dissipate.

"No hope. Just pain. Only pain." "Time answers to me, Unmaker! The one force

that can bind your relentless fury."

However we must now contend with Argus' Constellar Designates each of them powerful

in their own right. They wield the powers of the cosmos, even draw upon the stellar

armory while norgannon uses discs of Norgannon which exposes their elemental weaknesses.

His constellar designates buy Argus the time to regain his strength...

Freezes us in place, impales us with dark spike thingy and one shots the raid.

"No! After all we have must not end this way!"

"Hope is not lost, Highfather. The spark of life still flickers within these mortals."

"Arise, champions! Fight to save your world!"

The gift of the lifebinder brings us back from the spirit world and our fight for the

fate of the universe continues. Embers of rage, burning titanic energy rain down from

the sky. Reorigination modules spawn across the field, ready to inflict some massive damage

but destroying them leaves motes of titanic power in the spirit world. Our death now becomes

a resource as that titanic power feeds Khaz'goroth who then makes us titanforged, reforming us

in his image and making us more powerful. The gift of the lifebinder is not eternal,

each time we return we drain a little bit of its power while Argus' wrath released

hungering souls to stalk the spirit world. In the end our titanic efforts pay off, Argus

is subdued and its powers can be used as we intended.

"You have done well, mortals." "It is time. "

"We must gather our strength. Return home, children of Azeroth."

"Illidan! We've done all we can." "Every choice, every sacrifice has led me

to this moment to face him once again." "You...are not coming with us..."

"The hunter is nothing without the hunt. Did you not see this fate, Prophet?"

"Fate...Our survival was never in fate's hands."

Smirk and the turn "Light be with you, Illidan Stormrage"

Vindicaar is out! Titans energize. Shoot that rainbow beam of holy goodness right into sargeras.

"Brother, your crusade is over!" Roaaaaaaaaaaaaar I was right in the middle

of something here. Can you let me sniff Azeroth a little bit more?

"No." PENETRATIONNNNNNN, no means no, you've read

all the memes. And space devil is sucked back into the seat of the pantheon.

"At last..." Rift closes, deep sigh. The millenia of crusade

is over. Gaze upon the water, gaze upon the sword that has wounded our world.

And there ends so the Burning Crusade, there ends Legion, a story that began near the dawn

of creation now leaves us with Sargeras being forced to take his seat with the rest of the

Pantheon. They don't take him without a little parting gift, what I assume to be Gorribal

is plunged deep into Silithus. Now a lot of you, including myself, feel like we're missing

quite a bit of story. All of a sudden they come up with the idea of imprisoning Sargeras

and using the power of Argus to make it so. I didn't keep an eye on it for myself, but

according to some posts you can see the cloud getting closer and closer to Azeroth as you

progress through the raid. What seems to be the story is that once Illidan opened up that

rift and we went to Argus, Sargeras took the opportunity to go to Azeroth. Why he didn't

just one shot us first is anyones guess and I wonder if some RP bugged out, because we

do have some datamined voicefiles which at least acknowledges Sargeras being out there.

Illidan Stormrage: It matters not. We have lost. Look to the skies!

Prophet Velen: Sargeras will soon undo all we have fought for.

Voice of Amanthul: No. Voice of Amanthul: We will use the last glimmer

of Argus's power to bind him here. The Seat of the Pantheon shall become Sargeras's prison...

and ours as well. Prophet Velen: You would condemn yourselves

to stop him? Voice of Amanthul: A sacrifice must be made.

Illidan Stormrage: Our world must survive... no matter the cost!

Magni Bronzebeard: Their final act will harness the last o' Argus's power, to imprison Sargeras...

once and for all. Voice of Amanthul: Return home, children of

Azeroth. Protect the final titan.

So I wonder if some RP simply bugged out, it is the first week after all or perhaps

that's going to be part of the mythic mode. It would suck to have such key information

locked away behind a difficulty, but datamined information suggests that instead of subdueing

Argus with a temporal blast, Sargeras shows up to join the fight. There's a different

dungeon journal description, a red enraged model and several abilities named after Sargeras.

It would also make illidan's choice a lot better. Now we have him stay behind simply

because he wants too, which is fine I guess the hunter being nothing without the hunt

like Maiev was nothing without Illidan, but there's no real need. Having the demon hunter

stay behind to help contain Sargeras, rather than just being there because he simply wants

to fight the dark titan would a bit more depth in my opinion.

High Exarch Turalyon: Prophet... what happened out there?

Prophet Velen: Illidan serves as the Dark Titan's jailer. His sacrifice has ended the

Legion. At long last, the Burning over.

The sword sticking into our planet will have consequences for the future. When you defeat

Argus on heroic or higher you'll get an item called Blood of the Unmaker: Before your

eyes, a trickle of blood from the fallen titan Argus congeals into a flawless gemstone. Holding

it in your palm, you sense an almost unfathomable power emanating from within...along with echoes

of pain and sorrow. It is the last remnant of a battle that should not have been winnable.

An impossible achievement. Yet, as with all victories, this one came at tremendous cost.

You realize immediately to whom you must convey this prize, Khadgar in Dalaran.

Khadgar: The legion is defeated. Its master imprisoned. But in his final, spiteful act...sargeras

may have doomed us all. Our world is wounded champion, its life essence seeps out into

the sand just as Magni foresaw.

