Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 3 2017

[Bells jingling]

Merry Christmas!

I'm doing some decorating today so I'm glad you've stuck around with me.

This is something that I made from a felt kit.

In 2009.

I'm sure you'll be seeing lots of other things that I've made.

[Deck the Halls Instrumental]

Merry Christmas Fridgeman!

I'll leave a link in the description.

Merry Christmas ginger people!

and a big yawn from Fella.

Let's put these guys over here, Fella. Yeah. Let's put these guys over here!

[Deck the Halls Instrumental]

Does she look cute there?

[Deck the Halls instrumental]

For more infomation >> Deck the Halls with Me! | SewBrenna - Duration: 2:29.


Vlogmas #3 - Art advent calendar ft. Animal Crossing 🎄 - Duration: 4:31.

Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel. This is the third day of

December and I'm continuing my advent calendar with Animal Crossing.

I found the box, it was at the very bottom of the tree. Let's open it to see what's

inside. There were only two pieces of paper in this one. So the theme is 'socks'

or 'boots', or both. I've got three characters, Sable, Mabel and Labelle. Not

sure how you supposed to say their name. My sketch is done, so I placed the three

characters, by the way they are sisters in the game. So those three ones. This one

I put here, this one I put there and this one over here. And I've added three socks

in the background and there is a fireplace. Now I'm going to ink it and

colour it. And you will see the result at the end.

I opened this marker to colour her eyelids and as you can see it's spilled.

I just realized that I put the wrong colors. Her outfit is meant to be pink and

not green. This is the one you should be green. So I'm gonna do this one in green

and this one I will change the colors on Photoshop. I'm really, really, annoyed.

I'm finally done with this drawing. Despite the fact that I messed up with

the outfit color, I think I like it. I would say that the body proportions are a bit

too big compared to the head. I should have made them a little bit

smaller. But I hope you still find it cute and that you found the video of

entertaining. And that's it for today! I will include a picture of the drawing

that I modified on Photoshop. I hope you enjoyed. Thank you so much for

watching and I will see you tomorrow for another vlogmas video, bye!

For more infomation >> Vlogmas #3 - Art advent calendar ft. Animal Crossing 🎄 - Duration: 4:31.


[#02] Grand Conte de Noël - La Pyramide de Chameaux - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> [#02] Grand Conte de Noël - La Pyramide de Chameaux - Duration: 3:22.


Daily life in JAPAN | Vlogmas #4 - Duration: 10:04.


ginger and pork stir fry

mission accomplished!

it's so bright in here

I remember, I definitely remember

I remember your face but not your name

I definitely remember your faces

what about me?

yes, of course

I see how it is..

You helped me heaps during the music presentation

thank you very much for that

how's your YouTube going?

not well, it's dying, what should I do?


I'll just have to work hard

Long time no see sensei

What happened? Why are you here?

I just came to hang out with you

Have you been well?

can we have two of these set meals, please?


Do you get free rice refills with this?

Yes it does

Did you want dessert with that?

did you want dessert?

maybe later?

yes, you can still order it later if you like

thank you

I'm here with MA..

oops, my voice is a lil too loud then

I'm here with Mariko for dinner

do you guys remember her?

she's been in my videos

the food's here!

this looks so good! and you get free rice refills with it as well!!

I want to refill at least two times

do you have brown rice in Australia too?

we do have it, but it's a lil different

is it like thai rice?

I guess you could say that

would you like to order the dessert now?


can I get the pudding instead of the set dessert?

sure of course

thanks, can I have the pudding on its own please

so one pudding

yes thanks

what's the dessert set like?

it comes with a small pudding and a milk crepe cake

oh, one of those for me, thanks

dessert's here! soy milk pudding!

Mariko got the pudding and crepe set


I think this has spinach in it too

it's basically veggies

veggies even in your dessert

have a try!

which one should I try first?

both, veggies first

I can't really taste the veggies

oh no?

can you taste the cream more?


that pudding is so delicious

what is this?

soy milk pudding!

I think I might like this one better

that's why I got such a big bowl for myself

flop, flop

I am going to taste this now

I've had this before and I loved it

You can't get this in Australia

Are you feeling nostalgic?

this is so good

it's nostalgic

it has the perfect level of sweetness


thank you for the dinner!

are you taking the train?

yes, train

let's go!

let's go and get the train!

For more infomation >> Daily life in JAPAN | Vlogmas #4 - Duration: 10:04.


Driving test 2017: official DVSA guide - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Driving test 2017: official DVSA guide - Duration: 1:43.


Rebecca Shoptaw (Creator/Showrunner) | Q & A | #MMTS - Duration: 7:17.

[Q&A - Rebecca Shoptaw]

Hi! My name is Rebecca Shoptaw and I'm the

writer, director, producer, cinematographer

editor, and various other things

for Middlemarch: The Series.

So the idea for the show came when I was

sitting in my Victorian novel class last

year - last spring - and I was just sort

of- We were we were reading Middlemarch for

class and I was just sort of like, "This

would be really cool tool as a web series. And

then over the summer at some point I

remembered that idea and I started

planning it out and then sort of once I

got a lot of the plot layed down and

figured out ways that I could do things,

then I started actually writing it and I

wrote it for the rest of the summer and

then when I got back to school in the fall, we

started casting and started filming and

we filmed a whole lot in the fall and we

filmed a whole lot in the spring and now

we're here.

