Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 3 2017

(We Need to Talk 1987)

Let me go! It's hot.

I'll get a heat rash in my pits.

This is what a campus couple does.

Hey, do you even know what that means?

Of course. Daehui and Bongseon.

We're a campus couple.

Shut it, fool.

Is that what it means?

Forget that.

You remember we're supposed to eat dinner...

- With my dad at my place, right? / - Yes.

- Don't be late. / - Alright.


What should I wear today?


Hey, Sejin.

How are things going with Daehui?

I'm going to go meet his father today.

Oh, I see...

You should get over me

and meet a nice girl.

Of course... It'll be hard.

I have a girlfriend now.

Hey, you don't have to lie to make me feel better.

No, for real. I have a girlfriend.

She should be here soon.

My girlfriend should be here by now...



My girlfriend.

- Sejin. / - Yeah?

You're still not over me.

What do you mean?

How can you date a girl that looks just like me?

Is she my replacement?

What did she do wrong?

But it would be hard to meet a girl like me in Korea.

What are you babbling about?

Calm down, honey...

See you, Bongseon. Let's go, honey.

How annoying!

Let's eat.

You brat!

What? What? An interview?

An interview?

You lied about going to an interview

and went partying with girls?

I'm sorry.

Sheesh! You young punk born in 1964...

I can pass for someone born in 1958 at most places.

Don't be ridiculous.

Sheesh... Shut your mouth and get some water!

Dad, I have something to tell you.

What is it now?

I've decided to start dating Bongseon.

- Is that right? / - Yes.

Great job!

Very good!

- There's no girl quite like Bongseon. / - Yes.

- She's got a nice personality. / - Yes.

- She's polite. / - Yes.

- She's from a good family. / - Yes.

- She has a weird nose though. / - Yes.

She's coming by later for dinner.

Yeah? That's good.

I'm here!

Gosh! Well if it isn't Bongseon!

Wow, look at you in that hanbok.

I thought you were a shaman.

Hey. You went a bit overboard with the outfit.

This is what you wear to greet your elders.

No, no.

No need for all that.

Just think of me as family and take it easy.

Sir, think of me as your daughter...

- And be casual around me. / - Yeah?

Alright. Get me some water!


You said to be casual. Get some water!


Don't be like that.

I'm going to be really good to her

like Choi Sujong in "Tree Blooming with Love."

- No, you don't... / - Quiet! You stay out of this.

Grown-ups are talking.

Alright then.

- So is your father well? / - Yes.

He went to school recently.

Is that right?

He's so educated.

Yes. There's no end to what you can learn.

- What school is he going to? / - Cheongsong.

Cheongsong University?

Cheongsong Prison.

He'll be out in 4 years.

It's a 4-year-course!


So what is he in for?

For smuggling illegal weapons.

So he's in trade!


It should be pretty rough in there for him.

Not at all.

He's conquered the place with his fists.

He's the king now.

He's like the department head!


Wow, that's killer.

Gosh... My dad used to say that a lot.

"I should kill him."

Your dad is so lively.

He said that often too.

"Hey. This guy's still alive."

I sure miss my dad. I should write to him.

Oh, right. You asked me to get you water.

Here's the water!

Have some water, Daehui.

I should've given you some first.

Yes, yes.

- Thanks! / - Thanks!

For more infomation >> We Need to Talk 1987 | 대화가 필요해 1987 [Gag Concert / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 6:27.


thelisene na nuvve na nuvvu kadani - Duration: 0:35.

Arjun reddy

For more infomation >> thelisene na nuvve na nuvvu kadani - Duration: 0:35.


【Crisis Action】全民出擊伺服器:TwAiM梵宇 #排位實錄08 教你如何逆轉勝利!一打五外加10連殺! 黑38怒改都沒在怕!記得開啟字幕 - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> 【Crisis Action】全民出擊伺服器:TwAiM梵宇 #排位實錄08 教你如何逆轉勝利!一打五外加10連殺! 黑38怒改都沒在怕!記得開啟字幕 - Duration: 6:37.


Quan Họ Bắc Ninh || Cô Gái Hát Quan Họ Cực Hay . - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Quan Họ Bắc Ninh || Cô Gái Hát Quan Họ Cực Hay . - Duration: 4:03.





Missing 3-year-old girl is presumed dead, and her mother's boyfriend has been charged - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Missing 3-year-old girl is presumed dead, and her mother's boyfriend has been charged - Duration: 4:19.