"Her feelins are aj umble. I need to focus. Let her thoughts flow into arghghghgh. sands...soaked

in pain. Rivers....rivers of blood. Skies aflame. A the darkness...the's

burning. Sargeras... The dark titan comes!"

"This meredrop of Argus blood surges with incredible power, the might of a titan. If

the blood of azeroth also proves to be a source of such strength, those who seek to rule this

world will stop at nothing to possess it. The days ahead may be dark indeed. For now,

go to Silithus, gaze upon the wound in the world with your own eyes. We will find a way

to save azeroth, I know it. "

This power will play a roll in the next expansion for those who seek to rule this world, they

will stop at nothing to possess it. It might have something to do with the datamined dialogue

of Varimathras that I also didn't hear during the raid but the future is a topic for another

day. For now the rift between Argus and Azeroth has been closed and on the Vindicaar we can

talk with a few of the heroes that joined us. Vereesa believes Alleria has changed,

but in her hears she remains her beloved sister. They've been gossiping about Sylvanas and

the Windrunner sisters must meet. I wonder if she mentioned how she stabbed sylvanas

in the heart, while Alleria's heart soars to return Azeroth alongside her son Arator

and Turalyon. Is Sylvanas still her sister or some light forsaken monster, the void powers

at her command may cause some to question her loyalties.

Arator is happy to have found his family, but it will take time to heal the wounds and

get to know the people who gave life to him and have been absent for all of it. Turalyon

is ready to go home and walk the world he hasn't seen for a thousand years. Time to

build a new life and get to know the son who embodies everything they fought for since

Arator was a big reason why they joined the army of the light to begin with. Khadgar is

tired, but Magni's visions of doom shake him to his very core. Only one titan remains,

our little planet, and we must defend it.

Velen was unable to save his beloved home world, but we did find victory. The future

is uncertain, the prophet will no longer let visions guide him and will do all he can to

support King Anduin, to ensure he is prepared to face the threat that looms in the darkness.

What's kinda cool is that in the skybox you can actually see a couple of corrupted

void planets, meaning that the threat void is definatly still out there. If the comic

with Anduin is a certainty, then he and Velen have a lot of adventures still waiting for


To wrap this video up we have the Alor'idal Crystal, left behind by Illidan...somehow...

"The moment that the way to Argus opened....the instant my gaze fell upon the Legion's home

world...I knew I would not be returning from it. I will face my destiny, whatever it may

hold. Yet...I have left certain matters unsettled...old wounds that I would see mended. This crystal

bears two messages. One is for my brother Malfurion, the other for Tyrande. I am trusting

you to deliver them on my behalf, champion. When they have heard my words, leave the crystal

atop Mount Hyjal, upon the shores of the Well of Eternity. You have witnessed echoes of

my past, hero. I ask your help to put these final matters to rest. "

"The soul of our world is in agony..." "The rings out with a familiar

voice." "Malfurion... even in the womb we grappled

with one another. Struggle has followed us all our lives. The teachings of Cenarius were

always your path. I felt...another calling. It was power I sought....but not to conquer

or rule. It was a means to an save Azeroth from an unstoppable foe. You never

trusted my intentions...though I suppose I did not make it easy for you. But now, as

my fate becomes clear, I wish to quiet the strife that has long divided us. Even when

the Legion is gone, new threats will arise. There is no one I trust to face them more

than you, brother. You have spent a lifetime fighting for the dream of what Azeroth could

be. Now you must fight for what it is. Take care of Tyrande. Listen to her counsel. She

was always the best of us. The road ahead will be long. Whatever come, bring honor to

the name...Stormrage." "My brother made selfish choices. Caused

pain to so many. His transgressions are...difficult to forgive. And yet...there were times when

we fought for a common cause. A shared purpose. Those were good days. But now is not the time

to ponder personal regrets. We must see to healing the world, champion."

Transgression difficult to forgive while Malfurion put Illidan in jail because that would be

more merciful then to outright kill him only to then have them all become immortal and

using spells to make sure Illidan stayed alive, unable to kill himself. 10.000 years in darkness

only to be set free and used by the one who was the best of them. Let's hear what Tyrande

has to say.

"In my lifetime, I have twice witnessed a sundering of the world. Mother Moon, I pray

I do not see a third."

"I sense a sorcerer's touch upon this crystal."

"Tyrande... Long ago, you trusted me enough to defy Malfurion's wishes and free me from

my prison. But over time, that faith was lost. And like my brother, you came to believe that

the choices I made had driven me to darkness. Know that every path I took led toward a single

purpose: saving our world. I could abide no half measures. No compromise. At those times

when I faced doubt, I held true to one constant. One anchor. You. You have always embodied

the best of Azeroth, Tyrande. Your faith. Your devotion. Through the darkest times,

my belief in you never wavered. My fate, my duty, are now clear to me. I leave Azeroth's

defense to you...and to my brother. Take care of him, Tyrande. Though at times I wished

your heart had made a different choice, in the end...I know it made the right one."

"Contrite words. Yet I must wonder whether he truly meant them. After Illidan faced defeat

atop the Black Temple, I tried to let go of my distrust and bitterness.

When I learned that he was alive, leading the fight against the Legion on the Broken

Shore...I could not bring myself to speak to him. The time for talk has passed. It seems

he has a duty to do we. Let us be about it, champion."

