Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 5 2017

Native Legend Describes Where Our Soul Goes When We Dream

Dreaming was an extremely important part of the Native Culture.

It was woven deep into their tradition and their spiritual practice.

Children would be taught to remember their dreams from an early age so that they could

decode them and extract guidance from them.

But where does the soul go when we dream?

Does it remain in our body as our minds explore the dream world?

Or does it come with us into the dream world and explore alongside the mind?

These questions imply that we only have one soul.

But according to Native Americans, we have 3 souls.

First is the ego-soul, which is embodied in the breath.

The second is the body-soul, which gives the body energy and life force during the waking


And the third is the free-soul which is the soul that leaves the body during dreams and


So as we can see, the Native Americans believed that a part of the soul literally goes and

explores other dimensions (which we will look at more fully in a bit).

It operates as the physical body sleeps.

The other two aspects of the soul remain attached to the body as the free-soul traveled the

dream world.


According to the Native Americans, the mind does not dream anything.

Neither does the body.

Chippewa elder John Thunderbird explains it this way:

�Your soul dreams those dreams; not your body, not your mind.

Those dreams come true.� �The soul travels all over the world when you dream.�

They believe that a portion of the soul disconnects from the physical body and travels the dream

world, where it then communicates with other spirits of other human souls.

In the dream world, you can also communicate with non-human animals as well.

The dream world is just as real as the physical world.

It is by experiencing the realness of the dream world that we appreciate the dream-ness

of the real world.

A big part of Native philosophy was understanding that life itself was just one big Dream, and

it is through dreaming that we remember how impermanent this world really is.

In the minds of Native Americans, there is no difference in terms of importance between

the dream world and waking life.

In fact, if someone got bit by an animal or was sick in the dream world, they would be

treated for it back in waking life by a Medicine Man.

Our Spiritual Mentors (spirit guides, guardian angels, etc.) communicate with us through

dream symbolism.

Dreaming is a time of receiving a spiritual and psychic transmission.

When you wake up from a dream journey as a Native American, it would be time to go approach

and Elder and tell them about your dreams.

They would then interpret them, tell you what Spirit is trying to show you, and then would

leave you with words of advice to take with you.

Similar to how we go to therapists and teachers for problems we experience in waking life,

Natives would approach experts and therapists for what they were experiencing in their dreams.

They were not dismissed as being random activities of the subconscious mind, or meaningless neurochemical


Some say that life is a schoolhouse for the soul.

The Natives believed this as well, but they also believe we visit the second schoolhouse

for our soul each night as we enter into the dream world.


Contrary to our modern world where profound dreams are usually followed up by a bowl of

cereal and CNN, dreams in the Native American culture were just as important as anything

in waking life.

In fact, sometimes dreams were even looked at as more important.

This is because you were traveling there with a part of your soul for the purpose of receiving

spiritual guidance, gaining insights into the future, and connecting with Spirit.

The dream world is a real world.

In the background of New Age and New Spirituality, we may say that Natives believe the dream

world to be an astral plane that our souls go to each night for the purpose of self-exploration

and growth.

Dreams were no joke and were not to be taken lightly.

They were thought of as the main communication medium where Spirit could give us guidance

without infringing upon our free will.

Because Spirit cannot interfere with our soul�s development, it has to allow us to make our

own mistakes and learn our lessons.

But by communicating to us through dreams and dream symbolism, we can receive guidance

while maintaining our free will.

So, where do our souls go when we dream?

One of our souls goes to a spiritual plane guided by our Spiritual Mentors to help us

evolve, while the other two remain in the body keeping it alive.

If the Natives were right and one of our souls travels to a spiritual schoolhouse each night,

it would be wise to start reflecting on the dreams you have each night.

They may just hold the answers you are looking for.

For more infomation >> Native Legend Describes Where Our Soul Goes When We Dream - Duration: 5:35.


David Harbour's Intense Body Transformation To Become Hellboy - Duration: 4:48.

