Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 3 2017

Hey guys mass here welcome to the channel once again, I am bringing you some halo 2 gameplay

That's right

Halo 2 - if you know anything about video games, and you play a lot shooters back in the day

Then you're probably asking yourself isn't that shut down or something or only available through that craffy-er

Crappy Master Chief collection thing that doesn't even work half of the time

Well my friend. I have great news to tell you halo 2 pc. Is alive and doing pretty well actually

It is alive through a feature or not feature it is a group of

individuals, beautiful individuals. who have brought it back through the name halo 2

Project cartographer which basically means it's awesome, and it's back and it's everything that it used to be well

It's not everything that it used to be but it sure is fun. I mean

There's no ranking system yet or anything like that. I don't think they're gonna be adding any but that would be great if they did

But they might actually if we get a bunch of people on here and play it a bunch

Um but anyway right now

This gameplay is actually with my brother and my nephew

Though you can't hear them

Or even me because I changed my settings and screwed everything up like I usually do because I can't stop

Finicking with everything. I want to make everything perfect and it makes up and it ends up ruining everything in the process which


Anyway, yeah, it's not that big of a deal. We're playing king of the hill

I don't even know what map this is because I only played four hours of Halo 2 for the first time in like

More than 10 years, so it's been a long time since I played this game and when I did play it

I only played the campaign because I was really young and didn't have.. I don't even think I had internet back then or knew what the internet was

and if I did, I only played on Cartoon Network games or something anyway, I digress

This is halo 2, and it's it's fantastic. one thing I experienced when playing it was

Obviously the graphics are outdated

But I played for like four hours straight four hours straight because it was addicting we played this non-stop

Like we didn't even end we played forever. It was fantastic

Okay, back to what I was saying um one thing

I really noticed when I was playing this is that the graphics look dated

But the gameplay is very much still modernized

Once you've fix once you get the mouse fixes and everything and you get everything set up to you know to your comfort zone like

your key bindings and everything the game feels so smooth and modern and

No wonder this game was considered a masterpiece back whenever it first came out it set the bar for

Everything else that came after it. It's really amazing I

cannot believe that they

made this

When they made it don't even know what date, it was so please quitting it only in the comments

Oh, I could probably google it

But I'm trying to do this as a semi live comas and like I'm not actually talking to you like while playing the game

I'm talking in the editing program, but like I don't want to do a whole bunch of cuts

I'm probably going to have to do a couple, but anyway


the game still feels very modern and smooth and very

Very enjoyable and skill-based it feels absolutely fluid and amazing. It's fantastic

It really is the aiming the the way you shoot people it feels great still like

Like a modern competitive shooter, and this this game needs

So many more players it needs

Halo players people that played it before people that are interested in playing it now

the way it used to be and the way it should be and

Yeah, so if you watch this video, and you haven't played halo 2 project cartographer you got to give it a chance

I'll put a link to the website in the description and you can download it from there and give it a try

Because we need more people especially in the US area because I can't freaking find a game. That's in the US

I mean, I probably can but everybody freaking speaks, Spanish, which your no problem with that

I just can't understand them, so I can't team play

So I just playing with my brother and nephew, and we loves it. It was fantastic

We played it for like well as I said we played it forever so with the whole subnautica thing. I've been doing recently

I'm about to start working on the next couple episodes after this goes live

I basically I've had this stuff scheduled up so I have time to work on videos more often

Basically what I'm doing is I'm making one videos and up then setting it to upload on say today

And then if I make another video during that day, I'll set it up set it to upload the next day

And then I'm basically doing that so that it makes me look like I'm super active and stuff it gives you guys more

content more like

Every single day almost and it gives me time to work on more content, so it's kind of like a a

win-win situation

but anyway if you guys want to play Halo 2 Park Project cartographer

And you want to like group up with me we can play a game together

Maybe even set up like some competitive teams or something that'd be great

That doesn't mean that I'm going to completely drop out on

Halo online as well because I remember talking about playing some of that at some point I even had some

gameplay up on my channel of Halo online I am basically waiting for the

0.61 patch or whatever for Halo online which basically adds dual wielding

The forge mode is going to be incredibly different and better and increased so that you can basically make any map you want

forges like this map editing tool

That is inside the game, so you can make whatever you want and play it however you want. It's really cool

