Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 4 2017

If you've read or watched any tutorials on reactive programming, then you

probably already know that reactive programming is programming with

asynchronous data streams. But what does that even mean? Here's another way to

think about it. Reactive programming is like taking a series of events that are

happening asynchronously over time, and treating them like a single collection

of objects that you can perform operations on. Think of a standard

collection. We'll use an array of Fibonacci numbers as an example.This

collection is immutable, which means it can't be changed. Let's say we wanted to

grab just the even numbers from this array. One way to do this would be to

filter the collection using LINQ's "where" operator. This would return a completely

new collection leaving the original array untouched. Taking this example a

step further we could chain the "select" operator to transform the values in our

collection. For instance we can multiply each value by two. Again this returns a

completely new collection. The code for this example would look a little

something like this. It's pretty standard stuff if you've ever used LINQ or

worked with collections. A data stream is nothing more than a collection of values,

except for one important distinction: time. The values in a data stream are

emitted asynchronously over time. And because data streams are first-class

citizens, we can pass them around as arguments, return them from functions, and

even assign them to variables. Imagine a data stream of click events. Just like

our previous array example we can filter this stream using the LINQ "where"

operator. And transform the values using the "select" operator.

Then we can subscribe to this feed, passing the emitted values into the

function of our choosing. UniRx provides a long list of operators that can be

used to filter, transform, and combine data streams, making it a powerful tool

for composing asynchronous code. Treating your events like data streams and

thinking in reactive will help you write your code in a more declarative way. But

if you're like me, and you're used to imperative programming, then writing

declarative code isn't the easiest thing to do when you first start out. So let's

take a quick look at an example that will help illustrate the differences

between the two styles. This MonoBehaviour detects double clicks. It does

this by calculating the amount of time that's passed between each click. If it's

under 250 milliseconds then a double click has occurred. The code for this

logic is considered imperative. Imperative code uses statements to

change a program's state. It consists of commands for the computer to perform, and

describes how the program operates. This code contains statements that control

the flow of logic, analyze and update state, and describe what operations

should be executed when. Let's take a look at the same logic using UniRx and

reactive programming. This code makes a declaration. It says, "give me a stream of

data events, but only the ones where the mouse is clicked." Then it says, "collect

groups of all the updates that occur within the same 250 milliseconds, and

give me just the ones that contain more than 2 elements." It then takes the

resulting data stream and subscribes to it.

This is declarative code. Declarative code expresses logic without describing

control flow. It describes what the program needs to accomplish rather than

how to accomplish it. Understanding declarative programming is

a large part of learning how to think reactive. In the next video we'll be

taking a closer look at Observables. Up until now I've been referring to

Observables as "data streams". These are the building blocks that our reactive

programs will create and operate on. If you enjoyed this video, please leave a

like and a comment letting me know what you thought.

For more tutorials like this one, be sure to subscribe with notifications on. And

if you'd like to support the creation of content like this please consider

becoming a patron on the Infallible Code Patreon page.

For more infomation >> Theory of Reactive Programming | Learning UniRx [Part 1] - Duration: 5:02.


Peter Parker "Go Web Go" Scene | Spider-Man (2002) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:03.

Go, web!


Up, up and away, web.


Go! Go!

Go, web, go!


For more infomation >> Peter Parker "Go Web Go" Scene | Spider-Man (2002) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:03.


The Prophecy of the Black Snake - Duration: 1:45.

The black snake

as I see it

it's a concept

it's a narrative, it's a story we tell

of the snake that is destructive

its purpose, it's instruction

was to bring sickness and destruction to the communities.

To cast a shadow upon our heart and our spirit

of negativity, of disfunction, and unhealthiness.

And the pipeline that we see with Dakota Access

just like the proposed Keystone XL

is a manifestation of that black snake

that is hell bent on sowing

destruction and disease

through our lands

but also doing so at its origin

and all the way down to the point of refinement

to the communities that have to deal with it on the other end.

The black snake is the manifestation of the sickness of society.

The black snake is the manifestation of the sickness of capitalism.

And of the system that is hell bent

on the destruction of those that are dependent on the land

that have a spiritual relationship

to the spirit of Mother Earth.

And so when we talk about

rising up against the black snake

it's rising up against that sickness

of capitalism.

The sickness of that actual physical pipeline

and igniting the fires

and utilizing the spiritual essence of water

to fuel our movement.

For more infomation >> The Prophecy of the Black Snake - Duration: 1:45.


Serato Sample Challenge - Duration: 1:41.

What's good everybody? This is OP from Serato here in New York.

I'm here to tell you some really exciting news about Serato Sample.

So check this out: We're giving you the chance to win $10,000

as part of our global Serato Sample challenge!

once again, $10,000 for you to be a part of the Serato Sample challenge.

let's talk about this, what's the deal? To enter you need to create a beat using Serato Sample

Make a video entry showing how you use Serato Sample to make your music

and then share it to either facebook instagram or twitter with the hashtag


and also @seratosample

Your videos must be under a minute long We're open to any genre, hardware or software setup

but you music show how you use Serato Sample, somewhere in the video.

The finals will be decided through daily public voting, so you're going to have to share your entry as much as possible

Until the deadline - January 16 2018

If your entry is approved, It will land on

Go there to find your entry, vote And share it with your people.

We are looking for entries that are original, Sound good and look dope.

Get creative, show us what you can do . Good luck!

For more infomation >> Serato Sample Challenge - Duration: 1:41.


Shout Out Monday Evening - Keeping All Trains Organized - Duration: 8:08.

here we go with another Shout Out Monday Evening and today the acronym is SOME

KATO Shout Out Monday Evening Keeping All Trains Organized and we're gonna

have a special shout out all this month of December so let's see what we're

gonna do I'm Tom Kvichak and this is Toms Trains and Things this channel was

created to help other modelers who are in need of guidance in pursuing their

dream of building a model railroad and we are going to feature hobby shops the

entire month of December since Christmas falls on a Monday we're not going to do

a shout out on that day so we're gonna have three shout outs for this month and

they're all going to be hobby shops so you could check out these hobby shops

and maybe buy some train sets or other train related gifts for yourself or your

loved ones so let's see what we got going now if you would like to see more

videos like this or all the other videos that I have on Toms Trains and Things

go ahead and hit that subscribe button and while you're at it ding that Bell

and that'll notify you whenever I have a new video coming out I have a lot of

videos in my playlist in categories so you could find them easily so check them

out in my playlist I would like to thank every one of you who are contributing on