DEAD Games and Good games - Duration: 14:27.

Make Sure to check out Immortal, Moose HD, and Haste Shadows they are great you tubers and I recommend subscribing to them

For more infomation >> DEAD Games and Good games - Duration: 14:27.


【アサシンクリードブラザーフッド】しよけんプレイ#10-10 - Duration: 10:01.

PS3 Assassin's Creed Brotherhood # 10 - 10

For more infomation >> 【アサシンクリードブラザーフッド】しよけんプレイ#10-10 - Duration: 10:01.


On Leslie Knope, Burnout, and Sunsetting - Duration: 5:38.


Huh. That's different.

Let's talk about Leslie Knope.

For those who don't know, Leslie Knope is a fictional character from the TV show Parks

and Recreation, played by the brilliant Amy Poehler.

Leslie works for the Parks and Rec department in the fictional town of Pawnee, Indiana.

When we're introduced to Leslie in the pilot, she is a mid-level bureaucrat with a lot of ambition.

From the way she speaks about her political idols to her enthusiasm for public service

to the countless binders she has organized for projects and future plans, you get the

sense that she's destined for bigger things.

But she lives and works in small town Pawnee, where things move slowly and both the citizens

and her coworkers don't share her enthusiasm for improving the quality of life in Pawnee.

That's the impression you get from Season 1, anyway.

When we meet Ron Swanson, Leslie's supervisor, he's a fierce Libertarian who believes that

government is a waste of taxpayer money.

So naturally, he and Leslie don't see eye to eye on government projects.

When we meet Tom Haverford and April Ludgate, they are clearly apathetic about government work.

Tom is a Parks and Rec administrator who often undermines Leslie, and April is a college

intern who doesn't like most people.

At the start of the show, getting Tom and April to do any government work enthusiastically

is like pulling teeth for Leslie.

But she nevers loses her optimism and continues to push forward in her work despite resistance

and red tape.

Over 7 seasons, the Parks and Rec department work together to complete various government

projects, and they slowly change their attitudes about government work and Leslie.

In Season 1, they view Leslie as someone who takes her work too seriously.

They find her oblivious at times, and they are reluctant to work with her.

But that doesn't bother Leslie.

She happily takes on all the work and still finds the time and energy to help out her friends.

Leslie's Gryffindor spirit and Hufflepuff work ethic rub off on her coworkers.

When Leslie decides to run for Pawnee city council, they enthusiastically form her campaign

team, going above and beyond to get her elected.

By the time Leslie finishes her run on city council, her Parks and Rec colleagues have

grown to love and respect her.

The qualities that they first find annoying about her, they now find endearing and inspiring.

When Leslie returns to her position at the Parks department in Season 6, she finds that

it has changed.

April is easily managing Animal Control, and Tom is killing it in his new role as Business Liaison.

She's surprised that she no longer has to do the bulk of the work, as her coworkers

are showing initiative and interest in their projects.

While she's impressed that her coworkers have stepped up in her absence, she's disappointed

that they're running things differently from the systems she'd set up.

There's an episode where Tom is preparing a presentation for the Small Business Coalition,

and Leslie isn't happy with Tom's choice not to use her specially designed project binder.

Fearing that he will fail his presentation, Leslie reverts to her old ways and tries to

take control of it, unaware of all the work Tom has been putting into making the presentation his own.

Thankfully, Ron is there to talk sense into Leslie, highlighting how much Tom has grown

in her absence.

Leslie learns to step back, and Tom nails his presentation, leaving Leslie to wonder

if she's actually needed at the Parks department.

And according to Ron, they don't.

He says that April and Tom started out as the most apathetic people he'd ever met,

and that Leslie turned them into efficient and caring government employees.

He notes that the Parks department can function without her, and this finally allows Leslie to

set her sights on greater ambitions.

So why am I talking about Leslie Knope?

For the longest time, I've seen my journey reflected in Leslie's narrative.

Like Leslie, I have a lot of ambition, and I want to be in a position where I can do

the most good.

We approach barriers with a can-do attitude, always thinking of ways around them, even

when the odds seem insurmountable.

And like Leslie, my laser focus on my goals can come at the expense of others, manifesting

in steamrolling and other unhealthy behaviors.