Ow Illidan, if only you could hear what she's saying right now, I'm sure you'd finally

realize that Maiev is the one for you. Now as far as I recall, Illidan had quite a lust

for power and not just for the defense of Azeroth. There were choices made a long the

way, but all the same, Illidan cares the most about these two and wants the crystal to rest

under Nordrassil at Mount Hiyal, the remnants of the well of eternity he created, the thing

that got him imprisoned.

"The Well of Eternity. I am not one for sentiment...but if anything embodies my commitment

to Azeroth, it is the font of power I created so long ago. But enough dwelling on the past.

The crystal I left for you to find holds not two messages, but three. The last is for you,

champion. You have proven your commitment to Azeroth. Your dedication, your sacrifice,

rivals my own. But more will be asked of you. So much more. Even now, enemies gather...and

the shadows grow darker. From this day forward, the defense of our world...of all we hold

dear...rests with you."

After bringing Illidan's crystal to the well of eternity, you feel a sense of satisfaction.

As if a circle is now completed. Whether he was a hero or a betrayer...both or neither...Illidan

has a duty to fulfill. As do you.

Nah, don't tell me how I feel quest text. I have questions.

iWhen did Sargeras go all cloudy and make his way to Azeroth. What was he doing to the

planet, do you even know how many hilarious comments have been made about this, about

his sword penetration? Why doesn't anyone acknowledge that we're going to imprison

Sargeras before we actually imprison him. Sure we have Magni with the vision of Sargeras

coming, but there was no mention of that anywhere else.

Where did Maiev go? You changed the story in such a way that she's no longer a homicidal

maniac only to have her disappear. Sure the one doing her voice apparently had to undergo

some surgery, but you could have done it in text.

Where the heck was Wrathion, why was he removed from highmountain? He was the one warning

us about the coming of the Legion and had 0 storytelling.

Why the heck did Medivh show up in Karazhan dropping some cryptic nonsense only to just

disappear again. Why didn't we see Alleria use some of those

sexy void powers in the raid. Why does Illidan stay behind, just for fun?

Speaking of Illidan, why go through all that trouble to create a link between outland and

argus to never use it?! Was it just so he was weakened at the top of the black temple?

Joking aside, as always there will be things to point out, things that have been dropped

out but all in all Legion has been one hell of

a ride. Sargeras, the Pantheon and Illidan are still out there somewhere, the world of

Azeroth is hurting and the battle is on. Ladies and gentleman thank you so very much for sticking

with me and if you want more details about all the things we talked about today, check

out the related article in the description down below. If you have any questions let

me know in the comments down below and I might use them for an upcoming Q&A.

Have a great week and until next time guys....see ya!

For more infomation >> The Story of Antorus, the Burning Throne [Lore] - Duration: 49:27.


☆Ricoh Theta Hatsune Miku edition☆ Unboxing - Duration: 4:14.

Hello! This is Saya

and before I start the video, I want to share with you joy -

contrary to all my worries, I go on Ava Expo!

For those who do not know Ava Expo -

this is the annual gik-festival, which takes place in St. Petersburg!

This year it will be held on December 9 and 10 and

both days you can meet me, as well as see a lot of cosplay,

interesting stands and just have fun!

In general, in this video, I would like to tell you about one camera that fell into my hands.

I am not familiar with the camera itself,

but here it was necessary -

because this is a 360 degree camera with Miku!

Ever heard of Ricoh Theta?

I did not hear, but after they released the camera for the anniversary of Hatsune Miku I wanted to know more about them!

Okay, fewer words! Let's open the box!

The box is very beautiful by the way!

I don't know if you noticed or not,

but today I'm wearing the same costume as Miku, which is pictured on the box!

Inside, we have the camera itself, the instruction, the camera case and the keychain with Miku.

Let's start with the camera!

It is a bright turquoise color, on it is painted Miku.

When you turn on the buttons are lit pink and blue lights!

By the way, you can not use this camera without the phone.

To take photos and videos,

you need to install these applications on your phone.


To connect the phone to the camera,

you need to click on this button.

The camera will distribute the wifi network,

and the phone will need to connect to this network!

make a photo!

Have you heard what kind of shutter sound?

This is a special shutter sound that only this camera has!

He's so funny, ahah!

Now we need to go to the application to save and edit the photo.

In the THETA + application, you can process the video.

А теперь добавим Мику рядом!

Miku can change postures and facial expressions.

And you can also do so!

And more! Look at what a beautiful keychain!

With the camera in the kit comes two cases - standard and unique with Miku

The unique has a beautiful coloring - white and blue.

Also there are fasteners for the case, also blue.

There is also a special selfie-steack, which you can buy separately.

With him, the photos look even steeper!

On sale there were only 3939 cameras

but even if you live in Russia - you can buy yourself the same!

In the description there will be a link to the store, where you can buy yourself it!

As it turned out - a 360-degree camera is really cool,

and Miku is still doing better!

Thanks for watching and see you in the next video!


For more infomation >> ☆Ricoh Theta Hatsune Miku edition☆ Unboxing - Duration: 4:14.


PageHabit Science Fiction Unboxing | November 2017 - Duration: 5:53.