Patreon you're helping me out a lot to help out other modelers with these

videos here on Toms Trains and Things and also over the weekend

I've hit 3,000 subscribers so I would like to thank you

all for subscribing and those of you who haven't subscribed yet thank you for

watching and eventually you'll hit that subscribe button and ding that Bell so

thank you very much to all who have been watching my videos I really appreciate

it now let's get down to business we are going to do a shout out today of a hobby

shop and I think you all know who this person is he has a YouTube channel and

he has a hobby shop and let's bring him up right here Mike

Fiferr he's got a lot of good information on there and I know you are

already subscribed to him at least a lot of you are already subscribed to him let

me get up a little bit closer here and you could see right here this is his

channel this is a closer look at his channel page he's got a lot of good

videos on there a lot of good instructional videos with his helper his

grandson and you'll notice right here he's got over 10,000 subscribers ten

thousand nine hundred twenty-eight subscribers as of this recording and

YouTube has opened up their community tab you'll notice he has a community tab

instead of a discussion tab like I have you can see the discussion tab here just

this past week YouTube has opened up the community tab to all creators who have

over 10,000 subscribers and of this recording Mike has not posted anything

on here but this is a little bit better than the discussion tab where you can

post something on here and it'll go out into the feed just like a video does so

your subscribers will be able to see what you have to say and you could do

polls on there you could put photos on there

you could put gifs in their gifs however you want to say it but anyway

take a look at Mike's channel because he's got a lot of good stuff on there

and let me bring this up to see how many videos he has on there has been on it

for a while he's got 348 videos and he's got 6.9

almost 7 million views on his videos and there's a reason that he has that many

views is because he puts out a lot a good videos there now I'm gonna go over

to his webpage Fifer Hobby Supply where you can order anything model

railroad related on there so I asked you to support him in his webpage and

support him on his YouTube channel he's also got a Facebook page and a Google+

page and all the links will be in the description of this video I urge you if

you haven't done so already to go ahead and subscribe to Mike and go on his web

page and order something from him on his online store and subscribe to him hit

that Bell and while you're at it subscribe to Toms Trains and Things

also and ding that Bell also and I would really appreciate that those of you who

are not familiar with the community tab or would like more information on it if

you have over 10,000 subscribers you can go to it on the YouTube creator blog and

I'll put a link to it over in the description but anyway here's what it'll

look like and it comes up automatically on your cell phone when you're on the

YouTube app it'll be in there along with other videos don't forget I have other

videos coming out on Wednesday and Saturday and like every Monday

Shout Out Monday Evening except for on Christmas Day so Monday Wednesday and

Saturday I'll have some new videos out I'm going to have some more on feeder

wires and some more on what I did with that wall wart wire and I'm gonna solder

some what I'm gonna solder some wires on those SMD LEDs those little itty bitty

things that you could barely see I hope I can get some good video of it because

it's gonna be really close so take a look for that that's coming up later on

this week and next week and later on this month I'm gonna do a let's run

trains a Q&A and I have a new digital soldering station that I'm going to show

you and maybe we'll learn how to use that together and I also ordered an ESU

decoder tester that's been on backorder for a while and I'm still waiting on it

so hopefully I'll get that before the end of the month so I could do a video

on that also so we'll see let's get Sadie in the picture huh come on

and there she goes look who that over there oh you look at mummies to get

some treats huh yeah there you go we got Sadie in the video

there we go

we'll turn this way okay


For more infomation >> Shout Out Monday Evening - Keeping All Trains Organized - Duration: 8:08.


Elif Episode 616 - Ending Scene | Season 4 Episode 56 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 2:11.

Mother, how do you feel?

Thanks my dear, I'm feeling better.

-What happened mom, are you sick or something? -No, my dear.

I had a headache this afternoon, but now I'm feeling better.

To me It didn't seem like any other headache.

Your face was white as chalk!

You left in such a hurry, then I saw you like that...

...I was worried about you.

My dear mom, is there something that bothers you?

No, son, like I said, it's alright!

Come on, eat your soup.

-There you go, bon appetit. -Bon appetit!

If you say so...

Everybody acts weird today.

My uncle left the company in such a rush!

He even missed a meeting this afternoon.

Did you run an errand as well?

Where were you, Tarık?

What was the reason that made you hurry so much that you forgot about the meeting, I wonder!

Well, ehm...

For more infomation >> Elif Episode 616 - Ending Scene | Season 4 Episode 56 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 2:11.


What If The Truman Show Was Real? - Duration: 4:53.

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

I'm sure we've all had moments where we thought people were watching us.

Maybe you turned to the mirror and spoke to the camera that you knew PROBABLY wasn't


Maybe you just muttered "Stop watching me" under your breath.

This is colloquially known as Truman Syndrome.

Most of the time, you just end up feeling silly, but what if there really was such a


Let's explore.

Make sure to subscribe to the channel down below, and if you're looking for more alternate

realities, check out our Biggest what If's playlist!

Now get ready, it's time to ask the question: What if the Truman Show was Real?

For those who don't know, the Truman Show tells the story of a man named Truman, who

slowly comes to the realization that his entire life, from his friends to his family to his

hometown, was fictional, created by television producers to make a reality show about his


These producers had full control of the actors and environment of the simulated city, and

followed Truman's life from childhood to adulthood.

This was the ultimate television show, watched by people around the world.

If the show was as popular as it was in the film, it would take over pop culture.

And considering the current popularity of reality television, this doesn't seem like

too much of a stretch.

With one show dominating the ratings for decades, there probably wouldn't be a whole lot of

diversity on the screen, since it would be impossible to compete with the 24/7 stream.

This means that many of the shows we have nowadays likely wouldn't exist.

Which, sadly, might mean that Galavant would never have been created.

I love Galavant.

Because of this, the show would have a huge cult following.

It would be THE subject of watercooler talk, with some making predictions, while others

discuss who their favourite of Truman's girlfriends was, or the will they won't

they with his current muse.

When the show is about a person's entire life, there are any number of topics to discuss.

Especially if the person is as interesting as Jim Carrey.

Furthermore, theories would be flying about the show.

Given the incredible following many modern shows have, such as Rick and Morty, The Truman

Show would have some absolute fanatics, coming up with all sorts of theories.

It might even draw the conspiracy folks like the flat Earthers.

Some would claim that there was some nefarious reason for the show, while others would claim

that Truman was just another actor himself.

Also, as seen in the film, sponsorships would be the name of the game.

Companies would be clamouring to have their products displayed on the Truman Show, to

cash in on the constant viewership.

And there would be plenty of time to include these product placements, since the show would

be streaming 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

There would also very likely be a large number of people protesting against the show.

Taking a baby and forcing it to grow up in a simulated city is pretty unethical; denying

a person real experiences just for the entertainment of others isn't something everyone could

get behind.

However, as we've seen elsewhere in our culture, if something gives enough enjoyment,

most people are willing to forgive certain ethical failings.