Oh my god. That's like my

favorite child. So many of these questions are

going to be like my favorite child. Umm, oh

man okay. There are two. There's that early

episode that is Fred and Max, where Fred

is wearing the succulent shirt, and I... I

think that one might have been one of my

favorites to film just because like that

was the first day I had with those

actors and there's one moment right at

the end of the episode where I was like, "Oh, this

works." And that was just like really

exciting and wonderful, so yeah I'd say

that and then the other one is the

montage - of course - with Dot and Billie

later on. There's some rain. That was just so

much film. And the improv for that

was just fantastic and it was- That was

one of the ones where like my

cinematography was a lot more

improvisational than it normally is, so

that was really fun.

Not all the

characters fit into this obviously, but

sort of like the main group of them all

really get in their- get stuck in their

own heads and in their own thoughts and

sort of tend to misread what's going

on in the world around them, wanting it

to be the way that they want it to be.

And I think they also tend to be a

little bit too idealistic, or I guess the

better way of putting it would be like they

are waiting for... that they sort of put

off their present happiness for some

imagined happiness in the future that

they don't quite know how to reach. So

there's that. And I think best traits:

they just - everyone said this in their

interviews, but they just really care about

each other, I mean and there's- there so

much love that you can feel between so

many of the characters. Yeah they just really

want the best for each other I think and

that's true of pretty much everyone and

they're not often that great at showing

how much they care about each other or

acting on how much they care about each other but

they really, yeah, they really do care about each other

which is important and I think that they all - some

especially - but they all really grow and

I think where they end up at the end of

the show is a really good place to be.

So, yeah.

Oh man, ummm....

Fred and Max.

Yeah, they're so cute and I really love

the way that the dynamic works. I think

that they balance each other out in a

way that I have not really seen a lot of

characters balance each other out

before and that's really wonderful and

they're just- I just love them a lot it's


Billie. I mean she even like

wears all of my clothes. But yeah that

that moody not straight art student vibe

is just very relatable. So yeah I would

have to say her.

Yeah it's just been

so totally different from things that

I've done before, I mean partly just

technically. You know, a lot of static

tripod shots, using an actual light kit,

and also just like lots of dialogue.

which is pretty new for me. A lot of like

dialogue-driven scenes rather than sort

of like montages and things and I've

been sort of teaching myself how to

like not cut, which is- which is great for

editing. And then just sort of in a

broader sense, and this is really part of why

I wanted to do it is it's let me develop

characters over time and really like

flesh out fictional people in a way that

like you just can't really make happen

in a short film. So yeah that's- that's

been very cool.

Oh my god. I mean I just-

The actors. Umm, man

they're gonna see this and they're gonna know

how much I care about them. But I do! I

just- it's one thing when you're sitting

in your room by yourself just writing

these screenplays and sort of having

your head to fill up with this world of

imaginary people, but it is another thing

entirely when you get to see this

wonderful wonderful group of people start

to make it all- make it all real. I mean

I've just had so much fun working with

everyone. I think we've had a great time

on set and it's been really kind of

amazing to see all the characters and

the people kind of merge, to the point

where like I I cannot imagine anyone

else playing these parts.

I'm excited for

everything. But I think the like-

the goal that I have set myself for the

release, which I feel like is acheivable

because it's always like- it's easy to get like

overwhelmed by numbers and things or

comparisons or whatever, but like the one

thing that I'm really hoping for is that

people start to talk about the

characters like they're real. You know

like, like, "I hope so-and-so gets together

with so-and-so" or like, "I hate so-and-so so

much" or like "So-and-so is my favorite." Or

something like that, where it's just sort of like

I guess just people entering into the

fictional world is not something that's

happened a lot for stuff that I've made before.

It would just be like so incredible. So

yeah, I think that is what I am most

excited for.

Yeah, um, thank you so much. It really

means the world to me that you're watching it

and I hope you like it. Yeah.

For more infomation >> Rebecca Shoptaw (Creator/Showrunner) | Q & A | #MMTS - Duration: 7:17.


what we know so far about melanie's second album - Duration: 5:24.

What do we know so far about Melanie's new album?

Let's start with the writing process.

What we know so far is that there are thirteen songs in her upcoming album,

Ten of them written by Melanie alone

And the other three are written by Melanie

In collaboration with Emily Warren,

Who also helped write "Soap".

Melanie explained that her tracklist is being mastered

And that she's finishing up the bonus tracks.

Melanie confirmed that none of her unreleased songs will be on her studio album

Because the album has "too specific of a theme"

And she once responded to a fan on Instagram

That there won't be any collaborations on this new album.

Michael Keenan will be the producer of this album as well,

Who said that the album will have a darker sound.

This was also confirmed by Melanie in a conversation with a fan.

About new possible characters,

Brian Zuniga, who plays the Big Bad Wolf and the Bunny Doctor,

Said on twitter that he is brainstorming for his new character,

Possibly for Melanie's new album.

Melanie stated on an interview

That there will be a character whose name is a pun on Donald Trump.

The album's working concept is that it will be set in a town

And will be told from Cry Baby's perspective.

According to Melanie,

It will be Cry Baby stepping outside of her family life and love life

And acting like a narrator for the album.

The title of the album is the name of a particular place

In Cry Baby's town.