Hey guys it's Trina and this is my monthly Pagehabit unboxing. So I've done

these for about three months now so a lot of you guys probably know the drill

already but this month I'm actually doing a different genre of box to just

show you guys more of the options that Pagehabit offers. They do offer several

different genres and I've done their YA box for the past three months and

so last month I asked you guys what other genre would you like to see me

unbox? Overwhelmingly, people requested mystery and science fiction and I

decided to go with their sci-fi box this month because I've seen so many other

pagehabit affiliates doing the mystery boxes that I figured that there's

already a pretty good sample selection out there for you guys to see what they

include in the mystery boxes but I've rarely seen sci-fi. I will share my

affiliate discount code in case anyone is looking to purchase one of these

boxes. You can still get them in time for Christmas. I will talk more about all

those details and how you can save some money at the end of the video but for

now let me show you what is in the adult sci-fi box.

[music only]

The book in this month's box

is The Spark by David Drake. I will tell you more about what this book is about

in just a second but I'm gonna go ahead and show you what the other items in the

box were first. We did get two bookmarks this month.

This is a book magnifier bookmark so you can stick it in your book, mark your page,

and if you need to see smaller print or whatever you can use this to do it. And

then the pink one is the regular pagehabit bookmark that comes every month

with a quote on it and this one says "reading one book is like eating one

potato chip" by Diane Duane. And the last item is this tote bag which has like a

cityscape on it and there's a little person down there. The back side is blank

but this is a pretty good sized tote bag. And then of course every month we have a

short story so this one is a sci-fi short story. It looks like it's called A

Box, A Pocket, A Spaceman. There's also the author's note which is always included

and the note that lets us know where this month's charitable donation has gone to.

I do want to point out that because

this is one of the adult genres there was one less item in this box. Their YA

boxes do include an extra like bonus item because YA books actually cost

like $10 less than adult books so they kind of make up for what you're getting

in the box by throwing in an extra goodie so if you noticed that there were

fewer items than usual in my box this month that is why. You get a bonus one

with the YA boxes. This month's book was The Spark by David Drake. I will be

totally honest with you guys, I don't read a lot of adult sci-fi. I still wanted

to show you you know what pagehabit offers in this genre but I'm not

familiar with this author, I had not heard of this book before. If I do a

terrible job of summarizing it as always I have a link to the Goodreads page down

below so that you can get a more accurate description but this is sci-fi

it is set in the far future. In ancient times the universe was at peace but like

things are starting to fall apart and this universe now needs a champion to

kind of set things right. And so there's this young boy with not a lot of

experience who comes forward hoping to become a champion because he actually

has the ability to wield some of the ancient weapons which I guess not many

people have that ability. And I'm pretty sure that the teaser for this book was

that it was based on Arthurian lore so could be like a King Arthur element

there, like where this young boy is like the only one that can wield the sword in

the stone or you know that kind of a thing, this young boy is the only one

that can wield the ancient weapons. Now as always their books are annotated. You

can see on the side here that the author has put some of his thoughts and notes

in the book. I showed you guys a close-up of one of those notes last month if you

want to see kind of the general idea of what's included in them. And the naked

book just looks like this. This month's donation went to Liberia. Pagehabit in

November was working with a charitable organization there that is donating

books to classrooms in Liberia because textbooks are very hard to come by. So

again if you guys unaware every month pagehabit does make

a donation so if you bought a box last month part of the proceeds from that box

at no additional cost to you were donated it to this organization. Now, if

you want to buy a pagehabit box for yourself or as a gift there is still

time to get one and gift it for Christmas.

They usually ship their boxes like at the end of the month like around the

20th or a little bit after that and then it takes some time to arrive. My boxes

usually arrive like on the last day of the month but in December they are

actually shipping their boxes out on the 13th so that hopefully at least everyone

in the US for our domestic shipping can get their box in time for Christmas if

you're wanting to give one as a gift, and if it is your first time buying a pagehabit

box I have a code for you that will save you on shipping. If you are in

the US you will get free shipping and the code is my name: TRINA. Or if you are

ordering internationally you will save five dollars off of your total purchase

price with that code so definitely use that code if you're thinking about

getting this box for yourself or for somebody else this month and also since

I am an affiliate I don't get paid to make these videos, I just show you guys

the boxes, but you guys can help me out just by clicking on my affiliate link

below. If you do make a purchase that helps me out even more but if you just

click on the link that just shows them that I'm promoting their box and that is

a good thing for me, it can help support my channel, and if you leave me a comment

if I get a lot of comments they will also see that I'm having interaction

with the community, so those are some things that you can do to help me out a

little bit. That is it for this month's pagehabit sci-fi unboxing. Let me know

if you guys have heard of this book, if you're interested in it, if you liked

seeing a different genre. Thank you so much for watching and I will see you in

the comments, Bye!

[music only]

For more infomation >> PageHabit Science Fiction Unboxing | November 2017 - Duration: 5:53.


Haunted Mansion Holiday - Our 1st Time PLUS REVIEW || Konkin Can Do Disney E02 - Duration: 6:58.

They are the cutest.

So it seems like Disneyland as a whole has decided to open up late this morning.

But we're still monkeying around.

Still monkeying around.

You guys are crazy.

But look at it!


It's raining and it's morning.

Merning, merning time.

Good merning!

And there's nobody here almost.

It's amazing.

Oh my gosh.

This is my favourite movie and I'm so excited to be here for this.

It's zero days till Christmas.

Christmas will be ours!

Here we are in the Haunted Mansion Christmas edition, holiday.

I like I want to cry.

Oh my gosh.

We have a stocking with

a bug in it.