But yeah, that's that's basically what I am waiting on when it comes to Halo games other than this of course

This is fine the way. It is. I like it's great. It's freaking amazing

But a halo halo online. Yeah, it's um

I'm waiting on that I have this weird issue with it

Where it causes my game the like lag?

it's a very very weird lag like I

Look in the middle of the map and I my framerate

Feels like it's laggy, but it's not actually laggy. I got a frame counter. I've used multiple ones

It says I'm running at 60 frames, but it feels like I'm running out like 40 and I don't know what to do

The devs telling me to use them use vsync I use vsync it doesn't do a difference

It doesn't help so it Debs of Halo online if you're watching this

Help me

Please I love your game, but I cannot play it as it is right now

I don't know. Why what's wrong with it, or what's wrong with my system my system should be able to run it perfectly fine

I freaking run battlefield one without issue

so yeah

if you're a dev of halo online listen to me help me comment on this video or

Contact me elsewhere. I don't know anyway. Hope you guys have enjoyed the video so far and

Please comment and if you want to

Keep to keep up to date on my channel what you can do is subscribe and you will get notifications if you want more often

Notifications and you want to be like even even cooler

You can hit that little bell icon next to the subscribe button and that will give you mobile notifications or whatever

Basically it just makes everything better

Anyway as I said before I hope you enjoyed the video so far and I will see in the next one


For more infomation >> HALO 2 IS ALIVE!?!? - Duration: 8:16.


Flexible Dieting (Amer Kamra Interview) - Duration: 8:43.

Ben: In this video I have a special guest with me that's gonna to teach you all about

flexible dieting and how you can use flexible dieting in your own diet routine and workout

program to get amazing results and still eat the foods you like.

So, let's get started.


Ben: Hey guys, so I'm here with Amer Kamra

I've been following him for quite a while now and he has amazing results when it comes

to coaching people, training people, getting people ready for competitions and why don't

you just give a little overview of your background.

Amer: Yes, sure so I've been coaching people for about 10 years now online and offline

in person and I've dedicated my life to coaching specifically fat loss and getting people in

their peak shape physically and mentally, all right, teaching people with psychology,

teaching people the physiology behind dieting, how to get them in their best shape and sustain

that best shape for long periods of time.

So, I coach people now do all levels whether it's a general lifestyle type of coaching

you know at a basic level, someone just wanting to get in shape for themselves for

a wedding for anything of their personal goals but then as well I've coached people all the way

up for the IFBB pro level, people all the way you know in pro shows, in bodybuilding

in men's physique, in bikinis.

So, I've coached people you know at all different levels on all different scales. Have worked

with some celebrities as well, so the prime of my business is online at the moment.

Ben: Yeah, Amer has a crazy amount of experience and I've seen his transformations and they're

really amazing. Like you see the before and after pictures and it's crazy the kind

of results he helps people get.

So, in this interview I just wanted to talk to you a bit about flexible dieting. I know

that's like a point where people get mixed up about and they're not sure what it means

are they allowed to eat pizza all day because there's all these Fitness personalities online

these days that they post pictures of pizzas and they're eating McDonald's and all these

burgers and cakes or sweets and then I feel that a lot of people see that and then they

go and start eating all this junk food and they end up getting fat and not the results

and then they get all mixed up.

Amer: Yeah, absolutely, I think you know I'm a huge proponent first of all - put that out there...

of flexible dieting but I think people don't understand what the true meaning of

it is, right, so people are very quick to judge and discredit and say that's not

a good method of dieting and then you have people that, you know, are all over it and

all over you know but there's just two ends of this extremist, right, and two opposite

ends of the spectrum and with everything the truth lies somewhere in the middle, right.

My theory on it and my paradigm on flexible dieting is that I believe it works, I know

it works, it's you know worked for many of my athletes but it works and it's superior

to "BRO dieting", which is you know for most of you that don't know is you know the same

food six times a day, you know, fish and tilapia and asparagus six times a day, right, and

the reason why a dieting like that works is because you're eating so minimal amounts of

food, you know, you have very little limited fats, very limited cards and that's what dieting

is it's essentially starvation.