Though he's no stranger to television, you probably recognize American actor David Harbour

as Stranger Things' chain-smoking lawman Chief Hopper.

His character in the hit Netflix series is a hero of sorts...but not exactly a superhero.

There's one comics-derived role that's perfect for him, though: the cigar-smoking half-demon

hero Hellboy.

Since the first image of Harbour as Hellboy for the upcoming reboot went live, the internet

has buzzed with conjecture as to how Stranger Things' soft sheriff got so swole.

Well, wonder no longer!

Here's how Harbour shed that extra weight and put on some powerful red muscle.

Workout blues

Prior to landing the Hellboy reboot, David Harbour's relationship with the gym wasn't

particularly close.

In fact, it was virtually non-existent—a fact unsurprising to anyone who's ever seen

Chief Hopper washing down his Monday-morning medication with last night's beer and eating

donuts for breakfast.

In an interview on his trainer's official website, Harbour explained:

"I was a chubby kid growing up.

Straight out of college, I did my first play, which I got pretty in shape for, but I let

that go completely.

So from about the time I was 26 years old, to about now, I haven't really been training

at the gym seriously at all."

Harbour is now in his 40s, but he's proven that it's never too late to get back in shape.

Superhero trainer

Going from playing a police chief with a beer belly to a jacked-up half-demon superhero

is no easy feat—and probably one Harbour couldn't accomplish by himself.

In order to go from big softie to Brother Red, he enlisted the help of one of Hollywood's

biggest names in the training biz: Don Saladino..

Saladino's client list is extensive, and includes superhero actors like Sebastian Stan and Ryan

Reynolds, among others.

As Harbour explained.

"There is something very special about Don as a person and a trainer.

He brings great creativity to the workout regimes, which in the past have usually terrified

and bored me.

His methods are unique, as well as heavily researched.

Not only that, but they are even fun, despite the challenges you are taking on."

Boot camp

As is often the case with big-name superhero films, David Harbour needed to get into Hellboy

shape in a very short period of time.

Thanks to Don Saladino's official Instagram, we know he put Harbour through a rigorous

10-week boot camp, and that was just to kick things off.

Saladino said,

"Getting David ready for this role was an absolute blast for me.

The sessions weren't easy, but like all of my clients, I made sure that he felt great

at the end of every day.

By the end he not only put on some real muscle, but also was more flexible than ever."

As for Harbour, well, his goals were a little more down to earth.

"I'd like to discover that I have abs!

Even if those abs are a bit fleshy."

Secret weapon

In an interview with The New York Post, Saladino laid out the tailored regimen that took Harbour

from Hopper to Hellboy.

First, they increased the frequency of his workouts to "...five to six days a week in

the nine weeks before Hellboy."

But the real key to success, Saladino revealed, is a move he calls "the suitcase carry," According

to the all-star trainer, this workout hits "nearly every muscle group in the body, from

the glutes to the biceps."

Though it may sound grueling, Saladino said Harbour "never complained about anything"

and that he "just loved how strong he was getting."

Hey, who wouldn't?

Scary strength

Most superhero actors training for the big screen are not only trying to get ripped--they're

trying to look good doing it.

David Harbour?

He trained to get scary.

And in order to look scary, he had to look strong.

Really strong.

"We didn't want like an abercrombie, like ripped out…

You needed to look like - scary!"

Harbour agreed, saying:

"In terms of Hellboy, like he's a big demon monster but he really knows how to fight.

I did want to develop mainly power and strength so that when I'm doing these movements and

doing this role that you believe it.

Like, you believe that this guy, when he hits you, hits you like a truck."

He stayed motivated

As any actor who's ever embarked on a superhero training regimen will tell you, motivation

is key.

David Harbour found motivation through the people who'll flock to theaters to see the

Hellboy reboot.

"The fans are what are keeping me motivated through everything.