If we want to have a small look at how the Truman show would work in real life, we can

look at the Quebec comedy film: Louis 19, Le Roi Des Ondes.

As a side note, this was named after Louis the 19th of France, who was King of France

and Navarre for less than 20 minutes; the original 15 minutes of fame celebrity.

The film told the story of Louis Jobin, a tv-obsessed man who won the chance to star

in his own reality TV show.

In this story, the television producers decided that Louis' life wasn't exciting enough,

and threw obstacles at him to make the show more interesting.

This brings up an important aspect of the Truman Show being real; most people just don't

have very interesting lives.

As was shown in both Louis 19 and the American film based on it, Ed TV, the producers would

likely interfere when things got a bit too stale.

Life going a bit too well?

Whoops, looks like your house got robbed, what hijinks will you get up to now?

This is a bit of a new take on Murphy's law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong…

if the ratings start to drop.

But what if you found out YOUR life was just a show?

What would this realization mean to you?

Well, if you suddenly found out that your life was actually being broadcast to the masses,

it would of course be an enormous shock.

You wouldn't know if your most cherished memories were real or simply created for the


Your friends and significant others may not have actually liked you; they may have just

been playing a role.

This is actually a fear that some people have, and to have it confirmed would be rather devastating.

Not only that, but the knowledge that billions of people had seen you at your most vulnerable

would be devastating.

People were watching every bout of diarrhea, every heartbreak, and worst of all, every

time you had, you know, However, it wouldn't be all bad.

If you found out that you had billions of people watching you… you could have some


You could start doing small, strange things.

Learn morse code and start tapping spooky messages to people.

You could start your own conspiracy theories.

You could even mess around with the actors, trying to get them to break character, or

cash in on your fame, making the producers pay you in order to keep you on the show.

The possibilities are endless.

Thank you for watching Life's Biggest Questions, I hope this was interesting and informative,

and maybe even inspired you to look into it further on your own.

If you liked this video, please thumbs up and subscribe to the channel down below.

While you're down there, let me know if YOU would want your life to be a television


Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Life's Biggest Questions, wishing you

the best of luck, on your quest for answers.

For more infomation >> What If The Truman Show Was Real? - Duration: 4:53.


Caelestis - Renge (Part 2) [Rock/Ethnic/Afro] - Duration: 6:54.

*vocal improvisation*

What makes us human is

Joy flowin' through our knees

Obsessions tearing us in pieces

Rhythms differently beating

Choose the way you wanna be

Safe for knowing how to feel

Forsake the past, forget and heal

Time is curing, so you will.

*vocal improvisation*

Choose the way you wanna be

Safe for knowing how to feel

Forsake the past, forget and heal

Time is curing, so you will.

*vocal improvisation*

What makes us human is

The storm creating us

In the land where we can feel

Just what we're ment to be.

*vocal improvisation*

*vocal improvisation*

*afro vocals singing a riff*

*vocal harmonization*

*three voices harmonizing*

*adding vocal layers*

*Rabambuè intensifies*

*afro riff continues*

*slow scat*

*vocal climax*

It looks like we got a bit carried away, blue souls, but I love it when it happens, to be honest.

The amazing musicians who performed with me in this song are Anna Soares on vocals and Alberto De Vito Piscicelli on drums.

Their personalities played a fundamental role during the making and the development of this song and, as you can see, the result came out pretty... different!

This was the sixth step of our journey through "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo".

And now the grand finale awaits... Well... ;D

You can support us by downloading this song on our bandcamp page.

The link to the download page is in the description box down below.

Have you missed the original version of this song or any of the other songs of this series?

Well, fear no more, because here on our YouTube channel you can watch all the other videos of all the other songs of this series.

Don't forget to leave us a like and a comment, subscribe if you didn't yet and...

...have a nice day, blue souls!

That's it! Thanks for listening, blue souls!

Positive music for your inner light!

For more infomation >> Caelestis - Renge (Part 2) [Rock/Ethnic/Afro] - Duration: 6:54.


Top 10 Most Badass Lightsabers - Duration: 4:49.


Welcome back nerd squad, my name is Roya Destroyaa and this is Top 10 Nerd.

What exactly would the star wars franchise be without its signature weapon, the lightsaber?

Over the years the lightsaber has grown into a pop cultural icon, thanks to some pretty

badass sabers.

So letÕs take a look at the top 10 BEST LIGHTSABERS.

WeÕre not just judging on strength, but uniqueness and appearances as well.

LetÕs get to it.

In the number 10 spot, we have MACE WINDUÕS SABER.

We have Samuel L Jackson to thank for this beautiful one.

Apparently the unique color, which made his saber stand out from the rest of the jedi

order, is due to the fact that Jackson asked George Lucas himself behind the scenes if

he could wield the amethyst weapon, so he could identify himself in large battle scenes.

The words Òbad motherfuckerÓ are also enscripted on the handle, which he happily kept post-production.

Coming in at number 9 IS YODAÕS SABER.

It was green, it was mini, it was cute as heck, basically the perfect representation

of its wielder.

Now it may have been smaller but it was just as deadly as any other saber.

Yoda built it himself and it served him well for many many years until it was lost in his

battle against Darth Sidious.

It was later revealed that the saber ended up being burnt along with many others by the

new Galactic Empire.

Totally lame.

Next, at number 8 WE GOT OBI-WANÕS SABER.

Also known as the lightaber that gets lost the most.

Microchip that thing, man.

Obi-wan kenobiÕs had to go through several different sabers, but it was his third that

he used to face off against his lost apprentice Darth Vader, and which his new apprentice

Luke based his second saber design on.

So it may be simple in design, but big on iconicity.

In the number 7 spot IS EZRA BRIDGERÕS SABER.

He may be a star wars rebels character rather than from the movies, but his saber is something

worthy of mention.

Ezra constructed his own saber before he received formal jedi training, and the cool thing about

it is that the hilt doubles as a stun blaster, making it one of a kind with its multi-utility.

It eventually was destroyed by Vader and replaced with one not as cool.

Coming in at number 6 IS ASAJJ VENTRESSÕ SABER.

Ventress has quite the interesting concept to her saber; the saber is actually composed

of 2 separate ones with curved hilts that can attach together to make one deadly saberstaff.

Not bad for not quite a sith.

Of course the curve made this a little more difficult, but she had the skill to wield

it well.

Of course until she got knocked out and had it stolen.

Next up, at number 5 THE DARK SABER.

Technically I guess this one isnÕt a lightsaber.

The dark saber was one of a kind in regards to innovation, with its black blade and altered

shape, and had been residing in the jedi temple before being stolen by mandalorians.

It was then passed down over many generations, its flat pointy blade landing in the hands

of several people, such as pre vizsla and Sabine Wren.