Cry Baby will be narrating the album

From her perspective and will be introducing new characters,

But she should appear on the album at some point.

According to Melanie,

"You are not learning about her, you're learning about the place that she's in and her perspective".

Melanie will be singing about thirteen important topics,

Topics most artists are afraid to sing about.

Melanie has said that there will be a song about

Friends in school that didn't actually want a close connection at all

And that there will be also a song

About how your mental health is important to maintain.

About the tracklist, a song titled "Banana Well"

Was speculated to be a song for her new album.

However, Melanie later denied it.

She has said, though, that there might be a song flashing back to "Tag, You're It".

This song was rumoured to be "I Scream",

An unreleased song which has never been performed live or released to the fans.

The title is a pun on ice cream.

Due to the play on the words in the title,

Fans have speculated that this could be the song.

Another two possible songs in the tracklist

Could be "Loverboy" and "Silence Says".

"Loverboy" is an unreleased song that we know very little of.

The only thing we know it's that it was on her Songfile,

And that it was taken down the next day.

"Silence Says" is also an unreleased song.

Its title is a pun on the children's game "Simon Says".

This song was on Melanie's singing BMI list

On June 30th, 2017

But it was removed shortly after.

However, it is still up on Kinetics & One Love's BMI

And Melanie's official writing BMI list.

Instead of releasing a new video per song,

Melanie will release a feature film

To accompany her second project.

As she told Billboard,

"It's all the videos together of the next record

With dialogue and whatnot in between connecting all of them together.

The film is really a huge priority of mine,

Because it's really important to me

That people can truly undestand the sentiment

And the story when they hear the record for the first time,

And I really want people to be able to follow along properly."

She also confirmed that there

Will be a tour in 2018 to go along with this album.

Shows in this tour will have intermissions and choreography

That will reflect the album's story.

As Melanie said,

"It's basically going to be similar to the way a ballet is set up,

With an intermission and stuff.

There's going to be a lot of choreography. For the first time I'm doing choreography,

Which is also something I have to work on."

Do we have a release date?

The album was first intended to be released on fall 2017,

But Melanie had to postpone the date

Because the movie was taking a lot of work

And she didn't have enough time to work on both projects.

She said on an interview this summer that she pretends

To release the album in January 2018

But we still don't have an exact date of release.

We will have to wait a little more for that, though.

And this is everything we know so far!

Did you know this information already?

Do you know anything else worth mentioning?

If you do, please let us know in the comments!

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, this is all folks!

This has been Natalia, aaaand

I see you guys in the next video!

Have a nice day!~

For more infomation >> what we know so far about melanie's second album - Duration: 5:24.


ONE-PUNCH GOHAN! Episode 118 Animation Breakdown - Dragon Ball Super - Duration: 10:02.

Episode 118 Breakdown When the staff lists came out for this month

of Super, this episode was the one to really look forward to.

Not only did it mark the return of Naoki Tate, the animator and supervisor who last blew

us all away in the second half of the special, really giving Ultra Instinct's debut some

unique and memorable movement, it also brought about the return of Masato Mistuka, the director

of the aforementioned episode, and one of Super's absolute best.

An animator capable of conveying great impact, and a director capable of bringing it all


Two universes that we've had characterisation for being erased.

On paper, this should be the perfect episode.

And… it's not.

It's very much an episode of two halves, but it's certainly up there as one of the

strongest episodes of this tournament anyway.

So let's jump in with that first half, which is undeniably the weaker of the two.

It comes from Toei Animation Philippines – Joey Calangian and Noel Ano-Nuevo being the two

supervisors, here.

Their presence is honestly pretty minimal.

While you can spot them in some close-ups throughout a few scenes, the chief animation

supervisor, Miyako Tsuji, has pretty much put her entire focus on this first half.

The vast majority of scenes here feature her redraws, and I'm actually pretty happy with

her work here.

I've mentioned across a few recent videos that Tsuji's style has started devolving

a little after such a strong output in the Future Trunks arc.

This episode definitely feels like a pretty reasonable return to form.

Some of the shots of Goku look absolutely gorgeous.

They look like they're drawn with real confidence, and the shading definitely backs it up.

It's a stark contrast to her rather rough output only a few episodes ago.

This tournament's certainly tough on the chief supervisors, so I can't complain too

much, but with Ide really strutting his stuff, it'd be nice to have both of them at a consistent


The major sequences in this first half are actually the ones that let it down the most.

This half is packed with reused or repurposed animation, to the point that it was actually

really distracting.

I honestly haven't been this pulled out of an episode by reused scenes since the first

two episodes of this tournament.

You've got a tonne of cuts from episode 103.

Tate's Gohan vs Obuni was reused with him redrawing Obuni as Saonel.

Piccolo's Hellzone grenade was repurposed.

Higashide's #18 cut from episode 99 is recycled.

Miuma's work in episode 112 was reused and touched up by Tate.

Huge chunks of Mitsuka's storyboard from 102 were thrown in, too.

They also went all the way back to episode 88, and reused Piccolo's training scene

with Gohan.

The only new scene that really stood out to me was the scuffle scene between Piccolo and


I really liked the extreme smears on the impacts, and of course, that shading is gorgeous.

Not sure who pulled that off, but they did a great job.