Oh my gosh I think I like that better than the original I know.

Way better.

It's so good.

I love it.

Did you see Sally and her little leg?


Oh look, awwww.

Look at the ears, they're Sally ears.


That's so cute.

That is amazing.

Yeah that ride was like way better than the original.

I have to say like that's a cool cool ride but with Jack and the whole nightmare before

Christmas they made it so good.

I couldn't believe it.

Well done Disney way to do.

Everybody eight thumbs up.

For more infomation >> Haunted Mansion Holiday - Our 1st Time PLUS REVIEW || Konkin Can Do Disney E02 - Duration: 6:58.


osu! Alert | Cookiezi's 2 Year of Reign! Touchscreen Nerf Incoming, Filsdelama 700pp + osu! Giveaway - Duration: 16:16.

What is up guys, I'm Poised and I am back for yet another episode!

This time please don't bully my J, please and thank you.

Now let's roll the intro and make sure to enjoy this episode!

And before this episode starts, I once again want to thank our friends over at

for helping us out with website hosting!

Because of their help, we host all of the skins we use in our videos directly on our


If you're ever interested in hosting servers for minecraft, terraria or even a website,

[4 video showing the process, do several cuts, just make sure they see 35% and the code]

Please do check out their link in the description, and if you want to try any of their options

use the code "CirclePeople" for 35% off your first month!

One more thing before we start this episode; After a lot of requests for ways to support

us, we over here at Circle People now have started our own Patreon!

If you haven't heard or of Patreon before, it's a support platform where you can donate

to your favorite creators and get some rewards in return!

If you really enjoy our content, and you want to see it evolve and improve, please check

out our Patreon in the description below!

Some of the rewards include, but are not limited to, getting your name displayed on-screen

at the end of each osu!

Alert episode, getting access to our super special private Discord channel, and having

our eternal love here at Circle People.

In the future we want increase the amount of rewards available, as we really do appreciate

any and all help.

If you have any ideas for what rewards we could have, please do comment them below!

We cannot thank you enough for the continued support on our channel, and want you to know

that all of the money pledged via Patreon will be put back into the channel for the

improvement of our videos.

That's all I have to say about our Patreon.

We hope you enjoy this episode of osu!


Kicking off this episode, peppy has doubled the friend limit for osu!supporters from 250

to 500.

Also, if you run out of supporter, you can keep more than 250 friends, but you cannot

add more.

Do you guys remember that guy who paid over 1k dollars for a lifetime of osu!

Supporter that we talked about last week?

Well he managed to get into this episode too, but this time because he has created a website

called "LookAtMyScore", which you can use if you've ever set an awesome score

and wanted to brag to all of your friends, but you also want to make sure to include

awesome information like how much pp it is worth without showing them your ecchi skin.

If you're interested, LookAtMyScore has your back.

LookAtMyScore takes your replay file and generates a small but detailed graphic showing everything

from Max combo to pp given.

Now onto a bit more serious topic; one of osu!'s featured artists, Helblinde, is having

some financial difficulties because of private reasons at the moment, and is currently having

a sale for a collection of all of his songs for 50% off on his bandcamp.

Let's go and give him some CP love.

Next up we have a bit of a happier topic as it has been over 2 YEARS since Cookiezi was


Following his unban, he has held the number 1 spot for over a Year and has broken countless


It's really nice to have him back in the community, now we just have to get some other

players up there to poke him,,, pls rafis we're counting on you

Speaking of un-restrictions, the player jot_bab recently got unrestricted and within his first

day back set 2 600pp scores.

We can't wait to see what kind of plays he'll make in the future.

Now for some news a big part of the community has been waiting for for a long time: peppy

announced on reddit that there will be an upcoming touchscreen nerf.

Hopefully the tech will be a bit more polished soon as quite a lot of players have been getting

the "Touchscreen Detected" message on their plays, and it also appears a lot in

the older 30fps replays

Next up we have Mathi going ham this week and taking the #9 spot with his 629pp choke

on radwimp['?]s Yume Tourou hidden hardrock doubletime.

This technically makes him the highest ranked player without a 700pp score, which is kinda

funny as he does have an "unranked" 830pp score on the loved map Monochrome Butterfly

with Double Time.

We also have Bro_Gamer72, previously known as gayzmcgee taking the #2 USA spot from HappyStick

with his 608pp 1 miss choke on Stonebank All Night hidden doubletime!

Speaking of big achievements, osu! player Zalaria has managed to get over 20000 SS ranks.

She got her 20 thousandth SS on a 6 minute map that no one had SS'd with Hidden until

she managed to.

Next up we have the "Winter 2017 Fanart Contest" starting, so if you're an artist

and haven't submitted your art yet, get drawing because you only have until wednesday

to submit!

If you do submit art, please make sure to read all of the rules and guidelines so that

you're eligible to win that sweet osu!

Supporter when the time comes!

There was also a criteria change for r/osugame's scoreposts so be sure to check that out if

you're one of the cute score posters on osugame

Speaking of reddit, we have two threads which were made to help highlight some lesser known

maps and plays.

The First of which was as simple as typing a comment of a player and someone else will

reply with their favourite 3 plays of that player.

The second thread asked redditors to comment the name of a mapper while others reply with

their favourite 3 maps of said mapper.

The threads were a huge success, raking in over 700 comments between them.

Be sure to check them out in the link below.