This thing had so many modes and abilities, it wasnÕt just cool, it was super useful

and deadly.

This one could be detached and used as two, it could be activated to rotate around the

handle, the handgrip could separate and be used as a throwing discÑit was basically

the swiss army knife of lightsabers.

Is there anything it cannot do?

Other than survive falling into the sovereigns engine?


ItÕs not the most unique out there, but ranks so high up on the list because of what it

means to the audiences.

Just like the franchise itself has been passed down through the ages, so has AnakinÕs saber,

from Anakin to Luke and then to Rey.

It is a central story piece that carries a lot of significance with its many lives, and

apparent stream of bad luck to those who wield it.

Coming in at number 2 IS DARTH MAULÕS SABER.

We have had double sabers already on this list, but the one that Darth Maul held was

the first of its kind and by far the most memorable.

Just try and remember the rush of emotion you felt when he drew it for the first time.

Especially because we were probably like ten at the time.

Like oh snap didnÕt see that coming.

And if the saber happened to break, no problem, the other half still worked!


Not to mention itÕs color coded to his face.


And finally, in the number 1 spot WE HAVE DARTH VADERÕS SABER.

If any saber can be regarded as the central icon to the star wars franchise, it would

be the red saber that vader wielded.

This saber is the single most recognizable and sybolic throughout the franchise-- no

matter how much you know about star wars, this thing is probably the first image that

comes to mind.

Its symbolism and iconicity are what take the cake at the number one spot on our list.

So those were the top 10 COOLEST LIGHTSABERS.

Let me know in the comment section down below WHOSE SABER YOUÕD LIKE TO OWN.

My name is Roya Destroyaa, thanks for watching, and donÕt forget to subscribe so you never

miss another nerdy list!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Badass Lightsabers - Duration: 4:49.


Energy Update – We Have Now Headed Off The Original Great Fall! - Duration: 5:05.

Energy Update � We Have Now Headed Off The Original Great Fall!

by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,

We have NOW headed off the �original� GREAT FALL!

*This is sharing from a culmination of previous energy updates and anything further in what

is shared needs to be felt into as to what that is for each soul, of the Divine*

We are not able to �interfere� the lessons for souls that are needing to be learned by

themselves and the Divine ONLY.

The LETTING GO, while these are words one reads, this is deeper and bigger than JUST


As I have been sharing about LETTING GO for some weeks/months now.

It is more of letting go of a bigger bigger picture, another �area� or �level�

of this.

A deeper surrender of faith.

Where one feels in a �mess�, as things are not �organized� as they used to be.

To reach ones personal point of really really LETTING GO.

This is very difficult and is a process and a transition that is taking time.

It is letting go of CONTROL like no other.

There is something each of us or (more than one) that we have been �hanging onto�

that we are needing to LET GO of.

It could be �simple� things, like leaving doing washing or not making lunches as one

did, yet these are very important in letting these go as this brings through a massive

massive freedom.

If we go into another�s space when they are needing to feel all around them collapsing,

it is detrimental to us�we are no longer to self sacrifice for others close to us,

when we can see and feel they are struggling.

As we are not to sacrifice ourselves for others anymore�.if we do, it is sacrificing ourselves

and it is not our �place� to do so.

(See previous post on self survival not self sacrifice).

This is between souls and the Divine individually.


We are and now have headed off the original GREAT FALL!

As last night AEST there were dreams of this and there was like a very big significant

�crack� of energy that came through, that �rattled� ones energy.

Each soul is having different dreams of what this was/is for themselves.

I have written of this before, that we have come to this point before but we �didn�t

make it� then � BUT WE ARE NOW.

A snapping or breaking of a finality of an �older way� that is so much bigger than


Remember to keep oneself GROUNDED while we are processing so much overwhelm of energies,

as it has been overwhelm.

Grounding and balancing, continually.

The Australian Bush flower essence (ABF) that comes for this is PawPaw, which one can read

and feel and tap into their crown chakra:


For the assimilation and integration of new ideas and information, especially where there

is a tendency to feel overwhelmed by the quality and quantity of that information.

This Essence should be used when one is unable to solve a problem.

It will activate the Higher Self, where we have the answer to all our problems.

It will ease the burden of problems as it activates the intuitive processes to provide


Negative Condition:

overwhelm unable to resolve problems

burdened by decision Positive Outcome:

improved access to Higher Self for problem solving

assimilation of new ideas calmness

clarity It is REFLECTION TIME of our Mirror of self

as what we say about others, is about us.

They are in a space of the Divine with their souls journeys, that is none of our business!

If we go into others� spaces as we did and especially those close to us, it is self sacrifice

in doing so.

This is about SELF SURVIVAL.

Savour this journey, how ever tough it is right now and this year with all of these


As this time will pass.

As we are definitely moving ONWARDS and UPWARDS of bringing through a NEW DIVINE HIGHER HEART

for a NEW BIRTHING, like no other�as in times past, we did not �make it�



As always I am right here with you.

As all I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our

Soul through our emotions from personal experience.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth

and Honesty

For more infomation >> Energy Update – We Have Now Headed Off The Original Great Fall! - Duration: 5:05.


#Платья4 TM Sauliza Магазин женской одежды Feya - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> #Платья4 TM Sauliza Магазин женской одежды Feya - Duration: 2:06.


The Walking Dead 8x07 "Time For After" - Recap & Easter Eggs - Duration: 3:18.

- Hey, ComicBook Nation!

BD here with your Recap To The Rescue,

breaking down everything you may have missed

in The Walking Dead episode 8x07, Time For After,

as Rick gained some allies,

Daryl may have ruined everything,

and an iconic comic book death was recreated.

First of all, we have to talk about Eugene.

To start the episode, Eugene calls out Dwight,

claiming to know he is betraying the saviors.

Dwight, however, isn't ready to give up,

and intimidates Eugene into silence,

which is actually the smartest move.

If Eugene wants to survive,

this information can only help him maintain an advantage

by being able to play both sides of the war.

Still, Dwight shut down Eugene's plan to steer the walker

herd away from the sanctuary using a makeshift drone,

a boombox speaker, and Sasha's iPod.

It was enough to send the mulleted man into a frenzy.

Regardless of Dr. Carson and Gabriel's requests,

Eugene might have showed his true colors when he insists

he will never do what Gabriel deems as what's right,

and what the comic books deem as his true path.

Maybe one day Eugene will be redeemed, but not on this day.

Speaking of redeemed, Daryl will be seeking redemption

once Rick gets a hold of him.

The Alexandrian went rogue and plunged a garbage truck

into the sanctuary, forcing all of the walkers inside,

but allowing the saviors to possibly make an escape.