As far as reused scenes go, it's a little depressing to have so much recycled content

on an episode that's of great importance like this.

I can certainly forgive the parallels to episode 102 since that works as part of the magical

BOYS gag, but the action scenes were just too much.

It's a bit of a lose-lose situation – the alternative are some presumably poor scenes

from Toei Animation Philippines, so this is certainly better than nothing, but with many

of these cuts coming from episodes in the past few weeks, it's hard to push them out

of your mind.

As much as I'm harking on about this, I have to say, I'm not that upset.

In the grand scheme of not only the episode, but this tournament as a whole, it's a pretty

minor setback that I appreciate occurs to allow this tournament to even exist at the

quality it does right now.

Since Dragon Ball Super's special, the series has been on a real roll as far as its production


It's looking incredibly good for a weekly battle shonen – far beyond my expectations.

Not only was the special pretty remarkable, but episode 112 allowed for Miuma to produce

scenes with his gorgeous effects on full display, episode 113 showed us that Tu Yong-ce is great

when it comes to scenes that require powerful imagery, 114 gave us Takahashi whose work

doesn't even need a description.

116 reminded us that Higashide is one of the best, and we got a great surprise from Ken


117 should have been a nothing Yashima episode, but Ryo Onishi appeared and gave us an amazing

farewell to Ribrianne.

The series is on fire right now.

And as we move into the second half of this episode, that streak continues in full force.

The half begins with a lovely scene from Osamu Ishikawa, where Nail and God appear before


Ishikawa's a great artist so there are no complaints there.

The real strength of the scene is in Mitsuka's storyboard and direction.

This is such a lovely way of honouring the series' lore, and the role reversal of Piccolo

stepping in front of Gohan back in the Saiyan arc is really powerful way of finishing up

the master/pupil plotline that's been running through this arc.

This follows up with the first of Tate's contributions in this episode, and holy hell,

is it powerful.

Gohan's punch on to Saonel carries so much weight.

I really love how his head turns into a smear on the impact.

As they fly up into the air, the seamless transition into the rotation as Pirina joins

the fight is seriously impressive.

Major props go to Tate and Mitsuka for the storyboard and layout here.

Saonel joining back into the fight once again hammers home something I've been pointing

out for weeks.

Characters moving in and out of fights within a single cut is the best way of showcasing

the format of this tournament.

Following this scene, we head over to Tu Yong-ce and Osamu Ishikawa ping-ponging cuts back

and forth between one another.

Ishikawa handles many of the stills as Goku defends himself from one of the magical boys

– and yes, I'm sticking with that name.

As the action kicks in, Tu takes over, and much like the last scene, it features multiple

characters bouncing in and out of the frame.

Tu's contributions continue as the magical boys begin to create the black heart and 17

blocks it with his barrier.

Once again, you can see the same lightning effects that he's become quite fond of over

the past few months.

Like the last time they appeared, they match the first time they really stood out in the

Super Saiyan 3 scene in 113.

The black heart itself pinging around comes from Naoki Tate.

It's so nicely done.

I really love morphing effects animation like that.

It offers so much freedom when it comes to squash and stretch.

The next big scene is of course the series of Kamehamehas, and unfortunately for me,

this is where it gets very confusing as far as identifying animators go.

I asked Tu Yong-ce exactly what he did on episode, and aside from the stuff I mentioned,

which he clarified very specifically, he vaguely said he did "the bit before Tate's part".

Considering the bits before Tate's other parts are from Ishikawa, the only thing left

over is Goku's Kamehameha, which comes before what looks to be Tate's Gohan scene.

Either way, it looks absolutely fantastic.

I love how creative the storyboard is here.

Saonel reaching around the beam and coming through with one hell of an expression is


Especially as the camera then seamlessly pans up from Gohan and onto Piccolo.

That's such incredible camera work.

Again, Mitsuka is just a phenomenal director.

That essentially wraps up this action.

You can find Ishikawa towards the end, and again, in amongst some other styles throughout

the episode that are likely from the few other animators on board here.

This was a pretty small staff list as far as in-house Toei goes, which would explain

the reused animation and heavy reliance on Toei Animation Philippines here.

Before we wrap things up, I have to once again point out the background art here.

Bun-sun Lee is far and away Super's strongest art director.

The detail in his backgrounds is outstanding and the choice of colours do such a good job

of creating atmosphere.

I pointed this out in the contrast between Takahashi's episode and one that followed

it – 114 and 115- and once again, you can see it here compared to the episode before.

There's depth to the imagery, and again, that atmosphere is just night and day – almost


It's nice to see all of Super's best come together for single episodes.

On the whole this episode really did just about live up to my expectations.

Like I said, no, it certainly wasn't as perfect as it sounded on paper, but as far

as delivering a great looking fight and actually making me feel something as two universes

were erased, it certainly did its job.

Next week is half outsourced once again, this time to Tsutomo Ono and his team.

We're seeing the return of Yasuhiro Namatame, who we last saw in episode 111.

I wasn't hugely impressed by his last efforts and the NEP doesn't exactly fill me with

hope, but I'm cautiously optimistic all the same.

Ono's team is certainly capable of producing good work, and with regards to Toei's team,

we haven't seen Kenji Miuma for a while!

Lots of potential there.

But that's it for this week.