Also, we have a collab map from hvick225, Nathan, and VINXIS being ranked.

The map is a marathon featuring a single diff called "NathanZhanKamal225's Blossom".

Truly a work of art.

Moving on, we have reddit user Ivrih giving us some extremely detailed statistics on osu!

World Cup's Group Stage, where they Showed the average accuracy of each player and each

team, and also who fc'd the most maps.

In order to keep things fair, single player statistics are only taken for the players

that played over 5 maps in the group stage.

Be sure to check it out in the link in the description..

While on the topic of the world cup, Last week, we talked about the group stage, so

this week it's time for the round of 16.

Nothing too surprising happened except for Canada losing 6-3 to Brazil.

But for more info be sure to check out the Round 16 recap on our channel made by Junihuhn.

Link of course will be in the description.

Let's get into scores, shall we?

First of all, we have Totoki getting a Full Combo on Skrillex, First Time of the Year

with Double Time, getting 406pp.

While the pp may not say that much, the map is 326bpm with Double Time.

Then, filsdelama FC's the loved map, Shounen Ripples.

Taking the first FC and #1 on the 8.11 star map would have gotten him 732pp if the map

was ranked.

Keeping with filsdelama, he also reversed choked Inai Sekai's Regret difficulty getting

a single slider break in the first 200 combo, the choke got him 594pp, without the slider

break he would have gotten over 650pp and the first Hard Rock FC on this map.


And then we have Rucker doing his usual thing as he Full Combos Mountain of Faith with Hidden,

getting a single 100.

The best acc on the map, and with Hidden too.

Sadly, the play was only worth 388pp.

Last week we mentioned Detro Volcanic getting loved.

This week Cookiezi takes #1 on the map with Hidden and 94.17% accuracy, getting only 13


Next up, Bro_gamer72 takes #1 on High Free Spirits Extra diff with Hidden Doubletime

along with only 2 100s, outaccing Vaxei's previous #1 on the map by over 1%.

This play got him 580pp

Then we have Aireu on Susumu Hirasawa - Aurora 2, KIRBY Mix diff with Doubletime.

The map has less than 20 no mod fc's, I'll just let this play speak for itself.

Next up we have Totoki going absolutely ham this week FC'ing Shiori Hidden Hardrock

Doubletime with 94% accuracy, he got himself 707pp.


on the Totoki hype train, he also fc'd LiSa - Datte Atashi no Hero, plus ultra Diff with

Hidden Doubletime, with 97.47 acc he got himself a deserved 673pp

Next up we have mathi taking #1 on the newly LOVED Sakura no Zenya with Hidden with 99.86%


Next up we have WubWoofWolf getting a Hidden Hardrock FC on Reol - Asymmetry Asphewin's


The map has no other Hardrock FC's and WubWoofWolf's impressive 99.66% acc got him 523pp

Finally we have osu player84 returning from his little break by sniping Cookiezi's #1

on Unreal Color.

His 98.71% acc got him 591pp.

And now for everyone's favourite section.

The memes.

Be sure to stick around after the memes for the giveaway

You know what time of the week it is.

2 winners, 4 months of supporter.

Link in the description, get up on it, and be sure to check out all of our other shizzle

my nizzle like livestream highlights and the OWC recap videos :cowboi:

For more infomation >> osu! Alert | Cookiezi's 2 Year of Reign! Touchscreen Nerf Incoming, Filsdelama 700pp + osu! Giveaway - Duration: 16:16.


Bella Pierre Lip Creme Review... 🎀 try on all 4 colors!💋💄 - Duration: 9:10.

Today we are going to be doing a product review of some lipstick that I got

Hey everybody I'm Giao and welcome to my channel I got some kiss proof

lip cream quad waterproof formula by

bellapierre cosmetics

so these are the colors that I'm going to try on today and

Let's see how they go I've tried one of the colors on today already and it lasted all day these lipsticks are amazing

but I've only tried one color and

For the products review, I'm going to try on all the different colors

So let's open them all up so

These here are all the different colors. This one is called nude

This one is the one that I've tried already and this one is called antique pink. I really like this one

This one is called rose petal

it looks like a really beautiful color, so it's

my top that I'm wearing


Also the last color is hothead, so I'm guessing that this is a really bright red color for this lipstick review

I'm going to try the two dark colors first so first

I'm going to try on I'll do the purple because it's the color of my top

day, let's try this on the

First thing I'm going to do is already have some lipstick on, so I'm going to take the lipstick off

I'm going to use a makeup remover wipe and take this off first

And now my lipstick is off I am going to prime it with some of my foundation

Just a little bit

Okay now my lips are primed. I am going to use this

Red color, I'm going to use hothead so first. I'm going to do my upper lip and then I'm going to do my lower lip

So this here is the first color, and I really like it. It's a very beautiful red


Because of these colors stay on all day

It's going to be very hard to take off with just a wipe so what I have here is some

organic cold-pressed coconut oil

and what I'm going to do with this organic cold-pressed coconut oil is I'm going to put up my lips and

Let it just soak in for a minute, and then I'm going to wipe it off after that

You can use any oil you want

olive oil

coconut oil any oil that you can use for your face and your lips and

Any oil that is edible you can use over your lips and let it soak in before you wipe it off

Okay now to prime my lips again

So the next color, I'm going to use is this beautiful purple color

It's called rose petal. I was going to use this one first

But I decided I'll do the red one first because the red one might be the most difficult to wipe off

But this one looks like it's quite a dark color as well. They let's see what this one looks like

So this here is the second color

Okay, so let's go into the next color. I'm going to put some coconut oil on my lips again

And let that soak in for one minute this coconut oil really gives a nice shine to this lipstick

Okay now to time it up

This is very messy

Now it's time to prime again

Okay, so the next color I'm going to use is called a nude this here is the nude color

Well this is the nude color

this nude color looks very pink with the complexion of my skin I

Do like it, but it's not my favorite color, but it is nice, okay?