As well as the audience that will come see the movie and the haters out there who have

decided to make their opinion known before a scene has even been shot.

I've got something to prove to all three.

I really want to do justice to this character and create a Hellboy that everyone can get


Room to grow

Despite his intense 10-week boot camp with one of Hollywood's most in-demand trainers,

David Harbour isn't actually getting as big as you might think.

In fact—as you may have guessed from the first images of the actor as Hellboy—he's

actually wearing a bodysuit.

Harbour went on LIVE with Kelly and Ryan to explain his dismay at not being able to post

Instagram selfies like his other superhero cohorts:

"Well the thing is I thought, here we go - I get to do a superhero movie.

I'm gonna do the Chris Pratt thing where you buff out and take selfies in front of the


"And the producers are now like if you lose weight you're not going to fit in the suit."

The upshot?

Harbour is working out, but he also gets to eat all the junk food he wants.

Sure beats whatever Chris Pratt's been eating, no matter how many Instagram selfies he gets

to take.

Thanks for watching!

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For more infomation >> David Harbour's Intense Body Transformation To Become Hellboy - Duration: 4:48.


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For more infomation >> 7 Days to Die | Settler's | Ep20 | Single Player Live - Duration: 1:36:54.


What If Humans Were Twice As Intelligent? - Duration: 3:49.

Would you want to be twice as intelligent?

They say that ignorance is bliss, perhaps not.

Being twice as intelligent would create a lot of opportunities.

But what would life truly be like if humans were twice as intelligent?

Hello and welcome back to life's biggest questions, I'm charlotte dobre.

As always hit that like and subscribe and let us know in the comments below what topics

you would like to see next.

The current average IQ for humans is 100, but lets say that average became 200.

Statistically speaking, for every 10 billion people, there is 1 person with an IQ of 200.

So seeing as there are only 7 billion people on earth, there might not even be someone

alive today with an IQ of 200.

The last person who was estimated to have an IQ that high was Sir Isaac Newton, but

he never took an IQ test, so we will never know.

What we do know is, if everyone on earth were a genius, the number of people with Bachelors

degrees and PHDs would also increase substantially.

Each one of us would read more often.

Ever wanted to learn a language?

With an average IQ of 200, you could learn any language in a matter of weeks.

we could also pursue pretty much any career we wanted.

There would be far more brain surgeons, and astrophysicists.

Perhaps if more of us were geniuses, people would earn more money across the board.

We would be far more advanced when it comes to space travel, because the more intelligent

people there are working on a particular project, the more likely they will come up with an

extraordinary innovation.

Many of our problems could become solvable.

We could find a solution to our energy crisis, find cures for terrible diseases stop global

climate change, and even find a way to take the salt out of salt water.

Many of the military conflicts on earth arise because of resources, and it's been that

way since the dawn of civilization.

It can be assumed that if we didn't have to fight over resources anymore, there would

be far fewer wars.

That doesn't mean violence would disappear altogether, but there would be a lot less

of it.

There would be a lower rate of violent crimes as well as petty crimes.

People with higher test scores tend to break the law a lot less often.

If people were twice as intelligent, however, there would be more people who would try to

cheat the system, so to speak.

We would very well see a rise in banking scams.

That being said, there would be far fewer people who believe in god But there is a lot

of evidence to suggest that people with higher IQs are less accepting of religious beliefs.

This is not true across the board, there are and have been incredibly intelligent people

who are also religious.

Being twice as smart likely means we would have a much longer life expectancy.

Smart people often know how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

And those who are burdened with the challenges of diseases like diabetes would be better

at managing it.

Surprisingly, if we were all twice as smart there would be far more better looking people.

I say that because the stereotypical genius isn't necessarily what you would call a


Editor show a picture of a nerdy girl and guy.

In reality, smart people understand the importance of exercise and grooming.

Being intelligent, as well as attractive opens up a lot of opportunities, both socially and

career-wise, and intelligent people know that.