Unless there's some groundbreaking revelations in the upcoming issue of Animage, it seems

the return of Yuya Takahashi will be the big episode to look forward to in the next month's

worth of episodes.

For all the details on that, be sure to check out the video all about that that I released

this morning.

Let me know how you enjoyed this episode!

Did it live up to your expectations, were the universes erasures handled as you liked,

and what are your hopes for next week?

Be sure to rate the video, subscribe if you're new, and as always, I will see you next time.

For more infomation >> ONE-PUNCH GOHAN! Episode 118 Animation Breakdown - Dragon Ball Super - Duration: 10:02.


The Holy Spirit Teaches us - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> The Holy Spirit Teaches us - Duration: 1:58.


CH' - Plata ou Plomo [Prod. Visions] - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> CH' - Plata ou Plomo [Prod. Visions] - Duration: 2:42.


The Holy Spirit helps us in our prayers and obedience to God - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> The Holy Spirit helps us in our prayers and obedience to God - Duration: 2:20.


How Close Are We to the Perfect Smart Home? - Duration: 4:54.

This episode of SciShow is brought to you by Emerson.

Visit to learn more.

There are all kinds of things that connect to the internet these days,

from smart refrigerators that tell you when your food is expired,

to office lights you can turn off with your smartphone.

Together, this collection of smart devices is called the Internet of Things,

and it's changing how we run our homes, stores, and even restaurants.

But someday it might be able to do a whole lot more.

In the futuristic, perfectly-automated smart homes

you see in comic books and sci-fi, the house basically runs itself.

It knows exactly what you need at any time,

and there's a virtual assistant that can answer questions

and control appliances.

We're not quite there yet, but a future with smart buildings

that can do all those things isn't as far off as you might think.

There are just a few main types of technology that we need to develop first,

and the good news is, we're well on our way to figuring them out.

For a real smart home, you'd need a system powerful enough

to keep all your devices perfectly in-sync, communicating with each other,

and aware of what's happening all around the house.

So, when your smart alarm clock goes off in the morning,

it might turn on the lights in the living room, start a pot of coffee,

and turn the TV on to your favorite channel.

But the system would also need to be advanced enough

to know if your roommate is already up and watching TV,

so it wouldn't change the channel.

A system like that would need some powerful hardware,

and a little speaker on your kitchen counter, at the moment, isn't going to cut it.

But there's a pretty good workaround.

Most smart devices are already connected to a remote,

more powerful central computer

that takes care of the advanced data-processing stuff.

So you wouldn't need a supercomputer at home

to run all the complicated programs that would keep track of everything

and figure out the best way to automate your house.

The data would just be sent to that remote computer over the internet,

which would process it and then send instructions back to your devices.

But even with enough computer power for a connected system,

you still need to design software capable of automating an entire house.

We have assistants on smartphones, but they're not that great.

They're only built to understand certain types of commands,

and they still get confused.

A lot.

To make that perfect virtual butler,

we'll need advances in two fields of computer science:

natural language processing and machine learning.

Natural language processing is centered around designing programs

that can understand us the way we naturally speak.

That means your smart home would have to understand original sentences,

their context, words with different meanings,

and all of the other things that make up language

but because language is so complicated,

we probably won't have computers that can do that perfectly for quite a while.

One thing that could help, though, is machine learning,

where computers gather data and teach themselves.

So instead of programming a billion words and grammar rules

into a smart home, the software could just teach itself what to do.

Devices all over the world would collect data

on the commands people gave them and then adapt their programming

and algorithms in response.

You probably already have an assistant on your phone

that uses a version of this.

That's how it learns about things like new slang or fashion trends.

We just, of course, have not gotten to the point

where they can learn to understand us perfectly.

And, honestly…

I don't understand what people are talking about these days sometimes.

With more advanced machine learning,

your home could figure out how to answer every question

you could possibly ask it.

Based on the data it collected,

it could just learn to only suggest dinner recipes after 5PM

or only brew decaf coffee after noon.

So if you've ever wanted a virtual butler waiting on you hand and foot,

there's still hope.

Finally, and maybe most importantly,

your smart home would need to be totally secure.

Besides having routers or other devices

to protect your WiFi network from snoopers,

the devices in your home would need to be able to shut down attacks.

Everything connected to the internet

would be an access point for the rest of your wireless network.

So hackers could use something like

a smart fish tank to get to the rest of your accounts and passwords.

Which sounds ridiculous,

but that's exactly what happened to a casino last summer.

A perfect smart home would need to be protected

against both current attacks

and any vulnerabilities that are discovered after the appliances are built.

Not all companies think about that when they're building something small,

like a fish tank.

So everyone would have to get on board.

And your house would still need to protect itself

even if the company that made your devices went out of business

or stopped updating its software.

Like, you shouldn't need to buy a brand-new fridge after a year

because the startup that built it went under

and there's a new virus going around.

To get that perfect smart home security,

we'll need to figure out ways to keep updating all of our appliances,

no matter how small,

and to make sure those updates are sustainable in the long run.

Perfect smart buildings will transform our lives someday.

From how we live to how we shop to how we do our jobs.

But there are a lot of developments in computer science

to be made before that can happen.

So for now, our technology isn't quite perfect yet.

But we're getting there.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow,

and thanks to Emerson for sponsoring it.

If you want to support us, check out

to learn a little bit more about what Emerson's about.