The look on Rick's face says it all

and the show might finally make good use

of one of its two allowed f-words next week.

It was surprising to see Rosita speak up

against Daryl's rogue plan to kill Negan,

especially considering she is the one who took the shot

at him in season seven's mid-season finale,

and got Eugene taken hostage in the first place.

It was also surprising to see Michonne taking so long

to realize this was a terrible plan.

She's usually one of the smartest

and most level-headed survivors.

Most surprising, the return of Morgan Jones.

Isn't this guy supposed to be on the road

to fear the walking dead by now?

With Morgan's return, speculation of the character dying

in the war only so Lennie James can join

Fear's season four production in Texas will swirl,

but Fear season four may very well be The Walking Dead

season 8.5, picking up with Morgan's story

immediately following The Walking Dead season eight finale.

So these two shows could merge somehow for season nine

and I'll become, I don't know.

Of course, what would this episode have been

without Rick Grimes?

Oh, I guess it would've been like most of season seven.

Anyway, Rick was locked away in a container

at the trash heap, seemingly marked with the letter A

for no reason other than a reminder

of the terminus train car, Sam's stamps in Alexandria,

and Daryl's savior prisoner jumpsuit.

Jadis took a few photos the fangirls would certainly love

to hang up on their own walls, but ultimately came around

to the idea of helping Rick's cause.

Maybe this time she won't turn on him

and try to shoot him and take over Alexandria again.

Or, maybe she will, who knows.

The Easter eggs in Time For After were limited

but with Father Gabriel on his deathbed,

it's a bit ironic his comic book death

slipped into this episode.

Just as Rick arrived at the sanctuary with Jadis

to try to finish off the saviors, he discovered a body

hanging by its legs, upside down,

from the ladder of a water tower.

It was gruesomely being eaten by walkers

and it's exactly what happened to Father Gabriel

in issue #158 of The Walking Dead comics.

What it means is important, though.

This sniper, who was a part of the Team Morgan,

decided to join offscreen, was killed.

He may have done the same thing that comic book Gabriel did,

saw a threat, tried to escape, fell,

got caught, killed, got eaten.

It's a rough way to go and an ominous set up

for The Walking Dead's mid-season eight finale.

Did you catch any Easter eggs or references

in The Walking Dead's episode 8x07?

Drop them in the Comment section,

or send them to me on Twitter @brandondavisbd,

and head to

for more exclusive content.

For more infomation >> The Walking Dead 8x07 "Time For After" - Recap & Easter Eggs - Duration: 3:18.




BY Anna Hunt,

Samadhi Part 1: Maya the Illusion of the Self is the first installment in a series by filmmaker

Daniel Schmidt.

In this visually-stunning film, Schmidt attempts to articulate to the viewer the meaning of


He also examines how we are the cause of and, through samadhi, the solution to all of our


The word Samadhi is the representation of a human mystical state that is the root of

all spirituality and self inquiry.

Often, it is the state that many correlate with the ultimate purpose of meditation.

The Illusion of the Self

Humanity has forgotten about samadhi, and then forgot that it forgot about it.

In its place, Maya, the illusion of the self, has evolved.

Humans no longer view themselves as spiritual beings.

They do not take the time to explore their inner world, or care to understand their true

reason for existence.

Instead, they are wrapped up in their daily lives and distracted by the outer world.

As a result, we have put all kinds of limitations on ourselves.

We do no view ourselves as miraculous creations.

Instead, we are wrapped up in the ego construct, unconsciously wired by humanity�s history

and cultural conditioning.

We define our existence � our �being� � by our actions and thoughts.

Yet most often, worldly desires and fears drive these actions and thoughts.

Purpose of Meditation

Because of the illusion of the self, many live in suffering.

Even people living seemingly perfect lives often find themselves questioning life�s


Many fall into depression or find their desires are never sated.

Consequently, people seek answers in external forms, either through religion or other spiritual


Furthermore, they think their mind can come up with some grand idea of how to best live

their lives.

Ideas presented to us by external influences or the human mind cannot alone resolve our


They are not higher will � the will of our higher true self.

Instead, they are the will of conditioned ego constructs.

Here is where meditation comes into play.

Its purpose is to help us find the answers we seek.

These answers reside in our true self.

However, very few of us take the time to examine what our soul � the true self � wants

to express.

In the film, Schmidt explains the purpose of meditation:

When you come to your still point, the source of your being, then you�ll await further

instructions without any insistence on how your outer world has to change.

Not my will, but higher will be done.

Meditation is a vital steps on the path to samadhi.

It allows us to observe our conditioned self and how it changes.

As well, it facilities the realization of the true self, the part of us that does not


It is through samadhi, the process of awakening our true self, that we sense higher will.

Only then, human suffering ends.

In addition to the film series, Schmidt has released a series of guided meditations.

These meditations are helpful if you�d like to further understand the film through deeper

introspection of the self.

They are offered here: Samadhi � Guided Meditations.

Editor�s note:

There are aspects in this film that rely on a basic understanding of concepts such as

the primordial spiral, the logos, akasha, and kundalini.

You can find more about these concepts in the film �Inner Worlds Outer Worlds�



How To Promote Your Business Online. Affordable & Effective Video Marketing - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> How To Promote Your Business Online. Affordable & Effective Video Marketing - Duration: 2:14.


انها نتيجة شرب المسكرات || لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> انها نتيجة شرب المسكرات || لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله - Duration: 0:43.


Who is God, What is God, & How can we know God | - Duration: 2:38.

Question: "Who is God?"

What is God? and How can we know God?

In this video I'll answer those questions from a biblical perspective.

Afterwards, I'll share some helpful resources, so stick around until the end.

The fact of God's existence is so conspicuous, both through creation and through man's

conscience, that the Bible calls the atheist a "fool".

Accordingly, the Bible never attempts to prove the existence of God; rather, it assumes His

existence from the very beginning.

What the Bible does, is reveal the nature, character, and work of God.

Thinking correctly about God is of utmost importance because a false idea about God

is idolatry.

In Psalm 50:21, God reproves the wicked man with this accusation: "You thought I was

altogether like you."

To start with, a good summary definition of God is "the Supreme Being; the Creator and

Ruler of all that is; the Self-existent One who is perfect in power, goodness, and wisdom."

We know certain things to be true of God for one reason: in His mercy He has condescended

to reveal some of His qualities to us.

God is spirit, by nature intangible.

God is One, but He exists as three Persons—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

God is infinite, incomparable, and unchanging.

God exists everywhere, knows everything, and has all power and authority.

Here are some of God's characteristics as revealed in the Bible: God is just, loving,

truthful, and holy.

God shows compassion, mercy, and grace.

God judges sin but also offers forgiveness.

We cannot understand God apart from His works, because what God does flows from who He is.