According to a Harvard University Study, there is a significant correlation between people's

test scores and how physically attractive other people rate them to be.

In case you're wondering, yes there are downsides to being twice as intelligent.

Being intelligent does not necessarily mean you are emotionally stable.

Intelligence is independent of personality and emotion, so if humans were twice as smart,

you would still have a variety of personality types.

Sir Isaac newton was incredibly smart, but he hated people, and spent most of his life

in solitude.

He was notoroiously arrogant, and mostly spoke to other scientists by mail.

He didn't have many friends, few family members he liked, and apparently, not even

a single lover.

Could it be said that perhaps being twice as smart would make us reluctant to open up

to people and fall in love?

What do you think the world would be like if human beings were twice as intelligent?

Let us know in the comments below.

If you want to continue on your quest for answers, you should check out our playlist,

biggest what ifs, clickable on the screen right now.

For now, I'm charlotte dobre for lifes biggest questions.

Click that bell notification so you can stay up to date with when we upload videos.

For more infomation >> What If Humans Were Twice As Intelligent? - Duration: 3:49.


How to Get More Views 2018 and Make Your Channel Better - Duration: 8:02.

For more infomation >> How to Get More Views 2018 and Make Your Channel Better - Duration: 8:02.


The Most Oddly Satisfying Video Ever! The Most Satisfying Video In The World - Duration: 3:41.

The Most Oddly Satisfying Video Ever

For more infomation >> The Most Oddly Satisfying Video Ever! The Most Satisfying Video In The World - Duration: 3:41.


DOCTOR MENTAL PRANK By Nadir Ali and Team - In P4 Pakao - 2017 | P 4 Pakao Nadir Ali - Duration: 5:10.

Nadir ali and team in P 4 Pakao Latest Prank

Nadir ali and team in P 4 Pakao Latest Prank

Nadir ali and team in P 4 Pakao Latest Prank

For more infomation >> DOCTOR MENTAL PRANK By Nadir Ali and Team - In P4 Pakao - 2017 | P 4 Pakao Nadir Ali - Duration: 5:10.


Top 5 Martinez Twins Surprising Facts - Duration: 3:40.

The Martinez twins hit it big when they joined team 10.

From this their youtube channel- Martinez Twins hit over 4 million subscribers.

Recently they've been a topic of conversation due to their fight with Jake Paul and the

fact that they left team 10.

But these are no ordinary twins and they are just full of surprising facts and that's

what were going to be talking about today.

Hey youtube im Court McGinley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before I get started I want to know what is your favorite thing about the Martinez twins

let me know your answer down in the comments.

Also don't forget to subscribe to our amazing channel if you havnt already and make sure

you give this video a big thumbs up so I can keep bringing you awesome top 5 lists.

Alright lets get started on our list of the top 5 Martinez Twin surprising facts.

Coming in at our number 5 spot--Differences- so the boys are identical twins but there

are a few ways to tell them apart.

Emilio has a freckle above his upper lip- aswell as a curved upper lip due to an injury

he sustained when he was younger. and Ivan has 2 small scars on his forehead and his

chin is smaller- where as his brothers chin is more round.

And apparently if you look really closely Emilios eyebrows are slightly longer than


I don't know about that one- ill leave that up to you super fans to figure out.

Let me know down in the comments if you've noticed this.

In at number 4--Height- The twins are both 5 feet 11 inches tall.

And this is surprising because its actually rare for twins to be exactly the same height.

They are usually off by an inch or 2 or at least half an inch.

The reason a lot of identical twins are usually different heights and weights is because these

2 factors are controlled by what you eat as well as your DNA.

So unless twins are eating the exact same thing at the same time every single day- then

its unlikely they will be exactly the same height.

Who knows maybe this is what the Martinez twins did… or it could just be a fluke.

At number 3--Late bloomers- something that really surprises a lot of people is that the

twins jumped on the Instagram train really late in life.