So, you're eating very little and you're doing a lot of cardio, you're doing a lot of training,

you're doing to get lean regardless but with something like flexible dieting it gives you

options, I don't believe in eating you know junk food and donuts. I'm not a big proponent

of that. But I'm a big advocate of, an advocater of eating foods that are conducive to health.

The foods that are conducive to micronutrient optimization, so you know when you do have

a variety of foods in your diet in a wide spectrum an array of foods you end up getting

leaner easier because you're getting the micronutrients the micro minerals that you need in your diet

where, you know, from eating the same food over and over, you're only getting a limited

amount of nutrients, you're only getting a limited amount of amino acids, a limited amount

of specific types of vitamins, you know, there's only for us to get all the vitamins and nutrients

we need in arrow diets on a day to day basis we need to eat 30,000 calories a day, right,

and that's not human, humanely possible.

So, we need variety of foods in our diets, you know and people will argue and say while

eating bread is worse than eating sweet potato, by what measure, you know, what

what are we using to gauge that and that's what we need to quantify what good

means and people don't understand, you know, it's really dieting in this industry has come

down to people doing the same thing over and over because they heard someone else do it

30 years ago but you know we've evolved a lot and every single sport in the world has

evolved tremendously from 30 years ago, you know.

If we look at the times of Olympic sprinters 30 years ago till now we've evolved tremendously

the track, the shoes that we use, the training that we use has evolved.

Ben: And there's new science coming out, new research.

Amer: Absolutely, so what we know now we didn't know 30 years ago and we must evolve and adapt

to that rather than be stuck in this monotonous you know simple-minded approach to doing things.

Ben: So, how do you think would people best, should people best approach flexible dieting,

should they just try to figure out how to add a meal here and there or a few times a


Amer: Well I do have a book on that but you know it's very simple anyways you could google

and figure it out.

I've just simplified it in a book but, you know, if I could give anyone advice you know

this is not me promoting a book it's just me giving you advice is to learn what your starting

point is, what are you currently eating, you know, figure out how many carbs, protein,

fat, fiber, calories you're consuming on a day to day basis you know. Get that in an


There are many apps out there, you can Google, you know macro tracking apps will figure out

what your current macronutrients are and then start playing with different foods and add

foods in, because flexible dieting is not flexible in the sense where you can go and eat whatever

you want, it's flexible in the sense where you're still hitting your macronutrient allotment.

Ben: When you can just find the right foods that still need those micronutrients.

Amer: Exactly, so it actually, you know one thing that I like about it is psychologically


We are far more inclined to wanting things we can't have, right? So when you restrict

and deprive and suppress yourself from many different foods we want that tenfold. So because

you have the option to have many different foods and you haven't deprived yourself of them

because if you really wanted something you could fit it within your macronutrient allotment,

you can have it, therefore, that need to want something you can't have is no longer there,

you've eliminated that which makes dieting easier from a psychological standpoint.

Most people don't even know what a calorie is, you know, a calorie is simply a measurement

it's not an actual it's not a physical quantity right.

So, a calorie just a measurement just like km/h, right there you can't touch kilometers

per hour, it's just a measurement to gauge how your body responds to the food you're

consuming right.

So, when you know we don't need to be 100% absolute I do think there's a leeway and also

within every food that we consume there's a variance right, there's no absolute it's

an estimate of how it responds in the body, how much energy is required to heat up the

food that you're consuming and burn it and yes and oxidize it and convert it into actual

usable viable energy, right.

So, I don't think you need to be absolute but I think you need to be consistent more

than anything right. Consistency trumps everything.

So, if you're consistent with what you're doing it's a lot easier to gauge what you're doing

right and what you're doing wrong and how you can make appropriate and necessary


If you're not consistent it's very difficult to make appropriate change to what you're

doing, because we don't know what is the cause and what the effect of what's going on is.

So, we need consistency as your base and as of your foundation and then from there

we can work up or downward.

Ben: Awesome, well that was really good information I'm sure you guys enjoyed it. Do more research

on the topic and see how you can use flexible dieting in your own routine and then your

own diet plan and where can people find more information about you?