Here is an abbreviated list of God's works, past, present, and future: God created the

world; He actively sustains the world; He is executing His eternal plan which involves

the redemption of man from the curse of sin and death; He draws people to Christ; He disciplines

His children; and He will judge the world.

In the Person of the Son, God became incarnate.

The Son of God became the Son of Man and is therefore the "bridge" between God and man.

It is only through the Son that we can have forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God,

and eternal salvation.

In Jesus Christ "all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form".

So, to really know who God is, all we have to do is look at Jesus.

Hungry for more?

Subscribe so you don't miss the next video!

Visit for more great content.

And check out the details section below this video, there is one book I recommend, along

with several links to related articles.

If you'd like to learn about Bible Munch, or if you're interested in Bite-sized devotionals,

subscribe to Bible Munch on YouTube, it's linked right here.

Remember, Got questions?

The Bible has answers, and we'll help you find them!

For more infomation >> Who is God, What is God, & How can we know God | - Duration: 2:38.


How FaZe Banks and Keemstar Helped Me Get Monetized (UPDATE) - Duration: 10:40.

What it

Ok guys, I'm sorry

I've heard the audience okay

And some of you love the keemstar parody some of you want some Sardis for every single video. I make and some of you don't

Understandably so because I'm not making Houston parodies every single week, so see you guys that are brand new

That's 200 people that subscribed off my video first of all

Thank you guys so much for subscribing it really means a lot to me

I my name is Clara now in case you guys don't know me

I'm trying to make videos that make you guys laugh make myself laughing

I don't know just just making you some a more interesting place for you as the viewers, but look

This is not a keemstar parody channel. It's not a scarce parody channel

I like talking about what I like to talk about so all my videos gonna be funny cuz I'm not gonna be

Commentaries that I'm gonna be reactions to stupid Jake Paul music videos

Come out soon ok Jake Paul Jeff Chuck witness how those new single song because me and my roommate are gonna

React to those songs guys right now. I'm just worried about the quality of my content and well

I know that keemstar parodies are funny and can work

I know that that's not the only thing that I want to be doing on my channel

so I'm not just gonna put myself in a box and myself to that I'm gonna open my broaden my

Horizons do a lot of different types of content. I promise you guys they will be entertaining ok so stick around

I know you guys are very very new to this channel because it's only been around for about a month anyways, but

You guys are you guys are you guys and a little treat ok because you guys are some of the very first people on this?

Channel and eventually we're gonna hit 1 million likes on a video, and I'll wear a hat and that video is gonna be glorious

but all

jokes aside guys

It really does mean a lot to me that some of you are saying you're excited to be here before other people cuz you know

This channel is gonna blow up. You know who knows if it blows up

I hope it does obviously and I don't know a lot of you guys do as well

And I appreciate you guys for it really it means a lot

But I'm just trying to make videos and be funny and so with that guys look. I've been really busy

This is my Monday video, and I know that it's probably not the most entertaining video

I could put out there on the internet

But I'm here to talk to you about what exactly happened to make my video get suggested to you

how you guys saw this keeps our dock space tank bangs parody video or

The other videos that I've been making

Kind of similar because whether you've been around or you're new I show that a bloke last week

I hit like 20 something thousand views on a video, which again guys. Thank you so much

I feel like I thanked every single new in the comments, but again

I cannot thank you enough it means a lot to me

Just to have that you know attention is pretty cool, but all that aside. I'm here to explain to you

How you guys saw that video case a lot of you weren't subscribed to me in fact most of the 20 something tells me log

That video weren't such bad news at the time. I post that video

I had about 100 subscribers and see you guys over there before that video blew up

Love you and to those of you who subscribed after you watch the video or here now and are like what to see this guy

Talking about love you guys. Okay. Thank you so much for being here today. I'm going to tell you about

That's like the 80th time. I've said it, so I'm just gonna get into it

I started this YouTube channel with kind of not really any idea what I was doing or where I was gonna

Go I had no idea how to edit videos

I still don't really think I'm that good of an editor, but I I feel like I've been proved

You know I have a green screen now. I've

Made some elements of my videos funny. Just by editing which to me is like a huge achievement, but all that aside

I didn't really know where I was gonna go and one day I made a video that was just clearly a joke

But it was a parody video where I made a fake dramaalert

Talking about how keemstar docks phase banks a lot of people were like you know what dog singh is do you do yeah?

I know what daxing is it was a joke because keemstar outed a fellow bald guy face banks in

a video where he posted it on Twitter and

No one really seemed to talk about it at that point that face banks was bald, but in my video

I described how keemstar posted a video on Twitter

Which showed that?

face banks

Indeed has a bald head and some people thought that was funny it got a lot of views compared to most of my videos on

this channel but

At the time. I thought that was a lot turns out it was it's kind of nothing

I was almost had a thousand views and then

Face banks came along and I just gotta say. Thank you face banks these things I owe you

Nothing because my videos aren't monetize yet

But I will say I appreciate it because number one don't hate face banks as a guy. I don't think he's a bad creator

I just

Didn't really like the way. He leveraged his audience into a weapon against the bar all that aside, right?

We're not talking about face big stuff, but these banks did something for me

That was awesome, and that was that he went to the bar

He got all his scuffle in any broadcast of the whole thing barley house in Ohio, Cleveland

This place these guys. Just can choke me out because this guy try to grab my girlfriend's out

Bartley house in Cleveland because what ended up happening in case you guys didn't see

I'm pretty sure all you guys did see was that the security footage from the bar of that incident in Cleveland came out and

Boy, it was not to look for your boy face. Thanks

These banks clearly

And if you if you couldn't tell by the Twitter video the keemstar

Posted you could tell by this video that came out from the barley house and Wow face banks was bald at the time?

My video the keemstar docs face banks video was number. I want to say like two on

If you search the face banks ball keyword I was is right up there behind someone who made a video

I'm Thanksgiving and I saw like I make the video. I was like dang it man

That's annoying because at the time I was excited my video have about a thousand views

Oh my video is so close to a thousand views or whatever was trying to get to

and this guy I made a video three weeks after I made mine that was talking about how base things has fallen and now I

Think that video I was like a hundred thousand two hundred thousand views whatever man

That's that's ridiculous



and no should not know shot that guy he eats doing what he's doing and who knows if he like copy my video feed just

Saw the same you know tweet like a year later, but all that aside face banks

Did me a favor because he showed the world that he was bald not appreciated for them

So that's all I'll basically went down. I might be missing a few details here there, but none of that really matters

okay, without being said I when I introduced me I

Would like to introduce myself to you guys

My name is Connor Howell otherwise known as your boy Connor how and I I'm making videos on YouTube and I?