I mean they didn't start their Youtube channel until January of 2016- and if you want to

go big on youtube having an Instagram following really helps.

But Ivan didn't make his first Instagram post until September of 2015 and Emilio was

even later than that and he posted in November of 2015.

So just a few months before they started their channel.

The only reason this is weird is because nowadays everyone has an Instagram account and kids

are starting to get them at a younger and younger age.

Heck some 10 year olds even have them.

But I do know that the twins struggled a bit financially before joining team 10 so maybe

that was why.

But just because they are late in the game that didn't stop them from raking in the


Currently Ivan has 4.6 million followers and Emilio has 5 million followers.

Coming in at our number 2 spot--Beginnings- Before youtube the twins were making themselves

known on Musically.

The called themselves the Blond twins.

But From what I understand the boys are no longer on musically.

They had around 3 million fans when they were active.

It seems like a lot of people who are now on youtube started off on musically.

Which makes sense.

Build a following and then produce on a larger platform where you can create more content.

Smart And in at number 1--Leaving team 10- now while

this is no longer a secret seeing as the twins posted videos called- we left jake pauls team

and the truth-it was shocking to learn that these guys left the team.

When the news first came out people were really shocked to learn how rude jake and the other

team 10 members were to the twins.

In there videos they expressed how they were grateful to jake for giving them this opportunity

but extremely scared to come to a country where they barely understood the language.

Then they told us how for the longest time they didn't have their own bedroom or privacy.

And that jake would ask them to do embarrassing things they were uncomfortable with just so

he could get views at their expense.

Both of the videos they posted are pretty emotional and very raw.

They just unleashed all of their feelings.

And now it seems like fans of team 10 have taken sides.

Hopefully one day in the future they can make up but who knows.

And there you have it that's our list of the top 5 martinez twins surprising facts.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Martinez Twins Surprising Facts - Duration: 3:40.


Perca peso com a dieta da beterraba - Duration: 9:34.

For more infomation >> Perca peso com a dieta da beterraba - Duration: 9:34.


Top 10 Details You Missed In The Avengers Infinity War Trailer - Duration: 5:46.

Hey guys!

Welcome back to Top 10 Nerd, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

Well, it's been long enough.

If you haven't seen the Avengers trailer by now, I don't even know what you're

doing with your life.

It's looking like they'll be showing the Justice League how to make a film, and I am

absurdly psyched.

But there were a LOT of reveals in this trailer, so it can get a bit overwhelming to remember.

Let's go over them.

If you want to see Cap's Beard, I already talked about it in Top 10 Superhero Beards,

linked down below.

Now get ready, it's time for the Top 10 Details You Missed in the Avengers Infinity

War Trailer!

Number 10: Thanos has two infinity stones.

When we see Thanos, he's just adding the Space Stone to the gauntlet, giving him two.

The Power Stone, which he must have taken from the Nova Corps, gives him immense strength

and destructive ability, while the Space Stone lets him travel to other worlds and dimensions.

We also see someone trying to remove Vision's mind stone, more on that later, which could

bring him to 3.

Some even theorize that he might have the time stone, since Strange, Banner, and Wong

look kinda frozen in the one scene, but I can't get into that right now!

Gotta move on!

Number 9: The Black Order.

Nobody was surprised when we saw Vision having his Mind stone forcibly removed; we kinda

figured that's part of what Thanos was doing on Earth.

But based on the yellow staff being used on Vision, it looks like it isn't Thanos himself

taking it from him, but Corvus Glaive, who's part of Thanos' Black Order.

We also caught a glimpse of Proxima Midnight, and with a big battle occurring with the Wakanda,

it seems like the Black Order will be playing a huge part.

Which is awesome because they're so sick.

Black Dwarf for life.

Number 8: Outriders.

Another awesome moment for comic fans was when we saw Black Panther fighting what must

have been an Outrider.

Some people thought it was a Chitauri, but it actually looks like one of the genetically-engineered

humanoid creatures often used by Thanos.