There's an episode that focuses specifically on Leslie's steamrolling, and

while the show mostly portrays this quality in a funny and positive light, that episode

shows how her actions negatively affect her relationships with her friends.

When I get really passionate about something, I fall into this habit of going too hard and

pushing too far.

That has led to burnout and unhealthy coping behaviors.

It turns me into someone I don't want to be.

When things no longer work or they've run their course, it's important to let go, for the

sake of maintaining relationships and your own mental health.

It's a lesson that Leslie learns throughout the course of the series, and it's a lesson that

I have been learning too, especially for the last several months.

I have been learning to let go, to sunset my time with old projects so I can focus on

new ones.

There are opportunities for growth with new projects, and now more than ever I find myself

in a place where I need to grow.

I'm grateful for the last five years on this channel.

It's been a safe space to find my voice and explore my creativity, to realize career

aspirations, to build and maintain friendships.

Thank you to those who have watched the growth of the channel and contributed to our discussions.

You've greatly enriched my life.

And thank you to the rotating cast of vloggers who have helped make this channel what it is.

You guys make my heart full.

In the words of Jed Bartlet, what's next?

Well, I am transitioning to my personal channel, where there has been some interest in the kinds of

videos I made for VEDA, with themes like storytelling, self reflection, and juggling.

I'm also developing a series that some people might find valuable.

If you'd like to learn more about it, you can check it out right here.

So yeah, I think that covers about everything…

Thank you so much for watching and following this journey.

Hope to you see you on the next leg of this adventure.

By the way, I moved to Montana.

For more infomation >> On Leslie Knope, Burnout, and Sunsetting - Duration: 5:38.


Are You An Alien? - Duration: 4:37.

♫ Cause even after all this time I still wonder ♫

♫ Why I can't move on ♫

Charlie Puth: Cool! Bye!

Hello world!

Before I jump into the topic, let me explain 2 things:

First, I show no face because...

I don't want to. HA!

Because I'm too lazy to set up my filming equipment.

As well as dressing up for my video...

Also I didn't wash my hair. :D

Second, this video does not has a script.

So, let's hope it won't go horribly.

It won't "goes"...

It won't goes horribly, yeah...

Some people made fun of me because they don't think I'm an alien.

Well, when in doubt...

RuN tHe TeSt.

"Are You An Alien?"

3 stars out of 5-


3 stars out of 5 stars!

GoOd StArT!

(Reading the description)

Okay, okay...

(Reading question 1)

(Reading option 1)

(Reading option 2)

(Reading option 3)

(Reading option 4)

Well, for me...


I can make my tongue into the U shape, that counts special talent, right?


(Reading question 2)

(Reading option 1)

YES. Yes, yes...

(Trying to read option 2)

(Reading option 3)

I- I already picked my answer! Why am I-

Why do I bother to-


(Reading question 3)

Ah... Depends on how you define ugly, okay?

I feel like it's not fair to just call someone, or anything, or any animal ugly out of nowhere.

Just like: YO...


No, that's not- that's not cool! That's not cool!

So, um, yeah, they all seems pretty normal to me.

Because I don't know what the ugly thing you are talking about.

(Reading question 4)


(Reading option 1)

I'm a little bit bothered by this is not a capital...

(Reading option 2)

Yeah, my skin is flipping green and I have webbed toes. YEAH.

(Reading question 5)

Sci- Science-fiction! In case you don't know about that!

(Reading option 4)

(Reading option 2)

(Reading question 6)

(Reading question 7)

(Reading option 2)

(Reading question 8)

(Reading option 2)

(Reading option 3)

YEAH. I MEAN... ;)

(Reading question 9)

(Reading question 10)

Do you mean, like, birds, and airplanes, and clouds?

(Reading option 4)

What is this...

OkAy, thi- this is my answer.

(Reading question 11)

Is that even a question!?


You know what!? The QUAST-

I wanted say the test and the quiz and made it "quast"?

If you know where this reference from, we can be besties, okay?

You don't dare tell me- Oh no no no no.


(Reading comment)

I see the way you spell this word, I think you are minority indeed.

(Reading comment)

I think you are- you are probably friend with Alien scott.

Because how you guys spell...


(Reading comment)


Okay! Thank you for watching! As I said, no script!


What should I say for this moment? I don't-

I don't have a camera in front of me, so I don't even remember my outro, but okay.

Ah, ah. Okay. Stay well my fellow aliens.

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