Appreciate you guys as an audience you guys have been awesome

You've got some really funny comments and really insightful comments all this stuff

And I'm here to say so I appreciate you guys joining the bandwagon early because we're just going to keep growing and growing

Growing and eventually you'll be able to say I was one of the first people watching Connor house videos, and I'll say hell

Yeah, you are

but with that I

Don't know what I'm doing. Okay guys I apologize in advance

I'm kind of rushing this video out, but I've been driving back and forth from LA to San Diego like every day this week

I'm just been really busy so Wednesday Friday

I promise you guys don't have like the normal funny uploads the entertaining uploads that type of stuff this one

I'm kind of here to thank you guys and tell you guys exactly what happened to the point ride got my

Video got like 27 thousand views which is insane and the us been a big part not so again

Thank you guys so much for that without all being Saturday boy Connor

How if you don't know me?

I'm here to tell you what to believe on YouTube because

that's apparently all people are on YouTube is just someone who everyone has to blindly follow and listen to as space banks would say if

You don't agree with me. You're 12 years old, so thank you guys. Thank you so much for watching my videos I I

Don't know what to say. I you guys are awesome. I

Appreciate you appreciate the hell out of you

The F word yeah, I appreciate that s ready guys

Guys look I'm making videos on YouTube, and you can join the squad ready not join the squad join

Car join Carla nation okay join Carla nation a million likes my next video all wear a hat, okay

I'm gonna wear a hat one day

I can't wait for the day that you guys are there with me because you'll say that people are gonna be saying

Why is Connor wearing a hat this video?

Why is it such a big deal and you guys have all said I have no idea

But it's been a joke since day one. I've been there since day one so appreciate you guys appreciate the love

I guess all in the video. I sang this okay. I'm gonna clarify

I'm not making drama lore videos every single video, and I'm not gonna not ever make them again


Going somewhere in the middle whether it's once a week once every two weeks once a month

When I cover it like a trending story on YouTube I might throw many keemstar parody I might throw in a scarce party

hell I might throw in a parody of some other big youtubers that you guys like I don't know I'm not trying to be the

Parody god although I appreciate the compliment guys. It's been really cool to have

These the Casas inflate my ego guys gonna bring me down a little bit. Tell me you're like

Tell me more about how I don't look at the camera videos are I stutter have a lisp or whatever?

I appreciate that as well guys

What else can I say you guys are awesome and?

one thing about myself that you guys should know is that I'm not gonna make the same type of video every single video and I'm

Gonna make some of them that are comedic some of them about entertaining some of them that are trying to be insightful

but not every video

I make is gonna be you know an attempt at comedy or an attempt at trying to provoke conversations and stuff like that

I'm just making videos that I believe are entertaining to me and as well as you guys my audience and

You know I maybe have trust me a little bit, and then I'm gonna make good videos for you guys

But you know nonetheless I appreciate the support and again. I just can't say enough

Thank you guys so much because it's really cool now

My videos are finally gonna get monetized, which if you guys know anything about the YouTube algorithm that means that my videos gonna

Have a better chance at getting seen by other people and this this uh

Conor learn nation can keep growing so if you want to join Cotterill our nation. You don't know Khandala nation is

Get out of a cave. We all know accommodation is your cloud

conquer alert nation

I don't want to talk in case you guys can't tell

But clearly you can because you leave on comments every single day Dave's telling me that I have a lisp or that I?

can't enunciate my work, but I

Can deal with it okay?

I can move it a little bit the negative feedback so appreciate you guys love you guys actually mean it

I'm not a youtuber. Just telling you guys, but I love you guys really do love you guys

I feel like I'm just rambling at this point so until next time

I hope you guys have a great day

But before I go smash the like button

Let's hit a million likes so I can wear a hat in the next video join Connor alert nation

Parler nation now over what like I'm 200 subscribers or 250 subscribers. I don't know, but either way guys been awesome

Hope you have a great day, and I mean nice. Yes some please feel on the face like

For more infomation >> How FaZe Banks and Keemstar Helped Me Get Monetized (UPDATE) - Duration: 10:40.


Fourth Day Of Christmas Build-Up 40253 - Snowmobile (40253) - Duration: 0:55.

Hey everyone!

JAYSTEPHER with the fourth day

of Christmas Build-Up by Lego.

Set number 40253.

This is one nice Snowmobile.

It appears that it is scaled for minifigures.

Nice construction.

This would look good in any Lego city.

In addition,

the small puppy is still around.

So he can take a ride on the Snowmobile.


He's trying to get on there to ride.

It's a nice build.

Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> Fourth Day Of Christmas Build-Up 40253 - Snowmobile (40253) - Duration: 0:55.


Vaporesso SWAG 80W Kit! Product Spotlight | Vaporesso Starter Kit Review - Duration: 14:27.

Hey, what's up guys and gals and welcome to another great product spotlight video from Mt Baker Vapor! And today

we're gonna be taking a look at a

brand new product on our website. Been available for a couple of weeks. Something that I'm sure you will all be very excited about.

The Vaporesso Swag Sarter Kit! For those of you that are a fan of the Pico

this is something that is very similar to that. So if you can't find Picos anymore, if you're in the market for a replacement one,

or you just want a simple upgrade Vaporesso Swag Kit is probably what you're looking for.

So why don't we go ahead and dive down and take a look at it.

Here is our up-close look at the Vaporesso Swag Kit. Let's go ahead and open up this pretty little box and see what's inside.

Inside our box

it looks like we have a piece of literature on how to choose the right coil modes. The Vaporesso

Swag Kit does have several modes that you can adjust your mod to use.

There is a variable wattage, a wattage curve mode, a bypass mode

three temperature control modes, as well as two temperature memory settings.

So you might want to give this a look if that's something that you're fairly new to. If you kind of have

experience then dive right on in but if not Vaporesso has been kind enough to break it down for you here on this little


Also, included in the package is

some extra o rings, an

extra Pyrex glass tube.

Inside the mod

or inside the tank, The NRG SE Tank, they have included the NRG

GT2 Core. So for those of you that are already using the Vaporesso

NRG Tank this is the NRG SE.

A little bit smaller edition here

but it does use the same coil, so feel free to interchange those. If you've got some lying around for your Vaporesso NRG

you can use them in here definitely!

And if you've ever been curious about ceramic quails they also included one of their C Cell coils.

It is a 0.5 ohm coil.

These do take a little bit longer to wick. In my experience I

haven't really tried the ones that Vaporesso offers, but I hear good things, so

you might want to give that a shot.

In the bottom of the box we have more literature. A very in-depth instruction guide on how to use your Vaporesso Swag Kit.

Vaporesso has been really great about providing these instruction manuals and they are very in-depth, so I suggest you give that a look.