We didn't get a perfect look at it, but if they look anywhere near as terrifying as

they do in the comics, we're in for a treat.

Number 7: Spidey Sense.

A lot of fans were weirded out that Homecoming kinda glossed over the whole Spidey-Sense

thing, but it looks like it will be in play in the new Avengers film.

I'm glad to see it, and it pretty much summed up my reaction to the trailer, but personally

I didn't like the way they introduced it.

He seemed so shocked, even though he's presumably had his Spider-Sense for ages.

And then he took so long to actually look out the window, what if there was a missile

going towards him or something?

You're supposed to have crazy reflexes and you go *look at arm, slowly look out window*.

Side note, I'm like 99% sure Tony's all sad because Peter got hurt and Tony will sacrifice

himself to save him.

And I swear I thought of that before Nerdist did their video.

Number 6: Thor and the Spaceforge.

The trailer gave us a few pretty huge hints about Thor.

We know that he's with the Guardians, and we know from an interview with Chris Pratt

that the Guardians will be playing a secondary role in the film.

This has led some to believe that they might be taking Thor to Nidavellir, home of the

dwarf blacksmiths, where they'll forge a new weapon for him.

The scene of Thor struggling with a piece of machinery could be his attempt at forging

a new weapon.

And maybe, just maybe, that weapon will be Jarnbjorn, his axe.

God I hope it's Jarnbjorn.

Number 5: Stickin with the Teen Groot.

To the dismay of some fans, the short glimpse we caught of Groot at the end of the trailer

showed us that it would be another movie with everyone's favourite teenaged floral colossus.

That said, I'm thinking we might just see Groot finally use his Chlorokinesis to full


While in the films he seems to take time to grow, in the comics he can grow pretty much


Maybe we'll see a clutch last-minute save with teen Groot stepping up.

Daddy's home.

Number 4: Black Widow is blonde.


Just no.

Black Widow has red hair.

I don't care if she needed to go undercover, if you make Black Widow have blonde hair,

she becomes Black Canary.

I know blondes have more fun, but she doesn't need to have fun, she's flippin Black Widow.

Leave the blondness to Cap.

Yes, it IS a big deal.

Literally unwatchable.

Number 3: No more Winter Soldier.

We only had a few short glimpses of Bucky, but what we DID see was a very welcome sight.

It seems that Bucky's cybernetic arm no longer has the star on the shoulder that symbolized

his ties to his old communist bosses.

While it's definitely just speculation right now, it seems like the Wakanda may have been

successful in de-brainwashing him.

Which is amazing.

Number 2: Get this man a shield.

Definitely not doing the accent for that one.

One of the most goosebump-inducing moments for me was seeing T'Challa call for a new

shield for Cap.

He's finally back, and he has a beard.


But some people might not know that this is actually a callback to the origins of Cap's


Way back in 1941, Captain impressed T'Chaka, T'Challa's father, and T'Chaka gave

Steve the Vibranium that would be used to make his shield.

Guess the Wakanda will always have Cap's back!

Number 1: War Machine's back!

After Rhodey's accident at the end of Civil War, fans were unsure if we'd be seeing

him back in action.

But in the shot of the heroes and the Wakanda running out to battle, we can definitely see

War Machine flying alongside them.

It's hard to say if he's regained use of his legs, or if the suit gives him the

ability like the Grandpa in Spy Kids 3, but he's almost definitely back.

I guess it's POSSIBLE that somebody else is in the suit, but let's be real… it's


That's it for today!

Hope you guys enjoyed, if you did please smack that thumbs up button and subscribe to Top

10 Nerd for more videos!

On a scale of 9 and a half to 10, how excited are you for Infinity War?

Let me know in the comments down below!

I know I left out a few big moments, like human vision and Iron Spider, but there was

just SO MUCH revealed that I couldn't fit it into 10 points.

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Top 10 nerd.

Later nerds!

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