For more infomation >> How Close Are We to the Perfect Smart Home? - Duration: 4:54.


"Ріббентропа повісили": скандальний спіч телеведучого про Лаврова (русские титры) - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> "Ріббентропа повісили": скандальний спіч телеведучого про Лаврова (русские титры) - Duration: 0:41.


Evolving Through a Break-Up and Practicing Forgetting | Quantum Consult # 42 - Duration: 12:18.

how can how can I be a gift to you at this point you're a gift to me so thank

you my girlfriend just broke up with me things just are not going well I've been

really mentally in a bad place and you know that it's been rough I mean I don't

sit here complained yeah well the funny thing is when you're saying these things

to me you seem pretty like at peace you almost you almost seem fresher than I if

I would say I've seen you in the past like you seem pretty at ease and I would

almost say it looks like the OP but you look like the opposite of what you're

telling me right now I do feel pretty good it's been a rollercoaster you know

obviously the second time what's happened okay how long have y'all been

you know I feel like if I was a better stronger man with more to offer it

wouldn't happen so this is a girl that you've been dating and she broke up this

the second time she's broken up with you like how long have you all been together

for about a year about a year okay cool why do you think she broke up with you

you know I'll tell you it's because I'm not confident I'm very insecure lately

you know I don't have a lot of money to I think that's a big thing but I can't

really express myself the way I take care of people a little bit better and

help people out express my love a little bit fuller you know okay so you said

that she would say that your controlling possessive and me

and you insist jealous and you would say that you think it's more that a little

insecure what was the very first thing you said you said something before

insecure well whatever your have gone through or whatever this experience is

doing for you I would say it looks pretty good on you I want to reiterate

that like the way you're expressing yourself seems more at ease and peace

than I've ever heard before however I will admit I do not like the way I do

not like the words you're choosing to describe your scenario but I do like how

your you are expressing it your tone the clarity so I'm wondering if there's a

refining a mental refinement going on and that this situation with the Union

girlfriend is serving you and getting more clear and I may have talked to you

about this before but it really seems as growth takes place in three steps like

awareness acceptance and action and your awareness and your acceptance of what

could be the issue on both sides of the coin is pretty profound now the action

it's time to take action it's time to like actually they almost sounded

similar like you said you think you're insecure she thinks you're possessive

those are caused by each other yes so your insecurity is probably what's

causing you to come off from her perspective as possessive I will say

this like for in this for that and I know you named many different things are

going on but in the sense of like possessiveness or jealousy I think it's

very important and like any animal any animal will teach us this any base

she'll teach that she's taught this to me multiple times like when I'm really

needy or I like want to grab her she doesn't seem nearly as interested is

when I'm like I'm here for you versus I'm here for you there was a different

thing there's a difference between I need you and I'm here for you and I'm

here for her she seems to be like hey dad but if I'm

like looking for her I'm like I want to play with you or I need you she seems to

be more like dismissive of me so I'm wondering whether it's this

girlfriend or a future girl that you're dating well first of all do you want to

date in the other women or do you want to get back to with the girl that so I

would really forget her then really it's this is the crazy thing about the word

forgetting this has been something that's been going through my mind lately

forgetting forgetting something forget it so if it's money that you think if

you think money is gonna be what gives you more confidence and open your

capacity to love forget it just forget about that because that's

probably it's probably not true it may be once you open your capacity to love

and the regardless has money then that might be when you become more of a

magnet for money so forget thinking that you need money to be a better lover in

anyway if you want to get back with your ex-girlfriend forget it and you I think

you really have I think you really get to forget her and when that and when you

really embody that vibration then she'll feel that she'll feel that rather you're