More Vaporesso cards,

certificate of authenticity,

another instruction book and a USB cable that is pretty heavy-duty.

And this is pretty standard for all of their kits. Most of the Vaporesso kits

do come with a 2.5 amp quick charge. The Swag definitely comes with that, so this quick charge cable

that is heavy-duty does come in handy. You might want to hang on to that.

Just go ahead and take a closer look at the Swag Kit mod.

Really nice, nice blue finish!

Like I said, very similar to the Istick Pico. It has that battery top cap

very clearly labeled on the inside.

Big positive sign here, negative sign on the top cap. So make sure to follow those instructions when installing your battery.

Let's go ahead and pop one of our Ohmtech batteries in there.

Fire this bad boy up!

The top cap just sits right on there nice and easy.

Very very smooth threads twist right on and you can see that this Swag Kit fires right up as soon as you install the battery.

510 threading with the spring-loaded 510 connection. This carbon fiber, they call this an IML.

Cover, very very sturdy, I mean the whole case it's a good compact size and it's just really durable.

Like I said, very very similar to the Istick Pico.

So if you can't get that anymore, or you have one and you're looking to replace it, give these guys,

give these guys a shot.

Here is our NRG SE tank.

Let's go ahead and wick this up so we can take a better look at the tank.

And you're just gonna want to screw this right off the bottom.

Pops right off.

Really, really good size coil. I mean you can see

the way they wick this it's wicked really well and the cotton here works good. There is

almost no need to wick this. You could fill this up

and almost go straight to vaping and not get any burnt or dry hits, however

that's just kind of how we do things

and I don't want to ruin a perfectly good coil but

the break-in time on these is very, very minimal.

Let's go ahead and just wick it up anyway.

Get some of that Desert Rain in there!

You guys haven't checked out Desert Rain from Mt Baker Vapor, a good prickly pear flavor. Definitely one of my favorites! You

might want to check that out if you're in the market for something

fruity that you can vape all day.

And we just screw that right back on and now let's install the NRG SE mini tank

onto the mod itself.

Got some very, very nice

sized airflow slots here. The airflow ring adjusts nice and easy adjustment.

There is some resistance, which I personally like because

I'm not going to have this air ring spinning all over the place, you pretty much set it and forget it.

This way all the way closed and the ring does stop

so it's not just going to constantly spin. All the way open and stop. Now you're locked in that mode.

Now to fill the tank, this is a top filled tank and

this is a sliding top field design, so

just going to on the side with the arrow push like that with your thumb.

And you can feel there is some resistance there, which is really nice because

with that top field design if it's a

opening hinge or on some of the other sliding styles that might be out there,

there is this sense that that might just come open and I've never had a problem like that with this mod.

It works really well, it holds into place just

nice and firm.

I mean look at that. It doesn't get much easier than that!

Really large filled juice hole which is great. You fit that nozzle top from that Desert Rain right on in there.

Let's just fill her up!

Holds 3.5 mls, but this is not a juice guzzler. So 3.5 mls last

lasts you a decent amount of time.

Let's go ahead and set our coil and you can see now it reads

new load, old load.

This is a new load and you are gonna get this every time you install an atomizer on there. So if you change your coil

you're gonna see that on there.

Plus or minus buttons right here on the side. New load and

we will need to adjust our wattage. We are in variable wattage mode.

Let's crank this up to the recommended wattage, which is 40 to 80 watts.

Best from 55 to 65 watts!

40 to 80 watts is a really good range on a coil.

These coils do have great flavor, the vapor production is awesome!

Let's go ahead and start at 65.

Won't push this mod too hard and it kind of looks like my Ohm tech battery is dying.

I should have thrown that on the charger.

So we got that set at 65 watts.

This mod does run up to 80 watts on a single battery!

And there are plenty of options to customize it. So, we click this fire button three times


So, if you click the button down here, this is actually for adjustments. Click it three times,

it takes you into variable wattage or the wattage curve.

We're gonna select wattage curve. To select that you just hold down this button down here at the bottom.

So, to scroll through the rest of the modes here, you are gonna hold this down for three seconds.

Right now we're in temp control, for nickel hold down.

Titanium hold down for three seconds. Memory one for temperature.

Hold down for three seconds memory two.

Hold down, there is a bypass mode which is kind of awesome.

System settings, let's go ahead and go into system settings where you can customize.

To select that click three times.

Okay, so now we can go in here and we can customize

you know what kind of vaping experience we want.

There are different strengths, there is a soft, a normal and a hard I believe.

And to do that you are going to go into variable wattage mode.

Hold that down

and we're gonna change this to high.

Normal high and soft, so let's go to high.

And then hold down for three seconds.

Hold down

and then you can just you can see the other adjustments you can make

variable temperature mode,

default settings, smart on-and-off, which just saves your battery life, screen timeout,

brightness, a puff counter and then exit is at the bottom and you will just hold that for three seconds.

Then we hold this for three seconds and we are back and variable wattage mode at 65 watts.

Basic understanding of how to scroll through the menu.

Don't be too daunted by it. There is an in-depth instruction book, which is very, very helpful.

And that's pretty much all there is to this Vaporesso Swag Kit!

Why don't we go back up vape on it and talk about it?

Alright so there she is an all her glory, the Vaporesso Swag Kit! Got that nice NRG SE

Tank sitting up top on this single battery mod.

And look how compact that is, it just fits right in your hand. So,

even if you don't have giant hands like me, this is definitely sure to still be comfortable.

Let's go ahead and vape on it and see how it vapes.

We've got it set at 65 watts right now, which is at the maximum for their best of range.

Some of you might prefer a little bit hotter vape.

But let's go ahead vape it at 65 with the air flow three-quarters of the way open and see how it is.

And it's good! It performs really well!

Nice flavor, good dense vapor and even though that's open 3/4 of the way. It's not too much airflow.

It's just the right amount. Like the airflow on this to me is perfect!

Go ahead and open up all the way,

just so we can show you it's not too overwhelming and crank this up all the way to 80 watts,

which is the maximum wattage recommended for the GT2 coil, which is included.


this up-and-down side-scrolling is just great. I love it! Really responsive.

We are in high on variable wattage mode at 80 watts,

which is the maximum wattage that this mod can push.

Air flow wide open.

And it's good, it's

wide open air flow and it's still very, very smooth vape.

Not hot at all! It is on the warm side, so if you like a warm vape

running this at 80 watts with this coil will be no problem for you.

However, NRG does make three other options for the GT coil. Something

maybe fits your vaping style better than this coil does. So,

pick yours up today in one of four great colors at Make sure to follow us on social media; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,

you know what to do. Check out some more of our great product spotlight videos! Be sure to like them and comment and

until next time. Keep it real!

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