Amer: Amer the hammer on all social media platforms or a Amer Kamra.

Ben: Yeah and you should also you follow his YouTube channel he has some really great videos

there and thanks very much I appreciate having you

Amer: Thank you.

Ben: Hopefully you guys take this information that Amar just gave you about flexible dieting

put it into your routine, learn more about it.

As I always like to say a life worth living is a life worth improving, and go and get some


Chakra: If you enjoy watching Ben's videos make sure you subscribe to his channel, so

you can stay updated to all the amazing videos he post on a regular basis, you will learn

so many things and one thing I can tell you, all your dreams will come true. Chakra out.

For more infomation >> Flexible Dieting (Amer Kamra Interview) - Duration: 8:43.


Hot n New EP.102: Tuff T15 18x10 -24 - Duration: 2:51.

(Techno Music)

- Hey Guys, It's Shawn with Custom Offsets,

Custom Offsets TV on the Youtube.

We got episode 102, hot and new for you.

And this is going to be the Tuff Wheel, the T15,

this it not one I've seen in person.

I don't think it's been out that long.

I think this is in the new category.

But this is the T15 and you're going to see

that it's a pretty clean design.

It's got a multi-spoke design.

And they put some divots or,

I don't know what You call them,

Bump-in's through the inside of every single spoke.

It's going to be an exposed lug nut pattern.

So you'll be able to run the spiked lug nuts on these.

I would guess that they're gonna sit in there pretty deep.

And probably sit almost flush with that cap,

so the spiked lug nuts should line right up pretty good.

This is gonna be the semi-gloss and you see

it's got the machine rivets all the way around.

So something like the chrome spike lug nut

would look really cool in there, cause

it's going to set off those rivets.

Or black if you just want them to blend in.

So the size, this comes in 15 by eight, 16 by eight,

17 by nine, I saw, and then they start getting into by 10's.

18 by 10, 20 by 10, 22 by 10.

So lip size you're looking at about

three and a half inches at the front of a spoke,

because the fronts of the spokes do bump out.

And then where they put this rim all the way around

the barrel or ridge all the way around the barrel.

That three and three-quarters, three and seven-eights,

almost, just short of four inches

which is what you're typically looking for

that deeper lip, wheel look, on the ten wide.

So it's a pretty aggressive wheel.

You'll see that its go a nice lip on it.

Now this finish is the semi-gloss and then it's

got the machined rivet look all the way around.

And then that's it, the rest of it is black right out...

They also have where they're milling just the inside.

So they'll just add the mill look to it.

And then they've got one where this whole piece is machined.

So this whole face on the spoke,

until the bump-in goes in, is machined.

Giving it a lot more of a chrome look or something

that will set off well with chrome.

And then, of course, the machine rivets all the way around.

As far as price range, the Tuff wheels always run

in the lower cost, so this is going to be in the low end

of the cast wheels.

I think you're talking the 700'ish,

just north of 700 dollar range for a set of four,

of the 18 by 10 negative 24 or so.

That's definitely on the lower cost price range.

And that's where Tuff pretty well competes,

is definitely on the price point wheels.

I think that's everything.

Alright, Peace.

(Techno music)

For more infomation >> Hot n New EP.102: Tuff T15 18x10 -24 - Duration: 2:51.


osu! Alert | Cookiezi's 2 Year of Reign! Touchscreen Nerf Incoming, Filsdelama 700pp + osu! Giveaway - Duration: 16:16.

What is up guys, I'm Poised and I am back for yet another episode!

This time please don't bully my J, please and thank you.

Now let's roll the intro and make sure to enjoy this episode!

And before this episode starts, I once again want to thank our friends over at

for helping us out with website hosting!

Because of their help, we host all of the skins we use in our videos directly on our


If you're ever interested in hosting servers for minecraft, terraria or even a website,

[4 video showing the process, do several cuts, just make sure they see 35% and the code]

Please do check out their link in the description, and if you want to try any of their options

use the code "CirclePeople" for 35% off your first month!

One more thing before we start this episode; After a lot of requests for ways to support

us, we over here at Circle People now have started our own Patreon!

If you haven't heard or of Patreon before, it's a support platform where you can donate

to your favorite creators and get some rewards in return!