with her physically or not and she can then decide with her heart truly desires

but if you are this the attachment the possessiveness the insecurity the

jealousy the whatever I don't know if there's any specific situations you want

to talk about we're about half way over six and a half minutes in but I think

it's time for you forget it and do what your hearts call him even do like

realize that this is this is your moment this is your chance this is your

opportunity to be the best lover you possibly can and if you think your

ability to be a better lover is contingent upon things outside of you

like money then that's your issue you gotta forget the money so you can get

real with yourself

yeah this actually makes a lot of sense it seems like last time we broke up she

came back to me when I stopped talking her and I actually it's been about over

24 hours now since I just said you know what I can't I can't be any I can't be

friends or you you know I can't be anything but your romantic partner so

I'm just cutting it off again you know if it was up to her I'm sure we'd be

chatting all day and maybe I don't know you know it's just

and I I I like that honestly the I I know some people think that's like mean

or something but I I really like the idea that you um not being friends with

her I don't think we have to be friends with our ex-girlfriend I've never was

interested in being friends with my girlfriends if that mean like friends in

the sense that there's no chemistry there's no tension or there's no I think

the three C's to like a strong connection or chemistry compatibility

and communication and chemistry being the most important for a long-term

relationship to last so if I'm like for my trust forever you to say if you

decide to marry someone that the chemistry is what's guiding your way and

then the compatibility and the communication or what will keep that

crazy chemistry balanced like I'm talking like the chemistry I think

there's a strong enough chemistry where you are refusing to be your friend her

friends that's it sounds like you really you really like her you really are into

her okay so you really love her and I and I I just want to honor you that

you're able to express that to her and to me that that level of integrity so

rather than letting being nice or a peacekeeper you're being a peacemaker

for yourself in the sense that you know for you to be at peace and you're going

to be in your ex-girlfriends presence you want to be there together

romantically and if that's not what it is then you're not interested in and

torturing your heart in a way to be to look nice towards our different times in

the relationship she would be more affection

and more you know like into me more respectful to me than other times you

know and those times where she was a little distant or and it could have been

simple as she just needs a space or I don't know you know it was like that's

when I would start to be like okay like

and I want you to let go also of being weak that's not a sign of weakness like

your vulnerability is not a sign of weakness it's a sign of strength now if

you start letting your vulnerability get taken over by possessiveness that might

be more on the category of weakness but you having that feeling that's not you

being weak now when I will say the last minute here who think of what your

whining but I'm talking about the polarity the chemistry between y'all -

she sounds like a very hyper feminine woman and what I mean by that is like

let's look at the ocean i surf I think like surfing is one of the most massive

sailing or a captain of a ship is one of the most masculine roles someone can

take because they're literally immersing themselves in the ocean of emotion that

is always changing it's deep beyond our understanding no one knows how deep the

ocean is and it's always changing every day there's a tide there's in the tide

gets higher and lower every day it always changes the wind changes the

waves the the weather can change the waves it's highly changing and instead

of getting frustrated when the tide is really low or the winds are it's really

sloppy or choppy ocean a good surfer is not the one the only surfs and

conditions that are good it's like who can have a good start for my opinion is

the one that kind of the most fun and the most variety of conditions so even

if it's if it's messy and dirty and the waters murky and it's crazy can I still

go out surfing if I want to and have a good time in the ocean and then I and

then still be ready when it turns on and the waves are perfect then they're

beautiful and they just are like calling to me they're like diamonds can I be

there for both ways and I think that is someone someone that can be hold the

space for the feminine ocean to go back and forth and be full and empty in

sideways and left and right make no sense that's holding a very

masculine energy and I think you holding that masculine energy and her holding

that very going with the flow of her emotions and her life is a very feminine

energy and I bet that's when yells chemistry is a strongest so it sounds

like instead of being scared or turned off by her withdrawal by the tide coming

in this really I realize that's what's keeping your chemistry that's what's

keeping you all connected as much of a humble pie as that yeah yeah oh yeah you

the moment someone goes out there surfing they try to control the ocean

that's dangerous that's very dangerous the person that can surrender like when

the wave really overcomes them and they surrender it's easier to find the bottom

so they know which way is up if someone fights it and they're running out of

oxygen wasting their oxygen fighting something that's pretty impossible to

fight sometimes and then they they can even fight themselves into not knowing

they might not hit the bottom on the wave and they all know which way is up

or which way is down and it's just like that resistance is not the masculine

energy that'll get people to serve the best waves and have the best connections

with their girlfriends


For more infomation >> Evolving Through a Break-Up and Practicing Forgetting | Quantum Consult # 42 - Duration: 12:18.


The Immortal Brines. - Duration: 0:20.

But technicolor pachyderms

Is really to much for me


I am not the type to faint

When things are odd or things are quaint

But seeing things you know that ain't

Can certainly give you an awful fright!

What a sight!

Chase 'em away!

Chase 'em away!

I'm afraid need your aid

Pink elephants on parade!

For more infomation >> The Immortal Brines. - Duration: 0:20.


Dog Training: Positive Reinforcement vs. Alpha Dog Methods - Duration: 9:44.

Dog Training: Positive Reinforcement vs. Alpha Dog Methods

Mention training methods to a group of dog trainers, and you might want to prepare for a fight at the dog park.

Some call those who use only positive reinforcement "cookie pushers" or "treat slingers." The other side calls those who use more dominance-based techniques "choke folks" or worse – cruel and inhumane.

These days, at least one person hopes to silence those barks and says it doesn't have to be so black or white. Cesar Millan, star of National Geographic Channel's Dog Whisperer, realizes not everyone agrees with his alpha dog approach.

So he consulted trainers of all backgrounds for his new book, Cesar's Rules: Your Way to Train a Well-Behaved Dog. The book provides a range of theories and methods so dog owners can find what works best.

"Human beings need options," Millan tells WebMD.

"If the dog people don't know how to become submissive with each other, how can we lead by example?"   All Things Positive Purely positive reinforcement has been made popular by trainers such as Victoria Stilwell, of Animal Planet's TV show It's Me Or The Dog. It's also the method taught by Dawn Sylvia-Stasiewicz.

Based in Hume, Va., she trained Bo, the Obamas' dog. The belief is simple: Dogs learn good behavior by being rewarded for doing well. And punishment doesn't have to come in the form of a harsh reprimand or physical force.

Sylvia-Stasiewicz says more dominant training and techniques focus too much on "bad" things a dog does and force the animal to figure out, through trial and error, what he must do in order not to be punished.

"Training doesn't have to be cruel and punishment-oriented," Sylvia-Stasiewicz says.

"If you train using positive reinforcement, you'll get a trained dog and you will maintain the spirit of that dog." Positive reinforcement trainers often use verbal cues, hand signals, treats, clickers, toys, and even games to help modify behavior, correct bad habits, and even to teach tricks.

Trainers use both positive reinforcement (giving rewards) and negative punishment (taking away rewards.) "Anything the dog likes and enjoys is fair game to train with, she says.