Now on to the last color, so I'm gonna put some coconut oil again

Sometimes you need to put the coconut oil on twice or even three times

Depending on how long the lipsticks been on for .. I'm just going to do it twice this time

Last time

Okay now we are on to the last color this one here. I've tried on already

It's called antique pink and I remember that I really liked.. so I I hope you like this color as well

Well this is the last color, this is antique pink and personally myself, I like this

Lipstick the best that suits my skin

Tone for I think in everyday look this one is my favorite

So what do you think which one was your favorite color?

I definitely liked that antique pink the best and

I would

Use that one the most the red one is probably for more very special occasion if you're going to get dressed up and go out

And have a really big beautiful bright lips

This purple one would be good for doing a dress-up tutorial for

doing you know like a gothic look or a vampire look or something like that this one would be very nice and

Actually, I think the right one would be nice to that too and even maybe even mixing these two together

I think that would be very nice

Maybe the dark purple on the outside and the red on the inside and blending it together

I think that would look really great for these two

And for the lighter colors, um definitely the antique pink was my favorite

I think the nude was probably little bit too light for me, but once again. You know with lipstick and

Experimenting you could always mix these two together or maybe even mix all these together. You know you never know

What kind of color you're going to get so that's a fun thing about makeup well

I hope you enjoyed my video today

And if you like my video subscribe and give me a thumbs up

Because I'm going to have a lot more video for you guys

and if there are any makeups that you would like me to try or

Any tutorials you would like to see from me just leave a comment below, and I would love to hear from you

Up until next time I hope you have an amazing and wonderful fun time with all your family and friends

And I look forward to see you next time bye

For more infomation >> Bella Pierre Lip Creme Review... 🎀 try on all 4 colors!💋💄 - Duration: 9:10.


Inktober Flipthrough 2017 - Duration: 12:19.

Hello, internet.

Today I am going to be doing a flipthrough of all the drawings.

I made during Inktober.

First I'd like to apologize for the fact that this video is literally being uploaded a month


I'm sorry.

I wanted this to be uploaded sooner, but it had a lot of complications.

So again, sorry.

Next I'd like to show you a few of the supplies I used during Inktober.

The ones that I used the most were probably these microns.

They were very helpful to get precise lines.

The next things that I'd like to pull out would be these Gellyrolls.

I probably used these in every single drawing.

They were great for making things more interesting.

I'd also like to point out the fact that I used this.

It sucked.

I used it on one drawing.

I also used a brush pen.

I got it in Japan, so.. the name of it is written in Japanese Kanji.

I can't read Japanese Kanji, so I can't tell you what pen this is.

If you can read this then that's pretty cool.

This is a nice brush pen.

I also used some dip pens!

I got these specifically for Inktober.

I've never used them before, but they're pretty cool.

These are the nibs and then I used some Bombay Black India Ink.

It was..

I don't have anything to compare it to, so I can't tell you how good the quality of ink

this is.

It worked for me.

The last thing I'd like to mention would be these Ohuhu markers.

They were great for adding color.

I love these so much.

I actually killed my greys.

I mean, they still kind of work, but it's pathetic.

Okay, let's get into the magic.

Not really magic.

Anyways, this is the first one.

I drew a little fox running.

The theme was swift.

I used a dip pen for the very first time and I also used my brush pen to fill in the black

area and some black microns to do little details that I knew I couldn't do with my brush pen.

Not my brush pen, I mean my dip pen.

This one I was a little rushed on, but I think it turned out relatively well in the end.

This one I like quite a bit.

I like the fact that I put little skulls in her eyes to symbolize that she's dead or dying,

because she just drank some poison.

How exciting!

This one is of uh..

I don't actually know what this is of.

The theme was underwater, I think.

Yeah, it says right there, underwater.

I used inkwash for the first time.

Yeah, that was cool.

Here I discovered that my brush pen smudges when you put wet mediums over it, but I think

I had better control of the inkwash.

You can kind of tell there's some experience there.

This one I dropped a bottle of ink on!

So sad.

Well, not like the whole bottle, just like a little driplet of ink went on it and it

was so sad.

I fixed it.

You can't tell where it is.

Try and figure out where it is.

You can't!


This one I kind of was rushed on.

It's not terrible, but it's not the best.

This one is of the Crooked Man from the Wolf Among Us.

I really like that video game and I was watching a play through of it.

I decided to draw this dude.

I really don't like him, but he looks pretty cool, like he has a really interesting face.

This one was of a screech owl.

I like this quite a bit.

I like the composition and the anatomy of the owl and then all the texture.

There's like a bunch of dots and stuff.

This one is of a giant robot and he's holding some balloons.

How cute.

He's just hovering over this giant city.

He's like so much bigger.

Anyways, this one is of a dude.

I'd like to think that these are his demons and he's running away from them.