If you really enjoy our content, and you want to see it evolve and improve, please check

out our Patreon in the description below!

Some of the rewards include, but are not limited to, getting your name displayed on-screen

at the end of each osu!

Alert episode, getting access to our super special private Discord channel, and having

our eternal love here at Circle People.

In the future we want increase the amount of rewards available, as we really do appreciate

any and all help.

If you have any ideas for what rewards we could have, please do comment them below!

We cannot thank you enough for the continued support on our channel, and want you to know

that all of the money pledged via Patreon will be put back into the channel for the

improvement of our videos.

That's all I have to say about our Patreon.

We hope you enjoy this episode of osu!


Kicking off this episode, peppy has doubled the friend limit for osu!supporters from 250

to 500.

Also, if you run out of supporter, you can keep more than 250 friends, but you cannot

add more.

Do you guys remember that guy who paid over 1k dollars for a lifetime of osu!

Supporter that we talked about last week?

Well he managed to get into this episode too, but this time because he has created a website

called "LookAtMyScore", which you can use if you've ever set an awesome score

and wanted to brag to all of your friends, but you also want to make sure to include

awesome information like how much pp it is worth without showing them your ecchi skin.

If you're interested, LookAtMyScore has your back.

LookAtMyScore takes your replay file and generates a small but detailed graphic showing everything

from Max combo to pp given.

Now onto a bit more serious topic; one of osu!'s featured artists, Helblinde, is having

some financial difficulties because of private reasons at the moment, and is currently having

a sale for a collection of all of his songs for 50% off on his bandcamp.

Let's go and give him some CP love.

Next up we have a bit of a happier topic as it has been over 2 YEARS since Cookiezi was


Following his unban, he has held the number 1 spot for over a Year and has broken countless


It's really nice to have him back in the community, now we just have to get some other

players up there to poke him,,, pls rafis we're counting on you

Speaking of un-restrictions, the player jot_bab recently got unrestricted and within his first

day back set 2 600pp scores.

We can't wait to see what kind of plays he'll make in the future.

Now for some news a big part of the community has been waiting for for a long time: peppy

announced on reddit that there will be an upcoming touchscreen nerf.

Hopefully the tech will be a bit more polished soon as quite a lot of players have been getting

the "Touchscreen Detected" message on their plays, and it also appears a lot in

the older 30fps replays

Next up we have Mathi going ham this week and taking the #9 spot with his 629pp choke

on radwimp['?]s Yume Tourou hidden hardrock doubletime.

This technically makes him the highest ranked player without a 700pp score, which is kinda

funny as he does have an "unranked" 830pp score on the loved map Monochrome Butterfly

with Double Time.

We also have Bro_Gamer72, previously known as gayzmcgee taking the #2 USA spot from HappyStick

with his 608pp 1 miss choke on Stonebank All Night hidden doubletime!

Speaking of big achievements, osu! player Zalaria has managed to get over 20000 SS ranks.

She got her 20 thousandth SS on a 6 minute map that no one had SS'd with Hidden until

she managed to.

Next up we have the "Winter 2017 Fanart Contest" starting, so if you're an artist

and haven't submitted your art yet, get drawing because you only have until wednesday

to submit!

If you do submit art, please make sure to read all of the rules and guidelines so that

you're eligible to win that sweet osu!

Supporter when the time comes!

There was also a criteria change for r/osugame's scoreposts so be sure to check that out if

you're one of the cute score posters on osugame

Speaking of reddit, we have two threads which were made to help highlight some lesser known

maps and plays.

The First of which was as simple as typing a comment of a player and someone else will

reply with their favourite 3 plays of that player.

The second thread asked redditors to comment the name of a mapper while others reply with

their favourite 3 maps of said mapper.

The threads were a huge success, raking in over 700 comments between them.

Be sure to check them out in the link below.

Also, we have a collab map from hvick225, Nathan, and VINXIS being ranked.

The map is a marathon featuring a single diff called "NathanZhanKamal225's Blossom".

Truly a work of art.

Moving on, we have reddit user Ivrih giving us some extremely detailed statistics on osu!

World Cup's Group Stage, where they Showed the average accuracy of each player and each

team, and also who fc'd the most maps.