To Knee or Not to Knee? Sylvia-Stasiewicz, who wrote The Love That Dog Training Method, says a client's Australian shepherd wouldn't stop jumping, despite reprimands.

A trainer who used a more traditional, alpha dog technique taught the client to knee the dog in the chest each time it jumped.

Rather than punish the dog for doing something bad, Sylvia-Stasiewicz had the client greet the dog only when it was sitting. If the dog jumped, the client ignored it or turned his back.

But when the dog sat, he got his favorite treat of a stuffed Kong or praise as a reward for not jumping. After five weeks of class time plus practice, the dog stopped jumping.

Sylvia-Stasiewicz admits results can come slower with purely positive reinforcement, but says the method has even saved so-called "death row dogs" who some thought impossible to rehabilitate.

Alpha Dog Approach Trainers who use this approach might use choke chains, prong collars, electronic or "e-collars." Other tools might include a hand squeeze that mimics a quick bite, alpha rolls (pinning the dog to the ground) as well as "flooding" or subjecting the dog to something it doesn't like in large doses.

Some trainers label their use of this method as "blended" or "balanced" because it can include positive reinforcement, such as well-timed praise and even treats.

Bob Maida of Yonkers, N.Y., who trained Ronald Reagan's dogs, supports Millan's training philosophy and says he doesn't believe in one-size-fits-all or "cookie-cutter" training.

"I hate using the term (alpha dog) because it's a buzzword that prompts the 'positive crowd' to near criminalize people that correct dogs," Maida says.

It's like cooking – if you put too much salt in the dish, it's not going to taste good." Maida has trained family pets and dogs for film, personal protection, and classified projects.

He says clients typically seek him out when they are dealing with aggression toward people or other dogs, house-training issues, as well as unruly behavior such as leash pulling, stealing food during meals, knocking over kids and visitors, and making "kitty's life a living hell.".

Things to Keep in Mind Maida considers breed-specific behaviors when training. That includes whether the dog was bred to hunt, pull, fight, guard, or has a strong prey drive.

Other factors include temperament, age, environment, sensitivity level, and behavior and training history. He also factors in the owner's capability to be "a good leader.

People have this warped Walt Disney-esque concept about dogs, and they don't realize that there is this hierarchy in the dog pack," Maida says. Maida says positive reinforcement is often misused.

"The dog gets praised for merely existing or rewarded when it demands it. When the dog barks at the mailman, people say 'Good dog.

It's OK.' And it loses value." Maida says his rules have always been to do no harm, maintain harmony, and accomplish training and behavior modification without violating the dog's trust. "Done right, there are no bad tools," Maida says.

"It's the misuse of the tool by a fool that is bad." It's important to note that The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior has voiced concern that training programs based on dominance or punishment can be ineffective and possibly dangerous, especially in the hands of an unskilled nonprofessional.

Finding a Trainer: Cesar's Rules Millan admits that while "dog's don't judge without knowing," humans "like to say 'my way, it's the best way.'" But in the end, the choice of whom you hire to train you and your dog is up to you.

Millan offers these suggestions to get you started: Ask yourself what you want your dog to learn. Good trainers will assess the environment, what motivates the dog, and your goals and expectations.

Think about your own philosophy and ethics. How many philosophies or training techniques have you heard about? Which ones are you comfortable with? Get referrals and check the trainers certifications.

Make sure the trainer includes you in the training process. Yes, your dog may need to be taken away for a while, because some dogs "need a vacation from the house," Millan says.

And remember: There are usually three reasons someone says "my dog flunked obedience," Millan says.

"The human either was not into it," was inconsistent when applying what the trainer taught him, or "never liked the training style and never said something about it." "Don't see dog training as you're sending the dog to get fixed," Millan says.

"A dog is not an appliance.".

For more infomation >> Dog Training: Positive Reinforcement vs. Alpha Dog Methods - Duration: 9:44.


Saí uma vez e já casei! | Lesbiônica - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Saí uma vez e já casei! | Lesbiônica - Duration: 4:10.


Upcycle a Flannel Shirt Into a Cozy Bracelet - HGTV - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Upcycle a Flannel Shirt Into a Cozy Bracelet - HGTV - Duration: 1:01.


welcome. - Duration: 1:10.

Shagun: Welcoome

Everyone: Heeeey

Victoria: Ehhh...

Everyone: Wait a little

Everyone: 1, 2, 3!

Shagun: Wooo!

Everyone: *claps*

Everyone: Heeeey

Victoria: I am Victoria

Isabel: And i'm Isabeeel

Shagun: Shagun

Kawther: Kawther

Victoria: Aaand

Victoria: We are...

Isabel: *giggles*

Everyone: IT HAPPENZ!

Everyone: Wooooo!

Victoria: Yes

Victoria: This is our um..

Victoria: channel

Kawther: Hope you like our videoes

Kawther: And watches them as many times as you want

Kawther: With family and friends

Everyone: Yeeees

Kawther: Or alone

Victoria: And subscribe

Kawther: Yeah...

Victoria: *laughs*

Victoria: Yeah

Isabel: And watch the whole video because it's very funny at the end

Shagun: Yeeaah

Victoria: Well that was all we had..

Isabel: Byyyeee

Everyone: Byeeeeee

Shagun: Pow

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