This one, the theme was shattered, so I kind of drew her face looking all shattered.

I like the way that I shaded.

I did some hatching, but I did like a line and put the hatching inside of the area that

I sectioned off.

I kind of like the way that looks.

I don't normally do that, so this was like an experiment.

This one I made a YouTube video of, as well as the first drawing in Inktober.

I don't really like it that much, but it still was a video.

I like this one.

I don't normally do expressions or at least extreme expressions.

I think I did pretty good.

It wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but I still like the general look of it.

This one was kind of rushed.

I feel like I could of done better, but it's not that bad.

Oh, I like this one so much!

I was using my brush pen, but this time I realized I could like not, I didn't have to

touch the ink.

I went very close to edge, but I didn't touch it.

It was pretty great.

I like this.

I like the aesthetic.

This one is interesting.

I mean, I don't really like it.

The hand is kind of derpy.

I was rushing and her face is just eh.

It's not that bad for being rushed, but it's not the best.



This is good art.

Oooh, let's just not look at that.

Okay, I like this one.

It's pretty cool.

I put a lot of detail around

the eyes.

I don't

know if you

can tell.

The picture on Instagram shows a lot more detail.

I like the way that this looks.

This one I did like real quick.

It probably took me thirty minutes at most.

I still like it.

This is one of my favorite rushed drawings.

I just like the composition and stuff.


I'm sad.

Tyler and Josh won't come back from their hiatus soon enough.

I am just crying, so I did a picture of Blurry Face.

Just to commemorate the fact that they are still not here.

For this one, the theme was trail, so I did some pumpkins along a trail.

There are some trees and stuff.

I was rushing, so again I don't like how this one turned out.

That is how it always seems to go when I rush.

It doesn't look that great.

Oh god.


I can't explain this one.

I don't know what was happening, but the theme was juicy and this is what came to mind.

I don't know.

I think we need to move on.

I can't explain this one either.

I like it.

I mean, it looks pretty cool.

It's got some cool texture and stuff.

It's not that bad and it wasn't that rushed either, so you'd hope it wouldn't be that


This one was a really strange idea.

I was thinking of like a wife saying 'goodbye' to her husband.

He's, like, in the Navy.

The theme was ship, so I drew a ship in her eyes and she's crying.

I don't know.

This one, uh, I can't explain.

I was rushing and it was late at night, so this


what you get.

This was I was also rushing on, but I think it looks

better than that one.

I'm pretty sure you can tell that it's a common theme for me to be rushing on these drawings.

This is of some leaves.

A lot of people on Instagram liked this one, but I don't like it that much.

I mean, it's okay.

It's not terrible, but it's not the most interesting thing in the world.

The theme for this day was united and I had no idea what to do, so I started looking up

what other people did.

Some people did Garnet and I was like "Ooh, ohh, yes please."

So I drew Garnet from Steven Universe.

This was day thirty.

I think the theme was found..

Yeah, the theme was found.

Can you see that?

Not quite sure what I was doing.

I used the brush pen and now that I knew the ink would smudge and smear and stuff, I kind

of used that to my advantage.

I used the inkwash and just kind of blended it with the brush pen.

I think it has a nice effect.

I might use it in the future.

Sadly that's all of the drawings that I have for Inktober.

I don't have the thirty first drawing on me, but I did do it.

I'll just quickly put a picture right here.

Okay, well, I guess that about wraps up this video.

Thank you so much for watching and I guess I'll see you later.


For more infomation >> Inktober Flipthrough 2017 - Duration: 12:19.


Surprise Eggs Baby Doll Toys Songs for Kids Nursery Rhymes BDTKSE - Duration: 3:59.

Surprise Eggs Baby Doll Toys Songs for Kids Nursery Rhymes BDTKSE

For more infomation >> Surprise Eggs Baby Doll Toys Songs for Kids Nursery Rhymes BDTKSE - Duration: 3:59.


Drawing Car Learn How to Draw Car Colors Picture Coloring Book Car Coloring Page - Duration: 12:55.

For more infomation >> Drawing Car Learn How to Draw Car Colors Picture Coloring Book Car Coloring Page - Duration: 12:55.


Homeless | short film GTAV - Duration: 5:52.

Homeless guy is thirsty

He see's a liquor store

He is thinking about stealing beverages

Homeless guys are bored

Homeless guy found out the door was locked

Homeless guy knows their is a backdoor

Door is unlocked

He is spotted on camera

He wants to get beer

(Grabbing a beer)

Guy is tired because he drunk to much

Guy drank to much

Guy is gonna hangout with the homeless guys

Cashier opens up the shop

See's drool and empty bottles

Cashier is gonna call the cops

Police officer response

Officer is trying to find the homeless guy

Guy is hiding from officer

Guy starts running away

Guy is now escaping

He successfully escaped

For more infomation >> Homeless | short film GTAV - Duration: 5:52.


Kard_You in Me Dance Tutorial Presilia Chan - Duration: 6:28.

Hi! Hello everyone!

are you all right?

I'm Presilia Chan

and i'm back with this video!

I want to show my video about dance tutorial

of Kard (kpop band) "You in me"



Oops, i mean M.E

And please, watch my clip about Kard

" You in me"

Please, subscribe me for more clips!

So are you ready to dance with my tutorial of Kard " You in me"?

Ready? Let's go!

Enjoy your learning! Hwaiting!


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