In order to keep things fair, single player statistics are only taken for the players

that played over 5 maps in the group stage.

Be sure to check it out in the link in the description..

While on the topic of the world cup, Last week, we talked about the group stage, so

this week it's time for the round of 16.

Nothing too surprising happened except for Canada losing 6-3 to Brazil.

But for more info be sure to check out the Round 16 recap on our channel made by Junihuhn.

Link of course will be in the description.

Let's get into scores, shall we?

First of all, we have Totoki getting a Full Combo on Skrillex, First Time of the Year

with Double Time, getting 406pp.

While the pp may not say that much, the map is 326bpm with Double Time.

Then, filsdelama FC's the loved map, Shounen Ripples.

Taking the first FC and #1 on the 8.11 star map would have gotten him 732pp if the map

was ranked.

Keeping with filsdelama, he also reversed choked Inai Sekai's Regret difficulty getting

a single slider break in the first 200 combo, the choke got him 594pp, without the slider

break he would have gotten over 650pp and the first Hard Rock FC on this map.


And then we have Rucker doing his usual thing as he Full Combos Mountain of Faith with Hidden,

getting a single 100.

The best acc on the map, and with Hidden too.

Sadly, the play was only worth 388pp.

Last week we mentioned Detro Volcanic getting loved.

This week Cookiezi takes #1 on the map with Hidden and 94.17% accuracy, getting only 13


Next up, Bro_gamer72 takes #1 on High Free Spirits Extra diff with Hidden Doubletime

along with only 2 100s, outaccing Vaxei's previous #1 on the map by over 1%.

This play got him 580pp

Then we have Aireu on Susumu Hirasawa - Aurora 2, KIRBY Mix diff with Doubletime.

The map has less than 20 no mod fc's, I'll just let this play speak for itself.

Next up we have Totoki going absolutely ham this week FC'ing Shiori Hidden Hardrock

Doubletime with 94% accuracy, he got himself 707pp.


on the Totoki hype train, he also fc'd LiSa - Datte Atashi no Hero, plus ultra Diff with

Hidden Doubletime, with 97.47 acc he got himself a deserved 673pp

Next up we have mathi taking #1 on the newly LOVED Sakura no Zenya with Hidden with 99.86%


Next up we have WubWoofWolf getting a Hidden Hardrock FC on Reol - Asymmetry Asphewin's


The map has no other Hardrock FC's and WubWoofWolf's impressive 99.66% acc got him 523pp

Finally we have osu player84 returning from his little break by sniping Cookiezi's #1

on Unreal Color.

His 98.71% acc got him 591pp.

And now for everyone's favourite section.

The memes.

Be sure to stick around after the memes for the giveaway

You know what time of the week it is.

2 winners, 4 months of supporter.

Link in the description, get up on it, and be sure to check out all of our other shizzle

my nizzle like livestream highlights and the OWC recap videos :cowboi:

For more infomation >> osu! Alert | Cookiezi's 2 Year of Reign! Touchscreen Nerf Incoming, Filsdelama 700pp + osu! Giveaway - Duration: 16:16.


Os benefícios da caminhada diária - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Os benefícios da caminhada diária - Duration: 4:49.


Drawing Car Learn How to Draw Car Colors Picture Coloring Book Car Coloring Page - Duration: 12:55.

For more infomation >> Drawing Car Learn How to Draw Car Colors Picture Coloring Book Car Coloring Page - Duration: 12:55.


Welcome To My YouTube Channel | Channel Trailer for Personal Stylist, Wilma Haerkens - Duration: 0:54.

Hi everyone, I'm Wima Haerkens and welcome to my channel

So why would you want to subscribe to my channel?

Well you might like my entertaining side you may actually enjoy some of the things that I enjoy

So as a makeover specialist you might enjoy fashion, makeovers,

style that kind of thing. I have been an entrepreneur since the early 80s I've recently

self-published my first look anything about creating change and

Bringing out the best possible you is really what I want to bring to my channel as I work on myself

I'm hoping that I can inspire you to do things for yourself as well. Oh

One other thing I have become a real raw vegan enthusiast so I am going to be doing some taste testing

Thank you for subscribing, and I'll see you soon

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